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It was half past ten when Shashank knocked on the door of his favorite 'Taste Snacks Center'. He knew it was time for the center to close. He had entered, hoping to get a parcel. For the past six months, he has been a regular customer of the snack center. He had tried all the dishes from the tea and Maggi to the Pavbhaji and Biryani.

Shashank, who probably didn't go to a hotel for the second time, was definitely coming to the 'Taste Snacks Center' at least two or three times a week. Arriving around 8:30 pm, each time discussing a dish on the menu with the owner of the center, filling his stomach and going home to work, was almost his scheduled event. After working all day and talking to the owner of the center - Shilpa Vahini - at night, he felt very fresh. Shilpa Vahini's appearance, behavior, speech, everything used to give her a lot of energy. The two of them talked for a while and even if it was only for a few minutes, Shashank wanted it.

Shilpa's daughter-in-law was supposed to be the same age as Shashank. Although everyone called her 'Vahini', no one knew anything about her newbie or family. She would stay somewhere near the snack center and would be there from seven in the morning until half past ten at night. He had arranged a small mattress on the kitchen floor to rest in the afternoon. At present, Shilpa Vahini is single, Shashank had understood from a few chats. Shashank had always been obsessed with his shadow color, attractive build, graceful walking, eloquent speech.

Once he got information about Shilpa Vahini's family, he had been thinking of proposing to her for a long time. But he still did not have the courage to raise the issue with them. His tongue and stomach were satisfied by eating his daughter-in-law's hand, and his mind was also satisfied by removing his memories at night. For the past six months, Shilpa had been tormented night and day by the figure of her daughter-in-law.

Shashank was aroused by the recollection of night dreams and fantasies about Vahini. His chest throbbed as he walked over to the counter. Today, Shilpa Vahini looked a little more tired than usual, but as soon as she saw Shashank, she got up from her chair as usual, smiling and welcoming him with a charming blink of her eyelids. She had a light purple shade of lipstick on her lips today. Shashank liked Shilpa Vahini's choice more than the girls who use pink or chocolate lipstick everyday. Working on both the counter and the kitchen, he wore a kitchen apron and a ponytail. In a black sleeveless blouse and saree, her proportionate body still looked attractive. According to Shashank, Shilpa Vahini's choice of clothes was huge. At the Snacks Center, she was seen in a sari and a Punjabi dress, but even in simple clothes, she looked confident and graceful. Shashank loved to wear his sleeveless blouse. He especially liked to look at their open bars through sleeveless blouses.

Even now, looking at his shadowy fleshy rods, he could feel the expected movement in his pants. But, as usual, he suppressed his true thoughts and started talking to them on another subject.

"Your workload has increased a lot these days, Vahini. You look a little tired. In fact, I think you should take a few days off."

Taking a deep breath at his suggestion, Shilpa Vahini sat down and said, "I'm really tired, but I can't even think of a holiday. There's so much work to do. Look at today, it was such a bad day today ..."

"Why, what happened today?" Shashank asked really worried.

"Ask what happened. The lady who came to clean in the morning kicked me today, then after cleaning the center, I started doing everything myself. In the afternoon, the people of the corporation came and inquired about something. Then the scoundrels started laughing ...! " Shilpa Vahini was talking irritably.

Words like scoundrel, tenant, etc. were common in his speech. At first it seemed strange for Shashank to hear the words of a woman, but now he was used to it. On the contrary, he suspected that Shilpa Vahini might swear more filthily than this, using a few polite words in front of him.

"Sometimes it happens. Don't get too upset ..." he explained to them.

"Hey listen, there's a lot more going on later in the day. I have a girl to help me in the kitchen, isn't she, Anita, she also had to go early today. She left before the evening gi-hike started. I wanted to go inside and make it, bring it out and grow it, take bills ... I had to decide what to do and what not to do, "Shilpa Vahini was saying.

"The solution is to have a daughter-in-law," said Shashank, smiling. "Since when am I ready to work for you? When you say so, I quit my job here. I will do whatever you say. I don't know anything about cooking, except tea. Yes, but if you are going to teach, I will take it by learning ... "
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"Thank you," said Shilpa Vahini with a sweet smile. "I know how much you think of me. But I can't afford such an expensive man here. Well, let him go. I was saying half-heartedly. A group of kids came for dinner. They came and went three or four times before, but today." "I was the only one taking time to serve because I was alone. They were harassing me with their sarcasm. I was ignoring their words, but one or two of them were annoying. They tried to touch me while passing by their table." They did ... "

"What do you say?" Shashanka asked in surprise and anger.

"Really. And now I'm telling you, I just tried to shake hands, but the fact is that even when I remember what they wanted to do, I get a thorn in my side. I grabbed the hand of the one who was behind me, and all the children came to the place. In the next two minutes." I paid the bill and ran away. Shashank felt that Shilpa's daughter-in-law should have been called 'Motherfucker'.

"Baap re! You look very upset today, Vahini," Shashank could imagine the annoyance on his face.

"It's not over yet," said Shilpa Vahini. "Before you came, an old uncle had an argument with me. They wanted to go to the kitchen to see if they used refined oil to make all the food here. I was explaining to them." But they weren't listening. In the end, I told them clearly, if you want to eat, eat, otherwise go elsewhere!

Shashank noticed that his eyes filled with tears as he spoke. Although there was nothing new in their complaints, Shashank was listening intently. All they needed to do was talk to someone. And Shashank was happy that we felt close enough to share all this.

He stepped aside as he came to the counter to pay the last gi-hike bill from the snack center. As soon as Gi-Hike came out after paying the bill, Shashank went inside the side of the counter and slowly patted Shilpa Vahini, who was sitting on a chair, on his head.

This was unexpected for Shilpa Vahini. Earlier, the two had only touched each other's hands. She was confused when she felt Shashank's touch so closely today. Halfway up from the chair, she still snuggled into his arms. Shashank noticed that his body was trembling in his arms and he was crying because of the wet touch on his shoulders. He was holding them tightly with one hand and lightly patting them on the head with the other hand. For the first time, Shashank, who had come so close to him, was smelling the sweat coming from Shilpa Vahini's body. That sexy smell and the warm touch of his body made his pants start to flutter again. With great difficulty he kept on controlling his emotions.

After a while, he noticed that Shilpa Vahini's grip on his back was loosened. He put his hand on their back and head and let them go. He blinked his eyelids again and tried to send back the tears. Coming out of Shashank's embrace, she called him 'sorry' and took tissue paper from the counter and started wiping his eyes.

Shashank had no idea what to say in such a case. Still, he opened his mouth to say something, but at the same time Shilpa Vahini extended her hand and put her finger on his lips. She was staring into his eyes and thinking something serious. The words on Shashank's lips went up in the air. He forgot to breathe as he felt the touch of Shilpa Vahini's delicate finger on his lips.

Finally, Shilpa Vahini moved aside as if she had decided something. He took off his kitchen apron and put it on a chair. She turned to the counter and walked to the snack center door. She went out with the rod stuck behind the door and pulled down the outside shutter. Coming back in, they locked the door, hung the rod in place, and turned off the outside light.

Shashanka looked at the clock on the wall. It was five minutes past eleven at night. He could see the full figure of Shilpa Vahini from the counter. She looked very attractive in a sleeveless blouse and a sari. There was a seductive movement of bullets in his chest as he walked. Shashank had to work hard to keep his eyes from falling off his face.

Coming near the counter again, Shilpa Vahini held her hand in front of Shashank. As soon as he gave them his hand, they took him and started walking towards the kitchen.

Hundreds of dishes were prepared in this kitchen throughout the day. But now the kitchen looked very clean. Shashank was going to say something about it, but Shilpa Vahini again told him to keep quiet.
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There was a steel table in the middle of the kitchen. Of course, it also looked wiped clean. Shilpa Vahini stood leaning against the table. They took Shashank's hand and brought him in front. The height of the two was almost the same. Shilpa Vahini took two steps forward, staring into his eyes. Now Shashank was feeling his breath on his own neck. She began to speak in a low voice, sliding her hands down both his shoulders.

"It's not been a long time since we met? Tell me one? I like your kind nature, your gentle talk. I know the way you look at me. I have never seen the difference in the eyes of other people. , Maya, and ... love. Really? "

Shashank felt ashamed to hear all this. Now he was not in a position to answer anything. Shilpa Vahini's hands were now slipping from her body to her waist. Recognizing his condition, he started talking further,

"Shashank ... Today has been a very bad day for me. Will you help me forget all the bad memories of today?"

An unexpected thing happened to Shashank before he realized what and how we could help. Shilpa Vahini suddenly pressed both her hands on his surface and pulled him to her body. Unconscious Shashank was about to fall on Shilpa Vahini, but she was alert and fully prepared. He leaned back against the steel table and took hold of Shashank's lips, which were very close to his face. Opening his mouth wide, he started sucking and biting both the lips of Shashank.

It took Shashank a few seconds to recover from the shock. When he recovered, however, he held her face in both his hands and moved his lips delicately on hers, taking a step back. After a short distance between the two of them, Shilpa Vahini opened her closed eyes and looked at Shashank. He also put his eyes in theirs and started rubbing his nose on theirs with a smile.

He had seen in many Hindi movies that he wants to start slowly when kissing any girl for the first time. He also remembered his experiences with his old friends. According to those experiences, his behavior now was perfect ... he thought. But he realized at the second moment that he had made a mistake.

"Mother's Day !!" Both the swearing and the slapping on the cheek followed for a long time in the closed kitchen. It took Shashank a while to figure out exactly what happened. He remembered that Shilpa Vahini had taken the initiative for the last kiss. Instead, he responded by removing his face. So what was that swearing and that slap about?

He did not have to wait long for an answer. Slowly uttering one word at a time, Shilpa Vahini said, "Sorry Shashank ... I didn't want to do anything on purpose. I always feel free to talk to you. You want to say a lot of things. Especially this is my so private thing, but right now without you. I can't talk about it with anyone else. My ... my needs are a little different, Shashank. I hope you understand. "

"You can tell me without hesitation, Vahini," said Shashank holding both hands of Shilpa Vahini. The solitude in this locked kitchen, the fascination with Shilpa Vahini for so many days, the love game she started with her initiative, all this had a profound effect on her mind and body. He could not move back now. Forgetting the back slap and swearing, he hugged Shilpa Vahini again and rested his lips on her purple lips.

"Wait ..." Shilpa's daughter-in-law shouted again, pushing Shashank away with both hands, "I don't like that. It's a soft love like shown in books and movies ... My need is different, Shashank. I am not like other women." Saying this, he grabbed the collar of Shashank's shirt with both hands and pulled him closer. Putting his eyes in his, he pushed hard and pulled both hands to the side. Within a few seconds, all the buttons of his shirt were broken and spread all over the kitchen. As soon as the hem of his shirt was removed, Shilpa Vahini wrapped his arms around his vest and bent down to bite his right nipple.

"Ah ... oh ..." Shashank sighed, but the experience was new but very exciting for him. He grabbed Shilpa Vahini's head with both hands and brought it in front of his left nipple. Shilpa Vahini sticks out her tongue and licks his nipple and then blows gently on it. That cold touch covered the whole body of Shashanka. Shilpa Vahini looked up at Shashank's helpless face and bowed her head again giving a killer smile. This time the bite was so strong that tears came from Shashank's eyes.

After licking and biting both of Shashank's nipples in turn, they moved on and took control of Shashank's lips again. This time Shashank was getting ready, so as soon as he felt the touch of their tongue, he opened his mouth and let them in. Shilpa Vahini's tongue was now licking the inside of Shashank's mouth. This was very exciting for Shashank.
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Without letting go of Shashank's lips, Shilpa Vahini placed both her hands on the steel table at the back and jumped up. Due to the low height of the table, they could easily climb up. While licking Shashank's mouth, he pushed the pad of the sari aside with one hand and started unhooking the blouse with the other hand. Shashank's eyes were fixed on his chest and his eyes were widening more and more as one hook would open.

When all the hooks were removed, he took both hands behind his back and removed the blouse. His body was stretched out like a bow due to the back of his hand. All that was left was to squeeze out her bulging breasts from her tight black bra.

Shashank now knew exactly what Shilpa Vahini wanted. He stuck the fingers of both his hands in the straps of his bra and pulled the straps on both sides with force. There was no way to know exactly if the bra hooks were broken or the fabric was torn. Even so, neither Shashank nor Shilpa Vahini was worried about that at the moment.

As soon as the barrier of the bra was removed, Shashank saw the full breasts of Shilpa Vahini. He felt that so many months of penance had come to fruition today. Their breasts, which are dark in color but look sleek, are large in size but erect. Right in the center of each pill was a chocolate circle the size of a coin of about two rupees. In the middle of those circles, their bonds stood out like tumbled black raisins.

Shashank sucked Shilpa Vahini's tongue moving in his mouth and crushed her balls with both hands. It was not possible to fit an entire breast in one hand at a time. So he started squeezing her left breast with both hands. Suddenly he was squeezing her puffy nipple with the pinch of his fingers.

Shilpa Vahini moved back shouting "Ss ... Hi ...". The purple lipstick on his lips was now completely peeled off. Much of the area around the lips was soaked with the combined saliva of the two. Pulling out his long tongue, he tasted the saliva and said,

"This is my style, Mister ... I don't have much time for romance at all. Shall you jump, Shashank?"

Shashank said, squeezing her breasts and stroking her nipples, "But I really like this style ... and the swearing you gave me ..."

Remembering the previous incident, Shilpa's daughter-in-law was a little embarrassed and hugged Shashank and said in his ear,

"True daughter-in-law," Shashank said, taking her right breast in his hand, "I tell you so. I really wanted to fuck a woman ... who would be talking dirty while eating. So he brought Shilpa Vahini's hand on his pants and released it.

Guessing his cock from the pants, Shilpa Vahini said, "Let me see, how much breath is in your love ..." and he pulled down the chain of his pants.

Shashanka let go of her breasts and unbuttoned her belt and pants with both hands. Shilpa Vahini was sitting on the table and sliding Shashank's pants and shorts down. Leaning forward for that, his mouth was right up to Shashank's waist. As soon as he pulled down his pants and shorts, Shashank's penis bounced out and hit Shilpa Vahini's cheek.

"Look how fast you are here," said Shilpa Vahini, lovingly holding his penis in the palms of both her hands and swallowing the scent of her mouth. Sucking his penis like greed, he raised his head and looked at Shashank. He had no habit or expectation of such fast and rough sex. So there was a mixture of surprise, joy, happiness, lust, pain on his face.

While Shilpa was sucking his penis, he grabbed her face with both hands and pulled her back. Within a few seconds of Shilpa's daughter-in-law, he pushed her back on the table and laid her on his back. He lifted both his legs in the air. His sari was gathered at his waist and his plump thighs were exposed. He inserted the fingers of both his hands into the elastic of his shorts and pulled them out.

Shashanka sniffed her shorts. After staying in Shilpa Vahini's body all day, Chaddi had a strange smell of sweat, urine and her cum. Shashanka got a strong 'kick' of that smell.

Lying on the table in front, Shilpa Vahini spread her legs and opened her precious treasure in front of Shashank. In the white light of the tubelight in the kitchen, Shashank felt as if his watery vagina was glistening. The luscious vagina peeking through the dark pink petals was driving him crazy. The upper part of the vagina had sparse hair and the skin on the thighs was moist and glowing.

Shilpa's sister-in-law had pulled both her legs to the side while she was asleep, so Shashank could see her vagina straight up to her anus. The chocolate-colored skin around his anus looked wrinkled. In this pose, her two buttocks looked like she was holding two chubby pillows. Shashank stood looking back from his face to his feet as if overwhelmed.
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As soon as Shashank looked at Shilpa Vahini's face, he grabbed her lower lip and hit her in the eye. Understanding his gesture, Shashank sat down on his knees and slammed his mouth into their torn thighs. He started licking her vagina like he was jerking. He grabbed her vagina with his teeth and bit her. Shilpa's daughter-in-law rested both her feet on Shashank's shoulders and pressed his mouth even further with her bare hands.

"Ss ... ah ... aiggantr ..." she started screaming. As soon as Shashank's tongue penetrated her vagina, they increased the pressure on his head. But Shashank had something different in mind ...
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Shashank stood up, shaking both hands of Shilpa Vahini over his head. While she was unconscious, he grabbed her chubby thighs with both hands and turned them over on the table. As soon as the cold touch of steel touched her open chest, Shilpa Vahini sighed. Both legs of Shilpa Vahini, who was lying on the table up to her waist, were now hanging in the air. Holding those dangling legs in his hands, Shashank sat down on the ground and he removed the sleepers from their legs.

It is said that a woman's hygiene should be tested on her feet. In the last six months, Shashank had inspected Shilpa Vahini's feet and was convinced of her personal hygiene. So he had no doubt that he would do what he wanted to do.

"What are you doing ... sss ..." Shilpa asked with a big smile. Shashank, who was sitting on his knees on the ground, had started licking the sole of Shilpa Vahini's right foot, so he was getting tickled. He was sucking every toe from the toe to the mouth. They should have applied the powder most of the morning to prevent sweating between the two fingers. Now the smell of sweat and powder mixed with a different pungent odor was entering his nose.

When the toes of his right foot were clean, Shashanka lifted his left foot and started licking from his heel. Shilpa Vahini didn't expect this, but she also found it funny. Feeling the wet and cold touch of the tongue on the delicate skin of the palms, cities were coming on their bodies.

"Why do you like my feet so much Shashank ...?" Shilpa Vahini asked, trying to look back from the table.

"I like it very much ... You don't know how sexy the smell of such sweaty feet is, Vahini ... If you have to compare this smell, you can only compare it with the scent of your pussy ..." Shashank said while continuing to lick and suck.

"My little one is waiting for your tongue, remember? If you get stuck in your feet for such a long time, when will you eat? Tomorrow morning ...?" Shilpa Vahini deliberately teased him.

Hearing this, Shashanka put both his feet on the ground and stood up and said, "Your pussy will have to wait longer, Vahini. I will not hurry when the ass that I was imagining for so many days is coming today ..."

Shilpa Vahini's sari was now completely whisked away. Gathering the sari and skirt near the waist, Shashank started rubbing his hands all over her buttocks. Sitting on his knees again, he rubbed his nose directly between the two pills. He stretched out his tongue and started licking the wrinkled hole.

"Ah ... Iggang ... Zavanya ... Motherfucking ..." Shilpa's daughter-in-law started swearing, "I knew you had an eye on my ass. What about me, you were sitting here looking at the ass of the rest of the customer ... Ah ... that day ... if she bent over to Anita ... to the table on the other side ... she was also looking at Gandhi ... until her eyes came out ... bhanchyod ... "

"Anita's mother's ass ..." Shashank raised his head and said, "Sasali is the number one current porgi. He shows his ass moving in front of the customer on purpose. They stick out their tongues and look at her ... "After saying this, Shashank again stuck his mouth between the two pillows.

Shilpa Vahini was in a joking mood now, "Don't you like ... Anita's ass ...?"

"I really like it, but what about her in front of you, Vahini ..." Shashank said without raising his head.

"Let it be, let it be," said Shilpa Vahini, interrupting him, "I know you have made me smile ..."

"No, Vahini, that's the truth," said Shashank, raising his head. "I like you very much ... In fact, I was going to propose to you ..."

"Ishya ..." Shilpa Vahini was embarrassed even in that situation. Smiling, he lifted his buttocks and motioned for Shashank to continue his work. Not only that, but his two hands squeezed his chubby asshole and slammed his back door open.

Such a warning was enough for Shashanka. He fell on Shilpa Vahini's dark chocolate wrinkled hole. It was as if he had eaten a rosemary while biting his damp buttocks. He was licking his tongue in his anus, remembering the salty-sweet pickles. Going down a little and sucking their vaginas, he was reminded of the sweet shikara.
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He didn't realize that it was as if we were in Shilpa Vahini's kitchen, remembering all these things because we didn't eat. But remembering those foods, he still started eating Shilpa Vahini. He thought that this delicious meal would satisfy his hunger today. Shilpa Vahini's sighs and groans were now echoing in the closed kitchen.

While licking and sucking both front and back holes of Shilpa Vahini, Shashank took his own penis in his left hand. He found himself feeling hotter and bigger than expected. He inserted two fingers of his right hand into Shilpa Vahini's vagina and rubbed her nipples. Shilpa's daughter-in-law responded by shouting "Hmmm".

Shashanka realized that there was no point in wasting time anymore. Mushili turned her face away from Shilpa Vahini's attractive buttocks and stood up. Taking off his knee-length jeans and shorts, he lifted both legs of Shilpa Vahini and pushed them forward on the table. As the top of the table was spread out, Shilpa Vahini comfortably knelt on her knees and elbows.

Shashank climbed on the table, caressing his hard penis. Shilpa Vahini looked back and winked once more and raised her buttocks and announced that she was ready. While Shilpa was standing on the table and looking at her daughter-in-law's raised asshole, a string of sticky liquid came out from the tip of Shashank's penis and went straight to the sleeping asshole. Shilpa Vahini's whole body trembled at that delicate place, feeling that cold and sticky touch. Seeing that scene, Shashank was afraid that he would fall.

He had rehearsed this event a thousand times in his mind till now. At least once or twice a day, he would come up with this pose. And today she can't believe that the ass in the dream, the pussy in the dream, and the whole dream fairy are inviting you to come and eat in front of you.

Bending his knees slightly, he rested his left hand on Shilpa Vahini's waist. With his right hand showing the way to his hard penis, he entered through the gates of heaven. In this awkward pose, he stood with his penis inserted within an inch. He wanted to enjoy this moment as much as possible.

But Shilpa Vahini had something different in mind. Moving instantly, he pushed his whole body back and his wet vagina swallowed Shashank's entire penis in one gulp. Shashank was not ready for the attack and if he had not recovered quickly and slapped Shilpa Vahini's waist, he would have fallen off the table. He did not even dream that a woman bent down in such a position could control the man standing behind her. He had never seen such a skill in thousands of porn movies.

Shashanka was holding Shilpa Vahini's waist tightly. She was moving her waist and buttocks with tremendous speed and was moving Shashank's penis in and out of her vagina. Shashanka himself tried to push or stop but he was losing his balance. So, Shilpa had no choice but to hold Vahini's waist and accompany her movements.

Shilpa brought her right hand back to her daughter-in-law and took Shashank's hand. Shilpa Vahini put on the front gear of Zhavan, carrying herself and Shashank on two knees and one arm. As Shashank felt the pressure of the goths wrapped around his fist, his vagina tightened the grip on his penis inside.

"Wow ... ah ..." Shashank heartily appreciated Shilpa Vahini's sexual skills. As the pressure of his hand began to increase on his ankles, he gave up all attempts to gain control and kept swinging with his body, wiping his eyes like a ship swaying on the waves.

"Do you miss my ass every day?" Shilpa Vahini started covering her mouth, "Do you remember me when you hit the fist? What do you think of me? Would you like me to take your lollipop in your mouth? How would you feel ...? When you put your weapon in my mouth? .? Shall I tell you the truth, Shashank ...? I miss you so much ... when I'm alone ... moving my fingers in my pussy ... I feel like that. ..I think, I am itching myself with such fingers ... and you are standing in front of me ... holding your hard cock in your hand ... the veins on it are swollen ... and you insert that hot cock in my mouth ... and I suck it wholeheartedly ... make you swallow it with all your heart ... and you swallow it in my mouth ... and I swallow that sweet yoghurt ... and when you drink it, your guts squeeze like this ... Would you like me to really do that? Or sometimes ... sometimes you blow your spray on my chest ... and my balls and my bonds ... get soaked in your juice ... will you try it once? Otherwise ... Otherwise one This is your big long pole ... Will you insert the whole of this into my hungry ass? Will your cock sit in my thick chocolate wrinkled hole? Ahaha ... what fun would that be? My hole will stretch and sit tight on your cock ... and your cock will not come out ... until your barrel is empty in my ass ... would you like it? But there is a condition ... it is better not to finish all the goods inside ... just pour a little bit of curd in my mouth ... then I will lick and clean your cock ... will it work? Would you like to ...?
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Ah ... oh ... don't say ... "

Shashank was not in a position to speak. Either Shilpa Vahini's vagina was squeezing his penis inside. At the same time, she was rubbing his nipples with one hand. His mother and sister were using his mouth to reduce the physical attack. Shashank didn't know exactly who was eating whom ...

He was skeptical now. Have you known this lady for the last six months? This is the same woman who has been smiling and talking to you for so many days? We have been joking with him for so many days? Even with care ... will they like it ... if not irritated or not ... thinking about it ...? Even if you wanted to tell a biting joke, you were scared ... and when you heard such a joke, you just pretended to laugh ... and what is going on today ...? What about Lavada, what about Puchi, what about Gandhi's hole ... he didn't have anything left to say ...

As Shilpa's daughter-in-law had taken complete control of the meal, Shashank had no work left. It was in his hands to keep swinging with their knocks coming down. Then he started paying back what he had in his hand - Shilpa Vahin's sari. He pulled out the sari that had been collected near his waist as if he had plucked feathers and threw it down on the ground. The skirt inside the sari was fully open on one side, so it fell off on its own as soon as the lace was released. Now he was seeing the whole body of Shilpa Vahini.

Seeing Shilpa Vahini's exposed body, he was devastated. He had enough flesh in the right place on his body and now during this intercourse his body was getting twists and holes in the right place. As the buttocks were lifted, a slope was formed on their backs.

While observing Shilpa Vahini's curvy body, Shashank could hear the background music of different sexy voices. His hard cock was going in and out of her tight vagina while a little bit of air was going in and out. As his penis came out, there was a squeaking sound coming from his vagina. As the penis penetrated, in fact, her vagina swallowed the penis, making a squeaking noise due to the dampness. The sound of his semen hitting the top of his thigh was making a crackling sound.

Phat Phat ... Pach Pach ... Purr Purr ... Phat Phat ... Pach Pach ... Purr Purr ... such sounds were reverberating in that kitchen. Shashank was still excited by those voices. But there were no signs of Shilpa Vahini running away. So he had to stay a little longer.

He tried to divert attention from the crackling ... the squeaking ... the squeaking ... the sexy sound and the lustful touch around his penis. He saw drops of sweat on Shilpa Vahini's shadowy but shiny back. A hollow lump had formed on his spine. He noticed a large drop of sweat forming near his waist. He stared until the drops slipped from his broad shoulders and disappeared from his broad shoulders.

Suddenly ... that sound ... that sound and the strong smell of Shilpa Vahini's sweat ... Shashank was still aroused. He began to lose control of himself. He started looking around in the kitchen. Kitchen wall tiles, shelf glass, steel utensils of different sizes, bowls, plates, bowls, spoons ... all these reflected the two of them ...

Two human bodies of different shapes dissolving in each other ... Uncontrollable movements as they approach and go away ... Touching each other's sweaty bodies ... The combined fierce arrogance of their sweat and lust ... And again that sexy voice. .. फट फट् ... पच् पच् ... पुरर पुरर ...

Shashank looked down without stopping. As Shilpa Vahini's buttocks moved away from his body, he could see the table below. On that steel table, the unbroken anointing started from Shilpa Vahini's vagina. He began to think that this small bottom is definitely a mixture of sweat, kamarsa, or a mixture of the two. He even imagined what it would taste like.

Now, however, Shashank's patience was running out. As a last resort, he wrapped both his hands around Shilpa Vahini's fleshy waist and tried to stop her. Most of Shilpa's daughters-in-law must have noticed that. He stopped chewing his gout and gripped the edges of the table tightly with both hands. Slowing down his pace, he handed over the control to Shashank himself.

Taking this opportunity, Shashank lifted the buttocks of Shilpa Vahini a little and increased his speed to insert the penis in and out. The size of his penis fitting into her vagina made him feel so big for the first time. In this changed position, some secret button of Shilpa Vahini was pressed, because suddenly he felt a thorn in his whole body. His grip on the edges of the table became so tight that the fists of his hands seemed to turn white.

Upon receiving this signal, Shashank held his body tightly in the same pose and began to force his penis in and out. He felt that Shilpa Vahini's body was starting to shrink.
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जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
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"Zh ... zh ... zh still ... louder ... aiggg ... dead ... ah ... ah ... uh ... tear ... tear my pussy ... tear it .. Shut up ... push harder ... harder ... mother ah ... ah ... "Shilpa Vahini started screaming loudly. His toes began to try to penetrate the steel table. If they were on the ground, they would have dug an inch deep hole. His whole body began to tremble.

Shashank had lost overall control over Shilpa's daughter-in-law. He didn't know where we were, what we were doing, how much time we were doing, what we were going to do. He was stroking Shilpa Vahini's vagina like a piss. His fists were reddened in the folds of Shilpa Vahini's waist. Shilpa Vahini's exposed body, the foul smell in the kitchen, the revolving intoxicating sound ... bursting ... bursting ... bursting ... all this made Shashank growl. His cheeks began to ache. A strange sound started coming out of his throat. His eyes began to wipe automatically ...

And the next moment he cried out like a wild animal. The spray of his semen started flying into Shilpa Vahini's tight vagina. His legs began to tremble. For a moment he felt like he was spinning in the air. He held Shilpa Vahini's waist tightly so as not to drown in this turbulent sea. He took note of the situation and kept his balance with himself. She started squeezing his juice by pressing her buttocks on his penis by herself.

As soon as she was convinced that the last drop had been squeezed out of his penis, Shilpa Vahini let him go and fell on the table. Shashank's half hard cock came out of his vagina. Holding the edge of the table with both hands, Shashank sat down. In front of him, Shilpa Vahini's naked body was lying on the floor. He saw a thin stream of white juice coming out of their vaginas. Gradually, the edge grew bigger, and a small pool formed on the table between the two of them.

For a few moments they both sat and lay motionless. Only the sound of their breathing could be heard in that closed kitchen. Slowly Shilpa Vahini started moving as if waking up from sleep. He crawled under his body with his right hand between his legs. With his plump fingers he separated his own vagina. Making a humbling sound in his throat, he just shouted.

Shashank was looking at the front view with wide eyes. As soon as Shilpa's daughter-in-law insisted, he saw that her chocolate hole was boiling. He let out a sigh of relief as he sighed again. She was looking at the magic as if she was chanting Shashank's mantra, at that moment a loud "Fulla ..." sound was heard. Shashank's semen came out of Shilpa's vagina. He bathed his palms and spread them awkwardly on the table below.

Within a few seconds, Shilpa's daughter-in-law brought her sticky juice-soaked hand to her mouth. First he inhaled the scent and then licked his own fingers and palms as if he were hungry. He shouted 'Shroop Shroop', licked his hands up to his wrists and then walked around the table with his eyes closed. Pillowing with both hands under his head and spreading both legs, he began to see the latest signs of intercourse spread on the table.

Shashank was looking at this unfamiliar left with admiration. He had never imagined this look of Shilpa Vahini. He still couldn't believe that that charming but self-sufficient body was so full of energy. His naked body and the aggression he felt even in this state seemed like a beautiful sight to him. Not to be ashamed of lies, not to hide one's wealth ... On the contrary, after such passionate intercourse, their energy did not seem to have diminished at all.

He did not want them to lie down in front of him, but he wanted them to appreciate his confidence. His words during intercourse, his words did not feel dirty to him. On the contrary, he was the first woman in his life to enjoy it. While all these thoughts were swirling in his head, he moved forward and slept with his head on Shilpa Vahini's stomach.

Shilpa Vahini was whispering something through Shashank's hair. Shashank could neither hear nor understand what he was saying. He was absorbed in his own thoughts. Should I propose to Shilpa Vahini or not? If so, when and how? Will it catch you or not? Much heavier than you expected ... your luck is great ... etc etc ...

Shashank, however, had no idea what was going on in Shilpa Vahini's head. Rolling her hair through her hair, Shilpa Vahini looked at the ceiling of the kitchen in all four corners with satisfaction. The indicators of all four cameras were blinking unknowingly. Looking at one of the camels, he pursed his lips and whispered to himself,

"The item on the kitchen table is very good. Anita should be convinced soon. Then there will be more fun in this game ..."
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