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A slow rain fell outside his kitchen window as Jai dried the last of the wet dishes with a towel placing them away in the cupboard above his head. He was trying to get their house cleaned up a bit before his wife, Yami Gautam, arrived from the airport. They had been apart the last two weeks while Yami attended a business conference with her boss and some members from her department.

[Image: DCb6SaMWAAA0GV-.jpg]

He and Yami worked for the same company Genesis Software, as a matter of fact, they had met there seven years earlier. Jai was the Vice President of Research and Development while Yami worked in the finance department reporting to Jai's colleague, Arun. He would have loved to have Yami working in his department, but it wouldn't have been appropriate to have a wife reporting to her husband. The truth was he had some misgivings about Yami working in Arun's group. Arun had a reputation for being quite the ladies man in the company and had nearly been called out on the carpet by human resources on a few occasions for his lewd behavior around the women who worked for him. His wife swore that Arun had never been anything but professional in his dealings with her, but that didn't make Jai feel any better about things. It didn't help that Arun was a very good looking guy, muscular, and dark-haired. he cut quite the figure around the office.

That was not to say that Jai wasn't a decent looking man in his own right. He still jogged every day, and hit the gym as often as his schedule allowed. The area around his middle was slightly pudgier than in his college days, but he still had his hair sitting in thick blond waves on his head, and he would sometimes catch women checking him out in the hallways. All in all, he was holding up reasonably well for an executive in his late thirties.

The damp rag he had been using to wipe down the kitchen made a soft noise as it hit the bottom of the laundry hamper. His eyes were drawn momentarily to the bathroom mirror, and he stopped to straighten his hair which had a habit of turning into a tangled mess whenever he was bent over working on the house cleaning. Jai's bright, blue eyes smiled back at him from his reflection. He was looking forward to seeing his wife again.

A chirping sound from the alarm panel in the bedroom signaled that the front door had opened, and Jai headed up the hallway to find his wife standing in the entryway sliding the handle of her carry on bag back into its recessed holding space. She looked up at the sound of his footsteps and smiled.

"Hey, stranger!"

They came together in a hug, Jai pulling Yami's trim body against his feeling her perky breasts pressing to his broad chest. She was a good head shorter than her husband's six-foot frame, and the hair on top of her head tickled his chin. They shared a soft kiss, Yami's warm, light pink lips brushing across her husbands before melting to his in a sweet embrace. When they pulled away, Jai brushed an errant strand of Yami's hair back away from her small, round face. Her eyes were somewhat larger than seemed right for her, and they gave her a bit of an owlish aspect as she stared up at him. Jai leaned down and added a kiss to her broad forehead enjoying the softness of her fair skin.

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"I missed you. The house was far too quiet while you were gone."

"It's good to be home," she said pulling him back into a tight hug that seemed to Jai to be almost desperate in its intensity.

"Is everything o.k.?"

Yami hesitated for a moment, "Yes...Of course, It was just a long trip, and I'm a little tired.

"I see. Well, we can hit the hay early tonight so you can catch up on your sleep."

He helped Yami by picking up her bag, and carrying it to the bedroom. She followed on his heels, placing her purse on the dresser, and laying her cell phone beside it.

"I really need a shower right now. I feel grungy after that plane ride."

"Maybe I could join you?" offered Jai with a seductive smile.

"I would love to share a shower with you, sweetie, but not right now. I need to wind down first."

Jai tried to hide his disappointment as his wife vanished into the bathroom shutting the door. He shrugged finally and went back to the kitchen to set a pot of tea on the stove. The sound of water running soon signaled that Yami was in the shower. The tea kettle settled on top of the glowing burner, and Jai opened the cupboard puzzling over what flavor Yami would prefer after her long trip. He narrowed it down to a couple of possibilities and decided to leave it to her as to which she would like.

The shower was still running when he entered the bedroom. He started to knock on the door and ask her for a preference in tea when his attention was grabbed by the chiming of her cell phone indicating a message had been received. Ordinarily, Jai was not a nosey person, and he certainly had no reason to distrust his wife of four years, but he was standing so close to the dresser he couldn't help but glance down at the sound. The words that hovered briefly on the screen made him pause, and wrinkle his brow.

"I'm pretty sure I can get Arun to delete the footage as he promised. Try not to worry about it. I'm so sorry this happened. - Taapsee"

Taapsee was a friend, and colleague of Yami's in the finance department. A tall brunette with a stripper's body, she had a reputation that was almost as unsavory as Arun's. There were rumors that she had attained her current position by some very judicious flirting, and application of her feminine wiles. Yami had always taken up for her and swore that all the gossip was exaggerated, but in Jai's opinion where there was smoke, there was often a fire to be found.

[Image: taapsee-pannu-knows-how-to-look-hot-in-f...24-768.jpg]

"Footage? What is she talking about?" wondered Jai to himself as the message faded from the screen.

The bathroom door popped open, and Yami emerged with her wet hair wrapped in a towel. She had put on a bright red robe that covered her damp, naked body.

"Were you making tea?" she asked indicating the two boxes Jai had in either hand.

"What? Oh...Yes, I was going to ask you which flavor you preferred?"

"I think I will go with the Earl Grey."

"Right...Earl Grey...O.K."

[Image: Yami-Gautam-Pictures.jpg]

Jai left the room still thinking about the strange message on his wife's phone. He finished making the tea and carried the steaming mugs to the dining room table where his wife joined him wearing some cotton pants, and a t-shirt with her short, hair slicked back on her head.

"Thanks for the tea it's just what I needed."

"Sure. So, did anything interesting happen on your trip?"

"Just the usual boring conferences, and training sessions. The world of accounting doesn't lend itself to a lot of excitement."

"You get to spend any time with Taapsee while you were there?"

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Visit our  Actress roleplay
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He thought his wife seemed slow to answer, and her hand shook almost imperceptibly as she sat her cup down.

"Um...No, not really we weren't on the same track at the conference."

"I see. Well, I hope at least that dog Arun kept his hands to himself."

His wife had a stronger reaction at the mention of Arun's name with her eyes momentarily taking on a haunted look.

"Arun? I hardly saw him either," she said hastily.

Jai wanted to probe further, but his wife complained of a headache and said that she was going to rest for a while. When he checked on her an hour later, she was sound asleep in bed. Returning to the living room he sat on the couch, and absently began to flip through channels on his T.V., but his mind was miles away from the programs on the screen. In all the years he had known Yami she had never lied to him, but he was sure that she was keeping something from him now. Something had happened on her trip, and it had to do with video footage that was in Arun's possession, presumably on his cell phone.

[Image: vik16.jpg]

The T.V. gave a very brief electronic beeping as it shut down, and Jai sat the remote aside standing up to pace the room. When he had been a kid, he had watched his parent's marriage fall apart when his mother had been caught cheating on his father with one of her co-workers. The divorce had left an indelible impression on the younger jai making him distrustful of women in general, and it had taken many years for him to reach a point where he felt comfortable sharing his life with one. Yami had always seemed different than the many others he had dated along the way. She had been very shy when they met, and it had taken him months to convince her to come out on a date with him. Their relationship had progressed slowly, and it had been after nearly four months of dating before things had finally gotten physical.

Yami was the kind of woman who wasn't even comfortable seeing herself naked, and often commented that she wished she could shower with the lights off. It would be entirely out of character for her to do anything like having an affair. Still, there was the question of this footage that Tapsee had referred too. Jai began to realize that he would never know peace again until he had gotten to the bottom of what was going on.


The next day at work Jai found it almost impossible to concentrate on his meetings. By the time lunch rolled around he was behind, but the message on his wife's phone, and her behavior since returning nagged at him. Unable to take not knowing any longer he went to visit his good friend, Phani, who worked in the companies information technology section. He found Phani, as usual, sitting with his feet on his desk reading some thick looking technical manual.

"Phani! How are things?'

"Oh...Jai...So the big wig comes a slumming with the little guys, huh? Things are o.k. down here. How are things up in the ivory towers?"

"Not nearly so grand as you might think."

"I bet the executive washroom is nicer than the employee bathrooms."

"All right, you might have me there we do have those gold-plated toilets to sit on."

"Fuck! I knew it! I bet that makes lifting the lid a bitch though."

"Ha! All kidding aside, Phani, I need to ask you a favor."

"Anything, Jai. What can I do for you?"

"First, let me ask you this. Hypothetically, if I needed to get some info off a cell phone that didn't belong to me could you do it?"

Phani raised an eyebrow, "You want me to hack some ones private cell phone? Anyone, I know?"

"I imagine you would need the physical device, so you're going to find out anyway. It's Arun."

"Shit! You want me to hack a V.P.'s cell phone? I could get in some deep trouble if I get caught."

"I thought you told me once you were an ace hacker before you came to work here?. Besides, if there is any heat for this, I will take it, but if we are careful, I don't imagine he will ever know."

"What kind of info are you looking for?"

"Any video that was shot in the last fifteen days."

Phani rubbed his jaw in thought, "I can do it, but like you said I need the phone. How do you plan to get it from him without his finding out about it?"

"Leave that to me. Trust me he won't be aware anything is amiss."

Getting Arun's cell phone was easier than Phani realized. Jai knew from experience that Arun always forgot his phone. He had left it in meeting rooms on many occasions, and more than once in the executive restroom. It wouldn't be difficult to lift it from a conference room table, and then leave it in the bathroom later. Arun would undoubtedly assume he had just forgotten it. This was exactly what Jai did later that day. While chatting with Arun about some future financing issues he casually placed his notebook on top of Arun's phone and slipped it under his arm when he walked away.

Phani was true to his word and hacked the phone with ease copying all the recent video to a compact disk that he gave over to Jai later that day.

"Did you look at any of the footage?" asked Jai trying to sound casual.

"Just the very start to make sure it came across all right. It looked like an office function or something. Anyway, I figure it isn't any of my business what you're looking for just keep my name out of it if the shit hits the fan."

"I owe you one, Phani."

"I know you do, a nice big favor you can be sure!"

Jai ditched Arun's phone on the counter in the executive restroom where he was assured someone would find it, and turn it in. Returning to his office, he sat behind his desk twirling the compact disk between his fingers while the sun made little rainbows on its surface. For some reason, he was reluctant to put it in his computer perhaps fearing what the contents would tell him about his wife's activities during her trip. The need to know the truth battled with his conscious, but he finally placed the disk into the cd-rom drive listening to it spin up. The file menu opened on his screen. There were only two videos on the phone from the relevant period one video considerably shorter than the other one. They had both been shot on the same evening the second to last day his wife had been gone. The first video took place about three hours after the second. Jai clicked on the first video.

The monitor in front of him sprang to life with the playback from Arun's phone filling the screen. It was evident right off that Arun wasn't the one doing the filming since he was in the video standing near a window in what appeared to be a hotel suite.

"Hey, boss! It's time to get this party started," called a voice from behind the camera. Jai recognized the voice as belonging to David, Arun's executive assistant for the last several years. Arun gave a thumbs up to the camera before turning to address the room. David followed his bosses gaze, and the camera picked up the faces of about a dozen other people in the room. Jai didn't see anyone he knew right off, and he guessed they were attendees from other companies. He did see his wife, and Taapsee standing together in the background each holding a glass of wine. His wife appeared nervous with her arms crossed, and her face looking anxious. Yami had never been comfortable at parties, and she needed a lot of coaxing to get her out of her shell.

"It has been a long couple of weeks I think for everyone here, but we have all learned some valuable information, and made new friends. Since this is our last night here, I am happy to host this little soirée as a parting gift to both my colleagues and the new acquaintances that have enriched our experiences at the conference. Let the games begin!"

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Arun raised a toast to the room, and everyone took a drink. The video panned around after that catching a blur of faces. Jai noticed his wife in the background of several frames, but she seemed her usual self a bit withdrawn from the action. At one point it looked like Taapsee was talking to her indicating the door as if telling her it was o.k. to go, but then Arun swept in to speak to them both, and the camera panned away. The footage ended shortly after with nothing unusual to show for itself.

Jai's hand shook as he clicked on the second video. The moment the screen opened, it was clear that the atmosphere of the party had changed. The lights were dimmed down, and it looked like there were fewer people there now than had been in the room previously. There was music playing in the background loud enough to muffle most of the conversations going on. Arun had taken a seat on a couch that ran along one wall, and David was filming him at an angle to catch both Arun and a bit of the rest of the room. A small group of people was gathered opposite Arun, and as the music increased in tempo, they parted like the Red Sea to allow another person to move past them. Jai leaned closer to the computer screen not entirely sure he believed what he was seeing.

The figure in the dim light grew clear, and it was very obviously Yami though any resemblance to the shy, demure woman he was married to ended with the physical likeness. This woman was dancing, hell, not just dancing she was by all appearances performing a lap dance. Yami had her arms over her head and was shaking her ass in circles in time to the music while turning slowly in place. When she came around to face the camera, Jai noted that her pink blouse was unbuttoned half-way down, and he could see her small, perky breasts encased in her bra peeking out from between the open halves of cloth. Her face was transfixed in a look Jai had only seen when she was nearing orgasm. A lost in the moment look with her eyes glassy and shining with lust. She moved closer to Arun who was looking on appreciatively. The gray skirt Yami was wearing jerked with her movements as her hips shimmied from side to side.

[Image: 9Qwk3Z.gif]

"Go, Yami! Man you are smoking girl!" came David's voice from behind the camera.

Arun crooked a finger at her, and Yami danced even closer turning to put her ass right in Arun's face as she bent over, and shook it. His hands reached out to grasp her hips pulling her into his lap. Yami fell backward her body coming to rest against Arun's muscular chest with the back of her head dropping onto his shoulder. Her face rotated toward his, and immediately the two of them fell into a hot looking French kiss their tongues slipping back, and forth.

Jai very nearly stopped the video. He could feel the bile coming up in the back of his throat at the sight of his wife trading passionate kisses with the man he despised, but he ultimately fought it back down. Arun was whispering something in his wife's ear that he couldn't hear, and in response, she climbed up out of his lap dancing again just in front of his knees. While Arun looked on, and Jai tried to keep down his lunch, his wife removed her shirt and reaching back slowly slipped off her bra letting the straps slide down her arms, but holding the cups in place. She did another turn wiggling her hips and making her ass quake. Once she came around to face Arun again, she dropped her bra to the ground and leaned back shaking her shoulders so that her breasts bounced for his amusement. He reached out once again grabbing at Yami's hands and pulling her back into his lap. Their mouths met in another deep, French kiss before Arun leaned down, and sucked one of Yami's hard pink nipples into his mouth. Jai winced at the look of pleasure on his wife's face when she bit her lower lip and seemed to gasp while Arun suckled at her tit. When he pulled his head back her nipple had changed to a fiery looking cherry red knot denoting just how aroused she was by what was happening. He moved in on her other tit, and quickly brought them both to an excited state licking, and sucking until her nipples shined. The whole time this was going on Yami was rubbing against his crotch with her hips, and as soon as he released her breasts, she slid down onto the floor and started to loosed his belt.

[Image: Yami-Gautam-Nude-photo-8.jpg]

If Jai had felt ill before he felt even worse now. His wife unbuckled Arun's belt, and he helped by unzipping his pants raising up to lower them part way down his thighs. He reached into the hole in his boxers and pulled out what to Jai looked like a hairy elephants trunk. For all his faults Jai had to give credit to Arun for one thing the man had a freaking huge dick. The massive, fat prick between his legs stood up ramrod straight, and Yami went down on it without hesitation. Jai looked on incredulous at the enthusiasm with which his wife attacked Arun's cock her pink lips stretching almost obscenely to fit around the thick, purple head. Her mouth moved up and down while her hands worked his flesh in tandem. Arun grimaced and slipped his hands into Yami's hair guiding her head.

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"Shit!" moaned Arun, "Damn, Yami! You can suck cock, baby!"

[Image: Hot-ass-Yami-Gautam-sucking-black-cock-blowjob.gif]

Yami's head picked up speed. Her saliva was dripping down his thick penis while she sucked him harder, and deeper into her throat. Jai had never seen his wife so turned on. The look on Arun's face made it clear he wasn't going to last much longer, but he had plans for more than just a blow job. Without warning, he lifted Yami's head from his crotch and grabbed her around the waist hoisting her back into his lap. His hands slipped under her skirt, and when they reappeared her panties were on his fingers. He slipped them off onto the floor and pushed Yami's legs apart while lifting her up onto his mammoth love gun. Jai almost hated himself, but he couldn't take his eyes off the screen at the spectacle that was unfolding before him. He couldn't quite believe that anything that big could fit in his wife's tiny pussy, but he was quickly proved wrong. Her pussy lips pulled back further than seemed possible as they engulfed the thick head of Arun's penis. Slowly, inch by inch, Arun slid her down onto his huge fuck cannon. Yami had her head back her face a mask of pain, and sexual need. David had brought the camera close enough to pick up Yami's voice over the music, and she moaned and grunted into the microphone.

"Oh...oh fuck so big...God, so big...AH FUCK! AHH! YOUR COCK IS SO FUCKING BIG! Oh shit...SHIT! SHIT!" moaned Yami.

[Image: yami-gautam-deserved.jpg]

"Yeah take it, Yami! Fuck! You're so tight, baby!"

At last the hairs of her bush were pressed to the pubic hairs of Arun's large testicles. His pole was entirely inside her, and he started to fuck her tight cunt lifting her up and dropping her roughly back down while driving his hips upward on the down stroke. Yami began to cry out as Arun's giant prick pounded her body. He fucked her harder, and deeper by the second until they were both gasping, and groaning.


Arun gave a groan that seemed to erupt from far down in his chest. His back arched up lifting his ass off the couch, and Jai knew that he was shooting Yami's cunt full of his semen.

[Image: Xcellient-Yami-001.jpg]

"SHIT Yami! AH! FUCK YESSSSS!" yelled Arun.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCKKKKKKKK!" screamed Yami grabbing onto Arun's shoulders, and humping his spurting cock violently. The look on her face was one Jai had seen on more than one occasion in the past. She was cumming all over Arun's prick.

"Damn boss! Give it to her!" came David's voice one last time.

The video cut off shortly after, but Jai had seen more than enough. He sat dumbfounded in his office chair trying to absorb the images that had bombarded him from the screen. It seemed so surreal. How could his wife do this to him? He very nearly punched his monitor in frustration, but he knew that was a childish, and ridiculous gesture, so he sat back to think.

There was something off here he had seen his wife acting perfectly normally early on in the video series. Something had changed in those three hours before the second video was shot. He knew Yami, and she would never act how she had been behaving in that video it was completely out of character for her unless he didn't know his wife at all. Jai drummed his fingers on his desk. It was a habit he had fallen back on since grade school whenever he was doing his hardest thinking. The only other people in the video he knew had been Taapsee and David.

[Image: 68253597.jpg]

"I bet anything David knows something about what went on in that room," thought Jai.

Jai slipped the cd-rom in his briefcase and picked up the phone to dial Phani's extension.

"Phani? I know I owe you one already, but I'm afraid I need another favor."

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David stood patiently in the long line at the coffee shop. His boss had particular requirements when it came to his first coffee of the day, and David knew he would catch hell if the mix and temperature weren't exactly right. He always went to the Lucky Cup because they did it right every time. They were one of the busier locations in the morning, but he was willing to wait to make sure the order was spot on.

"Hello, David. I didn't know you got your coffee here?"

David turned to face the owner of the hand that rested on his shoulder and froze. Jai stood just behind him with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. David was immediately concerned. In all the years that he had been at Genesis Software not once had Jai ever spoken to him before, and he had always gotten the impression that Jai didn't think much of him.

"Mr. Jai, Um...Yeah, I come here sometimes. I likes coffee from here."

"Is that right? Small world then I like their coffee too. Kind of a long line this morning though."

"I guess sometimes you have to wait for good things," replied David.

"Maybe...Maybe. You know, David, I think we should have a talk you and I. Why don't we get us a table."

"Talk? I'm sorry Mr. Jai, but I need to be at work soon. What exactly is this about?"

"Funny you should mention work, David. I think we should talk about how much longer you're going to have a job."

The pair of men walked over to a table away from the crowd and sat down. David's face had gone white as a sheet, and his hands trembled slightly.

"I don't understand Mr. Jai. Did you need something?"

"You know, David, I don't know why you even need this job you have quite a future as a cameraman in the adult film industry."

David's eyes grew larger, and he stuttered a reply, "I'm not sure what..."

"Don't bullshit me, David! I've seen the footage you shot of my wife."

"Look...Mr. Jai, it wasn't my idea. Arun... insisted I film it for him."

"I see, and that makes it all better does it? Since you were following orders after all? The thing is, David, I want to know exactly what went on in that room. I know my wife, and she would have never acted the way she did without someone or something influencing her."

"Maybe you don't know your wife as well as you think."

Jai's expression changed to reflect an anger so apparent that David flinched back in fear.

"Tell me what you know about what happened that night."

"I don't have to answer your questions. I don't work for you. I report directly to Mr. Arun."

"You think Arun is going to protect you is that it? I have news for you I may not be your direct boss, but the company doesn't look kindly on people who keep pornography on their work computers. I believe that kind of lascivious behavior will get you fired no matter who your boss happens to be."

"What are you talking about? I don't have smut on my work computer."

"Funny, I.T. did a sweep of your workstation last night and found all kinds of dirty pictures and movies. I have the report right here."

Jai slid a manila envelope across the table, and David quickly glanced at the contents his face coloring in embarrassment.

"This was planted on my computer I've never downloaded anything on it. I don't surf porn sites at work!"

"I doubt anyone is going to believe that with the evidence right there in black and white. Of course, if you tell me what I want to know, maybe this could all go away..."

The envelope dropped back onto the table, and David sighed in resignation, "It wasn't supposed to go down the way it did. The whole thing was Taapsee's fault."

[Image: 386e5bebade1e35512a58d65069012fa.jpg]


"Yeah. She came to me the week before the trip, and ask me for a favor. The thing is Taapsee is a mediocre employee, but with some judicious flirting she has managed to crawl a short way up the corporate ladder. She wanted more though so she started to come on to Mr. Arun months ago. He was receptive to her, but to get ahead, she was going to have to do more than bat her eyes, and wear tight outfits. He wanted the whole nine yards, and there is a big difference between flirting, and going to bed with a guy. Mr. Arun had made it clear that if she did what he wanted on the trip, and was available for more in the future he would move her out of the cube farms, and into a real office."

[Image: b934e380dcd4d07f8b5682a1eecfb62a.jpg]

"How does my wife figure into this mess?"

"I'm getting to that part. Like I was saying, Taapsee may have been a flirt, but giving herself to a stranger was a different kettle of fish, so she asked me to get her something to help her get over the nerves."

"What? Like a drug?"

"Yeah. I have a friend who works as a D.J. for parties, and he can get stuff like that for people. I got a hold of what she wanted and put it in her drink the night of the party in the suite. I'm not sure what happened, but Taapsee came to me in a panic saying that she and Yami got their glasses mixed up and that Yami had drunk hers by mistake. We tried to get Yami out of the room, but the stuff acts fast, and she was already really out of it."

Jai leaned back in his chair. He had been right it wasn't his wife's fault she had been drugged.

"So you let my wife stay at the party knowing she was high as a kite, and then Arun took advantage of her."

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

"He didn't know she was drugged. I guess he thought she just had too much to drink and was playing out a crush she had always had on him. You know Mr. Arun he thinks every woman wants him."

The chair he had been sitting in made a loud squeal as it slid back across the tile floor. A few heads swiveled in their direction, but the folks in line quickly returned their attention to their cell phones. Jai clenched his hands into fists trying to hold back his rage. He turned to leave when David tugged at his sleeve.

"The stuff on my computer it's going away, right? I need this job Mr. Jai I have a wife, and two kids."

"I tell you what you're going to do, David. If you resign quietly, I'll make sure none of what was found on your computer gets out. At least you will have a clean slate to find a new job. If you fail to do so, I will make sure you are run out of the company for sexual misconduct, and that will blacken your record wherever you decide to land."

"You...You said if I told you what happened you would make it go away!"

"Trust me, David, after what you did to my wife you're getting off light. There is one thing you are going to do for me first."

The sun beating down through his window was heating the interior of his car to an uncomfortable level, but Jai hardly felt it. He sat looking out into the parking lot at the vehicles of his fellow employees stewing in a cold rage that seemed to have seeped into every part of his body. In his mind, he was taken back to a night many years earlier when a much younger Jai's stood unnoticed in a dark hallway while his father sat crying on a couch twenty feet away. His father had been talking to his sister, Aunt to Jai, on the phone.

"People will talk they always do. I will be the laughing stock of the office. It's bad enough that she's been seeing him behind my back, but one of my department heads! How will I even be able to show my face at work? Who is going to respect a boss that can't even keep his wife in line!"

Jai couldn't hear the other end of the conversation, but whatever Aunt said didn't do anything to mollify his father's grief.

"I know...I know...This is so humiliating...I gave that woman everything she ever asked for, and this is how she pays me back! Son of a bitch! I tell you this is too much to bear,...Too much!"

Jai had slipped away back to his bed covering his ears so he wouldn't hear his fathers anguished cries coming from the other room. He never forgot how his father had looked, and sounded that night. A man stripped of his dignity and humiliated by the one he trusted most.

The cell phone was warm after sitting in his coat jacket, and he held it to his ear after dialing his home number. Yami answered on the second ring.


"Yami, it's me."

"Jai? Are you stuck in traffic or something?"

"No, I just have some extra work to catch up on so I'm going to be a little late."

"Oh...Well, o.k. drive safe sweetie I will see you when you get here. I love you."

"Love you too," replied Jai breaking the connection.

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It had been easy to get Taapsee's home address from the personnel database at the office. His wife had been here many times, but Jai himself had never set foot in the place. It was a typical apartment in a relatively nice part of town though nowhere near as upscale as his neighborhood. He waited across the street until Taapsee arrived in her compact blue sedan. She got out and made her way up the steps to her residence.

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There was no arguing that Taapsee was easy on the eyes. She was a good bit taller than Yami with brunette hair that was so dark it bordered on black styled in a single layer that surrounded her long face on either side. Her eyes were a striking shade of green like twin emeralds in a face that could have easily provided Taapsee with a career as a model. The rest of her body was equally impressive with round breasts that swelled the top of her tight blouse outward, and long slender legs. He watched as she fished around inside her purse for her keys while waving at a passing neighbor her lips painted a dark raspberry color pulling back in a smile.

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As soon as her door shut, Jai was out of his car, and up the steps. He took a deep breath before knocking. The door opened, and Taapsee frowned seeing him standing on her porch.

"Jai? What are you doing here? Is Yami o.k.?"

"I need to speak with you, Taapsee. It's important if you can spare me a few minutes?"

"Um...Sure, come on in."

The interior was decorated tastefully with a few pieces of furniture that looked new, and several that were probably hand me downs. Taapsee shut the door behind them and took a seat across from the couch in a comfortable looking stuffed chair. Jai took off his suit jacket laying it casually across the arm of the sofa.

"I hear that you had an eventful trip," commented Jai.

"Eventful? Not really it was just your typical finance conference only interesting if you crunch numbers for a living. Can I get you something to drink?"

"I'm fine thanks. I wasn't referring to the conference, Taapsee. I was talking about the party Arun threw afterward. The one that David  was kind enough to film for him."

Taapsee's skin seemed to turn even whiter than it already was as the color drained from her face.

"Jai...I...I don't know where to start."

"How about explaining why you let my wife stay at that party when you knew that she wasn't herself, or even better why you let her do what she did with Arun?"

"I'm sorry...I tried to get her to leave, but she wasn't hearing me. I swear I was going to get her out of there, but it all happened so fast, and I panicked. There were all those other people there, and Arun was there...I was afraid I would get into trouble if they found out what was really going on."

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"So, you thought it was better to let my wife humiliate herself in front of those people as long as you didn't get into trouble? Did you tell Yami afterward what you did to her? What you put in her drink?"

"I...No...She knew something happened to her, but I didn't tell her I was the cause. She's the only real friend I have, Jai. I couldn't afford to lose her."

"I guess from your point of view then it was o.k. to keep her in the dark letting her think it could have been anyone who slipped her something. I suppose she was coerced not to tell anyone by Arun since he had the footage."

"David was the one who came to her the next day and threatened to send the footage to you if she mentioned to anyone what happened. I don't know if Arun even knew he did that he may very well have thought the whole thing was consensual. The other people there were strangers no one else from our company came to the party."

The rage Jai had felt when confronting David was back in spades, and he squeezed the couch cushion in his hand.

"You selfish little bitch. This was all you trying to claw your way up the ladder only you manage to drag my wife down into the mud along the way. You call yourself her friend, but you were more than willing to let her screw Arun in front of a room full of people rather than stand up, and admit what you did."

"I'm sorry, Jai...I swear if I could take it back...Go back and do it over...I would have stopped it! Please! I'm sorry..." cried Taapsee as tears started to roll down her face.

[Image: Badla-A-Spellbinding-Thriller-with-Amita...aapsee.jpg]

"I know you're sorry Taapsee, but you're not nearly sorry enough," growled Jai as he stood from the couch. He had never felt such a feeling of rage, and frustration in all his life. The sight of Taapsee crying in the chair in front of him just seemed to make it worse, and before he even knew what he was going to do, he had pulled her up out of the chair holding her roughly by her arms.

"You were so willing to humiliate yourself in that room for Arun's amusement, Taapsee. I don't think you know what humiliation is, but you will," shouted Jai. The urge to take out some form of revenge coursed through his veins, but it was tempered by another call one of almost primal arousal. He shook with anger, but at the same time his cock seemed to swell impossibly hard in his slacks, and he couldn't help what happened next. He suddenly pulled Taapsee to him pressing his lips tight to her slick, lipstick covered ones. She was entirely caught off guard by the move and didn't react until he released the pressure.

"Jai! What are you doing?"

"What am I doing, Taapsee? You were more than ready to give it up to Arun for no more than a fancy office. I would say you don't prize your virtue very highly, so let's see just how low you're willing to sink to find my forgiveness."

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He grabbed at the front of her blouse ripping the two halves apart sending a shower of buttons flying all over the room. Beneath the silk cloth, her breasts were compressed into a tight black lace bra that seemed to barely be holding them back. Jai growled in the back of his throat overwhelmed by feelings he could no longer control.

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"Please...Jai! Don't do this I...I don't want to..."

"Don't want to what, Taapsee? Don't want to humiliate yourself further? If only you had felt the same for Yami."

Jai was on her again pulling down the right strap of her bra, and then the cup below it. Her breast came tumbling out a creamy white avalanche of flesh with an areola as dark as red wine at its center supplanted by a nipple as big around as a dime. He brought his mouth down over it running his tongue all around the bumpy skin before sucking her nipple and biting it roughly. Even in his moment of blind, sexually expressed anger Jai still felt a certain excitement at the sight and feel of Taapsee's tits. They were smaller and more spectacular than Yami's maybe the hottest he had ever touched. He pulled down the other side of her bra, and manhandled her other breast squeezing it in his palm, and then taking turns between them suckling the darkening centers. In spite of her fear, Taapsee's body was reacting with arousal to Jai's movements, and her nipples hardened and swelled.

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"Um...Look at you, Taapsee...This is what you wanted, isn't it? A man of power to take you, and give you all the things you wanted, but were too stupid to get for yourself."

Jai backed away for a moment undoing his slacks and letting them fall to the ground, his underwear followed suit, and his thick, seven-inch cock sprung outward from his body. The head was oozing clear fluid, and the shaft was almost red with the blood pouring into it. He gripped Taapsee by one arm and pulled her forward before pushing her to her knees. All the fight seemed to have gone out of her, and she didn't resist sinking to the ground in front of him.

"Let's see if you have the skill set to get ahead in life."

Taapsee took his penis into her hand and started to stroke it. Her face was still streaked with tears when she looked up one last time her eyes almost pleading for him to stop, but then she plunged forward letting his cock slip past her dark lips, and into her throat. She definitely had some serious cock sucking skills. Her lips sank all the way almost to his curly blond pubic hairs taking his cock far deeper than Yami had ever been able too. While Jai looked down at the top of her head, she proceeded to suck him with long thrusts stopping on the upstroke to lick the fat head of his penis.

[Image: (]

"You like that don't you, Taapsee? Like to suck cock! Say it! Tell me how much you like it!"

"I like it...I like to suck a nice fat cock, Jai...Your cock taste so good..."

He started to hump her face pushing his dick so far into her throat that at times she would choke on it. Taapsee's face was turning red with the effort of taking so much flesh all at once. Finally relenting, Jai pushed her over onto her back and unzipped her skirt pulling at it while Taapsee reluctantly lifted her hips so that he could slide it off. She was wearing a simple pair of plain black panties underneath, and these he ripped loose tossing them aside. Her pussy was partly shaved with a dark tangle of hair on top of her Venus mound, and thick bare pussy lips a deep shade of pink below.

She was starting to tremble again, a few sobs escaping her throat when Jai went down on her eliciting a sharp gasp when his tongue slid into her cunt. There were certainly signs that her body was making itself ready for him. She was a bit damp inside, and he quickly improved on that situation licking her pussy all over until he found the hardening flesh of her clitoris at the top of her slit. Taapsee couldn't seem to help herself as she let out a quiet groan when Jai started to lick, and suck the fleshy knob of her clit.

"Oh...Oh fuck...Jai...Oh...God..."

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"Yeah...You like this don't you little slut...Like to get your sweet pussy licked...I know you want this, Taapsee, you can't hide it from me."

"God this is so wrong! Please...Jai...Oh...Shit...Don't make me want this...OH FUCK! Ah! Shit Jai! God Dammit! OH! GOD, IT DOES FEEL GOOD! AHH! GOD, HELP ME SO GOOD!"

A dam seemed to break, and Taapsee's inhibitions faltered a step. She grabbed at the back of Jai's head while he licked her clitoris almost mercilessly. Her back arched up off the floor, and she grunted loudly. The pleasure was tearing her down a bit at a time. A tingling deep in her pussy signaling that Jai was about to take her over the top.

"Jai...Jai...I...Oh God, I can't...I can't...Please! I can't let this happen! OH FUCK! Please stop...stop...OH! FUCK!"

Jai could taste the slick fluid that was pouring out of her, and feel the trembling in her cunt. He added two fingers to his oral assault slipping them into her wet pussy even as he licked her clitoris even more frantically. The inevitable end came all too quickly.

"OH GOD Jai! I CAN'T STOP IT! AH! FUCK! FUCK! Jai...Jai! I...I...AHHHHHH JOSSHHHHHH!" screamed Taapsee.

[Image: Taapsee-Pannu-Pussy-licking-and-fingering.jpg]

She creamed his face hard in an intense series of orgasms that made her convulse on the floor with the flood of ecstasy that passed through her body. He didn't give her a chance to catch her breath before he was on top of her shoving his raging hard-on into her soaking, wet vagina. Taapsee cried out in a combination of pain, and pleasure. Jai thrust himself to the hilt into her pink flesh burying his cock as far into her as he could. He started to pound her ruthlessly hitting her pussy harder, and harder until her large breasts were bouncing wildly on her chest.

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"This is what you wanted wasn't it...UH...Taapsee...UH...SHIT! A nice hard fuck! To give your little whore pussy over to a real man!"

"Jai! I...FUCK! Please slow down a little it's too much...Please!"

[Image: Nude-Taapsee-Pannu-pussy-fucking-xxx-hardcore-sex.jpg]

If he heard he didn't show any sign driving his hips even harder forward.

"Tell me whose pussy this is, Taapsee! It's all mine isn't it whenever I want it! Isn't it Taapsee! ISN'T IT!"

"Yes...YES! ALL YOURS! I'm your slut, Jai...I'M YOUR LITTLE WHORE! I'll do anything you want me to! Oh...OH! FUCK! HOWEVER, YOU WANT IT!"

Jai pulled free laying back onto the floor, "Get on top little whore! You're going to ride the fucking cum right out of my balls!"

Taapsee climbed on top of Jai's body, and quickly guided his throbbing prick back into her well-stretched pussy. He had to admit she looked hot as hell on top of him with her tits bouncing up, and down. Her mouth fell slack, and her head dropped back as she gave herself over to the hard fuck.

[Image: Nude-Taapsee-Fucked-Fake.jpg]

"Ah! Shit! Jai...I can feel every inch so deep...SO FUCKING DEEP! Ah! God, I'm going to cream you again! Jai! I'm going to cum!"

"Not yet! You cum when I say not before! Don't you dare fucking cum, Taapsee!"

She bit her lip and struggled to hold back her orgasm. Jai drove his hips upward meeting her downward movements his balls beginning to scream for release.

"Shit Jai! Please, I can't hold it back...much longer...Please let me cum! AHH FUCK IT'S SO HARD TO HOLD IT! PLEASE Jai! PLEASE! OH FUCK!"

"NOT YET! DON'T CUM!" groaned Jai.

"Jai I can't...can't fuck you like this...and not...NOT CUM! AH! FUCK! Jai I...PLEASE! OH! GOD, PLEASE!"



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They came together in a crashing crescendo of bodily fluids. Jai exploded deep inside Taapsee's cunt filling it nearly to bursting with thick gobs of sticky semen while Taapsee's pussy gripped his cock hard squeezing his cum out until it ran dry. She tumbled down next to him breathing hard, her skin flushed.

"oh god...Jai..." moaned Taapsee.

Her voice hardly registered on Jai. He stared at the ceiling while his mind drifted conjuring up memories of a different place, and time. A picture of his father staring into a rainy day out the window of their house while the tears on his face mirrored the falling droplets outside. Jai had felt helpless to ease his fathers suffering then, but the hate he carried for his mother had never abated. If he had been too small, and weak to bring the punishment that was deserved then he sure as hell wasn't now.

Jai got up off the floor pulling his clothes back on tightening his belt. From her resting place on the rug, Taapsee watched him with wary eyes unsure of what would happen next. He looked down at her with a blank expression before turning to leave.

"Jai?" she called weakly.

[Image: Taapsee-Pannu-nangi-2.jpg]

He didn't turn, but his voice still carried back to her, "We're not finished yet, Taapsee. I'll be in touch."

The door closed behind him with a resounding thud sounding very much like the closing of a prison cell.

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When he arrived home, Yami was putting the finishing touches on dinner. The smell wafted through the house when he entered, and his stomach growled in hunger. He stopped in the doorway of the kitchen watching his wife stir the hot food.

"You're just in time. Dinner is ready," announced Yami.

His hunger gnawed at him, but the evening meal wasn't the only thing in that kitchen that was drawing his attention. The thought of Arun taking what belonged to him was eating at him more than he wanted to admit to himself. He crept up close behind his wife and smoothed her hair back away from her neck kissing it like he knew she enjoyed. Yami squirmed a bit sitting the ladle down on the stove.

"Now is not a good time."

Jai spun her to him kissing her deep, and hard. His tongue exploded into her mouth exploring all over while Yami groaned in the back of her throat. Jai lifted her from the floor carrying her to their heavy oak dining room table and sitting her down on top.

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"Jai! What has gotten into you?" asked Yami her eyes wide in surprise at his aggressive move.

He didn't answer but kissed her again even harder than before his hands groping down to grasp at the bottom of her shirt pulling it upward. The lightweight garment slipped easily off over her head, and Jai was on his wife's tits before it even hit the ground. Her bra almost tore loose from her shoulders he removed it so quickly letting her small, upthrust breasts into the light. Her pert, light pink nipples vanished into his mouth, and he sucked at them greedily as if needing to take possession of them back from Arun. The soft mounds of flesh expanded as he squeezed Yami's tits forcing her nipples even deeper into his mouth. She ran her fingers into his hair and groaned at the way he was manhandling her body.

[Image: nude-Yami-Gautam-porn-xxx-1.jpg]

"Oh...fuck, Jai...I've never seen you so hungry for me!"

The table rattled, and one of the candlesticks marking the center of it fell over when Jai forced his half-naked wife backward while pulling her shorts down to expose the pink lace of her thong. He didn't even bother removing the last barrier between him, and Yami's fiery, haired snatch but simply pulled the cloth aside making way for his tongue. Her moans filled the room with each sweet lick. Jai pushed her legs apart further opening her tight pink cunt wider for him. The taste of her filled his mouth, and he sucked at her stiff clitoris.

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"Sweet! OH! GOD, Jai! FUCK! Oh, SHIT! You're eating my pussy so good, baby! OH MY GOD! Don't fucking stop, Jai! AH FUCK ME! SO GOOD!"

His hands moved up across the soft skin of her stomach to find her breasts fully aroused with her pink nipples turned a fire engine red. He pinched her nipples and twisted them roughly. Yami let out a loud cry. She had always liked to have her tits played with aggressively it turned her on even more.

"FUCK, Jai! Shit baby...If you're not careful, I'm going to...FUCKING CREAM!"

Even though he had only an hour earlier emptied a huge load of cum into Taapsee's cunt Jai's prick was still fully erect, and ready. He shoved his pants off onto the floor and ripped his underwear down exposing his stiff cock. Yami's eyes grew even wider than usual when he plunged into her abruptly with no preamble and proceeded to take his wife with vicious thrusts. Jai knew he was doing more than just fucking his wife he was reclaiming what was his, and the thought drove him to levels of passion, and desire he had never attained before with a woman.

[Image: Yami3.jpg]



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He looked deep into his wife's wild eyes while their bodies came together again and again. She was trembling beneath him in growing ecstasy, and her nails scbangd the skin on his back.

"Cum for me! Cum for me, Yami! Tell me you love me! Scream it! SCREAM IT!"

"I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, Jai! AHHHH FUCK! OH GOD Jai I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUU!" yelled Yami even as her orgasm claimed her the hot waves tearing through her while she flailed so uncontrollable on the table that dishes and cups were scattering around falling to the ground.

Jai was right there with her, and he came so hard his vision darkened making him think he might pass out before the feeling past. His cock pulsed inside his wife scattering streams of semen deep into her pussy. They came together one last time with Jai resting his head against her heaving chest the only sound left in the room the gentle bubbling of the  cooking on the stove.

"I don't know what brought that on, but feel free to make this your regular greeting when you come home," whispered Yami weakly.

[Image: Yami-Gautam-Nude-Fake-23.jpg]

"I love you, Yami."

"I love you, Jai."


Arun flipped through another resume then tossed it aside in disgust. He had been taken by surprise by the sudden resignation of his longtime assistant, David, and he quickly realized that trying to replace him was going to be a pain. David had been a good asset and employee who could be counted on for both his professionalism, and discretion.

The buzzing of his intercom drew his attention away from the stack of papers on his desk.

"What is it, Florence!"

"Mr. Adams is here to see you, sir."

"Send him in," replied Arun. This was just what he needed right now a visit from his least favorite colleague.

"Jai. I hope this won't take long I have several interviews to get to this afternoon."

Jai took a seat across the desk looking at Arun with a cold expression.

"Yes, I heard you lost David. A pity, he was a good man by all accounts. I guess maybe he decided he was tired of tripping over your ego."

"I'm not in the mood to joust with you today, Adams. Why don't you get to it so I can get back to work."

"That is one of the few things I like about you, Arun, always right down to business. I have something I want you to see. Think of it as a going away present from David."

Arun wrinkled his brow as Jai pulled his cell phone from inside his jacket, and turned it so that the video playing was visible. The clip was short, but it had a noticeable effect on Arun who slumped in his chair.

"Along with David's confession about the events at the conference I have the footage he shot of you taking advantage of my wife."

"I didn't know anything about the drug or whatever. I thought everything was consensual."

"It doesn't matter does it, Arun? I have enough evidence to get you fired and bring criminal charges as well. The thing is I don't want my wife caught up in a scandal that could hurt her career in the long run, so I'm going to be very generous, and let you have the same deal I gave David. You will resign, and walk away. As a matter of fact, I want you as far away from here as possible as in I think you should relocate to another city."

"What if I don't."

Jai stood from his chair looming over the desk like an avenging angel while Arun seemed to shrink even further into his.

"Don't test me, Arun, you won't like what happens next."

The room grew deathly quiet while Arun stared back with a look of pure hatred painted on his handsome features.

"I guess I don't have a choice."

"No, you don't. Have a nice life. Asshole."

Jai returned to his office placing the cd-rom with his wife's video in his safe. A knock on his office door brought his attention back to the room.

"Come in!"

Phani's head appeared from around the door.

"Sorry to barge in, but your secretary was gone to lunch."

"It's o.k. Phani come on in, and have a seat."

"I just have a minute I was going to take my team out for Chinese food. I just heard through the gbangvine that David resigned earlier this week. I was wondering if anyone else was headed out the door?"

"I think you may find that his boss will be exiting very soon as well."

"What about Taapsee?"

"I have my plans for Taapsee, but they shouldn't concern you. Don't worry, Phani, I haven't forgotten that I owe you a favor."

"I wasn't here about that I know you're good for it."

"What then?"

Phani cleared his throat looking at the floor as if forming his thoughts carefully before he spoke.

"It's a funny thing about revenge, Jai. When a man takes it, he assumes a great deal of power over other peoples lives, and whether they deserve what they get or not it can change you if you're not careful."

"I'm not sure I understand you, Phani."

"I guess I was thinking about something my father said to me once, 'The measure of a man isn't the lies he tells himself to get through the day. It's the truth he hides from everyone else'."

"Did your dad get that off a fortune cookie?"

Phani laughed nervously, "Maybe...Who knows...Look I need to get going you know where I am if you need anything or you want to talk."

"Thanks, Phani, enjoy your lunch."

Jai returned to work, and the day moved along with the usual vendor calls and project reviews. The clock was showing it was near the end of his work day when his secretary stuck her head in the door.

"Mr. Jai? I was leaving for the day, but there is an Taapsee here to see you."

"Thanks. Send her in, and have a safe drive home."

His secretary left, and a moment later Taapsee entered his office shutting the door behind her with a quiet click. Jai could smell her heavy perfume from where he was sitting. She looked even hotter today than the last time he had seen her with a dress that was perhaps a bit too low cut for the office showing off plenty of her creamy breasts, and deep cleavage.

[Image: 4b75d2cafa4ff08e323e65a9dfce479c.jpg]

"Taapsee. How do you like your new office? A big change from the cubical you're used to residing in I imagine."

"Yes, it certainly is, and I like it just fine. The view of downtown is spectacular."

"I rather like the view I have right now."

"Would you like a closer one, sir?"

"I think I would."

Taapsee came around the end of the desk reaching behind her to unzip her dress. The shoulder straps peeled away from her as she pushed them aside, and she pulled the top down so that her round tits fell out into the room. She took them in her hands squeezing the soft mounds.

"I left my panties in my office just like you told me."

"Good girl, but how about a little warm up first."

"Yes, sir."

[Image: Taapsee-Pannu-nude-xxx-photos-_016.jpg]

The sound of Jai's zipper coming down was followed a moment later by the wet noises of a hot blow job. Taapsee took his cock deep into her throat and worked it all over with her hot tongue while Jai leaned back in his chair enjoying the attention. He figured once she had him good, and hard he would take her from behind while she bent over his desk so he could see those sweet chest cannons of hers reflected in the glass.

He didn't know how long he would keep humiliating Taapsee. He imagined until he felt the punishment fit the crime.

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"Isn't that right, Dad? Until the punishment fits the crime. I'm sure Mom would have deserved no better...filthy whore " thought Jai.

The sun was setting outside his window, and he smiled at the beauty of it.

[Image: Taapsee-Pannu-sucking-cock-nude-blowjob-...00x581.jpg]

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Brother.....Superb Story.....pls post standalone story on Shweta Tiwari or Divyanka Tripathi
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Really great story,, Waiting for more
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Great update. Waiting for more for your awesome updates
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Super story
Plz more stories on new bollywood actress like these
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Brother....Pls update standalone story on Divyanka Tripathi or Shweta Tiwari
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Is DESIFAKES completely shut ???
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#Shweta Tiwari

"This has to stop Shweta, I really want to try and make things work with my girlfriend. We had a lot of fun, but this has got to stop now."

Shweta nodded, taking a sip of coffee before saying,

"I get it Raj, ours was a no strings attached arrangement and I guess our time's up now."

[Image: shweta-tiwari-loses-weight-0001.jpg]

I should have known something was off. It wasn't supposed to be so easy, it never was with Shweta. She never gave up on things she wanted, professionally or in her personal life. She was 40 years old and already a Director at our firm, which just highlighted her tenaciousness. Her calm acceptance of my decision to stop our affair should have set alarm bells off in my head -- but I was overjoyed at finding her so accommodating. I wanted to believe she would let go of me.

Shweta had been married to a successful businessman for 19 years now - they even had a daughter together. She was a Partner at the time I joined the firm 2 years back, and had already made it to the elite Director's club in a short span of time. Shweta had none of these problems though. She made heads turn every time she crossed the office floor on her way to her cabin.

Her long legs, visible when she wore her sexy cocktail dresses at the company parties, were a quest in themselves for me - an adventure starting from her toes and moving all the way up to the treasure between them. Her breasts, beautiful and round in proportion to her height, were a 36-- a place I had many a times buried my face, relishing in her softness as her tits engulfed me. Her regular yoga and workout sessions had helped her get a washboard stomach, and an ass that dipped precariously onto her legs, a teardrop fall that got me hard every time I saw it.

[Image: shweta-tiwari-goes-sultry-in-silver-body...539453.jpg]

That she made me hard when I saw her, made me for the first time want to cheat on my girlfriend, was infact an expected response -- she made all men feel that way. What was surprising was that she wanted me too; that she was willing to risk her marriage for me.

She was a tigress in bed, thoroughly committed to exploring every way she could enjoy the pleasures of the flesh -- a woman with an insatiable appetite. She had a wicked imagination, performing and confiding fantasies with me that my girlfriend would never have thought of. I had fallen hook, line and sinker for this temptress.

It was a long day at the office for everyone and it was quite late by the time my work was done. Shweta was waiting for me in the parking area, as usual, as I came down to leave for home. I usually gave her a ride home on my motorcycle on days when we had to work late, as it wasn't safe for her to travel alone. Her house was nearly 20 minutes away, and the road was a fairly empty one at this time of the night. We were cruising along at a fairly high speed when I spotted a speed breaker ahead and braked suddenly. Shweta was thrown forward and crashed into me, her hands wrapping around my chest to support herself, her head resting on my shoulder.

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"I am sorry, I should have seen that one," I told her.

"It's alright, we didn't get hurt," she whispered into my ears.

She remained as she was; chin resting on my shoulders and her large breasts crushed against my back. I could feel their softness even through our layers of clothing. Her hands started moving in slow circles all over my chest, her breathing getting quicker in my ear as her hands caressed my muscled chest and flat abs.

"Shweta, we talked about this -- I can't do this anymore. Please stop doing that!"

She paid no heed to my words, her hands rubbing my nipples through my shirt now. She knew how sensitive they were, and her fingers, combined with the wind got them hard instantly. I could feel my cock stirring in my pants, but I kept telling myself that it would be over in 15 minutes. I kept telling myself that I would drop her off this one last time, and that would be the end of it.

It was as if Shweta knew she had to make me succumb within the time it took to reach her house, that otherwise it truly would be over. I felt her tongue lick my ear as her teeth nibbled my earlobe -- pushing her tongue inside and licking my ears all over before resuming biting my lobes. Her hands meanwhile, had unbuttoned my top buttons, giving her access to my bare chest and my hard nipples.

"Shweta, what the hell are you doing?" I almost shouted. "Get a grip on yourself, goddammit, I have a girlfriend and I want to be honest to her from now on!"

I knew she wouldn't stop irrespective of what I told her, and I was scared at my body's reaction to her expert ministrations. My cock was raging hard inside my pants now, and I felt her hands reach for and successfully unbuckle my belt and move on to opening my pants and the zipper. I was so surprised at her audacity, I braked instinctively. She made full use of the sudden jerk, expertly opening my pants and fly as her tongue kept playing games of its own on my neck.

"You must have been on this bike so many times with your girlfriend - Has she ever even thought of doing this?" she whispered seductively into my ears as her stretched the waistband of my boxers and pulled my cock out into the open.

[Image: Shweta+Tiwari+3.jpg]

I was hard as a rock and I knew only she could get me this painfully erect. I knew only she had the guts and imagination to dare something so insane. I started driving again, both her hands on my shaft as she started milking it.

"This ends once we reach your house," I said, my feeble voice betraying my lack of conviction.

"Of course it does baby, after all you have a girlfriend and I am married," Shweta concurred. I could almost sense her smug expression as he hands kept moving up and down my exposed cock.

"I love how big you are baby, I love how I need to use both my hands on you. My husband has such a pathetic, small cock," she groaned into my ears.

The bitch! She knew all the right buttons to wind me up. She knew I loved to hear her abuse her husband when I fucked her and she was using everything in her arsenal now.

"Mhmm, you are leaking so much precum -- it has gotten you all slick and wet," she murmured as her hands moved faster up and down my wet, slick cock. She leaned in, her face next to me and brought her hand up to her face -- l could see her lick the precum off her hands.

"Yummm, you really taste so good. Such a pity I won't get my quota of your cum from now on."

She was driving me crazy. We were cruising along at 50 miles/hour on my bike on a public road -- my cock out in the open and her hands wrapped tightly around it, my shirt open and her mouth licking and biting my neck and ear. The situation was turning me on as much as her experienced hands, she was right -- my girlfriend would never have thought of doing this.

I finally slowed down as we reached her house, there were no lights on. I groaned inwardly as I remembered her husband had taken her daughter out on a vacation for the week. This wasn't going according to plan at all -- I was hard and desperate for release and she had me right where she wanted me.

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She let go of my cock as we stopped in front of her house and got off the bike. She stood next to me, and as I looked up I was in for another surprise. She had during the course of the ride not only unbuttoned her top 3 buttons, but had managed to take her bra off. She was standing close to me, her hands lightly touching my cock, her magnificent breasts almost touching my face.

She had a glint in her eyes, as she asked in an innocent voice,

"Would you like to come in for a drink? Or would you prefer to stay outside on this dimly lit street and maybe help yourself to something tastier?"

One last time, I told myself in defeat. I had to have her now, but just this one night, I promised myself.

I leaned forward, smelling her characteristic perfume as I buried my face between her breasts, giving in to my desire. She groaned audibly, relishing in her victory over me.

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She was still standing, both her hands on my cock, gripping tightly for support as she arched back, allowing my face to sink completely between her barely held together tits. I was licking and biting her soft flesh, drawing gasps from her as she milked my cock harder.

Her hands let go off my cock and she took my face in her hands, looking at me with burning lust in her eyes as she said, "Let's go in, I can't wait any longer."

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She did not even button herself up. She led me to her front door holding me by my cock and quickly opened up her door, pulling me in as she entered. I didn't wait for the door to close as I pushed her against the wall, crushing her body under mine as my tongue darted into her mouth -- my hands moving behind her to grasp her round full ass through her pants, one hand lifting her leg up and wrapping it around my hips. She wrapped her hands around my neck as we kissed passionately, my pent up lust beginning to get the better of me as I started dry humping her. She fucked me back with her hips, moaning incoherently as we tried to take the edge off.

One last time, I kept reminding myself as I bit her neck and squeezed her ass.

I kept grinding into her, not giving her any respite, my cock rubbing against her stomach. She knew how horny she had made me and matched me thrust for thrust -- moaning and gasping in response to my animalistic assault. I bit her neck as my hands came up to her chest, ripping the few remaining buttons apart as they finally held her gorgeous tits.

She hurriedly took my shirt off, her hands slithering up and down my torso, trying to feel as much of me as possible as I took her nipple in my mouth, biting it hard.

", that's it...aahhh, fuckkk that fucking animal..." she groaned as I mauled her tits.

"You wanted me didn't you bitch, you couldn't let me go could you...this is what you are going to get," I grunted into her ears as I pinched her nipples hard.

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"Fuckkk...let's go to the bedroom...mhmm,I want you to fuck me where I sleep with my husband -- I want to be reminded of how a real man fucks everytime the loser tries to fuck me," she gasped.

The bitch! She had never let me fuck her in their bedroom, never let me destroy the sanctity of their marriage bed. Now she was willing to give that up, just so that she could keep me hooked on for some more time.

This ends tonight, I reminded myself -- this is the last time.

I followed her up the stairs to her bedroom -- watching her ass sway hypnotically as she moved. She only had her pants on, and her tits bounced with every step she took. Midway up the stairs I saw her pants fall to her ankles and she stepped out them smoothly, still climbing the steps. Her panties followed next, exposing her ass to me, making me harder than ever. I picked her panties up on the way, finding a big wet spot in the front. She turned around and gave me a nasty smile as she saw me sniff and lick her juices off her panties.

I grabbed her as we entered her room, and pushed her roughly on the bed.

"That's it me how a man fucks his woman," she crooned as I climbed on the bed, my thigh lodged between her spread legs as I lay on top of her.

I kissed her again, loving the feel of her swollen lips as she kissed me back passionately. I had kept telling myself that this would be the last time, and I found myself trying to kiss her harder, trying to touch her longer -- I realized I was trying to make the last time last for as long as possible.

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My hands moved between her legs, rubbing her wet pussy lips as I nibbled her neck. She was soaking wet, and my fingers easily pushed through her folds, entering her wet pussy.

"Ahhhh....ohhh god I needed that...fuckk baby, fuck me with your fingers," she moaned as I started moving my fingers in and out of her. I could feel her hips moving in rhythm, fucking my fingers back with each push.

I brought my fingers up to her face, watching her lick her juices off them. She pulled me in for a kiss immediately, making me taste her on her tongue.

I needed more, I needed to smell her. I slid down her body, kissing her all the way. My tongue dipped into her navel, making her giggle and gasp at the same time. Her hand reached over to my head, gently but persistently pushing me further down her shaved crotch. I lay down between her legs, kissing her inner thighs, biting them gently as my fingers moved up and down her soaking wet folds.

"Mmmmm...babyyy," she moaned, propping her head on a pillow so that she could see me go down on her.

My tongue traced its way over to her pussy and I gave it one long lick, my fingers still rubbing her engorged lips. I could feel her squirm on the bed, her moans becoming longer. I started licking her pussy, my tongue up and down, lingering on her clit before licking her dripping wet hole again. I teased her clit out of its hood with my tongue, and started licking it harder as I pushed 2 fingers inside her wet folds.

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"Ohhh fuckkk...ohhh yeahh, god don't stop baby! Fuck I love...ahhh...your fingers, ohh GOD!" she groaned. Her hands tight on my head now, forcing me down on her as her she wrapped her legs around my head, pulling me in further. I could feel her soft supple thighs crushing my head as she started fucking my fingers back with her hips.

"Ohhh god!! Don't stop baby, you know exactly what I need...fuckk yess," she gasped as her hands ruffled through my hair, her crotch bucking against my face.

I couldn't hold on longer -- my cock was dying to replace my fingers. I took my fingers out and she was about to complain when she realized what I had in mind. She eagerly spread her legs wider as I kneeled in front of her, placing my cock at her entrance.

Shweta took hold of my throbbing member, rubbing it up and down her pussy lips as she guided it to her opening, her breasts rising up with each shallow breath, lust etched on her face. "Fuck me," she stated simply.

I was angry at myself for giving in to my lust. I knew I couldn't ever say no to her, but I loathed myself for it. I pushed myself deep inside her, making her take 3/4th of my cock at one go.

" fucking animal...aahhh, slowly...let me adjust...ahhh," she screamed as I roughly pulled out and pushed in again.

[Image: SHWETATIWARI28429.jpg]

"You wanted to be fucked by a real man, didn't you bitch? I am not your husband, I am not going to be gentle with you...I am going to fuck you for my pleasure, do you understand?" I groaned as I pushed my cock deeper inside.

She was grimacing in pain, her hands pressed against my chest trying to push me away in an attempt to slow me down. She was surprised by the sudden vehemence, but she saw the guilt on my face and understood what was going through my mind. She understood the importance of the moment and her hands moved to my back, pulling me in close to her as her hips started fucking me back, taking more of me inside.

"Yessss," she grunted into my ear. "For your pleasure, fuck your...ahhh...whore...unngghh....that's it...I am your filthy...unnnhhh....slut. Yours to have...fuckkk...your way with. Always remember that...goddd yessss...I will satisfy your every...ungghhh...need."


She pulled me in closer, taking all of my cock inside her wet folds now, breathing and grunting in my ear, determined to break my resolve,

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"Yess...ohhhh shit...yessss, I want a real man...ohhh god you fill me...aahh...up so good...unnnhh baby fuck me....FUCK ME...AAHHH...YESSS THAT'S IT...GODD DON'T STOP...DON'T FUCKING STOP...FUCK HE NEVER FUCKS ME SO WELL...UNNGHH..." she screamed openly, not caring who heard her as I pounded her pussy hard.

I raised her legs up onto my shoulders as I kneeled in front of her, my cock going deeper inside her now. She screamed with every thrust, begging for more. She knew this was her marriage bed, and she wanted it defiled -- she wanted to remember my cock fucking her every time she slept.

" beast...oohh myy goddd...uunnnh..."

She went on and on, her body moving against mine, matching me thrust for thrust as I felt her orgasm approaching. Her grip on the sheets tightened as her head jerked from one side to another. I could feel her pussy lips tighten and when I knew she was almost there, I pulled my cock out of her.

[Image: SHWETATIWARI28329.jpg]

"What?? Put it back....PUT IT BACK INSIDE right now..." she blabbered, thinking of nothing but her imminent release.

I took her mobile from the bedside table and gave it to her.

"Call your husband. I want you to talk to him when you cum all over my cock."

She knew I was testing her, trying to see how far she was willing to go. She tried to make it sound like a joke, smiling and me and cooing, "Just stop fooling around and fuck me already!"

I got off the bed and started gathering my clothes, telling her calmly,

"Well, in that case, I just remembered my promise to my girlfriend. This fling of ours is now officially over. The best past is, I still get to go home and fuck my girlfriend, today and everyday from now. Your husband however -- fat, small and busy...I guess you will manage somehow."

"NO...wait, please don't go...I...I will call him, I fucking need you -- come back to bed right now," she pleaded.

I waited for her to call her husband and when she did, I told her to put it on speaker phone. I could hear him clearly now, as I got back in bed with Shweta.

"Hi honey, back from work?" He asked

"Yeah love, it was a long day. I am so tired." I turned her around on the bed, pulling her hips up and toward me. She was lying with her head on the pillow, her elbows resting on the bed and only her ass in the air. Her face was turned to one side, the mobile lying next to her as she kept looking at me while talking to her husband.

"How is Pooja(her daughter) doing? Is she enjoying her stay?"

I started rubbing her ass gently, squeezing and caressing her cheeks as I spread them wider. She stifled a gasp as she felt my breath on her pussy, but let out a low moan as I gave her a lick from clit to ass with my tongue.

"Yeah Pooja is...are you ok baby? Did you hurt yourself?"

[Image: swt_2za.jpg]

"Ohhh...yeah, I banged my toe against the table while I was walking."

"Haha, that has got to hurt a LOT. But yeah, Pooja is having a blast."

I continued licking her pussy at a steady pace, getting her wetter. She was trying her best to moan into the pillow, to prevent her husband from getting to know what was happening in their bed. I traced my fingers up and down her crack, covering them with her juices, before pushing my index finger inside her puckered asshole.



"It hurts so much, I need to put some ointment on it soon," Shweta covered up.

Her husband started telling her about his day as I pushed my finger in and out of Shweta's ass, licking her throughout. I stopped licking her and crouched over her, leaning against her chest as I grabbed her tits. My cock was placed directly above her open and wet pussy, and I rubbed her nipples as I pushed myself completely inside her in one fast thrust.

"Ohhhhh were saying baby? I didn't catch the last...unnnghhh...part...tell me about your whole...mmmmm...trip, from the first complete detail," she managed to gasp into the phone, trying her best to stifle her moans using the pillow.

[Image: office8.jpg]

I kept pushing my cock inside her in one fast long thrust before pulling out all the way, and then going in again with a grunt. She groaned as I started fucking her faster now. Her husband kept waxing eloquent about his day at the beach, oblivious to her wife's condition.

I knew this was turning her on too. She was fucking me back with every thrust, looking straight at me as she talked to her husband.

"What about you baby? How was office today?" he asked.

"What?, hard me. But my co-worker really nailed the agreement....godddd yesss...and he really is very good at his job. Thanks to him...mhmmmm...I can sleep satisfied....aaahhh...tonight.

She smiled nastily at me as she said that -- we both knew what she was actually talking about. It was extremely daring, especially considering her pauses, pants and moans in between, but she loved every second of it. I increased my pace, pounding into her fast and hard now, grunting and sweating onto her back as I squeezed her tits harder. I could see her expressions change, and I could once again feel her pussy muscles tightening around my cock as her orgasm approached.

[Image: BlNk_d7Eo1H2RM6A82budiIngXjmttwBhyQA1y9e..._Jjhve9D3Y]

"Who is this knight in shining armour? We should invite him over to dinner for helping you out," the poor bastard responded.

"Oh goddd yesss....I...I mean, I should have...thought....mhmmmm of that. He is the one who....ohhhh...drops me home...aahhh...sometimes," she panted hoarsely into the phone. The idea of dinner with me and her husband drove Shweta into frenzy, and she started bucking harder and faster against my cock.

Her eyes glazed over and I knew she was going to cum any minute. I could feel her hips spasming out of rhythm, bucking wildly against my cock as she started cumming. She buried her face inside the pillow, muffling her screams as her body shook with the force of her orgasm.


She kept going till her orgasm subsided, my cock pumping in and out of her throughout. We could hear her husband's concerned voice over the phone,

"What's wrong baby? There? Talk to me Shweta."

Her shivering body finally stilled, as the last wave passed and she came back to her senses. She panted into the phone,


"I'll....I'll call you in some...some time love...I...I have to get...some work done," she managed to pant into her phone.

She disconnected the call, as I pulled my cock out of her. She turned around on to her back, and sat up in front of my kneeling body. Her hands moved up and down my sweaty chest, still unable to believe what she had just risked for me, or how awesome her orgasm was due to it.

My cock was hard and resting against her cheek as she kept panting and staring at me, her eyes undecipherable. She slowly moved forward and buried her nose in my pubic hair, moaning as she took in my manly scent. Her hand moved over to my cock, rubbing the shaft, still slick with her juices and my precum.

Her mouth moved lower onto my balls, sucking and licking them as she jerked me harder. I was very close and as she moved her lips lower down, licking me between my balls and my anus - I started cumming in her hands. I kept jerking and shivering as her lips continued tracing the line between my balls and my ass before she took my balls completely in her mouth and milked me dry with her hands.

[Image: ShwetaTiwarirubbingherbfcockbetweenboobs...xxxpic.jpg]

I gasped as my orgasm ended, taking her by the shoulders as I fell on the bed with Shweta under me. Her hands moved over my back, caressing me gently.

"That was fucking unbelievable," I managed to say.

" really are an animal in bed, and I love that," she whispered, still dazed at the events of the night.

I got up on my elbows, watching her stare at me, knowing I would never be able to stop fucking such a gorgeous woman.

"Are you still planning to leave tonight?" she asked tentatively.

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I bent my head and kissed her softly, taking her abundant breasts in my hands, without answering her question.

"Just so you know, I usually call my husband first thing in the morning too," she murmured into my ear, a dirty smile on her face. I knew I had lost and I was no longer even angry at myself. I would curse myself and feel bad tomorrow, tonight I just sighed satisfactorily. I took my mobile and messaged my girlfriend that I would stay at a friend's house as there was a lot of work. She saw me type the message, and pulled me in for a long wet kiss.

I should have known she wouldn't let go of me, I should have known that with her, there couldn't be a last time.

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