Misc. Erotica The Holy Savior - REBOOTED (Completed)
Awaiting an update, hopefully this time

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Part XIV

My head bumped hard on the dash panel as the driver applied the brake. 

“Easy…,” Swamiji groaned, “the boy got hurt, Can’t you see?”

Driver lowered his head in regret. While thinking of that night’s dream, which now seemed more like a reality to me; I didn’t understand when we actually reached the ashram. We stepped out of the car and several disciples of Swamiji ran at us.

“We have made arrangements as you said,” one disciple said to impress Swamiji. He was the same guy I saw talking with Kanta when this drama at our house was going on. Swamiji shook head in affirmation and raised his hand to offer blessings. 

Mummy was still sitting in the car. 

“Putri… Get down from the car. We are at our destination.”

Mummy carefully held the baby boy to her chest as she get off the car. I checked the faces and everybody was looking at her only. Many of them knew us already, from our last year’s stay at ashram; and to mummy at least I doubt they would ever forget. Ofcourse, pregnancy had put her extremely pretty face an astonishing glow and unlike with most women very less extra pounds were added to her and that too, at good places.

The storm was waving her pallu and she struggled to hold pallu and the kid. Swamiji asked her to give the baby to him. Mummy calmly stood for some time but eventually handed over the kid. With the kid in one hand and the other hand delicately put over mummy’s shoulder, Swamiji walked towards the ashram. As I followed them, one of the disciples pulled me back, “Not there beta, you will stay in one of the huts out there…,” he said and dragged me towards huts in the outer circle. 

“Mummy…,” I was literally about to cry.

“Don’t worry Putra… We have good arrangement for you there,” Swamiji said, throwing quick gazes once at mummy’s face and other times at me. I couldn’t talk and neither did mummy. She turned her face away from me and her head lowered. Of Course I felt her weakness. At that age also I realised that we are not at home anymore; we are at mercy of Swamiji. Suddenly I heard him burst in anger on the same guy following him.

“Are you going to come with me to my residence?”

The guy said, “It's urgent,” and got himself to swamiji’s ear. Suddenly swamiji got nervous and called a female disciple to take mummy and child with her. And when last time I turned back, I saw swamiji hurriedly going to the big hall where he used to give ‘pravachana’.

The guy was gentle with me and told me everything about the utilities the so-called ‘hut’ had and asked me to call him anytime I needed something. I was worried like hell. For I know I would get to enjoy all this luxury but at the cost of what and for how many days? I laid off on the feathery mattress spread on the bed. I was tired due to the emotional turmoil of the day and soon went to sleep. 
My eyelids were heavy, but I couldn’t help but see what was happening in the room. I couldn’t believe that Swamiji once again started those nasty games with mummy. And the sickest thing was he dared to come to our place and do all this in my parents bedroom, with me sleeping in the room. My grandma would have been busy in bullshit aaradhana, dumping my beautiful mother in this jackal’s cave. 

Mummy tried to cope up with the breath, and so was swamiji who was still on his knees on the floor near the bed. And mummy was lying on her stomach, crossed on my legs, tired and breathing heavily. Swamiji walked to the Yagyakunda that he had ignited at the center of the room and added a few wooden sticks to it and the room glowed a bit more. As I saw his dark shadow on the wall, I could see his huge bulge in dhoti was prominently appearing in the shadow. 

“Putri…,” He softly said as he reached near the bed, caressing mummy’s hairs.

“That’s enough Swamiji..,” Mummy said, turning her head back.

“But I am hungry… Only your thirst is quenched, what about me?,” he turned her, making her lie on back and his one arm moved underneath her while the other hand curled around the back of her knees and he delicately picked my mummy and walked towards the Yagyakunda.

Lightning was still happening and the noise of the thunder was shaking hearts. But Swamiji seemed to be a totally different kind of build. As nature was vomiting its wrath, Swamiji was mad in lust and he wanted to take my mummy at any cost, the lady who was pregnant with his nasty seeds only. 

A bright lightning followed by deafening noise! Surely it has hitted somewhere in the neighbourhood.  And with fear mummy tightly held Swamiji.

“I am here,” is all Swamiji said and he locked mummy’s luscious lips with his as he leisurely stepped forward. I couldn’t bear the intimacy I am witnessing between my mother and that devil under the skin of a saint. The painful part was mummy’s consensual participation. Ofcourse she was lured by the good prospect. But why in the world does she forget that she was fooled by Swamiji many times before?

Swamiji ducked and delicately put her on the floor but without breaking the kiss. My vision was faint and the room was not properly lit. still I could make out how hungrily he was kissing her, tasting the sweet “nectar” - as he said once, of her shivering lips.

Room soon filled with their hisses while nature played background archestra. Swamiji was lying over her without touching any of his body parts with her’s except his dark and broad lips on her. His hands again started to pull the gown upwards, slowly relieving her fair and shapely legs akin to banana stems. As he didn’t give her scope to escape his long kiss, his hands worked on her legs like an artist . 

“Aaaaah…,” mummy moaned sweetly as finally swamiji let her lips go and hurriedly nibbled around her neck and whatever flesh was visible through mummy’s decent gown. His hands advanced and suddenly dispersed into mummy’s thighs..

“Naaa...ummmm…. Uuuiiiiii…,” all she could say as she tightened her thighs around his grip and her head elevated, probably trying to sit up. But swamiji’s hungry mouth came as a big obstacle and smooched her again, pushing her head back to the ground. And with the next lightning, I saw swamiji slowly plucking mummy’s sweet lips with his teeths and leaving it after stretching it quite a long, again to settle to its original position. 

“Aaaahhh…” a painful or whatever kind of moan from mummy.

And suddenly like a madman he pulled her gown up even further revealing her smooth and round tummy, nurturing inside  a mark of their illicit copulation that happened last year. He started roaming his watery tongue over her smooth stomach, giving slurping licks in between as her entire stomach was lathered with his saliva.

He let go off his hold on her intimate place and he licked off that hand and assisted mummy to sit up.  We both saw Swamiji taking off his dhoti and getting completely nude. 

And he took a posture in Padmasana like some siddha yogi would sit in. But I knew this guy is neither siddha purush nor he has anything to do with yoga -- He was only floating in the ocean of lust for my mummy.

“Putri… come here..” He invited mummy with open arms.

With a confused face she carefully moved closer to him. Swamiji was stroking his cock slowly which had become very large by then. 

“Come closer…,” his speed for caressing his cock increased and with a jerk he suddenly pulled his foreskin down revealing his big onion-like forehead.

Mummy had almost reached him touching their knees to one another. Suddenly Swamiji put both his palms under mummy’s ass and lifted her up.. Naturally mummy took hold of Swamiji’s shoulder for support and with few adjustments she understood what was on Swamiji’s mind and she spread her leg forward thus taking Swamiji between her legs.

Swamiji’s one hand grabbed her by her waist and with the other he pulled up her gown and catched that piece of cloth in mouth, now revealing her groin area and her pretty ass fully!
And with legs folded at knee, mummy obeyed the force of his hand and started slowly settling on his lap. 

At the very same time, Swamiji, with his free hand positioned his pistoning hard linga on the entrance of my mummy’s yoni which had started dripping some juice now. And both sighed in ecstasy…

“Ummmm ufff aaaaaah….”

As mummy was pregnant she was unable to move much so Swamiji started rotating himself and shoving her from below and it seemed to work as mummy tightly held Swamji and put her head to his chest.

And with this the overjoyed Swamiji let the gown go off his teeth and tightened grip around mummy to feel her soft, warm flesh fully. 

“Easy…”, Mummy looked at his face to say this and got replied with a sloppy kiss.

While grinding her womanhood from below, he pulled up her gown further and took off it completely from her head and I could see my mummy only in a creamy bra which was covering her full breasts somehow. 

And his hungry eyes poked at the inviting cleavage formed.. His itchy hands moved around her bra covered mammeries and gave both the breasts lovely squeeze. 

The next moment his hands clicked off the bra and mummy was fully nude now. Her both hands were on his two shoulders and she was obediently receiving his love strokes. Such a cold day was it but both started to form sweat droplets on their body. Swamiji tried to bend and catch her nipple in mouth but their position, further complicated by mummy's pregnancy, prohibited him to achieve that.  

But weiro like Swamiji was not going to settle for anything less. He wetted his thumb with saliva and rubbed the saliva on her nipples and started gently plucking and messaging her sensitive nipples…

“Swamijiiiiiiii….. Nooo,” Mummy moaned in ecstasy.. But swamiji continued his work with dedication at both nipples. 

The sensation was too much to bear for mummy and she kept shaking her head from one side to other and back and forth. With this her seductive, long, free hairs swirled in air like feathers of dancing peacock in monsoon.

And just few moments later, she struggled to lift herself a little as she adjusted herself on her knees and to my utter shock and disappointment I understood what she was trying to do, but not earlier than she took her succulent tits in the reach of swamiji’s hungry mouth to munch on them, which swamiji happily did.

“Ummmm aaaaaaaah ufffffff,” Mummy moaned in pleasure tossing her hairs with both her hands and swamiji sucked her both tits one by one howling like a tomcat. They caressed each other while swamiji sucked her juicy bags like anything.. Her hands roamed around his back; caressed his thick hairs; this all play was probably making Swamiji even more mad. 

“Can’t control anymore, Putri…. Aaah…” He said… and moved her off his lap.

Mummy was also shivering with sensation and probably she understood what to be done next as she laid on the floor like a hungry lioness… I could not believe what was happening in front of me.. I never thought my own mother could go so wild for sex. That too, for such a bastard.

She was restless and jerking her body like a snake. Swamiji clenched her teeth in burning desire as he saw this diva getting turned on in his manly company and I could read the proud and lust accentuated on his face. He did not waste more time. And to be honest, mummy also seemed to want that as badly.

As he settled between her legs, mummy didn’t have to tell and she mechanically spread her legs in air and bit her lower lip in ecstasy.

This was too much for Swamiji and he pierced his cock deep inside her, slowly and mummy’s hands flicked in the air attempting to grab Swamiji. But she got success only when Swamiji’s tool entered fully into her wet vagina. She caressed his hairy chest as swamiji started giving deep but slow shots and bent forward to kiss her.

This time both kissed with equal passion and she madly caressed his backs as he fucked her wonderfully. 

The next an hour or so, they kissed, sucked, caressed each other. They hissed, they moaned; their bodies brushed, their breaths melten into one, fingers got intertwined and somehow in between I went under sleep again.
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[+] 6 users Like garamrohan's post
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Hell yessssss brother you dont know for how long i was waiting for your comeback. I just want to thank you man for coming back and continuing this story. I just hope you will give regular updates and complete this story. Thank you buddy and be safe ,keep your family safe, all the best.
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What a story, update
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Super hott thread, pls continue and update it
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waiting for big updates
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Thanks bro,
Amazing...awaiting further updates...
The story narration is fascinating...

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waiting for next update
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(24-05-2021, 12:50 AM)garamrohan Wrote: Part XIV

My head bumped hard on the dash panel as the driver applied the brake. 

“Easy…,” Swamiji groaned, “the boy got hurt, Can’t you see?”

Driver lowered his head in regret. While thinking of that night’s dream, which now seemed more like a reality to me; I didn’t understand when we actually reached the ashram. We stepped out of the car and several disciples of Swamiji ran at us.

“We have made arrangements as you said,” one disciple said to impress Swamiji. He was the same guy I saw talking with Kanta when this drama at our house was going on. Swamiji shook head in affirmation and raised his hand to offer blessings. 

Mummy was still sitting in the car. 

“Putri… Get down from the car. We are at our destination.”

Mummy carefully held the baby boy to her chest as she get off the car. I checked the faces and everybody was looking at her only. Many of them knew us already, from our last year’s stay at ashram; and to mummy at least I doubt they would ever forget. Ofcourse, pregnancy had put her extremely pretty face an astonishing glow and unlike with most women very less extra pounds were added to her and that too, at good places.

The storm was waving her pallu and she struggled to hold pallu and the kid. Swamiji asked her to give the baby to him. Mummy calmly stood for some time but eventually handed over the kid. With the kid in one hand and the other hand delicately put over mummy’s shoulder, Swamiji walked towards the ashram. As I followed them, one of the disciples pulled me back, “Not there beta, you will stay in one of the huts out there…,” he said and dragged me towards huts in the outer circle. 

“Mummy…,” I was literally about to cry.

“Don’t worry Putra… We have good arrangement for you there,” Swamiji said, throwing quick gazes once at mummy’s face and other times at me. I couldn’t talk and neither did mummy. She turned her face away from me and her head lowered. Of Course I felt her weakness. At that age also I realised that we are not at home anymore; we are at mercy of Swamiji. Suddenly I heard him burst in anger on the same guy following him.

“Are you going to come with me to my residence?”

The guy said, “It's urgent,” and got himself to swamiji’s ear. Suddenly swamiji got nervous and called a female disciple to take mummy and child with her. And when last time I turned back, I saw swamiji hurriedly going to the big hall where he used to give ‘pravachana’.

The guy was gentle with me and told me everything about the utilities the so-called ‘hut’ had and asked me to call him anytime I needed something. I was worried like hell. For I know I would get to enjoy all this luxury but at the cost of what and for how many days? I laid off on the feathery mattress spread on the bed. I was tired due to the emotional turmoil of the day and soon went to sleep. 
My eyelids were heavy, but I couldn’t help but see what was happening in the room. I couldn’t believe that Swamiji once again started those nasty games with mummy. And the sickest thing was he dared to come to our place and do all this in my parents bedroom, with me sleeping in the room. My grandma would have been busy in bullshit aaradhana, dumping my beautiful mother in this jackal’s cave. 

Mummy tried to cope up with the breath, and so was swamiji who was still on his knees on the floor near the bed. And mummy was lying on her stomach, crossed on my legs, tired and breathing heavily. Swamiji walked to the Yagyakunda that he had ignited at the center of the room and added a few wooden sticks to it and the room glowed a bit more. As I saw his dark shadow on the wall, I could see his huge bulge in dhoti was prominently appearing in the shadow. 

“Putri…,” He softly said as he reached near the bed, caressing mummy’s hairs.

“That’s enough Swamiji..,” Mummy said, turning her head back.

“But I am hungry… Only your thirst is quenched, what about me?,” he turned her, making her lie on back and his one arm moved underneath her while the other hand curled around the back of her knees and he delicately picked my mummy and walked towards the Yagyakunda.

Lightning was still happening and the noise of the thunder was shaking hearts. But Swamiji seemed to be a totally different kind of build. As nature was vomiting its wrath, Swamiji was mad in lust and he wanted to take my mummy at any cost, the lady who was pregnant with his nasty seeds only. 

A bright lightning followed by deafening noise! Surely it has hitted somewhere in the neighbourhood.  And with fear mummy tightly held Swamiji.

“I am here,” is all Swamiji said and he locked mummy’s luscious lips with his as he leisurely stepped forward. I couldn’t bear the intimacy I am witnessing between my mother and that devil under the skin of a saint. The painful part was mummy’s consensual participation. Ofcourse she was lured by the good prospect. But why in the world does she forget that she was fooled by Swamiji many times before?

Swamiji ducked and delicately put her on the floor but without breaking the kiss. My vision was faint and the room was not properly lit. still I could make out how hungrily he was kissing her, tasting the sweet “nectar” - as he said once, of her shivering lips.

Room soon filled with their hisses while nature played background archestra. Swamiji was lying over her without touching any of his body parts with her’s except his dark and broad lips on her. His hands again started to pull the gown upwards, slowly relieving her fair and shapely legs akin to banana stems. As he didn’t give her scope to escape his long kiss, his hands worked on her legs like an artist . 

“Aaaaah…,” mummy moaned sweetly as finally swamiji let her lips go and hurriedly nibbled around her neck and whatever flesh was visible through mummy’s decent gown. His hands advanced and suddenly dispersed into mummy’s thighs..

“Naaa...ummmm…. Uuuiiiiii…,” all she could say as she tightened her thighs around his grip and her head elevated, probably trying to sit up. But swamiji’s hungry mouth came as a big obstacle and smooched her again, pushing her head back to the ground. And with the next lightning, I saw swamiji slowly plucking mummy’s sweet lips with his teeths and leaving it after stretching it quite a long, again to settle to its original position. 

“Aaaahhh…” a painful or whatever kind of moan from mummy.

And suddenly like a madman he pulled her gown up even further revealing her smooth and round tummy, nurturing inside  a mark of their illicit copulation that happened last year. He started roaming his watery tongue over her smooth stomach, giving slurping licks in between as her entire stomach was lathered with his saliva.

He let go off his hold on her intimate place and he licked off that hand and assisted mummy to sit up.  We both saw Swamiji taking off his dhoti and getting completely nude. 

And he took a posture in Padmasana like some siddha yogi would sit in. But I knew this guy is neither siddha purush nor he has anything to do with yoga -- He was only floating in the ocean of lust for my mummy.

“Putri… come here..” He invited mummy with open arms.

With a confused face she carefully moved closer to him. Swamiji was stroking his cock slowly which had become very large by then. 

“Come closer…,” his speed for caressing his cock increased and with a jerk he suddenly pulled his foreskin down revealing his big onion-like forehead.

Mummy had almost reached him touching their knees to one another. Suddenly Swamiji put both his palms under mummy’s ass and lifted her up.. Naturally mummy took hold of Swamiji’s shoulder for support and with few adjustments she understood what was on Swamiji’s mind and she spread her leg forward thus taking Swamiji between her legs.

Swamiji’s one hand grabbed her by her waist and with the other he pulled up her gown and catched that piece of cloth in mouth, now revealing her groin area and her pretty ass fully!
And with legs folded at knee, mummy obeyed the force of his hand and started slowly settling on his lap. 

At the very same time, Swamiji, with his free hand positioned his pistoning hard linga on the entrance of my mummy’s yoni which had started dripping some juice now. And both sighed in ecstasy…

“Ummmm ufff aaaaaah….”

As mummy was pregnant she was unable to move much so Swamiji started rotating himself and shoving her from below and it seemed to work as mummy tightly held Swamji and put her head to his chest.

And with this the overjoyed Swamiji let the gown go off his teeth and tightened grip around mummy to feel her soft, warm flesh fully. 

“Easy…”, Mummy looked at his face to say this and got replied with a sloppy kiss.

While grinding her womanhood from below, he pulled up her gown further and took off it completely from her head and I could see my mummy only in a creamy bra which was covering her full breasts somehow. 

And his hungry eyes poked at the inviting cleavage formed.. His itchy hands moved around her bra covered mammeries and gave both the breasts lovely squeeze. 

The next moment his hands clicked off the bra and mummy was fully nude now. Her both hands were on his two shoulders and she was obediently receiving his love strokes. Such a cold day was it but both started to form sweat droplets on their body. Swamiji tried to bend and catch her nipple in mouth but their position, further complicated by mummy's pregnancy, prohibited him to achieve that.  

But weiro like Swamiji was not going to settle for anything less. He wetted his thumb with saliva and rubbed the saliva on her nipples and started gently plucking and messaging her sensitive nipples…

“Swamijiiiiiiii….. Nooo,” Mummy moaned in ecstasy.. But swamiji continued his work with dedication at both nipples. 

The sensation was too much to bear for mummy and she kept shaking her head from one side to other and back and forth. With this her seductive, long, free hairs swirled in air like feathers of dancing peacock in monsoon.

And just few moments later, she struggled to lift herself a little as she adjusted herself on her knees and to my utter shock and disappointment I understood what she was trying to do, but not earlier than she took her succulent tits in the reach of swamiji’s hungry mouth to munch on them, which swamiji happily did.

“Ummmm aaaaaaaah ufffffff,” Mummy moaned in pleasure tossing her hairs with both her hands and swamiji sucked her both tits one by one howling like a tomcat. They caressed each other while swamiji sucked her juicy bags like anything.. Her hands roamed around his back; caressed his thick hairs; this all play was probably making Swamiji even more mad. 

“Can’t control anymore, Putri…. Aaah…” He said… and moved her off his lap.

Mummy was also shivering with sensation and probably she understood what to be done next as she laid on the floor like a hungry lioness… I could not believe what was happening in front of me.. I never thought my own mother could go so wild for sex. That too, for such a bastard.

She was restless and jerking her body like a snake. Swamiji clenched her teeth in burning desire as he saw this diva getting turned on in his manly company and I could read the proud and lust accentuated on his face. He did not waste more time. And to be honest, mummy also seemed to want that as badly.

As he settled between her legs, mummy didn’t have to tell and she mechanically spread her legs in air and bit her lower lip in ecstasy.

This was too much for Swamiji and he pierced his cock deep inside her, slowly and mummy’s hands flicked in the air attempting to grab Swamiji. But she got success only when Swamiji’s tool entered fully into her wet vagina. She caressed his hairy chest as swamiji started giving deep but slow shots and bent forward to kiss her.

This time both kissed with equal passion and she madly caressed his backs as he fucked her wonderfully. 

The next an hour or so, they kissed, sucked, caressed each other. They hissed, they moaned; their bodies brushed, their breaths melten into one, fingers got intertwined and somehow in between I went under sleep again.
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(24-05-2021, 12:50 AM)garamrohan Wrote: Part XIV

My head bumped hard on the dash panel as the driver applied the brake. 

“Easy…,” Swamiji groaned, “the boy got hurt, Can’t you see?”

Driver lowered his head in regret. While thinking of that night’s dream, which now seemed more like a reality to me; I didn’t understand when we actually reached the ashram. We stepped out of the car and several disciples of Swamiji ran at us.

“We have made arrangements as you said,” one disciple said to impress Swamiji. He was the same guy I saw talking with Kanta when this drama at our house was going on. Swamiji shook head in affirmation and raised his hand to offer blessings. 

Mummy was still sitting in the car. 

“Putri… Get down from the car. We are at our destination.”

Mummy carefully held the baby boy to her chest as she get off the car. I checked the faces and everybody was looking at her only. Many of them knew us already, from our last year’s stay at ashram; and to mummy at least I doubt they would ever forget. Ofcourse, pregnancy had put her extremely pretty face an astonishing glow and unlike with most women very less extra pounds were added to her and that too, at good places.

The storm was waving her pallu and she struggled to hold pallu and the kid. Swamiji asked her to give the baby to him. Mummy calmly stood for some time but eventually handed over the kid. With the kid in one hand and the other hand delicately put over mummy’s shoulder, Swamiji walked towards the ashram. As I followed them, one of the disciples pulled me back, “Not there beta, you will stay in one of the huts out there…,” he said and dragged me towards huts in the outer circle. 

“Mummy…,” I was literally about to cry.

“Don’t worry Putra… We have good arrangement for you there,” Swamiji said, throwing quick gazes once at mummy’s face and other times at me. I couldn’t talk and neither did mummy. She turned her face away from me and her head lowered. Of Course I felt her weakness. At that age also I realised that we are not at home anymore; we are at mercy of Swamiji. Suddenly I heard him burst in anger on the same guy following him.

“Are you going to come with me to my residence?”

The guy said, “It's urgent,” and got himself to swamiji’s ear. Suddenly swamiji got nervous and called a female disciple to take mummy and child with her. And when last time I turned back, I saw swamiji hurriedly going to the big hall where he used to give ‘pravachana’.

The guy was gentle with me and told me everything about the utilities the so-called ‘hut’ had and asked me to call him anytime I needed something. I was worried like hell. For I know I would get to enjoy all this luxury but at the cost of what and for how many days? I laid off on the feathery mattress spread on the bed. I was tired due to the emotional turmoil of the day and soon went to sleep. 
My eyelids were heavy, but I couldn’t help but see what was happening in the room. I couldn’t believe that Swamiji once again started those nasty games with mummy. And the sickest thing was he dared to come to our place and do all this in my parents bedroom, with me sleeping in the room. My grandma would have been busy in bullshit aaradhana, dumping my beautiful mother in this jackal’s cave. 

Mummy tried to cope up with the breath, and so was swamiji who was still on his knees on the floor near the bed. And mummy was lying on her stomach, crossed on my legs, tired and breathing heavily. Swamiji walked to the Yagyakunda that he had ignited at the center of the room and added a few wooden sticks to it and the room glowed a bit more. As I saw his dark shadow on the wall, I could see his huge bulge in dhoti was prominently appearing in the shadow. 

“Putri…,” He softly said as he reached near the bed, caressing mummy’s hairs.

“That’s enough Swamiji..,” Mummy said, turning her head back.

“But I am hungry… Only your thirst is quenched, what about me?,” he turned her, making her lie on back and his one arm moved underneath her while the other hand curled around the back of her knees and he delicately picked my mummy and walked towards the Yagyakunda.

Lightning was still happening and the noise of the thunder was shaking hearts. But Swamiji seemed to be a totally different kind of build. As nature was vomiting its wrath, Swamiji was mad in lust and he wanted to take my mummy at any cost, the lady who was pregnant with his nasty seeds only. 

A bright lightning followed by deafening noise! Surely it has hitted somewhere in the neighbourhood.  And with fear mummy tightly held Swamiji.

“I am here,” is all Swamiji said and he locked mummy’s luscious lips with his as he leisurely stepped forward. I couldn’t bear the intimacy I am witnessing between my mother and that devil under the skin of a saint. The painful part was mummy’s consensual participation. Ofcourse she was lured by the good prospect. But why in the world does she forget that she was fooled by Swamiji many times before?

Swamiji ducked and delicately put her on the floor but without breaking the kiss. My vision was faint and the room was not properly lit. still I could make out how hungrily he was kissing her, tasting the sweet “nectar” - as he said once, of her shivering lips.

Room soon filled with their hisses while nature played background archestra. Swamiji was lying over her without touching any of his body parts with her’s except his dark and broad lips on her. His hands again started to pull the gown upwards, slowly relieving her fair and shapely legs akin to banana stems. As he didn’t give her scope to escape his long kiss, his hands worked on her legs like an artist . 

“Aaaaah…,” mummy moaned sweetly as finally swamiji let her lips go and hurriedly nibbled around her neck and whatever flesh was visible through mummy’s decent gown. His hands advanced and suddenly dispersed into mummy’s thighs..

“Naaa...ummmm…. Uuuiiiiii…,” all she could say as she tightened her thighs around his grip and her head elevated, probably trying to sit up. But swamiji’s hungry mouth came as a big obstacle and smooched her again, pushing her head back to the ground. And with the next lightning, I saw swamiji slowly plucking mummy’s sweet lips with his teeths and leaving it after stretching it quite a long, again to settle to its original position. 

“Aaaahhh…” a painful or whatever kind of moan from mummy.

And suddenly like a madman he pulled her gown up even further revealing her smooth and round tummy, nurturing inside  a mark of their illicit copulation that happened last year. He started roaming his watery tongue over her smooth stomach, giving slurping licks in between as her entire stomach was lathered with his saliva.

He let go off his hold on her intimate place and he licked off that hand and assisted mummy to sit up.  We both saw Swamiji taking off his dhoti and getting completely nude. 

And he took a posture in Padmasana like some siddha yogi would sit in. But I knew this guy is neither siddha purush nor he has anything to do with yoga -- He was only floating in the ocean of lust for my mummy.

“Putri… come here..” He invited mummy with open arms.

With a confused face she carefully moved closer to him. Swamiji was stroking his cock slowly which had become very large by then. 

“Come closer…,” his speed for caressing his cock increased and with a jerk he suddenly pulled his foreskin down revealing his big onion-like forehead.

Mummy had almost reached him touching their knees to one another. Suddenly Swamiji put both his palms under mummy’s ass and lifted her up.. Naturally mummy took hold of Swamiji’s shoulder for support and with few adjustments she understood what was on Swamiji’s mind and she spread her leg forward thus taking Swamiji between her legs.

Swamiji’s one hand grabbed her by her waist and with the other he pulled up her gown and catched that piece of cloth in mouth, now revealing her groin area and her pretty ass fully!
And with legs folded at knee, mummy obeyed the force of his hand and started slowly settling on his lap. 

At the very same time, Swamiji, with his free hand positioned his pistoning hard linga on the entrance of my mummy’s yoni which had started dripping some juice now. And both sighed in ecstasy…

“Ummmm ufff aaaaaah….”

As mummy was pregnant she was unable to move much so Swamiji started rotating himself and shoving her from below and it seemed to work as mummy tightly held Swamji and put her head to his chest.

And with this the overjoyed Swamiji let the gown go off his teeth and tightened grip around mummy to feel her soft, warm flesh fully. 

“Easy…”, Mummy looked at his face to say this and got replied with a sloppy kiss.

While grinding her womanhood from below, he pulled up her gown further and took off it completely from her head and I could see my mummy only in a creamy bra which was covering her full breasts somehow. 

And his hungry eyes poked at the inviting cleavage formed.. His itchy hands moved around her bra covered mammeries and gave both the breasts lovely squeeze. 

The next moment his hands clicked off the bra and mummy was fully nude now. Her both hands were on his two shoulders and she was obediently receiving his love strokes. Such a cold day was it but both started to form sweat droplets on their body. Swamiji tried to bend and catch her nipple in mouth but their position, further complicated by mummy's pregnancy, prohibited him to achieve that.  

But weiro like Swamiji was not going to settle for anything less. He wetted his thumb with saliva and rubbed the saliva on her nipples and started gently plucking and messaging her sensitive nipples…

“Swamijiiiiiiii….. Nooo,” Mummy moaned in ecstasy.. But swamiji continued his work with dedication at both nipples. 

The sensation was too much to bear for mummy and she kept shaking her head from one side to other and back and forth. With this her seductive, long, free hairs swirled in air like feathers of dancing peacock in monsoon.

And just few moments later, she struggled to lift herself a little as she adjusted herself on her knees and to my utter shock and disappointment I understood what she was trying to do, but not earlier than she took her succulent tits in the reach of swamiji’s hungry mouth to munch on them, which swamiji happily did.

“Ummmm aaaaaaaah ufffffff,” Mummy moaned in pleasure tossing her hairs with both her hands and swamiji sucked her both tits one by one howling like a tomcat. They caressed each other while swamiji sucked her juicy bags like anything.. Her hands roamed around his back; caressed his thick hairs; this all play was probably making Swamiji even more mad. 

“Can’t control anymore, Putri…. Aaah…” He said… and moved her off his lap.

Mummy was also shivering with sensation and probably she understood what to be done next as she laid on the floor like a hungry lioness… I could not believe what was happening in front of me.. I never thought my own mother could go so wild for sex. That too, for such a bastard.

She was restless and jerking her body like a snake. Swamiji clenched her teeth in burning desire as he saw this diva getting turned on in his manly company and I could read the proud and lust accentuated on his face. He did not waste more time. And to be honest, mummy also seemed to want that as badly.

As he settled between her legs, mummy didn’t have to tell and she mechanically spread her legs in air and bit her lower lip in ecstasy.

This was too much for Swamiji and he pierced his cock deep inside her, slowly and mummy’s hands flicked in the air attempting to grab Swamiji. But she got success only when Swamiji’s tool entered fully into her wet vagina. She caressed his hairy chest as swamiji started giving deep but slow shots and bent forward to kiss her.

This time both kissed with equal passion and she madly caressed his backs as he fucked her wonderfully. 

The next an hour or so, they kissed, sucked, caressed each other. They hissed, they moaned; their bodies brushed, their breaths melten into one, fingers got intertwined and somehow in between I went under sleep again.
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(24-05-2021, 12:50 AM)garamrohan Wrote: Part XIV

My head bumped hard on the dash panel as the driver applied the brake. 

“Easy…,” Swamiji groaned, “the boy got hurt, Can’t you see?”

Driver lowered his head in regret. While thinking of that night’s dream, which now seemed more like a reality to me; I didn’t understand when we actually reached the ashram. We stepped out of the car and several disciples of Swamiji ran at us.

“We have made arrangements as you said,” one disciple said to impress Swamiji. He was the same guy I saw talking with Kanta when this drama at our house was going on. Swamiji shook head in affirmation and raised his hand to offer blessings. 

Mummy was still sitting in the car. 

“Putri… Get down from the car. We are at our destination.”

Mummy carefully held the baby boy to her chest as she get off the car. I checked the faces and everybody was looking at her only. Many of them knew us already, from our last year’s stay at ashram; and to mummy at least I doubt they would ever forget. Ofcourse, pregnancy had put her extremely pretty face an astonishing glow and unlike with most women very less extra pounds were added to her and that too, at good places.

The storm was waving her pallu and she struggled to hold pallu and the kid. Swamiji asked her to give the baby to him. Mummy calmly stood for some time but eventually handed over the kid. With the kid in one hand and the other hand delicately put over mummy’s shoulder, Swamiji walked towards the ashram. As I followed them, one of the disciples pulled me back, “Not there beta, you will stay in one of the huts out there…,” he said and dragged me towards huts in the outer circle. 

“Mummy…,” I was literally about to cry.

“Don’t worry Putra… We have good arrangement for you there,” Swamiji said, throwing quick gazes once at mummy’s face and other times at me. I couldn’t talk and neither did mummy. She turned her face away from me and her head lowered. Of Course I felt her weakness. At that age also I realised that we are not at home anymore; we are at mercy of Swamiji. Suddenly I heard him burst in anger on the same guy following him.

“Are you going to come with me to my residence?”

The guy said, “It's urgent,” and got himself to swamiji’s ear. Suddenly swamiji got nervous and called a female disciple to take mummy and child with her. And when last time I turned back, I saw swamiji hurriedly going to the big hall where he used to give ‘pravachana’.

The guy was gentle with me and told me everything about the utilities the so-called ‘hut’ had and asked me to call him anytime I needed something. I was worried like hell. For I know I would get to enjoy all this luxury but at the cost of what and for how many days? I laid off on the feathery mattress spread on the bed. I was tired due to the emotional turmoil of the day and soon went to sleep. 
My eyelids were heavy, but I couldn’t help but see what was happening in the room. I couldn’t believe that Swamiji once again started those nasty games with mummy. And the sickest thing was he dared to come to our place and do all this in my parents bedroom, with me sleeping in the room. My grandma would have been busy in bullshit aaradhana, dumping my beautiful mother in this jackal’s cave. 

Mummy tried to cope up with the breath, and so was swamiji who was still on his knees on the floor near the bed. And mummy was lying on her stomach, crossed on my legs, tired and breathing heavily. Swamiji walked to the Yagyakunda that he had ignited at the center of the room and added a few wooden sticks to it and the room glowed a bit more. As I saw his dark shadow on the wall, I could see his huge bulge in dhoti was prominently appearing in the shadow. 

“Putri…,” He softly said as he reached near the bed, caressing mummy’s hairs.

“That’s enough Swamiji..,” Mummy said, turning her head back.

“But I am hungry… Only your thirst is quenched, what about me?,” he turned her, making her lie on back and his one arm moved underneath her while the other hand curled around the back of her knees and he delicately picked my mummy and walked towards the Yagyakunda.

Lightning was still happening and the noise of the thunder was shaking hearts. But Swamiji seemed to be a totally different kind of build. As nature was vomiting its wrath, Swamiji was mad in lust and he wanted to take my mummy at any cost, the lady who was pregnant with his nasty seeds only. 

A bright lightning followed by deafening noise! Surely it has hitted somewhere in the neighbourhood.  And with fear mummy tightly held Swamiji.

“I am here,” is all Swamiji said and he locked mummy’s luscious lips with his as he leisurely stepped forward. I couldn’t bear the intimacy I am witnessing between my mother and that devil under the skin of a saint. The painful part was mummy’s consensual participation. Ofcourse she was lured by the good prospect. But why in the world does she forget that she was fooled by Swamiji many times before?

Swamiji ducked and delicately put her on the floor but without breaking the kiss. My vision was faint and the room was not properly lit. still I could make out how hungrily he was kissing her, tasting the sweet “nectar” - as he said once, of her shivering lips.

Room soon filled with their hisses while nature played background archestra. Swamiji was lying over her without touching any of his body parts with her’s except his dark and broad lips on her. His hands again started to pull the gown upwards, slowly relieving her fair and shapely legs akin to banana stems. As he didn’t give her scope to escape his long kiss, his hands worked on her legs like an artist . 

“Aaaaah…,” mummy moaned sweetly as finally swamiji let her lips go and hurriedly nibbled around her neck and whatever flesh was visible through mummy’s decent gown. His hands advanced and suddenly dispersed into mummy’s thighs..

“Naaa...ummmm…. Uuuiiiiii…,” all she could say as she tightened her thighs around his grip and her head elevated, probably trying to sit up. But swamiji’s hungry mouth came as a big obstacle and smooched her again, pushing her head back to the ground. And with the next lightning, I saw swamiji slowly plucking mummy’s sweet lips with his teeths and leaving it after stretching it quite a long, again to settle to its original position. 

“Aaaahhh…” a painful or whatever kind of moan from mummy.

And suddenly like a madman he pulled her gown up even further revealing her smooth and round tummy, nurturing inside  a mark of their illicit copulation that happened last year. He started roaming his watery tongue over her smooth stomach, giving slurping licks in between as her entire stomach was lathered with his saliva.

He let go off his hold on her intimate place and he licked off that hand and assisted mummy to sit up.  We both saw Swamiji taking off his dhoti and getting completely nude. 

And he took a posture in Padmasana like some siddha yogi would sit in. But I knew this guy is neither siddha purush nor he has anything to do with yoga -- He was only floating in the ocean of lust for my mummy.

“Putri… come here..” He invited mummy with open arms.

With a confused face she carefully moved closer to him. Swamiji was stroking his cock slowly which had become very large by then. 

“Come closer…,” his speed for caressing his cock increased and with a jerk he suddenly pulled his foreskin down revealing his big onion-like forehead.

Mummy had almost reached him touching their knees to one another. Suddenly Swamiji put both his palms under mummy’s ass and lifted her up.. Naturally mummy took hold of Swamiji’s shoulder for support and with few adjustments she understood what was on Swamiji’s mind and she spread her leg forward thus taking Swamiji between her legs.

Swamiji’s one hand grabbed her by her waist and with the other he pulled up her gown and catched that piece of cloth in mouth, now revealing her groin area and her pretty ass fully!
And with legs folded at knee, mummy obeyed the force of his hand and started slowly settling on his lap. 

At the very same time, Swamiji, with his free hand positioned his pistoning hard linga on the entrance of my mummy’s yoni which had started dripping some juice now. And both sighed in ecstasy…

“Ummmm ufff aaaaaah….”

As mummy was pregnant she was unable to move much so Swamiji started rotating himself and shoving her from below and it seemed to work as mummy tightly held Swamji and put her head to his chest.

And with this the overjoyed Swamiji let the gown go off his teeth and tightened grip around mummy to feel her soft, warm flesh fully. 

“Easy…”, Mummy looked at his face to say this and got replied with a sloppy kiss.

While grinding her womanhood from below, he pulled up her gown further and took off it completely from her head and I could see my mummy only in a creamy bra which was covering her full breasts somehow. 

And his hungry eyes poked at the inviting cleavage formed.. His itchy hands moved around her bra covered mammeries and gave both the breasts lovely squeeze. 

The next moment his hands clicked off the bra and mummy was fully nude now. Her both hands were on his two shoulders and she was obediently receiving his love strokes. Such a cold day was it but both started to form sweat droplets on their body. Swamiji tried to bend and catch her nipple in mouth but their position, further complicated by mummy's pregnancy, prohibited him to achieve that.  

But weiro like Swamiji was not going to settle for anything less. He wetted his thumb with saliva and rubbed the saliva on her nipples and started gently plucking and messaging her sensitive nipples…

“Swamijiiiiiiii….. Nooo,” Mummy moaned in ecstasy.. But swamiji continued his work with dedication at both nipples. 

The sensation was too much to bear for mummy and she kept shaking her head from one side to other and back and forth. With this her seductive, long, free hairs swirled in air like feathers of dancing peacock in monsoon.

And just few moments later, she struggled to lift herself a little as she adjusted herself on her knees and to my utter shock and disappointment I understood what she was trying to do, but not earlier than she took her succulent tits in the reach of swamiji’s hungry mouth to munch on them, which swamiji happily did.

“Ummmm aaaaaaaah ufffffff,” Mummy moaned in pleasure tossing her hairs with both her hands and swamiji sucked her both tits one by one howling like a tomcat. They caressed each other while swamiji sucked her juicy bags like anything.. Her hands roamed around his back; caressed his thick hairs; this all play was probably making Swamiji even more mad. 

“Can’t control anymore, Putri…. Aaah…” He said… and moved her off his lap.

Mummy was also shivering with sensation and probably she understood what to be done next as she laid on the floor like a hungry lioness… I could not believe what was happening in front of me.. I never thought my own mother could go so wild for sex. That too, for such a bastard.

She was restless and jerking her body like a snake. Swamiji clenched her teeth in burning desire as he saw this diva getting turned on in his manly company and I could read the proud and lust accentuated on his face. He did not waste more time. And to be honest, mummy also seemed to want that as badly.

As he settled between her legs, mummy didn’t have to tell and she mechanically spread her legs in air and bit her lower lip in ecstasy.

This was too much for Swamiji and he pierced his cock deep inside her, slowly and mummy’s hands flicked in the air attempting to grab Swamiji. But she got success only when Swamiji’s tool entered fully into her wet vagina. She caressed his hairy chest as swamiji started giving deep but slow shots and bent forward to kiss her.

This time both kissed with equal passion and she madly caressed his backs as he fucked her wonderfully. 

The next an hour or so, they kissed, sucked, caressed each other. They hissed, they moaned; their bodies brushed, their breaths melten into one, fingers got intertwined and somehow in between I went under sleep again.
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(24-05-2021, 12:50 AM)garamrohan Wrote: Part XIV

My head bumped hard on the dash panel as the driver applied the brake. 

“Easy…,” Swamiji groaned, “the boy got hurt, Can’t you see?”

Driver lowered his head in regret. While thinking of that night’s dream, which now seemed more like a reality to me; I didn’t understand when we actually reached the ashram. We stepped out of the car and several disciples of Swamiji ran at us.

“We have made arrangements as you said,” one disciple said to impress Swamiji. He was the same guy I saw talking with Kanta when this drama at our house was going on. Swamiji shook head in affirmation and raised his hand to offer blessings. 

Mummy was still sitting in the car. 

“Putri… Get down from the car. We are at our destination.”

Mummy carefully held the baby boy to her chest as she get off the car. I checked the faces and everybody was looking at her only. Many of them knew us already, from our last year’s stay at ashram; and to mummy at least I doubt they would ever forget. Ofcourse, pregnancy had put her extremely pretty face an astonishing glow and unlike with most women very less extra pounds were added to her and that too, at good places.

The storm was waving her pallu and she struggled to hold pallu and the kid. Swamiji asked her to give the baby to him. Mummy calmly stood for some time but eventually handed over the kid. With the kid in one hand and the other hand delicately put over mummy’s shoulder, Swamiji walked towards the ashram. As I followed them, one of the disciples pulled me back, “Not there beta, you will stay in one of the huts out there…,” he said and dragged me towards huts in the outer circle. 

“Mummy…,” I was literally about to cry.

“Don’t worry Putra… We have good arrangement for you there,” Swamiji said, throwing quick gazes once at mummy’s face and other times at me. I couldn’t talk and neither did mummy. She turned her face away from me and her head lowered. Of Course I felt her weakness. At that age also I realised that we are not at home anymore; we are at mercy of Swamiji. Suddenly I heard him burst in anger on the same guy following him.

“Are you going to come with me to my residence?”

The guy said, “It's urgent,” and got himself to swamiji’s ear. Suddenly swamiji got nervous and called a female disciple to take mummy and child with her. And when last time I turned back, I saw swamiji hurriedly going to the big hall where he used to give ‘pravachana’.

The guy was gentle with me and told me everything about the utilities the so-called ‘hut’ had and asked me to call him anytime I needed something. I was worried like hell. For I know I would get to enjoy all this luxury but at the cost of what and for how many days? I laid off on the feathery mattress spread on the bed. I was tired due to the emotional turmoil of the day and soon went to sleep. 
My eyelids were heavy, but I couldn’t help but see what was happening in the room. I couldn’t believe that Swamiji once again started those nasty games with mummy. And the sickest thing was he dared to come to our place and do all this in my parents bedroom, with me sleeping in the room. My grandma would have been busy in bullshit aaradhana, dumping my beautiful mother in this jackal’s cave. 

Mummy tried to cope up with the breath, and so was swamiji who was still on his knees on the floor near the bed. And mummy was lying on her stomach, crossed on my legs, tired and breathing heavily. Swamiji walked to the Yagyakunda that he had ignited at the center of the room and added a few wooden sticks to it and the room glowed a bit more. As I saw his dark shadow on the wall, I could see his huge bulge in dhoti was prominently appearing in the shadow. 

“Putri…,” He softly said as he reached near the bed, caressing mummy’s hairs.

“That’s enough Swamiji..,” Mummy said, turning her head back.

“But I am hungry… Only your thirst is quenched, what about me?,” he turned her, making her lie on back and his one arm moved underneath her while the other hand curled around the back of her knees and he delicately picked my mummy and walked towards the Yagyakunda.

Lightning was still happening and the noise of the thunder was shaking hearts. But Swamiji seemed to be a totally different kind of build. As nature was vomiting its wrath, Swamiji was mad in lust and he wanted to take my mummy at any cost, the lady who was pregnant with his nasty seeds only. 

A bright lightning followed by deafening noise! Surely it has hitted somewhere in the neighbourhood.  And with fear mummy tightly held Swamiji.

“I am here,” is all Swamiji said and he locked mummy’s luscious lips with his as he leisurely stepped forward. I couldn’t bear the intimacy I am witnessing between my mother and that devil under the skin of a saint. The painful part was mummy’s consensual participation. Ofcourse she was lured by the good prospect. But why in the world does she forget that she was fooled by Swamiji many times before?

Swamiji ducked and delicately put her on the floor but without breaking the kiss. My vision was faint and the room was not properly lit. still I could make out how hungrily he was kissing her, tasting the sweet “nectar” - as he said once, of her shivering lips.

Room soon filled with their hisses while nature played background archestra. Swamiji was lying over her without touching any of his body parts with her’s except his dark and broad lips on her. His hands again started to pull the gown upwards, slowly relieving her fair and shapely legs akin to banana stems. As he didn’t give her scope to escape his long kiss, his hands worked on her legs like an artist . 

“Aaaaah…,” mummy moaned sweetly as finally swamiji let her lips go and hurriedly nibbled around her neck and whatever flesh was visible through mummy’s decent gown. His hands advanced and suddenly dispersed into mummy’s thighs..

“Naaa...ummmm…. Uuuiiiiii…,” all she could say as she tightened her thighs around his grip and her head elevated, probably trying to sit up. But swamiji’s hungry mouth came as a big obstacle and smooched her again, pushing her head back to the ground. And with the next lightning, I saw swamiji slowly plucking mummy’s sweet lips with his teeths and leaving it after stretching it quite a long, again to settle to its original position. 

“Aaaahhh…” a painful or whatever kind of moan from mummy.

And suddenly like a madman he pulled her gown up even further revealing her smooth and round tummy, nurturing inside  a mark of their illicit copulation that happened last year. He started roaming his watery tongue over her smooth stomach, giving slurping licks in between as her entire stomach was lathered with his saliva.

He let go off his hold on her intimate place and he licked off that hand and assisted mummy to sit up.  We both saw Swamiji taking off his dhoti and getting completely nude. 

And he took a posture in Padmasana like some siddha yogi would sit in. But I knew this guy is neither siddha purush nor he has anything to do with yoga -- He was only floating in the ocean of lust for my mummy.

“Putri… come here..” He invited mummy with open arms.

With a confused face she carefully moved closer to him. Swamiji was stroking his cock slowly which had become very large by then. 

“Come closer…,” his speed for caressing his cock increased and with a jerk he suddenly pulled his foreskin down revealing his big onion-like forehead.

Mummy had almost reached him touching their knees to one another. Suddenly Swamiji put both his palms under mummy’s ass and lifted her up.. Naturally mummy took hold of Swamiji’s shoulder for support and with few adjustments she understood what was on Swamiji’s mind and she spread her leg forward thus taking Swamiji between her legs.

Swamiji’s one hand grabbed her by her waist and with the other he pulled up her gown and catched that piece of cloth in mouth, now revealing her groin area and her pretty ass fully!
And with legs folded at knee, mummy obeyed the force of his hand and started slowly settling on his lap. 

At the very same time, Swamiji, with his free hand positioned his pistoning hard linga on the entrance of my mummy’s yoni which had started dripping some juice now. And both sighed in ecstasy…

“Ummmm ufff aaaaaah….”

As mummy was pregnant she was unable to move much so Swamiji started rotating himself and shoving her from below and it seemed to work as mummy tightly held Swamji and put her head to his chest.

And with this the overjoyed Swamiji let the gown go off his teeth and tightened grip around mummy to feel her soft, warm flesh fully. 

“Easy…”, Mummy looked at his face to say this and got replied with a sloppy kiss.

While grinding her womanhood from below, he pulled up her gown further and took off it completely from her head and I could see my mummy only in a creamy bra which was covering her full breasts somehow. 

And his hungry eyes poked at the inviting cleavage formed.. His itchy hands moved around her bra covered mammeries and gave both the breasts lovely squeeze. 

The next moment his hands clicked off the bra and mummy was fully nude now. Her both hands were on his two shoulders and she was obediently receiving his love strokes. Such a cold day was it but both started to form sweat droplets on their body. Swamiji tried to bend and catch her nipple in mouth but their position, further complicated by mummy's pregnancy, prohibited him to achieve that.  

But weiro like Swamiji was not going to settle for anything less. He wetted his thumb with saliva and rubbed the saliva on her nipples and started gently plucking and messaging her sensitive nipples…

“Swamijiiiiiiii….. Nooo,” Mummy moaned in ecstasy.. But swamiji continued his work with dedication at both nipples. 

The sensation was too much to bear for mummy and she kept shaking her head from one side to other and back and forth. With this her seductive, long, free hairs swirled in air like feathers of dancing peacock in monsoon.

And just few moments later, she struggled to lift herself a little as she adjusted herself on her knees and to my utter shock and disappointment I understood what she was trying to do, but not earlier than she took her succulent tits in the reach of swamiji’s hungry mouth to munch on them, which swamiji happily did.

“Ummmm aaaaaaaah ufffffff,” Mummy moaned in pleasure tossing her hairs with both her hands and swamiji sucked her both tits one by one howling like a tomcat. They caressed each other while swamiji sucked her juicy bags like anything.. Her hands roamed around his back; caressed his thick hairs; this all play was probably making Swamiji even more mad. 

“Can’t control anymore, Putri…. Aaah…” He said… and moved her off his lap.

Mummy was also shivering with sensation and probably she understood what to be done next as she laid on the floor like a hungry lioness… I could not believe what was happening in front of me.. I never thought my own mother could go so wild for sex. That too, for such a bastard.

She was restless and jerking her body like a snake. Swamiji clenched her teeth in burning desire as he saw this diva getting turned on in his manly company and I could read the proud and lust accentuated on his face. He did not waste more time. And to be honest, mummy also seemed to want that as badly.

As he settled between her legs, mummy didn’t have to tell and she mechanically spread her legs in air and bit her lower lip in ecstasy.

This was too much for Swamiji and he pierced his cock deep inside her, slowly and mummy’s hands flicked in the air attempting to grab Swamiji. But she got success only when Swamiji’s tool entered fully into her wet vagina. She caressed his hairy chest as swamiji started giving deep but slow shots and bent forward to kiss her.

This time both kissed with equal passion and she madly caressed his backs as he fucked her wonderfully. 

The next an hour or so, they kissed, sucked, caressed each other. They hissed, they moaned; their bodies brushed, their breaths melten into one, fingers got intertwined and somehow in between I went under sleep again.
Please does this story will continue
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I will post one update today. Cheers!
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I don’t remember how long I was asleep. The same guy who brought me to the hut was calling me awake. 

“Wake up beta… Swamiji has asked me to bring you to the Sabha.”

I was shocked, a bit scared of what swamiji had in his mind. Are the instructions and rules to be set so that I will be away from my mummy as often as possible? Or will the arrangement be even more insulting and abusive by keeping me closer to mummy and make me witness all nasty things he will do to her? Of Course I have seen the bully side of the bastard on the day itself with how he teased my father. 

Probably the guy understood that I am stressed. 

“Don’t worry beta. There is nothing to be afraid of. Actually Acharya ji has visited the ashram and wants to see you.”

“Who is this Acharya ji?” I asked.

“He is the guru of our Swamiji. He along with one of his other disciples is here. To be honest, someone has misinformed him that our swamiji is the accuser of your family. So he wanted to ask some questions relevant to it,” He said.

My heart started throbbing hearing that. After all, those questions will surely be weird and being the son of the victim, how can I answer them comfortably? 

The hall was very big. Last time when I was in the Ashram, the construction for this hall was going on. It was worth declaring a monument of wealthy construction and interior. Swamiji happened to have influence on many wealthy donors, it seemed. 

When I looked ahead, I could see a calm and assuring aged personality seating in the chair. He was wearing saffron clothes and greeted me with his gestures. He must be Aacharya ji. On the seat right to him was a guy who seemed to be his disciple. But he has a very plain face.  

“Beta… salute to the Aacharya ji…,” Swamiji said to me with an extra soft tone.

Now I noticed Swamiji and mummy were standing in the centre of the hall. And probably being questioned about the tragedy that happened with our family.   
I bowed before Aacharyaji and stood up silently with a tilted head. 

“Beta… You need not be afraid… I will ask you some questions which you need to answer fearlessly… You don’t need to bother about what swamiji or your mother think of. You only need to tell the truth. Okay?”

I simply nodded.

“Do you know Swamiji?”

I nodded yes.

“Since when?”

I kept mum.

“6 months…. 1 year?.... 2 year?”

“For more than 1 year,” I somehow said.

“Okay.. good was he coming to your house?”


“What did he used to do there? How often did he used to come? Did somebody accompany him or did he appear alone?”

Unsure about what to answer, I looked at mummy. She also looked at me with helpless eyes. I lowered my head and kept mum.

Acharyaji stood up and smiled assuredly. “Son, I understand there could be bitter memories in the past that you are troubling to spell out. But believe me, it will help you more than me to tell the truth. And believe me. Nobody… simply nobody can touch you.” saying this he put a cold gaze at Swamiji. 

I could feel my blood boiling, my ears became hot and with heavy breaths I started thinking whether to tell all the truth? But how can I talk about my mummy’s intimate situation in front of all these people? I did not dare to say this, and this was my last big mistake, I think.

“Mostly some disciple was with him; sometimes alone,” I said with a stammering voice.

“Okay.. Good… Did you feel that the Swamiji was somehow putting your mother under pressure? Making her do things that she should not do?” 

“Sometimes I felt,” I said looking down. An iden had suddenly come to my mind. Though I cannot tell all the nasty things Swamiji did to my mummy, I can tell how strict rituals he made my mummy follow and get him punished for that.

With this, everybody was shocked. Even my mummy. 

“His rituals used to be very hard… Mummy had to do many fasts and … and sometimes I had to stay away from mom due to this,” Somehow I said.

“Hushhh..,” I heard a big relief from Swamiji and a smile appeared on Acharya’s face.

“Apart from this? Did you see anything? Especially when your mummy was alone with Swamiji?” And to this question as I said, I was dumb. For some time I went into a trance. I could hear all the questions from Acharya ji and his other disciple but I couldn’t utter a word.

“No hurry boy. You can tell me in the morning.. Okay?” Acharya ji said after discussing something in private with his disciple. 

And so dismissed this public abuse of me and my mom.

I could hear Acharya ji instructing clearly that Swamiji should not be allowed to see either me or my mom until he approves. The place where mom and I were staying was guarded by a few disciples. Me and mother had meal together. Since the morning incident, we haven’t talked a single word. Nor did we talk now. As we finished the meal, mummy laid with the baby on the bed and started feeding him. I also laid beside her on the other side. 

Somewhere around midnight, I got awake hearing some movement around the hut. I looked at mom and found her and the baby sleeping calmly. I tiptoed to see what's happening outside the hut and got a big shock! Two guys were carrying my dad somewhere. One of them had put hand on his mouth and the other was literally dragging him away. Unable to understand what's really happening, I decided to follow them.
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(15-05-2022, 07:00 PM)garamrohan Wrote:  . . . . . . . . 
Two guys were carrying my dad somewhere. One of them had put hand on his mouth and the other was literally dragging him away. Unable to understand what's really happening, I decided to follow them.

Nice...Waiting to see what happens next.

Hope Pooja happens in front of a tied up Dad and curious son
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super.... continue the plot more deeper and deeper
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Please stop this story i know it's happened in our story but anyhow some persons feels uncomfortable i m not hidu fir bhi i wnt dnt continue this story even is site se hi hata de i hopes writer an admin consider my request
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Good that you are back. Please not distracted by a few haters.
Your writing is marvellous, only worry is too long to get updates..

 devil2 Emotion In Motion, A Dirty Mind  flamethrower
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