Incest Monkey's Cock - Power of Mind control over mom
Hello guys sorry for the long hiatus, I was going through some personal problems but now I’m back with the intention of a story idea I wanted to complete some tiem ago but was unable to do so due to some personal reasons. Well if you want ot read the rest of my stories than please click on my profile and there you will find and enjoy them. Okay so now a little synopsis on what this story will be about, it will be a bit different than what I usually write and similar also. It’ll be about a shy and timid Bengali boy, Anirban Chakravorty, who is very unsuccessful and unlucky with women. His life changes one fateful day when he meets one blind hermit baba who pleased with his deeds gifts him an article of great power, a Monkey’s cock, which grants him power of mind control over any female (between age of consent and menapouse) but warns him that with great power comes greater responsibilities and consequences, Something which Anirban learns that hard way. And I need not mention this but all characters in this story are completely fictional and any resemblance with any real persons is purely coincidental.
Part I – The Beginning and the Baba.
Anirban is fast aleep in his AC room under his expensie blanket when his mom, Jyoti walks in to wake him up.
Jyoti- Anuuuuuuu wake up beta, don’t you want to go to college, you’ll get late son.
Anirban- No mumma just 5 more minutes, I’m sleepy.
Jyoti- No beta you’ll get late, get up and take a bath.
While playing with her son and trying to get the bedsheet off of him, her boobs were jiggling all over the place and Anirban fixated for a moment on his mother’s chest. They were like two giant dangling watermelon juicy and ripe. And he could just make out the outlines of her nipples from the thin fabric of her blouse.  But just than Anirban was brought back to his senses.
Jyoti- Anu!!!!- Wake up.
Saying that she pulled away the blankets only to reveal Anirban was fumbling in his underwear with a giant hard on, from watching his mommy’s bobbies bounce all over the place. His mom chuckeled at the sight and then simply took the blanked and walked off. While doing so Anirban coldn’t but notice her giant shapely ass swaying to and fro as he felt his underwear get tighter. Damn he thought, it’d be so nice just to take the bitch right here on his bed. But he knew that wasn’t possible. The only reason that a fox like Jyoti is interacting with him is because she’s his own mother. And if she were another girl on the street, in his class or even his neighbor than she would not have given two shits about him. What can we say that’s the kind of boy Anirban was, uneventful, neither did he have the body, nor the personality to attract women. It was his father who was a sucessful multi-millionaire businessman with the great physique and the razor sharp mind. His father was one of the financiers to the beauty pagent Jyoti won, so after the contest, he had her eyes on her and snatched her up. He was 20yrs older than her who was merely 19 at the time of their marriage, but in sheer physique and presence he could give all the 18yr olds a run for their money. Unfortunately Anirban didn’t inherit all of that, since his father was out most of the time he didn’t get to impart any of his killer instincts into his son. That was one of he reasons why Anirban grew to become a sissy, that and his over protective mother who would often blur the line between maternal love and lustful sexual love.
 Now let me tell you a little more about Jyoti, she’s a prize. A former beauty pagent winner. 5’8” tall, cute round face, 36DD, 28, 38. Basically looking like a Mallu with huge milk takers in the front and massive pillows in the back. So his mom. Anirban was an only son so he was his mother’s darling boy, from the start she gave him more love and affection than he could handle and as a result of an overprotective mother Anirban become a sissy. Whenever he used to go to school his mother used to make him wear a monkey cap and tie, with all his books were covered with plastic cover and all his homework was done to the point. This made all the other guys in the class tease him as a nerd and make fun of him. But he had one refuge to return to, that was his mom who used to console him and hold him while she watched TV and boost his confidence. His father was a rich businessman who had transactions in The Gulf, S. America, etc so most of the time he was out of the country, and rumour had it that he had one or two mistresses there and that got his mother really worried and sad, so she tried to restrict her attention and her world to Anirban, so that way he got more love than anyone would have usually got from their mom. As Anirban grew he could not but stop from noticing that his mom was more than his mom, that she was also an attractive female. And not just attractive but one of the most attractive women in the city. He began to notice the sun melons on her chest and the watermelons on her back. He began to notice her deep valley when she used to bend down to pick up something and the gigantic mountains when she used to streach up to put something on the kitchen rack. She never worse anything revealing in the house but the way her assets were designed it was impossible to hide them. The made any blouse she wear appear to swell up and burst and any petticoat to streach and rip. When she walked her assets used to jiggle, her milk tankers went up and down and her pillows swayed left to right. So much was her fame that she couldn’t walk to buy vegetables without every perverted man in the colony from 18 to 98 to watch her from their balcony and dream of having their head between her boobs and cock between her butts. Anyway now back to the story.
Anirban gets up in his underwear and walks to the shower, he turns on the tap and adjusts the water temperature and lets the cool water wash over his body. He dream of another life, where he is more like his father and less like himself. His thoughts than drift away from himself and towards his mom as he imagins her angelic face, her cream white body, her swan like neck leading to the valley between her mountains, her slightly chubby belly with deep yummy navel to her ample thighs and her most secret save between them. His hands automatically moved to his cock, which by now was standing in attention and began stroking it until he blew his loan on the shower floor. He felt relieved, for now, because he knew that his buxom and bubbly mom would soon do something to arouse his cock once again. And he was right. He noticed that he had forgotten the towel, so he called out.
Anirban- MUMMA!!! MUMMA!!!
Jyoti- Yes beta what is it? Did you forget the towel again? Wait I will bring it for you…
Anirban thought he had some time but his mom must have been close by and within seconds she knocked on the door, which Anirban had forgotten to latch and it went half open and she saw Anirban standing there with his cock in his hand, again a slight chuckle escaped her mouth as she threw him the towel which he caught with both hands and left bare his manhood. Seeing that Jyoti went red with shame and excitement and she covered her mouth to hide her giggles and she quickly said sorry and turned around and ran off. It was a playful maternal thing. But just like one cannot jokingly play with a loaded gun, one can also cannot play around with such a killer figure. Anirban noticed that again his cock had betrayed him and stood demanding his attention. So he put the towel on the rack and turned on the shower and quickly masturbated again thinking of how his mom’s giant heavy globes would feel on his chest.
After the bath Anirban got out, put on his outfit, which his mother had laid out for him on his bed all meticulously washed and ironed. It was difficult to find a woman like this who is a both a good mother and looks like a pornstar, but that’s why Anirban’s father was who he was, an alpha. Anyways he put on his outfit and went downstairs to have his breakfast, cornflakes and milk, with coffee. Guess Jyoti wasn’t that good in the cooking dept. But she was aware and somewhat guilty of that so before leaving for college she handed him two apples, for the vitamins and minerals.
So Anirban was walking to his car and the driver took his bag and opened the door for him and off they went. By the way this was the latest Mercedes, all courtesy of daddy. On the way Anirban felt the urgent need to take a piss (urinate), guess his mother had made his dick so hard twice in the same morning that he was unable to fully empty his bladder. *For any females reading this, a man can only ejaculate or urinate, not both things at the same time, this is to prevent the urine from damaging the sperm. And when your cock is hard means you are ready to ejaculate, you cannot urinate fully and will need to wait until your cock goes down again. This is one reason why many men run to the washroom after sex, that they need to take a piss hard. Anyway Anirban asked the driver.
Anirban- Kaka any place to urinate here, I need to go hard and traffic is too much to hold it in until college.
*He called his driver kaka because he was in service with their family since even before he was born. His driver’s real name was Jubair and he was a monster of a man; standing almost 8ft tall, built like a body builder with a huge beard and stone cold red eyes.
Jubair (Kaka)- Beta there is no clean place, if you want to go, you will have to go here, I will park on the edge of the road and wait in the car.
Saying that he stopped the car and Anirban got out and rushed to the side of the road to take a piss. However just then he noticed something. An old man, dressed in black and carrying a walking stick was trying to cross the road while everyone was honking and hooting at him. One car even hit him and he fell down on the road and was unable to get up. Anirban took pity and ran upto him and picked him up then he held his hand and helped him cross the road and sat him down on the grass on the side of the road.
The man was immensely grateful and gave him many blessings but Anirban had a strange feeling towards him which he just couldn’t explain.
Anirban- Baba are you hurt?- That car hit you pretty hard, that bastard didn’t even stop to see if you were okay or not. What a wicked fellow.
Baba- Son, we are all wicked in our own ways; some in anger and others in lust.
Anirban was taken aghast and looked at the man, he was unlike any old man he’d seen before. His face was leathery and wrinkled, like he was much much older than his already old frame. He looked like a ghost, grey hair, deep wrinkles, thin lips, and when he opened his eyes Anirban almost lost his footing and fell down. His eyes were pitch black, in fact so black that he could see himself in them.
Baba- get up son, no need to be afraid.
Anirban- But baba how did you know I fell, you are blind.
Baba- no my son, I merely cannot see, but I can feel what you’re going through by looking through the eyes of the heart.
Anirban wanted to run but something stopped him. Here he was almost pissing his pants and the baba was sitting in a Yogic posture and totally relaxed. The tension was so think that you could cut the air with a knife.
Anirban- BbbbBaaababa, you look hungry…
Baba- No my son, god provides me with food.
Anirban- Here I have two apples, I’d like you to have them, you look hungry baba.
Baba- Wow thanks son, it’s been a long time since I’ve tasted fresh fruit, especially given with so much love by such a beautiful lady.
Anirban really did piss his pants right now and was trying to get up but his legs were like gelatin and didn’t support him.
Baba- Relax son, I know everything, the moment you touched me, my eyes of the heart could see into yours, I know your every perversion, your pleasures for the flesh, your deepest darkest secrets.
Anirban- but…but…but….. how, no…..
Baba- let me finish son… you are a good man, I was confused whether to give you this or not after you saved me from the street cars, but by showing charity and feeding me you have made me obliged to help you and return the favor.
Baba put his hands inside his black jhola and got out a pendent with a black ugly mummified amulet.
Baba- this is yours son, perhaps some divine power wanted you to meet mere here, this day and give this to you.
Anirban- what is it?
Baba- It’s a monkey’s cock, which has been activated by ancient and lost incantations and dipped in sacred potions now lost to time, it will help you fulfill all your carnal desires, no matter how perverse or twisted. Put it around your neck.
Anrban accepted the gift, and looked at it for few seconds, it was absolutely ugly and grotesque with foul smell.
Baba- But remember son; with great powers come great responsibilities and consequences.
Just than Anirban heard someone call his name, it was Kaka his driver. “Sir, sir, beta are you alright!!!”
Anirban looked at him in a daze and than looked at baba, but he was gone, nowhere to be seen, vanished into thin air.
Kaka- Beta you were somehow in a daze and tried to cross the street and were hit by a car, I was parking the car and came as fast as I could, some old baba types man rescued you but before I could reach you, he went away. Anirban didn’t know what to make of it, he was dizzy and nauseated. He noticed in the palm of his hand the ugly pendant was still there with the dried up shriveled artifact, he put it in his pocket and Kaka, his driver lifted him up and took him to the car. Sir, you are in no position to attend college today, we are going home, you will get some rest. He tossed him on the back seat of the Mercedes, took a U-Turn and headed home.
Part- II (Discovery of hidden powers)
Anirban was very weak, he was in his bed, and woke up in the evening. It noticed it was dark outside, the AC was on and a tray with some soup and breadsticks were placed besides him. He tried to reach for the tray because he was hungry but than he noticed his shirt was missing, he opened the blanked a little bit more and saw that so was his pants. He was only in his underpants and someone had given him a sponge bath. He began to remember a little as how he was removed from the car by kaka (Jubair, his driver) and than he carried him to his house. How his mother frantically opened the door and was screaming at the sight of his limb body and how Jubair was reassuring her that he’s only ill and nothing much had happened to him. He did not tell her that he was in an accident but rather told her that within 15-20mins of driving sir to college, he began to vomit in the car and fainted and as soon as that he took a U-turn and took him back. Jubair reassured Jyoti that it was likely a case of food poisoning. Anirban also noticed from the corner of his eyes Jubair staring at Jyoti’s deep ample cleavage as she was frantically trying to carry her son, her pallu had slipped and she was standing there in he buxom beauty in her solid orange deep cut blouse. Anyway then she beseeched Jubair to carry him to the bathroom where with his help she took off his shoes, shirt, pant, watch, etc and quickly gave him a sponge bath. *NOTE- I am not a medical doctor so this story should not be treated as a medical advice, in case of food poisoning or fever, do not use this story as advice on whether to give sponge bath or not, this is merely for story purposes. Okay so Jubair (Kaka) was there holding him and keeping his head above the water level, and his mom turned on the tap as the bathtub filled with water. Jyoti had completely lost her presence seeing her semi-concious son and didn’t care about her dress and how she presented herself in front of her son and driver. Her pallu kept getting in the way of trying to sponge bath Anirban so she just exclaimed “humph” and took off her pallu and tried it around her waist, it was a marvelous sight. His mom standing over him just in blouse and sari tied around her waist and revealing her slightly flabby tummy with deep navel. She was frantically rubbing him all over and when she picked him up to get to his back, his face was literally shoved in her cleavage where he could see the deep white milky vally, and take in the aroma of her expensive perfume, brought by his father from France mixed with her musk sweat and fear. It was truly maddening and he got a hard on, ofcourse his mom saw it but didn’t make anything out of it, after all how could any mother think of her son in that way, she thought that it was a biproduct of his discomfort from the fever. But Jubair who was sitting near his head and was keeping his head outside the water saw his hard on and knew exactly what was going on in his mind. *Note- For any female reading this, it’s nearly impossible for a man to have a hard on while he has a fever, there is simply no energy for doing that. Anyway so Imran was almost watering at the mouth watching Anirban’s buxom mother and his madam, Jyoti rubbing Anirban’s body with a sponge, she was really rubbing hard and her boobs were jiggling and her deep cleavage and expensive thin fabric gave away all the countures of her globes. And the fact that water splashed on her chest and her own sweat turned the material nearly transparent enough to expose the outlines of her bra. From what both Anirban and Jubair made out it was a very expensive one brought by his father from Italy. Beige color, so that it doesn’t show differently from her blouse, it was a very rare linin which was both thin and strong. There were no seams at the end. Both Anirband and Jubair could bare make out the shape of the bra, it covered nearly 2/3rd of her giant boobs, and was a deep “V” shaped complimenting her blouse which was of a similar cut. Now unlike cheap bras or even moderately priced ones you can find on the market which are made to support such huge boobs, you will find what is known as an “underwire” or a wire which runs from the front of the bra to the back and helps give shape and support, but in her bra that was not the case, the stitching and fit was so perfect that it gave her all the support it needed. And coming to the next important part, the back clasp, in cheap bras with DD cups you will find a bulged clasp in the back with two or four clasps which hold the bra in place and preventing it from flying off. But in her bra there was just a single clasp and a button like mechanism where if one were to press it than the bra would open and the treasures revealed. Don’t ask me how it works because I don’t know. Although her entire blouse was wet it didn’t turn transparent and reveal her entire treasures, only the outlines were revealed. And so were the outlines of her nipples which were the size of a Rs. 2 coin and quite delicate. Both Anirban and Jubair (Kaka) had every shape and conture of her treasures etched in their mind. Then after giving him a sponge bath Jyoti got a towel and wiped dry every inch of his both, and Anirban really got a treat as he was being wiped down by this angelic beauty, because the only other person she wiped down like this was his father when they both took a bath together in the same tub, this got Anriban hard again. At times when she grabbed his arms to pull and expose his back so that she would dry him and her enormous chest mashed against his sent electrical shocks down his spine. And after everything was done Jyoti put the towel down his underpants and without touching his erect paining cock wiped it dry also, was the hardest moment for him not to sigh or scream from the pleasure. Then she put a towel over his crotch areas and pulled down and tossed aside his underwear and the soft towel was tenting on this hard cock, it was the hardest to resist. Never in his life was he so vunerable and enjoying at the same time. Too much was going through his mind to even put his thoughts together. Then just as quickly as it happened it ended as she slipped a clean underwear and put it on him and removed the towel.
Afterwards she made Kaka carry Anirban to the bed upstairs, there also Kaka left no stone unturned to not take advantage of the situation. He grabbed Anirban by taking his hands under his armpits and told Jyoti to grab his legs, he said that you wont have to bear the weight that I’ll do, you just do it so that his legs don’t bang into anything, and carrying him on my shoulders isn’t an option as that’ll put pressure on his weak stomach. Jyoti agreed readily to that logic. But Kaka was a wicked man, he deeply cared about Anirban but didn’t leave this opportunity to exploit Jyoti’s vulnerability. He used several chances to cross Jyoti as she was drying off Anirban to gently rub against her body and in one instance he even mashed into her ample bosom illiciting a slight unnoticeable sigh “mmmmhhhhh” from Jyoti. He then directly Jyoti to hold her son’s legs as he directed her he put his hands on her ample bums and was amazed at just how shapely and firm they were and big enough to not fit into his giant palms, note that the man was over 8ft tall and could fit and entire basket ball in the palm of his hands and hold it like that. The smell of her shampoo, perfume mixed with her swat and fear was just overpowering and Jubair did all in his power to not take her right there and then, even if he had done so there was nothing the two of them could have done, but anyway. Then with Kaka (Jubair) holding Anirban’s upper body and Jyoti holding her son’s legs while taking him up the stairs Jubair went first and then while doing up many times he shifted the weight or put more weight towards her all in a perverted attempt to watch her massive milks tankers sway with the strain and effort. Then while putting Anirban on the bed he again took the liberty to gently touch her velvet skin and take in her aroma before retiring to his servant’s quarters.
All those thoughts came rushing to his mind as he laid there reaching for the plate with the soup. Just then his mom came in and he rushed to again cover himself with the blanket. He noticed that his mom had since taken a bath herself and was wearing a thin semi transparent maxi dress with a deep V cut in the front and as she turned around to put medicines on the table her deep ass where the fabric had fallen revealing the two globes of her butt. Again Anirban was hard, he was tired of getting a hard on, several times a day and all thanks to his mom, he just wished her could do something about it, he sank with that feeling into his comfortable mattress which seemed to swallow and comfort him. His mother saw it as her poor son tried to reach for the soup but didn’t have the energy so she rushed over and Anirban saw his giant milk tankers giggle and his hardon was uncontrollable, oh how he wished he could do something. Just then he noticed something in his hand, it was the old mummified Monkey’s cock given to him by the baba. How the fuck did that get in his hand, where was it the whole time? Shouldn’t it be in the pocket of his old pants. But in his delirious mind he didn’t entertain that thought too much espicially if an angel with big milk tankers was walking towards him with her jugs bouncing all over the place.
Jyoti- Oh my son, I was so worried, I thought that something bad happened to you, I’m sorry if it was food poisoning, we will fire the cook, she was probably not hygienic enough.
Anirban- No mom it wasn’t the cook’s fault
Jyoti- why do you say that Anu? Did you eat something from outside? I told you not to.
Anirban- No mom I didn’t have anything from anywhere.
Jyoti- relax beta, main thing is that you’re okay, it’s a good thing Kaka was there to get you home, and that old baba who saved you from the traffic accident, I wish he was here, we could have given him a good meal and some money for clothes, but Kaka told me that he was gone before he could get to you.
Now Anirban thought about what the baba said about the monkey’s cock artifact, that it will help fulfil all carnal desires. So he held it tight and thought in his head, god those jugs are big, I wonder what the size is.
Jyoti- 34 DD blurted out.
Anirban- What?!
Jyoti- what son? I didn’t say anything……
Jyoti than started humming as Anirban still couldn’t fathom what just happened and what it meant. He than watched his mom kiss him on the forehead as she walked away, swaying her huge butt side to side as she shut the door and darkness enveloped the room, Anirban was dazed and lost in thought as he clasped the artifact and felt it warm a little, and he drifted off into happy sleep.
To be continued.
Part- III (Powers come at a cost)
Anirban woke up the next morning, it was relatively earlier than when he usually woke up. He took a look at his mobile, 8:00 AM, he turned off the alarm for 8:30 AM and after some stretching and brushing his teeth, he headed down for his breakfast. There near the dining table he saw his buxom and beautiful mom setting up the table. Oh how georgeous she looked, he wished that he could take her there and then on the table itself. His mother heard the footsteps and came to greet him. As she was merrily walking towards him he saw her giant milk tankers bounce up and down with every step she took, they were fighting to get free of her maxi dress and expose themselves in all their glory before her son.
Jyoti- good morning beta, how are you feeling now?
Anu- I…I…I… I’m feeling better mom. Any thinks to himself again, now what did she say her size was yesterday?
Jyoti- *blurts out*- 36DD beta.
Anirban almost loses his footing and was about to fall down, when his mother ran forward and caught him, again his face mashed in her huge milktanker and his nose got planted inbtween her valley and he took a deep smell. The aroma of her French perfume and sweat drove him made. Ofcourse his mom didn’t think anything of it and quickly held him by putting his arms around her and took him to the table and sat him down. Anirban was deflated, he was thinking that it should have been him who should take a woman on a date like this, having his arms around her and supporting her and not the other way around. Anyway he noticed at his plate. Aloo Parantha, yogurt, tea, salad and two scrambled eggs. He thought to himself that the maid prepared the Parantha, tea, eggs, and salad, than what did mom do?
Jyoti- *blurts out*- I heated the water.
Now the matter was sinking in, Anirban could not believe it but the results were in front of him. He was rubbing his right pocket where he had put the Monkey’s Cock artifact and he noticed it had got a bit warm. Then when Jyoti was serving him the food and leaned over a bit in front of him and exposed about six inches of cleavage Anirban again thought strongly in his head.
Anirban- I wander what your figure is.
Jyoti- *blurts out* 36DD 28 38.
Anirban gets a chill up his spine and the artifact inside his pocket now becomes hot. He is now beginning to understand what “cost” the baba spoke of when he gave him the artefact. The artifact feeds on the life force of the host to influence the mind of the target and thus drains the host of life and energy. The more outrageous the wish, the more energy that is drained. Anirban was realizing the perils of using this artefact while eating his breakfast and watching his innocent mom move here and there do this and that, her buxom body betraying her innocence. As he finished his omlette, he saw his mom Jyoti bending over the sink to do the dishes and god was it a devine sight, his mom bent over the sink, trying to unclog it, the thin fabric of her petticoat was dbangd perfected over her sculpted butt and fell neatly into the valley between, he could clearly make out the size of her globes as they were the size of two ripe watermelons and on top of that she had in her hand a stick and was moving it up and down trying to unclog the drain so her butts were also moving in agreement to her motion and bouncing up and down in such and inviting way. Then as he finished up his omlette and grabbed his tea, his mom turned around and Anirban’s heart skipped a beat, she looked just like a pornstar, hair tied up in  a bun, expensive fitted blouse which left nothing to the imagination of her giant milk tankers. And as she was walking towards him, the thin fabric of her petticoat now fell between her thunder thigh to reveal glimses of her secret love triangle. It was all too much for the boy and he thought hard to himself. I wish to see more of this piece’s cleavage. Then this mom came over to him and as she was leaning over she bent at his eyes level and gave him a deep look at her cave. Anirban could see everything, he could see the deep valley disappearing into darkness and the tiny bumps on her milky white skin as well. It wasn’t enough for the perverted boy and he imagined that he now wanted to feel those heavy milky tankers against his body, but he didn’t now how, that he left upto the Monkey’s cock. Just then his mom slipped and fell between the table and himself on his lap and her massive bazookas were mashed against Anirban’s thighs, he could feel his mom’s massive doodhs (dirty Hindi slang for boobs, literally meaning milk) spread flat across both his legs. His cock shot up as now his mom was trying to recover and in the process was further mashing her boobies against her son’s thighs, several times putting her weight on and lifting them off his body. Now if every you have felt the burden of a woman’s boobs, particularly big boobs on your body, you’d know that for a man it’s the best type of burden to carry, he could carry that burden all day and night without any complaint. And I have seen it as a sign of trust also that women with huge boobs would knowingly or unknowingly put the weight of their chest on the men they like, as a sexual gesture and more of a psycological gesture to show that yeah I’m willing for you to take responsibility of them and myself. Anyways Anirban now noticed that the artifact in his pocket was getting red hot, like he had an heated iron in his pocket and he was getting more light headed and almost fainting. Guess two rapid requests had really sucked the life force out of him and he wanted it to stop. So his mom regained composure and stood up, adjusted herself and apologized perfusely. She noticed that her son was now weak again and thought that it had something to do with her falling on and injuring him so she kissed him on the forehead and said. “don’t worry beta mumma is here for you, I will always be here for whatever you need,” and this made Anirban smile. Then she cleared the table and helped Anirban climb up the stairs and onto his bed again. She gave him his medicines and helped him take them by lifting him up and putting a pillow under his back. And in the process she gently bumped his face with her massive melons but this time she let out a slight whimper “sorry” meaning that she knew that what she did could be taken wrongly by her young son. The took out a new blanked from the almirah and opened it, it was scented with lavender so that Anirban would fall asleep quickly. She came over and dbangd the thin blanked over Anirban while she turned on the AC and the lights. She got really close to Anirban, he could not see her properly but could smell her femininity. She began to caress his head and reassure him that all will be well and that he would get better soon and all the while doing so she was bending over her son and again her pallu had fallen to the side giving Anirban a clear view of those gigantic melons that until a few minutes ago and thanks to Baba’s artefact was mashed up against his thighs. He thought to himself, mom just one more kiss before you go but this time do something different. Just than the monkey’s jock warmed up in his pocket but this time was different, it was like an old car engine and wasn’t revving to a start but was sputtering and struggling, just like starting a scooter in a chilly winter morning. His mom came close to him and just as he had wished for something different, gave him a kiss but instead of his forehead, this one was on his lips, it was light, as light as a feather, but on the lips it was none the less. Anirban knew that hit was only a light peck and not a smooch only because the artefact didn’t have enough energy to execute his wish, essentially he didn’t have enough energy to fulfil his own wish. As his mom turned around, she sights of her massive globes bouncing up and down was the last thing he saw as he fell asleep like a rock again. Using the artefact was just too taxing on his body.
As he was drifting into deeper sleep and losing sense of time and place he had a vision of that Baba, this time his eyes were open and light came out of them, he could see everything. Anirban tried to speak but his voice didn’t come out. It was only the baba who would be speaking. Fool doing you think it would be that easy. Do you think it’s that simple to just make a wish and sleep with your own mother and break the biggest taboo in this world. You younglings have a totally distorted view of the world, its just take take take and take for you and give nothing back. Well not this time son, using these powers of the ancient artefact would cost you and you have to give back to it in order to recharge it and give it more power to do what you want. You take with one hand and give with the other. But don’t worry boy, it would ask nothing of you which you cannot give.
The End.
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Good to see you bro!! Awesome start as always!!
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(01-08-2021, 11:27 AM)milfravisher Wrote: Good to see you bro!! Awesome start as always!!

Thank you very much bro! It's good to see and hear from old people from so many years back. Now ther are so many forums, I was confused where to post. I was diagnosed with cancer, and had to go through many rounds of chemo, but I'm better now, cancer is in remission. Now I can devote my time to writing stories.
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Oh, sorry to hear that..anyways, alls well that ends well. Your stories were some of the best I have ever read so cant wait!!
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When do you plan on posting the next update bro?
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Part IV- (Powers can be recharged)
Anirban wakes up the next morning, he’s feeling much better than before. His mind is more clear. He has began to comprehend what the monkey’s cock is and how it works. It’s quite simple. It’s an ancient artifact make of a mummied monkey’s cock on a pendant, he can chose to make it a keychain or a pendant, it has magical powers in that it’ll always appear in his pocket when he needs it and is tuned to the internal vibrations of his carnal desires, meaning if he wishes for something non-carnal then it wont be fulfilled eg. if he were to wish for a chocolate cake or Rs. 1 Cr. in cash then that wish will not be fulfilled however if he were to wish that his mom or any female say or do something to stiffen his cock, than that can be arranged. He also realized that this artifact converted his own life force to a vibration which was propagated inside the brain of his target to make them do as per his wish. However that power came at a cost, that the artifact drained his own life force leaving him tired and more the taboo the more life force it drained out of him, and what could be more taboo than mother and son relation. So he was now thinking on the right path that what could he do to recharge the artefact’s powers, and indirectly his own powers to use on his mom. These thoughts weighed heavily on his mind as he stepped into the bathroom and turned on the shower. His mind relaxed as the cold drops of water splashed over his body. He noticed through the corner of his eyes his mom’s undergarments on the cloth rod next to the shower. He was safe in the privacy of his own bathroom and this time he checked that yes he had bolted the door closed. And reached for her delicates. Both her panty and bra were of a very expensive lace material, very light, breathable fabric but equally strong, they had to be as they held back such huge assets. He flipped his mother’s bra and noticed the construction. It was very delicate but well engineered. It didn’t have an underwire but the entire material was tailored so well that it didn’t need an underwire. Now what is an underwire you ask, if you look at cheap or even moderately priced bras for big boobs, you will find that there is a prominent metal wire which goes mid cup, around the strap, and the job of the meal wire is to hold the milk tankers in place. However, aristocratic ladies who have blessed assets go for a bra without underwire which is more comfortable to wear and more sexy to look at, as you can wear a tighter dress or blouse without the wire showing through it. Arniban completed his bath and stepped outside, and heard his mother’s voice.
Jyoti – “Anu beta…. Come down, time to have breakfast”
Anirban walked downstairs and sat down on the table. His mother had already laid down his breakfast; aloo paranthas, soyabean vegetable and glass of juice. He knew very well that his mother didn’t cook any of these things and that all of it was made by the cook-maid. He knew very well why his rich father married his mom, just because of her looks.
Jyoti – Anu beta are you feeling better
Anirban – Yes mom, much better, I think it was a heat stroke, but I’m feeling better now.
Anirban- *I wonder how these powers are recharged, the monkey’s cock, whenever I use its powers I automatically feel weak, it’s literally sucking my life to make my dreams come true. I already feel so weak, I don’t know how I can regain the powers, If I only knew, the old Baba tantric came into my dreams to say that I will find out soon and it wouldn’t be anything which I couldn’t do, but if no one tells me, how will I know????*
His mom came in front of him and picked up the finished plates, and in doing so again bent down, and exposed her six inch cleavage to him, suddenly Anirban felt a jerk in his cock seeing her doodhs in front of him so close, and catching a whiff of her expensive French perfumes which his father had got form one of his many business trips. Note that women apply perfume much differently than men. As men we often apply on our chests, armpits, and shoulders. Women are much more strategic than that. They apply a little bit of perfume on their wrists, neck, cleavage, and even inner thighs, so that only those men whom they wish to entertain are captivated by the scent of both their perfume and their own womanly pheromones. As Jyoti was walking away, he wouldn’t keep his eyes off her massive shapely bum giggling with every step. He knew very well that she had underneath that silk night maxi, only a thin panty which was probably also imported. That made his dick uncomfortably hard and he thought to himself.
Anirban – *Bitch your very existence makes me hard, when I see your full lips, I want it wrapped around my cock, when I see your ample boobs, I want to suck the milk out of them, and when I see your football ass, I want to put my cock in between and score a goal. You also make me uncomfortable knowingly or innocently. I wish that you also get a tingle in your pussy and feel a fraction of what I feel.*
Suddenly he saw his mom miss a step almost, and a yelp from her mouth, “aaaaahhhhhhhhh ouch” and her almost drop the dishes as she struggled to reach the kitchen counter where she faced the sink, and gently took her hand and pressed it on her maxi over her pussy to put out the fire which was lighted there. Anirban was taken aback by this use of his power, and he was sitting with his hand holding up his chin and his hand slipped and knocked over the glass of juice, the glass fell to the floor and immediately shattered to a thousand pieces. This sudden commotion caught Jyoti off guard and she suddenly turned back and Anirban saw the flushed look on her face as she was biting down on her lips to enjoy and extinguish this sudden fire in her pussy. She saw the glass shatter and instinctively shouted, “Anu, don’t move else you’ll be cut by the glass on the floor.” Suddenly the doorbell rang, normally whenever the bell range he would be the one to check but as he was on his char with broken glass all round him on the floor , and himself being barefoot, he couldn’t move. His mom called the cook-maid and told her to open the door, she was on her way to get milk for the house anyway. So she opened the door and it was the driver who walked in. Due to the suddenness of the situation, she didn’t have the time to change into anything more decent and Anirban who was still recovering from the shock of use of his last ounce of his powers could hear her thoughts.
Jyoti - *I wish I had the time to put on something more decent, but due to this mess, I couldn’t, the maid has gone to get milk and here I am standing with my assets on display. But it’s okay, it’s our driver Junaid Kaka, he’s my father’s age and working with us since before I was born, for him I am like his daughter. He wouldn’t get any dirty ideas.*
Junaid Kaka (driver) – Ohhh what is this, looks like there’s broken glass, he grabbed a broom was about to sweep it when mom grabbed it from him, might be she had a feeling that this is a very old worker of ours and sweeping was undignified for him or that since he was a man, it wasn’t his job to sweep.
Jyoti – “kaka it’s okay I will sweep it clean” saying that she snatched away the broom.
His mom started sweeping the floor and with each swipe of the broom he watched her boobs bounce up and down, and juggle left and right. He than looked at Junaid kaka, his eyes was fixed on her chest, and he suddenly began to tune into his frequency.
Junaid - *Damn Jyoti beti has a huge set of doodhs, bigger than anyone of her age, biggest I’ve ever seen. Look at her ass, wow, I’d love to have my cock in between them. She’s about a third of my age, but if I had the opportunity, I’d take her right here on this table, in front of her son.*
Anirban felt something strange, he felt like he’d just drank a glass of Glucon D, (an energy drink) and he felt a sudden jolt of energy. Could it be, was this it? – Did the Monkey’s cock recharge from the dirty lusty thoughts of other man? Then his mom got a dust pan and bent down to brush all the pieces of glass onto the pan to throw away. As she got down, both men watched from above, a gorgeous bird’s eye view of her buxom figure.
Junaid- *Ohhhh my god, these are even bigger than I thought, god has really blessed beti with such a tremendous figure which can make even the cock of a dead man hard. It looks like each of those boobs must be 5kg melons they’re so big. Her bra must really be made out of bullet proof vest material to contain assets so big and valuable. Than mom got up to dispose the pieces of glass from the dust pan to the dust bin, and in doing so bent down while standing up exposing her huge ass, the silk fabric of her maxi fell between her ass, exposing her ass crack, and both bums clearly. Juanid thought ohhhhh god, look at this ass, it’s the biggest ass I’ve ever seen. And given what I know about the boss, it must be totally untouched by now, I can even make out an outline of her pussy from this angle, looks like a small slit over her panties. I would love to fuck this girl doggy style while holding her hair back like a horse and pulling back, all the while slapping and grabbing her milk tankers.
Feeding off Junaid’s lust Anirban felt more and more power course through his body, his tiredness was almost gone now. He was like a mobile phone with fast charging, connected to charger, 50% charging in 15 minutes. He felt power in his body and strength in his cock, so the theory was true, the monkey’s cock gains power whenever I expose mom to any man’s lusty thoughts.
Just then his mom turned around and caught everyone by surprise and said, “Kaka is their any particular reason why you came, and when you have come than stay have breakfast”
Juaid – snapping out of his daze and thus severing the mental connection with Anirban, “beti, I came to tell you that the boss (sahab) has told me that he will be going to London for some important meeting and would return next week.” And secondly that I have checked, the tailor has recovered from illness and his shop in the slums is ready, but Malti (the maid) cannot go there as she has to travel to her village for some work today, so you will have to go there yourself.
Hmmmmm slums, tailor shop, this gives me an idea, imagine all the dirty, filthy, low class men there, and their thoughts. I really cannot miss this opportunity, thought Anirban.
To be continued.
[+] 5 users Like Duryodhan's post
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Hot update, Jyoti should get pounded hard in front of her son..
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Outstanding writing, can't wait for next update. Mind control genre should get more attention. Please continue with ur updates.
[+] 2 users Like Luck by chance's post
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(01-08-2021, 11:34 AM)Duryodhan Wrote: Thank you very much bro! It's good to see and hear from old people from so many years back. Now ther are so many forums, I was confused where to post. I was diagnosed with cancer, and had to go through many rounds of chemo, but I'm better now, cancer is in remission. Now I can devote my time to writing stories.

Be conscious about your health. We are eagerly waiting for next update. Hope you will finish this story.
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Nice story , good going
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Awaiting next update..pls make it a long one!!
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Lag raha hai duryodhan bhai draupadi ki chudai kar rahe hai. Update kar do bhai!!
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Is this story dead?
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Update please
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