Fantasy Devika, a rich high class housewife, with angel heart
One of the best story in this site pls update or someone take this story up. Perfect story line
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Devika..Plz bring her back.!! Anyone???
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please help to Raju
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Update please ????
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This one actually is a masterpiece, so sad seeing a story of this potential been going without updates ?
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Hi Readers,
I didnt get idea to write the story in a sequence way, i am posting whaterver i have written, anyone interested can take this story and modify and rewrite in a better  way.
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Devika lied on the sofa and thinking about today's theraphy session. She started thinking how much loyal and shy housewife, but the way she seduced raju... she cant even imagine, how she turned into. she let a 50yrs old man feeling her body, and allowed him to suck her tongue and lips, as she never experienced.. she allowed raju to strip her saree, and allowed him to fondle her hips, she still feel some pain on her hips, due to constant fondling and pressing... also she feel humilated as she drank most of dirty sailva of raju, and breathed his tobacco mixed foul smell, and even she jerked his full sized dick over his lungi, and imagining how their sailva flowing from her mouth into her cleavage during the last drop of theraphy, thinking all this she slowly brought her hands towrards her crotch area and started rubbing her pussy over her nighty... suddenly she came out of her thoughts and removed her hands...

Devika: "Chee... how i have become like this... this is all medication process, raju wants to get cure.. i should not think about this..".
Now she felt releaxed and slept calmly.

Raju reached his house, and changed his lungi, while changing his lungi, he realzied that he left his underwear in devika's home... he didnt think much and started thinking each and every part of devika body... especially her ass, unfoutnately he didnt get a chance to fondle her ass and boobs, but still he got chance to feel her smooth ass with his dick, when she sat on his crotch for seducing, his hands can still feel her sexy milky bare hips, her hips were like butter in his hands, her sweet lips, and the way she poured the medicine in her tongue and extened towrds his mouth for sucking, and finally he sucked her navel... he took his cheap rum bottle and drank few gupls and tried masterbauting, but due his hot session he was not able to do, so he slept sliently.

Next day, Morning devika slept till 10 am, she didnt know when she slept, and she never thought she will wake up late. she was hurry to complete her usual household chores, as her maid also temporarily stopped due to health issues, she has to do by herself. now she went to bathroom to wash her clothes, she have her nighty and saree to be washed, when taking her saree, she found a jetty felt from her saree... she can regonize that jetty as raju's one, when she saw his jetty, she startes recall how raju removed his jetty infront of her, by inserting his hands inside his lungi, she took his jetty with her hand, and brought closer to her face, she found some white patches at front side, she tried inspected those white patches with her hand, but confused and smelt, as suspected it was raju's precum stain, without her itention she started smelling his cum stain, somewhere inside devika made devika to like the smell of dry cum, she even tried to lick it, but she controlled, as doctor said as Raju may have spectic cum, so it may impact her, if she had sex with him, so she feared to lick his cum, and placed his underwear inside tub along with her saree and loaded inside washing machine for washing, and started doing other works, after washing machince finished, she dried her clothes including raju underwear, everytime when she see raju underwear, she remember 
the raju dick was standing inside his lungi, and she was holding that over his lungi, she felt shy why she was thinking like that. she felt like she need a dick inside her pussy, she somehow came outside of her thoughts, and the day also went, as doctor advised to give medicine every alternate days, today is no therapy. she didnt think much and slept.

next day, raju was wondering as how devika is going to seduce him, it was 7pm, so as devika instructed, he took his spare lungi, and started to devika's house, he also took the medicine which delay cumming, on the other end, devika was thinking to perform more seductive than previous session, and also decided not wear saree , as raju might feel bored, also she wants to seduce him, when she was in college, devika was a fashion model for dresssing, she wear dress and ramp walk, she used to wear leggings, jeans during those days, after marriage, she never worn those dress, as her husband never allow her to those kind of dresses, she decided to wear one of her tight yoga pants and white t-shirt, she choose a brown thin material bra, and applied perfume on her neck and armpit, she felt difficult to wear the yoga pant, as it become skin fit tight, but after some struggle she worn it, it appeared as second skin for her, and her structure was clearly visible with yoga pants, raju can easily feel the trace of her panty under pants, if he keep hands on her ass, but in last session he didnt touch her ass, but this she decided to give raju a chance to feel her ass, she worn her t-shirt, it is also very tight, her boobs appeared to tear the t-shirt and jump out anytime, also the t-shirt was little short, so her navel and hip region also visible, she checked infront of mirror by raising her hand, it is very vulnerable, when she raises her hand, her entire hip region is visible, also she check her side view, the view is damn sexy, her boobs and ass, apeared well fit in her yoga pants and t-shirt. She tied her hair in ponytail forma and also she worn her high heels, it added more beauty and sexiness to her ass, and came to hall and sat on sofa, waiting for Raju, and thinking how she become, wating for a low class labour to seduce him.

Raju started from his home, his time raju didnt wear his underwear, as last time devika itself asked him to remove his underwear during treatment for masterbation, so he decided not wear underwear. He reached devika house and parked his cycle, and knocked her door, with excitement, Devika hearing door knock,  she knows it was Raju, so she went and opened the door, raju jaw has dropped, seeing devika in jean and t-shirt, he was scanning her from top to bottom, devika blushed inside her, seeing raju scanning her from top to bottom
Raju: "Maam, I thought you wont wear mordern dress. you look like celebrity in this dress, too sexy...", 
devika didnt expect direct comment from raju calling her as sexy, but she didnt react, and said thanks and asked him to come inside, she decided to play the game of seduction from the begining, so she walked as she walk in ramp, she was walking by crossing her legs with her high heels, raju never experienced any women seducing him in hot yoga pants, he fixed his eyes on her swaying ass, she turned around and smiled at raju, who was watching her ass.
Devika: "Raju, What are you watching at..."
Raju: "Maam ... i was watching your... i mean, i am sorry... i mean", he struggled with his words,
seeing that devika laughed.
Devika: "Wait, sit down at sofa, I will bring juice for you", she went to kitchen, raju sat on sofa watching devika's ass as she was wakling to kitchen, raju every cant take eyes from her ass.
Devika came out of kitchen and went near to raju with juice and sat on his lap with her legs crossed, Raju didnt expect sudden attack from Devika, a current shock went inside him when he felt devika ass on his lap. devika also felt uncomfortable sitting in a old man's lap, but she didnt think about that, raju wrapped his arms around her waist as he support devika to sit on his lap, she took the juice, instead of giving to him, she feed raju with the juice, raju started driking, raju took few gulps, devika stopped feeding him and took the glass from his mouth, and she kept her lips on the place where raju was driking few seconds agao, and she started drinking, to make more erotic devika started playing with her words.
Devika: "We are now couple, Your are my husband and I my your lovely wife, I think we have to share same food." saying that she returned back the juice glass to him, and raju drank from the place where deivka drank
Raju: "Ah.... now the juice taste is very great... thanks maam".
Devika worndering why raju didnt call by her name, as she intiated to act her as his wife, but still he didnt call by her name..
Raju drank the juice completely, few drops of juice felt on her center cleavage, which devika and raju noticed, her t-shirt also low neck he can see devika ample amount of cleavage, both were looking each other, raju smiled at her, she judged what raju is thinking, so she closed her eyes, raju bend and came closer to her clevage, she can feel raju's breath on her cleavage, raju extended his tongue, and licked the juice on her cleavage, and continously licked back and forth over her cleavge and cleaned the juice with his tongue, her cleavage was glistening with his sailva. devika started feeling the hardness of raju in her ass.
Devika: "Lets start the medication, come on we will go to bedroom".
Raju: "Dont get down from my lap, i will carry you to bedroom". devika felt this as new, as she had seen women carried by men, raju carried devika on his strong hands, and walked towards bedroom, as he is going to have sex with devika, raju has to keep his hands on her thighs for support, her thighs felt sexy and plumby in his strong hands. devika felt shy as this was the first time she has been carried by a men, she wrapped her arm around raju neck, and buried her face on his shoulder with shyness like a new bride, raju went to bedroom for treatment. In bedroom he dropped her on bed in lying position, devika landed on bed on her stomach, before devika tried to get up, Raju jumbed on her back like a wild animal, devika felt the raju heavy weight on her body, devika felt irritated for raju's animal like behvaiour but she didnt react hard on him.
devika: 'what is this Raju, you have to learn to treat your wife with care'.
Raju: 'He He... i became mad after seeing you in hot yoga pants, and i want to feel your sexy ass with my cock', devika didnt expect Raju is trying to take control over her, but she liked it, and played along with raju. Raju was already hard, he pressed his hard dick on devika's ass in that poisition, it felt great for raju lying over devika with his thighs and cock pressed and feeling her thighs and ass in sexy yoga pant. She felt uncomfortable, as she directly feeling a low class old men dick in her ass, also he was not wearing any underwear, she tried to move, but she got stuck under raju weight. She can feel the full length of his cock, her pussy started getting wet, as any woman can control when she feels a hard dick on her ass, she moaned in excitement.
Devika: 'Shhhh .. Ahhhh... Raju...'. The treatment not even startRaju took advantage of the situation and started pressing his hard dick more into her ass crack, and slowly he started moving his groin area as he is dry fucking her ass over her yoga pants, slowly he pistoned her ass back and forth, her ass also cooperated with his moves, he can feel her sexy ass moving like a jelly, he lied flat on her back, and brought his face near her neck, and smelling her neck area, devika felt tickiling sensation, as she felt his beard and mustache, on her bare neck skin, she closed her eyes with shyness, Raju came near her ears and whispered.
Raju: 'Devika, dont feel shy, just enjoy my dry fucking, also make me more hard by using bad words, during the session.'
Devika felt hot inside hearing the word 'fucking' from raju, she never used bad words during her sex with her actual husband, he never use bad words, also never allow devika to use bad words, but she like to use bad words during her sex session, due to her husband she never got chance to use bad words, but now she got that chance and was excited to use bad words, also she had watched some porn movies, but she dont Raju to know she is confortable to use bad words. so she acted like she is not comfortable to use bad words. devika with her closed eyes.
Devika: 'No Raju, I cant use bad words, i never used bad words before.'
Raju: 'Poor Girl, you are missing real excitement in your life, You will feel real excitement only when you use bad words'
Devika: 'But raju, I dont know any bad words', she acted like she dont know any bad words, as she dont want Raju to think as bad, eventhouhg she know few.
Raju: 'Dont worry devika, I will teach you bad words, and by end of this treatment process, you will be expert in using bad words.'
Devika: 'But Raju, I cant even think of talking in bad words'.
Raju: 'You can Devika', saying that again her pressed his hard dick into her ass cheeks
Devika: 'Ahhh... Raju'
Raju: 'Tell me, what you feel on your ass', saying that again he pressed his dick more into her ass.
Devika: 'Raju.... Your Penis....'.
Raju: 'He He, what penis, No, call it as lund or dick, now tell me what you feel on your ass'.
Devika: 'Your dick...'.
Raju: 'Tell fully devika'
Devika: 'No I cant'.
Hearing that Raju again raised his butt and hitted back her ass with his cock. Devika with her closed eyes, she jerked with his pressure
Devika: 'Ahhh.... Ok... I feel your lund Raju... I feel your lund on my ass...', hearing devika speaking bad words, raju become excited.
Raju: 'He He... Thats good, finally my wife started speaking bad words'.
Now raju slowly started to pumping her ass over her yoga pants with his lund like he was fucking her. Again he whispered in her ears
Raju: 'Now Devika Tell me, How my lund is ? Is it Big'
Devika: 'No.... Ahh.... It feels great, I mean your lund, it is big and hard, i never felt like this before'
Raju: 'So you liked it ?'
Devika: 'Yes Raju,  I liked your lund, I liked your big lund.... Ah...'
Raju: 'Great, Now Devika Imagine I am fucking your pussy from behind you.... Encourage your husband', saying that he increased his pumping speed.
Devika: 'Yeah.... Fuck.... Fuck me.... Dont Stop, Fuck my pussy harder....Ahhhh .... yeaaahhh Raju, Fuck me Raju....'.
Devika started feeling wetness in her pussy, she want to stop this and start treatment, but Raju was not in mood to stop punping her, as her ass felt sexy and smooth for him, he never thought in his life Devika agree to feel his lund on her ass, also he got  chance to pump her ass in yoga pants, her yoga pannts acted as second skin for her, he felt his lund going deeper into her ass crack on every stroke.
Devika: 'Now Stop Raju, we need to start your treatment, it is already late.'.
Raju:'Please Devika, give me some more time, Please please..' saying he kissed her on her side of her neck
Devika understood how much Raju was excited to feel her ass, she understood his feelings, but she wants to stop him and start the treatment process, as she also can feel he is already hard, and it is correct time to start the theraphy. She want to convey this Raju in seductive way without spoiling his mood.
Devika: 'Please Raju, understand, your wife is not going anywhere, We will start the treatment, during treatment, you can feel my ass, my ass is all yours Raju. I am going to sit on your lap, you can feel my sexy ass with your lund, during whole treatment, believe your wife, now get off from me, and start focusing on treatment'.
Raju was happy seeing Devika was also playing her role, to make him excited, he got up from her, but still he was sitting on her thighs.
Devika was wondering why Raju didnt get off, Devika with her head sidewards resting on bed, "Now what, why are not getting up?".
Raju: 'He he... I am looking at your ass... wow what sexy ass you have, i never seen a women with a ass like this', saying that he placed his both hands on her ass, and started roaming on her ass cheeks.
Raju: 'Ahhhh .... so smooth... sexy ass'. Devika was irritated by his action, but she allowed him.
Devika: 'Hmmm .... please raju, we need to start treatment, i told you right you can feel my ass during treatment, not get up from me it is already getting late'.
Raju: 'Please devika... give me 2 min, i want to feel your ass with my hands in this positon'
Devika have no chance, and have no energy to beg him again.
Devika: 'Ok only 2 min'.
Raju: 'Thanks Devika.... ', he dont want to waste his time by further talking, so without waiting he again continued roaming his hands on her ass cheeks. devika closed her eyes, and enjoyed his rough hands and touch in her ass over yoga pants, so far he is not removing her pants no problem for devika.
Now Raju got boldness, and moved her hands to her bottom of her ass cheecks, and cupped her ass cheecks slowy, and massged her ass.
Devika moaned in pressure, 'Ahhh .... please no.... '
he agian released her ass, and again cupped it again, but all time he was doing slowly, he also can feel her trace of her panty, he left he ass, and started tracing her panty outline over her yoga pants, he pulled her panty along with her pants and left, due to the elastic, it hit devika ass harder. devika was not comfortable allowing a dirty old sitting on her back of thighs and feeling her ass and touching her panty, she conrtolled her, didnt react, again he cupped her ass cheeks, but this he cupped her ass tighly and pressed harder, and squeezed her blood out of her ass... devika shouted with his sudden assault....
Devika: 'Nooo .... it is hurting... please raju....'
Raju: 'He he... sorry devika, next time i will press slowly', saying that he realeased his grip on her ass, and patted on the place where he pressed harder. after that devika felt raju took his hands from her ass, but again he placed his left hand on her ass, and brought his right hand and placed between her ass checks and felt her ass crack, slowly he used his finger and moved on her ass crack from top to bottom, it was great sensational feeling for devika, again he applied more pressure with his hand and tried to move his entire right hand into her ass checks, realizing the danger in raju hand position, devika quickly closed her thighs togther, due to her action raju hand got stucked between her ass cheeks, he felt the warmth of her ass with his hands stucked between her ass..
Raj: 'devika keep your thighs together like this, my hands feel great between your ass cheeks'.
devika: 'no Raju, take your hands', but she also didnt release her thighs, raju started jerking his hands between her ass cheeks, as he is fingering her ass hole, devika was moaning with raju action.
devika: 'ahhh ahhhh no no... please raju' devika was squeezing raju hands between her ass cheeks, aftersome time of jerking he took his hands from her ass cheeks.
devika: 'now raju, lets start the treatment'.
raju: 'ok devika', saying that he got up from devika, devika too got up from raju and sat on bed near him.
devika: 'ok lets start the treatment', she saw huge tent formed on raju groin area, as he didnt wear underwear, it is standing like pole inside his lungi, devika felt shy as an old man sitting near her with lund standing straight. raju tried to control his pole, be he failed, devika smiled herself thinking raju trying to hide his erection.
devika took the bottle, 'Raju you are ready for treatment, make sure your keep your.... i mean your lund erect during the treatment', devika felt shy telling raju directly about his lund.
raju: 'he he ... '.
devika was about to open the medicine bottle.
raju: 'devika, come and sit here.', saying that he patted his thighs.
devika thought for a moment, 'but raju you need to jerk your lund, if i sat on your thighs, how you will jerk, it will be uncomfortable for you.'
raju: 'he he.. dont worry devika, if i feel your sexy ass with my lund, it will be erect all the time, no need for jerking'
devika had no choice other than to sit on his thighs and feed the medicine, devika got up from bed and went opposite to raju and sit on his thighs with her legs crossed, but to her unbeleif, raju pulled her bare arms and made her to sit on his thighs front and pushed her thighs around his thighs, and made her to sit in riding position, devika was shocked, she cant a believe a matured housewife sitting on 50 years old man thigh with her plumby ass on his cock, both were looking into each other eyes, due to closeness raju can feel devika stiff boobs brushing his broad chest, devika avioded his close eye contact with raju and opened the bottle. raju dick was trying to push her ass with its stiffness, devika can feel his rod on her ass, raju wrapped his arm around her hips over her t-shirt and pulled her little closer, devika with a jerk hitted his broad chest with her soft boobs.
raju: 'yes devika, with this posture feed me the medicine, i will be always hard'
devika: 'you are too naughty',
devika extened her toungue and poured a litte medicine into her tongue, and leaned her face near raju, raju also extened his tongue and touched her sexy sharp tongue, it was sexy feeling for raju, as a high class married houswife sitting on his tighs with her boobs brushing his chest and her ass feeling his lund, and allowing her tongue to lick in the name of treatment, raju started licking her tongue. instead devika keeping her tongue, she also moved her tongue along with him and licked his tongue, both were fighting with tongue, raju instered his hands beneath her back of her tshirt and felt her bare hips, also he raised his hands along with tshirt and raised her tshirt, he was feeling the smoothness of her bare back and her hip flesh. raju brought his lips licking all way her toungue and licked her sexy lips for sometime, devika dont know waht to do, as the medicne was in her tongue, but he is licking her lips, but she didnt think much and ignored as thinking as the part of seduction. raju completed licking the medicine from her tongue and seperated. both looked into each other eyes with lust... raju wants to kiss her glitsening lips.

raju: 'maam.. my lund is loosing its hard... '

devika: 'that is why i told you that i will sit near you and jerk your lund. i will get down from you..' saying that she was about get up from raju thighs. but raju stopped her by holding her hips again.

raju: 'maam, you dont want to get down from thighs...'

devika: 'then how can i jerk you... and keep you hard. ?'

raju: 'maam... you can do it in this position only.'.

devka: 'but how, my hands cant reach your lund...'.

raju: 'not with your hands.'

devika: 'then ?'

both face were very close, during the chat raju can feel devika breathe on his face, and devika felt his dirty pan smell hitting her face.

raju: 'with your ass only.... ', devika shocked hearing this.

raju: 'yes... maam.. instead of sitting simply... you and move your ass and apply pressure on my dick, and you can ride me, by moving up and down... so that my dick will be hard feeling your soft yoga pants covered ass.'

devika: 'but raju... this is too much... i have not even ride my husband in this position...'

raju: 'i am not asking you to ride with my dick inside your pussy....', again devika felt shame, raju directly saying pussy.

raju: 'i am asking to just move your ass, and pump your ass, and also we were in clothes..', devika thought for a moment... there is no point in fighting raju, as anyway he is not going to fuck... it is just dry humping...

devika: 'ok fine i will do... but this time only... i wont repeat this..'

raju: 'ok maaam...', saying that raju kept his lips over her and gave a quick peck on her sexy lips. devika didnt expect the kiss from raju..

devika: 'you naughty..', saying that she poured few drops of medicien again on her tongue, and extended towrards raju.

at the same devika moved her ass in circular pasion... that was treat for raju, a sexy beautiful housewife sitting on her lap and moving he r ass rubbing his dick.

raju: 'yes.... slowly... wow... what a smooth ass you have... maam.' saying that he took her extened tongue inside his mouth between his lips and sucked from bottom of her tongue and slowly tasted the entire length of her tongue and slipped till reaches the tip of her tongue. once he reached the tip, devika expect he will leave her tongue, but he didnt, devika opened her eyes and saw into raju eyes with her tongue tip inside his moutnh questionly... raju gave a wicked smile with his eyes and didnt leave her tongue, instead again he slided thourgh her tongue till he reaches her lips with his lips, once reached he tightly pressed his lips on her also their nose also pressed each other, and with her tongue inside his mouth and licked her tongue by shoving his tongue.... after keeping in that position he slowly brought his hands downwards and placed on the edges of her ass... he felt devika stop moving her ass, so he kept his hands on her ass edges and moved... devika also cooperated and moved her ass with his hands movements... raju can feel his lund going into her ass crack with the movement... raju.. nevers were beating fast when he felt his lund between her ass cheeks. after vigrous licking... raju left her tongue and  moved his head back... devika felt her toungue is in red color due the the pan sailva of raju... devika felt shame, as she felt the taste of pan with raju sailva...

devika: 'raju... you need to stop chewing pan...' raju understand what devika telling

raju; 'he.. he... it is addiction..hard to stop.. if you feel uncomfortable... you can chew pan... so that you wont feel bad..' ,devika was thinking, 'how dare he can ask like this... i am a rich women in this soceity, how can i chew pan... may be i can... so that i wont feel raju pan sailva bad... no... no... i cant even think about chewing pan...'

devika: 'no i am woman.. i cant chew pan..'.

raju: 'ha ha.. what is there in woman... anyone can take pan... it is wonderful feeling...'.

devika: 'you dirty flithy men chew pan.... i cant chew...'.

raju: 'ok we talk about this later... now we will continue the treatment.'
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Devika intitated sex chat with Doctor

after raju left her house... her sex thirst increased... she needs sex to calm her... she was mentally distracted for sex... she thought of calling raju and ask him to fuck her... but she feared that his spectic cum will enter her... so she didnt call him... she went to bathroom and removed her yoga pants and panty and insetered her finger into her pussy and tried to materbaute.. she was in bra and fingered her pussy vigrously...
devika: 'ahhhhh.... fuck.... fuck me....', bt she cant cum, as she needs something bigger than her finger to statify her... she need a cock to satify her.... she started crying sitting in bathroom...
devika: 'why i become like this... i need someone to fuck me.. please god...', she cried.
after sometime she consoled, and took bath, and worn her pink silk nighty.
she lied on bed and again brouht her hands to pussy and rubbed over her nighty, she remember the doctor who treated raju, and suggested her this treatment, she remember doctor words, 'if any help you can call me at anytime, here take my visting card', she saw her purse and found doctor's visting card. she decided to ask doctor for solution to overcome her sex thirst. it was night 9pm, she called doctor, with first call he didnt pick the call, again she tried..
doctor: 'Hello.. this is doctor speaking'.
devika: 'Sir... do you remember me.. i devika'.
doctor immidiatley recognized her when he heard the name devika. but he acted like he dont know
doctor: 'devika ? which devika?'
devika: 'Sir... i am devika.. Raju's wife'. she felt akward to get introduce herself by telling another man as her husband.
doctor: 'Ohhh.. Raju.. yes.. now i remember... yes devika... at this you called me ?'
devika was shivering as she was fearing how to tell her problem to doctor,  also a male.
devika: 'Sir I need to talk.'
doctor: 'Ok ma anything serious ? How is Raju ?'
devika: 'Raju is fine sir...'
doctor: 'SO what to want to talk about Raju?'
devika: 'Sir it is not about Raju... it is about me.'
doctor shocked and happy at the same time, that devika came to him for her problem.
doctor: 'Ok tell me ma, how can I help you.'
devika while calling doctor she called with a force, now she got stuck how to start as it is something releated about sex.
doctor: 'devika... what happened ma... why are you not talking ?'
devika: 'Sir... i dont know how to tell.'
doctor: 'Its ok ma... just dont hesitate with doctor, you can tell me.'
devika: 'Ok sir...', devika took a deep breath.
devika: 'Sir, you konw the treatment for Raju. everytime when i have to give medicine i have to use my lips on his, also i want to make him hard as much as possible.'
doctor: 'yes correct, we need to take his spectic sperm... thats how the treatment is like.. as a wife you wont have much problem in that'.
devika: 'yes sir, as raju wife i dont have much problem, but this treatment invlobes lot of softcore seduction like kissing, handjob, as a women i am sexually simiulated after the treatment, and i need a sex to statisy me, but you said it is not safe to have sex with raju, so i cant ask him. please tell me a solution sir'
doctor inside he was happy hearing sex is devika problem.
doctor: 'oh.. sorry for your situation ma... i know how it feels, but nothing can be done, as you cant have sex with Raju at this time, you have to control your sexual urge.' doctor knows devika wont convice for this answer
devika: 'no sir... it is hard for me... also i tried fingering my vagina... but i cant statisfy'.
doctor: 'there is one solution'.
devika: 'please tell sir, i can do watever it is.'
doctor: 'one way you can find any male prostitue and hire one guy and have sex with him, because sex only cures your problem, but as a housewife having sex with unknown male prositute is tuff one, also finding such male prositute is difficult now.'
devika: 'i cant sir, also i cant even think of having sex with other man other than my husband.'
doctor: 'then you have to maturbate.'
devika: 'but sir i already tried doing, and i failed.'
doctor: 'mastebate means, you cant maturbate as it is, you have to think about any male organ, i mean, you can virtually talk about doing sex with someone'.
she shocked.
devika: 'you mean sex chat ?'
doctor: 'yes exactly what i meant, you can masturbate having sex chat with someone'
devika: 'but for having sex chat, where i can find such person.'
doctor: 'if you dont mind, shall i help you ? yes, we both can have sex chat, i will help you to masturbate and quench your sex thirst.'
devika again shocked hearing doctor asking for sex chat openly, but she had no choice, also now she cant go and find anyperson for sex chat,
doctor: 'what are you thinking ma... if you think me bad and not comfortable, sorry ma, i will drop the call.'
devika: 'Sir no sir... there is nothing wrong from your side... i dont know what to say, i nerver had sex chat with my husband, i dont know sir...', doctor can feal fear from devika voice, also he can see devika have no other choice.
doctor: 'dont worry ma.. whatever happen will be between us only ma... i dont tell anyone... also dont think like sex chat, i am doctor, and i am trying to cure you.'
devika: 'ok sir... i agree.'
doctor cant beleive the luck having sex chat with sexy women like devika and that too with her persmission.
devika also cant believe that she is going to have sex chat with someone who is twice as her age.
doctor: 'ok lets start.... will start with a kiss', saying that doctor gave a kiss on his phone speaker 
doctor: 'muuummah'.
devika shokced for little as she hear doctor kissing sound in phone. she dont know how to react.
doctor: "what ma what happend ?, if you are not interested we can drop the call".
devika: 'no sir... dont drop the call'.. devika understood what doctor was expecting.
devika puckered her lips and kissed inturn on the phone receiver with kissing sound
devika: 'ummmmaaaahhh'.
doctor: 'Ahhh feel nice... tell me devika how was my kiss'
devika: 'feel nice..'.
devika feels like she want to increase  the phase of the sex chat, so she decided to take intiate, but still she felt shy as she was doing sex chat with someone whom she met only once, more or like a stranger. so she was little hesitant.
doctor: 'devika, imagine we both are married, you are my wife, and i am your husband'
devika went to shock when doctor asked her to imagine her as his wife. but she liked this roleplay
devika: 'Sir, but, i cant imagine someone other than my husband.'
doctor: 'Just a rolepaly, to make you comfortable ma.'
devika: 'Hmmm.'
doctor: 'what ma, what happened ?'
devika: 'no nothing sir'.
doctor: 'so who are you to me ?'.
devika felt shy telling her as his wife.
devika: 'i am your ..... wife'.
doctor: 'yes... and i am'.
devika: 'your are my husband',
doctor: 'wow... i am returing from hospital to home, and my sweet sexy wife waiting for me, you are in black saree, exposing your sexy white hips with your cute folds behind, and you tie your saree 4 inch below your fleshy deep navel.'
devika: 'Ahhhh... sssh sir... '
doctor: 'no devika dont call me sir, i m your husband now, call me 'darling', 'honey', 'baby' ...'
devika: 'oh... baby, i cant wear saree like this, 4 inch below navel, that is too much'.
doctor: 'but for me you can wear'.
devika: 'ok my babay'
doctor: 'sweet darling, you are wearing sleveless blouse with backless'.
devika: 'i am so hot wife waiting for horny husband'.
doctor: 'yes.. hot and sexy curvy wife'.
devika: 'ssshhh..'
doctor: 'you are at kitchen washing utensils, meantime i came home, as door is opened, you didnt notice i am coming, i directly came to kitchen, and watching you washing utensils from kitchen enterance, u have to tuck ur pallu, and ur hips are exposed and your hot sturcture is temmptaing for me, your ass is very sexy and jiggling in tightly wrapped saree as you wash utensils'.
devika: 'ohhh, is it my structure is temptaing for you'.
doctor: 'yess... you are definetly hot for fucking', doctor lose his control and said 'fucking', but he didnt tell anything and waited for devika reaction, devika was slient for sometime hearing the fucking. but she understood using dirty words are important for sex chat, also she is the one who requested doctor for a sex chat, so she didnt tell anything and she also decided to join the dirty words club with doctor
devika: 'ohhh ...really... my sweet husband thinking about having sex with me'.
doctor: 'yes... having sex with wife and statisfy her, is a husband primary duty'.
devika thougth for a moment about her actual husband,
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Good to see you back!
What you started is a masterpiece.
Please continue as you feel right about the story.
We love your work....
Thanks for this great update.
I request you to please continue this masterpiece.
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Devika Invited by the doctor.

as already Devika and raju acted infront of doctor as husband and wife, now she have no choice other than showing her as she belong to poor family background, so she worn her maid saree, and accompanied to doctor home with raju
Dr.Desai: "hello raju and devika, welcome to my home"
Raju: "Thank you Sir, we are feeling really great to invite us to your home, no high class people will consider us friends and invite to their home."
Devika was standing with her head down with shyness.
Dr.Desai: "Arraeee, why your wife is standing outside, ask her to come inside".
Raju: "She is feeling shy, as this is firsttime we came to rich wealthy house", saying that he went inside.
Dr.Desai: "Devika Beti, dont feel shy, I am like your friend, come inside",
Dr.Desai extended his hands and grabbed her smooth hands over her bangles, walked inside home.
Devika crushed raju for leaving her to Dr.Desai, she had no choice other than holding that old man hand followed him, all went inside.
Dr.Desai: "I think she needs to more comfortable", saying that he patted on her shoulder.
Devika was looking in and out his house, 
Devika: "You stay alone in this big house ?" wondered devika.
Dr.Desai: "Yess, beti, I dont have wife, my wife died 10 years back, after that I am staying alone here".
Devika felt pitty for him.
Raju: "Ok, you both talk, i want to smoke", before devika say anything he left to veranda, leaving them both on hall.
Devika felt uncomfortable staying alone with Dr.
Devika: "Ok Sir, dont worry...".
Dr.Desai: "Hmmm", but he shown is sad face.
To convince doctor, she stood from her place and and sat near Dr. side sofa, that one is 2 seated sofa, so she has to sit very close to dr.
both thighs were rubbing, dr. didnt expect devika will sit near him, his heart was beating fast as he felt devika with such closeness.
Devika kept her hands on his shoulder.
Devika: "Its ok doctor, i am sorry, dont worry"
Devika: "You can do second marriage... you will get good girl, you can do second marriage.".
Dr: "No Beti, I never get a girl, who will marry me at this age, no girls like me",
Devika thinking, 'yes he is right, he is old and no girl will be ready to marry him', but still she conviced him, as she dont want to keep him sad.
Devika: "No doctor, if you search you will get one."
Doctor saw devika, devika smiled at him,
Doctor: "I dont need to search for one. will you marry me devika", he said with wicked smile in his face.
devika got angered instantly.
Devika: "Are you gone mad, how you will marry me ? I am already married, doctor", she didnt shout much as she dont want Raju to hear this conversation.
Doctor: "Haa haaa... ", he started laughing,
Devika didnt understand why he is laughing.
Devika: "Why are you laughing ? How dare you can ask you such question."
Again Doctor continued to laugh, devika got irritated
Doctor: "I was just kidding you, I told you right noone likes me, no one wants me to marry, even when i asked you too got angry, so think how other girls like to marry me".
Devika got a relief as he was kidding him.
Devika: "Anyway how I can marry you, I am already married".
Doctor: "So if you are not married you will marry me ?".
Devika shocked with his question, she now have no chance to revert back, as she was the one convincing him to get second marriage, so she cant say no now. she was slient for sometime.
Doctor: "Devika, what happened ? why you are not answering me ? Tell me if you are not married, you wil marry me ?".
Devika dont want to dissappoint him, so she decided to say yes.
Devika with a sexy smile
Devika: "why not ? I will marry you, I can be your wife, if I am not already married".
Doctor: "Do you have sister then ?"
Devika : "No I dont have a sister, why asking ?".
Doctor: "If you have sister, and she is not married, then I can marry her."
Devika and Doctor both bursted into laugh,
Devika: "You are mad, go and find some other girl, forgot marrying me or anyone like me".
Doctor: "I think you are lying, you want marry me, you look beautiful, young. how can you marry an old man like me ?".
Devika: "Arree doctor, I am telling you right, I can marry you, if I am not married."
Doctor: "No you are lying I wont believe you."
Devika: "No i can be your wife."
Doctor: "If you say you can marry me, then proove me."
Devika wondering what she have to do to proove him, also she wants to come out this conversation, she looked towards veranda, but she didnt see raju anywhere, she wondered where raju went.
Devika: "I already told you right, I am comfortable with you, and I will be your second wife, if i am not married, here what i have to prove you ?".
Doctor: "To prove me, you can do many things".
Devika: "Tell me one thing".
Doctor: "Okay, Kiss me.".
Devika: "Ha ha... you need a kiss from me, that is how i need to prove you."
Doctor: "Yes, just a single kiss, I will belive you, that you are willing to marry me, if your are not married".
Devika: "okay",
She looked towards veranda, and see raju is there, she didnt see raju, so she bent sidewards and and kissed doctor on his cheeks, eventhough she didnt like kissing him, she dont have other choice to end this conversation with this dirty old man, she gave a qucik peck on his cheek.
Devika:"Now you beleive me ?, Happy now".
Doctor: "what happened now ? you call this a kiss, this is how you kiss your husband ? he heee...", he laughed.
Devika: "Then how i have to kiss you, you asked me to kiss you. i kissed you, now we will change the topic ?"
Docotr: "No, I cant take this as kiss, you need to kiss me on my lips, as how a wife kisses husband.", saying this he showed his dirty lips.
Devika: "No I cant, I already kissed you, and proved my comfortness".
Doctor: "No, I will agree only if you kiss me on my lips, yeah you need to smooch me atleast for a mintue, then only i believe u are ready to marry me".
Devika: "No I cant, my husband also near hear, if he see it will be a problem for me."
Doctor: "Dont worry about your husband, i will take care of that".
Doctor: "Arrrae Raju.... Raju...", he shouted from his place.
Raju, replied from outside of veranda.
Raju: "Yes Sir... Please tell me, I just started smoking another one cigratee".
Doctor: "Ok ok no problem, you carry on... take your own time."
Raju: "Yes sir..".
Doctor: "See your husband is still smoking and we still have time, till he returns, now kiss me devika, kiss me like how you kiss your husband"
Devika: "No I cant, please, I am already married, and beyond all my norms I kissed you on your cheeks, now I cant kiss you on lips."
Doctor: "Please devika, no girl will like me, or marry me at this age, only you can show me some care for this old man, I know your married, I am not aksing you have intercourse with me, just a kiss".
Devika was no problem with Raju, as he is not her actual husband, but still, she already kissed someone who is not her husband, in the name of medication, as doctor advised, now the doctor also asking him to kiss, she was thinking how many men she has to kiss.
Doctor: "Please devika, prove me". seems doctor also not leaving devika without a smooch.
So she had no other choice other smooching that old man, he was leaning on devika in the urge of kissing her, devika also went closer towrads his face, she can feel his bad breath on her face, she closed her eyes, placed her sexy lips on his dirty lips, doctor pulled devika closer and made her to lean on his body as both were sitting side by side, now devika hot body in saree is completing resting on his body, doctor also felt her body on his body, his cock started to grow hard, doctor opened his mouth and took devika lips into his lips, and started chewing her lips, devika felt hard to keep kissing, she too responded by taking doctor lips into her mouth and sucking them, they both were exchaning their sailva, doctor extened his tongue into her mouth searching her tongue, she felt doctor tongue inside, she have no other choice other than sucking his tongue, she too extened and inserted her tongue into his mouth, both tongue were fighting inside their mouth. devika realized it is too much for her to smooch this old man, she slowly stopped kissing, and tried to pull her lips from his mouth, but doctor got exicted with devika lips, and again pulled her towards him.
Devika tried to say doctor to stop, but she coudnt, as doctor agian locked her lips with his.
Devika: "No Doctor, please my husband may come at anytime .... ummmm".
Devika tried to push doctor, by pushing him on his chest, but nothing works, doctor felt not to carry things too far, also he dont want to force devika, so he sucked hard her lips for last time and left her, devika feeling doctor saliva on her lips, devika felt blushed by seeing doctor, doctor saw devika with a wicked smile.
Doctor: "Thanks beti, now i feel confident girls will like me and may get married again".
Devika: "Hmmm", devika still feeling the humliation caused by doctor in the name of kissing.
Doctor: "also i never experienced a kiss like this before, really your lips are so sweet, Raju is so lucky to have you as his wife, what you say beti, did you ever kissed anyone other than Raju ?".
Devika: "No Sir, you are the only person i have kissed other my husband."
Doctor: "Sorry ma, I made you to kiss me to prove i am worthy for second marriage".
Devika: "It is ok doctor."
Doctor: "Hmmm how is Raju Treatement going, Is he is getting progress in his health ?".
Devika: "Yes Sir, now he is far better than before, he stopped vomiting, every day he sees improvement. I am really happy to see he is getting cured, Thanks a ton Sir, you really saved him."
Doctor wondered how much she is acting to keep Raju as his Husband infront of him. He knows Raju is not her actual husband, but he never thought she defend herself as raju husband to this level.
Doctor: "Dont thank me ma, it is all your effort, you care your husband more."
Devika: "Hmmm".
Doctor: "Wife duty is not only having sex with husband, it is also to take care of her husband, you are doing your job well and good".
Devika: "Thanks Sir."
Meantime Raju came inside after smoking,
Doctor saw raju coming inside, so he acted like he seperate slightly from devika closeness.
Doctor: 'Come one Raju, this much time you took to smoke ?',
Raju: "yes sir, usually i smoke 2 cigrates, now i smoked 3 which is unusual".
Doctor:"God, you smoke 3 cigrates a time ?, this is not good, your health may go bad with this much of smoking, now only you are recovering from rare disease, again dont get more disease. Devika, atleast you can tell her husband to stop smoking na".
Devika didnt expect suden question from from doctor.
Devika: "Yeah, I have said many times to stop him smoking, but he is not listening",  devika showed a mock anger to raju,
but raju grinned with a wicked smile.
Raju: "Hope my wife didnt bore you.".
Doctor: "No, your wife is actually very much caring in her talk, infact she is asking me to send marriage, she proved me that i am fit for second marriage, she gave me confidence that still girl likes me."
Devika feared doctor may tell raju, about kissing.
Raju: 'Oh really..'.
Doctor: "Infact your is ready to marry me and become my second wife, if she is not already married to you", saying that he gave a dirty smile.
Devika felt ashamed, of the way doctor talking about her as his second wife.
Raju: 'ha.. ha.. Devika so you are ready to marry him... I can give permission to marry him, as he is soul saviour of my life, i can do anything for him'.
Doctor: "So what devika, see your husband gave permission, now you have no problem in marrying me"
Devika inturpted, 'No, no I am just giving some confidence to him, so he will get married, and wont stay alone'.
Doctor: 'Yeah she gave confident in sweet way', saying that he licked his lips seeing devika.
Raju: 'Sweet way ?, in what way'.
Devika saw doctor with anger, as she dont want raju about they kissed.
Doctor knowing devika intention, 'I mean her words are sweet.'
Doctor: 'Devika, what you do in home ?, I mean as Raju goes for work, whole day will get bored for you ?'
Devika acted as low class wife. she lied to doctor, as she work as maid
Devika: 'No Sir, After Raju left I will go to my master house, and work as maid, and will return evening only, so I wont get bored most of the times.'
Raju laughed inside him when devika said she work as maid.
Doctor: 'Oh really you work as maid, how much salary you are getting'.
Devika again lied, "I am getting 3000rs per month sir."
Doctor: 'What? I had one maid, she gets 10000rs per month, but you are saying you are getting only 3000rs. this is not fair, also now my maid stopped working as she said she needs more salary.'
Devika dont know how to react, "I dont know sir, they are giving 3000rs only."
Doctor: 'Devika you are working for very low salary, why cant you quite your job and work as mid in my house.?'
Devika caught by his question, devika just lied doctor, as he dont want to doubt her as not raju wife, so she said she work as maid, when doctor asked her about leasure time, but she didnt expect conversation turn like this.
Devika: 'No, no I cant, my master will think bad about me if I stop my job.'
Doctor: 'Master!, you call them master, they were cheating you all day for low salary, and you still call them as your master, just forgot about your master, and join here as maid.'
Raju also interupted, as he dont want to lose this chance, to make devika, a rich housewife to work as maid in a prevet doctor's house, as he knows about this doctor, and how he attract women at this age with his sympathy.
Raju: 'Arraee, Devika, agree na, see these many days you are working for 3000rs, now you willl get 1000rs, also extra income will help me, and also doctor is kind of god for us, what is wrong here to serve him.'
Devika saw Raju with anger, as he knows everything, that devika is rich housewife, just to cure his disease she acted as his wife, now if she agree to become maid, she has to come doctor house everyday, to do house chore activity, also he is the only male in this house, definitley he may take advantage of the situtation, as he already cunnigly smooched her by creating sympathy, she really dont like to me maid, but she trapped into this conversation, she thought for a moment telling the truth, that she is not raju wife, only to cure the disesae she acted, but if she say, what doctor may think about her, he may think her cheap for acting as wife for low class man.
Doctor: 'What are thinking ma, you will never get a chance like this, say ok ma. as my maid also left, now you can see the mess around my house, as i stay lonely here, no one is there to care me.' saying he kept his face sad.
Devika feared a little, 'But sir...'
She again thought for moment, anyway her husband left her and went to dubai, now she stays alone, and most of the time she feel bored in her home, and looking for some spice in her life. Devika inside her. 'Now what I have left with me, my husband left me, i have no child to take care, already acting as wife for a low class men, atleast she can give some space for this lonely man, he also stay lonely like me, and no one is here to keep things proper, and look at this mess around this house, no one is here to clear this mess, why cant i work as maid for him and serve him.', money 10000rs dosent matter for her, but seeing doctor condition,, she decied to work as maid.
Devika: 'Ok Sir, I agree, i will work as maid here, and will do whateever work you say.'
Both Doctor and Raju cant beleive thier eyes, they never thought devika will agree, to work as maid, they cant imagine, a rich high class wife work as maid, that too in a house, where a 50 years old man staying.
Raju acted like he concenred for Devika.
Raju: 'Are you sure Devika, Are you willing to come here.'
Devika saw raju with anger, as he at first encouraged her alogn with doctor, but now he is acting as he is concerned about her.
Doctor: 'Arre, raju she agreed, now why still trying to change her'
Doctor seeing devika, 'I am really happy that you made a correct decision, from tomorrow, you can start coming, lots of work are there ma, i hope you will work to make proper.'
Devika with a smile, 'Ok sir.'
Doctor: 'Thanks ma...'
Doctor: 'Oh... what am i doing, you both came to my house, i didnt gave anything to eat or drink.', saying that he is about to stand and go kitchen.
Devika: 'Sir, It is ok sir, you stay here, i will make coffee for all.', saying that she stood from sofa, 'Can you show me where is kitchen', doctor showed her the direction to kitchen, 'also u can see milk in refrigirator'.
Devika: 'Ok sir', saying that she tucked her saree pallu into her side hips, showing her butter hips, and went to kitchen, both doctor, and raju seeing devika's swaying ass, as she go to kitchen.
inside kitchen, devika was searching for milk bowl, she found many unwashed utensils inside basin, she started washing the milk bowl, and cups, and took milk from refrigator, and put milk in stove, like a obidient maid and waited for getting boiled, meantime doctor also came to kitchen and stadning at door, and watching her hips, she noticed him and smiled at him.
doctor: 'you are angel ma, i got hope in my life again beacause of you...', saying that he came near her and grabbed her smooth hands, devika didnt expect he is touching her without her permission, he holded hands with his and said thanks, and left her, as doctor dont want to rush things in one day, he got more time, slowly he can move the carom to pocket.
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Devika: 'Sir... Sir....', she shouted from door entrance.

Doctor: 'Come in ma... why are you staying outside, consider this as your house, you have all freedom in this house.'
Devika came straight inside, doctor was stiing in sofa, she came to docotro and asked about her work as it was first day.
Doctor: 'as today is first day, you can wash all clothes ma, it was long period, things are maintianed in this house, so u have more clothes today, so in between if you feel tired you can take rest ma.'
Devika: 'Thanks Sir.'
Doctor showed her way to bathroom, where he kept a sack of clothes, luckily he have washing machine, so devika felt relifed as she dont want to hurt her first day with washing clothes with her hands, she also shocked to see the sack of clothes, as it is huge, devika thought this man never washed clothes ih his life. Devika was standing and staring the clothes, meantime doctor came,
doctor: 'what ma seeing the clothes, i told you ma, i didnt wash clothes long period, so it will be huge, if you feel you can do it one day, take your time'
devika: 'yeah it is huge, but i will try my best sir'
doctor: 'and one more thing ma, you wash all clothes in washing machine, except my undewears, as they are more dirty, so you have wash those with your hands, and then put it in washing machine', he said this with a dirty smile in his face.
devika felt ashamed of her situtaion for washing men underwear with her hands, she even never washed her husband underwear, once she washed raju underwear, but that she put directly inside washing machine, now she cant imagine to wash a old men undewear with her hands, also this doctor is really dirty, also she thought how many days this men wearing same undewear without washing.
doctor cant control the joy thinking rich sexy houswife devika washing his cum drenched underwears, yes he masterbate with his undewear worn and cum diretly oh his jetty.
doctor left the place allowing devika to work.
devika stopped thinking about the humilation and tucked her pallu end to her hips showing her white side hips folds, and started picking all clothes from the basket, and started seperating, she dont want to wash his jetty and baniyan first as this clothes needs special care as said by doctor, so she took his shirts, pants, lungi alone, while seperating she has to touch his jetty with her hands, also few jetty rolled up with his pants, she has to pull hard to get rid of jetty from those pants, after that she kept pants and lungi inside bucket with soap powder for soaking, shirts she directly put inside washing machine, and started, now she took all his jetties in her hand, while seeing those jetties, she had wild feeling, she slowly bought all those jetties to her face and smelled, she felt strong urine smell on  those clothes, she thinking how she changed, she agreed to work as maid for a prevet old man, now she is his home, having all his jetties and trying to smell, due to strong men sex smell coming from those jeeties, she dropped all jetties on to the floor, except one, she found the same white stains, when she washed raju jetty, she bought that jetty near her nose, and smelled again, she liked the smell of doctor smell, she again smelled the strong sex smell, this time his jetty was touching her face and nose. suddenly she realized what she is doing, also she feared doctor may notice this, as he may come at anytime, so she dropped that jetty, and again soaked all those jetties in another bucket, and cairred that bucket inside bathroom for washing with her hands, she found a bathroom stool, she sat on that stool, while sitting on that stool, she curvy structure was sexy in her saree with her side hips also visble, in that posture no men can restict seeing her ass, her ass looked hot in that posture, she started washing, she took the jetty from the bucket and applied soap on it, with water she felt slippery, on the jetty, due to the cum effect, she felt akward feeling his cum directly on her soap filled hands, meantime, again doctor came to bathroom, devika notice him and smiled at him, and crushing his jetty in her sexy hands, doctor cant restrict devika sitting posture, he was eyeing her side hips folds caused by her sitting posture, devika notice him watching her hips, and tried to hide her hips with pallu, but it is difficult for her hide her hips in that posture, so she ignored him and concentrated on washing his jetties one by one.
doctor: 'dont take me wrong ma, i made you to wash my jetty with your hands, as it is more dirty, i have no other choice ma'.
devika: 'it is ok sir, i am your maid, and it is my duty to wash your clothes sir'
doctor: 'no ma, when you are here dont think as maid ma, also your are Raju wife, we become more close in our first visit, hope you understand, what i mean ?', devika understood that he is remainding her about the kiss she gave to him, but she dont want to tell him,
devika: 'Thanks for considering me Sir,  I am really happy that you gave me more freedom, as noone will give freedom to a maid, also i will never disappoint you sir.'
doctor slowly moved closer to her, now he can see her from top, her pallu was sliglty shifted from her blouse, since her blouse tight, he can clearly see her cleavage from her top, also her boobs appeared sexy while she washing, when she tapping his jetty in floor, her boobs jiggled a little, doctor got instant hard seeing a rich housewife in this conditon, he brought his hands over his crotch and rubbed a little, she can understand what doctor is watching, but she cant hide her boobs in this postion, so allowed him to continue watching her boobs.
devika: 'sir you can go to hall sir, you may feel tired standing all time like this..'
doctor: 'no ma, i just want see your work, as today is your first, i simply want see how your are working, also i may feel bored alone sittting in hall, here you can talk me'
devika felt annoyed with him, she felt uncomfortable stading here and watching her from top, she was trying to wash all his jetty qucikly,
doctor: 'devika'
devika: 'yes sir'.
doctor: 'if i say something you should not take it wrong'.
devika: 'no sir i wont, you can tell me'.
doctor: 'you look hot in this sitting posture ma, also very sexy.... from the begining i was watching your hips only, those folds on your are very sexy... you have very good structure'.
devika stopped for a moment, she never expect doctor will give direct comments on her body, also using words like sexy. she felt happy when she heard those comments, but at the same time she got irritated with his talks.
devika: 'thanks sir... but you cant give such comments on a married woman.', she said with a mock anger, and smile, as she dont want disappoint him, devika thought what she is doing, she is allowing him to watch her body and also accpeting his dirty comments about her body, instead of slapping him for his dirty comments she enjoyed hearing those comments.
doctor: 'what is there in married and unmarried ma, when a women looks sexy all men will see her body irrespective of her marriage status'.
devika: 'ha ha you are flirting me too much, go to hall sir, let me compelete my work'
doctor also laughed and left to hall. devika washed all his jetty with her hands and washing machine also stopped, so she went to washing machine to dry clothes, she took all shirts from wahing machine, and reloaded with jetties and baniyans which she washed, and let it run in washing machine.
after putting washing machine in auto mode she came to call, doctor was watching Tv.
Devika: 'Sir do you need anything else ?'
Doctor: 'Yes ma, can you make coffee...'
Devika: 'Yes sir, give me some time'.
doctor: 'Milk is inside fridge, make coffee for you too ma.'
Devika : 'thanks sir'
She went inside kitchen and boiled the milk and made 2 cup of coffee, one for her and another one for him,
she went to hall, with coffee to hall.
Doctor, seeing her, "thanks ma", he took his coffee from her hand. devika was standing near him,
doctor: 'why are you standing ma, sit here', he patted the sofa to indictate to sit near him.
devika: 'no sir, i am maid, how can i sit'.
doctor: 'why ma, you are thinking like this, i told you already, i never treat you like maid, so please sit', saying that he grabbed her hand and made her to sit near her,
devika sat near doctor touching his thighs, doctor was watching TV, now devika also joined with him, both were sipping coffee and watching TV. Doctor changed the channel, and kept sun music as he saw simran song was playing in that channel, it is song from new movie.
Doctor: 'wow, it is simran, my sexy favourite heroine'. doctor was wacthing simran with mouth opened. he didnt take his eyes from tv, till the song get overed, after sometime song got over
Devika: 'Sir, Simran is a old actress, and still you like her.'
Doctor: ''She may be old actress, but i always like her'.
Devika: 'Why you like her ?'
Doctor: 'Simran is only actress having sexy navel, new coming actress also having great assests but they are not having great navel like simran'.
As a women and housewife, Devika felt uncomfortable as doctor directly commented about simran navel.
Devika: 'You are naughty, i thought you will say that you like simran acting, but you have an eye on her navel'.Devika made fun of him.
Doctor: 'What are telling ma, she also good for acting, but she is famous for her navel, it is hard to control, when any men see simran navel, no actress have such wonderful navel.'
The old man was trying to pull devika into his dirty coversation. 
Devika also felt excited to have conversation about navel with this filthy old man on her first day as maid.
Doctor: 'When i was young i used to collect simarn navel pictures, so I am a fan of her'.
Doctor: 'I will be hard when i see simran navel, and i will ....'
Doctor: 'I mean ... I will mas...', he dont want to tell devika that he will masterbate, so he slowly brought his hands to crotch area.
Devika understand what he meant, she felt shy hearing the masterbaute. But she liked the conversation with the old man, as she also have soft corner on him as he dont have wife.
Doctor: 'Also I know one more women having sexy navel like simran."
Devika: 'Which actress have navel like simran'.
Doctor: 'She is not actress, she is cut and sexy women I know'.
Devika wonder whom he is talking about.
Devika: 'Tell who is the other woman you like to watch her navel'.
Doctor looked into her eyes with wicked smile
Doctor: 'She is sitting right front of me'.
Devika blushed when she heard this from doctor.
Doctor: 'Yes me, i cant hide this truth from you, your navel is sexy and shinner than simran.'
Devika again didnt expect this old man talking about her navel, devika didnt tell anything and blushed.
Doctor: 'When you and your husband ramu came to here for first time, i saw your navel, you tied your saree below your navel that day, it is my pleasure to get view of your sexy navel at that day, your navel is just like simran navel'.
Devika: 'Sir what are you telling ?'.
Devika acted like she dont like the conversation.
Devika: 'Sir please dont talk like this to me, Dont you feel shame to talk to me like this. your are at my father's age, and you are flitring me.'.
She stood from her place and about to leave, doctor grabbed her hands
Doctor: 'Sorry ma, I understood ma, it is my mistake, i cant control my feelings after i saw your navel. Also what is wrong here, all women in this world are for men, a men duty is to praise women beauty and her assets, and also sexy lady like you, it is selfish your keep your beauty within yourself.'.
Devika confused by his talk.
Devika: 'What are you telling sir'.
Doctor: 'Yes ma, you are very selfish, your are hiding your beautiful assest inside your saree'.
Devika: 'What I am hiding inside saree.' devika with a confused look, searching in her saree, as she hiding something inside her saree.
Devika: 'Sir, Dont confuse me, tell me clearly, what i am hiding inside my saree'.
Doctor with a wicked smile point devika at her midriff.
Doctor:'Your navel, I said na your navel looks greater tan simran, it is selfish you hide your beautiful navel.'
Devika felt proud inside her when someone at her father's age admiring about her navel.
Devika blushed.
Seeing Devika blushed, he got more courage.
Doctor: 'Your are a gem for low class people, no women in low class people have sexy navel like you, poor people never ger a women like you, so you have to satisfy their dreams by showing your assests to them'.
Devika was slient hearing doctor comments.
Doctor: 'See, today how you came, you tied your saree above your navel, only your hips and hip folds are visible'.
Devika: 'But Sir, it is not good to show my navel as you say, what people will think about me.'
Doctor: 'What they will think, they will be happy only, all men will watch you with open mouth, including me.'
Devika again blushed and had no answer.
Doctor: 'I think you are still confused. come devika stand before me, i will tell you how to wear saree'.
Devika stodd from sofa as per doctor instruction and stood infront of him, doctor was sitting in sofa, without telling anything doctor adjusted her pallu sidewards, devika felt the heat in her body as she experienced his hands on her saree. he brought his hands towards and the region where saree has been tucked, and placed on her saree frills, a shock went to devika mind, she stopped doctor by holding his hands, and looked into doctors eyes indicating 'No' with her eyes, but doctor just ignored her and removed her hands from his hands and worked oh her saree frills, he asked devika to take her breath and pull her stomach inside a little, devika also did as per doctors instruction, he inserted his hands inside her saree and pulled her frills down, her navel revealed infornt of doctors eye, devika closed her eyes, doctor lower her saree frills 4 inch below her navel, and adjusted her sides of her saree, revealing her navel completely.
Doctor never thought in his life her can see a navel sexier than simran with such closeness, doctor felt like to grab her hips and insert his tongue into her navel and lick her navel, but he controlled. he placed his hands on her sides of her bare hips, and feeling her softness of her hips, devika also placed her hands on his hands in attempt of stoping him to go further, doctor felt happy as his hands feeling her hips and her womely hands.
Devika: 'Sir it is too much revealing, i feel shy.'
Doctor: 'Devika this how you have to wear saree, such a beautiful navel, any men see your navel definitely will die to insert his finger into your navel.' 
Devika closed her eyes
Devika: 'Sir, please', she said as she dont like, but she didnt tried to remove his hands from her butter hips.
Doctor: 'What happened devika, you dont like this. you are such a beauty, dont you like to seduce every men with your beautiful body, dont you like to make every men to come behind you, dont you like every men to make hard, by showing your navel.'
Devika felt proud about her beauty when she heard such comments from this prevet old man.
Devika: 'See movies, how hero are lucky to enjoy heroine body. this is also just like movie, your are going to seduce every men, by showing what god gave to you, I mean your beautiful body, your sexy body.' saying this he pressed hard her soft fold of her hips.
Devika: 'Ahhhh Sir... please.'. devika jumbed feeling his pressure created by doctor.
Doctor: 'See, How poor I am, i have sex goddess standing infront of me, and her round navel infront of my eyes, but I cant do anything, dont be such rude devika, please allow this old poor man to worship your navel.'
Devika: 'No Sir, I cant', but she didnt restrict doctor, showing no resistance from devika, he slowly brought his face near her navel, she can feel his hot breath on her navel, he was about to keep his dirty mouth on her navel, but washing machine alarm beep sounded, and both came back to sense, devika pushed doctor back , and removed his hands from her hips and ran to bathroom to see the clothes in wahing machine. doctor crushed himslef for not getting his luck, and sat in sofa with sad face. Devika kept all clothes for drying, she was thinking how she got changed, she agreed to work as maid, washing  a old man innerwears, and allowed that old man to reveal her navel, ans also allowed to kiss her navel, she blushed within herself thinking how she changed. after completing all work, she came back to hall, still her saree was below her navel, doctor eye again fixed on her navel, seeing that devika tried to hide her navel with her pallu.
doctor acted like as he was not happy with her act, and showed his sad face, seeing this devika smiled and slowly slide her saree sidewards and showed her havel, and smiled at him, now doctor acted as very happy, and gave a kiss from distance, as he want to kiss her navel direclty, again devika hide her navel indicating that he cant kiss her navel. without telling anything devika turned back towards main hall door and left the house, doctor felt happy that in the first day he can succeed to get devika into dirty coversation and also he boldly lowered her saree and felt her smooth hips. Devika took an auto and reached her house, while getting down from auto she noticed auto driver was watching her navel, she laughed inside her thinking what doctor said about her navel.
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Next day devika asusual came to doctor home as his maid.

Doctor was sitting in sofa, devika came inside, doctor instanlty looked at her midriff to see where she tied her saree today, to his suprise, today she tied her saree 4 inch  below her navel, and her bare navel was visible, she saw doctor seeing her navel, she felt shy and cover her navel with her pallu, and smiled herself and went to kitchen to wash utensils, in kitchen devika was washing the utensils, as she washed most of the utensils yesterday on her first day, today she dont have much utensil to wash, doctor meantime entered kitchen. He had plan to take bath, so he took a towel and entered the kitchen, he came near devika, devika didnt notice him standing back and doing her work. doctor with boldness placed his hands oh her bare hips, and pressed a little, devika shocked and jumped a little, and straightened herself.
Devika: 'Ahh, Sir what are you doing, please take your hands off my hips.'
Doctor: 'No, Stay still, I am just checking whether you tied you saree below your navel.', saying that he slide his hands further through  side of her hips, and reahched her under belly, and grapped a little, again her brought his hands a little and found her navel.
Doctor: 'Yeah now I found your navel', saying that he inserted his finger inside her navel measuring the deepness of her navel.
Devika cant restrict this old man assault, she placed her hands on the sink, leaned forward and enjoying his dirty acts with her eyes closed.
Doctor leaned forward towards devika, and said
Doctor: 'Devika your navel is deep and round, bigger than simran', he said this in her ears.
Devika: 'Sir Please...'
He whispered in her ears,
Doctor: 'After completing this work, come to bathroom, i am going to take bath, and i need your help.'
Doctor again pressed her hips flesh hard for last time and left slowly and took his hands from her hips. Devika now got relifed. But she was thinking why he is asking her to come to bathroom, what she has to do there with him, with such thinkings in her mind she continued her chores and completed and washing utensils.
She adjusted her saree and went to bathroom, as per doctor instruction. I bathroom, doctor was standing in just towel wrapped his lower abdomen, she didnt expect, and closed her eyes with her hands, turned other side.
Devika: 'Chee... sir what are you doing, please wear your clothes sir.'.
Doctor: 'he he... how can i take bath wearing clothes.'.
Devika still with her hands on her eyes closed.
Devika: 'Then why you asked me to come here. please complete your bath and call me, I will come'.
Doctor: 'I need your help only when i am taking bath, not after completing bath, so ope your eyes ma.'
Devika felt shy to see doctor in short towel, she slowly opened her eyes and saw doctor, with disgusting reaction on her face.
doctor was standing with bare upper body, he got some white hairs on his chest, his body skin is quite srinked, due to his age, overall he was looking lean. devika noticed doctor bare body.
Devika: 'What i can do when you are taking bath ?, would you like me to stare your naked upper body stading here till you complete bath ?', devika said with a smile on her face.
Doctor: 'he he... come here inside bathroom ma.'
Devika with a confused loook entered bathroom and went near doctor.
Doctor: 'I want you to apply soap on my back while i am taking bath. As you know i am aged and i cant reach my hands on my back for applying soap, so please help me to apply soap on my back.'
Devika felt akward hearing this, she never applied soap anyone in her life, she even didnt saw her husband taking bath, now this old man asking her to apply soap on his body. But at the same time she felt the thrill applying soap to a men, also she decided to seduce this old man with her touches.
Devika: 'Ok sir, I will apply, you start taking bath, i will just wait outside, when you need you can call me.'
Doctor: 'Why ma going outside, and again coming in, that will take much time, and also i have to call you every time. so you stay here at the corner, i will start taking bath'.
Devika agreed and stood at the corner watching the old man taking bath. he stood facing devika and started pouring water on his body from head, during the bath, water was spattered towards devika, devika dont want her saree to get wet, so she raised her saree with her petticoat showing her ankles. doctor seeing devika moving away from water he slowed his pouring speed, but he can see her ankles, her ankles is completed waxed and glistening with water. It was good sight for doctor, while bathing he saw devika, she took seen him, both eyes met, he smiled at her, she felt shy and with no choice she too smiled at him back.
Now the time came, doctor after pouring few mugs, he took the soap and applied on his chest, stomach, and neck.
Doctor: 'Devika, now you can help me', saying that he gave the soap to devika.
she took the soap from his hands, doctor turned facing away from devika. devika moved closer to him, and kept the soap on his bare back and started rubbing over his back, covering from top of his neck to his hip region,
Doctor: 'use your hands ma, then only soap will cover entire area, and all dirt will clean'.
Devika understood what doctor is telling, she applied soap on her hands, and ketp soap on soap stand, and place her sexy foam filled hands on his wet body.
A current shock went through doctor body when he felt her hands on his wet bare body, devika also felt the heat, now she kept both hands on his shoulder and started rubbing his shoulder tightly with her hands, and moved her hands to neck region and rubbed there for sometime, her palm felt sexier than anything for him. he moaned with pleasure.
Doctor: 'Shhh... Ahh... Devika, too good...'.
Devika smiled hearing his moan, and slowly she travelled her hands down to his hip region, due to soap her hands slipped in his back, now she rubbed the foam on hip for sometime with both her hands. He raised his hands sidewards straight, and said
Doctor: 'Devika, apply soap on back of my hands also ma.'
Devika like a obdient student, agian took soap and rubbed her hands, and came to doctor, she kept her both her hands oh his shoulder, and rubbed a little and from there she traveled her sexy palms feeling his entire length of his arms, she felt difficult to reach till end of his arm, so she pushed herslef little close to doctor, in that process of getting closer her spongy boobs hitted his shoulder, she didnt expect this, her front part of saree also became wet with soap foam, at the same time doctor also felt her boobs, and he is extremely hard with devika assault, again her both hands travelled back to shoulder, and repeated the same process, moving her white palms oh his hands, but this time she was careful not touhing him with her boobs, now she moved to right side of him, and applied soap on his right arm, he raised his hands above her sholuder carefully not touching her shoulder, now moved her palms feeling his entire arms, she went to left side of him and repeated the same process.
After completing applying soap oh his arms, now doctor raised his arms.
Devika wondered why he is raising his arms, as she almost covered entire back, inlcuding his arms.
Doctor: 'Now here ma', saying that he pointed his dirty hairy armpit.
Devika confused what she can do now, did she ask him to soap by himslef, or she can help him, as applying soap back is fine, as it is diffciult, but for armpit, he can do by himself. also armpit is most dity area in body, and touhing armpit of a men, she never did in her life. but she felt the thrill in applying soap in his armpit,
she saw doctor was wating for her, again she took the soap and rubbed in her hands first, she want to feel that old man hairy armpit with her hands, so she kept soap aside, and came to doctor stading behind him, she kept her both hands, on his foam covered shoulder, rubbed a little, and slowly moved her hands from shoulder to his armpits, at first devika felt the hair, devika felt akward to feel hairy armpit of a men, but she liked it, as it is new experience for her to apply  soap for a men, and touching his armpit, she slowly rubbed her sexy white palms, oh the hairs on doctor both armpit equally, she roamed her hands in circular fashion on his armpits, again she came to shoulder and slide back to armpit, she did this equally oh both armpits, as he have more hair on his armpit she has to rub for much time to get the soap to get soaked. she was rubbing her sexy plams tightly on his armpits, and finished soaping his armpits. 
Doctor never thought a sexy rich class wife will apply soap oh his armpits, he felt very lucky and happy to feel deivka hands on his body.
Doctor: 'Thanks ma. your hands did more magic ma. my body is more clean now.'
Devika: 'It is my duty sir.' saying that she washed her hands and left the bathroom.
After that she came to hall and continued her works, meantime doctor came out of bathroom completing his bath, devika saw doctor coming to hall, seeing devika doctor gave his wicked smile, she too smiled back and continued her work, after sometime, she went to kitchen to make coffee, in kitchen she boiled milk, and added coffee powder, and she looked for sugar, but she found the sugar bowl is empty, then she called doctor, for asking sugar.
devika: 'Sir, Sir...'. doctor replied from hall.
Doctor: 'Tell ma, you need something'.
Devika: 'Sir there is no sugar in bowl, what can i do now ?'
Doctor: 'What? Sugar is completed? . wait ma, let me check', saying that he came to kitchen, devika was standing still with the empty sugar bowl.
Doctor: 'What ma ? Sugar is completed ah ?'
Devika: 'Yes Sugar is completed and also i already prepared coffee, now what I ahve to do sir.'
Doctor: 'Dont worry ma, we have spare sugar in that cupboard', saying that he showed the top shelf of the cupboard.
so she went to the cupboard and tried to open, but she cant even reach the below cupboard, she tried jumbing and tried to reach the cupboard, but she was not able to reach, also while jumbing doctor was watching her saree clad boobs and ass bouncing, she saw doctor with disappoint face.
Doctor: 'Wait ma, I have a stool in store room, come with me, we will bring that', saying that both went to store room, but there stool was damaged as it was not used for long time.
Devika: 'What can we do sir ?, already I boiled the milk, and without sugar', devika was blank.
Doctor: 'Yes correct devika, also I cant go out now, as it will take more time to reach shop.'.
Again they both came to kitchen. Doctor come with an idea.
Doctor: 'I have an idea, but i need your help.'
Devika: 'How can we get the sugar bowl, as we both cant reach the cupboard.'
Doctor: 'Dont worry ma, I can help you reaching the cupboard'.
Devika with a confused look, 'How Sir ? You too cant reach the cupboard, i too cant reach cupboard, how we will get the sugar?'
Doctor: 'It is simple ma, i will lift you, and you can take the sugar from cupboard.'
Devika was thinking, how she can allow this old man to lift her, it will be more erotic, as he has to lift from straight position, she remember how raju lifted her to beedroom for the treatment, her feelings getting started raising thinking about her life changed.
Devika: 'But doctor, dont you feel difficult lifting me.'
Doctor: 'Why ma, you are thinking like that, you think I am a old man, so that i cant lift you'.
Devika: 'No Sir, Not like that, I am housewife, I feel shy.'.
Doctor: 'Why you are thinking like me as stranger, We all are friends, it is just a help'.
Devika: 'Hmmm...', but still she acted as she is uncomfortable to getting lifted by 60 yrs old man.
Doctor: 'If you feel uncomfortable, then i wont compell you, i will go out and buy sugar, going out may take little time, but i will get sugar', saying that he turned from her and started walking outside, but devika felt bad for him, as he dont have any bad intention, only she was thinking bad about him, so she called him,
Devika: 'Sir... Sir.... Dont go'.
Doctor: 'But We need but sugar, i have to out ma...'.
Devika: 'No Sir, we can take sugar, you can lift me, and I will take the sugar.'
Doctor: 'Are you sure ?. after that you should not think bad.'
Devika: 'No Sir I wont think bad, you can lift me.'
Doctor thinking of lifting a sexy married women, he was enjoying within himself, and came near to her to lift her, devika was ready adjusting her saree, and getting ready to get lifted, doctor came infront of her, and went to squat position, and grabbed her legs along with her thighs, and slowly raised from his squat position, devika for her support she kept her hands on his shoulders, devika wondered about doctor strength lifting her at his age, doctor was feeling her sexy thighs over her saree over his arms, due to her weight she slowly slipped in doctor hands and her ass rested on his arms, now doctor was feeling her saree covered ass, in his arms, she never thought in her life she was sitting in a man hands, in lifting position, as today devika tied her saree below her navel, he got the display of her sexy navel straight in front of his eyes, her navel was very close to his face, devika raised her hands, now she can reach the cupboard and opened it, but there were lot of stuffs, in it, so she was searching for the sugar bowl, she searched the edges of the cupboard, but she didnt find the sugar bowl, also she was feeling doctor's hot breathe on his exposed belly area, including her navel, she bit her lips with excitement, but she controlled and continued searching for sugar bowl, now she have to search further inside the cupboard, so she leaned forward, and searched inside, while leaning she felt tickling at her belly, she was thinking what was that, but she came to know that tickling was due doctor beard and mustach, in the leaning process, she has bent forward, so she accidently pressed her belly on to his face, that feeling was great for doctor, he dont want to lose this opportunity, also his nose got stuck into her navel, he smelled devika womaly deep navel, he adjusted his face, and placed his mouth on her navel, slowly he opened his dirty mouth and planted a kiss on her navel, a current shock went inside devika, when she felt his lips on her navel. she tried to pull herself back due to this sudden assault from doctor,
doctor: 'dont lean backwards ma, you may fall, careful'
saying that he placed his one palm oh her ass, and pull her again back to him, and her navel again bounced on his dirty lips, this time he bacame bold and sucked her navel, devika have no choice and allowed the dirty old man to enjoy her navel, but he didnt suck continously, she sucked once and kept his lips pressed onto her navel, due to devika searching, she has to move left and right, so her navel was brushing his face, his lips was going into her navel and agian coming out, and like that it happened, when she moved.
Devika: 'Sir, I dont see any sugar bowl here, where it is sir ?'
Doctor: 'It will inside only ma, i dont remember, it is a blue box, so see if any blue box is there'.
Devika: 'Ok I am seeing'.
after replying her, again he started his dirty act on her navel, he was constantly, kiss her lips, because of that her navel become wet with his saliva, due to long lifting, she started slipping into his hands, to regain her position ,doctor with a jerk and lifted to her back to the positon, during that he can feel her sexy ass bouncing on his hands, and her ass also now completely rested on his folded hands, again he brought his nose and inserted into her navel, and smelling her navel, her smell felt great for doctor and his dick started raising.
Devika crushed her fate and continued her search, and finally she found the sugar bowl.
Devika: 'I found it sir, you can bring me down', doctor was sad, as devika found the sugar bowl, but he had enough time to feel her navel with his mouth, and nose, and also devika herself have press her navel onto his face to the postion.
doctor released her and slowly slipped through his arms, while slipping her saree got misaligned, and shifted from her body, and her ass slowly slided though his hands, he can feel whole ass smoothness  in his hands and when she reached halfway, her boobs hit his head, and thereafter, her boobs crushed onto his head, and then downwards to his face, doctor dont want to lose this opportunity, so he kept her closely onto her body, he felt her boobs all over his face and finally rested on his chest crushing his chest, devika feet also touched the floor, doctor still didnt release the grip, now his hands kept wrapped her back bare hips and feeling her hip smothness, her entire body crushed onto his body, she can feel his hardness on her thighs, and her boobs popuped by pressing his chest, they remained in that posture for sometime, devika was looking into doctors eyes, doctor also looking into her eyes with lust. devika came back to her sense, and tried to pull herself form his grip, but doctor again pulled her back into his grip, her boobs hit hard on his chest and bounced.
Devika: 'Sir... please leave me, we got the sugar bowl', she have the sugar bowl in her hands.
Doctor: 'please give me some more time ma... you are really so hot, i never get a chance to feel a womanly body like you', he said openly to her, and pressed her bare hips with his hands.
Devika: 'Your are naughty, you said you wont dont have any bad intention on me, before lifting, now are asking me to stay in hugging posture with you, i thought you like my father.'.
Doctor: 'he he... even father cant control when he has sexy daughter like you'. both were talking in hugging posture, pressing her boobs on his chest.
Devika: 'Also, what have you done to navel while lifting, it is compeletly wet with your sailva, you think i didnt notice that you kept your lips pressed on my navel.'
Doctor: 'He he.. you know i was keeping my lips on your navel, but you didnt tell anything. So you liked i am kissing your navel ?'
Devika was caught by his question, but she tried to manage.
Devika: 'That is because i dont have any choice, i have to lean forward to seach for sugar bowl, but you took advantage of my sitiuation', saying that she blushed. doctor noticed devika blusing
Doctor: 'Looks like madam is blusing', saying that he laughed, devika also smiled at him.
Devika: 'Ok fine, let me go, i have to add sugar to coffee.'
Doctor: 'No, Tell me, didnt you enjoy my navel kiss ?'.
Devika with a annoyed look.
Devika: 'I have to go leave me.'
Doctor: 'No, answer me devika? did you liked the way i kissed your navel ?'.
Devika: 'Ok, I enjoyed. now leave me.'
Doctor: 'Enjoyed what ?'.
Devika: 'Your kiss.'
Doctor: 'Tell me fully ma.'.
Devika: 'Ok, I will tell you, now leave me'.
Doctor: 'you tell then i will leave you'.
Devika came closer to his face, looking into his eyes .
Devika: 'Yes, I enjoyed your lips on my navel, i enjoyed once you sucked my navel, my sexy navel become wet with your saliva.'.
Doctor: 'he he... thanks'.
Devika: 'Now you happy ? leave now sir.'
Doctor: 'Ok Ok, i will leave you, but one more question'.
Devika: 'Arree baba, ok tell'.
Doctor: 'You need my lips on my navel daily ? you want me to kiss your sexy navel ? you want me to lick your navel with my tongue? you want me to eat your navel? tell me you need this daily.'
Devika: 'He He.... no way, i cant'.
Doctor: 'Ok will see that'. He said with a wicked smile
Devika smiled, and got released from doctor grip, he also left her,
He went to hall with happiness, thinking how devika changed.
She conituned heating milk again. They both had coffee, doctor didnt do any other dirty activities with her, and after sometime she left his home.
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After Devika reached home, she took bath,  and changed her dress into nighty, and lied of sofa, and thinking the incident happend in doctor house. she smiled within herself, how she is having  spciy life as a maid, and also thinking about doctor, how he was mad at her navel, also doctor was becoming bold, today he directly came behind her and pressed his hod rod on her ass, also he inserted his finger into her navel, also she felt shame thinking of how she was soaping doctor shoulder and his back area, also she even appilied soap on his hairy armpit, she never thought this will happen to her life, but she liked the spice things happening in her life, and she wants more spice added to her life, also she dont want to stop with Raju and Doctor, so tomorrow she decided to go in public bus, as other days she used to go to doctor house by single auto, but tomorrow she decided to go by bus, also decided to wrap her saree in sexier way, reveling her navel and belly area, eventhough it is dangerous, but she want to see the excitment how men are going to watch her assests, also she remember what doctor says, as low class men never get sexy lady like devika, so she decided to give opportunity to low class people, thinking she slept.

Next day morning she got up from bed thinking how things got changed, she took bath and getting ready to go to doctor house, she worn her short sleeve blouse, exposing her arms, and one of her peach color cotton saree, she tied her petticoat 6 inch below her navel, also tied her saree same 6 inch below her navel, the color of her saree in not much transparent, but one can see her navel by sliding her pallu, alos her blouse is short at back, so her cute hips folds are visible at her back, her side hips are appeared as butter, with her average flesh. she applied her costly scent, which mostly will attract any men, at the age of 60 years old. she took her handbag, and locked her house and stepped out, eventhough she was excited, at the same she had a fear, as this is the first time she is going to go in bus, after  her college days, her heart started beating fast, she walked on the street to reach near bus stop, she saw every man in the street, was staring at her assets, she was careful in hiding her navel from those people. she reached the bus stop and waited for the bus, a bus for doctor home route came, it was not much crowded, but she can see, no seats were avilable for seating, she got into the bus. she took the tickets, and asked conductor,
devika: 'How many stops are there to reach xxxx place ?'
conductor: '12 stops are there ma, go to middle',
She went to middle of the bus, eventhough many mens in the bus are watching her, no one have bold to come near her, also bus is not much crowded, she smiled within her thinking of those men, who are straving to lay hands on her body. 3 stops got over, bus started getting little crowd, she also lost the excitement that any one will have the boldness to touch her in public, in next 2 stops, bus got completly packed with crowd, generally in bus ladies will stand in left side, and gents occupies right side, devika was standing at left side middle of the bus holding the rod, as bus got fully crowd, she can feel people stading close to her completely surrounded her, she was waiting and ready for any assault from men stading behind her, as expected she started feeling someone falling on her constantly, she thought that man was falling on her due to crowd and bus break, she ignored, when she turned back to see the men who was falling on her, she was confused, as that men was sitting when she entered the bus, but now he was standing behind her, she laughed within her knowing his intention, she know the reason why he got up from his place and standing behind her, but he was giving reaction, as he is struggling to stand properly. devika observed him closely, he is looking old around fifties, he was wear a white shirt, which was dirty and torned at some places, below he was waering lungi, and he was not clean, having not shaven beard and mustache, also he is black, luking contrast to devika color, she was happy, as she knows these low class people never get a rich class women like devika, so she decided to continue the game of seduction with him, she again turned away from him, but dont want to reveal that she is intereted in seducing him, so she stood sliently wating for him to advance, and see the reaction, he was standing very closely to devika, he can smell devika womaly body scent, he was excited after smelling her, no low class men would have felt a great smell from a woman, again a break made by bus, he took this as oppurtunity and felt on her back, but this time he stayed on her body, and started sniffing her back of her neck, as devika hair was tied as pony tail, he can smell her neck with no hurdle, devika also felt the weight on her body and his hot breath on her neck, she acted she is not comfortable with his act and pushed him back with her body, and elbow. He was quite sacred, but he dont lose his boldness, in next stop, few more people got into the bus, and become more crowded, as people getting down are less, middle also tightly packed, and used this opportunity that dirty prevet old man came more closer to devika, now she can compltely feel his proximity, also his hot foul breath on her exposed back region under blouse, and neck.
due to the crowd slowly he moved closer to her, and sniffing her exposed bare sexy back above the blouse, she can feel his nose roaming on her back, also felt tickling as she felt his beard also sometimes, devika was moving her back due to tickling caused by his beard, but she didnt push him back, seeing no restriction from devika, he now placed his cheek on her back and started ruubing his dirty beard on her back, she cant control the tickling this time, and pushed him back, with her shoulder, he again took his face back to normal, few seconds later, she felt a hand touching her ass over her saree, she knows that was the dirty man touch, as he trying to feel her ass, witout knowing her, by seeing no reaction from devika, he increaed the touch, he is touching her ass with back of his hands, not with palm, also he rested his hands on her ass for sometime, between touches, devika didnt react as she want to encourage by not showing any resistance, he became bold, turned his hands and touched her ass with his palms, and also rested his palms on her ass in cupping posture, now she decided to react, so she brought her hands which was holding seat rod down and pushed his hands away from her ass, agian she brought her hands to position, for few seconds she didnt feel anything, after some time he moved further closer, and holded the bar where devika was holding and warpped his finger around her finger for a moment, before devika react he took his hands off from her finger and holded the bar, above her hands, but this he came more closer to hold the bar, because of that his body comes into contact with her body, he started to feel devika smoothy spongy ass in his inner groin region, because of the contact, he can feel her complete body with body, he was exictied to feel sexy women body and became hard, his hard dick started raising and come into contact with devika ass, devika also clearly feel his hard rod on her ass, she acted like she was irritated, so with irritated face, she tried to push him back, but there is no luck, as people stading behind him pushing him more on devika, he too took this as opportunity and leaned more on her pressing his hard dick on her ass. devika saw is there anyone watching his activities, but all people are busy in adjusting themeselves in the crowd. He constantly moving his dick on her ass, that was great feeling for both of them, his cock was tightly pressed on her ass, devika tried to push him back for some time, but she cant, she has no other choice than feel his dick in her ass. 
Again due to break, he felt on devika, this time he holded her exposed bare upper arms below the blouse region, it was a quick grab, he felt and pressed her smooth arms a little and left, so she cant react or say anything, she can feel his hands are very storng during the grab. Now he slowly placed his hand on her side of right thighs, at begining it was soft touch, after see no reaction from devika, he strated massing her side thighs over her saree with his strong hands, devika deceided to warn his activities. when she turned her face, she got a instant shock, as his face was dangerously near her face, he was directly looking into his eyes, devika didnt expect this, he got scared at first, then she made her face strict and warned the stranger,

Devika: 'Hello, what are you doing man, Are you going  to take your hands off from my thighs or shall I shout ?', while speaking he can feel devika's breath hitting on his face due to the closeness of him.
Old man, replied with boldness, 'Sorry mam, actually I can control, your are looking sexy and your structure is too hot to handle, also i thought you are that kind of woman, and like this kind of public fondlings', still pressing her thighs.' devika also felt his foul breath on her face while he is talking
Devika again with a strict look, 'What are you telling, What kind of woman I am ?'
Old man: 'You are looking like a hot high class randi.', he said with a wicked smile on his face.
Devika: 'You bastard, how dare you call me like that. Enough take your hands you rascal.', said with a mock anger on her face.
He too become scared and dont want to create any scene here, so he took his hands from her thighs, but before taking his hands, he squeezed her thighs for one last time hardly with his rough hands, which made devika to moan.
Devika: 'ssssh ahhh, you bastard', saying he gave him a hard look.
Old man: 'I took my hands, but what about my dick mam, are you okay with that ? is it okay to press my dick on your ass ?', saying that he he pumbed her from behind with his dick.
Devika: 'Noooo Please Stop.... Move back and stand please'. she said with her eyes closed.
Old man: 'How Mam ? I cant move back, see it is fully crowded, feel my dick and just shut up and enjoy my pumbing and hardness of my dick', saying that again he hit her ass with his hard dick. both were talking in very low voice as no  one can hear.
Devika: 'Please no.', she cant no option other than saying no.
Old man: 'You randi, see you are enjoying the feel of my dick, but acting like you are unhappy when i touch you'. he started to move his ass as he is fucking her from behind, her soft saree covered ass was bulging up and down  between his thighs due to his continous pumping.
Devika: 'No Please, it is public, please stay back...', she said with a begging face.
He came closer to her ears, 
Oldman: 'See you liked my dick and fondling, only thing you worried is we are in public, dont worry you slut, no one will notice, ', while he was taking devika can feel his lips brushing her ears, again his confidence came back and place his hands on her thighs, and pressed softly.
Oldman: 'Wow.... nice soft thighs you have'.
Devika: 'Ahhh ... Basssstard'. Slowly devika relized that she is losing her control on him, but she liked his boldness and the way he taking control over her.
He slowly moved his hands upward from her thighs, and placed on her right ass cheeks, she was shocked to feel his rough hands on her ass. she again decided to warn him, so she turned her face back to him to warn him. His face is still close to her, both were looking direclty, she was about to open her mouth to scold him. he became bold and gave a tight kiss on her lips, though it was quick, he kissed her tightly pressed against her lips, devika quickly removed her lips and tilted her head back, but she can feel his sailva on her lips, she acted like it was digusting and cleaned her lips with her saree, but he licked his lips with his toungue, indicating his victory over devika, devika acted as she was humilated by his act.
he didnt stop with that, he gave a nice tight twist on her ass by pinching her ass cheeks, devika jumbed for a moment.
Devika: 'Ouch...', she gave a annoyed look to him, seeing devika he puckered his lips like kissing her, seeing his expression, devika cant control her smile, so a smile went on her face, he also noticed devika smiled. 
seeing devika smilling he jumbed in joy, as for the first time a positive sign came from devika. with his joy and excitement, he cupped her ass with his rough palms and sequeezed tightly over saree, devika moaned in pain.
Devika: 'Ahhhhh.... it is paining .... please stop.'
he stopped pressing her ass, and slowly brought his hands and tried to place it oh her bare white hips.
Suddenly bus applied break, he lost control and his hands slipped down.
Conductor was shouting for the stop name, and devika became alert as her stop will be next, so she have to go to front to get down. she pushed him back, and saw him, he looked her with a confused look.
Devika: 'Leave me, I have to go', hearing this he looked her with a disappoint face. Devika felt bad for him, as she has to leave him half done. Devika with a hurry she took a papper and pen from her back and wrote something, and gave to him, she also gave him a smile and moved forward for her stop, he looked her with a sad face, like a fox losing his prey, devika stop came, she got down from, for last time she gave smile again to him and blushed and left. he saw the paper devika gave to him, he was stunned to see the paper, it was devika phone number, it has mentioned, 'call me tonight', he never thought in his life a sexy hot lady like devika will give her phone number, he was in cloud nine, and got down from the bed, and went to home.
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Meantime devika reached to doctor's home, doctor was siting in sofa reading newspaper, he noticed devika coming and saw her midriff area for her navel, he found her navel exposed and hot as always, but he acted like he didnt see her, but concentrate on reading newspaper, as  he was sad and not interested on seeing her, devika was wondering why he is behaving strangely, as last 2 days he was flirting her, but today he was slient and not like before, she observed some change in behaviour, she didnt think much about that went to kitchen and, in kitchen she was thinking of the incident happened in the bus with the old man, she was thinking his hard and rough hand, also he is very strong in fondling her, she touched her ass and the pain was still there due to his pinch and twist, she dont how strenght and confidence came from her when she gave her phone number to a unkown cheap class stranger, she was scared what will happen, whether he will misuse her number. with such questions in her mind she washed the utensils, she expected doctor to come kitchen and talk to her, but he didnt come, so she disappointed, she completed washing utensils, and again came to hall to see doctor, he was watching tv, doctor saw devika coming to hall, she smiled at her, but he ignored her smile, and continued watching tv, she also irritated as he didnt respect her smile, she also left the hall and went to bathroom for washing clothes, she saw the bucket, only few clothes are there with his innerwear too, devika eye went to his jetty, her tongue automatically licked her lips, she saw the hall from bathroom, whether doctor is coming, there is no sign of doctor, she took his jetty, and brought to her face and sniffed it, she can feel storng pungent urine smell, she like the smell of men urine, she put his jetty on to her face, and took a deep breath.

Devika within her, 'Ahhhh ... what a great storng smell of men, i understood what i am missing these days even after her marriage, she cant even imagine these kind of dirty activities with her husband, because her husband left to other country and not in contact with her, now she got opportunity to enjoy dirty things in her life, she wants too make more spice on her life.'
She slowly brought his dirty underwear on her sweaty neck, and cleaned her sweat with that, again she smelled, and gave kiss on tip of jetty,
Devika: 'Ahhh .... it feels great.... ',
she put his underwear back to bucket and put those clothes into washing machine for washing, she did other works and after sometime washing machine stopped, she dried all clothes and came back to hall. Again doctor acted like he didnt notice her.
She came near sofa where doctor was sitting, and sat near him
Devika: 'Hello Sir, what happened today, you are looking dull today.'
Doctor: 'Yeah, I am not going to talk to you today.'
Devika confused, as today she came with low hip revealing her navel, as he suggested, why he has to unhappy with her
Devika: 'Why what happened ? What I did, why are not talking to me.'
Doctor: 'What day today is ?'.
Devika thought for a second, and said, 'Febuary 14, so what ?'
Doctor: 'Valentines day'.
Devika: 'Ok... so what ?'.
Doctor: 'I see many people enjoying this day with their loved ones, but i am here staying unhappy.'
Devika understood what he is expecting from her, but she acted like she is confused with his statement.
Devika: 'But what can we do for that, they have their pair, and they are enjoying, what shall we can do for that'.
Doctor: 'But i want to celebrate today, i miss my wife' saying this he kept his face sad, like a baby fighting for choclate.
Devika smiled inside her, thinking about him wanted to celebrate valentiens day at his age.
Devika: 'Ok celebreate then, who is stopping you ?'.
Doctor: 'How I will celebrate without lover or wife ?'.
Devika: 'How can you expect to celebrate with your wife when you dont have ?'.
Doctor with a wicked smile, 'When you are here why I have to think of other women, I want to celebrate with you only devika, will you be my wife today ?'
Devika was expecting this from doctor, but she acted like she was shocked to hear, 'But I am already married, how it is possible, i cant sir'.
Doctor: 'Please devika only today, i am very sad that can celebrate valentine day, as i dont have my wife, also i dont know any women other than you'.
hearing his plea, she felt sad for him, also she also now feeling to celebrate valentine day, as her husband is not with her, she can think doctor as his wife, also only one day, so there is no wrong, but she want to keep things in control.
Devika took a deep breath, 'Ok fine, As your sad, I agree for your request sir'.
Doctor cant believe his eyes,
Doctor: 'Wow... you agreed ?'
Devika: 'Yes'
Doctor: 'What you have agreed ?',
Devika: 'I say, i agree to be your wife today'.
Doctor: 'Thanks very much devika.', saying that he jumbed in happy, devika smiled him becoming happy.
Devika: 'But in one condition, I can be your wife, only if you should be in control, i mean you should not do any mis behaving with me without my permission.'
Doctor: 'Promise, i wont do anything without your permission.'
Devika: 'Ok then lets celebrate.'
Doctor, went to his bedroom and came back to hall with a box and gave to devika.
Doctor: 'This is my present for my one day wife devika'.
Devika with excitement, she opened the box, it was a saree box, she opened and took the saree out, she was happy to see the saree, it was a lavender color chiffon saree, she hugged the saree with enjoyement, 
Doctor: 'Thank you so much dear husband...', saying that she hugged him and gave a tight kiss on his cheek, and left him
Doctor felt current shock inside when she hugged him, 'Ok devika wear this saree and come'.
Devika with joy she went to his bedroom and locked the door from inside and removed her saree, alogn with the saree there are new set of bloue and petticoat are there, the blouse was slevee, she worn the blouse and petticoat, to impress doctor she tied her petticoat 4 inch below her navel and finally worn the new saree, and stood infront of mirror, she felt the saree in more transparent, she can see her navel through her saree, and even her upper portion of her blouse with ample amout of cleavage.
Doctor was waiting for her, after some time, she opened the door and came out. she was standing near the door with her head down with shyness
Doctor: 'woooow.... come here devika, why are you stading there'. devika slowly came to doctor. doctor pulled her near him by hodling her arms. he was scanning her from top to bottom, he can see her navel hidden in tranparency of the saree.
Doctor: 'Devika you look stunning in this saree', saying that he gave a kiss on her forehead.
Doctor took a rose from the fridge and came to devika,
Doctor: 'Happy Valentines day, dear wife'. he proposed her with a rose.
She happily accepted his rose and kept on her hair.
Devika: 'Thanks doctor'.
Doctor devika both were standing looking at each other.
Devika: 'You gifted me saree, and gave a rose, I dont knw as a wife i need to gift you something.'
Doctor: 'It is ok devika, you dont need to gift anything ma, you agreed to be my wife in this day is a big gift for me.'
Devika: 'But still i need to do something for you'.
Devika: 'Yeah i got an idea. What dish you like doctor ?'.
Doctor:  'Its ok ma, leave it, i dont need anything', he acted like a gentleman.
Devika: 'No doctor, please tell me what dish you like ? I will prepare that for you'
Doctor: 'Ok ma. as your wish, I like gulab jamun very much'.
Devika: 'Wow, i too like gulab jamun, ok doctor, you wait here i will make our favourite gulab jamun', saying that again she came near him and gave a kiss on his cheek, with her rosy lips, and went to kitchen, swaying her ass, current shock went inside doctor every time devika kiss him with no anouncement.
Doctor sat on sofa reading news paper, she was busy preparing gulbab jamun for her one day husband. after some time she made gulab jamun, and prepared the dinning hall in a romantic way rose and candles, she came to hall and smiled at doctor,
Devika: 'doctor come to dinning room, your favourite dish is ready.'
Doctor came to dinning hall, he suprised to see the arrangement made by devika. she also prepared rice and sambar and few sidedish, as it is lunch time,
Both went inside dinning hall, she made doctor to sit in the chair, and served him rice, with sambar and curries, while serving she tucked her saree pallu around her waist, due to that more of her bare hips were exposed, doctor cant take eyes on her sexy milky white hips, devika also noticed doctor was watching her hips, she smiled within her. he also see her armpits as she was wearing sleevless blouse, once she raised her arms to take salt from cupboard, her cleanly shaved armpit came into clear view for him.
Doctor: 'wow, sambar is great, i never had a sambar tasty like this, you are very good in cooking.'
Devika blushed hearing his comments and said, 'thank you doctor.' she was stading near doctor like a obidient housewife, and watching doctor eating.
After he completed lunch, for washing hands devika brought a figer bowl, where he washed his hands and asked devika for towel, but devika intead of towel, he untucked her pallu from waist and gave the side edge of pallu to him, doctor was suprised with devika action, he took her pallu and cleaned his hands, also he cleaned his mouth with her pallu, devika as next step she brought gulab jamun and kept on the table.
Devika: 'Now it is dessert time, Your favourite gulb jam', devika kept the gulabjam bowl in table and sat opposite to him, and looking at him in romantically, she kept her hands on the table, doctor from opposite side holded her hands.
Doctor: 'Thank you Devika, I am very happy today, Also thanks for your lunch treat, it is very tasty'.
Devika, also cooperated with him by holding his hands like a lover.
Devika: 'Thanks for gifting me this costly saree, i feel great today'.
Devika: 'Lets have gulab Jamun, she pushed the bowl towards him'.
Doctor: 'I like gulab Jamun, but i feel it will be more tasty if you feed me'. and moved the bowl to devika
Devika felt shy and blushed, 'I feel shy doctor',
Doctor: 'What is there to shy, today you are my wife, there is no shy between a husband and wife, so please devika feed me'
Devika: 'Hmm okay', saying that she took gulab jamun from the bowl dripping with jeera, and brought near the old man's mouth, he is ready with his mouth opened, she can clearly see his teeth having the dirt of pan, she feed the gulab janum with her sexy finger, she has feed him such a way her finger also went inside her mouth, he took the gulab jamun along with her finger, and acted like he is biting her finger.
Devika pulled her hand quickly, and nodded her head, saying, 'Ahh Ahh... dont bite..'
Doctor ate the gulab jamun with gulb, and quickly grabbed her finger along with her hands again brought near him and looking at the jeera at her finger, 
Doctor: 'I dont want waste the jeera', saying that he quiclky took her  index finger which is dripping with gulab jamun, and put it inside his dirty pan chewing mouth, devika was not ready for the attack, but she liked the way he took her finger inside his mouth, he took her entire index finger inside his mouth, inside mouth he started licking the jeera from her finger along with her finger, devika felt humilated feeling her sexy nail polished finger inside a dirty pan chewing old man mouth, but she enjoyed it, he constanly looking at devika face, she was twisting and turning her head with her eyes closed,
Devika: 'Ahhh ... doctor please enough... sssshh ahhh... doctor'.
defineltly a hot feeling for the old man to having a sexy matured young housewife's finger inside in his mouth, doctor was painting her finger with his big tongue inside his mouth, after sometime he licked all jeera from her hand, and devika also tried to pull her finger from his mouth, relealzing that he slowly left her finger from his mouth, now doctor dirty foul saliva was dripping over her finger, but he didnt leave her finger from his grip, again her finger near his mouth, and extened his tongue and licked her red nail polished nail, and finger,
Devika: 'Ok that is enough doctor, you already took all the jeera from my finger, now again why are not leaving'.
Doctor: 'wait devika, still your finger taste the jeera, please allow me to taste your finger a little'.
Devika smiled and him and allowed him to continue, 
Doctor: 'Yeah tasty... shhhhs ahhhh', continued licking, devika finger is glistening with the old man pan mixed saliva, he now kissed her finger tip, and started kissing side of her finger, he tilted his head and sucked her sides of her finger very well, and finally left her finger, devika took her hands back, she thought of cleaning her finger with her saree or tissue, but she thought that may create bad impression on him, so she ignored and let his saliva on finger without cleaning.
now doctor took one piece of gulab jamun from the bowl and directed to devika for feeding her, she dont know what to tell, she felt no choice and other than took the gulab jamun from his finger, into her mouth, during that doctor can feel her sexy lips, and teeth with his finger, she was not able to take fully, so she bite half and eat, doctor was wating with the remaining half letting her to eat, again devika took the remaining half from her finger, this time devika has to fully cover his finger with her mouth, and doctor her saliva filled inner lips, and her teeth more this time, she again ate the half, doctor was still with his hands near her mouth, after complete eating gulab jamun, she looked doctor questionly, doctor seeing devika he smiled wickedly, he was showing his finger near her mouth indicating to taste the jeera dripping from his finger, as doctor licked the jeera from her finger, now also have to lick the jeera from his finger,
devika: 'Chee naughty .' saying that she brought her toungue out of her mouth and licked the jeera in his finger, he felt his heart pumbing when her felt devika sexy toungue on his finger, she was carefully licking all the jeera from his finger, after sometime, devika took his finger inside her mouth, which doctor didnt expect, and warpped her sexy lips tightly around his finger, inside her mouth like doctor she also painting his finger with her sailva and tongue inside her mouth, agian after sometime she slowly took his finger without the releasing her lips around finger and slided out from her mouth, but she didnt leave his hands, she again slided inside her mouth and took it back, it apperaed like she is sucking her finger witout taking outside of her mouth,
Doctor: 'Ahhhh ....devika wow... nice', he cant control the sexy assault devika giving to him.
After sometime she released the finger from her mouth,
Doctor: 'That is great, your lips feels great', saying that he was looking his finger which is glistening with devika saliva, without telling anything he put his own finger to taste devika's saliva.
Devika: 'Chee... doctor it is my sailva.... i wont be good.'
Doctor took his finger out, 'No is is tastier than jeera... he he..' he sucked all devika saliva around her finger. devika excited to see doctor action, and decided to took intiate and seduce him more.
Again doctor took one more piece from bowl and brought near devika mouth, but devika stopped him. doctor looked her with confusion.
Devika: 'Dont you get bored feeding gulab jamun from hands...'.
Doctor: 'Then how feed devika',
Devika: 'How about taking gulab jamun from my mouth..., my sex lips..., dont you want to eat gulab jamun from my mouth with your mouth, you dont want this sexy wife feeding gulab jamun by her mouth ?', saying that she puckered her lips, and pointed with her fingers.
Doctor was in shock to his world.
Doctor: 'Yes devika, feed me with your mouth... it will be more tastier than previous feeding', saying that he licked his toungue.
devika stood from her chair, and came to doctor, oppostite to the table, and sat on his laps crossing her legs, doctor felt her soft spongy ass crushed on his hard thighs under his lungi, she took doctor rough hands, and placed  on her smooth milky white bare side hips, and wrapped her bare sleveless arms around his neck, doctor started pressing her hips alogn with her folds, he also feel the smoothness of her arms with his neck, he can feel devika womely scent with such close proximity.
Doctor: 'your hips are soft, wooow.... just like simran'.
Devika: 'Thanks... hold my hips as you wish'.
Devika took one gulab jamun from the bowl and put it her mouth, she was holding the one half edge of gulab jamun with her lips, and teeth for support and bend near his face with her eyes closed, doctor heart was beating fast, as devika came near his face with gulab jamun, doctor also went near hear and place his dirty lips over the other end of gulab jamun, devika can feel his mustache, brushing her nose, and can feel his foul breath, he completely covered the othe edge of gulab jamun with his lips, both lips were toughing each other at the edges over gulab jamun, both felt this is the correct time and bite thier halves of gulab jamun and took it inside thier mouth, after biting both of thier lips joined together with sticky jeera of gulab jamun between thier lips, devika kept her lips tightly pressed on his lips, doctor never thought in his life he can feel lips of young sexy house wife with his lips, he also kept his lips tightly pressed over lips, devika felt his rough lips on her smooth pinky sexy lips, they both remained in that position feeling each other lips, due to jeera both lips felt slippery on each other lips, they both struggle to reposition thier lips when they slips. after sometime, devika seperated her lips from him due to jeera sticky effect thier lips seperated slowly like a gum.
both were breating heavily and looking into thier eyes.
Doctor: 'This is the great gulab jamun i ever had in my life', saying that he pressed her hips and little tighted with his figer edges,
devika jumbed with a qucik pain, 'Ouch.... ' and holded his hands, but didnt stop him.
Devika: 'It is very tasty ?, i will show how jeera tastes', saying that she dipped her finger into the bowl and took some jeera and applied on her lips
Devika: 'Let me show how you jeera tastes', saying that she brought her face nearer to doctor face and opened her mouth, and locked his lips with her jeeera filled lips. she locked his lips with hers tightly for some time, doctor was feeling like heaven seeing devika action, she slowly started sucking his dirty lips with her sexy rosy sharp lips, doctor also started cooperated with by sucking the jeera from her lips. this is first time devika is kissing doctor. devika felt his foul breath on her face and his pan filled saliva while kissing, she ignored and started kissing his upper and lower lips equally, devika brought her lips out from doctor, and looking into his eyes, and gave quick peck on his lips, and again she repeated the peck, and next with a tight kiss, like she repeated, doctor can feel her smmoth lips doing magic on his lips. then again kept pressed her lips, and tried to open his mouth with her tongue, knowing devika intention, he also opened his mouth and allowed her tongue into his mouth, he also exteneded his tongue and met her tonuge, she started licking his tongue with her, she again can feel the pan and tobacco taste inside his mouth, she started liking that taste, devika was not allowing doctor to take control, instead she was taking control over him with her lips and toungue, after kissing for some time, she took her tongue out of her mouth. doctor was tired and panting with such long kiss from devika. he never expect devika will seduce him like this, even without having sex, he was panting heavily, both lips were glitening with each other salivas
Doctor: 'Devika it is enough ma... i am getting tired'.
Devika: 'But i need more, just shut up and enjoy my kiss, devika acted like she lost control.
Doctor: 'No... ', before he was about to say something, she again jumbed on his lips and gave a tight kiss, then came back, again she went with her mouth opened, and locked his lips, and sucking his upper and lower lips, everytime when she switch his lips she also licked his lips with her tongue, doctor also brought his tongue and met her tongue, both started having french kiss with their toungues.
finally devika got statified with the kiss, and got seperated, doctor also got reliefed from devika sex assault.
Devika: 'I think you cant kiss, but still i need more', doctor say devika with eyes poped. she took the gulab jamun bowl from the table, diretly put her tongue into the bowl and dipped with jeera, and came to doctor and extened her tongue infront of him, doctor was confued what devika doing,
Devika: 'Come on, what are waiting for, lick the jeera from my tongue, suck my tongue', saying that she extended more, doctor with excited extened his tongue and and licked her toungue, he moved further and licked the top of her tongue with his tongue, he generated more saliva, while licking and dropped on her tongue, he went down of her tongue and licked their for sometime, and finally he took her whole tongue into his mouth wrapping his lips around her tongue and started sucking her tongue, he sucked her tongue for sometime, every her goes deeper, his lips meet her rosy lips. after 2 min of licking he left her tongue.
Devika: 'Please dont stop pressing my hips, feel my hips with your rough hand doctor... it feels great, when you press my hips', saying she gave a final tight kiss on his lips.
Devika: 'Ummmmm.... ahhhh'.
doctor: 'Devika you are very hot to handle, i never thought you will conquer me with your sexy attiere, every men needs a wife like you'.
Devika : 'But you dont know how to handle when your wife is hot and sexy, I will show how to handle your wife when she is hot'. saying that she got up from his lap, stepped back for few steps backward, and kept her hands on her shoulder and removed her pin from shoulder and slowly dropped her pallu, pallu landed on the floor, revelaing her boobs, and deep navel, both were looking each other, devika was smiling at him, doctor heart was beating heavily when he saw devika without pallu, devika was looking ultra sexy without her pallu, she also heavliy breathing, her cleavage raising and popping out of her blouse, her belly also moving up and down, which looked more sexy. she slowly moved her hips seductively in sidewards.
seeing that doctor become more harder in his crotch, and rubbed his crotch over his lungi, devika smiled at doctor action, doctor stood from the chair and came near devika, and tried touching her belly. devika moved back not allowing him to touch,
devika: 'Ahh Ahh... no no you naughty, you cant touch me.'
doctor: 'dont tease me devika, i cant take your teasing at this age...'
devika laughed at him, and puckered her lips and gave a kiss from distance,
devika: 'ok fine i am not teasing you.' saying that she put her pallu back to her shoulders, and covered her body.
doctor gave a sad look, devika laughed again seeing his reaction,
devika: 'you said you like my navel ?'
doctor: 'yes...sss'.
devika: 'you want to lick my navel ?', saying that she slowly slided her saree on her waist and revealed her navel.
devika: 'your wife navel is so hot, waiting for you tongue', she slowly inserted her finger into her navel and circled inside her navel.
doctor was watching her action with his mouth opened.
devika: 'you think my navel is big enough to hold gulab jamun ?', saying that  she went to table and took the gulab jamun bowl, lied on the floor.
Devika: 'Come on doctor, now it is your turn, fullfill your dream, eat my navel.... i cant wait'. she kept one hand over her head showing her armpit, stretched her back in lying posture
doctor came to her and sat near her, he slowly slide her saree on waist, he saw her deep navel, and going in and out due to her breathing, he took a gulab jamun dripping with jeera, and slowly placed on her navel, gulab jamun fitted correctly into her navel, and jeera was flowing outside of navel, doctor climbed over devika, and sat on her thighs, with his leg on both sides of her holding her plumby thighs, he feels hard when he felt her hot thighs in saree with his ass, he postioned himself with his hands leaning towards her and bend over her navel, devika can feel doctor breathe on her navel, she pulled her belly inwards with excitement, first doctor licked jeera that was flowing out of her navel the sides of gulab jamun, devika felt tickling around her navel when she felt doctor tongue on her navel, then he bite the top half of gulab jamun and ate, next half of gulab jamun, was inside her navel, so he covered her navel with his lips used his toungue and took it out from her navel and ate it fully, he can see the jeera inside her navel, so again he came to her navel and extened his tongue and licked the jeera, 
devika: 'Ahhh .... so nice yeah.... shh ahhh', she moaned. hearing her moan, doctor become excited and gave kiss on her navel, and kept his lips tightly pressed on her deepl navel, then he with his lips started eating her flesh around her navel, jeera inside her navel emptied and become filled with doctor dirty saliva, doctor was licking and kissing her navel madly, devika was moaning with her heads twisting left and right, she brought her hands and put on doctor white hair and massaged his hair, 
doctor: 'shhhss  ssss sruppp, srupppp.... ahhhh devika'.
he took his mouth from her belly and watched her belly glistening with his saliva, again he kiss her navel with a force, and kept his lips on her lips and moved his mouth left and right on her belly, due to unshaved beard, devika felt tickling on her belly..
devika: 'heeee.... heeee... doctor, your beard.... heeee... heeee..', she cant control her laugh, doctor took his mouth back, and saw devika, devika also see and gave a sexy smile, 
doctor: 'wooow, wonderful navel, your navel is sexy, soft, and deep, i can eat it all day', saying that he took the gulab jamun, now the bowl is empty, only jeera is left out, he carefully poured the jeera directly on her navel, her navel filled with jeera, he kept the bowl aside, and leaned on her navel and placed his mouth on her navel, and sucked the jeera.
doctor: 'AAaaaa... tasty...', he extened his hard toungue and licked the jeera, after completing sucking the jeera from her navel, he continued eating her navel, and her belly flesh. when he was about to finish eating her navel,
suddenly doctor fell down on the floor, with his hands on his heart, devika got shocked.
devika got up from her lying position, 'doctor doctor.... what happened ?'.
doctor: 'Nothing ma, just a small heart pain, bring me the tablet from the fridge'. devika covered her blossoms with her saree pallu, and rushed to frigde, and brought the medicine with water bottle, she made him sit on floor, and helped him to take the medicine.
doctor: 'Sorry ma, because of me you are troubled..'.
devika: 'No sir, nothing like that... please relax sir'.
devika slowly helped him to stand on floor, and put his hands on her shoulder, and walked along with him to bedroom, she made him to lie on the bed.
doctor: 'Thanks ma... now you can go..'
devika: 'But sir, how i leave you in this condition.'
doctor: 'Its fine ma, this pain is normal, will be ok in sometime'
devika: 'Hmmm, okay sir', saying that she left the bedroom, while leaving she found her saree petticoat, and blouse, which she worn while coming are lying at the corner of the room, she decided to take with her, but she dont have back with her, she took all her clothes, and put at bucket in bathroom, and thinking of taking next day, and left doctors home, with a fear, thinking something may happen to doctor.

She took a bus and reached her home, her heart was beating thinking of incident happened in doctor's house, and how eagerly she was eargly kissing that old man dirty mouth and exchanging saliva, and finally he suffered heart pain, she called doctor, but he didnt pick the call, she removed her gifted saree, and took bath, and changed into nighty, again she called doctor, and picked the call.

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doctor: 'Hello devika..'

devika: 'Thank god you picked the call.'
doctor: 'Why devika ? I am fine only it is usual. I am happy that you called me'
devika: 'Ha ha... it is duty of your sexy wife, happy valentines again'.
doctor: 'Oh still our agreement is alive, I forgot that, same to you, can i get a kiss from my wife'.
devika kissed the phone speaker.
devika: 'ummmmaaahhhh....'
devika: 'ok fine, now you take rest, will talk to you tommorrow, bye'.
doctor: 'thanks ma, bye'.
devika felt reliefed, after hearing voice of doctor, she sat on the sofa with her phone in hand, suddenly message beep sound received in her phone, she saw the message, it was from unknown number,
message: 'Hello Babe, what are you doing ?'
she remember morning incident when she gave her phone number to a stanger old man who was fondling her in bus. she with excitement replied the message, but she dont want to show she is interested in having dirty stuff with the starnger. 
devika: 'Who is this ?'
old man: 'Sexy Baby, dont remember, today in bus you gave your number.'
devika: 'Oh... ok got it'.
old man: 'wow what bitch you are, sexy body structure...'
devika: 'Bastard mind your words man... talk properly'. 
old man: 'You gave me your number, and asking me to mind my words, you sexy bitch'.
devika: 'it was a mistake, i dont know why i gave your number to you, please delete my number'.
old man: 'Maam, dont joke, who will delete the number, when you gave willingly.'
devika: 'Ok, dont delete, but dont message me, my husband is here', she lied she is with her husband.
old man: 'Then message me after he goes to bed.'
devika: 'He is already sleeping, that is why i able to reply you.'
old man: 'so you are married ?'
devika: 'Yes'
old man: 'Such a fool your husband, he dosent know how to treat her wife, if you were my wife, i will be fucking you right now, and all nights'. seeing the message she smiled
devika: 'Bastard, dont ever talk about my husband'.
old man: 'What is your name madam ?'
devika thought for a second,
devika: 'Devika, what is your name ?'
old mad: 'devika, what a sexy name.'
devika: 'Stop talking like a stupid, and tell your name'
old man: 'So eager in knowing my name. my name is Ganapathi'.
devika: 'Ganapathi, I will tell you why i gave my number'.
ganapathi: 'I know, you want to discuss about the incident happened in bus, you want to discuss with me, how you felt, when you felt my hard hands on your body, i know your pussy was leaking when i was pressing your bare smooth curvy hips. he.. he'
devika: 'Ganapathi, dont talk like a mad man, i called you to inform that if you harrash me like this, i will complaint to security officer'.
Ganapathi acted like he is feared when he heard the word 'security officer'.
Ganapthi: 'No maam, please maam dont go to security officer.'
Devika: 'Ha... so you are very much feared hearing the word security officer, aren't you ?'.
Ganapthi: 'Yes, maam, i want to apology you, can i call u ?'.
Devika: 'What? how dare you ask for a call, still you are not feared after hearing the word security officer ?'
Ganapathi: 'No maam, dont take me wrong, i just want to applogy you for my mistake.'
Devika: 'Ok your apology accepeted, you dont want to call me, just stop messaging me.'
Ganapathi: 'Maam please maam, i just want to ask you apology for my mistake, also please give me a chance to explain why i have become bad.'
Devika: 'No i cant, my husband is near me, i cant talk'.
Ganpathi: 'You can go to bathroom, and call me, i will pick the call'.
Devika: 'ok after this call, you should not bother me ok ?'.
Ganapathi: 'ok maam, i wont bother you after this.'
Devika, waited for sometime, and called him back to make him believe that she is cheating her husband.
Devika: 'Hello.'
Ganapathi heard her voice on other end, thinking, 'wow what a sexy voice.'
Ganapathi: 'Hello Maam'
Devika: 'Tell me Ganapathi, why you called me ?'.
Ganapathi: 'Thanks maam, for attending this poor man call.'
Devika felt bad when he mentioned him as poor
Devika: 'Ok tell me, i dont have much time'.
Ganapthi: 'Maam, actually today i never saw any sexy woman like you, every parts of your body is sexy, i cant control after seeing you, also the way you wear saree below your navel, your saree tightly wrapped your body like a second skin, even your blouse are tight, i can see your bra strap, so i cant control keeping my hands on you'.
Devika on the other end blushed hearing hot comments on her body by a old man. but she reacted like she was angry.
Devika: 'How dare you can comment me like that, to say this only you call me ? I will drop the call and tomorrow, again if you do and shit activity, i will slap you and hand over to security officer.'.
Ganapathi: 'Sorry maam, I said the truth only maam, before slapping me, please hear me once.'
Devika: 'Ok quick tell me.'
Ganapathi: 'if you slap me, this is not the first time i am beign slapped by a woman,  i have been slapped by many woman, even with their slippers, for mis behaving with them'.
Devika: 'Ha, then dont dare to touch me again, stop misbehaving with mowan in bus and public place.'
Ganapathi: 'I can stop this, if you help me.'
Devika: 'Me ? how i can help you, i dont even know you more than a day, and as a woman what i can do ?', she shouted in anger voice
Ganapthi: 'But maam, only a woman can slove my problem'.
Devika: 'What are you telling ?'
Ganpathi: 'Yes maam, when i was 13 i got married, and my wife was 12 at the time, but after 2 years she died, after that village people forced me not to do marriage, after that i never got married, and never had the smell of woman, so i cant control, when i see a woman, i always look for a chance to lay my hands on her, because of that my woman beat me in public place, and hand over me to security officer.' Ganapathi lied, as he is a womanizer, he always drunk and beat his wife, as she wont look good, because of that his wife ran away from him, he in his area always try to fondle aunties, in public place.
Devika felt bad after hearing his story.
Devika: 'I am sorry for your situation, but harshing a woman in public place is not the solution for your problem, you have to consult a physiatrist, they only can cure you'.
Ganapathi: 'Aiyoo many time when i am jail, i will undergo physiatrist treament, but no use, again i behave the same.'
Devika understood what ganapthi needed from her, but not completly.
Devika: 'so because of that you harrashed me in bus ?'.
Ganapathi: 'I am sorry maam, i dont have any choice, but you are devi, if any other women at your place, again i got beaten by all people, but you are really good, you didnt complain me, instead gave your phone number and advicing me. you really have angel heart for this old man'.
Devika: 'Hmmm...' devika have no words after hearing his story.
Devika: 'If woman is the problem for you, you can go to prostitute, harshing woman in public place is wrong'.
Ganapathi: 'Maam i am poor daily wage labour, how can i afford huge money to go to prositute, also no girl will like me, as my 50 years old and ugly'.
Devika felt bad for ganapathi,
Devika: 'Ok I agree, i feel bad about your situation, But how can i help you?'
Ganapath: 'It is simple, just like today, if you allow this incident, i never go to other woman and get beaten'.
Devika: 'What? are you telling me to allow you to fondle me ?' devika felt happy inside, as this what she expected, she need this experience in bus, but she dont want ganapathi to know that she is planning to get fondled.
Ganapathi: 'yes maam, when you allow me to give pleasure with your sexy body, why i have to go to other woman and get beaten'.
she dont wnat to accpet his proposal immidiately, as he may think her as vulnerable to men touch,
Devika: 'No way, how can i allow you to touch me, low class people like you cant touch me, how dare you can ask me like this',
She bite her tongue when she said 'low class',
Ganapathi: 'Yes maam, we are low class people, we never in entire life can think high class women like you, anyway i never stop fondle women, and will get beaten again by people', ganapathi acted like he is about to cry, and dropped the call.
Devika didnt expect this, she felt bad calling him low class, so she immidiately called him back.
Devika: 'Hello Ganapathi'.
Ganapathi acted with a crying voice: 'Why maam you called me, why high class women need to call a low class men like me, i dont have anything in life, i am a poor low class men'.
Devika had feeling for ganapathi, it was her mistake calling him as low class.
Devika: 'I am sorry Ganapathi, please Ganapthi dont cry, i didnt mean like that, i mean i cant allow you to touch me, ganapathi, please understand me, what people will think if they saw you fonlding me in bus.'
Ganapathi stopped ins crying drama, as devika is ready to get fondled now, but only thing she feared about the people around her.
Ganapathi: 'Dont worry about people maam, i will take care, no one will have doubt'.
Devika: 'But.. '
Ganapathi: 'Today i fondled you, did anyone saw us ?'
Devika: 'No'
Ganapathi: 'Then why are you fearing maam'.
Devika: 'But still Ganapathi... i never allowed anyone to touch me, other than my husband', she again lied.
Ganapathi: 'wow, you are looking great, i was wondering how other men left you... he he'.
Devika: 'Enough flirting..'
Ganapathi: 'why are thinking like that maam, it is just a treament, i am a patient, all you are doing here is curing me by giving medicine, here medicine is your womenly body'.
Devika: 'Ok my patient sir, i will cure you from women addiction disease... now go and sleep', she did as she is making fun of him. both laughed, ganapathi cant imagine the luck, taking and flirting a high class rich sexy women.
Ganapathi: 'Maam tomorrow wear saree only, you look beatiful in saree.'
Devika irritated as he is taking advantage and suggesting her dress.
Devika: 'I know what to wear, you dont want to tell me'.
Ganapathi: 'I am sorry maam.'
Devika: 'Ok thats fine, but dont tell me what i need to do, i talking to you, that dosent means you can take advantage of me.', eventhough she need spice in her life, devika want to keep things in control, she dont want to cross the limit with anyone.
Ganapathi: 'Ok maam i understood". getting woman like devika for his pleasure is like dream come true for him, so he dont wnat to spoil this opportunity.
Devika: 'But still i am confusion, how can i make you to fondle in public.'
ganapathi: 'you dont worry about that maam, you just coporate with me, remaining things i will take care, also i promise slowly you will like this experience.'
Devika: 'Hmm'.
Devika: 'By the way Ganapathi, i lied you that my husband was near me, actually he is in dubai, i am here alone only.'
Ganapathi cant believe his hears, he became very happy hearing this.
Devika continued, 'That is why i can talk to you now.'
Ganapathi: 'Ok maam, i understood how it feels when you dont have your husband not staying with you.'
Devika: 'Did i just i feel bad, dont assume anything'.
Ganapathi: 'It is ok maam, but i never had a woman smell before with her permission, from tomorrow i am luckiest guy in this world, thanks maam.'
Devika: 'Ok Ganapathi.', Ganapathi understood devika also have some interest in fondling her
Ganapathi: 'Maam, shall i ask you something.'
Devika: 'Tommorow you are going to fondle me, now asking for my permissions, ha ha..'
Ganapathi : 'He He... Today also i fondled you, can you tell me how you felt ?'.
Devika: 'Do you think i enjoyed your touch ? I cant tell anything, and dont remember anything'.
Ganapthi: 'Please maam, just recollect.'
Devika thought for a second, 'Your hands are very hard, and you tried to hold my hands many times, then... thats all remember.'
Ganapathi: 'More maam, i thought you remember much more than this.'
Devika: 'Ha... i cant remember, as i forgot that as nightmare.', she said as she is mocking him.
Ganapthi: 'But I cant forgot today, incident, i can describe each and each part of today incident.'.
Devika: 'Oh really'.
Ganapathi: 'When i came near you i can smell you sweet aroma, when i leaned on your back, i felt your spony things with mine, also your ass...'.
Devika: 'Stop Ganpathi... it is enough. i am not comfortable hearing bad words.'
Ganapathi: 'But maam, it is not bad words, these words are common..'
Devika: 'Hmm.., but'
Ganapathi didnt listen to devika and continued :'those ass are sexy, i got a chance to cup those sexy ass of yours...'
Devika: 'Cupped ?, no you pressed hard, and also pinched them hard'
Ganapathi: 'Wow so you remember everything, but acting like you forgot all.', devika realized she been caught
Devika: 'No actually, i just now recalled when you said you cupped my .... ', she stopped without telling the word 'ass'.
Ganapathi: 'cupped your ? what maam ?'.
Devika: 'You know what i meant, and you pinched those, it is still paining...'
Ganapathi: 'Dont worry maam, tomorrow i will rub over the piched area to reduce the pain... he he'.
Devika: 'so smart.'
Ganapathi: 'What else you remember maam, did you felt my thing on your ass.'
Devika uderstood what he is asking, but she acted like she dont know.
Devika: 'What that thing on my ... ass'.
Ganapathi: 'That is thing maam, my thing on your ass'.
Devika: 'what are you telling'.
Ganapathi: 'My thing, my dick maam, after feeling your ass smothness with my dick, my dick become harder, and was piercing your ass, that feeling was great, it was wonderful to keep my hard dick between your ass cheeks, over the saree, so sexy feeling'.
Devika become hot after hearing ganapathi's dirty comments, she involuntarily moved her hands between her thigs over her night pants, and rubbed her pussy.
devika: 'Chee, you are naughty, you cant keep your thing uder control, also Please dont talk like this... '.
But Ganapathi continued: 'on bus break, i pumbed your ass with my dick, as i was fucking you from your behind, those ass was jiggling with each storke, which i felt with my thighs'.
Devika: 'dont use bad words', and she moaned, 'aahhhh....', she closed her eyes with earphone in her ear and continued rubbing her pussy.
Ganpathi: 'when you turn my side to warn me, i felt your breath hitting on my face, and i took the opportunity and gave a tight kiss on your sharp rosy wet lips, and your saliva and lip stick sticked on my lips, and i tasted your saliva, wow i feel i wanted to suck all your sailva from your sweet lips.'
Devika: 'hmm'
Ganapathi: 'Maam are you there ?'
Devika: 'Yes... so you observed me a lot in all 30 minutes in that bus travel.'
Ganapathi: '30 min went like 3 minute maam, i want more time to explore you more.'
Devika: 'Ok Ganapathi, it is too late, i need to sleep.'
Ganpathi: 'Ok maam, before that can you send a selfie of yours, i will sleep happliy seeing your face.' devika thought for a second, she know him for one day only, she feared to share her pics to him.
Devika: 'No it will be risky, i cant'
Ganapathi: 'Please maam, you can trust me, i will die if i share the pic'.
Devika: 'Ok wait', she dropped the call and  she turned her from camera and took her selfie with a smile and send to ganapathi.
Ganpathi, replied with a kiss smiley.
Devika replied him, 'good night', and slept.
Gnapathi also replied her, 'good night', and saw her photo for sometime and slept.
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devika came home at 7pm, she saw her mobile 2 missed calls from ganapathi, she took bath, and changed to normal saree, as she is home alone, and since it is night time, she worn her blouse without bra, her nipple immpression is clearly visible on her blouse, she had her dinner and came to bedroom at 8pm, and took her mobile, she thought of calling him back, but she thought ganapathi may take advantage of her, so she messaged him, 'hi, you called me ?'

after 2 min she received message from ganapathi, 'maam shall i call you ?', devika thought, 'oh my god he is too fast.', before she tried to text him back, but she received call from ganapthi, she have no option other than to pick his call.
Ganapathi: 'Hello Maam, i was waiting for your message'.
Devika: 'ok... now why you called me'. devika knows ganapathi wants to discuss her about todays incident on bus, but she acted like she dont know the reason why ganapathi called.
ganapathi: 'maam you didnt tell me why you laughed at me while getting down from bus ?'.
devika: 'ha ha..'.
ganathi: 'maam please tell'
devika: 'ok ok... while getting down, i saw your lips... ha ha...' she laughed again without telling her the reason.
ganapthi: 'my lips... what happened to my lips ?'.
devika: 'ha.. ha... your lips was red because of my lipstick.'
ganapthi: 'ha ha... it was great pleasure for me having your lipstick on my lips'.
devika: 'hmm ... then.'
ganapthi: 'then... yes maam.. today did you remember the things happened in bus between us.'
devika: 'Hmmm.. so you wnat to hear from me about today happenings'.
ganapthi: 'yes maam.. yesterday you said you dont remember... but today i hope you remember everything'.
devika thought for sometime, and decided to seduce ganapthi with her narration of today bus incident.
devika: 'ok... today i saw in your lungi and white shirt... with unshaven beard.. and that pan chewing dirty mouth, and I came in yellow saree worn 3-4 inch below navel, revelaing my sexy hips to all men including you, and blouse back was very low exposing my entire my entire back, and suitable for you to play'
ganapathi: 'he he..'
devika: 'when the bus become crowd.. you slowly came near to me, and stood behind me, and slowly started sniffing my bare back over my blouse, i can feel your beard brushing my back, and often you gave kiss, and when you came more closer, that hard thing', she stopped.
ganapthi: 'maam please dont stop..'
devika: 'ganapathi i feel shy... '
ganapathi: 'why maam...'
devika: 'dont know ganapathi'
ganpathi: 'i think you feel shy because you think me as stanger and aged than me... think me as your friend maam'.
devika: 'i am considering you as my friend only... but still feel shy'
ganapthi: 'you dont want to be shy when you talk to your friend.'
devika: 'ha ha... ok my naughty friend.... hmmm...'
devika continued
devika: 'that thing pushed on my back..'
ganapathi: 'what thing maam... i dont understand'.
devika: 'ganapathi... i cant tell that... i never spoke bad words... not even with my husband.'
ganapthi: 'maam... you may not talk bad words with husband.. but with your friend you can... also the talking bad words will be more excitement.. these many days you are missing most excited part in your life.'
devika: 'ok let me try.... i felt your dick.. your cock pushing my ass..'
ganapthi: 'good girl... so how is my dick ?'
devika: 'your dick is hard... it may be 5-6 inch long...'
ganapthi: 'he he... 5-6 inch !!... 6 inch in normal state... when you are with me, my dick size 8inch... i mean in excited state'
devika: 'what 8 inch ?... my husband's is only half of yours 4inch..'
ganapathi: 'poor wife you are... he he..'
devika: 'why ?'
ganapathi: 'nothing.. you continue maam'
devika: 'hmm.. i too pushed my spongy ass back to feel more of your dick... and i was moving my ass over your dick to feel your hardness.. then you kissed my neck.... no you ate my neck'
ganapathi removed his lungi and underware and become naked and started jerking his dick while listenting to her.
devika: 'you used this opportunity and pushed your hard dick between my ass cheeks...'

devika: 'are you happy now... are you statisfied... i hope hereafter you wont harsh any women in public place'
ganapathi: 'till you are with me.. i never do such things..'
d: 'good ganapathi'
g: 'maam... i have one more request..'
devika: 'yeah tell ganapathi..'
g: 'after i inserted my finger into your navel.. i cant control my self from keeping my mouth on your navel.. i want to kiss your navel, i want to eat your navel, i want to lick and insert my tongue into your deep clean navel.'
d: 'what no way... i cant... i already did as much as possible to statisy your needs.... i allowed you touch and feel me... i kissed you... and we can do this all time in bus... but what you are asking is not possible.'
g: 'but how only fondling and kissing can satsify a man needs... a men needs are more than that.. that i too i got chance to fondle you only your back and thighs..'
d: 'but ganapathi.. we do all in bus... in bus you cant do such things..'
ganapathi understood deivka has no problem in allowing him to enjoy her navel... only fear she has she cant do things in bus.
g: 'i too know doing such things in bus will be danger and not safe... i am not asking you to do in bus'
d: 'then how can we do ?'
g: 'we can do in different place'.
d: 'no... only in bus i can be with you... other place i cant come.'
g: 'i am not telling other place... if you dont mind we can do in your home.'
devika thought for a moment. morning she needs to get ready to doctor house... eveing raju will come for treatment... and night she cant allow him..
d: 'no i cant... people here will think wrong.. if they see me with you. it will be trouble for me.'
g: 'then i will tell one place.'
d: 'no i cant come to any unknown place'
g: 'maam... do you trust me ?'
d: 'yes ganapathi, i trust you.. but '
g: 'then why maam fearing... '.
d: 'ok then tell... where we can go'
g: 'i hope you know the 4th stop in our route..'
d: 'yes... but i didnt see no people getting down at tat stop, and no one board.'
g: 'yes maam you are correct... that place is isolated... no people will come there.., we will get down at that stop... and i know one building, which is partially constructed and left. we can go there.'
d: 'but ganaathi.. what happen, if someone sees us...'
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g: 'dont worry maam... noone will be there..'

d: 'hmm ok.. i am coming only you asked for.. and how much disctance that building is there from the stop ?'
g: 'it will be less that a km.. we have to walk and go.'
d: 'ok ganapathi... but you can kiss my navel only... no other parts'
g: 'ok maam... i promise i wont do anything without your permission'
both dropped the call, and slept.
next day morning devika got ready and went to bus stop. the bus also appraoced and she got into the bus, after 3 stops ganapathi also got into the bus, and saw devika, both smiled, ganapathi took the ticket for both of them, as she dont know much about the stop. she was often looking at ganapathi, ganapathi didnt go near devika, as their stop arrive quickly, after 4 stops, ganapathi indicated devika to get down, devika too got down in that stop, all people in bus looked both of them, as usually no people will get down in that stop. bus left from the stop, ganapathi came to devika.
g: 'maam lets start walking to the building'
d: 'ganapathi what is place... as u said it is very empty'
g: 'that is why i chosse this place'.
ganapthi hold her fingers, and walked towrads a lane, mostly covered with lawn, devika also hold ganapathi fingers, and followed him.
devika covered her head with saree, as she stilll have fear if someone sees her with him, devika felt confidence.
devika was wearing a orange color chiffon, tied 5 inch below her navel, her hips are inviting for ganapathi 
g: 'maam, if you dont mind can hold you by your hips ?'
d: 'not now... '
ganapathi felt sad, seeing that devika left ganapathi fingers, and took his hands and  placed on her hips, ganapathi with excitement pressed her hips and pulled her closer to him, ganapathi can feel devika rich perfume on her body.. her side boobs also crushed on ganapathi side chest, devika was smilling at ganapathi. they both were walking like lovers.
g: 'maam today you smell great... and thanks for accepting my request'
d: 'i cant allow someone to go bad.. '
ganapathi gave a kiss on her head, as she is shotter than ganapathi, he can easily kiss her top head. devika also liked his behaviour, and after some walk,they both reached the building..
it was old and partially constructed building, most places were grass grown.
devika heart started beating seeing this building.
devika grapped ganapathi arms tighter wit fear seein the place..
g: 'maam this is the buidlign whihc i said, lets go inside, so  that no one sees us from any distance',
ganapathi started walking inside building, and find one empty one, that room is covered all sides other than roof. devika after entering the room removed the pallu over her head, devika was standing with shyness. she ketp her bag at floor
g: 'maam shall i ?'
d: 'yes.'
ganapthi came near devika and knelt infront of her, he grapped her hips and pulled her closer, and slowly slide her saree, and revealved her navel.
devika pushed ganapathi and went back.
g: 'maam what happened. ?'
d: 'no ganapathi... i feel shy.'
g: 'dont worry maam, today i will fade your shyness away.', saying that agaian he pulleed devika closer to her, and slide her saree
ganapathi saw her navel.
g: 'woww, what beautiful navel, nice and clean, and the flesh aroud the navel looks cute.', saying that he gave kiss over her navel.
devika closed her eyes with shyness, she can feel ganapthi breate on her navel, she pulled her belly inwadrs, 
ganapathi with his white mustach he brushed her navel, devika felt tickling, 
g: 'i want to enoy your navel inch by inch', but her saree again covered her navel when ganapathi left the slide, devika understood and tucked her saree coverign navel and made her navel accessible for ganapathi without any hidrenance, also she dont want to drop her pallu, as ganapathi may lose control, seeing her without pallu.
g: 'thanks maam', he hold her bare hips, and came near her navel and smelt with his nose touching her navel.
g: 'maam, your navel smells great..'
he digged his nose into her navel along with his face kept tighlty pressed on her belly, he brought his hands back of her hips and pulled her and stayed in that position for sometime, and took his face out.
g: 'ahhhh .... what a sexy navel'.

now he gave a kiss on her navel, and this time he didnt take his mouth and kept his lips pressed over her navel, and moved his face sidewards and rubbed his lips with saliva all over her navel.
d: 'oh... ganapathi...', devika brought her hands on his bald head and roamed her hands on his hands with pleasure.
ganapthi, repeated the kiss for 3 times and her navel completely wet with his pan mixed saliva, after that he started chewing her navel along with the flesh around her navel. he was randomly eating her navel. devika was moaning with pleasure.
d: 'ahhhh... yes... keep sucking my navel.'
ganapathi also excited hearing devika moaning and brought his toungue out and licked her navel, he inserted his toungue inside her deep navel and swrilling his toungue...
g: 'maammm, your navel is hot.. ', saying that he spitted his saliva inside her navel, devika felt awkward feeling the spit of pan chewing sailva, but she ignored, ganapathi agaian started sucking her navel with more saliva, saliva started flowing from her navel area, and few drops are flowing towards her saree tucked area.
ganapthi got boldness, and took his hands from her hips and plced on her saree covered ass, but didnt do anything and looked upwards, for devika reaction, devika also stunned and saw ganapathi into his eyes, but didnt restict and smilled at him, and ganapathi become happay and gave a lick into her navel hole and pressed her spongy ass, and started roaming his hands all over her ass with random press, he even cupped her ass cheeks, like that he played with her ass, and sucked her navel for 30 min,
ganapathi tiglty kissed her navel for last time and bite a little, and left her ass, ganapathi was breating heavily with statisfication, her navel was fully slippery with his saliva, and her saree tucked region was drenched with sailva.
ganapathi leabned bak with his knelt position and looekd at devika upwards.
g: 'that was great navel play'.
d: 'yes that is why i also didnt stop you, my navel become sore and red, and fully messed up with your saliva', sayin that devika gave her hand kerchief to him to clean her navel.
ganapatahi took her kerchief and cleaned the sailva carefully from her navel. devika saw ganpathi between his legs, his dick was standing like a pole, and trying to come out of his lungi, she felt shy. she felt she wants to hold his dick, and measure the length, but she controlled, as he might think her as bitch, she licked her lips with tongue think of ganapathi's dick, ganapathi after cleaning her navel, he stood from knelt position and stood infront of ganapathi, with his dick pointing to her navel. both were looking into their eyes
ganapathi hold her bare arms and pulled her on him, her boobs crushed his broad chest, ganapathi felt devika milk filled boobs on his chext, devika also felt his hard dick poking and rested on her navel, ganapathi hold devika by wrapping his arms around her bare hips,  he leaned on her and tried to kiss her, devika stopped him with her hands on his mouth.
d: 'no.. we agreed only for navel play... and you enjoyed... now leave me.. we can go.'
g: 'yes maam, but after eating your eating your navel, i feel horny, i want to kiss you', saying he kissed on her palm.
d: 'chee naughty, you always thinking about kiss my lips and navel'
g: 'what to do maam... you lips are looking sexy, cant control maam', saying that again he tried to kiss her lips, but she stopped him.
d: 'no... yesterday only we kissed.. i need some time.'
g: 'ok maam, i am not forcing you..', saying that he left devika with sad face.

devika also adjusted her saree and hair, and started to move from the place, ganapathi again went to devika and wrapped his hands on her bare exposed hips and start walking out of the building, devika now have more trust on ganapathi, as everything went in her control, she also like ganapthi's husband like behaviour, so she didnt say anything when ganapathi wrapped his arms on her exposed hips. they both walked till bus stop and seperated from there, as she dont want to see anyone with ganapathi, her bus arrived and she board into bus and went to doctor house. ganpathi with satifaction he scratched his couch area, with a wicked smile. devika inside bus while travelling.

at 8pm devika came home and freshened her, and lied on bed, and took mobile, expecting ganapathi message, as expected she got messages from ganapathi, 
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ganapathi: 'hello maam',

devika replied, 'hi', instantly she got call from ganapathi. she picked the call. before hearing from her, he started prasing her
ganapathi: 'maam.... ahhhh... it was so great today, i never thougth in my life i can see and enjoy a beatiful like your navel, did you enjoyed today navel play'.
but devika dont like ganapathi taking control of her, so she decided to act strict to him
devika: 'ganpathi, first dont call me in mobile like daily, what are you thinking, i am not your nethier your lover or wife, whom you call or message daily'.
ganapathi went to shock hearing this from devika, he lowered his voice, as he did a mistake.
ganpathi: 'i am sorry maam, i thought you are liking my activities, and todays incident'.
devika: 'how can you think like i enjoyed your act, all i am doing because i dont want to your life to became bad because of women addiction, it is a kind of treatment, dont take advantage of this'.
ganapathi : 'but maam, today when i enjoyed your navel, you gave happy expression'.
devika: 'every women give expressions when her navel being enjoyed by a men, it is normal, you should take that as advantage and call me daily, i think we have to stop all this'.
ganpathi: 'no maam, dont tell like this, now only i am feeling better, i am sorry maam'.
devika: 'also i am married, dont call me hereafter, i feel bad, that i calling and talking to another men, other than my husband'.
ganapathi was feared, at the same time, he understand devika is in bad mood, thinking of her husband
ganpathi: 'maam, if i ask something, will you answer honest ?'.
devika: 'ok fine, what is your question?'.
ganpathi: 'how many years you are beign married ?'.
devika: 'what ?, why you are asking such question ?'
ganpathi: 'please maam, just answer my questions, you will find the truth'.
devika: 'ok 3 years.'
ganpathi: 'and how many years you and your husband are together ?'. devika thought for a moment and answered.
devika: 'may be six to seven months. after that my husband went to dubai'.
ganapathi: 'what six months !!?'.
devika: 'hmm'.
gnapathi: 'and how often your husband come to India to meet you'.
devika: 'still he didnt come yet'.
ganapthi: 'such a wortheless life your are living.'
devika: 'why are you thinking worthless... we have huge house, and brought lands, and more money'
ganapathi: 'ha ha... with all this what is the use maam, your husband not interested you, and you stay alone, so what is the use of this rich life, your youngness wont stay ever with you.'.
devika: 'Ok fine leave the talk, now i am not in mood to talk about this'. ganapathi understood she is not interested to talk about her husband.
ganpathi: 'I am sorry maam, i souldnt took this topic.'
devika: 'it is ok ganapathi.'
ganapathi: 'maam... shall we do tomorrow, at the same place.'
Devika: 'what ... today only i came to private place with you, and you are still not statisfied, you want to do tomorrow also, and you dont have any work other than fondling me'
ganapathi: 'he he... i always think about you maam, and your sexy structure, what else a man needs other than sexy women like you.'
devika: 'dont flirt me again... i already took enough risk for you, and we cant do this daily. '
ganapthi: 'maam, i know that maam, no women will do this, but you are devi to me, and at the same time i cant control my feeling when i think you, wooow your lips, your neck, your boobs, especially your navel... everthing in you is attractive and attracts men at all age '
devika blushed heraing this ...
devika: 'i think you dont have anything to think other than me and my body.'
ganapathi: 'he he...'.
devika: 'ok fine, i am going to sleep good nitgh'
ganpathi: 'maam you didnt tell anything.'
devika: 'what i want to tell.'
ganpathi: 'tomorow also we can go to that place and do like today, shall i eat your navel.'
devika: 'no .. no.. i cant come that place daily'.
ganpathi: 'but maam that place is safer and we can do watever we want, no people will be there'. devika felt if she goes to that place daily, she may lost control and have sex with him , which she dont like. but if she agreed to do in bus, he will be in control, and cant break the limit.
devika: 'if you want we can do in bus only, i cant come to that place daily.' she said she cant come to that place daily, but she didnt say she cant come to that place foreever. so ganpathi didnt force her, and agreed to fondle her at bus.
ganapathi: 'ok maam we will do in bus, but maam, this time i want your navel, i want to pinch and finger your deep navel.' hearing this devika pussy leaked, she cant control when she thinks that a men will finger her navel at public place.
devika: 'ok fine... now go to sleep.'
ganapathi: 'ok maam... can i get a kiss from my sweet friend before sleep.' devika feel irritated, as he is asking her to give a kiss on phone like a boyfirend, but wants to end the call quick, so she didnt argue with him, and gave a kiss in speaker.
devika: 'ummaaaa... now you are happy'
ganpathi: 'umaaaa on your deep navel, good night', saying that he dropped the call. devika felt tickling inside, thinking today navel worship incident with ganapathi, and within herself, 'what i doing, i am agreeing for all this dirty man fantasies, i am decent housewife, noe i become like a slut, who enjoys the fondling in bus, and also ganpathi is treating me like his wife, asking for kiss in phone and giving kiss in return, and talking to him for long time in phone as he is my husband, what is happening to me? am i trying to have an affair with him to fullfil my dirty thoughts, or i really like him, shall i divorce my husband and marry him and be his wife and have sex with him, chee ... how can i marry him, he is old and lowclass, how can i be his wife, it is just a sexual fantasy... there is no relationships.... and what about the doctor, i work as maid in his home when he stays alone, i also acted as his wife for valentines day, and seduced him, and feed him guljam with my mouth, and smooched him, i really like that moment, even with my actual husband, i didnt do this, but with doctor i did all husband and wife romatic things, may be i love the doctor, if i get an opportunity to do second marriage, i will chose doctor over ganapthi, and be in his home as his wife, and have sex with him. i had started all this to fulfill my dirty thoughts, but now i started to think of these old dirty men, and wnat to be their wife.'.
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afetr that incident, devika didnt see or call ganapathi for 2 days, that night devika was relaxing watching tv, at that time she got call from ganapathi. devika picked up the call

devika: 'hello ganapathi..'

ganapathi: 'hello maam... how are you ?'

devika: 'i am fine, now why you called me ?'

ganapthi: 'maam, i am in deep trouble, you need to help me.'.

devika: 'what ? trouble ?.. what are you telling, how can i help you ?'.

ganapthi: 'maam, i borrowed some money from a goon, and now the due time is over, but i didnt pay the money ?'

devika: 'so you need money ?, how much you need ?'.

ganapathi: 'maam, i borrowed 2lakhs, after that with interest i need to pay 5 lakhs.'

devika: 'what 5 lakhs ?', hearing that amount devika shocked.

ganapathi: 'yes maam...'.

devika: 'no ganapathi i cant offord such huge money... ',

ganapathi: 'but maam, if i didnt give the money, he will kill me.'.

devika: 'why cant you give security officer complaint.?'.

ganapathi: 'maam i am the one who borrowed money, also he is having all security officer support. so i cant do anything.'

devika: 'oh... what can i do now. sorry ganapathi i cant give such huge money.'

ganapathi: 'but maam, he said he can cancel the dept if i do a favour to him.'

devika: 'what is that favour ?'

ganapathi: 'maam, that day when we were in bus, he saw us talking each other, so enquired about you.', devika shocked hearing this

devika: 'omg what are you telling'.

ganapathi: 'yes maam, he treathened me, that if i didnt tell, he will kill me... so sorry maam, i have to tell everything between us.' devika become angry hearing this

devika: 'you bastard, how dare, you can tell about me.. and what we do.'.

ganapathi: 'sorry maam, i understand how you feel, but i had no choice, other than telling him the truth.'.

devika: 'no way... so what he said ?'

ganpathi: 'maam he said,  he wont tell this to anyone.'

devika: 'thank god'

ganapathi: 'but maam, he asked for a favour, and he will cancel by dept, or else he will tell the truth about us, he also took some photo of us stading together.' devika head rotated hearing this.

devika: 'so what favour he needs ?'.

ganapathi: 'maam... he needs you, he really likes you after seeing you, he is very much attarcted to your body, so he wants to continue the things whet we do in the bus with me.', he said openely to her, again devika shocked hearing this.

devika: 'go to hell... how dare you can ask me to such thing, i did things with you, to make to shed away women addiction, i am not a whore to do with everyone... i am married house wife.'.

ganaapathi: 'i know that maam, thats why i said no to him, but he gave me 2 days time to make the arrangement, or eles he will kill me and leak those photos.'

devika: 'thansk ganapathi, but he wil really kill you ? if he didnt get what he wants ?', he voice shaked.

ganapathi: 'yes maam... he already did many murder, even all security officer will fear for him, so he wotn thinking of killing me. so now i have no choice othher than dying.'

devika: 'oh i am sorry ganapathi, what you are asking i cant do ... please forgive me.'.

ganapathi: 'no propblem maam... you really helped me a lot by allowing me to fondle you sexy body, even you kissed me on my lips, and i enjoyed your navel.. i got more satisfied with you... now i dont have any problem in dying..', devika breath increased hearing this.

devika: 'but ganapathi, you dont need to die, you can talk to him, and get more time to pay your depts.'

ganapathi: 'i already spoke to him many times, but this time he wont listen to me.'.

devika: 'if you dont mind, shall i talk to him once ?', devika dont have clue on what she said.

ganapathi: 'maam.. no maam... he is very bad, and he will pull you also in trouble.'

devika: 'no nothing will happen, let me talk to him.. this problem will get sloved. and you wont get die.'

ganapathi: 'ok maam... but not sure he will agree.. anyway you can try talking to him.', devika had no choice, as she wants to get teh phots also.

saying that both dropped the call.

after sometime devika get a call from unknown number. devika feared seeing the call as she knows that is from that goon.

devika: 'hello.'

goon: 'hello maam... he he.. am i speaking to devika.'

devika: 'yeah it is me... and what is your name ?"

goon: 'so eager to know my name ?.. Rahim is my name..'

devika: 'Rahim, see, ganapathi said about the situation, you said you will kill him.. but killing is crime, and you will go to jail..'

rahim: 'ha ha... i know how to handle that, but i gave him 2 days to convince you for the fun in bus, if you agree, we 3 can enjoy happliy, why i have to kill him.'.

devika: 'but Rahim... i am married housewife, i already helped ganapathi, and felt into your trap, if again this happens it will be trouble for me.'

rahim: 'you have to think this before allowing ganapathi fondle you in bus, i cant control after hearing what ganapthi said to me, i was watching you for a month, i never seen a women like you, i thought you are homely, but after hearing from ganapathi, i understand you are homely slut".

devika: 'no please... it was my mistake i allowed ganapthi in bus....'

rahim: 'now what you say maam, it is all in your hands, if you agree for the deal, we all will be safe, or else i will agnapathi for loan depts and leak your photos with ganapathi, and all life will spoil.'

devika was thinking, 'yes he is correct, it depeneds o her decision...'

devika: 'why are doing like this please... no...'.

rahim: 'no maam.... please deceiede, i will call you after 30 min.', saying that he dropped the call.

devika was thinking, 'what shall i do now ?, looks like he wont leave till he gets what he wants... she already searching for spice in her life, that is how she met ganapathi, but now she is beign blackmailed... and wondering why he wants to invlove ganapathi too, if he wants he can enjoy her.. but why ganapathi need... i need spice and naughty... but not with 2 persons ... omg god what shall i do now ?'

after 30 min rahim called. she took the call.

rahim: 'maam, what have you decided ?'. devika gave last effort to convice him.

devika: 'please rahim... i am married, and my marriage life will spoil if someone knows this.'

rahim: 'maam, dotn waste my time, also dont worry, this thing wont go outside from 3 of us.', devika cant trust him, as she trusted ganapathi, but he said to rahim. but she dont have any choice other than trusting him, so she decieded to give a try.

devika: 'please rahim.. please consider one more time, i will give money, if required. please i am married woman.'.

rahim: 'ha ha.. who needs your money, when a sexy housewife like you is there. please decide fast.'.

devika was thinking, 'now i dont have any other choice, as he eventhough i say no, this is not only ganapathi problem, he leaks her photo also, but if she agree, everything will settle down. but she cant even think doing naughty activities in public with 2 lowclass old men, she had watched porn threesome movies, and she loves it, but she cant take when it happens to her in her life. she decided to give a try and include rahim in her spice life, but at the same time she wants to keep things in control.'.

rahim: 'what are you thinking, so have you decided ?'.

devika: 'hmm ok rahim, i accept your deal.', rahim cant beleive the luck, rich housewife accept to have fun with him in public places.

devika: 'but.. i have certain conditions.'.

rahim: 'i am happy that you agreed for the deal, now tell me your conditions.'

devika: 'ok... condition 1, when we were together, i will take control, you cant do anything without my permission. cond 2. i dont want to have sex, other than that we can do anything. if you are ok for these conditions, i accept your deal.'

rahim: 'ha ha... cond 1 is ok, but cond 2, i was thinking... ok fine... we dont want to have sex, only if you agree to my condition.'.

devika: 'wat is your condition ?'

rahim: 'when we are together, you can take control,... you can take control means, you should not stop us all the time, instead you need to take initiative and seduce us, and make us happy, you should treat us both like your lover or husband, but when we are not together, i will take control. i mean, me and ganapathi will call you any night, when we want to talk to you, you should pick my call, since you dont want to have sex, we can have sex chat, we make video call, and talk nude, and do all dirty stuffs.', devika dont know what to tell, as what rahim asking is more than sex, she wants to show love to some local goon, who blackmailing her, but she had fantasy to have sex chat with any men other than her husband, so she agreed.

devika: 'ok... so far we are not havign sex, i dont have any problem in accepting your condition.'.

rahim: 'that is great to hear.'.

devika: 'but rahim... i dont want to invlove ganapathi with you. i am ready to fun with you, but not 2 person at a time.'.

rahim: 'no maam, i have fantasy, i want to see, a homely housewife with 2 men at a time, so for that ganapathi needed, as he knows already everything, i choose him as my partner, also i can keep him with me, so that he wont run away with my money', actually this is ganapathi plan, to make devika a slut, so ganapathi cooked a story and involved rahim. so rahim cant exlude ganapathi.

devika already experciened with ganapathi, she dont have much problem, so she agreed.

devika: 'ok fine, i agree for your condition. but please promise me, dont tell this to anyone.'

rahim: 'sure, i wont tell anyone, if you coopate well without causing any problem', saying that both dropped the call.

after that devika was thinking, 'omg what i am going to do, i need to have fun with 2 men at the same time in bus, and may be at the empty construction place which ganapathi took her for navel play, also, i need to have sex chat with 2 men at same time, how it is going to be, i too agreed rahim to accept both of them, and talk like lovers or husband and wife to avoid sex. i dont even seen rahim, how he will be like, he also will be like ganapathi, old ungly low class men ?', thinking these she slept.

next day devika was getting ready, she remember that she agreed to make them happy, so she worn her saree seductively, she worn rose color chiffon wrapped tightly showing her curvy structure, tied her pettycoat below navel, but covered navel with pallu, her blouse arm cloth are nearer to sleaveless, showing her bare white arms, and back of blosue is low, revealing most of her back region, she also can see her cleavage poping out of blouse with its tightness, but she covered with her pallu. she worn her high heels, and started leaving her house, she got message from rahim to get a bus, rahim messaged the bus no, she replied the ok.

she was waiting for bus, all men eyes asusal on devika body, but she ignored and waited for bus. bus camea after sometime, she got into the bus, her heart beat started raising, because she was about to see rahim, who blackmailed her. once she eneter the bus she saw ganapathi, she saw fear in ganapathi eyes, and guy similar to ganapathi standing near him, she can understand that is rahim, with a smile on her face.

she was stadning dumb without knowing  what to do, both slowly moved and came to devika, rahim took ticket, and signalled devika to not to take, she noded. as all seats were filled, all 3 has to stand, rahim and ganapathi, standing near to her, devika saw ganapathi with anger look, for putting her into this situation, but ganapathi said sorry with his eyes, then rahim came near her,

rahim: 'maam.. i am rahim.. nice to meet you.'
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devika: 'hmm, rahim...', devika looking rahim into his eyes, devika can see lust in rahim eyes, rahim scaning devika body inch by inch.

rahim standing front facing devika, 'maam.. you looks sexy and hot', devika didnt expect qucik open comment from rahim, she already agreed to make them happy, so she didnt think much, and gave proper reply.

devika: 'thanks rahim. but please people may hear us.'. rahim grabbed her arms and pulled towards him, she bounced on rahim body and pushed her soft round boobs on his hard chests. devika quickly seperated, and moved back, as she had fear as someone might see them, as bus is not crowded much. but when she moved back, again she collapsed on ganapathi, who was standing behind her, she titled her neck and saw ganapathi into his eyes, ganapathi acted like he is also trapped, and feeling guilty for putting devika also in this situation, ganapathi with pleading voice,

ganapath: 'sorry maam, i really made you into this  situation.' , devika felt bad for ganapathi, as it is his situation.

devika: 'it is ok ganapthi, now we dont have any choice, we need to listen to rahim, and we all 3 need to safe, so forgot about the past, enjoy the current moment.', saying that devika volunterly pushed her shapely ass into ganapathi inner groin feeling his dick with her ass. ganapthi was shocked by devika act, he cant believe what devika said, she wants to enjoy the moment.

ganpathi: 'oh maam... you are really sweet', ganapathi dick started growing once he felt the softness of devika ass.

as crowd started growing, rahim came close to devika, devika now sanwidched between 2 low class flithy old man, rahim dirty pan smeeling breath felt on devika face, devika felt uncomfortable with rahim, and tried to avaoid him, but due to crowd she cant, due to breaks, she both rahim and devika collapsed, rahim first time felt devika womely smell,

rahim: 'maam you smell great..., you highclass women smell are toxic for every men', devika reamined slient.

rahim: 'maam i gave you compliement, and you are stadning still without telling anything', devika dont know how to take when he praise her smell.

rahim: 'maam hope you remember our conditions, you need to be more intiative.'. devika dont knwo what to do, as she already agreed to take intiaitive to avaoid sex, so deceided to be more intiative.

devika: 'i remember rahim'.

rahim: 'then what maam, jsut enjoy', saying that he gave a push, such that devika felt on ganapathi.

devika with a smile on her face, 'rahim.. you naughty', rahim cant beleive devika calling him as naughty, he understood devika started taking intiative.

rahim moved closeer futher due to crowd, and both ganapathi and devika jam packed devikw between them, her ass was pusing ganapathi thighs, and her front part was pushing rahim, her boobs rested and crushing rahim chest, due to constant jerk of bus devika moved her boobs over rahim chest, rahim feeling his dick getting harder, instantly he felt devika soft boobs crushing his chest.

rahim: 'maam, you are sexier than i thought.'.

devika: 'really, am i sexy ?'.

rahim: 'yes maam, i never seen a women like you'.

devika: 'why, you talk like you never tocuched a women before.'

rahim: 'no maam, i have fucked many women in my life, but all are fat ugly and lean, with pimples, but you got sexy body and structure, not fat, not lean, everything are hot in you, not even a single hair, or pimples', devika blushed hearing this. devika felt rahim dick pocking her mid region near her navel, now devika felt 2 men dick on her body over saree sametime, it was her fantsy to have sex with 2 men at the same time, but she dont wnat to happen this with old low class men, so she controller. ganapathi on the other end leand over her, and started feeling her bare back with his face. devika closed her eyes with excitement.

devika: 'ahhh ganapathi, careful.', now she has to adjust for both rahim and ganapathi.

rahim: 'maam open your eyes and look at me..'.

devika: 'no i cant i feel shy.'

rahim: 'dont worry maam, we will shed your shyness, and make you us our wife.', devika opened her eyes and saw rahim with suprise.

devika: 'what no, i am already married, and no women can have 2 husband', devika replied with shyness.

rahim: 'forgot about your marriage, and women like you should have multiple husband.', devika irritated with rahim talk, but she acted shy and invloved in the conversation.

devika: 'what ?, i should have multiple husbands?', she acted like shocked to hear

rahim: 'yes maam, your are most beautiful women, and many men wont get rich class women like you, so women like you needs to stastify many men, also i can tell everymen in this bus have a eye on you and want to get you as their wife, beacuse of fear, they didnt come to you.'.

devika wanted to stop his annoying talks,

devika: 'enough talking rahim, show in action', rahim eyes poped out hearing such thing from devika, meantime ganapathi was pumbing her ass over her saree with his dick, and pushed devika over rahim, devika felt on rahim, and packed between 2 old filthy men, rahim caught hold of devika and both were looking into each other eyes. devika boobs was crused in rahim strong chest. she can feel rahim hard dick between her thigs and ganapathi over her ass.

rahim : 'maam you are looking cute', saying that he gave aquick peck on her lips. devika can feel pan smell from his breath, and she didnt expect sudden peck, this is first time kissing devika, that too directly on her lips.

devika: 'oh rahim you kissed my lips... ssshh ahh...'. she said with romatic tone

rahim: 'this is not kiss, i will show you what is really kiss, once we get down from bus..'.

devika: 'really... my lips are waiting for your kiss.', hearig that rahim got excited 
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it was friday night heavily raining, devika was in home alone watching tv, she was wearing dark blue saree with matching blouse, as she was in home she didnt care about tying saree covering her body parts, most of her parts includign her navel, hips and ample amount of cleavage, and exposed. Even with no makeup her nature beauty and sexy structure in saree added more erotic to her.

suddenly she heard someone knocking the door, she wondered who will com to her home at this time, as she is alone, also it is heavily raining, she also had a fear, but with curiosity she went to door, and peeped through the door hole, it apeared to men at age of 60's standing drenched in rain completely, when she observed closely, it was her area Gurka, standing in his uniform drenched in rain. she was wondering what he is doing at her house door at this time.
his name was Ramlal, he was working as gurka in her area for more than 5 years, his age was around 60's, devika knows him very well, as when she goes out, she can tell that gurka was watching her body with lust, he never takes out of devika when he found her in street, but devika didnt care much that.
now today he was standing infront of her door and knocking, she feared and got irritated first, but when she saw ramlal in wet uniform, she felt pitty for him, and opened the door.
Ramal: 'maam, please help me', he said in partial unconsious state and leaned on the wall.
devika: 'what happened ramlal? why are you here, at this rainy night?'.
Ramlal: 'maaam, actually i was going to my room in cycle, but suddenly rained, i thought it was light rain, but so i just continued going, but aftersome time, rain became heavy, since i was nearing my room, i thought of rushing to room, but i felt down from cycle'.
devika now obseverd his knee area, was torn, and blood starin was there.
devika: 'oh god... i am sorry'.
ramlal was about to fell on the floor, eventhough devika dont like ramlal personally, but she felt bad for his current situation, she went near him, and caught hold of him from falling down, by his hands, she felt his hands are cold due to water, she had no option to bring him inside her home, as it was raining outside. she tried to move inside by pulling him by his hands, but she failed, so she took his one hand, and place over her shoulder, and made him to walk inside her house along with her, to her shock, she felt ramlal hands caught her bare arms, as she was wearing slevess, she felt the chillness of his hands on her bare arms, her other side was in contact with ramlal, and her right side boobs was brushing his side body while walking and due the contact, she also become wet on the side which is contact with ramlal, actually it was ramlal drama, to attarct devika with his sympathy, he was noticing devika from the day he saw her, and every night he masterbate thinking of her, to take this to next and become close with devika, ramlal, created this drama, 
ramlal, for the first time feeling devika closeness, he can feel her hot body brushing against him, and he never expects devika in sleveless saree in her home, it appear to be more erotic for him, and when he felt her bare shoulder, he felt his dick getting raised inside his pants. he acted like he was very tired and hunged his head on her shoulder while walking in, he can feel her sexy aroma from her neck, and brushing his lips on her neck, devika with no choice brought him inside her house and closed the door.
she made him to sit on a chair, but he was still unconcious and acting like shivering his body, devika dont know what to do. she decided to get rid of the wetness of his body, she took a towel and rushed to him, and gave to him, he in his unconcious state, tried to drench his head, but failed to do that, devika noticed that, she took the towel from his hands and started drying his head with the towel, in that process he opened his eyes and saw devika, her boobs covered with saree pallu was jiggling infront of his eyes, due to devika drying his hair while he was sitting in chair, she has to come more closer to him, her boobs was inches away from his face, her chain also jumbing ver her boobs added more erotic, he can hear her bangle sound, while rubbing his hands, after drying his hair with towel for sometime, she blowed his hair with air by her mouth, a chill shock went inside old gurkha when he felt her air oh his and face and hair, he noticed her lips, while blowing, it appeared more sexier than ever, the woman he have lust for long time, now stadning infront of him and blowing his hair, he felt like gave kiss on her blowing lips, but he conrtolled, now is hair is completely dried, she felt ramlal slowly getting his concious back, but still his dress was totally wet, only way she has to dry him, by removing his shirt, she cant keep him with wet shirt for long time, so asked ramlal to dry his wet body by himself
devika: 'come on wake up... and dry your body, or else you will get cold', ramlal acted like he didnt hear anything, and still sitting in chair
ramlal: 'ahhh... ahhh... maam', devika bit irrated, and tucked her pallu into her hips and went near him and and opened his shirt button one by one, after removing the buttons, she noticed he was wearing inner baniyan too... she tried to pull the shirt from his body.
devika: 'ramlal adjust your body, i need to remove your shirt', ramlal dont want to overact, so he bent a little in the seating position and made confortable for her to remove his shirt, after struggling for sometime she successfully removed his shirt and throwed at the corner of the room, now she wants to remove his inner baniyan, she brought her hands on his hips and  slowly she inserted her hands on his hips and and lifted his banniyan from bottom to top.
devika: 'raise your hands, i need to take off your baniyan'.
ramlal: 'maam, please sorry maam, sorry for troubling you'
devika: 'it is ok ramlal, now just raise your hands', he also raised his hands, his armpit hairs came into devika view, hairs are more in his armpit, devika felt awkward, but she ignored and rolled up his baniyan over his head and removed completly, then she throwed above his shirts, now ramlal was sitting with his wet bare body, infront of a sexy housewife, devika started feeling itching inside her pussy after seeing him in bare body, she licked her lips, devika but controlled hersefl, and took the towel and dried his wet body starting his bare hariy chest, she continued drying his hips, and shoulders, she wants to feel his body with her hands, as she saw ramlal in unconcious state, she kep the towel aside, and kept her hands on his chest and started brushing his white hairs on his chest area, ramlal gave a jerk when felt her smooth bare palms on his chest, he never thought devika putting more effort for getting him out of chillness, she rubbed his bare chest, along with his white hair to get the wetness to be dried, also due rubbing she generated heat on to his body little, she got excited at the same time feeling male body in rainy climate, she felt like she want to kiss his chest area, but she controlled and continued rubbing his chest, the she slowly moved to his stomach and hips area, after some time of continous rubbing she again took towel, and rubbed his hair, suddenly ramlal caught hold of her hands and opened his eyes, but he was breathing heavily and acted like struggling to breathe.
ramlal: 'maam, maam i cant breathe, maam please help me'. saying that he struggled, devika got feared, she dont know what to do.
devika: 'ramlal, wait dont panic, relax', saying that she was trying to relax him, by soflty rubbing his chest, but no improvement from his breathing, he still struggled breathing, devika dont know how to react. ramlal moving his head left and right
ramlal: 'maam, please save me, i need oxygen... maam', saying that again he struggled to breathe, but devika dont know where she can go for oxygen at this time, but got an idea, but that idea devika felt uncomfortable to execute, yes the idea cam to her mind is mouth to mouth respiration, she had seen in movies how hero save heroine by giving his oxygen, but she cant think placing her lips on 60 year old gurka lips, and blowing her hot air into his mouth, but now she had no choice, as if he continue struggled in breathing devika felt that he may die, she dont want such thing to happen. Ramlal was sitting in one seated sofa, she sat on the sofa armrest, and tried pumbing his heart with her both hands to try her luck, but her effort goes all vain.
ramlal: 'Ahhhh... i cant breathe, i feel like i will die.. ahhh', he acted cunnigly to make devika to exchnage her oxygne into him thorugh her sexy lips, devika have no choice other than give her oxygen, she didnt think much, and hold his lips opened, leaned on him from seating in sofa armrest and place her sexy rosy lips on his dirty lips, she felt foul smell from his mouth, she ignored that and started blowing her hot air into his mouth, ramlal cant belive his luck today, a sexy rich class wife removed his shirt, rubbed his bare body with her hands, and now she is placing her lips on his mouth and blowing her hot air, he cant resist taking her lips into her mouth, but he dont wnat to loose this slow growing opportunity, as she may find out that he is acting. so he controlled and continued enjoyed her lips in his mouth and air blown by her into his mouth, she blew her air into his mouth for 5 times and seperated her lips from his mouth, he acted like now he is easing from breathe struggle, seeing the improvement, devika again placed her lips on his mouth and blown her air, ramlal can inhale her womely smell mixed with her hot breathe, his dick started raising feeling her sexy lips, again she blowed for 5 times, and got up from him, ramlal acted like he showed some improvement in his breathe, again devika took a deep breathe and placed her lips on his mouth, this time her lips was slippery with sailva, when she tried to blow, accidently lips went inside his mouth and locked his lips, it appeared to be a lip lock for a moment, but she realized that and quickly took her lips back and placed normally on his lips and blowed her air, now ramlal felt his breathe mixed devika breathe, and devika also felt his foul breathe mixed with her.

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