Owned by Daughter’s Bully - Copied
I do not condone any of these actions in real life. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
The story below was inspired by a reader who would like to see my take on a teacher/student relationship. Please let me know if it suits your taste.
Karen Desmond was a devoted principal of a high school for underprivileged students Belgravia Hill. She founded the school twenty years ago with the support of her rich husband, Peter. Together, the couple had helped countless young minds achieve their full potential. Their efforts and generosity were paid off with a happy family and a talented daughter, Cassandra, who was attending college in another State. Karen couldn't be more proud of what she had achieved, of the happiness she currently had. However, what Karen didn't know was that her happiness was so fragile. It just needed one beautiful girl to wreck it. 
"Principal Desmond, you need to do something about Kitty" a teacher stopped Karen in the hallway.
"What has she done this time?" Karen replied. 
"It's her bullying again. She forced a girl to drink toilet water. They're in the 2nd floor toilet" the teacher said.
"Rest assured. I'll take care of this myself" Karen immediately left to confront the most troubled student in her school. 
Kitty Sparkling was a 19 years old girl in her senior year. She failed classes multiple times which caused her delayed graduation. As the oldest kid in Karen's school, Kitty formed a group of bullies and started terrorizing younger pupils. Even Karen's daughter, Cassandra, was one of her former classmates and victims. Karen wanted to give Kitty a chance to redeem but it seemed the girl hadn't learned any lesson.
When Karen arrived at the 2nd floor toilet, some teachers had rescued the poor girl. Kitty was there looking at the scene with her ironic grin. She didn't show any remorse for the action she had done. 
"That's the last straw, Kitty Sparkling. You're expelled" Karen announced. She directed the staff to take the still panic victim to the infirmary, leaving only Kitty and her alone in the hallway. 
"As if I care, Karen. But before I left this shithole, wanna hear a story?" Kitty smirked.
"I won't change my mind no matter what you say" Karen replied. 
"Oh grandma, it's just a fun story of my legacy. Come on in" Kitty said as she walked in the toilet. Karen soon followed to find out what the evil lady had to say.
Inside the toilet, Kitty pointed at the wall in a toilet cubicle. The wall was filled with handwritings.
"I always make sure my "diners" are satisfied with the highest quality piss. They sign their name here each time they get "served". You would love to see number 7, 8, and 20." Kitty said. 
Karen couldn't believe in her eyes. It was Cassandra's signatures, three of them. She knew Cassandra was not on good terms with Kitty but she was bullied to this extent? The rage got over Karen. How could she let this evil bitch terrorize her daughter's life? Guilt and rage blurred Karen's mind. Before she could realize, she had punched Kitty real hard. 
The bitch fell to the floor instantly. Karen dragged Kitty to the toilet bowl and pushed her head in. "You like that? You like that? Bitch!!" Karen screamed. At this moment, nothing mattered more than releasing her rage. 
"Enough, grandma" Kitty kicked Karen in the stomach and escaped from her grip. Karen was knocked down to the floor. The girl soon took back control over the middle aged woman. Kitty rode on Karen's stomach and started talking "Feeling good huh? Too bad it was all recorded, grandma."
As the girl let out a maniac laugh, Karen realized that they were not alone. In the corner of the room, two other girls were there holding their phone. Obviously, they had recorded Karen's action. 
"You have been fucked up, grandma. Now all the world will know the well respected principal Karen Desmond had bullied a poor, innocent schoolgirl. How sweet is that?" Kitty said and she started slapping Karen's face. 
"You...you viper. You...cunning snake" Karen yelled, trying to escape Kitty's strong grip.
"Now calm down. Know when you are defeated." Kitty said "Imagine how this scandal would affect your husband's career and your daughter's study. You don't want anything to happen to your beloved ones right?" 
The bitch got Karen back on her senses. They couldn't post this video clip. She couldn't allow anyone to do any harm to her husband and her daughter. She had to do something.
After a moment, Karen finally spoke: "What do you want?"
The girl let out her iconic maniac laugh again. Karen knew that the peaceful life she once had was now over. 
"It's the first time you bring your student home honey" Peter returned home after work to find his wife had brought a beautiful girl to dinner. Despite being in his late 40s, Peter was still a hunk with a handsome look that could charm even young girls. 
"Kitty had some troubles at home, darling. She will stay with us for the time being until problems are resolved" Karen said. 
"Oh, it's ok honey. Please feel free like you're at home, Kitty" Peter greeted the young girl. 
"Thank you Mr. Desmond. You're so charming" Kitty complimented. 
Karen could see her husband's ears turned red. It must be rare for Peter to be complimented by a young, sexy girl like Kitty. 
The three started having dinner. Peter and Kitty soon engaged in a conversation about the media, a thing Karen had little knowledge about. They laughed throughout the dinner, which was the sign that her husband was very pleased with the presence of this evil bitch. 
After dinner, Peter went back to his office to have a conference call, leaving the two along at the table. 
"Satisfied yet?" Karen asked.
"Just getting started, grandma. I didn't know that bitch Cassandra lived under such royalty." Kitty replied. 
"I have my limit, Kitty," Karen reminded the young girl. She was so pissed off when Kitty dared to talk about her daughter by such words.
"You aren't in the position to ask, grandma. I'll leave only when I have enough." Kitty warned.
The girl left with a champagne in hand, leaving Karen all the alone regretting her bold action in the afternoon. If only, if only she could rewind time.
In bed that night, Karen asked her devoted husband: "Darling, how do you feel about Kitty?" 
"She's a very fine young lady, honey. I'm ok with her around. The house was so quiet since Cassandra left". Peter said as he put a kiss on his wife's forehead.
"I hope everything will be alright" Karen said as she fell asleep in her husband's warm arms. 
The following weeks, things went smoothly inside the Desmond household, at least on the surface. Whenever Peter was there, Kitty always acted as a sweet, innocent, energetic girl. But as soon as he left, the girl didn't miss any chance to taunt Karen further. 
Having seen her husband and Kitty getting closer and closer, Karen's stress was built up more and more each day. She couldn't get the purpose of Kitty. Why would that young girl want to stay with Karen? Why would she act all nice in front of Peter? 
Karen was so stressed up, to the point that she lost so much weight in just a few weeks. Her husband was worried and asked her to do a checkup but Karen knew full well the source of her illness was the innocent-looking bitch living downstairs. 
As long as Kitty still had that video, she could still terrorize Karen's life. Karen was no mere young teenager, she was an experienced adult, not to mention a principal of a school for troubled kids. She would not stay still and let a 19-year-old girl bully. 
Karen soon contacted a private detective agency to dig dirt on Kitty. She tried every time to get access to Kitty's phone and laptop but the young girl always carried those with her. The detective agency gave Karen an USB with installed malware to hack Kitty's laptop. Now all Karen needed was a chance to be alone with Kitty's belongings. 
For the next few weeks, nothing happened. It had been nearly two months since Kitty had moved in with the Desmonds. Karen needed to resolve this issue fast before her daughter came back for Christmas break. She wouldn't dare to let Cassandra see her sworn enemy nesting in her very own home. 
The detective agency was not very effective. They couldn't dig a single dirt about Kitty except for things that Karen already knew. Karen paid extra for the agency to send a photographer to take pictures of Kitty's daily activities. The only place where she wasn't able to reach was Kitty's laptop. She had to access it, urgently.
The opportunity finally came when one day Kitty arrived home with two premiere tickets to a trending movie. Knowing that Peter was a fan of this movie franchise, Kitty invited him to watch it together, to which Peter politely declined. 
However, Karen saw an opportunity. If Kitty went to a movie with Peter, she would have to leave her laptop at home. Karen would be able inject the malware USB to it. Knowing this could be her only chance, Karen convinced her husband to accept Kitty's invitation. 
"You should go with Kitty, darling. I know how much you love this movie" Karen said.
"It's not appropriate for an old man like me to hangout with a young lady like Kitty. Besides, I only want to watch movies with you, honey" Peter said. 
Karen's heart was warmed by Peter's nice words. He was always a loving husband and devoted father. But right now Karen was determined to conduct her plan. 
"You need to unwind darling. Please go, I insist. Think of it like when you take Cassandra to movie" Karen convinced.
"If you say so then." Peter smiled. He then went downstairs to tell Kitty the news. 
The day of the movie premiere had come. Karen convinced Peter and Kitty to leave early in the evening. Just when the two left, Karen immediately got into Kitty's room and turned on the young girl's laptop.
Kitty's laptop was protected by password but it was expected. The detective agency instructed Karen to put the USB in. The malware took little time to install itself. When it was finished, Karen put the laptop back to its original place, as if nothing happened. 
Karen went back to her room and waited for her husband to return. She received messages from the photographer she hired to follow Kitty. Those were photos of her husband and Kitty at the movie premiere. In the pictures, Kitty clinged to her husband's arm as if they were lovers. Karen was jealous but that was a small price to pay in order to fix all her problems.
Peter and Kitty returned late after midnight. Their joyful laughs woke Karen up from her sleep. Her husband soon came to the bedroom and hugged Karen in his strong arms. 
"You're right honey. The night was fantastic. Thank you" Peter said and gave Karen a kiss.
Karen was hurt inside but she tried to show Peter a smile. She would make sure Kitty would never be able to see Peter again when she got her hand on that damn video.
"What did you mean by "files couldn't be extracted"?" Karen almost yelled at the phone. 
It was three days after Karen had successfully installed the malware to Kitty's laptop. The agency reported that they had located the video but couldn't extract that file nor delete it from the hard drive. 
"The girl was smarter than what we anticipated. She put the clip in a special protective area. Technically, we could see it but couldn't modify that part of the drive. 
"Then what can you do?" Karen asked.
"We have prepared a stronger malware that can infiltrate that part of the hard drive. Just need you to put it in her laptop again" the detective said.
"Do you know how hard it was the last time?" Karen angrily said.
"It's the only method. Please find a way to make it happen Mrs. Desmond" the detective concluded. 
Karen could feel a headache. Kitty was always so protective of her belongings. How could Karen find another opportunity to perform a similar task.
However, that opportunity came in an unexpected way. Just right that evening, Kitty told the Desmond couple at the dinner that she had two tickets to a match of Peter's favorite basketball team. 
Once again, Peter was reluctant to go without his wife but Karen convinced her husband to not waste the opportunity. Karen promised herself she must solve the problem this time. 
Having known the process, Karen took little time to install the new malware to Kitty's laptop. She then came back to her room to monitor the activities of her husband and Kitty. 
The detective sent back several photos, her husband seemed very happy in all of them. He was sitting with Kitty in the front row seats as they were cheering for the team. Karen hated to admit that her husband still looked very good with a hot young girl like Kitty. 
Karen turned on the TV to watch the match as well. All of sudden, she saw her husband's and Kitty's faces in the center of the screen. Apparently, it was break time and the organizers hosted a "kiss cam". Her husband's face was bright red as he denied to kiss Kitty but the crowd kept on screaming "Kiss, Kiss". Finally, Kitty took the action and pressed her lips against Peter. Karen was so jealousy as her husband didn't push Kitty away but he went along with the kiss. 
Peter and Kitty went home late again. Her husband once again hugged her gently and thanked her for letting him unwind. Karen was deeply hurt but she pretended that she didn't know about his kiss with Kitty. She tried to suppress her anger. It wasn't the time to kick Kitty out yet. She still needed to secure the original video and all of its copies. Karen hoped that this time everything would work. 
"Good news is now we have access to her hard drive, we can delete the original video anytime we want. Bad news is the girl has a backup on the cloud that we need her fingerprints data stored in the T2 security chip in her laptop to access." The detective reported to Karen.
"I don't understand," Karen said. What was wrong with this tech thing? 
"We need to have her laptop, physically, for a short period of time to extract data from the chip" the detective said.
"That's impossible," Karen almost yelled.
"We have to do it or else every effort would be in vain. Nothing will change as long as she still has a copy elsewhere. We just need two hours" the detective concluded.
"I will try what I can," Karen replied. How could she be able to pull this off this time. 
However, fate seemed to favor Karen. The opportunity came right to her right away. Kitty once again announced that she had two tickets to a concert of Peter's favorite band since college. This time, Karen didn't take much effort to convince her husband to go with the evil girl. She wondered how a poor girl like Kitty always found such premium tickets. 
After the two left for the concert, Karen arranged for the detectives to come to her house and extract the information from the chip. The process went well at first but one IT guy soon found an issue. 
"We couldn't extract information. This girl's laptop used the most advanced T2 security chip. We had to take the chip out physically." the IT guy said.
"Then, do it now" Karen urged the team. 
"We need more advanced tools to extract the chip physically from the mainboard. It would take a week at least" the IT guy reported. 
"That's impossible," Karen yelled.
"You've made it possible the last three times. Maybe this time you will be able to pull this off as well" another detective tried to calm Karen. 
After the detectives left, Karen felt desperate. She would never be able to do it. She would have to live in fear of the clip exposed for the rest of her life. What a pathetic fate awaited her. Karen cried as she checked the phone for updates from the onsite detective. 
The detective sent many photos and videos of Kitty and Peter at the concert. Karen was burnt in jealousy as she watched her husband hold Kitty close to his muscular chest, dancing to the music. The two looked as if they were melting to each other, like a lovey dovey couple. 
Karen cried the whole time until Peter and Kitty came back at dawn. Her husband was reeked of alcohol, the last time Peter like this was in their wild date times in college. Still drunk, Peter thanked Karen for convincing him to go out with Kitty before falling asleep. 
Karen thought it was the worst until she heard Peter mutter in his sleep "gosh...you're so beautiful Kitty..."
Had Peter fallen for Kitty? Karen was panicking at first but she trusted her husband. Peter had been a loving and faithful husband for twenty years. There was no way for him to cheat on her with a girl as young as his daughter right? Karen went to sleep with a heavy head on how to physically take Kitty's laptop for a week without raising suspicion.
A month passed without any progress, Karen's fear grew more and more as the winter vacation was approaching. The other day her daughter had called that she would be home early for Christmas. Karen only had weeks to resolve the problem that called Kitty. 
It must be fated that when Karen was most desperate, a ray of hope shined through her life. One night, Kitty announced that she won two tickets for a two-week holiday in a luxury resort in Maldives. That unbelievable luck of Kitty was finally helpful for Karen. As usual, Kitty invited Peter, which he politely turned down. 
"Just go darling, I don't mind at all" Karen said.
"Listen honey. Concerts and sport games are fine but a two-week holiday is totally off limits. I can't spend two weeks alone with an unmarried girl who is not my wife" Peter said. He couldn't understand why his wife always tried to set him up alone with Kitty. 
"Darling, Kitty looked at you as a father figure. I see no problem if a father takes his daughter on a vacation" Karen persuaded.
"You can't change my mind this time honey. Not gonna happen" Peter said. 
Her husband was stubborn. While it made Karen happy inside that he was so faithful to her, she had to convince Peter to go at all cost in order to proceed with her plan. 
"I have to admit darling. It's my fetish. I like to see you with younger girls" Karen played a trump card. The other day she read about a fetish called cuckquean that would be perfectly used as an excuse for this.
"What???" Peter was confused. 
"Seeing you so close with other girls made me hot and lively. It's a burning fetish that I have for years. Please darling, please, just this time, please fulfill my fantasy" Karen begged.
"If you wish so then..." Peter finally gave in. 
After Karen sent the two to the airport, she immediately called the detectives to come take care of Kitty's laptop.
When a detective came to pick up the laptop, Karen couldn't help but notice a strange smile on his face, somewhat mocking and ironic. However, Karen didn't have much time to pay attention to that minor thing. She had a much bigger issue to focus on.
Karen purchased a ticket for a photography detective to come after the couple to Maldives. The detective sent photos of all activities of Peter and Kitty to Karen.
For the first three days, Karen could see that her husband and Kitty were having so much fun. They went diving, surfing, dinner by the beach, all kinds of romantic activities that could spur the flame of envy in Karen. However, the worst hadn't yet to come.
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On the fourth night, the detective sent a photo of Peter and Kitty kissing on a beach. Later that night, he sent another photo of Peter opening the door for Kitty to come to his room. 

OMG. How could her husband kissed that bitch? What could they possibly do in his room at that hour? Karen cried as many questions filled up her head. 
Very soon, one of her questions was answered. The detective sent over a video. The video looked like it was recorded inside Peter's room. How could he possibly pull this off? Karen was exceedingly curious. She clicked on the play button.
"Ah ah YESSS... YESSS..." it was the sound of a young girl in wild sex, no other than the 19-year-old Kitty. She was riding a hunky man, a body that Karen couldn't be more familiar. It was her husband Peter that Kitty was riding on. 
"FUCK...FUCKKK...You're so TIGHT baby" Peter screamed. Karen could clearly tell he was in high ecstasy. 
"Yes YES...better than your WIFE honey?" Kitty asked as she poked her nails in Peter's muscular chest. 
"YESSS...You're...you're...MUCH BETTER" Peter screamed out loud. Karen could see the bed shaken like thunder with each thrust of her husband to the eager cunt of Kitty. 
How could this possibly happen? Where is her faithful husband? Karen could only see a beast hungry for sex now. The video continued with Peter flipped Kitty down to take a more dominant position. He was fucking the young girl in missionary style.
"YASSS...YASSS...CUM IN ME....MAKE ME YOURS" Kitty screamed. Karen could tell the girl was close to her orgasm.
"SHITTT....I'M CUMMINGGGG..." Peter screamed out loud as he shot jets of thick cum to Kitty's pussy. Karen cried immediately as she saw her husband's liquid spilled out of Kitty's cunt.
How could her beloved husband conduct such a betrayal? But then Karen realized it was her who pushed her husband that way. It was all her to blame, her fault from the very beginning.
After the ejaculation, Peter and Kitty indulged in a long passionate kiss. The two soon resumed fucking. Karen couldn't help but feel a tingly sensation in her clit. She had never watched such high quality porn before. The line between desperate, heartbreak, and lust was so thin at this moment. Before she realized, Karen had started touching her cunt in rhythm with each thrust of her husband to his mistress.
The video ended at two hours when Peter made his third ejaculation to Kitty's pussy. Karen had reached her orgasm twice at the same time. She passed out crying yet strangely satisfied with this newfound pleasure. 
Over the next few days, video clips kept on coming from the detective. They were filmed in various locations from hotel rooms to yachts and beaches. Karen wondered how the detective managed to make these videos. 
It was more than ten days but the detective agency hadn't replied with any news about Kitty's laptop. The day before her husband and Kitty went back, Karen couldn't wait longer. She called the detective's number but no one picked up. The website of the agency was deleted as well, as if it didn't exist in the first place. 
Karen was panicking. Had she been tricked by this shady agency? How could she explain the missing laptop to Kitty. Karen was so worried but she couldn't do anything.
The day after, Karen came to pick up Peter and Kitty at the airport. From afar, she could see the two standing hand-in-hand like a sweet lovey-dovey couple. Peter only let go off Kitty's hand when Karen arrived. 
"Thank you honey. It was the greatest trip in my life" Peter said as he gave Karen a kiss on her cheek. It was painful for her to hear her husband admit how great the time he spent with his mistress.
Then, all of sudden, Kitty came over to whisper to Karen's ear "Enjoying the clips huh? Grandma".
A jolt of rage ran through all Karen's veins. Now she understood everything. It was all set up by this evil bitch. From the first black-mailing video to all the things that shady detective firm did, it was all the plan of Kitty.
The evil bitch laughed like a maniac and left Karen, still stunned in shock, behind to join Peter in the front seats of the car. 
Just as when Karen thought this day couldn't get any worse. Her cellphone rang, it was her daughter Cassandra.
"Surprise, Mom! I'm at the airport right now. Can you come give me a lift?"
Karen Desmond could hear the sound of her happiness shattered to pieces.
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