Fantasy Samverse: Samantha & Chai Novel - Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife
(05-06-2021, 06:53 PM)Saravroman Wrote: I wish to take the 1000th comment of this thread to thank this thread's supporters!

Special mentions would be Silverstone93 & Neel91298 - without both their support this thread wouldn't have come this far!
Equally are Babyma & Compguydfw & all others!

Thanks to every reader who cares to like/comment/appreciate & even criticize. And to passive readers too!

Hoping to post the 100th Chapter tonight!

Once again, many thanks!

PS: With more of your support/participation, I will TRY hard to take this story to completion!

Hi Sammie Bro,

Thank you for your kind appreciation. 

You have achieved a tremendous success by writing the 1000th post and 100th chapter in your novel ATFMW. Although I believe unfortunately you were in a unpleasant state of mind during this time because of lack of responses to your novel story. As a result you as well as your readers could not properly cherish this milestone. 

However now I observe that there are lot of positive good vibe comments which changed your mood. And at this point I heartily congratulate you on your milestone of crossing100th chapter and 1000th post. 

Thank you so much. Best wishes...
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Wow new to the story. Very good one. Keep rocking
[+] 1 user Likes Godaddy's post
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Things that I specifically liked about your writing was that, you cover a wide range of audience from different fan following. You seem to be updated equally of the essence and trends of both Tamil and Telugu and the characters are aligned beautifully with also your novel attempts at the Sanskrit poems.

Writers with such spectrum of thought process and cultural knowledge are not that much and this makes you unique. Keep rocking bro. Expecting the update sooner.
[+] 2 users Like sanju4x's post
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bro will you complete the story by 1st of July?
[+] 1 user Likes cooldude69's post
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(09-06-2021, 11:16 PM)neel191298 Wrote: Hi Sammie Bro,

Thank you for your kind appreciation. 

You have achieved a tremendous success by writing the 1000th post and 100th chapter in your novel ATFMW. Although I believe unfortunately you were in a unpleasant state of mind during this time because of lack of responses to your novel story. As a result you as well as your readers could not properly cherish this milestone. 

However now I observe that there are lot of positive good vibe comments which changed your mood. And at this point I heartily congratulate you on your milestone of crossing100th chapter and 1000th post. 

Thank you so much. Best wishes...

True on the digression, Neel bro! Many thanks for re-surfacing the 1000th post & commenting on it!
[+] 1 user Likes Saravroman's post
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(09-06-2021, 11:21 PM)Godaddy Wrote: Wow new to the story. Very good one. Keep rocking

Thanks, Godaddy! Keep letting know your fantasies/feedback!
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(10-06-2021, 01:28 PM)sanju4x Wrote: Things that I specifically liked about your writing was that, you cover a wide range of audience from different fan following. You seem to be updated equally of the essence and trends of both Tamil and Telugu and the characters are aligned beautifully with also your novel attempts at the Sanskrit poems.

Writers with such spectrum of thought process and cultural knowledge are not that much and this makes you unique. Keep rocking bro. Expecting the update sooner.

Thanks a ton for the kind comments, sanju4x! Do let know if any scenarios/fantasies as we go forward!
Will try to post the full deck of chapters for Assignment 3 by Sat or latest by Sun!
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(11-06-2021, 02:23 AM)cooldude69 Wrote: bro will you complete the story by 1st of July?

Will post updates by Sat or Sun, cooldude69 bro!
The entire novel itself will take much longer to complete!
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waiting for BB to bumchick rashmika papa
[+] 1 user Likes compguydfw's post
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(11-06-2021, 04:05 PM)compguydfw Wrote: waiting for BB to bumchick rashmika papa

That will come, compguydfw Bro - BB will bumchick that Chick's Bum!  Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes Saravroman's post
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Sorry for not commenting on the updates brother..

I'll read the updates I missed and will share my views in few days.

[+] 1 user Likes Silverstone93's post
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He's back! He's back! He's back!  happy Smile happy

No room for sorry, Silver Bro!

Please read and comment at leisure!

Good to have you back!
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Is this story dead or still update for Long week
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(13-06-2021, 03:11 PM)Babyma Wrote: Is this story dead or still update for Long week

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Working on updates - draft in progress, Babyma Bro & Readers.
Stuck in a couple of scenarios. Will be out soon today/Mon.

Thanks for patience,
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Next chapter 'Inside Out' coming up in the evening!
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INDEX updated All the 100 chapters links & themes!
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Chapter 101 - Inside Out {Season 10, episode 16, time: present}

It was more than a year since he masturbated. It was way more than that, the last time he had sex.
As Velan lay tired from cumming heavily from jacking off his 65 year old cock, he was overcome with guilt.
What a pervert I am to do this imagining my young, neighbor Samantha. Her new look, especially her boobs
were tormenting him from the past 2 days when she stopped by. It triggered a beast in him and it was becoming
difficult to put it to rest. Worse! Looking at his grand daughter Veda dressed up in a hot dress screwed his mind further.
His real guilt was that he had jacked off thinking of Samantha but also of his granddaughter. This was shaming him
after his strong orgasm. Thoughts of his young granddaughter’s curves and sweet looks were still bothering him.
He tried to tell himself that his actual lust was for his neighbor Sam and it was being misfired on Veda,
but, he knew it was not true. Her beauty, her physical closeness, she giving him attention and affection,
having a woman in the home after quite a while all put together were causing him to have a mixture of feelings
towards Veda, one among the mixture being raw lust. He lay there thinking of Sam and Veda, unable to control himself.

Velan jacking off imagining his young neighbor Samantha and granddaughter Veda
[Image: velan.jpg]
While the old man lay fighting his feelings for his granddaughter, over here,
Samantha had just dimmed the lights and came to the group.

In her hand were 5 black blindfolds. She gave one blindfold each with a smile.
These are for later people, she said continuing her smile.

With just giving the blindfold to each of them, Sam effected a sudden change of climate in the party.
The anticipation of what she has planned began to spike their pique and attention.
She then motioned to Chai to come with her as she moved a little far from the crowd.
And as Chai is wondering what she was going to say with abated breath,
Sam says, “Chai! Start with an appreciation for Gabe. This is what I want you to say.”
As Sam told him what to say to Gabe, “Chai’s heart rate increased as he heard her as did his cock.
Saying what she wanted to say, she looked into his eyes with the Slutty Sam smile and they walked back to the group.
Party time! Let’s start off with the main event of today’s party. Chai!

With that prompt and a brief silent, Chai began.

"Gabe, my appreciations for your exceedingly good performance as a student intern.
Your dedicated impressed everyone.
We would like to offer you a permanent position once you finish your final year!"
Everyone was applauding. Gabe is overjoyed.
Even Noor is impressed with the recognition Gabe is getting at the company.
"But…. But…. In this final 2 weeks, you will continue to be in probation.
Your performance will be evaluated by me and David. And Samantha too.
You will have to continue to perform on all the tasks that are given to you.
Since David and me already know your performance,
it will be Samantha who will be making the final Yes or No decision on hiring you permanently!"
Gabe’s happy mood suddenly hit a roadblock hearing this. His face expression changed.
Samantha noticed this and spoke.
“Nothing to worry, Gabe. I am sure you can continue to show good performance and impress me.
But I will say, that means working hard like you never have!”
So saying, Samantha went inside and brought a gift box. Together with Chai, they both give it to Gabe.
"Here is a small token of appreciation from Kekron Makron, Gabe"
Gabe’s happy mood is back as he takes the gift box, excitedly like a kiddo.
“Open it, Gabe!” said Samantha.
As he ripped the gift wrapper of the big box excitedly, the wordings and picture of the box thrilled him so much…
It was a coffee brewing machine of the best kind… from the best company at that… Breville!

[Image: Bre.jpg]

Oh Chai Sir! Samantha Madam! Thank you so much! This is such a nice gift.
"Well, Chai tells me you drink 10 coffees a day. Now you can have them all in your home.
This machine can brew you an espresso shot… a cappuccino… a latte… you name it…
555 varieties of coffee can be brewed in this machine..."

It was a truly well chosen, fine gift! And expensive too!

Like a proven member of the geek species, he immediately started to read the details on the box!
"That is for later… " Sam said smiling, as she grabbed the box and put it away.
Now for the next event of this party… Let’s all be seated…
As the group sat down waiting for what Samantha had planned, Samantha paused for effect.
Sip some wine, folks. For it is time to spice things up.
Veda was already feeling under influence. She had hardly drunk the last couple of times she tried alcohol with her friends.
Now in her 2nd glass of wine, she was loosening up unaware of herself.
Noor too… Sam was OK… Chai had a good buzz… Gabe in his 3rd round was at a level little more than a buzz…
We are now going to play a round of Truth & Dare!
Pay attention… it is Truth & Dare… not Truth or Dare…
Meaning all of us have to play both.
First is the Dare!
Veda was blushing already coz she knew what was about to come.
She was thinking to herself, “I cant do what Sam akka told me to do. How can I?” And smiling
All of us will start by tying this black cloth to blindfold ourselves. Once done, I will tell what’s next!
Soon, they were helping each other tie the blindfolds.

Veda, Gabe and Noor were blindfolded
[Image: bli4.jpg]
Can you guys see anything? Be honest!
No. No. No. came 3 quick answers.
Then Sam went over to Chai, took his blindfold and as she was tying it, she whispered,
You will enjoy this, my dear Chutiya Chai!
And once she blindfolded him, gave Chai a kiss on his cheek.
And began tying her own blindfold.
Something was wrong. Chai could still kind of see through the cloth.
Isn't this supposed to be a blindfold?
That was the naughty stroke of Samantha. Her blindfold and Chai’s looked just like the other 3 but
their 2 blindfolds were made with see through transparent cloth.
Which means they both would witness what is going on in the room without the other’s knowledge.
Securing her blindfold, Samantha began.

[Image: bli2.jpg]

Now, starting from the youngest in the room,
everyone will get a chance to kiss a person of their liking in the room
and  the other person who gets kissed should take it sportively. No room for party-poopers.
Everyone were thoroughly surprised. Veda was smiling imagining other people’s reaction.
Noor’s face twitched knowing what was to come.
Gabe’s white face reddened a bit realizing what Sam had said.
Chai’s face was one of shock and awe.
Samantha was enjoying watching their reactions through the transparent blindfold.
Now. Without much ado. Veda. Go on. Kiss anyone of your choice.
Sam Akka! This is so embarrassing!
Come on, girl! Go!
Chai was watching her intensely on who she is going to kiss.
He was even thinking if she would kiss him? He had never kissed or been kissed anyone other than Samantha!
Veda, hesitatingly stood up, and started to move towards her left.
Towards Gabe. Close. Closer. Until Gabe realized her presence near him.

Gabe had never been kissed by any female, not counting his Mom and elder sister and his niece.
His heart began to throb heavily as he felt Veda’s warmth near his face.
He started sweating. Blood rushed as much to his face as to his loins.
Veda had some experience in kissing and smooching with a boy in her college and a boy in her neighborhood.

She extended her hands to figure where Gabe was and his face is located.
And catching his shoulders reached forward and gave him a good, gentle, sweet, wet kiss on his cheeks.
Gabe cheeks shivered a bit receiving Veda’s lips. Samantha couldn’t help but smile looking at this.
His cock was beginning to twitch.

Veda kissing Gabe
[Image: asinkiss.webp]
Veda then reached out to his other cheek.
And planted one more sweet kiss, this time a bit deeply,
and in her excitement and lack of vision, her nose bumped into Gabe’s head.

Ohhhh Gabe breathed, in purely lusty manner, having experienced her lips,
inhaling her perfume and then the unexpected brush with her.
Noor was desperately hoping Veda would kiss anyone but Gabe.
Now hearing Gabe’s breathing she was seething with anger at this dirty game being played by Sam.
Samantha could clearly see Noor’s reactions and was enjoying it.

[Image: samsmile.jpg]
In a bit, Veda sat back at her place. And says, “I’m done, Akka!”
“Sweet!” exclaimed Samantha. “Wonder who is that lucky guy! Or girl!”
Gabe was still recovering from his first kiss experience and blushing.
OK, now the second youngest here… Will that be Gabe or Noor?
“Undoubtedly, me” Noor says.
 Good, Noor! Go on! Your chance.
YES! It is my chance to get back at you, Bitch!” Noor is thinking.

She made up her mind. She was going to do a bold dare today!
If Gabe had any hopes Noor would kiss him, his mind was in the wrong place.
Noor stood up and stepped carefully ahead… in the direction of CHAI!

[Image: noor.jpg]
Chai’s is taken aback that she is approaching him. And he looked at Samantha!
Samantha was looking at Noor move towards Chai knowing what she was going to do.
This is a first for both of them.
Chai’s first kiss with someone other than Samantha.
Her hubby had seen her do all dirty, naughty, kinky stuff and even watched her get fucked. And even worse!
Now watching her hubby with someone else was a 180 degree upside down.

In the bottom of her heart, her feminine instincts still lay intact.
Those instincts would trigger jealousy watching her hubby with someone else.
She knew this upcoming kiss was nothing compared to all the things she did.
But still… there was a cocktail of emotional rush in her… not too strong… but, there it was there, nevertheless…
Chai remembered Sam’s words earlier in the day asking him to “Be a Man!” and “enjoy himself!”
Maybe that’s what I will do, Chai is thinking as Noor sat next to her Boss in the sofa.
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Dear Readers,

That's for today!

I intended to post the entire deck of Assignment 3 chapters,
but my draft is terribly slow than I expected, I confess!
Not getting the writing momentum - more of a writing stuck up than anything else!

I will not let down my thread's committed readers!
Will post more updates during the week rather than wait for the weekend!

More blindfold games coming up soon!
[Image: bli3.jpg]

Would like to leave you with 4 thoughts:

1. Remember Chai thinking he has not kissed nor been kissed by any other than Samantha! Tonight that's about to change a lot!
2. Remember Gabe twitching at a kiss! Think of what will be the state of his mind and body when with Samantha, the Angel!
3. Remember Velan, the 65 year old's lust at Sam & Veda. Give a thought where it will lead to!

4. Notice Samantha getting a tad jealous seeing Noor about to kiss Chai.
Pls share your thoughts if you think this is realistic given her state of slutty mind.
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(14-06-2021, 10:44 PM)Saravroman Wrote: Chapter 101 - Inside Out {Season 10, episode 16, time: present}


Absolutely delightful,,,, Blindfold game is the masterstroke of Samantha.......

I am going to give all my opinions about 4 points you have raised in your last post....

Likes and reps added.......

Thank you so much dear for keeping posted!!!!!!  Heart Heart
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