A University Education- Copied
I was 22 when my daughter Hayley was born. She's in her first year at university now and, being my only child, she and I have always been very close. That's why, when her dad went away for a weekend fishing competition recently, I was really pleased that Hayley invited me to go and stay the weekend with her. I never went to university - it wasn't as common in those days as it is now, and I suppose I've led a bit of a sheltered life generally really. Martin was my first boyfriend, and we married when I was 18 and he was 20. I felt it was right to be a stay-at-home mum when Hayley was a little girl, and by the time that wasn't such a big issue I'd been out of a work situation so long I couldn't really bring myself to go back. We live in a small village, 15 miles from the nearest town of any size, and I suppose I don't have that many friends really, but I'm happy looking after my little home and my hubbie.

Anyway, it was a five hour journey by train from home to Hayley's university, so I was pretty pooped by the time I got there on the Friday. She met me off the train and we just had a quiet night at her flat, across the road from the university campus, watching TV over a Chinese take-away meal. Just as I was going to bed her two flatmates arrived home from a night out, and they were very nice, and called me Mrs S, despite me telling them they could call me Jackie. They were quite contrasting types. Amy was an American, a lovely girl with pretty blonde hair, a huge smile and a perfect figure. Simone was a black girl from London, six feet tall (eight inches or so more than the rest of us), with a muscular body and a big bust and bottom. The others were quite proud of her because she was a discus champion, one of the best in the country for her age. (Hayley, by the way, is like a younger version of me, with bubbly red hair and, if I say so myself, a trim figure.) Like Hayley, Amy and Simone were both 18 and in their first year at uni, as they called it. Each of the girls had their own room, but while I was there Hayley was sleeping on a sofa bed in the lounge.
On Saturday Hayley took me to the huge shopping mall in town. We looked more than bought, but we went in one rather trendy place selling women's fashions and Hayley started asking me if I liked this top or that skirt, holding them up against me. To be honest they all seemed a bit young and, well, figure hugging for me, and I told her so. Hayley said I needed to buy some stuff for the disco, which was the first I'd heard of it. "We're all going to the students' union disco on campus tonight. You've got to come Mum, you'll really enjoy it, it's all old music, '70s and '80s, that kind of thing. And if you're coming you've got to have some nice togs to wear, otherwise you won't have any chance of pulling a bloke." She winked suggestively and nudged me in the ribs to show she was joking. I smiled weakly. In the end she persuaded me to buy a black blouse with silver threads running through it, and a pair of black trousers which were slightly too snug for my taste. Of course, I needed shoes to go with the outfit, so I settled on a pair of black and silver strappy sandals.
We had a nice lunch and did a bit more shopping, then we went back to the flat, where I had a nap for a couple of hours to prepare myself for the evening disco. I wasn't very keen, I've never been much of a one for dancing, but Hayley was so eager for me to go, as were both her friends, that I thought it would be churlish not to since they were putting me up for the weekend. After a light early supper I dressed up in my new outfit and, quite hesitantly, joined the girls in the lounge. They had been doing a lot of talking and giggling, but they went quite when I joined them, all eyes turning to me. Amy gave me a huge encouraging smile and said, "Hey, Mrs S, you look fabulous." Then she leaned in and peered more closely. "Uh-oh, VPL!" I was slightly miffed, as I knew my panties showed through the trousers, in fact I'd told Hayley that before I even bought them. Amy was not disheartened though. "No problem, I have an idea. Mrs S, you and I are about the same size aren't we? Wait here." With that she rushed into her room.
Amy came back seconds later with a miniscule piece of material hanging from one finger. I took it from her dubiously. It was a tiny pair of silky scarlet thong panties. I'd rarely seen anything quite so small, let alone worn it. I couldn't possibly put those on. When I told the girls that Hayley looked as if she might get in a strop with me, but young Amy held my hand and looked into my face with huge blue eyes. "Mrs S, you look so sexy in that outfit, we just want you to look your very best. Won't you at least try these, just to make me happy? Please?" She was so appealing I couldn't really turn her down, so I went back into Hayley's room and stripped from the waist down. When I pulled the thong on and looked at myself in the mirror I was horrified. Half my pubic bush was sticking out either side of the material, and at the back the thong had disappeared up my bottom altogether. It also seemed to be sucking into my pussy, and gave me a strange sensation when I walked. I had to admit, though, it couldn't be seen under the trousers, and Amy had asked me so very nicely. I walked back out feeling a bit of a fool, but the girls all looked at me approvingly. Amy said, quietly, "Mrs S, now you really are the business."
I noticed Simone wrinkling her eyes in concentration. "It looks great. It just needs something -- got it. Sit down Mrs S, and kick your shoes off." Unsure what was coming next I did as I was asked, and she squatted at my feet. Taking one of them in a huge hand, she produced a bottle of pink nail varnish, and started to apply it to my toenails. I've never worn nail varnish on my toes in my life, but after hours tramping around the shops the feel of Simone's soft, cool hand cradling my foot was wonderfully relaxing. She looked up at me with a grin. "Do you like that Mrs S? I specialise in foot massages." She put the nail varnish brush aside and started gently kneading the sole of my foot with her strong fingers. She was really good at it, and I could feel little sparks of enjoyment passing through my foot and up my leg. After a few minutes she switched to the other foot, kneading life back into it, then painted those toenails too. 
Amy and Hayley watched with amused smiles on their faces. As Simone finished Hayley said "While you're sitting down, Mum, let me and Amy touch up your make-up a bit." I felt almost as if I was in a beauty salon, I was being so pampered. The two girls played about my face with various brushes and sticks of colour for a few minutes then Hayley held up a mirror with a fanfare: "Ta-dah!" They'd done a remarkable job; the make-up was subtle, yet somehow they had managed to take years off me. I decided they were all lovely girls, and I was going to really enjoy a fun evening in their company.
When we arrived at the disco it was already packed, and very loud. As my eyes gradually adjusted to the subdued lighting Hayley and Amy each took one of my hands and guided me over to a table where we sat. Simone arrived a minute later with four huge cocktail glasses containing different coloured drinks, each with salt round the rim and a slice of lime on the side. Amy told me they were called birdbath margaritas. I'd never drunk cocktails before so I sipped mine cautiously and found it was delicious. It was strawberry flavour, and drinking it through the salt created a bitter-sweet taste that tingled on my tongue. I told Hayley I hoped there wasn't too much alcohol in the drink and she winked at Amy as she replied "Oh no, it's hardly alcoholic at all, honestly Mum." The girls decided they wanted to dance and tried to pull me up with them, but I said I would be happy just to watch them for the moment. The three of them danced together, lots of sinuous movements and quite a bit of touching each other. I felt very peaceful sitting there watching them together, drinking my nice cocktail. I noticed Hayley and Amy kept whispering to each other and glancing in my direction. Hayley saw me looking and gave me a wave.
After they'd danced to a couple of tunes Hayley and Simone came and sat down again, both breathing hard and a bit sweaty from the dancing and the crush on the dance floor. Amy arrived shortly afterwards with another tray of drinks. They gave me a green one this time, which turned out to be lime -- more bitter than the strawberry one, but very pleasant. An old Duran Duran song, Hungry Like The Wolf, started playing and, without thinking, I said "Ooh, I like this one."
Amy immediately squatted in front of me and looked up into my face with those beautiful big eyes of hers. She said, "Please Mrs S -- Jackie -- will you come and dance with me? I really want you to have a good time tonight." The combination of the drinks, the warmth of the room, the music and Amy's sweetness had relaxed me by then, and I reached out my hand to let her pull me up. I didn't care that I was the oldest person at the disco by 20 years, Amy was right, I could have a good time just like all the others, and I really got into the dance. Amy danced opposite me, still holding my hand as we strutted and swung to the music, and I couldn't remember when I'd enjoyed myself quite so much. As the song finished I turned to go back to the table, but then Chuck Berry's Johnny B Goode started up. With a squeal of delight Amy instantly switched hands, taking my right in her left, and started jiving. I hadn't done that since I was 16 but Amy was so good at it and I just followed her and threw myself into it as she twisted and twirled on my hand. She was so good that a little circle of space actually opened up around us and people started watching us, even clapping along to the music. As the track hit its final crescendo Amy, with a whoop, lifted her legs right off the ground and scissored them either side of me, her arms around my neck. I had to put my hands under her pert little bottom to stop us overbalancing. Her blue eyes shining, Amy gave me a long kiss on the lips, which I thought as sweet, while people stood around applauding us! When her feet were back on the ground Amy said, "Thanks Mrs S -- you were great."
As we walked back to the table, Amy holding my hand again, I felt quite excited with all the adrenalin running through me. Simone gave us a huge grin, but Hayley was frowning. I thought maybe she felt I should be paying more attention to my own daughter than to her friend, but when I tried to speak to her she actually turned away from me. I decided she must be jealous of her old mum having been in the spotlight for a few minutes and left her alone. Still holding my hand Amy, such an affectionate girl, kissed me on the cheek and said, "Mrs S, you're hot." Perhaps I misunderstood her, but she was right, my face was burning and I could feel rivulets of sweat running between my breasts. I reached for my drink. I hadn't even finished my lime margarita yet, but there was already another one lined up for me, peach flavoured this time. 
As I gazed at the dance floor, with all the happy young people whirling about and spotlights panning over them, I became aware of quite a heated conversation behind me between Hayley and Amy. I don't think they meant me to hear, but I couldn't help listening. Hayley said something about wanting to call off the bet, but Amy said she didn't want to. Then I heard Hayley say, "Look, I'll pay you the money anyway, I believe you can win now, I just don't want you to go through with it."
Amy shook her head vigorously -- I felt her long blonde hair splay out and brush the back of my neck. Then she said, "It's too late for that. It's not about the bet anymore. I hadn't met her when we made it." With that I felt her soft bare arms snake around my neck and she whispered, very close to my ear, "You okay Mrs S?" I put a hand on her arm and told her I was having a lovely evening.
The next thing I knew, Hayley was standing in front of me dragging at my arm and snapping, "Come on Mum, we're going home." I resisted, quite perplexed. It was still early and I was really enjoying myself. When Hayley saw I wasn't going to stand she scowled and stamped her foot, like a small child who isn't getting her own way. She whined "Mum, please!" I told her we'd had such a lovely day together, I was having a nice time, and I didn't see why she had to spoil it. All through the exchange Amy's arms remained about my neck, her cheek resting against mine. Standing with her hands on her hips Hayley looked speechless for a moment, then snapped "Oh...sod it! You lot deserve each other!" And with that she turned on her heel and flounced out.
My first thought was that I should go after her, but Amy's arms tightened slightly around my neck. She said, "Don't worry about her Mrs S, she's just a bit uptight because she's got a big exam coming up next week. She'll cool off in her own time. Don't worry, Simone and I'll look after you." Amy kissed my neck softly. I glanced over at Simone and she was still giving me her lovely big smile, and I thought, Amy's right, why should I let my daughter spoil my nice evening just because she wants to behave like a spoilt little madam? I relaxed into the evening and had a wonderful time. I danced again with Amy, and I had a dance with Simone, and they got me another margarita, pineapple this time. I even had a dance with a very nice young man who asked me to go back to his room with him! Amy and Simone fell about laughing when I told them that. They both kept kissing me too, which was lovely and friendly, making me feel really welcome.
Towards the end of the evening the Bee Gees Staying Alive came on. That's another of my favourites, and I grabbed both the girls' hands and pulled them out to have a bop with me. Amy started dancing in front of me, with Simone behind me. I kept feeling Simone's groin rubbing against my bottom. I tried to move forward to give her more room, but Amy didn't move back and our chests started rubbing together as we danced. Simone moved up too and, before the dance was half over I was sandwiched between them, Amy's breasts rubbing against mine, had hands on my hips, and Simone's groin rubbing in slow circles against my bum, her big cushiony breasts in my back. She placed her hands on my hips too, over Amy's. This intimate contact was having a strange effect on me. I suddenly felt incredibly hot and sweaty, and a warm glow was starting to pass through me. I felt rather embarrassed when my big nipples started poking quite visibly against my blouse, and Amy's thong was feeling very damp between my legs.
As the music began to fade Amy passed an arm around my neck and pulled my face to hers. She kissed me on the lips again, but this time her tongue flicked out. I gasped in surprise and Amy's tongue slipped into my mouth, lazily circling around my tongue. At the same moment I felt Simone's hand slip down my trousers, and a finger stroked the top of my bum crack, as her teeth gently nibbled my ear lobe, all right there on the dance floor, with dozens of people milling around! Amy broke off from kissing me and, looking over my shoulder, said, "What do you think Sim -- time to go back to the flat?" We walked out of the disco with each girl clinging to one of my arms. I was in a daze -- with what had just happened, and the drinks I'd consumed, I couldn't think clearly and I stumbled along between them. I began to feel quite nervous and desperately tried to think rationally. Even if these two were lesbians, they wouldn't want an old lady like me. And even if they did, they were nice girls, I'd just tell them politely and firmly -- after all, I was old enough to be their mother -- that I wasn't interested. Anyway, Hayley had already gone back to the flat, she wouldn't let anything happen to me. With a flash of insight I suddenly had an inkling as to the subject of the bet she and Amy had been talking about.
When we arrived at the flat it was in darkness, and my nervousness cranked up a notch. I asked where Hayley was, and Simone mumbled, "Oh, she'll have gone over to her boyfriend's place for the night. Don't worry about her." I wasn't even aware my daughter had a boyfriend, but I had rather more immediate matters on my mind at that moment. The girls walked me over to the sofa and sat me in the middle with them either side of me. Amy rested her head on my shoulder, one hand holding mine, and Simone stared intently at me and started twiddling her fingers in my hair. I was really nervous now, but that was just silly. After all, what were these two young girls going to do, bang me? It hardly seemed likely.
I asked if anyone would like a coffee, but Amy murmured "Later maybe. It's something else I want now." I stretched and yawned and said I thought I'd turn in. Amy shook her head. "Not yet Jackie." I turned my head to say something to her, and her lips were on mine again, her tongue deep in my mouth. I felt her hand stroke across my breast, then she and Simone between them started undoing the buttons of my blouse, one by one. I would have moved to stop them, but each of them had one of my arms pinned against the back of the sofa. My God, they really were planning to bang me! 
For something to be bang, though, a lack of mutual consent is required. As Amy's sweet tasting tongue swirled around my mouth I felt my resistance ebbing away, and my tongue started playing with hers. I could feel a glow extending from my pussy, up through my body. When they eased me forward on the sofa and eased my blouse down my arms and off I didn't try to stop them. They combined to undo my bra, and as Simone pulled it away from my boobs and the straps cut sharply into my arms I shrugged it off, to stop the discomfort (I told myself). Simone sighed "God, these look great", and cupped a hand beneath one of my naked breasts. Amy finally broke our kiss, and a moment later I felt two soft mouths closing simultaneously over my boobs.
My mouth finally freed, I heard myself groan, "Girls, please don't do this, I don't want you to." I think I would have died if they had stopped though. To my left Simone cupped my boob and gently nibbled on my big brown nipple; to my right Amy caressed the other nip with her darling tongue, while a hand curled round the boob and stroked down it, as if milking it. The feeling of two mouths both sucking on me was quite incredible and, against my will, I felt my back arching to push my tits further into them. A hot flush was spreading across my chest, and the warmth in my pussy was threatening to turn into a major blaze! I felt someone unbuttoning the waistband of my trousers, and when they popped open I didn't even need to be encouraged to lift my backside, it rose of its own accord and the trousers and my now sopping wet thong were pulled down to my knees. My legs then declared independence from my brain and kicked off my shoes and my remaining clothes. I felt myself being eased to the floor, now completely naked and at the mercy of two teenage girls the same age as my daughter.
Simone broke off from sucking my tit, and Amy slid her lips down my body, then started kissing and licking my belly between my navel and my thick bush of dark ginger pubic hair. I shuddered with uncontrollable desire, and I felt my knees rise and my thighs part. Nobody, not even my husband, had ever kissed my pussy, but I knew this beautiful young American was about to, and there wasn't a thing I could do to stop her -- even if I wanted to. I heard myself whimpering before she even touched it, just from her warm breath on my thighs. Then her soft tongue entered my slit and all my breath left me in a huge sigh. I felt her fingers stroking my hairy labia, then a rainbow exploded in my head as her lips closed over my clitoris and she began stroking it with her tongue. I let out a wild cry and my hips bucked in reaction. Amy pressed me back to the floor and lapped at my swelling clit, two fingers deep inside me and stroking away.
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My eyes were half-shut, but I saw a shadow pass across them and looked to see Simone towering over me, completely naked. She knelt beside me and I saw her huge breasts, with dark chocolate nipples as big as mine and massive areola. Smiling seductively she pressed a tit to my mouth and I parted my lips and began sucking on the nipple. Amy was still licking and fingering me towards heaven down below, and I sucked on Simone's nipple as if my life depended on it, trying to suppress the gasps and sighs that arose in me each time Amy swirled her magic tongue around my clit. I felt a swelling in my pussy and I knew I was about to experience the most intense orgasm of my life. I squealed as I came massively onto Amy's face and she held my thighs down as I bucked and writhed under her. Even after the magic moment had passed Amy carried on, licking my cum out of me. 

I had lost my grip on Simone's tit, but now she squatted down towards my face and I realised she wanted me to do for her what Amy had just done for me. I stared at her pussy in fascination -- I had never seen another woman's before, and Simone's was deep brown on the outside, with dark pink skin further in leading to her inner depths. Her pubis was covered in thick, short black hair which, unlike mine, didn't extend as far down as her pussy lips. I had no idea what to do, but at that moment I felt so tender towards both girls that I ached to give Simone pleasure and I applied my lips to her clit, sucking on it and licking it as Amy was doing for me. At the same time I held her labia apart with one hand while I pushed the whole of the other hand into her big cunt and screwed her with it. She made a kind of growling noise and I increased my efforts.
I could feel Amy was close to giving me another orgasm, and my thighs clamped around her head. Suddenly Simone sort of toppled sideways, and I had to roll off my back to keep contact with her musky pussy. I realised why she'd done it when Amy broke off tonguing me for a second to give a huge sigh. While she was licking my pussy, and I was savouring Simone's, Simone had now applied her mouth to Amy's cunt. The three of us lay in a circle of lust, fingering, licking and tonguing each other to orgasm after orgasm.
When I awoke I could see it was light outside, and for a second I wondered where I was. Then I felt a delicious ache between my legs, and tasted a wonderful sour tang on my tongue, and the delights of the previous night all came back to me. I saw a blonde head on a pillow beside me and realised I must be in Amy's bed. I had no memory of getting there from the lounge, but I felt incredibly tender towards the woman who had given me such incredible pleasure, and I leaned over and kissed her naked shoulder. She rolled over and gave me a beautiful smile. "Hi Mrs S, did you sleep well? I hope you enjoyed last night, I know I did. I'm sorry if you feel we took advantage of you, but..."
She could say no more as I had started kissing her, my tongue in her heavenly mouth, exploring. Amy gave a little gasp of surprise. As I slipped my lips to her throat she whispered "Mrs S, don't feel you have to -- oh God!" I had one of her small breasts in my mouth, and my hand was stealing down towards her pussy. In all the thrills of the previous night it had been Amy servicing me while I serviced Simone. I had no idea where Simone was now, but I really didn't care. Amy was an incredibly lovely young girl, and after a lifetime of knowing absolutely nothing about lady-love I was now desperate to taste her. I sucked on her tit, flicking her little pink nipple with my tongue as she stroked my hair and sighed. I kissed down her flat ribcage and wiggled my tongue in her belly button, enjoying the taste of her dried sweat. Her pussy was shaved, and I was surprised to see she had a little tattoo of a flower actually on her pubic mound. 
When I slipped my head between Amy's legs I had to pause for a moment to gaze at her pussy. I thought it was incredibly beautiful: a sweet pink gash, with slightly darker inner labia peeping out. The moment I pressed my thumbs to it Amy gasped and tensed slightly. I pulled her slit apart with my thumbs and eased my tongue in, slipping it from bottom to top. I used my hands to hold her labia apart, stroking them tenderly with my thumbs. Amy's clit was a little shy, but with just a tiny bit of prompting it revealed itself, and I applied my lips, tongue and teeth to it, freeing one of my hands to squeeze three fingers inside her. Wanting to make sure I was giving Amy as much satisfaction as possible, I broke off momentarily to ask her I was doing it right. Amy gasped "Oh Jackie, what you're doing is sooo, so right." She pressed my head back to her and I began lapping at her clit again, my fingers swirling inside her pussy as she sighed and writhed under me. Her rich musky aroma was even more of a turn-on than Simone's had been, and I inhaled deeply as I tongued her, soon rewarded with a flood of sum onto my tongue as Amy gasped and wriggled under me. I rose back up the bed and we shared a long sweet kiss, as I ground my hairy pubis against her naked one.
Later that day Hayley and I had a somewhat mutually embarrassed trip back to the station. She couldn't have been in much doubt how I had spent the night but she didn't say anything, and just before I got on the train she pecked me on the cheek and told me she loved me, as I gave her a huge hug. A few weeks later my husband, Martin, complained as I pushed him out the door for another fishing contest. "You didn't used to like me going away for competitions, now you can't wait to get rid of me." I told him I'd come to realise how selfish I was being, and that he had every right to enjoy his sport. I cut things fine though: I only got him away 15 minutes before my sweet Amy arrived for the weekend!
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Chapter 2: Hayley

I made a really stupid bet with a friend a few months ago. I quickly came to regret it, but at the time I had no idea what far reaching consequences it would have for me, and for my mother.
My name's Hayley, I'm 18 and in my first year at university. I share a flat near the campus with two other girls. Simone's a huge black chick who throws the discus for the British junior team. She's quiet but very clever, as well as being incredibly fit and unbelievably strong. Amy couldn't be more different. She's a Californian babe, really smart too, with a peachy complexion, long flowing blonde hair and a fabulous bod. Probably most of the men on campus fancy her, including the faculty staff: which is a shame for them, because Amy's openly, in fact proudly, gay. Within a few weeks of us all moving in together Simone, who was previously entirely straight, had dumped her boyfriend and started sharing Amy's bed. I made it clear from the start that I wasn't interested, and Amy never tried anything with me.
One day we were sitting around talking about our families, and I showed the girls some pictures of my parents. There was a head shot of my mum which extended as far down as her cleavage. She and I look quite a lot alike -- curly red hair, pale complexion and freckles, but Mum's boobs are rather bigger than mine. Amy stared at the photo and purred, "Wow, your mom's a real doll. I could imagine having a wild scene with her." I burst out laughing in disbelief, pointing out that Mum must be at least 40, and she'd been very happily married for 20 years. Amy just shrugged. "I like older women. She reminds me of my first lover. And let's face it, when I make a play for another woman I'm irresistible, right Simone?" Our friend smiled in an embarrassed sort of way and cast her eyes downwards.
I still couldn't believe what I was hearing, but a wicked plan formed in my mind: one that might give me a bit of a laugh, and take Amy down a peg or two into the bargain. I challenged her, "So you reckon that if you tried it on with my mum you could get her into bed? I'll tell you what -- I'll invite her up here for the weekend, and I'll bet you twenty quid nothing happens."
I sat back smugly waiting for Amy to start making excuses. Instead, she grinned like a Cheshire cat and said, "Okay, that's a bet." I stared at her askance, then turned to Simone, Amy's current lover, and asked what she thought about it. Amy interrupted. "In fact, I'll bet I can get your mom into a threesome with me and Simone. You up for that Sim?" Simone gave a sort of half-smile and shrugged her acquiescence.
Of course, I wasn't in the least bit worried. The idea of Mum having an affair, let alone with another woman, especially one the same age as me, seemed beyond ridiculous. If Amy wanted to throw her money away, though, I was happy to take it. Anyway, I hadn't seen Mum since I started at uni, and it would be a nice break for her. She lives in a small isolated village and doesn't get to visit a really big city very often. Dad's a member of a fishing club and goes away for matches some weekends, so I found out from Mum the next time he'd be away and invited her to visit me then.
Mum duly arrived on the Friday evening and I watched Amy like a hawk when I introduced them. Apart from turning her charm onto maximum warp -- Amy can be incredibly charming -- she didn't make any moves. The next day I took Mum shopping in the city centre. The students' union usually put on a disco on a Saturday night, and that day it was a '70s and '80s night. I told Mum that and tried to get her to buy some trendy clothes. She wasn't keen on even going to the dance at first, but eventually I persuaded her into a nice outfit. In the evening Amy, Simone and I helped with her togs and her make-up, and I was amazed by the result: it hadn't occurred to me that my mother could look glamorous - Amy was positively salivating! What a pity, I thought, that she'd picked such an impossible target.
At the disco we bought a round of fruit margaritas then went onto the dance floor for a bop. Mum insisted she didn't want to dance with us, but her feet were shuffling along where she sat and her hands were moving to the music. After a while Amy did this cute little girl thing she's got and, batting her big blue eyes at Mum, asked her for a dance. I can never understand why people fall for that act of Amy's, but it seems to work every time, and in seconds Mum was up swinging her hips and clinging to Amy's hand as they danced. After that an old rock 'n' roll song came on and they started jiving together, throwing themselves all over the place. I found it slightly embarrassing, they even started to get their own little audience. At the end Amy threw herself into the air, into Mum's arms, and gave her a big lingering kiss on the lips. Rather than being repelled, as I would have expected, Mum seemed to love it and appeared to be groping Amy's bum. They walked back to our table still holding hands, Mum's face flushed and her eyes shining.
I had a quiet word with Amy after that. I told her to call the bet off and I'd pay her anyway. I still didn't believe she could possibly succeed -- Mum was too old and conventional for that -- but it would have been worth twenty quid just to stop Mum embarrassing me in front of everyone I knew. Amy refused, claiming she didn't care about the money, she really did have the hots for Mum now. I was convinced that it as just her ego talking, that she really did believe her rubbish about being this irresistible lesbian sex machine, and that she was enjoying winding me up. She turned away from me, put her arms round Mum's neck from behind, and started kissing her neck -- and Mum just let her, even leaning back to make it easier for Amy!
I was furious with Mum for showing me up like that, and with Amy for insisting on trying to carry out her ridiculous plan. Simone was watching them too, with a smile on her face. I told Mum I thought we should leave, but she virtually told me to piss off. And all the while Amy was dbangd all over Mum, petting her and leering triumphantly at me over Mum's shoulder. I stormed out of the place and hung around for a minute or so, expecting Mum to come chasing after me. She didn't, and I peeked back in to see her and Amy heading happily back to the dance floor, with not a care in the world about how upset I was. Almost choking with angry tears I ran round to a friend's digs to spill my heart out. He's not my boyfriend, I just wished he was, and I'm afraid I made a complete prat of myself. After a good cry, a couple of beers and my first spliff I pretty much threw myself at him. He tried to let me down gently but I ended up storming out of there too, in floods of tears.
I walked the streets for an hour or so, trying to clear my head, then slunk back to the flat feeling completely miserable. The light was off in the lounge so I stumbled to the sofa, where I was sleeping while Mum was with us, and slumped onto it. I switched on a table lamp and something on the floor caught my eye. It was a little red pair of thong undies that Amy had leant Mum earlier on: and it was soaking wet and, oh shit, it smelt of sex! Looking around wildly I noticed a chink of light under the door of Amy's bedroom. Standing outside the door I heard a slurping sound, then Mum's voice moaning "Oh God Amy, that's incredible!" Then there was a throaty laugh -- Jesus Christ, Simone was in there too! I almost burst into the room, but I felt too humiliated, and too afraid of what I would see. They say it's a complete gross-out to imagine your parents having sex: well, try and imagine your mother having lesbian sex with two of your best friends. I staggered to my room and collapsed on the bed, thinking I might throw up. I was sick at Mum for doing that, sick at Amy and Simone for doing it with her, and felt almost suicidally guilty because I blamed myself for it happening at all.
When I woke up sometime the next morning I felt, and looked, like shit. Things were quite tense between Mum and me until I took her to catch her train. Simone had gone out training and Amy, very sensibly, stayed well out of my way. As Mum and I left the flat, though, she let Amy more or less snog her, right in front of me, and Mum groped Amy's bum. Just before Mum got on the train I kissed her and told her I loved her, but I felt cold and empty inside, as if something had died. Things were pretty dodgy between me and my flatmates for a while after that, and I seriously thought about moving out. But the flat was cheap and convenient, and gradually the three of us got back onto something like an even keel. I wasn't sure I could ever trust Amy or Simone again though. I knew I would never invite Mum again, which meant she'd never see Amy again, and hopefully back in her little rural environment with Dad she'd just go back to normal.
Then one day, as I wandered towards the kitchen to make a sandwich, I overheard Amy half-whispering into her mobile 'phone. "Yeah I know Jackie, I am too. I'll see you baby. Look, I gotta go. Mwah." After the kiss she clicked off the 'phone and breezed past me with a too cheery "Hiya!" My mum's name is Jackie, but she lived hundreds of miles away, Amy couldn't possibly have been speaking to her. But then Amy was going for a weekend away, to see friends she'd said, but she'd previously told me she hardly knew anyone in Britain. When she went out for a tutorial I sneaked into her room and broke into her computer. I was horrified to see my suspicions confirmed: the conniving bitch had booked a train ticket for the weekend to the nearest station to my family home. The pit of my stomach turning to lead I called Mum for a chat and, sure enough, Dad was away on a fishing trip at the weekend.
I was as moody as hell once Amy had gone away on her trip. Every time I closed my eyes I started having visions of what she and my mother might be doing together, behind my father's back. Simone tried to cheer me up, but eventually I got on her nerves and she told me where to get off. Angrily I turned on her and snapped, "You know where Amy is this weekend don't you? She's in my house, screwing my mother. Don't you even care? I thought you were supposed to be Amy's girlfriend!" I instantly regretted taking it out on Simone. Because she's such a big, strong girl you can sometimes forget she's just as vulnerable as the rest of us. Her lower lip quivered and it looked as if she was about to start crying. Feeling ashamed at myself I screeched in exasperation and stalked into the kitchen to draw myself a glass of water.
A moment later I felt Simone's huge, powerful hand on my shoulder. She spoke to me in her surprisingly gentle voice. "Look Hayley, you're too tense, you'll give yourself a terrible headache. Why don't you let me give you a massage?"
Whatever I'd expected her to say, that was the last thing I would have imagined. Trying to keep my anger out of my voice, I said "Simone, I know you're upset too but, I'm sorry, I'm just not a lesbian."
She shook her head at me, a serious expression on her face. "That's not what this is about. You really are very tense. My sports science course includes massage, I'm thinking of becoming a therapist when I graduate. It really would relax you, and giving massage relaxes me too. And I promise I won't do anything you don't want me to." I had to admit, my neck was aching with stiffness, and it wasn't really Simone's fault, Amy had just manipulated her the way she seems to manipulate most people around her. So, still rather reluctant, I agreed. Simone told me to strip down to my underwear, which seemed reasonable enough, while she got things together.
After about five minutes I went into the lounge, where Simone had set up a proper massage table. She'd laid a number of coloured bottles out next to it, and had changed into a knee-length white cotton coat, like a lab coat. Her legs and feet were bare, and it looked as if under the coat she was just wearing her underwear too. She told me to lay on my front on the table, and the first thing she did was unsnap my bra. I whipped my head round and frowned at her, but she held up her hands in appeal. "If I'm going to massage your back properly I can't do it with that thing across it, can I?" That seemed reasonable too, but I was damned sure I'd be doing it up again before she started on my front.
I gasped and shivered as Simone poured a thin stream of cold oil down my back. The scent of lavender filled the room. A moment later Simone's big warm hands were on my skin, rubbing the oil into me, spreading a warm glow across my back. She really was a good masseuse, and worked her thumbs into tight little knots in my neck, my shoulders and down my spine. Despite my initial nervousness I could feel myself really relaxing, and thoroughly enjoying the experience. Simone laughed gently when I murmured that if she did turn professional she could sign me up as her first client. When she finally finished on my back she disappeared into the kitchen for a moment, and returned drying her hands. "I don't want to get oil on your nice clean knickers." I'd been nervous that she might try and pull my knicks down to do my bum but she worked over them, her strong fingers and thumbs kneading my buttocks like fresh dough. I thought I might have trouble walking in the morning, but it was still a wonderfully relaxing sensation, and I felt incredibly pampered. Apart from me sighing contentedly occasionally, and the slight squeak of Simone's oily hands on my body, the room was completely silent, and the atmosphere was almost trance-inducing.
Next Simone poured oil onto my calves, and massaged my feet then my legs. She was gentle with my feet, which felt brand new when she moved on, but she dug her thumbs quite painfully into my calves. As her slick hands glided across my knees, onto my thighs, something changed in her touch. It started to become less firm, less like pummelling, more like caressing. Her soft palms started stroking my inner thighs and I shuffled on the table, moving my legs wider apart to give her better access. The heat I'd been feeling before was that of my muscles being agitated by Simone's hands. Now a quite different heat was developing, a delicious warmth in my pussy, that spread out through my stomach and into my chest. Despite my scorn for lesbianism, I could feel a damp patch developing in my pants: Simone couldn't fail to notice it. I gasped as the tips of her fingers brushed across the gusset of my knickers. She half-whispered, "Remember, I promised I won't do anything you don't want me to. If you tell me to stop, I will."
I twitched as Simone's knuckles rubbed more firmly across my pants, pressing the material against my wet slit. I didn't want her to do this, not really, but I couldn't bear her to stop. My pussy felt on fire, and she hadn't even touched it yet. A moment later that changed, as I felt one of her fingers stroked along the bare flesh of my labia, inside my knicks. I still lay with my eyes closed, barely moving, hardly daring to breathe as first one finger, then a second, slid inside me and began to stir around. Instantly the fire inside me became an inferno, shooting right up my body and into my brain. I had only had sex twice before, both hurried little shags with my clothes still on, and it had never felt as incredibly wonderful as this. As Simone began pushing her fingers in and out of me, fucking me with them, she whispered, "I don't think I'm a lesbian either, not really. I just like doing nice things with beautiful people, whoever they are. I've always thought you were beautiful Hayley, ever since I met you." I shuddered as her fingers slid up the length of my pussy and started stroking my clit. Jeeesus that was good, I was going to explode at any moment. I felt my knees draw up under me, so I was kneeling with my bum in the air, my head resting on my forearms, my hips thrusting back, pushing my pussy more firmly onto Simone's probing fingers. Then she stopped. It took me a second to realise that she had pulled her hand out of me, and as I glanced over my shoulder I saw she was wiping her hands on a towel. "I forgot you don't really want this. Okay, you can go for a shower now."
I turned onto my back, leaning on my elbows and staring at Simone incredulously, desperately. "Simone, please, you can't stop now, I..." I was finding it difficult to put my feelings into words. "You can't leave me feeling like this. I'll do anything you want, anything, if you'll just keep doing what you were doing for me. Pleeaase." A few minutes earlier I wouldn't have believed I would have begged a woman to make love to me, but I felt myself relax as Simone smiled broadly and dropped her towel. Confidently she reached her powerful hands out for my knickers, and I lifted my legs to allow her to pull them off. At the same time I shrugged off my bra. Then I lay back and my stomach lurched as I felt Simone's fingers graze across my slit again, then enter me. My legs bent at the knees, I shamelessly spread them as wide as I could and sat up on my elbows, watching as Simone pressed her hand into me. My head snapped back and I gasped as she started stroking my clit again, while with her other hand she resumed the finger fucking she'd been giving me. My whole body felt heated, and electric sparks were shooting straight up from my pussy into my brain.
I didn't think the fabulous feelings my body was experiencing could get any more intense, but then I felt Simone's warm breath on my pussy. A moment later a bolt of lightning seared through me as, for the first time in my life, a tongue stroked along my slit. It was such an amazing sensation that I nearly fell off the table! Simone's strong hands locked onto my thighs and she pressed her face into me, her tongue deep inside my pussy, her nose tickling my clit. I pushed myself onto her; it felt as if she was turning me inside out with her amazing tongue. When she started pressing my clit again with the fingers of one hand while, beneath her tongue, she finger fucked me with the other hand, I just couldn't take any more, and I screamed as my first orgasm came on me like a tidal wave. Simone hugged me to her and kissed my tummy as I shuddered back down to planet Earth.
After a few moments I felt Simone's muscular arms reaching under me, and she scooped me up and carried me into my bedroom. I still felt weak from the immense power of my orgasm, but I felt so tender and loving towards Simone and, as she walked, I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her, pushing my tongue between her lips and teeth. I didn't know or care any more if I was straight, gay or anything, all I knew was that I wanted more of the incredible joy Simone had just given me, and I wanted to give it back to her as well. I lay on the bed and watched as she quickly stripped off her lab coat, bra and pants. When she lay beside me and fed one of her massive black tits into my mouth I accepted it eagerly, and sucked hungrily, my tongue flicking happily across her big nipple. She gave her characteristic throaty chuckle and reached between my legs again, stroking my lips gently with her fingers. I stroked my own hand across Simone's dense pubic bush, much thicker than my whispy ginger pubes, and pressed a finger inside her. She gasped and pushed her tit still further into my mouth.
When, a few moments later, Simone gently pressed a hand to the top of my head I knew what she wanted, and against all my expectations I wanted to give it to her as well. I slid down the bed and pushed her knees apart with my hands. Staring at another girl's vagina for the first time made me feel weak with lust. Her gash was slick with her juices, and as I inhaled her rich, musky aroma made me feel faint. I pressed my nose to her and breathed deeply. With that first contact my lover's breathing deepened, becoming almost a growl. Resting my hands on her thighs I extended my tongue and licked the rim of her pussy. Simone gasped and put her hands on the back of my head, trying to pull me further into her. As she had done for me, I stroked her clit with my fingers while I lapped at the heart of her pussy and rimmed her lips with the fingers of my other hand. I felt my feet pushing against the bed, really trying to get me as deep inside Simone as possible. Despite my inexperience, I could feel her heating up and redoubled my efforts. Unlike me she came quietly, with just one huge sigh as I tasted a new wetness engulf my tongue.
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Simone and I stayed in bed the rest of the day, breaking off only to eat, then in the evening to shower before returning to each other's arms again. After all my fear, as I realised it must have been, at the idea of sexual contact with another woman, I was amazed at the beautiful way Simone had made me feel, and at how much I wanted to make love to her. We slept entwined with each other, waking now and then to kiss, touch and suck each other. Eventually I fell into a deep sleep, only to be awoken eventually by the sound of Amy's voice. She had returned from her dirty weekend with my mum and burst into my room to find me and Simone together. Amy exclaimed, "Well, ladies, move over!" Before my eyes she started stripping off.

I was still enraged with Amy for the way she had turned my mother, even though I had spent most of the last 24 hours doing with Simone exactly what Mum and Amy had been doing together. I moved to leap out of bed and start an argument with her, but I felt Simone's powerful hand restrain me. Quietly, but firmly, she said, "We'll see you later Amy. Hayley and I want to be alone together now." For a moment I wasn't sure what I found most satisfying: Simone's rejection of Amy in favour of me, the look of shock and hurt on Amy's face, or the way Simone pulled me to her and kissed me deeply. Then I knew what was important to me. Amy was completely irrelevant; all that mattered was this sweet, affectionate woman lying next to me, her soft tongue caressing the inside of my mouth as her hands gently massaged my bum cheeks. I snuggled into her big body, feeling warm and protected, loved and loving, and happier and more contented than I could ever remember.
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