Fantasy Samverse: Samantha & Chai Novel - Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife
Chapter 96 - Samantha visits Office 2 {Season 10, episode 11, time: present}

At 1:00 PM, the HR Team…
Neha, Nancy, and off course Noor. Neha, the department head explains how many employees are in this main Office,
how many in factory, and the plan for future hires. About salaries structure and a little about HR policies.
After some time, Sam says to Chai, “Chaitanya Ji, can we have some Girls-time, please? Chai nods and Sam socializes a bit with them all.
They also open up a bit and discuss about non-work-related affairs.

Sam engages in a little girl chat with the 3 HR women
[Image: 1.jpg]

As the 3 are leaving, Sam says, “Noor. You stay back. I want you to help me with taking notes and organizing” to which Noor complies.
At 1:30 PM, the Finance department…
Chai is back in his room along with Sam. The finance team drops by. Sam meets & greets Yash, Yates & Yahya.
Yash, a scandalous fella too and number 3 in office, was leading the discussion.
He is little curious as to why Chai’s wife is suddenly interested in office affairs. But anyways, he thought.
He told Sam about how the cash flow happens, the revenue, the salaries and other costs incurred.
It was a domain she was least familiar with. Sam is listening keenly and making notes.
Sam’s focus was on operating costs. Yash’s & the other two focused on Sam’s mangoes.

At 2 PM, the Sales department…
Only Anthony is in office. Amar & Akbar are out on sales assignment.
Anthony introduces himself and tells Sam about how new clients are traced and how the sales and marketing team
promotes their Robotic Vacuum Cleaners. Anthony goes on to say how their business is a B2B model.
That is, they sell to wholesalers who in turn sell to customers and Kekron Makron does not sell directly to customers
Sam is curious about how much money is spent in marketing and incentives.
At 2:30 PM, the engineering department…
Chai’s thoughts are racing about how Sam would interact with the well-built hunks of the engineering department.
And as they enter, Sam is indeed impressed with this Team’s physique. She inhaled deeply.

[Image: sam3.jpg]

Even they were eyeing her superb structure but were discreet about it. To Chai’s surprise, Samantha is very professional,
not the slightest level of naughtiness. Chai is realizing how much professional Sam can be, perhaps, for the first time.

Zaid, the chief engineer, began to talk about the patents Kekron Makron has for robotic vacuum cleaner technology,
how the manufacturing process is automated, how the key parts of the product are procured from suppliers in Germany,
and some technical stuff. This is where Chai’s intelligence and smartness was – in the engineering of their cost-effective automatic,
vacuum cleaner. She is definitely impressed and Sam looks at Chai adoringly to which Chai feels very sheepish.
Now… 10 minutes to go for Meet & Greet with IT department…
Samantha goes to the Ladies restroom and takes a leak.
Sam then begins to freshen up… she adjusted her saree to even further down the hip…

And then… she put her saree pallu to her waist and took a good look at herself
[Image: sampallu.jpg]
She is naughtily thinking…
"Would Gabe be impressed with my beauty and looks? Especially my breast?"

She adjusted her blouse, a little lower than where it already is. There you go…

"Gabe, my husband selected you to fuck me for the third dare of Venky Mama!
I want your reaction to seeing me first time closely to be amazing.
I hope these dazzling Boobs will impress you.
Be ready to be bamboozled!"
Then she applied a touchup here and there and put her Pallu back,
adjusting it so there is a good window to appreciate there delicious Mangoes.
And for the last time, smiling into the mirror at herself, comes out of the restroom.
Totally clueless she was,
that from the moment she entered the restroom everything got recorded
in the Spy Camera – Sam peeing, Sam putting her pallu on her waist to adjust her clothes, and pretty much all…

[Image: spy-hook-camera-759.jpg]
[Image: sampee.jpg]
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Wowww bathroom episode came......eagerly waiting for next episode Leo
[+] 1 user Likes Babyma's post
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I thing we have given more horse power come on Sammie bro
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At 3 PM, the IT department…

Chai’s is anxious as to how Sam & Gabe’s meet is going to be and what Sam has planned.

[Image: nc.jpg]

Gafur & Gabe enter Chai’s room.
Samantha took one look at Gafur who is looking at all over her, and turns her attention to Gabe.
Gullible Gabe fit the text book definition of a geek…
Naïve look, formal attire, glasses, too technical, too formal, lacking social skills…
Fat, flabby yet handsome in his own way.
A trickle of wetness gathered at Sam’s pussy.
The situation was so... finally looking at the guy, who her hubby 'selected' to fuck her!
She was eyeing him for a little more than necessary all in her anticipation of things to come.
Then she brought her mind and eyes to control and she gazed at Noor at her side.
Noor sitting right next to her was looking at Gabe and even Gabe took a peeking glance at Noor.
But, today, in spite of all his sincere love to Noor,
Gabe was in astonishment at his Boss’s wife, the angelic beauty, Samantha.
He continued to look at Samantha, as if eyeing a candy, with sort of an open mouth.
Noor was observing Gabe look at Sam.
In spite of her resisting Gabe’s proposals, Gabe looking at Sam makes her feel jealous.
On the other side, Gafur, the IT head, is staring at Samantha too.
Her hip was visible from where he was sitting. Lucky him.
And needless to say, Chai was clearly perceiving this Meet & Greet was unlike the other ones with other departments.
He had already noticed Sam’s blouse was clearly lower than earlier. Her saree too.
He was in sexual tension too watching Samantha and Gabe look at each other.
The thrill of not knowing what his wife would do next and that too in his office setup was scintillating his sexual energy.
Gafur introduced himself and Gabe and started to give an overview of IT setup when Sam stopped him.
Sam: Please, Gafur Sir. Do you mind, if I ask Gabe goes over the IT department details?
I understand he is a student intern. It will be an opportunity to see how well he knows about our company.
In fact, you can go back to your desk, I will interact with Gabe.
Gafur is totally disappointed with this unexpected ‘request’ from Sam and goes out silently.
Now it was Chai, Noor, Sam and Gabe in Chai’s room.
Gabe is half excited and half nervous. He starts to go over the IT setup of the company and how the software
of the vacuum cleaner is designed. As Gabe is explaining the IT details, even he, couldn't help but gaze at
Sam's beautiful face which has such a resplendent smile. Her face, her teasing smile, and off all,
her alluring breasts were having a heating effect on Gabe. He was sweating profusely.
Sam knew the effect she was having on Gabe. She felt elated her to-be fucker was so enthralled by her.

[Image: samboobs.jpg]
[Image: gabe.jpg]

Gabe continues telling about the company's IT. 
Given his geekiness, he starts getting too technical. But that didn’t matter.
Coz, Sam’s attention was somewhere else. Looking at Gabe, trying to impress him with her body, taking a good look at him.
Sam is imagining if he was really a virgin, how he would behave in bed…
and how he would fuck her… maybe Gabe will be very clumsy in bed, Sam thought... And she couldn't control her laugh.

[Image: samsmiles.jpg]
And she laughed out loud. The other 3 in the room were surprised,
and Gabe was wondering what made Sam laugh. Sam composes herself a bit and says…
Sam: Oh Gabe! Sorry, I was just smiling at the level of details you are giving. You really seem to have lot of knowledge.
And Chai tells me you are the hardest working person in this office.
Getting such a compliment from Sam was out of the expected for Gabe.
He gives a very shy sheepish laugh, reflecting his geekiness.
Gabe: Thank you so much Samantha Madam and Chaitanya Sir.
Sam smiles and continues.
Sam: Chai tells me he has plans to hire you full time after your 4th year of engineering is complete.

[Image: samlookingatgabe.jpg]

Gabe again smiles and says thank you.

In that precise moment, Samantha turns her attention to Noor.

Sam: (to Noor) Noor, I understand David Uncle also makes you 'work very hard' for him.
Are you able to cope up with the constant hard work at David’s cabin?
Noor’s nose took a deep dive. This was a bolt from the blue. Both she and Chai knew what Sam is saying. 
Even Chai is surprised that Sam is saying this so boldly.
Only Gabe didn’t know that his love interest Noor is being fucked by the CEO of the company.
Sam: Answer me, Noor.
Noor: (with a flustered face): Yessss.. Yes, Samantha Madam. It is OK.

Sam: (presses further) Does he make you 'work hard' in after hours too Noor.
Don’t you get tired after all the hard work with David Uncle?
Noor’s heart races. For all her seeming ‘disinterest’ on Gabe, she is conscious if he will find out what Sam is saying.
Noor: Mam. No, very less times I work late in the evenings.

[Image: noor-4.jpg]
Sam: (not relenting) Does David Uncle take you to his home and make you 'work hard' there, Noor?

Slutty Sam alter ego came to the forefront by now. She is relishing her taunting of Noor.
Noor: (nervously) Mam… no Mam… David Sir only gives me work in office.
Gabe is watching all this conversation without an iota of clue. The geeky gullible Gabe he is.
Sam: I see… Have you ever worked hard with Chaitanya Ji too? Just like with David Uncle?
Noor was on the verge of nervous breakdown. Chai is sitting on the edge, his cock straining too.
Noor: Noooo Madam… Chaitanya Sir is very nice. He… He takes good care of me. I mean all of us.
Sam: (with a Vixen smile) Good to know you are taking good care of Noor, Chaitanya Ji!

And Sam winks to Chai. Chai could just nod.

Sam again switches back attention to Gabe.

Sam: (changes subject) Chaitanya Ji, are you taking good care of Gabe too?
He will be leaving in 2 weeks back to college, right?
Chai: Yes, Sam.
Sam: (with a smile) did you give him an appreciation party?
Tension builds up for Chai knowing something is coming up.
Chai: No, Sam. We will buy him a gift on behalf of the company.
Sam: What? Just a gift? For such a hard working boy?
Sam had already laid out her plans and is now laying the trap!
Chai: I mean I can take him out for an official lunch.
Sam: That will not be enough, Chaitanya Ji. (turning to Gabe) Gabe, are you free Saturday night?
Gabe is still processing the turn of events.
This gorgeous beauty, his Boss’s wife, is praising him and asking Chai to give him a good party.
Gabe: (in an excited voice) Yes, Samantha Madam
Sam: Excellent Gabe! Come to our home in Saturday evening then! We will have a PARTY!
Gabe couldn’t believe his luck. If he knew the full facts,
Gabe’s cock would have shuddered to countless orgasms right there.
Noor is also watching all this with anxiousness and envy.
She is little angry at Samantha for using all the double meanings to taunt her about her affair with Demanding David.
Sam: (to Chai) Chaitanya Ji. Invite Gabe to our home for a special Saturday evening. Please.
Sam said this with a sugary, innocent voice.
Only Chai knew the dagger behind this sugar coated, innocuous comment.
Chai’s cock was super excited while he as a husband is feeling the humiliation.
Well, what could he do?
Chai: (in a resigned voice) Yes, Gabe. Come to our home on Saturday evening. You can have a good dinner.

Chai in an indirect way was inviting Gabe to come to his home to FUCK HIS WIFE!
But there would be more on Saturday when our Vixen Sam would make Chai give a more 'direct invitation'!
Sam: And more… I mean not just dinner. There is going to be an excellent dessert right, Chaitanya Ji?
Chai: (in a shaking voice) Yesssssss, Sam.
Noor is watching all this with anticipation.
Sam: (turning to Gabe): Gabe, do you have a girlfriend?
Noor twitched hearing this. Where is Sam Madam going with this? She thinks.
Gabe: (breathing heavily) Nooooo, Samantha Madammm
Sam: (brings out her grand plan) Well in that case Gabe, I have a neighbor, Veda, you might be interested in her.

As Sam is saying this she is simultaneously watching the faces of Gabe and Noor.
She could see Noor’s face had become like a stone.
Sam: (continues) She is in her second year of MBBS and is a very beautiful girl.
I want you to meet her. She would love to meet Geeks like you.

[Image: 614847.jpg]
Gabe on one hand is surprised Sam is calling her a Geek and on the other hand couldn’t believe his ears.
First, his Boss’s wife is inviting him to their home and now she is saying she has a beautiful neighbor who she can hook him up with.
Over here, Noor’s anger is searing to hear Sam’s attempts to mix up Gabe with some damn girl.
Her jealous was in full play. Yes, she didn’t want him. But she doesn’t want him to meet others too!
The dilemma of youth years love or infatuation if you want to call it!

[Image: noor5.jpg]
Gabe blushes like a sheep.
Gabe: Madam you are so sweet and nice, Madam. Chaitanya Sir and you are the best.
I will surely come. Gabe was sitting on the edge of his seat.
Then… suddenly…
Noor: (to Chai) Sir. Chaitanya Sir. Can I come to? Please?
Chai and Gabe are surprised. But Sam is not. She being a woman and a smart one too,
knows exactly the effect she is having on Noor. Chai doesn’t know what to do. He blankly looks at Sam.
Sam: (to Noor) But don’t you have 'hard work' to do with David Uncle or others?
Noor’s face twitched in anger at his Boss’s wife.
This lady is poking at her affairs which is none of her fucking business.
But she controlled herself and said with a calm but louder than usual voice.
Noor: NO, Samantha Madam. I am free.
Sam after looking at Noor in a smiling manner.
Sam: OK then, come along on Saturday evening.

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That was pretty much the end of Samantha’s visit to the Office.
Leaving Chai in full dilemma on what is going to happen on Saturday night, Samantha leaves the Office.

Gabe is praying the Almighty Lord, “Oh Lord & Savior – let tomorrow be Saturday!
Poor Bloke! Doesn’t even know what is the DESSERT he is going to get on Saturday!
If he did, he would get a heart attack out of Joy!

[Image: gabe.jpg]
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That's for now, Readers!

Next Chapter is "Sam Prepares for Weekend Party!"
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(01-06-2021, 11:37 PM)Babyma Wrote: Wowww been long time to see kinky Sam...hope next episode will be erotic sam with others
(02-06-2021, 11:49 AM)Babyma Wrote: Wow Neel bro I also expecting the same Sam erotic with Leo bathroom will be awesome........hope Sammie bro got enough horse power ......see you soon
(02-06-2021, 05:32 PM)Babyma Wrote: Wowww bathroom episode came......eagerly waiting for next episode Leo
(02-06-2021, 05:32 PM)Babyma Wrote: I thing we have given more horse power come on Sammie bro

You will see Kinky Sammu this weekend in "Saturday Night Party" Babyma Bro! You are invited with first row seats!  Smile

The fantasy of valuable readers like Neel & yourself will surely be taken into account - the Leo Sam scenario will come at the right time, I promise!

Posted 2 really long updates today Bro (chapter 96 is approx. 2200 words) - wait & watch for more!

Thanks for your support!
[+] 1 user Likes Saravroman's post
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(22-05-2021, 04:35 PM)INCESTIOUSLOVER Wrote: Waiting for Sam's role bro make it too erotic
The Erotic Sam you asked for is coming this Saturday, Udai bro!
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(02-06-2021, 11:20 AM)Rajaryanea Wrote: Can't wait for the steamy session have built this story very well
Thanks, Rajaryanea Bro! Third dare fulfilling coming very soon!
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(02-06-2021, 09:42 AM)neel191298 Wrote: Chap. 93 is a kind of spin-off (like Kajal kanthal) episode. It has the potential and I am sure Sammie bro will definitely write some juicy interaction between BB and Macushla.
From Maitreyi's version, it is clear that BB has already got a taste of Maitreyi's body during her youth. And again He is getting to have a gala time with Macushla during "Shuddhi Yagam".  
Whether it will become a whole orgy group sex with sangi, mangi, machusla, maitreyi and BB or not, that only Sammie bro can tell... But we will expect a very hard core raw fucking of russian hottie Machusla and indian tiger male BB......

This chapter really blows my mind dear Sammie bro. You have written this build-up chapter in such a nasty way, just visualizing these things getting my cock hard. These Aushadham / Medicine activities are taboo, vice, wicked, immoral and very very kinky.

Now the Bhesajam / Ritual part - Specially the picture of the demon fucking the girl is so arousing... My goodness, spreading her legs so wide and getting fucked, this picture alone is sufficient for a masturbate session.

Will Samantha darling get this type of fucking from BB?????? OMGGGGGGG ... that will be epic!!!!

This BB character is clearly something else... So greyish....... 

It is clear to me that he enjoys women, he cherishes dominating their body, their mind...
But my point is in this novel, whether he plays antagonist or protagonist???

Comparing BB with Venky mama, it seems venky mama is very good, at least he is clear in this respect that he wants to make Samantha his sexual slave.
But BB is on what mission ?? no idea...... whether he will help chai or what, seems a mystery. 

Your story line is also centered with this character BB, because he only proposes the "Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife".
About Sam's visiting Chai's office, one of my expectations getting fulfilled. Sam and Gabe sex will happen in Sam's house, but please my wish is Sam must be indulged in some kinky affair in Chutiya Chai's office premises also... (It can be without knowledge of chai... Like lecherous Leo bang  Sam in a very filthy unused-for-many-days toilet...) just a wish of your reader.........

Lastly two really arousing picture of your updates... I paste these two below -

Thank you so much Sammie Bro for doing all the hard work for entertaining us.......Likes and reps added........
Lots of love.... Heart Heart

Neel Bro,

You are a professional review writer. So glad to have you as an active reader in my thread!

1. Your expectations / analysis about Maitreyi/Macushla are so spot on.
One additional plot angle was caught by compguydfw bro too! {Chai part}

2. Very interesting you find the Ayurvedic Potion preparation to be 'taboo, vice, wicked, immoral and very very kinky'.
Wait until you read the full recipe of that Ayurvedic Potion. Wonder what you will say then!  Cool

3. Bhesajam (Ritual) is a special 'erotic' part of the Treatment.
I am researching more for accurate details of ancient rituals. It's interesting!
Glad you liked the ritual pics. More coming later.

4. Bhikari Baba's character is enigmatic by design. And right from the 1st chapter, which I am sure you remember.
He will continue to be so.

5. Your wish is my command - rest assured, Leo-Sam 'filthy' chapter will come in due time! 

Thanks a ton for the awesome reviews always,  Heart Heart
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Promo - Dear Readers, watch out for SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL

Venue: Sam & Chai's home
Who All: Sam, Chai, Veda, Gabe, Noor
Audience: You all

Welcome to a night of Sam's Third Dare, Kink, Gilma, Vera Level & More

Biggest Question: What has Slutty Sam planned for us all at the Saturday Night Party?

[Image: promo.jpg]
[+] 1 user Likes Saravroman's post
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Nivetha Di manchi steamy update ivvi bro ..
[+] 1 user Likes Rajaryanea's post
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nice bro. Let Gafur fuck the hell out of Sam.
[+] 1 user Likes compguydfw's post
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(03-06-2021, 12:45 PM)Rajaryanea Wrote: Nivetha Di manchi steamy update ivvi bro ..

sure, Rajaryanea bro - Nivetha is going to some kinky stuff on Sat night for sure!
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(03-06-2021, 03:04 PM)compguydfw Wrote: nice bro. Let Gafur fuck the hell out of Sam.

thanks bro - you mean Gabe I guess! watch out for Sam's antics with Gabe! Veda too! Smile
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banana horseride
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Chapter 97 - Samantha prepares for party 1{Season 10, episode 12, time: present}

It is a jackpot for Leo. This is the 20th time he is watching Sam’s video and this is the 3rd time
he cummed shagging at video of Sam in the ladies restroom. What a body! What a delicious navel!
Seeing Sam pee was making Leo a mad man. Oh! Samantha Madam! I wish you could pee on me…
and in my mouth… I would die to get a taste of that divine fluid of yours… I will not spill a drop…
not even a drop. Leo knew Demanding David would give him a hefty sum for this hell of a video!

Leo continued to shag imagining fucking Sam in a filthy bathroom {And that's my valuable readers Neel & Babyma's dream too!}

[Image: leo1.jpg][Image: leo2.jpg]

On her way back to home from office, Sam stopped by in the 2nd floor.
At Mr. Velan’s place. Sam rings the bell and Veda opens…
Veda: Samantha, Akka! Wow! Finally you came! Come in!
Sam smiles and goes in. Mr. Velan, Veda’s Grandpa is not in the living room.
Sam: How are you, Veda? What are you up to?
Veda: Nothing, Akka. I just helped Grandpa to the bed and tidying up the place a bit.

Sam: How are you spending your time? Getting bored?

Veda: A little bit. Spending some time reading and some time looking after Grandpa.
Missing my classmates and friends a bit.
Sam: So how is Grandpa now?
Right on that question, Veda started smiling. Sam is waiting for the response.
Veda continues to smile.
Sam: (naughtily) What Veda? You are blushing as if I asked about your boyfriend?
Veda: Chee Chee, Sam Akka. You are very naughty.
Sam: I am. Am I? So tell me. What’s happening?
Veda: Akka… actually… the other day. The advice you gave me to cheer my Grandpa up. I took it up.
Sam: Nice to hear. And then?
Veda blushed more and started talking.
Veda: Akka, I realized how true your words are. I realized how loneliness is my Grandpa’s disease number 1
rather than other ailments. I sat down had a talk with him. I told him how much I loved him and irrespective
of whether my Dad and Mom would support him or not, I would and I would be there for him.
He looked at me with shock. I also told him to be positive and starting looking at brighter side of things and
to enjoy life. He started crying at first and recovered.
He told me how much my words meant. He hugged me and thanked me so many times.
I also told him going forward, enjoy life. You have worked hard so much in your life.
Now is the time to enjoy and be Bindaas (at leisure).
Now is the time to try out new activities and unexplored things in life.
He became happy that I am caring for him and telling all this.
More and more I talked to him in a friendly manner and he became relaxed with me.

Even I started making jokes with him and teasing him in a jovial manner.
He was conscious at first, then he also relaxed and became more jovial with me.
I told him... (a lil blushes) to think of myself as his friend and be open in front of me.
He was surprised to hear that and again become emotional. He then recovered.
For the first time in a long time I saw him smile.
There is so much difference in him in just one day, Akka.
All because of you and your advice. Thank you so much, Sam Akka.

Sam was genuinely happy Mr. Velan is feeling better.
Sam: Fantastic, Doctor Veda! You have done a splendid job cheering up your boyfriend.
They both laughed and talked for some time.
Sam: I will say hello to Velan Uncle if he is awake.
Veda: Yes, Akka. Come in.
Veda opens the bedroom room and Sam follows.
Without Veda seeing, Sam adjusted her pallu and sleeveless blouse a bit so her mangoes are visible more.
Mr Velan was lying on the bed. He is so surprised by Samantha’s visit and even more by her splendid saree.

[Image: vij.jpg]
Velan: Samantha. What a surprise? Please come in dear.
As Sam walks towards him, she slightly pushes her chest forward and her luscious boobs
were even more prominent. Velan’s eyes did not miss them and neither did his cock.

[Image: samboobs.jpg]
Sam: Velan Uncle. How are you? I wanted to visit you for a while.
Velan is still taken in by Sam’s transformation of sorts. He is always used to seeing this young,
beautiful neighbor in traditional wear which were the exact opposite of revealing.
Velan: I am good, Samantha dear. Veda is taking good care of me.
Sam sits closer to Velan on the bed where her alluring breasts were just 2-3 feet away from Velan’s eyes.

[Image: samboo.jpg]

Velan continued to be mesmerized with Sam’s beauty.
Even Veda did not miss Velan’s keen looks at Sam.
Veda and Sam’s eyes met and they smiled.
Velan: You look so beautiful today, Samantha dear! In this almost 2 years since you and Chaitanya came to this apartment,
you look exactly the same as the first day. In fact even more beautiful ever dear.
Sam smiles at Velan looking into Velan’s eyes and she was having an effect on him.
They chitchatted a bit, about Velan’s health, about how Chai was doing and Sam started to leave.
Velan: Samantha dear. Please come often. It is so good to see you in such beautiful saree. It is like seeing an angel.
Both Sam and Veda laughed.
Sam: (naughtily) Sure, Velan Uncle. But you already have an even more beautiful girlfriend. Why do you need me?
For a moment, Velan did not get what Sam was saying. Realizing he did not get her quip, she spoke again.
Sam: (showing Veda) This beautiful girlfriend who is taking such good care of you, Velan Uncle.
Still, for his age and generation, he couldn’t take that kind of joke.
Referring to his granddaughter as girlfriend.  He looked a bit taken aback.
Sam: come on Velan Uncle. It’s a joke! I am teasing you. Accha leave it. I will find you another good, young girlfriend.
And Sam winked at Velan, said goodbye and began to leave the bedroom.
As she left, Velan’s attention were on Sam’s sexy hips and waist.
In the living room…
Veda: Akka, you are very naughty. You embarrassed me and Grandpa by calling me his girlfriend.
Sam was thoroughly enjoying teasing them both.
Sam: So Doctor Veda. Listen up! I have a medicine for your boredom.
Veda: (excitedly) what Sam Akka?
Sam: I am hosting a small party to 2 of Chai’s office colleagues. You are invited too.
Veda: (excitedly) Oh wonderful Akka! What is the plan?
{Oh! Sam has lots of plans for Saturday night and she wasn’t going to disclose them yet}
Sam: well, just some food and drinks and dance and chit chat and then other plans too…
Sam pauses and Veda is even more keen.
Sam: (continue) Veda, there is this awesome student intern at Chai’s office. Smart and Intelligent.
Handsome but a little flabby. And a little naïve. He is interested in Chai’s office receptionist
but she is repelling his interest. She is also coming to the party.
Veda: And?
Sam gives an impish smile.
Sam: And? Here is where doctor Veda is going to help Noor fall for Gabe.
Veda: (sort of shocked) What? Akka what are you saying?
Sam: Well, what do you do if a child doesn’t want to eat carrots? You say if you don’t eat,
I will give the carrot to someone else. And what does that child say?
Veda: It will say I want it.
Sam: Exactly. Noor is the child. Gabe is the carrot. And… And… you are the ‘someone else’
The moment Veda realized the naughty plot hatched by Sam, Veda was giggling like hell.

[Image: veda.jpg]

Veda: Samantha, Akka. You are really naughty person. How wickedly you are thinking?
Sam: (like a true Vixen) Baby, you don’t even know a quarter of my wickedness.
As Sam began to tell Veda of her plans for Saturday night, every bit of it excites Veda.
And in that moment, Sam looked like a Impish girl with devil horns to Veda
[Image: sam.jpg]
Veda: Akka, please. Those things, some I cannot do. It will be too naughty.
Sam: (smiling) Oh! You will! Or else I will complain to your boyfriend. (pointing to Velan’s bedroom)
Veda: chee chee…
Sam leaves to home.
For the next 2 days Sam made all the preparation for the Saturday night party.
First was giving the home a once over. Her home was always spic and span, now even more so.
She checked stereo and loud speakers and the song lists.
Second, was planning the food, dessert, and drinks.
And off course, lastly, preparing her mind and body for the finale on Sat night.
Except her pussy shaving, which she left to Sat afternoon.

She kept Chai constantly on the heat and aroused state by constantly taunting him about herself and Gabe.
She even started teasing Chai about he sleeping with Noor.

She resisted from having sex and climax for the next 2 days and she made sure Chai didn’t as well.
Soon, it was Saturday!

Where is the party?? Unga veetla party! Namba veetla party!  banana At Midnight!
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(05-06-2021, 02:24 PM)neel191298 Wrote: Today is the SATURDAY NIGHTTTTT 
banana horseride

Yes, it is, my friend!  Smile
[+] 1 user Likes Saravroman's post
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Lovely Sammie bro... Day be day, your build-ups getting better...

These initial stage descriptions (before the actual sex) are really hot and arousing...

Kudos and lots of love to u sir!!!!
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Teaser 050 - upcoming Theme

I am guessing many of my readers would have seen this amazing QT movie.
One of this movie's plot with Uma Thurman will be a subtle theme in the upcoming chapters!

[Image: pf.jpg]
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I wish to take the 1000th comment of this thread to thank this thread's supporters!

Special mentions would be Silverstone93 & Neel91298 - without both their support this thread wouldn't have come this far!
Equally are Babyma & Compguydfw & all others!

Thanks to every reader who cares to like/comment/appreciate & even criticize. And to passive readers too!

Hoping to post the 100th Chapter tonight!

Once again, many thanks!

PS: With more of your support/participation, I will TRY hard to take this story to completion!
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