Fantasy Samverse: Samantha & Chai Novel - Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife
(22-05-2021, 03:04 PM)Saravroman Wrote: So, readers, That’s a little bit about Gullible Gabe & Lecherous Leo.

Writers thought

We all have unpleasant personalities around us in real life. We may dislike what they are doing, even hate them for what they are, but reality is that they will still be around us. Lecherous Leo in my story represents such an extreme. Most of the things he does are outside my moral compass and outside my likes and fetishes. But still, he will exist representing the extreme fringe side of our society and ourselves.
Gullible Gabe personality is on the other extreme. Too gullible. Interestingly, that is where we all start in our youthful beginnings. And then life happens. Rather, life fucks us and then we become more tough. For some this roughening up happens in teens, for some in academic life, for some after coming out of the safe confines of colleges, for some after their first breakup/love-failure, for some after marriage, BUT, for some never. Lets see how Gullible Gabe toughens up or won’t, and what role Samantha plays in that toughening.

This explanation just wins my heart..... 100% true reflection of society.... 
No appreciation is enough...... Heart Heart
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Chapter 89 - The V family - Vetri Velan Veda {Season 10, episode 5, time: present}

At the apartment, Veda had come to Sam’s apartment. Veda’s parents were divorced and she lived
with her Mom. Sam knew Veda since she would come frequently to visit Velan her Grandpa and Vetri her Dad.
Sometimes Veda would come over to Sam. Veda liked Sam a lot and called her Samantha Akka (sister).
Even Sam liked Veda’s company whenever she came over. They were chitchatting for 30 minutes now.

Veda, Velan's granddaughter
[Image: ve3.jpg]

Something was worrying Veda and Sam knew it.
Sam: Veda, tell me frankly, something is going on. You are not your usual.
Tears welled up in Veda’s eyes. She wiped them and composed herself a bit.

[Image: ve1.jpg]
Veda: It’s Grandpa, Samantha Akka. He is too sick. And Dad is out of business trips all the time.
I am trying to come frequently, take care of Grandpa, give him medicine, buy some essentials for
him and talk to him, but he is too depressed. I feel his depression is making him even more sick.
Sam was quietly listening
[Image: sam2.webp]
Veda: (continues) And… And… Seeing him so sad is even making me depressed.
I feel helpless to making him feel better. I don’t know what to do, Akka.
Sam is thinking quietly. Veda was in luck, because Sam had handled a similar situation just a
couple months ago. She had a successful experience in dealing with a particularly insolent and
non-cooperating patient. Samantha always had a good general knowledge on different things.
What she lacked was confidence and real time experience. But, thanks to Venky Mama’s MIMS program,
she was becoming more confident and assertive in dealing with problems when they came up.
Sam: Veda, do you want me to just speak some consoling words or give you real advice?
Veda did not expect such a question and is surprised by the nature of the question
Veda: Akka?
Sam: Answer me
Veda: real advice, Akka
Sam: You are a second year MBBS student, right?
Veda: Yes, Akka

Sam: Tell me, is you Grandpa’s condition very serious or critical?

Veda: Actually, no Akka. In fact, this ailment comes to many people in his age group.
I am surprised that he is getting so sick by this disease.
Sam smiles to herself a bit because she half-guessed it.
Sam: then what do you think his problem is? Think, Doctor Veda!
Veda lets out a faint smile when Sam called her doctor Veda.
She thinks for a bit. Sam watches her and starts to speak again.
Sam: Don’t you think your Grandpa’s problem is more psychological than real disease?
Veda never thought in this angle. She is keenly listening
Sam: (continues) Don’t you think your Grandpa’s real problem is loneliness?
You dad Vetri is away on business trip most of the time. Your Grandpa Velan is all by himself,
no one to talk to at home. He doesn’t even talk to other neighbors and rarely has visitors.
His disease itself is small but he feels stressed out and going into depression mainly because of his loneliness.
Veda is thinking and, in her mind, whatever Sam is saying is making sense.
Sam: (continues) He is sad and sulking. And you got it from him and now you are sulking like an old woman.
And Sam laughs. Which makes even Veda smile.
Sam: (further) You are the one who should be cheerful and cheer him up.
Talk positively to him and take out his negativity.
Veda: Yes, Akka. I agree.
Sam: Not agree, doctor lady. Do it. In fact, don’t even think of him as your Grandpa.
Think of him as a patient who needs the medicine called “companionship”. Laugh and smile with him.
Even tease your Grandpa a bit, like you would playfully tease your friends. You do have boyfriend, right?
And Samantha pinches Veda on her hand. Veda blushes quite a bit now.

[Image: ve2.jpg]

Her dullness and sadness were completely gone with Sam’s positive talk and now her if she has a BF.
Veda: No, Akka.
Sam: (with a smirk) really? No BF, doctor girl?
Veda: No, Akka. Really. I liked a boy in my 12th but after I came to college no love interest.
Lot of boys trying hard… but…
Veda is very shy now.
Sam: Well, since your BF position is vacant…. think of your Grandpa as your BF then.
Veda: (immediately) Chee Chee Akka… What are you saying? You are very naughty, Akka
Sam gives a wink.
Sam: What naughty? I am just playing with you a bit, Veda. But, do tease your Grandpa a bit
and see how he responds. You will be surprised. At the end of the day men are men.
Veda: (twisting and turning): Noooo Akka. How can I tease, Grandpa??? Chee Chee
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And at that precise moment, Chai comes into the apartment and their conversation is interrupted.
Chai had Syed Ji’s underwear in a cover inside his laptop bag’s outer zip.
As soon as he saw Veda in his apartment, he tried hiding his laptop bag.
In his other hand, he had the boxes of Cashew, Badam and Dates Syed Ji had given as a gift to Sam.
Veda: Hello, Chaitanya Bhayya.
Chai: Hi Veda. Nice to see you here. Hey, Sam.
Samantha was all smiles. She saw him hide his laptop bag and she guessed Syed Ji’s underwear would be inside it.
She also saw the dry fruits boxes in his other hand and knew Syed Ji might have given those.
As Chai put his laptop bag and the dry fruits bag down and removed his shoes, Samantha ran to Chai
and started kissing him in his mouth. Chai is unprepared for this and that too in front of Veda feels shy.
Sam kissed him on his mouth for a good 10 seconds before unlocking their mouths.
Over here, Veda was feeling shy and turned the other side.
Sam enjoyed putting Chai and Veda both on edge at the same time.
Sam: My dear hubby, got me so many presents. I love you, Chai
And she took the dry fruits bag. It had multiple boxes of Cashew, Badam and Dates.
Veda was looking too. Sam took 1 box of each and gave them to Veda.
Sam: Veda these are for you. Enjoy them. They are some of the best dry fruits you can get your hands on.
So delicious. So yummy.
Veda: (blushing) Oh! Thank you, Samantha Akka. Are they from any special super market?
Sam: (wearing her naughty hat): Oh yes! Very special store, Veda.
The store owner has so much delicious stuff.
These dry fruits are so great. And his Malai is so fresh and yummy.
Some of the best Malai I have ever tasted. Isn’t it yummy, Chai?
Chai nods in a tiring manner. Chai instantly remembered the time where Sam sucked off
Syed Ji in the store room of Syed Ji’s Kirana Store and came out to Chai with cum on her face and mouth,
and kissed him. He humiliatingly remembers the taste of it. His cock was getting warmed up.

[Image: Sam-Donuts.jpg]
Sam: In fact, I made a special Kheer with Malai and dry fruits from that store and Chai liked it so much.
Even some special guests of me liked the delicious Kheer.
Sometime I will take you to that store and you can get a first-hand taste of all items.
Chai’s face was becoming Tomato red.
Veda was listening to whatever Sam was saying without a hint of the double meaning behind it.
Sam: (with a mock anger): Chai, did you forget to bring Syed Ji’s Malai for me?
Chai was speechless. He was twisting a bit.
Sam: Chai tell me. Did you bring it or not?
Chai was hoping this situation wont get any worse.
Chai: I broughtttt ittt Sam. It is in my laptop bag.
Sam did something totally incredible. She took his laptop bag and shuffled through the zips checking it out.
She then found out Syed Ji’s brief inside a cover kept in the outer zip. Without taking the cover out,
she put her nose inside the outer zip compartment and inhaled deeply.
She could smell the aroma of Cum. It instantly turned her on.
Chai’s position was worst. He was on the edge in fear of what else Sam would do in front of Veda.
At the same time, he was getting a sexual stimulation watching Sam do what she was doing.
Sam: Wow Chai this smells so good. I can wait to taste this Malai.
Veda for the first time felt that maybe there is something more to it than meets her eye.
She was curious but also getting shy.
Veda: Akka, I will leave. I will come tomorrow.
Sam keeps the laptop bag aside and Chai is relieved.
Sam: OK, Veda. Remember my advice? Try it out for sure. Be cheerful.
Veda blushes again but she didn’t want to say anything in front of Chai.
Veda: Akkkaaa… OK, I am leaving.
After coming outside, Veda was still thinking of Sam’s advice. The being positive and cheering up
Grandpa were all OK. And she felt like doing it immediately. But the teasing Grandpa part was naughty.
No way I am going to do it, Veda thought. Then in couple of seconds.
Maybe I will do it a bit, she told herself and laughed.
Then she thought of the other comment from Samantha “think of your Grandpa as your Boy Friend”.
Chee Chee, Veda thought. But somehow felt the thrill. The naughty side of Veda was slowly stirring.

[Image: ve-4.jpg]
As Veda left and closed the door, Sam gave Chai a very mischievous look.
Chai knew what was going to happen and was preparing mentally to take
slutty Sam’s assault and his shameless cock was hardening.
Just one more day, Chai thought!
Sam continued to look at Chai with the same mischievous smile.
Chai almost felt like a shy girl with a rowdy guy. What a splendid role reversal!

[Image: chai1.jpg]
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That's for today, Readers!

More updates coming up on Sunday!
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(22-05-2021, 04:35 PM)INCESTIOUSLOVER Wrote: Waiting for Sam's role bro make it too erotic

Much more Slutty Sam coming up on Sunday and further, Udai bro
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(22-05-2021, 06:35 PM)neel191298 Wrote: This explanation just wins my heart..... 100% true reflection of society.... 
No appreciation is enough...... Heart Heart

Glad you liked it, Neel Bro! Thanks!
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(22-05-2021, 02:02 PM)neel191298 Wrote: Hiiiii Saravroman bro...

This chapter depicts starting of Chutiya Chai's humiliation...  It's just the tip of iceberg... A lot of drama will happen will upcoming events where Chai will just go madddd by samanta and her lovers' kinky behavior.....
(22-05-2021, 02:14 PM)neel191298 Wrote: Sammie Bro, this chapter is super exciting... It is almost like Chutiya Wimp Chai is so turned on by the idea that Sam will be fucked in his office.. in every possible area, with every possible person... sam will be hard fucked in Chai's office building....

Kudos to you for such a super sexual thought provoking chapter...

Now let's see who gets the golden opportunity...

Chai is thinking in "just one more day" he can tame samanta as his obedient naïve timid wife... 
whereas readers are thinking in "just one more day", they will see the horny, cock-teasing, slutty, sensuous Samanta darling in her epitome-of-sex form....

Heart Heart  to u Sammie bro... keep entertaining.  Likes and reps added....

Thanks for the comments & thoughts, Neel bro - as refreshing as always!

Glad you liked the "just one more day" chapter.
I guess your fantasy & Chai's imagination overlap quite a bit! Smile
Sam's fans want her to go in one direction & hubby wants her to go in the other direction - looks like she's more inclined towards fans   banana
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(23-05-2021, 12:13 AM)Saravroman Wrote: That's for today, Readers!

More updates coming up on Sunday!

Unable to write tonight, Readers! No update today! will get back soon!
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No issues Bro.
Take care of yourself and family.
[+] 1 user Likes neel191298's post
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Wow.. bro .. excellent story... Incest twist of Veda will be awaited impatiently..
[+] 1 user Likes justafantasydear's post
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waiting for u
[+] 1 user Likes Kalyan143's post
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[Image: B812-F1-D5-F6-F5-4-C62-8-B7-C-C4-B6-F0-CCAA90.png]
[+] 2 users Like Herbiee's post
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Superb pic, Herbiee! Thanks for posting!
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(25-05-2021, 10:51 PM)Kalyan143 Wrote: waiting for u

Will post soon, Kalyan bro!
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(24-05-2021, 11:43 PM)justafantasydear Wrote: Wow.. bro .. excellent story... Incest twist of Veda will be awaited impatiently..

thanks! glad you liked it, justfantasydear! Veda & Velan sub-plot will be developed!
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(23-05-2021, 08:44 PM)neel191298 Wrote: No issues Bro.
Take care of yourself and family.

Appreciate your support on sunny days & rainy days, Neel bro!  Smile Heart
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Thanks for patiently waiting, Readers! Will post updates soon!
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Promo - playful Plot Teaser

[Image: ayur.jpg]
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There is a very loose connection of the above riddle to the plot, Kalyan Bro!
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