Adultery The Unwanted Houseguest -by Indiansubmale (CHAPTER 1-26)
I felt much better now. Regardless of the agony of seeing Kavita massage this muscular bully, surely she still loved me and cared for me. If Prem hadn't seduced her already, there was still hope of preventing that from happening, of saving my wife from Prem's advances.
Kavita then asked me for the car keys, which I gave to her. I walked with her to the door, and locked the door after she left. Despite what I had just witnessed, things perhaps weren't as dark as I feared. She had responded as she normally did when I was horny and tried to be playful. I approached the kitchen humming to myself. As I stepped into the kitchen, a dark shadow appeared from nowhere, and I recoiled in fear.
Prem was standing in the kitchen near the door, his arms crossed in an intimidating manner. He was still in his white underwear, and his dark body shone from the oil massage he had just received from my Kavita. His underwear appeared to have got more marks/stains. Maybe he had some disease? I would not be surprised, I told myself.
Nervously, I asked, "All OK Amir? Kavita told me you were having body pain and cramps."
He sneered, not answering my question, and asked, "What are you doing here, boy?"
I answered with as much dignity as I could muster, "I came to make chapatis for dinner, Amir."
He sneered again, and said, "First go change into your home clothes, boy."
So this was all he was upset about. In my shock over seeing my wife Kavita dressed in that provocative manner, massaging this bully, I had forgotten to change from my work clothes.
I said sorry and moved towards our bedroom to change. I sensed Prem following me, and this made me nervous.
I reached into Prem's 'gift' bag and found the package labeled 'Wednesday'. Nervously, I took it out and took out the contents of the package.
The clothes in the package were lavender in color, and were a pyjama set again. The pants weren't the 'stretch' type, and didn't seem tight. I heaved a sigh of relief. So I wouldn't have to wear lace panties either today.
I changed into the pyjama pants, noting along the way that they did have a frill of lace around the legs. Still, they weren't tight like the previous day's pyjamas, and didn't have any "feminine" print on them. I already felt more comfortable compared to yesterday.
I then picked up what I thought was the shirt. I recoiled in horror, then in shame, as I realized it was not a shirt. It was a "camisole" style of blouse. There was no doubt about it. I could pretend that the clothes Prem got for me to wear on Monday and Tuesday were just a 'mistake', that they were not meant to be feminine. This was without any doubt, a pyjama top from a pyjama set typically worn by women. It was sleeveless, and had 2 straps to go over the shoulders. It had cups for the breasts, and to rub insult into injury, the pyjama top had an inner lining of lace along the breast cups. Other than the print, color and
to some extent perhaps the material and style, this blouse was somewhat similar to blouses I had seen Kavita wear.
I stared in revulsion at the blouse. Prem surely didn't mean to put me through this? I shook the blouse in case there was a shirt hidden that I had missed. An envelope fell out. Trembling with a mixture of rage and shame, I picked it up and opened the envelope. It had one line of 'instruction', from Prem. It said, "Shave before wearing-Amir." I started trembling in both horror and rage. There was no way I was going to do this. I gulped as I saw the intimidating form of the bully Prem watching me. He walked up to me and asked, "Do we have a problem, pussy boy?"
With shaking hands I thrust the envelope and the pyjama blouse in Prem's hand and said, "Sorry Amir, I can't do this."
Amir stepped back a foot and glared. After a prolonged pause during which I could hear my heart pumping, he said, "So pussy boy wants to be a MAN, thinks he's a MAN huh?"
Trying desperately to muster a calm voice, trying hard to camouflage my rising fear, I said, "It isn't about that, Amir. I can't do this, am sorry."
He ignored me and continued, "Yeah, all pussy boys go through this phase of wanting to be a MAN again."
I shrugged. It didn't matter what he thought, what he said. I wasn't going to do it.
Prem continued, "There's one sure way to make sure pussy boys don't start acting like a MAN again."
Then, without warning, he twisted my arms behind my back.
I had anticipated some kind of physical move on his part, but it didn't do me any good. Cramps or no cramps, he was too strong for me. He held my two hands behind my back with his right hand, as he pushed me to the floor into a kneeling position. I struggled in vain as he bent down, and stuck his foot between my kneeling legs. Then, moving so fast that I didn't have time to react, he gripped my balls with his left hand and gave my shriveled nut-sack a firm tug.
To this date, I am grateful that he didn't just pull them out. I am sure if he really wanted to, he could have pulled them out. Still, I experienced pain like I had never experienced before, as this strong bully who had overpowered me, repeatedly pulled at my balls.
"Shall I take these off, pussy boy?"
"NO!!", I screamed in pain. I was gasping for breath.
"But if I leave them there, you'll keep trying to act like a man, rather than the pussy boy that you are."
"Pleaaase!!!Sorry!!!", I screamed, gasping for breath, “I won't, “, as I caught my breath, then completed my sentence, "do it again."
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"So will you stop trying to act like something you are NOT?"
"YEEEEES, “I gasped. I wanted this to stop. My eyes started welling up with tears, partly in pain, and partly with fear that he might rip my balls off.
"So what will you do if I release you now?"
I gasped between words as I tried to get a sentence out of my mouth, "I'll ....go ....shave."
Prem then gave an almighty squeeze of my balls. I feared they would burst with the pressure he applied on them, it hurt like I hadn't experienced in ages.
And then Prem released me.
I crawled into a fetal position in which I lay for a while, to catch my breath. Tears continued to flow down my cheeks. My balls hurt like I hadn't felt in ages.
Prem kicked me lightly in my ass telling me, "Get up and shave, boy. Your pretty wife also had some work for you, remember."
Burning with a mixture of shame and pain I had never experienced, I weakly got up. On rubbery legs, I went to the bathroom, pulled off my vest and took out my shaving kit.
As a bachelor, I had shaved my underarms a few times, especially in the summer, during my college days. The hot weather in those times had made it sensible to do so then. I had however never shaved till then, for the purpose for which Prem was making me shave: making me look more 'feminine'.
It took me about 20 minutes. My face went red as I imagined the indignity of Kavita seeing me in this woman's pyjama blouse, and having shaved to boot.
I finished shaving my underarms, then started to clean up.
Prem stopped me and said with an angry shake of the head, "The chest hair too, boy."
My stomach twisted in agony. There was no more any doubt about his intentions.
A part of me wanted to resist again. The part of me, that was still cowering at the fear of having my balls pulled out, prevailed. It would be better to lose my chest and underarm hair temporarily, today, rather than lose my balls permanently. The hair would grow back, after all.
I lathered my chest and shaved. As I shaved, I cringed as I recalled Prem's muscular arms, his bulging hairy chest and broad shoulders, and how weak my arms, chest and shoulders looked in comparison. The sinking thought that came through was that regardless of this indignity of being made to shave my hair, Kavita probably didn't see me as the kind of man Prem was, anyway.
I finished shaving, and started cleaning up. Mercifully, Prem didn't stop me this time.
I toweled myself dry, and then pulled on the shoulder strapped pyjama blouse. Shamefully, it fit me snugly.
I started moving towards the door of our bedroom, to head towards the kitchen.
Prem was at the bedroom door, watching me.
As I neared the door, I couldn't resist myself. I felt an uncontrollable urge to look at myself in the mirror. I turned and walked towards the mirror.
The mirror showed me what I suspected, feared I would see. I could pass off as a small-breasted woman with short hair.
Except for one thing. My 'sacred thread' was showing up near the middle of my weak bony shoulder. It stuck out like a 'bra strap' showing out, and unlike a bra strap, it ruined the "symmetry" of my feminine appearance.
I administered the final humiliation on my own accord, without any prodding or suggestion from Prem.
I looked in Kavita's items on the dressing table, and found a safety pin. I pinned my 'sacred thread' to the strap of the pyjama blouse top, so it wouldn't show.
Blushing in shame at what I had done to myself on my own accord, I headed back towards the kitchen.
Prem grinned in a mocking manner as I passed him, patted my ass and said, "Nice artistic touch."
I walked to the kitchen. I found then that Kavita had already prepared the atta before going out, but had not rolled out the atta into balls. I rolled the atta into balls, then started rolling out the chapatis.
I finished rolling out the chapatis, and went and sat down on the sofa. Prem had apparently taken a bath, and was now dressed as he typically did, in shorts and a sleeveless vest.
I blushed in shame yet again, as I contrasted how masculine he looked, and how the feminine pyjamas he had got for me actually fit me well. I felt very low. I was sure that once Kavita saw me tonight in these ridiculous clothes, she Kavita would sleep with him tonight. In a way, I wanted it to end that night itself. I was sure that it was no longer a question of IF Kavita would end up in bed with Prem, but WHEN.
I was reflecting on these thoughts, when the bell rang. Kavita is back, I thought to myself.
Crimson with embarrassment, I got up to open the door for her. I looked through the eye hole of the door to verify it was her, before opening the door. I could not open the door and find it was someone else.
Kavita looked me over briefly. A curious smile crossed her face, but she didn't say anything.
She took off her sandals, and walked towards the dinner table. She kept a bag containing presumably Prem's food on the dinner table and bustled into the kitchen. She was going to prepare dinner for her and me, I figured. I followed her in.We were already late for dinner, and I was hungry. I asked her if I could help, and she smiled and said, "Thanks Manu, can you make the chapatis please while I make a couple of dishes to go with the chapatis?"
I was grateful to help. Part of me wanted Kavita to say SOMETHING on this ridiculous pyjama set that Prem had 'got' for me. Kavita asked me to pass a vessel which was in a higher shelf. I reached out and took it off the shelf, and instinctively blushed as I realized Kavita must have seen my shaven underarms. She had, and remarked coyly, "You shaved."
I nodded and said "Yes,“ in a thick voice. She had noticed the indignity Prem had put me through, and finally acknowledged it. I expected her to either face up to Prem for pushing me around and humiliating me in this manner. Or, I expected her to start laughing at my ridiculous appearance.
She did neither, and merely smiled in a curious manner and remarked, "Looks cute." And then she added, "Especially with these pyjamas." I couldn't quite tell what she meant by it, and busied myself making the chapatis. What did she mean by "looks cute"? Did she not realize that these were not men's clothes? Why was she playing along with Prem's bullying, surely she had to sense that I wouldn't wear such ridiculously feminine clothing on my own? Her continued nonchalance at seeing me in these ridiculous clothes heightened my worries: was she in cahoots with Prem on all this? She had gone with Prem that day when he bought these clothes. Did she not see him pick these clothes? If she did, why didn't she stop him?
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 08 Pt. 2

We sat down for dinner shortly. I found the non-veg dish that Kavita had got for Prem was a lamb dish from the same Mughlai style restaurant she had been to with Prem on Sunday. That's why it had taken Kavita so long to come back. I shuddered as I visualized my  wife by herself in her attractive knee length skirt and tank top being ogled at by the patrons of the restaurant, many of whom were likely to be . Did Prem deliberately send her there?
That line of thought brought me back to reality, to an extent. Even if it seemed likely that I was going to be put through the ignominy of Prem enjoying my wife Kavita in bed, I didn't want Prem parading her around all and sundry in that manner. I wanted to bring up the topic to Kavita in a gentle manner so she gets a reality check as well.
After setting the food down and serving chapatis for Prem and me, Kavita disappeared to our bedroom. She came back in a few minutes after changing back to the provocative outfit in which she gave Prem his massage.
I winced at the sight of her dressed in this sexy, provocative manner yet again. A couple of hours earlier, I had got aroused when I saw her for the first time in this dress. Now, partly because of seeing her massage Prem dressed in that manner, and the humiliation Prem had put me through, of shaving my underarms and chest, and then wearing these clearly women's clothes, I hardly felt a twitch in my pyjamas.
I finished eating hurriedly, and went and sat on the single-seater sofa, leaving the two-seater sofa vacant for Prem and Kavita. I was sure Prem would have sex with Kavita that night, I mentally couldn't bring myself to fight him any more. Not after what had happened earlier.
Prem finished eating before Kavita, and came and sat on the double-seater. Kavita joined us and sat beside Prem, a short while later. I watched with a mixture of agony and resignation, as Prem continued to fondle Kavita in front of my eyes.
As I had seen him do before this week, he had put his arm around her waist and was fondling her belly, running his dark palms over the skin of her fair stomach and navel, massaging, kneading it.
The difference this time though, was the effect Kavita's clothing had.
The previous times I had seen Prem fondling Kavita, she had been dressed in a saree, and on one occasion, in a churidar.
I could at least pretend, on those occasions, that I didn't see him touching her bare skin. When she was in sarees, the saree would cover some part of her belly and navel region.
There was no such possibility here. Her belly and navel were exposed with nothing to cover or camouflage Prem's dark hands and fingers roving over them. Her belly and navel glistened mildly as a result of the oil that I presumed, Prem had spread there earlier with his dark hands.
After a while, Kavita got up and went to the bathroom. I got my hopes up briefly, thinking she was going to bed. I started getting up, when she came back and sat down beside Prem.
I had already stood up, and I needed to take a leak myself. Distractedly, I went to the bathroom. On the floor there, I found the panties I saw Kavita had been wearing (I had observed the panties she had been wearing when she changed from the mini skirt to the knee length skirt, before going out).
I picked them up and inspected them. Her panties were soaking wet.
So Kavita had got aroused. Prem's blatant physical moves on her in front of me had started turning her on. I knew this would happen. With resignation, I finished up and rejoined them in the hall. I wanted to see how he would take her to bed. Or maybe if I was right there, I could somehow prevent it.
Prem continued fondling Kavita. I watched in shame, as I digested the contrast between him and me, yet again, from Kavita's eyes. Prem and I,we were both wearing sleeveless clothing. Yet, only one of us would look like a man in her eyes. The actual clothing would merely enhance what she probably already saw Prem as, and saw me as. It was like Kavita telling me, "HE deserves the right to fondle me."
It seemed more and more likely, as Prem's fondling continued, that he was going to take her to bed.
To my immense relief, surprise and disbelief, it did not happen.
Prem got up after a while, stretched and announced he was going to bed. It left me very confused.
Kavita waited for him to go into his bedroom. She then got up and walked slowly to our bedroom. She looked firmly downwards, as though she was 'ashamed' of something. As she went past me, I noticed that the back of the mini skirt she was wearing had what looked like a wet patch. I looked towards the sofa, and sure enough, on the sofa where she had been sitting, there was a wet patch, as well.
So it was not my imagination: Prem had got Kavita wetter than I had seen her in a long time.
Still, in spite of getting so turned on by his actions, she didn't go to bed with him. I was a bit confused, but I thought it was at least a temporary 'reprieve' for me. And I had no idea why I had gotten that reprieve.
Thanking my lucky stars, I turned off the TV and followed Kavita to bed.
Kavita was lying in bed on her side, she had picked up a book and was reading it. She was still dressed in the same mini skirt and looking as hot as she did when I saw her in this dress the first time, earlier today.
I joined her in bed, and lay down beside her. I put my arm around her belly, and hugged her close. I got reminded of how Prem had been fondling the same bare belly a few minutes back. Up close, I could feel the wetness of her mini skirt, and now I also caught the smell of her arousal. She moaned lightly. Based on account of her intoxicating dressing, I entertained mild hopes of being able to seduce her.
I told her, "You look hot in this dress Kavi. Did you get it recently or is this one of your old clothes?"
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She moaned lightly and replied in a throaty voice, “Prem got this dress for me."
So now I knew it. The dresses she wore today were clothes Prem probably bought for her on Monday, the same day he bought these feminine pyjamas for me.
I continued fondling her belly and kissed her ears lightly. Kavita moaned again and said, “Am glad you like it Manu."
After a pause while I continued fondling her, inching upwards towards her luscious breasts, Kavita continued, "You look cute too in these pyjamas too. Am glad you like them."
Out of the blue, I was very embarrassed again. Why did she think I 'liked' these pyjamas?
It then occurred to me: unlike the previous night, I hadn't even tried to get these ridiculous women's pyjama blouse and pants off, before joining Kavita in bed.
I had joined her in bed, as though I was totally comfortable in these ridiculous pyjama blouse and pants. And she had interpreted that behavior of mine as 'Manu likes these clothes'.
I glumly realized how un-manly I must now appear in her eyes.
But, that also gave me an opening. Surely she knew I wouldn't shave off my underarms 'just to look cute/pretty/feminine' in Prem's 'gift' clothes. I wasn't sure if she had made out that I had shaved my chest hair also, but if she had, it only exacerbated the same point. Surely she must know by now that Prem was 'pushing' me around, making me do some things that I didn't really want to do. It might give me an opportunity to discuss with Kavita, how he used physical force to intimidate me into doing those humiliating things today evening.
As I collected my thoughts on this, I tried to think of a way to appeal to Kavita. Maybe her better senses would prevail, since I was sure she still loved me. Maybe she could prevail upon Prem to stop pushing me around like this.
And Kavita spoke then, ending my hopes on that approach, "Shaving was also a good idea, you look cuter shaven, the shaven look suits you better, Manu."
I said, "Thanks.", even as I tried to get over my embarrassment at those words.
I recalled Kavita's words on the day of Prem's arrival. She had told him then, that the hairy look enhanced his appearance. Now she was telling me, my current hairless shaven looked 'cuter' for me.
It was as though she was telling me, "Manu, there's currently only one MAN in this house, and it isn't you. Get used to it."
Would she even side with me if I told her what Prem had done to me today evening? And I now cast my mind on the scene after dinner, when she changed back into the provocative clothes she had been wearing, and how she let Prem fondle her brazenly in front of me, rubbing it into my face, and how she had gotten totally wet, aroused as a result of it.
The realization started sinking in: even if I brought up the topic of what Prem had done, there was no way she would 'side' with me. Not the way she had behaved tonight. Perhaps if I brought it up later, but not tonight.
Dejected, feeling defeated, I just hugged her in vain, hoping for some encouragement from her to boost my sagging morale. It didn't come, and she drifted off to sleep as she wrapped her arm around my pyjama blouse. I waited for sleep to overcome me. It took a while before that happened.
The next morning, I again woke up to the alarm clock. Thankfully, Kavita was in the shower. I went across to Prem's room for my morning ordeal of toweling off Prem's sweaty body.
Prem did his exercises in silence, which I was grateful for. I didn't want him 'rubbing' it in, after the scene last evening over my initial refusal to shave and wear the blouse of the pyjama set, and how he brazenly fondled and groped my wife in front of me, to the point of making her dripping wet.
As I toweled him off, Prem spoke up. He asked me, "So did your pretty wife tell you anything about your appearance last night, pussy boy?"
Blushing in embarrassment, I answered, “Yes."
Prem prodded me further, grinning at my embarrassment, “What did she say, boy?"
Red with shame, I said in a hoarse voice,my throat feeling dry, "She said I looked cute."
Prem laughed arrogantly, and patted me on my shoulders and said, "That you do, boy. You do look cute now."
I averted my eyes in shame, and stayed silent.
Mercifully, Prem didn't prod me any further. I finished up toweling off Prem, and put the dirty clothes away.
I noticed then that Prem was reading the papers by himself in the hall. Kavita was in the kitchen. I went to the kitchen to get my coffee from her. She handed me my coffee and kissed me on the cheek.
I was grateful to her. In spite of the fact that she had been so aroused,so wet by Prem's actions the previous night, she wasn't joining hands with Prem to humiliate me further.
I had my coffee and went to the bathroom to have my bath. I was relieved to finally get the ridiculous pyjamas off. I remembered to remove the safety pin to detach my 'sacred' thread from the pyjama blouse, recalling how shameful my own reaction was to Prem's bullying the previous night.
Before having my bath, I looked at my hairless weak chest, shaven underarms and scrawny arms and shoulders. I recalled again, the sight of that dark muscular bully Prem, being lovingly massaged by my fair wife Kavita. I knew I was losing this battle.

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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 09 Pt. 1

I kept dreading that something would happen that day. I was very distracted at work, thanks to the developments of the previous day.
I had been sure yesterday that it would be the day when Prem would take my Kavita to bed. That is, openly; I half suspected he had already been taking her to bed in my absence.
It hadn't happened yesterday. Still, it felt like it was only a matter of time before it happened.
At 7 PM, I finally left for home, trying to catch up on work I had allowed to pile up on account of being distracted. I couldn't leave early; there had been some rumblings about performance and commitment within the company, and I had already left early twice this week.
I drove home regretting having had to work late. Maybe Prem would have seduced Kavita in this time.
Still, I stopped on the way home and got fresh gajra for Kavita. I did not want her upset again over this aspect, especially given how close I was to losing her to Prem.
I got home at 7:25 PM, and was pleasantly surprised when I got home. Prem was not there!
Kavita greeted me pleasantly, and offered to make coffee for me. She was attractively dressed for home, wearing a pink sari with one of those short-sleeve blouses she liked to wear. I gave her the gajra. She smiled happily and said, “Thanks Manu!". Then she added with some concern, “You look tired."
I was tired. Both mentally, and to an extent physically. I sat down on the sofa and nodded. Kavita went to the kitchen and came over with some oil.
Kavita stood behind me, set the oil down and started massaging my temples. I started feeling better already.
She then started unbuttoning my shirt. With rising relief, I helped her take my shirt off. She reached down to pull off my vest. I was thrilled to see Kavita so loving, caring: the wife I had known for these 4 years.
Kavita poured some oil on her hands, and started massaging my shoulders. She proceeded to massage my arms. I felt so weak because of Prem's bullying, yet I started feeling mildly rejuvenated with Kavita's massaging. I was embarrassed when she started massaging my now hairless chest. But she didn't seem to mind it, so I didn't feel so self-conscious about it as I was when I took off my vest.
To make conversation, I asked Kavita,
"Where's Prem?"
She squeezed my shoulders and answered crossly, with a bit of irritation in her voice,
"How should I know? He's not my boyfriend or something."
I didn't like the irritation in her voice, but was mighty relieved to hear those words from her. I was just worried that she was irritated that I was asking her. If she was irritated with Prem, it was good.
Seeking to exploit her good mood and positive behavior towards me, I continued,
"I didn't mean it that way Kavita. I meant, he's never been this late, is he OK? Will he be back for dinner?"
Kavita answered in the same irritated tone,
"Prem's having dinner out tonight, with a colleague. He SMSed me saying he'll be back late."
My morale just kept getting higher. If we went to bed early enough, I could perhaps make love to Kavita before Prem even returned home!
I also thought I detected some irritation on the part of Kavita, directed at Prem. Maybe I was imagining it, but it seemed to me like she was irritated at him for some reason.
Thinking on those lines, I told Kavita,
"Am feeling much better now, Kavi. You are great at this."
I squeezed her hand. She beamed and said,
"Glad that it worked Manu! Do you still want coffee?"
I took the chance she offered and said,
"No Kavi, don't need the coffee now. Can we have dinner soon and go to bed early however?"
She hesitated, "Someone will have to stay up to open the door for Prem. Don't know when he'll be back."
I countered, “We can leave the door unlocked for him. You can SMS him saying you're leaving the door open for him."
She still seemed hesitant, “I don't know if he will be OK with being SMSed now."
I started getting worried. Was she trying to avoid going to bed with me?
Kavita saw my worried face, smiled at me and said, “It's OK Manu, we can go to bed early. I can open the door for Prem if needed."
It wasn't the ideal solution, it wasn't the solution I was hoping for. Still, depending on how late Prem came, I might have an hour or two to make love to Kavita, which should be sufficient, I thought.
Kavita hurried off to the kitchen, sensing my urgency. This was positively unbelievable for me. Just yesterday it seemed like I had lost my wife to Prem already. Now, she seemed to be responding positively to my urgency.
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Did she sense I wanted to make love to her? Did she want to make love to me, after all that she had seen Prem do to me, and allowed Prem to do to her?
I went to our bedroom to change. I picked up the bag of 'clothes' Prem had 'gifted' me. I looked inside, there was one last bag of presumably clothes, labeled 'Thursday'.
I didn't even bother looking into the bag to check out the clothes. I knew they would be something humiliating. I wasn't going to open it. I felt nervous, but yet more confident than I had been since Prem's arrival. I put on a pair of MY shorts and a t-shirt of mine.
We finished dinner at 8:40 PM. Did Kavita seem impressed that I put on my own clothes rather than those ridiculous clothes Prem had 'got' for me? I thought I detected admiration in her face, but I couldn't be sure. Surely she knew how many sets of those ridiculous clothes Prem had 'got' for me.
Kavita waited until 9 PM to finish watching a TV program, and we turned off the TV.
I went to bed ahead of her. To make my night even better, Kavita came to bed wearing the gajra I had got her today. Once she joined me in bed, I started off with foreplay enthusiastically, with confidence. I kneaded her ass, even stuck my fingers down her crevice, something she has always been sensitive to. Simultaneously, I started playing with her mounds with my other hand, and kissing the nape of her neck, and her sensitive areas. I inhaled her sweet smell and it intoxicated me even more.
Kavita didn't hold back either. She stroked my chest, played with my nipples. So much for her not finding my hairless chest attractive, I thought! She put her hands inside my shorts, and underwear. Under her deft touches, my penis got hard and started throbbing. I started undressing her. I got the hook of her blouse off. She sat up so I could take it off.
And right at that moment, Kavita's phone rang. I wanted her to not pick it up. But she did. I waited to find out who it was. She said "OK, “to the caller 3 times, then hung up saying, "Drive safe, Prem."
So it was Prem. Dejectedly, I asked her what he said. Kavita said, "He said he'll be home around 11 PM."
That wasn't so bad. We still had a lot of time to make love.
Sadly, my penis had shriveled up on hearing the mention of Prem's name.
Kavita now saw this. She started stroking my penis, trying to make my penis hard again.
It didn't work. Even in my mind, I started worrying,
"What if he hits me tomorrow morning for not having worn his 'gift' pyjamas tonight?"
"Why did he have to disturb our lovemaking?"
"Why did she not ignore his phone call?"
"Kavita didn't sound so angry when she was answering Prem's phone call now. Am I imagining her irritation at him?"
These thoughts were making my problem worse. My shriveled penis stayed shriveled.
After a few minutes of effort, Kavita gave up.
She turned and lay on her side, her back facing me. I was disappointed with myself for disappointing her.
I offered to bring her off orally. She turned, hugged me and said, "We'll do it another time. Don't worry."
Feeling disappointed, but overall still relieved in terms of pressure, I lay back quietly beside her, trying not to fall asleep.
Maybe my penis would become hard again if I tried to put the bully Prem out of my mind.
Kavita was a more receptive towards me now. Maybe I could try get some more support from her on Prem's general bullying ways with me. Possibly she hadn't perceived it to the same extent as I did.
I put my arm back around her and tried to get her attention,
She was awake too, and asked, softly, “Yes Manu?"
"Can we talk about some things please?"
"Sure, Manu. What do you want to talk about?"
"I don't know where to begin. But, let me start somewhere. How do you feel about Prem and his attitude?"
"Attitude, meaning?"
"You know, the way he does things, don't you feel he's not very considerate of other people's feelings?"
"Yeah, he's a bit self centered, he's always been like that. Wants to have his way all the time."
"It's not merely about doing things his way. Like, the clothes he got for me. I understand the surprise part, but don't you think the clothes he got for me were somewhat inconsiderate?"
" what way?"
"Come on, Kavi. You saw the clothes. Don't you think they looked somewhat 'feminine' looking in design?"
Kavita paused at this and said, drawing a deep breath,
"Yeah, they do."
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So she had noticed it. I felt resentful towards her, that she kept quiet about it, even made remarks about my 'looking cute' in those clothes.
I asked her, "Why didn't you tell him then, Kavi? You went out with him that day. Didn't you see him pick those clothes?"
Kavita took a deep breath and said, "I'll tell you the truth Manu. I didn't realize you weren't comfortable in those clothes." She paused, then continued, "You know on Monday when I went out with Prem?"
I nodded and said, “Yeah."
She continued, "Prem had asked me to come saying he wanted to buy me some clothes as a gift."
I nodded. She took a deep breath again, and continued, "When I got there, he also asked me about your clothes sizes, so he could get you some clothes as a gift as well."
I nodded. I suspected all of this already.
She continued after another pause,
"After getting your sizes, he went to the women's section and found pyjamas that would fit your sizes approximately. If they looked feminine, it's because he picked them from the womens' section, they are womens' pyjamas."
The blood drained from my face. The bully had the nerve to blatantly pick womens' clothes for me, in front of my wife?
I tried to stay calm. I needed Kavita on my side.
I asked, "But why didn't you stop him Kavi? Didn't you know I wouldn't be comfortable in them?"
She replied, "That's what I thought too. But Prem took me aside and told me that the two of you had discussed some 'naughty' subjects on Sunday, and that you had indicated among other things that you would find it exciting to wear feminine looking clothes."
The blood drained from my face for the second time. So that was how he had enlisted Kavita's cooperation. I told her firmly, "No, Kavi, I didn't tell him that."
She queried then, "Then what 'naughty' subjects did you two talk about?"
Yet again, I felt my face go white. I didn't want Kavita to find out what had happened on Saturday.
As I pondered what to say, Kavita continued, "Let me ask Prem when he comes back, why he told me in the shop, that you would find it exciting to wear feminine looking clothes."
I froze when I heard her say that. If this confrontation happened, it was likely that Prem would tell her what really happened on Saturday, and what we really spoke about on Sunday.
I hastily stammered, "No Kavi, we did talk about this. I did make that suggestion to Prem in the 'naughty' sense, that I found it a kinky and exciting idea, kind of like a joke."
She gave me a probing look and finally said, "I see." There were a few moments of silence, and then Kavita resumed, "I didn't know you had such kinky ideas,Manu. But now that you've tried it and find you didn't enjoy it like you thought, you don't have to wear those clothes. Just tell Prem later, he'll understand." I breathed a huge sigh of relief at her words. My penis was still soft. It hadn't become any larger, harder than after it shriveled up a little while earlier. There was no way we could have sex tonight.
Still, I felt gratified towards Kavita for the way this conversation turned out. She wasn't in cahoots with Prem on this. I would still have a way to challenge Prem on this, but at-least now, within the boundaries of this lie, I had Kavita on my side, it seemed like. I hugged her tight and said, "Thanks Kavi, that was the main thing I wanted to talk to you about." Feeling much better now, I went to sleep happily, in her arms
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 09 Pt. 2

I woke up in the morning to the sound of the alarm. As had been the case since I had taken on the role of toweling Prem off after his exercises, Kavita seemed to be in the bathroom, having her bath. Turning off the alarm, I stretched and walked slowly to Prem's room. Prem was there doing his exercises. Apparently he had arrived some time after I had gone to sleep. Nervously, I walked across to the balcony. He paused in between exercises, glared at me and said, "Not wearing the clothes I got you for last night, pussy boy?"
I shook my head nervously and lied, “No. Since you weren't here last evening, Kavita thought..."
He sneered, "Oh, that pretty wife of yours asked you to not wear them, pussy boy?"
I was afraid I would get caught over my lie, since this wasn't strictly true. Hoping he wouldn't double-check with Kavita, I persisted, "Yes, Amir."
He chuckled, "Yeah am sure she did. She'll get over it."
This made me curious. I had sensed that Kavita seemed upset with Prem about something. Prem's words seemed to confirm it. Prem resumed lifting his weights. After a couple of minutes, he paused again, and continued with a grin, "Yeah, boy, your pretty wife's jealous. Because I went out with a colleague last night."
I asked trying to probe, "Oh, why so?"
He leered as he answered, "Because she's younger than your wife, and your pretty wife is jealous of her."
This started getting me worried again. Why should Kavita be "insecure" if Prem went out for dinner with someone else? I tried to muster a confident voice, and said, "You're wrong, Amir. Kavita isn't the kind to be insecure about your going out to dinner with a colleague, younger or older."
He chuckled and said, "I didn't just go out to dinner with her, boy. Why do you think I got back so late last night?"
Comprehension started dawning on me finally. This could explain why Kavita seemed irritated with Prem. Prem continued, “Yeah, she's many years younger than your wife, and she's a  too. Am not surprised your wife got jealous." He chuckled for a couple of minutes before setting down his weights. He then stood up, and got off the bench he had been exercising on and strode into the bedroom.
I followed him in. I lifted Prem's sweaty smelly vest and took it off him as he raised his arms. I dropped it on the floor, and picked up a towel. Prem continued the conversation, with a chuckle, "And she was a virgin too...till last night. So your wife doesn't have to be jealous of that any more."
He laughed to himself at his joke. I didn't find it funny. This arrogant bully was "gloating" about 'taking the virginity' of a woman of my community last night, as though it was a matter of great pride for him. Judging by his past behavior and comments, I feared, half-knew that he may have 'taken' the virginity of my wife Kavita as well.
He appeared to sense what I was thinking about, and asked, as I started toweling him, "So you've ever broken in a fresh pussy, pussy boy?"
I didn't know how to answer that question. I hadn't asked Kavita directly, even though I suspected she was not a virgin when we got married. Worse, it seemed likely now that she may have 'lost her virginity' to this arrogant bully, Prem. As though reading my thoughts, he chuckled and asked again, "Looks like pussy boy doesn't know. Let's try this another way. Have you had sex with anyone other than your pretty wife Kavita, pussy boy?"
I briefly had considered lying. I wanted to gloat back like he had been gloating. But I subconsciously feared that Prem would catch my lie and then ridicule me even more. Growing red with embarrassment as he searched my face, I answered truthfully, "No."
He chuckled again, saying, "So you've never broken in a fresh pussy." And then he added, "Not that a pussy boy like you deserved to."
My hands started trembling as I digested what he just told me. He was "informing" me that my wife was not a virgin when we got married. How did he know? I suspected, feared the answer to that, too. He continued chuckling. His arrogance was getting really irritating. He then leered at me and continued, "I've had eight fresh pussies." He added after a pause, to twist the wound, "Six of them were  pussies. Including your pretty wife."
The blood left my face. If what Prem said was true, he was informing me, as a matter of fact, that my wife Kavita was not a virgin when we got married. He had already done that earlier, but now he was explicitly saying so. And that she had lost her virginity to him.
After 4 years of marriage, I wasn't really bothered by the increased likelihood that she hadn't 'saved' her virginity for me. I had suspected that about Kavita before, and I didn't get bothered by that thought as much as I did earlier on.
But what was irritating me was hearing it from this bully, in his obnoxious matter-of-fact manner: as though my wife Kavita was 'another trophy on his wall'. Did Kavita not know that he thought of her as 'another trophy' on his wall?
It was probably likely, I knew for a while, deep down, that Prem was probably the guy with whom Kavita had 'lost her virginity'. But I didn't want to hear that from him, especially in his gloating manner. I wished I had asked Kavita earlier, so I could have figured out a way to deal with this gloating bully.
I continued toweling him off quietly, marshaling my thoughts.
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So if Prem's claim was true, he had been in bed with at-least 8 women already, including my wife.
If his claim was true, he came across as a womanizer.
What was it that women saw in him given he seemed to be a serial womanizer?
I could see an initial physical attraction. But it appeared like he had no inclination to seriously be involved with a woman, that all he was interested in was getting into bed with them and enjoying them as a 'prize', a 'trophy'.
Why would women want to hang around with him? Why would women want to keep getting into bed with him? Especially my wife Kavita? Surely she could see him for what he was, by now?
Why would she 'respond' to his flirtatious behavior?
Reflecting on these thoughts, I got to the stage of toweling off Prem's legs. After removing his shorts, I knelt down and started toweling his thighs.
Maybe Kavita hadn't been responding to him at all. She had been trying to make out with me in bed,3 out of 4 days this week.
But then her dressing had got more revealing, provocative, as though she was trying to 'tempt', 'attract' Prem. She even had put on outrageously provocative clothes that he had bought for her, and massaged him dressed in those provocative clothes.
Perhaps seeing him blatantly go out with another woman last night made the scales fall from her eyes?
I couldn't come up with a consistent explanation of Kavita's behavior. However, it seemed like my initial assessment may not be quite accurate.
Perhaps she didn't see me as an 'inferior' man compared to him. Or maybe she now saw him for the womanizer he was.
Either way, it looked like I still had a chance to not lose Kavita to him.
I would still have to find a way to deal with the arrogant bully. But it would probably be a lot easier now, now that Kavita seemed to have recognized Prem for the womanizer that he was.
I finished up, and stood on my feet again.
Prem put on a towel, then turned to me and said,
"Do my bed also."
He strode out to the hall.
I picked up the pile of dirty clothes and towels, and walked across to the washing machine.
Kavita was in the kitchen. It felt like she was avoiding Prem.
As I walked past, Prem spoke up again, addressing me,
"You can wear the other new home-clothes I got for you tomorrow."
I nodded, and went past him to his bedroom to do his bed.
As I pulled his blankets over to fold them up, I saw faded jasmine flowers strewn over his bed.
At first, my heart sunk again. After getting my hopes up, I now was faced with evidence that Kavita had been in Prem's bed.
But when?
Clearly Prem had come back late last night. And seeing Kavita's mood, surely she COULDN'T have gone to bed with Prem the previous night.
And the night before had been the night we had the confrontation. When I had seen Prem get her sopping wet, yet go to bed alone.
And it couldn't have been Wednesday afternoon either, since I hadn't got flowers for Kavita on Tuesday evening.
There was NO way THESE flowers could have come to be on Prem's bed because Kavita had been in it.
Prem was playing mind games with me, but now he had made a bad bluff.
I quietly pocketed the flowers, folded up the blankets and tidied the bed.
I was quietly optimistic. I didn't want to let on to Prem that I had figured out his bluff.
I mulled over this quietly at breakfast. I needed to find a way to talk to Kavita, work on her feelings about Prem's womanizing ways. Without Prem finding out. It seemed possible now that I might not lose my wife to Prem.
I then thought of Kavita. In a way, I felt ashamed about suspecting her to this extent.
Clearly she had encouraged Prem to an extent, letting him touch her, fondle her, wearing provocative clothes HE got for her...but perhaps it was indirect, and not intentional. Regardless, she may not have gone to the extent of sleeping with him.
Kavita was wearing a saree that morning after her bath. She had worn it somewhat conservatively, not much of skin showing other than her shoulders. I felt a pang of guilt as I realized I had suspected her of far worse than what she may have actually done. I made sure to give Kavita a kiss on the way out to work. She beamed happily. I avoided meeting Prem's eyes, but he appeared to be frowning.
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I was mildly worried about that, but I brushed that aside quickly. As long as Kavita saw him for the womanizer he was, I could win this battle.
It was much easier to concentrate on work. My productivity was back up, and I called Kavita a couple of times during the day, once before and once after lunch. She answered the first time, but I was wary to start the topic of Prem's womanizing ways on phone. The second time, she didn't pickup, but it wasn't a big deal I figured, since she often went to take a nap around that time.
I left work for home on time. I got fresh gajra for Kavita again, on the way home. When I got home, I saw Prem's motorcycle in the parking lot. So he had got home already.
I felt slightly apprehensive, but not as worried as I had been for the last few days.
I got home and rang the bell.
I had the briefest instinct to peep through the hall window, but held myself back.
The door was opened by Prem, this time.
I nervously entered. He was glaring at me.
I took off my shoes and socks. There was no sign of Kavita yet. I asked Prem nervously,
"Where's Kavita, Prem? Has she gone out?"
He took a menacing stop closer, raised his bulging arms in a threatening manner, and asked,
"What did I ask you to call me in private, boy?"
I corrected myself hastily,
"Sorry, where's Kavita, Amir?"
He didn't answer my question and continued glaring at me.
He then continued,
"You think you got an opportunity now that you think your wife's jealous about my going out with my colleague, don't you, pussy boy?"
I stammered, “No, it's not like that, Amir."
He said, “Liar."
Then, without warning, he stuck his right hand on my neck just under my jaw, and pushed me against the wall.
I thought he was going to hit me. Instinctively, I tried to get his hand off my neck. I wasn't successful. He sneered at my efforts to get his hand off my neck.
He continued,
"Stop fighting pointlessly, pussy boy. Remember what I told you this morning. Who took your pretty wife's cherry?"
I felt the blood rushing to my ears as I answered in a hoarse whisper,
"You did, Amir."
He continued asking, menacingly,
"You angry at me for taking your wife's cherry, pussy boy?"
I couldn't answer his question.
I was in a sense jealous, upset, and disappointed if what he said was true. But it was more impotent frustration, jealousy. Frustration that my wife Kavita may have, seemed to have lost her virginity to this obnoxious bully, of all people.
With some degree of honesty, I shook my head to indicate 'No'.
He continued, "Say it, pussy boy."
I spoke up again in a hoarse voice, “No, Amir."
He tightened his grip and said, "Good, you didn't deserve to take her cherry anyway. Get that into your head." After a pause, he then asked, "Who owns her pussy, pussy boy?" I averted my eyes, and tried to avoid looking at him. I didn't answer. I knew what he wanted me to say, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. He sneered again, "You think YOU own her pussy, pussy boy?" Prem paused, then continued, "How many times has she let you in her pussy since my arrival?"
I averted my eyes again, in shame. Despite having come close a few times this week, I still had not had sex with Kavita since Prem's arrival.
He continued with a snort, "Zero. And do you know how many times she's spread her legs for me since my arrival, boy?"
Despite being held by my neck, I went red with shame. He was boasting to me that he had been sleeping with my wife already. I didn't know if it was true, but I didn't really know if it was untrue, either.
He then said as his final word for the moment, mercifully,
"You DON'T own her pussy, pussy boy. I do. Get that also in your head."
He then released my neck.
I stood where I was against the wall, hanging my head in shame, unable to do anything faced up with the sheer arrogance of this cocky bully.
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All the optimism that I had got seeing Kavita's reaction to Prem going out with his colleague had evaporated.
Prem now handed me some money saying,
"Now go and get me my dinner."
I looked at him nervously, took the money, then asked,
"What do you want for dinner, Amir? Where from?"
He went and sat down on the sofa and said,
"Wait for your pretty wife to tell you that."
I instinctively asked again,
"Where's she, Amir?"
He indicated towards the door of our bedroom.
It was open.
The blood left my face. Was Kavita in the bedroom? Had she been hearing this exchange?
On shaky legs, I approached the bedroom door.
I looked in from the doorway, but the bedroom seemed empty. As I stood there for a few moments surveying the bedroom, the bathroom door opened and Kavita came out of the bathroom into our bedroom, dressed in a towel.
She was startled to see me. She first jumped, then smiled and said,
"Oh you're home on time, Manu! You startled me!"
She came to the door and closed it.
It looked like she had been having a bath.
It was an odd time for her to have a bath, but I was somewhat relieved. If she was in the bathroom, she probably couldn't have heard the exchange that just happened between Prem and I. She seemed genuinely startled to see me, so she probably hadn't heard the exchange.
As I turned to walk to the sofa, Prem got up, strode to the door of our bedroom and knocked on it, calling out,
"Hey Kavi."
My nerves were on edge. She was going to be dressing! Please don't open the door Kavi, I begged internally.
Kavita opened the door just a bit, revealing her face, her hair wrapped in a towel and her bare shoulders and asked with some irritation in her voice,
Prem grinned at her and said,
"We don't have to go out for dinner now. I fixed it."
She looked at him quizzically and asked,
He said,
"Manu will go get it."
Her face lit up with a smile, then she said,
"Great!" and closed the door.
Prem turned to me and gave me one of his evil grins. I was back on tenterhooks.
I walked back to the sofa. My limbs were trembling again. Maybe I was imagining it, but even Kavita seemed less angry at Prem now compared to the previous day.
Prem came and sat down, as well. I sat down on the sofa facing our bedroom so I could talk to Kavita when she came out.
She came out in 5 minutes. My jaw dropped for the second time in 3 days.
She was not dressed in a saree like she had done after her bath in the morning. Instead, she was dressed in the same black mini-skirt as she had been 2 days back when she massaged Prem, with the red tank top blouse she had worn when she went out to get food for Prem.
Her dressing wasn't as provocative as when she had been massaging Prem, but instantly, seeing her dressed in the same mini-skirt, my heart started pumping faster.
I was in a way excited also, to see her dressed like that. But the excitement was tempered by some fear as well.
The last time I had seen her in that mini-skirt, I was sure Prem would take Kavita to bed that night. I still didn't know why he didn't try to take her to bed that night.
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Still, some things had happened since then. Prem's going out with his office colleague appeared to have changed Kavita's outlook, attitude towards Prem.
I was still fearful, but not as much as 2 days back.
Kavita looked at me and said,
"I'll make tea now."
I watched as Kavita went to the kitchen to make tea. She was looking downwards as she walked. Somehow, I got reminded of when she went to put the gajra in the refrigerator 2 days back, dressed in the same mini-skirt.
Prem started grinning at me in his smirking manner. I felt uneasy, but I knew he was the kind to play mind games, so I tried to ignore it.
Kavita came back with tea for all 3 of us.
She sat down beside Prem on the sofa and started flipping channels, till she came to one channel.
I asked her what she was looking for, and she said there was a movie on today evening that she wanted to watch.
She then spoke to me,
"But Prem wanted to go out for dinner because he wanted to have non-veg food for dinner. That's why I was having a bath, I was getting ready so we could go out for dinner after you arrived."
It made sense, somewhat. I felt a little less nervous after hearing her explanation.
Kavita spoke addressing me again,
"It's the same restaurant as I went to on Wednesday evening, Manu. I'll call them and order in advance. That way you won't have much of a wait to pick up the food."
Then she turned and addressed Prem,
"Rogan Josh again, Prem?"
He grinned and answered, “Yeah, my favorite!"
I didn't like the idea of going all the way out to that Mughlai restaurant. I made a face at Kavita.
She noticed it and asked,
"Do you want to get it from somewhere else, Manu?"
I did. But before I could say anything, Prem spoke up,
"That restaurant makes it well, Kavi. I prefer it from that place. I'd rather eat out if you're going to get it from somewhere else."
He then spoke addressing me,
"Do you have a problem with getting it from the same place?"
He gave me a mildly threatening look. It came across as threatening to me, he had crossed his thick arms as he had done during our first confrontation.
I stammered nervously, “No, I don't have a problem. I'll do it Prem."
I didn't want it to become an ugly confrontation. Not then.
Kavita beamed at me radiantly and said,
"Thanks Manu! I didn't want to miss this movie but Prem was insisting that we go out for dinner. I hadn't even started cooking for us thinking we will be going out for dinner. Let me get started now!"
She went to the kitchen.
A couple of minutes later, I finished up my tea and decided to leave. The sooner I left, the sooner I could come back. I put on my slippers and called out to Kavita,
"Kavi, am leaving now."
She came hurriedly from the kitchen to see me off.
As Kavita came to the door to see me off, she pointed to something on the floor near me and said,
"What's that?"
I looked down. It was the gajra I had bought for her.
I had dropped it when Prem had held me by the neck a few minutes back.
Embarrassed, I bent down and picked it up, and held it out for her,
“Sorry Kavi. I dropped it when taking off my shoes and socks."
She smiled again radiantly and said,
"No problem, thanks Manu!"
And saying so, she took the gajra, and to my surprise, she wore it in her hair right away.
Feeling a bit relieved by that action of hers, I turned to leave. She walked up to me and kissed me on my cheek.
As I left, I felt an unknown dread. Prem seemed to be smirking. I brushed it aside, somewhat knowing his mind games by now. I saw Kavita pick up her cell phone and dial what I assumed was the restaurant, to place the order.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 09 Pt. 3

I hurried down to the car and started driving.
As I drove, I contemplated what had just happened.
Prem was continuing to push me around. He was direct about it in Kavita's absence.
In her presence too, he was taunting me by fondling her, dropping oil on her belly, and making me wear ridiculously feminine clothes.
I needed to do more. Yes, Kavita reacted as I hoped she would, seeing his womanizing ways, going out with his colleague even as he was trying to seduce her. But he had probably been doing that in the past also, judging by the photographs I had found in Prem's room. He was an old hand at this, and he probably would find a way back into her good books, if I just let things be and didn't do anything proactively.
I then thought about tonight. Clearly, Kavita had wanted to watch the movie on TV. Yet, being the self centered kind of guy he was, Prem had been trying to force Kavita to have dinner out, and miss the movie.
He could have gone and got his food himself. Instead, he sent me to get his food for him. Giving him time alone with Kavita, to possibly try get into her good books again.
The blood rushed to my face as I realized I was in grave danger yet again, of losing my wife to this womanizing bully.
It took me 35 minutes to get to the restaurant. It had taken me more in the past, but I was driving in a hurry.
I got there and walked up to the counter. The proprietor/manager was talking to someone on the phone.
I waited a few minutes impatiently. This guy was talking forever to finish up his conversation. I tried to break in, telling him over his conversation,
"Hi, I have a takeout order for Rogan Josh, can you please get it and prepare my bill?"
The proprietor seemed annoyed, and indicated to me to wait.
I waited a few more minutes. My patience was being tested.
This was one of the reasons I didn't like this restaurant. The one time Kavita and I had been there, it felt like they gave us '2nd class' service. I half suspected it was because they saw our names and decided to give us 2nd class service because we weren't . It was one of those restaurants where you had to make a reservation in advance to get a table.

The proprietor/manager was , I could tell from his clothes.
After what seemed to be an eternity, the proprietor finally finished his conversation and turned to me.
I tried to be polite, and keep the irritation out of my voice,
"One order of Rogan Josh for takeout, please? Name of Manu Sharma."
He looked me over and down his notepad and said,
"Is this a new order?"
I got worried. I didn't want them starting to cook NOW. I clarified,
"No, I already have an order placed about 45 minutes back."
"There's no order here for Manu Sharma."
I was getting more irritated.
I tried again, "It might be in my wife's name. Mrs Kavita Sharma."
He said, "I have no order here for a Mrs Kavita Sharma."
This guy seemed incompetent now. Did he lose her order? I asked him to show me his notepad.
He didn't show it to me, but looked at it again and said,
"I do have one order for Rogan Josh for a Miss Kavita Sharma."
This guy was really irritating me now.
"Come on, it's Mrs Kavita Sharma, not Miss. You have written it wrongly. Please don't waste more time and give me my order."
He looked me over and said, "Sorry sir, you're going to have to confirm this. As far as I know, the woman who placed the order is a Miss Kavita Sharma."
I picked up my phone and showed him Kavita's number on my cell. He said it matched the number from which he got the order. I even showed him our photograph together on my cellphone screen.
I asked him, "Is that enough proof or do you want me to call her?"
The manager/supervisor 'apologized' saying, "Sorry sir, I was under the impression she was unmarried."
He had taken up enough of my time, I was irritated with the supervisor, "You mean you assumed she was unmarried because she looks pretty."
He said, "No sir, it isn't like that. She has been to our hotel twice in the last few days."
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I knew that. I didn't see what her past visits had anything to do with his stupid assumption and attitude. I persisted, "So what?"
He continued, "First time she came with a gentleman named Amir Ali on Sunday, sir. That reservation was in his name."
I didn't see where this was headed. I asked again, "So?"
He continued, "Wednesday evening she made a takeout order sir, also for Rogan Josh like today. When she came to pick it up, it took a few minutes to get ready, so we had a conversation sir. Pretty lady as you said sir, but also very pleasant and charming. Cash or Credit card, sir?"
I nodded. I didn't see what any of this had to do with his claim. I suspected he was making an elaborate excuse for his attitude.
I said, "Cash please."
I wanted to finish this soon.
He continued, finally processing my order.
"During that conversation, sir, I gathered she was a  and a vegetarian. So I asked her why she was getting Rogan Josh being a vegetarian."
He took the cash I had been holding out, and got my change ready.
He held out my change in one hand, and the carryout bag in another.
I wanted to just take it and leave. But this guy had dragged it so long, I got curious to hear his roundabout excuse.
"She told me then, sir, then that the Rogan Josh takeout order was for her boyfriend, Sir. She said his name was Amir Ali, and I understood that's why she was ordering non-veg. I assumed it was the same gentleman with whom she came on Sunday, sir. That's why I thought she was unmarried, sir."
The blood rushed to my face when I heard him say that. I had never been this embarrassed before in my life, in a public place.
I snatched the bag of food and cash from his hand and walked out of the place. I looked around to see if there had been other people following that conversation. There had been a few who appeared to be looking at me curiously, and I tried to avoid making eye contact with anyone.
I got into the car and tried to calm myself down. I swore to myself to never come to this restaurant again. That was one of the most unprofessional restaurant manager I had ever dealt with.
My legs were trembling as I started driving the car. Granted the manager was unprofessional, but did he just make up this excuse?
When I reflected on his behavior, it seemed consistent with his story. And his story seemed consistent with my knowledge of what had happened.
My hands and legs started trembling even more. So had Kavita voluntarily announced to this guy, a near stranger, that Prem/Amir Ali was her boyfriend?
I felt nauseous at the thought. I replayed the scene in my head. Kavita dressed in the clothes she was wearing on Wednesday evening, the black knee length skirt and the red tank top, proudly proclaiming to this manager, a near stranger, "Amir Ali is my boyfriend."
I couldn't see her doing it on Thursday evening. But I could see her doing it on Wednesday evening. That was the day when she had just given Prem an oil massage, dressed in that seductive outfit. And she had gone out to this restaurant right after giving him that massage.
It appeared like Prem had been much closer to seducing Kavita on Wednesday than I had imagined when I got home from work today evening.
That was in case he hadn't already seduced her. If she was proclaiming to near strangers that Amir Ali was her boyfriend, he might have seduced her already.
I was in full panic mode. I ran a couple of red lights as I drove back home. Thankfully I didn't get caught.
It took me 30 minutes to drive back home from the restaurant.
My first instinct as I parked the car was to call up Kavita. But then I decided against it. I didn't want to "warn" her, if my fears were true.
I ran up the stairs to our apartment. As I approached the door, I heard the sound of the TV running, playing the movie she had wanted to see. Good, I told myself. Nothing may have happened.
I rang the doorbell once.
Nothing happened. I waited a few moments, and then reached for the doorbell switch again.
I held back, and instead crept up to the window of the hall.
The hall seemed empty. I moved further, and got a full view of the hall.
It was empty. The TV was running, playing a movie, but there was nobody watching it. Not Kavita, and neither Prem.
I thought, or rather, hoped, that maybe they had stepped out. I pulled out my cellphone to dial Kavita.
That was when I heard what sounded like a moan.
It sounded like Kavita. And it sounded like it came from Prem's room.
I tried to listen more attentively. Then I heard Kavita's voice,
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"Ahhhhhhh!!!Slower, please, Amir!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!"
My knees buckled as I heard that moan. I had been dreading this since Prem's arrival.
And then I heard Prem's voice, hoarse, yet loud enough for me to hear over the TV,
"You've missed this huh? Kavi?"
I heard Kavita say something, but it was garbled over the sound of the TV. It sounded like a moan.
After a couple of moments, Prem's voice rang out loud again,
"Say it louder!"
And I heard Kavita's throaty voice louder, over the sound of the TV,
"Aaahhhhh! Don't stop! I've missed you Amir!"
"What about me have you missed, Kavi?"
Kavita's voice wasn't as loud this time, but I heard her say,
"Everything! Your smell! The way you touch me! Your sweat! Your dick! Your juice! Don't stop, Amir! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!"
I stood at the window transfixed. It was clear by now that Prem was making love to Kavita in our own house, in his room.
Not Prem.
Amir was making love to Kavita.
He was not Prem. He was Amir, not Prem.
In bed, Kavita referred to him as Amir. Every time. Not Prem. Each time she moaned, spoke.
She saw him as 'Amir' in bed. She saw him as I feared she saw him, from the time I learned about his real name.
A muscular, powerful hunk. Who was making her moan louder than I had heard her moan, in our 4 years of marriage.
And at that time, I heard a grunt from Amir, and the loudest moan I had heard from Kavita,
"Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!I love you Amir!!!!"
And then softer moans from her,
"Aaaaaaaaahhhh!! Amir!!!"
"Aaaaaahhhhhhh!! Amir!!!"
And then Amir's rasping voice rang out,
"Here it comes bitch!"
And then loudly again from Kavita,
I did not hear anything clear from the bedroom for the next few minutes, other than the TV, though I thought I could hear the low, garbled voice of Amir.
The sickening reality of what had happened now started sinking in, in those minutes.
Whatever happened or didn't happen between Kavita and Amir Ali in the last 2 weeks didn't matter.
Amir Ali, the arrogant bully, the dark muscular hunk my wife had invited to stay as a house-guest, had fucked my wife Kavita.
Regardless of what happened from there on, I would have to live with that knowledge for the rest of my life.

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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 10 Pt. 1

I stood outside our apartment, by the window of the hall, trying to digest what had just happened.
I couldn't understand how it could happen, to begin with.
Just one day back, Kavita was very irritated with Amir. He had been "two-timing" her.
In the short time after his arrival, he had been seeing another woman, a colleague of his, and she knew it. He had even been in bed with that colleague, he had claimed, boasted, to me.
It had seemed to me like the scales had fallen from Kavita's eyes, on the kind of womanizer he was.
She had been concerned about me, both physically and mentally. She had massaged me, and we had gone to bed intending to make love.
We had actually gone farther ahead in our foreplay than we had been in a while, and we probably would have had sex had Amir not called when he did.
And now, one day later, she had gone to bed with him, had had sex with him. In our home.
What kind of influence did Amir have on her? How could he change her attitude towards him so easily?
Amir had boasted to me that "he owned her pussy", before I had gone to pick up his dinner.
Was that an idle boast?
He had taken my wife in bed, within 2 weeks of his arrival here. Maybe even earlier.
Further, the ease with which he appeared to have taken Kavita to bed yesterday, just one day after she was irritated enough with him to actively try to make love with me, it didn't sound like an idle boast any more.
What was I to do now? Should I confront Kavita about this right away? Should I walk out of our marriage, seek a divorce?
I had a lot of things to think about.
What was Kavita going to do, now? Was she going to tell me now that she had fallen for Amir, and was going to leave me?
What else could she do? I didn't see her riding it it out brazenly, as though nothing had happened.
My thoughts were interrupted as I saw a shadow approach the hall. I stepped back a bit so I could get a view of the hall without being spotted easily.
Kavita first stepped into the hall. She was dressed in the same clothes as when I had left: the same black mini skirt and red tank top blouse.
She went towards the back of the house. I heard the sound of running water. It sounded like she was washing her hands.
She then came a couple of times to the coffee table, and placed on it vessels containing food.
This food was, it appeared like, the dinner she had prepared for her and I, and chapatis for Amir to have with his lamb dish.
As she finished setting up the food on the coffee table, Amir strode out.
He was wearing the same clothes as when I had left. Knee length shorts, and a sleeveless t-shirt.
He stretched his arms, and then addressed Kavita, "Am getting hungry. How come Manu's taking so long?"
I heard Kavita say, "Maybe traffic is bad, I'll call him."
I hurried to the door, and rang the bell. As I stood there, I digested the meaning of what I had just heard.
I had rang the bell exactly once, when Kavita and Amir were in bed, having sex.
Was it possible that they didn't hear the sound of the bell over the TV?
If so, were they unaware that I had overheard them having sex?
Was she then going to ride it out?
The door opened, and Kavita greeted me with a radiant smile saying, "I was just about to call you Manu! Was traffic bad?"
Her radiant smile took some of the stuffing out of me.
I had hoped to probe into her eyes, to make her feel guilty about what she knew she had just done.
Instead, she was looking straight at me, beaming.
I averted my eyes hastily. I didn't want to let on to her yet, on what I had just overheard them do, in bed, in case they hadn't heard the bell.
I said, "Yeah, everyone's out on the roads tonight, it seemed like."
She laughed throatily and said, "Yeah, it's Friday night."
I took off my slippers and saw the food on the coffee table.
Kavita saw me observe that, and said, "Let's eat here tonight instead of the dinner table. The movie is still running."
I said, “Sure."
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Inwardly, I marveled at how smoothly she was lying to me. 20 minutes back, she hadn't been watching the movie. She had been in bed with Amir Ali, moaning in pleasure.
Kavita took Amir's lamb dish from me, and turned to set it out beside the rest of the food items she had laid out on the coffee table. As she turned, I observed her from the back for the first time since her recent bout of sex with Amir.
The fresh gajra I had got her was nearly gone.
The base thread of the gajra was still attached to her hair. But most of the flowers had fallen out, and even the flowers left attached to the base thread had the faded,crushed look on them.
Even her hair wasn't as neatly organized as when I had left.
As I looked carefully, despite Kavita's pretense, I could see the tell-tale evidence of her recent sexual encounter with Amir.
Kavita now hurried to the kitchen, returning with a serving spoon for Amir's lamb dish and plates for all of us.
She then looked at me and said, "Manu, can you serve yourself please?"
And she turned to Prem, and said, "Prem, please serve yourself?"
So it was 'Prem' now. Prem in front of me, Amir when in bed with him.
I said, "Let me change first, Kavi. You guys start eating."
She looked at me and said, "OK but come fast, the food will get cold."
As I moved towards the bedroom to change, I finally caught Amir's eye.
He was smirking, as he had done lot of late. He crossed his hands as our eyes met, as though to tell me, "I've won."
I averted my eyes and went to the bedroom.
I changed into a pair of my shorts and a t-shirt.
Amir had already fucked Kavita. There was nothing to be gained by my voluntarily wearing one of those feminine pyjamas Amir had got for me. At worst, what could he do? Fuck my wife Kavita again? I wouldn't oblige him and wear one of those ridiculous pyjamas NOW.
I hadn't contemplated much more since entering our home, on what the future held out. I decided now to reflect on that later, after making further observations on Kavita's behavior.
I rejoined them in the hall. Kavita was 'watching' the movie and eating, sitting on one end of the double-seater sofa. Amir had seated himself on one of the single-seater sofas.
It felt like a pretentious gesture: like he was 'returning' my wife Kavita to me after just having fucked her.
Still, I didn't want to raise suspicions till I thought things through. I sat down beside Kavita.
We sat largely silently as we saw the movie and ate dinner.
Kavita spoke to me once about serving me more raitha and the vegetable dish she had made. I gratefully said OK.
She got up, served me the raitha first, then the vegetable dish.
Seeing her up close less than 2 feet away from me in that miniskirt, I caught sight of something that had missed my attention before.
There were a few thin stripes of pale white residue that had ran down her thighs to her knees and were starting to dry.
Amir's semen.
It had ran down her thighs in a few directions.
So she had not cleaned up after their sex.
Except her hands, which she had apparently washed. Perhaps because she was going to eat, and serve food.
Still, the thought of Amir's semen running down and drying up on her thighs made me gag. I set my plate down and Kavita got me a glass of water hurriedly. I wasn't sure if she suspected why I gagged, I told her I swallowed something wrong.
I couldn't concentrate on the movie at all. I hurriedly ate my dinner.
I went to the kitchen and put my plate in the sink, then proceeded to wash my hands. I wondered then, if I went to bed earlier than them, would Amir have sex with Kavita again? With me in the house? Would SHE let him go that far?
The kind of arrogant guy he was, I suspected he was capable of it. Surely Kavita wouldn't let him go that far. I hoped.
Idly, I went to the hall and told Kavita I was going to bed.
She gave me a wistful look and said, "Manu, the movie will be over in 20 minutes, sit with me through the movie please? It's just 20 minutes."
She wanted my company. After having had sex with Amir a short while ago.
I couldn't understand her behavior at all. One day, she couldn't stand Amir, and nearly had sex with me.

Then, I thought it was because she saw Amir for the womanizer that he was.
Now, it seemed like she had been ready to have sex with me yesterday more out of spite for Amir's going out with another woman.
Still, despite the spiteful feeling she had apparently harbored towards him the previous day, she has sex with Amir the very next day . And afterward, wants my company as well to watch a movie she really hadn't been watching.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 10 Pt. 2

I sat down beside her on the sofa. She had finished eating, but hadn't washed her hands. She snuggled up beside me, and I felt her warm thighs against mine, the warmth of her arms, her breasts, her body, against mine.
I dreaded that Prem would now come and squeeze in beside her on the other side. That didn't happen.
As Kavita snuggled up close, I sensed something else that I had missed so far.
Amir's smell. The same smell that came from Amir's sweaty clothes after his exercises, was now coming from Kavita's body. The smell was overwhelming the smell of Kavita's own body, which I could barely distinguish.
I wanted her to smell of ME. Instinctively, I pulled her closer to me, by putting my arm around her shoulder.
She turned and looked at me, smiled, and snuggled up even closer.
I now couldn't understand my own reaction. I had been nauseated seeing the drying remnants of Amir's semen on Kavita's thighs. And I had always got put off by the smell of his sweaty clothes after his exercises.
But now, getting the same smell off Kavita's body as she snuggled up, I wanted her closer by me. I wanted her to smell of me, not Amir.
I was badly wanting to COMPETE, belatedly. I wanted her, if not for anything else, to PROVE to Amir that even though he had seduced her, she was still MINE, he didn't "own" her. I felt the blood started rushing to my head, and my penis.
I was getting aroused.
And Kavita appeared to have noticed it too. Her hand crept down to stroke my penis 'inconspicuously' over my shorts.
That was something I had not expected of her. I had expected her to avoid me, especially right after her encounter with Amir.
I looked out of the corner of my eye to see if Amir had observed it. He was looking at the TV. I was sure from his deliberate attention to the TV, that he had not missed what Kavita was doing.
I felt a wave of relief pass over me. So Amir had to know that even though he may have successfully seduced Kavita, he didn't "own" her like he had been claiming.
He didn't have the kind of control he boasted of having, over Kavita.
And more relevantly, even though he appeared to have brought Kavita to the loudest orgasm I had known her to have, she still was interested in me.
It was a much more positive me that rose from the sofa with Kavita after the movie got over. Amir said he would hang around for a while watching TV. I thought he gave Kavita a dirty look, but I couldn't tell if she saw it. She had headed straight to the refrigerator, to put the remaining food away.
Trusting her to not betray me again, I went ahead to the bedroom and waited for her. My aroused penis, to my surprise, stayed hard even in her absence while she put the food away.
I thought frantically in the time she took to join me in bed: I DID want Kavita right?
The thought of having sex with her NOW did in a way disgust me. She was still the lovely woman I had married, and I still loved her: but Amir had 'sullied' her tonight. And the 'marks' of his sullying of her were still on her body.
But I badly wanted to prove a point to Amir: to get SOME kind of victory over him.
What about confronting her, then? Should I just 'ignore' what had happened earlier? Did she know I knew what she had been doing with Amir earlier?
As I lay in bed thinking through what I ought to be doing, Kavita came into the bedroom and closed the door.
She then turned, and approached me with a naughty look on her face: the look I had seen on her face when she was excited, wanted to play in bed, have sex.
She sat down sideways on the bed beside me, and slid in beside me smoothly.
Her hand went straight to my underwear, seeking out my penis.
In the time I had been waiting for her in bed, thinking over what I should be doing, my erection had softened up somewhat.
Now, as she started touching my penis with her fingers, it started firming up again. The blood started rushing to my head, and to my penis, yet again.
She snuggled up closer to me, as she continued to stroke my penis.
Kavita snuggled up beside me, eyed my aroused penis. She started stroking it through my shorts.
Up close, in bed, I again got the strong smell of Amir, almost overwhelming the smell of Kavita.
I was throbbing now. She pushed my shorts down, and then my underwear.
This was the woman I had married. She had just had sex with our muscular house guest, her 'boyfriend' as she had apparently announced to a near stranger, and she was now stroking my aroused penis.
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I got even more excited. The lust stirred by Kavita's wanton behavior was keeping me hard, aroused. I now wanted to fuck her too. Like Amir had fucked her earlier that evening.
I rolled over to my side, intending to try to enter Kavita. She motioned to me to wait and continued to stroke my aroused penis feverishly.
Was she not going to allow me to enter her? After she had just had sex with Amir?
I couldn't find out the answer to that, because right then, I spurted my semen on to her hands.
Kavita had 'brought me off' with her hand. Did she mean to have me cum in her hand? Or was she going to let me inside her had I not come so soon?
I looked at Kavita. She was looking at my semen in her palm, and had an extremely disappointed look on her face. She sensed that I was watching her, and smiled naughtily like she had done earlier. She let the semen drip down her fingers, and held her fingers over her mouth, watching me with a naughty expression on her face. She let the semen drip into her mouth, and then licked her palm and fingers multiple times, as though she was savoring every drop.
I was spent. I had had a much more complete orgasm than the last time, when I masturbated using the pictures in Amir's room.
And I was relieved. We had not had actual intercourse, but Amir did NOT "own" her like he had claimed.
I couldn't think any more, at that point. Kavita snuggled close again, and hugged me.
I embraced her, overwhelmed by the smell of sex coming from her body.
Despite having been cheated on a short while earlier, her actions after that, including her bringing me off in bed, left me with a strange feeling of contentedness, and I drifted off to sleep in the arms of my unfaithful, yet loving wife Kavita.
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The Unwanted (?) Houseguest Ch. 10 Pt. 3

It was dark. I was alone in my bed. In my subconscious, I heard Kavita moaning over the sound of some noise, “Ahh,Aaaaahhhh,Aaaaaahhh Amir!!!"
I woke up with a start.
I was in my bed. It was a dream. I was not alone in bed. Kavita was still lying beside me, fast asleep.
We had released each other from our mutual embrace, at some point.
She was now lying on her back.
I glanced at the bedside clock. It was 2 AM.
I gingerly got close to her legs. Her right thigh was flat, while her left thigh was raised upwards, as her left foot was flat on the bed.
I saw up close, the dried trail of semen.
Her mini-skirt had ridden further up her thighs, in her sleep. The dried trail of semen went all the way to her vaginal hair. She was not wearing panties.
So the sounds I heard in my dream was not just a bad dream. Amir had indeed fucked Kavita earlier, the previous evening. I had seen it played over in my sleep again, causing me to wake up.
I lay back in bed, as I tried to contemplate the future.
Was her encounter with Amir tonight a one-time thing?
If it was one-time, I could bring myself to forgive her and move on.
But what if she was going to continue sleeping with him?
What if she meant to continue sleeping with him?
One option that stood out was to separate, to divorce.
I played that out in my mind.
Say we divorced, or separated. That seemed to be the 'honorable' way out.
Kavita would then, sooner or later, get involved with Amir again. Amir would tell her all about how he had been bullying me. She would then spitefully let people know how Amir had been bullying me and I bore it shamelessly. Perhaps she would tell people how I struggled to perform in bed.
Worse, maybe Amir would tell her about my masturbation on the previous Saturday, and then she might tell people we knew as we worked out the divorce/separation.
Sooner or later, tongues would wag.
I was already approaching my mid 30s. It had already been hard enough for me to find a mate.
I didn't live in a culture where people got remarried at my age easily, especially divorcees. We lived in India, where divorcees didn't often get married again. At least, not in the circles I had known, interacted with. Divorcees, in my culture, and community, often stayed single for the rest of their life.
Given the stage of my life I was in, the difficulty of a divorce, and my general inability to get the attention of women, I would probably end up living the rest of my life as a single divorcee.
Tongues would wag behind my back: "He's the  guy who had an attractive wife, who took off with a guy she had invited home."
I would be scorned, ridiculed by society, and lonely.
Now, I contemplated the alternative of trying to save our marriage. Sooner or later, this relationship between Kavita with Amir would fizzle out on it's own. He seemed to have no plans of settling down with the women he had been seeing.
Maybe it might last one night, a few nights, or at worst a few months while Amir was here.
I might even have the ability to keep things discreet while it lasted, and certainly after it ended as I was sure it would.
Some tongues might still wag: but there would be fewer tongues wagging.
They would say, behind my back, "That guy's wife, she was going around with a hunky guy whom she had apparently invited to stay over for a while. Not sure how things are now."
I would still have my wife Kavita, and I could have less scorn to face from society. Fewer people would know about it.
I lay in bed thinking. Is this the right thing to do? Should I try to salvage our marriage?
Another option that came up to my mind was to use external help: say, complaining to the security officer, or trying to hire private help to take on Amir physically.
Those options didn't appeal to me. I didn't think I could get away with it if I hired private help. Amir's relatives would probably come after me with hired private help, and I could get into legal trouble too.
If I ended up as a "suspect" in a criminal investigation, it wasn't like I was going to come out of it without being the subject of mass ridicule and scorn.
People would instead talk, "He made a guy disappear by paying money. The guy who disappeared was a hunky guy, who was going around with his pretty  wife."
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