Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
I would lose my wife, lose my life, end up in jail, and be the subject of scorn and ridicule even more: my story might then even be mentioned in the newspapers.
Going to the security officer was equally risky. Kavita would probably side with Amir, deny everything and then our marriage would end in divorce anyway.
In society's view, I would still be the guy who 'lost' his pretty  wife to this bully, this muscular '. hunk.
There was no option where I wouldn't face some amount of social scorn, ridicule.
But it seemed like the ridicule would only be more if our marriage broke up, as more people would definitely know about it, then: a divorce would be public knowledge for everyone who knew me directly or indirectly.
I then thought about Amir. He had been bullying me around mercilessly. No doubt, he considered it a great victory to have bedded my wife: another 'trophy' on his wall.
What now? If he stayed satisfied with his 'victory', would he leave my wife alone?
If we divorced and I lost Kavita permanently, wouldn't that be a bigger victory for him?
I played over his words in my mind, "A pussy boy like you doesn't deserve a woman like her."
It would be some measure of victory if I could keep him from making me lose Kavita permanently.
I then thought of Kavita.
She had betrayed me in the ultimate manner.
But if we divorced, she would face immense scorn from society as well. It was not like Amir was going to support her. She would have to manage on her own, and probably would have to resume working again, in a society not forgiving of adulterous women.
Sooner or later, she would have had to go back to Amir for help. The kind of preying guy he seemed to be, he might peddle out her body.
I could say to myself, “She deserved it."
But I couldn't really mean it. I felt as ashamed, as humiliated, at the prospect of Amir peddling out my Kavita to help her make ends meet.
Worse, he might give her a humiliating option of being his 2nd wife or something.
I visualized Amir strutting proudly, at some distant date, with some woman on one side, and Kavita on his other side, as his wives, while I was a lonely divorcee.
It was a terrible scenario to contemplate, and it would be even more insulting for me than it would for her.
She might be able to able to reconcile to being Amir's 2nd wife.
But it would be far worse humiliation for me, if people went around discussing how my pretty wife left me to be the 2nd wife of this muscular hunk.
The more I thought about it, the more my assessment seemed right. Given the culture we lived in, I would face more ridicule, more social scorn if Kavita and I divorced, and word got around about the reason for the divorce, as compared to if I gritted it out for the limited time this was likely to last.
That too, was assuming this was not a one night stand. This may well have been a one night stand.
Amir would not probably change his womanizing ways. Sooner or later, there would be more situations like Thursday, when Amir went out and went to bed with someone else (as he claimed to have done).
And Kavita, regardless of how Amir was trying to humiliate me, didn't seem to be totally put off by me.
Three times this week, she had tried to make love to me in bed.
And she had voluntarily brought me off today, after seeing my hard-on.
Amir would make claims like 'I own Kavita's pussy'. But it wasn't really true, she wasn't acting like she was a slut who would do his every bidding or something. And she had been trying to sleep with me on Thursday, to spite Amir for going out with his colleague. So it was not like I was up against the two of them.
Still, I needed to get Kavita on my side. She was surely not on my side, at this point. She had allegedly proclaimed to a near stranger,two days back, that 'Amir Ali is her boyfriend'.
I was awash with shame again as I recalled the incident at the restaurant.
The proprietor/manager had seen Kavita with Amir on Sunday. He would have seen the kind of hunk he was.
And now he had seen me. He had seen the picture of Kavita and I on my cellphone. He knew for sure that Kavita and I were married.
And if his claim was true, Kavita had proclaimed to him on Wednesday, that Amir Ali was her boyfriend.
I must have come across to him as such a wuss, such a wimp.
I was even picking up the same dish as Kavita had picked up on Wednesday. He must have visualized Amir sending me, Kavita's wimpy  husband, to get him his dinner, with his arm wrapped around my wife Kavita.
Though that was not how it happened, it felt the same way.
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I could not show my face in that restaurant again.
I wondered again, how Kavita could say such a thing, about a guy who had arrived in our home just over a week back. Especially to a near stranger.
Did she always view Amir as 'her boyfriend'?
Someone with whom she had lost touch, or from whom she had drifted away, but always felt the itch for?
If that was the case, this was not likely to be a one night stand.
I could not fool myself into imagining that this was likely to be a one night stand, based on Kavita's inclination to make love to me thrice this week.
I could not sleep, now that that realization sunk in.
I turned over and looked at Kavita. She was sleeping blissfully, I thought, for someone who had just been unfaithful to her husband the previous night.
Did she think like Amir? Amir had told me that I didn't deserve Kavita's virginity.
Did she think likewise that I was so pathetic compared to Amir, that I didn't deserve her faithfulness? That she could wantonly go to bed with him, and return to me, and I didn't deserve any better than the ravaged, used body of my wife?
I still believed she loved me. She could have seduced me into bed on Thursday without giving me the massage.
And she could have ignored my arousal tonight, since Amir had brought her to what sounded like a very pleasurable orgasm for her.
I bit my lips out of jealousy. Did she ever have such a pleasurable orgasm with me?
I knew the truth, deep down. I didn't want to think about it any more.
However, despite her obvious enjoyment of her bout of infidelity today, it was not like she had never felt guilty over the past week.
I recalled how she averted her eyes on Wednesday, first when I came home during her massage of Amir, and then later, when his actions caused her to get aroused, and dripping wet.
Maybe if I could find a way to channel her guilt without making her upset, I could get her on my side.
It was the most comforting thought I had got during my reflections in bed. I told myself that hope existed still, and got myself to go back to sleep.
I was woken up some time in the morning by Kavita. She was shaking me in an irritated manner, "Mmmm....Wake up Manu!"
The alarm had been ringing.
I was sleepy. Because of waking up in the middle of the night.
I tried telling Kavita, "It's the 2nd Saturday, I don't have to go to work. I'm sleepy, Kavi."
She continued shaking me with irritation in her voice, "You promised to help toweling off Prem, do you want me to do it today? I'm also sleepy."
I had forgotten about it subconsciously.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 10 Pt. 4

I got up from the bed drearily. I did not like the prospect of facing the bully Amir, after he had just had sex with my Kavita the previous night.
He had boasted at having had sex with Kavita even before. They could all have been idle boasts. Worse, I suspected that he somehow knew I knew what had happened last evening.
I walked across the hall to Amir's room. He was in the middle of his exercises.
I walked across his room to the balcony.
Amir paused as he saw me approach.
He then spoke softly, yet arrogantly, "So pussy boy reacted as I predicted he would, last night?"
I was embarrassed. By now, I was somewhat used to his taunting. But I still didn't expect him to brazenly taunt me about the previous night.
Kavita had behaved nonchalantly about the whole thing. How could Amir know I knew what had happened, and not Kavita?
He snickered at my embarrassment and added, "You pussy boys are so predictable. Did you lick your pretty wife's unfaithful pussy last night?"
I looked down. Rather than me doing oral sex on Kavita after she had been unfaithful, somewhat the opposite had happened.
Kavita had brought me off with her hand.
I decided to play it quiet. If I tried to fight back with that information, he would probably react in a manner to try and humiliate me more.
He seemed to sense my evasiveness, and asked flexing his arms threateningly, "Answer me, pussy boy."
I tried to evade the question, "What do you want, Amir? You've had sex with my wife. You've won. Aren't you satisfied?"
He started laughing. He laughed for what seemed like a minute. I didn't understand what he was laughing about.
After he finished laughing, he said, "Pussy boy, try that guilt trip with your pretty wife. I bet her guilt kept her awake all night."
I had been thinking of the same thing, in the middle of the night. How could he know Kavita had slept soundly?
Did he expect her to sleep soundly, not being kept awake on account of guilty thoughts?
Amir laughed again, "I bet you thought you had a chance with your pretty wife when she got all jealous on Thursday."
I hung my head down and averted my eyes. I still didn't understand how Kavita could go to bed with Amir on Friday after being pissed off with him on Thursday.
He resumed lifting his weights, observing me simultaneously. After a few minutes, he finished up and sat up on the bench.
Amir glared at me suspiciously, and said, "Pussy boy has still not accepted the situation. Even after I made his pretty wife squeal out loud."
"I told you Amir, you won. I accept you've won. What more do you want?"
He laughed, "I didn't win anything last night, pussy boy. I always owned your pretty wife's pussy. I told you that already."
He paused, then added, "I bet she never squealed in bed with you."
I hung my head in shame as I reflected on that.
I had never experienced Kavita moaning as loud as she did in bed with Amir. At best, she would moan softly at times after I entered her.
Amir continued observing me. He asked me abruptly, "So you want your wife back now, pussy boy?"
I looked up at him. Was he trying to be nice after having humiliated me this far, or was he setting me up?
I answered fearfully, yet with some hope, "Yes, please."
"So you're ready to accept your unfaithful wife after she squealed in bed with me last night. Right?"
Ears red with shame, I answered in a whisper, "Yes."
He smirked at this, and asked, “What will you do to cleanse her adulterous pussy? Will you wash it in holy water?"
And saying so, he burst into laughter as I went red with shame all over.
He continued after letting me soak in those last words, "Anyway, I'm staying here for a few more months,pussy boy. You can accept your unfaithful wife as you seek to. But not now, after I leave. How does that sound to you?"
My eyes went red, wide, with terror. Was he going to keep having sex with Kavita for the rest of his stay?
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Amir shook his head with a sneer, saying, "This is what I meant. Pussy boy keeps trying to be a man, and keeps trying to reclaim what isn't his. I think I know how to fix that problem."
I continued staring at him in fear.
He got up off the bench, and entered the bedroom.
Kavita hadn't woken up before me today. There were no pile of fresh towels ready by the bed.
I said, "Let me go get the towels, Amir."
He held out his hand and said, "First, go bring that last bag of clothes I got for you, pussy boy."
My stomach dropped. I asked with increased alarm, "Do you want me to wear them now? Amir?"
He nodded.
Kavita had said I didn't have to wear them any more. She was under the impression I had a fetish for wearing feminine clothes. And she had asked me to talk to Amir about it, so I didn't have to wear them any more. And now, Amir was telling me to resume wearing them.
I tried to get some time till Kavita woke up, "Can I wear it after I have my bath, Amir?"
He took a menacing step closer and said, "No. Now."
I took a step back in fear. I tried again, trying to save some face, "Can I change into them in our bedroom? Amir?"
He took another step towards me, saying, "No. You don't want to wake up your pretty wife. Bring it here and change here. NOW."
Perhaps out of fear that he stepped closer, I hurriedly left the bedroom and walked across to our bedroom.
Kavita was still fast asleep. I looked around silently, and found the last bag of clothes. I brought them back to Amir's room, and opened them there.
They were a pyjama set yet again. But they weren't as bad as the last set I had worn, the lavender colored set with the shoulder strap blouse top to match the pyjama pants, for which he had made me shave my underarms and chest hair.
The pyjamas were a pale yellow in color. There was a print of small flowers with pink petals scattered over the pyjamas. They definitely looked feminine. But they weren't as feminine as the other pyjamas Amir had got for me.
With a sense of relief, I first took off my shorts, and put on the pyjama pants. They weren't tight, and were comfortable. If not for the print of pink petal flowers, they could perhaps pass for pyjamas of a man. And they were not particularly uncomfortable to wear.
I then took off my t-shirt, and took the pyjama top in my hand. It was the pullover type t-shirt type top, like the pyjamas he had got me for Tuesday. I was about to put them on, when Amir spoke up, "First take off your vest."
I looked at him. I didn't see the purpose of this. But he glared at me, and as I didn't see a purpose in arguing at that point, I decided to comply without arguing.
I took off my vest, and then pulled on the pullover type t-shirt. But these weren't tight, and felt more comfortable. They did have a lining of lace along the neck and arms, but they weren't particularly uncomfortable to wear either, compared to the pyjamas he had got me for Tuesday or Wednesday.
I knew regardless that they were womens' pyjamas: Kavita had told me that he had picked them all from the women's section. But they didn't feel as humiliating as the pyjamas I had worn on Tuesday or Wednesday. Perhaps it was the fact that they were loose fitting, and wearing them didn't need me to shave my underarms or chest and look grotesquely feminine.
Amir now spoke up again, "Now get rid of your used clothes, and get the towels."
I went and put my used clothes in our bedroom. I figured I could wear them later. I then found the towels, and went back to Amir's room.
As I placed the towels on the bed before commencing to towel off Amir, he said, "Wear these for as long as you're at home today, P.B."
My eyes went wide with fear. What if someone, say a vendor, came home? I voiced my concern, "Amir, what if someone like a vendor comes home?"
"Then you answer them and turn them away or buy what they're selling, like normal pussy boys do."
This was definitely different from what Amir had made me do through the week.
Then, he had made me wear these feminine pyjamas in the evening, and to bed with Kavita.
It was humiliating, but at least only Kavita was witness to it, other than the 2 of us.
Now, it seemed like there was an increased risk of other people witnessing my humiliation. Did he want to put me through that? I tried to not speculate on it. Maybe nobody would knock on our door today.
I tried to not think about it much, and set the towels on the bed. I started the 'ritual' of toweling off Amir. I took his sweaty vest off. It was sweatier than usual. I realized why, soon. In all this time we had been talking, his sweat had been absorbed to an extent by his vest, and there was some that had dripped on the floor where he had been standing.
I put his vest on the floor, and hurriedly toweled off the few drops of sweat that re-formed on his arms and upper body.
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I was able to towel him off quickly. He had nearly finished sweating, it appeared like. I had to use only one towel. The only downside was, there was some of his sweat dripped on the floor.
I was about to pick up the pile of sweaty clothes from the floor, when Amir spoke again, "My vest has got more sweaty today. It will drip. Go and twist-dry it in the balcony."
I stared at him in horror.
In all these times when I had worn these feminine pyjamas, I had never stepped out of the balcony. The only persons who had seen me in those pyjamas were Kavita and Amir.
He nodded sternly, saying, "Do it. Now."
On weak legs, I walked across to the balcony. I surveyed the visible area of the other apartments, houses in the neighborhood.
I couldn't see anyone. It was still early. I hurriedly twist-dried his vest a few times, and stepped back into the bedroom.
Amir nodded approvingly and said, "Now put these clothes away in the washing machine. Then come back, do my bed and wipe off the sweat dripped on the floor. I'll go have a bath. You can brush your teeth etc then, but continue wearing these pyjamas after you have your bath today. I believe you don't have to go to work today, right?"
I nodded. It was true, it was the 2nd Saturday. Kavita must have told him.
Amir continued, "After you brush your teeth and do what you need to do, prepare coffee for Kavita, you and I."
I said, “OK.", and picked up the clothes off the floor.
I was going to walk off, when Amir pointed to the floor by the bedside and said, "Take them also."
I looked where he indicated. There was a bra and a pair of panties there.
Kavita's bra and panties.
She had apparently been wearing them when I came home from work.
Then, after her bout of lovemaking with Amir, she had apparently not worn either her bra or her panties, and had left them in Amir's room. I knew she wasn't wearing panties right now, but I didn't realize she wasn't wearing a bra either.
This was more evidence of Kavita's unfaithful romp in bed with Amir last evening. I bent down, picked them up, and added them to the pile of clothes in my arms. I walked over and deposited them in the washing machine.
I came back to Amir's bedroom, and tidied his bed.
As I had expected this time, there were a lot of crumpled jasmine flowers scattered on the bed. From their bout of lovemaking last evening.
Amir watched as I picked up the crushed, faded jasmine flowers off the bed, and took them to the trash basket and disposed of them. I then walked back, to fold up his bedsheets. As I did so, Amir stepped into his bathroom to have his bath.
I folded up his bedsheets, and went back to our bathroom to brush my teeth and use the bathroom.
I then proceeded to the kitchen, and made coffee.
As I made the coffee, I pondered over an aspect I had noted briefly during the exchange with Amir.
Amir knew or sensed that I had overheard Kavita having sex with him, and her orgasmic moans of pleasure.
How did he know?
Did he guess that from my behavior or facial expressions after the door opened, that I had overheard them in bed?
Did he see me at the window after they came out of the bedroom?
Or was the explanation more simple, that he did hear me ring the bell?
And what about Kavita? Was she likewise also aware that I had overheard their lovemaking? Was she pretending?
So far, her behavior had given me the impression that she was unaware of my knowledge of what had happened last night, and she seemed to be trying to cover up her adultery smoothly.
Was it possible that Amir somehow knew that I had overheard them, but not Kavita?
I recalled a couple of past incidents, when I had been lying in bed, and Kavita had been in the hall with the TV on. A visitor had apparently rung the bell, and I had not heard the bell ring.
It was possible that she didn't hear the bell ring. Amir could have found out from my facial expressions, that I knew about what had happened when I had been out. Maybe he had spotted me through the window as soon as he came out of his bedroom.
These questions nagged at me, because deep down, I feared one outcome more than anything else: that what happened last night progresses into a full blown affair between Kavita and Amir, that would culminate in Kavita leaving me for Amir.
And if I couldn't make inferences on how Kavita felt about me, it caused me to worry even more, that she would indeed leave me for him, eventually.
I couldn't be sure in any way about Kavita though, at this point. I would have to wait and see.

The milk for the coffee started boiling. I poured out the coffee and the milk into 3 cups, set it on a tray and took the tray to the hall.
Amir was sitting there, reading a newspaper. He appeared to have had his bath. I went towards him with the tray, but he motioned me to go to our bedroom first: to serve Kavita her coffee first.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 10 Pt. 5

I went to our bedroom. Kavita was still asleep. I held the tray in one hand, and gently shook her shoulder with the other.
She stirred sleepily, and then looked at me.
Her eyes widened with curiosity for an instant. Then her face lit up with a smile, and she said, "Wow, bed coffee! Thanks Manu, that's a nice romantic surprise!"
She sat upright against the bed headboards, and took a coffee cup from the tray.
She took a sip, then looked at me again and asked, "Haven't you guys had your coffee yet? What time is it? Oh my God it's 8!"
Kavita then got her legs off the bed, still wearing the same mini-skirt. I couldn't help noticing how attractive she looked, even after her unfaithfulness last evening.
She told me, "Let's go to the hall and have coffee together."
She got up off the bed, and walked gracefully out of our bedroom. I followed her with the tray carrying the remaining 2 cups of coffee.
She saw Amir on the double-seater sofa and said, "Good morning Prem! Manu's made us coffee! Sorry I overslept!"
I walked over and held out the tray to Amir, who took a cup of coffee.
I made a mental note to myself on Kavita greeting Amir as 'Prem'.
I couldn't help thinking of him as Amir.
He was Amir.
He was our house-guest who had seduced my lovely wife Kavita into bed, in our home last evening, and had effectively informed me this morning that he was going to do it again.
But, between the 3 of us, I had to refer to him as 'Prem', this was the 'protocol'. Otherwise, things would get uncomfortable and lead to confrontations. And confrontations in front of Kavita was something I wanted to avoid: I feared that if she had to choose between me and Amir, she would choose him.
Kavita sat beside Amir on the double-seater sofa, smoothing her skirt demurely as she sat down. I sat on a single-seater sofa, picked up a newspaper and had my coffee.
After a few minutes, Kavita got up and announced she was going to make Chole-Puri for breakfast, after her bath.
She went to our bedroom and I heard the sound of the bathroom door close in a couple of minutes.
Amir beckoned to me to catch my attention. Then he said, "Take the coffee cups and wash them. Then cut up onions, and help Kavita with the cooking if she asks. Start off and do the laundry. You need to be proactively helping her more."
He said it in a matter-of-fact manner. There was no threat in his voice, no menace in his body language.
And yet, I felt a shiver down my spine, the way I felt when he had crossed his arms menacingly, at various points in the last few days.
I nodded and got up off the sofa as well.
It wasn't too much effort to start off the laundry, so I started off with that first.
Then I went to the kitchen, and started cutting onions. I noticed then that there was a vessel of soaking beans for the Chole.
When did she soak them?
Kavita hadn't yet gone to the kitchen today morning.
And I had been in the kitchen after dinner last night. I wasn't sure, but I thought I hadn't seen any vessel of soaking beans in the kitchen the previous night.
She must have woken up some time during the night, like I did. And soaked the beans for the Chole. She must have planned on making Chole-puri for breakfast all along.
I hadn't known her to oversleep like she had done today morning.
Despite what I had seen when I woke up in the middle of the night, she may not have had a guilt-free night of sleep after all.
I finished up cutting the onions, returned to the hall and started reading a magazine, waiting for Kavita to finish her bath. I was now feeling much lighter in my heart.

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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 11 Pt. 1

I sat on the sofa reading the newspapers, and reflecting on the changes that had happened since the arrival of Amir.
Kavita had blown hot and cold towards me over this time. She had been aloof with me sometimes, almost 'teaming' up with Amir to taunt me. And she had been caring, loving at times.
In the same period, she had blown hot and cold towards Amir as well, though not as cold as she had been towards me.
But,at the end of the day, we had not had sex even once (not counting the last night, where she had brought me off with her hand), while, in the same period, Amir had successfully taken her in bed. At least once, and possibly several times. That was something I hadn't managed to stop, and now would have to get used to that fact.
Still, the fact that Kavita had felt guilty over her adultery was something I knew, and Amir didn't. If I exploited that right, I might be able to limit the damage done, and maybe limit Kavita's sexual involvement with Amir to a one-night stand. Maybe it had been just last night, and hadn't happened until then.
I was reflecting on these thoughts, when I heard Kavita walk out of our bedroom. I looked up. She was dressed conservatively, in a red 'home wear' saree, with a regular 'home wear' black blouse. She had worn the saree conservatively as well, not low enough to reveal too much skin. She had gone past me, so I couldn't meet her eyes.
She went to the kitchen, then spoke out loud, "Oh Manu, you cut up the onions, how nice!"
She came out to the door of the kitchen and saw me, and beamed her happiness. I smiled back and asked, "Anything else I can help you over breakfast preparation, Kavi?"
She replied, “No, what you did was great! Thanks!"
She then walked towards the back of our apartment.
After a few moments, unexpectedly, I heard her scream, "MANUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!"
I gulped. What had I done? I got up and walked towards where she was.
She was standing at the washing machine. Her left hand was on her hip, in an accusatory manner. Her right hand was holding her bra and panties from the load I had started washing for. The machine had completed washing the load, apparently.
She looked at me and asked in a shrill voice, "WHY DID YOU DO THIS MANU!"
I asked in a weak voice, "Do what, Kavi?"
Her voice continued to be shrill, but now it was a little less shrill, "Why did you wash my underclothes with the rest of the clothes?"
I stood there in shock.
Of course. Kavita always washed her undergarments separately, by hand. She would run her sarees and petticoats in the washing machine, but the underclothes, and some of her delicate clothes, she would wash by hand.
I muttered, "Am sorry, Kavi. I forgot."
"Why did you have to do it? I wash my underclothes by hand all the time, The washing machine often ruins it, and besides, I don't like washing my underclothes with the rest of the clothes."
She paused, then continued, "We've been married for 4 years now. How can you not have seen this?"
I stammered, "No, Kavi, I've seen you wash your underclothes separately. I was just distracted and forgot."
Truth is, I had been distracted back then in the morning, when I had turned on the washing machine. I had just picked up her worn bra and panties from the floor of Amir's room and added it to the pile of clothes in the washing machine. My mind was on other things then.
I volunteered, "Kavi, I'll hand wash them. Please leave them out, I'll hand wash them."
And then I added, "And I'll hand wash the rest of your clothes to hand wash, as well."
I added that because she did hand wash her machine sensitive clothes, and I wanted to help, after this mistake.
She looked at me for a few moments, her gaze becoming tender. She then said, "OK, but don't do it now, let's have breakfast first, OK?"
She put her underclothes into a bucket by the side of the washing machine She smiled, walked up to me and said, "Manu, I know you're trying to help me, but sometimes, please ask for help or instructions on things you haven't done much at home, OK?"
I nodded. She ruffled my hair, and went back to the kitchen.
I dully returned to the hall.
Though I had genuinely been distracted when I started the washing machine, I thought it wasn't such a big deal to have made the mistake once. She didn't have to berate me in front of Amir on this.
I took a look at him, and saw he was smirking as usual.
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I knew why he was smirking. For the kind of thinking process he used, he probably considered it a 'trophy' that my wife Kavita yelled at me for incorrectly washing her underclothes, after I had picked them up off the floor of his room, where they had gotten because Kavita had been having sex with him.
His showing-off behavior was getting tiresome, and yet, gradually, I was learning to ignore it to an extent.
I also got an insight into why Amir didn't seem to be "engaged" with a woman by then, despite having had numerous girlfriends (according to his boasts).
Women might lust him for a while, but his 'trophy' kind of thinking would disillusion them about him, sooner or later.
And this was an encouraging thought. Amir had bluffed last Friday with the flowers spread on his bed, clearly done by his own hand.
It was possible that the rest of his claims were a bluff too, and that last night may have been the first time Kavita had gone to bed with him, after his arrival.
With those uplifted thoughts, I browsed some magazines, distractedly following the news on TV.
Shortly afterward, Kavita announced the Chole was ready and she was making the Puris hot, and asked both of us to come sit at the table and eat.
Breakfast was a quiet and pleasant affair. I hadn't noticed how late it had gotten. It had made me hungrier than I usually get for breakfast, and Kavita's cooking melted in my mouth. Unfortunately, Amir too seemed to be enjoying it, though.
Kavita joined us towards the end of breakfast, but she didn't eat as much so we were all done around the same time.
As we finished breakfast, Kavita spoke up addressing me, "Prem mentioned another interesting sounding new movie that released recently. We were planning to go see the movie at noon. I hope that's OK Manu, I know you may also want to see the movie, but you probably will not get done with your laundry before then. So I hope it's OK that we go ahead."
I was disappointed to hear her say that. She had been planning to go out with Amir for a movie yet again, but she didn't tell me until then.
It was almost as though she wanted me to be at home so she and Amir could go by themselves.
I didn't want her to sense my disappointment, so I smiled attempting to look cheerful, and said, "Yeah it's unlikely I get done by then, you go ahead Kavi."
Kavita smiled and continued, "Sorry things got late today Manu, I overslept and Puri-Chole takes time to make too. Since it's late already, we'll get some food on the way back, and we can have a late lunch and maybe have leftovers for a light dinner."
I was about to nod 'Yes', when she added, "Unless you want to cook something for us."
I stared at her. I wasn't a complete newbie at cooking, and used to cook when I lived in the USA as a bachelor.
But my cooking wasn't anywhere near as good as Kavita's, and I hadn't done it in ages.
Maybe it would help take my mind off Amir and his continued bullying.
I smiled broadly and said sincerely, "Sure Kavi, I'll try. Hope I don't blow up the house!"
She laughed throatily and said, "You'll do fine. I have recipe books on the kitchen shelf if you need help."
Amir finally spoke up, "We have leftovers of yesterday's Rogan Josh right? So we won't need to get anything for me today."
The selfish guy, all he could think about was himself, his needs, I told myself.
I moved towards the door thinking they would leave right away. But Kavita instead went to our bedroom and closed the door, leaving me with Amir in the hall.
I got uncomfortable. He always tried to push me around more, when Kavita wasn't around.
Amir walked up to me smirking and whispered, "Enjoy your training, pussy boy."
He then sniggered maliciously.
I didn't like his attitude, the way he put it.
It was as though he thought doing domestic work, cooking etc was "below" him. I had left those to Kavita mostly, but I didn't mind helping her. The fact that my getting into a habit of helping her was triggered by Amir's bullying was merely a coincidence.
Amir turned and strode into his room. He came out in a couple of minutes after putting on a pair of jeans.
A few minutes after that, Kavita came out of our bedroom. She had changed into a light blue chiffon saree, with a black short-sleeved blouse. Her dressing wasn't outrageous or slutty like her clothing on Wednesday and Friday when she had massaged Amir, and when Amir has taken her in bed. Still, she was dressed attractively, compared to the 'home' saree she was in a short while earlier. I felt a pang as I took in the fact that she was going to leave me alone, and go out with Amir, dressed like that.
I wondered why she would have worn a different saree if she had planned to go out earlier. Perhaps Amir had pressurized her into that plan only recently, I thought.
I watched with a pang as Amir slid his arm around her bare waist as they left. It was defeating right on the back of what had happened the previous evening.
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I closed the door and sighed deeply, as I reflected on Amir's continued acts of touching of my wife Kavita in front of me. He had already enjoyed her in bed, what was he gaining by continuing to taunt me in this manner?
His act of putting his arm around her waist triggered a feeling of anxiety in me. What if he continued to touch her in that manner in front of other people, such as the neighbors?
The anxiety made my heart beat faster. I started feeling desperate to check if he was continuing to touch her in front of other people. I started going towards the balcony intending to watch them get on, drive off on his motorcycle.
As I approached the balcony, I noticed how bright the day was. People were probably up and about in their houses, some maybe enjoying the warm sunshine on their balconies. I froze as I got to the balcony door. I couldn't step out onto the balcony NOW in these pyjamas.
Granted they were not as grotesquely feminine as the other 3 pyjama sets Amir had got for me, I still did not want to risk being seen on the balcony in these clothes.
Moments ticked by as I grappled with my desire to see if Amir was still touching her, versus my fear of being seen in these clothes.
I heard the sound of a motorcycle driving off then. I guessed it would be Kavita and Amir, and resignedly moved back to the hall.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 11 Pt. 2
Once I got there, I realized I had work to do. I had promised to wash Kavita's clothes.
I went to the washing machine. The clothes I had washed in the morning were still in the washing machine. Kavita's bra and panties were lying in the bucket by the washing machine.
I first loaded the washed clothes into the dryer and started the drying. Then, I found the soap and brush Kavita used to wash her clothes.
I filled some water in the bucket, and hand washed the bra and panties with the soap and brush.
It didn't take me long to wash her underclothes. I quickly hung them out to dry on the clothes line in that room. That room too had a balcony and good sunlight, but it was a balcony with a grill, and I felt less conspicuous there in my pyjamas. It wasn't as bad as stepping out into our bedroom balcony, or Amir's bedroom balcony.
I then moved went to our bathroom to find the other 'sensitive' clothes of Kavita that may need to be washed.
I found her saree, blouse, bra and petticoat from Thursday, and the tank top blouse that she had worn yesterday, and the black mini-skirt. Apparently she had not washed her clothes yesterday. This wasn't unusual, so I didn't worry about this. I loaded all the items in a bucket and took them to the washing machine room.
I started off with her saree and petticoat, since I figured they are heavy items and didn't need too much sensitive care. While my assessment was true, it took me a while to finish washing the saree. I started feeling a little tired by the time I finished hanging up her saree and petticoat.
I then moved on to her blouse and bra from Thursday. I had by then washed one of her bras, so I finished washing those quickly as well.
I finally came to the clothes she had worn on Friday: the clothes she had worn to bed with Amir.
Did she wear them in bed with Amir? I guessed not, since she had taken her bra off, she must have taken her tank top blouse off as well. I smelled it.
I could feel the smell of Amir mixed with her sweet smell. I had to make that smell go.
I started washing it in the water, gently applying soap to the parts of the fabric where I sensed the smell of Amir being strongest. It took me about 10 minutes before I was satisfied that the blouse smelled fresh, clean.
I then moved on to her mini-skirt. Since Kavita had not put on her panties after her romp in bed with Amir, this mini-skirt had been the closest to the 'home' of her adultery.
I inspected the mini-skirt, and found what I dreaded I would find.
There were white dried caked stains on the inside of the mini-skirt.
Dried semen of Amir, and her own sexual juice.
Like the way Amir's semen had run down her thighs and dried last evening, the white marks had run down, more on the back-side of her mini-skirt, from near her crotch region to the edge of the skirt.
I recalled the taunting from Amir this morning, about whether I would 'cleanse her pussy with holy water'.
I could not do that. But I could cleanse out her mini-skirt.
I set about the task with a passion, with feverish interest. Carefully, yet gently, I soaped away the tougher stain spots first, which were closer to her crotch region, and moved downwards towards the edge of the mini-skirt.
I finished washing it once, and held it up against the light. I saw some faint white lines, which I couldn't be sure were semen stains or soap. I didn't want to take chances, I didn't want ANY of Amir's semen continuing to soil Kavita's mini-skirt.
I washed it one more time, again starting from her crotch region. I held it up again against the light, and finally it looked clean without a blemish.
Feeling somewhat self-satisfied, I hung out her tank top blouse and mini-skirt to dry.
I then opened the dryer, and took out the rest of the clothes, which contained my clothes, and Amir's.
I quickly hung those out as well. Hanging out the clothes didn't take as much time as the careful hand-washing.
I was fairly tired. It decided to take a breather.
I sat on the sofa and flipped channels. I again thought with a pang about how Amir must be having a good time watching a movie with Kavita right now. I wondered if he would be touching her, fondling her in the movie theater. He probably would be.
I tried casting my mind back instead to the gratification of seeing Kavita's mini-skirt completely cleaned of the stains caused by Amir.
I dozed off for a while, unconsciously. When I woke up, the time was just past 3:30 PM. Kavita and Amir would be back soon!
I cast my mind back to what I had promised Kavita I would do. I had promised her I would cook something!
I hurriedly went to the kitchen. I looked around for the ingredients, and wondered what to make. I decided to make something with bhindi(okra) since both me and Kavita liked it, and a simple lentil dish.
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I cut up the vegetables in haste, trying to make up for lost time. I had barely finished cutting the vegetables when the bell rang.
I suspected it would be Kavita and Amir. Still, on account of the clothes I was wearing, I decided to check through the eye hole before opening the door. It was them, after all.
I opened the door and immediately muttered a hasty apology, "Sorry Kavi, I dozed off unconsciously after doing the clothes, I didn't quite cook as I had promised to."
She didn't seem to mind it, she said, "That's OK Manu. It was a so-so movie, you wouldn't have enjoyed it I think."
She stepped into the house, and Amir followed her in.
As she took off her sandals, Kavita asked me, "Manu, did you do ALL the clothes?"
I guessed she meant the clothes from our bathroom, perhaps she thought I would forget those. I nodded nervously, hoping I hadn't missed anything.
She then walked across to the balcony room where the clothes were drying.
I couldn't help feeling excited seeing her curves highlighted in the attractive chiffon saree she was wearing. Amir had gotten to feast on her looks all afternoon. I followed her nervously to the balcony room.
She passed over her saree, petticoat from the previous day as well as her clothes from yesterday. Then she turned to me and smiled, "You really didn't forget anything. Nice! Thanks Manu!"
I felt much happier now. Kavita observed me kindly now and asked, "Are you hungry Manu? Tired?"
I confessed that I wasn't hungry, but I was tired.
She said, “I'm not hungry either, what about you, Prem?"
He said he wasn't particularly hungry.
Kavita then said, “Chole Puri was probably heavy so none of us is feeling hungry. Let's take a nap now then, it's a hot day. Let's have an early dinner afterward."
My heart started thumping, even though I was tired.
I feared that she would go to nap in Prem's room, leaving me to nap alone in our bedroom.
She instead told Amir, "Thanks for the movie, Prem! See you later."
She then led the way to our bedroom, as I followed her, tired and sleepy, but relieved.
The nap was blissful and relaxing. Time passed fast, and when I woke up, it was dark. The time was 6:30 PM.
I looked by my side. Kavita was still sleeping. I gazed at her beautiful sleeping form.
My lovely wife. Just yesterday, she had cheated on me with Amir.
And as I gazed at her beautiful sleeping form, I realized I loved her still, even more desperately now.
Even more desperately now,I wanted to not lose her, especially to Amir.
She stirred as I gazed ad her, and smiled radiantly, "Slept well?" I nodded.
"Shall I make Tea?"
I said, “Yes please."
We got out of bed and went to the hall. Amir was already awake, and flipping TV channels in a bored manner.
He scowled seeing the two of us come out. I ignored it.
Kavita made Tea for the 3 of us. I mused over why Amir may have been scowling.
He had just enjoyed my wife in bed yesterday. Why should he be scowling at all?
He walked over to the kitchen after we had our tea. I guess he wanted a word with Kavita.
Presently, she came over and said, "Manu, Prem's hungry and I just woke up, it will take me some time to cook and make chapatis. Can you go out and get some fruit please quickly?"
I didn't like the idea. The last time Amir had found a way to send me out, he had taken Kavita in bed. I suspected he was trying the same thing again.
Catching the worried look on Kavita's face, I said instead, “Sure Kavi. I'll go now."
I changed finally out of those pyjamas I had worn all day. It didn't take me long to find a roadside fruits vendor, so I didn't have to go to a shop.
I hurriedly bought the fruit and returned. It had taken me about 20 minutes. Still, I was fearful as I approached our apartment.
There was nothing to worry about. Amir was still on the sofa, scowling. Kavita was in the kitchen. Even the door hadn't been bolted internally, so I let myself in.
I was much relieved, and felt much more confident now. Friday evening may turn out to be a 1 night stand.
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The most notable thing from then on that evening, was the fact that Amir didn't touch Kavita even once. He didn't even try to. I suspected even had he tried, Kavita may not have let him touch her, leave alone fondle her. Something seemed to be 'off' between the two of them again.
Dinner, as a consequence, was a very quiet affair. I didn't want to say anything in case it aggravated the bully, Amir.
Even though I was relieved, I was also tired. When we retired to bed, I just put my arm around Kavita, hugged her and slept. I felt she probably wouldn't have been ready for sex anyway. I suspected she was still grappling with her guilt over her adultery.
I woke up the next morning, to the sound of the alarm. Once again, Kavita hadn't woken up. She probably had tossed in bed feeling guilty about Friday evening, I figured.
I got up, and walked across the hall, to Amir's room. He had woken up, and was exercising as usual.
I went back and got some towels, and went back to Amir's room.
I stayed by the balcony as he finished exercising. He didn't say a word.
He finished up and stepped into his room. I followed him in.
I stood in front of him and started taking off his vest. As I did so, he remarked, "God, you stink, pussy boy. Didn't you take a bath yesterday?"
I realized then that I had indeed forgotten. Kavita didn't complain in bed with me. But of course, this bully would have to make a fuss about it.
I nervously said, "Sorry, Amir, I'll go bathe after this."
He sneered at me as I started toweling him off, "So pussy boy thinks he'll get his wife back now, huh?"
I didn't answer, and continued toweling him quietly. My hands had started trembling slightly.
He continued, gloating, "Meanwhile, pussy boy has still got NO sex from his pretty wife."
I kept quiet. There was no point taking his bait.
I could have retorted that Kavita had 'brought' me off on Friday. But it would probably only provoke him. It would be prudent to leave him ignorant of what had happened in our bedroom, on Friday night.
I continued toweling him off.
I got on my knees, and took his shorts off, ready to towel his legs.
He then suddenly gripped my hair, and jerked my head upwards to face him. My head was hurting at the roots of my hair, and I let out a sound of pain.
He ignored it, and asked me looking at my face, "You're resentful of the fact that I fucked your pretty wife, aren't you, pussy boy?"
I tried to avert my eyes, but I couldn't. I tried to lie, "No, Amir. Not really."
He shook my head by the hair again and scoffed, "Liar. I suppose you're grateful to me that I fucked your pretty wife?"
I tried to avert my eyes. "Yeah, pussy boy is resentful. Your lesson is far from over, pussy boy. We're just getting started."
I felt a tear streak my cheek. I asked with a trembling voice, "What more do you want me to do, Amir? I've been doing whatever you asked me to do."
He grinned menacingly and said, "EXCEPT, you keep trying to think you're a man, rather than the pussy boy you are."
He released my hair and said, "Get up."
I lifted myself up on my feet.
He continued, "Lift up your t-shirt!"
I did. Even as I did, I started getting a fearful feeling about what he was going to say or do.
He nodded, then told me to pull my t-shirt down again.
I was feeling relieved that he was "satisfied", when I felt a wet warm sting across my cheek.
I reeled under the force of his palm. He had slapped me again.
"You know why I did that, right?"
I had guessed it already. I looked downwards, and nodded, burning in shame.
"Say it, pussy boy."
Ears red with shame, I answered, "Because I didn't shave."
He sneered and said, "Correct. Why didn't you?"
I stared at him. Surely he didn't mean to have me KEEP shaving?
He continued, sneering, "Yeah, you didn't shave because you wanted the hair to grow back. You think you'll be a man if you let your hair grow back, don't you, pussy boy?"
And then he started laughing at me.
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It was an evil laugh. A laugh that was gloating about what had happened on Friday evening: that he had taken my wife Kavita in bed.
Amir then reached his left hand downwards. Instinctively, I covered up my crotch. I was afraid he would threaten again to rip off my balls, like he had done on Wednesday.
He nodded, and continued, "That's what WILL happen if you don't shave regularly."
After a pause, he continued, "And why are you wearing shorts and a t-shirt now? Didn't I tell you clearly that the clothes I got you were your new home clothes?"
I stared at him. I had changed into shorts and a t-shirt after I got back from my quick trip to get fruits, the previous evening. Obviously, I preferred wearing my clothes to the feminine pyjamas Amir had got for me. Surely he didn't mean I had to wear those pyjamas at home ALL the time?
I tried reasoning with him, "Amir, surely I can't wear those pyjamas all the time at home. Sometimes there will be other guests, other visitors, right?"
He shook his head arrogantly and said, "We'll discuss that separately. This is not one of those times. So after your bath today, make sure you wear the home clothes I gave you."
I nodded with no real conviction. Drearily, I picked up his pile of sweaty clothes and the used towels, and deposited them in the washing machine.
All the confidence I had gained as a consequence of Kavita's behavior around Amir had evaporated in 30 minutes. I was a trembling wreck again.
I went to our bedroom. Kavita was still asleep. I moodily started gathering my clothes, so I could go have a bath.
I looked in the clothes shelf. Kavita had neatly folded up Amir's 'gift' pyjamas beside my underwear. She had moved my shorts to the back of the shelf. It was something I had seen earlier, but hadn't paid attention to. Did she too 'expect' me to wear these horrible pyjamas all the time at home?
I looked at the pyjamas. The tight pyjamas from Tuesday were the most uncomfortable, and I didn't want to wear those again, if possible. The pyjamas from Monday had been the most comfortable to wear, among the 3 sets in the shelf. But then, he would probably make me un-button the pyjama shirt and take it off, to show that I had shaved my underarms. And I was afraid he might ask me to do that in front of Kavita, so she too could see I had shaved my underarms.
Resignedly, I picked up the lavender pyjama set from Wednesday, the set with the shoulder strapped pyjama blouse.
I went to the bathroom, and started undressing. I took out my shaving kit in preparation to shave my underarms.
I looked at myself in the mirror. It was not like there had been too much regrowth of hair on my chest and underarms since Wednesday night, when I had shaved them last. I started lathering my chest, and recalling the conversation from today morning.
How could I not feel resentful towards him? HE HAD FUCKED MY WIFE!!!
But then again, I thought, what was the use of feeling resentful?
He had taken my wife Kavita in bed, and nothing could change that.
It was not like there was anything to be gained by harboring resentment. It would only make ME frustrated.
Having finished shaving my chest, I then lathered my underarms and shaved the stubbly growth that had sprouted there since Wednesday night.
I now inspected myself in the mirror. I looked as un-manly as I did on Wednesday night.
I looked at my forearms with unease. They were the only part of my arms now that had some hair.
I had already gone this far. Sighing to myself on how low I was sinking under the intimidating influence of this bully, I lathered my forearms and quickly shaved off the hair my forearms, as well. Like when I had shaved my chest on Wednesday, I noted how my forearms weren't as hairy as Amir's, and I was done shaving them sooner than I thought.
I breathed heavily, and moved to have my bath. I had just started when I heard knocking on the door.
Kavita's voice rang out, "Manu, are you there?"
Kavita had woken up!
I answered in a shaky, squeaky voice, "Yes Kavi."
"Are you OK? You've been in there a while."
I squeaked out again, "Just having my bath, Kavi."
She said, "OK, I'll make your coffee and have my bath later then."
I didn't hear anything more from her then.
I proceeded to finish up my bath, and dried myself up. I put on the lavender pyjamas again, first putting on the pyjama pants, and then the shoulder-strapped blouse.
Stepping out, I tiptoed across to the dressing table, and found a safety pin again, to 'hide' my 'sacred thread' under the shoulder strap.
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I then silently walked to the hall, and sat down on the single seater sofa facing the kitchen. I picked up a newspaper and started reading it, trying to be inconspicuous.
Kavita came from the kitchen carrying a tray with three cups. I had hidden myself behind the newspaper, trying to avoid her attention. I hadn't seen where Amir was. She stood with the tray in front of me. As I reached out to take my coffee cup, I realized this would expose my shaven underarms for her to see. She seemed to catch sight of it, but didn't say a word, though I saw a curious smile cross her face.
I then followed her movements out of the corner of my eye. She took the tray to Amir, who I noticed was standing by the door of his room, grinning. She held the tray out for him to take his coffee cup, and I heard her make a sound that sounded like a giggle.
Kavita came and sat down with her coffee cup on the sofa. Amir came and sat down beside her. My stomach twisted in the familiar sickening manner as I saw Amir put his arm around her bare waist and resume fondling her belly.
So Kavita now seemed to be giggling at the sight of my predicament. The kindness I saw from her last evening, now seemed like a distant memory.
The morning passed off in a daze. Kavita got up after a while, first to have her bath, then to make breakfast. She dressed in the same saree and sleeveless blouse as the day Prem arrived.
We had breakfast together, and then watched TV till lunch, and had lunch together as well.
Still, it felt like I was alone by myself. Amir took every chance to fondle Kavita, both before and after her bath, and before and after breakfast. I watched in horror as his hand crept up once from her waist over the breast area of her blouse, under her saree. Mercifully, Kavita "slapped" his hand away quickly, and he didn't try that again.
Kavita excused herself to go to the bathroom. Amir took the opportunity to come close to me and taunt me, whispering, "Now you look like a pussy boy who accepts what he is!"
I was pretty much resigned to what was coming, and when Kavita announced to me at the end of lunch that she was going out with Amir (Prem), I wasn't surprised at all. She didn't tell me where, or what for. I didn't ask her, it seemed more dignified to not ask.
Kavita said they might be late, and asked me if I could fix dinner.
I nodded listlessly. Amir was effectively going to 'parade' her with him in public, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
Before leaving, she also asked me if I could sweep and wipe the floors clean: a chore she usually took care of.
I nodded with no real enthusiasm. I didn't mind it, but my mind was elsewhere.
My gut twisted again, as Amir put his arm around her waist and led her out, for the second time this weekend.
I had all afternoon to sweep and wipe the floors, prepare dinner, and wallow in my loneliness, as Amir strutted around, wherever he took my wife Kavita, with his arm probably wrapped around her.
I did the first of the chores Kavita had asked me to do without any of the enthusiasm with which I had washed her clothes yesterday.
My mind was desperately trying to think of some way I could get Kavita back on my side. Granted, she had "slapped" away Amir's hand when he tried to fondle her breast before me, but that was small consolation compared to the fact that she had been aloof from Amir yesterday, and now, today, it seemed like my worst fears would come true, that her "one night stand" would likely progress into a full-blown affair.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 11 Pt. 3

I turned to the TV to kill some of my lonely time, and take my mind off the thoughts I had been lost on. I heard a sound from my cellphone, but missed it at first. I saw the light on the cellphone blink after a while, and picked it up.
It was an SMS message from Amir. It said, "Go check the table in my room."
I wondered what it could be, and went to his room.
I hadn't observed his room or his table carefully, when I had been sweeping and wiping the floors earlier. But now I saw it. He had left the 'Personal' album from his photo collection out on his table.
My heart started thumping, as I picked it up.
I flipped hurriedly past his family pictures, and quickly came to the section of the album with pictures with his girlfriends.
He had filled in the empty slots. I was looking at pictures of my wife Kavita, from her college days: with her then-boyfriend, Amir Ali.
I had known it, for a while now. But it was sickening to see these photographs in print: my wife Kavita was indeed a part of Amir Ali's 'trophy collection'.
I tried to find a ray of hope. The 'personal' album had 'presentable' pictures, in the sense Kavita was not in a state of undress in any of the pictures. I noted with a pang how gorgeous she looked in her youthful college days. She still looked attractive, but she had that look of 'freshness' in her. I told myself, that these pictures had probably been taken before she had lost her virginity.
I knew it by then anyway, that my wife Kavita had been one of Amir Ali's 'trophies'. There was no point being frustrated by it now.
I gazed down at my crotch cased in the lavender pyjama pants. My crotch area didn't even twitch. Unlike the first time I had chanced upon this album, I couldn't get excited, or hard, seeing my Kavita's photographs with Amir, with her hand around his shoulder, or his arm around her shoulder, or waist.
I perused the album mechanically after a while. Still, my penis wouldn't twitch. Resignedly, I moved to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
It was 8:15 PM when Kavita and Amir returned. I had expected them to return much later. I thought Amir was perhaps going to take her nightclubbing or something, so it was a bit of a pleasant surprise.
I noted as they entered that they each had a plastic bag of shopping. Evidently, Amir had got more clothes for Kavita and me. I gulped at the thought.
I had hoped he would not in-dignify me any more than he had already done. But now, I started fearing in a real manner, that he would keep putting me through humiliation, either to taunt me, or to 'show' Kavita how pathetic I was compared to him.
I recalled with a pang how Kavita's attitude to Amir had changed this morning after she had served me coffee, and seen me in these ridiculous humiliating pyjamas again.
This time, Kavita handed me one of the bags. I suspected they would contain clothes, but I didn't dare look then, in front of them. I said thanks, and she smiled curiously, yet again.
We moved to have dinner. I had found it easier to make a rice based dinner, so I had made a simple pulao. I had set it out on the dining table, and the conversation started off about my culinary skills. Apparently, the simple dinner I had prepared was a hit with both of them.
We settled on the sofa after dinner, with me sitting on the double-seater sofa beside Kavita. I wanted to put up some kind of fight to Amir's advances.
He didn't try to squeeze in like he had done in the past, but instead gave me a condescending grin. It did not help my self-confidence any bit.
We retired to bed after watching some TV. I was grateful to Kavita once again, that she didn't go to bed with Amir.
Kavita changed from her saree to a knee length nightgown. I snuggled up beside her, not with any real hope of having sex, but more hoping to get some intimacy, and get her to feel close to me.
She hugged me, and I got the warm, pure smell of her. No smell of Amir, even though she had been with him all afternoon.
I could perhaps sleep better on that thought. Despite what had happened today, Friday evening may well turn out to be like a one night stand.
As I hugged Kavita, I had one ironic thought: If Amir was going to keep buying these kind of clothes for Kavita and I(which I knew had to be fairly expensive) just to rub in his 'superiority' in front of Kavita, he was going to be spending a fair bit of money.
And if I could somehow restrict the damage from what had happened Friday evening, he would have spent a good amount of money with nothing to show for.
That would be some modicum of revenge. On that thought, I found myself getting overcome by my tiredness, and let sleep overcome me.

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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 12 Pt. 1

I woke up the next morning to the alarm. I looked beside me, the bed was empty. Kavita had woken up.
The bathroom door was closed, and the light was on. The sound of splashing water indicated that Kavita was having her bath.
I pulled myself off the bed, and walked across the hall to Amir's room. I knew the chore that awaited me, I was used to it by now.
This had easily been the worst weekend of my life.
The previous weekend itself had been pretty bad, when Amir started bullying me around.
Still, I didn't dream that he would be able to take my wife Kavita to bed, within 2 weeks of his arrival.
And now that he had taken her in bed, he was continuing to gloat about it, rubbing it in,tormenting me.
I waited at the balcony doorway as Amir finished up his exercises. My heart was thumping in fear of something he would say or do.
Presently, Amir finished up his exercises, and came into his room.
I stood in front of him, and lifted his sweaty vest over his neck. As I did so, Amir caught sight of my smooth clean-shaven underarms and leered mockingly, but he didn't say anything.
I toweled him off in silence. My heart started thumping faster when I noted that he had formed a monstrous erection again. I shuddered as I thought of the fact that this monstrous penis had penetrated my sweet wife Kavita on Friday. Would she feel my puny erection in her now? Would she want to? Was she watching right now?
I got on my knees slightly to Amir's right so I could check out the doorway to Amir's room out of the corner of my eye. As I dreaded, she was watching. That would explain Amir's silence, his not taunting me further verbally.
I felt a wave of inadequacy as I imagined how this must look in her eyes: this dark, muscular  hunk whom she had been to bed with just 2 days back, now standing arrogantly in only his underwear, with a monstrous erection, being toweled off by her trembling, weak  husband,with shaven arms and underarms, dressed in these pyjamas which she had confirmed for me in a matter-of fact manner, as being women's pyjamas, looking as feminine as he looked manly.
She hadn't seen me towel off Amir last Thursday, the first time I had worn this pyjama set. She had been 'cold' towards Amir that day, which, as I had found out, appeared to be because he was going out with a colleague that evening. He had probably told her about it already, by then.
Any guilt she may have felt over her adultery was probably getting evaporated as she took in this scene.
Another aspect that I reflected upon as I toweled off Amir was the contrast in her behavior towards Amir and me.
She had been cold towards me, when I had tried to snoop in her yearbook, before Amir's arrival. She had not yet had sex with me since then.
She had been cold towards Amir for all of one day last week, before jumping into bed with him, the day after he went out with another woman.
It was getting increasingly difficult for me to be optimistic.
The rest of the morning however passed largely without incident. Kavita kissed me on the cheek as I left for work. There was no lipstick mark on Amir's chest either. Still, my morale did not rise from the depths it had sunk to.
I tried to put my mind past these problem, and focus on my work. The last thing I wanted with this domestic situation was to put my job in jeopardy.
I worked till 6:30 PM, and got home at 7:15 PM. I bought some gajra for Kavita on my way home. I half expected that Amir would be making love to Kavita as I approached the door.
Amir opened the door. My knees went weak as I took in his intimidating form opening the door for me, rather than my gorgeous wife Kavita.
I nervously took off my shoes and socks. There was no sign of Kavita.
Amir crossed his hands in his typical intimidating manner and said,
"Go into your room and change,pussy boy. Your pretty wife hasn't ran away or something."
I went into our room and looked in the bag Kavita had given me last night.
As with the previous week, there were packets inside the bag. There were only 2 packets this time. So Amir had realized he can't keep spending money to buy me feminine clothes, I thought to myself. I took out the packet labeled 'Monday'.
I was not surprised to find that they were yet another pair of pyjamas. They were pink in color. The shirt was a pullover type. It had a lacy design around the neck, and had very short puff type sleeves. I hadn't seen any men's clothes with that kind of sleeve design, and I had seen many women wear clothes with that kind of sleeve design. I also realized with a sinking feeling that the ultra-short sleeves would expose my underarms, and this would mean Amir would make me shave them.
I picked up the pyjama pants, and as I dreaded, an envelope fell out. It had a curt note:
"Shave your legs too-Amir."
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I took another look at the pyjama pants, and held them against my waist. They came to the level of my knees.
I trembled at the realization of how much this bully was manipulating and humiliating me. I wanted to protest, to refuse to do it, and I probably would have, had Kavita been at home.
Yet again, she had gone out when I needed her support most. I saw Amir standing in the doorway to our bedroom, and gulped.
I didn't want another physical confrontation. I quickly stripped down to my underwear and went to the bathroom.
There, I took out my shaving kit and started shaving, beginning with the parts I was somewhat used to by then: my underarms, and my chest.
I then lathered my ankles, and started shaving them. It wasn't as smooth or easy as shaving my underarms. I felt myself get a cut twice, and when I was done, I had numerous red bumps on my ankles. It looked bad, and I felt resentful both at Amir and Kavita. Amir, for putting me through this, and Kavita for not being there to support me.
I sighed to myself deeply, and put on the pyjamas Amir had got for me. I walked nervously to the hall.
I heard the sound of the cooker. Apparently, Kavita had arrived when I had been shaving. Amir must have opened the door for her.
She briefly appeared at the kitchen door, asking me if I wanted tea. I declined. I was feeling resentful towards her for not being there when I would have appreciated her presence at home. It almost felt like she had deliberately gone out at that time.
My feeling of resentfulness at Kavita only grew after this. She had seen me in these humiliating pink pyjamas, which were grossly feminine. And Amir has now made me shave my ankles as well. Did she not see it, was she not concerned at all about the cuts, and the red bumps on my legs?
Amir sat on the sofa, smirking. Seeing his smirking face brought my resentfulness at Kavita down a little. He was the one really responsible, not Kavita.
Shortly after, Kavita came towards the hall. She was wearing a red churidar today, which relieved me a bit because Amir wouldn't have the opportunity to fondle her bare waist and belly.
Kavita appeared to have now got a better look of my legs, and her eyes seemed to widen with shock. She didn't say anything, though. I felt somewhat reassured seeing the shock in her face, it probably suggested concern. Maybe she didn't want to talk about it in front of Amir.
With a much more relaxed frame of mind, I gave her the gajra I had got for her. She beamed happily as she always did, and kept it in the refrigerator. I gulped as I saw her do that. Why not wear it right now? Was she saving it for a session in bed with Amir? Or was she saving it for after her bath?
Nothing alarming happened that evening, between Kavita and Amir, and I went to bed feeling even more relaxed. Despite Kavita spending a lot of time with Amir during the weekend, she hadn't really let him make too many advances since Friday night. After dinner, I routinely sat down on a single-seater sofa. When she joined after dinner to watch TV, she asked me to come and sit beside her.
My morale started rising a little. Maybe her guilt was working in my favor, and what had happened on Friday night would be just a one night stand.
In bed, I snuggled up beside her. She put her arm around me, and I hugged her gratefully.
She then ran her fingertips along my arms, as though she was 'feeling' my recently shaven arms. I felt ashamed, it was as though she was pointing out the fact that I had shaved my arms, and I was looking more feminine now.
She then repeated the same with her toes, along my ankles. My feeling of shame was rising, but right then she stopped, and asked,
"Manu, did you leave your legs wet for a few minutes before shaving?"
She asked it in a matter-of-fact manner. As though she was taking it for granted about my shaving my legs.
I said, "No, Kavi. I just wetted it a bit just before applying lather and shaved. Why?"
She continued, "Next time, fill a bucket of water, put your leg in it for a few minutes before you lather and shave OK? It will help reduce the cuts and marks you got today."
After a pause, she added, "You can use my disposable razors if you like. They're less harsh on the skin."
I didn't know how to respond. It felt humiliating to get tips from my wife on shaving my legs. Still, she was concerned about my getting cuts, and it was a relieving thought.
I hugged her tighter and said, "Thanks Kavi. I'll try that next time."
She then got up, and walked to the dressing table. I watched nervously, as she searched through her items.
Presently she came back with a tube of some cosmetic, and she started applying it on my ankles.
She then spoke again, "This will help relieve the soreness from the marks you got this time."
I felt gratified even more, now. She was concerned about how I felt,about my cuts and red bumps, even if she wasn't helping me with Amir's bullying.
I hugged her again. It was not a sexual hug. My penis had shriveled up and gone to sleep long before, it felt like. I just wanted to be close to her, to do what I could to prevent the incident from Friday night blowing up into a full-blown affair between Kavita and Amir.

Kavita looked at me, smiled kindly, and kissed me on my cheek. On that cheerful note, I tried to think of the happy times we had shared, and eventually drifted off to sleep.
I woke up in the morning to an empty bed. Kavita was having her bath. I went across to the Amir's room, and to the doorway of the balcony where he was doing his exercises He sneered and said,
"Pretty pretty, pussy boy."
He was going to taunt me at every opportunity, and I was used to it to an extent. I grimaced when he spoke as it caught me unawares, but I quickly got over it.
As I had been doing for over a week now, I started toweling him off. This had now become routine.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 12 Pt. 2

Tuesday went by largely similar to the routine on Monday. I tried to focus my mind on work, and worked later than I had done the previous week.
I came home Tuesday, after getting gajra for Kavita. When I got home, I peeked through the window. They were sitting on separate sofas. I rang the bell, and Kavita opened the door for me. She accepted it with happiness as always, and put it on at once, which made me very happy.
Kavita then hurried off to the kitchen right afterward, and I went to our bedroom to change. I took out the clothes from the 2nd clothes bag, which was again a pyjama set. While they were grey in color with a white "dotted" print design, the 'top' of the pyjama set was a shoulder strap type blouse, yet again, with cups for the breasts, like the pyjamas Amir had got for me the previous Wednesday. Still, this was the last set he had got this time, and that thought gave me some relief. I wouldn't have to go through any nasty surprises the next day.
I then picked up the pants, and found out they were a little shorter than yesterday's pants: they came down only to 3/4 of my thighs. I couldn't however fool myself into thinking they were not different from the men's shorts I used to be wearing: these pants/shorts were trimmed with lace.
Did that mean Amir would expect me to shave the exposed parts of my thighs as well? I looked with dread, and resignation towards the doorway of our bedroom. He was standing there, and he made an indication with his hands and legs that he wanted me to do exactly that.
Kavita was at home now. This was my chance to protest, to use her presence at home to my advantage, against the bully Amir.
But what should I do to protest? If I protested now, I feared Kavita might even join him and taunt me about my having shaved and done all those humiliating things before.
And worse, what would the bully Amir do? What if he told Kavita everything about the weekend Amir arrived?
I hung my head down, and avoided meeting Amir's eyes. I didn't feel up to a confrontation.
I stripped down to my underwear again, and went into the bathroom carrying the new pyjama set.
There, I recalled Kavita's tips. I couldn't immerse my thighs in a bucket of water, so instead I wrapped my thighs with wet towels for a few minutes. Then, I found one of Kavita's razors, lathered my my thighs and shaved them, one at a time.
I dried myself off, and put on the pyjama set. I walked out of the bathroom, and inspected myself in the mirror. Again, I saw my 'sacred thread' sticking out, so I pinned it to the shoulder strap of the pyjama blouse. I then went to the hall, and sat down on the sofa. I had barely sat down for a couple of minutes, when Kavita announced dinner was ready. I was hungry, so I was grateful to eat soon. Part of me wanted to be invisible from the dinner table so this humiliation wouldn't continue.
Yet again, I was struck by how contrasting Kavita's behavior was towards Amir. Last week this time, she had allowed him to be "all over her body". Now, the intimacy between them seemed to have totally disappeared. At least, they weren't sitting together and I didn't see Amir touching or fondling Kavita, since Sunday.
That night, Kavita changed into a nightgown once we retired to bed, but I was feeling too self conscious of these feminine pyjamas I was wearing, to make a sexual advance. She went to sleep quickly, but lay awake in bed, reflecting over these changes.
It might be premature, I told myself, but it seemed to be looking more and more like Kavita was feeling immensely guilty about last Friday night.
Did she know I knew what had happened?
Obviously, Amir knew I knew about Friday night. But I hadn't observed anything in her behavior since then, that clearly implied that she knew I knew what had happened.
Was it possible that she didn't hear me ring the bell at all, on Friday night? In her throes of sexual ecstasy, could she have not heard it?
If that was the case, how should I proceed channeling her guilt now? Should I let it run it's natural course, and let her confess to me when she was ready to? Should I wait for an opportune time to discuss it with her? What should I tell her?
By then, I was already mentally 'conditioned' to her adultery last Friday. I was mentally ready to accept her for the rest of my life, as my loving wife who had made a mistake one time, and cheated on me just once. It would be humiliating for as long as Amir was around, especially given the way he was behaving and bullying me around. But, once he left, we could resume having a normal life, if things worked out as I was hoping.
Wednesday morning started with the usual, dreary routine of toweling off the bully Amir. He asked me to do his bed after I toweled him off. There were crumpled jasmine flowers spread over his bed, yet again. But he had bluffed about this last Friday, so I wasn't too worried by it. Still, I couldn't ignore the fact that it was entirely possible that Kavita had been in bed with him in my absence.
I had seen enough of the changed body language between Amir and Kavita over the last 2 days. Kavita had even worn the gajra I got for her last evening. I was sure things weren't as dark for me as Amir had tried to make me believe, the previous week. I called Kavita in the daytime. She seemed dull and withdrawn. My 'guilt' diagnosis was getting confirmed, more and more. I left from work for home on time that day, and got gajra for Kavita yet again.
When I got home, she greeted me pleasantly accepted the gajra and put it on in her hair right away, yet again. While I was cautiously optimistic, it was mixed with a feeling of unknown dread. Kavita was not dressed in the saree she had been wearing when I had left for work. Instead, she was now wearing the tank top blouse and mid-thigh length mini-skirt that she had been wearing last Friday night. The same
clothes she had worn when she went to bed with Amir. I gulped as I took in that realization. Had she been sleeping with Amir already, today? I looked around the hall nervously. There was no sign of Amir. Kavita broke my thoughts by asking me if I wanted tea. I gladly said yes. It would give me time to verify if Amir was really not at home. I took off my shoes and socks, walked up to the middle of the hall, and nervously looked in Amir's room. It seemed empty. Was he really not there? I heard Kavita say from behind me, "He's gone out with his colleague again."
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I turned around. She was walking towards me with a tray holding two cups of tea. She must have seen me peering into Amir's room. I blushed as I realized how she must be viewing this: my looking into Amir's room nervously, but too afraid to ask in case he was at home all along. She knew I was afraid of him. I tried brushing this aside. We had a real opportunity to spend some time together, for the first time since Kavita's cheating on me last Friday.
I gazed at her and took in her sensuous clothes. Did she wear those clothes to turn me on, or was it because it reminded her of Friday night? I went to our room and changed into shorts and a t-shirt. I didn't need to wear those ridiculous pyjamas that evening. I tried as I did the previous week, to hurry us through dinner. We went to bed earlier than usual, but not as early as the previous week. Kavita wore the same clothes to bed. She picked up a book and started reading it. I snuggled up beside her, and put my arm around her, placing my palm over her breast. I took in the intoxicating smell of her hair with fresh gajra in it. I started gently fondling her. She didn't respond.
I started getting worried. Was she thinking about him, was that why she wasn't responding? As my worry mounted, I also started feeling resentful towards her. Why did she have to wear the clothes Amir bought for her, to bed? Especially clothes HE had bought for her? Was she trying to rub it into my nose, that she had cheated on me last Friday and I couldn't do anything about it? I started trying to get her attention, by pulling my fingers along her belly in a beckoning manner.
She responded finally, and asked, "Mmmm...Manu?"
I asked her, "Kavi, can I ask you something, please?"
She responded in an encouraging voice, "Sure Manu."
She turned around to face me, and started fondling my penis, out of the blue. My heart started thumping with excitement. However, my penis sadly stayed limp. She stroked it with her fingertips as she always did to get me hard, but it didn't work. I was still feeling uncomfortable, over her dressing in the same clothes in which she had cheated on me last Friday. I had to be careful how I approached this. I continued with some nervousness, "If you don't mind, Kavi, can you change to one of your nightgowns? Like you wore last night, or one of the slinkier ones also?" I winked at her as I said this. I was trying to lead her on, my thumping heart and the rush caused by Kavita fondling my penis were speaking for me.
She sat up and put her legs off the bed and said "Sure. Why though, Manu?"
I said, "I was feeling a bit nostalgic Kavi. Like recalling old times. Also thought it would be romantic if you wore something enticing."
She turned to me and asked with some annoyance in her voice, "You don't think I look enticing or attractive in these clothes?"
This wasn't going the way I had hoped it would. I stammered hastily, "No Kavi. I meant it would be more romantic if you wore one of the slinky clothes I bought for you, such as the first time I bought lingerie for you, remember?"
She continued probing with annoyance in her voice, "You don't like me wearing these clothes because Prem got them for me? Is that what you mean?"
I sighed deeply. It was true, but she didn't like the thought. What should I say? I was taken aback by what Kavita did next. She stood up from bed, her back facing me, and took off the tank top blouse she had been wearing! My heart started thumping faster. The blood was rushing to my head. My penis started coming to life, and became semi erect. She now reached back behind her, and took off the hook of her bra. She removed it, and dropped it on the floor. Kavita was wearing just her mini-skirt, and was topless before me yet again. I started sitting up, intending to reach towards her and start playing with her breasts.
But before I could do anything, she walked towards the clothes shelves. She took something out of the clothes shelf and started putting it on. My jaw dropped. It was the same blouse she had worn to massage Amir last Wednesday. She had knotted it like she had done on Wednesday. My penis got hard instantly. Then, sobering thoughts came in. Unconsciously, my thoughts went to how Amir had fondled her, running his dark hands over her glistening fair belly and navel last Wednesday, when she had been dressed in these clothes.
My penis started slowly subsiding. I was getting desperate. I didn't care any more if she "rubbed it in" by wearing the same clothes in which she had cheated on me last week. Or the same clothes in which she had massaged the muscular '. house-guest who had been bullying me mercilessly. I waited for her to rejoin me in bed, and then started kissing her shoulders as soon as she sat on the bed. I was intoxicated by her clothing, her smell, the gajra in her hair. I gripped her by her bare belly, and attempted to draw her closer to me. She put her hands down to her waist, and gently, but firmly, took my hands off her belly.
She then lay down on her side, her back facing me. I was extremely dejected. I held her by her hand, and led it to my semi-erect penis so she could feel I was still aroused, interested. That it didn't matter to me any more, that she wore clothes that the bully Amir had got for her.
She said softly, "Not tonight, Manu."
I couldn't get the desperation out of my voice as I begged, "Please, Kavi."
She took her hand out of my grip, and away from my semi erect penis. She took a deep breath and said, "Sorry Manu. I don't feel like it any more, tonight. Let's try later. Good night."

I was nearly in tears, that my loving wife was now rejecting my advances. She had been avoiding Amir too, this week. But that was small consolation for me, given Amir had had sex with her since his arrival, whereas she hadn't had regular sex with me yet, since his arrival.
I lay back in bed, kicking myself for making a fuss about her clothing when I had had a great opportunity to try win her back from the bully Amir. There was nothing much to be done, now. I was feeling sad, and fearful if I stood any chance at all, to win my wife back in bed. The overwhelming feeling of mental tiredness and defeat put me to sleep, eventually.

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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 13 Pt. 1

I woke up in the morning to the sound of the alarm. The defeating chore of toweling off the bully Amir awaited me.
I turned on the bed, and saw that Kavita was still sleeping. She was still wearing the same mini skirt and knotted "cropped" blouse. Our bed had some of her gajra strewn on it, though it was mostly on her side of the bed.
Was Amir back at all? I didn't know. I got up, nervously collected some towels, and went across to his room.
He was on the balcony, and was in the middle of his exercises.
He must have arrived later at night, after I had drifted to sleep.
I gulped as I realized my wife Kavita must have opened the door for him, dressed in that provocative outfit. Did he fondle her again? My belly churned at the thought of what may have happened when Kavita had opened the door to let him in.
Again, it looked like Kavita had a disturbed night's sleep on account of letting him in, and had consequently overslept.
I watched from near the door of his bedroom, as Amir finished up his exercises. I nervously stepped up to start the dreary chore of toweling him off.
Amir leered as I started toweling him off, and asked,
"Getting your hopes up, pussy boy?"
I didn't answer. I instead averted my eyes and continued toweling him off.
Amir sensed what I was doing by avoiding his question, and his brow furrowed. Out of the blue, I felt the hard sting of his wet warm palm as he slapped me, yet again.
I recoiled from the impact of his slap. When I looked up at him, he said,
"Answer me, pussy boy. Are you getting your hopes up?"
Fighting back tears, I answered with some degree of honesty,
"No, Amir."
He continued with a menacing look on his face,
"Why are you not wearing your home clothes, boy?"
I expected him to slap me again, and jumped back, trembling.
He chuckled seeing me jump back. He took a step closer and lifted his right hand. Instinctively, I raised my hands to cover my face.
He instead caught me by my t-shirt with his right hand, and shook me back and forth. I continued to cover my face, afraid he would slap me if I removed my hands.
He chuckled again and said,
"Wear your home clothes tomorrow, pussy boy. I may not be at home, but if I catch you like this again..."
He moved his left hand quickly towards my crotch. I expected it, and moved my hands down to cover my balls.
He grinned, released my t-shirt, and slapped me again with his right hand. Not as hard as last time, but hard enough for the sound to echo through the room. I was relieved Kavita was still asleep.
He stared at me as though he was thinking about something. Then he asked, clenching his fists as though he was about to punch me,
"Did you shave, pussy boy?"
I trembled in fear. I knew what he meant. I hadn't shaved my underarms or legs since Tuesday, but if I answered him, I was sure he would hit me or punch me.
He brought his fist very fast close to my face. My hands were still down, trying to protect my balls. I shut my eyes, bracing for the impact.
He didn't punch me, though. He stopped just next to my face, and I opened my eyes again, with fear.
He then caught my t-shirt again, and shook me by it, talking in a low tone, but his voice dripping with menace,
"If you don't shave regularly, pussy boy, am going to have to take them off. Do you want to keep them on, or will you stop trying to be a man?"
In a trembling voice I answered,
"Sorry, Amir. I'll shave regularly."
He nodded, and continued,
"I'll be checking regularly, pussy boy. And don't make me have to ask you to take your clothes off
to check. You understand?"
I nodded again, my face growing red yet again. He meant that he wanted me to wear one of those sleeveless shoulder-strap pyjama sets.
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