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Adultery boss and my wife 1
(28-01-2021, 04:49 PM)mn60358 Wrote: These incidents happened some years ago when I was a Sales Development
Manager in a private software development company. I was performing quite
well achieving my targets regularly. I could well boast to be the top
performer in our company and that meant my Boss Mr. Somendra was very
happy with me. I thought I had a good chance to get promoted soon.
My Boss was the owner of the medium sized software developing company.
Mr. Somendra (he was called Som by his close ones) was a dynamic,
efficient, bright and hard working young first generation entrepreneur. He
graduated from India and did his post Grad in USA, where he worked for
some years and decided to set up a startup company in India. His venture
started off with a great success and very soon the company built up quite a
reputation for its products and services.
A startup has liabilities and my Boss managed the company so well that we
started to earn enough to serve the debt well soon enough. It looked like the
company would soon turn cash surplus paying off all liabilities.
There was a reason for my success. I and my Boss had excellent working
relationship with tremendous synergy that delighted our clients. I had full
faith, nay almost blind faith in my Boss. My Boss deserved it too. He was a
sales man cum businessman par excellence. Our company made special
application software and the Boss was not only master in selling our products
but had an extra ordinary skill to build customer confidence by his superb
understanding of customer needs, reservations, expectations and most of all
delightful satisfaction. He was also a proficient technical person that guided
his technical team so closely that the team not only understood exactly what
the client wanted but was able to deliver the solutions in record time.
My Boss knew well to which clients he could sell which specific product. He
had a knack to anticipate customer pain areas before the customer expressed
them. By the time a customer was faced with a problem, my Boss was ready
to offer the solution. This enthralled our customers and gave them no reason
to look elsewhere. The price was the last consideration. That was an
extraordinary achievement in a fiercely competitive market. Our company
was gradually building a reputation and was negotiating some plum
international contracts. Our company's sales and profits were rising.
My Boss was a life to our team of employees. He knew how to look after,
motivate, drive and enthuse us to get the results that he desired. We were all
working day and night to meet our targets, because of which our deliveries
and services were on or before time.
I and my Boss enjoyed full mutual trust. The Boss was quite tall, fairly well
built, had muscular body, big chest, broad shoulders and impressive,
charming (almost heart stealing), enthusiastic, colorful (amorous) and
spontaneous personality. He won people's hearts, particularly female hearts in
no time. If I say that female staff members and other female members of
clients were quite charmed by him; that would be a gross understatement.
His wife was a daughter of a very wealthy business man. She met my Boss
through the initiative of her father and they got married after a brief
I had joined the company for more than a year by then. I had never had an
opportunity to introduce my wife Dipa to my Boss until one evening. It was a
New Year bash where I went with my wife. We reached quite early. It was
unusual sight to find my Boss sitting alone among a few who had reached
early. The moment my Boss saw me, he came up and shook my hands. I
introduced my wife Dipa to my Boss. He told us that his wife was not in
As soon as I introduced my wife to my Boss, my wife Dipa suddenly burst
out laughing pointing a finger at my Boss. We were all puzzled. I asked her
why she was laughing. She pointed out to my Boss and said laughing,
"Dipak, can you believe it? When you told me about your Boss, I expected to
meet a grey haired stubborn old nerd. Your Boss turns out to be a much
younger, taller, muscular, big and a very handsome man like a film star,
I was flabbergasted at my wife's such rather awkward comment. I was afraid
lest my Boss felt offended with her remark. However, I was relieved to see
the Boss laughing out loud. He held my wife's hand and said, "I am indeed
thankful to you for calling me handsome and I am sorry to disappoint you
that I am not an old, stubborn grey haired nerd. However, I expect to fulfill
your expectations one day not in a far too distant future; if I keep working the
way I do.
Dipa continued laughing and said, "God bless you a long youthful life. I
would rather you be as young and handsome as you are for a long time."
Boss was impressed with Dipa's charm, intelligence and her sensual persona.
He could barely take his eyes off her beautiful and sexy body. She won the
heart of my Boss in the first meeting. He was so impressed with her wit and
presence of mind that he sat with her for much longer than usual. My Boss
was known to spend his time hardly with persons who are not relevant to his
business. It was opposite with my wife Dipa. I called her a chatter box. She
just needed a brief introduction to get going.
As the Boss kept talking with Dipa on a range of issues, his face expressions
kept changing from surprise to bewilderment to great respect. It was obvious
that he was taken in not only by my wife's beauty and sensuality but also her
wide range of knowledge and her grip on management and corporate issues.
My Boss came to me and congratulated me for having been blessed with such
an extraordinary person as my wife. He told me that he saw in my wife Dipa
an efficient administrator, capable motivator, excellent planner and a
wonderful co-coordinator / manager. He felt sad that she was not in the
corporate world. He said if she was, she could have been somewhere by now.
My Boss listed out my wife's Dipa's list of capabilities. I found to my utter
surprise that in spite of having lived with her for many years, I was blissfully
ignorant or indifferent about them.
The party hall started filling up as invitees started trickling in. Off and on
during the party, I saw my Boss drifting back to my wife Dipa for some chat
or the other. They kept on talking about business management, employee's
motivational programs for higher productivity etc. I was privy to some of the
conversations. However, I left them talking for quite a while to meet other
friends, during most of their conversation.
It was a surprise for me to see that my wife talked to my Boss for such a long
time and with so much intensity like she had never done with me. My Boss
was impressed with not only with Dipa's depth of knowledge on various
subjects but also with her innocent laughter, her genuineness, maturity and
most of all, her sensual beauty and figure combined with typical Indian
female like shyness.
My wife Dipa was in her prime. Her youthful sensuality was in full bloom.
As a feminine instinct, perhaps she knew how to pronounce it in a subtle
way. That could also be partly due to her innate sense of making things
beautiful without showing extravagance all around her. She was about 26-27
at that time. We had just been married for 3 to 4 years. Dipa was not just
beautiful; her style, walk, gestures, dress sense, the way she looked and her
sweet modulated voice exhibited her sexiness. She had round looking face
with thin, dark, and chisel sharp eyelids and eyebrows. Her eyes looked sweet
yet watchful. She looked so sexy when she half smiled with her pouting lips
and with her twitching of eyebrows.
Her cheeks bloomed naturally like rose petals. They were filled just right. Not
too heavy not just depressed. Smooth cheek bones. A lock of her hair curled
below her ears and a loose bunch of her hair spread careful over her shoulder
and coming in front a little over her breasts gave her the look of a seductress
that often sliced the heart of romantic men around her. Her thick dark hair
extended right to her hips when left untied. She however, kept them tied in
different attractive and (I thought) seductive styles. She looked somewhat
like Pariniti Chopra a Bollywood actress, well filled only where a woman
should be.
Dipa had slim waist line but her plum full breasts filled so beautifully and
adequately that defied her body frame size. Her two globes protruded out of
her blouse so blatantly and prominently that no one could avoid noticing
them. They were not just full, they were pointed and erect. They stood up
defying gravity. They did not really need a bra. It was impossible for her to
hide them. Dipa tried hard initially to hide them to prevent onlookers from
eyeing them temptingly, gave up finally being not able to do so.
Her flexible and curving waistline, sloping down from her breasts to her
navel and then rising again down to her buttocks and pubic area followed by
her shapely thighs presented breath taking view and compulsorily hardened
men's boners. Whether she wore sari or more revealing dresses, such as
leggings or hip hugging jeans; her figure was eminently visible in varying
degrees enough to attract attention of male organs. In case of tight hugging
dresses, men could not move their focus from between her legs, her derriere
and the pinnacles of her bulbous breasts.
Dipa's family upbringing was at best modest. After graduation, Dipa did a
diploma course in Beauty and wellness and worked for some time with a
famous makeup artist as an assistant. While working part time, she did her
masters in management. Her company worked with a film studio and did
make up of actors. She was expert at transforming a girl's personality with
different makeup. However, she got an opportunity to join a management
company. She worked in the management company initially as a secretary.
She rapidly rose from the Secretary to the position of Manager in three Years.
After marriage, she had to resettle at Lucknow with me and she decided to be
a housewife and left the job.
She did not like old and somber songs. She loved jazzy modern songs and
loved dancing to them. She even danced to slow and sometimes morose
songs care freely. I loved to watch her dance. She enjoyed dancing,
exercising, going out, watching movies and taking fast paced long walks. All
the same, she was far from a conventional so called fast paced modern girl.
She preferred to be a good normal house wife albeit with modern outlook.
She had to wear shorts and tank tops when exercising and doing yoga. She
was naturally talkative and enjoyed talking; some times more than what I
considered was necessary. She laughed out freely suddenly while talking at
the slightest pretext. Her laughter was innocent and infectious

way you describe dipa beauty i got bonner... awesome.. and Dipa is intelligent as welll.. beauty with brain.. she is 26. its prime age for any wiman.. diipa is talkative.. wow surely she have many friends.. she know how to joke without offending anyone.. your introvert boss talk with her for long.. it show dipa know how to make people comfortable..

dipa os also modest initially she always try to hide her boobs.. but latee she give uoas it was impossible.. she is like homely girl.. but with this figure its impossible to escape from oglingogling eyes..

you are lucky man
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(29-01-2021, 08:04 PM)mn60358 Wrote: Update 2

I was as much impressed with my wife as I was with my Boss. I had blind
faith in my wife too. She was also very obedient and never went against my
decisions. Well, it was not very often that I had to decide on any issue. She
took most of the decisions in our life, which was ok with me, because I had
an implicit faith in her wisdom. Our life was going on smoothly.
She was a fanatic as far as cleanliness and order was concerned. That was
why our home was always spick and span. Any one causing disorder and
messing up even slightly, would invite her wreath.
In that New Year eve party, the club had arranged a famous music group and
there was a dance program to go with it. The do was organized in a big farm
house. My Boss apart from being a romantic energetic man was also a
wonderful dancer. The Boss came to where Dipa and I were sitting; as if
accidentally and said "Hello" to us. The Boss extended his arms to invite my
wife Dipa to dance with him.
Dipa smiled affirmatively and without delay got into my Boss's arms giving
me a mischievous wink. I heard her say modestly and demurely, "I do not
know dancing."
Boss said, "No problem. Not many people dancing here know dancing.
Besides, you are smart. You will learn fast. I shall teach you."
My Boss whisked away Dipa in one swift motion. The pair was really worth
watching. My Boss was tall, comparatively huge and solid. Dipa in contrast
was average height, thin and can be called frail except her well filled solid
boobs under her blouse and bra and pretty shapely ass. She looked almost
like a toy in Boss's arms. Her thick and long hair swirled as Boss zoomed her
around in his arms.
I saw that Dipa was indeed a fast learner. My Boss had to explain the steps
just once and Dipa picked up those steps as if she had been doing them for
ages. While dancing, Boss quite frequently kept speaking in Dipa's ears. In
the process he had to get very close to her, pulling Dipa's body really close to
his body.
I saw Dipa laughing out innocently and nodding her head in affirmation
hearing my Boss's jokes or whatever he said into my wife's ears.
Occasionally she also pressed her mouth to Boss's ears and spoke something
while they danced. She had to rise on her toes first few times. Later Boss
picked her up in his arms to make her speak to him in his ears. She told me
later that the Boss asked her to dance freely without being vulgar. He asked
her not to worry too much about grinding of their bodies.
It was obvious to me that my Boss made no bones of taking my wife into his
arms very tightly close and making point to point contacts and rubbing his
body with her, particularly the pelvic region and her pronounced breasts.
Their thighs ground often with each other. Dipa took al sportingly, which
showed to me that she was quite at ease with the Boss.
Dipa seemed to have no qualms of my Boss's closeness and body contacts as
she danced like a perfect dancer in a few minutes of their starting. In no time,
it was she who made my Boss follow her steps. Dipa had learned some
western dancing in her college days and I could see that she was putting the
knowledge to good use. When Dipa and my Boss danced to the rhythm of
Salsa dance, all the other participants stepped aside to watch my wife Dipa go
through dance with my Boss. Dipa was in full flow by then. In fact she was
leading my Boss rather the Boss leading her. She had become star of the
show when the music stopped, as evidenced by thunderous applause she
received from all including my Boss. She had that graceful blush
acknowledging thunderous applause she received.
When the dance was over, the Boss came to me holding my wife's hand and
said, "Dipak you are a very lucky bloke to have Dipa as your wife. Besides
being a natural dancer; she is a genuine and beautiful person." Then turning
to Dipa he said, "Dipa, you have rejuvenated me. I never imagined that I
could ever dance like this. It would not be wrong to say that I did not tech
you the dance steps. In fact, it was you who taught me the dance today. Not
just the dance, you taught me the steps of life. You taught me baby, how to
I was baffled at my Boss's profusely showering praises on my wife. Until that
day, even I did not know that my wife had such wonderful qualities.
Dipa blushed hearing my Boss's commendations and said modestly, "Sir, you
are a wonderful dancer and also a very good teacher. You taught a complete
novice like me how to dance. Believe me sir; I never danced like this with
anyone. If anyone deserves credit, it is you sir."
My Boss turned to me and said, "Dipak, your wife Dipa is like a flash of
lightening of life. She is so quick, capable and sensuous that she has the
ability to inject life into a dead body. I have never danced like this earlier. I
would never have been able to dance like this today. The credit for this
beautiful dance is all hers."
Boss must be constantly wondering what kind of a woman Dipa was. She
turned red at times, laughing like a child innocently at the smallest pretext.
The next moment Dipa talked like a seasoned professional on serious
business matters and offered pin point and very logical sounding solutions on
complex issues.
He was so impressed with my wife's professional competence that he told me
that he would not take my wife's opinions lightly on business matters. He said
she had such an in-depth knowledge of Indian laws and commercial
situations that if her ideas were applied, a sick business could quickly turn
around to while a struggling business could flourish. Dipa had such capability
that would put to shame many highly paid executives in the business he said.
I was taken aback with Boss's profusely praising my wife. I never doubted
her competence, but such profuse praise from my Boss was beyond my
The Boss asked me several times about Dipa in the office almost every day.
He would not stop praising her each time she came up in our talk.
My Boss invited us home for dinner one evening. It was probably my Boss's
birthday or some such occasion. He kept it under the wrap and told us only
when we asked him repeatedly after we reached his house. Dipa and I met his
wife for the first time there. I was surprised by the striking likeness between
my wife Dipa's face and Boss's wife's. Her name was Shikha.
Their face resembled quite a lot. If you see both of them together, at the first
sight you could easily get confused by the likeness of their faces. However,
there were certain subtle differences too. Dipa was more filled at the right
places, more curvaceous, smiling all the time and slightly slimmer than
Boss's wife. Both were almost as tall. As compared to my wife's ripe and
shapely bosom, Boss's wife had smaller chest. Her breasts matched with her
lean frame.
I learnt from my wife that Boss's wife propped up her breasts by wearing
heavily padded bra. Boss's wife had rather poor sense of clothing. She wore
heavy expensive ornaments which did not match her body and persona. She
had poor sense of matching and design. I felt that perhaps she did not
deliberately get ready because she wanted to show us that we were not very
She did not seem very pleased receiving us that evening and she did not make
any effort to hide her feelings. On the contrary Boss's rather middle aged
servant treated us better.
Boss's was a fairly big house with four or five bedroom duplex rooms with a
lounge and a lawn with flowers and a few trees. Boss's wife disappeared into
her room after saying a very formal and insincere sounding "Hi", leaving
slightly embarrassed Boss with us. That was the only word we heard from her
through that evening. When she went away she did not care to speak or say
anything. She did not look happy that we were invited by the Boss.
When Dipa saw Boss making tea for us, she quickly got up, went into the
kitchen and made tea for us. Boss served us some biscuits. Dipa stood up to
serve us. Dipa had worn a deep neck short blouse and embroidered net bra
with frills, which displayed her ample cleavage. She had taken care to cover
them with a scarf over her chest. When she bent to pour tea in Boss's cup, her
scarf covering her chest slipped down and her cleavage was eminently visible
in front of Boss's eyes.
Boss's eyes were glued into that gap and I could see bewildered expressions
on his face seeing a big cleavage right in front of his feasting eyes. My wife's
plum breasts looked as if they were impatient to jump out of the bra any
moment. When Dipa noticed the target of Boss's eyes, she hurriedly covered
up her chest with the scarf.
Boss's servant got busy with preparing for the birthday cake. When the cake
was ready, Boss called his wife. However, she shouted that she was sleeping
and not to be disturbed. Dipa placed the candles and lighted them. Boss
extinguished them and cut the cake. Dipa played the role of the lady of the
house by feeding a piece of cake to my Boss and then Boss fed the remaining
piece to Dipa and me.
After the cake cutting, we shifted to the living room while Boss and Dipa
started talking on multiple subjects. They started with the nature, gardening,
national scenario, economic situation, the world politics and then settling
down onto business management, employee motivation and driving the
business to get the results. My Boss realized that I was getting bored. He
switched on the TV. I picked up some biscuits and tea, moved over to the TV
arena of the drawing room and began watching a movie.
My Boss must have felt like a free bird in the sky on getting rid of his wife
and me. Both he and my wife Dipa got into their endless and deep
conversations once again. I knew my wife liked nothing more than a focused
listener to her chatter. It was impossible to stop her when she had a listener
like my Boss. She had no hesitation in talking to my Boss who was a great
When Dipa laughed out talking animatedly to a joke, Boss would look with
great admiration at her care free laugh. When she felt quite excited on any
topic that my Boss broached, she would hold my Boss's hands or tap on his
thighs affectionately. My Boss was anyway an expert and knew how to
engage attention particularly of charming and sexy women. I could well
imagine that Dipa's casual touch must have created quite a stir in Boss's
mind. I could see amazed expressions on his face whenever Dipa innocently touched his hands or tapped on his thighs not realizing the impact she was
making on my Boss.

wow now Dipa dance with boss... they are gelling up nicely... you told Dipa has huge boob as compare to her frame... boss must have enjoy softness of  them on his chest while dancing.. she has to go on her toe to talk with him while dancing.. her boobs must have crush on his chest and he must have got bonner... and Dipa surely don't mind it.. open minded wife..one side she used to hide her boobies with care and other hand ahe dont mind her boobs crushing on hubby boss.. look like she is over friendly with her friend.. and she must have lot of friends before marriage..

love way you compare boss wife shikha with Dipa.. look like Dipa is better than shikha in all departments..
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(30-01-2021, 12:28 AM)Lovecraft Wrote: Nice Update & Excellent Narration. clps

The way Boss was praising her at the party, he has become Fan of Dipa. Who wouldn't! After all 
She is smart, sexy and talented as well as beautiful.
she impressed the Boss by her competence. Maybe he can also offer her a job in his company as personal secretary/advisor.

yrs and look like Dipa is also imoress by boss
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(30-01-2021, 08:43 PM)mn60358 Wrote: I was not a fool not to notice my Boss frequently stealing glances and looking
down intently between the exposed parts of the globes on my wife's chest. He
must be marveling at the swollen breasts projecting out of her blouse and bra.
In her excitement to talk to such an interested listener, my wife Dipa was
hardly attentive to notice my Boss's stares targeted at strategic locations of
her body. She kept talking animatedly answering Boss's questions and adding
her own wisdom to it; to the delight of my elated Boss.
My Boss listened to her with rapt attention; as if he was hearing an earth
shaking invention that was going to change the world. He did not spare any
efforts to ask elementary questions and seriously asked for her opinions on
them. He then listened patiently her reply. I was not sure if he was focused on
Dipa's reply or her assets. However, he kept praising her profusely for the
wealth of knowledge she had. That made Dipa all the more excited.
It did not need a special expertise to guess that my Boss was hitting on my
wife. He did seem to have developed a crush on her. He seemed to have
fallen for her lock stock and barrel. When I was busy watching TV, the Boss
occasionally caught Dipa's hands and squeezed them gently as if to express
his excitement. Dipa kept smiling and talking endlessly with a great deal of
enthusiasm as was her habit.
Their talk had to be terminated as soon as the Boss's wife reentered the room.
Seeing her husband talking to my pretty wife with so much enthusiasm,
Boss's wife looked at us with a big, almost hostile frown on her face. Dipa
turned quiet on her entrance. Boss sheepishly announced that the dinner was
served. Boss's wife Shikha retreated into her bedroom without speaking a
word but throwing an ugly look at my wife Dipa. It was obvious that she
hated Boss's colleagues. Obviously, she also did not like Boss's attention to
Barring Dipa's heart to heart talks with my Boss on almost all the topics on
earth, the dinner was boring and almost an unpleasant affair. On our way
home, but for Dipa's chatter about all management topics she had discussed
with my Boss, I would have fallen asleep.
Dipa was surprised at the rudeness with which my Boss's wife treated us and
also my Boss. She said that she would never visit Boss's house again as long
as his wife was there.
Two things happened a few weeks after that turned our life around. Dipa's
father had a severe heart stroke and had to be operated upon for his heart
condition. He had to be admitted to an expensive hospital. Dipa's brother ran
out of money and was short of Rs. 5 Lacs (about US$ 70.000.00). Dipa knew
that we had no such savings. I told her that there was only one person who
could help us out and that was my Boss. However, I was hesitant to ask him
for such a big amount. I was almost certain that he would regret his inability.
However, Dipa was not discouraged. She said she would talk to my Boss.
The next day Dipa came to my office. She went to my Boss's room and told
him about her father's sickness. Dipa was quite emotional. Her pleas for
money made my Boss emotional too. The Boss asked for one day's time.
The next day Dipa and my Boss went to my Boss's bank. My wife was
surprised that my Boss broke off his fixed deposit of Rs. 15 Lacs. In the
process he must have suffered quite a loss of interest amount. When the Boss
started filling forms for transferring Rs. 7 Lacs to Dipa's account; she
objected and said, "Boss I want only Rs. 5 Lacs."
Boss said, "There are many unforeseen expenses in the hospital and it is
better to have some spare amount to pay for such expenses. After paying all
the bills if you find that you have some surplus, please return the surplus
amount to me.
The Boss was proved right. Dipa's brother told her that the final bill was
higher and an additional amount of Rs. One lac had to be paid. When Dipa
returned after the operation, she came to our office and went to the Boss's
cabin to thank him with a cheque for the surplus amount.
I ushered her in the Boss's office. When the Boss got up to receive her in the
office, she was choked with emotions. She ran to the amazement of my Boss
and hugged him hard. Gripping my Boss in her embrace, Dipa cried out loud
almost hysterically. The Boss almost staggered on his feet with the force of
my wife's hug. They hugged for a few seconds. Completely embarrassed; my
Boss kept caressing my wife's back, not knowing what to say.
After separating from him, Dipa composed herself and said to my Boss,
"Boss, we are indeed grateful to you for having loaned this amount. Was it
not for your timely help, I do not know how we would have managed the
money and paid the hospital bills. In all probability, we would have skipped
the operation with possible disastrous consequences for my father. You are
savior of my father's life. I do not know how I would ever be able to return
the favor."
My Boss stood embarrassed looking at my emotional wife and said, "Dipa, its
ok. It was my duty and I have not done you any favor."
Dipa asked Boss how we could return the money borrowed. Boss said, "Dipa,
I am a businessman and I know how not just to recover the money but collect
the interest from you too."
When Dipa stood perplexed trying to guess what the Boss meant, "My Boss
patted her on her shoulder and said, "Don't misunderstand me Dipa. I do not
want you to worry about returning the money. I do not want you to strain
your budget. I know your hubby is quite capable of paying the money back to
me by earning the incentives from his higher sales and collection of payments
from customers. This amount of Rs. 6 Lacs can be recovered from his
incentives in about three years. I have ideas on how I will recover more than
the money paid. And don't worry, there are no strings attached. So relax."
My Boss was quite confident that I shall earn enough for the company to
recover such a big amount borrowed. Dipa looked immensely relieved
hearing this from the Boss. She was worried for the past few days on how we
shall payback this big amount.
Dipa went to my Boss and hugged him again and said with more tears in her
eyes, "I do not know what to say sir. If ever I could do anything for you,
kindly just ask."
The Boss looked at Dipa and asked smiling, "Can I ask anything? Will you
do it for me? Do you promise?"
Dipa looked at my Boss apprehensively. But having committed just a few
moments back, tried to put a brave face in her voice and said, "Yes sir, I will
do anything you ask of me."
My Boss smiled and said, "Yes, I want something from you. You can stop
calling me Sir or Boss. My name is Som. Call me Som. That is what you
need to do."
From that day on, my wife became the biggest fan of my Boss. Whenever she
had the slightest opportunity, she would start praising his generosity and
One night in bed she asked me how I was doing in sales. She reminded me
that we had to pay back Boss's loans. She said, "Dipak, in today's world
nobody ever loans anyone including his relatives, such a big amount. He has
not even taken a receipt or got any documents signed by us. Indeed he has
tremendous confidence in your capability to earn enough incentives to
payback his dues. This is not a small thing."
I replied, "Dipa darling, do you know that my Boss had saved that amount to
buy a property for the new office? This was his much needed saving, which
he paid to us. He broke up his deposit and his dream of buying that much
needed office. You did not notice one important thing honey."
My wife looked at me and asked, "What?"
"He may have trusted me somewhat, but he trusted YOU much more. He paid
money because YOU went there to ask for the money. He is very much
impressed with you. It is a fact that had I gone asking for the money, he
would perhaps politely regretted." I replied.
My wife Dipa looked at me sternly and asked, "What makes you think so? I
went there only because you hesitated to go to him. I was prepared for his
refusal. I would not have been shocked, if he had refused; because no one
would trust a colleague with so much money without any documentation.
What could he do if you change your job? Or change your mind and refuse to
pay? But I was determined to try and succeeded."
I said, "You have answered your own question. You said nobody would have
trusted his colleague with such a big amount. Then why did the Boss pay?
Because YOU went to him and he trusted YOU. He could not have refused
you. He is sold on your persona and I suspect has a crush on you. Don't you
think so?"
She smiled a little embarrassed. It was more of a blush than a smile. Then she
was quiet for a few seconds. She then nodded her head slightly as if she had
reached some conclusion. However, she did not respond.
I continued, "We are so indebted to him for what he has done that whatever
we do, we shall not be able to really repay his debt, even if we pay off the
amount. Nobody trusts anybody these days for such a big amount and that too
without any collateral or documentation."
Dipa said looking at the ceiling as if the answer would come from there,
"True. What can we do for such a big man really?" she appeared to ask the
question to herself.
I said, "Look, you can't refuse that he has a solid crush on you. He has gone
bonkers on your breasts, ass and all that. You can get him to do anything you
My wife appeared a bit irritated initially, but then laughed blushing a little
and said, "Jealous hubby, aren't you? Just think. Look at him, he is so smart,
handsome wonderfully attractive and his wife? She is just the opposite. I
don't know why he married her in the first place? Well she may be good
looking but look how she keeps herself? He could have got any girl he
wanted. That is why perhaps, he appears sad. Perhaps that is the reason why
he may have a crush on me, if at all. You must have noticed, his wife's face
resembles mine somewhat."
I interrupted her and said, "Perhaps he is hoping to get from you what he
could not get from his wife."
She sighed ruefully and said, "This is life! I do not want anything from your
Boss. He has saved my Dad's life and that is more than enough for me. I am
at a loss wondering how I would ever repay for his kind gesture. If he feels
happy looking at me for some moments, well, that is fine with me. What is a
big deal?"
I said, "Well whatever. I have seen him ogling at your cleavage, whenever
you bend down to serve him."
Dipa was quite cheesed off see me making such tongue in cheek comments.
She said in an irritated voice, "Don't be a prude! Have I not seen you ogling
at other women, when you have had the slightest opportunity? Your Boss is
far better than you. Look at his wife! She has hardly any breasts to speak of. I
have such handful of breasts, yet do you miss any opportunity to ogle at
others' wives? You men are all like that. But unfortunately, we women can't
live without you guys! This ogling business is nothing new for me. I am used
to men ogling at my breasts, my ass and all that. Poor Boss! His wife seemed
so boring and disenchanted with her hubby! So if your poor Boss ogles at my
boobs, so be it. If you have any problem, tell me. I shall stay away from your
Boss. You should not troll a good man like your Boss, for that." My wife
concluded with mock anger on her face.
I dreamt that night that my Boss came home when I was on tour and fucked
my wife. I creamed out in my pajama on the bed. I realized that I am a
voyeur, one who is interested to have his wife fucked by someone else. I was
getting horny imagining my wife in the bed with some other male (hopefully
my Boss).
Dipa was so overwhelmed by the generosity of my Boss that on any festive
occasion such as his birthday or any festival, she would not miss to send him
some gift and called him on phone to greet him. Once when the Boss's wife
was away, she cooked meals for him and sent it through me. My Boss too did
not miss an occasion or a festival to send Dipa a gift or called her on phone.
Obviously their phone call chats lasted a few minutes. I got a strong feeling
that some kind of mutual attraction was building up between them over the
past few months.
Things were going on nicely for quite a while. However, not long after a
problematic development caused quite a stir in the office. Rumors started
trickling in of serious misunderstanding between the Boss and his wife. As a
consequence, the brightness and shine from the face of my Boss started
diminishing. The Boss, who was toiling day and night to get the business and
please our clients, suddenly started losing interest in business and became so
dull and indifferent that alarm bells started ringing in the market place.
Our clients started grumbling and sales started falling. My incentives took a
big hit. There was a scene of despondency in our office. On top of this all we
got the shocking news that the Boss's wife left him and slapped the Boss with
a notice for divorce. That perhaps was the last straw. The Boss was shattered.
He was left alone to live in that big house of his.
I stared at a very bleak future in front of me. I realized then how much my
Boss contributed to my success. It was not the matter of incentives then. It
was a matter of keeping the job. We were facing a situation of complete
failure of our company, which only a few months ago was labeled as a bright
star the sky of the corporate world.
A delegation from the company's financers visited us one day. They were
grossly disappointed and a bit angry too at our sudden downturn. They talked
to the Boss about the situation. But after they left, I found no difference in
Boss's behavior. It was clear to us then that if things did not change we were
staring at the closure of our operations and loss of jobs for all of us.
This went on for a month or so. The Boss did not visit the office for days on
end. All were desperate. My colleagues knew of my relations with the Boss.
They asked me to make a final attempt to get the Boss to come to the office
and resume the command of the business, like earlier days. I was at a loss to
think about how to make the Boss see reason and motivate him to get back to
work with the same zeal and enthusiasm.
Anyway, not with much confidence in my heart, I went the next morning to
my Boss's house. There was eerie silence in the house. Boss's servant
received me with a smug face and asked me to sit. He then told me that the
Boss was upstairs. He said he had been drinking since the morning and would
not allow him to enter his room.
When I asked him to tell me all that happened in detail, the servant cried out
saying that the Boss cared so much for Madam (Shikha)> However, she
treated Boss badly. Finally they fought bitterly and she left. She then served a
divorce notice on the Boss. He said that the notice broke the Boss down.
The servant went up to tell the Boss that I was there. Boss called me up and
asked the servant to leave. I noticed that Boss was not in the state of mind to
talk to me coherently. He blabbered and spoke as if I was not there. He
shouted as if I was his wife and threatened me that he would kill me. The
next moment he saw me, came to me and said, "Dipak, never trust a woman. I
gave Shikha every bit of my love and consideration. But she did not care and
did not deserve it. I wish I had slapped her hard. I wish I had spanked her. I
wish I had killed her." I was horrified at Boss's condition.
I was about to return, when Boss caught my shoulder and asked me, "What
made you come here Dipak?"
I told him that everybody in the office was concerned about the state of
affairs and they would like him to come to the office and brief the staff about
the things. Boss assured me that he would come to the office. I was not sure
if what he said registered on his mind.
Boss did come to the office the next day. However, there was no energy in
his steps and no zing in his voice. Usually, the Boss called our female
colleagues affectionately as "Baby, Darling, Honey, Sweetie" etc. However,
that day he just looked at them and just said, "Hi". He barely smiled and I
could see that his smile also did not come from within. It looked as though it
was not our Boss, it was his ghost.
In the office, the Boss asked me perfunctorily about Dipa. To lighten the air, I
told him that that morning Dipa had rushed and jumped into my arms seeing
a cockroach in the bathroom. When I talked about the incident, I was
surprised to see my Boss pepped up. He almost laughed and I saw on his face
a smile and some enthusiasm that was missing earlier. I was a bit puzzled. I
wondered if it was the mention of Dipa that injected some life into the Boss. I
was not sure. As soon as the talk slipped onto some other topics and the staff
members came in and started asking him about his wife, I saw the Boss
relapsing into the morose state that he was in earlier.
That day in the evening at home, I accidently saw the video that I had shot of
Dipa dancing energetically with the Boss. I suddenly remembered my Boss's
words: "Dipak, your wife Dipa is like a flash of lightening of life. She is so
enthusiastic and sexy that she has the ability to inject life into a dead body."
I recollected the incident in the office of my Boss's sudden enthusiasm
hearing about Dipa from me and kept thinking repeatedly of his words after
the dance.
Suddenly an idea struck me like thunderbolt. I was seeing the possibility of
bringing my Boss back into the original fervor, if my idea worked. I realized
that my wife Dipa was perhaps the elixir to inject life into my Boss's deathly
attitude. I was not sure that my idea would work, but there was no harm in
trying. Why not get my Boss to meet Dipa once again? May be he would be
more enthusiastic. May be he would like to get to know my wife better. May
be with greater association with my wife, the Boss could gradually return to
his old ways?
I considered the idea from various angles and each time the conclusion was
the same. The idea was worth trying. I felt that there was a ray of light at the
end of the tunnel of despair. Perhaps I had found the key to our company's
sliding fortunes. However, for my ideas to be put into practice, I needed
cooperation of my wife. I also did not know of the risks involved. I decided
to take the risk.
That night in bed, I asked my wife, "Darling, you have been repeatedly
saying that if you could do anything, anything at all, for the Boss; that would
a great pleasure. Are you still sure of that?"
Dipa looked at me with a bit of surprise in her eyes and asked, "Of course, I
am sure. But why do you ask?"
I said, "There was a time, when we needed his help and he did not lose time
in giving it instantaneously. Now he needs our help and we have to prove that
we should not be wanting in helping him. You have a very important role to
play in this."
Dipa looked at me with a surprise in her eyes. She asked, "Me? What in the
God's name can I do for such a big man? Of course, nothing will give me
greater pleasure than to help him, if I can."
I said, "That day we needed the Boss and today the Boss needs us and
particularly your help."
After saying that I narrated the complete story about the Boss's wife leaving
him plunging his life into turmoil, shattering him completely. I told her about
the Boss's terrible condition, his internal turmoil and his severe anger against
his wife. I also described how our entire office had been devastated by his
absence and lack of interest. How our sales had nose-dived and my own
incentives had evaporated. It was the question of our jobs unless the Boss
bounced back with his old zeal and fervor.
Dipa looked at me with concern in her eyes. She asked, "Well, it really is sad
to know all this. I had a premonition about that woman. She was never
suitable for your Boss. But where do I come in this?"
I said, "When I mentioned your name and a little about you just casually in
our talk today in the office, Boss's face brightened up and for a few moments,
he appeared to be back in his original element. It looked as if he was keen to
hear more about you. That gave me an idea that perhaps the key to Boss's
bouncing back to his original self was in your hands. If you try to talk him
into coming back to his original self; that would be a great boon for the entire
office, including my own career. I am afraid that if the Boss continued like
this, we are all doomed and the company, which has been making good
profits, will be ruined and we shall lose our jobs. We shall also not be able to
repay our loans including the loan we have taken from the Boss."
Dipa's face brightened up at the prospect of being able to do something for
the Boss. However, soon after, her eyebrows contracted and she appeared
deeply thoughtful. After some time, she said, "Well, I don't know how my
meeting him, spending some time with him can change him. But I can
certainly try, if you feel that it can. May be it will take more than talking to
the Boss. I don't really know what I can do. I know he has feelings for me
that exceed casual acquaintance."
Dipa was silent for some time. After that she turned to me and asked me,
"Look, from what you have told me, it looks like your Boss had a severe
shock of his wife leaving him like this. As I know your Boss's wife from the
brief encounters I had with her, she is very arrogant and curt and your Boss's
reaction on her leaving the house seems gross over reaction. I cannot
understand that."
After she finished, she was quiet again. She closed her eyes for a while. I let
her think over the matter. It took about 15 minutes of deathly silence while I
was fidgeting in my bed, waiting for her to speak. She opened her eyes and
again looked at the ceiling for a few minutes. Then she looked at me direct
into my eyes and said, "There must be some reason for Boss's such behavior.
The matter seems more complex than it appears on the surface. It is a delicate
subject and I need to talk to him quietly in harmonious environment alone for
some time. Can you call the Boss tomorrow for dinner? Tell him that it is my
birthday tomorrow and I shall prepare some special dishes of his choice. It is
my strong desire that the Boss must come and join us. Let us see what
happens then.
boss was now holding Dipa hand.. and she don't objrct..she is allowing it.  what is suspicious that boss doing this when husband is looking away.. or when his wife shhikha is not there..

boss asking Dipa questions and then stealingstealing glances at her when she is talking.. Dipa talking animatedly.. it must be erotic to watch her movement when she is busy in talking.   look like boss is in love with her

boss give her money.. 7 lakh.. wow.. he is in love with her.. you must be careful..

and shikha leave boss and now Dipa inviting him for dinner.. both Dipa and boss have feeling for eacg other.. its not lust look like they have feeling..
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(01-02-2021, 03:18 PM)mn60358 Wrote: The next day, I went to Boss's house. I found him leafing through some
papers. He had not shaved for a few days and looked out of sorts. I went to
the Boss and asked him, "Sir, Dipa is celebrating her birthday today evening
and wants to make some dishes of your liking. She has asked me to invite
you for dinner tonight. Could you spare some time and join us in the
The Boss looked at me blankly for a while. Looking at his face I was almost
certain that he would decline the invitation. I was however, pleasantly
surprised to see the Boss's face brighten up slowly as he weighed my words.
He said holding my hands with a little bit of stutter in his voice, "Is it her
birthday today? Silly, I never asked her birth date before. Has Dipa invited
me? Of course, I shall be delighted to join you to wish her happy birthday."
I was greatly relieved to see Boss's reaction and prayed that my strategy
works. I then hesitatingly asked him, "Sir, would you come dressed up ..."
The Boss understood my concern and said, "Oh, you are pointing at my
appearance. Don't worry. I shall come well dressed.
Right to his promise, the Boss was there at our home at the appointed time
with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. My wife was well prepared. As soon as
the Boss came to our doorstep, she came out. She made the boss bend so that
she could garland him and apply vermillion on his forehead. She bent down
to touch his feet to take his blessings. My Boss was taken aback with this
ceremonial welcome. Offering the big bouquet to Dipa he said, "It is your
birthday Dipa. Why are you garlanding me?"
Dipa replied smiling, "It is the first time you have come to our house. You are
the chief guest today and to me you are no less than God, who saved my
father." She then proceeded to offer ceremonial arati around the Boss's face
and gave him a piece of sweet to eat. She had asked me to record the
welcome ceremony on my mobile. I was dutifully following my wife's orders
like a good husband.
The Boss appeared delighted at the reception he got in my house and looked
relaxed and almost normal. He looked around and saw beautifully floral
decorated entrance; neatly arranged furniture and house hold things. He
looked happy and smiled genuinely at us. It looked to me as if he had
unburdened some of his psychological baggage by the time he settled down
on the sofas in the living room.
The Boss looked appreciatively at carefully arranged articles in our living
room and at the entrance. He saw the meticulously manicured plants in the
pots, pictures placed just the way they should be and dust free books arranged
neatly. I smiled at him and said, "Sir Dipa spends a lot of her time in keeping
things in order and hates if any one spoils or dirties the furniture or other
The Boss could not restrain himself and said enthusiastically, when Dipa was
serving him welcome glass of fruit juice, "My God, Dipak, you are a real
lucky bloke. Your wife has such versatility that is seen in very few persons,
male or female. She is not just a good house wife; she is also a good
organizer, manager and administrator." My boss seemed to be in his original
When my wife Dipa heard this and other profuse compliments from my Boss,
she blushed like a small girl with her cheeks turning red. She was unable to
raise her eyes in humility accepting Boss's compliments. I saw with some
satisfaction a ray hope at the end of a dark tunnel.
I had bought a birthday cake for my wife. All the things required for the
celebration, were placed on the dining table neatly arranged. I had also
invited two couples from our neighborhood for the cake cutting ceremony. In
the presence of the guests, the cake was cut by Dipa and she placed the first
piece of cake in my Boss's mouth and then gave it to me. The boss picked up
the remaining piece and placed it in Dipa's mouth.
After all the visitors had gone, the Boss came out with a small box in his
hands. The box contained a beautiful golden ring for Dipa. The Boss
ceremonially presented to her. It looked fairly expensive. Dipa took the box
in her hands, looked at the ring with a lot of amazement and gently retuned
the box to the Boss with an apologetic look and said, "Sir, I thank you very
much for this wonderful gift. But I cannot accept it, as it is too expensive and
is beyond our reach. As a protocol, I must accept only such gifts which I may
be able to offer to reciprocate in similar circumstances. I feel that we must
exchange reciprocally feasible gifts to avoid any one of us from getting
overly burdened."
The Boss looked at my wife with complete disbelief at the rejection of his
gift. I saw the same look of despondency and helplessness appearing on his
face, which I was so studiously trying to get rid of. Without saying a word in
response, the Boss sat down unsteadily on the sofa, placed the box on the side
table and looked down.
I looked sternly at my wife Dipa. She understood that the Boss had felt
dejected at her words and rejection of his gift; which I did not like at all. She
looked at me and saw my gross displeasure.
Dipa slowly set by the side of my Boss, took his hands into her and said, "Sir,
I cannot accept your gift unless you accept my two conditions."
The Boss raised his face and looked at my wife. She said, "The first condition
is that you will not expect any such expensive gift from me on any occasion
and the second condition is that you will place the ring on my finger and if it
does not fit, you will get it altered yourself."
The Boss's face brightened up hearing this from my wife. He held his ear
lobes and declared, "I Som hereby commit that on my birthday I shall not
expect any gift from my friend Dipa, except a flower bud."
He hurriedly opened the box, took out the ring, made Dipa give him her hand
and slid the ring onto her finger. It fitted perfectly. I clapped happily and saw
my Boss's face cheerful and mischievous as it had been long before. Dipa
blushed again feeling quite out of sorts at my Boss's profuse expression of
affection on her.
She quickly left us feigning some reasons to go the kitchen to attend some
mundane task.
Boss looked at me with sharp eyes and said, "Dipak, Dipa has been very
forthright and to the point and I greatly admire her for that. I realize that she
did not want to accept the ring because she felt that she was unable to
reciprocate the gesture. But she relented later because you did not want to
make me feel hurt and neither did she. Having said that let me be somewhat
frank with you too. I have placed the ring on your wife's finger. By no stretch
of imagination, this ring compares with the ring you must have placed on her
fingers at the time of your marriage. However, would you mind if I consider
your wife as my very good and close friend. Do you mind?"
I held my Boss's hands and said, "Boss, what are you saying? By all means,
you have all the rights over both of us. When I say all the rights, I mean all
the rights. What Dipa and I want is for you to be happy and get back to your
normal self."
The Boss looked at me; he smiled briefly, but did not say anything. I could
detect a trace of loneliness in his voice. The Boss was not his effervescent
self as I had seen him to be.
As we kept talking, Dipa served the Boss some snacks and a drink. She then
asked the Boss, what he would like as desert. The Boss said he would prefer
We had not planned for ice-cream. An ice-cream vendor was close by. My
wife looked at me pointedly. I understood that she wanted me to go and fetch
ice-cream. As I got up to go she said, "If the ice-cream is not available from
the nearby stores, please take a walk. You said you wanted to go for a long
I knew my wife for long. I caught her hint that I need not come back in a
hurry. She needed to talk to my Boss alone. I slipped out, walked some
distance and returned home hurriedly. I did not enter the house but stood at
half closed door of the drawing room and peeped inside. It was dark by then.
I saw Dipa in the kitchen doing something, with the Boss standing behind her
watching her from behind. Obviously, the Boss was looking at my wife's
shapely ass covered in her sari. As she moved, her buttocks moved
tantalizingly giving a wonderful view to the feasting eyes of my Boss. They
were talking something which I could not hear.
When Dipa turned around to get something, my wife almost collided with the
Boss. He had moved so close to her that, it was almost impossible for her to
turn without bumping on my Boss. Unable to control her balance Dipa
stumbled and fell on the Boss, when in a quick reflexive action; my Boss
stretched his arms to catch her from falling.
My puzzled wife fell in my Boss's outstretched arms, as the Boss lowered his
head and widened his base by stretching his legs apart to maintain his own
balance and not to let Dipa fall down. The scene resembled the famous pair
of Raj Kapoor and Nargis in one of the films, which then became the emblem
of R.K.Studios of Bollywood. They both remained in that position for almost
a minute and a half, as the Boss did not shift his position and my wife did not
stand up to come out of my Boss's arms. Boss's eyes and face expressions
must have been full of lust. My wife was looking sharply into his eyes trying
to read Boss's mind and face expressions.
Dipa and Boss remained in that position for quite a length of time. It raised
the temperature of the environment in the room. Dipa's face had turned red as
she blushed looking at the Boss's lustful expressions. After a few minutes,
when the Boss lowered his head to bring his lips close to my wife's, Dipa
tried to raise her body to be straight. As the Boss was trying to close the gap,
Dipa laughed out loud and quickly disengaging herself from Boss's grasp, she
said, "Sir, my! You are a fast one! You saved me from falling! God! I have a
real Casanova now to protect me!"
The Boss felt embarrassed at the mildly admonishing tone of my wife.
Looking sheepishly at her, the Boss said, "I am really sorry Dipa. I have lost
balance of senses since the last few weeks. I could not control myself dear. I
did not mean to offend you."
In spite of his trying to control his emotions, a tear fell down from Boss's
eyes. He moved away from Dipa trying to go outside to the door in the porch
to hide his tears; where I stood hiding and watching happenings inside

what a story.. dipa garland boss.. she touch his feet.. she feed first piece of cake to boss . boss put finger in Dipa finger she  ask husband to record this. 

Dipa treating boss like her husband.. any traditional wife willtreat hubby like that.. Dipa is awesome combination of modern girl and traditional girl..

boss seeking permission of hubby to become best frirmd of Dipa.  and when no one was there boss ogling Dipa bums.. what a natural writing.. lovely
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The husband did not help to get 7 lakh. She now has her boss. She must divorce that husband and marry the boss. Please continue.
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(03-02-2021, 12:26 AM)Saleha Wrote: it's written by - iloveall. Story name - Killing a cat, big bang theory.

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(30-05-2021, 01:29 PM)Jayam Ramana Wrote: The husband did not help to get 7 lakh. She now has her boss. She must divorce that husband and marry the boss. Please continue.

look like Dipa will remain his wife.. and will become best friendfriend of boss..you know what liberty best friend take..
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Here is the continuation
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Dipa gripped Boss's hand and stopped him. She pulled him toward her. The Boss looked surprisingly at my wife. Our living room and dining room are combined. Dipa lovingly, gently wiped Boss's tears with her fingers and made him sit on a chair beside the dining table. She stood in front of the Boss so close that her puffed up protruding breasts stood erect right in front of Boss's eyes. Boss's eyes were riveted on my wife's lovely hillocks mounted on her beautiful chest.

I could see her erect nipple making a distinct impression on her blouse which undoubtedly my Boss was staring at with mesmerized expressions on his face, not being able to see anything else as they were perched up right in front of his eyes.

She saw the Boss ogling at her cleavage and chest. She did not care to pull up her sari to cover them and said, "You are perfectly in order sir. You have done nothing wrong. There is no need to apologize. We are humans and your actions were like normal humans. I am not offended. I consider you as not just my friend but an intimate friend. Do you know what an intimate friend is?" asked Dipa of my Boss.

Boss looked at Dipa perplexed. Dipa raised her hand and caught Boss's one ear in her fingers and twisting the ear slightly she said, "Remember carefully and do not forget. An intimate friend is one with whom you can share each and everything. When I say everything I mean everything. It is more than even husband wife relationship. With an intimate friend you do not hide anything at all. Therefore I do not mind what you tell me or do to me. Will you remember this?" Dipa concluded by asking.

My Boss looked more puzzled than before, trying to digest what Dipa had just said. After s few moments he said, "Yes Dipa I will never forget this."

Dipa asked Boss, "Now please do tell me what is eating your mind. Don't you trust me enough and consider me as your own to let me in on your personal matters? I wish to tell you sir, that both Dipak and especially I, love you very much. I expect that you do not hide things from the person you love and I sincerely hope that you consider me as your intimate friend and that you love me too."

My Boss almost slipped down the chair the moment he heard this. Managing to maintain his poise, he said, "Not only I trust you and Dipak fully, I am also a great admirer of your multiple capabilities. I certainly consider you as my own. Why would I not confide in you? But I am unhappy that you keep calling me "Sir" when my name is Som. You call me Som, and then I shall feel that you really love me.

Dipa said, "Well, no and yes. No, because you are senior to me both in age, stature and wisdom. I have been brought up in Indian culture. How can I address you by your first name? But yes, I will not address you as 'Sir'. I will call you as 'Somji'. I hope that will settle it? Now do tell me what is causing so much pain to my loved one?"

Boss said, "Why add 'Ji' with my name and increase the gap between us? Just call me Som."

Dipa smiled mischievously and said, "No I will call you 'Somji' and that is final. And there is no gap between us now ok? Are you happy?" Saying that, Dipa moved so close to the Boss that one of her nipples centered on her breasts standing hard and erect in her blouse touched the tip of Boss's nose.

Boss without giving a second thought, wrapped his arms around my wife's slim waist and pulled Dipa in his arms. Placing his lips gently on her lips, the Boss said, "But first tell me that you have forgiven me for my misadventure."

My wife stood in the Boss's arms completely memorized by his sudden action and unable to speak as her lips were sealed by the Boss's. She began to respond as she was pulled into the whirlpool of sensuality caused by Boss's action. Boss's one arm was centered on my wife's butts and the second arm rested tight on my wife's waist, holding her tight in a close embrace.

Dipa for quite some time, stood perplexed at the Boss's quick reflexive maneuver. She was at a loss for words to speak. She sucked Boss's saliva and responded to Boss's sensual kissing. She understood his frustration at having been a failure in keeping his wife with him and she felt that perhaps that was his way of getting back from Dipa, what his wife did not give him.

After kissing for a few precious seconds, Dipa gently moved away from the embrace, with a nudge here and push there. She did not want to offend the Boss at the same time perhaps felt the Boss's move as inappropriate.

She stood apart from the Boss looking flustered with the passionate kiss from the Boss and chiding him in her inimitable naughty style, she said, "Sir, I mean Somji, aren't you going a bit overboard with your emotions? Besides, I like your style of first kissing and then saying sorry for the kiss and then kissing me again? You are asking pardon for the crime committed and yet you keep on committing the same crime again and again. You are fast. But you are also handsome. Well, you have inflamed my hidden passion, so I have forgiven you. My hubby may be here any minute. What if he sees us kissing? I do not want your stature to be slighted in the eyes of my hubby. We shall have more time for flings like this Somji."

Apart from admonishing the Boss, my smart wife signaled to the Boss that she was a game for such an adventure.

The Boss had mixed expressions on his face. He was not sure if Dipa accepted his advances. He smiled ruefully and said, "I am really sorry for having lost control once again. You wanted to hear my story. So here I am. It pains me to speak all these things, but then it will also be a load off my chest."
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Dipa nodded her head to indicate to the Boss to go on. "My wife Shikha has left me for good. She left over just a small tiff. She has served me a divorce notice. I have never fought any legal battle so far. I never went to court. I am completely out of gear. I feel socially and morally all alone. I do not know how to deal with this situation. In this situation, I was unable to control my urge to express my love to you, seeing your deep and sincere affection. I am sorry for my impulsively touching and kissing you. I really am."

Dipa looked at the crestfallen face of the Boss. There were tears in his eyes. She sat on the chair in front of the Boss, took Boss's one hand in her hands and wiping tears from Boss's eyes, she said, "What nonsense! Owner of such a big company rolling tears like this? Not good! Why shed tears for someone, who was never yours in the first place? And don't you dare say sorry to me again. You used the word love for me. A lover does not say sorry to his beloved. I understand your overflowing feelings. I do not mind it. Somji, I love you too. So what are you sorry about? However, there is one thing that is eating me for some time."

The Boss looked at her waiting for her to go on.

Dipa said, "I understand that a divorce is very bitter and painful. However, in your case, I do not feel that there is any need for you to be so much over powered by negativity. She was not a good wife for you. Secondly, you do not have children to worry too much about. In fact I would call it a good riddance. Then for heaven's sake, why are you so perturbed?"

The Boss looked at my wife understandingly and nodding his face he said, "Dipa you are very right. I am not really unhappy that she has gone. I am unhappy that I have been branded as a bad husband. I tried to please her as much as I could. She had expensive habits, being a daughter of rich father and I felt that sometimes I went far beyond my means to placate her. But to my every effort there was only rejection, hurling of insults and invectives. From the first day, she felt I am grossly inadequate for her. She made me feel as if I was impotent, poor, dumb and what not. I could never stand up to her since the first day of our marriage."

Dipa looked thoughtfully at the Boss and half smiling said, "Somji, the reason she dominated you was because you did not kill the cat."

Boss looked surprised at Dipa. He asked, "What do you mean?"

Dipa replied, "There is a saying in our language among men that a husband must kill a cat in front of his wife on the first night of his marriage. She will be so scared seeing this, that through their life, she will never dare to dominate her hubby."

My Boss looked perplexed at Dipa, wondering what she meant. Dipa said, "This saying has been carried forward from the days of the sword era. The cat is wife's ego. Some of the girls carry huge ego due to their beauty or father's status, wealth or whatever. For a happy married life, a hubby must kill the cat which crosses his path on the first night, to show to his wife that he is not to be taken for granted. The wife must know that he is the head of the family and must be given due respect and love,"

My Boss almost jumped with child like enthusiasm. He clapped his hands and then moderated his reaction and said, "Dipa, this is exactly what! That is exactly what I am feeling sad about. I feel the same way. I wish I had disciplined her on the first night of our marriage. How I wish I had done that. Even after that, if she had not changed, at least I would not be feeling sorry for myself. I wish I had slapped her hard the first time she let loose her abuses. I would have been a happy man today."

Dipa said, "Boss forget it. It's all done and over."

My Boss however, stuck to his point and said, "No Dipa, it's not over. I feel so upset with myself that I did not do it. I wish so badly that I had slapped her hard across her face."

Dipa held Boss's hands and said, "Sir, you are too good a man to do that. Of course at times you have to be what you do not want to be. Never mind if you did not do that."

My Boss again could not control his emotions and moved to grab my wife in his arms and hugged her. He said, "Dipa I am sorry but when I hear you talking so sweetly, I feel something inside me going berserk."

Dipa looked at the Boss admonishingly and said, "Please stop saying sorry again and again. I consider you not just as my friend, but an intimate one. And an intimate friend does not say sorry for such mild but sweet indiscretions."

The Boss looked at my wife perplexed. She caught my Boss's one ear and twitching it in her fingers she asked, "I hope you remember the deep meaning of 'intimate' where love is concerned?"

When the Boss did not speak, she replied, "Intimate person is one who is intimately connected with his or her mate. It means, a close lover, with whom one does not have any inhibitions. You may talk with your intimate friend anything and everything without exception. So what you have done in expressing your feelings is ok."

My Boss had no words to say. He just looked at my wife with baffled widely open eyes. Then playing with Boss's fingers Dipa asked casually, "Please tell me what happened exactly? What kind of spat you had with Shikha (Boss's wife)?"

The Boss's face turned pale hearing his wife's name. He said, "Dipa it is a long story starting with the time, I was involved with her. I do not care to hear her name any more. It pains me to talk about her. Her father was a big investor in my company. Once he invited me to his house and I met his daughter Shikha. I was a different guy than. I was exuberant, enthusiastic and bubbling with ideas. She was impressed with my youth and vigor. I was not particularly impressed with her and did not give her a second look."

Dipa was all ears and looked intensely at the Boss's face to urge him to continue. The Boss carried on, "She talked to her father and her father proposed that I should get married to Shikha. Her father had invested heavily in our company and I wanted to maintain relations with him. That was my biggest blunder. A daughter of a rich father, she did not care much for me after the marriage. I tried to take care of her in all possible ways. However, she had 'My father is so rich' kind of attitude and she cared damn about my sentiments. She was never my wife in true sense. I did not spare an effort to make my marriage successful. She did not lose an opportunity to make me feel small in front of my friends and relatives. I did everything I could but that wasn't good enough for her."

It looked clearly that my Boss was getting a bit agitated while narrating unhappy events to my wife. He would certainly not have gone to this extent opening up his inner most emotions to anyone else. However, my wife's empathetic, affable and serious intent of listening; made my Boss continue the story of his miseries.

He said, "Dipa from the first night of the marriage, Shikha started showing signs of superiority, impatience and indifference to me. She had a premarital affair and that man started coming to our house in my absence. He would stay through the day when I was at business and even stayed for a few days, when I went out of town. She began hating me and avoided or looked down on my friends, relatives." Boss slipped into depressed tone as he spoke.

Dipa kept nodding her head egging the Boss on. The Boss looked distant as if seeing his past in front of his eyes. He continued, "She splurged money on her dress, makeup and ran out of money almost as soon as I gave her. She would then ring up her father and got money from him. I disliked it and told her not to ask money from her father. She did not like my advice. She just cared for money and nothing more."

Dipa interjected sympathetically, "Sir I know when your own behaves..."

The Boss looked at Dipa and cut her short. He said emphatically, "I don't want such a person as my life partner. She did not care for my sentiments and slept with that guy who kept, you know, doing her, in my bed when I was away." My Boss said hesitating as he was speaking. "Dipa I am sorry for my language."

Dipa held Boss's hand in her hands and said gently, "Please do not keep saying sorry again and again. I understand. Please do not use subtle words. Let out all your hurt and deeply buried emotions and say openly what you want to say Boss. We are all adults. I know what sex is all about and have had as much sex as anyone else had. So do not feel hesitant and hide behind subtle and sophisticated words."

Boss looked strangely at Dipa and scolded her, "You called me Boss again? No Boss, no Sir now. Ok?"

Dipa caught her ear and said, "Sorry Somji. But treat me as an adult person and not like a delicate typical Indian female. Talk to me like you talk to any close adult male friend please."

The Boss asked, "Are you sure?"

Dipa nodded her head slightly, maintaining deeply intent look on her face. Boss continued, "Ok dear. Thanks for being my sincere friend. I was telling you how that lover guy fucked my slut wife day and night, in my absence."

My Boss looked at my wife's face to be sure that she did not mind the use of the four letter word. To his relief Dipa was keenly listening to him, without the slightest trace of awkwardness. He continued after a brief pause, "May be she found him better in bed. But better is not the right word; because she had never let me fuck her. She has not seen my dick. How could she decide if he was better in bed? Anyway, after getting fucked black and blue by that guy, now she has slapped me with a divorce notice. How I wish I had physically slapped her first. How I wish I had killed the cat on the first night of our marriage." The Boss looked quite embarrassed and agitated.

Dipa was deeply in thought hearing the Boss's narration. She asked with some hesitation, "Somji, has she asked for any alimony or financial compensation in the divorce notice?"

The Boss shook his head and said, "No. Shikha would never ask for money from me. That would be demeaning for her. She is too proud to ask for money. She has simply asked for a divorce."

Dipa held Boss's hands and said, "Boss, sorry, Somji, that is very good. I do not fully know about your relationship with Shikha. All the same, I suggest that you do not need to think anymore of her. Believe me Somji, if she is not asking for any alimony, it is a good riddance. Consider the whole thing as a wound that you got. It will heal as the time passes and I shall try to make it heal faster. Dipak and I are with you. Please forget her as soon as possible and start a new life."

The Boss looked at Dipa and said, Dipa, It is not hard to forget her. However, I cannot forget the deep hurt."

Dipa squeezed Boss's hand and said, "Somji, your life is more important than her. It is only better to forget her and the hurt and to move on. I shall try to help you forget her and her hurt. But for that you will have to come here after the office. I suggest that after your work at the office, you spend some time with us and have dinner with us daily. We shall talk about the office and anything else. You will get over it sooner than you think you can, I assure you."

I gleefully noted that Dipa had made it a point to put a condition that the Boss must go to the office before coming to her for dinner, without specifically asking him to.

Dipa stood up and made the Boss also stand up and said, "Boss, Sorry, I have so much respect for you that I just cannot avoid calling you sir."

The Boss immediately smiled. For the first time that evening, the Boss seemed to have smiled instinctively. He stood up holding Dipa's hands in his and said, "Do not respect me Dipa. I do not like respect from you. Respect is devoid of love. But love inherently includes respect. We respect our teachers, nation, President etc. But we love our mom, dad friend, lovers, child etc. There is a veil of formality between you and the person you respect. Therefore you always address them with Sir, Mr. Miss Etc. However, the ones you love expect no formalities. So Dipa, I would like you to stop respecting me and start loving me if you will. If you do love me, who I think you do, stop calling me Sir and Boss."

I could see that the Boss indirectly told Dipa that he loves her and that he would like her to love him. Their talk was getting a bit intimate. I liked the way the Boss was getting out of his morose state and getting back to his original self. However, I was afraid of his getting back into despondency, when he would again be alone. That was a point, I needed to think about.

Dipa covered both her cheeks with her palms in amazement and looking at the Boss exclaimed with evident surprise, "Somji, God! You are a philosopher so as per your theory, I love you respectfully Somji!"

Hearing Dipa's words, the Boss eyes sparkled with joy. He said, "No need to love me respectfully Dipa. Just love me. That's all." The Boss moved forward, grabbing Dipa by her waist, pulling her close to him. He caught Dipa hard in his arms and pressed his lips hard on her lips.

Dipa was taken completely by surprise. She looked into the eyes of my Boss and saw raw hunger in his eyes. She withdrew from the kiss and placed a finger on Boss's lips. She said, "No Somji, not so soon. You have to make a promise to me before you express your love."

Boss was taken aback. He looked surprised at Dipa and asked, "Yes sure, Dipa. Tell me."

Dipa said, "Somji, first and foremost, your company has suffered erosion in customer confidence, consequently sales have nosedived. The situation has caused question mark in the minds of the employees and investors. Your focus has dimmed and needs to be re-centered. A concrete action plan with timeline is needed. That is the priority of the hour. I want your firm commitment that you will show me your business plan with time line with the objective of pulling the company out of the sticky situation that it is in, immediately."

Boss looked with disbelief at Dipa and said, "Yes but why must you raise this topic now?"

Dipa looked at Somji with full earnestness and said, "Do you know Somji, this is no small matter. It means livelihood of 50 persons, who are employees of your company. I want to be sure that they will keep their jobs and prosper."

Boss looked straight at Dipa and said, "Yes Dipa you are absolutely right. I strayed from my responsibilities and allowed my focus to be diverted. I promise that I shall fully focus on the task and will try hard to forget the past. I shall prepare the comeback business plan and implement it as soon as possible."

Dipa smiled at the Boss. She said, "I want it to be done immediately. When I say immediately, I mean in a day or two at the most."

Boss said, "Yes Boss. You will have the business plan in less than two days"

Dipa smiled. She stretched her hands to take the Boss in her arms. Boss hugged Dipa hard and placed his lips on her lips. He kissed her hard and began nibbling Dipa's lower lip.

Dipa kissed him back for just a few seconds. Dipa then pushed his hands away affectionately and said mischievously so that the Boss would not feel offended, "There will be plenty of time for that Somji. Don't be in hurry! Be patient. My hubby, Dipak must be on his way."

I thought that was the right time for my entry. I pressed the bell. Dipa cooed from inside, "The door is open. Come in."

When I entered, the Boss was seated on the chair near the dining table and Dipa was placing the food on the dining table. When she raised her eyes to look at me, her cheeks had turned red and her eyes betrayed her shyness. Boss's kissing her had inflamed passions inside her. It was the first time perhaps that anyone other than her husband had kissed her so passionately.

Trying to control her blushes, she asked me nonchalantly, "How come you were so late?"

I quickly placed Ice cream in the fridge and other things at their appropriate place and lied, "The store close to us had closed. I had to walk a long distance." She must have guessed that I was lying, but did not say anything.

I sat by the side of the Boss and carried on routine formal chat. After dinner, when the Boss rose up to leave, Dipa said, "I shall send your lunch with Dipak every day. We shall be delighted if in the evening, after office, you will come and have dinner with us here."

The Boss said, "I would like it very much if both of you come to my house and stay with me for a few days. I live alone in the big house. I am fed up with the loneliness. I will feel much happy if you will spend a few days with me in my house so I will get used to being without my past baggage. I shall be much obliged. If you agree, we could even go out of town for two or three days." When the Boss said this, his voice became heavy and he had wetness in his eyes.

Dipa could not bear to see the Boss getting so emotional. She hugged Boss and said, "Somji, we shall certainly come and stay with you for some days. We would love to go out with you as you suggested."

The Boss seemed very happy at the positive response from Dipa. He said, "That would be very nice Dipa. We could go out for a few days on a holiday. It would be a change for you both and also for me."

Dipa blurted out inadvertently, "I hope Shikhaji won't change her mind and return if she hears that we were staying with you."

As soon as she said that, she realized, she had made a blunder; as the Boss's face darkened. He said, "Dipa, please for God's sake do not mention her name in front of me ever again. I hate that woman. I feel like I should have blasted that woman the first time she behaved arrogantly with me, my guests or relatives. She would have then got subdued or left me that very moment and things would not have come to this pass. I would have got rid of all this bitterness and frustration that has gathered all these years inside me."

Dipa looked at me embarrassed. I said, "Leave Shikha alone, Sir." Changing the subject I said, "Rather than our going and staying in your house, would it not be better for you to come here and have your dinner and spend some time with us daily?"

The Boss looked at me gravely. His face showed disappointment at my reluctance to move into their house. He said, "Dipak you are right. May be it would be perhaps inconvenient for you to move in with me. However, I feel it would be a good change for you and Dipa. I shall also have the pleasure of your company through the day and late evenings. Besides, I shall keep looking forward to coming to my house. Off late, I have developed revulsion to this property. Can you not come and stay with me for a few days for my sake please?"

I was trying to make a counter argument when the Boss looked at Dipa and said, "We may even go out of town to some hill station in my car and spend some time in a hotel in Shimla or Mussorie at my expense. You two can have your second honeymoon and you will not have to spend any money for it. This is my humble suggestion. The rest is up to you. How can I force you to accept it?" Boss's face fell when he completed the sentence.

Perhaps my wife realized that it would be better to accept the Boss's invitation to make him recover faster from his depression. She jumped and clapped excitedly like a child; who was offered her long time wish. She asked me enthusiastically, "Dipak, going to hill station without spending money? Wow! This is a chance of life time. You have never taken me on a honeymoon trip. If Sir is taking us why not we go dear?"

I looked at my wife sharply and said, "Dipa that would perhaps be the first time in history where three people went on a honeymoon."

Dipa realized that she had messed up. Trying to repair the damage she said, "Never mind the Honeymoon; it would be a great fun to go out to hill stations with you and the Boss."
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Trying to prevent the talk from getting argumentative, the Boss concluded by standing up to leave and said, "There is no hurry. Both of you think and decide. Tell me tomorrow or the day after, when you make up your mind. I shall wait."

I stood up, shook Boss's hand and said, "We shall talk about it Boss. It was wonderful to have you with us."

The Boss addressed me getting into the car; but looking at Dipa through a corner of his eyes said, "Dipak, I shall see you in the office tomorrow sharp at 9.30 am. Ok?"

I nodded and said, "Yes Boss."

After the Boss left, I felt that my plan seemed to be working. Dipa was able to convince the Boss that he should start going to the office and attend the office regularly. Perhaps she had been able to cause a desire in Boss's mind to live to enjoy the life, once again. This was just a start but a huge development and a big plus. I did not frankly expect this result so soon. I was in half a mind to take Dipa in my arms and hug and kiss her. However, I also had a tint of jealousy. A situation was developing where I might perhaps play second fiddle to my Boss as far as my wife was concerned. I was really worried lest my Boss wins over my wife.

I wanted to ask Dipa what happened after I left to buy the ice-cream to check if she was ready to come clean on her hugs and kisses with my Boss. However, I shelved the idea. I was worried lest if I showed excessive inquisitiveness, she may be discouraged from going further; thinking that I did not like her getting closer to my Boss.

I did not mind Dipa's getting closer to my Boss; if she could get the Boss to return to his original self. I was prepared to take the chances. It was a small price to pay. I knew my wife. I knew that if she got a bit closer to my Boss, that would not cause any turmoil in our life and that she would manage both relationships well. She would certainly remain loyal to me. But the question was, was I 100% sure? Well I was almost 100% sure. But then it was almost 100%, which is not exactly 100%. But then what other choice did I have?

Having seen this ray of hope, I had to try hard to make it work, if possible. I had practically no other option. I could not afford to vacillate. On the other side of the coin, our entire life was getting doomed. If the Boss did not get out of his depression not only I, but the entire office staff would be jobless before we knew it.

Besides, if my wife decided to venture ahead in the amorous adventure with the Boss, it would not just be because of her strong desire to express her gratitude for what the Boss had done for her father at a very critical time in her father's life. It would also fulfill my dream of seeing my wife getting fucked by another man. That cuckold in me was surfacing in my heart.

I could see miraculous change in my Boss's attitude just after a few minutes of his chat with Dipa. If Dipa and the Boss's meetings continued and if they moved closer, I saw a strong possibility of Boss's getting back to normal. I decided I would go ahead with my plan. Better be slighted than destroyed.

Obviously the topic of Boss's visit cropped up that night in bed. Dipa was quite cheesed off at me. She said, "Dipak, you should have refrained from offering your wisecracks on going on honeymoon. You should have left the work of getting your Boss back to his original self to me. You have to support me, or I shall not get involved in this. Is that clear?"

I was taken aback by her brash challenge. I said in a subdued defensive voice, "I am sorry darling. It was just a spur of the moment off the cuff comment. I did not mean anything. I shall now be more careful. I shall not interfere in your plans. I have full trust in you and shall go along with you whatever you decide to do."

Dipa said, "You better. Look hubby! If you really want me to set things right the way you want, then you need to be ready that you may have to face a lot more embarrassment than what you may be ready for. I don't know. You may have to chew more than you can bite. I shall have to get a lot closer to your Boss, than perhaps you may be willing to let me. Remember, I shall do it only because I am indebted to your Boss and also because you need me to get your Boss back in business. I think that we both feel that this is perhaps the only way. If you have the slightest reservation or any other suggestion on my line of thinking at all, tell me now."

I withdrew instantly. I knew she was right. I said, "Darling, I have no hesitation at all. I know whatever you will do, will be in the best interest of all. I shall not flinch nor hesitate. So go ahead without any further thought. I am ready for whatever happens. I won't see and I won't speak."

She pulled me in her arms obviously happy at my surrender and said, "You are such a darling. Look, you know how things are. I have thought over the things long and hard. You and I both know that just giving pep talk to Boss, is not going to work. Your lonely Boss needs a female as a soul mate with whom he feels close. At present as you know, that female happens to be only me. Do you get it?"

She looked at me pointedly. I did not want her to think however that I was unsure. I steadied myself and sat upright trying to bring as much conviction in my voice as I could and said, "Honey, that indeed was and is my idea."

She seemed satisfied and yet continued her lone of argument. She said, "If you want me to bring him back to his original self, I have not just to get intimately close to him but, I will have to first push that woman, his ex out of his mind. He does not love her but he hates her as hell. Hatred is as dangerous as love, perhaps more. I have to get emotionally involved with him. You may see me doing things that you may not have anticipated and may not enjoy. You may have to share me fully with him. This may cause you heart burns."

Again she stopped. She directly looked at me for an answer. I had to convince her that I was with her all the way. I said, "Honey, I know what you mean. I am your hubby. I know if something like what should happen is to happen, then it is better I don't see it. I assure you that I won't see it and if I do I won't notice it."

I must have sounded very affirmative, because my wife seemed to have felt relaxed. She said, "If you won't see, its better. But if you see, just look the other way. Don't think, feel or speak anything. Now onward, whatever happens, will be for good. I'll make sure that your Boss is back in business. Well you know, I have to do a lot for that and you better stay away from all that will happen from now. I have to repay my debt to your Boss, and repay I shall; now that I have the opportunity. At the same time, you can count on me. I shall always be by your side also darling."

I knew what she meant. Even if I didn't, it didn't matter to me. I had complete trust in her. She knew what she was doing. I had to do exactly what she told me. I was more than ready for that. I just said one thing. I said, "Darling, if you don't mind, I would slightly modify your statement. I would love to see what happens. But I promise, I shall not notice, think or say anything."

Dipa could not suppress her smile at my submission and said, "You bloody jealous man! You want to have the bread and eat it also."

She shook her head in frustration and said, "I will never understand men! They want to retain their ownership and yet want their wives to get fucked by others!"

I made sure that I looked as innocent as I could. Looking at my face and relenting a little, she said, "Ok. I can't promise you that I will let you see all; but I shall try. Let's see what happens."

That was good enough for me. I knew she would do what she promised. She always did. I suspected that she was getting ready for seduction. Either she was going to be seduced by my Boss or was going to seduce him. From the way he stared at her boobs, curvaceous waist, ass and all over her body; God! I knew how my Boss was eager to be seduced. I could see that. I also knew that if need arose, she was quite capable of keeping the Boss in check. She knew how to ignite passion in men and also how to keep that fire under control.

It was not only just for the office revival and revival of our business that excited me. It was the damn perverted voyeur in me that excited me more than that. The very idea of my wife Dipa being seduced ignited my flame of passion. I had a real hard on just thinking about it.

Our talk relaxed both me and my wife Dipa. She stretched under the covers of the quilt and pulling me in her arms she said, "Do you know what your Boss did after you left to get the ice-cream?"

When I heard my wife say it, I wondered if she saw me peeping on them.

I looked at her inquisitively, without saying anything. She said, "Your Boss flirted with me. He told me all about his married life and the divorce with that bitch. When I sympathized, he pulled me in his arms and kissed me. I pushed him off, but you can say, he is romantic! After I pushed him off saying that you might be coming back, he started apologizing."

I did not tell her that I saw it all and more. I said, "Why did you have to drag me in between?"

She smiled, but kept quiet. I thought I must push the envelope. I asked, "Why not we accept his invitation to go and stay with him at his house for a few days? That will give you the opportunity to talk to the Boss more and alone in a quiet and more ambient environment."

Dipa looked at me suspecting that I was trying to test her. She asked me, "Are you really serious? Of course, that will eliminate his loneliness at home and make him far more relaxed quickly." Then suddenly she asked, "But what will your office staff say?"

I said with a strong resolute face, "I am dead serious. Come to think of it, I think that is a damn good idea. And as far as the office staff is concerned, firstly why should they know? And even if they did, what does it matter? If the Boss starts attending to the office and if he is back to his normal self, they would like nothing more than that. They wouldn't even mind if we stayed with the Boss forever, as long as their interests are served."

Dipa was obviously delighted at my concurrence. I thought of pulling my wife's leg a little. I said, "But honey, if at all we go on a honeymoon trip as you suggested, I hope you will not stop me from fucking you."

Dipa looked at me quizzically and asked, "Why should I stop you when we are on a honeymoon, or even otherwise? If the Boss will be there, he would naturally be in a different room."

Then stopping for a while she asked me, "I hope you are not thinking that you will fuck me in the presence of your Boss?"

I was a bit taken aback, although, I was perhaps thinking of the same thing in my mind. I hurriedly said, "No, not that; but I was wondering if it would be right to keep the Boss in a different room, while we are enjoying."

Dipa was thoughtful for a while. She said, "You have a point there. Let us see. We cannot keep the Boss in our room while we are having sex and at the same time, we cannot keep him shaking his cock hanging out in another room while we are enjoying. You think and tell me what we can do."

I grabbed my wife in my arms and hugged her and said, "Please don't ask me what to do. You are the master of the situation and have to decide what to do. Whatever you decide, I will blindly and unhesitatingly accept it."

My wife raised her face and kissed me hard saying, "That is like my good hubby. Don't worry; I will handle your Boss now. Now you have decided to give me a free hand. You will see that not only he runs your company as well as earlier, but will be far more on the job than before. But yes, when we are close together, you simply have to keep away from us. I need to fill the gap that his wife has left behind. Are you ready for that?"

I laughed at my wife and said, "I am the one who is asking you to do all this. How can I not be ready? Besides, it is a question of our survival. I also agree that you have to do whatever, anything and everything to make Boss back in business. I am with you on that all the way."

Dipa was excited hearing me say that. I knew she was quite enamored by my Boss. Perhaps in her mind, she always wanted to fuck my Boss. She saw killing four birds with one stroke. Firstly this gave her an opportunity to fulfill her sinful desire. Secondly, this allowed her an opportunity to make it look like a great sacrifice for her hubby. Thirdly, she could repay the obligation of the Boss in kind and finally her hubby would get the incentives and clear all loans etc.

She was really thrilled at the development. She was consumed with lust and sex. She made me mount her. She held my cock in her hand and shaking it she said, "Your talk has made me horny. Come on harden up and fuck me baby. Fuck me hard tonight."

I teased her by saying, "Even after fucking you every night for so many years, I am still not able to resist fucking you baby when I see you close. Just imagine what my Boss's condition must have been, when he saw you so closely today. He is crazy for you honey. I don't think he will ever be able to resist you."

Dipa looked at me with those hungry eyes, that I was not accustomed to seeing for some years. She said, "Don't make me hornier. I am horny already. If I had not stopped him darling, something would have happened on the dining table tonight."

My cock jumped up hearing my wife say that. I realized that I was fast becoming a bloody cuckold. I was not just getting excited at the possibility of my wife getting fucked by my Boss; I wanted to see the same happening right in front of my eyes.

I undressed Dipa and held one of her globes in my palm. Shuffling her breast, I said, "Darling, I wish you had not stopped him."

Surprisingly my wife Dipa did not get annoyed at my comment. She looked at me with amazement inscribed on her face. She asked, "Are you so keen to let that happen honey? What kind of man are you?"

I said, "Better to accept the inevitable." Then inserting my hand between her thighs, I said, "Let me do what my Boss could not do today."

Shuffling on the bed ignited by fingering her pussy lips, she said, "Who is stopping you honey. I am on fire already. Fuck me honey."

I however, decided to continue with the finger torture. I kept playing with her pussy lips and with her most sensitive corn of her pussy lips. I knew her G-spot that drove her mad when she was sexually excited. It was obvious that I was simply setting a match on the heap of dry wood that was already soaked with petrol of Boss's flings and thoughts of possibility of further adventures with him.

She kept shuffling on the bed, raising and dropping her buttocks on bed repeatedly, as I fingered her pussy and kept manipulating her sensitive pussy area. Her pussy was releasing her juices liberally making her bed wet gradually. Her moaning kept becoming louder as I kept fingering her. She began scratching my back in ecstasy.

Whenever I had to make her ready for sex, I used this formula. However that night she was the one who wanted the fuck. I was just trying to pull her to the greatest height of sensual ecstasy. She was quite high already. She was in fact going berserk with my manipulation of her pussy exterior and interior.

She kept repeating, "Dipak fuck me please, not with your fingers, push your hard cock into my waiting pussy. I am going crazy. Please, stop fingering it. Aaahhhh...:

The way she was shuffling and grinding her ass on the bed, I knew she would have orgasm any minute. And loll! She had a massive orgasm as I kept pumping my finger into her pussy. I removed my finger while she experienced an exciting pulsating orgasm. But she was restless and did not stop at this. She closed in on me and signaled me to fuck her. At that time she was focused on her pussy and the waves of ecstasy she was experiencing and perhaps the possibility of fucking my charming handsome and hefty Boss.

She had all the reasons to fuck my Boss. First was the obligation he had done on her by extending the financial help without any delay and without asking any question or getting any papers signed when her family was in dire need. Secondly to get rid of the possibility of our income drying up and I becoming jobless and thirdly the possibility of having Boss's cock inside her pussy, for which perhaps she was dreaming for a very long time and finally got the opportunity of fulfilling her dream without having to feel slighted.

I knew all of that. But I also knew that because of the inherent age old culture ingrained in Indian female's mind about keeping things relating to sex as something not to be discussed, our females do not express their desire openly and need quite a lot of goading to be sexually active. I wanted her to throw all inhibitions to the wind that night and cry out her sexual desire and perhaps admit that she wanted to be fucked by my Boss. I therefore decided to tease her a bit more.

I made her lie with her ass resting on the edge of the bed and hang her lovely legs down with her pussy clearly open between her well spread out thighs. I inserted my mouth between her thighs and extended my tongue to probe and tickle the sensitive areas of her pussy lips. I knew she went berserk when her labia and clitoris were rubbed and probed by a tongue. Dipa started moaning. Soon her moan turned into a howl.

It was too much for her to bear. She was already far too horny to be able to bear all of my machinations on her sensitive areas. She kept twisting and turning on bed making strange sounds. Repeatedly calling me with sweet and slang names; asking me to fuck her. I felt a surge of her warm juices flowing out of her pussy into my mouth. I had to gulp the bitter tasteless juice. That betrayed her excitement, not that she was any way discreet about doing so.

She was going to have another orgasm, the way she was moving on the bed and rattling out her loud moans. This was not a common sight during our usual love making. When I kept on probing the depth of her labia and clitoris, she gave out"Oomph..." and had a big orgasm. I was also tired. My tongue felt a bit stretched out too.

I kissed her pussy and rose on my feet and straightened her on the bed. I climbed on her and completely enveloped her in my arms, thrusting my hard rod deeply in her wet pussy. It was like a big python straddling a tiny prey. She was barely in a position to speak or do anything except shuffling on bed and making inaudible sounds through momentary leaking words through a pinhole size opening between our sealed lips locked in a passionate kiss.

I began thumping her pussy with my cock with fierce intensity. While I pumped her I kept saying, "Baby, just think that it is not I fucking you. It is someone else and I am watching you getting fucked by him. Both I and she knew who the "someone else" I was referring to. I sucked on her generous firm breasts and bit and chewed her nipples in frenzy. She would cry out cursing me for hurting her when I bit or chewed her nipples. She would simultaneously push her heaps up to make me go deeper into her gulping pussy.

She would not leave an opportunity to further pep me up by playing artistically with my testicle. Experienced women know how to drive their men crazy and make them fuck harder by playing with their testicles. My wife was an expert in the art of masturbating and testicle handling.

That night I fucked her like I had done not many times before. She orgasmed twice and I lasted for close to ten minutes. But it was a fuck to remember. She was moaning and demanding more and more. She jumped on top of me when she orgasmed first and fucked me like she had a big cock and I was a pussy waiting for the rod to keep ramming inside me. During the intercourse, whenever I spoke about the Boss, she got pumped up so much more and fucked me with twice the vigor. I suspected that she was fucking the Boss and not me.
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When we finally cooled down in bed and recovered from exhaustion of hectic love making, I said, "Darling I am dying to see you at your peak of fucking, working your magic on the Boss, like you did to me just now. I know you will drain him of the last drop of his virility. Please don't junk me from seeing you and him together in those beautiful moments."

She looked at me with consternation and murmured, 'Baby, how can you be there? Your Boss hesitates even to hold my hand in front of you. Besides, I also feel awkward even showing my basic affection to your Boss in your presence. If you really want that I should get that close to him, you can't be there."

I was happy that we both accepted and agreed that I wanted her to get fucked by my Boss and that she was ready to do so.

I said despondently, clinging to her like a child and smooching her all over, "I don't know all that honey. I won't let you leave me baby. I just want to see it. I promised that I won't feel, think or say anything. I promise you, I won't. You are the mastermind of all this. You have to see how you can make this work."

My wife gesticulated pulling her hair and said in mock frustration, "My hubby, you are an obstinate dumbo yaar. I don't know how to deal with you. You don't understand that your Boss becomes a through gentleman with me, the moment you are before him." Then looking at me with amused eyes, she relented, "Alright let me see how I can pull this off."

I happily went off to sleep, leaving her wondering how she would be able to meet my stubbornness with the Boss's reluctance to make any romantic advances on her in my presence.

The next day, I informed the Boss that Dipa and I were ready to come and stay with him for a few days from Friday evening onward. The Boss pretended as if he knew what I was about to say. However, his reaction was magical. He asked me to come to the conference room for staff meeting at 11 am that morning with all the staff members.

When I communicated the Boss's message, I had never seen earlier my colleagues feeling happier on receiving a call for the meeting as on that day. Earlier, whenever there was a call from the Boss for the meeting, my colleagues got worked up in panic. They would start hurriedly preparing with figures of their achievements and find the reasons for shortfall in their targets. But that day the usual panic was replaced by enthusiasm and wonder at the sudden change from despondence to optimism.

Some colleagues who had some idea about my meeting the previous evening with the Boss asked me how the happy turn around in the situation came about. I simply raised my index finger upward and said, "It is all the miracle form the top (heavens)". Nobody bothered to see the picture of my wife hanging behind me closer to the ceiling.

That day and days after that until the time for Boss to come and pick us up arrived, things started to get back to normal. The Boss started attending the office daily. He made it a point to come to our house after the office and spent the evening with us. Dipa eagerly waited for us to return from the office and would receive the Boss with a very welcome smile and a sometimes a close hug.

In our house, after arrival, for the next one hour, Dipa and the Boss would be lost in deep conversation which mostly centered around business and office matters. My Boss carefully heard what Dipa said and even made notes of some of her suggestions as if they were very important. I thought he was doing so to please my wife. He even commented or argued on some suggestions to my amusement. I was not greatly involved or eager to join them and quietly slipped out.

I must admit that I watched them from behind a curtain or door cracks some times, hoping to see some romantic action. However, barring extended holding of hands and occasional close hugs, nothing substantial happened, except once when I caught the Boss grabbing my wife in his arms. He hurriedly planted a clumsy kiss on her lips and ruffled her breasts, while Dipa made some feeble attempts laughing and feigning fright trying to relieve herself from the Boss's clutches saying, "What are you doing Somji, Dipak may be around."

Mention of my name left the Boss crestfallen. Looking at the Boss's depressed face, Dipa muttered something in Boss's ears with a peck on his lips. Boss's face brightened up. He asked Dipa, "Are you sure?" to which Dipa nodded her face to confirm that yes she was.

I would give anything to know what the Boss asked and what my wife confirmed. I guessed that it was perhaps a promise that when they would reach Boss's home, Dipa would let Boss have his way with her. But I was not sure and I did not dare ask my wife, lest she felt offended that I was spying on her.

Friday evening arrived soon. The Boss came with his bigger car to fetch us. Dipa was ready with quite a few of her things duly packed and ready. I was particularly surprised that she carried some extra makeup materials, as if she was going to participate in a drama. I did ask her why the extra makeup materials. She looked sternly at me and did not respond. I thought it wise not to probe further.

Dipa made tea for the Boss before getting into the car. As Boss sipped tea Boss sad, "Servant is on leave today. Dipa will have to cook something for us today evening.

Dipa said, "That is not a problem. Somji, I am ready to come to your house but on one condition."

The Boss looked at Dipa puzzled. Dipa said, "I hate disorder and unclean house. You have a lovely house, but the last time I saw it, it was in awful condition. Your servants are not keeping the house in order. As you say your servant is also not there today. So the first thing I would like to do after I enter your house is to clean up the entire house. You may be my hubby's Boss in the office, but I would like you to work with me to clean up the house with your own hands. Is that agreed?"

I was about to protest, when Dipa interrupted looking at me waving her hand and saying, "No, this is a non negotiable condition. No Boss business here. In our house we are all workers." I looked at the Boss helplessly.

The Boss looked at Dipa respectfully and said, "This is what I like the most about you, Dipa. No haggling. You want what you want and you will get it; period." Then smiling, he caught my wife's hands and said, "Yes ma'm. I accept your condition. I shall personally be with you cleaning the house. No Boss business."

Dipa smiled back and said, "Let us go then."

When we reached Boss's house, the Boss asked us to stop at the main entrance door. He opened the door and stepped in. Just by the side of the door, there were some flower garlands, vermilion, holy red thread, a cotton wick lamp saturated with ghee placed neatly in a stainless steel plate. The Boss had planned all this before he came to pick us up.

The Boss said, "Normally this welcome Puja should be done by the lady of the house. But please accept my apologies, that I have no lady of the house to welcome you. So I am doing this to welcome you."

The Boss then lighted the lamp with a matchstick and taking the plate in his hands did arati (rotating the lamp around the face) of Dipa and me. He then applied tilak with vermilion on our foreheads and garlanded both of us.

Dipa quickly took another garland and garlanded my Boss and said, "Now I am the lady of this house; at least for some days. In that capacity, I welcome both my men in the house." Saying this she garlanded the Boss first and then me to welcome us in. she then hugged my Boss rather intimately and then me to welcome us both in.

As soon as we entered Boss's house, Dipa asked the Boss, "Please give Dipak some money to go and get some groceries for the next few days." I was surprised to find a dominating tone the way she spoke to my Boss. I saw an expression of happiness on Boss's face hearing the ordering tone of my wife.

Dipa pulled out a paper from her bag in which was neatly written a list of grocery items to buy from the market. She placed it in my hands. The Boss pulled out some currency notes from his pocket and giving them to me he said, "This should suffice I think."

I stood there waiting for Dipa to give me more instructions. However, by the time I put the money in my pocket, she disappeared inside the house with her suitcase to change. She came out soon enough wearing a really small short and a loose top with nothing underneath; as I could guess.

My Boss looked bewildered at the speed with which she rushed in and came out, having changed completely from a normal outfit into a working outfit. She looked at the Boss sarcastically and asked, "What are you looking at? Go inside and change. We have to start the cleaning work. I am waiting."

She looked at me standing at the door with the list and the money in my hand and snubbed me like a school teacher, "Oh God! Are you still here? Why don't you run down to the store and buy things I want? It will take you a good one hour or more to finish. It is dark already. It will take me 45 minutes to cook, after you return with the groceries. Don't tell me then that you are hungry."

Like an obedient child, I quickly went out. I went a little distance and walked back. I could not control my urge to see what happens between my Boss and my wife, after I left. I hid behind the door to see how things were going after I left them.

The Boss returned quite quickly too, wearing a boxer with nothing to cover his hairy chest. He had a broom, and a mechanical swab. Dipa was looking at the paintings displayed on the wall waiting for the Boss to return. She was engrossed in closely inspecting one of the paintings when the Boss came from behind and grabbed her in his arms from behind and pulled her close to him. I was sure Boss's cock must have been rock hard poking into my wife's lovely ass just hidden behind the denim.

The Boss's hands clasped her breasts over the top and squeezed them so hard that Dipa cried out in pain, "Come on Somji; stop it. It is hurting. There is so much work to be done. You can't do this and distract my attention. Come on don't run away from hard work."

Somji withdrew and said, "I shall do whatever you say, but do let me play with you a little. Soon you are going to make me sweep and swab the floors. Please?"

Dipa looked at the Boss raising her both hands in frustration and said, Men, Men!! I can't understand men! They are always crazy for touching, smooching, flirting and all that. I am sorry; I am not going to allow any more flirting now. It's time to get to work. May be later, but not now."

Boss looked hopefully at Dipa and asked, "Sure dear, later? If not now?"

Dipa looked at the Boss's pleading face and laughed and said, "Ok Baba! Later, sure, I promise. But now get to work."

The Boss moved away from Dipa and soon both got to work cleaning the entire house. As Dipa bent down to sweep the floor, I could not help seeing Boss's lustful eyes repeatedly focused on my wife's shapely bum projecting out. When she walked, her bums moved in provocative manner. When she bent down to sweep the floor, her breasts swayed and one could see them from her loose neck top.

Dipa turned and caught Boss staring at her ass and bosom. She smiled and asked, "Haven't you seen your maid servant sweeping?"

The Boss looking embarrassed and yet not giving away the advantage said, "Yes I have, but not such a beautiful maid working so hard on such a trivial job."

Dipa straightened up wiping her perspiration said, "Cleaning is not a trivial job. Japanese have conquered the industrial world by advocating the importance of cleaning. Now stop staring at my bums and boobs and start working. I am not going to go away in a hurry. You can get to see much more of them later. Have patience and start working."

Once when Dipa bent and was sweeping the floor, my Boss came behind her and pressed his cock in the centre of my wife's lovely bum. He then grabbed Dipa and brought her upright. I was almost ejaculating when I saw this lovely romantic encounter. Dipa smirked at the Boss, pushed him away hurriedly and admonished him to make him get to work again. I was really amused seeing my boss behave like a spoiled kid in front of my wife.

I knew my wife and I knew that cleaning the whole house would take them best part of one hour.

I hurriedly withdrew and went out. I filled up the shopping bags with the listed items, paid the money and returned. It took me more than one hour going, getting the things and returning.

I did not press the bell and slipped in silently. There was no one downstairs. Both had moved upstairs. Both were in the room assigned to us. Hiding behind a door, I watched them. My wife stood fairly close to the door trying to catch her breath after the exertion of cleaning and wiping and dusting the whole house. I was in darkness. She could not see me. My Boss was at some distance covered fully with sweat too. He was sitting on a chair catching his breath. He had the cleaning swab behind him. It looked as if they had just finished their chore and were resting after a hectic workout of cleaning.

My wife was sweating profusely. She had a towel with which she was wiping off her sweat from her naked legs and upward. Her top was completely wet and her boobs and nipples were visible as if they were uncovered. Her heavy breathing caused her breasts heaving up and down. My Boss was staring at them lustfully and almost shamelessly. She caught her breath and saw the Boss staring at her boobs. She saw her boobs and realized that they looked naked with completely wet top and with no bra.

She blushed at seeing Boss staring down at her breasts. Controlling her expressions, Dipa looked at the Boss sternly and asked, "What are you staring at Somji?"

Boss stammered at Dipa's reaction and said in broken words, "I... mean saw a mosquito... Sitting ... There..."

Dipa continued her stern expression as if admonishing the Boss at his inappropriate behavior and asked, "Oh! So you were looking at the mosquito hovering over here! Were you?" She asked the Boss holding up her own breast in one palm.

My Boss was completely at loss of words. He faltered again as he spoke, "Err.. I mean ... yes... no... I mean ... I saw..."

"Were you looking at the aircraft or the airport?" Dipa continued to batter the Boss in the same tone. The Boss was completely baffled at my wife's line of questioning. He was not sure if she was teasing her or was admonishing him for his inappropriate behavior.

Looking at the Boss's baffled expressions; Dipa gave out a big laughter. She moved closer to the Boss and holding his hands said, "Look at your face Somji! Come on yaar! If you were looking at me there, so what is the big deal? Why are you feeling so embarrassed? After all, I told you we are intimate friends, didn't I? You are a male. If you were looking at your intimate female friends' boobs like that, it's ok. Don't feel so awkward. I understand. It is natural. No one else is there to make you feel odd."

She placed a towel to cover up her breasts. She said trying to change the topic and divert Boss's attention, "Somji, I wanted to check, if a person of your stature is willing to do the menial work of cleaning with me or not."

Boss moved closer to Dipa and asked, "Did I pass your test Boss?"

Dipa blushed at being addressed as Boss. She lowered her eyes and said, "Don't call me Boss and all that. I just wanted to check you and am happy that you passed with flying colours."

Boss caught Dipa's hands and pulled her closer to him. He said keeping his eyes fixed on Dipa's breasts, "Baby, you promised to compensate me for my hard work after the house cleaning. Why are you covering them now?"

Dipa looked at the Boss momentarily and looked down in shyness and said, "Boss, I feel shy, you looking at me like that."

My Boss's face fell down hearing her say "Boss". He moved closer to Dipa grabbed her in his arms lifted her chin up to make her look into his eyes and said, "I told you not to call me Boss or sir. But you never tire of calling me names."

Dipa kept eyes looking at the floor and said, "It is very difficult Somji. I have so much respect and high regard for you."

The Boss looked sternly at Dipa and said, "If you will call me Boss or Sir one more time, I shall slap your face, however much I hate to do it. Don't make me do violent things Dipa."

For the first time I saw Dipa looking directly into Boss's eyes and ask mischievously, "Is that the only violent thing you will do to me Somji?"

Boss was completely taken aback with her comments. My Boss mumbled half audibly, "I would like to do much more..."

My wife pretended as if she had not heard his words. She said, "Somji, did you say something?"

Boss gripped my wife in his arms and squeezing both her breasts with impunity, he said, "Wait and see, how violent I can be." My Boss literally lifted my wife up in his arms and laid her on the nearby bed and loomed on top of her. He pressed his lips on my wife's lips and squeezed her buttocks with both his hands.

Instinctively, Dipa wrapped her arms around my Boss's head. They started kissing hard. I was not very far from them and saw their saliva slipping past their lips, their lips making erotic smooching sound with Dipa moaning and my Boss breathing hard. Boss would lick and suck my wife's lower lip for some time, while Dipa would bite Boss's upper lip in her mouth gently. Boss slipped in her tongue in Dipa's mouth and pushed it in and out fucking Dipa's mouth with his tongue.

Dipa was far more excited this time with Boss fucking her mouth with his tongue. She pulled the Boss tight and was no doubt feeling his hard cock between her legs, through the denim. They kept kissing for some time when Dipa said, "Somji, the door is open and my hubby could come in any time."

Not leaving her, the Boss muttered, "Dipa, why are you torturing me?"

At that moment Dipa blurted out smirking, "How could I torture you Somji? It was your Shikha who tortured you and made you like this."

The moment Dipa mentioned Boss's wife's name, Boss's face went blank. I could not fathom expressions on his face. There was an expression of rage and frustration one after another and stayed on his face for some moments and then replaced by the old sad, morose state. He looked at Dipa for a moment and sat down dejectedly focusing on nothing in particular.

He murmured, "You are no doubt right Dipa. She broke every bit of emotion in my heart. In spite of all her insults, foul language and bad behavior, I loved her. I don't know why. She did not deserve it. But I wanted to give our marriage a chance. But it is all over now. Please do not ever mention her name. I was in such a wonderful mood in your company and feeling a lot more like myself."

Dipa felt sorry for bringing up Boss's wife's name in the conversation that changed the Boss in a moment from a flirting, horny virile male to a helpless, vulnerable pitiful individual. She caught Boss's hand and said, "I am sorry Boss, I mean Somji. I shall be more careful. But you need to get her out of your system forever now that she has gone out of your life."

The Boss looked at Dipa in a very strange way that frightened Dipa. For a moment Dipa thought my Boss might slap her or do something violent to her. His face was covered with angry expressions and it looked to me and I am sure Dipa did also that perhaps some kind of madness seemed to have descended on him.

He raised his voice aggressively and spoke, "Dipa, many times I feel that I was far too mild, polite and pleasant sounding husband for her. I wish, as you say, I should have killed the cat on the night of our honeymoon. How I wish I should have given her a good thrashing and made her realize what she was: a slut and a crass woman that was disgrace on femininity. Yes, that would have ended our marriage before it started and perhaps would have landed me in jail. But then that would have thrown her out of my mind for ever and I would have been better than what I am today."
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That was second time that the Boss expressed his rage for his wife. By the time, Boss completed the sentence; his eyes were moist. I had never seen my strong Boss so vulnerable. Neither my wife had. In fact, in her mind perhaps, my Boss was a strong humane, virile male, far removed from the person standing in front of her.

Dipa had no words to say. She could not see my Boss in such a desolate state. She looked at the Boss empathically. Tears welled up in her eyes too. The Boss took Dipa's one hand in his hands and said, "In this darkness all around, I see in you a ray of hope; a person, whom I can possibly call my own. The moment I see you I forget that I am a deserted person. I am moved by a feeling of romantic happiness and love that I cannot describe. Something happens to me inside. No woman has been able to arouse me like you do. I know that you are married. But I am helpless. If I do something stupid, please snub me, if you wish, I won't feel bad at all. But please do not throw me out of your life."

Dipa kept looking at him. She held his hand and tried to pull him up to make him stand. The Boss stood up gingerly. Dipa pulled him in her arms and cuddling him and fondling him like a small kid, said, "Firstly, do not say such terrible things. I can never scold you, leave alone snubbing you and no question of deserting you. We are now intimate friends. Do you know the meaning of intimate friendship?"

My Boss quickly recovered and said, "Ya, I know. You told me that earlier. Intimate friend is one with whom you can share everything. You do not hide anything from your intimate friend. You do not hesitate to tell or do anything with your intimate friend."

Dipa said smilingly, "wow! You remember that almost verbatim. Good. So now listen, do you really wish so much that you should have thrashed her? Ok. Then I shall see what can be done baby! Don't talk about it now. For now, understand that if she has gone, so what? I am here for you baby!"

Boss shuffled a little uncomfortably. He came closer to Dipa and said in a very agitated voice, "Dipa, you should not hate me for it, but I was so upset that I got a gun from somewhere and wanted to shoot her and then shoot myself! The gun is still there in my room in a dressing table drawer. You can see it if you don't believe me. But then I somehow managed to control myself and bought some blank cartridges and to control my anger, I fired some blanks at her picture."

Dipa instinctively pulled my Boss and pressed Boss's head onto her bosom. Boss's eyes were closed as he felt my wife's breasts on his cheeks; of course through the wet sweat shirt she was wearing. I was sure he would not able to resist the temptation of kissing her boobs having been able to come so close to them near his mouth.

Dipa said, "Somji, when there is an opportunity, do let out your anger on Shikha to your heart's content. Abuse her, thrash her, and shoot her with your gun. But please control yourself now."

Boss's eyes bulged out in disbelief. He looked into my wife's eyes and asked, "What do you mean? Do you mean I can have my revenge on her? How? How can I slap her? Come on, don't kid me. She has gone and gone forever! How can I slap or thrash her? I don't think that she will come back. Even if she wants to, I don't want her back." Boss unloaded a heap of questions.

Dipa stood composed and said, "Somji, if you strongly desire anything, chances are you will get it. Destiny arranges for it. But she is not worth remembering. You are not alone. I am there for you. Even while she was here, you never had a wife in her. Did she perform as your wife? No. But now, I am here for you."

Boss looked at Dipa bewildered. Then spoke with a little sobriety, "Dipa what are you saying? You mean you will perform the role of Shikha for me? Do you really love me so much? I mean, will you...? You mean you will even...?" Boss left his sentence hanging meaningfully looking into my wife's eyes.

Like a mature, experienced woman, Dipa understood what the Boss meant and without any hesitation nodded her head in confirmation and said, "Yes Somji, I am here for you from right now, as long as, as much as; in any whatever way you want, whenever and wherever you want me. I am not going to go away in a hurry."

Boss could not believe his ears and asked, "Dipa, you mean you will be there for me tonight...?"

Dipa nodded her head smiling. Boss asked, "But what about your hubby?"

Dipa smiled and winked at the Boss mischievously and said, "My hubby? Well, He is a darling. He never disturbs me when he has a few drinks under his belt. Sleeps like a log. More than two drinks work on him like anesthesia. Either he vomits or he passes out. If he vomits, it is good. Because then he has food. But if he falls asleep, he does not wake up even if you beat drums in his ears the whole night. I always made him drink more when I did not feel like sex and he did. After he had a few drinks, even if I slept naked and I played with him the whole night, he would never wake up. You know what I mean Somji?"

My wife looked at Somji. She then added meaningfully, "Well by the way Somji, won't you throw a party tonight in celebration for our get-together? Won't you offer my hubby some special drinks from your bar? My hubby is looking forward to it. You have to take care of him tonight." Dipa winked at the Boss.

Boss's face brightened up. Dipa had given him a clear hint. It was a hint for me too. She wanted me to get drunk. So my wife poured cold water over my desire to see their loving adventures for the night. Boss kissed Dipa's boobs and said in teasing voice, "I am going down to arrange for some pizza and burgers from outside. Don't waste your energy tonight in cooking Dipa. You will need a lot of it tonight."

Dipa smiled back at the Boss, winked again and said, "I know. I won't."

Dipa should have been pleased to see the turn in Boss's mood. However, I saw her deep in thoughts. She appeared concerned about something.

Boss leaned forward took Dipa in his arms and kissed Dipa on her lips. Dipa appeared a bit tentative. However, she went into Boss's arms and let him kiss her. I do not know for how long they kissed or if there were some other romantic adventures between them, because before they could finish, I moved away from the door. I did not want to get caught peeping on them.

I quickly rushed down and was sitting on a sofa waiting for my wife and Boss to come down. The Boss had bathed, changed into his casuals and came down. He saw me sitting on the chair waiting. We greeted each other.

There was a ring of the door bell. Food ordered by the Boss had arrived. I set the food on the dining table and we waited for Dipa to come down.

Dipa finally came down the stairs. She looked ravishingly beautiful. She looked like a model in a nightie advertisement. She was wearing a night gown and a towel cap on her head to dry her wet hair. All her curves were prominently displayed in that flowing gown. It looked pretty clear that she was wearing nothing underneath.

I felt like jumping on her setting her on the dining table with her legs spread apart, hanging down, lifting her gown up above her thighs and drill her with my rod at that very moment. If that could happen to me, what must be going through my Boss's mind was not difficult to guess. I was sure he must have fucked her almost daily in his dreams. He was perhaps doing that at that time too. He must have spurted out his virility shaking his manhood vigorously, thinking about my wife in his bedroom or washroom many a time.

I could see all those emotions in his wide open eyes. It was obvious in lustful stealthy expression on his face. How could I blame him for it? Dipa had probably carefully tossed her wet hair on her body carelessly. She had carefully wetted her night gown at the right spots, perhaps to give the effect that she wanted to create on my Boss.

Dipa saw my Boss looking at her shapely features with wide open eyes, in spite of herself, she blushed. She did not care that I was watching her and my Boss. Her two mounds were perfectly positioned up right with their nipples hard and erect protruding sharply out and almost being clearly visible with their brown color and puckered areolas. They looked eager to be sucked, shaking just a bit erotically as she moved about.

The most erotic area of her body was between her shapely thighs. One could just visualize the deep valley between those gorgeous trunks. I could just imagine what must be going through my Boss's mind as he looked at her vantage points. When Dipa turned around less perhaps to fetch something and more perhaps to let us view her best asset, I saw her lovely ass that was just the shape of a French artists' dream imagination. I could almost see her ass crack between those sensual cheeks.

Dipa blushed seeing me and the Boss staring lustfully at her. She tried modestly to adjust her gown so as not to allow her contours to be prominently visible. I doubt if she was at all successful. Her gown was perhaps revealing her body more than covering it.

To divert his attention from getting caught watching my wife's shapely figure under that more revealing than covering gown, my Boss coughed up a little and said, "I did not want you to strain yourself by cooking food, tonight. So we have dinner on the table."

She saw me seating on the sofa. She asked, "Come on, let us quickly finish what Somji has ordered and go to bed. I am tired. I quickly ran and collected three plates and other crockery and laid the table.

Boss said, "Dipak, I want to tell you something today. Both of your coming and deciding to stay with me for a few days in this very trying time for me has touched me deeply. I am overwhelmed with so much emotion, that I can't describe in words. I feel that you are not just a colleague, you are a very good, not just very good, you are an intimate friend." The Boss looked at Dipa when he said that.

I just knew what exactly he meant when he said that and why he looked at Dipa when he said that.

I immediately replied back, "Boss, is not Dipa also one of your intimate friends?"

Turning to Dipa, Boss said, "Of course, Dipa is indeed my very intimate friend. I was a bit hesitant to say that because I thought you might mind."

I held Boss's hands affectionately and said, "Boss, Dipa and I are privileged to be your intimate friends. You do not need to hesitate to say or ask us to do anything at all for you. Please remember this and I mean it. As far as Dipa is concerned, well of course, I am her husband. However, I have no hesitation in saying that you have the same right over her as I have. Boss, please I mean it. Boss, I would like Dipa to care for you, just as she cares for me, period."

The Boss looked at me a little surprisingly. He said, "Dipak, it is indeed very nice of you to say that. Of course I will not hesitate to say or ask you or Dipa for anything I want."

Moving toward his bar, Boss said, "Today evening I want to propose a toast in celebration to our get together and many more future get-togethers." Boss got up and brought three glasses and a bottle of Champagne.

I wanted to express my great delight at the Boss's proposal. I said, "Boss that is so wonderful of you. It is a long time since I have had Champagne to drink."

The Boss popped up a cork and out flew the foaming bubbling Champagne from the bottle. The Boss poured me a generous drink and poured a little in his own and something in Dipa's glass too. Dipa stood up and said, "Somji, I won't drink. I am not used to drinking."

I emptied the glass and placed the empty glass on the table. Boss poured one more generous drink, which I quickly gulped. Boss brought a bottle of Scotch whisky and placed it on the table top.

My wife stopped the Boss and said, "Boss, please do not pour him more. If he drinks more, he will be drunk and will pass out in no time. He cannot hold his drink."

My Boss looked at me and said, "Dipak is that true? I know you can hold your drink man! You are a strong man. Aren't you?" He asked.

I said as if I was getting pepped up by my Boss's challenge, I said, "Come on Dipa, I can hold my drink." I gulped my drink in one shot. It was very good drink. I felt I can have another one.

I placed the empty glass on the table. I could easily guess that my Boss wanted me to get drunk. I knew he did not want me to remain awake when he and Dipa would get together in the night. I wanted to let him think that I was getting drunk. I let him pour one more similarly. I was getting buzzed. I was not asleep. When the Boss offered me one more drink, I said, "Boss I think I am drunk. If I have any more drinks I may fall flat on my face and will get knocked out for the night. I might not be able to get up in the morning until late."

The Boss however, insisted that I have one more drink. He said, "You can sleep as much you want Dipak. If required, I shall lift you up on my shoulder and take you to your bed. Besides, there is no hurry to get up early tomorrow morning. It is a holiday. You can sleep as long as you want. Am I right Dipa? Boss asked Dipa looking in her direction.

"Yes Somji, as you say. But it will be better; if you do not give him any more drink." Dipa said.

I got up and told Dipa, "Do you think I cannot hold my drink? I will have one more Boss. If you don't mind."

Boss said, "With pleasure Dipak." Boss poured me one more drink and I finished that too. Gosh! I wanted to remain awake, but since I could not resist the temptation of drinking, it was difficult for me to keep awake.

Boss had turned on music and he asked me to dance with Dipa. Dipa got up and extended her hand. I was not in a position to dance and said apologetically, "Boss, I can't dance. I think I am too drunk to dance. But please go ahead and dance with Dipa. I would rather sit here and watch."

Boss stretched his arms and Dipa went into them easily. Boss and my wife began dancing. I stretched on the chair and soon I pretended as if I was too drunk and fell asleep. Well I was drunk and feeling sleepy too. Dipa saw me snoring on the chair fully stretched. She hurriedly left the Boss and came to me and asked, "Dipak, are you ok? Don't fall asleep please, you have to eat something." She shook me up. I was drunk, I think. I pretended as if I was fast asleep. Once when the Boss was not looking, I opened my eyes and winked at Dipa.

Dipa smirked at me and pinched my waist hard. I could not even shout as I did not want my Boss to get alarmed at what was happening.

Dipa shook me up saying, "Come on Dipak, we have to eat before we go to bed. Wake up. It's not time to sleep."

Had I been asleep, I would have woken up. I was however just drowsy but not asleep pretending to have passed out. I did not move. Dipa also feigned as if she was trying hard to wake me up. Finally she gave up and told Boss, "Somji, it is useless. I told you not to make him drunk. He would not wake up now. My hubby has passed out for the whole night now. I cautioned you not to do it. He can't control when he is offered good booze."

I could imagine feeling of glee on the Boss's face, which he might be trying hard to suppress. He said ruefully, "I know Dipa. I am sorry. I did not realize that he would just pass out like this. Dipak said he could hold his drink. I believed him."

Dipa said, "That is alright Somji. Let us lay my hubby on the sofa and have dinner. After dinner, we shall have to haul him up to our bedroom."

With a small gap in my arm over my eyes, I could see Boss lovingly baby feeding Dipa with his hands. Dipa too reciprocated Boss's gesture. It looked like two young lovers were cooing each other.

They quickly finished dinner. My Boss said, "Dipa, let me haul your hubby up to your room while you finish your kitchen chores."

Boss pushed his arms under my armpit and lifted me up from my shoulders and walked up the stairs with surprising ease. I did not make any attempt at walking up and almost got dragged myself to my room. He gently laid me on the bed, set me down properly and covered me up with the blanket. He returned after switching off the lights. As soon as he was gone, I was a bit drowsy but managed to get up and moved out of the room hiding behind the walls to see down.

Dipa had almost finished her kitchen chores and was getting ready to move up. My Boss came behind Dipa and grabbed her up in his arms. Dipa looked behind and said, "Somji, give me a few minutes. We have to finish cleaning the kitchen. If you want me to go up quickly, help me."

My Boss looked at Dipa's stern face and quickly joined her in cleaning up the kitchen platform. He swabbed the floor and the table top. Dipa washed, dried and arranged all the utensils properly and washed her hands. She set herself on a dining chair waited for the Boss to finish. Soon the kitchen and the dining room were spick and span.

Boss came to Dipa and stood like an intern in front of his mentor. Dipa took Boss's hands in her hands and said, "Good boy. Ok then, we call it a day."

She stood up and went to switch off the lights of the living room. After she had switched off all the ground floor lights, leaving a dim one on, Boss lifted her up easily in his arms. Dipa blushed at the Boss's blatant act and eagerness to have her.

Dipa must have wondered at the Boss's strength as he effortlessly lifted her up in his strong arms and climbed up the steps swiftly. Dipa could feel Boss's strong and hard biceps on her arms and back. She could feel Boss's broad chest on her cheeks. While in Boss's arms, Dipa could not take her eyes off Boss's charming face. She was enamored by Boss's sexy manly muscular presence and mannerism. She ruffled Boss's hair and caressed his nose and lips as the Boss was climbing up the stairs and taking her to his bedroom.

I did not want to get caught. I quickly withdrew and rushed back to my room. I lay on bed waiting for them to come up.

I knew that for Dipa this was going to be a rare experience when she was going to be seduced by someone other than her husband. Before marriage and perhaps occasionally after marriage also, she might have been flirted with, smooched here and there; but never genuinely seduced by any other man. For her, I was the only man in her life. Dipa must have had goose pimples thinking about what the night held in store for her and what the solid muscular build Boss could do to her through the night. I wondered that she must have shuddered thinking of estimating the size of his cock.

However, Dipa had a lot more on her mind than to think about just that. She had been given a task by her hubby and she had planned out well to ensure that she would not fail.

When they reached the doors of Boss's bedroom, I heard Dipa ask Boss to take her to my room. The Boss walked to the room where I was. He was puzzled. Pointing at me Dipa said, "Somji, look, it is a fact that irrespective of our relationship, I am and will remain his wedded wife. As a commitment to my relationship with him, I would not like to do anything at all, particularly relating to our relationship; without his knowledge. It is true that Dipak would not wake up whatever you do or however loud I cry or moan tonight. However, I want to have the satisfaction that whatever I did, I did it in his presence. Would that not turn you on too? Besides, has he not told you that you have all the rights over me as my husband has?" She asked.

I felt a surge of emotion in my heart. My wife had not forgotten the promise she had made to me that she will try to let me witness the romantic action between them.

Boss shrugged his shoulders and said, "I would rather that we are in another room. It is just psychological. He has given me all the rights over you, yet there will always be a feeling of guilt, if we are together in the night in his presence. I am his Boss and there will always be that feeling that I took advantage of my position to win you over. I do not wish to make him feel slighted. I would feel awkward." Boss put forward what I thought was a stupid argument.
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Dipa looked at the Boss with some disappointment and said, "Ok, in that case, I shall be with you in just a moment. I shall change and return to join you. Be a good boy and wait for me in your bedroom. I shall join you in a few minutes."

As soon as the Boss was gone, Dipa shook me up and said, "Are you ok? I hope you didn't drink all that the Boss gave you?"

I was half asleep. I opened my eyes with some difficulty and saw Dipa looming over me with her well filled breasts rubbing on my nose. I held her head in both my hands and pressed her lips on mine. I kissed her on lips and said, "You were right honey. I think I have had one too many."

Dipa sucked on my lips and said, "Well better that way, I think. Go sleep and enjoy." She smiled and quickly disengaged from our kiss. I held her tight and said, "Ok, honey, but you promise, you will tell me everything that happened verbatim. Ok?"

Dipa said, "Well, I will. Now go back to sleep. Ok? I have a lot to do tonight." I thought I knew what she meant. Well, I didn't. I had underestimated her statement.

I saw her go to her dressing table and get busy in opening and closing of drawers. She was getting ready. I briefly saw her humming up a tune while styling her hair. I was too tired and drowsy. I fell off to sleep.

It must have been a good one hour when I heard some loud sounds from the Boss's bedroom. Initially I thought I was dreaming. I hurriedly got up and walked up to Boss's room. The door was not bolted. I opened the door a little.

I was horrified and could not believe my eyes when I saw my Boss's ex-wife Shikha standing right in front of my Boss in a threatening posture. Her back was toward the door and I could only see her back and a part of her face. Her eyes had popped out in anger.

She seemed furious at the Boss. I could not see her properly but could feel huge anger in her voice. She was throwing choicest abuses at my Boss, "You termite! What are you doing in my absence? I could see that slob; your employee isn't he, sleeping in my bedroom? What is that fucking guy doing in my house? Where have you hidden his wife? I am sure you must be fucking his wife; that whore, what is her name, Dipa isn't it?"

I was horrified at the way she was speaking to her husband. She was treating the Boss like dirt. Her voice reflected her grossly inflated ego of her father's immense wealth. She hollered at my Boss, "I know you have paid her lakhs of Rupees. Was it to fuck her? Where is she? Must be hiding in the bathroom or one of the closets. I don't care. She must have seen me, so she has run away. Tell me, you spineless, money less stooge of my dad, are you fucking wife of that middle class man or not?" I was horrified at the loudness and brazenness with which Boss's wife was threatening my Boss. That was the first time I heard unusually crackling unsteady voice of Boss's wife Shikha.

I was aghast at the horrible invectives coming out of the filthy mouth of my Boss's wife. I had never seen my Boss so helpless and shocked. Well, I couldn't blame him for reacting that way. That was also the first time I had seen Boss's wife's tigress form.

I tried to look into the room to try and find Dipa. She was not there. Was she hiding in the bathroom as Shikha was saying? How come Boss's wife Shikha suddenly popped in after so many days and after serving my Boss a divorce notice; were puzzles that I couldn't piece together. I cursed her for destroying my plan completely, which otherwise was progressing so beautifully. Dipa had managed my Boss very well. Now with Boss's wife returning, I was not sure about how things will shape up. I had no way of knowing whether Boss's wife would stick to her divorce notice or would reconsider it out of fear that my wife would swallow her husband. I focused my attention back inside the room.

I saw my Boss stand up. My Boss's eyes were red with rage. I had never seen my Boss so angry before. It looked as if he had had enough. He moved forward threateningly coming closer to his wife. He caught her one cheek in his hand and twitched it hard roaring, "You shameless bitch! You are now coming after slapping me with divorce notice to ask me who I am fucking. What does it matter to you now? What were you doing, fucking that man, your lover, on my bed when I was away on tours? Why have you come now, after so many days? Did you speak to me before slapping divorce notice on me? I gave you everything I had. I loved you; I respected you and tried to make your life as good as I could. Why then this cruelty Shikha?"

Boss collapsed on the bed. He was distraught. He said, "I loved you Shikha, in spite of all your stupidity and insulting behavior. I wanted to make our marriage work. But I failed."

"Did you say that you wanted our marriage to work? How could it work, you small man? You are just half a man. You have no balls to satisfy a sexy woman like me. Besides, you are bloody broke." hollered Shikha, Boss's wife.

As soon as these words slipped out of Shikha's mouth, I saw my Boss get up angrily; he caught Shikha, raised his hand and slapped his wife hard across her face. Boss's face was devoid of any remorse, which I had seen just a few moments ago. Remorse was replaced by rage and ferocity that I had never seen before. My boss was a decent person, rarely got angry. I do not say never for the sake of moderation; although I had never seen him angry. As the hard slap landed on her face, Shikha turned and fell down on bed.

"I have no balls to satisfy a woman like you, you say? Ok baby, see now what balls I have. I am not only going to show you my balls, I am going to fuck you out of shape tonight, which I did not do in our married life for years; because I wanted to give you space and time."

Boss looked with the rage at Shikha that can only be compared with the rage of a lion looking at his catch which made him run hard and fast for a very long distance. Boss caught Shikha's top and pulled it hard. The cloth gave way. Shikha had to cover up her breasts hidden under a flimsy bra with both her hands. Even under her arms, her plum breasts showed up. Bra was just unable to contain the bulge of her breasts. Shikha looked at the Boss like a terrified prey caught by a ferocious lion.

I decided that I did not want to interfere in that couple's internal brawl. I was heartbroken. Dipa had planned all these things so beautifully. This Boss's wife comes out of nowhere and shatters our plans and perhaps our future. She had neither desire nor capability to motivate my Boss to revive the fortunes of our company. Boss's life, which was on the verge of seeing an upswing, was condemned to be doomed. I did not care to see Boss's fights with his wife. Besides, I was too tired and fuzzed to focus. I walked dejected to my room. I decided that unless we were thrown out that night, Dipa and I would leave Boss's house next day morning. Sad and depressed, I fell off to sleep immediately.

That night something terrible happened after I left the job of peeping tom and went off to sleep. I was not privy to the happenings and Dipa told me much later all those terrible things that happened that night.

Shikha (Boss's wife) was taken completely by surprise by her husband's aggressive act. She had never seen her hubby like this. Until then she always had her way. In their married life of about two years, her hubby never tried to dominate her. In fact he had always meekly surrendered to his wife's thinking. However, that night was different. Perhaps that night could well become Boss and his wife's honeymooning night. She not only never allowed her hubby to have sex with her; she did not even let him see her naked. On the first night of marriage, her hubby had fumbled with her blouse buttons and uncovered her bra before she stopped him from going further.

Boss did not force sex on Shikha thinking that perhaps Shikha was frigid and would need some time to accept sex. However, as the time passed, instead of accepting the Boss as her husband, Shikha rejected him completely. She threw insults at the Boss and brazenly indulged in sex with her boy friend. Shikha treated her wedded husband with utter contempt. Boss did not want to create a scene and therefore carried on tolerating her. Since the first night, they slept in different rooms and had never consummated their marriage.

That night was the first time the Boss had dealt with his wife in this ruthless manner. Boss was a gem of a human being who had learnt from childhood to respect women. However, this was quite different. Here was a woman that had shattered his life in pieces. He was morally shattered, socially belittled, physically not allowed his rightful sex as a husband, professionally demoralized and now even financially pulled down by this abhorrent woman.

Boss had decided that that night he will take full revenge on her for the torture she had made him suffer. She had gate crashed that night. Perhaps she had decided to come when she heard that Dipa was going to come to stay at their house. Perhaps that inherent female to female jealousy overpowered her decision to divorce her husband. Perhaps she feared that her husband might fuck Dipa that night. This could have been the only explanation why Shikha rushed to this house quite late in the night, in spite of her utter disdain for her husband.

Boss's fury knew no bounds. He pounced upon Shikha and began pulling down her trouser belt. In no time he flipped open her trousers and pulled it down. Shikha was in her panties. He tried to force open Shikha's arms hiding her breasts. He was partially successful also. Shikha's ample bosom opened up barely covered by bra. However, Shikha once again covered them up with her arms.

Boss started pulling open her panty. He had decided to fuck his wife for the first time that night to show her that he had balls to fuck her and fuck her hard. It was perhaps driven by the sense of revenge rather than feeling of any emotion or lust. However, Shikha kept resisting him. When the Boss tried to force open Shikha's panty, Shikha gave one violent jerk and pushed Boss away.

Boss was hell bent upon fucking her. There was some struggle between them. Finally Shikha got up from bed. When Boss was unable to control her, he slapped her hard once again on her cheeks. However, instead of calming her down, the slap enraged Shikha more. She shouted at the top of her voice and said, "You nincompoop. All you can do is slap me. That is all the virility you have. I hate you and your guts. Were you trying to make our marriage work, you said? You never deserved me. It was only because of my dad that I agreed to marry you. But you were always broke. You could not afford even my small expenses. You useless man! I will sue you for this."

My Boss's face turned redder with anger. He rushed to his desk, pulled out a drawer and took his pistol out. He pointed the gun at Shikha and shouted; "Are you going to sue me? You will sue me if you are alive. You want me to go to jail? Ok, I will go to jail but not for hitting you. I will go to jail for killing you. I do not care what happens to me. I am fed up with you and I am fed up with any relationship with you. I don't want to see you anymore. I am going to kill you bitch!"

Shikha's eyes bulged out in horror as she looked at her husband take the gun out from the drawer. She had never expected her husband to react in this aggressive manner. She was sure that when she would reach her husband's house and holler shout and throw all the tantrums, her hubby will meekly surrender and ask his staff member and his wife to leave the house. Perhaps then she would return to stay with the Boss again. However, things were not happening as she had thought they would.

Shikha looked at the Boss horrified. She asked, "What are you doing, Som? Don't touch it. Leave it there. That's a real gun. It's not a toy."

Boss looked back at his wife and shouted in great anger, "Shikha I bloody well know it is a real gun, filled with live cartridges. I am not playing games. All our married life, you played games with me, I didn't. I was damned serious about our married life. You played with me, you played with that guy. No I never played and I am not playing any games now. I am damned well going to shoot you for ruining my life. I wish I had done that earlier." Boss said holding the gun unlocking it and pointing it out at her

Boss's wife Shikha's all bravado evaporated looking at the gun being pointed at her. She said in terrified voice trying as hard as possible under the circumstances, to sound sweet, "Look baby, we can resolve our crisis. I have no intention to ruin our lives. See, have I not come back to rebuild our relation? Put that gun aside."

In spite of the graveness of the situation, she was unable to sound genuine and a trace of her arrogance did emerge out in the end.

Not impressed by his wife's sudden change of tone, Boss said, "Why sudden turnaround in your behavior darling? Because of this gun, isn't it? When I demanded to fuck you as your rightful husband, you bitch, rejected me. You said that I have no balls. Didn't you? I will show you that I have balls. Bigger than that guy who came to fuck you in my absence."

Thinking that the Boss was distracted by her diversion, Shikha lunged at the Boss to try and snatch the gun from his hands.

Not wilting to the force with which his wife tried to snatch the gun from Boss's hand, Boss pulled the trigger and fired a shot at Shikha. Shikha looked bewildered at her hubby as the bullet hit her. She closed her eyes as sharp pain enveloped her. Shikha fell to the floor flat on her face. Blood oozed out from the wound.

Boss saw his ex falling on the ground. He suddenly realized he may have killed his wife. Rage replaced fear. He looked at his wife lying in a small pool of blood. Boss was scared shit. He was shivering in his trousers. He did not know what to do. Did he murder his wife? Was Shikha dead? What was the way out? He suddenly remembered Dipa. Where was she? If she was around, maybe she could find a way out of this mess. He perhaps thought of waking me up too. However, perhaps he had more confidence in my wife Dipa than he had in me.

He wanted to run to Dipa and get into her arms, cry out hysterically and tell her what had just happened. He had never witnessed such a violent incident in his entire life except in movies. He could not believe that he was at the epicenter of the murder. Was Dipa also a witness, hiding in bathroom or in closet? Boss's mind was racing, going through a whirlpool of fears, thoughts and questions.

He had a lot of questions and no answers. Boss looked down and saw Shikha lying on the floor. Her top was full of blood. Out of sheer fright Boss looked around, sitting by the side of the body, shouted, "Dipa, are you there?" However, voice barely came out of his dry throat. He shouted again and again for Dipa.

The first ray of hope and harbinger of a great relief was to hear Dipa's sweet voice, "Yes I am here Somji. What is it?"

What was that? Boss looked all around him. Dipa was nowhere in sight. From where was the voice coming?

"Where are you looking for me? I am here Somji." Boss was shocked to see his wife rising from the floor smiling. She looked fine. Huge relief descended on the Boss, seeing his wife alive. He had not murdered his wife after all. But what was that? Why was Dipa's voice coming from his wife?

In a shocking instant, Boss realized the ruse Dipa had played on him. It was Dipa and not Shikha, his wife, whom he had slapped, tried to disrobe and shot at. Dipa used the apparent similarity between her and Boss's wife to don the role of Boss's wife. She had done such expert makeup that my Boss could not identify Dipa disguised as Shikha in semi bright light.

Boss looked with panic as Dipa looked in some pain. She staggered as she rose. She walked to the Boss. Boss could see Dipa's top drenched in blood. He was not sure, if he had missed the shot at such a close range. The gun in Boss's hand was still smoking. With the shot fired at this range, Dipa should have been dead.

Dipa took Boss in her arms and hugged him hard. All that the Boss could do was to look at Dipa sheepishly with eyes that showed relief and affection for Dipa. His voice betrayed not so much love, but relief for the fact that she was alive and not dead. When Dipa cried out in pain, the Boss got alarmed. He asked, "Dipa what happened? Are you hurt?"

It was a stupid question to ask. Dipa was in pain. Blood oozed out of her side close to her left breast. The bullet seemed to have grazed past her side. The next few words Dipa spoke were historical. Dipa exclaimed, "Somji, this is me Dipa, not your ex-wife Shikha." Dipa emphasized the word 'Ex-wife'.

Dipa quickly picked up a comer of the hem of her dress and wiped makeup from her face; as shaken Boss looked at her speechless. He was completely out of wits.

The Boss had perhaps seen Dipa as Shikha for he had a strong frenzy of confronting Shikha and punish her. It is said that you sometimes see what you want to see. True, Dipa had done an expert makeup and could turn herself into Shikha convincingly.

For the Boss the first thing was to check how badly Dipa was hurt. Boss asked in concern, "Dipa, let me see your wound."

Dipa said demurely, "Somji, you can't see it. The wound is here." She pointed her finger by the side of her left breast.

"Come on now. You call me an intimate friend and then you say that you can't show me your wound; that too under these circumstances? Do you know what an intimate friend is?" Boss asked amused. He was getting over the initial shocks.

Dipa turned her eye lids down and nodded her head smiling. Boss rested Dipa's head on a pillow on bed and laid her fully along the bed. It did not matter to him that Dipa was bleeding and blood could stain the bed sheet.

He got up and returned with the first aid kit. He unhooked Dipa's bra and saw for the first time Dipa's wonderful breasts standing upright with her light fair chocolate brown areolas centered by a set of erect nipples. At that moment he was trying to focus on checking her wound; although a strong desire of sucking Dipa's succulent breasts was raging inside him.

Boss said, "It is not a wound, although there is a deep scratch. This will cause you some pain, but not much." Boss cleaned the wound with a sanitized cotton swab wetted with ethylated spirit and applied tincture benzene. Dipa winced as she felt a stinging pain briefly. Boss then sprayed some boric powder and applied a strip of surgical tape that reached just below her breast.

Dipa was looking lovingly at the Boss as he completed the procedure. Boss looked at Dipa and held her breast in his palm lovingly, playing with her erect nipple. Dipa's full breast weighed in his palms. He took another breast in his hand and squeezed it lovingly. He pinched its nipple and asked, "Why this subterfuge Dipa?"

Dipa said, "Somji you had developed a kind of vehemence to beat your wife Shikha violently. I saw your madness to take revenge on Shikha. I realized that unless you took your revenge on her, or at least you thought that you took revenge on her, you would not dump that bitch Shikha out of your mind. I wanted to wrench that frenzy of punishing her out of your system and I had to wrench Shikha out of your conscious or sub-conscious mind. I had to let you have the satisfaction that you punished Shikha."

Boss looked attentively at Dipa. Dipa continued, "I therefore had to do it through a subterfuge. I would never allow that bitch to come again in your life and hurt you more. So I had to become that bitch Shikha. I took advantage of some similarities in our face and appearance and made good use of my makeup experience. And I am happy that the result was not bad. For a short while at least, you were convinced that you punished Shikha. I thought you needed a shock treatment."
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Boss was over whelmed with my wife's sensitivity and presence of mind to sense his emotions and guide it to ensure that Shikha went out of Boss's system forever. In this drama, she was hurt badly. She could have been killed. It was a very risky thing to do.

My Boss was still at a loss coming to grips with the situation. He took Dipa in his arms and asked, "You shocked me Dipa. What was this? How could I not recognize you? Yes, I did wonder at one point, how was it that Shikha bitch came here at this unearthly hour? I am so sorry for all that I did to you. I was not in my elements."

Relieved Boss returned to his element then. He stretched himself along the bed by Dipa's side and pulled her close to his body gently. Keeping one of Dipa's breasts in his hand he placed his lips on Dipa's and kissed her briefly.

Dipa smilingly allowed Boss to grind her body crotch to crotch. She said, "Tonight that bitch did not come. This bitch was there to replace her. You have taken your revenge on that bitch now. You slapped her hard and you even shot her. It is a different matter that I had filled your gun with blanks; when I came up to take the shower. It was just a precaution and I thank God for that. If I had not done that, this bitch of yours would have been dead now. I would not have been hugging you like this now. Some dust or something trapped inside the gun must have hurt me; not a real bullet."

Kissing back my Boss lightly on his cheeks Dipa said, "Now that this bitch Dipa is here, please do not let that bitch Shikha come in your life and your mind ever again. Promise me that talking about her will not make you lose your focus."

My Boss was gradually beginning to get out of his trance, surprise, shock or whatever you choose to call. He started to smile. He placed his hands on my wife's buttocks and pulled her close to him. Squeezing both her ass cheeks hard, he said, "Gosh! Dipa, what an out of the box way of getting that bitch out of my system. I could never have done that on my own without a shock like that. I promise you that I shall never ever let her come in my mind."

After a pause Boss said, "Apart from being an expert at so many things, I never knew that you are also a fantastic makeup artist Dipa. Believe me, you not only looked exactly like Shikha, you were an exact replica of my wife. My God, was I fooled?"

Dipa looked at the Boss into his eyes and said smiling, "Anything for you, your company and your employees Somji. My hubby also happens to be one of your employees. Unless that bitch got out of your system, you would not have been able to focus on the job in hand."

"And what is my job in hand now darling?" asked the Boss, raising his hand upward to caress my wife's swollen globes. And then he spoke out, "Hey Dipa, when I saw your plum ample boobs there in my fury, thinking of you as my ex; I wondered how was it that Shikha had such plum breasts? That thought came in my mind for a fleeting moment."

Dipa straightened up. She gently pushed the Boss away to his working table and made him sit down. She asked, "Do you remember you promised me that you will show me your business recovery and upgrade plan immediately? Have you done that? It will be my privilege to surrender to the man who rises above the petty problems and makes the company the best not just in India but throughout the world. I know you have it in you to do that."

Boss looked sheepishly at Dipa and said, "Of course the business upgrade plan is ready. But can't we discuss it tomorrow morning? Don't we have some other important business to do? I think you know what I mean" concluded the Boss looking at Dipa pointedly into her eyes, reminding her that she had promised to spend the night with him.

"I know what you are pointing out Somji. But all that will follow after I have seen your business plan. A promise is a promise. Mine as much as yours. It is time to show me that you have kept your end of the promise."

Boss looked at Dipa quizzically. This woman having undergone so much stress and a gunshot wound, was still acting unperturbed focusing on business! He shrugged his shoulders and waved resignedly, "Ok, I get it. I know you are a stubborn woman. Well, ok sit down and give me five minutes to take my laptop out.

"Ok then, let me go and change to Dipa from Shikha" said Dipa standing up and leaving Boss's room.

My wife again got busy in the washroom and the dressing table changing her dress and doing up again.

Finally she walked up to me and shaking me she asked, "I don't know if you saw the murder of your Boss's wife Shikha. Dipa is now going to replace Shikha. Are you ready for that?" She asked walking out of the room, without waiting for my answer. She knew my answer. I hurriedly woke up. I was afraid I had missed out a very important scene. I got up and followed my wife to resume my job of peeping tom through the small gap that she had left open in the door.

She went back to Boss's bedroom. The Boss was sitting on the working desk in his bedroom waiting for her. His laptop was open and he was looking blankly at the window perhaps trying to figure out the emotional ups and downs he had undergone just a short while ago.

As soon as Dipa entered, Boss got up and hugged her. Dipa had changed into a night gown. It was perhaps the same which she had worn earlier. Dipa however, was a picture of professionalism. Without reacting to the Boss's body hug, Dipa gently pushed him aside, made him sit on the chair in front of his laptop. She stood behind the Boss and asked, "Ok darling, show me your business recovery schedule with time line.

My Boss was thoroughly aroused. He had seen many forms of Dipa that evening. His esteem for my wife had risen many folds. Even in such emotional environment, Dipa talked like a professional, leader and experienced motivator. Boss was hardly in a mood for professionalism at that moment. Dipa's esteem and affection for my Boss, made my Boss almost behave like a slave of my wife. Boss realized that Dipa was not going to let him escape without making sure that he resumed control of his business in a manner that will far exceed his earlier performance.

Boss pleaded with Dipa like a child, "Dipa, I have my plans ready with the timeline as desired by you. But please do not deprive me of the pleasure of expressing my intimate love for you at least for a few minutes now. Please give me just two minutes. When Shikha came suddenly into my room, I feared lest she was going to reenter my life. My hope of a new life came crushing down. I was afraid that I might lose you. Shikha's appearance was so sudden. I was so much; what should I say, scared, perplexed or may be threatened lest that bitch should not come into my life again. I cannot tell you how much I am happy to lose her and to have got rid of that virus forever; but more than that I am happy that you have entered my life."

There were multiple expressions on Boss's face. He was relieved, tired yet energetic and most of all horny. The way he looked at my wife, he sure was horny as hell. Dipa saw the bulge in his trousers between his thighs. At that moment he wanted nothing more than Dipa, even if for a few minutes.

Dipa relented. She caught the Boss and went into his arms saying, "Ok, Somji. Just for two minutes. First we see the timeline backed rejuvenation plan of your company and then the whole night is ours."

My Boss did not want to lose a moment. He lifted Dipa up in his arms and laid her on the bed. He spread her arms apart and simply looked at my wife lying on bed. She looked a picture perfect statue of the Goddess of love Venus in all her radiating beauty. He looked at her thick long hair spread all around her head that gave a kind of halo to her image.

Dipa's face looked like moon. Her eyes so quiet yet full of lustful expectations, as if saying "Come make love to me." Her lips were wavering ever so slightly, perhaps inviting him to kiss her hard. Her pretty long neck looked as if he could insert his head in that crevice and keep kissing it forever. The gown flowing down her shoulders was more exaggerating than canceling every feature of her lovely body contours.

My Boss must have seen many beautiful women spread on bed like that during his pre-marriage days. However the woman lying on the bed was beyond any he had ever seen.

Dipa stretched and spread her arms apart inviting my Boss to lie on top of her in her arms. Boss lowered himself gently on her. He rested his broad chest on Dipa's breasts. He felt Dipa's hillocks on his chest and smiled. For tonight, those lovely melons were his. He placed his lips on Dipa's and played with her lower lip for a few seconds. Dipa looked at the Boss and giggled like a child. That set the Boss's hormones on fire.

Boss placed his palms on Dipa's both arms and pressed her down clipping her to the bed. Boss's lips were pressed onto Dipa's and he was kissing my wife hard sucking all her saliva. He inserted his tongue into her mouth and pushed it down in. His mouth had completely covered up Dipa's mouth and the Boss was now tongue fucking my wife's mouth. Dipa always enjoyed loving kisses and was never able to resist herself from letting me tongue fuck her. When the Boss began tongue fucking her, Dipa's moans started expressing her feline desire. She was writhing on bed in ecstasy. An uncontrollable desire of womanhood gripped her.

My Boss knew that he had her where he wanted her. Boss pressed his crotch on to her. I was sure he had a solid hard on. His rock hard cock was poking my wife's crotch and perhaps pushed my Boss's and Dipa's clothes quite deep between Dipa's thighs.

Boss tried to raise the hem of Dipa's gown up to expose her thighs. Dipa forced his hands down and did not allow Boss to have his way. Knowing that Dipa would not relent, Boss gave up. Although both were clothed, Boss kept humping her from atop her with clothes on, as if they were not wearing anything.

Dipa squirmed and moaned as if she was unable to resist Boss's moves and it was almost as if my Boss was going to strip my wife naked on bed and would throw his own clothes too and start what he was dreaming forever.

Dipa and the Boss kept kissing for a couple of minutes. Boss placed his one hand on Dipa's breasts and began giving them solid squeezed massage. Dipa was lying beneath Boss feeling Boss's hard cock poking her between her thighs. She knew if she does not get off from that position, she was going to give in and what was to happen later that night might well happen there and then.

Dipa broke free from Boss's hard pressing mouth and spoke in mumbling tones, "Somji, you asked for only two minutes. I gave you five. First your timeline with recovery plan. Everything else will follow naturally."

At that moment one should have seen Boss's face. He had thought he had conquered Dipa. He pinned her down and inflamed her feminine desires to the extreme. However, he realized that her professionalism prevailed over her hormones.

Reluctantly Boss got up. He looked at Dipa half in frustration and half in admiration and said, "My God Dipa you are a limit. How can you think of bloody business recovery plan in moments like these?"

Dipa held Boss's hands and said, "Boss a promise is a promise. You have already killed a cat. Shikha has gone from your life forever. There is no need for you now to worry that you will lose me. I am not going to go away in hurry. So let us get onto business. Once that is done, I am all yours, as promised. A promise is a promise."

Boss looked at Dipa frustrated but also with esteem and affection. The woman he was beginning to love was also a woman of a lot of sense. My Boss had difficulty in controlling his erect big cock. Perhaps Dipa too noticed it. She had mischievous smile on her face when she saw it. Boss rose from the bed and went to his working desk. He opened his laptop.

Dipa was standing by his side eager to look at the Boss's company rejuvenation plan with time line. Boss suddenly caught Dipa in his arms and pulled her to him. Dipa was completely surprised at the Boss's sudden move. Boss made Dipa sit in his lap. He said, "Dipa I did not want to show you this plan today. I wanted this to be a complete surprise when I was to show this on Monday in staff meeting. However, your insistence has left me with no choice."

Boss placed his hands on Dipa's breasts and massaged them gently as he said, "Dipa believe me. I simply cannot stay away from you now. You have completely taken me over. I know you will not listen to me unless I show you of my business recovery plan with the time line schedule. So let us get to business darling."

The Boss clicked a file and there was a timeline and business plan in excel format.

There were dates and description of the planned maneuvers. The plan ran into about 20 pages giving details of objectives and strategy for implementation of each plan. When Dipa read out the outlines of the plan loudly (perhaps so that I could hear them), her eyes popped out of their sockets. The roadmap outline read as follows:

Dated ... Dipa to be inducted as Director - HR and Strategic Planning.

Dated ... Employees to be made share holders in the company in proportion to

their contribution and competence assessment.

Dated ...To invest for an office utilizing the sanctioned loan of Rs. ... with

investing ... Rs. As seed capital.

Dated ... Launching of new products agreed in the last MRC Meeting.

Dated ... Marketing to call on dissatisfied clients and rebuild their trust.

Dated ... To assign sales target to sales team and to outline to them in clear

terms the proposed sales plan.

There were several other proposals with their timelines followed by detailed descriptions of aims, objectives and implementation strategies. Dipa read through the first two pages with complete attention and surprise written all over her face. The first item on the plan unbelievably surprised her.

She could not believe what she read. She read her name again and again just to ensure that it was not misspell. She then looked at the Boss, unable to suppress the surprise on her face.

She asked, "Somji, I don't think this name of Dipa refers to me. Does it? Who is this Dipa?"

"Well darling it is you and none else." Said the Boss; with a smile on his face.

"Come on Boss, don't pull my leg. You have completely bowled me. I am nowhere connected with your company at all. How then, does my name figure in this? I hope your craze for me has not made you cross all the boundaries of professionalism to compel you to include my name as the Director. Besides you have never asked me."

My Boss noticed that Dipa suddenly began addressing Somji as Boss. He said, "Dipa, you have started addressing me as Boss again. Let me warn you against addressing me as Boss. Please understand that your name has not been included as a favor or out of overzealousness on my part. If our company has to reach the heights that you are saying you want it to reach; then you have to join in and contribute to it. You are a very important component in this game plan. I have not an iota of doubt on my decision. I have thought long and hard on this matter. I know you can contribute so much if you are in it. Tell me are you up for it?"

Dipa looked surprisingly at the Boss. She could not say anything. This was last thing she expected the Boss to come up with. She held her head in two hands and sat on chair thinking. She said, "I did not expect anything like this at all. Somji, are you sure of your decision?"

"I am as positive as I ever was. Do you think I was discussing with you all the business matters for nothing? I have studied you and evaluated each of your views on the scale of my own analysis. I have no doubt in my mind that you ARE the person for this position, which has remained vacant for some time. Don't ever think that my thinking has been prompted by our intimacy. I have learnt to keep personal matters not influencing my business sense. It is a purely professional decision" replied the Boss looking at flabbergasted Dipa; his voice showing no hesitation.

Dipa closed her eyes and sat there thinking for about three interminable minutes with Boss looking at her not making any move, allowing Dipa all the time to think.

Dipa opened her eyes and then said, "Well, Somji, if you are sure, then we start working from Monday morning. Well I am a Director now. You will of course be my Boss, but you and also my hubby will have to follow some of my suggestions, directions and may be even instructions for the betterment of the company. Are you ok with that?" Dipa asked my Boss.

Boss looked at Dipa smiling and replied, "Yes Boss. I take a solemn oath that I shall follow your directions seriously. Tell me what your instructions for tonight are Boss?"

Dipa smirked at the Boss and holding his two hands said, "Please at least you don't call me Boss now. I know my hubby will start calling me Boss as soon as he hears this news. And as far as my instructions for tonight, I do not want any business talk tonight as I want to come to the office day after tomorrow with completely fresh mind I shall now explain my theory called 'Big Bang Theory' encompassing man woman relationship; not just theoretically, but also through practical demonstration."

My Boss was naturally too eager to hear about my wife's 'Big Bang Theory' as he had a strong premonition that the theory was going to be to his liking. He lapped it up and said, "Dipa, I can't tell you how eager I am to hear this 'Big Bang Theory."

Dipa vaguely looked in the direction of the door wondering if I was hiding behind peeping on them and over hearing their conversation.

My wife made the Boss sit on the bed and she sat in his lap taking Boss's arms over her shoulders into her hands in her lap. As she continued, Dipa said, "This is regarding your addressing me as your Boss, a little while ago. You had never before addressed me as Boss in this sense. It was basically because I am now or will very soon be, a very important Director in your company. You will have to address me respectfully in the office at least. I shall give you guidelines and even may also be instructing you on many things about which I have better knowledge and understanding of the subject."

As she was playing with Boss's hands, Boss's biceps were brushing Dipa's ample bosoms, playing with those supple plentiful soft yet firm globes separating their skins by a very thin layer of cloth. Perhaps the Boss listened to her more out of helpless patience rather than respect for her views.

Dipa looked up at the Boss and said, "Somji, a woman however, important, intelligent and competent, will always be under her man when the man is you know fucking her in bed, whether from front or from behind."

My Boss looked shocked at Dipa's impromptu and gross statement. He did not know what Dipa was aiming at. It was also quite uncommon for my wife to frankly speak thus to any man other than me. Of course she used worse words when she was playing Shikha's role a little while earlier. Boss was speechless at Dipa's words and waited to know what she wanted to say.

Dipa continued, "Boss I did not like you calling me 'Boss'. I am your beloved, your intimate soul mate. I do not think I have the competence, energy and most of all that greedy ambition for success more than you. Therefore I do not expect to be your Boss anytime soon. However, even if I would ever be your Boss, I would like you always to address me with my first name."

Then Dipa blushed and smiled a tad mischievously. She said, "I would always want to be under you whether in office or in bed. God has made women as mates for men. Men and women have to harmoniously coexist, with man as the leader and his woman as a follower. A woman may rule over other men; but with her man, she will always be under him or an assistant to him. This is a general rule. Of course, there are exceptions. I would never want to be exception. I want my man always on top of me. Do you know why?" Dipa asked looking straight at the Boss.
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Boss shrugged his shoulders and feigned his ignorance. Dipa said, "It is because God has made women like that. Barring exceptions, women in general love to be governed, dominated and administered by men. During sex, many women even like their men to fuck them roughly, even punishing them or causing them some physical pain too. Generally women enjoy their men to spank them during sex. That does not mean women are inferior. In my opinion, men may be physically stronger than women but women are superior to men in many ways. Without women, men will be shattered emotionally, socially and sexually. However, women are better able to manage without men. God has designed men and women differently. We have to accept the fact. I do not fall in exceptional category. I fall in general category. So don't ever call me Boss."

Boss said, "Dipa, Agreed. I shall never call you Boss. Ok?" Dipa rose up to see Boss eye to eye. She placed a peck of kiss on Boss's lips and then moved a little away and lay down on bed, stretching her arms, inviting Boss to come on top of her.

Boss happily moved up on top of her. Boss's cock was hard as a rod. I then knew my Boss was going to fuck my wife royally that night. This was the scene I wanted to witness and I couldn't believe that I was watching the same, although hidden behind a door and watching it like a peeping tom. In our married life of years, this was the first time that she had surrendered completely to anyone other than me.

Boss mounted my wife and placed his cock between her thighs, as he lowered himself on Dipa. Boss was wearing shorts. Dipa felt her lover's hard and big cock close to her love hole. The feeling of Boss's big cock between her thighs made Dipa's pussy leak profusely. Simply my Boss mounting my wife made me so hard and horny that if I had not diverted my attention from the scene, I might have ejaculated watching my Boss dry humping my wife.

Dipa said placing Boss's lips on her lips, "Somji, I would always like you to be on top. In future, however big contribution I may make in the company, you will always be my Boss and leader in the office and my man in the house. And man's position is always on top of his woman. That is a universal rule and my 'Big Bang theory'."

Boss said, "Well baby, I will not displease you. But tell me, what about when a woman mounts her man? What about a woman's equality?"

Dipa looked irritated at the Boss and said, "Well that can happen occasionally. But missionary position is always the man on top of the woman. Ok?"

Boss had no option but to agree. Dipa said, "Regarding equality, who said women are not equal? They are equal to, may be even superior to men in many ways. But they are not the same. A woman is as important as a man. But it is a question of positioning. Women have always been playing very important roles. They are even donning the position of Chair Person, CEO etc. in recent times. Those are exceptions and such cases are not very common."

Boss asked, "Dipa, more I talk with you, more I am convinced that my decision of taking you in as a director in the company was more than justified. Now may we stop the theories and start the practicals please?"

"Somji, you have killed a cat already on the first night of our being together. I am now completely surrendered to you and at your command. I am your slave for tonight. Please do to me whatever you like to do and ask me to do whatever that pleases you."

Boss came down from atop Dipa and lay by her side looking at Dipa with loving, lustful eyes. He held Dipa's chin in his fingers and made her look at him straight in his eyes and said, "Dipa, I do not want to be a typical dominating man. Perhaps Shikha wanted me to dominate her too. May be I didn't try to dominate her and perhaps that pushed her away from me. But, I want to be your intimate lover. I do not want to fuck you tonight. I want to make love to you."

Dipa looked at the Boss and blushed. Dipa said, "As I said, I am here to enjoy your enjoying me in whichever way you like. You may fuck me, you may spank me or you may make love to me. I am yours and only yours tonight."

Dipa inserted her hand between Boss's thighs and felt his erect rod in her hands over the cloth. Even inside the shorts, it felt quite substantial. She said, "Somji, your long john seems very excited. May I play with him?" Dipa fumbled with Boss's flexible belt and tried to push it down to grab his strong, long, hard cock fully covered with Boss's pre-cum.

Boss looked at Dipa and smiled. He said, "What a question? Neki or poochh poochh? It is all yours." Boss pushed down his shorts to unshackle his really long and thick john to the feasting eyes of Dipa. It was Dipa's turn to focus on the manpower of her Boss.

Boss's dick was far from what is normally called a penis. The word 'penis' depicts an apologetic, tiny winy, small male organ protruding out of the junction of male's two thighs, primarily used for waste disposal and when exposed to the opposite sex, is too hesitant to get into the female's juicy crevice. Boss's cock was far from it. It was a hard, thick, long and greasy meaty stuff. Greasy by virtue of Boss's hours' long dreaming of possibility of seeing Dipa's revealing body contours in full nudity and imagining the enjoyment that his manhood would have dipping into the smooth long shaft of Dipa's pussy.

The poor thing did not get an opportunity after Boss's marriage for about two years to get any pleasurable adventures. Before marriage it had some really good time with Boss's girl friends. However, the situation after the marriage ruined any hopes of green pastures and it had to remain content with hand holding when Boss dreamed of Dipa in his bed.

Dipa's holding Boss's dick in her palms further hardened already hardened cock which had assumed size, which Dipa thought was probably the biggest size she had ever seen. Admittedly she had not seen many.

Boss asked Dipa, "Dipa tell me positively that you will not go away leaving me alone again. I have lost confidence in myself."

Dipa looked at the Boss and bowing down a little placed her lips on Boss's cheeks. Holding Boss's chin in her fingers she said, "Somji, I am very selfish and intelligent too. I am not like that stupid, unfortunate bitch, who left the pleasure of such a handsome, thick, long and hard dick and such a loving and compassionate owner of the dick."

Lovingly handling Boss's dick in her palms, Dipa asked the Boss, "Somji, I have a typical female question."

Boss looked at Dipa questioningly. Dipa asked, "You had a deep routed hatred for Shikha all this while. How was it that tonight when she returned, you decided to fuck her? Do you still love her?"

Boss looked up at Dipa and smiled. He said, "I wanted to fuck her as an act of revenge. I did not want to make love to her. I wanted to humiliate her to show her that I have balls."

Dipa had amused expressions on her face when she said, "Somji, I believe that you have balls and exactly for this very same reason, let me assure you that I and Dipak are now not going to go away unless you throw us out. We are going to be a burden for you for a long time to come."

Taking Dipa in her arms and stretching his body along her side, Boss said, "You and Dipak are my asset not liabilities. I am a very good judge of men. Of course, I made a blunder in judging that bitch, who messed up my life. But that was an exception."

Boss turned to face Dipa. Leveling his eyes with her eyes he asked, "Dipa are you sure you love me so much? What about your hubby. Will he not feel jealous?"

Dipa replied, "Somji, that evening when I danced with you the first time, you fired up my sexual passions like never before. My hubby wasn't ever able to inflame my sexuality like that. Your look, your way of talking, your intellect and your handsome persona made me seriously feel that if ever, I was going to be seduced by someone other than my hubby, it will be you. When you loaned me money for my dad's operation, I saw your earnestness and sincerity. I was determined that I would love to be fucked by you, if you desire me. But when my hubby mentioned about the problem the company was facing and he needed my help, I decided that you needed me and that I had to replace that bitch and be completely yours, soul, body and mind."

Boss saw in Dipa's eyes a kind of sincerity, commitment and dedication that an Indian woman would normally have for her husband alone. Her eyes also depicted an ocean of love. Boss inserted one of his arms under Dipa's head and extending the other one around her head; he enveloped Dipa's head in her arms and moved closer to her hugging her in a tight embrace. He placed his leg around Dipa's waist and completely straddled her in his embrace.

He pressed his lips on Dipa's and said, "Baby, I am not going to leave you ever. I do not know what your hubby may think. You are mine and will always be mine, come what may."

Dipa was barely able to speak through her locked lips, muttered, "This bitch is not going to go away Somji. I know husband will definitely support." They got into a long and hard kissing session that lasted several minutes.

Boss asked Dipa, "Dipa tell me truthfully, if you really love me or it is because I am your hubby's Boss and because I loaned you that amount that you agreed to surrender to me?"

Dipa looked at the Boss pointedly and said, "Somji, let me be frank with you. I must admit that in the first meeting at dance, I was completely swept of my feet by your charm, daring, intellect, handsomeness, personality and most of all your simplicity. The way you danced with me hugging me as you danced, made me feel really hot. It also made me feel that you were also attracted to me."

Boss smiled and said, "Of course I was attracted to you. You know Dipa; my boner was rock hard; really. I had difficulty in controlling it. I was feeling embarrassed that you might have noticed it. The way you responded to my hugs, I suspected that you were also attracted to me."

Dipa laughed. She said, "So both of us had fallen for each other at the first sight. Then when I needed that amount for my dad's operation and you almost instantly paid me more than I asked for without asking for any guarantee or collateral, completely bowled me over. I decided that you are the man that I would love to do anything possible and I would love to be close to, if that kind of opportunity came over. And the opportunity did come over, when my husband Dipak told me that he needed my help to help you get over the trauma of your wife's divorce notice. I simply decided to grab it. And here I am."

Boss placed his hand around Dipa's body over her arms to her back, maneuvering his fingers to find the small lever of the zip of her gown; he unzipped her gown down to her waist without speaking as if it was only natural thing to do. Dipa kept looking at her lover with her moon shaped eyes just enjoying that moment. She manipulated her shoulders and arms to let the Boss slip her gown down to her waist.

Boss looked at Dipa's breasts and her upper body mesmerized. He had visualized Dipa's beautiful breasts, navel and flat waist in his dreams so many times. However, what he saw was far more shapely and beautiful than he had ever dreamed. One could easily call that a perfect shape that an artist could ever draw on canvas.

He felt her naked breasts for the second time in his hands. The first time was when he was attending to her wound. He was not in his element to appreciate the beauty of her breasts at that time. Boss had been dreaming of sucking and kneading Dipa's breasts for weeks or months since he saw her the first time. He had opportunities to feel them over her blouse. However, those experiences and this experience could not be compared. To feel a beautiful naked breast is an experience, period.

Boss made Dipa turn to lie on her back. He lowered his mouth on one of her breasts and began kissing and sucking her breasts one after another, pinching their nipples with fingers and biting them occasionally to make Dipa cry out. Dipa looked at the Boss lovingly and suckled him as if she was feeding her new born child.

Dipa could feel that Boss had been deprived of a wife's (or a lover's) love for years. She could see craving for her in his eyes whenever they met and she could not blame him for it. His wife had deprived him of his rightful loving sex and she was happy that she had the privileged opportunity to offer that to him.

However, her own craving for Somji was not any less. From the day she had met her the first time, she had a strong typical feminine urge between her legs for this man. She had brushed it aside earlier as she was married and so was he. However, as she came closer to Somji, her hesitation or reluctance began reducing and now her own hubby had cleared the obstructions.

Boss looked at the half naked topless woman lying in a seductive pose on the bed. Boss looked at her closely. Her each feature was beautifully sensual starting from her hair. Her hair was thick, curvy and long. Boss always loved long and thick curvy hair. Her hair extended right up to her buttocks. She had a way of throwing a strand of her hair over her two cheeks on either side just in front of her ears.

It was not just that. Dipa's each and every feature reeked of sensuality. Her eyes were full almond shaped. When she talked she had multiple expressions on her face. Each of her expressions exuded sensuality. Her eyes danced when she felt mischievous. Her eyes opened just a wee bit when she was sexually excited. Her eyes rolled when she did not believe what she was told. When she looked inquisitive, her eye brows contracted as if she was rather naïve in the worldly matters but eager to learn; like a teenage girl who heard about sexual experience of a senior girl.

Her eyes were full blown when she was faced with a surprising development like a man kissing a woman. Each of her expression was sensual such that a man watching her will easily tend to feel that she was eyeing him or giving him a signal.

Her eyebrows were sharp and long. Her cheeks were rosy and full with a slight dimple in the center. The dimples showed up prominently when she smiled. The shapeliest feature on her face was her nose. It gave extreme charm to her face. Her lips were prominently red even without the application of lipstick. They expressed almost all her feelings in sync with her eyes, eyebrows, nose and movement of her hands. For my Boss all Dipa's expressions, however trivial, were sensual.

Her chin added to the beauty of her face. There was a slight dimple there too. Dipa's long neck rested above her breasts region which probably was the most beautiful and most craved part of her body. The breasts stood out defiantly challenging gravity. Round areolas on her breasts looked like they were made of whitish brown chocolate. However the longish nipples on her breasts stood erect like a lighthouse on a small island. Goose pimples on her breasts exposed her erotic state.

The shape of each limb and each contour of Dipa's body was just the way Boss had dreamed. He felt as if a designer has designed the most ideal shape of her body in a 3D printer.

Dipa felt a strong craving of having Somji feel her between her thighs and kiss her there. She felt shy and did not know how she could tell him. She kept massaging her clitoris partly in an attempt to soothe her sensual feelings. Somji was quick to feel her urge. He pushed her gown further down to expose Dipa's lovely clean shaven triangle between her thighs. Dipa quickly disposed off the gown by pushing it off through movement of her legs.

Somji's eyes bloated out as he saw her beautiful love triangle between her thighs. He felt that that was more beautiful than any beautiful article in this world. God has made woman so beautiful and loving. The whole humanity has bloomed out of her. It is only because of her beauty and love that the humanity is created, has survived and prospered.

Boss looked with amazement the vaginal rise below the steep fall of her waist from her breasts. It was just the sight to be seen. The sight was incomparable to any sight he had seen earlier. The rise of flesh below her slim waist that shaped her beautiful buttocks and her frontal love triangle could only be seen to be believed.

Her shapely thighs accentuated her overall beauty and added to Boss's craving for her. For the first time the Boss thanked his bitchy wife for deserting him and giving his fate the opportunity to have a woman like Dipa; who lay by his side offering him the treasure that he had dreamed for almost a year. She was there for him to do what he wanted. And he did indeed want to do a lot with her.

Boss inserted his mouth between Dipa's thighs, spreading apart her thighs wide. He could detect that Dipa was leaking profusely, which gave him satisfaction that she was equally eager to have him as he was to have her. Boss dipped his mouth and wagged hi tongue to scratch the labia of Dipa's pussy. As soon as Boss's head touched her thigh junction and tongue touched the most sensitive pats of her pussy, Dipa shuddered and gave out a moan.

Boss's tongue started flickering on her clitoris and entire valve, probing and massaging her love junction. Dipa's secretions increased as she became more and more aroused. Her moaning increased as Boss's tongue continued scratching, massaging and poking her inner sensitive skin. She had Boss's head between her hands and was holding Boss's head in his hands.

After few minutes Dipa held Boss's head tight and sighed out, "Somji, I am coming ..." and with a mild shudder and deep sigh, she relaxed on bed with her eyes closed. That was her first ever orgasm among many to come with Somji.

Somji gradually took his head out. He had set the ball rolling with his lover for that night. Dipa opened her eyes and smiled at Somji, who was watching her from over her, admiring her beauty and sensual expressions on her face after the release of the orgasmic wave.

Boss cupped one of Dipa's breasts in his palm and gently massaging them, he said, "Dipa, from the first day I saw you at that party, I had been dreaming about holding and massaging your breasts. I could never imagine that I would be able to do it so soon."

Dipa smiled and replied, "Somji, from the first day I saw you at the dance and felt your boner in that dance, whether knowingly or unknowingly, I had been thinking about you. I was not clear about my feelings for you. But my hubby teased me about your staring me and that made me feel weak in my legs."

Dipa pulled and stretched at the Boss's belt, to signal him to strip himself. Boss quickly pushed his shorts down and uncovered his big hard erect cock. Dipa looked at Boss's uncovered cock for the first time. Boss was stronger and bigger in that department than she had imagined. She did not dare imagine having boss's cock inside her pussy, for the fear that it might be far too big for her to take in. Of course she was afraid that she may have to do it sooner or later. It would be false to say that she did not fancy it.

She just could not resist the temptation to feel her lover's cock. Boss's cock had hardened so much that it had curved upward as if waiting for her to take it in her hands. Dipa hesitatingly extended her hand and held Boss's cock in her fingers. It was certainly much longer and thicker than her husband's. Boss was quite excited was evident from the way his pre-cum oozed out from the small orifice and spread across the length of Boss's dick. It was almost like a small piece of rubber hose.

Dipa was amazed how big the Boss's cock was. She had of course guessed somewhat looking at the Boss's build. Boss's cock's size matched his build. The length and thickness of Boss's cock also sent chill through her spine. She had been accustomed to her husband's moderate size so far.
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She gently kept massaging Boss's cock affectionately looking all the time into the eyes of Somji. Slimy liquid spread over the length of his cock, made the job easier and more erotic. Her pussy kept leaking all the time feeling Boss's manhood in her fingers. However, Boss's condition was very vulnerable to say the least. As Dipa's fingers played on the surface of his cock, Boss's sensuality kept on going up. Dipa's looking at her made the situation worse.

Even in his dreams, Boss had never imagined that he would ever be in a position to see his most craved beloved lying naked in front of him like that and pumping his cock so erotically. It was only and only because of his bitch wife Shikha going away suddenly, causing a huge turmoil in his life. It is well said that every difficulty gives birth to an opportunity. The God Almighty had blessed him and so here she was.

Boss extended his arms and enveloped Dipa completely in his arms and legs. Dipa was rather frail and Boss's long arms and legs completely encased her such that any onlooker would have to try hard to find Dipa trapped inside Boss's mass. Dipa's head was encased inside Boss's broad shoulders, her body disappeared in Boss's arms and her midriff was hard pressed against Boss's crotch. Only Dipa's legs were visible.

Boss's hard and massive cock was poking Dipa's vaginal mound. Dipa feared that with a little bit of maneuvering, Boss's massive cock could force itself into Dipa's waiting, wet and slippery pussy. However, Boss did not seem to be in a great hurry to do that.

Boss kissed Dipa's hair and asked her, not able to see her eyes, "Tell me truthfully Dipa, how do you feel?"

Dipa completely encased and covered up by Boss's body replied; kissing Boss's chest and nipples, "Like never before Somji. It feels as if I want nothing more in my life. I feel like I am the luckiest woman in this whole world. Most of all, I indeed feel thankful to my hubby and your ex Shikha for this."

Boss smiled and kissing Dipa's hair again Boss mused audibly, "Dipa, this is what I like the most in you. You have a way with words. In these four sentences, you have comprehensively stated your emotions and mirrored what I feel too."

Wriggling out of Boss's embrace Dipa said, "Somji, I feel like a free bird now, having dispensed with the worldly inhibitions and hesitations." Grabbing Boss's long and thick cock in her hand she slipped down to level her mouth close to Boss's dick. Boss was surprised as Dipa kissed the mushroom head of Boss's big cock.

Sliding her tongue all around Boss's hard and slimy cock and licking it clean of his pre-cum, Dipa said, "My Lord, my Boss and my owner, I your sex mate and your slave, wish to surrender completely to you. Please accept me Somji."

Feeling his cock managing to make some room in Dipa's mouth, Boss was writhing in ecstasy and waves of explosive bursts of energy were pulsating through his veins, making it difficult Boss to hold himself.

Dipa was bobbing her head up and down, unable to take Boss's cock as much in her mouth as she would have liked. She kept gulping Boss's pre-cum and pushing her mouth inside out pressing her lips hard on his girth. She was not able to take Somji's cock in so much due to its thickness. However she took it as much as she could. Her throat got choked. She could not even cough because of his cock filling up her mouth fully. She wanted to please her owner for that night giving him as much pleasure as she could give him. She felt that she was her lover's property for that night and she would accept and offer whatever her owner would want that night without any hesitation and inhibition. Her entire objective was to give him the utmost pleasure that a woman can give his man.

While she was letting the Boss fuck his mouth, she kept looking up into Boss's eyes to find out if he felt pleased with her action. She was not disappointed. Boss had closed his eyes and was enjoying the feel of his cock in Dipa's mouth. It was not so much the physical pleasure that he was enjoying because of his cock sliding in and out of Dipa's mouth but the fact that his beloved had completely surrendered to him throwing all her shame and inhibitions aside to make love to him.

More than actual cock pussy fuck, a man enjoys his beloved sucking his cock more. That is because that makes him feel that his woman has offered herself completely to him; lock stock and barrel throwing all worldly shame, hesitations and inhibitions to the wind. It satisfies to a very large extent a man's ego. A woman knows that and therefore sucks her man's cock happily. Men must salute women for feeding to their ego,

Boss did not want to ejaculate in Dipa's mouth for the first time; as he wanted to conserve his sperm for the finale. Perhaps he wanted to prove to Dipa that he had 'Balls' to fuck any woman black and blue. That was because Dipa as Shikha had taunted him that he had 'no balls.' The Boss did not want any wrong impressions, however unconvincing; to remain in Dipa's mind. That was not really necessary. When Dipa saw her Boss's long, thick and hard cock, all her doubts, if any, regarding his virility vanished in thin air.

Boss sat and made Dipa lay in his lap. He kissed her lips while with one hand he massaged Dipa's pussy lips and played with her clitoris. It was very difficult for Dipa to manage with these two onslaughts. With his fingers, Boss kept fingering Dipa's pussy and massaged her pussy lips.

Dipa wet her fingers in her mouth and pushed them into Boss's mouth to inflate his already high passion. Dipa was holding Boss's meat road in her hand and give it regular pumping in her fist. She was unable to hold Boss's cock in her fist fully but all the same held it and stroked it gently in her palm. She was getting edgy with the Boss's fingering her pussy. Dipa kept fidgeting on bed.

Boss must have realized that fingering Dipa's pussy set Dipa's passions on fire. It played havoc with Dipa. She was losing control of her balance and was going nuts with the Boss increasing pace of his finger fucking. Boss kept looking in Dipa's eyes while he finger fucked Dipa. Dipa kept her eyes closed enjoying Boss's fingers in her pussy. Finger fucking is weakness of all ladies and Dipa was no exception. She shuffled on bed moaning louder as Boss's pace of finger fucking increased. Dipa twirled and twisted on bed showing her ecstatic state.

Dipa started pleading with Boss, "Somji, please fuck me like you wanted to fuck Shikha. Please fuck me hard with your monster cock. I am dying to take your big cock inside. Please remove your fingers and fuck me with your cock. I am dying to have it in me. Please make me your slave for tonight. I want to be your woman and to be fucked hard."

Boss withdrew his fingers and made Dipa lie on bed in proper position for fucking. He looked at naked Dipa; admiring the view and feeling pleased for having such a priceless possession at least for that night. He made Dipa spread her legs apart and got between them.

Dipa instinctively raised her legs up, to rest them on Boss's shoulders. Dipa wanted her lover's monster to have full unhindered access to her love centre. Dipa was also concerned about Boss's big cock making her pussy stretch beyond her usual size. Boss's cock was really monstrous as compared to her hubby's. She was excited to feel such a big cock into her comparatively small hole. She wondered how it would feel and how much it would hurt.

All the same she had to have Somji's cock inside her. She caught the tip of Somji's cock in her fingers and guided it to the centre of her love hole. She rubbed Boss's cock on her pussy lips several times so that Boss's slimy slippery fluid mixes with her juice and facilitates smother entry of his massive cock into her passage. She then looked lovingly at her lover expecting some mercy from Somji. There was also some amount of fear in her eyes. She said, "Somji, I am all yours." She conveyed through her eyes that he should better be careful in the beginning.

Boss looked back equally lovingly at Dipa. He could understand what Dipa's eyes conveyed. He could trace a bit of concern in her eyes. Boss looked at her empathetically and closed his eyes gently without saying anything to convey to her that he had understood her concern and will take due care. He pushed his cock in slightly and withdrew it repeatedly to make it slimier for smoother entry. Dipa closed her eyes. She expected pain which was not there yet.

Boss pushed once again and let the cock enter through almost half. That made Dipa wince. But the pain was bearable. Boss withdrew and heaved it in again for some times. The next time Boss heaved it in quite deeper. Dipa could not bear the pain and instead of crying, she whistled. Boss knew the pain was there but would soon disappear.

He kept on pushing and withdrawing and going a bit deeper with each gentle stroke. He was careful so as not to hurt Dipa. As Somji kept pushing in and pulling out fairly slowly, she felt the girth deep inside her that gave her pleasure; but somehow, she felt that Somji was treating her with kid gloves. She remembered how aggressive Somji had become when Dipa appeared as Shikha and Somji wanted to fuck that bitch Shikha hard.

Dipa also wanted to have her lover fuck her real hard. She somehow wanted Somji not to treat her so softly. She wanted him to fuck her like she had not been fucked before. Boss wanted to make love to her. But Dipa wanted Boss's years of hunger to manifest and must be satisfied. Dipa said, "Somji, this is not fair. You were so eager to fuck Shikha hard when I was posing as Shikha. But as soon as you found Dipa in place of Shikha, you decided to soften up and make love to me rather than fucking me out of shape. Am I inferior to Shikha? Why this differential treatment?"

Boss looked at Dipa surprisingly and asked, "Is that what you want honey?"

Dipa nodded her head affirmatively and said, "Somji, tonight, I want to receive all you can give me with your big cock. I want not just to feel you inside me; I want you to unload every bit of your anger, your frustration, your aggression and most of all, your virility inside me. As I said, I believe that woman's position is under her man. A woman must be shown her place if need be. But I know my place and I am happy to have it. Now come on and fuck me hard."

Boss kept on going deeper and deeper until he had his rod fully inside. For a few seconds Dipa felt stinging pain as her skin stretched a lot. Boss's road had probably poked into her uterus, going deep inside her.

Dipa was aroused so much that Boss's big and hard cock could move into her passage with far less difficulty than she had feared. As a woman gets hornier, her muscles become suppler and prepare to stretch much more. Her cervix was ready to receive the huge guest as it had become supple. After some initial pain, Dipa's pleasure was mounting.

Each stroke of the Boss made her feel his big dick rubbing with her inner most sensitive skin and giving her an enormous ecstatic pleasure. That was further heightened by her intense desire to give that pleasure to her lover that he deserved from a female mate. His wife (or call her ex wife) was unable or unwilling to give him that pleasure.

Boss's continuous pounding made Dipa shake all over. Her breasts bounced erotically. She had never experienced such forceful sex. Dipak was never a ruthless fucker anyway. Boss was different. He was hungry for sex, he had been craving for Dipa for a long time and most of all, Dipa had exorcised ghost of Shikha effectively.

Boss grabbed bouncing breasts of Dipa in both his hands and kept squeezing and kneading them hard out of the ecstatic excitement that his whole body was experiencing. The way he heaved his strokes into Dipa, it looked as if he was bent upon fucking Dipa hard.

Boss had started forcing each heave with tremendous force. His monster of cock was coming almost fully out and with great speed disappeared in Dipa's small hole so fast and with such full force that Dipa simply could not bear the pain of the big heave of each stroke. Her eyes started to black out. Her cervix was probably getting hit by incessant blows of the Boss's merciless cock.

Dipa felt like crying out loud, but she decided not to show any pain. She opened her eyes and moaned out loud. She said, "Somji harder please!!"

Boss looked at Dipa and saw her eyes contracting and showing a trace of pain. He saw tears in Dipa's eyes. He knew Dipa was feeling pain. He slowed down and reduced the force of his heaves. Dipa opened up her eyes and told Boss, "Somji, I don't like being given a discount. I want you in with full force and give me all you can. I would like you to fuck me in all positions, even if I may not be able to walk tomorrow morning.

Boss looked amazingly at Dipa's readiness or rather eagerness to bear pain with a singular objective of pleasing him. Suddenly boss had an idea. He withdrew his rod from Dipa's pussy. Dipa looked sharply at the boss. Boss got up from the bed and made Dipa stand up. Boss lifted naked Dipa up in her arms by placing his arms below her thighs on both sides of her buttocks. Dipa looked with amazement as boss lifted her easily up. Dipa's frail slim frame hardly gave Boss any difficulty in lifting her up easily.

Dipa got some idea and wrapped her arms around the Boss's neck. Boss lowered and rested her pussy exactly on his upward looking cock. Boss's hard fat meat fully coated with the slimy liquid of secretions from Dipa and Boss slid into Dipa's love hole with just a little pelvis thrust here and shove there from Boss. Boss's strong arms lifted her up easily and lowered her down on his rod to make the fuck an extra ordinary experience for Dipa.

Dipa had a very strange feeling of getting fucked in air by boss's strong arms raising her up and lowering her down with a heave upward to push his rod into her pussy. She was held up by Boss's strong arms placed under her buttocks. Her breasts were flying up and sideways. Dipa was amazed at the tremendous strength of boss's arms. She placed her lips on boss's. Boss inserted his tongue in her mouth. Dipa caressed boss's tongue with her tongue. Both tongues brushed around each other as if two snakes were playing with one another.

She was also happy feeling the fantastic experience that she had never had before. The way Somji fucked her overall generally but in the air particularly was a fantastic experience for her. All through, she kept looking at the Boss and saw extreme love in his eyes. The boss was thrilled at the enjoyment which he could see in Dipa's eyes. He realized that Dipa had surrendered herself so completely. She deserved to enjoy the experience. Boss kept on pumping her from the bottom by heaving his pelvis up and thrusting his rod deep inside Dipa's pussy so deep that Dipa cried out aloud.

Boss must have fucked Dipa at least for ten minutes in that position if not more. Dipa wondered about Somji's stamina. How Boss could lift her so easily and bring her down on his cock, simultaneously thrusting his pelvis up to ram his big shaft into Dipa and take it out at that rapid frequency. There was not the slightest imbalance or fatigue in Boss's movements.

This aerial fucking got Dipa highly aroused. That night Dipa wanted to have the Boss ramming into her in all positions. She wondered if the Boss would fuck her from behind in doggy position too.

As if the Boss read Dipa's mind, He lowered Dipa disengaging his cock from her pussy and made Dipa stand straight. It looked as though Dipa and her lover were in complete sync so much so that Boss did not have to ask Dipa to assume Doggy position. Dipa bent forward and Boss positioned behind her. Boss's hard meaty thick rod was as stiff as ever in spite of giving Dipa so much banging.

Dipa wondered at the Boss's stamina and sustaining capacity. It had taken more than 45 minutes since Boss had been fucking her. Yet he was fresh as a daisy. Her husband could barely last for 5 to 7 minutes of simple missionary fucking. Many times Dipak would eject whereas Dipa would be left unsatisfied. Dipa being a dedicated Indian wife, however, never complained or even express her unfulfilled desire.

Dipa had decided to offer herself completely to the Boss to let him enjoy her to his heart's content and also to enjoy her lover for that night fully. She did not want to withdraw for the fear of physical pain when Boss would ram her pussy hard from behind. She wanted to be banged hard, if that pleased the Boss. She wanted him to fuck her, such that would compensate to some extent his years of abstinence.

Dipa felt Boss's rod shoving in and out from behind her with such force and to such depth of Dipa's pussy passage that Dipa had a hard time to remain steady in that position. Each pelvis heave from the Boss shook her body violently. In her worst imagination, she had not expected such a massive onslaught from the Boss's rather huge build. Dipa did not want the Boss to get the feeling that she had unbearable pain of Boss's hard long and thick road hitting her cervix regularly.

Instead, Dipa wanted her lover to feel that she craved for more and more of his onslaught. Her experience of years of married intercourse had taught her that men love their female partner to encourage them to fuck harder and harder. She did not want to deprive her partner of that pleasure. Dipa said, "Somji, I want you to fuck me harder. Is that all you got? Please ram it in. I am enjoying it like never before. I have never had such a sexual experience in my life. Today, you have made me your permanent sex slave. I would never imagine of leaving such a fuck."

She saw Boss smile broadly. Boss was pleased that Dipa was enjoying his onslaught. He was afraid that she might not be able to take it. But he was pleased that she enjoyed it. He had feared that his thick and long cock would cause rather frail Dipa enormous pain. Which really was true; but Dipa did not allow it to show on her face.

Boss kept fucking Dipa in that position for close to 15 interminable minutes for Dipa. That was the period during which Dipa was subjected to maximum hammering. Boss's huge frame completely overpowered her. Certainly Dipa felt very secure in those broad arms and between those muscular thighs, the battering Dipa had to take from Boss's pelvis was hurting her.

After a while Boss stopped. He felt that perhaps Dipa was tired if not in pain. Boss closely watched Dipa. He felt that Dipa was trying hard to hide her pain. He looked at Dipa; concern showing on his face. He asked, "Dipa baby, are you ok?"

Dipa looked up and smiled. Boss could not avoid feeling that the smile lacked the inherent child like mischief in her eyes. She said, "I am enjoying Somji, more than you do. I have never had such an experience." There was truth in the second part of her sentence.

Boss stopped and straightened Dipa. He took her in his arms and kissing her head, he said, "Baby, I know you want me to have the greatest pleasure. But it should not come at the cost of your health."

Dipa replied with a smile, "Somji, "I am not in pain. I am fine. I am not going to accept defeat so easily. For a woman, this pain suffered during intercourse is not pain. It is a pleasure. Do you know women get much more pleasure out of this pain in intercourse because her lover feels so much ecstatic pleasure. God has made women like this. Believe me, I am not in pain. Let me show you that I am fine."

Dipa caught boss and made him lie on bed. Boss's big frame lay with his big cock rising above the silhouette of his body. Dipa held Boss's Cock fondly in her hand and climbed atop the boss. It was clear that she was going to mount the Boss and fuck him from top. However, she told Boss smiling, "Somji, now you are going to fuck me from under me."
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She centered Boss's cock centrally on her pussy, rubbed it for some time to make it slimier and signaled Boss to push it in. Boss heaved his pelvis up and pushed his rod in. Dipa sat on it to push it all the way in. A shooting pain was reverberating through Dipa's body. She had severe bruises in her pussy area. However, she wanted to have her last and most explosive orgasm with her lover.

She started rising and falling. Along with her Boss's pelvis also kept rising and falling. Boss's massive meat rod was getting impaled in and out of Dipa's wet cunt. Dipa had such ecstatic, smoothly exotic and big loving waves of rising hormones. This position brought her orgasm quickly. Boss's cock slid in and out of her hole at regular frequency with her female hormones getting hornier each stroke.

Boss had grabbed both Dipa's plum breasts in his hands and focused on the movements of their bodies in sync. He had been holding his flow for far too long and looked at Dipa with a look which said that he is on the edge and would like to release his pent up virility. Dipa understood Boss's internal conflict about releasing his sperm.

Dipa looked at the boss and smiled. She said, "Somji, release all your virility into me. Let me have all of your manhood in me. I would love to have your sperm in me. If it fructifies, I shall be happy. Don't hold back or think of wasting your sperm outside. But wait... I am also going to come with you."

With just a few more strokes, Boss's eyebrows contracted. Dipa realized that Boss was going to let loose his load. She started humping faster. She said, "Somji, release all you have into me. Don't hesitate at all. I am coming with you too!"

Saying this Dipa gave a few heaves and Boss a few shoves and with big sighs Dipa felt big load of worm fluids flowing into her womb with a great force. Dipa closed her eyes to feel the hot sperm flowing into her at the same time she found her own pussy flickering and her whole body undergoing an explosive orgasm and waves of ecstatic convulsions with mad joy.

Boss and Dipa both remained in the same position with Boss's cock still lodged in Dipa's womb. Dipa fell on Boss's body almost out of breath. Her head was resting on Boss's neck. Boss wrapped his arms around Dipa's head and fondly caressing her hair boss said, "Dipa, you have exorcised whatever venom I had in mind about women in general and our women in particular after my experience with Shikha. I have no feeling whatsoever for Shikha in my mind now. I now consider her as a good riddance. Not only that I have developed a deep respect for our women and feel that Shikha was just an aberration or a bad spot on a fantastic character of our Indian women."

Boss expected some response from his mate who was lying on his frame. However, Shikha was unmoved. Boss shook Dipa up a little and asked, "What do you say Dipa?" There still was no response from Dipa.

Boss institutively felt alarmed. He gently laid Dipa on bed by his side. Dipa's eyes were closed. Thinking that Dipa fell off to sleep after all the exhaustion, Boss wanted to cover up Shikha with a bed sheet. He felt slimy liquid on his fingers. Initially he thought it was probably his semen. However, one casual look at his fingers confirmed Boss's suspicion that it was blood and not semen oozing out of Dipa's pussy.

Dipa seemed to have got hurt by Boss's incessant ramming. Boss was mortally frightened. He did not want Dipa hurt. He shook Dipa hard and asked, "Dipa, are you ok?" There was no response from her.

Boss once again shook Dipa up, this time harder than before. Opening her eyes just a little Dipa said, "Somji, don't get unnecessarily worried about a little blood oozing out. We women enjoy some hurt for our men, if they cause such pain out of love. I am just tired."

Regaining her breath a little, Dipa asked the Boss in drowsy voice, "You know, in our life who was the cat?"

Boss looked down on Dipa, not knowing exactly what she meant he asked, "Who?"

Dipa said, "You killed that cat Shikha on our honeymoon, Somji. Now you, my Boss, my Sahib, my owner, will always dominate me. I will always be under you whether in the office or in bed. That is what I call Killing a cat with a Big Bang theory."

Dipa and I stayed with my Boss for about ten years in the same house. Dipa delivered two babies: both boys. One we named as Dipsom and another Somdip. I do not know and do not care to know who the father of my sons was. They called me "Papa" and Somji "Bade Papa"

Our company turned profitable the next year and in another year was listed as a Public Limited Company. I became the Vice President working under Dipa. After many years, Boss retired as the Chairman of his group of companies with group turnover of just under a hundred million Dollars. No award for guessing who the Group Chairman became after the Boss retired; Dipa of course, silly!

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Finally after opening her thighs and giving birth to two children she and her impotent husband inherit the empire.
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