Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
The shuddering grew more intense. I heard her moan out loud again. And then, her thighs started settling down.
I lay there between her legs, trying to come to terms with how low I had sunk.
I was her husband.
And I had just done oral sex to her, and brought her off to her 3rd orgasm of the night: the first two having been provided by Amir, through his dick.
I lay there, contemplating how I could have plunged this low. And I lay waiting for her to release her thighs from around my neck.
I realized then, that Amir's foot was still on my head. He was still holding my right hand behind my back.
I lay down quietly, waiting for one of them to release my face.
The minutes ticked by.
I contemplated how this must look in Kavita's eyes: I was lying down pathetically between her thighs, having given her oral sex KNOWING her 'boyfriend' Amir Ali had just fucked her.
Worse, this wasn't even a private moment between the two of us: the same Amir was standing towering over me, her husband, lying face between her thighs, his foot on my head.
What would she be thinking about this sight? Me between her legs, and her 'boyfriend' standing in an imposing manner, with his foot on my head?
The sight would tell her his place, and mine.
And looking at it from her eyes, I could see it too: his place, and mine.
I felt more defeated than I had ever felt. There was nowhere to run, no way to run. Just the sinking realization of my place.
My eyes started closing, and I was not conscious of when I fell asleep.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 19 Pt. 4

I woke up to pitch blackness. It was some time in the night.
I realized that I was still lying face down, between Kavita's legs.
There was no pressure on my head, nothing holding my arm. I moved my arm above my head just to make sure there was nothing there.
Kavita's legs were now lying astride my head. Her thighs weren't wrapped around my neck, shoulders.
I was 'free' to get up and move to a normal sleeping position.
I started trying to do that, propping myself on my right hand.
At this, Kavita's legs stirred. She moaned.
She had woken up. She sat upright in bed, and helped me get up.
I was grateful for her help. Regardless of the debasing experience of last night, fact was, my arm was still in the cast. And her helping hand assuaged my feelings to some extent.
I was now sitting up in bed. She was viewing me with concern.
She whispered, "Are you OK?"
I nodded.
She helped me to a normal lying position. She then lay beside me and whispered again, "Are you sure you're OK, Manu? Do you need some painkiller?"
I felt a wave of gratitude to her for asking. I whispered to her, “I'm OK Kavi, don't need a painkiller, am not in pain."
She put her arm around me, and stroked my chest.
She whispered, "That was good last night, Manu, thanks!"
I went red with shame.
It felt like the right thing to do at the moment, but now, being told by my wife, that she enjoyed my tongue action on her, right after Amir had fucked sounded like a put-down.
I had been put down enough, already. Her comment didn't make it particularly worse. It just made me feel momentarily ashamed.
I finally managed to put some speech together and whispered, "Did you have too much to drink, Kavi?"
She whispered, "No, just 1 1/2 glasses of wine."
She had, in the past, gotten tipsy on 1 glass of wine. So she did have too much to drink, for her metabolism.
I sighed and let it pass. Maybe she did it because she was drunk.
She whispered, "Good night!", then turned and closed her eyes. Soon, her light snores told me she was back asleep.
I lay down awake for a while, contemplating the depths to which I had sunk, before eventually falling asleep myself.
I woke up to an empty bed, as I had for the last few days. I dully freshened myself and read the newspapers.
When it was close to the time Kavita and Prem would return, I prepared coffee.
As though on cue, Kavita and Amir arrived from the gym just as I finished preparing coffee.
We had coffee together. I avoided meeting Amir's eyes, or trying to make conversation with him. I was embarrassed when I even set my eyes upon him: my mind went back to last night, when he had planted his foot on my head, before and after I had licked Kavita's pussy. And he had humiliatingly left his foot on my head for a long time, even after I had finished bringing Kavita to her orgasm.
I instead looked at Kavita. She was wearing workout pants again, on the tight side, with a t-shirt that revealed a bit more of her midriff than her tops had revealed, the previous two days.
I sighed. Things were progressively getting worse. The few silver linings appeared bleaker and bleaker.
Kavita presently got up, and asked me to come for my bath.
This was my private, intimate time with her, guaranteed: thanks to Amir's putting my arm in a cast.
She got both our change clothes into the bathroom today. I stood still as she helped me undress.
We had our bath. Kavita soaped my ball and penis, but my penis stayed limp. I felt weak and mentally beaten, thanks to last night.
As we finished up our bath, Kavita asked me to step aside from the shower area.
She then opened the water, and let the water run.
I was puzzled by her behavior. I couldn't understand why she was doing it.
She presently stepped up to me and whispered, "Manu, I want you to promise me one thing."
I looked at her quizzically.
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She whispered again, "No matter how Prem might provoke you with words or actions, do NOT mention, suggest or discuss with him, what happened on Wednesday night, OK?"
I couldn't understand her instructions at all. Especially because, I wasn't going to discuss it with him anyway.
I couldn't hold my curiosity, though. I asked, "Why, Kavi?"
She gave me a pitying look, then said, "Because I don't want you ending up with more broken bones or limbs."
She was warning me. Yet again. To behave, and acquiesce to what Amir was doing, to not resist as he continued his arrogant bullying ways. To not say anything that might provoke him, while it would be fine for HIM to provoke me.
Trying to blink tears out of my eyes, I nodded.
She stood up on her toes, and kissed me.
She then closed the shower water tap, started dressing herself up, and then proceeded to help me dress up.
Presently, she looked at me and said, "Glad you understand. Let's go have breakfast, and go out together today afternoon."
I asked, "Where, Kavi?"
She said, "I don't know, would you like to go to a movie? I was thinking of a movie."
This was what she had been doing with Amir, two weekends in a row. FINALLY, I had a chance to be included on the same plan.
I nodded, "That sounds good, Kavi. Let's do it."
She beamed, and kissed me.
We went out of the bathroom together, to face the day. I was feeling much better now, compared to the depths of last night.

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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 20 Pt. 1

As we sat for breakfast that morning, I waited with some degree of optimism, for the opportunity to go out together, with Kavita.
It would be a dampener that Amir would also be there.
Still, it would be better than the last two weekends.
We watched some TV in the morning, as I reflected on what had happened last night.
I noticed Amir smirking from where he was sitting. A couple of times, he raised and crossed one leg over his thigh, in a suggestive manner, pointing his foot in my direction.
I knew what he was referring to, what he was trying to remind me of: what had happened last night in bed.
What had happened had happened. In a way, it was 'better', as neither of them, especially Kavita, could pretend about it any more.
I could confront her any time, now.
I gulped as I thought about that.
After last night, I really ought to have confronted her.
She had enjoyed it, though. Especially when I licked her. She had come to an orgasm.
It was embarrassing, the idea of confronting her, after having brought her off orally, in that situation. Maybe I could USE this when I eventually confronted her as I knew I would have to, but it was embarrassing to think about talking to her in an accusatory manner, when I myself had licked her, on my own.
Would I not have licked her at all? If Amir had never put his foot on my head?
I didn't know for sure.
But I DID continue licking her, after hearing her initial moans.
I couldn't dodge that fact.
To an extent, I had lowered myself, on my own. And it was embarrassing to think of using that episode directly, to confront her.
The confrontation would have to come, soon, I told myself. But not as a direct reaction to last night's events.
We prepared to leave for the movie after lunch. Kavita took me to our room, and helped me change into outdoor clothes.
She then changed into a beige-colored chiffon saree, with a matching sleeveless blouse. She looked ravishing in the saree, and I felt a pang as I thought about the fact that Amir would be there, too. How I wished it could have been just the two of us: three was definitely going to be a crowd.
We got to the hall as Amir strode out of his room, dressed in a t-shirt. For once, he wasn't wearing one of his intimidating sleeveless t-shirts, which relieved me to an extent.
We got to the car, and Kavita helped me sit in the back seat, before she got into the driver's seat as Amir got in beside her, in the front of the car.
The journey to the movie hall was uneventful: Amir kept his dirty hands off her. I didn't read much into it, as he had already had sex with her so many times, I was beginning to lose count.
Amir got into the queue to get tickets for us.
Kavita and I waited making small talk about the movie and the movie hall: it had apparently been the same movie hall she had been to with Amir the previous weekend, but it had been a different movie in the same complex. As we stood waiting, out of the blue, I got a nameless fear: what if Amir got me a ticket by myself, and sat with Kavita for the movie?
Thankfully, that was not to be: he presently joined us with tickets for three adjacent seats.
The movie seemed to not be a popular one at the time: it had been released a while back, though Kavita and I hadn't seen it yet. Amir had seen it, but we didn't have much of a choice in terms of movies that were running in the various complexes we had considered before coming here. I realized this when we got inside, and the theater was half empty, which was surprising given it was the weekend.
Kavita sat down in the middle seat: I wasn't surprised by this. I was gratified that Amir didn't sit down in the middle, so he could happily fondle Kavita while I would have had to sit helplessly, on the other side.
Mid-way through the first half of the movie, though, I realized this didn't really help at all. His arm had crept around her waist, under her saree. I could see his palm billowing under her blouse, directly over her right breast.
He was fondling her, with her sitting right beside me. His audaciousness was out of control.
I sat beside Kavita, as helpless as I would have been had Amir been sitting in the middle.
A little while later, as we neared the end of the first half, Kavita leaned over to me and whispered, "Manu, can you get me a Pepsi please? Before the crowd comes?"
I nodded. I was beginning to get bored by the movie anyway, and it was irritating to sit silently while Amir kept fondling her.
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I got up from my seat, and walked out of the movie auditorium. I made a brief visit to the bathroom, before going to the refreshment area. There were other people who had come out for refreshments early. Evidently, I wasn't the only one who found the movie uninteresting.
I got a bottle of Pepsi for Kavita, and started walking towards the movie room, when I heard a voice call my name from behind me, "Manu?"
It was a woman's voice, and it was obviously not Kavita's voice.
I turned in the direction of the voice.
I was looking at a somewhat plump lady clad in a burqa. She had her veil up over her face.
I couldn't recognize her face at all. Who was this woman?
She asked, "You're Manu right? Manu Sharma?"
I asked warily, "Who are you madam?"
She smiled and asked, "Don't you recognize me?"
I stared at her, but I couldn't recall ever meeting this woman. How did she know my name?
She evidently figured from my blank expression that I couldn't recognize her.
She smiled and held her hand out, "I'm Pooja, don't you remember me? We went to college together!"
I couldn't recall her face, still. Further, she was wearing a burqa, a traditional '. dress, yet she had introduced herself as 'Pooja', typically a ***** name.
I took her hand and shook it, but said, "Am sorry, I'm still unable to place you....Pooja Madam."
She laughed and said, "What's this Madam business about? I studied with you yaar! Can't you still remember me?"
In a flash, it suddenly came to me.
She was the classmate of mine, who had got pregnant by a '. classmate of mine, and had 'eloped' with him.
Pooja, while she had been cute, hadn't been a stunner in college. But now, she had put on a fair bit of weight. Even her face seemed to have swollen up a bit. Plus, the burqa made it harder for me to recognize her.
I smiled and said, "Yeah now I am able to recall, sorry!"
I was wondering what her husband's name was. He was my classmate, and I had forgotten his name, as well.
She presently pointed to my arm and asked, "Are you OK? When did that happen?"
I waved it off, saying, "Oh, I fell recently, it's nothing serious. So when did you move to Bangalore, Pooja? I thought you were in Delhi still?"
She said, "No, Aslam got a good job here, so we moved here 4 years ago."
Aslam. Now I recalled his name, too.
It was just in time, because, presently, a man strode over beside Pooja, with a smallish boy in tow. He seemed familiar, and I could recall him now.
He hadn't gotten as plump as Pooja, but he too had put on some weight, and didn't look as rugged as he used to in college.
He held out his hand instantly. Evidently, he remembered me better than I remembered him.
"How are you man, Manu? What a surprise meeting you here!"
The boy he had in tow seemed smallish. I guessed they must have had a 2nd child somewhere around the corner, because she had been pregnant when they had gotten married.
Presently, Aslam introduced me to his little son. I learned that the elder one was a daughter, and she had gone to the bathroom.
Aslam now asked me, "I heard you got married, Manu. Congrats man! Where's your wife?"
I gulped. She was sitting in the hall, with Amir.
I said, "She's in the hall."
Aslam smiled and said, "Great, maybe we can meet her too!"
This was not what I had wanted.
I gulped, as I contemplated what might happen in such a meeting.
Kavita might see how this classmate of mine, Aslam, had impregnated his wife Pooja twice already. And she might draw conclusions from that about me, conclusions I had been dreading already.
I tried to deflect, by asking Aslam, "Oh, so you heard about my wedding. Why didn't you come man?"
He grinned and asked me, "Why didn't you come to our wedding yaar?"
I stuttered making up an explanation about something that had been going on at home then.
The conversation had gotten a bit uncomfortable.
Pooja sensed it, and started talking about other classmates: who was where, etc.
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I stood there nodding absentmindedly, trying to see how I could get away from this interaction.
Presently, I was distracted by the sight of a young looking girl.
She looked old enough to be in college. She was wearing a short skirt and a tank top. The design of her clothes looked remarkably similar to what Kavita had been wearing on Wednesday night. I did a double-take.
She was walking with a young chap, who had his arm around her waist. A couple of dating youngsters. I looked at the girl again. She was young, college going probably. Her build wasn't quite the mature, curvy shape that Kavita had attained. I had apparently stared at the girl too long. I heard a cough, and came back to present company. Aslam was grinning at me. He said, "Evidently Manu's getting married hasn't stopped his eyes from roving." He and Pooja both laughed as I grinned with embarrassment. Aslam leaned over and whispered so only the three of us could hear, "I don't blame you, she was looking hot!"
Pooja presently spoke, "She wasn't THAT good looking, it's her dressing, the way college kids these days dress makes us feel like old people! We were in college like them not long ago!"
I nodded in assent, absentmindedly following the conversation. Aslam said, "It's not just the college kids these days, even in our generation, some are much bolder than we are, Pooja dear!" He turned and gave Pooja a meaning look. I obviously was missing some context here.
Pooja grinned at me and said, "He's been asking me to dress more modern!"
I grinned back, thinking to myself, "You're wearing a burqa, you have a long path to modern clothes, Pooja!"
She then poked an elbow at Aslam and said, "I can't dress THAT outrageously and all! I have 2 kids!"
He grinned back saying, "You don't have to wear mini-skirts, but at least..."
Pooja interjected, poking an elbow again, "He's been pestering me much worse, since last week."
I asked with polite interest, "Oh? Why?"
She spoke, "We've obviously seen young people dressed like this for ages, but last week we also saw an older lady, seemed like our generation, dressed like, Wow, I couldn't believe it!"
I started feeling uneasy. I asked just to be polite, "Oh?"
Pooja kept gushing on, "This lady, she was with her husband, and, you should have seen her, Manu!"
I looked at her blankly. Internally, I already started having a mild fear about what I was about to hear.
"She was wearing these extremely tight pants, it was shocking! It was like you could see everything even though she was wearing pants! She was lucky her husband who was with her, was a well-built guy, otherwise someone would have hit on her, it is so risky dressing like that, I could never do that!"
I gulped. My fear just shot up several notches. It sounded so much like Kavita. Was she talking about Kavita?
She had been in this same movie hall last week, around the same time.
With trepidation, I asked, "I haven't seen many married women in Bangalore wearing pants, how do you know she was married?"
Pooja answered, "She was wearing sindoor and I could even make out her mangalsutra, she definitely was married!"
I gulped. It sounded very much like she was talking about Kavita.
Maybe not. If she was a married woman, chances were she would have been wearing sindoor and a mangalsutra, even if it was someone else.
Presently, Aslam leaned over and said, "Her husband didn't seem much like the shy type either! He kept pinching her ass in her tight pants all the time!"
And he chuckled as he finished up his words, and Pooja went red with embarrassment.
"Uff, all you guys can think about is sex!"
She was not the only one who was embarrassed. I was, too, to hear what Aslam just said.
If it was whom I feared...
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 20 Pt. 2

And presently, I froze, as I heard Kavita's voice behind me, "Manu?"
My face went white as I turned to face her.
She had walked up to two feet behind me, and I faced her as she asked, "What took you so long?"
At the same time, I heard a whisper behind me in Pooja's voice, saying, "It's her!!!"
Kavita presently asked me again, shaking me out of my thoughts, asking me again, "Huh? What took you so long?"
I gaped at her, tongue tied.
Kavita had apparently heard or noticed us talking as she walked up, because she now stepped closer and asked as though referring to Pooja and Aslam, "Who are these people?"
I was mortified with shame. I continued gaping, unable to speak.
Presently Aslam stepped forward and said, "Hi, I'm Aslam, Manu's classmate from college. And this is my wife Pooja, also Manu's classmate."
She smiled and said, "Wow, nice to meet you guys here, what a coincidence! I'm Kavita by the way. I'm Manu's wife."
Kavita now turned to face me again and asked, "You alright, Manu?"
I handed her the Pepsi as I weakly mumbled, "I met them after a long time, and was talking to them, Kavi. That's what took me so long."
As I spoke, I heard Pooja whisper again, apparently to Aslam, "It's DEFINITELY her!"
Kavita either didn't hear the whisper, or pretended to not have heard it. She took the Pepsi bottle from me, and drew a few sips.
She then spoke addressing Pooja and Aslam, smiling at them, "It's nice to have met you guys, where do you live?"
There was some small talk then. I was praying for a way to get out of this situation. I wanted to disappear.
And presently, as though my discomfiture wasn't enough, I heard Amir's voice from my right.
"Kavi? What was the problem?"
I went white faced as I turned to see him.
This time, I heard Aslam's whisper, "It's HIM!"
Kavita told Amir, "Prem, these are college classmates of Manu, we just met them coincidentally!"
Amir presently stepped forward and held his hand out, grinning as he spoke, "Hi, I'm Amir Ali, also known as 'Prem' to my friends."
He had evidently taken in Pooja's burqa, and decided to mention his real name.
Aslam and Pooja introduced themselves.
Amir and Kavita asked, nearly simultaneously, "Love marriage?"
They turned and grinned at each other as their questions 'collided'.
Kavita should have known that from their names. Apparently she had missed Pooja's name when they got introduced a few minutes back.
And Aslam and Pooja grinned as well, as Pooja shyly replied, "Yeah."
Presently, a young girl, evidently Aslam and Pooja's daughter joined us.
They introduced their two kids to Amir and Kavita, and me as well.
I blanked out of the conversation from there on. It seemed to go on and on. I saw Pooja push up the sleeve of her burqa briefly, but I wasn't following the conversation. I was trying hard to evaporate.
Thankfully, after a few minutes, the interval bell of the movie rang, and a crowd of people came out.
FINALLY, we started going our respective ways, but not before Pooja and Kavita had exchanged phone numbers. The women agreed to go out for dinner some day.
Aslam and Pooja decided to get some refreshments for their kids, whereas Kavita wanted to go back in.
On rubbery legs, I started walking back towards the movie hall. The presence of a crowd thankfully prevented Amir from doing anything outrageous.
As we got up the stairs to the hall doors, I turned to look at Aslam and Pooja.
I could make them out having a whispered conversation.
With a feeling of despair, I went in and sat beside Kavita in the hall again.
The rest of the movie passed in a daze. I had no idea what was going on, on the screen. My mind was elsewhere.
Evidently Aslam, one of my classmates I least kept in touch with, had known I had gotten married. I hadn't attended his wedding for reasons I knew, and felt guilty about now, as a more grown man. Still, I hadn't been in touch whereas he must have been more in touch with our college classmates than I was.
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I realized how much more of a loner I was in college. I shouldn't have been surprised that he knew about my getting married.
But now...
Both he and Pooja had clearly recognized Kavita as the woman in the tight pants they had seen the previous week.
And they had recognized Amir, as the guy she had been with, the guy who had been pinching her ass.
They knew now, that lady they had seen, was my wife. And they could deduce that Amir, the guy she was with then, the guy who was pinching her ass, wasn't her husband.
They would also figure, given how Kavita had been letting him pinch her ass, that there was some kind of clandestine relationship between them.
They wouldn't keep quiet about it. Much the same way Aslam had heard about my getting married, other classmates of mine were soon going to hear about Manu's wife having a relationship with this muscular guy who had also accompanied us to the movie today.
They had come to the movie as a family: Aslam, Pooja and their kids.
We had come as...a bizarre group: me, my wife and..
I realized now, that Amir hadn't mentioned what he was doing with Kavita and I.
I was grateful in a way, to Aslam and Pooja.
They both must have realized the situation.
And they could have dug into what Amir was doing with us, and made me even more embarrassed.
Thankfully, they hadn't probed into Amir's 'role' with us.
They knew. But they appeared to make an effort to not further my embarrassment.
Would they keep quiet, for the same reasons, and not tell other people, other classmates? I couldn't know. They might find it hard to resist talking about it.
Who else might have seen Kavita and Amir then? Maybe people I knew had seen them, and were keeping quiet about it politely?
At this rate, sooner or later, I was going to become the laughing stock of the town. Or, whoever I knew in town.
I was in a total daze for the rest of the evening. We went out to eat after the movie. I was 'zoned' out. Kavita had probably noticed it, but she kept quiet about it.
We got back home, and Kavita changed into a 'regular' nightie. She prepared a glass of warm milk before we went to bed, to our respective rooms.
When we had gotten to bed, Kavita spoke, "Nice cute couple, Aslam and Pooja,Manu."
I sheepishly nodded. They had two kids and they were still married, happily. So much for my own conceptions in college, when they had gotten married.
She now added, "Their kids were cute, too."
I nodded again.
Kavita now put her arm around me and asked, "What is up with you today, Manu? You seem totally out of it. You're not talking at all."
I looked at her weakly. Should I tell her the whispers I had overheard between Aslam and Pooja? Should I tell her that she had been recognized from the previous week?
I made up an excuse, "Kavi, I was one of the few guys in our class who didn't attend their wedding reception. They got married in our final year."
She laughed and said, "I didn't realize they got married so long ago. Now I understand how come their daughter seemed quite grown up, for such a young couple. I don't think they seemed hung up over it, Manu. Why didn't you attend it anyway?"
I gulped as my discomfort continued. Should I tell her the true reason?
Kavita didn't wait for my answer anyway. She waved it off, saying, "Don't worry about it, Manu. Am sure they aren't upset at you still. Try to get some sleep now OK?"
I dully nodded, and fell asleep after a while.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 20 Pt. 3

The next morning went similar to the routine I had gotten used to: an empty bed, making coffee and waiting for Kavita (and Amir) to return from the gym.
I now started wondering how many people at the gym would recognize her. If Aslam and Pooja could recognize her even though she was in a saree yesterday...
On a hunch, as I waited for Kavita to return, I went and checked the medicine shelf.
The number of birth control pills that had been consumed, had gone up.
There was no doubt about it. Kavita was having birth control pills, I needn't worry on that front.
We had a largely relaxed Sunday at home. Amir went out in the afternoon. It didn't help me any, because my penis was flaccid as it could have been. The incident at the movie had sapped my confidence again. Kavita did try to stroke my penis alive, but she didn't manage to. She smiled and kissed me, and told me not to worry, as we had a siesta.
When I woke up in the evening, Kavita was already awake: the bed was empty.
I woke up with worry: would she be in bed with Amir?
I stumbled out towards the hall. I paused at the doorway to the hall: Amir was in the hall, watching TV alone. I then heard a sound from our bathroom, and breathed a sigh of relief.
Momentarily, Kavita stepped out. She had changed from the saree she had been wearing, into a full body length orange nightie. She had a plastic bag in her hand, which she went and kept in the cupboard containing her clothes. She asked if I wanted tea, and I accepted. I joined Amir in the hall. He was wearing an odd smirk. I had seen him smirk many times, but somehow, his smirk seemed mysterious now. Perhaps it was my own insecurities. I got a better idea about why he may have been smirking, after dinner. Kavita announced that we were running low on eggs again. This was bound to happen more frequently since Kavita was also working out and having eggs, now. But this was also their 'cue' for me to go out, so they two of them could have sex.
I went out after dinner, and walked to the closest grocery store. When I came back, the hall was empty. I couldn't hear tell-tale moans, but I knew what was likely to be happening, inside, on Amir's bed. I waited in silence, hoping to hear something, or see them come to the hall. As I waited, I realized one thing that hadn't occurred to me until then. Since the Tuesday incident, when I had 'wetted' my pyjamas, Kavita hadn't asked me to wear those feminine pyjamas that Amir had 'got' for me. She must have realized SOMETHING, even though she hadn't seen what Amir had been doing. In my shameless desperation, I added that to the list of 'optimistic' signs, that Kavita, my Kavita who was getting fucked by Amir right now, was still 'on my side'.
I presently saw her walk out of Amir's room. She was still wearing the orange nightie. I gulped, and rang the bell. She opened the door for me. I handed her the eggs, and she put them away before we retired for bed, a bit early.
In bed, Kavita spoke to me briefly, "Manu?"
I asked eagerly, "Yes, Kavi?"
"Prem was finding his room getting hot, and summer's coming. We have the A/C there but you know its not working. He gave a number for a repair crew he recommended, can you call them tomorrow and set up an appointment for next Saturday, please?"
I gulped. We were living in Bangalore, it wasn't that hot anyway. Granted summer was round the corner, but it wasn't like the weather was oppressively hot. Our parents had stayed in the same room and had never complained about 'heat'.
Maybe his room was getting hot because of all the sex and sweat from sex, I thought. I had avoided this repair because I had seen it as a needless expense, I didn't see how I could say no. And it might help to have a working option, when our parents would visit next time.
I nodded, "Sure, Kavi."
She turned on her side and said, "Thanks, Good Night Manu."
I sighed. I wasn't going to be able to do anything with her, in bed. Not after knowing that she had just had another session in bed with Amir. And she too, apparently, wasn't interested, tonight. With a sense of unknown dread, I went to sleep.
The next morning, I got up to the now familiar empty bed. I freshened up, read the newspapers, prepared coffee and waited for Kavita and Amir to arrive. They arrived at the same time they usually arrived. Kavita smiled at me, and said, "Good Morning Manu!" I greeted her back, and waited for them to get their footwear off, so I could give them their coffee.
Kavita was dressed again in workout clothes. The pants were black, and tight, but didn't seem as tight as those obscenely tight pants she had been wearing a week back. Her top was short-sleeved and orange in color, and revealed around three inches of her midriff.
As she turned to take off her shoes and socks, I noticed a spot of grease on the exposed part of her midriff, on her back. She must have used some greasy equipment today, I figured.
She now came towards me and took her coffee cup from the tray, and said, "Thanks Manu!"
Presently, Amir had taken his footwear off. Kavita took the last cup of coffee from the tray, and handed it to Amir.
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As she turned to do so, I got a better view of the "spot of grease" on her back.
And as I did, I experienced what I think is the closest I have come to having a heart attack
The "spot of grease" wasn't a spot of grease.
It was a tattoo.
It was small enough that I wasn't able to discern it from a distance earlier. Now, up close, I could make it out.
What made my heart rate go up this much was not that she had gotten a tattoo.
I had seen women with tattoos on their midriff, especially teenagers. Though, I hadn't imagined that Kavita, of all people, would be the kind to get one, especially at her age. And even though I wasn't totally shocked at the sight of a tattoo on the back of Kavita's midriff, what made my heart beat as it did was the nature of the tattoo itself. It wasn't one of the popular "design" tattoos, such as a "butterfly", the one I could recall seeing most, on women's midriffs. It wasn't, for that matter, any kind of design that one could consider as "artistic". Her tattoo had just two letters: "A.A"
There was no mistaking what the letters on the tattoo stood for. As I took in the tattoo on the back side of her midriff, I swallowed my coffee wrong and spluttered. My heart was still palpitating at a rapid pace.
Kavita turned and patted my back and asked, "Are you OK?"
Her patting my back helped to restore my breathing. It didn't stop my heart from pumping at a rate I didn't recall ever happening.
What the hell was this about?
How could she do this?
How COULD she have done this? Didn't tattoos take time to do?
I had been asleep the previous day, in the afternoon. I hadn't noticed anything on her person in the morning.
She might have gone out and done it in the afternoon. But even she had joined me for a siesta. She couldn't have had too much time.
I stood gaping in shock.
Presently, Kavita took my half drunk cup of coffee from my hand, and the tray from the sofa where I had rested it. She went towards the kitchen, as I turned to watch her.
Now, even at this distance, I could make out the letters. They didn't look like grease any more.
I heard a low whisper on my right, "Watching her ass, P.B?"
It was Amir. I jumped as I turned.
He leered maliciously, then walked towards his bedroom, to have his bath.
I stood there in shock, as Kavita now came back to the hall, and led me to our bathroom.
I got shaken out of my stupor to an extent. I had to go to work.
Kavita put together our change clothes, and stepped back into the bathroom.
She helped me undress, as I stood gaping, still in the shock of the tattoo on the back of her midriff.
Presently, she started undressing as well. She had gotten down to her bra and panties, when she turned to me and asked, "Manu, are you OK? You seem to be lost in your own thoughts."
I finally managed to speak up. I had to swallow before I could get some words out, "Kavi, on your got a tattoo?"
She smiled and said, "Yeah, isn't it cute?"
I didn't find it cute at all. I was never the kind of guy who found tattoos particularly interesting. And this was worse than any old tattoo.
"Kavi, how can you mark yourself like that, especially in a visible part of your body. It's permanent!"
At this she started laughing.
I couldn't understand what the joke was.
I stared at her inquisitively.
She saw my staring and stopped laughing. Still smiling, she said, suppressing a giggle, "It's not permanent, dummy. It's a temporary tattoo. It'll wash off."
I felt a surge of relief on hearing that.
A few moments later, the panic returned.
Why a tattoo, even if temporary?
I voiced my question.
"Why, Kavi? Why a tattoo anyway?"
She giggled, "Don't you think it's cute?"
I shook my head.
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Her face went grim seeing me shake my head.
She said, "Well, your friends both had tattoos on their arms, and I told them then that it was cute. Why didn't you say anything then?"
What was she talking about?
I looked at her quizzically.
She said, "Your friends, Pooja and Aslam, we met them on Saturday and we talked about this, don't you remember?"
I didn't remember this part of the conversation at all.
I must have blanked out. I did remember blanking out of their conversation for some time.
I said, "I think I missed this part of the conversation, Kavi."
She said, "Uff, you were standing right there! Aslam had a tattoo on his wrist of Pooja's name, and then Pooja showed hers, of Aslam's name on her wrist. They told us their tattoos were permanent, and they got them when they were in college, remember?"
I obviously couldn't recall any of this.
I said, "Sorry, Kavi, I completely blanked out of this part of the conversation."
She looked like she understood my puzzled expression, and continued, "Anyway, this is a temporary tattoo, so don't get upset, OK?"
I still couldn't understand why.
I persisted, "Still, why a tattoo, Kavi?"
Her voice became angry, "I told you why, STOP it OK? It's cute. I think it's cute."
I gulped.
She continued, "I wore mehndi on my hands and legs when we got married. You seemed to think then that it looked nice. I don't see how this is different."
It was true. She had worn mehndi then.
So she found using a temporary tattoo a "cute" idea. Fine.
Still, this was very different from her wearing mehndi. Why THAT SPECIFIC tattoo, and THERE?
They were clearly the first letters of Amir's name. And they were in a somewhat visible part of her body: it would be visible unless she wore churidars or fully body length nighties.
It felt like a message of some sort.
"Why A.A, Kavi?"
Her voice was still angry, "What do you mean 'why A.A Kavi'?"
"Your tattoo says A.A."
"I mentioned it was cute before both you and Prem. And he got it for me yesterday. I guess that's why he picked what the tattoo was, the letters. If you had gotten it first, you could have got what you wanted. But you didn't even pay attention to something I liked, what can I say!"
I lost my will to fight it any more, on this issue. It seemed to be a lost cause.
Resignedly, I let her cover my cast with the plastic cover.
Presently, we proceeded to have our bath.
I nervously watched the tattoo on her back, waiting for it to wash off.
It appeared to become just marginally duller, but it didn't come anywhere close to coming off.
We now finished up our baths, and the tattoo still was there on her back.
I mumbled, "Kavi, it didn't wash away."
She flared up at this, "STOP IT MANU! It's supposed to wash off, maybe it will take a couple of washes. Mehndi also takes time to wash off. STOP nagging me over it OK?"
I was stunned silent, at her rage.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 20 Pt. 4

I lifted my legs weakly as she now started dressing me up, starting with one of the panties Amir had got for me the previous week.
She presently helped me into a vest, and then put on a bra and panties for herself, followed by a petticoat.
We walked into our bedroom. Thankfully, Amir wasn't there then.
Kavita now helped me into my work clothes, before putting on a black blouse and a blue saree.
I gulped as she finished dressing up. Her tattoo still showed up exposed, on her midriff. It felt like she was 'rubbing it in my face'.
I dully followed her to the hall. She went towards the kitchen, while I sat in the hall.
Amir was sitting there, dressed and ready for work. He was grinning in his usual irritating manner.
I suspected he had overheard at least some of Kavita's yelling when we had been in the bathroom.
The drive to work was largely uneventful. I was brooding on how things were going out of control.
If Kavita was going to be going around with a tattoo saying "A.A" on the back of her midriff,it was going to get noticed.
Sooner or later, people were going to put two and two together.
At least, those who knew Amir by his real name. Such as that supervisor at that Mughlai restaurant.
Why was she 'advertising' it in this manner? Did she not see this was tantamount to 'advertising' her relationship with Amir?
I slowly started coming round to the obvious conclusion: this was deliberate. She had meant to 'advertise' it.
Maybe not too many people who noticed it would be able to put two and two together. After all, Amir didn't have his name stamped on him.
Presently, Amir stopped in front of my workplace. I got off his motorcycle.
He chuckled, "P.B, P.B..."
I asked defensively, "What? Amir?"
"You're wasting your time, P.B. But I guess I should have made it clear before."
"Made WHAT clear before? Amir?"
"I don't own just your pretty wife's pussy and ass, P.B. I own ALL of her body. Get it?"
I hung my head down.
Much as his taunt irritated me, it rung true as well, in the context of what had happened today.
He continued, "I'll let you know more about your angelic wife tomorrow, P.B. Until then, work hard, OK?"
And presently, he drove off.
I got to work, and tried to concentrate on my work.
It was difficult. The spectacle of the letters "A.A" on Kavita's midriff kept flashing before my eyes, and in my mind.
I tried to think constructively. It looked more like I might end up losing my wife. I shouldn't lose my job as well.
Defeatedly, I tried to concentrate, blanking those thoughts out of my mind.
Kavita called me up after lunch. I was glad to hear her voice. It seemed like so long ago since she had called me when I was at work.
After some preliminary talk, she asked, "Manu, did you call up the A/C repair people?"
I gulped. I had forgotten.
She continued, "Do it today, Manu. It looks like it will be a hot summer."
I promised her I would do it right after the call, and she hung up.
I then called up the number she had given me, and proceeded to set up an appointment for the A/C repair on Saturday.
I then thought again about the change that had occurred this morning: the "temporary" tattoo that didn't turn out to be so temporary.
I looked up on how temporary tattoos could be removed. There were several types of temporary tattoos, I learned. And some could last longer than others.
She had mentioned during our argument, that 'Mehndi also takes time to wash off'.
So this tattoo of hers wasn't Mehndi-based. That would make sense, since it would have taken time to set in, and I didn't see her the previous day with Mehndi paste on her; it would have been difficult for her to do it even with the clothing she had been wearing, it would have risked staining her clothes.
So this seemed to be more the "airbrush" kind. Did she go to a shop and get it done on Sunday?
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She had said 'Prem got it for me'.
So he had got her the ink/equipment, and applied it himself? It would make most sense, given the amount of time she had had yesterday, to get it done. Maybe he already had the equipment or access to the equipment, and all he had to do was get a design?
It bothered me that she would let Amir this kind of access to her body. He could have written ANYTHING on her back.
In any case, regardless of how she had gotten the tattoo, I now had an idea of how it could be removed. The tattoo could last typically a few days, sometimes a week, and could even last up to a couple of weeks if washed with care. At the same time, there were ways to "remove" it sooner, and rubbing alcohol or baby oil were the safest way to do it. I went out and bought a bottle of baby oil, and slipped it into my work bag.
The rest of the day at work was uneventful. Amir dropped me off near the flower-seller as before. He was going to fuck my wife again.
I walked home feeling the helplessness I had become used to, but with some degree of hope as well. I could get the stupid tattoo off her body today itself.
I rang the bell as I had become used to: after Kavita and Amir exited his room. As with the last time, I didn't hear any tell-tale moans, but I waited all the same, until I saw Kavita come out of Amir's room.
Kavita opened the door for me. She was still wearing the blue saree she had worn in the morning. She however didn't have the beaming smile she usually gave me at this time. Evidently she was still upset about this morning's argument.
The evening passed in a blur. I was waiting to go to bed, so I could use the baby oil to remove the tattoo.
In bed, I set the bottle on the bedside table beside me, and waited for Kavita to come and lie down beside me.
Kavita joined me in bed, a short while later. She lay down on her side, her back facing me, reading a book. The opportunity seemed just perfect.
The tattoo seemed revolting, at this distance, in bed. It felt even more like she was rubbing it in my face.
I tilted the bottle so some oil poured out onto the palm of my right hand, then straightened the bottle with my right elbow and then started fondling her waist with my right hand, from the back.
She giggled and said, "Someone's being naughty."
I started applying my right palm on the tattoo region of her midriff,now. And I could see it starting to come off, and darkening my palm.
Kavita appeared to sense something, because, she now sat up asking, "Manu, what ARE you doing?"
She turned to looked at me. She looked at my palm. She then looked at the baby oil bottle on the bedside table.
Her breasts heaved a few times, before she said aloud, "SHAME on you, Manu. I thought you were fondling me with love, and instead you were tricking me!!!"
I mumbled, "No, Kavi, I thought you also wanted it to come off in the morning, and since it didn't come off, I found out how to make it come off..."
My words trailed off at that time.
Kavita's breasts were heaving again, and she now said, "I KNEW it can last a few days before coming off, OK? I wanted to wear it just for a few days. Couldn't you grant me that SIMPLE pleasure? Instead of banging me like this?"
My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe she would describe what I had just done as bang.
She picked up her pillow and her blanket.
Oh God. She was going to go sleep in the hall again. Or worse, with Amir.
She took her legs off the bed, and then said, "Oh, what's the point anyway?"
She then put her pillow back on the bed.
She turned to look at me, and just kept looking at me. Her eyes seemed to grow misty.
Presently she said, "Manu, this is the first ever time you have done anything to me, my BODY, without my permission. Since this is the first time, I kind of understand why you did it, somewhat, I'll let it go, but DON'T do this kind of thing again, OK?"
I nodded, unable to keep out the fear in my face.
Somehow, she had changed her mind about not sleeping in our bed. But I couldn't figure WHY she had changed her mind.
She leaned over and kissed me, and put her arm around my chest.
She mumbled, "I should have suspected...never mind."
I repeated, just for emphasis, "I'm really sorry, Kavi. I won't do it ever again."
She turned to let her back face me again, then asked, "Did you properly remove it or is it just messed up now?"
I inspected it. It wasn't fully removed, but the letters were messed up. I told her so.

She said, "Go ahead and remove the whole thing. It's anyway messed up. And use a towel instead of your silly palm. You don't want it on your palm. And wash your palm."
I washed my palm off, and returned to bed with a hand towel to wipe off the rest off the tattoo. It took a few attempts before I got it off her completely.
I felt like I had "cleansed" her, yet a part of me felt guilty.
She was right, I had tricked her into letting me do it. It wasn't bang, but it was without her consent.
Then again, I thought to myself wryly, she didn't exactly take my consent before replacing my underwear with panties. Or, what she had done in bed with me, the previous week. Or, for that matter, the whole Amir affair.
The standards were different, and I knew deep down, why.
I couldn't do much about it.
Resignedly, but with the air of some accomplishment, tinged by guilt, I drifted off to sleep.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 20 Pt. 5

I woke up the next morning again, to an empty bed.
I stretched and freshened up, then walked to the hall.
As I did, I jumped.
Amir was sitting in the hall. Alone. And he had seen me, and was watching me.
I looked around. There seemed to be no sign of Kavita.
I gulped nervously, as I approached the coffee table to pick up a newspaper.
Presently, he moved and quickly walked towards me.
I felt panic. Something was up, and it didn't augur as something pleasant.
I felt the sting of his palm on my cheek.
I screamed just in case Kavita was at home, "Kaviiii!!!"
He grinned maliciously, "Save your breath, pussy boy. She's working out."
My terror went up several notches.
So he had skipped his exercises today and stayed home? Or had he dropped her at the gym and come back?
Why? Just to beat me up? It looked a lot like that.
I asked with a trembling voice, "Why? Amir?"
He slapped me again, and again. Then he answered, "You know why, pussy boy."
The tears welled up in my eyes. I didn't quite know why.
"Amir, please? I really don't know wh..."
And he slapped me again, and again, and again.
I was now trembling with fear. But I felt something else also.
Something had snapped inside me.
I would never allow this again.
I could never allow this again.
I had had enough.
Rather than let him beat me up, I would rather fight back, even if it meant serious injury, or death.
He couldn't get away with it if he injured me seriously. Not next time.
But there was no point fighting now, with one hand in a cast.
I needed my left hand out of the cast.
It didn't feel so bad anyway. I had managed without painkillers for the bulk of the 1 1/2 weeks that it had been in the cast, so far.
Maybe it never was a fracture, and maybe the cast was an overkill on safety.
It didn't matter. I wanted both limbs available, so I could fight him back.
I was going to get my cast off. I would discuss it with Kavita, and do it anyway, regardless of if she tried to stop me.
Presently, Amir relented on his slapping routine, and spoke, "That should teach you to touch a body I OWN, inappropriately."
I swallowed.
I now understood what this "punishment" was about.
It didn't matter. She was MY WIFE.
He had no business doing this to me, regardless of how he felt about her body.
I was going to get my hand off the cast, and fight the next time he tried to beat me up.
Presently, he put on a pair of slippers and left the house.
So he was going to pick her up, it appeared like.
I briefly considered being prepared with a weapon, such as a knife.
I could justify it with the provocation that he had done just now.
But I couldn't morally justify it to myself. It seemed premeditated to be ready to use a knife or some weapon on him.
I would wait for his next unprovoked physical attack, and fight back.
But first things first, the cast had to come off.
I wiped my tears off, and waited for Kavita and Amir to return.
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I maintained a cold silence towards Kavita through the morning. I didn't want to discuss this with her in person. I was afraid she would persuade me to not proceed.
She didn't seem to notice my coldness. It was disappointing, but I wasn't totally broken by it. I had gotten used to her indifference to my feelings.
I called her later that day from work, and told her, "Kavi, I am going to get my cast off today, or tomorrow."
She was shocked, "Why, Manu? The doctor said 2-3 weeks."
I said, "My arm feels fine, Kavi. I feel no pain. I don't think it's a fracture."
She tried to persuade me, as I expected, "Come on Manu. Wait till Monday, you'll at least complete 2 weeks as the doctor said."
I stayed firm, and invented creatively, "No, Kavi. I want my arm off the cast. And I want to start going to the gym ASAP."
She spluttered, "Have you gone crazy, Manu? The doctor said NO stress for 3 weeks even after the cast is removed. You CAN'T start straining your arm so soon!"
I took a deep breath.
Not only was it true, it shook up my foundations a little.
By then, I was feeling bitter about her role in today morning's beating.
She had let Amir come back home to beat me up. She must have given him her key.
She knew then, what he was doing, and why. And she didn't stop him.
But her response now indicated she cared for my well-being.
I could understand her behavior, attitude no more than the day she 'defied' me to wear those obscenely tight pants.
Still, what she said did make some sense. I relented partially, "All right, I'll wait on joining a gym, but I am getting the cast off today, or tomorrow."
She tried one more time, "Manu, wait a couple more days please? At-least Friday? Just to be safe, in case it WAS a fracture? You know if it WAS a fracture, you'll have your arm in a cast later, and for a longer time too!"
I sighed. I didn't expect to get attacked again in two days. I supposed I could do it Friday.
I said, "All right, Friday then. I'll call the doctor and ask for an appointment."
She continued, "Also ask him to also schedule an X-Ray. Just to be safe, Manu."
I gulped.
I thought to myself, "Goddammit, Kavi, do you care for me?"
"If so, why do you let Amir do all this to me?"
I spoke instead, "OK, I will, Kavi."
"In any case, Manu, why do you want to join a gym now?"
"You know why, Kavi."
"No, Manu. Please tell me why."
"Because I'm tired of being pushed around by your Prem, that's why."
"Manu, you're being silly. Prem has been working out for YEARS. You can start working out now, and if you get into a fight with him, he'll still probably break your bones. He won't be staying with us forever, PLEASE don't start working out with an intention to pick a fight with Prem, OK?"
"Kavi, I won't pick a fight, but if he starts a fight, I want to fight back, I want to be able to fight back, OK?"
"So is your problem, what you had told me earlier? That Prem picks fights with you, sometimes?"
I took a deep breath.
"Yes. He picked a fight with me today morning, Kavi."
"I'll talk to him, Manu. I didn't know he had done this. I'll warn him to not do it again, OK?"
I didn't believe her. I suspected she was lying. She probably knew it. She probably had been conniving with him.
I spoke after a few moments, "OK, Kavi. I still want to join a gym and be prepared better to defend myself."
"Don't be silly, Manu. You'll only be looking for a fight. Do join a gym, but do it after Prem leaves, OK? I don't want more fights. I'll talk to him, and make sure he doesn't start up an unprovoked fight with you, OK?"
I said, "Fine, Kavi."
Deep down, I had already got disenchanted with my idea of joining a gym right away.
For one thing, what she had said was true. When I sat back and thought about it, I was more likely to get injured, if I picked up a fight.
Further, she seemed to be advising me in my interest. If she kept her word, then Amir shouldn't do this again, unprovoked.
I decided to wait and see. I would anyway have to wait a few weeks before trying that plan to join a gym and workout.
We presently talked about how I could had zoned out that much on Saturday, and soon after, we hung up.
I then called the doctor, and I was lucky enough to get an appointment for Friday afternoon. I couldn't have done it sooner, anyway, with the same doctor. The doctor did voice his concerns, but I was firm with my decision.
I then discussed with my manager, and took Friday afternoon off.
At least, I wasn't going to be helpless to fight back, after Friday.
With some positive energy in me, I put my mind to my work.

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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 21 Pt. 1

The ride back home from work was uneventful. I was grimly silent, as I took in the fact that two days from now, I wouldn't need this ride. At least, I could resume driving our car to work.
As had been his habit, Amir dropped me off a few blocks from home, then sped off towards our home.
So he was now fucking my wife Kavita daily, or nearly daily. So be it. I was used to it by now.
I got home, and waited at the window. As with the previous day, I couldn't hear Kavita's moans, and I stood waiting, assuming she was in Amir's bedroom.
Presently, I saw Kavita exit Amir's bedroom.
And a couple of minutes later, I was in our home.
I handed her her flowers. I remained cold, aloof. Unsurprisingly, she didn't seem to notice my coldness.
The evening passed in a blur. I stayed aloof, and so did she.
The next morning passed in a blur, very much on the lines of Tuesday, with the exception being that Amir did go to the gym with Kavita. Once again, I was cold and aloof, when I got home. And Kavita seemed to not notice it at all. Or care about it.
That evening, as I waited outside our hall window after returning from work, I again heard the moans I had come to recognize, from my wife, coming from Amir's bedroom.
As had been the case before, she showed no trace of remorse, or guilt, after their session, when I was with her.
Thursday went largely like Wednesday, almost like this was a regular, scripted routine: Kavita and Amir went to the gym together again, in the morning. Once again, I waited with trepidation, fearful that the tattoo would reappear. It did not. Once again, Amir dropped me off at work, then picked me up in the evening and dropped me off a few blocks from home.
Yet again, I was waiting at the window, listening to what I could hear.
I was a bit tired of listening to Kavita's moans of pleasure, in bed with Amir. Distractedly, I walked back to the stairway, and looked out of the grill, down at the kids playing in the neighborhood.
How many people in the neighborhood knew the situation by now?
Surely our neighbor's college-going son, Arun, must have had some idea, by now.
I looked out through the stairway grill, and now observed with some degree of anxiety, that Arun was approaching the building. Thankfully, he seemed to be with a friend of his: the guy with him looked around his age, like he might have been a classmate of his, from college.
I saw them walk towards the stairway. I froze as I digested what it meant.
They would be coming up the stairs.
In two minutes, they would be at the stairway entrance to his home, which was the same as the stairway entrance to my home.
He would see me waiting again.
I wanted to avoid that unpleasantness. Especially now, that Arun seemed to have a friend with him.
I hurriedly walked up the stairs, half a flight, and stood barely around the corner at the halfway point, waiting for them to come and go into Arun's house.
Presently, the form of Arun and his friend came into my view. They were laughing about something they had been talking about.
Presently Arun said,
"Are you sure, Mushtaq?"
That seemed to be the name of Arun's friend.
He seemed to be contemplating in his mind about something. Presently Arun's friend said,
"Yeah, let's do it, man!"
With my heart thumping, I watched as they both walked off, around the corner, towards the window of the hall of our home.
I could not see them for the next couple of minutes.
Presently, they came back into view.
Arun's friend Mushtaq was saying,
"Wow. You were right, it was worth it!"
Arun said,
"I told you so!"
Mushtaq continued,
"You were saying, the lady is married to an impotent guy?"
Arun chuckled and said,
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"I don't know that he's impotent. But I think he is. What I do know is, they've lived here for a year, and I've heard these kind of moans only after this other guy moved into their house recently."
My face went white as I realized Arun was talking about me, about us. Gossiping about me, with a guy who I presumed was his college friend.
Mushtaq persisted,
"How do you know it's not her husband who was doing it now?"
Arun said,
"It could be. I saw his car parked downstairs. But I told you, some time back, his car was parked downstairs, and I came up and he was waiting at the door. I went to their window and heard the same sounds then."
Mushtaq burst into laughter and said,
"Didn't the husband realize what was happening, then?"
Arun replied,
"I think her husband is too much of a simpleton. He's a typical  guy with his head in the clouds, thinking about his job more and his wife less..."
Mushtaq laughed again and said,
"What was the name of the guest you said? And the wife?"
"Kavita's the wife. Amir Ali's the guest, she calls him 'Prem'. He's built like a body-builder. I'd advise you to not try any stunt to get Kavita. I don't think she's interested anyway, I tried many times to get friendly with her. She'd keep her distance once she realized I was flirting."
Mushtaq interrupted saying,
"But maybe she has a thing for '. guys, circumcised dicks. I've known plenty who do, especially  chicks,  ladies. She's obviously one of them."
Arun chuckled and said,
"She might have such a thing, yeah. But I think she's doing it with him more because..."
Arun's words trailed off.
Mushtaq queried,
"Because what?"
Arun said,
"I think she had a past relationship with him, she described him as her ex-boyfriend when she introduced him to me."
I stumbled backwards on the stairway landing.
I reeled under the shock of what I had just heard.
I couldn't have been sure about whether what the restaurant manager/supervisor had said, was true or not. He might have been pulling my strings.
But this was proof. Incontrovertible proof. From Kavita's own mouth. There was no reason for Arun to lie.
And she had said this to Arun, but not to me.
Presently, the two of them went back to have a peek, and then came back grinning. They then rang the bell of Arun's apartment, and stepped in.
I wiped the sweat off my brow with my right hand.
I had been so mistaken about Arun.
He had overheard everything the other night.
And he had known, since then.
He had since then seen Kavita go out with Amir. Her 'ex-boyfriend' as she had introduced herself to him, apparently.
And he had even met me the same day.
How he must have viewed me with pity, and contempt, that day.
The word was spreading. More people were gradually coming to know, what the situation was like in our household.
The wind had gone out of my sails.
I had come home from work with some degree of hope, anticipation, towards the next day: when I would get rid of my cast, for good/bad.
Now, I had gotten a good dose of reality.
What good would it do getting my cast off?
I would be able to fight Amir with both hands if he attacked me physically, again. Not that I could win such a fight.
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I would be able to drive my car to work again.
Freeing up Amir again, to come home before I did, and have sex with my wife Kavita before I got home.
Worse, Arun might get more people around, knowing my car wasn't there. He might as well sell tickets at the window of my home, whenever Amir got home before I did.
I could feel the positive energy I had built up over the last couple of days dissipate away.
I was in a daze as I walked in. Kavita offered to make tea as she usually did, and I accepted without much energy.
Kavita asked me if I had called and made the appointment for the A/C repair. I told her that I had done so long back.
She asked me to call them the next day and confirm the appointment again. I told her I would.
I hadn't yet told her about the doctor's appointment the next day. I didn't feel like it. She would have asked me if she cared. She didn't ask.
That evening, when we retired to bed, Kavita snuggled up to me and asked,
"Are you OK, Manu?"
I looked at her.
She had cheated on me, every day this week. Openly.
And she expected me to be 'okay'?
I dully told her,
"I'm fine, Kavi."
She persisted,
"How's your arm feeling?"
So she did remember about my arm. I wouldn't tell her about the doctor's appointment if I could help it.
I told her,
"No pain, Kavi. I think it's fine."
She looked at me as though longing to say something more, but eventually just stroked my chest and said,
"Good night, darling."
I moodily wished her good night.
I was being cold, and I guessed she had sensed it.
I lay in bed for a while, contemplating if this was a good time to 'cut my losses'. Still, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Losing her permanently to Amir still seemed worse than any other alternative. Sooner or later, she would have to get tired of him.
Looking forward to getting rid of my cast, I tried to blot out the thoughts about losing Kavita to Amir permanently, and what I had overheard earlier in the evening. Eventually, i drifted off to sleep.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 21 Pt. 2

Kavita and Amir returned from the gym as was their new routine. She was still dressing from the same sets of clothes I had seen her wear: workout pants with t-shirts/tops that mostly revealed some of her midriff. Thankfully, it did mean her clothing didn't get any more outrageous. The tattoo had not made a reappearance on her midriff, or anywhere else, as I found out during our bath.
At work, the morning passed by in a blur. I finished up what I needed to do, and was getting ready to leave for the doctor's appointment, when I got a call from Kavita, on my cellphone.
I wanted to answer it, but I was feeling too depressed and spiteful over the deterioration in our relationship. I ignored her call, and packed up for the day.
She called me a couple more times over the next five minutes, as I got downstairs.
She called me yet again, as I got out of the building. I looked at my phone longingly, wanting to talk to her, yet, seeking to be cold. Eventually, I ignored her call again.
Right then, I heard a few honks from a few yards in front of me.
It was Kavita, in our car.
To say I was surprised to see her there, would be an understatement. I walked up to her window and asked as she rolled down her window,
"Kavi, what are you doing here?"
She said,
"I came to take you to the hospital for your doctor's appointment."
I was stunned. Slowly, I got into the car.
She started driving. Momentarily, she asked,
"Did you have lunch, Manu?"
I shook my head. I hadn't. I had planned to take an auto-rickshaw to the hospital, then eat out by myself and come home by auto-rickshaw.
She asked,
"Do you want to eat out together after the doctor's appointment? Or we can go home and eat, but I'll have to cook, don't know if you can wait that long."
I said,
"Sure we can eat out, Kavi. I'm already a bit hungry."
She continued,
"Unless you'd rather not eat lunch with me..."
I was a bit rattled by that, so I asked,
"Why would I rather not eat lunch with you, Kavi?"
She said,
"I don't know, Manu. You've been avoiding me, and now you're avoiding my phone calls."
I turned to look at her. Her eyes were brimming with tears.
I said,
"Gosh, Kavi, am sorry, have been mentally preoccupied lately..."
It was a sheepish excuse, but it was the best I could come up with.
She looked straight ahead, and kept driving. Her eyes were still shining.
After a couple of minutes, I asked,
"How did you find out about the doctor's appointment, Kavi?"
She turned and smiled at me through her teary eyes, and said,
"YOU told me on Tuesday."
I had only told her about my intention to schedule an appointment, not the actual booking of the appointment.
She wasn't telling me how she found out. It didn't matter. She had found out, and come to take me there, and then take me home. I felt a surge of gratitude and affection towards her.
Still, she seemed hurt by my avoiding her phone calls. She must have seen the last time, right in front of her eyes. I stayed quiet, trying to not make things any worse.
The doctor's appointment turned out to be a fair decision. The second x-ray as well, revealed no crack of any sort.
The doctor's own physical tests also couldn't confirm any evidence of a fracture.
Reluctantly, with warnings, the doctor let me get rid of my cast. He warned me to not do stressful activities for the next few weeks with my left hand.
I left the hospital feeling light at heart, and in the head as well.
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As we had lunch, Kavita asked me out of the blue,
"Do you notice any change in me, Manu?"
What was I to say?
That she had been cheating on me regularly? That she didn't get the tattoo again? HAD she gotten it again, and had I missed it?
I stared as she looked down and said,
"I've lost 1/2 kg since I started working out; I was wondering if you could tell..."
I did think that she looked more energetic since then. But she was using that energy, in bed with Amir. It wasn't like I was seeing or going to see any positive involving ME, as a result of her workout routine.
Still, I couldn't stay silent after the earlier fiasco with my avoiding her phone calls. I muttered with what I hoped was a grin,
"Yeah Kavi, maybe I can lift you now..."
She stared at me for a few seconds, before replying,
"No you can't, not now. Doctor's orders."
And we both started laughing.
The tension that had been built up had kind of dissipated. I was more relaxed as we got home.
I got home, and took off my footwear, using both hands, after a while. It was a relief to have my left hand back in operation, even if I couldn't stress it too much.
I went to the bedroom to change out of my work clothes, and Kavita came with me to our bedroom. I hadn't really observed her dressing until then: she was dressed in a modest, yet gorgeous looking saree. Looking at her dressed like this, it was hard for me to imagine she had been cheating on me, every day this week. But it was true.
Once we got into the bedroom, Kavita said,
"So, Manu, are you going to resume wearing the pyjamas Prem got for you?"
I could feel the grin I had been wearing fading.
I asked her, with a sinking feeling,
"Is it necessary, Kavi?"
She looked at me, and her expression grew grim.
She then scoffed as she spoke,
"Oh, NOTHING's necessary, Manu. I asked you to be proactive and avoid confrontation. But it's NOT necessary for you to listen to my advice."
I tried to verbalize an objection, but before I could, she continued,
"Do what you want, Manu. Keep fighting with Prem. Don't blame me when something bad happens like it happened to Vipul. Don't tell me I didn't warn you."
My anger bubbled over,
"Kavi, why do I have to live in fear in MY own house?"
Her face grew red as she retorted,
"It's OUR house, and I invited Prem. And this isn't about fear, it's about avoiding fighting. I don't go about fighting when you invited your parents, did I?"
It was a low blow.
There was no equivalence between me inviting my parents and her inviting her...boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend, or whoever he was, to her.
Still, the low blow did what it was intended to do: it sapped my morale.
I lost my will to argue any further.
I sighed deeply and said,
"Tell me what you want me to do, Kavi."
She retorted,
"You're an adult, Manu. I don't need to tell you what to do."
After a pause, she continued,
"I'm advising you in YOUR interest, Manu. I'd rather not see what happened to Vipul happen to you. And it could get worse, if you really want to get into physical fights with someone you KNOW is..."
I was irritated. I completed her sentence for her,
"YEAH, YEAH, YEAH...I know Kavi, he's much, much stronger than me. You've told me that many times. I know."
She sniggered,
"What's the use of knowing if you're going to keep fighting like a schoolkid..."
I sighed. All the momentum of the afternoon had dissipated, just like that.
I hung my head down.
Kavita presently changed into a full body length nightie, and lay down on the bed to rest.
I changed into my shorts and a t-shirt, and lay down beside her.
I put my arm around her, but she pushed it away.
I sighed, and turned and lay on my side.
I was feeling mentally tired from the argument. And I thought I could use some rest, and soon I was asleep.
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