Misc. Erotica Re-marriage 2 (Completed)
Inspired by its prequel written by a different author, I decided to write on a similar theme and hope you all enjoy it. I enjoyed the theme very much in the previous story and my deep regards goes out to the author of the previous story and wholeheartedly thank him for inspiring me. 


Chapter 1

Alok munched on his toasted bread and kept an eye on his whatsapp at the same time, regarding details of an important meeting. At 31, he had taken responsibility of his home successfully and was currently the man of the house in a way. Biting on the toast, he looked up to see his widowed mother Jaya, bring two cups of coffee and sit next to him. Everytime Alok looked at his mother's white saree and blouse, the more he realised his father's absense. 

Jaya, the 52 year old widow, dearly missed her husband for sure, as she had loved him dearly. Somehow she was happy to see Alok all settled and become a responsible strapping young man, who was now helping the family business run. Seing her son munch on the toast, she sweetly ran her palm over his hair and looked at him dearly. Atlast, finishing all the toasts, Alok grabbed his cup and noticed his mother looking at him keenly.

Alok : what are you thinking maa?

Jaya : Beta, it's high time, you get married! I would love to have a bahu, who would be a good friend too! 

Alok : oh maa! Not again...

Jaya : why? Everytime you seem to skip this bit! Hmmm...ok! I won't force you....but make a choice soon! Okay?

"Okay, well catch you in the evening! Bye maa!" Saying so, Alok took his phone and wore his laptop bag, making an exit out of the house. Seing her son leave, Jaya heaved a bit and got up from her chair, heading towards the balcony, from where she just stared at the trees and leaves, wondering how to give meaning to her lonely life. She was just engrossed in past memories with her late husband, when suddenly her mobile rang up. Immediately Jaya rushed to pick the call up. Picking up the phone, she noticed it was her nanad Pushpita. 

Pushpita : bhabhi! How are you?

Jaya : Pushpi! I am fine! What made you call up all of a sudden? Is everything okay?

Pushpita : yes yes! All okay here. Bhabhi, I just came across a new matrimonial website! I think you will love it. 

Jaya : oh! So sweet of you Pushpi! I have been telling Alok for a long time, to get settled with a loving wife! and...

Pushpita : wait! Hold on bhabhi! This....this news is not for him! 

Jaya : (amazed) then regarding who?

Pushpita : for you!!! Bhabhi!

Jaya : what?? Are you crazy??? At this stage I should worry for my son's marriage! Shameless woman!

Pushpita : ohh! Trying to be sweet and innocent?? After bhayia died, can you deny the fact that you haven't felt lonely at all?? Can you deny the fact that you are still yearning for companionship! Can you??

Jaya : but! At this age? You must be crazy Pushpi!

Pushpita : bhabhi! Calm down... You know I am a hardcore feminist! I still feel you can set up a new martial life. And trust me, I even spoke to Alok about this! 

Jaya : what??? Alok never told me anything about this! 

Pushpita : well, ask him when he comes back! Anyway... I am forwarding you the link of the site. Think and choose wisely! Okay bye for now! 

After the call got disconnected, Jaya took a deep breath and felt embarrassed. Her fluffy cheeks flushed red and she felt a tiny stirring inside her. But, did Alok knew about this? And if so, why didn't he discuss this with her? Was he equally embarrassed?. Jaya now continued with her chores and waited for evening to come, so she could confront her son regarding this issue.


At office, Alok wondered around his cabin and thought over his bua's words during the phone call yesterday. One of the reasons he agreed with his bua, was because somewhere deep in his heart and mind, he felt that his mother was indeed lonely and perhaps needed companionship. But being a fully grown up man and moreover her son, he didn't know how to offer the proposal to his own mother, at this age. Suddenly he remembered some particular words said by his bua "oh cmmon Alok! Your mother is quite the buxom lady, she still craves! Trust me". 

Alok was lost in his thoughts, when suddenly he heard a knock on his cabin door. "Come in!". Immediately the door opened and a burly brown skinned middle aged man entered, wearing an untidy pair of jeans and a simple grey shirt with the top two buttons open, exposing a gush of curly black hair below the neckline. There was a raging bull like aura about him. However he behaved humble all the time. The man was Arvind, the union leader of Alok's company. 

Alok : yes Arvind babu?

Arvind : Sir! One of the labourers got injured unfortunately! He needs to be hospitalized.... Soon! 

Alok : oh! Damn... Why wasn't he careful??? You should have taken care of it!

Arvind : (itching the exposed chest hair) ummm sir! I needed a short break! So... 

Alok understood the 'short break' was being referred to the tin of alcohol in his pocket, which he always carried. This attitude of him irritated Alok a lot, but just because of decent records and ability to control the workers, kept him intact in the company. Anyhow, giving permission to hospitalize the worker, Alok soon dismissed him and continued with his work. 

Suddenly his phone rang up, and picking up the call, he realised it was Pushpita bua. 

Alok : yes bua? 

Pushpita : Alok, why didn't you discuss the matter with your mother yet??

Alok : what matt......oh! Well....(feeling shy and reddened) hmm...

Pushpita : Beta, I know it can be very embarassing...but think of her! She still deserves some manly arms to held her! Someone to still hug her! Someone....you are getting it right?

Pushpita's explicit use of words sometimes bothered Alok a lot. But somehow, he did agree with her. 

Alok : yes right bua! ...okay! well today I will... 

Pushpita : it's okay Alok! I whatsapped the site to her, hopefully she might have browsed through by now. Hmmm! Anyway...I will update myself later on this, bye!

After his bua disconnected, Alok pressed his back on his chair and took two to three long deep breaths. He felt something stirr inside him, as he imagined his 50ish mother heaving deep breaths as she browsed over the male profiles. "Wonder what is maa doing right now with the website!". Thinking on this, Alok continued his work and soon the day turned into evening. 


Around 8, Alok returned home and thought over something for a while, before pressing the doorbell. 

Jaya opened the door, greeting Alok and he noticed that she had a blank expression on her face, which neither indicated happiness nor sadness. Soon, Alok rushed to his room and changed into his home shorts and tshirt, while Jaya quickly made some coffee. As always she had wore a fresh white saree with full sleeved white blouse. Soon, mother and son sat with their respective coffees and clearly there was a peculiar silence in the entire room. Looking keenly at his mother, Alok decided to break the silence.

Alok : maa...did you..

Jaya : Alok!! You and your bua, both are absolutely crazy! Specially she! Oh god...

Alok : but..did you see...or..

Jaya : how dare you pound so much aspirations in my heart at this age Alok??? I should be thinking of your marriage and here I am.....(heaving breaths) being provoked to think about me!

Alok : if you want.... you can delete the website from... your..

Jaya : umm no! Its okay..... the sad fact is, your bua knows me better than you do! Hmmm! 

Alok took this as a signal that his mother is equally interested in finding a mate, even at this age. Again some unknown stirrings took place inside him, as he impatiently waited for what his mother would say next. He could clearly see her lips were trembling to utter something and her broad chest was heaving awfully inside the white blouse. Alok couldn't complete his coffee, he just waited for further response from his mother.

Jaya : Alok, can I expect an honest answer from you to whatever I ask you right now? 

Alok : ummm... sure maa!

Jaya : (keeping her coffee cup down and taking a deep breath) will you be okay, if.....if I were to....get involved with a man again?

A strange tension rose in the atmosphere suddenly and Alok and Jaya, both looked elsewhere out of embarrassment. Jaya played with her pallu-end and fumbled on it, while still not being able to look at her son. Meanwhile Alok also felt very deeply embarrassed to reply to this question. But, life had to move on and right now he wanted to know what his mother wanted, rather than he thinking what she should want. After a moment of silence Alok spoke up "maa! Will it make you happy?".

Jaya still fumbled with her pallu end and managed to shamelessly answer "umm actually beta, yes!". Her cheeks reddened at her own reply and Alok took a deep breath before gazing at his mother for sometime and then before he could say anything, Jaya spoke up softly.

Jaya : I even.....(heaving her big breasts) saw certain profiles! ...beta! 

Alok : oh okay! (in mind) maa! You are behaving just like some nymph! Urgh! 

Jaya : Alok! There were many widowers out there, just like me....close to my own age or maybe a litttle younger. I could feel their lonliness and relate to it beta! I know I am being selfish and instead of thinking of getting someone for you, I am aspiring for someone for myself!! Oh! What a horrible mother I am!! (Sadly pouting)

Alok immediately got up and sat besides her, rubbing her matronly shoulders and Jaya also placed her own hand lovingly on his. Alok looked deeply at her and softly spoke up "its okay maa! If you are happy, I have no issues. Just make sure, you choose wisely!". Jaya felt tiny butterflies in her heart as she realised that her son was okay with all this. Soon, both went to sleep in their respective rooms after having decent dinner. Both Jaya and Alok were lost in some brief thoughts before they immersed in a deep slumber.


Around five days had passed and things were normal so far. Alok continued taking responsibilities over his company while Jaya would couch herself with her phone, browsing through the profiles. Two more days passed and on returning home, Alok noticed a glow on his mother's face, everytime she typed something on her phone. Clearly she was chatting with someone for a long time. So much that she would just open the door and wouldn't even ask his son for coffee or even water! 

For the past two days Alok would come home and make coffee himself and pass the cup to his mother, who would be murmuring some song and joyfully messaging on her phone. Clearly Alok noticed she had engrossed so much in her chats that she would easily ignore her own son. This again made something stirr inside Alok, and he wondered what kind of twisted feeling that was, which he was experiencing.

One day Alok went to office and Pushpita happened to call Jaya all of a sudden. At that moment, Jaya had just taken a bath and wrapped in a petticoat and towel, she rushed to pick up the call and on seeing her nanad 's name pop up on the screen, she heaved deep breaths and knew she would be teased awfully. Anyway, she picked up the phone. 

Jaya : hi Pushpi! 

Pushpita : ohho! Hi my dear bhabhi! Your voice looks more lively!! Hmmmm where you been?

Jaya : Just took a bath! Feeling fresh, maybe that's why!

Pushpita : hmmm! With whom?

Jaya : oh Pushpi stop it! (Blushing)

Pushpita : okay well so...whats your search status? Did you....

Jaya : umm well yes actually! 

Pushpita : (excited) ohhhh great! So who is the lucky man?

Jaya : I will give you the details soon! But Pushpi...I hate you even more now!! (Pouting)

Pushpita : ohh why is that bhabhi??

Jaya : why would you ignite desires in me at this age and stage of life?? (Sweetly angry) o am shamelessly chatting with my prospective husband everyday and even ignoring my son on the way!

Pushpita : wait! Ignoring your son? How is that?

Jaya : okay it may sound sadistic and mean, but for the past three days he is doing extra things just for me! He comes home from office and makes me coffee and sometimes...in morning, cleans the vessels before leaving for work! Which normally I did...but ..

Pushpita : (teasingly) but his widowed mother is busy chatting on phone, shamelessly getting involved with a man at this age! Hmmmm

Jaya felt some unknown kinks inside her and she just murmured "mmmmm". Pushpita told her to be herself and enjoy the second innings of her life to the fullest by entering the field again. Jaya listened with whole heart and murmured "mmmmm" only as her nanad kept talking. After they were done, Jaya got back to her messenger and started chatting with a naughty sweet smile on her face. Normally she would call up her son and ask about him during office hours, but for last three days, she was totally into herself and ofcoarse her chat partner. 


Some more days passed and Jaya now would not only message but had started to engage in brief conversations with someone, even after Alok had come from office and he also clearly noticed that messaging had now progressed to talking, but also saw a shining gleam on her face all the time, she chatted with the unknown person. As usual it was him, who made the two cups of coffee and soon his mother would take her cup from his hand and suddenly giggle as she talked, which shook Alok for a bit. 

The very next Sunday, Alok sat with his mother for a brief chat on her matrimonial progress. Jaya looked a bit lost as she cuddled to her sofa portion, while Alok gently nudged her shoulder "maa?". Jaya shook to this nudge and looked at her son sweetly "oh sorry beta! Was thinking on something!". Alok took a deep glance at his mother.

Alok : what is this deep thought maa? And by the way! I didn't know that you had progressed to phone calls from messaging! (A mixture of possessiveness and slight discomfort) 

Jaya : oh! (Smiling) well.. Alok, he is a real charmer! And...had this stange aura to attract with his sweet words! 

Alok : so, are you equally attracted to him??

Jaya : Alok! (Placing her hands over his) he is a widower, just like me! a bit younger, around 47, but we both totally relate to each other's conditions. You know beta! You must be thinking I am ignoring you for past few days, but to be honest, I was just with myself and felt really close to this man, even if I haven't met him! 

Alok : oh! So things are getting deep now! 

Jaya : in a way! But anyway, I still feel awkward talking to you about my future groom! (Felt red on uttering that word) ohh! I don't know what I am saying beta! Forgive me!!

Alok placed his palm over her hands and rubbed softly "it's okay maa, if you are happy, then go for it! I am not a prude bu any means!". At this Jaya smiled sweetly at her son and again butterflies grew from her heart and reached her bulky stomach, making her head burst with desires and future possibilities.
[+] 6 users Like Mintu08's post
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Next update coming up soon.
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Superb concept....
[+] 1 user Likes krantikumar's post
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Is the prequel to this story (Re-Marriage part 1) finished? I dont think so...
So, is still story a stand alone one? Good start to this story though..
[+] 1 user Likes Class123's post
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(08-08-2021, 05:12 PM)Class123 Wrote: Is the prequel to this story (Re-Marriage part 1) finished? I dont think so...
So, is still story a stand alone one? Good start to this story though..

Well, let me begin by saying that I really find the entire theme very exciting and erotic and so, I decided to go for it. 

I sincerely hope the author of the prequel continues his/her story as the inspiration has definately come from there. 

Anyway, be with the story and hope you like it further.
[+] 1 user Likes Mintu08's post
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good start. request to not stop posting like the other author(most stories in this website have that problem)
[+] 1 user Likes icrackediitjee's post
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(08-08-2021, 08:22 PM)icrackediitjee Wrote: good start. request to not stop posting like the other author(most stories in this website have that problem)

Don't worry! Smile
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(08-08-2021, 08:22 PM)icrackediitjee Wrote: good start. request to not stop posting like the other author(most stories in this website have that problem)

Infact that is something that saddens me too, because some of the best Stories are suddenly left incomplete.
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Chapter 2

Everytime Alok left for office, Jaya would joyfully engross herself in flirtatious conversations with her prospective groom and on the other hand, the man himself found delight in shamelessly flirting and seducing his found match. However the most progressive conversation took place one night, when Jaya realized that Alok had gone to sleep and she can freely talk to the man in the dim light of her bed lamp. 

Jaya : you are crazy! You flirt so shamelessly!!

Other side : can't help it! Your pictures are getting me bothered and now we have to meet! 

Jaya : (heart pounding) oh yes! I would love to! We need to move a step ahead now! I believe. You see, my son is getting anxious over our relation and its high time, he knows about us, about you! What about your daughter?

Other side : forget about her! She is still in her early teens and to be honest, she doesn't mind a new mother! Trust me. Anyways, this coming Sunday, why don't you come over to my house, just you, okay?

Jaya : (stirred up) ohh! Umm...it does feel a strange and oh! Anyways..we must take things ahead, so... You can definately expect me on Sunday morning! (Taking heaving breaths deeply)

Other side : okay Jayaji! Good night and see you on Sunday! I am eager to see your curvaceous presense in flesh and blood! 

Jaya pouted "goodnight" and disconnecting her phone, she got up from the bed and switched on the light near her mirror, standing  infront of it and gazing at her figure. She wouldn't be called fat, but her body was awfully voluptuous and melon like breasts, matronly hips, big plump buttocks and a bulging stomach gave her a milfish sexy aura. Jaya for sometime, removed her pallu and stared at her heaving heavy breasts trapped in the white blouse. After years of lonliness, she had felt alive and beaming all over, due to this new man, she met virtually some few days ago. She looked at her voluptuous figure and wondered many things, which made her blush badly. 

"Hmmmm! He has surely seen my picture, but I wonder if he will praise this bulky figure! Oh well! I don't look fat though, but oh, this tummy flesh and that big bum of mine!" Saying so she gazed at herself up to down and then again down to up. Then after sometime, thinking of Sunday, she rushed to the bed and slept peacefully, subconsciously hugging an extra pillow and even rubbing her feet against each other in some kind of wicked anticipations. Unknown to her, Alok was just outisde her room, listening to her murmers and was convinced that she had deeply fallen for the man, he had no idea about. But anyways, he decided to wait and see where things lead to.

That very night, she had a marvelous long sleep!

Throughout the week Jaya continued to have prolonged conversations with the man, she recently had fallen for and whenever given a chance, Alok would observe the excitement and glow on his mother's face, as she chatted. Finally, sunday showed up and Alok was just busy with his phone, when suddenly his mother's room opened up and Jaya came out, wearing an yellowish white saree with a half sleeve white blouse, exposing her robust curvy arms. It had been a while since Alok saw her wearing a half sleeve and he couldn't help but admire her.

Jaya took her purse and Alok noticed her lips were sparkling with a light shade of rose colored gloss and as usual, her hair was tied in a bun, giving her a conservative, yet a stunning look. Before opening the door latch, she again started at her son, who went upto her and held her hands softly "all the best maa!" to which Jaya heaved a deep breath and hugged her son softly, before leaving the house. Alok gazed from the window to see the driver open the door for his mother and soon the car rushed out to its destination. 

Hearing "all the best" from her fully grown son, made Jaya blush a lot, while she sat with thumping heartbeats. Seing the car go, Alok shunned the curtains and wondered what would the future bring for him and his mother. 


Big and itchy butterflies roamed in Jaya's bulky stomach folds, as she sat with a heaving heart and looked at the adress she was heading to. She had an idea regarding the locality and knew it had an ample amount of the dalit and low caste community. Being a high caste ***** herself, she felt thrilled and ackwardly excited at the idea of meeting this man who apparently belonged to a slightly lower caste than her as compared to her high caste late husband, but there was surely some aura about him that seemed to have grabbed her right from the initial few messages they had exchanged on the messenger and then later which proceeded to WhatsApp. 

Soon within a few moments the driver entered a small area which clearly wasn't much clean nor very reputed. Luckily being inside an AC car, Jaya didn't had to bother with the foul stench coming from some tiny cozy spaces within the area, as the car went further untill it reached the society mentioned in the adress given to her. "Park somewhere near and yes, I won't be longer" saying so Jaya got out from her car and swayed her ample figure to the society gate and soon reached the flat mentioned. With a trembling finger, she manged to ring the bell and then waited for the door to open, while taking heaving breaths at the same time. It had been a total five minutes and then Jaya rang the bell again. Her anticipation was almost killing her as she waited for someone to attend the door. 

Then, within a few seconds, the door opened up and Jaya greeted a sweet looking young girl in her early teens. "Are you Jaya aunty???" The sweet child spoke up and Jaya fluffed the girl's hair, smilingly saying "yes beti!". The teenage girl greeted her and Jaya entered the flat and was surprised to see just few plastic chairs instead of a comfy sofaset. Looking at the home condition, Jaya felt awkward, but still the anticipation and thrill of meeting her virtual match was continuosly creating butterflies inside of her. 

Soon, out of tiny curtained room, a burly man, around 48 came out wearing just a white banyan and a blue lungi. He had taken a bath and his wet chest hair looked wet with drops over his exposed chest area. Gazing at him, Jaya got up and took a look from head to toe of this rugged man infront of her. What she didn't know, was that it was none other than Arvind, the union leader of her own son's company. Jaya being a high caste lady had never really believed in the stupid caste system, however the rugged burly brownish man standing infront of her looked quite dominating and something which her soft and demure looking husband lacked. 

Jaya : Arvind!  (Heaving breaths)

Arvind : oh Jayaji, atlast! 

Jaya : (getting closer) just call me Jaya! No excuse to be formal. 

Arvind also went near and both started at each other, clearly creating some kind of tension in the room, which was broken by Arvind's daughter, who stood with a tray of glass of water and some namkeen, while pretending to cough "uughmm! Aunty!". Soon Jaya came to her senses and smilingly sat down on a chair, while Arvind sat on the other. "Renu! Focuss on your homework now! Okay?" Arvind admonished his daughter and shooed her away, just focussing on Jaya's presence. Looking at her attire and aura, he could easily say she belonged to an influential family, however while chatting virtually, he had known her more as a person.

The same could be said about Jaya. While she was involved in the virtual conversations with Arvind, she never really cared about his background, all she cared and enjoyed was the raw flirtatious nature of his and also, sort of a dominant attitude which resulted in thumping heartbeats and internal butterflies after the end of each conversation. Well, currently she was right there infront of him, in flesh and blood and still felt the tiny butterflies inside her. Being the bold guy he was, Arvind gently took one of the hands of Jaya in his rugged palm and rubbed with the other hand, making Jaya witness the contrast of her soft fair hand against his brown hairy one. Her pouty lips escaped an inaudible moan, which only she heard. 

Arvind : glad seing you atlast Jaya!

Jaya : yes....finally we meet! (Strangely blushing)

Arvind : so what made you fall for a lower caste guy like me? (teasingly) 

Jaya : oh Arvind! Stop it... it's not like that, I am not a castist at all! And I am clearly against these foolish things. 

Arvind smiled hearing that and felt more free with her at the moment.   After a while, Renu showed up again with two cups of tea and Jaya honestly was impressed with the teenage girl and her sweet gesture. After Renu left, Arvind took sufficient sips of his tea while he clearly noticed that Jaya was gazing at her cup. Strong milky tea in a small ordinary looking cup was not something she was used to, but anyway she managed to take a small sip and noticed Arvind looking keenly at her. His fiery glance made Jaya shift her big bum on the plastic chair and sit, while a tiny bead of sweat clearly flew down from her forehead to the tip of her nose.

Arvind : maybe you are used to posh cups Jaya! I realise that.

Jaya : (embarrassed) oh! No Arvind! It's not like that.... actually... it's just a matter of habit...and hey, the tea is actually good! 

"Hmm okay, if you say so!" Saying so, Arvind leaned back on his chair and raised his arm, making Jaya wonder what exactly he was upto and soon she was aghast when Arvind started to itch his hairy armpit, right infront of her. This rawness of him surprised Jaya and she looked elsewhere in disgust while Arvind itched his armpit, from where a clear stench of sweat was reaching Jaya's nostrils, making her breathe in disgust. However, soon Arvind was done and again adjusted himself and sat. Looking at Jaya, he boldly asked "did you mind?". 

Jaya : huh what? (Looking back at him)

Arvind : sorry for the behaviour, but I am what I am! Jaya, I am all exposed to you, it's upto to you to choose your next step! 

Jaya had surely found his rawness a bit crude, but some strangely masculine aura about him was pulling her close to him, very slowly. Something her late husband never had, on the contrary he was one of those submissive males, who had always carried insecurity and pretence along all the time, something which she was very sure that even her son Alok had too. But at the moment, she didn't mind these minor things and focussed on Arvind as the naked transparent man, he was. His bold honesty somehow amused her.

Jaya : that's okay! I like men who are themselves! And not some pretentious angel. Let me tell you something at this precise moment! (Making her voice low and bringing her face a little closer) sometimes, I itch underneath my breasts, when alone! 

Arvind smiled widely at this and even Jaya smiled back. Suddenly, Arvind looked deeply at her and got up slightly, bringing her chair more closer to her and again took his seat. A tension clearly creeped into the room, and a strange silence as both Jaya and Arvind could feel each other's breaths. Then, without wasting a single moment Arvind pushed held Jaya's chin and pulled her face more closer, mashing his lips on hers and almost chewing the lips to which Jaya herself felt moistened down there and started to kiss back. A current flew throughout her body, as Arvind continued to chew on lips, first the upper one, followed by the lower lip. Soft munching sounds surrounded the room.

A while later both Jaya and Arvind departed their lips and yet again a clear silence spread throughout the room and Jaya felt her heart thump extremely hard, while Arvind sat back again, throwing a dominant glance at her. Jaya soon again readjusted herself, specially her pallu,  as she realised it had slightly drifted off to her shoulder end. She soon finished the tea and stood up while again looking deeply at Arvind, who looked back at her with equal eagerness. "I must leave now!... goodbye Arvind". 

Arvind opened the door for her and glanced at her big swaying bum for sometime and then the firmly held hairbun, looking at which he thought that someday he will loosen the band, making her thick long hair flow and how he would held each silky strand and play with them, while making love to her. Thinking on all this, Arvind noticed he had a hard-on inside his lungi, which immediately planted a naughty smile on his face.

Getting out of the society, Jaya walked to her car and sat inside and the driver left for home. Seing her gloss smeared lips on the rear view mirror, she immediately blushed deep red and cleared it using her handkerchief, while a naughty smile remained on her face.
[+] 7 users Like Mintu08's post
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Friends, An update in every two to three days is assured from my side. So, be with the story and enjoy!
[+] 1 user Likes Mintu08's post
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(08-08-2021, 08:32 PM)Mintu08 Wrote: Friends, An update in every two to three days is assured from my side. So, be with the story and enjoy!

Thanks a lot..if you keep giving regular updates (subject to you getting time) (& mind you, I am not saying Daily..though that would also be appreciated Smile), readers will be invested in your story and will give you feedback as and when they feel fine.
Thanks a lot and look forward to the next update. As you said, hope you'll not leave this story mid way. Thanks.
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[+] 1 user Likes Papa Makichu's post
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wow what a fucking hot story . let her have sex with him before her  son . may be she will get pregnant with him
[+] 1 user Likes robertkumar809's post
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Nice narration...good story
[+] 1 user Likes krantikumar's post
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The story is really hot, make her pregnant in front of son Pls update
[+] 1 user Likes Fing fing's post
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Damm hot story, update the story fast.... Waiting
[+] 2 users Like Shiva reddy's post
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(10-08-2021, 02:13 AM)Papa Makichu Wrote: Since Jaya knows his 1st husband was weak and had sissy nature, and his son got the same tendencies from his father, the stage is set for jaya and her 2nd husband to humiliate her son. Make it a long erotic story and don't miss a chance to humiliate the son. If possible, get the wife of the son (whenever he gets married) fucked by 2nd husband of jaya, and jaya the mother should be co-operative in arranging the fuck between bahu and step father.

Thanks for the encouragement! That part will surely show up in due coarse of time!
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Thanks to all for all the love shown!
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Chapter 3

The doorbell rang and Alok almost fidgeted on his sofa, before getting up and looking at the door. A strange series of heartbeats took place inside him, as he proceeded towards the door and finally opened it, welcoming a joyful mature woman, who was his mother. Jaya almost rushed inside and sat on the sofa and heaved a deep breath, while Alok turned on the AC. Looking at his mother for sometime, Alok then sat near her and touched her shoulder, which was almost sweaty. This sudden touch shook her and she looked at her son, smiling. In her mind, she was glad she had cleared her lips and the smears around it in the car itself, before facing her son.

Alok : so maa, did you have a....

Jaya : yes beta! I feel happy to meet him atlast. He is quite the decent soul. 

Alok : you still haven't shared the details maa! Who is he, his name? What does he do?

Jaya : oh! Don't be so impatient already, someday I will call him up and invite him in our house and then you can get acquainted with him, now don't just sit here, get me some fresh orange juice! Your maa is helluva tired! 

Alok felt odd, having his mother admonish him in a very stern way and all of a sudden showing a dominant aura, which normally she never had. But since he was used to serving her a bit more over the past few days, he didn't mind and rushed to the kitchen himself to make the juice. Seing her son go out of obedience, made Jaya giggle a bit and strangely aroused at being dominant. She at this age, suddenly was feeling butterflies in admonishing his all grown up son, as if he was that sweet little child she used to scold during childhood. This was a feeling she never understood. Anyways, she didn't feel she was the same person, after having met Arvind.

That very evening, Alok went off for a gathering with friends, while Jaya roamed around the balcony, talking to Arvind on the phone with an open heart and freedom. While Arvind spoke to her, she would often play with her hair traces, that often blew due to the soft breezes in the air around. On the other side, at a low budget bar, Arvind sat on a chair with a small table ahead where cheap liquor was served. Small pegs with a spicy chat was something he was really enjoying at the moment.

Jaya : you keep praising me a lot! Did you always praise your wife like this? 

Arvind : when she was alive, she would sit on my lap and eat from the same plate! And mind you, she was pretty plump! 

Jaya : (excitingly) ohhh! You and your ways! To be honest Arvind! It feels so naughty to first get involved with a man after so many years and then have frisky gossips with him! 

Arvind : hmmm! That's for sure, and you do like it, don't you?

Jaya blushed at his comment and just uttered "mmhmm!". Arvind kept teasing "and having hands held firmly by some manly hands! Right?". "Mmhhmmm!". "And even having the juicy moist lips being smooched and sucked on, like there is no tomorrow, right?". "Hmmmmm yes Arvind!" Jaya didn't realise that as she was talking, she had her free hand rubbing on her robust broad thighs through her white saree and taking immensely deep breaths at the same time.

Clearly Jaya noticed that while talking to Arvind and listening to his words, she was getting pretty moist on her vulva and felt a need to itch down there and she had made up her mind she will. She decided she will speak to Arvind more freely and thinking so, she bent a bit, placing her forearms on the railing, while comfortably holding the phone in one hand and placing the other just below her bulging tummy. 

Arvind : hey, where you got lost? 

Jaya : (shamelessly) you know Arvind, it's not just armpits that itch! There are other places too!

Arvind got the clue and teased her further "then itch! Feel free, it's your body!". Jaya loved being teased by him, for some reason or the other, it really drove her wild. "Should I really itch? I am on my balcony, with many windows and houses facing me around, what if....". Arvind pushed his teasing "to hell with them, if you want to live with me, you better be shameless!". Jaya felt her heart shake at that, and couldn't help herself anymore. Slowly, she moved her fingers very close to her mound and softly started itching at the area. Oh! The sheer wickedness of the action drove her crazy and when she realised that some small amount of dewdrops had flowed to thigh folds, she felt the urge to itch even more.

"Uhhh aahhh uhmm! Ohh!!" Jaya itched on the itchy area and her moans could be clearly heard by Arvind, who anticipated the same amount of moans amplified, when he would fuck her like an animal in heat. Under the table, he couldn't help but grope the groin over his lungi, while he heard Jaya itching herself to self-relief. Jaya was immensely itching herself now when suddenly the doorbell rang, almost enraging her. "Arvind, I will talk to you later!" saying so, she disconnected and resisted her itches, rushing to open the door, thinking that it could be Alok. On opening the door, her eyes widened. 

There standing before her was her neighbour from the next block, a 30 year old woman called Sangeeta with a baby in her arms. She was smiling as she asked "Jaya kaki! How are you?". Jaya controlled her groin itch and tried her best to behave demure and polite. Soon, Sangeeta came inside and forwarding her baby a little ahead, she said "please bless my son, may he being lots of happiness!". "Oh! So a mum finally, congratulations beti! Saying so Jaya unknowingly fluffed the baby's head with the same hand, she itched her saree clad groin with "may your son bring your family lots of joy!". 

Sangeeta smiled and left, making Jaya almost smash the door, closing it and then rushed to her bedroom. Quickly she loosened her saree grip and snaked her hand inside, itching her juice laden area between her fat thighs and groin, and itched the area freely, while mouthing low moans of satisfaction. It had been very long since her vulva gates had opened up, spewing dewdrops and at this age she felt even more naughty, doing this. She itched and spoke to herself at the same time "ohhhh! Feels so good to itch! Aah! Uffff why do the juices make you itchy!!! Oh why???". Unknowingly her face diverted towards her late husband's picture frame and she became even more embarrassed and quickly tied up her saree again. 

"Oh! What is Arvind doing to me?" Jaya gathered herself and sat on her bed. Suddenly she got up and rummaged her draywers untill she found her marriage album. Flipping over the pages, she again admired the red benarsi saree she had wore then and also how handsome Alok's father had looked in his white sherwani. Looking and flipping all over the album, she shuts it, standing still, she heaved many deep breaths, closing her eyes and imagining herself in the same red benarsi,. with white and red bangles along with some previous gold jewellery, around her neck, standing besides a man, who wasn't Alok's father, but a brute of a man, whose raw behaviour had drawn her towards him.

She kept closing her eyes and imagined her at this age, wearing the same red benarsi saree and Arvind walking towards her with a small box of vermillion on his hand, while women and men stood around them. Jaya was almost lost in her imagination when suddenly the doorbell rang, thus breaking her brief imagination and shoving her back to reality. "Ohh! must be Alok!" thought Jaya, as she proceeded towards the door and opened it, welcoming a tired Alok inside. Her son rushed inside and without speaking a word, went straight to his room. Jaya wondered what happened all of a sudden and decided to wait for her son to compose himself and come to the hall. 

Soon, Alok got fresh and in the meantime Jaya made some pakosas quickly. Grabbing the plate by her hand, she sat besides her son and passed the plate to his side "what happened beta? You look angry and upset!". Alok hesitated to speak first, but Jaya kept rubbing his back and kept beckoning him to come out with his words trapped inside his head. Jaya repeated "beta, won't you even share with your maa?". Alok sat straight and sternly spoke "maa, I had to make a tough decision!". 

Jaya : but you were off with your friends, right?

Alok : yes, but I rushed to the factory after that! And....

Jaya : oh! What for? Is everything okay? 

Alok : I...I had to banish someone! He was getting on my nerves!!

Jaya : oh, who?

Alok : the bloody union leader of my company! That bloody swine!!! Hopefully I don't have to see him anymore from tomorrow. 

Jaya : anyways beta! You are done with your stuff, now forget it and have the pakosas. I need both your physical and mental presence for my upcoming days beta! You know that. 

Alok : (calming down) yes maa! I know..

Alok held his mother's hands and rubbed on them softly, while Jaya smiled back at her son and rubbed a palm over his hands in response. However, a sudden questian from her son shook her a bit "so maa, how was your visit to your future partner's house? You met his family?". "Oh! Yes beta, I did......his teenage daughter is very sweet! And....his localty is pretty decent too!". Jaya didn't share the main details with her son, about the cheap localty and moreover the intimacy she shared with Arvind. Wouldn't it be naughty to share those spicy details with her son! wondered Jaya as she blushed again. 

Alok : maa, what thoughts are you engrossed in? 

Jaya : hmm oh what! Oh .. nothing! Hmm, Alok.. finally I have convinced him to visit our house next Sunday! Glad he could carve out some time to visit!

Alok : oh! That's nice, seems like a busy workaholic guy! Well, looking forward to Sunday in that case! 

Jaya smiled and soon mother and son finished off their dinner and retired to their respective rooms. It was sheer difficult for Jaya to sleep alone all of a sudden, as her feet rubbed against each other, while she deeply thought about the moments shared with Arvind and specially the intense smooch that he had planted on her lips and not just that, but a raw dominant aura that had made her immediately submit to the kiss right there. "Oh Arvind! Hold me in your arms! I have been so very lonely!". Jaya kept rubbing her feet against each other, while slowly running her hands right from her saree clad legs to her buxom stomach, tracing along the curves and folds, and from there her fingers ascended towards her pallu and swiftly removed it, exposing her blouse clad ample breasts to the ceiling fan and then, very demurely running her fingers on the cleavage meat. 

"Arviiind....oh Arviiinddd!" Jaya continued her moans and the rubbing of feet along with light careeses on her still buttoned blouse clad breasts, was making her experience a very heavenly arousal and she was enjoyinevery bit of it. Even in the dark, she could feel her late husband facing her through the photo frame. "Is he able to see how horny I am at this very moment! Oh! Hell with him!" Surprised at her own words, she continued to feel herself and soon drifted off to a deep sleep within a few minutes.


Next day, after Alok left for office, Jaya tried calling Arvind atleast a couple of times, but there was no response from his end. With a gloomy grim on her face, the buxom mature widow roamned around the balcony, with thumping heart and some immediate questions in her mind.

"Did he loose interest in me?" 

"Why wouldn't he pick up my call?"

"Oh Arvind! Don't murder this widow's aspirations! Hmm!"

Jaya roamned around with a gloomy face, when suddenly her phone rang up and seing Arvind's name on the screen, made her heartbeats run fast again and calmed her soul. "Oh Arvind!" She moaned like a nymph and picked up the call immediately "Arvind! Where were you???". "Sorry Jaya, I have just been upset! Uhmmm! Just a bit angry also!" came from a gloomy voice from the other end. 

Jaya : why is that so?

Arvind : got fired yesterday! 

Jaya : ohh!! That's sad Arvind.…
Arvind : anyway, fuck it! My boss was one serious son of a bitch! A haramzada!! 

Jaya : hmmm! Just calm down! We will talk over this issue in full convenience tomorrow, okay? 

Arvind : why tomorrow??

Jaya played with her hair strands, falling on her forehead and sexily murmured "you will come to know later". 

Jaya clearly saw Arvind upset and decided to meet him in person tomorrow again at his house, and she wanted this to be a surprise, so they talked for sometime more and soon disconnected from each other. Jaya heaved some deeper breaths yet once again and this always happened whenever she would talk to Arvind. Clearly the man had drawn her to him completely and more than that, one of the reasons of attraction, that Jaya would always feel, was the rawness of his attitude and the sheer contrast with her late husband's persona. Cmparing the two men, Jaya felt butterflies and blushed again.

The fact that she again has to visit the cheap localty to meet this raw prospect, was kind of turning her on in a strange way that she just couldn't figure out, but it did feel good for sure. Jaya had been lonely for such a long time that now, when she got the chance to mingle with a man again, she wanted to be with him physically and mentally. And with Arvind, she had this intense attachment, so much, that hearing his gloomy voice over the phone, made her sad too. "Must be some strange conection, I am having with this bull of a man!" Jaya once again thought about that armpit itching gesture and she again blushed. Despite all this she would visit Arvind again tomorrow morning and this time some more wicked anticipations took place in her mind and heart. 

That very night, Alok returned home, just to see his mother playing absent mindedly with her phone. Seing her like that, Alok went to his room, got fresh and sat besides her. Jaya was still in deep thought and clearly something was there in her mind, an intese expression of being lost was right there in her face. As Alok held her hand, Jaya shook a bit and came back to reality. 

Alok : all okay?

Jaya : umm oh beta! When did you get back?

Alok : a while ago, what is bothering you maa?

Jaya : it's about him! 

Alok : him??...oh! What about him? Is everything alright?

Jaya : beta, he got fired yesterday, very unjustly! Poor guy! At this moment, he really needs a shoulder...so..

Alok : so...you want to visit him again, right?

Jaya : (with thumping heartbeats) umm yes beta! He really needs someone! 

Alok : I am sure he will gather up some job soon maa! You can console on phone maybe! You..

Jaya : (sternly) Alok!! I expect you not to give me advices regarding my relationship! Am I clear?? Gosh! You are typically like your father!!

Jaya had found continuous traces of her late husband in her son, the typical interference attitude, which she hated and looking at her stern expression, Alok decided to quit the topic "okay maa, do as pleased!". Jaya realised she was a bit too stern and soon rubbed her palm on her son's hands "Sorry beta! But it's time, I am sensitive about him and his mental health". Alok just managed to give a sheepish smile and agree with her. Soon both had dinner and rushed to their respective beds. 

While Jaya slept sound, it was Alok who had his eyes open in random thoughts regarding his mother and her match, he had no idea about. Small small things popped up in his mind,. right from the days when his mother would type with a wide smile till the day, she would chat and talk to him, giggling. This made Alok wonder how the man was, in person. "Is he like pappa?" wondered Alok and eventually immersed in a deep sleep. 


Next morning, after Alok left for office and Jaya groomed herself and this time, she dared to go for a white blouse with a bright orange saree. The decision of shading out her white saree habbit and switching back to a colored saree after years, made her stirr and shake a bit from inside, but she realised that since her life was about to get colored again, she would start from her saree! Why not? She thought. Dbanging the orange saree over her white blouse, made her sort of pre-orgasm, which she sort of realised. Anyhow, after getting done with her saree adjustments, she now focused on her face and this time, she went for a deep red gloss with a very light make-up, making her lips look quite kissable. A sleeveless white blouse with an orange saree was making her look quite ravishing and the red gloss on her lips beckoned her to even paint her nails a bright red. 

Getting groomed like this after years of widowhood, again created butterflies inside her bulging stomach and as she heaved a deep breath, the front flesh bulge on her stomach shake a bit, making Jaya give a sigh and reach for her purse. Outside the house, the driver was amazed to see his maalkin shade her white saree and switch to a colored one after quite a long time. Noticing the driver observing her from head to toe, made Jaya blush and she immediately sat behind and soon the car proceeded towards Arvind's localty.

Opening the small mirror, Jaya kept an eye roaming all over her glossed lips to the slight purplish cheeks and wondered what engagements will Arvind and she have today. Once the car reached the localty, her heart rushed like a wondering deer to and fro. Soon, the car stopped and Jaya adjusting her saree, got up and proceeded towards Arvind's flat. Once again she rang the bell and stood still with heaving breasts, trapped in the confines of the white blouse. 

Around five minutes passed...

And then!

The door opens and a surprised Arvind glues his eyes to Jaya and scans up her from head to toe, gazing at her lavish bright orange saree, contrasting amazingly with her white sleeveless blouse. This appearance of the mature beauty made him forget about the rage of his pink slip and soon, Jaya entered smiling calmly. As Jaya smiled, Arvind couldn't help but look at her shiny red lips. His cock clearly started its coarse of arousal, however he decided to stay calm and sat on a chair, just besides Jaya's. 

Arvind : (helding her hands) so nice of you to come again!

Jaya : hmmm! Aren't you surprised by my surprise visit?

Arvind : (rubbing her hands) nope! I had a feeling you wouldn't resist a second visit for long! 

Jaya : hmmm! You know too much! 

Jaya realised that Arvind's hands were a bit clammy, and she had no idea was it sweat or something else completely, and yet he was rubbing one her fresh hands with so much ease and grip, that Jaya didn't feel the need or courage to ask him to stop. As Arvind's hands kept rubbing, Jaya's breathing grew longer and yet once again a tension rose in the room. Power failure had resulted in cupous amount of sweat on Arvind's full body and his banyan almost looked stuck to his sweaty skin, and a clear stench of pungent sweat glands hit Jaya's nose, making her strangely aroused and even Arvind sensed that. 

However Jaya broke the silence soon!

Jaya : what exactly happened at the workplace?

Arvind : oh! Just forget it.... That son of a bitch!! Glad I got rid of him

Jaya : it's his misfortune that he got rid of a hard working guy like you! (Rubbing his sweaty hands with her fresh ones)

Arvind : (kinkily) oh! How would you know how 'hard working' I am!

Jaya blushed at that comment and soon realised that she was getting as sweaty as Arvind due to lack of cool air in the room. Moreover, it was Arvind's pungent sweat that was continuosly arousing her and yet she heaved up her big ample blouse clad breasts, rubbing her now clammy palms on Arvind's very sweaty hairy hands. The already hot room grew hotter with tension.
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Amazing..Keep going !!
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