Fantasy Samverse: Samantha & Chai Novel - Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife
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My story: Samantha & Chai - Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife (cuckold, hotwife, suspense)
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(25-04-2021, 03:59 PM)Saravroman Wrote: Wowwie Wow, DDDD Silver Bro!
Such splendid, detailed analysis.
Will respond at length after posting updates.

BTW, your Samantha pics collection is mind boggling & is so much useful in my writing!

Thanks a ton,

Thank you so much bhai.. 

There is a "college uniform" Samantha collection in the thread. You can use it for some imagination or future updates (like an assignment for Sam)
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(25-04-2021, 07:12 PM)Silverstone93 Wrote:
Thank you so much bhai.. 

There is a "college uniform" Samantha collection in the thread. You can use it for some imagination or future updates (like an assignment for Sam)

Off course, remember Pretty Puppy saying VV would make her wear college dress when roleplaying about Samantha?  Cool

again, thanks a ton!
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Chapter 76 - Once a Cuckold Always a Cuckold 1 {Season 9, episode 11, time: present}

BB started speaking:
Chai, the all-know seals destiny. He decides and drives our lives, every inch.
Strange are his ways as to why his means and decisions are what they are.
By the Creator's design, were a cuckold, are a cuckold, will always be a cuckold.

In your very first birth you were a Warbler.
The Cuckoo bird would break your eggs and put its eggs in their place
[Image: cuckoo.jpg]
Unknown to all this, you would raise the young ones,
that look way different than you did,
that chirped and sang way different than you did.
that was way bigger in size than you did.
Like a good cuckold, you raised such birdlings,
Year after year after year until your very end.
You spent your life being cuckolded as a bird.
Ignoring Chai’s shocked reactions, he continued.
In your second birth you were a well-to-do farmer in British India.
Your wife was none other than Samantha in her previous birth.
You had a desire to become a security officer officer.
You gave Officer Brett Banger bribe in money and material and approached him.
You pressed his legs and pleaded for a security officer officer job.
The rules don’t allow Officer Brett sternly said.
He said he can give you at best a constable naik position only since you are not educated.
Your ambition was so strong that you decided to pimp your wife.
Your wife disagreed but you threatened to kill her if she doesn’t go along.
Once more, you went to Officer Brett, this time taking your wife along with you.
Chai was sweating horrified at hearing what Bhikari Baba was telling him.
Chai’s cock was stirring inside his Saree.
BB continues…
Officer Brett was mesmerized with your wife
[Image: sam.jpg]
You made your wife stand in front of him while you poured alcohol.
As his tipsiness increased, Officer Brett was staring at your wife 
and your poor wife stood there helplessly.

At the third peg, you had your wife serve him.
At the fourth peg, he put his hand over her and said thank you and smiled.
At the fifth peg, his hand was inside her Saree squeezing her Boobs
(no blouse those days, remember! Tongue )

At the sixth peg, your wife was sitting on his lap and his hands were all over her.
At the seventh peg, he said, the Inspector job is your dirty ponce (pimp in British English).
Apparently, the rules now allowed.
At the eighth peg, you left saying you had some work to take care of.
Then the pegs stopped and the humping began.
In a quick couple of minutes, her Saree was on the floor.

Your wife was straddling Officer Brett Banger's cock
[Image: 08.jpg]

By now, even she was into the charms of this British Officer, Brett Banger.
True to his name, banging he did, and hard too.
Your wives yells were clearly heard by you even though you stood far outside the Officer’s home.
They were moans of pleasure… clearly… she was in bliss…
And you stroked your cock, thinking of the Inspector job you just got trading your wife.
Needless to say, your wife became pregnant
[Image: sam-preg-1.jpg]

That didn’t stop your Officer Brett Banger from humping your wife.
He would put your wife in all sorts of position and fuck her.
As her months progressed, he did more she on top positions.

And her days furthered, he started back dooring her and she loved it
[Image: fucking-pregnant-sam.jpg]

He banged your pregnant wife all the way until her eighth month.
At which time he left for London.
Your wife was hoping he would take her with him, but, nay, he didn’t.
All through your life, the skin tone and blue eyes of your son, told the truth about his birth.
The entire family, relatives, village and all the security officer knew about this. That you are a Cuckold.
You didn’t care. In fact you enjoyed it. You were a natural cuckold.
Chai’s mouth became dry and his mind became numb.
What the fuck is Bhikari Baba saying? Is this all true?
Oh my goodness! So Samantha is a fucking wife even in my & her previous birth as husband and wife…
And me… a fucking cuckold… in Bhikari Baba’s words “a natural cuckold”
He badly wanted to drink water but did not ask fearing he would be given that urine-tasting liquid.
And in your third birth, BB started again…
ohhhhhh Goddddd! What did I do in my third birth?
Chai gasps! Waiting with unhidden anticipation and nervousness.
In your third birth you were a servant for a Zamindar.
You married a girl from next village who is none other than Samantha in her previous birth too.
Your wife was an attractive village belle
[Image: Rangasthalam-Movie-HD-Photos-Stills-Ram-...allery.jpg]
Right after your marriage you took her to your village and went to Zamindar for blessings.

[Image: marr.jpg]
In those days, there was the tradition of Prima Nocta.
A virgin bride would be offered to the Zamindar first and if he accepts,
he takes her virginity and returns the wife to the husband.
If he declines, and all his family members declines, then the husband has chance to take his wife’s virginity.
In the Zamindar palace, everybody fell in madly lust your wife.
The second generation in the Zamindars hoped the Zamindar would say no, so they can have her.
The third generation youngsters in the Zamindar family,
hoped that their Grandfather and all their fathers would say no, so they can have her.
You were hoping the Zamindar and his sons and grandsons would say no so you can have your wife.
But hard luck!
Blood flowed into the old Zamindar’s cock after a long while. All due to the effect of your wife.
He gestured that he wants her. All his sons and grandsons are disappointed. Even you.
The Zamindar’s men took your wife to the Zamindar’s pleasure cottage.
The Zamindar arrived and he was so much in desire of your wife that he threw her on the bed,
pulled her Saree up and inserted his fat cock into your wife’s tight virgin cunt.

[Image: sam-and-zam.jpg]
Your wife who was already so afraid of the Zamindar shrieked in pain
but the 70-year-old Zamindar mercilessly fucked your wife as her virgin blood flowed as he shoved his cock in and out.
Then for 7 full days the Zamindar enjoyed your wife.

She overcame her fear and got used to the Zamindar’s cock
[Image: zamfuck-1.gif]
She even enjoyed as he licked and bit his boobs. She realized how much the Zamindar loved her body.
Then came the Zamindar’s sons chance…
Oh God! This is not over yet, Chai is thinking.
He is angry at himself that his cock is fully erect and he was badly urging to stroke it.
To his shock, even Sangi & Mangi were stealthily laying their hands on their cocks over their Dhotis.

How much more is in store in my previous births now?
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Chapter 77 - Once a Cuckold Always a Cuckold 2 {Season 9, episode 12, time: present}

Bhikari Baba continues…

Then came the Zamindar’s sons chance…
The eldest son came into your wife’s room on the immediate next day.
She was not expecting him and look at him frightened.
Like his Dad, he threw her on the bed as well
[Image: samzam2.jpg]
But he pulled all her clothes off made her nude and immediately began riding her.
Your wife was fearful but still now knows what to expect and so cooperated with the Zamindar’s eldest son.

After fucking to his heartful, he left the room, and as your wife was thinking it is over,
the 2nd son of the Zamindar came to her room and said: go have a head bath and become pure and come to me.
She did as she was told and the 2nd son started checking her pussy to see if it was clean after his brother’s fucking.
Your wife opened her legs for him to examine and he was satisfied.

[Image: samcheck.jpg]

Lie down bitch. Master I am all still wet from the bath, she said.
I fucking don’t care, open your legs or I will shove a burning log into your pussy.
She quickly lay down opening her leg and as he was about to fuck her, the Zamindar’s 3rd son came into the room.
Get out Matharchod, the 2nd son shouted  
You still not done, Brother, the younger brother said impatiently and went out.
How impatient the masters are for my body, she is thinking.
And he was still not gone as the 2nd son entered your wife’s pussy.
She yelled in response – half pleasure half pain.
He pulled her close and grabbed her hips and started fucking her roughly.
She twisted and turned so at some angle the pain would be less.
But he didn’t let her move. For 20 minutes he fucked her and shot his cum into her and crashed on her.
Master, you are very heavyyyy she said and tried to push him.
Slappppp came a hand on her face. What did you say Bitch?
Sorrrryyyy master, I apologize, please forgive me. Don’t do anything she said in fear.
As he was leaving came the 3rd son.
Master I am impure, Sam said, as he was coming on top of her.
Turn around slut, he yelled as he was removing his pyjama.
As your wife turned in fear, not knowing what to expect, he took the bed cloth wiped her behind
to remove the wetness of his brother’s cum and then started to penetrate her ass hole.

[Image: samass.jpg]
Ohhhhhhhhh Masterrrrrrrrrrrr
Nottttttttttttttt Thereeeeeeeeeeeeeee
But, by that time his cock was in already, giving searing pain to your wife.
And thus the 2nd generation of Zamindars enjoyed your wife.

And now the the turn of the grandsons…

Baba… sorry Swamy… please stop… I don’t want to hear further… Chai wailed…
But Bhikari Baba wouldn’t stop his narration.
With guilt, he realized his cock was rock sturdy inside the saree, and to his shock
he saw even Sangi & Mangi are openly stroking their cocksover their Dhotis behind Bhikari Baba’s back…
All this listening to BB narrating how Samantha,
his wife was being ravaged by Zamindar and his family in both theirs previous birth.
BB continued…
The grandsons are even more impatient. They don’t have the concept of pure and impure
They all fell on her all at once, rubbing her body, smooching her, pinching her,
inserting fingers in her mouth and ass and pussy.
She tried to run away but they caught her and forced her to drink alcohol.

[Image: sam-bday-bang-19.jpg]

In fact in the past 2 weeks, your wife learnt to love the assault of cocks after experience of 4 cocks of the Zamindar family.
Now half-tipsy, she was cooperating with the youngsters of the Zamindar family
as they threw her on the bed and as one of them was penetrating her pussy,
the others continued to smooch her body.
One of the grandson even bit her boob while his cousin was fucking your wife.
Then as he cummed and took out his cock, the second one immediately penetrated her without a gap.
In her tipsy state, your wife was beginning to experience her first orgasm.
With the Zamindar and his sons she was fearful was only serving their cocks.
Now in her drunken state, her guard relaxed and was responding to the cunt assault thus orgasming.
As the third grandson immediately replaced the second grandson and started fucking her,
the fourth one did not wait and went behind your wife.
She knew what he was going to do.
Master please wait…. Oghhhhh….. this Master is fucking me….

As if they cared…
The fourth one force penetrated her ass not even caring to lubricate it.
Thankfully some sweat in her ass crack slightly helped.
In the first instance of double penetration in her life,
your wife screamed like hell until sometime after which she felt the pleasure of double fucking.

[Image: Sam-bang-11.jpg]

As she continued screaming, yet another grandson put his cock in her mouth. Another first experience for her.
And thus your wife was triple fucked…
And she was moaning into a cock as the cock was entering her throat…

[Image: sambang2.jpg]
Then 3 more grandsons triple fucked her again
Thus all the 8 grandsons enjoyed your wife in one go
Chai’s cock was brushing against the saree he was wearing.
He put his hand on his cock and pressed it hard…
BB noticed this and smiled internally.
He knew what his Shishyas were doing behind him…

BB continued…

So for a whole month you waited while the Zamindar’s family fucked her continuously like a common property.
By the time they returned her to you, all her holes were loosened up.
When finally you approached her in the night to fuck she gave you a numb look,
because now she is so used to fucking.
And getting fucked by more than one cock every night…

Your cuckold life continued to a prime old age.
The Zamindars would fuck her openly in front of you and you got addicted to watching your wife.
In fact in any family function, the Zamindars would freely hand her over to all the male guests for entertainment.

Thus your wife was enjoyed by 5 generations of the Zamindar family!
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As Bhikari Baba stopped the narration,
Sangi, Mangi and even Chai took their hands off their cocks.

BB paused for a couple minutes observing Chai and his reactions.
The way BB narrated the so-called previous births of his and his wife’s,
it all sounded so true and Chai in a trance was seduced to accept it… at least subconsciously…
But, he still fought it…
Swamy, how can I believe all this?
All this is too hard to digest and believe.
You are Blaspheming in front of me by not trusting THE TRUTH from my mouth.
I saw your life and your wife’s life through the eyes of the most powerful, the supreme consciousness.
Just know that you are a Cuckold by fate not just in this birth but in every birth.
Only I have the power to change your destiny.
That too, only if you trust me completely, submit, and surrender.
And just remember,
if you distrust anything I say, I will not be able to give
An Ayurvedic Treatment for your wife.
As Chai is watching still shell shocked,
Bhikari Baba silently took out a glass vial which had some liquid in it.
Beta, take this. This is Bharya Vasikarana Lehyam

[Image: glassvial-3.jpg]
Mix this liquid in milk and give it to your wife. Then see the effect.
You will then know the power of Bhikari Baba. Just remember the effects are temporary.
Also, come in 2 days same time as you did today.
A lady from one of the richest families of the city will come to meet me.
Listen to our conversation, BB said proudly.
Then you will know my influence and power even better.
Now you may pray to me and leave.
As Chai was looking, Sangi gestured him to kiss Bhikari Baba’s feet.
Chai whose mind was fully numb knowing his fucked up previous births, silently acquiesced.
He kissed BB’s feet, prayed to him, took the Glass Vial and came out.
He removed the Saree he wore as Dhoti, changed back to his clothes,
took his belongings, walked back to his car, and went to his apartment.
All the while, Chai had the look of someone who was possessed by a spirit
[Image: nc-ser.jpg]

Now, what Chai does with the Glass Vial and what it’s effects will be on Samantha,
You will find out in Vial & Wildness – the next chapter of Season 9.
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Dear Readers,

That's for the weekend!

7 medium/long chapters... 10000 words...
And, Samantha gangbang delivered as promised!

Hope you enjoyed these chapters and the twists & suspense!

Please let know your comments and feedback!
That's the only way I will know if some of the new elements introduced are to your liking or not.

Thanks for Reading,

PS: Many of the pics used in the last 2 chapters are from Silver Bro's forum. Many thanks for your help, Bro!
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Once again, you delivered the best updates on weekends.

1st birth : This is by far the best imagination I had ever seen in my life. I had never expected this type of scenario. Cuckoo lays her eggs in other birds nest, but the way you used it as "Cuckoo"old Chai first birth is unbelievable.

2. 2nd birth : Thank you for completing pregnant Sam fuck fetish. This birth story was like "planting an idea" of "natural cuckold" in Chai's brain and looks like BB successfully planted it in his mind. This idea can be used to "impregnate Sam" in present life.

3. 3rd birth : Holy shit.. I thought that gangbang will be your imagination, but you used it as a 3rd birth cuckold story. Though this gangbang was short and hot, I am looking forward to Sam's future gangbang festival. This story reminded me of a short story I wrote on "Malvika Mohanan". This is also great "planting an idea" for Sam gangbang in future.

Chai is always reluctant to accept his cuckold nature. He always declined the fact that he is a natural cuckold. But, these so called "past birth" stories will surely affect his confidence and Chai will accept his cuckold nature finally.
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(25-04-2021, 08:15 PM)Saravroman Wrote: PS: Many of the pics used in the last 2 chapters are from Silver Bro's forum. Many thanks for your help, Bro!

Thank you so much Sammie bro for using the pictures. You can visit my thread and use all pics you want and thank you for mentioning my thread.  Tongue Iex
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Thanks, Silver Bro - glad you liked the plot line!
Will respond on your reviews in detail...
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Chai tried to stand up but fell again in another trap..
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(26-04-2021, 08:42 PM)justafantasydear Wrote: Chai tried to stand up but fell again in another trap..

yes indeed bro
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(24-04-2021, 05:08 PM)neel191298 Wrote: OMG........... Chai wearing a saree!!!!!!!!! What humiliation u have stored for chai.......
Anyway your last episode is really good build up. Though it is non-erotic still it gives us immense pleasure reading this chapter.
Be it William Wordsworth poem, or beautiful Daffodils .... really pleasant experience. 
Sam and Chai both are going through emotional turbulence... and in this crucial time chai's negligence for sam is really pathetic... and VV will use this opportunity very well..........

Thanks for keeping us entertained in this disturbed (covid-19) time of our nation.........

(25-04-2021, 12:19 PM)neel191298 Wrote: 1. How did you like this episode? What did you likes in these episode and what would you like to SEE MORE in future episodes?

How much I liked, ohh.... just completely become empty (U know what I mean :P) and exhausted (happily...)
That much I liked it.. 

The most I liked in this ep., how chai's face is buried in sam's voluptous ass.. Ohh Goshhhhh...... Sam should grab harder his face to her ass. and she must try giving a face-sitting on chai..until chai become restless without able to take breath........

2. Did you enjoy VV using abusive slurs from various languages and even Samantha using some of them?
Do you want more of this in future episodes?

Oh Yes....enjoyed very much the chat , the abusive language specially of sam.. Want to hear more abusive, slutty dialogs from sam's mouth... Her mouth must be full with hard cock, and when she empties the cock, she must say horny, slutty abusive word....By her word she should be able to make erect our dicks (and female readers' clitoris)......

3. Are you excited about SamDares03 (the latest assignment)? 

Supra- excited..... As you gave teaser as this is coming as a Sunday afternoon season...It is becoming more sexciting......
Absolutely I agree that the first 2 assignment seems warm-ups to this 3rd one....getting fucked by a office colleague ..oh yesss...

What do you think will happen from here?

This is really becoming complex.. I was just thinking how much effort u have put for this story... From here on it is totally dynamic...

What I want as it is a erotic novel, Sam must complete all 10 dares (already completed 2).... Always the next one must be more kinkier than the previous one.... and Sam becomes more sluttier than before....

There may be a cold war between Venky and Bhikhari Baba where Venky tries to make Sam a complete sex-slave, whereas Bhikari Baba trying to transform Chai so that Sam gets attracted to Chai again....

At the end I want Sam to be victorious in this novel..She must fall in love with Chai.........
but before that she enjoys every type of sexual pleasures.... sane and insane.... I want her to enjoy every single male of their apartment, Chai's office, Chai's family and obviously one foot cock of Venky and even Bhikari Baba also....

Thanks and lots of love...........Be safe and Be healthy...... Heart Heart

Ton of Thanks for support and feedback, Neel Bro... 

1. Hope you liked the saree scene - you were excited about it - I didnt make it too Sissy yet!
2. More coming up in SamDares03 - colleagues assignment - that I am sure will be to you and your member's liking Smile
3. Your fantasies and expectations are noted!
4. Every single male in the apartment... hmmm... sleazy wishes! Maybe the Genie will grant your wish! ;)
5. Glad you liked the poems, video call, sexual slurs, Chai humiliation

Always a pleasure & motivation to read your reviews!

wishes for your safety & health,

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Ton of Thanks for support and feedback, DDDD Silver Bro...

writing back on all your recent reviews: recent review 1recent review 2recent review 3

1. Thanks for the so many kind words of praise - but I feel these are still amateur writings of a first-time writer.
So much scope to improve. Do let know anything I can improve.

2. Glad you liked Pretty Puppy & the upcoming student rivalry & jealousy between her & Sam

3. Great to see you are interested more on the Sex slurs/abuses and humiliation of Chai by VV/Sam.
Wife Pimp slur coming up more based on your liking.

4. Interesting comments on SameDares03 - for all there is - there could be someone totally unexpected
from other colleagues who end up fucking Sam. Or maybe not.

5. Interesting observations on BB and his intents and his background

6. yes, indeed - BB got Chai to drink pee Smile

7. So encouraging to see you like the previous births episodes, the Warbler bird / Cuckoo bird part, the pregnant Sam part, and the DP part.
Yes, some of these descriptions may end up priming Chai for future cuckolding.

8. Your fantasies/scenarios are noted.

9. Nice catches/observations/thoughts on multiple stuff. Like I said, very few things miss your eye.

Always a pleasure & motivation to read your reviews!

Best wishes for your safety & health,
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(27-04-2021, 12:01 AM)Saravroman Wrote: Nice catches/observations/thoughts on multiple stuff. Like I said, few things miss your eye.

Damn... banghead Now I have to read all chapters again to find the missing clues. I'll try to not miss anything in your MIND-BLOWING updates..  Big Grin
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(27-04-2021, 12:11 AM)Silverstone93 Wrote:
Damn... banghead  Now I have to read all chapters again to find the missing clues. I'll try to not miss anything in your MIND-BLOWING updates..  Big Grin

LoL bro - it was a typo - missed the 'very' there! corrected it now!
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Dear Readers,

Genuinely demotivated seeing the response to my last week and weekend episodes! The non-response rather!

I have the many original ideas & even the time this week, but, readers non-support is dampening spirits!

I'm just being honest here... don't mind...

Of my 4 writing Horses: 2 are on full speed, one is limping, and other is barely moving

[Image: hor.jpg]

Current writing Horsepower = 160 out of 400

I'm taking a break from writing & my thread.
I will be back in a week or so I hope after getting some juice!

Thanks for reading,
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(27-04-2021, 12:21 AM)Saravroman Wrote: Dear Readers,

Genuinely demotivated seeing the response to my last week and weekend episodes! The non-response rather!

I have the many original ideas & even the time this week, but, readers non-support is dampening spirits!

I'm just being honest here... don't mind...

Of my 4 writing Horses: 2 are on full speed, one is limping, and other is barely moving

[Image: hor.jpg]

Current writing Horsepower = 160 out of 400

I'm taking a break from writing & my thread.
I will be back in a week or so I hope after getting some juice!

Thanks for reading,

I know thia feeling very well brother. It is really demotivating when you (writer) spend your valuable time in writing updates and people (readers) read it for free and don't leave any (positive/negative) comments. 

Take some good rest (a week or more) and don't visit your thread to check any comments. It will demotivate you more if no one comments after your update. (I have experience in that field, LOL) . I had discussed these issues with you before. So, I know how are you feeling now. Take good rest and roam here as a reader only for some time.  Big Grin

I request readers to leave some good comments on the threads you read. Writers invest their valuable time in writing updates, and least they expect is support from readers. A small praise/admiration is enough to motivate a writer. 
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(27-04-2021, 12:21 AM)Saravroman Wrote: Dear Readers,

Genuinely demotivated seeing the response to my last week and weekend episodes! The non-response rather!

I have the many original ideas & even the time this week, but, readers non-support is dampening spirits!

I'm just being honest here... don't mind...

Of my 4 writing Horses: 2 are on full speed, one is limping, and other is barely moving

[Image: hor.jpg]

Current writing Horsepower = 160 out of 400

I'm taking a break from writing & my thread.
I will be back in a week or so I hope after getting some juice!

Thanks for reading,

Bro don't upset are a awesome writer 
Update was really good.....since today Sam birthday if your horse power increased can expect update think so
[+] 1 user Likes Babyma's post
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Your story is so good bro . Number of replies and likes are not the correct representation of how good the story is. The way you build up story and the way you deal with characters is so professional . Keep going
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