Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 14 Pt. 3

It was 8:45 when Kavita and Amir finally came home. They each had a bag with them.
Amir took his bag with him to his room, while Kavita set the other bag on the dining table. It appeared to be the food she had got for me, for dinner.
Kavita apologized to me for the delay, and hurriedly set food out for me into a plate.
I noticed from the packaging that as I feared, it had been the same Mughlai restaurant they had been to.
My stomach felt a sickening thud, as I visualized that supervisor welcoming my wife Kavita and 'her boyfriend' Amir Ali. I imagined him telling her about what had happened last Friday. Would he tell her? If he did, how would Kavita react?
They would probably have a laugh together, at my expense.
Kavita and Amir must have planned to go there tonight, before-hand itself. They must have called and made a reservation. And they must have planned to leave me at home all along.
I didn't feel like eating much. I picked at my food for a while, and finished up my dinner. I didn't even feel like watching TV. I excused myself and went straight to bed.
Given how she had behaved in the afternoon before they went out, I was sure Kavita would have noticed that I didn't each much. I was sure she would come to bed shortly afterward, and ask me if I was OK.
I was wrong yet again. I waited in bed for around 30 minutes. The TV was still running in the hall. I guessed she was watching TV and hadn't noticed that I had picked at my food.
I felt thirsty, partly on account of my dry throat, and partly on account of my having lost my appetite.
I got up from the bed and tiptoed towards the hall.
Before going into the hall, I decided to peek into the hall, without revealing myself.
I edged sideways until the double-seater sofa came in my vision.
Kavita was sitting on Amir's left, closer to our bedroom.
His left hand was over her shoulder, and his arm was under her saree, exactly where her left breast would be.
He was fondling her as they watched TV. Yet again.
No wonder she didn't see me not eat much, I thought to myself. She was waiting to sit with him on the sofa, and give him more opportunity to fondle her, and turn her on.
I guess she hasn't had enough of him for the weekend, I sighed to myself.
It was a very defeating feeling, right on the back of Amir having taken her in bed twice over the last day.
I quietly walked across to the kitchen and drank some water.
As I walked back, I observed a red mark on Amir's neck: the mark of Kavita's lips, her lipstick, that I had now come to recognize. My stomach dropped as I tried to fight back my emotional reaction, thinking about WHY she might have kissed him. It pained me to think that she was going around kissing him without reason, because that would mean she may no longer love me.
I went back to bed and tried to stay awake. I was afraid they would start making love again. I didn't think I would be able to stop it any more, even by being at home. But I didn't want to find out about it LATER, by finding semen stains on her clothes.
My speculation turned out to be inaccurate, yet again. Kavita joined me in bed 10 minutes after I had gone to drink water.
I didn't know what to do now. Surely, she knew by now that I knew about her sessions in bed with Amir.
Should I confront her now? I had wanted to confront her last night itself.
I turned to face Kavita. She was lying in bed, facing me already.
She was still wearing the blue chiffon saree with the black sleeveless blouse. The same clothes she had wore when she had gone out with Amir, earlier today.
I felt a wave of resentment come over me again. She had slept with Amir at least 3 times, maybe more, since his arrival.
And she was lying in bed with me now, without a trace of guilt on her face that I could see.
A part of me wanted to confront her as I had planned, to start a fight in bed.
That would probably drive her straight into Amir's arms.
If there was one thing I wanted to avoid more than anything else now, it was the specter of losing Kavita permanently, on account of Amir.
As I lay trying to figure if this was a good time to confront her, Kavita spoke up, "You didn't eat much, Manu. Are you OK?"
So she had noticed.
Still, I wasn't quite happy with her inquiry. Her voice didn't sound like she was concerned, to me. Maybe it was my jealousy and frustration speaking.
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Maybe I was irritated that she didn't ask me when I was having dinner. I blurted out bitterly, "Oh, you noticed, Kavi?"
She sensed the obvious bitterness in my voice and asked, "Are you upset about something, Manu?"
A wave of bitterness came over me.
She had been in bed with Amir twice over this weekend. Already. And she had been in bed with him the previous Friday as well. And she was asking me if I was upset?
I tried to stay calm, and avoid that topic directly. I wanted to give her a chance to confess on her own, or tell me a blatant lie which I could use to then confront her with the truth.
I instead asked tangentially, "I hope you had fun with Prem at the movies and at dinner."
She looked at me and guardedly answered, "Yeah."
She usually talked more when she had fun. I knew she was being guarded from her one word response.
I spat out bitterly, "Well then, there's no problem. You're happy spending all weekend with Prem like you did last weekend. Why should I have a problem? You go out with Prem. You have fun at the movies, or dinner, or wherever you want to go, with Prem. Who am I to have a problem?"
I knew I had made this into a confrontation. I regretted my tone as soon as I spoke those words.
She was silent. Trying to ease the tension, I continued, feebly, in a shaky voice, "I mean, it's like you don't want to spend time with me Kavi."
After that follow-up, I thought it might not be too bad, as Kavita would know I was missing her company at least, not to mention the fact that she was being unfaithful to me, and it was not a "one-time mistake".
I lifted my face to face her. I tried to not betray my hurt feelings. As I scanned her face, I slowly realized that my words had not had the effect I hoped they would have.
Kavita seemed to be breathing deeply, as she did when she got angry.
She finally spoke, "Three things, Manu."
After a pause, she continued, "First off, we were going to go out together tomorrow, weren't we? So I wasn't planning on not spending time with you at all."
That was true. But she was still spending more time with Amir. Both weekends, she would have been in Amir's company nearly ALL the time.
I started articulating that, saying, "Yes, Kavi, but..."
She interrupted me with an icy tone, "Let me finish, Manu."
I went silent as I let her finish speaking.
She continued, "Second thing: when was the last time we went out to a movie, or dinner, or somewhere fun, where YOU initiated and organized everything?"
I went speechless with shame. It was true, that I couldn't recall this happening in the last 3 months. Work had kept me busy, and my own insecurity over Kavita had, in general, caused me to 'shield' her from other men by not taking her out as much as I perhaps should have.
She scanned my sheepish expression. But before I could say sorry, she continued, now in an angry tone, "Yes, Prem took me out to a movie and dinner, and I had fun. You won't take me anywhere anyway. So if Prem offers to take me somewhere, I goddamn well will go and have fun, deal with it!"
I waited for a few moments so I could apologize, after making sure she had finished speaking.
She had however, after speaking her words, sat up on the bed, and picked up her pillow and a blanket.
She took these now as I stared open-mouthed, and walked towards the hall.
Under the pretext of this fight?
My heart was in my mouth as I got off the bed. Even as I did, I heard Kavita's voice address Amir angrily, "Move!"
I hoped she meant for him to move on the sofa. I walked out to the hall, and saw Amir now sitting down on a single-seater sofa.
Kavita put her pillow on the double-seater sofa and lay down on it.
I tried to ignore Amir's presence, as I approached Kavi and tried to entreat her to return to bed.
I tried requesting her in a caring manner, "Kavi, please don't sleep on the sofa, it isn't good for your back."
She didn't respond.
I then caught her hand and tugged at it lightly and asked, "Kavi?"
She responded in a cold manner, "Leave me alone, Manu. Am sleeping here tonight."
I tugged at her shoulder and begged again, "Please, Kavi. Am sorry for what I said."
At this point, I felt a cold arm put pressure on my shoulder.
It was Amir. He told me softly, yet with menace in his voice, "Leave her alone. Let her sleep here tonight."
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I got irritated by this bully ordering me around in front of my wife.
I ignored him and shook Kavita's shoulder, and tried again, "Kavi please? Am sorry."
Amir increased the pressure on my shoulder and said, "Leave her alone."
He had touched a nerve. Who was HE to interfere in my domestic issue with MY wife?
I tried to forcefully push his arm off my shoulder.
Perhaps I had underestimated my own strength, or perhaps Amir didn't expect it from me, after all the bullying he had been doing.
I had pushed Amir off forcefully enough that he stumbled backwards and started falling backwards. He barely managed to not fall, by supporting himself against the wall.
Almost instantly, my attention switched from trying to cajole Kavita into getting up, to the reaction of this bully.
I turned and started covering my face, but I wasn't fast enough. He slapped me with full force, causing me to recoil.
I was burning with fury. He had slapped me around several times before. But this was the first time he had slapped me in front of my wife, or in her presence.
My hands and feet trembled with rage as I tried to take him on. My hand came in a sweeping motion trying to slap him back.
He caught me midway, and twisted my arm behind my back, swiftly catching my other arm too. My mind recalled the humiliating experience the first time he made me shave my underarms. He had pinned me in a similar manner, then.
My face was red with humiliation, at being overpowered in front of my wife.
I tried to kick him with my leg. At this, he kneed me from behind in the knee of my standing leg, causing my knees to buckle.
He pushed me to the floor to a kneeling position, my hands held behind my back. Like he had done the other day.
I started dreading that he would rip my balls out in front of my wife, or try to, or threaten to.
Presently, Kavita finally spoke up, "Guys, if you want to fight, can you go somewhere else and fight, please? Am trying to sleep here."
The coolness in her voice cut right through me.
She seemed totally indifferent to the fact that this muscular bully, whom she had invited to stay over, had just humiliatingly slapped me, and then pinned me down physically, making me helpless.
She didn't ask us to stop fighting. She asked us to go fight somewhere else.
And she didn't even show any displeasure at Amir, for humiliating me in this manner.
I couldn't move away in any case. I spoke out in a hoarse voice, "Kavi, Prem's holding me down."
She spoke up in a soft manner, addressing Amir, "Release him please, Prem."
He released me. I crept a short distance along the double-seater sofa on my knees, trying to put some distance between Amir and me.
I got up on my feet near the other end of the double-seater sofa, and turned.
I felt too humiliated to resume fighting. I knew I would only lose, if I resumed the fight. I turned back and looked at Amir. He was watching me with his arms crossed across his chest.
I stumbled at first, then hurried to our bedroom, moving sideways, watching Amir. I was afraid he would resume the fight on his own.
Mercifully, he did not resume the fight.
I hurried into our bedroom and closed the door. I bolted it from the inside, in case Amir changed his mind.
Alone and feeling safe, I walked on trembling knees to the bed, and lay down.
After tonight, Kavita would have lost all respect for me as a man.
Amir and I had just had a confrontation in front of her. And I had ran away from it, like a coward.
Leaving my wife Kavita alone, in the company of that muscular '. bully, Amir.
I gulped thinking of what could be happening right now.
But I was too afraid to look.
I was afraid that if I looked, Amir might resume the fight.
Maybe Amir might be having sex with my wife Kavita right now.
But it wouldn't do any more damage than he had already done to our marriage.
And so I helplessly lay down and waited for tiredness and sleep to overcome me.
It took quite a while.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 14 Pt. 4

I woke up in the morning to the dreary sound of the alarm clock.
I sat up in bed with fear. How could I go to towel Amir off after last night's fight?
I couldn't bring myself to.
I turned off the alarm and went back to sleep. Hopefully there would be some other solution to the toweling chore today.
I drifted back to sleep.
I was not conscious how long I had slept again. I woke up eventually to bright sunshine flooding my room.
I looked at the time: it was 9:30 AM.
I had slept a lot. I hadn't slept this late in ages.
I looked at the door. It was still closed, as I had latched it from the inside, out of fear of Amir.
I got up and walked to the door. After the night's sleep, I figured Amir wouldn't pounce on me if I stepped out now.
I opened the door, and stepped out gingerly.
Kavita was still lying on the double-seater sofa, apparently asleep. I couldn't see Amir anywhere.
In my heart, I hoped that somehow he had left, after last night's altercation.
Realistically, I knew he would be there, still. He was probably in his room.
I walked across past the double-seater sofa, and gently tapped Kavita on the shoulder, softly calling to her, "Kavi?"
She opened her eyes and sat up and asked me, "Oh, you're awake finally Manu?"
I sensed a bit of sarcasm in her tone, but I brushed it aside.
I said, "Sorry Kavi, I overslept."
She said, "That's OK, let me make coffee."
She walked across to the kitchen.
I noted something that I had missed so far, because she had been under a blanket. She was now wearing the blue nightie. She must have changed out of the blue chiffon saree at some point.
I sat down on a single-seater sofa, and picked up a newspaper as I waited for her to prepare coffee.
Presently, she came with a tray carrying 3 coffee cups. Amir joined us as she came with the coffee tray. He had probably overheard us.
I avoided meeting Amir's eyes. He had shown me out as a coward the previous night, in front of my wife Kavita. I was ashamed to even be in the presence of both of them, half wishing I could evaporate or be invisible.
We finished up our coffee, and Kavita said she would prepare an early lunch since we had woken up so late.
I was hoping that I was still included in the movie plan for today. I knew it was going to be difficult, after last night's altercation.
After a short while, Kavita took a break from cooking and came towards the hall.
Amir looked up at her and said, "Kavi, there's one thing I need to speak to you about."
Her nostrils seemed to flare, as she curtly told Amir, "Later, Prem."
She turned to me and said, "Manu, I need to speak with you. Alone. Prem, please leave us alone."
He nodded, and got up and went into his room, closing the door behind him.
Kavita beckoned me into our bedroom.
I followed her with trepidation. My heart was pumping.
Her angry demeanor didn't augur well.
She closed the door behind me, then turned to me and addressed me snappily, "Manu, that was a disgusting way you behaved last night with Prem."
I looked up at her weakly.
HE had slapped me first, then overpowered me. In front of her. Totally humiliating me. What did I do that was 'disgusting'?
I asked her with a dry throat, "What do you mean, Kavi?"
She continued in a cutting tone, "You know what I mean. YOU started fighting with Amir. It's a disgusting way to behave with a guest."
I was flabbergasted. HE was the one who had slapped me. I weakly tried, "Kavi, he slapped me. In front of you."
She retorted, "AFTER you pushed him and nearly made him fall. Why did you start fighting with him?"
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"Kavi, he was interfering in our matter."
She continued in the same angry, cutting tone,
"So? I asked you to leave me alone. He politely said the same thing. You didn't have to push him because of that. You might have caused him injury had he fallen down!!"
I asked, eyes swelling with tears, "So it's OK that he slapped me, is it, Kavi?"
"I didn't say it was OK, Manu. But YOU started it."
After a pause, she continued, "Look, Prem's a strong, proud, somewhat arrogant man. Why should he let YOU push him around like that? If you didn't push him away, the altercation wouldn't have happened. So in a way, you deserved it, you brought it on yourself!"
I looked up at her, feeling very hurt that I got no sympathy from her after the way Amir had slapped me in front of her. I asked in a shaky voice, "What do you want me to do, Kavi?"
She spat out, "Apologize to Prem!!!"
I was stunned.
After a pause, I asked with a trembling voice, "Kavi, HE slapped me. You want ME to apologize to HIM?"
She repeated, her nostrils flaring again, "YES, because ONE, you started it, and TWO, you're the host while he's our guest."
I hung my eyes down. It was humiliating, very frustrating, to hear my wife tell me that I needed to apologize to Amir after last night. And she was being serious.
I looked down and said, "No, Kavi, I can't do it. Sorry."
I knew I was only prolonging the altercation by doing so. But I couldn't bring myself to do it.
She repeated in a cold voice, "Is that your final word on this, Manu?"
I repeated, “Yes, Kavi. Am sorry, but I can't do this."
She sighed deeply and said, "This is going to cause so much friction. We can't go out together for the movie today."
"Why not, Kavi?"
"How can you expect Prem to come with both of us comfortably after that altercation? We're not going to the movie together."
I gulped at her apparently calculated choice of words. My heart started thumping louder.
It sounded like she would now leave me behind. Yet again.
I couldn't ask her, because just then, she turned and walked to the door.
At the door, she paused and said, "I hope you will reconsider your decision Manu."
And she walked out of our bedroom.
On weak legs, I followed her out.
She went straight to the kitchen, and continued cooking.
I morosely sat on the sofa and flipped channels.
Amir came back to the hall after a while. He sat down on the sofa and picked up a magazine. He didn't say anything to me, but my dread just kept growing.
Kavita came and announced lunch a short while later.
We had an early lunch, largely in silence. My mind was playing my fears over and over, that Kavita would leave me behind, alone, yet again.
After lunch, Kavita got up and announced that she would go have her bath.
She walked towards our room, then paused and turned.
She addressed Amir, "Didn't you want to talk to me about something, Prem?"
He said, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Kavi."
He walked up to her and said, "Manu didn't come to towel me off today, so I removed my clothes and kept them in a pile, after my exercises."
He continued,after a pause, "I waited so all my sweat would be in my clothes and it wouldn't drip so much, but there's a fair bit of sweat that got spilled on the floor, Kavi. It's dried out by now, but the floor feels a bit sticky."
She put her hands on her hips and turned and glared at me.
She then turned and asked Amir, "Are your clothes still on the floor, Prem?"
He nodded.
She turned to me and said, "Manu, please take care of the clothes and the floor. I have to go for my bath now."
I nodded weakly and said, "OK, Kavi."
I walked to Amir's room, and picked up the pile of dirty clothes. They were still wet, but weren't soggy. I could feel the stickiness on the floor, around his clothes.
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I was about to walk to the washing machine, when I noticed something.
The blue chiffon saree Kavita had been wearing last night was on the floor next to Amir's bed. As was the black sleeveless blouse she had been wearing, and a bra, petticoat and a pair of panties, all belonging to Kavita.
My legs trembled as I grasped the implications of the presence of her clothes on Amir's floor.
Did she and Amir make love last night as well?
With me at home?
Was she turned on seeing me "run away" like a coward from the altercation with Amir, that she made love to Amir right after that?
I didn't want to let this go lying down. We had already had an argument this morning, so this wouldn't make things worse. Maybe it would soften her up over her demand that I apologize to Prem.
Yet, I didn't want to openly accuse her of something I didn't have definitive proof about.
I sure had heard, seen proof of her cheating on me.
But not last night.
I put away the pile of Amir's used clothes in the washing machine, and went back to pick up Kavita's discarded clothes.
I walked with her clothes in my arms, to our room, and waited for her to come out of her bath.
She came out in about 5 minutes. She was dressed in just a towel.
She closed the bedroom door so she could dress up.
I gestured to her, indicating the clothes in my arms.
She asked coolly, "Yes, Manu?"
"Kavi, I found these on the floor in Prem's room."
I looked at her with eyes begging the obvious question.
She snapped at me, "YOU had locked our room Manu. I didn't want to sleep on the sofa in my saree, so I changed into the nightie after a while."
I continued to look at her. Her 'excuse' sounded plausible. Yet, did she change, strip in Amir's presence?
As though reading my thoughts, she snapped, "I changed in Prem's room, late at night. AFTER Prem had gone to sleep. Now stop interrogating me OK?"
I asked feebly, trying to save some face, "What should I do with these, Kavi?"
She snapped again, in an irritated tone, "What do you want to do, wear them? Put them in the bucket of to-be-washed clothes in the bathroom, silly."
I moved towards the bathroom to do so. As I did, she dropped her towel.
I was gazing at her naked body. Her breasts were still firm, her thighs slender, smooth, very fair, as the day I saw them first. Her belly, though not "flat" as a pancake, was as curvy and fleshy when she was naked, as it was when she would wear a saree.
I longed for her. It had been so long. And Amir's repeated encounters with her only made it feel even longer.
I stared open-mouthed as she went to the clothes shelf and put on a bra. Then, finally, I went to the bathroom and deposited her used clothes in the bucket she had referred to.
When I got back into the bedroom, she had put on a pair of black panties.
She was opening a plastic bag.
My heart started thumping loud in my chest again.
I recalled how, the previous Sunday, Kavita and Amir had returned with TWO bags of clothes.
One of them had been given to me. I had presumed the other contained clothes for Kavita, though I hadn't seen her wear any new clothes since then.
Until now.
I watched silently as she unwrapped a red pullover type top, and pulled it over herself.
It was a short sleeve type top. It was one of those stretch-type materials. It clung to her contours: the curves of her breasts, her belly, and the folds of her belly, tightly outlining them. Her breasts seemed to be standing up firmer than usual. I realized then, that she might be wearing a push-up bra.
Her top ended just where her pants or skirt would begin. So it wasn't one of those midriff revealing tops. I was slightly relieved on that account.
She then unwrapped a pair of black pants, and put them on. She had to struggle a bit to put them on.
Eerily, I was reminded of the tight stretch-type lace pyjamas that Amir had made me wear, the previous week.
I hadn't worn them subsequently, but they seemed to give Kavita the same kind of trouble to put on. These pants Kavita had put on weren't made of lace, though, and seemed intended for regular wear.
She now walked towards the mirror and started combing her hair.
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I was still struck by the fact that she had to struggle a bit to put on the pants, and I walked a few feet so I could see her from behind.
What I saw shocked me.
The pants were ridiculously tight.
They were so tight that they clung on to her thighs, and her ass-cheeks, outlining her every curve.
I had seen Kavita wearing pants before, especially when we lived in USA. But even then, I had never seen her in pants this tight.
These pants obscenely traced the lines of her fleshy wide ass, and even went up the crevice of her ass-cheeks.
For her body type, her clothes highlighed her breasts, her thighs and her ass to a degree I had never seen before, in her clothes.
These clothes, especially these pants, were gross, they were obscene. There was no other way to put it.
Wearing these clothes might not attract much attention had she worn them in USA. But wearing them here would get her lot of attention from other men. Something I had tried hard to avoid.
Surely Kavita wasn't going to go out wearing those pants? It looked like she was planning to do exactly that.
I tried talking to her, hoping I could convince her.
In a shaky voice, I tried getting her attention, "Kavi?"
She continued doing her hair, as she asked, "Yes Manu?"
"Kavi, are you going out?"
"Yes. To a movie, with Prem. We had discussed this yesterday, remember?"
"Kavi, we had discussed the 3 of us going for a movie together."
"Yes, Manu, and you decided to fight with Prem and make it impossible for the 3 of us to go together. So we are going out."
"What about me, then?"
She turned briefly to look at me.
"You haven't wiped the stickiness off Prem's floor, have you?"
I kept quiet, and shook my head. My tongue had gotten tied again.
She continued, "Then you can do that. And reflect on your behavior, and attitude towards our guest."
OK, so she was going to go out leaving me behind.
This wasn't the battle I had intended to fight, when I saw how tight, obscene her pants were. I didn't want her dressing like that when going out, even with me.
Trying to keep the panic out, I asked, in a trembling voice, "Kavi, you aren't planning to go out dressed like that, are you?"
She asked innocently, "Why not?"
I stared at her, stunned.
She turned to look at me and asked, "What's wrong with these clothes, Manu?"
Trying to be forthright, I said, "Kavi, the clothes are ridiculously tight, they look obscene."
She said in an icy tone, "Oh, I see."
After a pause, she said, "Prem thinks I look good, look attractive in these clothes."
After another pause, she continued, "And I happen to agree with him."
My panic was rising. I pleaded desperately, "Of course you look attractive in these clothes, Kavi. But they will attract you lot of attention. Everyone will stare at you, ogle at you. You won't like it."
"Oh, so you know what I'll like and what I won't?"
"Come on, Kavi. Do you enjoy that kind of attention?"
"Not always, but sometimes, yes."
I was shocked to hear that. Collecting myself, I made another stab.
"Kavi, there are some not nice people out there and you know it. Some of them may make a pass at you, you really won't like it then."
"Don't worry about that, Manu. They won't make a pass when they see I'm with a MAN."
She laid extra emphasis on the last word as she spoke. My knees gave way when I heard her say those cutting words.
I was stunned into silence.
She took advantage of my silence to do her lipstick.
I couldn't keep my desperation down any longer.
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"Kavi, you CAN'T go out dressed like that!!!", I pleaded, my voice raised with desperation.
She responded in an icy whisper, "Oh? I can't go out dressed like this, is it?"
I looked at her eyes pleadingly in the mirror. She seemed as defiant as I had ever seen her.
She presently finished doing her lipstick, and put on sindoor on her forehead, and in the parting of her hair.
She did that normally, but right now, it came across to me more as a statement: that she knew she was married, and she intended to go out dressed like this. And that she intended others who saw her dressed in that manner, to know that she was a married ***** woman.
She now picked up her purse, walked up to the door of our bedroom and opened it.
She called out, "Prem? Are you ready?"
I heard his voice answer, "Yes, Kavi."
She then turned and stepped up to me and spoke in the same icy whisper I had heard her use a couple of minutes back, "Watch me."
She turned again, and walked out of our bedroom, towards the door of our apartment.
Terrified, I came out of our bedroom and looked towards the door of our apartment.
Amir was waiting there, grinning.
He said, "Damn, Kavi, you look hot!"
She smiled at him but didn't say anything, and instead started putting on a pair of 'platform' sandals.
Amir was watching her ass intently, for a moment. Then, he briefly turned to look at me. He leered in his irritating manner, then stepped close to her and placed his hand on her left ass-cheek as she put on her sandals.
I gulped as I waited for a reaction from Kavita. Surely she would slap his hand away?
She didn't react at all, and just switched to adjusting her sandals on her other foot.
Presently, she stood up, ready. She then turned to me and said, "See you later, Manu."
And they walked out of our apartment together, Amir's hand around her back, still cupping her left ass-cheek.
The door then shut, leaving me alone to wallow in my shame.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 15 Pt. 1

I stood rooted to the spot, as I watched the door close.
It felt like Kavita had left me for Amir.
After a minute, I hurried to the balcony. I felt desperate, and wanted to watch them leave, to see if Amir would continue to touch her ass in public.
I got to the balcony and looked down. Amir was seated on his motorcycle, and Kavita was about to get on the pillion of his motorcycle. He was wearing one of his sleeveless t-shirts, strutting his physique as he usually did.
I looked again at Kavita. Even at this distance, I could make out the curves of her ass-cheeks in those tight black pants.
Presently, she turned rather than getting seated behind Amir. A guy a few feet behind her had said something to her, though I couldn't hear it or see him properly from where I was. He was partially hidden behind the shadow of a tree.
I watched as the guy approached. I finally recognized him.
It was our neighbor's son, Arun.
My stomach lurched.
Just 2 days back, when I had been ringing the bell furiously to 'confront' Kavita on her infidelity, he had heard the incessantly ringing bell and come to our door.
He had been at our window, the same window from which, around the same time, I had heard Kavita moaning Amir's name in bed, in her throes of sexual ecstasy.
Now, he was seeing my wife going out with Amir (whom he may/may not have met before). Dressed in this grotesquely obscene manner.
Their exchange appeared to be friendly, though. Kavita was smiling pleasantly at him, and he was smiling at her too, as they talked.
Then, Arun walked a couple of feet further, as Amir turned a bit towards him, still seated on his motorcycle.
Kavita smiled and said something.
Arun then walked up closer to Amir, as he held his hand out and said something.
Arun appeared to have a quizzical expression on his face briefly, then he resumed smiling as Amir smiled and spoke again.
Amir and Arun shook hands. So they had not met before.
They spoke for a few more moments, then Arun shook hands with Amir again, and approached the building.
As Arun approached the building, he turned and walked towards Kavita again. She had called him, I could barely hear her call his name from where I was standing.
Kavita spoke to him again as she got onto Amir's motorcycle, behind him.
Arun nodded, then turned back and walked towards the building again, as they drove off.
I felt myself overcome by nausea, and hurried to the bathroom.
After washing my mouth, I replayed what I had seen in my mind.
Arun must have said 'Hi' to Kavita.
He probably asked her how she was, and if she was going out. He must have been goggling at her ass highlighted by her obscenely tight pants, like I had been doing earlier.
Kavita must have told him she was going out for a movie.
He must have then noticed that the guy she seemed to be going out for a movie with was a stranger to him, not me, Manu, her husband.
She must have then introduced Arun to Amir.
I felt myself go nauseous yet again.
What did she introduce Amir as?
A friend of hers who was visiting?
I recalled how Arun's expression went puzzled briefly, just before he had shook hands with Amir.
I recalled how the manager of that Mughlai restaurant claimed, or informed me humiliatingly, that Kavita had described Amir as 'her boyfriend'.
Is that what she had done now?
Introduced Amir to Arun as 'her boyfriend'?
Is that why Arun had looked puzzled?
I vomited again.
It seemed implausible.
And it seemed likely.
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How could she do it? What would Arun think of me now?
Judging by his reaction then, he had probably not heard Kavita's moans of pleasure on Friday night.
But if Kavita had introduced Amir to him as her 'boyfriend'...
My name would be mud.
Well, perhaps not.
Perhaps Arun now knew my wife, my lovely wife Kavita, had a live-in 'boyfriend'.
A dark muscular  live-in 'boyfriend'.
And then another thought occurred to me: maybe she had introduced Amir as 'Prem', to him.
Since Amir went by his nickname among 'his friends', maybe she would have introduced him as 'Prem'.
Then, at least, Arun wouldn't know that the dark brawny guy my lovely  wife was going out with, was a '..
It would be some small amount of face-saving.
Nevertheless, regardless of whether Arun knew Amir by his nickname or not, he would think of me, like that restaurant manager would be thinking of me: a wimpy  man, who couldn't satisfy his attractive  wife in bed, on account of which she ended up openly having another man, a dark muscular man as her 'boyfriend'.
That still didn't mean he would go shout it from the rooftops.
He would still view me with pity, without any respect, but if he didn't 'spread the word', the damage could possibly be contained.
I was about to think on how I could keep him from talking, when the doorbell rang.
I was elated. Maybe Kavita had changed her mind and came back, I thought. Or maybe she decided to come back so we could go out together.
I opened the door smiling. My smile vanished when I saw who it was.
It wasn't Kavita. It was Arun.
I averted my eyes. I couldn't wipe out what I had just been thinking about.
He spoke up, "Uncle, how are you?"
I said wearily, "I'm fine Arun. What do you want?"
I didn't really want to talk to him at that time, and had made that clear.
He seemed to get the message, because he came to the point quickly, "Uncle, I just met Kavita ji downstairs."
He gulped before continuing. I guess he was visualizing her ass outlined by her tight pants.
He then continued, "She asked me to give you a message,Uncle."
I went red at those words. Kavita could have called me or SMSed me, why did she have to send me a message through HIM?
I asked wearily, "What message?"
"She asked me to remind you about the floor, Uncle."
I was puzzled. I asked irritably, "What floor?"
"I don't know, Uncle. That's all she told me."
And then it dawned on me. She wanted me to wipe the floor of Amir's room.
My ears went red yet again. So first she introduces Amir to Arun. Apparently, as her 'boyfriend'.
Then she sends me a message through Arun. To wipe the floor of Amir's room. Her boyfriend's room.
I wearily said thanks, and closed the door before he could say more things and twist the knife in my wounds.
I limped across the hall to the laundry balcony room, and found a mop and a bucket.
I filled some water in the bucket, added some soap, and took them across to Amir's room.
Then, I sopped the floor a few times, where he had left his sweaty clothes earlier this morning.
I let it to dry for a few minutes, and went back to the hall, idly watching some TV. In my mind, I was seeing Kavita walking with Amir outside the movie hall in those ridiculously tight pants.
I went back to inspect the floor. It didn't seem sticky now. I wiped it again with water, to remove the remaining soapiness on the floor.
I sighed and went and lay in bed, thinking about my predicament, and if at all I could stop it from deteriorating as it had over the last 2 days.
I visualized again, Kavita in those tight pants, being ogled at by hundreds of people, even couples, visiting the cinema hall. Would any of them recognize her? I hoped not.
She had put on sindoor between her forehead, and in the parting of her hair, before she had stepped out of our bedroom.
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She was proudly announcing that even though she was dressed that way, she was a married ***** woman.
I briefly said an ironic thanks to myself for the culture we lived in.
Unlike in other parts of the world, we didn't have a traditional system of "wedding rings".
For all anyone would know, seeing Kavita dressed in this obscene manner, they would think she was a hot married woman married to this muscular guy she was with. They wouldn't, couldn't know that Amir, the man she was with, was not her husband.
Wearing the sindoor, granted, was a tradition among ***** women. But Amir was clean-shaven, and didn't wear the traditional skullcap that  men wore, so people couldn't tell just by looking at him that he was a , and certainly not be able to tell by looking at him that he wasn't her husband.
So perhaps the movie episode today would go off without any further embarrassment for me, I hoped. As long as nobody we knew spotted her with him, there might not be much damage done.
Still, I felt very defeated and tired. The nausea had taken away the energy I had got after my lunch. I drifted off to sleep after a while.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 15 Pt. 2

I woke up at around 4:15 PM.
My mind had cleared after the nap. I knew what I needed to do.
Kavita usually switched off her phone when she watched a movie. Nevertheless, I tried calling her.
Her phone rang, but she didn't pick up.
She might have placed it on silent mode, I figured.
I sent her a series of SMS messages over the space of 5 minutes, "Kavi, am sorry about how I behaved last night."
"I should not have blamed you for going out with Prem."
"It was my fault, I don't take you out often enough."
"I should have left you alone on the sofa, once you got angry."
I waited for a response. I got no response from her. I waited patiently for 25 minutes, in case there was a "technical" issue.
I felt slightly desperate, yet ashamed. I suspected she had read the messages, and was holding out on me.
I sent her more SMS messages over the next 5 minutes. It greatly embarrassed me to send the next couple of messages out.
"Also, I shouldn't have pushed Prem. I started it, you were right."
"I'll apologize to Prem when you return today."
"You will return today right?"
"Please don't be mad at me? I love you, Kavi."
"I'll prepare dinner before you come, OK?"
I got a response to the last message, 1 minute after I had sent it. It was from Kavita, and it was brief. Her message said, "OK."
I was relieved a bit when she said OK.
The speed of her response seemed to indicate that she had been reading my SMS messages.
She had been waiting for me to climb down, it seemed like.
It felt shameful, climbing down, but it also meant I could possibly stem the damage that had happened over this weekend.
It did mean more house-work for me today, cooking dinner for tonight.
But hopefully, it also meant she wouldn't go with Amir for dinner in the clothes she was wearing. They might have even gone to that Mughlai restaurant. Now, they would come home for dinner.
And once I got Kavita cooled down, I would confront her in bed tonight: directly. No more beating around the bush about her going out with Amir. Last night's escalation had taken that out of the picture.
I busied myself over the next couple of hours, preparing atta, then cutting vegetables, rolling out chapatis. I made 3 dishes, and a raita: as elaborate as I could do, in that amount of time.
By the time I finished preparing dinner, the time was 6:30 PM.
I went to the bathroom to relieve myself.
As I did, I saw again, the bucket of clothes that needed to be washed.
It hadn't occurred to me the last time, earlier today, when I had added the saree, petticoat, blouse, bra and panties that I had picked up from the floor of Amir's room.
I took those clothes out of the bucket, and found the blue nightie she had been wearing, when I woke her up this morning.
I picked it up, and examined it.
As I did, I feared what I was going to see.
My fears were confirmed.
My ears went red with shame, and even though I hadn't eaten in a while, I felt nauseous yet again.
So Kavita hadn't just changed her clothes in Amir's room last night.
Amir had, as I had dreaded before, made love to my Kavita, with me being at home.
Despite my fears, I was stunned, that Kavita would let him go this far. Did she not have any respect for me?
I replayed how this must have happened, in my mind.
We had had the altercation in the living room.
Amir had slapped me, twisted my arms behind my back, and brought me to a kneeling position. In front of my wife Kavita.
He had then released me, and I had scurried away in fear, to our bedroom. And latched myself in.
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And after I had scurried away and locked myself in our bedroom, Kavita had made love to Amir in his room, before returning to sleep on the sofa.
I hung my head in abject shame. How could I hope to regain Kavita's respect?
I looked at the nightie again. This was proof that she had lied to me today morning, about changing in Amir's room.
I realized yet again, how blind I had been earlier today.
She could have gone to the kitchen and changed into the nightie.
She didn't have to change in Amir's room. Her clothes had been there because she went there to make love, to Amir. Right after he had slapped me, and humiliated me in front of her.
I was going to confront her soon, on her infidelity, her lies. Soon, hopefully tonight.
Still, it wouldn't hurt to let her know right after she came home, that I KNEW.
I put the rest of the clothes back in the bucket, and took the blue nightie to the laundry balcony room.
I washed the nightie as I had done before, paying attention to the humiliating indicators of her encounter in bed with Amir, last night.
I hung the nightie up to dry. It wouldn't dry overnight, but she would see it tonight when she came home and had dinner, and know that I knew she had lied.
I then set out plates, glasses and spoons for dinner, and sat down on a sofa in the hall. It was 7:10 PM.
I idly watched some TV, waiting for them to return. The bell finally rang at 7:40 PM.
I looked through the keyhole this time, before opening the door. I did not feel like opening the door if it was someone like Arun.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 15 Pt. 3

It was Kavita and Amir.
I opened the door hurriedly, and walked backwards a few feet, so they could come in. I stood by one of the single-seater sofas.
Kavita and Amir walked in. Kavita gave me a look that I found hard to interpret. Amir didn't look at me directly, but instead sniffed and said, "Something smells good."
Trying not to beat around the bush, I started speaking, addressing Amir. "Prem, I wanted..."
Before I could complete my sentence, Kavita interrupted me. She spoke loudly, sounding stern, "Manu."
I stopped and looked up at her.
I had never gotten to appreciate in the afternoon, how exactly Kavita had looked, in these clothes.
I had found them gross, obscene.
Now, when I looked at her, I saw her appearance differently.
She looked HOT.
They were the same clothes. They still hugged her contours: her breasts, her curvy belly, her thighs, and her wide fleshy ass.
Still, it didn't look obscene now. It made her look hot, fuckable.
I found myself goggling at her, very much the same way Arun had goggled at her earlier today.
Shamefully, though, I noted how, in spite of finding Kavita looking hot, my penis did not stir.
She was looking hot and attractive. But it was unlikely that I would be making love to her tonight. Not the way she had behaved with me earlier today, and not the way my penis was shriveling up, yet again.
Kavita spoke, after a pause, "Manu, please look at Prem when you're speaking to him. He won't bite you or something."
I turned towards Amir, making an effort to not look down, to not avert my eyes.
It was true, that when I started addressing him a couple of minutes back, I had bent my head down, and had been looking downwards.
But it was not out of fear. It was out of shame.
I now looked at him to his face, and spoke again, "Prem, I wanted to tell you I'm sorry for pushing you last night, and starting an ugly fight. I should have listened to Kavi or listened to you, and left her alone."
My face burned with shame as I said this.
Still, Amir's response was somewhat conciliatory.
He smiled at me and said, "It's OK Manu. These things happen. I know you were frustrated that Kavita came to sleep with..."
He paused, and then completed his sentence as though correcting it, " the hall. Let's both get over it."
He held his hand out, and I shook it.
I was still burning with shame.
I did not miss the import of his 'sentence correction'.
He MEANT to say that I was frustrated that my Kavita was sleeping with him.
And he meant to say it brazenly, before Kavita. Rubbing it into my nose.
Still, in a way, the ice had been broken, and we grinned. My grin was nervous, though.
Kavita now beamed at me happily. The happy radiant smile I had seen from her a lot, since Amir's arrival. She said,
"Good that you guys can act like adults!"
Right then, Amir spoke up again, as though to continue easing the tension, "I think I'll go have a taste of what Manu's cooked, Kavi. It smells interesting for sure!"
He grinned, first at her, then at me.
I didn't trust his grin. He hadn't said anything positive to me sincerely yet, and I doubted he had had a change of heart or personality, just now.
Kavita however seemed piqued by what he had said, and responded, "Yeah, It smells good."
And she turned to me, and beamed.
Presently, Amir said, "Let's check it out, Kavi."
He then put his left arm around Kavita behind her, and walked past me towards the dining table.
I stood rooted to the spot, and turned as they walked past me.
As they walked past, I now got to see where Amir's palm was resting. I gulped.
It was again resting on Kavita's left ass-cheek, highlighted by her obscenely tight 'hot' pants.
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It wasn't just resting there. He was cupping it.
I watched as he now got to the table, ladled some of the first dish I'd prepared onto a plate, and tasted it.
As he did, he squeezed her left ass-cheek, and said, "Very nice, on the spicy side, but tastes good!"
He continued squeezing her ass-cheeks, moving on to her right ass-cheek now, as he tasted the 2nd dish I had made.
He again said something complimentary, as he continued squeezing her ass-cheeks. He repeated the same, as he tasted the 3rd dish I had made.
Through all of this, Kavita stayed by his side, silently. I couldn't see her facial expression, but she seemed to be smiling. Was she smiling naughtily? I couldn't tell.
I stood rooted to the spot, shocked at Amir's blatant 'display'. Surely Kavita would stop him, I thought.
Presently, she did. She turned to Amir and said,
"Alright Prem, you can start eating if you want, you don't need ME here to have your food, let me go change!"
She took his hand off her ass-cheek, walked back to the door, and finally took off her 'platform' sandals. She then turned to face me, walked up to me and kissed me on my cheek.
I felt grateful to her, for not adding salt to my wounds, further.
Kavita's expression had changed after she kissed me, though. She had a frown on her face.
She spoke addressing me, "Manu, didn't you have your bath today?"
I realized only then that I hadn't had a bath. My mind had been on other things.
I mumbled to Kavita, "I'll go have my bath now, sorry I forgot Kavi."
Kavita said, "Wait, let me go and change first. I need to go to the bathroom also."
She handed me a bag she was holding, and walked towards our bedroom. I hadn't noticed the bag till then. She didn't explain it's contents, but instead went to our bedroom and closed the door, leaving me alone with Amir.
I looked towards the direction he had been standing in nervously. I jumped, as I realized he had silently stepped up right beside me.
"So pussy boy tried to confront his pretty wife last night huh?"
I looked with terror towards our bedroom door. It was still closed.
He continued, "Look at me, P.B."
I looked back at him and asked, with a shaky voice, "She's my wife, Amir."
"Oh, I never claimed she wasn't your wife, P.B. I only claimed ownership of her pussy. And her ass. You saw her ass today didn't you? What an ass she has, your pretty wife!"
I winced as I recalled her going out defiantly, wearing those obscenely tight pants, and how Amir had deliberately squeezed her ass-cheeks repeatedly, a few minutes back.
"But you seem to be having a problem P.B. Do you not accept that I own your pretty wife's ass?"
Burning with shame, I averted my eyes again.
"You seem to be slipping back into denial, P.B. Think again. You saw me put my hand over your pretty wife's ass, right in front of you, didn't you?"
I continued averting my eyes. I knew what he was driving at.
He stepped menacingly close, and said, "Look at me and answer me, P.B."
I answered, my ears turning red, "Yes. Amir."
"What did she do then?"
"When? Amir?"
"Both times, P.B."
"First time, she put on her sandals."
"No, no, P.B. What did she do about my putting my hand on her ass?"
I spoke in a hoarse voice, "Nothing."
"Very good! And what did she do now, a few minutes back, when I was tasting her ass...I mean, your cooking?"
I hung my head down, as I realized the true reason he had 'tasted' my cooking.
It was for the purpose of playing with her ass, in front of my eyes. He didn't do it to taste the food. He wanted to 'show' me that Kavita would do NOTHING as he fondled, squeezed, groped her ass, right in front of me.
"Why do you think she did nothing, P.B? I was putting my hand on her fleshy ass in front of you, her husband. Was she trying to tell you something?"
Thankfully, I didn't have to answer that question, as the door to our bedroom opened right then, and Kavita walked out.
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She had changed into a red nightie that came down to her ankles.
This was a more conservative nightie, the sort of dress I would have expected her to wear in the presence of a guest.
I got my hopes up, mildly. Perhaps FINALLY, she was beginning to realize that this guest was intruding into OUR space, and OUR marriage.
She looked towards me and said, "Manu, can you set the contents of that bag out on the dining table, please, before you go for your bath?"
I nodded. I was beginning to suspect what the bag might contain.
I went to the dining table, and set out the contents of the bag.
It was a single box of food, from that Mughlai restaurant. From the smell, it smelled like a non-veg dish of some sort.
I gulped as I took in the meaning of this.
So regardless of my preparation of dinner, the 2 of them had stopped at that Mughlai restaurant to pick up a box of non-veg food for Amir.
Amir had 'paraded' my wife Kavita before that obnoxious restaurant manager, dressed in these tight figure-hugging clothes.
He must have sniggered again, at what a wimp I was. Maybe the 3 of them joked about it.
I sighed deeply. There was no point in my getting frustrated by it. That obnoxious restaurant manager probably knew the situation by now. Their dropping in today to pick up an item for takeout couldn't have made matters any worse.
I tried to think instead about the present. I did not want Amir to have much time alone with Kavita, NOW.
I had my bath hurriedly. The situation had clearly escalated over this weekend.
I hurriedly put on a fresh set of MY clothes, and joined them in the hall. I wanted to start trying to resist Amir's bullying more. One of the ways I thought I could do it was by avoiding his humiliating 'gift' pyjamas.
My fears that caused me to have my bath in a hurry turned out to be unfounded. Kavita and Amir were waiting on the sofa, watching TV. And they were each sitting on one of the single seater sofas, across the coffee table.
I got my hopes mildly up. Maybe Kavita would avoid him, like she had done last week.
Maybe she was really feeling guilty now. She had seen Amir slap me, something she hadn't seen before. Maybe this time, she would be influenced by his disrespectful treatment of me, I hoped.
I got complimented by both Kavita and Amir over my cooking. It felt genuine from Kavita, but Amir's compliment sounded sarcastic. My mind wasn't at the table, anyway.
I was thinking ahead. Now that Kavita seemed to be somewhat relaxed, when and how should I confront her? There was no longer any point in delaying it, since she didn't seem to be feeling guilty about actually cheating on me any more.
She might feel guilty about the way Amir was treating me, but she seemed to be not particularly bothered to cheat on me.
Both this weekend, and the previous weekend, I had washed her clothes soiled with Amir's semen.
However, the previous weekend, she had discreetly left her semen soiled mini-skirt in the bathroom. Perhaps she genuinely meant to hide it from me, and wash it by herself later.
But this weekend, she had herself given for me to wash, her cum soiled nightie and the "cropped" blouse, both apparently stained with Amir's semen.
This couldn't have been accidental. She had meant to rub it into my nose, this weekend.
I got the feeling of dread as we finished up dinner. I was afraid Amir would send me out on an errand and take Kavita to bed again, like he had done on Saturday morning.
It didn't happen, and we watched TV for some time. Encouragingly though, Kavita sat down on the double-seater sofa, and asked me to sit beside her. I took in Amir's expression as she asked me to sit beside her, it was an odd expression, as though of scorn. We watched TV in silence for a while.
Kavita yawned and said she was ready for bed, after a while. I gratefully followed her to bed.
She went to the bathroom first, so I lay down in bed waiting for her. When she came out, she joined me in bed.
She lay down next to me and hugged me tight, and kissed me on my chest.
I couldn't understand her behavior, even more so, now.
Kavita then spoke, "I was proud of you Manu. It takes a REAL MAN to say sorry when he knows he is wrong."
I looked at her, but I could detect no sarcasm in her expression. Just the radiant, beaming smile.
I embraced her and said, "I love you, Kavi. I don't want to lose you."
She held me tight and said, "Don't be silly, why would you lose me?"
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Was she just acting coy? Pretending to be innocent, after having cheated on me multiple times?
I didn't answer her question, and pretended it was a rhetorical question.
I instead tried to get her on my side, now that she seemed to be happy with me.
I added, "I was also wrong about your clothes Kavi. You looked HOT in that outfit."
Kavita looked at me, grinned and stroked my chest again as she replied, "I know. Prem has a good idea of what clothes people look good in. He told me I would look good in those clothes, and he was right."
I was disappointed that she had brought Amir into the topic. My face fell, but she didn't seem to notice it.
She continued, smiling, "Prem also told me you might not like it at first, but you'll like it after I wear it once. Just like he predicted about the pyjamas he got for you. And he was right, there too."
The blood drained from my face. I couldn't imagine she was saying this innocently.
Did she not get that I didn't like those clothes at all? Was it not obvious to her that Amir had been bullying me into wearing them?
She stroked my chest again, and said, "It's been a long day for you also, Manu. Let's get some sleep, you can resume wearing Prem's pyjamas tomorrow."
And she turned and lay on her side, her back facing me.
Her words had taken the wind out of my sails.
I was expecting to gently lead her to the topic of her infidelity.
Instead, she had led the topic to my weaknesses, and left me speechless.
Was it deliberate? She was trying to avoid the topic, I was sure.
I tried to shake her gently, trying to resume the conversation.
She responded in an irritated voice, "Mmmm....Manu, am sleepy."
I sighed. We could have the discussion tomorrow. Postponing the conversation by one day wouldn't hurt things any more. The damage had already been done.
I turned on my side, and tried to sleep, reflecting for a while on the changes over the weekend.
It was not a pleasant set of recollections, and I was relieved when tiredness soon started overtaking my mind.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 15 Pt. 4

I woke up in the morning to the alarm.
I had skipped the nauseating routine of toweling off Amir the previous day.
But I couldn't see an easy way of avoiding it today.
I delayed my decision by visiting the bathroom and thinking of a way to avoid the chore.
If I avoided it, Kavita would probably get upset at me again, like she had yesterday.
Resignedly, I got out of the bathroom, collected some towels and walked across the hall to Amir's room.
He was doing his exercises. I walked up to the balcony door, setting the towels on his bed along the way.
He was glaring at me, but he didn't speak a word through his exercises.
I waited with growing trepidation as he continued glaring at me.
Surely he couldn't be upset the incident on Saturday night, I thought to myself?
First off, I had apologized to him, even though he was the one who had slapped me, that too, shamefully, in front of my wife.
Further, he seemed to have calmed down last night.
My nervousness grew as he presently finished up and walked into his bedroom.
I came around to stand in front of him, and nervously took off his sweaty vest, and placed it on the floor.
As I did, I felt the wet sting of his palm on my cheek again. He had slapped me, again.
My face was burning, partly out of shame, but now, partly out of anger also.
Why was he doing this?
I looked at him and asked in a shaky voice,
He slapped me hard, again.
I corrected myself, "Why, Amir?"
He spoke with cold arrogance, "Why are you not wearing your home clothes, pussy boy?"
So that was why he was glaring. My anger rose. I had already decided to resist his bullying on this front, and I wasn't going to just give in now.
"Am sorry, Amir, but I don't like those pyjamas so I'm not wearing them any more."
He raised his arm to slap me again, but this time I was prepared.
I knew I couldn't stop him if I tried, so I took evasive action as I jumped back, and his hand swung through air, harmlessly past me.
As I jumped backwards, I looked towards the balcony door.
Next to the balcony door, Amir had rested one of the iron rods for his weights, a rod from a bar he hadn't used today.
I snatched that as a handy weapon and stumbled back a couple more feet to get room to swing, if he came at me.
I hadn't been planning on a physical fight. I had planned on resisting his bullying mentally. I hadn't imagined that it would become a physical fight.
Amir glared at me as I held the rod in my hands and said, "Put that down, P.B, and fight like a MAN."
I just smirked at him, continuing to hold the iron rod in an attacking posture.
He spoke again, with cool menace, "So I was right. You are regressing to denial, P.B. I'll need to fix that, then."
He took a couple of steps towards me, and I swung out at him.
I had aimed at his head, because I hated him and his bullying so much, by then. And I hated him for repeatedly humiliating me by defiling my lovely  wife in bed, again and again and again.
While my aim was good, what I did not account for was Amir's anticipation.
He literally caught the iron rod with his hands as I swung it towards him. And he then plucked it out of my grip.
It was when he plucked it out of my grip that I realized how unwise it was of me to respond to his provocative slapping by trying to fight him physically, even with an iron rod.
He was so much stronger than me, I couldn't do anything as he just snatched the iron rod out of my hands.
Now he had the iron rod in his hands, and I was in front of him, defenseless. I decided to run.
Before I could run, he had swung the iron rod as I had done, aiming instead towards my groin region.
Instinctively, I stuck my hands out, trying to shield myself.
I felt the sickening blow of the iron rod on my left arm.
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And then, I felt pain I had never felt before, in my left hand.
I collapsed on the spot, writhing in pain.
My pain did not seem to affect Amir at all.
He took a couple of steps closer to me and placed his foot on my face, still holding the iron rod.
I was already writhing in pain. I could only see one thing to do then.
I hollered in pain, "Kaviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii......"
I heard a few footfalls, and now I heard Kavita's voice, "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?"
I craned my neck backwards. She was standing at the entrance to Amir's room, her hands on her hips.
Amir spoke up, "He tried to hit me with this, Kavi."
I moaned in pain, " hand..."
She then saw me clutching my left forearm at the elbow. It was trembling uncontrollably.
She hurried over to my side. As she came towards me, I felt Amir take his foot off my face, finally.
She felt my left forearm as I watched. It hurt a lot, and continued to tremble.
I blinked at her in pain as she said,
"In the worst case, it might be a serious fracture though I doubt it. It could be a hairline fracture though, if you're in that much pain. We need to take you to a hospital quickly."
She stood up and spoke to Amir, but in a much more subdued voice, "Prem, can you help him up on his feet?"
I could feel she was bubbling with anger as she spoke, but she appeared to be trying to control her anger.
Amir nodded, and put the iron rod away.
He bent down, and put his arm under my right arm, and lifted me to a standing position.
Kavita continued, "Let's go right-away, Manu. Prem, can you come along? I would appreciate the support."
He nodded again, not saying a word. He put on one of his t-shirts.
We got to the car. Kavita told me to sit in the back seat so I could lie down if needed. She and Amir got into the front seat, as Kavita started driving.
She finally spoke out about the incident, with vexation in her voice, "Can't you guys act like adults? Why do you have to fight like little kids?"
I was too much in pain to respond right then.
Amir spoke up, "Kavi, he tried to hit me with the iron rod."
I wanted to retort, but Kavi spoke up before I could.
"Did he actually hit you with the rod, Prem?"
He didn't reply, but stayed silent.
I was very relieved to hear Kavita take my side, finally. Enough had happened already.
She continued, upon his silence, in a louder voice, clearly angry by now, "If he didn't hit you, then WHY DID YOU HAVE TO HIT HIM WITH THE ROD, PREM? This is so childish."
Amir kept quiet for a couple of minutes, then spoke up softly, in a voice I hadn't heard before, from him: "If you'd prefer it, I can leave, Kavi. I don't want to cause you guys inconvenience."
This was the moment I had been waiting for. I WILLED Kavita to take him up on his offer, and throw him out, ask him to leave.
She turned her face towards him, and glared. Sadly, she didn't respond to his offer. Briefly, her eyes seemed to grow misty, but I couldn't tell for sure.
Amir also kept quiet from there on, though he turned towards her and glared a couple of times.
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The Unwanted (?) Housguest Ch. 15 Pt.5

We reached the hospital. Kavita and I went in. She asked Amir to wait downstairs, and he nodded again.
I saw Kavita make a couple of phone calls as we waited. She walked away as she spoke on the phone.
She then came and sat by me and said, "Manu, I don't want us to discuss the fight with the doctor, OK? Let's tell the doctor you slipped and fell down and seem to have hurt your forearm."
I nodded weakly. I didn't want to discuss the fight with other people, either.
The doctor examined my arm, and said that it could be a hairline fracture. He quickly ordered an X-ray.
After a while, the doctor reviewed the results of the X-ray with us. The X-ray apparently didn't reveal any evidence of a fracture. The doctor however cautioned us that not all fractures, especially hairline or stress fractures, would necessarily show up in an X-ray. The evidence from my arm, and my physical reaction to his tests, appeared to indicate a hairline or stress fracture, he said.
We were advised of our options: that I could have my arm in a cast for a couple of weeks, and redo the X-ray. Or, we could assume it was a hairline fracture, and have my arm in a cast for 3-4 weeks, the period the doctor said he expected for a potential fracture this thin, to heal. Or, we could wait a while, and see if the pain persists, and redo the x-ray: we were told that that could take longer to heal, if it turned out to be a fracture.
Kavita preferred one of the safe options, and so did I. So we went with the option of placing my arm in a cast for a couple of weeks and redoing the x-ray if pain or discomfort persisted, then. I was hoping it was just pain on account of trauma, and not an actual fracture, and didn't mind putting my arm back in a cast in case it turned out to be a fracture that showed up later.
The damage was not as serious as it could have been, but I was going to spend the next 2-4 weeks, perhaps longer, with my left arm in a cast. I was told that I was lucky, that it could have been worse for a fracture from a fall.
We didn't resume the discussion about the fight until I had left the hospital, later that day. As we started walking out, Kavita spoke up, "I called your office and told them you needed the day off, as you had fallen down and hurt your arm."
I said in a weak whisper, "Thanks Kavi."
She then drew a deep breath, shook her head and asked, "WHY did you do it Manu? Why did you have to fight with Prem AGAIN? I thought you said sorry last night because you understood he was our guest. Am so disappointed with you, Manu."
I was flabbergasted. I finally found my voice.
"Kavi, BEFORE I picked up that rod, he had been slapping me."
She asked with suspicion in her voice, "Why? What for?"
My eyes welled up in shame as I recalled the humiliation before.
He had been slapping me because I had refused to wear the feminine pyjamas he had 'gifted' me.
How should I tell her that?
She interpreted my silence the wrong way and said, "I don't know why he would slap you without reason, Manu. But we're near our car now, and Prem will be there. Let's discuss it at home, OK?"
I nodded silently. Apparently he had taken the day off, too.
The drive back home went by largely quietly. Kavita stopped at a pharmacy to get some painkillers for me.
Kavita advised me to take some bed rest, and I gratefully complied.
As she tucked me into bed, I noticed that she was still wearing the red nightie she had worn last night.
She had worn it to the hospital as well, she hadn't even had her bath today. She must have been quite disoriented if she had rushed to the hospital in her nightie.
I asked her weakly if she was hungry, or wanted to have her bath.
She smiled sweetly and said, "I'll take care of food, Manu! Just don't get into further trouble fighting! And call me if you're in pain, or need something, OK?"
I asked her if I could have my cell phone so I could speak to my department head at work, to explain my absence today.
She said, "Yeah, but remember to tell him you fell down and hurt your arm, OK?"
I nodded, and quickly made the phone call.
I was grateful to Kavita for having had the foresight to call my workplace. I guessed she had done it from the hospital. Otherwise, my boss at work would have probably called me by now and would have been more worried.
My boss was nice and understanding. He offered if I wanted the next day off, and I considered it.
It would give me more private time with Kavita. But I didn't really want to miss work given the recent rumblings within the company. With my left hand in the cast, it didn't feel like I couldn't work with my right hand or even use the fingers of my left hand, if needed.
Besides, I expected to be confronting her later today, so it was not like the opportunity for private time with Kavita tomorrow would be too useful.

I didn't really expect her to throw herself at me, especially if I confronted her. Nor did I expect any other sort of positive development by just taking the next day off.
I passed on the offer, and arranged to take only the day off.
I hung up after my call, and waited for Kavita to get some food ready.
She had had her bath, and changed into a saree, the kind of saree she wore for 'home wear': the conservative type. She then prepared an early lunch, and we had lunch together, the three of us.
Amir announced during lunch, that he would go to work right afterward. I noticed then, that he too appeared to have had his bath, and was actually dressed to go to work.
I was relieved, as it would give me an entire afternoon to talk with Kavita. This was just perfect. I had hoped Kavita would come and lie down with me in the afternoon, and Amir might be in his room. Now, he wouldn't even be at home.
This was the opportunity I had been waiting for, for a while.
I waited with bated breath for him to leave. I didn't want to do anything to cause him to change his plan.
After he left, Kavita advised me to go to bed, lie down and rest.
I spoke up with my heart beating loud, "Kavi, I would like to talk to you."
She said, "Go ahead and lie down, Manu. I'll join you after cleaning up in the kitchen."
I did as she suggested, and lay down in bed, and waited for her to join

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