Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 25 Pt. 2

Finally, I could think by myself.
Why was I still here?
After Amir beat me up so blatantly in front of Kavita, I should have left.
Perhaps I should have gone to the security officer.
They would both have been in trouble then. And he would have 'deserved' it, and she too.
It didn't seem right, though. Using 'external' help, I would still come across as less of a man. And no doubt, Kavita would grab the opportunity to rub it into my nose, if she didn't end up behind bars as a result. And I suspected I didn't have hard evidence to put even Amir behind bars.
Regardless of the fact that he beat me again, end of the day, we were two men, wanting the same woman. It didn't feel right to call in other people to adjudicate.
If I wanted to 'win' Kavita, I had to do it by myself.
On the other hand, if I knew for sure that I was going to 'lose' her, I could make it bad for her, or Amir, along the way. It was a consideration I had started thinking about, but I wasn't ready yet, to acknowledge the possibility that I was losing her to Amir.
It was seeming more and more likely as her affair had been progressing, that I was going to lose her. But the fear of losing Kavita TO Amir for good, was essentially what was keeping me here, still. I could 'protect' myself by packing my bags and walking out, but that would essentially acknowledge 'defeat', and effectively 'hand over' Kavita to Amir. That would be more cowardly than even what I was doing now. And it was something I desperately wanted to avoid doing, even now.
My mind then wandered, and wandered around to her 'suggestion'.
Wearing those humiliating clothes again.
Was I now getting more angry? More frustrated?
It was in a way true. The sheer fact that Amir wasn't directly 'pushing me around', was making me more frustrated over Kavita's open relationship with him. And my frustration was building, as I avoided interacting with her, as much as I could. And it ended up making me feel angry towards Amir, and it was part of the reason why I had tried to contact Gowri, and had responded to her SMS message, trying to actively manipulate them into a confrontation.
Earlier on, when I had worn those feminine womens' clothes, a part of me did it because I felt 'handicapped' then: for nearly two weeks of that time, my left arm was in a cast.
But I had worn those pyjamas even before Amir had caused my arm to be in a cast. Even after finding out from Kavita's own mouth, that they were womens' pyjamas. And all along, Amir had been pushing me around, putting me down. Which had the effect of leaving me feeling defeated, but not angry.
Was there some truth to what she had just said?
I had been frustrated, then too. I had felt helpless, then too. But the defeated feeling seemed to rationalize the feeling of helplessness...
I did feel more 'reconciled' to what had happened, subconsciously.
Seeing Amir strut his physique about the house, in front of me...seeing him fondle, fool around with, grope Kavita, seeing him get kissed by her, all when wearing those humiliating womens' clothes...did effectively keep my frustration levels making me feel subjugated, and reconciled to my subjugation.
Should I try it after all?
There was no good achieved by my staying frustrated.
I might as well try out what she said. I couldn't do much at this point, regarding how far Kavita's affair with Amir had progressed, anyway, so there was nothing good achieved by my STAYING frustrated over it.
Thinking that something good could possibly come out of it, I drifted off to sleep.
I woke up in the morning to an empty bed.
Naturally. Kavita had gotten up before me, and had probably gone to work out, with Amir.
I pondered over Kavita's suggestion again.
Eventually, I couldn't stop myself.
Perhaps it was desperation from my side.
Perhaps if I did as she said, she would notice it, and it would get her back on my side, or, at least, back to sleeping with me at night.
I prepared coffee for the three of us, and went to take my bath shortly afterward.
As I went to collect my change clothes, I reflected one last time, at the clothes shelf.
Kavita had left the panties Amir had 'gifted' me in a separate stack.
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I noticed that she had washed the ones I had worn before. There were a few pairs that I hadn't yet worn, and they were stacked separately. Those panties were still in their individual plastic covers.
I picked up the pair on top of the stack.
They were a pair of yellow panties, with tiny black dots printed all over them.
I blushed again, as I digested the fact that I was doing this on my own.
I could not claim to be doing this because I was afraid of Amir.
I had just been beaten by him again, the previous evening.
Still, he had not threatened me to wear them or any such thing.
I was doing this on my own, desperate to get Kavita back, as though willing to do anything she suggested.
I took the rest of my change clothes, and proceeded to have my bath.
As I wore the panties after my bath, I felt the familiar tightness around my penis and balls that I had felt before, wearing those other panties not long back.
I covered myself with a towel, and walked to the bedroom.
I looked behind me: neither Kavita nor Amir was there. I presumed Amir was either having his bath, waiting for breakfast or having breakfast.
I undid the towel and took in the sight of myself dressed in panties yet again, in the mirror.
"I guess this is how Kavita sees me, “I sighed to myself.
"I guess this is how she wants to see me, “I told myself again.
I dressed up for work, and went to have breakfast.
As I walked towards the dining table, I saw Amir in the kitchen. He was standing behind Kavita, and nibbling at her ears.
My penis twinged in my panties.
I looked down and averted my eyes.
I waited for Kavita to come serve breakfast. Breakfast was a quiet affair, and I discreetly left for work.
I reflected on my way to work, on my own reaction to yet another in-my-face display by Amir, of his intimacy with Kavita.
The previous week, I had been getting frustrated each time I saw such a display.
Now, I didn't feel as frustrated.
I did experience the familiar feeling of having been defeated. By Amir. But what Kavita had suggested to me, had come out remarkably accurate.
It would help me keep down my frustration levels.
And it would help me focus on my work. I had been able to concentrate on my work better, during those weeks when I had worn those clothes under pressure from Amir and Kavita.
And it turned out to be so.
I mulled over my reduced stress levels, as I drove home. The more I thought about it, the more my frustration levels came down.
Fact was, I was a weak, wimpy man.
And my wife Kavita knew it.
She had probably been frustrated, unsatisfied in bed for as long as we had been married.
And she had probably been comparing my wimpy performance in bed with that of her ex-boyfriend, all along.
Rather than cheat on me and hurt me, she decided to "put me in my place", and make me come to terms with my wimpy self. By bringing home her strong, dominant ex-boyfriend, and making him her live-in bed partner.
Much as it seemed like Amir was the instigator in my being "put in place", it seemed like Kavita may have had the bigger hand in all of what had happened.
Amir could have done all of what he had done, only with Kavita's help, and cooperation.
Still, end of the day, it was better that I come to terms with the reality of who I was.
I decided to try it out for a couple more days, and verify that my frustration levels stayed down, before discussing it with Kavita again.
That night, I watched Kavita make love to Amir, yet again.
She had left a bedside light on. She had seemed to make that a habit.
Perhaps she was wanting me to watch it, as often as I was able to bring myself to watch it.
I watched, and heard her moan, as Amir started pistoning in and out of her. She was, yet again, kneeling and supporting herself on her arms. I could hear his balls slap at every thrust. And the slushy sounds as he thrust in and out of her ready pussy.
I felt my penis twinge in my panties again.
I retired to my bedroom. I started stroking my semi-hard penis through my panties. I couldn't resist it. My mind was visualizing what I had just been seeing. I could hear her moans from my bed, though they were not as loud. Her moans made me stroke myself more feverishly, and in a minute, I came in my panties.
I had done this before. This wasn't the first time.
Then, I had done it out of sheer helplessness at the fact that Kavita had moved in with Amir.
Now, it was slightly different.
I had done it, in part because I was feeling "in place", back wearing one of the panties Amir had "gifted" me.
I went to sleep without a sleeping pill that night.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 25 Pt. 3

I woke up the next morning, to streaming sunlight.
I had slept quite soundly.
I prepared coffee and waited as I usually did, for Amir and Kavita to return from their workout session.
I noticed when Kavita returned, that she had returned to wearing shorts, and a short midriff revealing t-shirt.
I didn't feel as frustrated by it, now. My penis had shriveled up as it used to do, before.
I mulled over this yet again, as I drove to work.
I considered the question of talking to Kavita about it.
I did want to talk to her about it.
It was embarrassing to think about, but it was the truth.
Maybe she would come back to me if I acknowledged this truth.
Perhaps it was in some way related to her question.
Maybe this was why I had kept quiet: because I subconsciously knew that she deserved 'better than me' in bed.
Not because Amir scared me. But because I subconsciously acknowledged what I was, and what I was not.
Would she buy it?
She might.
After all, if she felt that I was acknowledging she deserved better, she could argue then that she agreed with me, and decided to resume her past relationship with Amir.
She would probably continue her relationship with Amir. Openly, before me. As she had been doing for these past weeks.
But at least, she might agree to move back in with me.
Giving me at least some measure of intimate contact, intimacy with her.
She had informed me that her pussy was out of bounds to me, the previous week.
She might give me access again. I hoped.
I doubted it, but I could hope that she would. I needed that hope.
I was going to do this.
The question now was about when to talk to Kavita, and how.
The sooner the better, I figured.
I waited until afternoon and called up Kavita.
As she had been doing recently, she picked up my call at the first ring. She answered with a tinkle in her voice, "Hello darling."
The tinkle in her voice made me nervous. I took a deep breath, "Kavi, I think I can answer your question."
She answered with a dubious voice, "Manu, I don't know if you've thought about it enough. Given how you behaved on Monday..."
"WHAT did I do on Monday Kavi?"
"Manu, do I have to remind you of every little thing? You SMSed Gowri despite Prem's warnings, and tried to be smart. And I understand why you did it, you were frustrated. But I am not sure you have thought things through so soon after that incident “
I stammered, "I have, Kavi...please listen to me..."
She took a deep breath and interrupted me, "Manu, give it a couple of days of thought. Let me know if you feel the same way on Friday, OK?"
My little hope was sinking.
It sounded like she was deliberately being evasive.
She added, "In any case, I'd like us to discuss this in person, not on phone."
That seemed to make more sense. I sighed and said, "OK, Kavi. Friday evening, then?"
"OK, Manu. Come home sooner. Say an hour sooner."
I said with some increased optimism, "Sure, Kavi."
I didn't notice much from then on, till Friday. What had been happening at home was somewhat like a routine, by then.
Both of the intervening nights, I watched Amir fucking Kavita again.
Both nights, I went back and masturbated my semi-hard penis and came in my panties.
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Friday couldn't come soon enough. I tried to clear out my pending work for the day, as fast as I could.
To my surprise, I got a call from Kavita in the afternoon.
I eagerly picked up the phone and asked, "Yes, Kavi?"
"Hi darling, I was just calling to remind you that you were going to plan to come home early today."
A surge of hope went through me. She too, was looking forward to it.
Maybe I had been mistaken about her.
Maybe she was missing me, to some extent.
I had been stung enough, though. I was feeling optimistic, but a touch wary as well.
I said, "Yeah, Kavi, am on track to leave early today."
I added, "I hope you will believe me Kavi."
She said with a tinkle in her voice, "I have an open mind, darling. Though I already have an idea what you're going to tell me."
I went red as she said that. Did she already know?
How did she figure it out? I was curious.
I walked into the corridor, and found the stairs.
I started walking down the stairs, trying to get some privacy as I continued this conversation.
I then asked her, "How do you know, Kavi?"
"Oh, that's easy to figure, darling. Even when you don't talk to me, I know how to figure out your feelings."
I persisted, still walking downstairs, and asked in a low voice, "How, Kavi? We haven't slept together. And you hardly speak to me otherwise."
She got defensive at this, "No, Manu. YOU hardly speak to me during dinner or breakfast. But that's OK, I have other ways to know your true feelings."
"Like what, Kavi?"
She took a deep breath and asked, "Do you REALLY want to know now, Manu?"
I gulped.
The more she left me curious, the more I wanted to know.
"Yes, Kavi."
"Are you sure it can't wait till evening, Manu?"
I gulped. She was leaving me hanging, and it was making me curious, even more.
I was standing outside our office building now.
I looked towards the building. I would have to go back to work after this conversation. I couldn't concentrate on my work now, if she wouldn't tell me.
"It can wait, Kavi. But I would rather you tell me now."
After a pause, she sighed and drew a deep breath again. Then she spoke, "Well, darling, you've been leaving stains on your pretty panties each day since we slept together on Monday."
The blood rushed to my face as I digested this.
Of course.
She would have known what I had done, two days back itself. The first time I had worn those yellow dotted panties, and masturbated after watching Kavita and Amir in bed, that night.
I had mechanically left my clothes in the bucket of clothes to be washed, in the bathroom.
It only now sunk in, that Kavita had not been "aloof" from me as I had been imagining.
In the weeks since she had moved in with Amir, I had been mechanically going about at home, as though trying to be invisible.
It didn't change the fact that Kavita had washed my clothes, and ironed my work clothes, each day.
So much for my being 'self-reliant'.
She was still taking care of my needs. Some of them, at least.
I just hadn't thought about these things. I had been mentally transfixed by her brazenly moving in with Amir, about the wanton acts she had been doing in bed with Amir, and out of bed too, that I had not acknowledged how much she still did, for me.
I came out of my thoughts as Kavita asked, "You there, darling?"
"Yes, Kavi, am here."
She laughed and said, "Thank God, I thought you got a heart attack or something!"
I grabbed the bait and said, "If you keep doing this, Kavi, I probably will."
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"Aww, come on, darling, are you telling me wearing those pretty panties isn't reducing your stress levels?"
I went red again, at her description of the panties as 'pretty'.
I spoke with a dry voice, "Kavi, you're increasing my stress levels right now."
She made an audible gasp as she said, "Oh? What did I do now, darling?"
I asked, still red-faced, "The way you're describing them, Kavi."
"Oh, you mean your panties? But they ARE pretty, Manu darling."
I sighed and said nothing.
She continued, "OK darling. If it bothers you, I won't say so again. I don't know why it seems to bother you: most people like being complimented on the clothes they're wearing."
"Kavi, you know very well what I mean."
"No, I don't, darling."
I sighed and spoke with exasperation, "Kavi, people normally don't tell other men that they're wearing pretty clothes."
After a pause, I heard a giggle on her end, before she spoke, "But, darling, other men normally don't wear pretty panties like you're doing, so that's why people normally don't say that to other men."
I sighed. It wasn't worth arguing over this. If I made a fuss over this, there was no way I could get her back from Amir's room.
I stayed silent. I didn't want to continue the argument.
She however, wouldn't drop it, as she asked, "Darling? You there?"
I sighed as I said, "Am here, Kavi."
She persisted, "So what do you think, darling?"
I gulped.
"About what, Kavi?"
"About your panties, darling."
I gulped again. I wasn't sure what exactly she meant.
"What about them, Kavi?"
"Do you not find them pretty, darling?"
I got it finally. She was twisting the knife.
I sighed. Sometimes, it was okay to lose the battle to win the war.
"You're right, Kavi."
"Can you be more specific, Manu darling?"
She was definitely twisting the knife.
"You're right, Kavi. They are pretty."
She let out an audible breath as she said, "Am glad you agree, darling. Yes, they are pretty. And I wouldn't dream of increasing your stress levels through my words, leave alone causing you a heart attack."
I added with suppressed irony in my voice, "I know, Kavi."
"Thank you, darling. Am glad you trust me more, now. See you today evening. I love you."
She hung up the phone just as I started saying, "I love you too, Kavi."
I had meant those last words with irony. It didn't matter, as she had already hung up.
I calmed myself down. This was a battle worth losing. I needed her back. That was the more important thing.
I got back to work, and worked at feverish pace, trying to get out early as planned.
I managed to get everything done, and got home at 5 PM.
Amir's motorcycle was not there. So I would get to have this conversation with Kavita, in private.
It was a bit of a relief. I walked up the stairs, and rang the bell to our apartment.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 25 Pt. 4

Kavita opened the door.
My jaw dropped as I took in her dress.
She was in a blue one piece nightie. It wasn't one of those full body length nighties I had seen her in several times, since her move-in with Amir. It wasn't the nightie I had seen her in, a few weeks back, either, when she had pretended to be waiting for me, only to send me out and have sex with Amir again. This nightie came up to just above her thighs. It was sleeveless, and rested on her by two shoulder-straps, not too dissimilar to the sleeveless shoulder-strap blouses from the some o the pyjamas that Amir had 'gifted' me. Unlike the other blue nightie, this one was lacy, and translucent at places.
This was the first time I was seeing her wearing a bold nightie, since that Friday night when I had performed oral sex on her, right after she had had sex with Amir in the hall.
The weeks rolled back as I realized what she might be planning for tonight.
She was probably planning to have sex with Amir, at minimum.
So unlike the previous weekend, Kavita wasn't planning on spending this weekend with me.
It demoralized me a bit. It suggested that she might not be receptive to what I was going to tell her.
Kavita now brought us both a cup of tea each.
She settled down on one of the single-seater sofas. I followed her cue, and sat down opposite her on the other single-seater sofa.
After a long pause, Kavita asked, "So...the answer you were going to tell me, it still the same as it was on Wednesday?"
I swallowed and said, "Yes, Kavi."
She probed, "Go on, Manu. Am listening."
"Kavi, I didn't object before, because...deep down, I knew I am not as manly as someone like Prem, and subconsciously, I felt you deserved better than me. Like Prem."
There was a long pause.
At the end of it, she said,
"That's one of the most bullshitty explanations you could come up with, Manu."
I swallowed. This was as I had feared.
She continued, "I don't think you considered yourself as 'less manly than Prem'. For that matter, I don't think you think so, even now."
I hung my head down, going red, as I answered, "But it's the truth, Kavi. I can never quite match his performance in bed, for one thing."
"Manu, that's bullshit. You don't believe so. And you certainly DIDN'T believe so, then. You had wanted to go to the gym, work out and fight him, remember?"
I started panicking. She was going to reject my try.
I pleaded in a desperate voice, "Please, Kavi, please believe me. I want you back badly."
She shook her head as she continued, "Manu, I don't see why you would complain at all, if you genuinely felt that Prem was a better man than you. I don't think you're telling me the truth, or at least, not the full truth."
I stared at her. She wasn't going to accept what I was telling her, and that seemed certain.
She sighed deeply as she said, "You know, Manu, what you had told me BEFORE is much more believable."
I stared at her.
What HAD I told her before?
She continued, "I find it far more believable, that you got excited, even turned on, wearing those pretty clothes Prem got for you. And you were so lost in your 'cross-dressing' fantasy that you 'let go' of me for a while. And reality sunk in later, and that's when you started complaining."
I stared at her.
She appeared to be offering me a lifeline.
Should I take it?
It would be better to walk away from this conversation with something, with SOME hope, rather than nothing.
How could I get out of the reason I had just provided her, and switch to this reason, now?
As I stared at her, she continued, "Yeah, that reason is more plausible...except, since that wasn't in your mind, maybe that's not the real reason."
"Kavi, it is true. You know it is true. You saw those stains on those..."
I gulped. I swallowed, and continued, "...on those pretty panties I had worn earlier this week."
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She nodded her head as though she seemed to be considering what I just said seriously.
She then said, "Yeah, it sounds believable. But I'm not totally convinced."
"How do I convince you, Kavi?"
"I don't know, Manu. How would you want to convince me?"
I stared at her.
I knew what I needed to do, now.
She looked at me with a softened look as she continued, "Take one more week, Manu. But try convincing me a little better than what you just tried."
So she was planning on staying with Amir for one more week. At minimum.
Still, she was implying she might come back, to me. If I convinced her.
I got up, and walked towards my bedroom.
I went to the clothes shelf, and looked through the pyjama sets that Prem had 'gifted' me.
I considered at first, wearing the tight lacy pyjamas. But I decided against it, in favor of the lavender pyjamas with the shoulder-strapped blouse. They were more comfortable, and I had enough comfort issues to deal with.
I picked up the pyjamas, and went to the bathroom.
I took off my vest, and started shaving. Once I did, I proceeded to shave off the hair growth on my ankles. The pyjama pants were ankle length, but I wanted to convince her, so I decided to do it, in case I had to do something that would cause the pyjamas to ride up my ankles.
I changed into the pyjamas, and rejoined Kavita in the hall. She was seeing TV.
She beamed at me as she said, "Looking nice, darling!"
I blushed in shame.
This was going to be a long road, but it looked like there could be light at the end of the tunnel.
She got up and walked up to me, and much to my surprise, kissed me once on each of my cheeks, starting with my right cheek.
I was flustered at this totally unexpected show of affection from her, and just hung my head down.
Kavita then said, "Let me go and prepare dinner. Want to help me, Manu?"
I nodded my head in assent. I was going to do whatever it took, to get back into favor, with her.
I helped her with preparing the vegetables, and rolling out the chapatis, as I had done before.
I noticed then, that she wasn't preparing enough food, accounting for Amir.
I asked her nervously, "Kavi, aren't you making too little food? Isn't Prem eating with us?"
She replied, "No, he's eating out with Gowri tonight."
So that explained why he wasn't yet home yet.
I continued helping her prepare dinner in silence.
We had dinner early, at 7:30 PM. I made small talk with Kavi about domestic politics, trying to win favor with her again.
After dinner, Kavita sat on one of the single-seater sofas. I gulped as I realized she was 'waiting' for Amir.
He was out having dinner with Gowri. And my Kavita was dressed in this manner, as though she was waiting to seduce him as soon as he was home.
I gulped, and sat down on the other single-seater sofa.
There was no point in trying to change out of these pyjamas, now. I was trying to convince Kavita that I had a secret cross-dressing fantasy.
Since Amir was still staying with us, there was no way I could really convince Kavita, if I showed reluctance in wearing these pyjamas, just when Amir was around.
I followed what Kavita was watching on T.V idly, awaiting Amir's return.
It was 8:30 when the bell rang.
I looked towards Kavita, wondering if she wanted to open the door and let Amir in.
She instead looked at me and said, "That must be Prem, Manu. Go open the door for him."
I got up, and walked towards the door, and opened it.
As I opened the door, I felt the blood rush to my face. I got a shock that I had totally not been ready for, mentally.
In retrospect, I wished I had looked through the eye-hole before I had opened the door. I had always done so till then, when wearing one of these 'gift' pyjamas from Amir.
I had been convinced mentally, that Amir was going to go to bed with Kavita that night. It hadn't even occurred to me that what I saw at our doorstep then, was possible.
Amir was standing there. As he had the previous week, he was holding a travel bag over his shoulder. And much to my shock, as with the previous week, Gowri was with him.
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I had never felt so embarrassed in my life, as I felt then.
My jaw dropped, and I stood gaping at them.
Amir opened the door wider and strode in, letting Gowri in. I saw her look at me briefly, and then look down and avert her eyes.
Kavita had in the meantime got up from the sofa. She walked up to Gowri and greeted her saying, "You guys took a long time, was traffic bad?"
Gowri hugged her as she said, "Yeah, didi, the usual Friday evening traffic. Even at this time!"
Gowri presently released Kavita as she stepped back and said, "Wow, looking nice, didi!"
Kavita's cheeks went slightly red as she said, "Thanks Gowri. Do you guys want a quick glass of warm milk or something before going to bed?"
Gowri looked at Amir and smiled as she said, "Sure, didi!"
Kavita bustled off to the kitchen, apparently to prepare the milk.
During all of this, I had stood rooted to the spot, near the door. Amir had shut the door after Gowri had taken her footwear off.
Gowri was now conscious of my presence. And I was even more self-conscious of my own presence.
I was wearing these ridiculous pyjamas that Gowri could clearly make out as womens' pyjamas. That shoulder-strap blouse with the cups intended for breasts, was a dead give-away, even if the color of the pyjama pants and blouse weren't suggestive enough.
Amir and Kavita had both seen me in those clothes before. But not Gowri.
ANY respect Gowri may have had for me as a man would have evaporated, by now.
She must now be regarding me exactly as my own Kavita did: an effeminate man, a complete wimp of a man.
I could feel my penis shrivel up, yet again.
Gowri turned in my direction briefly, but didn't say anything.
I stood silently. It was impossible for me to say ANYTHING.
My embarrassing situation spoke for itself.
Amir, I noticed, was grinning at my predicament.
I felt a fresh wave of blood rush to my face, as I took in his obnoxious, gloating grin.
He had not beaten me, bullied me, or done ANYTHING to me, to make me dress like this.
Kavita had manipulated me, tricked me, talked me into this.
And she had probably known, all along, that Amir had been intending to bring Gowri over to stay for the weekend, again.
She had deliberately not mentioned it.
I turned towards the kitchen, feeling a fresh wave of blood rush to my face. This time, there was some anger directed at Kavita, mixed with my embarrassment over the situation.
Kavita just then walked out of the kitchen, carrying a tray bearing two glasses of milk.
She gave a glass to each of Amir and Gowri, who thanked her and drank their milk.
Kavita then took the empty glasses from them, and put them back on the tray. She walked up to me and gave me the tray, saying, "Here, Manu. Please wash the glasses."
I finally got shaken out of my frozen trance.
I took the tray from her, and walked towards the kitchen, on leaden feet.
I was conscious that three pairs of eyes would be watching me, right then.
I tried to walk faster, but it felt like it took ages to reach the kitchen.
As I got to the kitchen wash-stand, I heard Amir speak, "Well, ladies, are we ready for bed, then?"
As though I hadn't had enough shock for the night, my knees buckled as I understood what those words meant.
I hastily set the tray on the kitchen counter, and walked back towards the hall. My mind was panicking thinking about what Amir's words implied, this next crisis that I had NEVER imagined COULD happen.
I had just got to the threshold of the kitchen, when I saw the three of them walking into Amir's bedroom, Amir in the middle, Kavita on his left, Gowri on his right, his arms around both their waists.
And then, the bedroom door shut.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 25 Pt. 5

I stood rooted to the spot, for a minute.
I was in disbelief.
I couldn't believe what I had just seen: BOTH Gowri and my wife Kavita had gone to bed with Amir. Together.
I felt a wave of frustrated jealousy pass over me. Could I stop this in any way?
I walked across hurriedly to the door of Amir's bedroom.
I could see a faint light coming from inside the room.
So they had left the bedside light on? It looked like they had.
I kept my ear to the door, trying harder to listen.
I heard Gowri and Kavita giggle nearly at the same time, as Amir said, "Now, now, ladies..."
I couldn't hear any words from the women. But I heard giggles from the two of them, repeatedly.
There was no more any doubt about what was happening behind that door.
For an insane moment, I felt an urge to bang on the locked door, to express my frustration.
I held myself back.
It would be a stupid thing to do. A very stupid thing.
Both Gowri and Kavita were adults. They knew what they were doing.
And what good would it do to try and disturb them, now?
Both the women had seen how pathetically I had been dressed today. How pathetic I looked.
If I banged on the door and disturbed their night-time fun, the women would probably get visually treated to Amir beating me up, or some such thing.
There was nothing to be gained by disturbing them.
I tried listening in at the door. I heard Amir say, "FUCK Gowri! This bitch is getting to me! Do something!!!"
So it was like the two women were 'fighting' over him in bed. Playfully.
I hung my head down. I had heard enough.
I turned off the hall lights, and went to my bedroom.
I felt a solitary tear drip out of my right eye. I wiped it.
There was nothing to be gained by crying over it.
What was happening right now, in the other bedroom, was like my worst fears coming true.
This WAS the worst case scenario I had been dreading.
To begin with, I knew that Amir could legally marry multiple women.
And this, too, was only if he chose to go the 'legal' route. There were scores of guys I had heard of, who had multiple wives, mistresses 'informally'.
I knew other guys had done it before.
But I didn't think Amir, given the womanizing kind of guy he was, would be able to convince women to share him in bed.
Especially in one bed.
Especially, MY OWN WIFE KAVITA!!!
It amplified my insecurities, when I took in what it meant, from Gowri's perspective.
She was an unmarried girl. An unmarried  girl.
And she was freely sleeping with this...admittedly attractive, but yet womanizing, '. guy.
How could she tolerate his relationship with MY WIFE, leave alone SHARE her space in bed with Kavita?
I had pictured weeks back, Amir strutting with two faceless women on either side, in the distant future.
I now had faces to those two women: Gowri and Kavita.
It wouldn't bother me if they were two OTHER women. But it was tearing at my core, at my heart, that one of the two was MY OWN WIFE Kavita. My wife, whom I still desperately wanted to not lose, especially to Amir.
I reflected AGAIN, on the statement made by each of them. To me.
Gowri was making the statement that she didn't mind sharing her space in Amir's bed, with my wife Kavita.
My wife Kavita was making the statement, that she preferred to be sharing space in Amir's bed with Gowri, rather than with me, her effeminate, wimpy husband.
And Amir, the cocky arrogant bully, was making the statement that he totally "OWNED" both these women. Exactly as he had claimed, gloated, boasted to me.
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There was no point in getting frustrated by it. It was true. And my own clothing only rubbed the point home.
I stroked my own naked, smooth, shaven arms, all the way to my freshly shaven underarms.
I reflected on the incident earlier in the week, and how much that may have had a bearing on what was happening tonight, in the other bedroom.
I had tried to contact Gowri, and 'complain' to her, letting her know about Amir's relationship with my wife Kavita.
I had shelved that plan since, but a fresh wave of embarrassment went over me as I realized how much out of touch I had been, with the situation.
Gowri had probably been aware, all along. Just like Kavita had been aware, all along.
And Amir, he was at the root of this. He was doing this tonight, deliberately. To rub it into my nose, how stupid I had been earlier in the week, to try to cause trouble for him by contacting Gowri behind his back.
He would be laughing at me right now, for what a fool I had been, earlier in the week.
And along with my stupidity, the fact that these two women were WILLING PARTICIPANTS in bed with him tonight, rammed home the truth of the situation, like never before.
I had felt angry with Kavita, earlier. For 'tricking' me into wearing these clothes, not telling me that Amir was bringing Gowri over for the weekend, yet again.
Now, I felt less angry at her.
I couldn't blame her, or Gowri.
I had only to blame, my own inadequacy.
Amir was 'man enough' for the two of them. At the same time.
I was not 'man enough' to stop Amir from taking my wife Kavita in bed, along with Gowri. And I was not 'man enough', to even wear men's clothes to my lonely bed.
It was a tiring, defeating, thought. And with an overwhelming feeling of tiredness, I drifted off to sleep.
I woke up the next morning to the sound of my cellphone. It was by the bedside, and it was ringing.
I looked around. Sunlight was pouring in through the windows.
So Kavita would probably be working out with Amir, right then.
And Gowri would be alone, in the other bedroom. Or she might be reading the newspapers in the hall.
I picked up the phone. It was Kavita.
I answered with a trembling voice, "Kavi?"
She spoke in a sleepy voice, "Manu, can you make us coffee please? Make four cups, one for yourself as well."
I gulped. So she wanted me to have coffee ready when she returned from her workout session with Amir.
I said with the same trembling voice, "Sure, Kavi."
I got up, and walked across to the refrigerator. I noticed the hall was empty. So Gowri was probably asleep.
I took a new sachet of milk, and went to the kitchen and prepared coffee.
I finished preparing the coffee, and got a tray ready,as I did usually. I poured out the coffee into the four cups.
I had barely done so, when I heard my cellphone throb as it did when I received an SMS message.
I picked up my phone. I had received an SMS. From Amir.
It said, "P.B-bring it in, in a tray."
My jaw dropped as I realized what this meant.
The three of them were in bed together, right now?
And Amir wanted ME to serve them coffee in bed???????
I felt a wave of anger pass through me. I didn't want to do it.
I stood rooted to the spot. After a couple of minutes, I heard Kavita's voice, "Manuuuuuuuuuuuuu?"
That did it for me. Kavita's voice.
I wanted her back. I needed her back.
This too, was just a small battle. This was not the war.
All three of them knew the situation now. I wasn't saving face by refusing to do this.
I picked up the tray, and walked across to Amir's bedroom.
The door was open about 1/4 of the way. I knocked on the door.
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I heard Kavita's voice say, “Come in, Manu!"
I pushed the door open with my foot, and walked in carrying the tray bearing four cups of coffee.
I could not look up. My head was hung downwards.
But my eyes did scan the bed.
Amir was lying, as I had expected, in the middle.
He had sat up against the headboard as I walked in.
He was bare-chested. I could see his dark hairy chest riddled with lipstick marks of two colors.
Both the women had apparently worn lipstick the previous night. I hadn't observed it, because of my state of mind and situation.
Kavita was lying to Amir's right, closer to me.
Like Amir, she appeared to be topless, as well. Perhaps she was naked. I couldn't tell for sure, because her body, right up to her breasts, were covered with a blanket.
It didn't cover up the fact that she was topless. I could see her naked shoulders. She wasn't even wearing a bra. Her nightie lay discarded by the bedside. I could see the deep cleavage of her breasts.
Gowri was lying to Amir's left.
Gowri appeared to be still sleeping, because she was lying on her side, facing away from me.
Amir shook her by her shoulder, and she turned to face him.
He said, "Get up, Gowri, coffee's here!"
Gowri now sat up in bed.
Unlike Kavita, she had put on the green churidar she had been wearing the previous evening.
I walked up to the bed, still looking downwards.
I held the tray out before Amir. He took a cup and said, "Thanks."
It felt ironic, sarcastic, given the situation. I said nothing, and then moved the tray closer to Gowri.
I had to serve her her coffee before Kavita. She was, after all, our guest.
I finally held the tray out before Kavita.
I couldn't help scanning her face. She was beaming happily.
So she was very happy, seeing me, her husband,serve coffee in bed to the three of them.
She was probably turned on by it. They would probably make love now, after their coffee.
Kavita now spoke to me, in a gentle-sounding voice, "You have your coffee also, Manu."
I nodded, still looking down, and took the last cup.
The four of us had our coffee: the three of them lying in bed, and me standing by the bedside, near Kavita.
I then collected the four cups back on the tray, and went back to the kitchen.
I washed up the cups, and the glasses of milk that I had forgotten to wash the previous night.
As I finished doing so, I heard a footfall just a moment before I felt a kiss planted on my neck.
It was Kavita. She was still beaming happily as she said, "Thank you, Manu! I'll take it from here."
I guessed she was going to prepare breakfast.
I turned to face her. She had stepped away, towards the stove.
She was again wearing the blue nightie she had been wearing, last night. Before her session in bed, with Amir and Gowri.
I gulped again, as I replayed her statement in words: "Manu, I PREFER to sleep with Amir sharing him with Gowri, than sleeping with YOU!"
I felt deflated again, as I finished playing those words in my mind.
Still, there was some room for optimism. She appeared to be a little placated with me now, after my docile, submissive behavior. Even in the face of this brazen escalation by Amir, and her. With Gowri's cooperation.
I could not hope any longer, to blackmail Amir, by threatening to tell Gowri.
But I could hope that Kavita saw me as she had claimed, last evening: a man with a cross-dressing fantasy, who just happened to be a wimp, compared to her ex-boyfriend.
Maybe she would come back, as she had promised.
I decided I would continue as she wanted. That probably was now my only chance to win her back.

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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 26 Pt. 1

Taking the decision to continue doing as Kavita wanted me to do, was the easy part.
The hard part was even communicating that to her, leave alone resuming the discussion on "her question", and getting a discussion going on her moving back in with me.
We had breakfast together that morning, the four of us. It was ironic how none of the other three of them actually talked directly or indirectly about their joint session in bed, the previous night.
The topic of discussion was largely around movies, film stars, their lives, their affairs. Apparently both women kept up with film gossip.
I was present at the dining table, like a fly on the wall. It almost felt like the three of them were a family, and I was an outsider intruding on their privacy.
I chided myself for the thought. It was the worst case outcome, and now, it seemed like that was how things were going to work out to be.
It did not imply I had to "give up".
Some battles had to be fought under the right circumstances.
Obviously, Kavita and I were still on talking terms.
We had just had a serious conversation, the previous evening.
And she had said enough to indicate that she WOULD consider moving back in with me.
I had to be patient. I couldn't just barge in when they were having a conversation, and try to talk to Kavita about my concerns, my desires.
If I did that, Amir might suspect Kavita to be growing soft, and might guess her consideration to move back in with me.
He might then try to prevent that. If she was acting on her own, which might not be the case, but it might be. I had no hope to win her back, otherwise.
It was possible, that Kavita wasn't acting under "his guidance". If that was the case, he might then try to persuade her to continue staying with him.
Which would erode all the hope I was trying to sustain, grow.
I quietly went for my bath after breakfast.
I wasn't sure how I ought to 'dress' after the previous night.
I had decided to resume wearing those humiliating, feminine clothes, in order to convince Kavita to come back.
I was going to continue doing that. The question on my mind was, how far would I have to go, right then?
Gowri was clearly "staying" for the weekend.
I would be "in her company" for some time at least. Like we had just been, during breakfast.
It was not exactly comfortable, sitting at the same table with her, dressed in the lavender pyjamas and blouse, that I was still dressed in.
It was part of the reason why I was largely a fly on the wall, at breakfast: I was feeling very self-conscious.
I could try wearing such pyjamas again, trying hard to be comfortable IN such clothing, in Gowri's presence.
I couldn't bring myself to do it, still.
I just picked up the panties on the top of the stack of 'new' panties, a t-shirt and a pair of my shorts. I proceeded to have my bath.
I mulled over what had happened the previous night and earlier this morning, during my bath.
How COULD Gowri and Kavita do what they had done?
Were they such slaves, addicted to Amir on account of his sexual prowess?
They seemed to have completely lost any kind of self-respect.
How could any self-respecting woman 'share' her man in bed with another woman?
I looked at myself, in the mirror.
How could any self-respecting man 'share' his woman in bed with another I had effectively been doing?
The mirror told me the answer: I didn't really respect myself as much as my desperation to get Kavita back.
And, like me, Kavita and Gowri probably didn't respect themselves, as much as they lusted for Amir and his sexual prowess.
They were both Amir's bitches. And they were both proud to be Amir's bitches. Proud enough, to rub it in my face. Including my wife Kavita. Especially my wife Kavita.
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I dressed up, and got out of the bathroom.
As I did, I noticed something on the bed.
One of the pyjama sets from Amir's 'gifts' that I had seen on the shelf, had been moved to the bed.
I walked up to the bed and looked at the pyjamas.
They were they grey dotted pyjamas.
I gulped. It was likely to be Kavita who had set these pyjamas out on the bed.
She was probably telling me to wear them.
I sighed deeply. She was testing me.
I picked up the pyjamas, and went back into the bathroom.
I took off my shorts, and started shaving my legs, all the way to my thighs.
I then took off my t-shirt.
I didn't have to shave my arms, underarms or chest. Not again. I had done so, the previous evening.
I put on the pyjama pants and blouse, and walked back to the hall.
As soon as I went there, I went red with shame, again.
I had put these clothes on, only because Kavita had wanted me to, it appeared like.
And she was the only person who wasn't in the hall.
Both Amir and Gowri were in the hall.
They both seemed to be dressed, as though they were ready to go out.
Gowri was dressed in an orange churidar. It seemed to be her preferred style of dressing. She was dressed somewhat conservatively otherwise, yet the tightness and cut of her clothing only accentuated her attractiveness.
Amir had gloated to me long back, that Kavita was jealous of her.
And I could see why.
She had the advantage of being younger.
I guessed that regardless of their cooperation in bed, the previous night, at some level, Kavita would regard her as 'competition'.
I was shaken out of my thoughts by the sound of a door opening. Presently, Kavita strode out of Amir's bedroom.
My jaw dropped.
She was dressed again, in those obscenely tight black pants, with the matching tight red blouse-top. And she had worn a pair of large earrings, and lipstick, as well.
I was not the only one who thought she looked hot.
I knew Amir did, the arrogant prick.
What I was not prepared for mentally, was Gowri's reaction.
She gasped as she said,
"Wow, didi, looking hot!"
Kavita turned to Gowri and gave her her beaming smile, as she said,
"Thanks, Gowri! Are you guys ready?"
Amir answered,
"Yeah, Kavi. Let's go."
I thought to myself,
So they planning to go out? They hadn't mentioned it over breakfast.
Kavita in the meantime replied to Amir,
"Just a minute, Prem."
Kavita then turned to face me.
I wanted to face her, but was unable to raise my head.
I looked downwards, in the direction of her pants. I couldn't FACE her.
Kavita spoke, addressing me,
"Manu, can you do something for me?"
I tried to raise my head, but it was an uphill struggle. I nodded my head in assent.
She turned, and walked into Amir's bedroom.
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She came back in a minute, carrying a bucket of clothes.
They seemed to be a mix of Kavita's clothes, and Gowri's. I could see the green churidar Gowri had worn the previous night, and Kavita's own blue nightie.
Kavita spoke curtly, addressing me,
"Wash these, please, Manu."
My face went even redder, as I realized what she was making me do.
She didn't wait to hear me say yes.
She didn't wait to see me even nod in assent.
She instead turned to face Amir and said,
"OK, let's go guys!"
She hadn't even told me where they were headed.
Or when they would be back.
The two women now put on their footwear. Each wore a pair of 'platform' sandals, which made them look taller than they were.
Amir now put his right arm around Gowri's waist, and put his left arm around Kavita's back, his palm cupping her asscheek.
I had seen it before. And as I watched, he pinched her ass cheek as they started walking out of the door. Aslam and Pooja had seen that, I sighed to myself. I didn't have much more to see, though, because the door then was shut by Gowri. They had left. After Kavita had curtly told me to wash her clothes, and Gowri's. Even though she had started off asking me, she hadn't asked me when she actually set the bucket of clothes before me.
Still, there was nothing to be gained by resisting it. I took the bucket of clothes over to the laundry balcony. I added my own used clothes: the pyjamas from the previous evening, and my unwashed panties over the last couple of days. I started washing them. I was tired, by the time I finished. I lay down to rest for a while.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 26 Pt. 2

I woke up late in the afternoon. I had dozed off for a while.
My stomach rumbled as I got up. It was late afternoon, past 3 PM.
I got up, and looked in the refrigerator for some leftovers.
I found leftovers in the refrigerator, with a surprising note stuck to the lid of one of the vessels.
It said,
"Remember to eat on time-Kavi."
So she had planned on eating out with Amir and Gowri. And had meant for me to eat leftovers.
It wasn't so bad. This was last night's dinner, and we always did try to finish leftovers with the next day's meal.
But my heart was still aching.
Kavita was parading herself wherever Amir took her. As one of Amir's bitches.
Granted, Gowri had been dressed conservatively. Still, her presence only accentuated my misery.
Kavita's statement effectively was that she preferred to spend time sharing Amir with Gowri, than spend time with me. Not to forget what she had done, the previous night.
Was my attempts at trying to be meek, wearing the humiliating pyjamas and panties again, all an effort in futility?
It was a depressing situation. Things had not improved since last evening's conversation with Kavita.
I cast my mind from one topic to another, idly watching T.V. Eventually, I lay down on the sofa and slept again.
I woke up just as the door opened, and the three of them strode back in.
It was some time close to twilight. The light was fading outside.
As I tried to assess what time it was, I saw Kavita walked over to the laundry balcony, after removing her footwear.
My eyes followed her. She was apparently inspecting the clothes I had washed, and hung out to dry.
I stood, hoping she would come and kiss me, as she had done in the past.
She didn't, but instead went to the kitchen.
I guessed she was going to prepare dinner.
I went in, and offered to help her. Gowri followed right behind me, and made the same offer.
To my immense happiness, she turned down Gowri's offer saying,
"Come on, you're our guest Gowri! Manu will help me!"
And so I proceeded to help her, as I had done so many times, since Amir's arrival.
After preparing dinner, Kavita went into Amir's room changed into the black mini-skirt and "knotted" blouse outfit, that I had seen her in, the evening she had "oil-massaged" Amir, the week after his arrival.
I gulped as I saw her stride out of Amir's room confidently, dressed like that, flaunting her belly and legs in front of the three of us.
And Gowri gasped as well, as she had done earlier in the day when she had seen Kavita, probably for the first time, in those outrageously tight black pants.
The conversation at dinner revolved around clothing styles, and the movie they had been to in the afternoon. Once again, I took no part in the conversation, and quietly had my dinner, as though I was invisible, trying to be invisible.
Kavita instructed me to put the leftovers away and wash the vessels she had used to prepare dinner.
And as I went into the kitchen to wash the dishes, I watched with helpless agony, as the three of them went to bed together, again.
I had seen them go in, the previous night, too.
I was unable to resist myself. I walked to the door of Amir's bedroom, and stood there.
I wanted to hear more. I knew what was going to be happening, but I wanted to hear it. To confirm the reality of the situation. Because part of me was still disbelieving about what had happened, the previous night.
I stood there for a few minutes. There was a faint light coming from under the door, but I couldn't hear any kind of talk from any of them.
I kept my ear to the door, in case they were talking softly. I still couldn't hear anything.
Could they have been in the bathroom? Taking a bath perhaps?
I was straining harder to hear, when suddenly the door gave way and I found myself stumbling sideways into the bedroom, falling downward!
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I stuck my right hand out and that broke my fall. It didn't stop me from falling to the floor on my side, but I stopped my head from hitting the floor.
As I did, my eyes barely saw the form of Amir, standing by the door.
I turned towards him and raised my head involuntarily. At the same time, he now took a step closer to me and crossed his arms across his chest menacingly.
I noticed then that he was bare-chested. He had taken off the sleeveless vest he had been wearing, earlier. He was wearing just his white underwear. It only made him look more menacing, at that distance. I felt my knees tremble as I picked myself up off the floor.
Amir then spoke,
"Have you washed the dishes, pussy boy?"
I went crimson with embarrassment, as he addressed me in that humiliating manner, for the first time, before both the women.
I could not look at them. I merely scanned the bed, and verified that they were both in bed. And they were both still dressed.
I shook my head as my embarrassment mounted. I observed now, that he had got a hard-on as well: there was a BIG mound in his underwear, obscenely forming a tent that the women in the room would have seen, as well.
I couldn't stand being there in his presence. I knew I had to get out of that room, as soon as possible.
Amir continued in his obnoxious, leering manner,
"Go do the dishes, and go to sleep after that, pussy boy."
I nodded in affirmation, trembling with a mix of fear and embarrassment.
I turned and walked to the kitchen door. I thought I heard a giggle from one of the women. I couldn't tell for sure who, but it sounded like Kavita. I didn't look back until I got to the kitchen.
As I got to the kitchen doorway, I briefly turned to look in the direction of Amir's bedroom.
He was standing at the threshold to his bedroom, still crossing his arms over his chest in his menacing manner.
I went into the kitchen and started washing the dishes. I didn't want to go and listen at the door any more.
I finished washing the dishes after a while, and came back to the hall.
I briefly looked at door to Amir's bedroom. It was now closed, and I could see a sliver of light coming from under the door.
I couldn't bring myself to do it again. Maybe he would catch me again, and maybe they would laugh at me openly this time.
I instead took a sleeping pill, went into my bedroom.
I lay awake for a while, contemplating what had just happened.
Amir had yet again, shown his arrogant disdain of me, in front of Kavita, and now, Gowri as well.
And I hadn't been able to do anything about it.
Reflecting on what had happened, I couldn't see what I COULD have done, after he had caught me listening at the door.
What COULD I have done? Cause a scene then? When all three of them knew exactly what was going on?
Cowardly though it seemed then, I didn't have much choice other than scurrying away from the scene, as I did. No doubt, it would have turned on Kavita, but I didn't have much of a choice.
I lay back, reconciling myself to the fact that I couldn't change what had just happened. I waited for the pill to take effect, and eventually sleep did overcome me.
The next morning, Kavita had me serve them coffee in bed, yet again. I had done it once, before. It wasn't as embarrassing, this time round.
Mercifully, none of them mentioned the incident from the previous night, when Amir had caught me listening in at the bedroom door.
As I stood drinking my coffee, I managed to raise my head enough, to observe Kavita more carefully.
I now saw something that I perhaps would have seen the previous day as well, had I not been so overwhelmed with shame.
Kavita's bare shoulders had numerous scratch marks.
I wondered if they had been made by Amir, or Gowri.
It was a trivial detail. The relevant fact was, Amir had yet again, in my own home, enjoyed the company of two attractive women in bed. One of them being my own wife Kavita.
There was no way to dodge the truth.
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I wasn't half the man he was.
And I felt my penis shrivel up, and my balls contract in my sack, as I digested that thought, again.
I turned my eyes towards Amir. And I saw that he was looking directly at me, smirking in his irritating manner.
I knew why he was smirking. Just the previous night, he had caught me listening at the door, and caused me to fall to the floor, to rub injury into insult.
And both the women had watched it, then.
Were they thinking about it, now? Kavita probably was. Even her smile looked to be smirking, now. And Gowri?
I tried to glance in her direction, though I was finding it hard. Her expression seemed confused, even soft.
Was she feeling sympathy for me? Pity?
Was she beginning to realize what a prick Amir was? Or was she looking at me pitifully for the reality of what I was?
I gathered up the coffee cups, and left their company, contemplating on my observations of their body language.
There was an embarrassing moment as we watched TV after breakfast.
Kavita got up and walked towards the balcony.
My eyes followed her.
She collected the dried clothes, put them in a bucket and brought them to the hall.
There, she started folding them.
I offered to help her, but she smiled sweetly and said, "I can manage, don't worry, Manu!"
A few minutes later, she had folded the clothes I had hung out, into three stacks: Gowri's clothes, Kavita's own clothes and mine.
She handed me my stack, and I went beet-red as she did.
On top of my stack of clothes, on top of the pyjamas, were the panties I had worn for the last few days, and had washed the previous day.
I whispered,
"Thanks Kavi, “and left the room in a hurry, trying to cover up my shame.
Now Gowri would know, too. That I wore panties.
That my wife Kavita, scheming, conniving with Amir, had "put" me in panties.
Either that, or she would think I was a cross-dresser. Neither explanation was flattering to me.
Thankfully, the rest of the day passed without any further embarrassing incident. And, unlike the previous weekend, Amir left on Sunday night after dinner, apparently to drop off Gowri at her place.
It gave me some time to speak to Kavita in private.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 26 Pt. 3

I waited until 15 minutes after Amir had left. Kavita had retired to Amir's bed, and had changed into the slinky nightie I had seen her wearing, a few weeks back. She was reading a magazine, smiling to herself.
I coughed to get her attention. She saw me and said, "Yes, Manu darling?"
I said, " you believe me now?"
"About what, Manu darling?"
"About what I had told you on Friday evening, Kavi."
"Oh, the reason you gave me? That you didn't think you were as manly as Prem?"
I went red. I had been thinking exactly that, earlier this weekend. I said, "No, Kavi. About why I had stayed quiet. About my cross-dressing fantasy."
She shook her head and said, "No, Manu. YOU didn't come up with that on Friday. I was the one who said on Friday, that that was more believable."
I persisted, trying to keep the desperation out of my voice, "Kavi, it's the truth. And I would like to have you back, Kavi. I miss you."
A tear came out of my eye as I said those words. I really missed her. And I was getting more and more desperate, as her the current situation prolonged. The developments of this weekend pretty much ruled out blackmailing Amir by threatening to tell Gowri. She knew everything. There was only one way to try get Kavita back. And it involved a lot of indignity, no matter what I tried. The silence had prolonged itself too long.
I saw Kavita watching me. Presently she shook her head. "Three weeks, Manu." I looked at her. What did she mean by that? She continued, "You were silent about what was happening between Prem and I for three weeks, weren't you?"
I frantically tried to count the time. She was right. It had been three weeks from the time I had first overheard her in bed with Amir, to the time I had confronted her after the A/C repair incident. I nodded and gulped as I spoke with a dry throat, "Yes, Kavi."
She continued, "You came up with a bullshit reason to my question. And then you latched on to my suggestion for two days, and you think that convinces me? I still think it's possible that you might have no attachment over me." She continued, bitterly, "Who knows? You might be scheming something." Those were the words I had used on her, during our confrontation.
I begged in desperation, "Please, Kavi. How long do you want me to show you it's true?"
She stared at me long, before her expression finally softened. "Well, you have listened to me since Monday this week. So if we count this week, then let's say, two more weeks?"
I stared at her. Why? Did she just want to sadistically prolong torturing me? She smirked, and spoke as though she were reading my thoughts, "Now stop giving me that look, Manu. I can't just move out of Perm's bedroom, just like that."
I stared at her, glumly. Why couldn't she? She had moved out of OUR bedroom, just like that. She continued, "I can't just pack up my clothes and stuff, and leave my boyfriend, can I, Manu?" I hung my face down, as she twisted the knife that I had created for myself, yet again. She went on, "My boyfriend is much more attached to me, Manu. So I'll need the two weeks to convince him that it's OK to move back in with you. Alright?"
I asked, unable to keep out my desperation, "Can you promise that, Kavi? You won't change your mind in two weeks?"
She smiled sweetly as she spoke, "I can't promise, Manu. You have behaved admirably, this week. But I need you to continue to behave as you did, if you want to convince me that you're telling me the truth. Plus, I can't control my boyfriend, as you know, he's much more possessive over me. And there are other concerns as well."
"Like what, Kavi?"
She smiled as she spoke with an air of finality, "Oh, that's stuff between me and my boyfriend, Manu. Not your concern." I was not allowed to probe whatever those "other concerns" were. Not that I would know, unless she gave me a hint. She had been so depraved, so slavish for Amir, that nothing was out of the realms of possibility, now.
Kavita and Amir made love that night as well, after Amir returned after dropping off Gowri. I tried to masturbate into my panties, but I couldn't get myself hard enough.
Two weeks. If I behaved as I had the past few days, Kavita would return to me. I put all my energies behind that hope. Things couldn't get more embarrassing, more humiliating, than they had gotten, over the last few days. Another woman, Amir's 'other woman', had seen me wearing women’s clothing. All weekend. It couldn't get worse.
There was one incident of note, the following week. On Monday afternoon, I got a call from Kavita after lunch time. She said without any preamble, "Manu, can you pick up Prem after work today?"
I said, "Sure, Kavi, why?"
"Prem called me up and said he had some trouble with his motorcycle, and had left it at a mechanic's place near his office, before getting to work. It's just for today evening and tomorrow morning, he should have his motorcycle ready tomorrow evening." I sighed. One reason my frustration level had stayed down, was the reduced interaction with Amir. Kavita's taunts, barbs were one thing. But Amir's taunts, his bullying, his physical aggression, his blatant acts like slapping me...were an entirely different
thing.As though reading my thoughts, Kavita said, "Manu, he won't hit you or something. He promised to never do it again."
I winced as she voiced my fear of Amir. I didn't want to discuss that aspect any more. I sighed and said, "Sure, Kavi. Where is his office?"
"He said he'll SMS you, darling."
"OK, Kavi. I'll do it. Anything else?"
"Nothing else, darling."
And I hung up the phone. She was using endearing words and expressions with me more often than before. "Darling." "I love you." She was saying those things more often. I only felt bitter, each time she used those words. I knew she was probably expecting me to say the same. I couldn't bring myself to do it. It was always a thought that occurred after I hung up. My bitterness was coming in the way of my trying to rebuild bridges with my wife.
I drove to the location Amir had SMSed me later that afternoon (He addressed the text beginning with "P.B, “like he usually did.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 26 Pt. 4

There was silence for the first few minutes, after I picked him up and started driving. And then Amir spoke, "Looks like your pretty wife is much smarter than me, doesn't it, P.B?"
I looked at him briefly. What did he mean? He didn't speak on. Nervously, I asked, "What do you mean? Amir?"
"I was trying to make you my bitch, my way. And you were resisting like hell. And she's made you her bitch, without raising a finger." And he gave me his trademark evil grin. I went red. I was embarrassed as he described me as a 'bitch'. I was, by then, reconciled to the thought that I was "less" of a man than he was. But being called a 'bitch' was something else. He continued, chuckling at my embarrassment, "I knew you were a natural bitch, P.B. But I went about it the wrong way. Unnecessary use of force, when, as your pretty wife showed, brains would have worked much better." I had been taunted by Amir a lot. And far worse than this.
Yet, I had not been mentally ready to be taunted by this bully, yet again. And I was the one doing him a favor, by picking him up, and giving him a ride home. He continued, as though completely indifferent to my red-facedness, "You're now a happy, contended bitch now, aren't you, P.B?" I looked straight ahead and continued to drive. I noticed through the corner of my left eye though, that Amir's face grew stern. He said, "Answer me, P.B."
I frantically considered my response. I wanted Kavita back. If I escalated now, she probably would hear about it. And she wouldn't come back to me then, in two weeks' time. This, too, was a battle not worth waging. I turned to face him. I felt the blood rush to my ears as I said, "Yes, Amir."
"Yes what, P.B? Say it."
I turned to face him again, and said, as even more blood rushed to my face, "I'm now a happy, contended bitch, Amir."
He laughed uproariously as I finished speaking. I drove on, staying silent. He chuckled after a couple of minutes of obnoxious laughter, "And yet, even a bitch like you needs a MAN to show you your place, every once in a while, don't you, P.B?"
Instinctively, I glared at him. I had always feared that he would take his bullying to a level I feared even more. God, I did not want to be made to do one of THOSE things.
As I glared at him, my inner fear started overwhelming me. I felt tears forming in my eyes. Unable to control myself, I blurted out, "What do you mean? Amir?"
"You know what I mean, P.B. Your pretty wife gave you clear instructions on Saturday night. And what did you do?"
So he wasn't referring to what I was fearing. It was a bit of a relief. Still, I went red as he effectively made me relive the embarrassment of having been caught red-handed, red-faced, with my ear at the
door of his bedroom, by the three of them. Amir smirked at me, as I relived that humiliating experience. He then continued, "What did you do after I told you to wash the dishes, P.B?"
I tried to maintain a calm face as I answered, "I washed the dishes, Amir."
"And then?"
"I went to bed, Amir."
"You didn't come and try to listen again, did you, P.B?"
"No, Amir."
"Good. Good bitch." And he resumed laughing obnoxiously. It took all of my self-control to not do something. It was pointless to do anything then anyway, when I was driving. It would only cause an accident. I meekly digested his words. In a way, what he said was literally true. I had done exactly as he had 'ordered' me to do. I had meekly washed the dishes, and meekly retired to bed after doing the chore he had instructed me to do. In a way, I deserved what he was calling me as, now. I felt my penis and balls shrivel up in my panties, as I digested this truth, yet again. It was no good being angry or irritated. I meekly swallowed my pride and continued to drive on.
After a couple of minutes of his obnoxious laughing and chuckling, Amir resumed, "You've already been trained much better by your pretty wife, P.B. And you needed it, you needed to be mentally trained so you can raise your pretty wife's babies." He chuckled again, seeing my red face.
I thought frantically. I hadn't checked the birth control pills in the medicine shelf for a while. Was Kavita still having the pills? And if she was, how COULD he gloat like this, now? If Kavita was still having the pills, it would prove beyond any doubt, that they weren't conniving with each other. And if that was so, it was especially important for me to not give Amir any suspicions, NOW. I tried to pretend to be red faced. I imagined that Kavita was pregnant right now. Maybe she had come off the pill and was pregnant, right now...My face went red.
He studied my face as though he smelled something, and asked, "You are feeling mentally more ready to raise your pretty wife's babies, aren't you, P.B?"
I put my mind to the thought I had just imagined: Kavita was pregnant right now. In my imagination. My throat was choked up, as I said, in a dry voice, "Yes, Amir."
He grinned and smirked in his arrogant way and finished with, "Good bitch. You're a good bitch after all, P.B." He continued smirking for the rest of the drive. I stayed silent, and continued to be red-faced. Regardless of my imagination, I had to verify that Kavita was still having the birth control pills. The most opportune time would be when they were both out: ideally, when they went to work out. But they hadn't gone to work out for the past couple of days. And now, Amir's motorcycle was out of action. They might not go to work out the next day. That turned out to be the case. Amir worked out from home, the next morning. It didn't give me an opportunity to look in the medicine shelf without risking being caught
by Amir, and it was Wednesday morning when I finally got to inspect the contents of the medicine cabinet, alone, without any risk of being caught.
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Words cannot describe the relief I felt, as I checked the medicine shelf. The number of pills consumed was consistent with Kavita still being 'on' the birth control pills. She had apparently not missed it, even one day. She probably was taking it in the daytime, when Amir wasn't around. I grinned to myself, as I admired Kavita's cleverness. She was, indeed, smarter than Amir. And she was DEFINITELY not conniving with him, completely. I had worried needlessly. Sure, Kavita DID lust for Amir. But it seemed more and more likely, that she was doing it partly out of lust, and partly to "tame" me, to "train" me into being a submissive husband. She may not have been planning to leave me, after all. She may not be planning to leave me at all, I told myself. Had she been planning to leave me, she wouldn't have gone on the birth control pill at all. She did want to get pregnant, and I knew that. Yet, she was taking this precaution, given she was having an affair with Amir: which now seemed more and more to be a premeditated decision from her, from the beginning. She wouldn't take this precaution had she been planning on leaving me.
Still, it was important to not let on to Amir, what I knew about Kavita, but he didn't. I could not look self-satisfied, arrogant, super-confident. I had to pretend to be as I had been, for the last week and half: docile, meek, submissive to the two of them. Though it was harder to PRETEND to be agonizing, it was easier in the sense, the rest of the two weeks flew by.
Gowri spent the weekend with us, again. Again, the three of them spent Friday night and Saturday night in one bed, before Amir dropped Gowri off on Sunday night. It didn't matter that I had spent the weekend alone in bed, again. I had brought myself off in my panties once, over the week, after watching one of Amir's encounters in bed with Kavita. I didn't try again, to overhear the three of them in bed. The memory of what had happened the last time I tried to overhear the three of them in bed, was burned deep into my mind. Still, as time passed, my optimism increased, and it carried through to the next week, as I brought myself off again, on Tuesday night. This time, I stroked myself off in my panties, as I stood at the threshold of Amir's room, watching his cock pistoning in and out of Kavita's pussy, hearing his balls slap against her each time he sunk all the way in her. I tried to do it again, both Wednesday night and Thursday night, but I wasn't able to bring myself hard enough. I had my limitations as a man. I could not be Amir. It was reality, and there was no use being frustrated by it.
On Friday morning, after I got to work, I called Kavita, floating on my cloud of optimism. I was hoping to confirm from her that she would stick to her word. She seemed to be busy. I heard voices near her. She wasn't at home, it sounded like. I asked her nervously, "Kavi?"
She seemed pressed for time, because she asked, "Manu, is this urgent?"
I felt my optimism sag. I said in a feeble voice, "Nothing urgent, Kavi. I was just looking forward to tonight, since it's been two weeks."
She snapped in an irritated voice, "Manu, why are you SO damn impatient? Two weeks ends on Sunday, not tonight." I could feel my cloud of optimism start dissipating. It wasn't so bad. It was just two more
days. She continued, "I'm busy now, besides. I can't pack up and move back tonight, even if I wanted to. And Prem agreed to Sunday, so be a LITTLE more patient, OK?"
I stammered hastily, "Sorry, Kavi. No problem. Sunday it is." I gulped and added in a hoarse, desperate voice, "I love you, Kavi."
She laughed with a tinkle in her voice, "Oh, I know, darling. I always have known it, even though you never say so. I love you too. See you later." And she hung up the phone. The rest of the day moved much slower, now. I had to wait two more agonizing days, before 'getting' my wife back. Listlessly, I got back to work and tried to put my mind to work. It wasn't terrible. At least, she appeared keen on adhering to what she had said.
That evening, I drove back home optimistically. Not as optimistic as when I drove to work, but nevertheless, feeling hopeful. When I got home, Kavita was alone, watching TV. She was in a red striped full body length nightie. She appeared distracted, as though she was lost in thought. I nervously asked her if I could get some tea. She didn't reply. I wondered if Amir would bring Gowri over to stay for the weekend, this weekend too. She had stayed over, three weekends in a row.
I went into my room and changed out of my work clothes. I got into the pale yellow pyjamas. I had already shaved, but I had gotten used to wearing Amir's "gift pyjamas" again. And I didn't think it would matter that I didn't wear one of the pyjama sets with the sleeveless pyjama blouses: Kavita had seen me wear those clothes on my own, for the last three weeks.
I went back to the hall, and asked Kavita if I could have tea, again. She seemed "zoned" out, and didn't reply. I sighed, and went to the kitchen and made tea for myself, and her. I went to the hall and gave her a cup of tea. She smiled as though she was surprised, and drank her tea in silence. I had hoped to discuss her move back in with me, but her being lost in her own thoughts didn't help me with that plan. I collected the empty teacups and took them back to the kitchen.
A little while later, Kavita got a call on her cellphone. She picked it up and said, "Yes, Gowri?" I didn't hear what Gowri said, and Kavita next said, "OK, see you guys soon!" So Gowri was coming over with Amir, again. Kavita presently got up, and walked to Amir's bedroom, still apparently lost in thought. She closed the door as she got into Amir's bedroom. A little while later, the doorbell rang. Kavita was still in Amir's room. I waited a few moments, then went across to the door and looked through the eye-hole. It was Gowri and Amir. I opened the door for them, and let them in. They took off their footwear, as Gowri wished me "Good evening!" She was dressed in a bright red churidar, and looking stunning as usual.
Right then, I heard another door open, and I heard Kavita's voice saying, "Hi Gowri! Would you guys like some tea?" I looked in Kavita's direction. She had changed into a saree. She was dressed attractively, unlike the first time when Gowri had come to our home.
Gowri said, "Sure, didi! Let me help you!" And the two women went to the kitchen.
As they did, my eyes followed them. And right then, I heard Amir whisper into my ears, "Watching my bitches again, P.B? Just when you were beginning to be a good little bitch..." I went red, and turned to face him.
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