Non-erotic Salma and Aslam (NOT SEXUAL-but romantic) by Shah Khan of Mauritius.(Casinar)
Salma and Aslam (NOT SEXUAL-but romantic) (completed)

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Friends. I wrote this story on 18th January 2009. Its posted on another site. Today sharing with you all guys. Its all created and written by me with, partially My TRUE personal encounters. I personally went through many of the situations mentioned within the content of this story.
Your valuable comments awaited dudes.


He worked in a company of software production. He was in the distribution department and was thus travelling all around the country, was 23 years of age.
She worked in a factory manufacturing spectacles and was only 18 years old.

Aslam lived in an urban area called Highlands and the bus in which he travelled to reach his working place at Belle Rose, had to pass through the place called Phoenix, where Salma lived and was usually seen on the bus stop.
It all happened one fine morning when she got in the bus and Aslam’s eyes went on her. He admired her from the back as she was sitting in the front…
Now from Phoenix to Belle Rose it was a 20 minutes drive and during those minutes Aslam’s eyes did not move from her silhouette….. When he alighted, she kept sitting and from the road Aslam looked back in the bus to have a last glance at her and he found her looking at him, their eyes met for the first time on that morning
The whole day she remained in his mind, her hair, dress, face, eyes, were all graved in his memory……
Aslam kept thinking where could she be going? Did she work? Will he see her again the next day?
He thought it was only a one day show….. Yet the next morning he was expecting to see her again…..
And when the bus reached Phoenix, at the bus stop where she had got in the day before, Aslam’s eyes started looking outside to see if she was there to get in, and his joy had no bound when he saw her standing in the queue waiting her turn to get in the bus! This day he did not sit at the back but in the front expecting that she gets a seat near him……
But someone who got in before her sat near him and she sat just two seats in front of him.....
He tried his best to hear where for she will pay to the conductor, and according to the bus conductor’s reply while giving her the ticket, Aslam knew that she will alight at Rose Hill which is only a kilometre from Belle Rose where he usually alights.
And again when he alighted he stood on the road and looked at her from the pavement and she looked back and had a slight smile, and he stood fixing at her till the bus departed!

This continued for about a month. Without any word said to each other.... Aslam was thinking of her night and day, and someday when she missed that bus in the morning Aslam would wait at Belle Rose on the pavement to wait and look into every other buses passing by to see if he will see her in another bus. And he at times did see her and some days not at all....

Thus one morning when they were both in the bus Aslam paid for Rose Hill instead of Belle Rose, he did not go to work only to accompany her so as to see where she will go, where she works, where she alights and all that....
And Salma always WAITS to see Aslam getting out of the bus at Belle Rose and on that day when she found he did not alight and the bus started to move, she turned back to look for him in the bus..... her face was pale and worried.... she thought he had forgotten to alight or was asleep!!?
And Aslam was waiting to see if she will turn back to look at him on not seeing him alighting, he wanted to see if she cares..... and he was so happy to see her looking at the back, and when she found him smiling happily she felt that she was caught being caring for him, or she had some feelings for him hidden within her..... she blushed.... and smiled to herself..... she wished to ask him why he did not alight, she wanted to ask why he is not going to work on that day..... he wished she asked him that, he wished she talked to him, and she wished he talked to her.... form both side the timidity was invading their selves...

Now at Rose Hill bus terminus, when she alighted and started walking, Aslam followed her and she quickened her steps, and then she got in another bus! Aslam read the indicator, the bus was going to Saint Pierre. So she works at Saint Pierre he told himself! There was an industrial zone at that place..... and now, Aslam also got in that bus behind her, he only sat and kept looking at her admiring her in al the ways..... it was only a seven kilometres trip and they alighted and thousands of girls and women and men were found walking towards the industries.... Aslam felt lost among the crowd, and then she had joined her friends there and she was walking in a group of 10 to 15 girls.... he was more reluctant to approach her... so he followed from a distance and only wished to see in which factory she will go, as there were hundreds of factories in that zone.... and once he found her getting in, he left having enquired with other persons about the time at which that factory released the workers in the evening.

Now, Aslam had among all his friends one who was his closest and knew him very well. Aslam related everything about Salma to him. And that friend encouraged him to talk to her as it was high time to do it.
Till now there had been no talks between Aslam and Salma, only their eyes communicated, they conveyed messages through the eyes only.... yet 2 months had now elapsed in that way of communicating....

And after two and a half months of looking at each other, of waiting to see each other in the bus, at the bus stop, of waiting for one to alight and look at each other from the pavement and all that, one afternoon Aslam went to wait for her at her working place in the evening!!
He was feeling very hard to start a talk, he did not know what to say, how to say.....
They saw each other; she was surprised to see him there at Saint Pierre in the evening! She had a disturbed look, and did not know what to do... he walked behind her, she hurried her steps.... she felt everybody were aware and were looking only at them....

At last once in the bus, Aslam sat close to her on the same seat. This was the first time they sat together after two and half months of knowing each other.... and when the conductor came to take the fare Aslam paid two for Rose Hill. She was tending her fare to be paid but when she saw Aslam paid she kept her money..... and, and he started the conversation.....


to be continued......
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[b]Salma and Aslam ..PART 2.[/b]

continued from part 1.

The first words he pronounced were, “You know, in my name there is your name and in your name there is mine…. Aslam – Salma….
“How do you know my name?” she asked slowly with a shaking voice.

“Well the world is too small dear! And don’t tell me that you don’t know my name for I know that you know my name well!” he replied. She asked “And how do you know that I know your name? How can you be sure?”

Well then Aslam related that many a times his friends have called him by his name in the bus or when he would be standing on the pavement to see her going, and on many other circumstances she did hear his friends calling him “ ASLAM” loudly in her presence!! After hearing this she quietly smiled…..

After a while she asked, “And how come you know my name for my friends never called my name in your presence!” Aslam did a big “ha ha ha!”…… she laughed back and said “Your ‘ha! ha! ha!’ is not a reply!” Then Aslam explained her that one of his friend lives near her house and works in the company he works, who gave the information about her name.
“So you have a spy who looks over at me?” She asked seriously.

“Oh no, please don’t look at it that way, I enquired about you with many of my friends who live at Phoenix, and he was the only one who had the right information. I wished to know your name, there is nothing out of this, and I was so happy to know that your name was Salma as it goes like a pair with my name, doesn’t it?”

She smiled and nodded shyly. He told himself “Yeah! She is on the way it seems; hope there won’t be any hurdles ahead! God, bless me!”
And she spoke “In Aslam and Salma there is the word “salam” also which means peace. Did you know?”
He was amazed and said “Oh God! I never paid heed to that! That’s very true! So we are at peace is it?” She gave a smile screwing up her nose at him.

He was feeling very happy and he felt his heart dancing inside. He found everything going on smoothly, and he did not have to plead and all that, he was too happy. And by that time the bus had reached Rose Hill and they had to alight. He stood up and gave way for her to go in the front, she murmured “please don’t walk by my side now, and don’t sit near me in the next bus please, and also don’t follow me!”...... They had by that time started walking along the bus to get down, and he replied behind her, “but why? I wish to sit with you as I have so many things to say, please allow me to sit near you, I would love it, please dear!” She turned back to tell him “Haven’t you already spoken a lot? You are too talkative, I have nothing more to say, and I don’t want to get troubles.” And she was out of the bus.

Aslam was sad and felt a heavy burden over his heart! He felt suffocating and wished to shout her name!........But he followed her, and she turned back to see then hurried her steps towards the next bus they had to take. There was a queue! She had to stand and Aslam stood behind her!! They got to wait for almost 25 minutes for the bus to come, and Aslam was thankful to the sky that he got more time to be with her. He spoke. “I am sorry, but I could not do otherwise my dear, you see I also have to catch the same bus as you so have to be in the queue!” she clutched her teeth and severely said, “ will you please shut up? I told you not to talk with me!! People are looking at us and I don’t want to get any problems, understood?”.... Aslam was amazed and said, “Hey, come on dear! Where on earth is it the people’s problem if I am talking to you? AND HOW CAN YOU GET ANY KIND OF PROBLEM? HOW IS MY TALKING TO YOU RELATED TO PROBLEMS? COME ON IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT I TALK TO YOU JUST TELL ME I AM MOVING RIGHT AWAY! DO I GO? JUST SAY IT!” He said all this in a more serious tone than her words said to him! And she lifted her head up to look into in his face; she then bent down her head without saying any word! She was quiet. Aslam repeated “Do I go? Is it what you want?” She calmly, said. “I never said that.” “Then I will continue to talk with you, no matter whatever happens.” She did not reply, but kept quiet looking here and there as if looking for someone. Then she told him “I have two uncles who are bus conductors and a relative who is a bus driver and any time they can be passing by so I don’t want them to see you talking to me! And then there are many people who know me around here! “ “ no problem miss, I wont talk anymore, but please don’t prevent me to do so once inside the bus.”

“Not if someone who knows me is the driver or conductor!”.... Aslam felt irritated!!
And they were in the bus soon. And yes he got a seat near her, paid the fare for Phoenix, and whispered in her ears, “Is the driver or the conductor your relatives dear Miss Salma? She laughed loudly and moved her head negatively, looking in his eyes! Aslam looked in her eyes; they were beautiful, clear, crystal like he thought! He said “your eyes are too beautiful!” she bit her lips and bent down her head.
He then said “I just want to say a prayer, and let me say it for you to hear, good God, make the traffic be jammed for more than an hour.” She could not hold her laughs and did it loudly and tapped him on his hand. She then asked as if not knowing the reason, “And why should there be such a traffic jam?” “Obviously, so that I would be in your company for longer moment!” he replied.

Both laughed on this and Aslam told her how he loves her dresses and that he knows all her dresses, his preference for the blue gown, and the fuchsia two-piece, the yellow churidaar, and how he loved when she let her hair loose, how he loved her long hair and asked her never to cut it, and how much he likes her smile and her cool behaviour, her silence and timidity. He admired her way of pushing her hair over her forehead, and loved her way of looking with one eye at things when she doesn’t want to be noticed doing it. When he was saying all that, she was quietly listening and looking into his eyes attentively, following all his words with great concern.

The traffic was really jammed and she remarked smiling, “your prayer has been heard!” he was amused and smiled back saying, “I wish the important prayer be granted too!” she asked, “and what is that?” he to reply, “ does it need saying that I am madly in love with you and want you to be mine for ever?”
to be continued in part 3
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Originally Posted by Casinar View Post
He worked in a company of software production. He was in the distribution department and was thus travelling all around the country, was 23 years of age.
She worked in a factory manufacturing spectacles and was only-- years old.

Aslam lived in an urban area called Highlands and the bus in which he travelled to reach his working place at Belle Rose, had to pass through the place called Phoenix, where Salma lived and was usually seen on the bus stop.

maja aa jaye ga

Originally Posted by Casinar View Post
It all happened one fine morning when she got in the bus and Aslam’s eyes went on her. He admired her from the back as she was sitting in the front…

yeh agey kyun beth gyi..

Originally Posted by Casinar View Post
Now from Phoenix to Belle Rose it was a 20 minutes drive and during those minutes Aslam’s eyes did not move from her silhouette….. When he alighted, she kept sitting and from the road Aslam looked back in the bus to have a last glance at her and he found her looking at him, their eyes met for the first time on that morning
The whole day she remained in his mind, her hair, dress, face, eyes, were all graved in his memory……
Aslam kept thinking where could she be going? Did she work? Will he see her again the next day?
He thought it was only a one day show….. Yet the next morning he was expecting to see her again…..
And when the bus reached Phoenix, at the bus stop where she had got in the day before, Aslam’s eyes started looking outside to see if she was there to get in, and his joy had no bound when he saw her standing in the queue waiting her turn to get in the bus! This day he did not sit at the back but in the front expecting that she gets a seat near him……
But someone who got in before her sat near him and she sat just two seats in front of him.....

phir se .... yaar itna preshan na karo aslam bhai ko..

Originally Posted by Casinar View Post
He tried his best to hear where for she will pay to the conductor, and according to the bus conductor’s reply while giving her the ticket, Aslam knew that she will alight at Rose Hill which is only a kilometre from Belle Rose where he usually alights.
And again when he alighted he stood on the road and looked at her from the pavement and she looked back and had a slight smile, and he stood fixing at her till the bus departed!

Originally Posted by Casinar View Post
This continued for about a month. Without any word said to each other.... Aslam was thinking of her night and day, and someday when she missed that bus in the morning Aslam would wait at Belle Rose on the pavement to wait and look into every other buses passing by to see if he will see her in another bus. And he at times did see her and some days not at all....

Thus one morning when they were both in the bus Aslam paid for Rose Hill instead of Belle Rose, he did not go to work only to accompany her so as to see where she will go, where she works, where she alights and all that....
And Salma always WAITS to see Aslam getting out of the bus at Belle Rose and on that day when she found he did not alight and the bus started to move, she turned back to look for him in the bus..... her face was pale and worried.... she thought he had forgotten to alight or was asleep!!?

yeh mua kahan se mere peeche parh gya..

Originally Posted by Casinar View Post
And Aslam was waiting to see if she will turn back to look at him on not seeing him alighting, he wanted to see if she cares..... and he was so happy to see her looking at the back, and when she found him smiling happily she felt that she was caught being caring for him, or she had some feelings for him hidden within her..... she blushed.... and smiled to herself..... she wished to ask him why he did not alight, she wanted to ask why he is not going to work on that day..... he wished she asked him that, he wished she talked to him, and she wished he talked to her.... form both side the timidity was invading their selves...

Now at Rose Hill bus terminus, when she alighted and started walking, Aslam followed her and she quickened her steps, and then she got in another bus! Aslam read the indicator, the bus was going to Saint Pierre. So she works at Saint Pierre he told himself! There was an industrial zone at that place..... and now, Aslam also got in that bus behind her, he only sat and kept looking at her admiring her in al the ways..... it was only a seven kilometres trip and they alighted and thousands of girls and women and men were found walking towards the industries.... Aslam felt lost among the crowd, and then she had joined her friends there and she was walking in a group of 10 to 15 girls.... he was more reluctant to approach her... so he followed from a distance and only wished to see in which factory she will go, as there were hundreds of factories in that zone.... and once he found her getting in, he left having enquired with other persons about the time at which that factory released the workers in the evening.

wah bhai wah..... what a superb narration

Originally Posted by Casinar View Post
Now, Aslam had among all his friends one who was his closest and knew him very well. Aslam related everything about Salma to him. And that friend encouraged him to talk to her as it was high time to do it.
Till now there had been no talks between Aslam and Salma, only their eyes communicated, they conveyed messages through the eyes only.... yet 2 months had now elapsed in that way of communicating....

And after two and a half months of looking at each other, of waiting to see each other in the bus, at the bus stop, of waiting for one to alight and look at each other from the pavement and all that, one afternoon Aslam went to wait for her at her working place in the evening!!
He was feeling very hard to start a talk, he did not know what to say, how to say.....
They saw each other; she was surprised to see him there at Saint Pierre in the evening! She had a disturbed look, and did not know what to do... he walked behind her, she hurried her steps.... she felt everybody were aware and were looking only at them....

At last once in the bus, Aslam sat close to her on the same seat. This was the first time they sat together after two and half months of knowing each other.... and when the conductor came to take the fare Aslam paid two for Rose Hill. She was tending her fare to be paid but when she saw Aslam paid she kept her money..... and, and he started the conversation.....
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Salma and aslam PART 3


So when Aslam said this line to her “does it need saying that I am madly in love with you and want you to be mine for ever?” she looked at him not astonished as it was clear to each of them that there was love in the air as they both spent two and a half months playing with the eyes!!... yet there was something which was disturbing Salma but she was not saying it….. And Aslam could not observe that as he was too happy to be in her company and talking to her about his love for her…….

They were now almost reaching Phoenix where she would alight, and Aslam would go further to reach his home, but Salma was sure that he will get down at Phoenix and will follow her to see where she lived, thats why she said “ look now I will be walking in my area, and I know you are going to walk behind me and you will come up to my house, so I beg of you not to talk with me in the road, if you wish to walk behind, I am not preventing you but for God sake do not talk to me at all! We must look like strangers to each other.” Aslam being a bit stubborn said “but what if we talk like friends?” “we are not friends!! If you were one, everybody here would have known you! And please once that I get in my yard you immediately return from there, please don’t stand near my house, I don’t want anybody from my place to notice you and ask me questions”

Aslam agreed on the condition that the next morning she will sit near him while going to work and will return with him like today from Rose Hill as he ends work before her and he will wait for her at Rose Hill. She agreed. “YEAH!” shouted the hero, pointing his fist in the air!
She was walking slowly towards her house, and Aslam was walking behind her at a distance of about 2 metres. She turned back several times to look at him, and looking at all corners meanwhile to see if anybody was looking at her actions. From behind, Aslam was admiring her long hair moving from right to left brushing her back and part of both her arms at the back. Twice she took the hair in her hand and placed it in her front, but it gradually went back again to the pleasure of Aslam’s eyes, who smiled having a pleasant appreciation at it...... he admired all her movements, her walk, the way she moved her hair from her face, the way her hips moved, the way she turned back to look at him, the way she sighed, and how she took the tissue in her hand to rub her chin and lips..... In short he admired all in her.
She reached her yard, a small house in between trees and flowers, and a short way to go through the door..... Aslam walked ahead letting her get inside, she turned back thrice to look at him. He returned after walking about 5 metres ahead, and when he arrived near her yard she was standing near her window smiling timidly, he sent a flying kiss after looking on both side on the road that there was no one looking at his gestures. She laughed and signalled with her hand saying “GO! GO BACK HOME!!”

And our hero, very happy and proud of his feat of love went home. Salma occupied his mind all along the way, whole evening, all night! He dreamt of her, and jumped out of bed in the middle of the night to smile to him and start dreaming open eyed! He could not sleep anymore and kept thinking of the next morning. He was like a young kid who receives a gift and can’t wait for next morning to play with it. He was having such feelings!

In the morning he related everything to his sister, younger to him. She liked it but was very worried! Why? Why she was very worried? Well will soon read about it!

Aslam hurried near the mirror, shaving, he wore his Jeans and T-shirt and hurried out to catch the bus..... Once in the bus he was eager to reach Phoenix and was longing to see Salma’s beautiful face, to see her smile, to admire her soft hands and to hear her sweet voice. He was thrilled and felt time delaying....

Reaching Phoenix, he stood up in the bus to look outside, to have a glimpse of his beloved. But he was disappointed not to find her there!! He looked at his watch to see if it was not the time she used to be there, the time was right, his heart beat faster and he was having difficulty to breath as though...... He kept standing in the bus to look ahead if she was coming or not, and the bus started to move! Aslam was worried and wished to get out of the bus and go to her dwelling place to see what the matter was, but fortunately after some metres he found her hurrying and looking inside the bus, waving it to stop, and Aslam walked to the driver and requested him to wait for her, and it was done!!

“OH” He sighed, after sitting. She sat near him and bed good morning to him, he replied and said “we should kiss each other’s cheek on meeting everyday” To kiss on the cheek in Mauritius is very normal among friends be it girls or boys. Salma replied him “no, not now, not so fast, we are not even friends!” but Aslam said “ But I have already started considering you part of my life, so I am going to kiss you good morning” and he leaned towards her cheek, she moved more and more farther smiling and biting her lips, till his lips kissed her cheek! She immediately turned to look at the back if any passenger was of her acquaintance.....

And he asked why she was late. She said “Did you see my brother?” “What? Which brother? I don’t know your brother!” Aslam replied. But she said “You know him well! During the last two months, he sat near me twice in this bus and when you alighted at Belle Rose he saw you looking at me!” Aslam was perplexed and said he knows nothing at all. He asked explanations. She explained; “Look, I have a brother three years elder than me who works in the same industrial zone I work but in a different factory! He works in diamond factory and I in spectacles. He leaves home almost the same time as me as his work starts same time as mine and he ends same as mine! You see, that is why I was asking you not to talk with me at the terminus yesterday as he could have been around any time! And this morning he was late and I was waiting for him to leave before me so that he won’t be in this bus as I had to be with you. If he would have been in this bus I would never sat with you!” “But how come I did never notice him?” he said. She continued “one morning he was sitting near me and I had turned back to look at your facial expression, I wanted to see if you would feel jealous, but you were lost in your thoughts!! And that day when you alighted at Belle Rose and you stopped to look at me from the pavement, Javed (my bro) told me ‘why is that boy staring at you?’ and I was looking at you under my eyes so that he would not notice”..... Aslam replied “ you know Salma, I was so much involved in looking at you, appreciating you, thinking of you that I never paid heed of all that, I can’t make out whom you are talking of, but I am sure I will recognize him once you show him to me.”

“Okay, the next time that he is around I will show you who is Javed. I bet you know him as he has many times travelled in this bus.” She said, and continued, “you are almost reaching Belle Rose Aslam, have a nice day, take care, see you this evening.”
Aslam curved his lips and said good bye to her complaining that the time is not enough to talk with her and that he will wait for her at Rose Hill in the evening and heeded her to beware not to let his bro be around as they won’t, then be able to talk. He kissed he abruptly and stood up to go out, his eyes on her till he reached the door, and his usual staring at her from the pavement, till the bus leaves.... she waved him goodbye, this was the first time she did that which added joy to his day!

to be continued in part 4.
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Salma and Aslam… part 4


The bus had not yet gone even 50 metres ahead and Aslam wished to go back to her, to be with her.... he went to work in her thoughts.
That day he was on the route in connection with his work and he had to pass at Saint Pierre, the place Salma works. He asked the driver to pass by the industrial zone and he was feeling like seeing her. The driver asked what for he should go to that zone, and when Aslam insisted he drove to that zone and it was lunch time and many girls and women were out in the yard and he was longing to see his piece of heart...... but to no avail, he got to return without seeing her, he had a very strange feeling at that moment....

And the much awaited evening came. He was waiting for her at the Rose Hill bus terminus. He saw her alighting from the Saint Pierre bus and coming towards the queue he was standing. She had a smile and was blushing on seeing him waiting for her. He stepped a little bit backward to let her get in front of him. And they talked while waiting for the bus to come. He asked if she never gets out of the factory at lunch time and told her that he was there this day at lunch time. She felt sorry and said had she known he would be coming she would have got out.
The bus came, they got in and sat together, he paid the fares, and they were close to each other, he prayed for the jam again, and it was answered! He laughed and she joined him in the laughs.

They were having a normal conversation and she said “I AM ENGAGED ALREADY!” Aslam was shocked for a while..... He did not say any word, then looked at her hand, then her finger and smiled “You must be kidding isn’t it? Where is your engagement ring then?” by then he had taken her left hand in his, and was caressing her fingers. And he felt very happy holding her hand in his, and said “your hand is so soft, as though it will get hurt by my touch.”

She said “I DON’T LIKE WEARING THE RING “She smiled while saying that and Aslam said “Will you please stop joking? It hurts!” she then bent down her head and was lost in thoughts. They were both quiet for a long while. She lifted up her head to look at his face and hit him with her elbow to his rib and asked “Why you are not talking?” He did not reply. So she talked, “well, assume that I am engaged for true, what you would do?” he answered, “I don’t know, I will go crazy!” she patted his cheek and asked “when did you fall in love with me?” he said “The very first time I saw you getting in the bus.” And he asked, “But tell me, you never had any feelings for me during those 2 months that we had only looks at each other?”

And Salma told him that she used to watch him secretly all those days, even before he ever noticed her, she loved his Jeans and T-Shirts which he wore and she gave her preferences, naming those she preferred, and she explained how she was waiting for the day that he will talk to her. And she added that she loved his eyes and would love to have eyes like his! Aslam listened attentively with a deep smile on his face and was so glad to hear all that. “You little cheat” he told her. “You knew me even before I noticed you, you were watching me secretly huh?” and she replied, “yes, I knew you used to alight at Belle Rose and worked in that firm, and every morning I waited for you to get out of the bus and kept looking at you and prayed that you notice me one day!”..... “Hey, so your prayer is answered huh?” he taunted! She smiled biting her lips and said “But I know we won’t succeed!”

Aslam felt nervous and asked her to stop talking like that as he was feeling unease. After a while Aslam asked her “Salma, my love, tell me, DO YOU LOVE ME LIKE I DO?” She answered, “I DO LOVE YOU, BUT I DON’T HAVE THE RIGHT TO, YET I DO LOVE YOU, AND YOU ARE THE ONE AND ONLY PERSON I LOVE TRUELY.” So that’s enough, I don’t want to know more, we love each other and that only counts, nothing more.” Was Aslam’s words to her. They were quiet for a moment again when he started “I WISH TO BE ALONE WITH YOU, NOT IN THE BUS, SOMEWHERE ELSE WHERE THERE WILL BE ONLY ME AND YOU. PLEASE, I WISH TO SEE YOU ALONE.” He was very sad saying that and she was lost in thoughts, they were both serious and tensed!.... and she said “ tomorrow my brother is going in a funeral, he wont go to work, so I wont go either, can you take a leave? I will leave home the same time in the morning; you do same as though you are going to work, can you?”

The next day they met. She did not go to work, but told her parents that she was going.
They went in the Botanical garden found in Rose Hill, away from people’s eyes, and she was soon in his arms. He has asked her to wear the fuchsia two-piece he loved, and she was in that. They walked holding each other and went away and away, farther than they expected, to a very remote area where nobody went!

In the middle of shrubs, trees and bushy environment, they built a nest like place and lay there. Aslam held her in his arms, kissed her behind her ears, bite the lobe of her ear, ran his tongue under her neck, kissed it and she enlaced him tightly, surrendering herself completely to him. He gradually ran his mouth over her cheeks looking for her lips, and they were soon lost in a passionate kiss.

They spent the whole day in that place away from the viewers, far from the crowded town, distant from the noise of the bus’ motor. The chirping of birds, the blowing of the cool breeze among the branches of the trees and hearing water running through the rocks of a river nearby enhanced their romantic moments....... another moment he was resting his head over her, hearing her heart beating fast inside her, and she changed position as said she wanted to hear his heartbeats, thus she was resting her head over his chest, and he was running his fingers in her hair, caressing her scalp, giving it a light massage! She slept! And he kept admiring her sleeping fearlessly, feeling protected in his arms, away from the world. He wished the world stopped moving, time stopped there and the world came to an end and his beloved stayed in his arms for ever!

They spent 10 hours together at that place. At the time she ends work, they were back at the Rose Hill bus terminus. And as though they were returning from work, he accompanied her to Phoenix, walked her to her house and he went back home.

After that day, they met daily as usual in the bus while travelling for work, but they did their best to meet one day by not going to work. Once they met on a Sunday, telling at home that they had extra hours of work.

They spent happy moments together and they were lost in love. Aslam one day then told her that he will come to ask her hand in marriage with her parents to which SALMA OBJECTED! She said she will tell him when the right time comes.

And Aslam had related all about his adventures to his sister who in turn told her mother and both mother and sister were in deep worries! They were both worried for him lest he face deception! That is because three years ago Aslam loved a girl named Laila, who betrayed him by going to France with her cousin who married her! Laila opted for the luxuries, big bungalows and going abroad and left Aslam lonely. Aslam had to have psychiatric treatments and was almost mad after that episode. It took him two long years to get cured! And this was the third year and here he meets Salma!!

His mother and sister were very worried as to what will happen if in case he does not succeed with Salma!
Nevertheless, the two lovers went on seeing each other more often and one day her brother learnt at work that she was absent while everybody at home believed that she was at work!

to be continued in part 5:
written by Shah Khan of Mauritius.
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Salma and Aslam… part 5

Continued from part 4.

So Salma’s brother learnt that she was not at work a day when all at home believed that she had been to work….. He could not believe it and went to enquire at her office and verified the dates where she has taken local leaves and the Sundays which she pretended to go to work were all false, she had never been to work. The supervisor of that factory was a friend of Javed, and he gave all information about Salma to him.

Javed reported the matter to the parents and she was questioned about her whereabouts on those days. She gave no replies but was quiet all along the interrogation.

The next day Aslam, not aware of anything was waiting for her in the morning but she was not seen at all. The bus left Phoenix yet she did not come! At Belle Rose he waited for her expecting to see her passing in another bus.... he waited for long on the pavement of the bus stop and yes, she was in another bus, Aslam was relieved to see her, but to his surprise she did not look at him at all!!..... He was so eagerly waiting for her, and he needed her smile and her looks to start his day, she knew it so very well, but she was looking down in a bus...... Aslam wished to knock the window pane of the bus, when his eyes went on the boy sitting next to her, he was looking tough and rough, and was gazing at him. Aslam had seen him many times before in Phoenix and in the bus, and he understood that he was Javed, Salma’s brother! ‘Oh! That was the matter, that’s why my love did not dare look at me this morning? Never mind my heart; we will see each other this evening at Rose Hill!’ Aslam comforted himself with these words.

And it had been a very difficult day for Aslam. He found Salma pale in the morning. He had a bad feeling. He got like an intuition that something bad was to happen.... he has a heavy heart the whole day and felt like having difficulty to breath.... he was worried and tensed. His forehead and eyes pained, he wished to rest...... but he had lots of works too..... So he started thinking of the happy moments he elapsed in her company to forget the stress..... He started thinking the way he felt her warm breath over his neck when she is enlaced in his arms, he thought of her warm touch, he felt her voice humming in his ears..... That way he felt much better, and he out of sudden remembered that the next day they had to meet and they had another 10 hours to spend at that very special place they had created for themselves in the bush, in between nature. He was very much eased and glad thinking of their next day’s meeting.

At 5.30 PM they met at the terminus. And as usual he reached there before her and was waiting in the queue when she joined and he left a space for her in front of him. She had a sad look and smiled with him and once in the queue she said “Let’s go to the garden!” amazed he looked in her face asking “At this time? But we are going there tomorrow isn’t it?” he questioned. She answered “I have to talk to you Aslam and I won’t get the time to say what I have to say while travelling. We are in summer and the sun sets at 7.15 so we have almost two hours to be together. Let’s go please” He agreed and they left the queue, he walked to a taxi which dropped them at the botanical garden.

In the garden it was very quiet with some students in couples at some corners and some elder couples to another side and some older person performing physical exercises. Salma pulled Aslam by his hand to a wooden bench and asked him to sit there. He proposed to go to their secret place, but she said it was too late to go there, and suggested that they sit there on the bench for an hour and talk. He accepted but reminded her that the next day they are going to their secret place down the valley. Even on the bench they sat was a lonely area as it was evening and people who passed by moved away seeing them sitting there so as not to disturb them as they looked like a couple in love.

“So what is the matter my lovely baby? Why are you looking pale today and why a sudden change of trajectory this evening?” he started the conversation. She gave a long sigh, and smiled at him looking deeply in his face and searching something in his eyes. She took a deep breath, screwed her lips and childishly said “You are very hot tempered isn’t it Aslam? You get irritated very easily and you are very easily angered am I right?” “Hey, come on don’t tell me you asked me to come here to talk about my getting nervous!” was Aslam’s reply. She had a lovely smile and took his hands tightly into hers and said “I LOVE TO SEE YOU IN THIS JOLLY MOOD. I love your sense of humour and happy- going way, I like your funny talks, I love your smart ideas and thoughts. I know very well that you are a bit authoritative, and I also know that you have leadership qualities as I often have seen you among your friends the way you lead the group. I know you are loved amongst your friends too and I also know that you are very sensitive and intelligent. I also know your importance at your home and at your work place, and I know someday you will make it big in life.
Aslam was not understanding where she wanted to come saying all that and pronounced “Hey, hello! What is this lecture all about? I did not ask you to predict my future my dear, what’s going on? Are you alright? You seem to be drunk! Hehehe!!” and he started laughing loudly, which made her go on laughing too.

They were still holding hands and she pulled out one of her hands and put it to his cheeks, looked into his eyes for a long while, kissed his both cheeks, held both his cheeks in her hands, kissed his forehead, and her eyes filled up and she dropped some tears. Aslam was perplexed and took her into his tight arms and cajoled her asking “Hey baby, what’s the matter? Why are you crying? What happened? Tell me, I want to know. You seem to be hiding something aren’t you?” she looked fixing in his eyes again and burst into a cry loudly. He held her to his chest and was tapping her shoulder, amazed, and was going on asking why she was crying. She moved her cheek close to his, she wished to feel his cheek over hers and Aslam felt her warm tears over his cheek, she was surrounding his shoulder into her arms and she kissed him, exploring his mouth, and Aslam felt the salty tears on his tongue mixed in the kiss..... he kissed away her tears from her eyes, and gently brushed off her hair which were stuck over her cheeks, with his lips, and whispered in her ears “My sweet sweet baby, my love, please don’t cry anymore, I can’t bear to see you in this state, please tell me what is the problem, won’t you share with your love?” On seeing such love bestowed on her she cried more and more and talked with the cries “Aslam I will NEVER be yours, I cannot be yours, I AM ALREADY ENGAGED! I WILL BE GETTING MARRIED NEXT MONTH. PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I ONLY WANTED TO KNOW WHAT ISTRUE LOVE. I WANTED TO KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO BE IN LOVE, I NEVER LOVED THAT MAN, MY PARENTS FORCED ME TO MARRY HIM, I DO NOT LOVE HIM AT ALL, I ONLY LOVE YOU. I HAVE NEVER EVER LOVED ANYBODY ELSE IN MY LIFE. I LEARNT WHAT LOVE IS WITH YOU ONLY............ Her cheeks, nose, were all wet with tears, and while she was saying all that, Aslam was silently listening, his eyes wide open, he did not even blink them and Salma lifted her head to look why he was silent, and she found tears running from his eyes all along his cheeks, reaching his chin, he had a running nose too, he said no word and stood up silently rubbing his nose and eyes, and she held his arm to stop, and she was going on crying too, he grasped his hand from her, looked furious, and walked some steps, returned to her, walked away again and did to and fro from the bench to another one...... she was staring at him and going on crying.... he was not saying any word, but only drying his eyes and walking to and fro.... when he came near her, she pleaded with sobs “Aslam I wish to hold you in my arms, please come near me, please my love, let me hold you hard to my heart” and she burst into a big cry again........
He neared her, took her tightly in his arms and said in a grave voice “Don’t marry him, run away with me, and let us elope!”

to be continued in part 6.

written by Shah Khan of Mauritius.
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Salma and Aslam… part 6

Continued from part 5.

So when he told her in that grave voice enlacing her in his strong arms to run away with him and not to marry that man, Salma sobbed. Aslam was very serious and in his mind he already started planning where to go, how to stay and all that. And he asked “Will you come with me sweetheart? We will live very happily, I promise you to be a very good husband, a very nice father to our kids, and a strong family chief…. I will love you till you will be the oldest woman of the world…I will never leave you, I will be by your side till life part me away from you.” He said all that in a very serious tone and hard voice meaning all his words one by one. On hearing all that Salma wept more and more still holding him tightly, her arms surrounding his body, her head over his chest, his shirt wet with her tears, she lifted her head looking in his face and passing the palm of her hand over his cheek she said “Aslam, you are such a caring and loving person that I have never doubted that you will be the best husband I could ever get, I am certain that you will the best dad of the world, any woman will be the luckiest one to have you as life partner Aslam, but darling I am not destined to have those days in your company. I know my destiny had to know love through you only, you are the only man of my life, the other man will get a living corpse in me, my love is yours, my soul is yours sweetheart, but we can’t be together…..” And Aslam hit his forehead and said “Hey, ho! You are getting me nervous now! WHAT THE HELL ABOUT THAT BLOODY CHAP? WHEN YOU LOVE ME WHY ON EARTH YOU HAVE TO BE WITH HIM, LOOK, LOOK SALMA, I AM VERY SERIOUS! IT IS HIGH TIME YOU DECIDE!! YOU HAVE TO FORGET EVERYTHING BACK FOR SOMETIME, THEN LATER ALL WILL BE ALRIGHT AGAIN…. AT PRESENT YOUR FAMILY WILL HATE YOU, WE WILL MAY BE, BE IGNORED FOR SOMETIME, THEY WILL DISLIKE US FOR SOMEDAYS BECAUSE WE RAN AWAY, BUT YOU WILL SEE GRADUALLY THEY WILL ALL BE TOGETHER WITH US…. ONE DAY YOUR FATHER WILL WISH TO SEE HIS GRAND CHILDREN, AND WHEN HE WILL LEARN YOU HAVE GIVEN ME A DAUGHTER OR A SON, HE WILL WISH TO SEE… AND THAT IS THE WAY WE WILL ALL BE UNITED AGAIN…. BUT AT THIS MOMENT WE HAVE TO BE SELFISH FOR A WHILE… THIS IS BECAUSE THEY WONT UNDERSTAND OUR LOVE AT THIS MOMENT…THIS IS THE WAY OF LIFE... THIS HAS BEEN HAPPENING SINCE THE WORLD EVER EXISTED....”

Salma listened to him with passion but replied “My beloved Aslam, you are so perfect in all that you said my love, but you won’t understand my obligations. The day that I decided to see you and started going out with you I was already aware that this day will come... I should not have accepted even to talk with you! I had been selfish, I cheated you in a way it must be said, I so much wanted to tell you that I am already engaged! I once said it, but you did not believe, and you looked for the ring in my finger.... and I do not wear it as I did not consider that an engagement.... I was compelled to accept by my parents Aslam, but there is something more which I just can’t pronounce sweetheart, which hinders me to come with you... our love story ends here Aslam.... let’s go now, its nearly sunset, it will soon be dark here, do forgive me if you can my love, we wont see each other anymore, and I am very sorry for tomorrow, we have to cancel that meeting at our secret place....the whole of my life I will remember that place and those moments spent in your company.... lets go now love.”

Aslam got very angry and shouted with all force “what the hell!!What the hell!!” and he started weeping and talked meanwhile “ why? Why Salma? Please don’t do that to me! I love you too much, you are part of my life... I won’t be able to live without you baby, don’t say such things....” Tears rolled over his cheeks, Salma started crying again on seeing him so helpless and Aslam continued still within tears “Look baby, I have big dreams with you in my life, don’t get them shattered, I wish you to give me a child, I have already visualised you as the mother of my children, I have seen you cooking in our kitchen, I have found myself waking up by your side in the morning,I have seen your face to be the first i see when waking up every morning,“ he was nervously rubbing off the tears running non stop, his voice changed modulations with the cry, yet he continued describing his dreams, “I saw you waiting for me at the threshold in the evening when I return back from work, I found a list in my pocket which you gave me to buy things while returning from work, oh my God, oh God please listen to my prayers, hey Salma, WILL THIS PRAYER BE HEARD LIKE THE TRAFFIC JAM ONE? PLEASE TELL ME SALMA...ASK GOD TO ANSWER MY PRAYERS.” Salma burst into tears more than him on hearing the pleas with woes of Aslam.... Salma neared him, he pushed her, he was irritated, he was very angry, he did not know what to think, what to do! He felt his head aching, he felt dizzy, he wished to run, and he was behaving odd..... Salma went on crying seeing him that way and she knew he was too much affected by all that was happening......

She controlled herself, walked to him, he was leaning against a tree, his head looking at the sky, and she touched him, caressed his chest and then rubbed his cheek, dried his tears and said “Hush.... cool, cool down, control yourself, be strong....let’s walk slowly, we’ll be late...” he felt worn out, he walked with her, both were quiet, he cried without letting her see, she did same.... they walked aimlessly, more than a kilometre without saying a word.

On reaching the terminus, the street lights were on already, they got in the bus, sat together, and this day it was Salma who paid the fare. Aslam was sitting lifeless as though!..... And they did not talk at all till they reached Phoenix except he hardly articulated “are you going to work tomorrow?” in a very rough voice, he had shouted and cried so much that he could not recognize his voice! She said yes, and was getting up to alight when the bus stopped, Aslam did NOT GET DOWN. She told him to go home and have a sleep then he will feel better.
At home Aslam said no word to anybody. His elder brother also had learnt his matter through his mother. ........... He did not have dinner but went straight to bed and slept.

He woke up at midnight, took the bicycle and cycled to Salma’s place! He did several rounds near her house; he wished to get in and knock.... but did not. He instead went to Vivek’s place. Vivek is the friend who told Aslam that her name was Salma when he had asked to enquire. He lived 10 houses from Salma’s house. He was a man in the forties and was a Supervisor in the firm Aslam worked. He knew Aslam too well and was like a family member at his place. Vivek knew Aslam’s problem which took place three years ago as well! He had supported him all along that hard time.
He was shocked to see Aslam at his doorstep after midnight! He got him inside and Aslam started crying relating all that happened with Salma. Vivek was surprised to learn that Salam was engaged, he was not aware despite living there itself. He went to wake up his sister to ask. She came to join them in the lounge and Sanjana, (Vivek’s sister) explained that she got engaged two months ago and all happened silently, no people of the surrounding were invited, as it took place at night and that was because Salma’s father owed that man one million Rupees as he is a gambler and owed him since a long time back! And when he was not able to repay that man found Salma and asked to get married to her and he will forget those one million of rupees! Aslam was not at ease at all after learning all this! Sanjana had a beauty parlour and often received customers at her place in the nights! And she was the friend of Salma. So Salma had related her everything, but Vivek was not told so he was unaware of all that!
Aslam left their place after Vivek talked to him like a big brother brainwashing him about the matter. And Aslam requested Sanjana not to tell Salma about his visit and the words they talked.

The next morning, Salma and Aslam met in the bus, had some words and like usual they promised to see each other in the evening at Rose hill. Salma’s eyes were red, and Aslam had sore head. They had very difficult nights both of them. Their day also elapsed with much difficulty... he kept thinking about her only and tried to see if he could find any way out of that hell of a situation!!

In the evening they met and this time Aslam suggested that they go to the botanical garden. She accepted reluctantly...... but as soon as they were going to get in the taxi, some men neared them and Aslam was found caught among, about 10 men and was being beaten!! It was Javed, Salma’s brother and his friends. Salma got two hard slaps, was pulled and sent back to the bus stop. Javed addressed to Aslam, “So you are mister the gallant? You go out with my sister? You make her escape her job and you take her out? On Sundays you pretend to be working? And where the hell do you take her to work? You bloody bastard do you know that she is engaged and is soon to get married?” Aslam did not open the mouth. He kept quiet, they started beating him, he was pulled on the road, about 10 men over him, some kicking him with their boots on his belly, some hitting on his face, he defended himself the best he could, but our hero was not the Holywood or Bolywood superheroes, so he could not fight back 10 men alone.... when they left him, he was moaning with pain..... He was taken to hospital by the taxi he was hiring to go to the garden!
He was admitted as 3 ribs were broken and his lip had a cut and head had wounds with several blows.
He stayed in ward 5 for 10 days!

When he was discharged, he went to see Vivek and enquire about Salma, he was told that she was banned from leaving the house and going to work!

And she was to be getting married within 5 days!

to be continued in part 7

written by Shah Khan of Mauritius.
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Salma and Aslam… part 7

Continued from part 6:

When Aslam left Vivek’s house, he went straight to the bar. He have had some beers at times among friends but always refused to have strong drinks. But this day he wanted to get lost and escape the torture he was facing mentally. His mind was in a turmoil, he was facing a mental chaos. He wished to forget all and have a fresh memory, a new one where there would be no Salma!..... He took strong drinks and went on consuming again and again....

On the other hand, Vivek asked Sanjana to call Salma at his place as he wished to talk to her. Vivek’s wife asked him not to interfere as Salma’s family were dangerous. But Vivek had words to tell Salma.

Salma was at Viveks place soon afterwards in company of Sanjana. And Vivek related the problem Aslam went through when Laila left her to go abroad with her cousin, to get established in France. Salma never knew that and cried a lot thinking she was another cause of Aslam’s mental tortures. She was crying more on thinking that Aslam was going through a hell only because of her.... she wished she never came in his life! And with pain and sobs she requested Vivek to arrange a meeting with Aslam at his place. Vivek said that is what he wanted! And while discussing with Vivek, Salma begged Vivek to always be by Aslam’s side, to always take good care of him and give him full support all his life, and she said “Aslam is a very nice person, full of love, the woman who will be his wife will be very lucky.” And Vivek asked her, “Why not you that woman Salma?”... She did not reply.

Vivek arranged their meeting the next day at his place. At work, Vivek requested the management to get 15 days of leaves for Aslam as he was undergoing difficult situations. It was accepted and he was on leaves.

Sanjana went to bring Salma at her place on pretext of going through henna decorations on her hand as she was to get married. So Salma’s parents let her go with Sanjana. And Vivek took all precautions in bringing Aslam at his place to escape Salma’s brother’s eyes.
There they were now sitting on the couch in the lounge. Aslam was looking very dull, and Salma had tearful eyes. Aslam looked in her face contemplating the moments he had in her company in their secret place.........

And she visualised his warm touch and gentle caress..... And his passionate kisses.... Vivek and his wife talked to them and they urged Salma to let go of her parents and go with Aslam as they were sure they will both lead a happy life...... but Salma exploded saying, turning to Aslam, holding his arm, “I love my papa Aslam, I Promised him to save him, I can’t betray him, he counts on me to get that amount of money erased from that man..... I promised him to marry that man and ease him from that debt. She sobbed saying this.......... and Aslam said no work but only looked in her face and smiled quietly. He was lost in another world it seemed. Vivek intervened addressing to Salma, “ You have another younger sister, and what if, after you marry that man, your father, addicted by his vices, gambles more money from another person and put your younger sister’s life at stake? Then he will sell your other sister too? You are already sold to that man.... Do you have any guaranty that your father will not gamble again? Salma replied that she has solemnly asked her dad to swear that he will never ever gamble in his life. And she believes him. And she said if she will refuse to marry that man his father will continue more and more gambling! Vivek’s wife was very angry and cursed her father and told Salma to send him to hell and elope with Aslam. But that was spoken in vain.

Salma enlaced Aslam and with trembling voice said “You know baby, the days I was watching you secretly while travelling I was not yet involved in all this mess. If only you had talked to me two weeks earlier?! I would never have accepted my father’s demand. During the 2 and half months that you were only looking at me in the bus and from the pavement at Belle Rose, I was still free and you delayed too much to talk to me. I was eagerly waiting for you those days sweetheart, but you were contenting yourself only by pleasing your eyes by looking at me! Do you know when I got engaged Aslam? Do you know?” Aslam was all along her speech fixing her face attentively, his eyes filled with tears which left his eyes to find way over his cheeks and drop over his shirt getting it moist, said, “what’s now the importance to know that Salma?” “There is importance! There is!” shouted Salma, and continued,“I was engaged only a day before you first talked to me dear! That day when you first came to Saint Pierre and sat near me in the bus paying my fare was the next day I was engaged. I had told myself that day ‘Why you did not come to see me two or three days earlier?!Why you did not come in my life some days before?’”And she burst into a cry loudly beating her head!! Aslam cried together. And they held each other and cried. And suddenly Salma lifted up her head, looked in his face and said “You never told me that you ever suffered so much because of another girl who left you! My heart aches a lot thinking that I am doing same to you Aslam.” And he only patted her shoulder on hearing that....then he took a deep breath and said “Don’t worry darling, destiny played the tricks, it’s alright, I am getting used to it! Well, you be happy always my love, always be blessed my darling Salma,” His voice trembled and tears dropped again yet he continued to talk with shaking voice, “May good God always look on you, always be smiling honey, I will pray that you never face any trouble, that you get all joys of life and may you have beautiful kids, may your husband love you a lot and keep you happy. Do name your daughter ’Shabnam’ if she be your first child as this was my desire, and one day if being old I hear someone calling ‘Shabnam’, I will think of our child who never existed.” And all of them started crying on hearing his words. Vivek, his wife, Sanjana, all were crying like kids.

Salma, held him with all her force, she was trembling too and she pronounced her words, “ Aslam, be bold, be strong, take care of yourself, be patient in life, don’t get nervous, don’t get angry, live life to the fullest, and you be happy too ......”

Her wedding took place on a Sunday at the “Sunni Hall” in the centre of Phoenix. Aslam went there, in the yard of the Hall, he walked aimlessly longing to see her in the long white robe! He so much wished to see her as his bride and wear that dress!
He went in the corridor of the hall and peeped inside and found the bride sitting on the stage in front of about some hundreds of guests. Her sister was sitting beside her and they were waiting for the bridegroom to come.

And soon Javed found Aslam in between the guests, told Salma who looked at Aslam and requested Javed not to touch him so as to avoid any kind of troubles in presence of so many guests! Aslam was leaning against the wall and his eyes were fixed on Salma only. He was unaware of any other presence. Javed told his father about the matter and he too told Javed to keep cool when he found Aslam quietly standing against the wall.

After an hour the bridegroom had come after the religious ceremony, the ‘Nikah’ was performed and soon the newly wedded couple were walking towards the exit to get in the Mercedes in which the Bridegroom came.

Aslam stood very near the car, and Salma on reaching the gate, embraced all her relatives in turns, and when she found Aslam standing in a corner she started crying...people thought that she was crying like all other brides do when leaving their parents, but here Salma was only crying for Aslam... He was smiling with tears in his eyes!! She looked at him each time that she finished embracing a relative..... She at last embraced her brother Javed, but her eyes were on Aslam, and Javed found it, and he cried holding his sister and murmured in her ears “ I am sorry Salma, I will talk to him, I regret dear sister”

At last she was in the car. Her eyes were still on Aslam who was staring at her; some persons noticed Aslam crying and thought he was a relative..... the car departed, Salma turned back to look for Aslam, her parents were waving goodbye, but she did not care to look at them but was only searching for Aslam who by then had moved to another side, she was going on dropping tears, and Aslam was by then at the gate of the yard. And when the car reached there, he knocked the window pane of the car and said “I am here” with tears dropping all along his face.... She looked in his eyes and waved him goodbye.... And the car was seen far away at a distance....Aslam was controlling his feelings hard and was very restless as it was he who should have been the bridegroom he thought......

He walked home feeling dizzy, but got in a restaurant and took a bottle of whiskey and sat there drinking..............

to be continued in part 8
written by Shah Khan of Mauritius.
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Salma and Aslam… part 8 (THE LAST)

Continued from part 7.

The bottle of whisky soon was half. He was drunk and shouted with sobs “ladies and gentle man! I am just coming from assisting the wedding of my love! Let’s celebrate this event! I watched her going with another man,in a brand new Mercedes!” he shouted his heart out!
Some people laughed, some were sad and a group came to give him emotional support. He started talking nonsense and the security men took him out of the restaurant.

Outside he started giving blows on the walls, poles, everywhere he could, hurting himself and crying, yelling and speaking in the air. He gasped for air and visualised Salma in the white wedding dress! He looked up at the sky and yelled to God, and with all his force he shouted “heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy” he gathered breath after yelling, tears running all over his face, he looked tired and shouted again’heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy’..... And he knelt on the road and went on prostrating position and cried like a child.

On reaching home, he went in the arms of his elder brother and wept on his shoulder, his sister and mother came running to him, both crying and he said to them, “I dropped pieces of my heart all along the way from Phoenix to here, go get them gathered please” and he wept and wept. Everybody started crying with him. His elder brother was comforting him by caressing his head and back, and asking him to cool down.
His sister was crying more than him supported by his mother. He soon fainted. They took him over the bed and ventilated him. He was unconscious for a while, and when he came back to himself, he said he wanted to sleep.
They put him to bed and left the room. He slept the whole night and the next day too!

When he was up he started behaving strangely and talking odd words which nobody understood!
He had a nervous breakdown!

He was then taken to hospital, transferred to the asylum for psychiatric treatment like the last time three years ago.
Days later he stopped recognising his family. He forgot his name. Doctors said he got epileptic fits! Then at times he recovered for a while, but then was again lost in another world which he alone understood and knew.

After some months he was seen walking in the streets of Phoenix near the bus stop and he was murmuring these words, “ Salma, salma, salma, cigarettes, cigarettes, cigarettes...” when people enquired what he was saying he repeated those words only.
Somebody offered him cigarettes and he smoked and asked again and smoked it again..... He went walking to and fro from the bus stop to a tea shop and kept saying “salma, salma, salma, aslam, aslam, aslam, salma salma, aslam, aslam, aslam, cigarettes cigarettes, cigarettes......

His family looked after him but let him free to roam the streets as doctors said he is not dangerous at all but is not in his senses!

Fifteen years went by......
Today if you pass by Phoenix and find a man wearing long beard, a short and has long uncut hair, and you hear him saying “Salma salma salma, aslam aslam aslam, cigarettes cigarettes cigarettes...” Then You for sure came across OUR HERO of this story.

written by Shah Khan of Mauritius.(Casinar)

Well friends there you are all with one of my stories i posted on another site on 22/01/2009. your repps and comments are expected friends. If you like such clean stories repp me I will for sure post other such sweet ones.
Thanks all of you.
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