Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 18 Pt. 1

I had a pretty sound sleep that night. I woke up to bright sunshine.
That struck me as unusual, right away. Did my alarm not go off?
I checked the alarm clock. It was way past the time I had been waking up. The alarm had been switched off.
I looked beside me. The bed was empty. The bathroom door was open. Kavita wasn't in the bathroom either.
I gulped. Had she gone to towel off Amir without waking me up?
I got up gingerly, and double-checked that the bathroom was empty.
I then walked across the hall, to the doorway to Amir's room.
His room, too, was empty.
I got worried. I quickly looked in the rest of the apartment. The apartment was empty.
Once again, a nameless fear went through me.
Had Kavita run away with him?
I knew immediately that this was a silly thought. Amir's stuff was still in his room, and Kavita's stuff was in our room.
I had been on this thought process before. I chided myself.
Had she gone out with him? This early? What for?
I tried calling her on her cellphone, but the phone seemed switched off.
I sighed, and went to the bathroom, and freshened up.
I was wondering if I should go ahead and have a bath by myself.
I didn't want to. I wanted to bathe with Kavita, for the intimacy if not anything else. But I didn't know when she would be back.
I dully moved to the clothes shelf. I picked up my clothes, grimacing at the decision to pick a pair of panties from the pairs stacked up on the shelf.
I walked with my fresh clothes to the bathroom. It was then that I saw a note stuck to the wall, by the towel line. It said, "I'll come and help you bathe: please do wait,Manu. Love, Kavi."
I stared at that note for a couple of minutes, as my eyes grew misty.
I kissed her name on the note, then put the note away in my wallet.
She still loved me, cared for me. Despite her obvious desire for Amir. It was an encouraging thought.
I waited for her return, dully reading the newspapers. I tried calling her again, but got no response.
It was 6:50 AM, about 40 minutes after I had woken up, that I heard the key turn in the door.
I had left the door un-latched. So Kavita would be able to come in, the same way she had gone out.
Kavita walked in, with Amir.
She was dressed in a "workout" type of dress.
She was wearing a pair of tight, black pants and a pink colored tank top kind of top. It was shaped a bit differently for a workout oriented dress, but it was the tank top kind of top. Her pants too were the kind that I had seen women wear to work out.
I hadn't seen her in that kind of clothes, before. I assumed these clothes had been in the bag Amir had handed her on Monday.
However, the clothes she was in, and her sweaty, yet glowing appearance gave away what she had been up to.
She had gone out to exercise. Did she go jogging?
What about Amir, did he abandon his weights routines today, just to go jogging with her?
Kavita smiled and spoke up, "Good morning Manu! Did you have coffee?"
I gulped. Worrying about where she could be, I hadn't had my coffee or prepared coffee.
She interpreted my reaction and said, "It's OK, I'll make coffee now."
We had our coffee shortly. I wanted to ask her where she had been, but I didn't want to bring it up in the presence of Amir.
I waited till we went for our bath, before I asked Kavita, "So did you go for a jog this morning, Kavi?"
She started undressing me, pulling off my pyjama top as she answered, "Yeah...Sort of. Not exactly a jog."
I looked at her quizzically. What did she mean by that?
She clarified, "I did jog a bit also. But I did other exercises also."
I continued looking at her.
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She seemed to get irritated. She spoke crossly, "Don't interrogate me with your eyes, Manu! It's annoying."
I gulped and spoke, "So where did you go, Kavi?"
"We went to a gym."
I swallowed. I had suggested this during the first week of Amir's arrival. FINALLY, it had happened.
But it didn't happen the way I had meant it to happen.
I had meant for Amir to go work out by himself. I hadn't meant for him to take my wife Kavita with him to work out.
And I did wonder why she didn't tell me about it.
I still tried to make small talk with her on the topic, "Oh so which gym is this?"
She mentioned a name.
It wasn't one of the fitness centres I had short-listed.
I guessed that was why she hadn't mention it. It wasn't one of the gyms I had looked up, the week after Amir had arrived.
I made a note to myself, to look it up in the directory.
I didn't ask her further questions, but she volunteered, "It felt nice to workout, it's been a long time since I did it!"
I smiled and told her, "That's good Kavi."
I was happy too, in more than one way. Amir couldn't make HER, or ME, towel him off. He'd have to do it himself, the selfish prick.
And it might help get Kavita's mind off Amir, and get her energy into other activities such as exercising. Which could help too.
It was especially good, that neither of us would have to towel him off again. At least, for as long as he stuck to the gym.
My frame of mind got uplifted as we got out of the bath.
Kavita dressed herself in a towel, then wrapped a towel around me, as we stepped out of the bathroom, into our bedroom.
I jumped as I entered the bedroom.
Amir was standing there. He had had his bath and gotten dressed already.
He spoke addressing Kavita, "Kavi, we have gotten late today and I had wanted to leave early. I'll help dress up Manu, can you go start preparing breakfast, please?"
What a rude, selfish prick, I thought to myself.
Kavita looked at him quizzically, then said, "Alright. But don't start fighting OK?"
He grinned and said, "There are no iron rods here."
She stepped past the two of us, even though she had a suspicious look on her face. Still dressed in her towel, she went towards the kitchen.
Apparently she wasn't as bothered as I was, that Amir had entered our bedroom when she was dressed just in a towel.
Presently, Amir stepped up closer to me, and a shiver went down my spine.
I almost felt it in my bones.
Before I could do anything, he had slapped me with his right hand.
He raised his arm again. My left hand being in the cast, I tried to shield myself with my right hand, but he twisted it in his grip with his left hand, and slapped me again.
I couldn't understand why he was doing this. Tears started welling in my eyes, as I asked in a hoarse voice, "Why? Amir?"
He didn't answer, and slapped me again, a few more times.
He finally relented, and now pointed to the panties Kavita had set out for me.
I put them on myself, on trembling legs.
I then reached for my vest. Evidently it seemed like I was going to have to dress myself up. So much for Amir 'helping' me dress up.
To my surprise, he actually helped me put on my vest, and my shirt. He even helped me button up my trousers.
We walked out of the bedroom together. My face was red with shame. I didn't understand why Amir had slapped me around today.
Kavita had told me she on Monday that would keep an eye out for Amir's unprovoked, bullying behavior. Did she see it? Did she hear it?
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She had set out breakfast for us, by the time we got to the dining table. She had changed into the blue nightie I had washed on Sunday evening.
From her mannerisms, it seemed like she hadn't heard or seen anything.
I decided to call her and talk to her about it from work.
The ride to work was uneventful. Amir kept quiet as he had, the previous day.
As I alighted from his motorcycle at my workplace, he beckoned to me to come close.
I was afraid he would slap me again. I kept my distance.
He then said, "I won't hit you, come closer."
I went closer, but with trepidation.
He whispered, "That should teach you to bitch about me to your pretty wife."
I went pale with fear.
So this was why he had done what he did last evening, and today morning.
He continued, "Your pretty wife told me all about your bitching today morning."
So she had not spoken to him about our conversation till then?
So why had he deliberately spilled his tea, and put his foot on my head the previous evening?
Sheer arrogance?
He continued, "Don't get your hopes up, pussy boy. I've reclaimed your pretty wife's pussy, and ass. Learn to accept it. If you bitch about me to your pretty wife again...remember what I told you I would do?"
I gulped. He had threatened to take my balls off.
He nodded approvingly, and said, "Good. Keep that in mind. If you behave properly, I'll let you know more about your pretty wife, stuff you wouldn't imagine your sweet wife to be capable of."
He chuckled at my expression, "Pussy boy still thinks his sweet wife is an angel."
Of course I no longer thought she was 'an angel' or something. But his words appeared to have some hidden meaning. Things I wouldn't imagine about my wife? Like what?
He chuckled again, "Don't keep wondering, P.B. You need to go and work now. 5:30 today evening."
And he drove off.
I assumed he meant to pick me up at 5:30 today evening.
I tried to keep my mind off the seed Amir had just sown in my mind, and focus on my work. It was getting difficult, but I had gotten into good work habits and I was able to get my work done on time.
I called Kavita after lunch. I had intended to discuss with her, Amir's behavior since Monday.
She picked up the phone immediately. She must have been expecting/hoping for me to call. It was an encouraging sign. "Manu?"
I said, "Kavi, is this a good time to talk?"
"Yeah, Manu. Did you have lunch?"
"Yes, Kavi. How about you?"
"Yeah I did, too."
"Kavi, do you remember our discussion on Monday?"
"Regarding what, Manu?"
"Regarding Prem and his bullying behavior?"
At this, her tone became guarded as she said, "Yeah."
"Kavi, today morning, he slapped me around as he was dressing me up."
She sighed deeply and said, "Yeah, I know."
I was stunned to hear her say that.
SHE KNEW what had happened today morning?
Then why didn't she speak up?
"Kavi, why didn't you speak up then? This is what we had discussed on Monday right?"
She took a deep breath and said, "No, Manu. This isn't what we discussed."
"What do you mean, Kavi? It was unprovoked, his behavior this morning."
"Manu, you see it as unprovoked. But Prem doesn't see it that way."
"What do you mean, Kavi?"
"I spoke to him today morning about our conversation about him hitting you unprovoked. He was pretty steamed to hear that."
I was stunned. My tongue had gotten glued to my throat. A nameless fear shook me.
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She continued, "Prem was especially steamed that YOU had tried to attack him with an iron rod, and then complained about his behavior to me."
"Kavi, but..."
"He also told me that you swung at his head. Is it true, Manu?"
I went silent briefly. Why did it matter? I took a deep breath and answered, "Yes I did, Kavi. But..."
"That's why he did it today morning. He was steamed about it. And I understand his perspective now. If you swung at his head...he might have died or suffered serious brain damage, Manu! Head injury isn't a joke."
I gulped and said, "Am sorry, Kavi. I shouldn't have done it. It was a heat of the moment thing."
"I know you're sorry, Manu. But Prem was pretty steamed, as I said. He wanted to 'straighten you out', over the fight on Monday. You've learnt your lesson, and he probably won't do it again either, what happened today morning. So don't worry about it, OK?"
I gulped as I said, "OK, Kavi."
She said, "Hang on, am getting another call. Was there more you wanted to discuss, Manu?"
I felt tongue tied, I had barely muttered, “Um...", when she hung up the call.
I felt defeated yet again. I was sure I could convince her this time about Amir's bullying. And she had explained away his bullying.
Worse, she had nonchalantly informed me that her 'boyfriend' Amir was 'straightening me out', and she effectively agreed with him. That my swinging the rod at Amir's head on Monday justified his behavior today morning.
She had said wearily, at the beginning, "I know."
Did she hear it all?
Did she hear him slap me again, and again, and again, as her words, 'straightened me out'?
Did she overhear everything?
I had whimpered as he kept slapping me, unable to understand why he was doing it.
If she did hear me whimper, she must be thinking of me as a total wimp.
She probably already did. After all, she had been rubbing my nose into her relationship with Amir, for a couple of weeks now. And all I had managed to do was argue with her with impotent frustration, and fight with Amir with impotent rage...and got my arm in a cast, to show for it.
I didn't want to think about it any more. Maybe she was right. Maybe now that Amir had...'straightened me out', he wouldn't do it again.
I got back to work, and put my mind to it. Before I knew it, it was evening.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 18 Pt. 2

I hurriedly packed up and got to the building entrance at 5:30.
Amir was waiting there, smirking.
I quietly got on his motorcycle, and he started driving.
He stopped a couple of blocks earlier than he had the previous day.
As with the previous day, he told me to get flowers for Kavita.
I nodded.
He added, "Also get eggs. Your pretty wife is also having eggs with her breakfast."
I had noticed it earlier this morning, though I hadn't paid much attention to it.
I guessed she had started having eggs as she was going to be exercising regularly.
I nodded again, and presently, he drove off.
I walked up to a grocery store, and bought a fresh batch of eggs.
I then walked a couple of blocks to where the flower-seller usually would be.
She had stepped away, I waited a few minutes before I got the flowers and walked back home.
I had just turned the block leading to our apartment complex, when I noticed what I could now recognize as Amir's motorcycle, pulling out of the compound of our apartment complex, and driving away in the other direction.
From this distance, I could make out that he had changed before driving away.
He was wearing one of his sleeveless t-shirts.
So he had had plans to go out after dropping me home tonight?
Was that REALLY why he slapped me around today morning, and the REAL motivation behind his arrogant act of putting his foot on my head, the previous evening?
So that I should have no confidence even after getting home, knowing Kavita was be alone?
I thought about it, as I walked up to our building.
It made sense. He had gone out the last Wednesday as well, with his colleague.
The previous times he had gone out with his colleague, he had gone directly from work.
But since then, he had gotten himself encumbered with this chore of dropping me at work, and picking me up from work.
Thanks to his own hot-headed arrogance: I grinned to myself.
It would make sense.
And this would especially fit with what Kavita had told me the previous day: that I would feel better today.
She might have been referring to the fact that neither of us would have to towel him off again, for a while at least. Because of their joining the gym.
But then, she might have referred to a naughty intention of hers, to have sex with me.
When Amir had gone out with his colleague, two-timing on her. As I suspected he had, right now.
With my heart thumping with hope, I came to our apartment door.
I was about to ring the bell, when I noticed the door was slightly open already.
I knocked, and pushed the door open.
Kavita's voice rang from the bedroom, "Who is it?"
I answered, "Its me, Kavi."
She continued, "Take off your shoes and socks, and come."
I closed the door, and took off my footwear. It was difficult doing it with one hand, but my heart was thumping with excitement.
Even my penis started twitching in my panties.
I put the flowers on the coffee table, and started unbuttoning my shirt as I approached the bedroom.
Kavita was lying in bed.
She was wearing the same outfit she had been wearing, the first time I had 'caught' her having sex with Amir: the red tank top, and the black flowing mini-skirt.
She turned to me and asked, "Tired? Do you want a cup of tea, Manu?"
I shook my head and grinned. I wanted HER.
She grinned naughtily, and motioned me to the right side of the bed with her hand.
She was lying down on the left hand side corner of the bed. I went around the bed, and got on to the right side of the bed.
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I couldn't lie down on my side, from there, though I wanted to, because of my left hand being in the cast.
She sensed this, and turned sideways to face me.
She unbuttoned the last couple of buttons on my shirt, and took it off my shoulders.
She started massaging my shoulders.
Subconsciously, I was reminded of the Thursday from a couple of weeks back. The day before 'Black' Friday, the day I had caught her cheating on me, for the first time.
She had massaged my shoulders, then, too. When Amir had gone out. Like he had done today.
Was she making out with me to send a gesture to Amir?
It didn't matter. It was a gesture to ME as well.
It indicated that regardless of how much Amir had humiliated me, how much he had SHOWN her that I was a wimp, she still not only loved me, but also desired me at some level.
She now started tracing her fingers down my chest, circling my nipples, and down to my crotch.
My penis has started forming a mound, which was stretching against the tight panties they were clothed in.
I was embarrassed at some level.
In a minute or two, my lovely wife was going to open my trousers, and find my penis pushing against a pair of black panties.
Panties her 'boyfriend' Amir had effectively 'put me in'.
It didn't matter. It was shameful, but she OBVIOUSLY didn't mind it. So I didn't need to care either.
My penis was stretching even more, against the panties.
As I had expected, Kavita sat up on the bed, her legs still stretched out on the bed, and started undoing my trousers.
She looked at me with a naughty smile, and pushed my trousers down.
She then pulled my panties down, revealing my modest sized, yet aroused penis.
I wasn't as big as Amir, I knew. But it didn't matter: She wanted me. NOW. There was no denying that.
She grinned and licked her lips.
She bent down and kissed my lips, and then licked her lips again.
My heart started thumping.
Did that mean what I thought she meant?
She turned to face my groin again, and bent down.
And then, I felt a sensation on my penis, that I had never felt in my life, until then.
I felt wetness around my penis. I felt the friction of motion, as I had felt when Kavita had ridden me on occasion. But this was a more slippery kind of friction. The feeling was interspersed with an occasional sharp touch (from her teeth, I guessed), and a more frequent soft sliding wiggling motion along my penis.
This was what it felt like. I had never experienced it before in my life.
In our 4 years of married life, Kavita had never done it to me, before. Until then.
I could only see the back of her head bobbing up and down. I tried to prop myself up with my right hand. I wanted to look at her face. My ego already had received an enormous boost, but I wanted to SEE her expression doing it.
She presently stopped doing it, and looked at me and shook her head, and pressed me down.
Evidently, she didn't want me to see her doing it.
She presently resumed.
I tried to lift up my head to see, again.
Kavita seemed to sense my movement.
She wiggled the forefinger of her right hand as though to chide me.
Then, when I least expected it, she put her right hand to my neck, and took off the support of my cast.
Moving my left arm and its cast to my side, she swiftly moved her knees under my shoulders, continuing to kneel.
I could no longer see her bobbing head.I was now looking at her ass, under her mini-skirt. She was naked under her mini-skirt. It was about a foot and a half above my face, as she kneeled with her knees just under my shoulders, and continued to give me head.
As I continued to grapple with the erotic feelings triggered by Kavita's actions on my penis, she wiggled her knees sideways, to part her thighs.
She then started lowering herself very slowly, towards my face.
I looked up, and saw her pussy approaching my face, closer and closer, to my mouth.
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Her pussy was shaven. She hadn't shaved it in the morning, when we had had our bath.
So she had shaven it in the daytime.
Did she do it for me?
As I gazed at her slowly approaching pussy, I started smelling the familiar smell of her aroused genitals.
She was aroused, too. Clearly.
I could see droplets of whitish liquid begin to accumulate, about to drip out of her pussy.
That was a bit unusual. I had seen her pussy wet, soaking wet, dripping wet, before.
But her fluid didn't quite accumulate and drip in this manner.
A couple of droplets now trickled out of her pussy, and fell.
I opened my mouth instinctively.
As soon as it fell into my mouth, a nameless fear shot through me.
The taste was familiar. But not in the sense I had thought it would be familiar.
I had tasted Kavita's juices before.
And I had tasted my own juices many times, especially when I used to masturbate for relief, before marriage.
The taste of the droplets that had just fallen in my mouth reminded me more of my own spunk, than Kavita's juices.
My eyes opened wide with horror as Kavita's pussy descended on my mouth.
The smell was strong. It was an incredibly erotic smell. I knew what it meant if my recognition of the taste of those droplets was on the mark. And yet, her smell turned me on even more. My penis started throbbing in Kavita's mouth, and started scbanging against a hard surface, probably her teeth more often.
Kavita's pussy now rested on my mouth, as she continued to kneel in this posture, and give me head. The position was making it harder for me to breathe through my nose.
I couldn't help opening my mouth to breathe. And each time I took in a breath through my mouth, Kavita's pussy trickled a few more droplets into my mouth.
Each time a few more droplets made their way into my mouth, my recognition of the taste became affirmed even more.
My penis started throbbing uncontrollably. I felt my load shoot.
I was trying to catch my breath, as I usually did right after my climax. I was breathing more through my mouth, again. As I continued to try catch my breath, I noticed that I could still feel the sensation of Kavita's tongue and mouth over my now deflating penis.
Had she taken my load in her mouth?
She apparently had.
And right then, her thighs tightened and her pelvis started quivering like I had seen when she was having her climax.
As she did, more liquid oozed out of her pussy, onto my lips, and into my mouth.
Presently, her thighs stopped quivering. After a few silent moments, she exhaled a deep breath as she said, "Wow!"
I had mixed feelings.
I wanted to thank her, for the first time she had ever given me head.
For restoring my self-confidence, to some extent.
And yet, I also felt uneasy about the other half of what had just happened.
Kavita's pussy had been oozing into my mouth, stuff that looked like semen, tasted like semen.
If it was semen, it could only have belonged to one man: the man who had dropped me off a few blocks away from home, and then driven off.
I could not believe it.
Amir had dashed off in a hurry. Apparently, on a 'date' with his colleague.
But apparently, that hadn't stopped him from taking my wife Kavita in the short time before he had left.
Could this be true? Or was I imagining things?
Kavita now spoke in a exhausted sounding voice, "Manu?"
I couldn't speak, as her pussy was still resting on my mouth.
I made a sound to the extent I could, "Mmmm hmmm?"
"I hope it was good for you."
I nodded. As I did, she wiggled her ass moving her pussy left and right, and giggled, "You naughty boy! Am done already, don't do it AGAIN!"
Apparently she had felt my nodding. I had rubbed her clit trying to nod.
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She continued, "Am glad it was good for you, because it was the BEST EVER for me so far, in our 4 years of marriage."
I didn't know how to react to that.
Was it true?
Did she enjoy this session now, more than all those sessions with Amir?
I couldn't ask her, because her pussy was still over my mouth.
Presently, I heard her snore.
She had fallen asleep!
She had at times fallen asleep right after sex, in the past.
But not every time. Typically, when she was tired, or had an exhausting orgasm.
Could it be true, that she had had a good orgasm? The best in these 4 years?
I tried to make myself believe it was true.
It could be true.
As I continued reflecting on our session, I realized another thing.
She had climaxed without me directly touching or stimulating her pussy in any way.
I had not licked her. I had not fingered her.
And yet, I had seen her aroused. I had seen her climax.
What was it that had turned her on?
I thought about it in the overall context of what had happened now.
She had, over the course of giving me oral sex for the first time, positioned her pussy right over my mouth.
Droplets of gooey stuff had dripped out of her pussy, into my mouth.
Droplets that disgustingly, resembled semen, and tasted like semen, much more than her juices.
Was she turned on BECAUSE she was dripping of semen? Because she was dripping semen into my mouth?
If it was semen, there was no doubt as to whose it was.
It could only be Amir's.
The thought made me gag.
If it was true, I was digesting Amir's semen right now.
It was the depths.
I couldn't contemplate that I had sunk this low.
It appeared like I had sunk this low.
I moved my tongue in my mouth.
I could still feel the disgusting after-taste.
So was Kavita turned on BECAUSE she had been dripping his semen into my mouth? Had that thought excited her so much that she climaxed without my even touching her?
I winced as I realized how close I had just been to making Amir's prediction come true.
I had not licked her.
Amir had 'predicted' that I would lick her adulterous pussy shamelessly.
I had not licked her, but my tongue had been an inch away from her adulterous pussy.
What should I do now?
I was feeling physically drained, partly because of the orgasm that Kavita had just given me, through giving me head.
Kavita was still sleeping, lying on top of me with her pussy resting on my mouth.
Her head was resting around my crotch region, sideways, on her cheek.
There was much more I wanted to reflect on, on today's developments.
But right then, I was getting overcome by the feeling of being drained of energy, after one of the most pleasurable orgasm I had experienced.
My eyes started shutting, and I wasn't conscious of when I had drifted off to sleep, or what my last thoughts were before I fell asleep.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 18 Pt. 3

I woke up to a pitch dark bedroom.
I woke up to a rumbling tummy.
I brought my right arm to my eye level. Kavita had helped me wear my wristwatch on my right arm, because of the cast on my left arm.
It was 10:15 PM.
I had arrived home at around 15 past 6 PM.
After Kavita had brought me off with her mouth and had her own climax, I had gone to sleep, after she had fallen asleep.
I had slept for well over 3 hours. With my wife's pussy resting on my lips.
I felt a wave of shame pass over me.
I had done oral sex to her several times before.
But I had never slept with her pussy on my mouth.
I could still smell the fumes from her earlier arousal.
She was apparently still asleep.
After having given me head for the first time.
I smiled as I reflected on her finally giving me head.
It had been a long wait, but it felt like it had been worth it.
I also realized with some shame, something that I should have realized much earlier: that she was no newcomer to giving head.
She had given Amir head at least once, since his arrival. The previous Wednesday, when she had opened the door for him, in the cropped blouse.
I felt myself gag, as I digested the fact that her same sweet mouth, that had given me head a couple of hours back, had given Amir Ali head, a week back.
His dick had been in the same mouth where my dick had been, a little while earlier.
I tried to suppress the gagging feeling. It only got worse.
I recalled my earlier realization, that Amir's semen must have been swimming around in my stomach.
By now, I had probably digested it. It was in my blood. What a repulsive, nauseating thought.
I had to get my mind off these thoughts. Maybe I was just hungry. We hadn't had dinner.
I reached out, and prodded Kavita's shoulder with my right hand.
She woke up with a stir.
She moaned sleepily and said, "Mmmmm....that was a nice nap."
I spoke, my words coming out in a muffled manner, "It's 10:15, Kavi. Aren't you hungry?"
She said, "Yeah, I think I'm hungry. Let's go eat."
I asked, "Don't you have to cook, Kavi?"
She replied, "No, I cooked before you came, Manu."
So she had made an elaborate preparation for this session.
I couldn't believe that she could do all this preparation, and still have been fucked by Amir just before I got home.
But then again, I had tasted the stuff that had dripped out of her pussy.
I wasn't sure, either way, now.
Meanwhile, her pussy was still over my mouth, and she was still lying down.
Presently, she sat upright on the bed, with her knees folded. She started doing her hair with her hands. This increased the pressure on my face, my mouth.
I prodded her again.
"Kavi, can you get off my face, please?"
She said abruptly, "Oh, sorry!"
She then stopped doing her hair, and took her left leg over my chest, and finally lifting her other leg off the bed.
She quickly tied her hair, turned to face me. She bent down, and kissed me.
It was a tender kiss. It was the kind of kiss she had given Amir twice in front of me, earlier this week.
I hadn't expected her to do that.
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I thought she may have been rubbing her infidelity in my nose, in my face, in my mouth: if my taste buds had told me the truth.
Now, with her tender kiss, I wasn't so sure. Had I been imagining the taste of semen from the stuff that had oozed out of her pussy?
She now put the support of my cast back around my neck, and helped me sit up. She pulled my panties back over my genitals, and helped me out of my pants, into a pair of shorts.
She then led the way towards the hall. My eyes followed her attractive form, in her seductive clothes. Her legs. Those legs.
I got up, and followed her to the hall.
She quickly heated up the food, and I sat for dinner 5 minutes later.
I asked her to join me. She smiled and kissed me again, and then set out a plate for herself and joined me.
I queried her as we had dinner, "Where's Prem, Kavi?"
She answered with an air of nonchalance, "His usual Wednesday date, I believe."
So she considered it OK to sleep with him KNOWING he was sleeping with someone else as well?
What kind of hold did Amir have over her?
If that's how she felt about him, why would she stick around with me? Was she considering me a "2nd class" man, a man with whom she would consider sleeping with when her "1st choice" man wasn't available?
She had had sex with him more times on this 'sharing' basis' with his colleague, than she had, with me, since his arrival.
And today, it appeared like she had thrust her pussy in my face, right after Amir had fucked her.
Was that the kind of man she thought I was? The kind of man in who's face she could stick in her infidelity so brazenly?
We finished up dinner presently, and I helped her put things away.
We were about to go to bed, when her cellphone rang.
She picked it up and said, "Hello Prem?"
It was Amir.
She continued, "OK, I'll let you in."
I didn't want to go to sleep now.
I wanted to stay up, and make sure she doesn't give him head again. Or worse.
She switched on the TV and sat on the double-seater sofa.
I sat down beside her.
I said, "Thanks Kavi."
I was referring to her giving me head earlier.
She continued watching the TV distractedly, and said, "No problem."
No problem? So didn't she enjoy giving me head?
Did she do it out of pity for me?
And what about HER sticking in her pussy dripping with what looked like semen, in my face, over my mouth?
I didn't know how to ask her that, but couldn't, as presently, the door-bell rang.
Kavita quickly got up, and went to the door.
It was Amir.
He grinned at her and said, "Mmmm...looking HOT, Kavi."
She beamed at him, and tilted her face upwards, as he bent downwards to receive her kiss.
It was another of her passionate lip-locks.
Amir now started kissing her with passion, too. He now put his hands under her mini-skirt, over her ass.
At this, Kavita stood on the tips of her toes, and put her arms around his neck. He tilted his arms so her mini-skirt rode up, and I could see her ass-cheeks being held by him, in his palms.
I was in shock, at this brazen display. Before I could say anything, Amir stopped kissing her abruptly, and equally abruptly took his hands off her ass. He then looked over her shoulders at me and said,
"Ooops, sorry, Manu, I didn't see you, I thought you'd be asleep."
I didn't have a thing to say. My face was red.
This guy had some nerve. He had just kissed my wife, and groped her bare ass under her mini-skirt, in front of me. And now he was pretending to be sorry, to have done it in front of me?
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I got up. I wanted to give him a cold look as I had done on Monday, when he had presented me with a bouquet as a false gesture of apology. I started walking towards our bedroom, when I remembered in time, my purpose for being there.
I didn't want to give them time alone.
I waited, as Kavita walked back towards the sofa. She turned and asked Amir, "Are you hungry, Prem?"
He smiled and said, "No, Kavi, I had a heavy dinner."
She smiled wryly and said, "Hotel food."
He replied, "Yeah, not as good as yours, obviously. But you asked if I was hungry, not if I had a good dinner."
She walked up to him again, and stroked his hair, and said, "You need to eat home food more often, big man."
He grinned at her and said, "Yeah, but you don't cook non-veg, Kavi."
She now stroked his chest and said, "You can go out for your non-veg food, and come home to me for your home food, you know."
Amir grinned at her and said, "Maybe I should do that more often. Maybe you could learn to cook non-veg food, too, Kavi."
She responded, "Maybe I will. I will think about that."
She stroked his chest one more time, and then they finally broke off from this cozy scene.
Amir now walked towards his bedroom, turned towards Kavita and said, "Good night, Kavi."
She wished him, "Good night, Prem."
He went into his bedroom. He didn't wish ME good night: as though I wasn't even there.
I felt like a 3rd wheel, a fly on the wall.
I had been treated like a 3rd wheel, like a fly on the wall. By both of them.
Kavita now came up to me, put her arm around me, and took me to bed.
She fell asleep quickly. I lay in bed contemplating what I had just seen, heard.
I had meant to confront Kavita over her lip-lock with Amir, his brazen groping of her ass in front of me.
Now, that was the last thing on my mind. He had been using her, and I knew it, and she knew I knew it. It didn't make things any worse, Amir's brazen ass-groping in front of my eyes. Her conversation with Amir had shaken me up much more.
I had NEVER heard her suggest any inclination to try or cook non-veg food before.
I had always thought she was a 'modern'  in the sense of food: she didn't mind others consuming non-veg food, and wouldn't moralize to others, but she herself, wouldn't try non-veg food herself.
In our years in USA, she always avoided non-veg food. I had seen nothing in her that suggested she would be willing to try and experiment on that dimension.
Why would she do that, now?
Was she preparing to leave me for Amir?
There would be no other reason for her to start trying non-veg cooking, now that she was married to ME.
It was at some level more disturbing than even her adultery.
I could at some level excuse her adultery, much as it made me ashamed: It couldn't last forever.
But if she was now beginning to contemplate leaving me for Amir...
I needed to talk to her. Tomorrow night. EVERYTHING that happened tonight after Amir came home, would get discussed then. DEFINITELY.

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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 19 Pt. 1

I woke up the next morning once again, to an empty bedroom and bright sunshine.
So Kavita and Amir had gone out to the gym again.
This was going to be a regular feature of our mornings from then on, it looked like.
I got up, stirred and brushed my teeth and freshened up.
I walked across to Amir's bedroom. Indeed, it was empty.
I picked up the newspapers, and started reading them. My mind wasn't on the newspapers.
My mind was on the events of last night: the session in bed with Kavita, and the scene I had witnessed between her and Amir the previous night, and the conversation I had overheard.
I pottered around idly, trying to think of a way to ask Kavita about Amir's brazen groping of her ass.
By then, it was quite clear that she KNEW I knew about her relationship with Amir.
There was no longer any secret about it.
She was sleeping with him; I knew it, and she knew I knew it.
I was unable to stop her, I knew it, and she knew I knew it.
This far, was difficult to digest, but I could let pass, in the bigger picture. Amir wasn't going to be here forever, and once he left, I could reclaim my life with her, as it used to be.
Even his blatant groping of her ass, while it was a punch in my belly, I could let it pass for the same reasons I was letting her affair with him pass.
As long as she kept it somewhat discreet, I could perhaps, live with it until Amir moved out.
We had discussed on throwing him out, if he continued to behave physically aggressively with me.
Since then, he had slapped me without provocation, yesterday: despite my left arm being in a cast.
I badly wanted to get rid of my cast. It was such an encumbrance, on top of what was already happening.
Granted, it kept Amir from coming home after work, much ahead of me.
But it wasn't really helping, in the sense he was still finding a way to spend time with Kavita, alone. And take her, in bed.
And there was the other half of the interaction she had had with Amir the previous night: the asexual part, which was far more worrying than the sexual part.
If she REALLY started learning to cook non-veg food, it would mean she was really planning on leaving me, for him.
Why did I still want her? Why shouldn't I cut my losses and get out?
It would be the ultimate defeat at the hands of Amir, if I tried to cut my losses and get out. I HAD to not lose her to him, permanently. That wound would be impossible to heal, I couldn't let that happen.
The thought was defeating, but it was the better of available evils: to retain her for myself, even though Amir had been using her thoroughly, and rubbing it into my face mercilessly. Rather than, losing her to him, for good.
I moodily reflected on the mess I was in. There were no easy answers to any of the problems.
I sighed. It was nearly time for them to be back.
I went to the kitchen, and started preparing coffee.
Maybe if I continued helping her with domestic work, she would appreciate me better.
It wasn't like Amir was helping her much, anyway. What DID she see in him?
The milk started boiling, and presently, I poured out the coffee into 3 cups.
I set them out on a tray, and carried it to the dining table.
Right then, the bell rang.
I was about to move towards the door, when the door opened.
She had a key, of course. She had locked the house on the way out.
She was wearing tight pants and a tank top, like the previous day. The pants were pale white, and the tank top was black in color.
Her clothing wasn't particularly outrageous, but it was a little more bold, compared to yesterday.
Her tank top of yesterday fully covered her midriff. The tank top she wore today, ended an inch above where her pants rested on her hips.
She smiled at me and said, "Good morning, Manu!"
I wished her back. I tried to ignore Amir. He had ignored me last evening, when wishing Kavita "Good Night."
She smiled sweetly as I picked up the coffee tray and walked towards them.
"Aww, you're such a sweetheart, Manu!", she said as she leaned over and kissed me on my cheek.
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It was a bit of a sweaty kiss. She had had a good workout, evidently.
Still, it made me feel better that she kissed me in front of Amir.
I walked up to him, and held out the tray for him to take his coffee. He was scowling, pretty openly.
I felt a shiver down my spine. Why was he scowling? Did Kavita not see it?
This was unnecessary hostility from him. I was trying, as Kavita had said, to be proactive in avoiding confrontations with him.
And he seemed to be getting upset at me, even if I did nothing wrong.
After our coffee, we broke up for our baths. We had a little more time to spare today.
Kavita put together our change clothes, and set mine out on the bed. She then led the way into the bathroom, taking me by my hand. I noticed as we went towards the bathroom, that our bedroom door was open.
It had probably been open yesterday as well. When we had stepped out of the bathroom after our baths, Amir had stepped in and offered to help dress me up.
Under that pretext, he had proceeded to slap me around, yet again.
I wanted to close the door. But we were already in the bathroom.
I waited as Kavita hung up her fresh clothes, and then helped me undress.
She kissed me on my cheeks, as she undressed me.
I wasn't feeling much better, after her kisses. I was still in terror over yesterday's incident happening again. I didn't REALLY trust the bully Amir, at his word.
We had our bath. My limp penis didn't flutter, despite Kavita's soaping my balls. I was still spent from last evening. She smiled at me sweetly, after soaping my balls, and kissed me again.
I had one hand free, I could have soaped my balls myself. She didn't HATE me. She didn't even despise me. And she DID care for me.
But I couldn't be sure, that she still loved me.
A part of me knew that she was slipping away, that I was gradually losing her to Amir. Not merely in bed.
Presently, we finished our baths. She took the plastic cover out from over my cast, and proceeded to dress herself up. She put on a bright red churidar dress today, and wrapped her hair in a towel. We then got out of the bathroom together, after she had wrapped a towel around my waist.
She walked ahead, and I walked behind her. As I got into the bedroom, I jumped.
Amir the bully was there in our bedroom. He had finished his bath, and had dressed up.
He spoke to her, "You go ahead, Kavi. I'll take care of Manu."
I didn't need HIS help!!!
I didn't WANT his help!!!
I wanted to scream. But Kavita had already nodded to him, and walked off towards the kitchen.
Presently, Amir strode over and stood in front of me.
I stood there, trembling. I had covered my face to the extent I could, with my right hand.
He stood there, and glared. He started rolling the sleeves of his shirt back aggressively.
I started panicking. I recalled my conversation with Kavita over this yesterday.
She had told me, "You shouldn't have swung the iron rod at Prem's head!"
Maybe if I apologized for that, he would not hit me now?
I yelled out, loud enough for Kavita to hear, "Prem, I am sorry about swinging the iron rod at your head on Monday. I could have caused you great harm."
There was a footfall at the door of our bedroom, and Kavita was standing there now.
Amir had heard the footfall too, he turned to see her.
Kavita was beaming at me.
Amir was wearing a smirk on his face: a derisive smirk.
Kavita stood there watching us, beaming at me.
Amir then slowly picked up the pair of panties that Kavita had set out for me, and bent down to hold them out by my ankles.
I slipped my ankles into the panties, and he proceeded to pull them up.
Presently, Kavita turned and walked away. In a moment, I heard her footfall, as Amir turned too, to see she had gone.
He stood up without lifting the panties all the way up to my waist. He whispered by my ear with cold menace, "Saved by your pretty wife, eh, pussy boy?"
The panties he had started putting on me rested at my thigh level. With some difficulty, I lifted them all the way until they covered my genitals.
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Amir then helped me wear my vest, shirt and pants. I detected a pattern to his behavior, as he dressed me up.
So he made ME wear the panties by myself yesterday, and helped me dress up otherwise.
Today, he helped me wear the panties, after seeing that Kavita was watching us.
A startling realization came to me.
He was afraid of being seen by Kavita, bullying me.
At least, bullying me beyond the 'reasonable'.
To an extent, it even matched up with what Kavita had told me.
Other than yesterday, she said she hadn't heard or seen anything about Amir's blatant bullying.
Could she have been telling the truth?
If so, what should I do?
Should I try to 'trap' Amir into revealing his true colors, in front of Kavita without his knowledge?
Was she really unaware? I couldn't help having a nagging doubt, that this was a put-on by the two of them.
With my confused thoughts, I moodily had breakfast quietly, and left for work with Amir.
As before, the ride to work was uneventful.
After I got off the motorcycle, Amir beckoned me close by.
I was fairly sure he wouldn't slap me in front of others. I went close, with some degree of confidence.
He whispered, "Your pretty wife saved you today, but she still has a great ass, pussy boy. She has such a fleshy ass. Did you get a good view of her ass from where you stood, last night?"
I hung my head down and stayed silent. He whispered, "Answer me, P.B."
I answered with shame, "Yes, Amir."
"Good. Keep watching her ass, P.B. You're going to be watching her ass, a lot more. Did you watch her ass today morning as well?"
I went red with shame.
He was referring to the pants she wore to workout, in the morning.
Her workout pants had been tight. They weren't ridiculously tight, like the clothes she had worn with him to the movies, the previous Saturday. Still, I had by then decided to not fight this battle over what Kavita was wearing, as long as it didn't get worse than last Saturday.
It hadn't gotten any worse, but Amir's taunting me was MAKING it seem worse.
"That's enough thinking about her ass, pussy boy. Go and work now. You need to be making enough money to support her babies."
He grinned in his evil manner, and drove off.
I grinned to myself, after he had left. He evidently had no idea that Kavita was on birth control pills.
That suggestive taunt from him about "supporting Kavita's babies" was enough to put a spring in my stride. Kavita was CERTAINLY not in cahoots with him.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 19 Pt. 2

The work day was largely uneventful. I called up Kavita in the daytime, after lunch. She seemed pensive, distant. Still, I felt nice for having called her and talked to her.
I got out from work at 5:40, as I had done the last two days.
As with the last two days, Amir dropped me a few blocks from home. He dropped me near the flower-sellers' cart today.
I walked home by myself, dreading, yet knowing, what I was likely to face, at home.
There was nobody in the hall, when I got home. I couldn't hear any tell-tale moaning, but it was clear Amir was there: I had seen his motorcycle downstairs.
I then heard a moan from Kavita, coming from the direction of Amir's room. And then there was silence.
After a few minutes, Kavita came out of Amir's room, dressed in her red churidar.
My heart sunk. Nothing had really changed. This was just becoming a regular affair. A daily occurrence, for the last 3 days.
Amir had fucked my wife Kavita every evening, this week. Including it seemed like, yesterday, when Kavita had given me head after he had left. And disgustingly, dripped what appeared to be his semen onto my face, into my mouth.
There was nothing I could do. He had devised a mechanism to have sex with her, despite the encumbrance of having to pick me up after work, each day.
Worse, this way, he was now rubbing it into my nose every day.
Maybe he had already been fucking her daily, and I hadn't arrived at the right time, to catch them red-handed, each day.
I rang the bell. I couldn't be standing here forever.
Kavita opened the door for me. Amir had come and seated himself on the sofa, by then.
I handed her the flowers I'd gotten her, as I had been doing. She beamed at me, and kissed me.
I stood quietly, as she then started helping me get my footwear off.
I mulled over one thing that struck me: about a day back, she had kissed Amir when he came home from his date with his colleague. And Amir had groped her ass brazenly, then.
Now, I had just stood limp, while she kissed me.
Why wasn't I able to grope her like he did?
She was MY wife.
Was I such a wimp? Unable to 'grope' my own wife, just because this bully was around?
Kavita presently stood up, and asked if I wanted tea.
I gratefully agreed: I was by now, willing to accept ANY crumbs from her, that indicated she still cared for me.
She had served me more than crumbs last night, in bed: she had given me head, for the first time in our marriage.
It still felt like crumbs, because of the overall context: after all, she had nonchalantly given Amir head, a week before that. That too, right after he had returned from a 'date' with his colleague.
Presently, Kavita returned with a tray and 3 cups of tea.
I asked her, "Aren't you having tea, Kavi?"
She smiled sweetly and said, "No, Manu, I have to go to a shop."
I offered, "I can do it, Kavi. Why don't you also have tea?"
She leaned over and kissed me again, and said,
"That's sweet of you Manu. But this is a women's thing, and I'd rather not send you to get it. I'll be back in 10 minutes."
She went to our bedroom, and presently came out with her handbag. She waved bye-bye to both of us, and left.
The mood became tense as soon as she had stepped out, and closed the door.
Amir got up, and walked to the door. He checked through the eyehole, then latched the door.
This was looking scary. I could try to defend myself if one arm weren't in a cast.
And mentally, I felt defeated: he had just fucked my wife, yet again.
Amir strode across and stood over me.
He leered at me and asked, "Bet you felt good about your pretty wife's kisses, pussy boy."
I went red.
I had felt good about her kisses. But when he taunted me in this leering manner, given the fact that he had been fucking her a short while earlier, they now felt like the crumbs they were.
He then tapped me on my head and asked, "When did you last shave, pussy boy?"
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I shivered. It had been a while.
I hadn't 'shaved' my underarms like he had been telling me to, since the previous week.
I muttered weakly, "Can't it wait, Amir? My arm is in a cast..."
He waved his hand and said, "Did you obtain my permission until now, to not shave, pussy boy?"
I held my right hand out, prepared for him to try to slap me.
He grinned, and twisted my hand behind my back like twisting a branch of a shrub.
He then whispered into my ears with cold menace, "Don't get your hopes up, pussy boy. Your pretty wife's now MINE. Didn't I teach you on Tuesday?"
I tried to nod, to the extent I could: my right arm was in pain.
Presently, I felt my knees buckle as he made me get down in a kneeling position.
I knew what he was going to do next: I shut my eyes as I felt a weight descend on my head.
I was ready for him to start pressing my head down, when the bell rang.
He looked at the door, then quickly lifted me to a standing position. He whispered in a terrifying, icy voice, "Saved by your pretty wife, again, P.B. We'll fix that tomorrow, won't we?"
He strode towards the door and unlatched it.
Kavita came in, and asked, "Uff, why did you guys latch the door?"
Amir turned to me and said, "Manu did it, Kavi. I don't know why he did it."
It was a lie. But I couldn't confront his lie without proof. I kept quiet.
Kavita looked at me and said, "Uff, Manu, haven't you changed?"
I muttered feebly, "I was waiting for you, Kavi."
She turned to Amir and spoke in a cross voice, hands on her hips, "You could have helped him, Prem!"
He told her, "Sorry, Kavi, he didn't ask for help."
She shook her head in an irritated manner, and led me to our bedroom.
It was in a way encouraging, to see Kavita not be rolled over by Amir, the way he was rolling over me.
I couldn't get the confidence to take him on, but it was an encouraging thought that she wasn't quite conniving with him, in humiliating me.
Kavita presently helped me change into a t-shirt and a pair of my shorts, and then went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
The rest of the evening was largely uneventful. I mulled over Amir's aggressive behavior in that time.
Clearly he was trying to push me around unreasonably. But to what end?
Further, his aggression was of greater intensity when Kavita wasn't around.
He had ALREADY 'broken' me, physically and mentally: what more was he trying to do, achieve?
I simply couldn't see rhyme or reason. I started concluding that he was doing it out of pure sadism.
There was one saving grace, though: the fact that his behavior was different in Kavita's presence. For some reason, he wasn't as blatantly abusive with me, in her presence.
It was when we retired for bed finally, that I recalled there were other things I had wanted to discuss with Kavita: Amir's blatant groping of her ass last night, and the disturbing conversation she had had with Amir, over cooking non-veg food.
I waited for Kavita to join me in bed: she had gone to the bathroom.
Presently, she joined me in bed, wearing a full body length orange nightie.
She snuggled up beside me, put her arm around me, and closed her eyes.
She seemed to be sleepy.
I prodded her.
She responded sleepily, "Mmmm Manu?"
"Can we talk?"
"Sure, Manu, but hope it doesn't take too long. I have to wake up to go to the gym, remember?"
I gulped. I was going to have to pick a topic from the two I had meant to discuss.
I decided to pick the more blatant one: Amir's groping of her ass. The other topic was just talk, and we could discuss it later, too.
"Kavi, last night, when Prem got back home..."
"Yeah, what about it, Manu?"
"You kissed him when you opened the door for him. I saw it."
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She took her hand off me and said, "Uff, this is frustrating, Manu! He had dropped you at work and picked you up again! He had taken me to the gym, thanks to which I am feeling much more better now, physically. Am I not allowed to thank him? Did YOU thank him for dropping you at work and picking you back?"
I felt put-down. I was needing a ride to work and back, BECAUSE of him. And she wanted me to thank him for the ride? Each day?
I felt hurt. It didn't feel like she loved me, the way she responded to this question.
Out of spite, bubbling with frustration, I added, "I also saw where under your skirt he put his hands, Kavi."
She sat up in bed. Her face was red.
"Do you want me to go and sleep in the hall, Manu?"
I was terrified. I didn't want a recurrence of last Saturday.
I hastily muttered, "No, Kavi, am sorry."
She turned and looked at our bedroom door. It was open.
She got up, went and closed the bedroom door.
She came back to bed, lay beside me and said, "Manu, I had just given you something I thought you appreciated. I was feeling a little horny. If you're going to blame me for that, then you didn't really appreciate what I gave you last night. If that's how you feel about what I gave you, say so, Manu. I won't do it again."
I looked into her eyes entreatingly. I didn't want her to withdraw those crumbs that helped me still connect with her.
"Am sorry, Kavi. I won't ask you questions like this again."
I then started saying, "Kavi, last night, I really did enj..." when she leaned over, and kissed me on my lips.
She then whispered in my ear, "I know you enjoyed it, darling. Let's sleep, now?"
I lay back in bed, confused.
Why was she playing hot-and-cold with me? Why was she blackmailing me like this?
I should keep quiet about Amir groping her, if I wanted a head job like last night, was it?
Then again, what else was I to do? The alternative was to completely lose her to Amir.
She was effectively telling me to be satisfied with my crumbs, and not complain about what Amir did to her.
I felt immensely weak, and I just lay back and let sleep overcome me.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 19 Pt. 3

The next day went largely as per the routine of the previous day. Unlike the previous day, Amir didn't come to 'help' dress me up: I guess he had ran out of reason to pretend to help me, since I had 'apologized' for swinging the iron rod at his head.
In a way, I felt grateful to Kavita. Her suggestion had saved me further embarrassment, torture at the hands of Amir, in the morning.
Tomorrow would be the weekend, and I didn't have to go to work this Saturday. Not that there was anything to look forward to, for Saturday. Kavita would probably go out with Amir, again.
A sobering thought occurred to me: since I had gotten through this week without any further altercation with Amir (after the incident on Monday), perhaps Kavita might take me with them if they went out the next day.
It was a hopeful thought.
I called up Kavita in the afternoon. I just wanted to make small talk with her. I didn't want to bring up difficult topics on phone, so I made some small talk until she hung up.
The ride home was different. Amir took us down a different path today. I soon started realizing where he was headed.
It appeared to be the path to that Mughlai restaurant.
It was.
I gulped as he parked his motorcycle in front of the restaurant.
He then spoke to me, "Go get my dinner, pussy boy."
I gulped.
I hadn't set foot in this restaurant since the fiasco last time, with the restaurant manager.
Since then, both Kavita and Amir had been there multiple times. While it embarrassed me each time they had been there, it saved me some face, that I hadn't had to meet that obnoxious manager/supervisor again.
Now, I would have to.
There wasn't much point in pleading with Amir. He wasn't the reasonable type anyway. I walked up to the restaurant doors, and stepped in.
The supervisor/manager was on his phone again. He gestured to me his watch and indicated that he would take 1 minute.
It seemed to be a pleasant improvement from last time.
He did hang up in one minute, and scanned me and asked, "What happened to your hand Sir? Manu Sharma right?"
I nodded. He didn't sound as obnoxious now.
I told him, "I fell down and hurt it. I should be OK in a couple of weeks."
He expressed concern, and then introduced himself as Mr Mahmood Hussein.
He then quickly got the food package and bill settled.
I was mildly relieved. I had expected the supervisor/manager to needle me again, like he had done the last time: especially since Kavita and Amir had been there multiple times, since then.
I quickly hurried out, and got onto Amir's motorcycle.
After driving us close to home, Amir stopped in front of a liquor store.
He asked me to wait, and went and bought a couple of bottles of liquor and a bottle of soda. He handed the bag containing the bottles to me, and got on to the motorcycle and resumed driving.
Presently, he pulled into the parking area of our apartment building.
I was in a way pleasantly surprised. He didn't make me get down and walk home. The previous 3 days, he had done that, and started fucking my wife Kavita before I had got home.
As I alighted from the motorcycle, he beckoned to me and said, "Pussy boy, your pretty wife and I are having a drinking party tonight; You're not invited to the party, get it? Have your dinner and go to bed."
I nodded.
I had never been into "drinking parties" anyway. It surprised me though, because while I knew Kavita to drink on occasion, I didn't consider her a "party drinker". This seemed to be just a party of 2 at home, in any case.
We got upstairs together: Amir had taken the bag containing the liquor bottles from me, leaving me to carry his food from that Mughlai restaurant.
When we got to the door, Amir rang the bell, and Kavita opened the door for us. She was still wearing the conservative red saree she had wore in the morning. I had hardly noticed it, then.
He held up the bag containing the liquor bottles and grinned at her, saying, "Party tonight!"
She said, "Great!", and kissed him in front of me, standing in the doorway.
She then beamed at me, and kissed me as well.
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We both got in, and she helped me take off my footwear. She offered to make tea as she usually did.
After we had tea, Kavita helped me change into a pair of my shorts, and a t-shirt.
In a way, I felt relieved for the cast in my hand. I hadn't had to wear those pyjamas all week. The panties were somewhat humiliating, putting me down, but it was inner wear, not visible unless at moments like these, when my wife was helping me change my clothes.
I joined Amir in the hall, as Kavita went towards the kitchen to prepare dinner.
I had an uneasy sense of foreboding through dinner. I wasn't quite comfortable with the way Amir had said "I was not invited to the party."
It sounded like Amir had some sort of 'plan' for tonight, and it wasn't going to be nice.
I sat on the sofa, dreading when the 'party' would begin.
Presently, Amir opened the bottle of wine (for Kavita, I presumed) and poured himself some of the whiskey. Kavita had been cleaning up after dinner.
She came over and asked, "Do you want a drink too, Manu?"
I wanted to say 'Yes', just to be there with them. But I recalled Amir's warning.
I didn't think I would be able to get away with it if I accepted her offer now. I said, "No thanks, Kavi, I think I'll just go to bed."
She said, "Wait a minute, let me go and change into something less cumbersome."
She went towards our bedroom, and closed the door.
I looked at Amir. He grinned in his typical leering manner.
Presently, the bedroom door opened, and Kavita came out into the hall.
I was stunned.
She was wearing a nightie that I could only describe as a 'sex' nightie. It wasn't just a sexy nightie, it was a 'sex' nightie.
The nightie was lavender and black in color, and it was lacy.
It was also translucent. Even though her skin color was matched to some extent with the lavender color of the nightie, I could clearly make out her nipples.
The nightie ended about 1/4 the way down her thighs from where they started.
I had bought this nightie for her, and she had worn it only when she wanted to have sex.
She came and sat down on the double-seater sofa.
I was frozen to the spot. I couldn't leave to bed, leaving her with Amir dressed like this.
Kavita turned to me smiling sweetly, and said, "Go ahead and go to bed, Manu. I'll join you after a drink."
I slowly got up, my heart was racing. My knees were wobbly.
I slowly made my way towards the bedroom. As I got to the doorway, I turned and took one last look at Kavita.
Amir had moved in beside her, and he was massaging her shoulders. He briefly gave me a cold, nasty took.
Did she see his cold look in my direction? I couldn't tell.
I moved into the bedroom, and lay down in bed.
I was wide awake. I couldn't go to sleep.
I heard the sound of tinkling glasses, rustling plastic and munching sounds. They must have found some accompaniments to go with the drinks.
After a while,I heard the sound of the TV, which, while not loud, was loud enough to mask their voices out.
I strained my ears harder, and got up from the bed, and walked towards the door again.
As I got closer to the door, I heard a moan from Kavita, followed by a giggle from her.
I was about to go back through the doorway, when I heard a footfall.
Amir momentarily stood in front of me. I jumped immediately, upon seeing his imposing form.
He grinned, and closed the door of our bedroom, and latched it from the outside.
My eyes were white with terror. I knew now for SURE, what was going to happen in our hall tonight.
I stood against the door, and listened.
And presently, I started hearing Kavita's moans.
Her moans, while not as loud as when I had overheard her from the hall door the first two times, they were still loud enough for me to hear clearly.
"Aaaaaahhhhh!!!Aaaaaaahhh!!! Aaaaaaahhh!!! Slowly please Amir!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! God, I love this, Aaaaahhhh!! Don't stop, Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!"
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Her moans cut right through me.
She was having sex with Amir, with me being at home.
She had probably done this at least once in the past: the previous Saturday night. But then, I hadn't been aware.
This time, not only was I aware, she probably knew that I knew.
There was no longer any room to pretend. I knew, and she knew I knew.
The moaning went on for a few more minutes, and I heard her loud, prolonged moans signaling her orgasm.
It was done. It was over. She would come to bed shortly. And I would confront her. This was beyond anything that she had done with him, until then.
I then strained my ears, and heard the resumption of tinkling of glasses. So they were having some more to drink, after sex?
About 10 minutes later, the moaning sounds resumed. They were less loud this time round, and lasted less long as well.
I was wondering if she would come to bed now, when I heard a loud metallic sound from the door.
The door had been unlatched. It opened now, and I saw Amir in the doorway.
He was dressed in just his white underwear, and he was holding Kavita in his arms.
I felt very intimidated, at the sight of this muscular bully in his underwear, holding my wife in his arms. I instinctively jumped backwards.
He grinned, and came into our bedroom, still carrying Kavita.
She appeared to be semi-conscious. Her eyes were drooping, and she giggled as he set her down on the bed. Even her giggle sounded slurred.
She had had a bit to drink.
Presently, Amir turned towards me and snapped his fingers in a beckoning manner.
Was he asking me to come where he was?
I stood watching him, frozen to the spot. He frowned, and snapped his fingers again.
I stumbled towards the bed, on weak knees.
I had gotten a foot away from the bed, when Amir extended his arm.
I instinctively shielded my face with my right hand, because I was sure he would slap me.
Instead, he caught my t-shirt by the scruff of the neck, and pushed me on to the bed, face down.
I momentarily felt pain in my left arm as I landed. He quickly lifted me by my t-shirt, and pushed me further up along the bed, and released my t-shirt, dropping me directly in between Kavita's parted legs.
I fell right between her legs, and got a noseful of gooey liquid. I lay there still, trying to avoid the nauseating smell. I had always liked the smell of Kavita's pussy, and gotten turned on by it. But this was different. Her pussy smelled more of the gooey liquid that my nose had gotten, just now. As I lay still for a few moments, Kavita moaned and said in an entreating, lusty voice, "Mmmmm...go on, Manu..."
Go on what? Was she expecting me to do oral sex to her? NOW? What a disgusting thought. I wasn't going to do it. I continued lying still. I didn't know for sure that she meant me to do THAT, anyway.
Presently, she moaned again and said in a cross-sounding voice, "Mmmmm...Manu...I can't feel you at all..." I started telling myself in my mind that I wasn't going to do it, again, when I felt a heavy weight descend on the back of my head. It was a familiar weight. I had felt it on Tuesday, and I knew what it was. The weight was pressing me up close, against her pussy. I tried to get Amir's foot off my head, using my right arm. Momentarily, I felt my right arm being twisted behind my back. I lay there, helpless as a trussed chicken. The weight continued to press down on my head, pushing me up close, against her pussy. My lips were already scbanging her pussy lips. I wasn't going to be able to get out of this.
I parted my lips, and stuck my tongue out. I first only ran my tongue along the exterior of her pussy, over her clit. Then, as Kavita started moaning, I instinctively started pushing my tongue inside to the extent I could, and probing the interior. I could feel more gooey matter descend onto my tongue, and make it's way into my mouth. I could feel it's taste. The taste was very similar to what I had tasted on Wednesday. This reaffirmed what I already suspected about Wednesday night.
I heard a moan of pleasure from Kavita. She said, "Aaaaaah,'re hitting the spot...Aaaaahhhhhhhh..." She was enjoying it.
I started moving my tongue more feverishly. She was enjoying it. It didn't matter now, that the gooey yucky liquid was oozing onto my tongue, into my mouth and down my throat. She was enjoying my action. And even though it was utterly debasing, I started doing it, with as much passion as I could muster.
This was my "back-door" ticket back into her pussy, into her heart. She was enjoying it, so I had to do it now.
Presently, I felt something tightening around my neck. I strained my eyes sideways, and realized it was Kavita's thighs. She had wrapped them around my neck.
I kept darting my tongue around, as I felt her thighs start shuddering, as they did when she had an orgasm, as they had, two nights back.
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