Fantasy Samverse: Samantha & Chai Novel - Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife
Chapter 72 - Video Call with VV {Season 9, episode 8, time: present}

[From previous episode of Season 9:
Sam pushed Chai’s head back into her ass…
And excitedly switched on the video call with ####

So readers, in next episode of Season 9: we will see #### live on video call.
And see what how he reacts and what he does when he sees live cast of Chai licking Sam’s asshole.
Your wait to see ####'s identity will soon be over.]

As Chai is licking her asshole, Sam was terribly enjoying.

She recollected the incident near Lovers Lake.
It was so depraved… so kinky… a FIL… licking the asshole of DIL…
So nasty… and then fucking the shit out of her….
For a moment, Sam’s mind went to Vivek… Chi…. She thought…
But she got so aroused thinking of that wild scenario…
So depraved… and she laughed thinking what Chai’s face would look like…
Just then… she got a video call… It was ####
She knew VV expectations… answer the call whenever I call, Bitch

She hesitated for a few seconds. Chai took his face out of her ass
She got a kinky idea. She pushed his face back into her asshole.
Ohhhh…. She moaned… with his nose and mouth and face jamming into her ass crack…
Into her pink virgin pucker hole…

[Image: vvcall2.jpg]
And she started the video call
“Hello Venky Mama!” Sam said with so much excitement…

Only her face was visible to VV!

Hey my dear Samantha Bitch! came the face & voice of the 65 year old VV
[Image: Capture.jpg]

Chai tried to come out of her ass.
His mind went bonkers thinking how Sam can do video call
and forcing him to lick the nasty backside and that too it is VV.

But Sam wouldn’t allow.
She was using force and surprisingly Chai was easy to control physically

VV realized something is going on given
how her face looked and how she was moving and all/
When she was moving a bit he could see her boobs
and he realized she is naked… at least the top part…
Blood helllll, lazy bitch…. Lying nude on a Sunday morning…

VV knew how to taunt her

Sam loosened her grip on Chai and he came out of her ass crack but still she didn’t leave him.

No mama… you are wrong… 
I went for a good long running and came back just sometime back

Sam always got defensive when put down and things like
“you cant do” and “you are stupid” and “you are lazy”

{Readers, notice how Chai first fell out of favor
just because of this reason in Season 2 ep 1.
Here VV was using the exact same phrases to manipulate her.
Looks like it’s not the girl’s personality, it how an expert handles it that matters}

VV: And then…?
Sam: I came back…
VV: And then?

Now Sam was getting the hots…
She was almost keen to tell him about the session with Sangi/Mangi,
she viewing Solomon fuck his DIL’s ass and her encounter with watchman but she chose not to.

Sam: Then… I came home and stripped myself…
VV: And?

Now Sam was now proud to display her power and control over Chai

Sam: Then… I am lying down naked making Chutiya Chai lick my asshole… She proudly said

[Image: pushing-face.gif]

Just describing this to VV was giving her more arousal
than what Chai could give her with anal rimming
Waah waah … my little slut… you are getting better and better.
Sexcellent, Sam… your skills are improving.
Sabash my Samantha Slut!
see, I told you…
Aren't you glad you joined my Masters program in MIMS?

Sam was so happy… her master… her Venky mama… was praising her…

Sam: Yes, mama… I am very glad I joined it… Thank you Venky mama…
VV: I cannot see your boobs bitch

Sam immediately moved her hand a little away from her so the camera will give her long shot view.
And in the process, she removed her hand on Chai’s neck and he moved a little bit away

VV: Is Chai still licking that delicious asshole of yours?
Sam: No mama … just now… he moved away…
VV: Who told that asshole to stop… Chutiya Chai… tell him to continue…

Sam: (looking at Chai) you heard him… 
Chai: please Sam… 

Chai was pleading her. This was too humiliating for him
Sam: Chai, do it. (Sam plainly said)
Chai is still resisting.
He was totally nervous with the video call going on.
He is already not enjoying licking her hole and now she has live call in hand she can zoom to him anytime…

Chai is thinking:
What the fuck is she going to do next?
She will put my rimming video on Facebook live?
Sam: Chai do you want to lick my home or do you want to talk to VV?
Chai: no no Sam, please

the last thing in the world he wanted to do was talking to VV.
He went back to Sam’s ass and started licking it.
Sam: Ok, Mama… Chutiya Chai is doing it
VV: Doing what bitch? Tell me clearly
Sam: my hubby Chutiya Chai is licking my ass as I am speaking to you, Venky Mama

[Image: samasso.jpg]
Sam continues… 

Sam: Venky Mama please… take me… I am so desperate… make me yours… I cant wait… please…
VV is very happy. His dream girl is begging him to take her.

Yes, bitch. I will… Remember what I told you?
A promise is a promise
But before that I will put to through more tests.
Remember the third condition of mine?

Sam: Yes, Mama
VV: Did you tell that to Chutiya Chai?
Sam: Yes, mama
VV: All of it?
Sam: No.
VV: OK. Did he agree to what you said?

Chai was barely licking her.
He was keenly listening. They were talking about him…

Sam: Yes, mama…
VV: Tell me clearly, Sam Slut. What did he agree to?

My husband agreed to beg you to fuck me. Mama…
Please, he will beg you right now… I want you…
Soon, bitch… control yourself. else, I will send Manohar to fuck you in front of your entire apartment….

And he laughed…
 Sam got a little nervous and then realized he was only playing with her…

By the way, you gave my driver hell of a time!
You called me today morning.
And funny… he cried…
He thanked me 100 times for letting him touch Sam Madam
You sultry bitch.
Displaying your body to my driver and your watchman.

VVs driver - Maja Manohar
[Image: an.jpg]
Sam was gloating.
She was feeling turned on being appreciated for her kinky acts by her Master.
Now she is confident she will pass her MIMS program with outstanding grades...

{SammieRoman: well not so fast, Sam.
Your husband is going to do unbelievable things very soon.
Your dreams may not materialize}
Such lovely boobs Sam.
When I will enjoy it … you will be my permanent bitch…
gharana raandi (Hindi - cheap slut)
muduru munda (Telugu - depraved bitch)
pacha thevidiya munde (Tamil - worst bitch)
Sam was enjoying VV's abusing in different languages.
One of the things about being in military for 40 years,
is you pick up so many languages and off course swear words were common in friendly exchanges.
VV: Show me your Chutiya hubby licking your ass..

What Chai had feared materialized. What could he do?
As Sam switched to her mobile back camera, Chai lifted his face out of Sam’s ass

VV: (to Chai) Keep licking her ass, bitch!
Who told you can stop?
Or should I send Manohar back to your apartment to service Sam’s ass.

The very mention of Manohar gave Chai great uncomfort

Chai: (in fear) No Venky Mamaaaa (Chai called him Venky Mama similar to Sam)

He immediately went back to her ass.

VV: Yes lick that heavenly asshole of my Bitch Samantha.
I will make you lick that hole and get her ready before I take her Anal virginity.
lick it... matharchod... (hindi - mother fucker) you dont deserve a wife like her...
thevidiya mavane (tamil - son of a bitch) I am going to have her fucked by dozens and dozens of men.
I will make you service her and make you do unbelievable stuff pellam broker na kodaka (telugu - wife pimp)

Chai was feeling miserable and but his cock was not.

Here Sam was enjoying Chais licking and more than that the exhileration that her mama… her master…
was dominating Chai to force him to lick and was taunting saying he will send his driver…
And using all the dirtiest words in many languages to humiliate him.

She noted the word "pellam broker na kodaka" She is going to use it on him now.

VV: Yes munch it… lick it good… Matharchod
Serve my lady Samantha very good.
If I get any complaint from Samantha about you,
I will have my men come to your apartment
and fuck her in front of all your neighbors... Matharchod... 

Sam was now in sexual high...

Ohhh. Yes…. Chutiya Chai lick me…
Lick my pussy now …  I am about to climax…
pellam broker na kodaka... my pimp hubby...

VV was very happy Samantha is picking up his abusive words and using it on Chai.

VV: You heard her , Bitch. Lick her cunt, Thevidiya Mavane (Tamil- son of a bitch)

And Chai switched to Sam’s pussy
[Image: eatmypussy.gif]
Yes… Chai…. Ohhh mama… 
you are so dirty using all the swear words on my husband...
He deserves it... fuckinggggggggggg..... Matharchod Chaiiiii...

And Sam exploded in joy...
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Chapter 73 - Third Sam Dare {Season 9, episode 8, time: present}

Sam got back to her senses she switched her front camera

[Image: videocall.jpg]

After her climax she was now a little shy with VV

Dirty bitch… you are acting shy?
You sucked my friend Syed Ji’s cock, a total stranger and now you are shy?
Do you know how happy he is?
He has been telling me an angel MEHBOOBA visited him from heaven
and gave him a fucking blowjob of his life and took all his pain away.
He has no clue I sent you to him as part of your first assignment.

Sam with Syed Ji during her first SAM DARE
[Image: Syed-2.jpg]

He recovered a lot from his son’s death with just one blow job of yours.
I am very proud of my student.

And  big thanks, Sam. you did a great service to that old man.

Sam also felt happy.
she started thinking of Syed Ji.
maybe I will call him, she thought

Sam imagining herself with Syed Ji's long dick
[Image: syed.jpg]
See mama. I told you what I am capable of.
I can do anything.
Don't get too cocky muduru munda (depraved slut)
These assignments are just teasers, Bitch

Let me see how you do on next assignments
Lets see if you are better than Pretty Puppy
At the very mention of Pretty Puppy Sam got a lil jealous.

It was as if like a student rivalry... It was...
They both for competing to be STUDENT NUMBER ONE

Pretty Puppy - Priyanka Panda - Master's current Student Number One (Pic from Silver Bro's Thread)
[Image: priyanka-m-jain-hd-images-3.jpg]

VV was an expert in manipulating Sam.
Whenever she would be scared to do bold stuff, he would taunt her.
Whenever she was so full and happy and confident,
he would use it to make her do even bolder stuff.

I see you are enjoying getting ass licked.
I will take that into account for one of your assignments.
And from next assignments, I will start testing Chai too
if he is willing to submit  his wife completely and do my bidding without reluctance.

Chai was watching in horror as Sam and her master was immersed in lovers talk

“test Chai” – Chai’s heartbeat was vigorous imagining what would happen

Chai thoughts:
My goodness… these assignments...

Sucking a stranger in Kirana store...
Sam Wearing revealing clothes in front of driver and watchman
If these were teasers Chai is wondered what future had in stock for him.
While half his mind feared for his “family izzat” and family and grandpa
The other half connected to his penis was raging hard as well… And his cock responded…
So that old man in Kirana store is VV's friend.

VV: Do you want to know your third assignment, Bitch?
Sam: Yes Mama... Sam is excited and a bit nervous too...
VV: Do you have the guts to do this, Sam? Do you think you can beat Pretty Puppy?
Sam: Yes, Venky Mama. I can do better than her

(Sam is on defensive so she committed herself without much thought! A mistake)

Here you go.
Get fucked by someone from Chai’s office.
You decide whom to get fucked by.
He should convince his colleague and bring him home to fuck you.
If he does not agree, you should fuck 2 of his colleagues

[Image: Sam-Dares03.jpg]

Both Sam & Chai are shocked. Chai’s colleague??? The risks! My God!
VV smiles looking at Sam’s expression in video call.
He is thoroughly enjoying.

Sam, this is still a warm up round!
I am sure you are among my best students!
But, whether you will finish MIMS program successfully or not, we will see.
Don’t drag your feet on it.
Remember our deal: you should finish all your assignments before I come back from Dehradun,
only then will I make you mine completely and fuck you.
Bye for now, Bitch!

Sam: (in slow voice) Yes Venky Mama. Bye.

They kiss each other goodbye like lovers!
Immediately, Chai was about to say something, “Noo….”, but Sam stopped him.

Choose your words carefully Chutiya Chai, you heard what my Venky Mama said.
If you decline, I will have to fuck 2 of your colleagues instead of 1

Chai’s mouth shut as if struck by a rod.
Just the look on his face brought a smile on to Sam’s face.
Her slutty side turned on again.

Sam is thinking:
It serves Chai right for ignoring me for 2 years of marriage.
Ohhhhh Venky Mama and his Kinks.
But, fucking his colleague is risky.
It’s allright I will deal with it.
I am not giving up. I will do all the assignments whatever it takes.
I will prove I’m his favorite student.
Sam had Decided!
Chai silently went to the bedroom and cleaned up his mouth.

Today, he found out how the clean, hygienic HEAVENLY ass of Samantha tastes like.
Musky… Slight saltiness from sweat… A bit fruity… Overall splendid
But poor Chai instead of enjoying it, he was fighting it…

Chai is thinking:
No way I am going to let Sam do this assignment.
Enough is enough! I have to start taking things into my own hands
I have to think of a way to STOP THIS MADNESS
Chai had Decided!
Thus they both decided!
Now let’s see who does what and who succeeds?

Now that Chai has decided to fight it out,
now starts the game and counter game of WHO WINS!

To see what Chai does next and
how he comes up with a plan to STOP SLUTTY SAM
wait until tomorrow!
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suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper please go on
[+] 1 user Likes Kalyan143's post
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Fucking Hottttt.....

Will Gautam be the lucku guy? Or Chai's boss Demanding David?????

Sextasticcc updateeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[+] 1 user Likes neel191298's post
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(25-04-2021, 12:12 AM)Kalyan143 Wrote: suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper please go on

Thanks, Kalyan bro!
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(25-04-2021, 12:37 AM)neel191298 Wrote: Fucking Hottttt.....

Will Gautam be the lucku guy? Or Chai's boss Demanding David?????

Sextasticcc updateeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, Neel Bro!

Interesting you say Gautam - remember he resigned from company after David fucked his wife Kajal? Gautam Resigns

If David gets one chance with Sam! Ufffff! The thinks that pervert manager will do to Sam! Uffffff!
And slutty Sam will enjoy it to the core! But he will be too risky! Thats the trade off!

So let's see whom Samantha's eyes fall on and whether Chai will be able to stop her!  Cool
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Dear Readers,

That's for today!

Now for the Vikram-Betaal round, so folks:

1. How did you like this episode? What did you likes in these episode and what would you like to SEE MORE in future episodes?

2. Did you enjoy VV using abusive slurs from various languages and even Samantha using some of them?
Do you want more of this in future episodes?

3. Are you excited about SamDares03 (the latest assignment)? What do you think will happen from here?

Do comment & share feedback!
It helps to motivate me and give more frequent and hotter episodes!

Thanks for reading,
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Teaser 041 - Sam DP

Thanks to readers who participated in SamPolling 01

q) do you want to see Samantha's 'first' Double Penetration this weekend?
options) yes or no
response) response is an overwhelming yes''

more updates coming in the afternoon & yes, Sam will get DP'ed today!

next chapter - "What is the Treatment for my wife?"

"Sam clearly warned me on what she would do if I do not go along with what she does"

"Should I tell Chacha Ji?

Chai remembers Chacha Ji saying 'These city girls are mostly bitches' right before his first night"

"VV is on a secret military project in Dehradun"

"Should I try marriage counselling?"
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Chapter 74 - What is the treatment for my wife? {Season 9, episode 9, time: present}

Next day at breakfast, thinks were silent until Sam said:
“Chai, what’s your opinion about David?”
Chai almost froze to death. He even felt like a drop of piss leaked in his Undies.
Sam pleaseeeeee…
Sam was plainly observing Chai’s facial reaction. And it was satisfying to her.
“You know we have to talk about this Chai. Maybe in evening if not now.”
Sam left it at that.
Chai gave a resigned look and starts to office.

Chai went straight to his desk.
He got no work done.
David was on a business trip to Germany.
Still Chai took no interest in office administration today.
Chai felt being at crossroads in life and devoid of ideas.
So far, he helplessly went along with everything Sam is doing for the past 6 months,
including naughty stuff at my own Village at my own Bungalow.
I let her become close to VV, I agreed to her taking up the MIMS program, I even _____________

But now…
He knew he had to do something he had never done in life: Standing up & fighting it out.
What to do? What is the treatment for my wife’s sexual behavior?
She is really hypersexual as Rana said in our marriage counselling.

Chai knew Sam is beyond persuasion.
Sam clearly warned me on what she would do if I do not go along with what she does.

Oh! Should I try marriage counselling?
Phew! The first one ended in disaster and in fact started all the mess that I am in now.
Maybe I should try looking up for good psychiatrists?
Would Sam agree to that?
I am not sure.
Whom should I approach?
Whom can I share these things with?
I don’t have friends.
The only person I can share was Gautam and he has this exact same problem with his wife Kajal.
He ran away from life unable to deal with all this.
Maybe I should runaway too?
Should I just leave all things and just abscond
Oh, what will happen to my family then?
{Readers, notice how even after so much happened,
he is still thinking of his family being his parents, relatives and Grandpa and not about Sam.
Such a self centered loser.
Maybe all Sam does to him is justified.
Or maybe not???}
Should I tell Sam’s parents?
Sam’s mom is always a sucking up to me.
A greedy, selfish woman.
I hate that woman. Even Sam hates her.
Sam’s dad I approachable.
But how do I tell him?
And VV is his friend.
Should I tell my parents?
Shall I tell Chacha Ji?
Chai remembers Chacha Ji saying “These city girls are mostly bitches” right before his first night
Oh how much I want my mom Amala right now?
She always has solutions for my problems.
But what is the use?
My parents, relatives, entire family and even Grandpa love and admire Samantha ay more than they love me.
What are other options?
Shall I talk to VV and beg him to leave my wife?
Chai clearly knew he doesn’t have the balls to do that.
Also, VV is on a secret military project in Dehradun and will not be back for a while
Who else? What else can I do???
OH GODDDDDD HELP ME! Chai’s mind screamed
God please help me! I have never asked you anythinggggg!!
Lo and Behold!
Bhikari Baba (BB)… yes… Bhikari Baba…

[Image: bb.jpg]

And he recollected the last encounter with BB.
And the mysterious poems Bhikari Baba sang:
Every problem has a Bishek (Curer in Sanskrit)
Every problem has a Bhesajam (Cure in Sanskrit)
Yessssss! I need to approach Bhikari Baba!
Now, all the mysterious poems and words of Bhikari Baba are kind of making sense!
Bhikari Baba may have THE TREATMENT FOR MY WIFE
But what does he know? How does he know?
Will approaching him be another big mistake?
He does look like a weirdo and creeps me sometimes.
But maybe he is all knowing! Maybe he really sees through the third eye?
That is how he knew of Samantha and me? What else does he know?

{Readers, remember the very first episode of this Novel? I started with below poem of Bhikari Baba}

Kaamanam Kamini Kaama Patnicha
Pathi Kaama Santhustha Bhoginaam
Kaamanganam Anga Kaamapiditancha
Parapurushena Kaama Paripaalitham
English Translation:
When a beautiful wife’s sexual needs are met in the embrace of husband,
They blend together in the lust filled satisfaction!
However ,
When a sexy wife’s sexual desires are unmet,
She falls into the arms of strangers and lets them rule her!!

From here on, Chai’s mind was all about “Treating his wife” and
he now came to think of Bhikari Baba as a person who may have the treatment.
part of Bhikari Baba’s poem:

When you have a Guru who can guide you
And when you surrender to the Guru
Your problems will all go away
But for that you have to fully surrender to the Guru
When you are ready, come to my Ashram

All day long, this was the thought in Chai’s mind.
This was the only thought in his mind

Until evening, when he had made up his mind to visit Bhikari Baba.
What is the harm in trying? I will casually go and visit his Hermit Hut?
Chai was now ready to surrender!
Chai called Sam to tell her he would be late to home.
Sam suspected it is because he doesn’t want to discuss the latest assignment.
Chai started early and went to the settlement area by the Lover’s Lake where Bhikari Baba’s hut was.
He was uncomfortable driving his expensive car into those constricted and crooked lanes.
He parked his car in one of the main roads and walked into the settlement.
It was not a huge area, altogether about 20-30 huts and 150-200 people at max.
All the people were mostly workers who worked at nearby elite apartments.
Bhikari Baba’s hut was apart and a bit far from all the huts.
The Lover’s Lake was right behind it.
Chai reached the Hut or Ashram or Hermit Hut.
Bhikari Baba was sitting on a raised platform in the front of the hut.
There were people sitting there waiting for their turn to go to BB for treatment.
Bhikari Baba looked up and saw Chai approaching his Hut.
As Chai came near him, BB smiled and says,
“Beta, I know you would come. Come! Come! Please Come!”

Bhikari Baba's Hut
[Image: hut.jpg]
Besides Bhikari Baba were his 2 shishyas who were mixing herbs
and other ayurvedic medications based on BB’s instructions and giving to the people.
They were none other than SANGI & MANGI
 [Image: chasing-sam.jpg]
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Next update after a couple of hours!
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1. How did you like this episode? What did you likes in these episode and what would you like to SEE MORE in future episodes?

How much I liked, ohh.... just completely become empty (U know what I mean :P) and exhausted (happily...)
That much I liked it.. 

The most I liked in this ep., how chai's face is buried in sam's voluptous ass.. Ohh Goshhhhh...... Sam should grab harder his face to her ass. and she must try giving a face-sitting on chai..until chai become restless without able to take breath........

2. Did you enjoy VV using abusive slurs from various languages and even Samantha using some of them?
Do you want more of this in future episodes?

Oh Yes....enjoyed very much the chat , the abusive language specially of sam.. Want to hear more abusive, slutty dialogs from sam's mouth... Her mouth must be full with hard cock, and when she empties the cock, she must say horny, slutty abusive word....By her word she should be able to make erect our dicks (and female readers' clitoris)......

3. Are you excited about SamDares03 (the latest assignment)? 

Supra- excited..... As you gave teaser as this is coming as a Sunday afternoon season...It is becoming more sexciting......
Absolutely I agree that the first 2 assignment seems warm-ups to this 3rd one....getting fucked by a office colleague ..oh yesss...


What do you think will happen from here?

This is really becoming complex.. I was just thinking how much effort u have put for this story... From here on it is totally dynamic...

What I want as it is a erotic novel, Sam must complete all 10 dares (already completed 2).... Always the next one must be more kinkier than the previous one.... and Sam becomes more sluttier than before....

There may be a cold war between Venky and Bhikhari Baba where Venky tries to make Sam a complete sex-slave, whereas Bhikari Baba trying to transform Chai so that Sam gets attracted to Chai again....

At the end I want Sam to be victorious in this novel..She must fall in love with Chai.........
but before that she enjoys every type of sexual pleasures.... sane and insane.... I want her to enjoy every single male of their apartment, Chai's office, Chai's family and obviously one foot cock of Venky and even Bhikari Baba also....

Thanks and lots of love...........Be safe and Be healthy...... Heart Heart
[+] 2 users Like neel191298's post
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I posted my reaction before reading Chapter 73....but in the mean time U have posted this chapter....Good One.. I was actually thinking and written also in my previous post about Bhikari Baba - Chai combination.....

Waiting for Sam's DP....yahooooooooooooo
[+] 2 users Like neel191298's post
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Your analysis is detailed & motivating, Nell Bro!
And yes, you did predict the BB Chai combo spot on!
will respond on your analysis, after posting updates!

Ton of thanks,
[+] 2 users Like Saravroman's post
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Next chapter is 'EKA VASTRA' (single clothing)
will post in ~3 hours or so!
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Chapter 75 - Eka Vastra (single clothing) {Season 9, episode 10, time: present}

Beta, wait until I treat my people, BB said and he continued talking to each person one by one.
Chai was observing. Most of the people had common complaints – indigestion, pain, headache and stuff.
BB would give instructions to Sangi & Mangi and they would mix some herbs, powders and pastes and give them to the people.

Ayurvedic cures rendered by Bhikari Baba
[Image: ayu.jpg]

Chai had an aside conversation with one of those people. That guy said: “Bhikari Baba is a very magical person, Sir.
He treats all kinds of people. Even rich people like you come sometime. I have seen with my own eyes.
He even drives away ghosts and has even given children to unfortunate woman who didn’t have kids.
He is a powerful person although he looks like a Bhikari”
When all the people left, BB motioned Chai to sit and looked deep into Chai’s eyes.
So Beta, you have come to get treatment for your wife’s Adultery and Randi (slutty) behavior!
Although Chai doubted BB knew what was going on,
hearing it explicitly from BB’s mouth shocked him.
Baba… Babaaa… please these guys are here…
Chai motioned to Sangi Mangi…
Not to worry…
They are my Shishyas – Sangi & Mangi.
They are innocent tribal boys. They will do no harm.

What neither BB nor Chai knew was that Samantha had already encountered Sangi Mangi
and in fact has given them a hand job in the wood area near Lover’s Lake.
What Sangi Mangi didn’t know was Chai is the hubby of the heavenly beauty they chased in the woods.
BB continued: 
Beta, I am the Bhishek & the Bhesajam. The curer & the cure.
I can solve all your problems but you have to trust me.
And submit to me. And surrender to me completely.
Chai feels a little awkward.

Beta, I see you are reluctant.
Let me get you initiated.
Come into my Hermit Hut and I will tell you details
about you and your wife that no one ever told you.

Chai got goosebumps, his body hair stood up, and he felt creeped out.
What will Bhikari Baba tell me. Oh no! What more does he know
There are rules and rituals in my Hermit Hut.
Rule number one: You have to adorn Eka Vastra, a single piece of clothing.
(Chai is shocked. Though it made sense, BB too was in a Dhoti and so were Sangi & Mangi)
 Then no electrical stuff (BB meant electronics, that is, phone).
You body and thoughts should be pure.
Then you have to first do Guru seva to me
My Shishyas will guide you. Go take a bath and come in Eka Vastra.
Chai is unsure of what to do
What does BB mean Eka Vastra, single piece of clothing?
Should I strip to my Undies? Oh god no!
Then one of the Shishyas Sangi tells BB – Swamy, there are no medicated Dhotis.
Its okie, fold a medicated saree in fours and give it to him. He can wear the Saree as a Dhoti
Chai is shell shocked. Saree? Nooooo Wayyyyyy I am wearing a saree, Chai is thinking.
As if BB heard him, he said to Sangi.
Give him either a folded medicated Saree or a medicated loin cloth (langota).
And he went inside saying bring him in after he is cleansed.
As Sangi brought Chai a loin cloth, Chai got jitters imagining himself in it.
The folded Saree is not bad, its much better than this loin cloth
{What poor Chai doesn't know is one day he will be standing in that same loin cloth(langota) in BB's hut on day}
Then Mangi asked Chai to give all his belongings which Chai handed over.

Loin cloth given to Chai to wear
[Image: lang.jpg]

Sangi took him to the Lake and asked him to bathe nude. He stood right there.
Chai realized Sangi was just standing there.
He felt so weird. You go, I will come. Sangi still stood there.
Then Chai again asked him to go. Then Sangi turned and left.
Chai made sure no one is there, removed all his clothes,
took a quick skinny dip fully nude in the lake, came out, and quickly dbangd the SAREE as a Dhoti.

Chai feels so embarrassed to wear it but what option did he have, that skimpy loin cloth?
It is not bad. No one is watching anyway, I will quickly hear what Bhikari Baba has to say
and I will leave in a short while. Still, inside his conscious, he felt like a Sissy boy wearing a Saree as Dhoti.
The texture of the Saree was taunting him.
He shivered thinking all the abusive words Sam and VV would say if they saw him in Saree.
And in-turn, thinking of VV & Sam’s abusive words made his cock raise a bit.
My goodness, no Undies either. He tried to divert his attention away
from those abuses – pellam broker na kodaka (wife’s pimp), thevidiya mavane (son of a bitch).

He came near the Hermit Hut and Sangi was standing there.
Chai put his clothing in a corner outside the hut.
Sangi took him in a direction and asked him to pray to the East-god!
Then another direction, West-god!
Another, North-god!
Yet, another, South-god!

Then Sangi told him the details of the ritual, in imperfect sentences
Sangi: inside Swamy Maharaj there. Call him Swamy. Kneel down. Fall at his feet and lick. Kiss hands.
Chai: wait a minute! Lick feet?
Sangi: (repeats himself) inside Swamy Maharaj there. Call him Swamy. Pray to him. Fall at his feet and lick. Kiss hands. Beg to save you.
Chai: Lick his feet? No way
Sangi: Yes, lick feet of Swamy Maharaj.
Chai was really tempted to run away from there right now.
But the hook of Bhikari Baba, “I will tell you details
about you and your wife that no one ever told you” was too powerful to let go.
Reluctantly he went in.
Bhikari Baba was seated in a corner on a white raised platform that looked sort of like a diwan.
Mangi was standing behind him. Sangi also went and stood behind him.
Still reluctantly Chai went and stood in front of him with folded hands, saying “Pranam Baba” (Salutations, Baba)
BB stared. Didn’t my Shishya tell you all the instructions of the Initiation Ritual?

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]
Chai stood silently.
Beta, I am a human who has forsaken the world.
I have self-realized and I am the Lord of the Universe.
You should realize that and accept that before I can solve your problems.

There are people more richer than you and more powerful than you,
who have fallen at my feet, and got rewarded beyond their wildest imagination.
Just remember when you are serving me,
You are serving the all-conscious permanence,
the all seeing, omnipotent self, that it, the Para Brahma, the God.

Chai was slowly getting into the seduction of Bhikari Baba’s words
Beta, you have a problem and no one other than me know the reason.
Beta, answer me, can your family or friends or doctors or anyone in world solve your problem?
Chai nodded and said NO.
Then isn’t it wise to serve the God who can solve all your problems?
Chai nodded and said YES.
Half in a state of trance and half because of having decided to take the leap of faith, Chai stepped forward.
Chai knelt in front of BB.
Swamy, I pray to you he said.
He bent down touched his feet and reluctantly quickly put his tongue on the feet and drew it back.
BB’s feet tasted muddy.
He then kissed BB’s hands.
Swamy, please help me. Help me with my problems.
BB was smiling inside, that Chai was slowly coming around.
BB imagined the ultimate price – Samantha
[Image: sammu.webp]
Beta, sit down near my feet.
I will tell you the most unknown facts about you and your wife.
Before that take my prasad.
He gestured to Mangi and Mangi brought a Bronze Kalash.
And poured the liquid in his hands.

Chai took it. Strangely it tasted so strange.
Chai is feeling little yucky.
A bit of Thulsi… smell of raw camphor… a dash of betel leaf…
But, also …. It kind of faintly smells like … like … urine …
Or am I imagining. Chai almost vomited.

Swamy, can I get some water?
Mangi was about to give more of the same strange liquid.
Chai declined. He didn’t want even one more drop of it.                
Maybe the liquid is a bit stale and I’m imagining things, Chai consoled himself.
BB started his narration:
Beta take that Betel leaf and apply the kajal (black greasy substance used in rituals) on it.
Chai did and handed it to Bhikari Baba.

[Image: betel-leaf.jpg]

Now are you mentally ready to hear all the Adultery activities of your wife and all the Cuckold activities of youself?
Bhikari Baba asked looking into Chai’s eyes.

Chai nervously nodded with bated breath. He was sweating profusely.

Again Bhikari Baba narrated his poem:

What is existent on the East
Is non existent on the West
What is non existent on the North
Is existent on the South

Whatever is existent now
Is also non existent now
What you think as existing now
Had existed in the past too
In this Maya of existence & non existence
O Human! You suffer!

You know neither you nor your wife
You know neither your past or present or future
You know neither your wife’s past or present or future

I see thru the third eye
I see all
I see you
I see her
I see all
I see past
I see present
I see future

As BB looked into the blacked betel leaf as if star gazing,
He said to Chai - Do you know the first time you were Cuckolded???

With his cock moving around in his SAREE, Chai waited for the ultimate disaster, 
a psychological blow, that would shake his confidence forever,
and from which he would never recover.

[+] 2 users Like Saravroman's post
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1. How did you like this episode? What did you likes in these episode and what would you like to SEE MORE in future episodes?

- Great and very well written update. I read all updates and now I think Sam is ready to become "permanent bitch" of Venky Mama. She hesitated at his 3rd dare but quickly accepted it after getting jealous with "pretty puppy" . This jealousy looks interesting for me. Priyanka is "Topper" and doesn't want her place to be shared with another "slave". Sam wants to be the "best student" of Venky Mama and willing to do anything to reach that spot. It'll be fun to see these 2 ladies working hard on VV dick to become his "best" slave. 

2. Did you enjoy VV using abusive slurs from various languages and even Samantha using some of them?

- Great use of different languages slurs. I don't know any of them, but I'll learn them for future references. I really liked when Sam called Chai "wife simp" and it was the best moment for me. She didn't hesitate to abuse her husband and that is really awesome to read. I hope she will use slurs more often.

Do you want more of this in future episodes?

- Yes!!Yes!!Yes!!
It'll be amazing to see more rural conversation between Sam and Chai. I hope she will abuse him for his sissy nature, loser behaviour, being a cuck husband and useless person. Besides "Chutiya Chai", more abusive words should be used to humiliate him more. 

3. Are you excited about SamDares03 (the latest assignment)? What do you think will happen from here?
- Ofcourse.. As the requirement is "office colleague", Gautam is out of this. Only known office colleague is "Demanding David". If he comes to fuck Sam, then it will be more complicated for Chai. DD has some weird fetishes and he had been lusting for Sam since he saw her in her marriage. It'll be amazing to see how Sam handles DD cause she has both Submissive- Dominative behaviour. Will she show her submissive side or Dominative side in front of DD? I don't think Chai will approach DD cause he knew how DD ruined Gautams life. But, as we all know he is "Chutiya Chai" , so anything can be possible.

Others :

1. When Chai decided to stand up and stop these assignments, I was laughing at him. He is not doing this to save Sam, but to save his "Family Pride". 
2. When Sam thought about her FIL (Vivek), it was an amazing moment for me as a reader. I really want to see some kinky stuff between Sam - Vivek. He is the only person whose nature is not revealed yet. 
3. When Chai was thinking about the past, looks like Sam did some kinky things in his village house too. We have to go to past and look at those kinky stuff she did in that house.
4. Bhikari Baba - This is by far the most mysterious person in this story. I don't know if he really going to help Chai or going to trap Sam. He looks young and his 2 shishyas are nothing but "Changi-Mangi". These 2 boys received handjobs from Sam and they are Bhikari Baba's shishyas. Did they tell BB about that incident? What does it mean by "complete surrender" ? 
5. It'll be amazing to see VV - DD interaction. This way, VV can meet his 2 new slaves " DD wife" and "Kajal" who are DD's sex slaves. It'll be great to see "Kajal- Venky" scenes too.
[+] 2 users Like Silverstone93's post
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Wowwie Wow, DDDD Silver Bro!
Such splendid, detailed analysis.
Will respond at length after posting updates.

BTW, your Samantha pics collection is mind boggling & is so much useful in my writing!

Thanks a ton,
[+] 1 user Likes Saravroman's post
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Next chapter 'Once a cuckold Always a cuckold' draft is in progress

will post in ~3 hours!
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Outstanding Update.. This update gave me chills somehow. This is a very well written update and it highlights Chai's sissy nature and shows different side of BB

1. Has even given children to unfortunate woman who didn't have one

- This statement regarding BB is making me suspicious about his motives. He is surely fucking other women and showing himself godly in front of his followers.

2. BB doesn't know that his shishya had an amazing encounter with Sam, but knows what's going on in Chai's life. Isn't that surprising.. Does someone tell BB about everything happening in Chai's life? VV also does not know about Sangi-Mangi encounter.. Are VV - BB related to each other?

3. Thinking about Sam And VV's abusive words made his cock rise a bit.

- Chai is born to be cucked. To keep his cock hard, he needs to be abused continuously. Let him hear more brutal abuses from Sam. Destroy his pride. He deserves the humiliation..

4. BB imagined the ultimate price - Samantha

- This BB is also lusting for Sam? Well, he was looking at her ass when she went for morning walk, so it's not surprising. But, what are his plans about the ultimate price-Samantha

5. It kind of faintly smells

- Because, it was urine, kiddo.. BB made you drink his urine as a Prasad. Is this some kind of assignment for Chai?

This update is giving some hints about BB. End of this chapter was great as it increases the excitement about next chapter. This makes every chapter great to read and I appreciate your efforts to keep readers engaged in your stories. I am eager to know about next chapter and what exactly this BB is going to tell Chai? How will it affect Chai?


[+] 2 users Like Silverstone93's post
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Silver Bro - you are the awesomest reader and predictor.
Wowwie Wow! You are reading the story with some much interest and attention to detail.

Mark your words "Chai is born to be cucked" - this is exactly what the next 2 chapters will detail.

clps clps clps
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