Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 16 Pt. 1

I waited for Kavita to join me in bed.
I tried to think about how to direct the discussion towards her infidelity.
I had tried on Saturday night, to drive the topic of the discussion there. I hadn't succeeded, partly because of Amir's presence at home.
This time, I surely ought to have a better chance to confront Kavita, I thought.
She joined me after a few minutes, with a weary expression on her face.
She lay down beside me, and was silent. We both lay silently for a while.
I finally spoke up, "Kavi."
"Yes, Manu."
"I am going to ask you something. It may upset you, but we need to do it for OUR own good."
She encouraged me on, but with a weary sounding voice, "Go on, Manu."
Without beating about the bush, I directly got to the point, "Kavi, I would like Prem to leave."
She sat up in bed, and leaned against the headboard.
After a pause, she said slowly, "I see."
After another pause, she added with a cutting intone, "So you want us to just throw out our guest is it."
I sighed and took a deep breath. "Kavi, look at the way he's behaving. He's not behaving like a guest would normally do. He's acting like he's lord of the house. And today be broke my arm."
I paused. She was about to say something, when I interjected, "And his behavior is affecting our marriage and you know it."
I meant for that to lead the conversation towards her infidelity.
She took the bait and asked guardedly, "Affecting our marriage? What do you mean, Manu?"
"I meant what I said, Kavi. Since Prem arrived, we haven't had sex even once."
She sniggered at that, and said, "Oh please, Manu. You've had performance issues for a while, not just after Prem arrived. If you couldn't hold it for 1 minute Friday before last Friday..."
She left her sentence hanging, but her cutting words had a similar effect that Amir's taunting had.
My ears went red, and my tongue felt knotted.
As I stayed silent, Kavita spoke up, resuming the conversation, "There are multiple reasons why we shouldn't 'throw out' Prem like you're suggesting, Manu."
I gulped. What were her reasons going to be?
My tongue still felt knotted. Kavita continued, "First, am not convinced that HE started it this morning. I wasn't there then, and I've seen you being irritable towards Prem and attack him once before, in front of my eyes."
I found my tongue finally. "Attack, Kavi? I just pushed him. What about today morning, he started it then."
"What do you mean, he started it,Manu? Prem told me you tried to hit him first with the iron rod. Was that not true?"
"Yes, Kavi, I did, but..."
"Then you did start it again!"
"No, Kavi, please listen."
"You did try to hit him first, didn't you?"
"No, Kavi."
"Didn't you just say you tried to hit him first with the rod?"
"Yes, Kavi, but that was after he started slapping me."
"I mean, he slapped me without provocation this morning, Kavi. And it wasn't the first day he slapped me without provocation."
My eyes welled with tears, as I relived the humiliation he had put me through.
She sighed wearily. She waited a few moments before continuing, "I don't know, Manu. I saw him slap you once. On Saturday night. It's not that I don't believe you, but I find it implausible that you would put up with it silently, if he had done it before. It now sounds even more unbelievable to me, that he slapped you without provocation today morning."
I was about to interject, when she held up her hand.
"Manu, let's return to this topic shortly, OK? Let me finish telling you my reasons."
She was apparently referring to her 'multiple reasons' to not throw out Amir.
I wearily nodded, indicating her to continue.
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She now continued, "Second reason is, I don't like to throw out any guest like that. Since you've NOW told me that he's 'bullying you', the proper thing to do is let me observe it, and if it's true, I'll agree with you. But we can't do that RIGHT NOW, right?"
I sighed again. It delayed the decision, but at least, she accepted my story as plausible. It was a positive thing, but I didn't really want to delay things. I didn't see how Kavita would agree to throw him out immediately, though.
As I gathered my thoughts, there was another pause.
Kavita then continued, "The third reason is practical. Your left hand is in a cast for 2-3 weeks, maybe longer. How do you plan to get to work for the next 2-3 weeks or however long your arm will be in the cast?"
I hadn't thought of that till then.
I wouldn't be able to drive our car, till my arm was out of the cast.
Kavita volunteered, "I could drive you to work, and drive back. Then, I could drive to pick you up, and drive back again. That's twice as much driving for US, and a lot of driving for me."
She paused, and then continued, "I don't mind doing that, Manu. But it's not like I sit idle at home without much to do. YOU know that by now, right?"
I gulped as I realized how true this was.
Over the last two weekends, I had touched the surface on how much Kavita did at home. The stuff I had done over the weekend, she did, every day, and more.
And doing just parts of it had worn me out, each time.
She took my expression for assent, and continued, "And I don't like driving in rush hour traffic, you know that, too."
I queried, "What should I do then? Should I take time off, Kavi?"
"Can you take time off, Manu? I thought you told me things were a little rough at work lately. You didn't even want to take tomorrow off, from your conversation with your boss."
It was true. I didn't feel comfortable taking time off, at this juncture.
"What do I do, then, Kavi? Should I find a carpool or something? Take an auto-rickshaw to work each day?"
"No, dummy. You can't find a carpool at such short notice. And taking an auto-rickshaw each day will cost a lot, and you know it. Especially if your arm will be in a cast for longer than 2-3 weeks. You need a short term solution. And I already found one for you."
I looked at her, puzzled.
She continued, "Prem will drop you off at work. And he'll pick you up in the evening."
I stared at her. This opened up a new line of thinking for me.
If he was going to be picking me up in the evening, he couldn't have ANY time alone with Kavita in the evenings. Unless on a Saturday when I had to work, he simply couldn't be able to be with Kavita, alone.
Unless he "sent me out on an errand" after we got home, this would greatly limit, if not eliminate, the time he would get to spend alone with Kavita.
There seemed to be a silver lining in the cloud.
I nodded and grudgingly conceded, "Good point. Nice of him to offer that, Kavi."
She sniggered and said, "He didn't offer it. I suggested it, and asked him to do it."
I sheepishly muttered, "Oh, I see."
I added, almost as an afterthought, "That was smart thinking on your part, Kavi."
She smiled sweetly at me, and said, "Thanks Manu."
She continued, after a pause, "He wasn't willing to do it, right away. He complained that it went somewhat out of the way for him. But I convinced him to agree to it, making him feel guilty about your arm."
She smiled as she said this.
I thanked her gratefully again, and said, "Thanks Kavi."
She spoke up once more, as though to close the topic, "I could have taken up Prem on his offer this morning, and asked him to leave. I didn't think it was right. He certainly has some share of the blame for today morning's schoolboy fight. But it isn't ALL his fault, and besides, this would be a bad time for us to throw him out. I hope you see that now, Manu."
At this point, it seemed somewhat settled that Amir wouldn't be thrown out: not immediately.
"We can wait for 2-3 weeks, and see if your arm recovers in that time. I can also observe Prem's behavior in that period. If he bullies you without provocation as you said, we can ask him to leave once your arm has recovered and is out of the cast, OK?"
I nodded my head in assent.
There was a longish silence, as I contemplated where to pick up the discussion next. We hadn't explicitly discussed Kavita's infidelity, yet.
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I was still thinking of a way to break the silence, when Kavita spoke, "Manu, tell me this, why have you suddenly started fighting with Prem in this manner?"
She was returning to the first 'reason' of hers: that she wasn't really convinced that Amir had been bullying me, slapping me, without provocation.
I was a bit irritated.
I wasn't flabbergasted like I had been during the weekend, when she had asked me to apologize to Amir after HE slapped me. Or, when she blamed me at the hospital again, even after he had caused me to get a hairline fracture.
To an extent, I had gotten used to her changed attitude towards me.
"Kavi, as I told you, he started it this morning. He slapped me without provocation. And he has done this before."
"What do you mean 'he's done this before', Manu?"
"I meant what I said, Kavi. He's slapped me without provocation before."
There was a pregnant silence.
After a couple of minutes, Kavita resumed,sounding weary again, "Manu, let's start with today morning. Did he just like that start slapping you? Why should he slap you? Just like that?"
"Kavi, he was slapping me because of what I was wearing."
"What do you mean, Manu? That doesn't make any sense."
"Kavi, he was slapping me, because I wasn't wearing the pyjamas he had got for me."
In a dubious tone, she said, "Oh, I see."
I could detect the dubiousness in her voice. I shot back, "You don't believe me, right?"
"Manu...that doesn't make any sense. Why should he slap you because of what you were wearing or not wearing?"
"Because he likes to bully me, Kavi. He enjoys bullying me."
Her voice grew shrill at this.
"I don't believe a word of this Manu. YOU started wearing those pyjamas on your own. I SAW you enjoy it, every day. And YOU told me on your own, that you had some kind of kinky fantasy around wearing feminine clothes AND that you had discussed it with Prem. Now you're telling me he's bullying you?"
I sighed.
"Kavi, it's the truth...he's bullying me because...he thinks it will make me look small in your eyes, and will make him look better than me in your eyes."
She went red at this. She turned to me and snorted with derision, before spitting out angrily, "So this is now about ME?"
I started saying, "Kavi..."
She interrupted me, "Manu, stop it please."
After a pause, she continued, "Manu, you don't understand how lucky you were this morning, don't you?"
I didn't quite catch what she meant. I asked,
"What do you mean, Kavi? That it could have been a worse fracture"
She said, "Manu, it's not about the fracture."
She paused, drew a deep breath, and resumed, "You first tried to push a man much, MUCH stronger than you, on Saturday."
My face went ashen, and I couldn't find speech even though I wanted to retort SOMETHING.
"He showed you how much weaker you are compared to him on Saturday. Even though you started the fight then, he kindly yet you go and sleep without hurting you."
I gulped in shame as I thought to myself, "Yes, Kavi. And after sending me scurrying to our room in fear, he brazenly had sex with you even when I was in our home, after I had locked myself up in our bedroom, afraid of being beaten by him again."
She paused, then continued, "Now again you try to hit him with an iron rod."
She paused, and again carried on. It was not like I could say anything, I was tongue-tied, so far.
"You say he was slapping you around for not wearing the pyjamas he got for you. Leaving out how believable that is, it still is STUPID to attack Prem with an iron rod!"
"He could have broken your arm on Saturday itself! Without an iron rod, too! Why do you attack him knowing he is much, MUCH stronger than you?"
I finally found speech, "So I should just let him slap me and bully me, is it, Kavi?"
She had a pitying look on her face.
"Manu, you don't understand what you're doing."

She paused, and then said, "Let me tell you a story about Prem. You can NOT repeat this story to anyone else, OK?"
I gulped and said, "Go on, Kavi."
I didn't see what her story would have to do with my question. But I wanted to hear her story.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 16 Pt. 2

I hoped it would explain what it was that she seemed to see in him, STILL. Seeing the kind of womanizer he was. Seeing his bullying, physically abusive behavior.
"I don't think I've ever told you about her. I had a classmate named Rachna Desai. Have I ever mentioned her to you?"
She hadn't mentioned her to me. But her name rung a bell. I queried, "Was she fair in complexion?"
"A lot of my classmates were fair complexioned, Manu. But have you seen her picture or something?"
I thought I had. I didn't note down her last name at the moment, but I was sure it was one of the girls in Amir's photo albums, with his 'girlfriends'. I had seen one named Rachna there.
I didn't want to mention Amir's photo album, so I invented, "I might have seen her in your yearbook, Kavi."
"Yeah we had only one Rachna in our year. So you've seen her picture."
"She was engaged in our final year, through an arranged marriage. To a guy named Vipul Kulkarni."
I gulped said, "OK, go on Kavi."
It sounded like a traditional arranged marriage, except she would have been quite young, this Rachna.
Also, I started wondering how Amir got involved there. Hadn't he been 'seeing' her, according to my interpretation of his 'Personal' photo albums?
Kavita paused, then continued, "I had met him after their engagement. Nice guy, but seemed very insecure."
After another pause, Kavita continued her narration, "In our final year time, Rachna got involved for some time, with Prem."
I gulped. I suspected this already.
She continued, "Three weeks before her wedding, Rachna decided to go to Goa for the weekend. With Prem."
This wasn't unusual among college students, to go off for a weekend as a group of friends. I asked, "Oh nice, Kavi. Did you also go?"
She went red as she blurted out angrily, "What do you mean? Of course not!"
I spluttered hastily, "No, Kavi, I meant if they went as a group of college friends, you might have gone too."
She gave me a pitying look, and said, " was just the 2 of them who went to Goa."
My face went white as I comprehended her meaning.
I muttered weakly, "Oh, I see."
She paused longer this time, letting it sink in to me.
So Amir had taken Rachna to Goa, not long before she was to get married, to another guy, this Vipul person. And was going to be spending the whole weekend with her. Probably would have slept in the same bed, too. I gulped again.
Kavita finally continued, "Vipul as I said, was the jealous, insecure kind of guy."
At this, she gave me a long, scornful look.
It was almost as though she was telling me without saying the words, "Kind of, like you, Manu!"
She then continued, "Rachna hadn't told him about it, but Vipul snooped around, and found out that she had gone to Goa. He followed her there."
She paused briefly, and continued, "He tracked her down to the hotel she was staying in with Prem. He confronted her in the room, when she was there, with Prem ."
My face went white, as I imagined the poor guy's predicament.
He had gotten engaged to this good looking girl, coming out of college.
He probably had hoped that she would have been a trustworthy mate, even if she wasn't necessarily a virgin. Like me, in this day and age, he might have reconciled to the possibility that she may have been with someone in the past. Still, even he couldn't have guessed that 3 weeks before their wedding, she would go off weekending to Goa with a guy. That too, a '. guy.
She paused, then spoke softly, "The confrontation soon turned ugly."
I could imagine that.
"Vipul called her names. He called Prem names. Then, when Prem tried to get him to calm down, he punched Prem on his nose."
She gave a pause again, looking at me pointedly. She then continued, "Prem doesn't take that kind of stuff lying down. You know that about him, by now. He's a strong, proud man."
She paused, then continued, "He overpowered Vipul, and pinned him on the floor. He then asked Rachna to leave."
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After another pause, she continued, "When Rachna came back after a while, Vipul was leaving the room, clutching his groin, and yelping in pain."
Another pause from Kavita, and she continued, "She didn't ask Vipul what had happened then. She was sure by then, that the wedding would get canceled anyway. She was kind of resigned to it, from the fact that this ugly confrontation had happened."
"She spent the rest of the weekend there, with Prem, and returned on Sunday night."
I asked, unable to hold back my curiosity, "Did Vipul cancel the wedding?"
Kavita continued, "I only know what Rachna told me. She got back and the preparations for the wedding were continuing normally. But she got no phone calls from Vipul, and he used to call her before."
She paused, then continued, "She knew something was up, and decided to talk to Vipul, and cancel the wedding on her own. She called Vipul and set up a meeting."
Kavita paused again, and continued, "When Rachna met Vipul, she told him straightaway, that it might not be good if they got married, after this weekend. She was however quite surprised by his attitude."
"Vipul seemed like a changed man. He begged her forgiveness for following her to Goa, and begged her to not cancel the wedding."
"Vipul had got roses for her, and begged her to not leave him at this juncture, this close to the wedding."
I found my voice finally, "What happened then? Did they get married?"
Kavita replied nonchalantly, "Oh yeah. They're still married actually. But Rachna had some trouble with Vipul after they got married."
I could empathize with the guy. He must have been seething with jealousy, and probably had tried to take revenge on her.
Out of curiosity, I asked, "What did he do, Kavi?"
"Oh, he wasn't able to do ANYTHING. That was the trouble."
She gave another long pause here, looking at me in a suggestive manner.
In that long pause, I digested the meaning of her words. My face went white, again.
Did that mean what it seemed to mean?
As though to clarify, Kavita continued, "They did go to the doctors, but the doctors couldn't do anything. Rachna didn't tell me the full details, but she informed me that she got Vipul to confess that after that one-on-one confrontation with Prem, he never managed to get what it takes to perform. In bed."
My face was drained of blood.
So the confrontation with Amir had left him impotent?
What had Amir done to him?
Had he done to Vipul, what he had threatened to do, to me?
Whatever he had done, how did Vipul get over it?
My heart went out to the poor guy.
I had a question that that been there around the corner of my mind. I had to ask it.
"Is he a  like us, Kavi?"
She gave me another scornful look and said, "How does it matter?"
I felt sheepish. I was about to apologize for asking that question.
Before I could, Kavita continued, "Yes he is. So is Rachna. Can't you tell from their names?"
I nodded, trying to keep the terror out of my face. I didn't think I was successful in that effort.
There was a prolonged silence.
I reflected on what Kavita had told me. It still didn't make sense completely. I couldn't see how Rachna would stay married to Vipul, knowing he was (now) impotent.
I asked her, "How come Rachna didn't divorce Vipul knowing he had become impotent?"
Kavita shook her head sagely and said, "I know. It was a brave decision by her, and I admire her for it. I would never have been able to continue in such a marriage. They've had to make compromises to make it work."
She looked at me and said, "I know you've had performance issues in bed too, Manu. But please don't put yourself in a situation like Vipul, OK? It's different for us now, we've been married 4 years, it's not like I'll leave you just because you have performance issues. But still, it will be very hard for me if you put yourself in a stupid situation and something happens like it happened to Vipul."
I now started understanding what she was leading me to. I stared at her open-mouthed.
I couldn't believe my wife was telling me this, that too in this matter-of-fact manner.
"So, try to be proactive from your side in avoiding confrontation with Prem, OK?"
Having said that, she got up from the bed and went to the hall, leaving me in a cold sweat.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 16 Pt. 3

I lay in bed stunned silent, after Kavita had got up and walked into the hall.
Momentarily, I heard sound of a TV program playing.
So she was watching TV right now.
I was continuing to sweat, lying by myself in bed.
The story Kavita had just narrated shocked me beyond the extreme.
It sounded like a sadistic thing to do, whatever Amir had allegedly done to Vipul.
And yet, a part of me knew deep down, that he was capable of it.
Was this why he had only threatened me?
I was sure that if he had actually DONE to Vipul what he had threatened to do to me, he would have had some kind of remorse too.
It was a pretty cruel thing to do, to another human being.
And yet, he didn't come across as the sort of guy who wouldn't do it again, under a different provocation.
That time, Vipul had allegedly struck him on the nose.
I hadn't really struck Amir earlier today, or for that matter on Saturday night.
I recalled the furious manner in which he had swung at my groin earlier today, and shuddered.
Had he been trying to do to me, what he had done to Vipul?
In a way, I felt grateful that my left hand had taken the blow. It was a small price, compared to the price Vipul had paid.
I still didn't understand how Rachna could stay married to Vipul.
Even though it was her fault to an extent that Vipul had had that encounter with Amir, any guilt over that would still not be sufficient to overcome her physical needs.
Kavita had mentioned compromises. What kind of compromises? A shiver went down my spine as I imagined what kind of compromises they might be.
Kavita had stressed on how Vipul had come across as a jealous kind of guy, before the confrontation with Amir.
I felt jealous each time Amir even touched my wife Kavita, not to mention his taking her out, dressed in a hot yet somewhat obscene manner, and the fact that he was now, pretty much openly, having sex with her. It was no longer anything like a "one night stand".
Was the whole story a 'warning' from Kavita?
I recalled her narration of Vipul's reaction.
Vipul had reacted how any red-blooded man would do.
I tried putting myself in his shoes.
If Amir had taken Kavita out somewhere, 3 weeks before our wedding, and I had found out in this manner, I would have done as he had done.
I would have confronted them.
And I would have lost my temper.
And, I shuddered to think of the outcome.
As I thought this over, another nameless fear crossed me.
What if Amir had done something similar with Kavita, before our wedding?
I had come in just 4 weeks before the wedding, because that was the amount of time I could get off from my work in USA. It was possible that Amir might have taken Kavita out somewhere.
He was the kind of guy who seemed capable of it.
It would fit in with his "trophy" mentality.
But would Kavita have gone with him?
From what I had seen in the last few weeks, I couldn't be sure. She too, could potentially have done it.
What would I have done had I REALLY been in Vipul's situation?
Had I followed Kavita and found her in a hotel room in Goa, with Amir, 3 weeks before our wedding?
I would probably have acted as he did.
What if Kavita had done the same thing as Rachna, but I hadn't found out about it yet?
I hung my head down in shame.
I knew how I had reacted to finding out about Kavita's past involvement with Amir.
I had digested it.

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I didn't go and attack the man who had bedded my wife before our marriage, and taken her virginity.
I had shamefully digested it, and tried to make the best of it.
In a shameful way, Amir was right. Perhaps I didn't deserve any better than Kavita's adulterous behavior.
I knew deep down, that I could never be the kind of man Amir was.
I had even gratefully accepted the 'hand-job' Kavita had given me the previous Friday, right after she had cheated on me to my knowledge, for the first time.
And this weekend, when this arrogant bully had openly fucked my wife again, I had meekly waited outside. Like any wimp would have behaved.
And in a way, even if Kavita had done as Rachna had done, maybe it was good that I hadn't found out about it, yet. Even a wimp such as myself could only handle this much, and it was probably better that I hadn't found out yet if such a thing had happened, or not.
This was mindless speculation on my part, and it was hurting my morale. I tried instead to think about what would be useful.
Why did Kavita tell me this story now? Was she 'warning' me as I had been speculating?
She did warn me pretty directly, to not get into a physical confrontation with Amir "So that I don't get into a situation like Vipul.", she had said.
Her narration seemed to imply that Rachna had been sleeping with Amir.
She had stressed on how Amir and Rachna had gone to Goa, just the 2 of them.
It also seemed apparent, from her narration, that Vipul knew it, too. Perhaps he had caught them red-handed, like I pretty much had done the previous Friday.
Regardless of whether Vipul had caught them red-handed or not, it was a compromising situation he had caught them in, given it was 3 weeks from their wedding.
And Kavita seemed to be saying to me, that I should not act like Vipul had done.
That if I found her and Amir in compromising situation: like I ALREADY HAD: I should just swallow it and not fight with Amir.
I hung my head in shame. I had, for all practical purposes, acquiesced meekly to Amir's taking of my wife Kavita.
But what was stinging me was Kavita effectively telling me that I should not react like Vipul had reacted, and that I should acquiesce to it.
I realized now, what Kavita had done.
Instead of ME confronting HER about her affair with Amir, SHE had effectively rubbed it into my nose through the discussion, and worse, told me to stop fussing about it, to acquiesce to it.
The conversation I had been seeking to have with her, had effectively happened. I just didn't realize it at the time.
I again recalled how she had defied me to go out with Amir, dressed in those obscenely tight pants on Sunday.
I recalled how I had discovered what seemed to be semen stains on her nightie on Sunday, after Amir had slapped me, and humiliated me in front of her the previous night, in the hall.
I hung my head in shame, yet again.
In the course of the conversation we had had a short while earlier, things had changed in a subtle , yet significant manner.
She wasn't exactly committing adultery.
She was making it open, clear, to me, that she was sleeping with Amir.
And she seemed to be enjoying it. Even more so, when Amir humiliated me. And now, after Sunday afternoon, it looked like she also wanted to join in with Amir, in humiliating me.
The future looked frightening.
I lost all will to think, and felt very, very tired. I tried to blank my mind, and fell asleep after a while.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 17 Pt. 1

I didn't know how long I had slept.
I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking my shoulders gently.
It was Kavita.
She was standing over me, beside the bed, with a tray, holding a cup of tea.
I stirred, smiled, thanked her, took the cup and took a sip. She helped me sit up.
She was still dressed in the conservative type 'home' saree she had worn earlier today, after her bath.
I was grateful inwardly, to an extent. Even though she had effectively 'laid the law' in a humiliating manner earlier today, she still was 'taking care' of my needs.
And with my left arm in a cast, I would need some help, being taken care of, in the next few weeks.
I asked her, "What time is it,Kavi?"
"It's 5:30. You seem to have slept well, Manu. Hope you had a good nap."
It has been a while since I'd gone to sleep. I didn't realize I had slept soundly, with all these worries plaguing me.
In a way, I felt ashamed that I had slept soundly.
I consoled myself with the fact that it was good for me to sleep well. Even if it was under these trying circumstances.
Kavita spoke as I drank my tea, "I went out and got a plastic cover for your cast. So you can have your bath without getting your cast wet. Do you think you can handle your bath yourself, or would you like me to help you, Manu? I would love to help."
She said this in a sweet,smiling manner. Not in a naughty manner.
I winced to myself. It seemed like so long back, when my wife Kavita would consider it naughty to sneak in when I was bathing.
Her body language now was more like a nurse caring for a patient, than I had known my wife to care for me.
Still, it was better than her not caring for me at all.
I told her I'd try to manage on my own, but would appreciate her help to put on the plastic cover for the casting, the first time.
Truth be told, I wanted her to be WITH ME in the bathroom. Hoping it would rekindle some of the intimacy we had shared over these 4 years.
Kavita came with me to the bathroom, and helped me undress. She got a towel for me to dry myself, and covered my casting with the plastic shield.
Perhaps it was the fact that I was nude in the presence of Kavita after a long time, but I was hoping she would offer again to help bathe me.
I briefly pondered asking her. Just then, her cellphone rang.
She picked it up, and said, "Prem?"
I could hear his voice over the phone. He started off asking her, "Are you alone?"
She smiled at me, and walked out of the bathroom.
I hung my head and waited for her to return. I was still hoping she would offer again to help me bathe.
She came back in a few minutes, looking distracted.
She spoke up finally, "Go ahead and have your bath, Manu. I'll set you fresh clothes to wear on the bed."
She turned and walked out, leaving me to bathe by myself.
I had my bath by myself dully. Yet again, I had hoped in vain.
At least, she had helped me with putting a cover on my cast. Her behavior wasn't that terrible, I tried to console myself.
I presently finished up my bath, and started drying myself with a towel. It was harder doing it with one hand, than I had thought. I wished I hadn't told her I would do it myself. I felt a pang. Surely she would have been here to dry me off, if she loved me.
Surely she would have been here to dry me off, had Amir not stepped into our lives.
I finished up drying myself, and removed the plastic shield for the casting. I stepped out of the bathroom, naked. I couldn't quite wrap the towel around myself with one arm.
Kavita had set out for me on the bed, my underwear. And the first set of pyjamas Amir had 'gifted' me: the white pyjamas with pink flowers printed all over them.
I was irritated. Surely the last thing I wanted to be thinking about then, was Amir and his trying to bully me around, including by making me wear feminine, womens' pyjamas.
And now, it looked like he had got Kavita on his side. She had set these clothes out for me, after all.
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I was wondering whether to go over to the clothes shelf and find alternative clothes: some of MY clothes.
Right then, Kavita walked into our bedroom. I heard her footfall at the same time I heard her voice, "Oh you dried yourself! Sorry Manu, I meant to come and help you! Wait for me next time please?"
I felt bitter at her words, yet a little gratified as well. Maybe it meant she would come help me dry myself from tomorrow.
I nodded at her.
She now came over by the bed, and picked up my underwear.
She bent down, and held it out for me at the level of my ankles so I could step into them.
She then pulled them up for me.
I could have done this by myself with my right hand. Still, it felt comforting to have her help me.
She then picked up the pyjama pants likewise, and held them by my ankles.
I didn't feel like protesting, like arguing with her. I put my feet into the slots, blushing as I did. She pulled them up over my waist, and tightened the waistband.
Finally, she put my right arm through the arm hold, and pulled the pyjama shirt over my left arm in the casting.
In a way, I found myself feeling a bit more relieved now. Surely this meant Amir couldn't make me wear those ridiculous, humiliating shoulder strapped pyjama blouses for a while. And it should mean no more shaving of my underarms, at least, not in the immediate future: not while my left arm was in a cast.
Kavita, smiled sweetly at me after dressing me up, and said, "Prem should be home any minute Manu. Would you like a 2nd cup of tea as I will be making tea for Prem?"
I gratefully said yes. The bell rang just then, and I followed her to the hall.
As I did, I noted that the TV was now off. I still hadn't confirmed whether the bell was audible over the sound of our television playing a loud movie, in our bedroom or Amir's.
My thoughts were interrupted as Kavita opened the door for Amir, her face beaming.
He was carrying several things.
In one hand, he was carrying 2 plastic bags. More clothes? Not NOW? Not after all he had done?
In the other hand, he was carrying 2 bouquets of flowers.
He gave one bag and one bouquet to Kavita, who said, "Wow, that's nice, Prem! Thanks!"
Amir spoke up, "Sorry Kavi. I've given you a lot of trouble, especially today."
He sounded apologetic, but I felt in my bones that he didn't MEAN it.
It didn't matter that he didn't sound like he meant it, though. Because, right then, Kavita stood up on her toes and kissed him.
It wasn't a peck on the cheek. It wasn't a kiss on his forehead, or any of those other kinds of kisses that I could explain away as a friendly gesture.
It was an intimate kiss. And it broke slim hope I had created for myself since my arm 'accident', that Kavita's relationship with Amir might 'freeze off' now.
I felt hurt.
I had hoped that she might be cold, aloof with him after what he had done to me today.
And for all that I had already overheard of their lovemaking, I hadn't yet SEEN them intimately. I had seen Amir fondle Kavita numerous times, but I hadn't seen HER do anything intimate with him, beyond that massage.
As the sight of Kavita parting her lips to let Amir's tongue through sunk in, I realized with resignation that this kind of intimate exchange had probably happened between them many, many times.
This was just the first time I was seeing it.
It didn't change the fact that my Kavita had probably locked lips with Amir numerous times, and let his tongue rove over her lips most, if not every one of those times.
And my seeing it now wouldn't change what had already happened.
Despite all that conciliatory thinking, I felt very, very jealous.
Presently, they broke apart, and Amir took off his footwear.
Kavita turned and walked past me.
I tried to bore into her eyes.
She averted hers.
So she was feeling guilty, I thought, momentarily.
But then I scanned her facial expression. It didn't look like she felt guilty for what she had just done.
It looked more like she was wearing a naughty, self-satisfied smile on her face.
She walked past me, and paused at the kitchen door.
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I then realized Amir had walked up to me, because he spoke, presently,addressing me, "Manu.", he coughed.
I turned to look at him. "Sorry about this morning. I have put you through a lot of inconvenience now, and I'm sorry for that."
Saying so, he handed me the 2nd bouquet of flowers and the 2nd bag.
My ears were red with shame. So he had bought the 2nd bouquet of flowers for ME?
I had been given bouquets before, especially by Kavita for my first birthday after our marriage, and at our wedding as well from various guests.
But coming from Amir, it sounded more like a gesture about something else, than a statement of apology.
Still, there had been no use fighting him with 2 arms and an iron rod earlier today.
And there would be even lesser use fighting him now, with one arm in a cast.
I accepted it, and gave him a cold smile and said, "Thanks, Prem."
He also held out the 2nd bag of what I presumed were clothes. Probably, some humiliating, feminine clothes.
I didn't want to look. I accepted it, with another cold smile.
I put Amir's gifts away in our bedroom, and rejoined him in the hall. I sat on an empty spot in the double-seater sofa.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 17 Pt. 2

Presently Kavita came over with a tray and 3 cups of tea.
As she served Amir, I noted that his lips had 'marks' of her lipstick.
So she had put on a layer of lipstick BEFORE Amir came home?
I hadn't noticed it, but perhaps she had done it when I had been bathing. I hadn't observed carefully when she was dressing me up.
A fresh wave of jealousy passed over me on the intimate kiss Kavita had exchanged with Amir, a short while ago.
I glared at her, as she held out the tray for me me to take my tea.
She sensed my glare, I was sure.
Yet, she didn't seem perturbed.
She now looked directly at me, as though asking me coyly, "What are you upset about, Manu?"
She persisted in looking at me directly, smiling sweetly, until I lost my will to fight with her on this, at least, at this time. Perhaps later, I told myself.
I told her, "Thanks Kavi, why don't you sit down?"
I indicated the empty spot beside me.
She smiled as though she was suspicious, but sat down anyway.
We discussed among the 3 of us, what had happened at the hospital: the interaction with the doctor, and various topics related to fractures, and physical injuries.
I was grateful when Kavita stood up to go to the kitchen and start dinner preparations.
The rest of the evening was largely incident-free.
We discussed over dinner about the plan for the next morning. Since Amir was going to be dropping me at work, he wanted to leave a little earlier.
Accordingly, we agreed to get ready a little sooner than usual. Given that I'd need help getting ready, Kavita thought it would be sufficient if we both got up at the time I had set for my alarm, rather than me alone.
I didn't see how we would get ready in time that way, but I didn't want to argue.
I was already feeling quite demoralized, over seeing the intimate, seemingly passionate lip-lock between Kavita and Amir, for the first time.
We went to bed shortly after dinner. Kavita was still in the 'conservative' saree she had dressed in after her bath, since our return from the hospital.
I wondered briefly as I lay in bed, over whether to confront Kavita about her brazen lip-lock with Amir, in front of me.
Just then, she snuggled up beside me in bed, and said, "You OK, Manu?"
I dully replied, "Yeah."
"Is your arm hurting? Do you need another dose of the painkiller?"
I said I was fine, dully. My mind wasn't on my physical state.
Out of the blue, I blurted out, "Kavi, you know I saw you kissing... Prem, a short while ago."
I had to pause as I spoke. I had to hold my tongue back from saying, "I saw you kissing Amir today."
I was sure she would react even more negatively had I called Amir by his real name.
She spoke back guardedly, "Manu, he had made a nice apologetic gesture with the flowers. He had consented to help by taking you to work, and bringing you back. He had come with us for support, taking the morning off, and had helped you up before we took you to the hospital. And he did spare you from worse damage which you called on yourself."
I replied sarcastically, "Oh I see."
She caught my sarcasm, and continued guardedly, "So yeah, I kissed him to thank him for that."
She paused, as I was about to come up with another sarcastic remark, when she continued, "Manu, you know what you should have done, if you didn't like it, right?"
I was puzzled. What should I have done?
"If you don't like it, Manu, next time, please listen to me. Do NOT start a fight with our guest. Especially when you know the guest is much, much stronger than you."
I was stung by her last words, more than the rest of what she had said then.
Yet again, she was "rubbing it into my nose", that Amir was much stronger than me, physically.
She didn't seem to have many harsh words for him at all, after he had put my arm in a cast, and caused so much inconvenience for us. Other than a brief outburst at Amir at home, and when we had driven to the hospital, she hadn't chided him at all.
My eyes welled up with tears. It was like I was not only losing Kavita in bed, but also losing her love.
It felt like things were headed towards a divorce. Amir wouldn't remarry Kavita. She was going to be stuck alone, and so was I.
I lay awake in bed for a while, contemplating life after a divorce. None of the thoughts were encouraging.
I fell asleep late, after thinking a long time about this problem for which no solution came to my mind.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 17 Pt. 3

I woke up in the morning to the sound of the alarm.
Kavita too had woken up with me today. I gulped as I realized that I had been toweling off Amir for a while now. Would I be expected to do it even now? With one arm in a cast?
Kavita seemed sleepy, like she hadn't slept enough. She brushed her teeth hurriedly, and I followed suit.
She briefly went back to the bedroom for a couple of minutes.
Presently, she returned with a couple of towels, and told me to start getting undressed. I started unbuttoning my pyjama shirt.
She undressed herself, then helped me undress myself. She helped me put on the plastic shield for the cast.
I had been puzzled at first. Then it occurred to me, when she covered my cast in the plastic shield.
She was intending for us to bathe together, to "save time".
My morale rose again. We were going to have some intimate time together in the bathroom. And right under Amir's nose, I grinned to myself.
By the time we finished our bath, my penis had grown hard. The water, and the effect of Kavita soaping my balls and penis with a naughty grin on her face did the trick.
That, however, was as close as I had gotten to any kind of sexual release, recently. We presently finished up our bath. Kavita started drying me first, and then started drying herself.
She wrapped herself in a towel, and tied a towel around my waist, as I walked back to our bedroom behind her.
She had set out clothes for herself, and me, on the bed.
She helped me get into one of my vests, adjusting it through my cast.
My heart then dropped. My penis had already subsided to semi-hard, once we had stepped out of the bath. Now, I felt it shrivel up.
I was gazing at the underwear she had now picked up for me.
They were a pair of white panties.
They were not men's underwear. I could tell by looking at them, that they were panties.
My face went red. I hadn't seen those panties before, in our house. These were not a pair of Kavita's panties, that she had accidentally picked up. Were these from the bag of clothes Amir had 'got' for me last evening?
Presently, Kavita got down on her knees and held the white panties out below my legs, for me to slip into.
I was awash with shame. I didn't want to do it.
Moments ticked by. Then, Kavita spoke up, "Come on, Manu. You need to leave for work sooner today."
I spoke up weakly, "Kavi, I don't like these underwear."
She got up with irritation, then said, "Fine, then dress yourself up."
She got up, took off her towel and started dressing herself up.
Briefly, I stared open-mouthed at her naked body. But she had quickly put on a bra and a pair of panties. She then put on a yellow churidar dress she had set out for herself. She brushed her hair and tied it with a hairband, applied a layer of lipstick quickly, picked up some more towels and walked out.
I followed her to the door. She was headed towards Amir's room.
I gulped. So she would be toweling him off today, instead of me. And this would probably be the status quo until I got rid of my cast.
I turned and walked towards the clothes shelf, to put on a pair of my underwear.
I received the next shock when I got to my clothes shelf.
None of my underwear were present on the shelf.
Instead, there was a stack of new panties, each one covered in it's own plastic wrapping.
And there was one plastic wrapper that appeared to have been discarded: from the white panties that Kavita had set out for me.
They were in various colors, various prints, and some of them appeared to have lace on them.
I was overwhelmed by nausea, yet again.
Why would Kavita 'play along' with Amir? My underclothes couldn't have disappeared without her help.
I wanted to go and look in the laundry balcony, in case there had been some of my underwear that had been washed, and hung out to dry.
But I was unable to wrap myself with a towel again.
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Minutes ticked by, as I looked feverishly for ANY of my underwear in all the shelves. I couldn't find any of them.
Then, I heard Kavita call out, "Manu, coffee is ready. Come and get it?"
I was still in my vest only, naked below.
I couldn't go out to get my coffee dressed like that.
I picked up a towel and tried to wear it again.
Right then, I felt a shadow cross me, and I looked up.
Amir was standing a foot away from me, behind me.
I jumped forward instinctively.
He grinned maliciously, as though laughing at my fear of him.
He took another step closer. I turned to face him, and stepped backward, without jumping this time.
He was dressed in a towel, which didn't quite cover his jutting erection. Evidently, Kavita's toweling him off had got him hard, again.
I self consciously covered up my naked privates. It was the first time Amir had seen my balls and penis directly, and I was awash with shame at how puny I must look, to him.
Eventually, Amir stopped, standing right beside my clothes shelf.
He pulled out from the new panty sets in the shelf, a pair of red panties. Unlike the white panties Kavita had set out for me on the bed, this pair was lacy.
He removed the plastic cover of the panties, and held the panties out towards me.
My legs trembled as I grasped his intent.
I asked in a weak, hoarse voice, "Please, Amir? I'll wear the pair Kavita had set out for me?"
He shook his head and held out the red panties again.
My legs continued to tremble as I took it with my right hand.
Kavita called out right then, "Manuuuuuuuuuuuuuu? The coffee is getting cold."
Amir snapped his fingers at me as though to say, "Do it NOW."
I held the red panties at the level of my ankles,and put both legs in, one by one.
Then I used my right hand to raise the panties on either side, until they covered my privates.
I had thought of trying again to wear a towel, after putting on the panties. But I had barely put on the panties, when Amir grabbed me by my neck and pulled me towards, then past him.
He then marched me to the hall. I led the way as he pushed me by the neck to keep walking. We got to the sofa area and Amir sat down on a single-seater sofa, after making sure I sit on the other single-seater.
Kavita then joined us with a tray carrying 3 cups of coffee.
My ears were red already. But I felt more blood rush to my ears, as Kavita came within distance from where she could see my panties.
She held out the tray for Amir and I, then took the last cup as she sat down to read the newspapers.
Her nonchalance to my situation only made me more embarrassed.
Amir was sitting across on the other side of the coffee table, strutting his chest out, his penis still jutting out. he seemed to be semi erect, and though his penis didn't look as big now, it certainly put in perspective, my puny member caged in the lacy red panties he had made me wear.
I now observed Amir's jutting erection erection more carefully. His white underwear again had reddish marks on them.
I had seen those marks before, and had thought then, that they were possibly blood, that he had possibly caught some disease.
Now, after having seen her lip-lock with Amir yesterday, and the lipstick mark on his lips, I realized what those marks were, and gulped.
I cringed with shame as I played in my mind, how this must have gone down.
Yesterday, during our altercation, Amir had hit me with an iron rod, as a consequence of which my arm was now in a cast.
The day after that, today morning, my wife Kavita had had her bath, and had gone to Amir's room, fresh.
He'd have been sweaty, and smelly. And he was the guy who had caused my arm to be in a cast.
And she had appeared to have kissed him. On his underwear, grossly.
I tried to visualize it. Did Kavita kneel down and do it?
I visualized her kneeling, and looking up at him.
Did she just kneel and kiss it? Or did she tell him something?
She probably did. She probably thanked him, for putting her husband in his place.
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Kavita must be hating me by now. Did she love me at all, still?
The feeling of being defeated by this bully with my wife Kavita's connivance overwhelmed me again. I just wanted to leave and go to work.
I waited for Kavita to finish up her coffee, then asked her weakly, "Can we have breakfast, Kavi?"
She said, "Sure. Prem, why don't you go have your bath? Thanks for helping dress up Manu, by the way."
I gulped. So she had seen him come to our bedroom. To 'help' me. Or rather, to bully me into wearing one of the panties he had bought for me.
My thoughts on that were broken as Kavita got up, walked to where Amir was sitting, and kissed him softly, on his lips.
For the 2nd time in the last 14 hours, I saw my wife voluntarily kiss this muscular bully, in front of me. The muscular guy who had defeated me in bed, in our own home, and was continuing to rub it in. The strong arrogant prick, who had put my left arm in a cast.
I was awash with shame, again. I got up so I could go put on my work pants, and cover up my panties and my shame.
I could pull the pants up, but I couldn't immediately make the pants sit at my waist and put the button on. After a couple of iterations, I managed to do it.
I then tried to put on a shirt, at which point Kavita walked into our bedroom.
She shook her head with vexation and said, "Manu, why don't you ask me for help? I was going to come and help you once I set breakfast on the stove."
I said in a small voice, "You told me to dress myself up, Kavi."
She stared at me for a few moments, and then came over and kissed me. "Manu, don't take everything I say literally, OK? Tomorrow, please wait for me to help you dress up. I don't like you struggling with one hand. I'm your wife and I am here to help you, OK?"
I nodded weakly, and thanked her. I was grateful for her help. But it didn't change the fact that I couldn't understand her behavior at all.
She seemed to WANT to help me.
But at the same time, she had hidden or removed all my underwear, FORCING me to wear the panties Amir had got for me.
And she had kissed Amir multiple times. On his lips, and disgustingly, over his underwear.
It didn't make sense to me.
I decided to wait until after I got to work, to reflect more on her behavioral changes.
I went and sat in the hall again, waiting for Amir to get ready.
We had breakfast and left for work together.
I sat on the pillion as Amir drove me to work.
The drive was surprisingly uneventful. He didn't say a word other than asking me for directions, until we got to my workplace.
As I got off, he said, "Keep your mind on your work, P.B. I don't want you having to work late and delaying me. Be ready at 5:45 sharp OK?"
I nodded.
He grinned and then said, "P.B...Panty Boy. Work hard, P.B. You need to work hard to support your pretty wife and the babies she will eventually be having."
And he grinned maliciously at me again, and drove off.
I looked around to make sure nobody had heard that, and got to work.
I had a lot of my colleagues enquire about my cast, once I got to work. I was prepared with my explanation, that I had slipped and fallen. While it felt nice to see so many people seem to care about me, I wanted the care, the love of ONE person more than anyone else.
After I had caught up with my colleagues and boss, I eventually tried to start trying to get some work done. It wasn't easy concentrating, and my thoughts soon drifted to recent developments.
I started off reflecting on Amir's taunt once he dropped me at work.
He had taunted me to work hard so I could raise HER babies.
Not our babies.
It sounded like he was taunting me, that I would not be impregnating her. I broke out into a cold sweat as I interpreted those words, so long after he had spoken them.
It was a malicious taunt. Kavita had been having sex with him, that was true. And it seemed to be unprotected sex, from all I could tell. But that didn't mean he would get to impregnate her, or that she would have the baby if she got pregnant by him.
And if he was so super-confident, he could have taunted me saying, "you need to work hard to raise OUR babies."
It sounded more like another idle taunt from Amir.
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Yet, I couldn't leave THIS one to chance. I needed to talk to Kavita about this. I decided that I would discuss this with her later today evening, no matter what.
I then moved on to Kavita's behavior, some of which puzzled me.
How exactly did she feel about me? Did she still love me at all?
She seemed to care for me, still. She wanted to help me dress up today morning. And she had seemed genuinely affected when she saw me writhing in pain on the floor.
But she also seemed to enjoy the predicament I was in, on account of Amir, and his bullying ways.
Was that why she seemed to be playing along with Amir, more?
Was she getting turned ON by seeing me humiliated by Amir?
Is that why her behavior had changed over the last week?
That she was no longer feeling guilty, but getting turned ON, the more Amir rubbed it in my nose?
Forget Amir, SHE seemed to be rubbing it into my nose herself, now.
I reviewed ALL her actions.
Friday night, she had dressed seductively. Then she had sent me out, and had sex with Amir audibly, as soon as he had come home.
She knew I knew about it. I had rung the bell that many times.
I had even heard her go quiet for a while, before resuming her moans.
She knew that I knew it.
She had then proceeded to make me wash her semen stained nightie, and had inspected it for the stain marks, too.
She had softened for a while after that, but her reaction became defiant that night, and the next day, after the altercation I'd had this weekend, with Amir.
She had dressed in obscenely tight 'hot' pants, as though to humiliate me deliberately. And gone out with Amir.
She had again softened down after I had apologized to Amir, only to go back to defiance after the 2nd altercation yesterday, which had resulted in my hairline fracture.
It seemed like she was going to be involved with Amir anyway, but she would flaunt her involvement before me, even more defiantly, when I protested or complained.
It seemed more likely now, when I reviewed her actions, that she was enjoying the act of rubbing it into my nose.
What was I to do? Was I to just meekly let her carry on with him?
It was not like protesting was having any positive impact at all.
Once again, I briefly contemplated packing my bags and leaving.
It came across to me as the ultimate statement of defeat: surrendering my wife to this bully.
I wanted to win her back. I needed to win her back, for pride.
Still, protesting to her was not an approach that seemed to be working.
What was I to do then?
Meekly acquiesce to it?
I recalled again, the conversation about Vipul, and Kavita's repeated insistence that I don't react like Vipul had reacted.
I recalled how Amir had taunted me on Saturday morning, about how I had hung my head in shame, and waited quietly as he made love to my wife Kavita.
Still, surely breaking my arm was the limit. How could Kavita not be angry with him over this?
To add insult to injury, he had replaced my underwear with panties, AFTER having put my arm in a cast.
I realized with shame, that I had gone over 2 hours at work, without being self-conscious about the lacy panties I had been wearing.
It was almost as though I felt comfortable in them.
I recalled again, how Kavita had sat with this morning on the sofa, and had coffee with Amir and I. He had been dressed in a towel and his white underwear, with a semi-hard but conspicuously large erection jutting out. And I had been dressed in my vest and these lacy red panties.
How could she respect me after this?
Her 'boyfriend', her muscular '. 'boyfriend' had beaten me up before her. He had put my arm in a cast. He had brazenly had sex with her multiple times.
Now, he had 'put' me in panties. After I had refused to wear them, when Kavita had tried to make me wear them.
Perhaps it was fitting, I acknowledged, in a defeated line of thought.
He had effectively done the same thing, with his actions. The act of 'putting' me in panties didn't do anything more than summarize everything else he had done to me, and my wife Kavita.
And in a way, the panties were having a constructive effect I had not imagined.
I was feeling less resentful now, over Kavita kissing Amir.
I was feeling more 'resigned' to the situation. And, in a way, I was feeling less worried about it, too.
It had finally started sinking in to me: my actions to fight Amir, or guilt trip Kavita, or confront her directly, would not work. If I wanted our marriage to last, I had no choice but to grit it out, and find a way to get Kavita to see Amir for the womanizing selfish guy that he was.
I did have one thing to discuss with Kavita, though: taking precautions against her getting pregnant by Amir.
On that note, I tried to focus myself on my work.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 17 Pt. 4

It was much easier to concentrate on work now. The muscular '. man whom my  wife had invited to stay with us, had indeed defeated me. Nothing could change that. There was nothing to be achieved by reviewing it again, and again, and again. It would be most constructive to acknowledge defeat, rather than keep fighting reality, and living in denial.
I should have realized this long back, the first time itself.
I got an SMS message from Amir around 5:20, that he was on his way.
I hurriedly finished up my open work items, and got ready to leave. I told my boss and left at 5:40. By the time I got to the entrance of the building, Amir was there.
I got onto his motorcycle on the pillion, and he started driving. Again, the drive was surprisingly uneventful.
To an extent, I even started feeling grateful to Amir for not rubbing it in all the time.
We had gotten to 3 blocks and 2 cross-roads from our home, when Amir abruptly stopped the motorcycle.
He told me to get down.
I got down, wondering what this was about.
He gestured me towards a flower-seller across the road, and told me, "Go get flowers for your pretty wife, P.B."
I nodded, and started walking towards the flower-seller, when Amir abruptly drove off.
I stared at his rapidly moving motorcycle for a minute. Why did he drive off?
It wasn't so bad, though. We were just a few blocks from home. Maybe he needed to go to the bathroom urgently, I told myself.
I bought the flowers, and walked the rest of the distance home.
I walked up the stairs once I got home. I was about to ring the bell, when a defeating thought struck me, finally.
I walked over to the window of the hall. The hall was empty. I stood there and listened keenly.
In less than a minute, I heard a tell-tale moan, from Kavita.
I knew why Amir had dropped me off, now. It was not because he needed to go to the bathroom urgently.
Her moans were not as intense, as loud, as the first couple of times I had heard her moaning, in bed with Amir.
Maybe she was already bored of sex with him, I hoped in vain.
I knew it wasn't true. She was continuing to have sex with him. And she knew that Amir had picked me up from work.
He had probably told her how he had dropped me off a few blocks from home, to get flowers for her.
And she had jumped into bed with him, during this interval.
There was no boredom in her sex with Amir. The reduced decibel levels of her moans didn't indicate anything about boredom.
As I had done the last time, I hung my head and waited at the window.
Kavita's moans were fewer and less loud, but each time I heard her moan reaffirmed what was happening inside, and reaffirmed my inadequacy in bed, to myself.
I couldn't blame her. She was a mature woman, and needed fulfilling sex, frequently. And I had not been 'up to the mark'. I couldn't blame her for taking up with this much stronger, much more energetic guy whom she had invited home.
He obviously had much more stamina than I did. Where I had struggled to even maintain an erection long enough to enter my wife, he had had sex with her, 2 days in a row the last weekend, and now again, today.
It was not surprising why my wife Kavita couldn't seem to wait, to jump into bed with him.
I hung my head down, gazing at my crotch. My penis didn't even twitch, and my crotch didn't even show a bump. Would others be able to tell that I had been wearing panties?
Presently, I heard a loud moan from Kavita. It probably meant that she had had her climax. Her umpteenth climax from her 'boyfriend', Amir. I again looked down, in shame, contemplating on my inadequacy.
I felt a shadow cross the hall. I looked up to see Kavita was walking towards the washing room, presumably to wash her hands.
Had she seen me at the window?
I hurried to the door and rang the bell.
Thankfully, it was Kavita who opened the door, not Amir.
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She was still wearing the same yellow churidar as she had worn in the morning. She beamed at me radiantly. The beaming smile I had now come to associate with her getting satisfied in bed. Not by me, but by the arrogant bully she had invited home, Amir Ali.
I handed her the gajra, which she accepted and wore in her hair at once.
This struck me as odd. She had been putting it away in the refrigerator, most of the time. As though she had planned to wear it to bed with Amir Ali, later on. The evidence even fitted that behavioral pattern.
I observed out of the corner of my eye, the bully Amir Ali, sitting on the sofa. He was smirking, like he usually did right after he had bedded my wife. I ignored his smirk. He had seen her wearing the gajra I'd just got for her, and he knew what it meant.
I felt gratified at this gesture from her. It somehow meant that she was not totally in cahoots with Amir. EVEN though, she was going to bed with him, by intent.
Amir would continue gloating about how he "owned" my wife Kavita's ass, etc. I hoped deep down, that it wasn't quite true. And Kavita's little gestures like this kept my hope alive.
Kavita then spoke, as she continued beaming, "It was sweet of you, Manu, to get off to get me flowers! Prem told me."
I tried to smile. I didn't think I pulled it across well. I couldn't dodge the fact that while I was walking home with the flowers for my wife Kavita, Amir had probably initiated foreplay with her, and had bedded her as I waited at our door.
Kavita seemed to sense my mood, because she walked up to me and kissed me on my cheek.
I got the strong, nauseating, defeating smell of Amir from her. I gulped, and swallowed the helpless feeling of frustration that I felt.
She asked me sweetly, "Would you like some tea, Manu?"
I replied, "Sure, Kavi."
I had replied yes, for no other reason other than clutching at straws, trying to re-create bonds with her: bonds that I feared were getting cut each time Amir made love to her.
She said, "Why don't I help you change, first?"
I nodded gratefully. I took off my footwear with my feet and right hand, and led the way to our bedroom.
She helped me take off my shirt, and then my pants.
She had set out for me, the yellow pyjama set: the pyjamas I had worn the day after Kavita had cheated on me to my knowledge, the first time.
I was disappointed with this.
These pyjamas would be difficult to wear with my left arm in a cast, thanks to the pullover type top. Further, I didn't want to be persisting with these women's pyjamas anyway.
I whispered to her, "Kavi, is this really necessary?"
She spoke back in a whisper,smiling sweetly, "Be proactive about avoiding confrontation, Manu, remember?"
I resigned myself to her plan.
She lowered the support for my cast briefly, so she could pull the pyjama top over my neck. Then, she hinged the support for my arm cast back.
She then held out the pyjama pants, as I stepped into them, blushing in shame. She pulled them up over my red panties, and tightened the waistband.
She smiled at me again after she was done, and stepped up to me and kissed me on my cheek. She then whispered, "Don't look so sad, you'll feel better tomorrow."
What did that mean?
Was Amir going out with his colleague again, tomorrow?
Had she planned something naughty for us, because of that?
If she did, I already knew what I was going to do.
I was going to go along.
I wanted to get back to being intimate with my wife Kavita. NO MATTER WHAT IT TOOK.
If she wanted to wear to bed clothes Amir Ali had bought for her, so be it.
It had been extremely stupid of me to even suggest to her to change her clothes, the previous Wednesday night.
It would not happen again, I told myself.
I followed Kavita into the hall, and then to the kitchen.
I wanted to help her. And I wanted to avoid being in the company of the bully Amir, if I could help it.
Kavita saw me follow her, and smiled. She said, "Manu, you must have had a tiring day at work. Why don't you take some rest, and relax? I can manage the kitchen work."
I resigned to her desire, and went and sat on one of the single seater sofas, waiting for Kavita to come with my tea.
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She came in a few minutes, with a tray and 2 cups of tea. She excused herself, saying, "I don't feel like having tea today, so I made tea just for the 2 of you."
I took a cup, and she then handed Amir the other cup. She then withdrew, and went back to the kitchen.
I drank my tea, nervously avoiding any eye contact with Amir. as I finished up, I finally looked at him.
I was hoping I could take his tea cup, and mine, and go to the kitchen, thereby avoiding his company.
He hadn't finished drinking his tea. And now, as I saw him, he grinned maliciously, and tipped over the dregs of the tea in his cup onto the floor, near his feet.
It was a stupid, and somewhat inconsiderate thing to do, but I didn't understand why he did that.
Right then, he called out, "Kavi, am sorry, I spilled some tea on the floor."
I heard Kavita's voice respond, "Uff! Am busy cooking! Can you guys take care of it, please?"
Amir shouted back, "Sure."
And then, he snapped his fingers at me.
He meant for me to wipe it off.
I had suspected that, by now. I got up hurriedly, and returned with a towel.
I bent down to start wiping the tea stain, when Amir stretched his foot out blocking me.
He whispered, "On your knees, P.B."
I stared at him with fear. Not that it did me any good, because he grinned in his menacing manner and said, "NOW."
I got down on my knees slowly, as best as I could with my left arm in a cast.
I bent down, kneeling, and started wiping the tea off the floor.
That was when I felt something cold and heavy descend on my head. I tried to look up, but the pressure on my head increased, and I felt my head being pressed further down.
I knew what it was, by then.
Amir, the arrogant bully, had placed his right foot on my head, and was now pressing my head towards the floor, in the direction of where his left foot was resting, on the floor.
I tried to resist the pressure. But it was difficult, with one arm in a cast. I brought my right hand around to take his foot off. Even as I did, I felt him catch it in his strong grip, and twist it behind my back.
I then tried twisting,wiggling with my legs to move backwards, to get away. He then started twisting my right hand until it hurt.
He bent down and whispered, "Unless you want your right hand in a cast as well, you had better stop wiggling, P.B."
I stopped wiggling my legs immediately.
He continued increasing the pressure on my head from his foot, until slowly, my eyes were level with his ankle.
I gave up resisting, at that point. I knew what he was trying to do, and decided to get it done with.
My lips landed on the bony part of his foot, between his toes and ankle.
As I grappled with the sensation of another man's foot against my lips, I heard a whisper close to my ears. Apparently Amir Ali had bent down to whisper, "What are you thinking NOW, P.B?"
I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I really wasn't thinking about anything, and didn't want to think about anything.
Sure, I could hope for some support from my wife Kavita. But I didn't hold out much hope on that front.
She hadn't given me a whole lot of support, when Amir Ali had put my arm in a cast.
I silently lay kneeling, crooning under the pressure of Amir's foot, my face resting on his other foot.
He whispered again, close to my ears, "Answer me, P.B."
I whispered parting my lips to the extent I could, given that his right foot was still pressing my head down, "Nothing."
He whispered again, "I want you to think the following, again and again. Don't speak it loud. I KNOW if you're thinking it or not anyway. When you've thought about it enough, I'll let you go, OK?"
I shook my head to the extent I could, trying to nod.
He whispered again, "Start thinking, P.B: Master Amir, my wife Kavita is now your concubine."
I heard no more, from him.
And then, time started stretching as I kneeled in this posture, with Amir's right foot pressing my head against his left foot.
Hadn't he had enough? He had fucked my wife again, and again, and again. He had fucked my wife just a short while ago. What was he trying to achieve, with this?
This was nothing but inhuman arrogance on his part.
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I then had a fearful thought: what if Kavita came by and saw me kneeling like this, with my face and lips on Amir's foot?
Amir might easily take his right foot off, and then I would be the one looking stupid.
I wanted to end this. I started thinking about the words he asked me to think about.
"Master Amir."
It was true. He was now the de facto master of the house, and my denying it wouldn't change it.
"My wife Kavita is now your concubine."
That, too, was somewhat true. Amir Ali was sleeping with his colleague whenever he wanted to, and sleeping with my wife Kavita whenever he wanted to. It was like they were both members of his 'harem'. It just so happened that one of the members of his 'harem' was married to me: my Kavita.
I summarized the thinking into the words he had said.
I spoke them out loud, in my mind. And I did it again, and again, and again.
I don't know how long I did it. I felt the pressure release from my head, after a while.
Amir Ali had finally taken his foot off my head.
I slowly got up, propping myself on my right hand.
Kavita arrived right then, and helped me up.
She said crossly to Amir, "COME ON, Prem, he has one arm in a cast, it's YOUR tea spill! Even if you don't help him wipe the tea spill, at least you can help him up, right?"
Amir didn't say anything. I felt in a way vindicated, that no matter how much Amir tried to humiliate me, his claims about "owning" my wife Kavita weren't quite true.
She was able to stand up to him, even though I was not.
Right then, Kavita spoke up, addressing me, "Uff, Manu, you'll need to change now."
I glanced downward. I suspected what I would see. I had felt it when I was kneeling on the floor, with Amir's foot on my head.
I had wetted my pyjamas.
Kavita led me by my hand to the bedroom, and took off my pyjama pants and the red panties I had been wearing. They both were wet and smelly.
I felt very ashamed, especially because of the context. I had vaguely sensed it happen, as I had been kneeling. But I had been too fearful that it would be true. And now, it turned out, it was true.
I tried to look at the bright side, as Kavita got a fresh pair of panties for me.
She then took a pair of my shorts, and helped me into them. She left the yellow pyjama top on, as it seemed to be unaffected by my pyjama-wetting.
I felt some relief at her behavior. She wasn't in cahoots with Amir, trying to humiliate me at every turn. She was being practical. There was no point trying to make me change into a fresh pair of one of the pyjamas Amir Ali had gifted me, RIGHT NOW.
And more importantly, SHE STILL CARED FOR ME.
On that relieved note, I went and sat on the sofa and flipped channels. I avoided making eye or face contact with Amir.
Even though I was sitting on the sofa now, I could almost feel the pressure of his foot on my head.
He would pay for this some day, if there was justice in this world, I told myself.
We presently got up for dinner. The rest of the evening was largely uneventful. Kavita kept her distance from Amir, which was ironic in a way. I knew she had been in bed with Amir, just before I had got back home.
Still, I also felt gratified, that she wouldn't join Amir in rubbing it in, as she seemed to be doing over the weekend.
We retired quickly to bed. Kavita fell asleep quickly. I however lay in bed awake, unable to sleep.
After a while, I realized that my arm had developed some degree of pain. Maybe it was because of what Amir had done, while I had been on the floor. I decided to take another dose of the pain-killer.
As Kavita was asleep, I got up myself, and walked across to the medicine shelf in the hall.
I found the pain-killer and took one. I was about to turn, and return to bed, when I caught sight of something that seemed unusual.
Sitting in a plastic bag, there was a few boxes of pills that appeared to have been purchased since the last time I had looked in this shelf. I hadn't seen these boxes before in the medicine shelf. I had however seen that brand before, some time.
I took one of the boxes and read the description printed on it.
They were birth control pills.
I reeled as I saw the box.
Kavita had been having birth control pills? Since when?
And how come she didn't discuss it with me?
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I looked over the box description: it mentioned that the pills were of the daily use variety.
In the plastic bag, there lay a couple of strips that had some or all the pills 'consumed'.
There were about 30 empty pill slots on the 'consumed' strips. One of those was marked with a yellow sticky label. I read the label: it had a date marked on it.
I looked in the plastic bag. It had a receipt for the pills with a date marked on it, as well: the same date.
The date was a week before Amir Ali's arrival.
So Kavita had gone on birth control pills before Amir Ali arrived?
How come she didn't discuss this with me?
I knew why, immediately.
She didn't want to let me know that she HAD BEEN planning to sleep with him, all along.
Amir's seduction of Kavita was no accident. She had always intended for it to happen. Or, she had been prepared for it, expecting it to happen.
Still, at some level, I was also relieved. I recalled Amir's taunt earlier today about raising 'her babies', and smirked to the extent I could, about a man who had been taking my wife in bed, repeatedly.
It would irritate him no end, to find out that Kavita had been on birth control pills, and she did NOT want to get pregnant, by him.
But it would be sweeter triumph to not let him know about Kavita being on birth control pills.
He had been bragging about his sexual conquests. He hadn't bragged once about having impregnated anyone. Maybe he had fears that he was sterile, and avoided that topic carefully. Maybe he WAS sterile. That too, might explain why he wasn't inclined to marrying one of his 'trophy' women and settling down. And if he didn't know, it would be a great way to punish him: he would no doubt try to take my wife again and again, until he left. But she wouldn't get pregnant, and then he would be really fearful that he was sterile.
I went back to bed, and looked over at my sleeping wife.
She was more shrewd than I had given her credit for.
By now, I knew she had been in some kind of relationship with Amir, in the past.
She had known before Amir arrived, that those smoldering embers might light up again.
And she had taken precautionary measures.
I had meant to discuss the topic of her taking precautionary measures with Amir for pregnancy avoidance. She had thought of it, much before I had.
I leaned over her, and kissed the back of her head softly, before I lay back and went to sleep.
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