Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 21 Pt. 3

I woke up to fading sunlight. It was past dusk.
I got up and off the bed frantically. Amir would have gotten home.
I got to the hall, fearful that he might be fucking Kavita right then.
Thankfully, that was not to be. He was seated with her, in the hall, watching TV.
As I approached, Kavita got up and smiled, and asked if I wanted tea.
I said yes, and she bustled off towards the kitchen.
Nervously, I drew up to the sofa and sat down.
Presently, Kavita came over and gave me my tea, then she picked up Amir's empty cup and went back towards the kitchen.
As she disappeared towards the kitchen, Amir got up and slowly strode towards me. I followed his approach as I nervously drank my tea.
Standing over me, he grinned and said,
"So, got your cast off eh?"
I nodded.
He leered, then continued,
"Then why aren't you wearing your home clothes, P.B?"
I stared him in the eye, and said,
"Because I'm not going to, Amir."
I stared at him and said,
"Beat me again if you want, Amir. I'll fight you and if you win, you can break my arm again."
He stared at me for a few seconds, then grinned,
"Oh, I don't need to fight YOU, P.B. I can teach you your place in a much more pleasurable manner."
I winced as he used the words 'my place'.
Those had been my own thoughts the previous Friday, when he had put his foot on my head, as I had given Kavita oral sex, and licked his juices out of her pussy.
I stared at him, trying to figure what he meant.
He grinned and bent down and whispered,
"If you try this silly defiance routine, know what I CAN do...I CAN fuck your wife tomorrow, right in front of that repair crew that will be here..."
I could feel the blood leave my face as he articulated that threat.
He grinned maliciously, and then picked up my empty tea cup and saucer, and walked towards the kitchen.
I got up, and my eyes followed him.
As he got to the kitchen doorway, Kavita met him there and said,
"Oh, thanks Prem!"
And as I watched, she kissed him.
My stomach dropped.
If this is how Kavita was going to behave in front of me, she wouldn't have any qualms about cooperating with Amir if he sought to make good his threat.
I walked towards the kitchen as Amir walked back, grinning as he passed me.
I told Kavita,
"Kavi, I'm feeling sticky, it's been a hot and unusually sultry day, I think I'll go take a bath."
She said,
"Sure, go ahead, Manu."
I went to the bathroom, ready to have a bath by myself, for the first time in nearly two weeks.
I hadn't done that humiliating chore of shaving off my body hair either, in that period.
I closed the bathroom door, and started shaving, starting with my underarms, then my chest hair.
I paused as I considered shaving my legs. I decided against it. I didn't have to submit THAT FAR, to meet his terms.
I finished up, and had my bath quickly.
I dried myself, and put on a pair of black panties, that I had already taken from the shelf before my bath. I then went to our bedroom, and put on the lavender pyjama set. I walked out into the hall.
Amir grinned in his nasty manner as he saw me. I averted my eyes.
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Kavita joined us a short while later. She beamed radiantly when she saw me.
It didn't make me feel good at all. She tried to make small talk during dinner, but I ate listlessly.
I retired to bed right after dinner. Maybe Amir would fuck her right now. I almost didn't care, any more.
Kavita joined me in bed a short while later.
She snuggled up to me and said,
"Am glad you did the sensible thing, Manu."
I kept quiet.
She then continued,
"Besides, these clothes do suit you well."
Even with my back facing her, my face went red. She couldn't see my face, yet my face went red, just on hearing those words from her.
She didn't speak any more, but just rubbed my chest a couple of times.
Soon, I heard her snoring. She was asleep. Evidently happy and satisfied, having put me 'in my place'.
I tried to think of the positive: Amir now knew I was not going to be bullied over, physically. And he was aware that I would fight back. And he didn't seem keen on fighting physically, either.
That was a definite positive thought. It helped me go to sleep.
I waited the next morning, for Kavita and Amir to return from the gym. I prepared coffee for them again.
Kavita decided to make breakfast early, as Prem was hungrier than usual that day. I didn't have any objection. Not that my objection would have mattered, I thought to myself wryly.
After breakfast, I watched TV briefly, until I got a call on my cell from the repair crew, confirming that they were on the way.
The phone call from the repair crew, to an extent, jolted me awake.
I couldn't be in THESE clothes in front of them.
I hurriedly went to our bedroom, and changed back into the shorts and the t-shirt that I had been wearing at first, the previous evening.
When I came back from our bedroom, Kavita asked me,
"Manu, who was that phone call from?"
I answered,
"The A/C repair crew, Kavi. They were confirming that they were on their way."
She screeched,
"Oh my God, why didn't you tell me? I haven't even had my bath yet!"
And she hurriedly went into our bedroom and closed the door. I noticed that she had still been in her workout clothes.
Momentarily, Amir came up behind me and whispered in a threatening tone,
"Why aren't you in your home clothes, P.B?"
I jumped. As I turned to face him, he was frowning maliciously.
He had had his bath by then, and was wearing shorts with one of those tight sleeveless t-shirts he loved to wear, to strut his physique. It made me uncomfortable, and that seemed to make him strut, even more.
I said with as much confidence as I could muster,
"I can't wear them in front of other people, Amir."
His face went grim, as he said,
"I didn't tell you that you can't wear them in front of other people, P.B."
I said with as much confidence as I could muster,
"You don't run my life, Amir."
He grinned in his evil manner again, as he said,
"You'll pay for this, P.B."
I had nothing further to say. What could he do? He had already fucked Kavita enough times. What worse thing could he do?
I wasn't too afraid, but I still felt a mild sense of dread of the unknown.
After about fifteen minutes, I heard the bell ring, and I walked up to the door.
There were a group of three people standing there. They seemed to be the repair crew.
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I didn't think this was a three man job. I had thought two people could have done it, in the worst case. I already had second thoughts about this repair crew.
I recalled that they had been put across to me by Kavita, who in turn had got their contact information from Amir. The discomfort only grew now.
I let them in, and one of them stayed in the hall while a couple of them went downstairs to get some more equipment. The guy who stayed upstairs asked me where the main electrical power control was, and I pointed him to that.
I noticed now that our bedroom door was open. So Kavita had had her bath, and had gone to another room in the meantime. Presumably the kitchen, I thought.
The remaining two people came back, and I motioned the crew towards Amir's bedroom, where the non-functioning A/C was installed.
At this point, Amir rose and asked,
"Wait a minute, aren't you going to even ask them their names, Manu?"
I stared at Amir.
Who was he to tell me how to behave with a repair crew I was paying?
And yet, a part of what he said rung as 'fair'.
Perhaps I shouldn't have mechanically motioned them to where they were going to work.
I turned to face them and held out my hand and said,
"Hi, I'm Manu Sharma."
Each of them took turns to introduce themselves.
The guy who had stayed back introduced himself first, smiling,
"Hi, I'm Sunil. I'm the one in charge of this repair job."
The other two guys now came forward,
"Hi, I'm Santosh."
And then the third guy,
"Hi, I'm Pervez."
I hadn't paid much attention to that aspect of my own personality, until then. I generally didn't pay much attention to work crews, who the individual people were. I had tended to regard it professionally, rather than as people doing their jobs. Maybe Amir had a point there.
Presently Amir grinned as he waved his hand and said,
"You know me, guys. Am Amir."
So Amir didn't just know their contact information. He knew the crew.
Maybe they had done some work at his office. Still, it made me uneasy, that Amir knew the crew members already.
I asked the crew, to make conversation,
"So how long have you guys been doing this kind of work?"
Sunil volunteered to answer on behalf of all three of them,
"I've been doing this for three years now. They started a year after I did."
So they had a little bit of experience. They weren't too old, they all seemed in their mid to late twenties.
I was presently about to motion them towards Amir's bedroom again, when Kavita's voice rang out from the kitchen,
"Just a minuteeee...."
I waited as she presently came out of the kitchen.
She walked over to where we were standing.
I was seeing her after her bath, for the first time today. I did a double-take as I saw her.
She was wearing a bright yellow saree, with a matching blouse. Both the saree and the matching blouse had a design of tiny mirrors on them. It was an attractive outfit. Further, she had worn the saree significantly lower than she usually did, and it exposed more of her curves than I had been used to. She had tied her hair down in one bunch with a hair clip, so it flowed over her shoulders, and down her back.
This saree-blouse combination was definitely a new set of clothes. I had never seen her in this saree-blouse set, before.
Had Amir got her these clothes? It was probably the case. While the clothes did make her look very good, I was also jealous, that Amir had bought her nice looking clothes that I couldn't really object to.
Unlike the tight black pants, these clothes weren't obscene. They made her look even more gorgeous.
She presently held her right hand out and said,smiling, in a gushing voice,
"Hi, I'm Kavita Sharma."
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Each of the crew members nervously held their hand out and shook her hand and introduced themselves.
Evidently, they were as uncomfortable with this as I was.
I didn't think the wife of the man of the house generally went introducing herself to work crews. Still, she had come and introduced herself and I couldn't really object to it.
Presently, Kavita said, smiling towards the crew,
"Would you boys like some tea before you get started? I have tea ready, I just have to pour it out."
I winced at her use of the word 'boys'.
Granted they were young, probably younger than us. But that didn't mean it called for that kind of language. They were still just a work crew.
In the meantime, Sunil nodded, in assent for the suggestion of a cup of tea.
Presently, Kavita turned and walked towards the kitchen.
As she turned and walked towards the kitchen, my eyes followed her. As they did, I did a double-take, yet again.
The blouse she was wearing was a backless blouse.
It was held together at the back by just three knotted strings.
I couldn't help gaping at my own wife.
I had seen her in a backless blouse before: during our wedding reception.
But the saree she had been wearing then was itself worn more conservatively, and I didn't feel then like she was 'flashing' her body.
Now, it felt like she was. Like she was flashing her body, her curves, for the benefit of Amir, for the benefit of this crew.
Presently, Kavita returned with a tray having five cups on it. She held out the tray to each of the crew members, and then to Amir, before finally holding the tray with the last cup of tea out to me, smiling sweetly.
I was still gaping at her, and it took me a few seconds before I took the teacup.
We presently drank our tea, and one by one, she took the teacups back on the tray.
She then turned and walked towards the kitchen with the tray.
Nervously, I motioned towards Sunil,
"Can we start now?"
He grinned and led his crew, with their equipment, into the bedroom.
The crew got to work. They disconnected the A/C, then opened it up and started doing their work, their tests.
I joined them in the bedroom, keeping an eye on them. It wasn't for lack of trust, but if something went wrong during their repair, I didn't want them covering it up.
After a while, I became conscious that the crew members at times appeared distracted. It was as though they were doing their job, but looking up in my direction.
Were they uncomfortable with my 'oversight'?
Presently, Sunil asked one of the others to pass him a piece of equipment from their box. The box had been set on the floor, beside the foot of the bed.
Since they were each doing their own thing, I walked across to the box, to see if I could find the piece he had mentioned.
As I did, I walked past the mirror on the far wall.
In the mirror, I saw something that increased my dread manifold.
Amir was standing about three feet behind where I had been standing, just outside the doorway to the bedroom.
Kavita was standing beside him.
Amir wasn't just standing. He had put his hand over Kavita' exposed waist. And he hadn't just put his hand there, he was fondling her waist.
I was shocked to see that. In a daze, I picked up the equipment I hoped Sunil referred to, and passed it to him.
I walked back, head downwards, towards where I was standing.
I didn't walk all the way. I stopped at a spot where I could get a view of Kavita and Amir, in the mirror.
He was still fondling her, kneading her fair-skinned belly with his dark hands.
I went red with shame, as I took in his brazen actions.
And I felt a further wave of humiliation pass over me, as I took in Kavita's complicity in this.
She KNEW what he was doing.
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And she was not objecting to it.
In effect, she was encouraging him, goading him on.
And this was amplifying my misery, my feeling of shame.
I now realized why the crew seemed distracted.
I noticed now, that hey were looking in the direction of the doorway, even after I had moved to the new spot.
So they weren't really uncomfortable with my 'oversight'.
They were just watching this brazen display, from Amir. Of his hold over my wife, of his relationship with my wife. His brazenly rubbing it in, right under my nose.
Had I not caught it in the mirror, I might not have known at all, what was going on behind me.
I now regretted in a way, having walked across and seen this in the mirror.
Maybe I would have been better off being a clueless fool, who didn't know what was going on right behind my back, literally.
I wouldn't have to face this brazen display, and go through the humiliation it was making me feel, right now.
Several times, I considered turning around, walking up to Amir, and confronting him on it.
But it would do no good. The crew was working, it would cause a scene in front of them, and it wouldn't change what had been happening, anyway. The crew probably knew enough about what was going on between Kavita and Amir, by now.
The crew carried on working for some time. Amir took breaks in his fondling of Kavita, but he did persist with it.
Kavita made a second round of tea, as the work of the crew stretched.
Presently, Sunil informed me that the A/C seemed to be working now, that they had to change one part for which they had the spare available with them.
He also said that we were lucky, that there hadn't been any damage done to a part that they couldn't replace on-hand, and were able to find the problem without having to take it in to the shop.
I nodded distractedly. My mind was elsewhere. On this brazen, wanton display of Amir's control over my wife Kavita, and to an extent, her lust for him. Why else would she permit him to do all this, before all these people? Didn't she respect me at all?
Presently, Sunil plugged in the A/C, and asked me to leave it on for some time.
The crew now lumbered out to the hall, as I followed them. Kavita and Amir had broken apart, and were standing a couple of feet further away, still close to the doorway of Amir's bedroom.
Sunil presently wrote me out a bill, and I inspected it before paying in cash.
I led the crew towards the door, grateful that they would see no more of this wanton display.
The three of them stepped out, and started walking towards the stairs.
I was about to close the door on the crew, when Pervez stepped back up, saying,
"Hang on, Manu Sir, I think I left something in the room."
I opened the door for him, as he stepped past me.
And as I looked in the direction of Amir's bedroom, a nameless fear shot through me.
Kavita and Amir were no longer there with us, in the hall.
With a thumping heart, on leaden feet, I followed Pervez.
As Pervez got to the threshold of the bedroom door, I heard him say,
" sorry."
He then stepped in. With my legs feeling even heavier, I followed him in his footsteps, a few feet behind.
When I got to Amir's room, this was what I saw:
Amir was standing up a couple of feet away from the bed, facing away from it.
Kavita was lying on the bed, in a face down position, though her face alone was tilted sideways, towards the bedroom door.
The knots on the back of her blouse were all undone. Her back was bare, other than for the blouse still hanging on to her through her arm sleeves and a part of the pallu of her saree, which came around the middle and right side of her back.
She had pulled the pallu of her saree over her face, as though covering it out of shame/embarrassment. I could even see her chest heaving.
She didn't seem embarrassed about lying down like that, in Amir's bed, with the string knots of her blouse undone, exposing her bare back. She wasn't trying to cover THAT up.
Presently, Pervez stepped out with a tool he had left behind, and hurried towards the door.
On rubbery legs, I followed him.
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I did not speak to Pervez. He did not speak to me. He just stepped out and left. And I shut the door finally, glad this humiliation was over.
I stood there for a couple of minutes, trying to get over the shameful experience I had gone through.
I would have to confront Kavita about this brazen behavior. Today. There was no point delaying it.
I was thirsty as well. My throat was dry, from all the swallowing I had been doing. Especially, the sight I had just taken in, of Kavita on Amir's bed, for the first time, that too in that suggestive manner, had left my throat dry. If I was going to have to confront her, I thought I might as well drink some water first.
I drank some water. As I did, I choked as I heard a sound: a sound I had by then heard many times, a sound I had resigned myself to, and yet dreaded hearing, right then.
I looked towards the bedroom door. It was open, there was sunlight coming through from inside the room.
I walked towards the room on trembling legs. I turned into the threshold to the doorway, when I met with a sight that was worse, much worse, than what I had just seen, a few minutes back.
Kavita was kneeling on Amir's bed, supporting herself with her arms.
The only piece of clothing on her person was her partially undone blouse, still hanging on to her by the sleeves of her arms. Her torso was arched downwards.
And Amir's penis was pumping away, in and out of her pussy, fucking her into oblivion.
I was shocked beyond anything I had seen, heard, until then.
I knew they had been doing it. She knew that I knew it. But until now, it had never happened in front of my eyes.
I had subconsciously known for a while, that I would probably have had to face this moment, some day.
Kavita's face was looking downwards. She couldn't see me. Amir could if he turned, but he was focusing on what he was doing, gripping her hips as he thrust in and out of her.
I now saw that Amir was wearing just his sleeveless t-shirt. His shorts and underwear lay by the bedside. His long snake-like penis seemed to be buried deep in her. I couldn't see the head of his penis at all, even though he was thrusting in and out.
And now, as though enough harm hadn't been done to my ego, for the first time, I SAW, and heard Kavita moan,
"Aaaaaaaah...Aaaahhhhh...slower please, Amir....Aaaaaahhhh...."
I couldn't stand it any more.
The brazenness, to flaunt it before other people, and now, to go this far, before ME.
The complete lack of respect for ME.
The total disdain for ME.
I stepped away, and walked towards our bedroom.
I lay down in bed, and started sobbing uncontrollably.
This was, surely, the last straw.
There were no straws left to grasp at.
There was nothing to hang on to: no love, no kindness, no consideration, no respect, no hope, nothing at all.
The tears kept rolling down my cheeks.

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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 22 Pt.1

I lost track of how long I had lain in bed sobbing.
Various things went through my mind during that time.
One of my first thoughts was about Kavita's behavior just THE PREVIOUS DAY.
She had come to pick me up, to take me to my doctor's appointment.
She had then nearly burst into tears when she saw me ignoring her phone calls.
And now, she had done this. The very next day.
There wasn't much doubt in my mind, that what had happened today was premeditated. Even if I had listened to Amir, and worn one of the humiliating pyjamas he had 'gifted' me while the repair crew had been there, I doubted very much that what had been happening in the other bedroom, wouldn't have happened.
She would have let Amir do it so brazenly, so openly, so humiliatingly, anyhow.
It was a mistake on my part to have seen her eyes brimming with tears, and actually assume she cared for me.
It was all one big act, from her. She was pretending to love me, every now and then, so that she could continue humiliating me in this manner, or continue conniving with Amir in humiliating me in this manner.
At this point, I couldn't even be sure SHE was conniving with him, and not the other way round.
Our marital trust had completely broken down. At this stage, I even questioned my assessment of whether it would be worse to lose her permanently to Amir.
Perhaps I had ALREADY lost her permanently to him, and was just not acknowledging it.
Perhaps what I had been witnessing was the slow unraveling of our marriage.
There was nothing left to try retain. I might as well 'cut my losses' and get out.
And yet, there was a part of me that was unwilling to do it: surely she couldn't have been pretending so many times? And what about the previous four years BEFORE Amir had resurfaced in her life?
Presently, I noticed Kavita was standing at the doorway to our bedroom.
I hurriedly wiped my tears away, and looked in the other direction.
I didn't even want to set my eyes upon her.
I heard a couple of footfalls, and felt her shadow cross over me.
I turned to look in her direction: she was now standing by the bedside.
She asked, with concern in her voice, "Are you OK, Manu?"
I didn't answer. I wasn't going to fall for the feigned concern again.
She put her hand on my shoulder and said, "I saw you crying. Are you OK, Manu?"
I blurted out, "Yeah, am OK, Kavi. Prem must be waiting for you, why don't you go and have sex with him in the balcony? That way more people can know."
She drew a deep breath and said, "I see. So that's what you're upset about?"
I kept quiet.
"You're upset that one of the crew people saw us in a somewhat compromising way, is that why you're upset, Manu?"
My rage rose.
I spat out sarcastically, "Yeah, just keep it under wraps and I SHOULD be totally fine with it, right, Kavi?"
She sighed and drew a deep breath, and said, "This has been coming for a while now. But it had to happen."
I didn't reply. I didn't want to think about what she was talking about.
She then said briefly, "We need to talk."
I got irritated again, "What's there to talk about, Kavi? You've made things pretty clear to me since Prem's arrival."
I then corrected myself, "Amir's arrival."
She went red at this.
"I've always known him as Prem. He'll be insulted if you call him 'Amir' in front of him, he thinks its unfriendly."
"Don't lie to me, Kavi. You didn't call him 'Prem' in bed."
She blushed a deep red as she blurted out, "That's different. You don't know what you're talking about."
I smirked.
She turned back, and walked towards the bedroom door.
Amir appeared, framed in the doorway of our bedroom.
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Kavita spoke, addressing him, "Prem, I'd like some time alone with Manu. Can you please go out for some time? I'll call you when you can return."
He growled menacingly, and took a step into the bedroom, as he said, looking at me insolently, "Maybe I should stay, Kavi."
She persisted, "I can take care of myself, Prem. Go ahead and leave. I'll call you when you can come back, OK?"
He grudgingly moved towards the door.
Unconsciously, I got up from the bed, and came to watch him leave.
I was sure she would kiss him on his way out. It would be more proof that she was lying.
She didn't. Amir just gave me a cold look, and she shut the door and latched it, after he left.
Kavita turned to face me. She said, "Let's go to our bedroom and talk, Manu. It will be more comfortable there."
I persisted, "What's there to talk about, Kavi? You've made your wishes, your preferences, your desire, your likings, your HEART, quite clear."
She sighed.
She said again, "Let's go inside and talk, OK?"
She walked past me.
I felt a pang as she walked past me. She was dressed still, in that absolutely gorgeous yellow saree and the backless blouse.
I could feel my penis twinge in my panties, as she passed me. In spite of all that had happened.
I followed her in. Presently, she closed the windows. I guessed she was trying to to make it harder for neighbors to overhear. She should have expected voices to get raised in this 'conversation' she seemed to be planning.
She sat beside me on the bed, by the side of my feet.
There was a long silence.
She broke the silence finally, with, "Let me ask you first: do you hate me now, Manu?"
I stared at her.
And then I realized what she was doing. Playing passive-aggressive.
I spat back, "YOU sleep with another man, Kavi. A man who bullies me all the time, and enjoys humiliating me. You join him and rub it in my face. And you're accusing ME of hating you?"
She asked, "So do you think I hate you, Manu?"
I stared at her again.
"I don't know if you hate me, Kavi. But I know you despise me. You have no respect for me. And I don't think you love me."
She asked, after a pause, "So you think I've been living with you all these years, without loving you?"
"I don't know, Kavi. It seems like you've never loved me, and you were just waiting for a chance to get back together with your boyfriend."
She turned red at this, and her voice grew angry.
"What do you mean 'boyfriend', Manu? HAVEN'T I told you before that Prem isn't my boyfriend?"
"That's what you told ME, Kavi."
"What does that mean, Manu?"
"That's not what you told other people, Kavi. That's not what you tell other people."
"Wait a minute. WHAT do I tell other people about Prem?"
"You tell them that he's your boyfriend, Kavi."
"And you know this how, Manu?"
"I've been told so, and I've heard them say so to other people."
"I have no idea what or who you're talking about, Manu. Can you be specific?"
"The restaurant manager at Prem's favorite restaurant, Kavi. He told me that you told him that he was your boyfriend. Prem, that is."
"What utter rubbish, Manu! I NEVER told him any such thing!"
"That's what he told me, Kavi."
"And you trust HIS word over MINE, Manu? Am I your wife or some stranger you met on the street?"
"Why should he lie to me, Kavi?"
"Why should he lie, Kavi? Maybe you're lying because you're scheming something even now."
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"Why should he lie? Maybe you did something to piss him off and he decided to invent something to piss you off!!!"
I went red as she said this.
It was plausibly true. It was the first thing she had said during this conversation, that had a ring of some plausibility.
I had been impatient that evening. Because I wanted to get back home quickly. And I did sense that the manager may have gotten irritated with me, as I tried repeatedly to get him to end his conversation. And the manager had behaved like a decent human being the next time I had met him, with my left arm in a cast.
"You described him as your boyfriend to Arun, Kavi."
"BULLSHIT! I did no such thing!"
"I overheard him say so, the other day, Kavi. And to a third party. I wasn't even with them, so there was no question of trying to piss me off."
She went red as I told her this.
"Did Arun tell this third party that I told him Prem was my boyfriend?"
"Yes, Kavi. He told him you said Prem was your Ex-Boyfriend."
"Why did you have to tell him that, anyway, Kavi? You didn't even tell ME that."
"I told him that because PREM first introduced himself as my boyfriend to Arun, OK? I said ex-boyfriend to CORRECT Prem, not to tell Arun something that I hadn't told YOU!!!"
I gulped as she said this.
Not only did it sound plausible, it also made more sense, than what I had imagined.
But end of the day, we were now splitting hairs on a name. When the root of the matter was not a name.
"Boyfriend, Ex-Boyfriend, what does it matter, Kavi? You've been sleeping with him. Same way you used to sleep with him when he used to be your boyfriend."
She went a deep red at this. She paused, and her chest started heaving as she finally spoke, "First of all, Manu: You have no idea what I did or didn't do with Prem, when he used to be my boyfriend."
"So you admit that he used to be your boyfriend, Kavi?"
She went red, and drew a deep breath before answering, "Yes."
"And you hid it from me, Kavi."
Her expression grew wistful as she spat back, "Yeah, like you are so forgiving and understanding of the fact that it's my PAST, right, Manu?"
I continued, undeterred, "You even used to sleep with him, Kavi. Prem told me so."
"Oh yeah, believe the restaurant manager. Believe Prem. Don't believe ME, who am I, am just your wife, right?"
"Are you telling me that you didn't sleep with him when he used to be your boyfriend, Kavi?"
"Did I say that?"
"Then what Prem said was true, right?"
"I have no idea what Prem told you, Manu. If all he said was that I had slept with him, yes, that's true."
I looked up, and scanned her face. I was hoping to detect some embarrassment, some shame, over her words, her confession about her past.
I could detect nothing.
At least, the cat was finally out of the bag. What Prem had told me was true.
He had taken my Kavita's virginity. When he 'used to be' her boyfriend.
And now, he was back, in her life. And in her bed, replacing me for all practical purposes.
I continued, "And you're now sleeping with him the same way you used to sleep with him, when he used to be your boyfriend, Kavi. Why bother with a name? Boyfriend, Ex-Boyfriend,Lover, how does it matter what name I use to describe what Prem is, to you?"
"It matters to ME! Because it tells me whether you would TRUST me at all! If you would trust some stranger you know NOTHING about rather than trust ME, then that shows exactly where I fit in your scheme of things, Manu! And you STILL have no idea what I USED to do or DIDN'T USE to do when Prem used to be my boyfriend, OK?"
"I did trust you, Kavi. And you repaid my trust by inviting your boyfriend home and sleeping with him again."
"I see no difference, Kavi."
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She snorted at this, and said in a sarcastic manner, with intone, "That I am not surprised by. You are evidently slow not merely in bed."
I went red at this taunt. Even though there was some hidden meaning to it, I let it pass. The barb stung me more.
"Yeah, Kavi, I get the idea, I am slow in bed, your Prem is better than me in bed. You've made your point. What do you want me to do now?"
"Did I say Prem was better than you in bed, Manu?"
"Not to me, Kavi. You obviously tell him so, in bed."
"And you know this how, Manu?"
I snorted with derision. "Ohhh Come on, Kavi. I've known for weeks that you've been sleeping with your Prem. I've even heard you moan in bed with him, so many times."
There was a long pause.
After the pause, she asked, "Did you hear me moan to Prem that he was better than you in bed, Manu?"
I stared at her.
I actually hadn't heard her say that. In all these times that I had overheard them make love.
I had almost always been at a distance, near the window. Once, locked in our own bedroom. Still, it hadn't struck me until then, that if her moans had been audible, surely I should have been able to hear more of their talk in bed. I HAD heard snippets of their conversation, but only the first time.
I stayed silent. She interpreted my silence with a snort, before continuing, "Moving on, Manu: you've been overhearing us in bed many times, really?"
I gulped as I stared at her.
My tongue was glued to my throat. She proceeded, "So tell me this, Manu. Why did you wait till TODAY to kick a fuss?"
I stared at her again.
I knew why I hadn't kicked a fuss before.
In part, I had been intimidated of Prem.
But more importantly, I feared that if I confronted her, I would drive her into Amir's arms. And I had wanted to avoid that, until today.
What happened today was effectively 'the straw that broke the camel's back'. I had decided after today, that it wasn't worth it any more, to avoid the confrontation in the hope of not driving her into Amir's arms. Because that seemed to be happening, anyway.
I couldn't tell her that. It would only drive her into his arms with a vengeance. Just to humiliate me more, she would do so.
She was staring at me. Presently she asked,
"You don't KNOW why you didn't kick a fuss before today, Manu?"
I tried to throw it back in her court, evading the question.
"Why do YOU think I didn't kick a fuss before today, Kavi?"
She went red as she answered in a raised voice, "Do you REALLY want to know?"
I shouted back "YES, Kavi."
"I think you kept quiet, Manu, because YOU never really had any kind of attachment over me."
As I processed those stinging words, tears welled up in my eyes again. She waited as I wiped my tears away.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 22 Pt.2

She then drew a deep breath, before continuing, "Am sorry if it hurts, Manu. But that's the way it appears to be, to ME. That you have no attachment over me, and hence you didn't care that I was sleeping with someone else."
I stared at her, my throat dry. She continued, "Had I been married to Prem, and YOU had tried to seduce me, Prem wouldn't have stayed quiet this long. He would have broken your arm or worse, long back: because that's how a man who has attachment to his wife normally behaves."
My face went red at her taunt. She had directed me to part of the reason I had just thought out, myself.
I spat out at her, "How about this, Kavi? Your boyfriend repeatedly beat me, roughed me up, and kept me afraid of confronting you?"
She spat out right back at me, "EX-BOYFRIEND!!! NOT BOYFRIEND!!! And don't give me that 'scared' bullshit, Manu. Prem can't scare you out of TALKING to me, can he?"
"But it's true, Kavi! He DID intimidate and bully me repeatedly, with his physical actions!"
"Oh, so next you'll be telling me he scared you into wearing womens' pyjamas, and panties, and shaving your body hair, Manu?"
I answered in a hoarse voice, "Yes, Kavi, it's the truth dammit!"
"I DON'T know that that's the truth, Manu!! YOU yourself have told ME not long ago, that you had kinky fantasies around wearing women's clothes, and you confirmed it MULTIPLE times. You WORE those clothes on your own, you shaved your body hair on your own, and now you're telling me that you did it all because you were afraid of Prem?"
I was stung by her words, not for the first time.
I couldn't PROVE this. I had no proof if she wouldn't trust me at my word.
"It IS TRUE, Kavi!!! You have to believe me!!!"
"I don't know, Manu! NONE of that has ANYTHING to do with my sleeping with Prem!!! It seems more believable that you didn't do anything because you didn't have any attachment over ME!"
I paused before I spoke next, "Is that why you REALLY think I kept quiet, Kavi? Do you REALLY think I have no attachment over you?"
She sighed deeply, before answering, "No, Manu. There's an alternative explanation of your behavior."
"And that is?"
"The alternative explanation, Manu, is that you're hiding something from me."
I snorted with some irritation, "Yeah, Kavi, I have a girlfriend hidden in the closet right now!"
She spoke slowly, as though she was getting tired of repeating herself, "I said you may be hiding something from me, Manu. I didn't say anything about any girlfriend of yours."
"So what do you think I'm hiding from you, Kavi?"
"I don't know, Manu. ARE you hiding something from me?"
I blushed in embarrassment as she turned it around on me.
It was true.
I had hidden from her, the episode from the weekend of Amir's arrival. Then, I had browsed through his photograph 'collection' and masturbated in his room.
That was how I had got the first real inkling about a past relationship between Kavita and Amir.
But that was NOTHING compared to her commencing an actual affair with Amir.
For that matter, I didn't even know that that episode was a secret from Kavita.
Deep down, I suspected that Amir had told her what had happened that afternoon, long back.
I gathered my thoughts and spoke, "First of all, Kavi, it's none of your business what I may be hiding from you..."
She interrupted, "Right...I am just your wife, and it's none of my business. But it's YOUR business that Prem used to be my boyfriend, Manu?"
I repeated, "Kavi, it's none of your business what I may be hiding from you in the context of Prem."
She stared at me before saying, "Oh, I see."
I then continued, "Even granting what you think I may be hiding: I have NOTHING hidden that's anywhere near the same ballpark as your sleeping with your boyfriend, leave alone sleeping with him again and again."
I knew she was going to do it. By then, I had also started taunting her with this barb, knowing it stung her for some reason I hadn't yet fathomed.
On cue, she shouted again, but with lesser energy, "EX-BOYFRIEND!!! NOT BOYFRIEND!!!"
She then said wearily, "Oh, what's the good of my shouting, Manu? You're convinced that Prem IS my boyfriend, right?"
"I didn't say so, Kavi. I said I don't see a difference."
"OK, then in your mind, Prem is now my boyfriend once again, right?"
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I thought I saw her eyes grow teary. But I had seen her teary eyes before. I let it pass.
I didn't answer.
"Have it as you want, Manu. So what do you want to do, now?"
"What do you want me to do, Kavi?"
"No, Manu, I asked you. What do you want to do? What do you want me to do?"
"What is the use of me wanting you to do anything, Kavi? It's not like you would listen to my wishes over the wishes of your boyfriend, right?"
I felt a sting of pain in my heart, as she finally failed to shout back as she had been shouting back, "EX-BOYFRIEND!!! NOT BOYFRIEND!!!"
It was like she was grudgingly acknowledging that it was the truth.
Not that it mattered much,it was just a name, she was sleeping with him anyway.
But the thought that she now thought of him as her boyfriend did sting.
The relationship was more serious than just a sex fling, if that was how she saw him: as her boyfriend, or her lover. Once again.
And given how much she had enjoyed her sessions in bed with him, there was no way she would come back to me. Ever. She was going to leave me for him. Sooner, or later.
We were past the point of no return, surely.
I noticed now, that she was staying silent, with a distant look.
She said, "Manu."
I just looked at her passively.
She continued, "Things are not necessarily what they look like."
I snorted sarcastically, "Yeah, Kavi, just because it looks like you're sleeping with your Prem, doesn't necessarily mean you're sleeping with Prem, right?"
She stayed quiet.
I continued, "Just because it looks like you hate me doesn't necessarily mean you hate me, right?"
"Just because it looks like you have no respect for me doesn't necessarily mean you have no respect for me, right?"
I had run out of steam, even with my bitter, sarcastic repartees.
After a few moments, she continued, "Are you done bitching, Manu?"
Her words stung me yet again, and I stayed quiet.
She continued, "What I meant was with regard to your possibly hiding something from me, and HOW MUCH it can make a difference to my actions that you're fussing about."
I was irritated, "Kavi, there's NOTHING that I'm hiding from you that you can use to justify what you've been doing with your Prem, OK? NOTHING."
"Is that your final word on this, Manu?'
"YES, Kavi. I have NOTHING to hide from you that has ANY kind of bearing on what you've been doing with your Prem."
I continued, after a pause, "I bet you would have slept with your Prem ANYWAY, even if..." My voice trailed off.
"Even if WHAT, Manu?"
I had no intention of fessing up to her over the photo album and masturbation incident.
Not after all that she had done with Amir. Which, unarguably, was far, far worse.
She pounced on my silence.
"So you ARE hiding something from me, but you don't want to tell me, right?"
I reiterated, "Kavi, as I said before, it has no bearing on your actions."
"OK, Manu. Have it your way, then. Things are as you say, then."
I felt an alarm shoot through my chest. What did she mean by that?
She then pulled a travel bag, and started packing her clothes.
My alarm was rising.
I asked with trepidation, "Are you leaving me, Kavi?"
She answered curtly as she continued packing, "No."
"Then why are you packing your clothes, Kavi?"
She didn't answer.
She continued packing more of her clothes.
She then proceeded to start packing her personal items: her cosmetics, hair clips, hairbrushes, etc.
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I asked again, with trepidation, "You ARE leaving me, aren't you, Kavi?"
She continued packing more of her stuff away.
The panic was rising in me now.
I didn't expect it to come to THIS. Surely we could have talked and found a solution where she stopped sleeping with Amir?
I asked, trying to keep the desperation out of my voice, "Kavi, WHY are you packing your stuff?"
She turned to face me, and took a deep breath.
Presently, she spoke,
"We both have things to think about, Manu. We both need to reflect on things. I don't know which of us is wrong, now."
"What do you mean, Kavi? What do I need to think about? And what has that to do with your packing your clothes?"
"Manu, you say you have nothing to hide that could have a bearing on my actions, right?"
I gulped as I nodded.
She continued, "If that is indeed the case, Manu, I will admit that it will mean I have made a serious mistake. And I need to reflect on what I need to do, to correct the consequences of my mistake."
I gulped. After a couple of moments, I asked her, "What do I need to think about, Kavi?"
"You, Manu, need to reflect on why you kept quiet for so long, and figure out if my feeling that you don't have any attachment over me is unjustified . And if my feeling is justified, what corrective action would you need to take. And if my feeling is unjustified, what is the TRUE reason that you kept quiet for so long."
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 22 Pt.3

She smiled as she completed her words. It was a wry smile.
I asked, "Why do you need to pack your clothes to reflect on this, Kavi?"
She smiled sweetly as she replied, after a long pause, "Oh, I thought you would have figured that out by now. I'm moving in with Prem. I'm moving into Prem's room."
She added, for emphasis, smiling at me again, "I'm moving in with my boyfriend, Manu."
"So you ARE going away and leaving me now, isn't it, Kavi?"
She smiled as she replied, "I'm not going away anywhere, Manu. Prem's room is just across the hall. I said I'm moving in with Prem, remember?"
My jaw dropped as I finally comprehended what she meant.
"What do you mean you're moving in with Prem, Kavi? What about me, then?"
"What about you,meaning? I don't understand your question, Manu."
"Do you want me to leave, then, Kavi?"
"She scoffed, "Of course not, you silly!"
"Then, what do you mean you're moving in with Prem, Kavi?"
"What does my moving in with Prem have to do with me wanting or not wanting you to leave, Manu?"
"Kavi, I'm your husband dammit!"
"Calm down, Manu. You are my husband, I'm not denying that, am I?"
I said bitterly, "You're making a mockery of that, Kavi."
She said, "No, I'm not."
I stared at her, tears beginning to well in my eyes.
She came up to me and said, "If I left you and moved in with my boyfriend somewhere else, I would be making a mockery of that, yes. But I'm only moving in with my boyfriend under the same roof as my husband. I don't see your problem Manu. Much as you don't see the difference between the FACT that I TELL YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN, that Prem is my EX-BOYFRIEND, and you INSIST again and again and again that he's my boyfriend!!!"
I stared at her, then grinned weakly, "OK, fine, Kavi. I was wrong. I'm sorry. He is your ex-boyfriend, and I accept there's a big difference. You've been sleeping with you ex-boyfriend, not with your boyfriend, and it's a BIG difference. Please stop this drama now?"
"What drama, Manu? I'm not doing any drama. Anyway it's just terminology. Boyfriend, Ex-Boyfriend...they're just names, right. There are bigger issues here."
She paused, and continued before I could speak,
"As you said, I've been sleeping with him, and as you said, you've known about it for weeks. I need to know WHY you didn't fuss about it until now. And I need to think about how I can correct my mistake, if you have nothing to hide."
I entreated her again, "FINE, Kavi. But let's think about it in OUR OWN bed!!!"
"Sorry Manu! It bothers me a lot if you don't have any attachment over me! So I'll need that question answered, before I can move back in with you."
She looked around at her bags.
She had packed two bags.
She motioned me towards the heavier-looking bag.
"Here, Manu, help me carry this bag to my boyfriend's room. I'll carry the other one."
I watched her, with my mouth gaping. I couldn't believe that she was going to do this.
She then added for emphasis, "Unless you think this bag is too heavy for you, Manu."
That barb stung me. Not that I needed any further stinging, then.
I picked up the bag she indicated, weakly.
She picked up the other bag, and we both walked across to Amir's room, with her leading the way.
We left both bags on Amir's bed. The bed, I noticed, was crumpled: they had had sex on the edge of this very bed, a few hours back.
Kavita presently walked back to our room. I followed her, desperately hoping she would change her mind if I followed her around.
Kavita stepped into our bathroom, and took her bathing stuff: her soaps, her hair care products, and some more of her cosmetics.
She took those to Prem's bathroom. I followed her there, and watched her arrange them there.
Presently, she stepped back into our room, and pulled out one of the old, unused suitcases from under our bed.
She opened it, and took out a bunch of clothes: my underwear.
So that was where she had hidden them.
She put my underwear back on the shelf, where they used to be.
She came to me and smiled sweetly, as she said,
"You can dress as you WANT, Manu. No need to wear anything BECAUSE you're afraid of someone else, OK?"
I tried to nod, but wasn't able to.
She now smiled sweetly yet again, and asked, "Are you hungry, Manu?"
I didn't realize until then, that we hadn't eaten since breakfast.
I nodded. It was late afternoon.
She spoke, continuing to smile sweetly, "Let me fix some lunch for us. But first, let me call Prem back. My boyfriend must be getting worried."
And presently, she picked up her cellphone and dialed Amir,and asked him to come.

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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 23 Pt. 1

The implications of the confrontation that Kavita and I had had, didn't sink in immediately.
Amir came back, a short while after Kavita's phone call. I opened the door for him, as Kavita was in the kitchen.
He scowled at me as he came into the house.
Amir then started moving towards his room.
In a trance, I followed him, a few feet behind him.
Amir stopped at the threshold of his room, and saw the bags on his bed.
He apparently understood what that meant, because his face then broke out into a broad grin.
He then turned and went past me, towards the kitchen.
I followed him again.
He crept up behind Kavita, put his arm around her waist and kissed her on the back of her neck.
She moaned softly, appreciating his kiss, and said, "Welcome back, lover-boy. Aren't you hungry?"
"Ravenous, Kavi."
She said, "Sorry about that! Give me 20 more minutes, please?"
Amir responded, "Okay, then let me eat what's available right now."
He then proceeded to nibble at her bare back, exposed by her backless blouse.
Kavita giggled and said, "Stop it, if you keep doing that, I can't get my cooking done. Why don't you go set out the plates instead?"
At this, I got a pang, and a hope. Maybe...
I walked into the kitchen, and walked past them to the shelf where she kept the plates.
I took out three plates, followed by glasses for water, and a few bowls for what Kavita seemed to be preparing.
Kavita smiled curiously at me as I walked past them with the dishes, but didn't say anything.
We had lunch together a short while later. It was largely a silent affair.
I knew what had happened. And Amir knew it, too. But I couldn't talk about it with her, in front of him. I couldn't beg her to stop, to not do it, in front of him.
After lunch, Kavita stretched her hands and announced that she was going to take a nap, that she was exhausted.
I said I would do so, too.
It was only when she went into Amir's room for her siesta, that the events of today finally started sinking in.
I watched, jealous and desperate, as Amir followed her into his room, and closed the door.
When that door shut, it finally rammed home the reality of the changed situation.
I followed them to the door of Amir's bedroom, and stood there for a while.
I subconsciously 'expected' them to make love again.
I waited about 15 minutes, before I realized they were probably just sleeping. I could hear no tell-tale sounds.
I dejectedly went to our bedroom and lay alone, in our bed.
It was hard for me to go to actually sleep, after having announced that I would have a siesta.
I didn't sleep well at all, that afternoon. I thought again and again, over our conversation.
The more I thought it over again, the more it seemed like this was just a lame excuse by her.
Kavita had probably already decided to do what she had just done. And that realization didn't help me sleep at all.
The evening wasn't much better. For the first time, Kavita went to bed with Amir, after our dinner. Amir left the door open this time.
Did they mean for me to hear their lovemaking? To watch it?
I stayed awake for a while, waiting for the sounds of their lovemaking to come. They didn't come. Instead, I heard Kavita's snores, after a while. They were asleep.
So Kavita didn't make love with Amir tonight, the first night she actually spent with him, under the same roof as me.
After tossing in bed for a while, I realized that this was going to be a persistent problem for me.
I got up, and walked to our medicine cabinet.
I found our sleeping pills, and took one.
I was going to need the aid of sleeping pills for a while, if this was going to be the new status quo.
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Sunday passed in a blur, despite the shocking changes that had happened. This was largely because whenever I could get a chance to talk to Kavita, Amir was around.
As usual, they went to work out together, in the morning.
Kavita wore a bright yellow churidar after her bath. I wondered briefly if she bathed with Amir? I thought it was unlikely, but I couldn't help my stomach churning at the thought.
Kavita went out with Amir after lunch, and I spent the day at home, trying to get over the changes that had happened, and desperately thinking if I could find a way to undo the damage.
I washed up the dishes and did the laundry in her absence, but I had the sinking feeling it wouldn't matter. Still, I did it because she would notice it.
There wasn't any mention of the dishes or clothes that I had washed up, when they came home later, and she went to cook dinner. It was a small blow, but still, it was crushing the little hope I was still trying to create, grow.
Yet again, I didn't hear any sounds of lovemaking. It struck me as odd, but I didn't think about it long, as I used the sleeping pill again to go to sleep.
The next morning being a work day, I got up and had my bath before Kavita came. I wanted to leave as soon as possible: again, I was trying to send her a signal.
I made coffee for the three of us, and waited for Kavita to return from her workout.
She came in at the usual time with Amir, looking sweaty, yet glowing with satisfaction.
She was wearing one of the workout pants Amir had presumably bought her, with a t-shirt that revealed about three inches of her midriff.
I did a double-take, not for the first time recently, as she turned to close the door.
There was a tattoo on her back, in her midriff region. Again.
This tattoo was larger, and so prominent, I could make out that it was a tattoo even where I was standing from.
The tattoo had a dark border in the shape of a heart, and the "inside" of the heart was filled with a reddish pink coloring. It looked like it was about two inches across, and 2 1/2 inches tall.
The interior of the heart wasn't just the coloring, as I found out a short while later, when she came up to me to get her coffee.
The "interior" of the heart was also emblazoned in the dark color as the border of the heart, with the letters A.A. I hadn't perceived it earlier at the distance I was standing at.
The symbolism of the tattoo hit home immediately.
Unlike the previous tattoo, this was a message, a more direct message.
I felt gutted. I didn't have much hope left, but I could feel it evaporating.
I drove to work for the first time in two weeks. While it was nice to not be dependent on Amir's rides any more, the changed situation at home made it feel not worth it.
I called up Kavita in the afternoon to discuss the tattoo, to try speak some sense into her, both with regard to the tattoo, and in general.
To my surprise, she picked up my call at the first ring.
I was so surprised by that, I wasn't ready to speak.
I was tongue tied for a few moments.
Kavita presently spoke, "Manu?"
I said, "Yes Kavi, I'm here."
"Sorry Manu, I thought you might have accidentally dialed my number and were therefore silent."
I responded to the barb in kind, "No, Kavi, I didn't expect you to pick up my call, especially at the first ring."
She laughed with a tinkle in her voice, "Why wouldn't I pick up your call, Manu? I don't avoid your calls, do I?"
I sighed. There was no point beating about the bush.
I said, "Kavi, I'm really, really sorry about Friday. I was feeling emotional then. If you're going to..."
"I know why you did it on Friday, Manu. Relax. I understand. I still love you."
"That's not what your tattoo says, Kavi."
She giggled audibly as she spoke, "Oh you saw my new tattoo? Isn't it cute?"
"Very cute, Kavi. Especially the letters in the middle of the heart."
She asked, trying to sound innocent, "What letters?"
"Don't pretend to me, Kavi. The letters A.A were in the middle of the heart and you know it, and I know you know it."
There was a long silence from her end, as I heard her exhale deeply.
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"If that's what you think it says, Manu, then that's what it says."
"Forget tattoos, Kavi. Look at your ACTIONS. Why are you lying to me about loving me? I know it's not true."
She again drew a deep breath and said, "Manu, remember our discussion on Saturday?"
I stayed silent.
She took my silence for assent and continued, "Manu, I need my question answered. This current discussion isn't getting us anywhere. I know I love you, and I tell you I love you. But I cannot MAKE you believe it, not at this point."
I gulped as I made out to ask her something that I had been meaning to since morning, "Is it temporary, Kavi? The tattoo?"
She laughed again, "Of course it's temporary, Manu. It will wash off. Do you think I'm crazy?"
I stayed silent again.
She then asked, "Anything else, darling?"
I said, "Nothing else, Kavi."
"See you later, Manu darling. I love you."
I hung up, and was faced with confused thoughts.
Why wouldn't she just leave me if she didn't love me any more? Was she telling the truth at all?
Maybe she was scheming something that I was just 'slow' to comprehend.
After pondering on things for a while, I got back to work.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 23 Pt. 2

I got a better idea of what she might have been scheming, that night.
As I lay alone in bed, I heard it, this time. Kavita's distinctive moan.
And then, I heard it again.
I got up from bed, and walked across towards Amir's room, as softly as I could.
The door was wide open. That was probably why I had been able to hear her moans.
I tiptoed further ahead, until I got to the threshold of Amir's room.
The lights were off. But there was enough light from the moon and the streetlights, for me to be able to see their shadows.
Kavita was lying in bed. She seemed to be naked.
She was naked.
And Amir was on top of her, thrusting his hips forward and back, as he went in and out of her.
I couldn't see the full length of his penis due to the angle I was at, and their position. I could see his naked butt pistoning up and down. And I could see Kavita's naked thighs spread apart, to receive his thrusts.
And presently, I heard her moan, again.
This was what she had meant when she told me, "I love you.": that she was going to make love to Amir tonight.
Amir was fucking my wife Kavita yet again.
And I was watching it, for the first time since Saturday.
I hadn't watched them all the way on Saturday. I had merely caught a glimpse for a few seconds, and had stumbled away in agony.
Did I want to keep watching it tonight?
A part of me wanted to just go back to bed and cry.
A part of me wanted to stay: to see her adulterous mouth moan in ecstasy as she came, the same mouth that had lied to me earlier today, that she loved me.
And a few minutes later, I got what I had been waiting for.
I saw them cuddle up after they were spent, and kiss tenderly.
I went back to bed and lay down. My penis was limp, and my heart was aching.
The sleeping pill took over after a while, mercifully.
What had happened that night in bed, turned out to be the template for the rest of the week.
Every night that week, I heard Kavita's moans in bed, with Amir.
Every night, I watched them from near the threshold of the bedroom door.
Kavita was loving it. I didn't hear her talking about ME, or my performance in bed, when Amir was fucking her. I didn't hear too much of bed chatter either, other than what Kavita said in between her moans.
On a couple of occasions, Amir moaned out like he did the first time I had caught them in bed: "Here it comes, bitch!"
She didn't seem to mind him calling her a bitch, in bed. She came each time, along with him.
And I needed the sleeping pill to go to sleep, each night.
At work, I would sit for a while, brooding over how much had changed, and WHY Kavita had still not left me.
Did her question mean anything at all?
How was my viewing the photographs in Amir's room, and masturbating, in any way related to Kavita's brazen adultery?
The more I thought about it, the more it seemed like she was making it up.
It was just a pretext, her way of saying, "Manu, am going to be sleeping with my boyfriend regularly from now, deal with it."
The weekend went similar to how many of the previous weekends had gone. Kavita and Amir went out by themselves on Saturday. I had to work for half the day, and I found out about their going out the hard way, by coming home to an empty apartment.
Kavita had prepared lunch for me, and I ate lunch by myself.
I waited for them to return, idly watching TV.
They returned around 4 PM. Apparently they had gone shopping, as Kavita had yet another bag of what I presumed were clothes, with her.
I winced as I saw her turn around, in her saree.
The tattoo on her midriff was prominently visible, especially through her translucent saree.
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She had gone wherever she had gone today, flaunting this tattoo on her midriff, to whoever had seen her.
Then again, she had been flaunting this tattoo during her morning work-out sessions, each day.
The tattoo had faded a bit since I had seen it first, on Monday. But it hadn't faded to not be prominently visible.
I sighed. I could only wait for it to wash away. We weren't even sleeping together, I had no further opportunity to wash it away, even if I was ready to do it by force. Not that I was going to, I still felt a bit guilty over 'tricking' her into washing it away, the first time.
And, in a way, perhaps it was my fault.
Perhaps, if I hadn't tried to wash it away by 'tricking' her, she wouldn't have done this.
I doubted it, though. She obviously was feeling a perverse pleasure in flaunting her relationship with Amir.
We went out together on Sunday.
I was stunned at many levels, on how much things had changed.
Kavita was totally comfortable with the situation, and her appearance. She had dressed up in a saree yet again. I winced as I took in her choice of dressing, before we went out.
So yet again, she was going to be flaunting her "temporary" tattoo in public. Hadn't she had enough of her 'joyride' with this thing that appeared to have caught her fancy?
Wherever we went, I noticed eyes roving around her back, scanning her tattoo. Typically, they were other guys, and they grinned to themselves as they saw Kavita being accompanied by both Amir and me.
Did those random strangers figure out what the situation was? Or were they merely grinning at her tattoo?
Other than the visual attention she was getting from random strangers, I felt like I wasn't present with the two of them at all. It didn't feel like we had gone out together. I felt like a third wheel, and I felt I was treated like a third wheel.
The reflections on being treated like a third wheel reminded me about the conversation I had overheard, where Kavita had said she would think about learning to cook non-veg food.
Mercifully, she hadn't done anything about it, yet. Maybe she wasn't REALLY planning to leave me?
But then, after Kavita's having slept with Amir SO many times, and now so openly, what did I have left to salvage with her?
What kind of pride was it going to be? Pride that I didn't get her to leave me, but couldn't stop her from brazenly sleeping with Amir, under the same roof as me?
By the time the next week started, I was beginning to feel some amount of frustration as well, over the situation.
Monday night, I watched Amir and Kavita make love again. This time, Kavita knelt on the bed with her knees spread apart, as Amir rammed his dick in and out her pussy, from behind her.
This was how I had seen them, the first time I had seen them doing it, the Saturday before.
From where I stood on the threshold of the bedroom, I could finally see his dick, all the way, coming out, and sinking all the way into her pussy.
I sweated as I directly saw his dick thrusting all the way in and out of my Kavita's pussy, for the first time.
I had briefly seen his dick thrusting in and out of Kavita's pussy, the previous Saturday. And since then, I had seen him thrusting in and out of her, but I hadn't got a view of his penis going in and out of Kavita. I did, now.
I got a glimpse of the head of his penis, as he thrust in and out: the thick, bare, bulbous head. I presumed it was bare because he was circumcised.
Kavita's moans now grew louder, and soon, she erupted into an orgasm, which coincided with Amir's orgasm.
I stepped back into the shadows, as Amir pulled out. I didn't want him to see me.
I had a glimpse of her pussy, as he pulled out of her slowly.
Her pussy was oozing with cum.
Much the same way her pussy had been oozing with cum, a few weeks back: when I had done oral sex on her.
How I longed now, for even that kind of intimacy with my Kavita.
I looked down at my penis.
The sight of their sexual intercourse had been causing stirrings in my loins as well, this time. After a while.
I tiptoed back to our bedroom. My bedroom.
I lay down in bed, and brought myself off, with my hand.
I collected my cum in my hand, and stared at it.
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Amir's cum was swimming around in my Kavita's pussy. Right now.
And my cum was resting in my palm. Not that I had shot as much as he seemed to have shot in my Kavita.
In a way, I felt satisfied, at having NOT lost my sexual potency completely. My penis was still functional. I knew Kavita preferred sex with Amir, but at least, I wasn't going impotent as a consequence of her affair.
I washed my hands, washing my cum down the drain. Amir's cum from their lovemaking tonight, would still be swimming in Kavita's pussy. My wife's pussy.
Nevertheless, the release I had given myself did help in a way, and I was able to go to sleep without a sleeping pill, for the first time since Kavita moved to Amir's room.
I woke up the next morning to darkness.
It appeared to be nearing dawn. I looked at the bedside clock, it was 5:30 AM.
I had gotten up early.
Kavita and Amir may not have gone to the gym, yet.
I got up from bed and stretched. Would they be at home, or would they have gone already?
I walked on tiptoe, as I had done the previous night, towards Amir's room.
I stopped at the threshold. There seemed to be only one person in bed: Amir.
Presently, I heard the bathroom door open, saw a brief flash of light before Kavita presumably turned off the bathroom light. I saw Kavita's form cross from the bathroom to the bed.
My jaw dropped.
She was naked.
I had seen her naked in bed with Amir, a few times, already, since she had moved into his room.
Still, they were all during sex.
I couldn't believe that she had slept naked with him, the whole night.
Presently, she stepped onto the bed, and kneeled near Amir's ankles.
She prodded him and said, "Wake up, lover-boy, it's time to workout."
Amir stirred but didn't get up.
Now Kavita knelt forward, and pulled his blanket down.
Amir was lying on his back. He had put on his underwear after their sex, the previous night. He appeared to be sleeping, still.
Kavita now leaned forward, and kissed him over his underwear.
My stomach lurched.
I knew this had happened, for a while now.
But this was the first time I was seeing it.
Kavita proceeded to rain kisses on his underwear, until, as I watched with growing shock, Amir's underwear had formed a mound. I looked towards his face, now. He appeared to have woken up. His eyes were open, and he was grinning as my wife Kavita now wrapped her lips around the mound in his underwear. I gagged. I had seen something I didn't really want to see. I stumbled back to our bedroom, and lay down there. I couldn't go back to sleep, any more.
After a while, I heard some footfalls in the hall, and heard the front door close. I got up and looked in Amir's room. It was now empty. They had gone to the gym. So this was what their morning routine was like, typically? I couldn't see how someone like Kavita could act so depraved for an arrogant bully like Amir. What DID she see in him?
But the evidence of my eyes was undeniable. She was becoming Amir's "sex slave". She ALREADY was Amir's "sex slave". It was a depressing conclusion, and it rung very true. It explained everything. It explained Kavita's behavior And it also told me the future: It was just a matter of time before Kavita left me for him. Well, it didn't quite explain everything. She didn't need to TRY to placate me at all, if she was planning on leaving me for him.
Still, it was undeniable that Amir had taken over my role in bed, and had taken over in a way that I would probably never be able to match.
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