Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 23 Pt. 3

That night, I tried avoiding a sleeping pill. I wanted to see if what I had seen that morning was a one-time thing, or their regular morning routine.
I set up a throbbing alarm on my cell-phone. -----------------------------------------------
I woke up the next morning, as I had planned. I turned off my cellphone alarm and looked around. It was the same time as the previous day, but there seemed to a little more light that morning, from the street.
I tiptoed across to Amir's room. I saw it, yet again: the slavish adulation from my wife towards Amir, as she knelt naked on the bed beside him, and kissed his member over his underwear, and then took it in her mouth as well.
I had already seen it, the previous day. I was able to suppress my gagging reaction.
I watched with horror, as Kavita now pulled his underwear down, revealing his huge,throbbing penis.
I hadn't appreciated how hung Amir was compared to me, even when I had seen him thrusting in and out of Kavita's pussy.
Now I got to appreciate his full size.
I couldn't get an accurate measurement, but he looked to be between 8 and 9" long, from where I stood. The circumcised head of his penis stood out more, now that Kavita had exposed his penis in this posture.
Presently, she licked the same bulbous head, as Amir moaned and said, "Fuck, Kavi, you're the best!"
She grinned at him appreciatively, licked her lips and proceeded to lick his penis from tip to toe, and started taking it in her mouth, as well. She seemed to be barely get about 2/3 of his penis in her mouth: that was how big he seemed to be.
Soon, Kavita's head was bobbing up and down Amir's penis, as his hips started jerking spasmodically, and he shot his load, in her mouth.
Kavita then took his penis out, and stuck her tongue out to show Amir his cum.
She then stuck her tongue back in, and appeared to swivel her tongue in her mouth.
She was tasting his cum before swallowing it.
She had swallowed with me, too. A few weeks back.
But she had probably been swallowing Amir's cum, ALL THE TIME.
Whenever she did oral sex for him. Or nearly always.
Later that day at work, I was mulling over Kavita's slavish behavior in bed with Amir, when I got a call from her.
I picked up the phone hurriedly.
She said, "Hello, Manu."
"Is anything the problem, Kavi?"
"No, Manu. I just called to say hi."
I gulped.
I had avoided talking to her since her move-in with Amir. Now, she seemed to have gotten soft. Maybe this was my chance to ask her to come back?
I stepped across to the stairway, trying to get some privacy. Thankfully, there was nobody around.
I said, " long are you going to be staying with Prem?"
She replied, "Until you give me an answer to my question that I can reconcile with, Manu."
"Come on, Kavi. You're not staying with Prem BECAUSE I hid something from you, is it?"
"I never said that, Manu. Don't put words in my mouth, OK?"
I spat back, "Yeah, I can't put words in your mouth, but your Prem can put stuff in your mouth, right?"
I heard Kavita gasp as I said that.
After a few moments, she collected herself and giggled, "Have you been watching, Manu?"
I whispered, "Yes, Kavi, I have. At times."
She snorted and continued, "Good for you, Manu. Maybe you can learn something."
My face was drained of blood, at her taunt.
She continued twisting the knife, "Do you want me to leave the bedside light on, Manu? So you can watch better?"
I was very irritated. I said out loud, "Kavi, I didn't hate you before, until now. But now, yeah, I DO HATE you!"
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I hung up just as she responded, "I still love you, darling."
I went back into the office, walked to the bathroom and burst into tears.
I had never imagined myself telling that to Kavita, of all people.
Amir, yes. I did despise him, and at many levels, I hated him, by now.
But I didn't HATE Kavita.
I was beginning to despair, of losing her to Amir, of the REALITY of losing her to Amir, of having already lost her to Amir.
But I didn't HATE her.
I knew I had said something I didn't mean.
I felt remorseful.
I went home early from work, that evening. I got gajra for her, again, after a while. On my own accord.
When I got home, I was relieved to note that Amir wasn't there, yet. I gave Kavita the gajra.
She accepted it with a cold smile.
I tried to apologize to her, but right then, she got a phone call.
It must have been Amir, I thought.
I watched her as she spoke on phone.
As the conversation went on, it started appearing like she wasn't speaking to Amir.
Presently, she handed the phone to me, saying, "It's my mother."
As she spoke those words, a wave of hope passed through me from nowhere.
It dawned on me then, that I had more weapons than I had realized.
My parents. And her parents.
I spoke to her mother presently. She had apparently been aware of my 'accident' with my arm. Kavita must have spoken to her.
I felt ashamed of myself, that I hadn't kept my own parents informed, to the same extent.
But I also realized now, I could use them as a 'weapon'.
I could invite them to stay over.
That should end this Amir affair once and for all.
It was such an amazingly simple solution, I was upset with myself, that it hadn't occurred to me earlier.
I was going to call them and invite them to stay. But I decided it would be prudent to talk to them first, in Kavita's absence.
I decided to do it the next day, from work.
Accordingly, I called my mother at her work number the next day, during our lunch break.
She picked up the phone after a couple of rings, "Hello?"
"Ma, it's Manu here."
"Yeah I know, betaa (Hindi for 'son'). I can recognize your voice still."
"How are you, Ma?"
"Am doing OK, betaa. Just getting older, and looking forward to enjoying retired life."
We then talked about her future retirement plans, and my father's future retirement plans.
My mother presently asked, "How are you doing, Betaa?"
"I'm fine Ma, listen..."
She interrupted me with, "How's your arm?"
I was a bit shaken.
How did SHE know about my arm?
I guardedly replied, "It feels OK now, Ma. How did you know about my arm?"
She laughed and said, "This is why we found you a wife, so she will keep us informed about you, rather than our waiting for you to call us..."
I laughed at her joke. Both externally, and internally.
So Kavita had been in touch with both our parents.
Including MY own parents.
I felt even more ashamed now. I hadn't told them about my 'accident'. But evidently, she had kept them updated.
I felt a small burst of affection towards Kavita.
Then, the reality of her affair with Amir came back to the foreground.
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I had to invite my parents.
Presently I asked my mother, "Ma, how does your schedule look like? Would you and Papa be able to, and would like to come down and stay with us for a while? A break from your work, am sure you have casual leave time available..."
She said, "Yeah, sure, I'll talk to your father and we'll give you some dates, OK?"
I felt immensely relieved now.
This was such an easy solution to the problem. If only I had thought about it earlier, I could have stopped this much before...
I went home whistling to myself.
Amir once again, hadn't yet returned.
I hummed cheerfully to myself, as I walked past Kavita to my room to change.
Presently, she followed me into my room.
She asked me now, "Manu, did you invite your parents over to stay with us?"
I was a bit shaken. So my mother had informed HER? She had discussed it with HER?
My own mother? Why?
Still, it didn't matter. I was going to tell Kavita anyway, so she would have time to kick Amir out.
I nodded to her and said, "Yes, Kavi. I thought it would be a good change."
She spoke after some thought, "If your parents come and you haven't yet answered my question, then I'll have to move out, Manu."
I stared at her.
"What do you mean, move out, Kavi?"
"I'll move out, Manu. Wherever. I'll probably move into Prem's company guest house, I believe he has one. Otherwise back home to my parents. And if I have to go back to my parents, I won't ever come back."
I stared at her.
"Are you blackmailing me, Kavi?"
"No, Manu. You're the one blackmailing me by inviting your parents over KNOWING I've invited Prem AND he's already staying with us!"
I stared at her.
She continued, her nostrils flaring, "YOU find a way to retract your invitation, Manu. Otherwise, I'll do one of the following two things: either I'll leave, or I'll stay with Prem in the guest bedroom, your parents can stay with you in our bedroom, how about that?"
My face went white at her last threat.
She wouldn't dare do THAT....surely?
That night, I thought long and hard, about retracting the invitation to my parents.
I decided she was bluffing, and I decided to call her bluff.
I did not hear sounds of their lovemaking, that night. I slept better than I had in a while.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 23 Pt. 4

The next morning, I woke up at my usual time, to bright sunlight streaming into the bedroom.
I woke up, and looked around.
My cellphone was flashing. I picked it up.
I had received an SMS message. From Amir.
It had been a while since he had sent me an SMS message.
I read the message. It said, "Go check the table in my room, P.B. Remember to not remove anything, or else..."
I had gotten shaken out of the comfort zone I had gotten into, over the last couple of weeks.
Granted, it was a comfort zone I was nauseated to be comfortable in. Kavita was sleeping with Amir each night, not with me.
But on the flip side, I had little or no interaction with Amir, since Kavita had moved in with him. Even my self-confidence had regrown a little bit, as a consequence. I could see it in my own behavior: confronting Kavita boldly when we spoke, trying to persuade her to stop what she was doing, rather than quietly letting it pass by as I had done in those weeks till that confrontation.
I had some time before they would be back from their workout session. I brushed my teeth, freshened up and walked across to his room.
I had expected by then, what I would see.
He had left out one of his photo albums.
I didn't expect to find anything shocking in the photo album. By then, I knew for sure, that Kavita had been sleeping with him, when she had been seeing him, during their college days. She herself had admitted as much.
With not much fear in my mind, I started flipping through the album. I saw the various pictures I had already seen, of Amir with the other girls.
And then, I saw some pictures I hadn't seen.
Even though I hadn't expected to see anything shocking, my stomach did a back-flip as I saw the first photograph that hadn't been there last time.
It was a picture of Kavita standing beside Amir.
She wasn't outrageously dressed in the photograph. She was wearing a midriff-revealing t-shirt, and jeans. Amir was standing beside her, with his hand around her waist. I had seen pictures of him with the other three girls, dressed and standing in a similar fashion.
What was different, and stood out, about this picture, was Kavita's belly.
I could see what appeared to be a ring hanging from the region of her belly button.
Kavita used to wear a belly ring?
She didn't have one when we got married. She didn't have one now. Did she have it removed subsequently?
I flipped over to the next couple of pages. There were a few more pictures of Kavita, wearing similar clothes. Except, Amir wasn't there in those pictures. And the pictures had zoomed in closer on Kavita.
I now got a closer view of the belly ring from these pictures. It was a simple ring that went through the depression of her belly button. And attached to the ring were two dangling letters: A.A.
It rung a bell, for me. I vaguely remembered seeing such an item among Kavita's personal things. I couldn't recall where, but I distinctly remembered seeing such an item, sometime in the past.
I flipped back to the page with the previous picture. It was from a longer distance, and I could now see the letters dangling even in that picture, even though it wasn't clear enough for me to make out the letters.
I flipped forward a couple more pages. There were more pictures of Kavita in other clothes, all revealing her belly, zooming in on her belly ring and the letters hanging from it. And then, some more empty slots.
Was this it? The fact that she used to wear a belly ring when she had been seeing him? With the first letters of Amir's name hanging from it?
It was a bit shocking, to me. I had come prepared to not be shocked, and I had got shocked to an extent.
It explained a fair bit to me.
It explained now, why Kavita seemed so slavish to him, especially in bed.
She had always been that way, with him.
I had seen her appear to defy, challenge Amir at times. But at the core, she was his slave in bed.
It explained why she had gone and got the tattoo AGAIN. She was doing it to 'defy' me: because I had gotten it washed off, against her wishes.
I wondered how she had gotten the belly ring, and how she had gotten it off.
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It would have cost money. Her parents wouldn't have paid for it, and would probably have disapproved of it, and she had probably done it defiantly anyway. Amir probably had paid for it. He too, would have been just a college student. I wondered where he could have gotten money from, to pay for this kind of thing.
I then wondered if Kavita's parents would have known about this. They probably did.
They probably knew all about Kavita's past relationship with Amir.
Did they know he was staying with us RIGHT NOW? I suspected not.
Still, what was I to make of this?
Kavita's parents didn't seem to be the kind to approve of this kind of gesture from Kavita. They probably would have disapproved of it. And she had done it anyway, perhaps as a gesture of 'defiance'.
What should I do now?
She was indeed the defiant type. She had been defiant with me, not long ago: I recalled the episode of the obscenely tight black pants.
Would she defiantly carry out one of her threats if I didn't retract my invitation to my parents?
I didn't know if I wanted to take that risk.
Later that day, I was mulling over this decision, when I got a phone call from my mother.
I answered her call with some mixed thoughts. I REALLY wanted them to come. "Ma?"
"Manu betaa, I spoke to your father."
"Yes Ma, go on."
"Unfortunately, he can't come right now, as he needs to be here for the next couple of months. And I don't really want to leave him alone and come by myself. Can we try to plan this again after two or three months?"
I was disappointed, but in a way relieved. The decision had been taken out of my hands.
I didn't need to test Kavita's resolve on this issue.
I got home that evening, once again, before Amir was there. Again, I got flowers for Kavita. Not because I was feeling guilty, but because I was feeling a renewed feeling of longing for her.
My efforts at trying to get my parents over had somehow rebuilt some of the attachment I felt for her. Not that she believed I felt attached to her, I thought to myself wryly.
She accepted the flowers happily, and stood eagerly as though she was waiting for me to say something.
I thought I might as well tell her.
"Kavi, I spoke to my mother. She said they can't come right now, anyway."
She merely said, "Good."
I watched her as she turned, and went towards the refrigerator to put the flowers in.
The tattoo on her midriff had become quite dull, but it was still there. Hopefully, it would fade away in the next couple of days, I hoped.
That night, I tiptoed over to Amir's bedroom.
I couldn't help it. By then, I had somewhat gotten into the 'habit' of watching them in bed.
That night, Kavita had left a bedside light on. It was a dim light, and it cast a pale hue over their naked bodies.
Until then, I had watched them making out, in the form of shadows in the dark. Now, I could clearly see both of them.
She was indeed naked. She reached over to Amir, and stroked his shoulders, and chest as he pistoned in and out of her. Later, she squeezed his butt as he appeared to be close to his climax.
I retired to our bedroom. My bedroom.
I wanted to bring myself off. But I wasn't able to. Somehow, I couldn't get myself hard, that night.
I realized again, another difference that surely she must have perceived, between Amir and me, in bed.
He was able to do it every day. Or, nearly every day.
I was struggling to do it twice in one week, even with my own hand.
I could see one reason why she seemed to 'prefer' him in bed.
I would need the sleeping pill again, tonight. And I did.
I got a further shock the next morning, when Kavita and Amir came back from their morning workout.
Kavita was wearing "shorts", for the first time in ages.
I had seen her in shorts before.
And these shorts weren't terribly short: they came down to 3/4 of her thighs.
Still, they were above her knees, and it was considerably bold, especially for a married woman.
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I gulped as she strode in with Amir, without any sense of discomfort over what she was wearing.
I decided to discuss it with her, later that day.
I called her during my lunch break.
"Kavi, I wanted to talk to you."
"Go on, Manu."
"You started wearing shorts to your morning gym workout sessions?"
"Yeah, Manu, they were more comfortable."
"Kavi, don't you think you're going too bold..tattoos, shorts...? You're going to draw attention to yourself."
She answered with a tinkling laugh that I had heard already in the recent past, "I suppose some people will notice, Manu. But it's not a big deal, it's mostly the same crowd at the gym every day. If they've seen me once, they see me every day."
"But, Kavi, tongues will wag."
"Ohhh, you mean like Arun and his third party friend, Manu?"
I was embarrassed as she reminded me about that. I winced.
I collected myself and said, "Yes, Kavi."
"You can relax, Manu. I haven't told any of them that Prem's my boyfriend. So they all must assume I'm working out with my husband."
I winced again. She was twisting the knife, of my own creation.
This discussion wasn't achieving anything.
Her voice had grown cold, as she now asked, "Anything else, Manu?"
"No, Kavi. Do what you want. I can't control you any more."
She whispered, "Yes, you can't, Manu. Am glad you're recognizing that. See you later."
And she hung up the phone.
The change that had happened that day, turned out to be the template for the next few days.
Apparently, Amir had bought her a set of shorts to work out in. None of them were outrageously short, but they were undeniably shorts, and undeniably bold to wear outdoors, for a married woman.
And Kavita did it each day. And she continued to leave a bedside light on each night, during their lovemaking sessions.
My despair was gradually building up again.
I had hoped that she would get bored out of staying with Amir in the bedroom, and come back to me after a while.
But it didn't seem to be happening.
She seemed to be enjoying herself, more and more, sleeping with Amir each day, working out with him each day, spending time with him, rather than me.
One "good" outcome that came out over the next few days was that the tattoo on the back of Kavita's midriff did disappear. So it was temporary after all.
And she didn't go and get another temporary tattoo once it washed away.
Obviously, I knew Amir had a hand in her getting the tattoo. So he would have told her once the tattoo had washed away. But she did not get a new tattoo. It gave me some slender hope, that what had been happening was just a passing fancy, that her affair with Amir too could likewise be a passing fancy, and Kavita would eventually get bored of sleeping with Amir, and would come back.
The disappearance of the tattoo was the only sliver of hope I had seen. Seeing Kavita make love with Amir each night did temper my hope with reality, and it only got more and more depressing, as the situation prolonged.
I decided to spend some time to assess the situation, on Friday. It was the third week after she had moved in with Amir.
I pondered if I should talk to her and beg her to come back, with some made up reason.
I tried to think of a reason to make up to answer her questions, to entice her back.
Maybe I could tell her the truth about what happened in Amir's room the weekend of his arrival?
It wouldn't be made up at all.
Still, a part of me suspected that she already knew it. And I suspected she wouldn't be convinced that it would in any way have had any bearing on her actions.
Maybe I could go back to the reason that Amir had invented, over the womens' clothes: I could say that it was my fantasy and that was why I didn't object, because my fantasy had gone out of hand in ways I hadn't expected. That might have sounded a little more plausible. I still didn't see how it had any bearing
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on her actions, but deep down, I suspected she would have done as she did ANYWAY. She was just looking for a made-up excuse to justify, defend her infidelity. That seemed to be what she was trying to do, with getting me to come up with a reason for my taking time to object to her affair.
Now that I had decided to talk to Kavita on these lines, I thought about the timing. Since I didn't have to go to work that Saturday, and the weekend was pretty much here, I thought I could discuss it with her later in the evening, after getting home before Amir. I then got a phone call from Kavita. I picked up the phone instinctively. Even though I had just decided to talk to her, to use this made-up excuse to entice her back, I wasn't sure I was ready to discuss it with her on phone. "Kavi?"
"Manu, how are you doing?"
I took a deep breath. "You know how I'm doing, Kavi."
She whispered, "Yeah, I know."
After a pause, she asked, "Can I come back and sleep in our bed?"
I hadn't been prepared for her to ask THAT. Guardedly, I asked, "Where would I sleep then, Kavi?"
"In the same bed, of course, don't be silly."
I was wary. I asked again, to be sure, "Just the two of us?"
"Just the two of us, Manu."
"Will Amir come into our room and..."
"He's Prem, and no, he won't come into our room."
I had heard enough. Somehow, she appeared to have changed her mind.
Maybe she HAD gotten bored of sex with Amir. It was, in a way, a routine. It must have ceased to be exciting to her, by now.
I drew a deep breath and was about to say, "Yes.", when she added, "It's just for the weekend, Manu."
I grew wary again. Was Amir going somewhere for the weekend? Was she seeking to return to bed with me, just because he was going away? Should I still say 'Yes' if that was the case?' I wasn't sure. I started asking her, "Is Amir..."
"Prem, Manu."
I corrected myself, "Is your Prem going away somewhere for the weekend?"
She said, "No. He'll be sleeping in his room as a matter of fact."
I drew a deep breath again. I suspected there was more beneath the surface, but I didn't care. I wanted her back. "OK, Kavi."
I added for good measure, "Don't worry, Kavi. I won't beat you up or strangle you in your sleep."
She answered, "I know, darling. That's why I love you."
I waited for her to hang up. She seemed to be waiting on the phone, however. I waited for a minute thinking she was going to say something further. Seeing as she was silent, I figured she was doing something else, and I hung up the phone.
I sighed to myself deeply. Whatever was beneath the surface, I was bound to learn what it was over the next couple of days. And surely it couldn't be worse than what I had already gone through.

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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 24 Pt. 1

That evening, I got back from work with some degree of hope.
Kavita would be spending the weekend with me, in bed.
Would that include tonight, Friday night? I hoped so.
And what prompted this change? Surely something had to be brewing. I would have to keep my eyes open.
When I got home, I noticed that Kavita had dressed somewhat conservatively; she was in a saree, but she was dressed as one might expect a married woman would dress.
Maybe she had a change of heart, and was feeling guilty?
But then, why just for the weekend?
I now moved to our room, where I made my next observation.
Kavita had moved back both the bags she had packed with her clothes.
And she had taken out a few sets of her clothes from the bags, and set it back in our clothes shelf.
I went to our bathroom. Her soaps, hair care products and cosmetics were back in our bathroom.
I now inspected the dressing table in our bedroom. It had her miscellaneous cosmetics as well.
It looked as though she had moved EVERYTHING back, even though she was moving back just for the weekend.
Subconsciously, I started getting my hopes up.
Maybe she would stay on beyond the weekend, but only hadn't yet told me about it?
I found Kavita in the kitchen. I asked her weakly, "Kavi, can I please have a cup of tea?"
She asked me, "Can you wait a few minutes please, Manu? Prem should be here any minute."
I said, "Sure, Kavi."
I went and sat on the sofa.
A few minutes later, the bell rang.
Before I could get up, Kavita bustled past me to the door.
She opened the door, and I saw Prem's form in the doorway.
Kavita beamed at him, and over his shoulder as well, as she said, "Helloo, welcome Gowri! So nice to have you home finally!"
I realized by then, that there was someone with Amir.
Amir presently stepped in, grinning broadly. He was casually carrying what looked like a travel bag, over his shoulder.
And presently, his companion stepped into our home.
She was a youngish looking girl. I guessed she would have been about 23-24, judging by her appearance and demeanor. She seemed shy and embarrassed, but she hugged Kavita, before taking off her footwear.
She was a fairly pretty and quite an attractive girl. Her body was full and curvaceous. The churidar dress she wore accentuated her figure. Her slightly low-cut churidar revealed the start of a deep, firm cleavage. Her churidar also hugged the contours of her hips, just like Kavita's churidars did to her. She was fair in complexion, but not as fair as Kavita.
She seemed quite self-conscious about coming to our house.
I was self-conscious as well. I had not expected that we would have company for dinner tonight.
I was also wondering who this Gowri was.
Presently, Kavita introduced us, and that put the mystery to rest.
Kavita indicated me with a sweeping motion of her hand and said, "Gowri, this is my husband, Manu!"
Then she indicated Gowri towards me and said, beaming, "Manu, this is Gowri, Prem's colleague. He's told us about her, you know."
So was this the mystery colleague with whom Amir had gone out for dinner several times, since his arrival? The one who's virginity he had boasted of having taken, two weeks after his arrival?
It appeared to be so.
Presently, Kavita asked Gowri, "You must be tired from your work, how about tea?"
Gowri smiled and thanked her, and asked, "Sure, can I help, Kavita didi (elder sister)?"
I gulped. I didn't realize Kavita and Gowri were familiar with each other.
Judging by Gowri's addressing her as 'didi', they may have known each other prior to today.
It could have been innocuous. It wasn't uncommon for a young girl to address an older married woman as 'didi'.
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But it did seem to imply they had known each other before.
Kavita in the meantime, had invited Gowri into the kitchen. I watched with my mouth agape, as Gowri followed Kavita into the kitchen.
I was shaken out of my trance by Amir.
I had seen him going into his room. Apparently, he had left the bag he had been carrying, in his room. Since then, he had crept up beside me.
He whispered, "Ogling at my bitches, P.B?"
I jumped instinctively. I hadn't expected him to be so close to me.
He sniggered and said, "Be warned. If I catch you ogling at my bitches, I might gouge your eyes out."
I stared at him, and retorted with as firm a voice as I could muster, "Kavita's MY wife, Amir."
He sniggered again, and continued, "Of course she is, P.B. She's your wife, I never denied that. And yet, she's MY bitch. Something you know is true, but keep trying to deny."
I was saved the need to retort to that assertion, as the two women now came out of the kitchen, Kavita carrying a tray with three teacups. Gowri was holding her own teacup in her hand.
Kavita walked over and gave me my tea, then gave Prem his tea. She took the last cup, and presently we sat on the sofas, and had a conversation over tea.
I learned over the tea-time conversation that Gowri was a Tamilian. Her parents resided in Chennai, and she had been working in Bangalore for the past couple of years.
I also learned that she 'shared' a rented flat with another young working girl.
It explained some things to me.
It explained how Amir had been able to take Gowri out without much hindrance. Gowri would have found it much harder to go out with Amir, had she been living with her parents.
And yet, I had seen him spend every night with Kavita, over the past three weeks. There was something else there that I didn't understand, yet.
I had been under the assumption that Amir had brought Gowri over for tea, just so she could meet Kavita.
Neither Amir nor Gowri made a move to leave, after the tea. Gowri accompanied Kavita back to the kitchen, as the two women seemed to go about preparing dinner together.
I realized then, that Gowri was having dinner with us, that evening.
I didn't learn much more about Gowri over dinner. She seemed to be shy, at least, in my presence.
Kavita moved to the sofa after dinner, and I joined her with delight. I was glad to sit beside her after a long time.
We watched TV for some time, as I politely waited for Amir to offer to take Gowri home.
I saw Gowri yawn, presently. Should I offer to take her home, or suggest to Amir that it was getting late?
I was trying to decide how to approach the topic, when Kavita suggested to Gowri to go to sleep.
It was only then that the awful truth dawned on me.
I watched open-mouthed, as Gowri wished us good night, and retired to Amir's room. Amir grinned at the two of us, and followed her in. I heard the door shut after Amir went in.
I stared at Kavita in shock.
What had just happened?
Were Gowri and Amir going to sleep together? In one bed? In OUR home?
Kavita saw me gaping. She put her arm through mine, and said, "Maybe we should go to bed too, darling?"
I stuttered, "Kavi...Gowri and Amir..."
Kavita's eyes flashed, and she put her finger to her lips warningly, as though to tell me to be quiet.
She turned off the TV, then got up, and walked towards our bedroom.
At the doorway, she turned towards me and asked, "Coming, Manu?"
I continued to gape in the direction of Amir's bedroom.
Kavita clicked her tongue and walked into our bedroom.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 24 Pt. 2

I finally got shaken out of my shock. I got up and followed Kavita into our bedroom. As I got to our bedroom, I saw Kavita stripping out of her saree. She had already taken her saree off. Presently, I saw her unhook her blouse, and take it off as well. She then pulled over a green full body length nightie, and removed her petticoat as well. Much as I had missed Kavita, my mind was still in shock over what might be happening in the other bedroom, right then. I stumbled up beside Kavita, and asked her, "Kavi...Gowri and Amir..."
She clicked her tongue audibly again, and whispered, "PREM! Not Amir!"
I corrected myself. "Kavi...Gowri and Prem..."
“Yes, Manu? What of them?"
"Kavi, they are going to sleep in one bed?"
"I presume so, Manu. Why?"
"Kavi, we shouldn't be doing this!"
"What shouldn't we be doing, Manu?"
"Letting this happen under our roof! Kavi!"
"Letting WHAT happen, Manu?"
"Kavi Goddammit, stop acting innocent, OK? She's an unmarried girl. We're party to spoiling her future by allowing this to happen in our home."
"Oh, don't worry darling, they're adults, they can take care of themselves."
I spoke bitterly, "Don't pretend to be naive, Kavi. You know the kind of guy your Prem is. He'll use her, and dump her on the roadside. And we'll be responsible in part for ruining her future."
"Manu, don't assume you know everything about other people's intentions, OK?"
"What do you mean by that, Kavi?"
"You made some pretty stupid claims about Prem just now, about how he would 'use' Gowri and dump her and all."
"And I am right, Kavi. Watch and see."
"You are being pigheaded and old-fashioned, Manu. Gowri and Prem are engaged."
I gaped at her again.
After a few moments, Kavita continued, "See, this is what happens, Manu, when you make stupid assumptions."
I asked, "How do you know they're engaged, Kavi?"
She answered, "Prem told me so. He has proposed to her, and she has accepted his proposal."
I scoffed at her, "You believe HIM?"
She turned to me and spoke with some irritation, "Yes, Manu, I don't see why he would need to lie about this, to me."
I scoffed, but didn't say anything further on the topic.
As we got into bed, a few more things started sinking in. "So Gowri is staying here for the whole weekend, Kavi?"
She smiled at me and said, "Yes, Manu."
I asked her warily, "So is that why you're back in bed with me?"
"Yes, Manu. Sort of. Truth is, I was also missing you."
I scoffed at her obvious lie. "Don't lie to me Kavi. Your lies are so transparent. You are spending the weekend in bed with me, because your Prem wanted to spend the weekend in bed with Gowri, isn't it?"
"Manu, we're back together after a while. I guess YOU didn't miss me at all. But don't pretend you know my mind, because you DONT. I WAS missing you. But I can't MAKE you acknowledge that."
"Whatever, Kavi. End of the day, you're sleeping with me now, only because it's inconvenient for your Prem, if you were to sleep with him for this weekend."
"Whatever you want to believe, Manu."
"It's true, Kavi. Your denials won't change the facts. You're behaving like what Prem said about you tonight."
Her voice grew even icier at this, as she asked, "Oh? What did he say about me, Manu?"
"He said you were his bitch, Kavi. That's how he regards you. As his bitch, as something he 'owns'."
"Oh yeah, if Prem or some strangers tell you something about me, it must be true, right, Manu? After all, it was strangers who told you that Prem's my boyfriend, right?"
"And that's totally true now, Kavi. You're sleeping with him regularly, now."
"Yeah, he's my boyfriend, never mind what I just told you about him being engaged to Gowri, right?"
"He's lying to you, Kavi. He's using you, just like he's using Gowri."
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She left out an exasperated air at this. After a pause, she said, "Have it your way, Manu. Believe what other people say about me. Since Prem told you so, it must be true, so yeah, I am now his bitch." She batted her eyelids as she said this. The effect her words and gesture had was, the wind completely went out of my sails. I was stunned into silence. I couldn't believe she would effectively acknowledge what Amir had said about her.
I lay in silence beside Kavita, for a while. She slipped her hand over my chest. After a while, I managed to find my speech again. I realized one more thing. "Kavi?"
"Yes, darling?"
"So Gowri doesn't know about Prem and you, right?"
She responded with some sarcasm, "Why would you say that, Manu? HOW do you get these insights into other people's minds?"
"Obviously, Kavi. You moved all your stuff back. You even dressed conservatively today, so Gowri shouldn't know or suspect the relationship between you and Prem. He hasn't told her about you, has he?"
"Of course he's told her about me, don't be silly! I have met her before, as a matter of fact."
After a small pause, she finished with, "You and your assumptions, Manu!"
"You know what I mean, Kavi. I mean what's been happening for weeks now, in Prem's bed, between you and Prem."
"Oh you mean THAT, Manu! I'm not sure about that. Yeah, Gowri may not share your insights, that I'm Prem's bitch, that Prem is my boyfriend etc."
I winced as she used her barbs again. I tried to ask her entreatingly, "Kavi?"
"Yes, darling?"
"Can you please do me one favor?"
"I can't promise, but I'll try, darling."
"Please stop calling Prem as your boyfriend, OK? It's bothering me and you know it."
"Oh, sorry darling. I was calling him that, only because YOU said you saw him that way now."
"I didn't say so, Kavi. I said your relationship with him now, is just LIKE when he was your boyfriend. But you obviously enjoy torturing me, so do what you like."
"Manu darling, I don't enjoy torturing you, please don't say such hurtful things. Why is this torturing you anyway? I wasn't aware you were finding it torturous." I smirked at her pretentiousness, gave her a cold look, but didn't say anything. She continued, "So why do you find it torturous, darling?"
"You know why, Kavi. First off, there's the trivial fact that you're SLEEPING with HIM right in front of me. And now that you're where you are now, he'll be your boyfriend for the time being, and next thing, you'll leave me and run away with him. That's what's coming, I know it, and you know it. "
"Oh my god, Manu! You found out my secret plans!!!"
I gave her a withering look. I didn't appreciate her attitude.
She continued, "So the thought of me leaving you for Prem is torturous for you, Manu? Oh My God, are you finally starting to feel attached over me?"
I had thought about this, in these weeks. She was getting back to her 'question'.
I gulped as I answered after a long pause, "Yeah, Kavi. If I weren't feeling attached to you, I would still get into a fight with Prem and get my arm in a cast, right?"
"Oh? You fought with Prem over me? I thought you were fighting with Prem over pyjamas or something?"
"Whatever, Kavi. If you want to believe I'm not attached over you, you can believe so. But you know what I think? It's just an excuse for you to sleep with Prem."
She responded as though she was ignoring what I said, "It's OK, darling. I don't want you fighting with Prem over me, anyway. I don't want you ending up with broken bones. Hold on to that attachment, though: I like it. It took a lot for me to pull out that little bit of attachment out of you." I stared at her blankly. She continued, smiling sweetly, "So, darling, calling Prem 'my boyfriend' seems to be pulling out some of your hidden attachment over me. And I like to see that. So I'm going to have to decline your request, sorry about that darling!"
I winced as she repeated her excuses about my not being attached over her. What was I supposed to do? Fight with Amir? An equal fight would always go in his favor. I could trigger an 'unequal fight', where I caught him unawares, and hurt him with some weapon. Given the kind of guy he was, there would be no easy way out with that kind of violent behavior from my side. If he survived any attack I launched on him, I'd have to face the music anyway. And if he didn't survive, it would be worse. I was NOT going to murder someone, even Amir, just to prove a point to Kavita.
What else could I do? It occurred to me then. It was a passing thought at first, but it grew stronger as I reflected on it. I didn't need to fight him physically. I could fight him using my knowledge. Gowri didn't seem to know about the relationship between Amir and Kavita. It appeared so, at least. Not the details that I knew.
So I could threaten Amir that I would tell Gowri all about it. It ought to have some effect.
I would have to wait for the right time. I decided to look for an opportunity to accost Amir over the next few days, and make this threat.
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It wouldn't prove any point to Kavita, but at least, I could get back at Amir to some extent, for all that he had done since his arrival.
I was jerked out of my thoughts by Kavita. She was rubbing my chest.
I asked her, "Kavi?"
"Yes, Manu?"
"Did you have something further to talk about?"
"No, Manu darling. Not right now."
"Oh...never mind. I thought you were rubbing my chest to catch my attention..."
"No, darling, I was rubbing your chest because I've missed you."
I stared at her. She seemed to be continuing to torture me.
At some level, she seemed to be enjoying torturing me in this manner.
She now moved her left hand down, over my shorts and underwear, as she said, "Let's see if HE has missed me."
I sighed.
My penis was totally limp.
It was just impossible to feel aroused, seeing how Kavita was talking with me in bed.
Kavita moved her hands over my shorts for a minute, then put her hand inside my underwear as she continued fondling my penis.
She presently exhaled deeply and said, "Seems not, that's a pity."
She then smiled sweetly at me and said, "Don't worry Manu, we have two more nights!"
I looked at her with distrust. I didn't believe that she would have sex with me: we hadn't yet had regular intercourse since Amir's arrival.
Still, I had accidentally stumbled upon what seemed like a window of opportunity. With my mind thinking about how to lay down my threat before Amir, it was a while before I drifted off to sleep.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 24 Pt. 3

The rest of the weekend did shake up, to a small extent, my belief that Gowri was completely unaware of the relationship between Amir and Kavita.
On both days, Amir and Kavita woke up early as they had been doing, and went to the gym to work out.
Kavita's dressing during these two days had gone back to being more conservative: for her morning workout sessions, she was wearing pants again, as opposed to shorts. And her workout t-shirts, while tight, didn't flaunt her midriff.
Still, it was undeniable that they went together to work out. And Gowri did seem to have noticed it, though she didn't say anything to me directly.
And I could see it too, that there was an undercurrent that strongly indicated what I had suspected the previous night: Gowri may have been aware to some extent of the actual relationship between Amir and Kavita, but she probably didn't know the full depth of their relationship.
I saw more of these undercurrents during the daytime, during Gowri's stay with us that weekend. The four of us went out during the daytime, and largely did window shopping. It wasn't time well used for me: I had rather I stayed at home with Kavita, and tried to exploit the situation of Amir's involvement with Gowri. However, on both days, Amir had already planed on taking Kavita out along with him and Gowri. I didn't have much choice other than to tag along. In a way, it felt better than being left alone at home.
At times, when we had gone out, I noticed Amir's hand slip 'innocuously' over Kavita's waist. And I was sure Gowri had noticed it, too. She didn't say anything, but her expression suggested that she had noticed it.
Saturday night was a bit more shocking to me, as compared to Friday night. That night, I heard Gowri's moans through the closed door, as I lingered on in the hall after Amir and Gowri had retired to bed.
Her moans didn't sound anything like Kavita's moans. She sounded like she was afraid of, uncomfortable with what Amir was doing to her, in bed.
I could understand why. She was an unmarried girl, end of the day. And sadly, she would eventually have to face the truth of what kind of a person Amir was.
I reassessed the threat I had considered using on Amir. I didn't have to go to Gowri directly: it seemed unwise, since it could break her heart and I didn't want to be responsible for that. She would find out what kind of a guy Amir was eventually, but I didn't want to be the one giving her the truth about Amir. I could still make the threat to Amir directly, and hopefully end his relationship with my Kavita.
That night, Kavita again tried to play with my penis, in bed. Again, my penis wouldn't get hard. After a while, she asked me gently, "Manu, do you not want me any more?"
I turned and stared at her. Did I want her, still? Amir had defiled her again, and again, and again. She had let him do it, every time. She had thoroughly enjoyed it. Did I want her, still?
I did! More than anything else, it was the only way now, that I could prove a point to Amir, after all that he had done. But it was getting to be impossible to divorce my mind from the fact that Amir had thoroughly defiled her. And it was making it harder for me to get aroused, turned on. Even with Kavita's expert 'handling'. I turned away, not answering her question.
As though reading my mind, Kavita asked again, "Do you think of me as unclean, Manu? Too dirty for you?"
I spoke out instinctively, "No, Kavi! But how can I not think of all that has happened..."
She looked at me with what looked like a softened look. But I had seen her expressions before, I didn't believe she was feeling sympathetic towards me. She spoke softly, "Don't think of the past then, Manu: think of the future."
"What future Kavi? What do I have to look forward to anyway?"
"Don't think of it that way, Manu. Think of this: two nights from now, I will be back with Prem. I will have moved back in with my boyfriend. NOW, How does HE feel about that?" She fondled my penis again as she spoke. And miraculously, my penis sprung to life. She continued, "So unlike you, Manu, HE seems to be more attached to me. That is very interesting."
I resigned myself to the will of my body. I was frustrated. I needed release as well.
I said, "OK, Kavi...let's do it." I started reaching under her nightie, and tried to put my hand between her thighs.
At this, Kavita stopped me with her hand and asked, "Manu darling, what ARE you doing?"
"Kavi...I was trying to do what I normally turn you on before..."
She whispered, "Sorry, Manu. I didn't mean to mislead you. That was not what I had in mind."
I was puzzled. I asked, "What do you mean, Kavi?"
She gently took my hand away from where it was, under her nightie, between her thighs.
I asked again, imploringly, "What does that mean, Kavi? Are we not going to do it? Did you not want to do it with me?"
She replied with a sweet smile, but with a cutting air of finality, "Sorry, Manu. Out of bounds."
Her words sunk in slowly. I was flabbergasted. Her pussy was 'out of bounds'? To ME????
I felt my face go red with anger as I asked, "Why, Kavi? Why out of bounds?"
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"Because, Manu, you haven't yet answered my question."
"Rubbish, Kavi. This is nothing about your question. HE told you to not do it with me, isn't it?"
"Manu, you have no idea what Prem told me or didn't tell me. And this is nothing about what he told me or didn't tell me."
"So Kavi, let me get this straight: you won't have sex with me, and you won't tell me why, is it?"
"I told you why, Manu."
"I don't believe your reason, Kavi. I believe you're acting under instructions from Amir."
"Prem, not Amir, Manu. And no, I'm not acting under his instructions."
"Why? Hasn't he humiliated me enough? Haven't you two had enough fun humiliating me?"
"Manu, this is not because of any instructions you are imagining from Prem."
She added then, like an afterthought, "Though I wouldn't blame you for thinking so."
I asked her warily, "What does that mean, Kavi?"
"You know what I meant, Manu."
"No I don't, Kavi. Am slow, as you pointed out before, please explain."
"Well, Manu, it should be obvious to you by now, that unlike you, my boyfriend is more possessive about his women, about 'his bitches', right?"
That stung. And it also jolted me right down there.
"Goddammit Kavi, what do you want to do with me then?"
She kneeled sideways, and pulled my underwear completely off my semi-erect penis. She then licked her lips. I now understood what she meant to do. My penis sagged as the realization sunk in. No sex, but oral sex? There was no way she wasn't following instructions from Amir. He had probably told her to not have sex with me, the sadistic prick. Kavita had noted my sagging penis, and started licking it feverishly. I craned my neck to watch her do it, and she didn't stop me, this time.
I watched her lick my penis wantonly, and then take it in her mouth. Her head started rising up and down, producing a similar sensation as I felt on the rare occasion when she had ridden me. As she continued her motions for a while, I groaned as I felt my penis start throbbing. I was going to climax shortly, I knew. And a few moments later, I felt myself spurt, into her ready mouth.
I lay back, spent. I breathed heavily. Even now, I couldn't understand Kavita's behavior. Why would she not have sex with me? Worse, how COULD she brazenly tell me so, when she had been sleeping with, and having sex with Amir openly? Did she, as I feared, consider me an 'inferior' man? Was SHE the one
who was rejecting me, and not because of any pressure from Amir? I was brought out of my thoughts by Kavita, who rubbed my chest and asked, "What are you thinking about, darling?"
I sighed deeply. She persisted, rubbing my chest again, and asking again, "Manu?"
I tried to answer as honestly as I could, "YOU, Kavi. I don't understand you at all. I don't think I know you at all."
She smirked as she said, "You're thinking about the wrong things, Manu darling. Think about my question. THAT is much more pertinent to why I refused to do what YOU wanted, earlier."
I sighed disbelievingly and said, "OK, Kavi. Whatever you say."
"Good! Am glad you finally trust me, and believe what I say, Manu. Now I can sleep in peace!"
She smiled mischievously at me, and twirled her tongue in her mouth. She then hugged me, and closed her eyes.
I was too tired to think, and soon after, I drifted off to sleep, as well.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 24 Pt. 5

The next morning, I woke up again, to an empty bed.
I got up feeling a little better. In reflection, it was better to not have totally lost intimacy with Kavita.
Even if it was a bit humiliating. Even if it effectively established me as her 'spare wheel'.
Besides, I would have the opportunity to threaten Amir later.
I found Gowri reading the newspapers when I got to the hall. I tried making small talk with her. She seemed nervous, and uncomfortable.
Did she know that I had overheard parts of her lovemaking with Amir last night?
Was she embarrassed because of that?
I couldn't tell.
I considered again, if I wanted to tell her all that I knew about Amir. How he had been using my Kavita, and how he had proudly gloated about having used many other women, in his past.
There wasn't going to be enough time to tell her all that I knew. It would be wiser to hit Amir where I knew it would hurt him, surely.
I restricted myself to making observations again. My observations during the daytime affirmed my suspicions, even more.
Sunday night was relatively quieter, when Kavita and I went to bed.
The pangs of the reality that Kavita would move back into Amir's room the next day started sinking in. I hugged her and tried to entice her to do SOMETHING, but Kavita was distant and seemed uninterested.
Maybe she was already ready to go back to Amir, I thought. It didn't help me at all, the realization that this might explain her mood in bed.
By the time Monday morning came, I had made up my mind.
I knew how I was going to do it.
Gowri would leave today. Then, I would SMS Amir in the daytime, later today, and ask to meet him after work.
Then, I was going to confront him on his deception with Gowri. And I was going to use that threat as far as it went. It was not out of the realms of possibilities, that I could even get him to LEAVE US FOR GOOD, using this threat.
I left for work in a cheerful mood. I even ventured to kiss Kavita on the cheek, on my way out.
I grinned as I noticed Amir's discomfiture. I KNEW he didn't like it. And he couldn't express it because Gowri was there with him.
Gowri left for work with Amir. Apparently they were going to go straight to work.
Shortly after lunch, I sent an SMS to Amir, as I had planned: "Amir,I would like to talk to you after work today-Manu."
I waited for about half an hour for him to reply. When he didn't, I SMSed him again, "Can you suggest a time and a place?"
After waiting some more time, I decided to think about my next move.
I hadn't anticipated this. I had thought I could meet him in private, away from Kavita, and quickly proceed with my plan.
I didn't even know where he worked. I couldn't show up at his workplace and accost him.
After giving some thought to it, I decided to call him.
He picked up my call after a couple of rings.
I gulped as I tried to think of how to start the conversation. I hadn't actually called him on phone before.
"Pussy boy, why are you bothering me during the day time?"
I had expected he would try to put me down. I was mentally prepared for it, to an extent.
I swallowed and asked, "Did you see my SMS messages, Amir?"
"Shut up, pussy boy. We'll talk when I say we'll talk, OK?"
I suspected by then, that Amir would take this attitude. I was mentally prepared by then, to threaten him.
I said, "OK, if you won't talk to me, I'll just go ahead and talk to Gowri then..."
He had heard me. And as I expected, he didn't hang up.
So my idea of trying to threaten him in this manner wasn't something that I had just imagined could work. It could work, if I could follow through with the right kind of pressure against Amir.
I waited to hear his response. I heard nothing for a minute.
And then I heard what sounded like suppressed laughter from Amir's end.
Presently he asked, "And what are you going to tell Gowri, pussy boy?"
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"I'll tell her how you're two-timing on her with MY WIFE Kavita, Amir. I'll tell her how you're ruining Gowri's life, and mine, and Kavita's."
He chuckled at this.
After a few long moments, he continued, "So you want to talk to Gowri, pussy boy? Be my guest. Go ahead and talk to her."
And a few moments later, I heard a woman's voice on the phone, "Hello?"
It sounded like Gowri's voice. I hadn't heard her speak on phone, but it sounded like her voice.
I was tongue tied. After a few more 'Hellos', the voice on the other end asked, "Who is this?"
I found my voice finally.
"Hi, I'm Manu, who is this?"
"Manu? Manu Sharma? Kavita didi's husband? Sorry, Gowri here. I thought you would recognize my voice."
After a pause, she gushed off in an embarrassed manner, ending with, "Hi, how are you?"
I was tongue tied. I wasn't ready to talk to her like THAT.
Amir would have been standing beside her. He was probably listening in.
I asked idly, to make conversation, "You didn't recognize my voice either."
She laughed and said, "No, I was confused, because I heard Prem speaking to you just before he gave me the phone and he..."
Her voice trailed off.
And as it did, I went white with embarrassment.
I realized what she was referring to.
Amir had apparently been addressing me as 'Pussy Boy', standing right beside Gowri.
And she had probably heard him address me by that name.
And she was effectively saying, that was why she didn't recognize my voice.
My tongue got tied again. How was I to proceed with my threat now?
I decided to try buy some time. I hastily stammered,
"Gowri, can I please speak to you in private, later?"
At this point, I now heard Amir's voice back on the line, "That's enough, pussy boy."
I went white, yet again.
I whispered hoarsely, "Amir, can you please stop calling me by such names before other people?"
He laughed in his obnoxious manner, before continuing, "Do you think it's going to change what you ARE, pussy boy?"
My hands and legs started trembling.
I had gotten used to the reduced interaction with Amir, that I had subconsciously blanked out how bullying, how unreasonable, and how sadistic he was.
And now, with that realization coming back, I broke out into a cold sweat.
He continued, "Pussy boy, here's a warning from me: NEVER speak to or contact my bitches without my permission, OK? I'll give you some flexibility on your pretty wife, but if you contact Gowri without my permission..."
He didn't complete his sentence, but I knew it was a threat from him.
I had meant to threaten him, and now I had got threatened.
I stayed silent.
Amir asked in an irritated sounding voice, "Did you hear me, pussy boy? Answer me."
I muttered in a feeble voice, "I did, Amir."
He said, "Good. Work hard, P.B. Don't let your mind wander trying to talk to my bitches. The harder you work, the better you can support your pretty wife and her babies. And that's your role, remember."
And then he hung up, as fresh beads of sweat started forming on my face.
This had been a complete fiasco. I had meant to threaten Amir, and had gotten threatened instead.
It was difficult concentrating on my work from there on.
I had built up some slim hope, and now I could feel it evaporating.
The afternoon passed in a blur, with me being lost in my own world. I got shaken out of my reverie by a SMS message that came on my cellphone.
It was from a number I hadn't known before. It simply said, "When would you like to talk-Gowri."
It must have been Gowri's cellphone.
I realized then, how empty my threat had really been.
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I hadn't had any contact information on Gowri. I couldn't have executed my threat even if I had wanted to.
But now...
Now, I had what looked like her cellphone number.
I SMSed back, "How about today evening? After work? Say 6:30 PM?"
I waited for some time, but got no reply.
After waiting for half an hour, I SMSed again, "Maybe tomorrow? Why don't you suggest a time and place?"
I waited for a reply from Gowri, but it didn't come.
It was getting late. I couldn't wait hoping she could meet with me today.
I packed up eventually, and left for home. Maybe she would reply later, and find time later in the week. A delay here wouldn't particularly hurt anything.
When I got home, I noted that Amir's motorcycle was already there.
He might have been making love to my Kavita right then. Or maybe they had already made love, by then.
I gulped, as I nervously walked up the stairs to our apartment.
I considered for a moment, and then walked to the hall window.
Much to my surprise, Kavita was sitting and watching TV, by herself. She was wearing a saree, the same saree she had been wearing in the morning, after her bath.
She saw me and her face seemed to light up momentarily. I couldn't be sure, because she seemed to be frowning now.
I walked back to the door, and she opened the door for me.
As I walked in, Kavita spoke to me in a hissed whisper, "Manu, did you SMS Gowri?"
I stared at her.
How did SHE know?
Gowri must have told Amir. And he must have told her.
I wondered whether to confirm it to Kavita, as I took off my footwear.
She probably knew, anyway. I nodded as I finished taking off my footwear.
She now had a pitying look on her face, and she shook her head sideways as though to say, "You shouldn't have!".
I didn't care. What I had done, was done.
I walked towards our bedroom so I could change out of my work clothes.
I wondered where Amir was, as I changed. Perhaps he had gone out?
I looked around in our bedroom. Kavita's clothes and personal things were all gone, again.
So she had moved back to Amir's room during the daytime?
My heart dropped as I took in this reality.
So Kavita had spent the weekend with me. And now that Gowri had left, she had moved back into Amir's room.
I had just been used as a 'spare wheel', this weekend.
Not quite. Kavita hadn't let me have sex with her. She had merely brought me off.
Looking downwards, lost in my thoughts, I walked back to the hall.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 24 Pt. 6

And that was when I felt the familiar sting on my cheek.
Amir had been waiting for me to change and return to the hall, apparently.
I looked up, my eyes welling up with the shame of what had just happened.
And I looked further, and saw to my shock, that Kavita was present too, in the hall.
He had done what he had done several times before: except, this time, it was right in front of my wife.
This wasn't the first time it had happened. It had happened before. But then, Amir had used a pretext that I had 'pushed him'.
Now, he didn't even use such a pretext.
It was a blatant, unprovoked act from him.
And my wife Kavita was watching, in the same room.
I barely had time to put these thoughts together, because after a few moments of glaring at me, Amir did it again.
I recoiled under the force of his hand, and stumbled backwards. I muttered, trying to blink back my tears, "Why?"
And then he did it again. And again, and again.
I couldn't control my tears any more.
Kavita had been watching this scene silently, as though in frozen fascination.
She finally spoke, "Prem, that's enough, he knows not to do it next time, let it go, please?"
Amir snarled as he spoke, "I don't think he's learned his lesson, Kavi."
She then spoke to me, "Manu, tell him you're sorry for contacting Gowri."
I couldn't do it. I didn't want to, but my tongue was tied up anyway.
My tongue was tied up, because of Kavita's attitude.
She seemed completely nonchalant to Amir's blatant, unreasonable,inhuman behavior with me, right in front of her eyes.
I felt smaller than I had ever felt, since Amir had moved in.
I had always subconsciously FELT that she was completely aware of what Amir had been doing to me, even though she CLAIMED to not know it.
Now, she could no longer use any such pretense.
I had been thinking long enough, because Amir presently said, "See, Kavi?"
And then he did it again.
I had had enough. I just wanted it to stop, so I could be left alone.
With no sincerity, I just said the words, "Sorry Amir, I won't contact Gowri again without your permission."
Kavita clicked her tongue disapprovingly.
I corrected myself, "Sorry, I meant sorry Prem."
Kavita presently walked up to Amir, and stroked him on his chest.
She said, "Let it go, lover-boy. Let him go this time."
Amir stood there with his arm raised.
Kavita then started nuzzling up to his chest, and said, "Mmmm....lover-boy, don't be so angry, let's go to bed."
At this, Amir finally lowered his hand, and looked down at her and grinned.
Amir then put his arm around Kavita's bare waist, and gave me a contemptuous look, before they started walking towards Amir's bedroom.
I stood rooted to the spot, for a while.
I then walked towards our bedroom, and locked myself in.
I didn't want to hear it.
I knew would be happening in the other bedroom, and I didn't want to hear it. I just wanted to be left alone.

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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 25 Pt. 1

I woke up to persistent knocking sounds. Someone was knocking at the door of the room I was in. I looked around. It was dark. I had fallen asleep. I was in our bedroom. My bedroom. I had fallen asleep sobbing, after locking myself in. I was awash with shame as I recalled the events of the evening. Worse, I felt gutted as I now relived Kavita's reaction to Amir's behavior. She probably meant it sarcastically, each time she said she loved me. What she probably meant was, she loved to SEE Amir beat me up. She probably hated me, deep down. And I had no idea why. What had I done to her to deserve this kind of hatred from her? And why now? She had never come across as hateful towards me during our marriage. Sure, she did boss over me a lot. She had her way, most of the time. But this kind of hatefulness... The knocking was persisting. I sighed, and got up. I walked towards the door and opened it. It was Kavita. I knew it would be her. I didn't look at her. I couldn't. She spoke, "Manu, it's late, come and have dinner?"
I told her brusquely, "I'm not hungry."
She persisted, "I haven't eaten either, Manu. I've been waiting for you."
I told her, "Eat without me. You do everything else without me, anyway." I made to shut the door in her face, but just as I did, she put her foot in the doorway. She let out a gasp of pain as the door closed on her foot. I opened the door hastily and said, "Sorry, Kavi."
She didn't withdraw her foot, though. She said with some degree of coolness, "It's OK, Manu. Come and eat, please?"
I sighed. There was no point in punishing myself. If she hated me, so be it. I might as well try to move on with life. My life. Life would be lonely without her, but if she hated me as she seemed to, I couldn't MAKE her love me. I ate in silence. Kavita waited for me to progress halfway through my dinner, before she sat down to eat, as well. Apparently she hadn't eaten as well. So she knew how I felt. And she apparently felt sorry for me, and had decided to wait for me, to eat. That didn't change the fact that she had silently watched, as Amir had beaten me, yet again. And she had 'rewarded' him by going to bed with him, right after he had beaten me up. And she had done that, right in front of my eyes. Did she hate me so much, that she got 'turned on' seeing Amir beat me up? Was that what I represented to her, now? An "object" she liked to see her lover beat up, so she could get turned on and enjoy her sex with her lover even more? Had she waited for me to have dinner, just so she doesn't drive me away? So I continued to stay with her, and continued to get beaten up by her lover, and she could continue to get her sexual arousal from it? I moodily finished my dinner, and retired to bed after washing my plate.
I wanted to start reducing my dependency on her. Sooner or later, she was going to leave me, it seemed likely. I started moving towards our bedroom, when Kavita spoke, "Don't lock the door, Manu." I turned to look at her. I wanted to ask why. Then I realized, I didn't care. I turned again, and resumed walking when she spoke again, "I'll be joining you after I finish my dinner." So she was going to sleep with me tonight as well? I turned again, and walked towards the dining table. I waited till she finished eating. She didn't speak anything further, but looked at me with what looked like an amused smile. Kavita presently finished her dinner, and washed her plate. I waited for her to join me. She led the way towards our
bedroom. So she hadn't been lying. I followed her. She went in, and waited for me to join her in the room.
I made out to close the door, but she indicated to me, to leave it open. I shrugged, and walked to bed and lay down there. She followed me and lay down beside me. We lay down in silence for a while. My tension was bubbling up, as I lay down. I blurted out after a while, "I hope you had a satisfying time in bed earlier, Kavi."
She smiled at me and said, "As a matter of fact, I did, Manu." I spat at her, unable to control my emotions. She stared back at me, with a mildly pained look. She then wiped her face clean with her sari pallu, before she resumed talking, "I did warn you, Manu."
"Warn me about what, Kavi?"
"I warned you to be proactive about avoiding confrontation with Prem. How many times have I warned you about it?" I looked away. I didn't want to continue this conversation. She persisted, "If you had listened to me, and not tried to be smart and contacted Gowri, none of this would have happened."
"So that justifies what Prem did to me me, right, Kavi?"
"You brought it upon yourself, Manu."
"Fine, Kavi. I get your point. Why sleep here anyway? Your lover-boy must be waiting for you."
"No, he's asleep. He went to sleep long back."
I asked with what I thought was a derisive voice, "Is it?"
She nodded and said, " were locked up here a long time. Prem and I went to bed, and then I started cooking dinner half an hour later, and then Prem had dinner and went to bed, and it's been over two hours since then."
I gulped. She was effectively rubbing it into my nose, yet again, that she had had a satisfying session in bed, with Amir.
"Still, why sleep with me, Kavi?"
"Because I love you, darling, and I don't want you to hurt yourself or do stupid things and cause harm to come to yourself." I laughed aloud, derisively. Kavita shook her head with a disbelieving expression and said, "I was wrong, Prem was right."
I couldn't hold back my curiosity. I asked, "About what, Kavi?"
"About you."
I was interested in knowing what Amir had told her about me. I couldn't hold myself back. I asked, "What did he say about me that you were wrong about, Kavi?"
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She took a deep breath, and said, "He said you would now find it harder to adjust to the changed reality."
"What changed reality, Kavi? There's been not much that has happened after you moved in with your Prem, that I hadn't known about, before."
She shook her head and said, "But you seem to be having more anger issues now. You first went out of the way, inviting your parents deliberately, in a stupid attempt at coercing me into asking Prem to leave. And now, you went out of your way to do something to hurt Prem, something you had never done before."
I scoffed as I retorted, "Oh I'm sorry Kavi. I'll try to be less angry that Prem is destroying every aspect of our marriage."
She shook her head again and said, "Manu...there's no point being angry. Things have changed a lot, and you know it."
She continued, as I gaped at her, "You cannot be Prem, and Prem cannot be you. There is no point in your trying to compete with him where you KNOW you can't compete with him."
"So what do you suggest I should do, Kavi?"
"I don't need to suggest you anything,Manu. Anger is bad for you. And it will hurt your health. I'm making any kind of suggestion only because I love you, OK?"
I smirked at her words.
"Alright, Kavi. You love me, I get it. What should I do?"
"You were far less angry when you used to wear the clothes Prem had gifted you, Manu."
I made a scoffing sound, and ignored her 'suggestion'.
She persisted, "You were more understanding of the changed situation then. Now, you're getting angry and doing stupid things. And I'm afraid it will lead to something bad."
"Like what, Kavi?"
"I don't might hurt yourself directly, or you might hurt yourself by trying to hurt Prem."
I sighed deeply.
So this was her concern?
Why was it her concern at all?
Clearly she didn't care for me any more.
Why did she care if I did something to myself?
Still, she probably knew the truth, deep down. There was no point in avoiding her question.
"Kavi...I won't do anything to hurt myself. You ought to know that about me, by now."
Her eyes brimmed up with tears as she said, "I know, darling. But the frustration is building up for you. Please do think about my suggestion, OK?"
I ignored her phony tears, and asked with polite curiosity, "What suggestion, Kavi?"
"The one I just made, about how you were less angry when you used to wear the clothes Prem got for you."
I sighed deeply.
I said after a while, "I'll think about it, Kavi."
She stroked my chest as she said, "Thanks, darling. Also please do think about the question I had asked you, because I do miss you."
I smirked internally, but took care to not make an audible sound, as I said, "OK, Kavi."
Soon after, I heard her snore.
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