Fantasy Samverse: Samantha & Chai Novel - Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife
(21-03-2021, 12:09 AM)neel191298 Wrote: What should we say... Cock-blowing instead of mind-blowing....
Congrats for your stories' success...
Aptly it crosses 50K views and will surpass much more in near future..

Waiting for london lavada in samanta's itching pussy....

Many thanks for your support, Neel bro!
Bull & Bulbul episodes will be delivered sooner than later...
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Chapter 53 - Samantha's lick-my-ass fetish - {Season 9 episode 7, Time: present}

Robin ran to Sam’s apartment like his life depended on it.
Rahim is a little surprised to see Robin so desperately go to the apartment and thinks something is fishy.

Robin knocks the door and Chai looks at Sam. "Sam wear your pants"

Sam teases "Why Chai? Don’t I look presentable with just my sports bra and panties?"
[Image: exer.jpg]

"Samantha please"

Sam puts on her exercise pants back on and sat on the sofa.

Chai opens the door and Robin immediately looks for Sam completely ignoring Chai.
Come in Chai says. 
"Madam, Samantha, mam. Thanks… Thanks for…"
Sam: (smiling) thanks for what?
Robin didn’t have any answer.
Sam: (to Chai): Chai, in the lower cabinet in my wardrobe, there are some of my old deodorant bottles. Bring those here.
Chai silently goes inside but has no intention of missing their interaction.
As soon as Chai goes inside Robin pounces on Sam and starts hugging her and begins to lick her everywhere.
Sam is overwhelmed by the assault. He begins sniffing her like a mad dog,
licking over her boobs and licking all the scent of her armpits...

Robin licking Sam's body
[Image: robinsam.jpg]
Chai watches in silence. His cock begging for release.

Sam is too aroused to let him stop. Her pussy was blood red and dripping.
“Mam, thanks so much” Robin says as he munches on her armpits, licking all the delicious sweat of this divine beauty.
“Mam your smell is making me mad. So fucking good. If you give me a chance I will live in your armpits”
Sam: Aaah… oohhh… gently… you mad dog… my husband is right here in next room
Robin: maam what sexy smell in your body. I will be your Ghulam if you let me lick you every time you go for exercise

Robin enjoying Sampit (Samantha's armpit)
[Image: arm2.jpg]
Chai was rubbing his cock in the room now.

Sam is moaning softly. She didn’t want Robin to think it is ok to misbehave in front of Chai so boldly.
Sam: you mad dog. My husband will come anytime. Stop it now. You had your chance”
Robin: please mam for some more time…

And he continues eating her arm pit. And he bit her armpit a bit hard.
Sam moaned loudly and pushed him away. “Maddddd Dogggg… you are a crazy man”

Robin bites her armpit & Sam yells
[Image: samm.jpg]
Robin fell back.
Chai quickly went into the cabinet and got Sam’s deodorant.
By that time, Samantha was sitting on sofa again. And Robin recovered his position and was standing.
“Here they are” Chai gave Robin a couple bottles.
Sam: Do you like them, Robin?
Robin just nods. Sam was feeling a little bad she pushed away Robin.
Sam: do you want to try them?
Robin is silent.
Sam: give them to me
She takes the deodorant and sprays one of them in her left armpit and says "smell it"
Robin hesitated and looked at Chai.
Sam: Its OK, you are trial testing it. Nothing to worry
Chai looked with humiliation. How much more depraved will she get?, he thought.
Robin is happy again. He came near her and slightly smelled her left armpit.
With the smell of her exercise sweat now combined with his saliva from earlier licking and the deodorant smell – it was a unique cocktail.
Sam was enjoying the situation too. Her cunt was so sloppy wet.
Sam: do you like it?
Robin: Yes mam, he said with smile on his face.
Sam took the other deodorant and sprayed in her right armpit and asked Robin to smell it again.
This time Robin smelled a little bit boldly seeing Chai did not object.
He savored the strawberry smell of the deodorant plus her armpit’s natural odor and went to heaven.
Robin sniffs her for quite sometime and even begins licking a bit right in front of Chai...

Robin smelling Sam's sprayed deodorant in her armpit & taking a chance to lick again
[Image: robinsam2.jpg]

Sam smiles and gestures its enough
Sam: Robin I will call you sometime soon my leaks are continuing . Go now.
When I call you come with your long screw driver.

Robin understood and left with his hands on his screw driver.
Thanks so much, Madam. And thanks so much Chaitanya sir. Robin thanked them 100 times and left fully satisfied.
As soon as Chai locked the front door, Sam said: Now my 2nd order!
Current ran Chai’s spine. Now what?
Sam is so hot with the numerous encounters since morning. She longed to be sexed and fucked.
Chai, lick my ass!
Chai froze. He had never done that.
Sam and Chai never went near each other’s ass.
In fact until today morning, although #### played with her ass a lot and even licked it,
she never had a thing for getting ass licked. But honestly seeing Solomon in such an ass frenzy
had made her go crazy n wanted it so badly. And for the first time she longing to be rimmed.
For Chai it was a disgusting thing. Never in his idea of erotica did this fit in.
“Sam please. I will lick your cunt. I will fuck you. We can do sex. But not this”
Chai, please. I am so longing to experience it. Please.
“No, Sam. It feels so nasty”
“Chai, if you cannot, then call Robin back… he will…”
Chai stopped her… “noooo. no. Sam. I will do it” he said in hurry.
“That’s my sweet Chutiya Chai”
Sam went to the bedroom, removed all her clothes and laid frontside down on the bed.
She was waiting eagerly waiting with anticipation, for the feel of Chai’s tongue on her ass.

Sam lying on bed anticipating hubby's tongue on her ass
[Image: sam-bed-ass-perfect.jpg]
Chai followed Samantha and got ready to do “The Dirty Act”
Chai went near Samantha’s ass and looked at it.
He always liked the shape of his wife’s ass and the soft but firm texture of it.
Until now, he had not appreciated the taste of it. Now he is going to.
He went onto the bed and bent to her ass and brought his tongue to her ass.
And look a mild lick at one of her left ass cheek.
Ssssaaah, Sam felt her hubby’s tongue on her ass for first time.
Slowly he started licking the ass cheek up and down and picked pace.
He brought his tongue to the other ass cheek and licked it too.
"Chai please… lick a little on the inside"
Chai slowly took his tongue to her ass crack. He could smell the of accumulated sweat from her exercise
and the natural scent of her clean and hygienic ass. His cock surged.
But he still was not psychologically accepting of this dirty act. He was not enjoying it.

Sam's beautiful pink virgin asshole
[Image: sam-pink.jpg]
Samantha was thinking about Solomon the whole time.
She was trying to replicate the morning ass worship done by Solomon.
But the intensity of Chai was nowhere close.
"Chai lick harder. Go deep inside"

Chai finally went into his wife’s ass crack and started licking it
[Image: samass.jpg]
‘Chaii… yes… I love it… lick harder… chutiya chai” Sam started moaning.
Chai increased his ass licking pace and was encouraged by Sam’s moans.
It was not as disgusting as he thought it would be.
As Chai started licking, Sam was enjoying a bit but still thinking of Solomon’s ass hunger and rimming intensity.
She knew the only way to experience that kind of ass licking is to get her ass licked by Solomon himself
The thought was giving her cunt convulsions.

Oh no! He wont leave my virgin asshole. I am saving it from ####, she thought.
And she was moaning, “faster Chai… lick my asshole chutiya Chai… harder… ”
As she was nearing her climax, her phone buzzed.
She couldn’t ignore the call. From the calling tone she knew it was ####

And it was a video call.
Sam was scintillated.
Her hubby was ass licking her and she had to take ####’s video call any' anywhere.
It was ####’s orders.
As Chai heard her call and was about to take his head out of her ass.

Sam pushed Chai’s head back into her ass…
And excitedly switched on the video call with ####
So readers, in next episode of Season 9: we will see #### live on video call.
And see what how he reacts and what he does when he sees live cast of Chai licking Sam’s asshole.
Your wait to see ####'s identity will soon be over.
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That's 3 long chapters delivered as promised, readers! That's for Saturday night!!

Hope you liked Rana's antics in Season 2 & Sam's slutty behavior in Season 9.

Do comment & give feedback.

Bull & Bulbul episodes will also be published sooner than later!

Thanks for reading,
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(21-03-2021, 01:44 AM)Kalyan143 Wrote: Pls continue robin story first its bit confusing so robin then rana

Thanks for the feedback, but, there is a reason for going back and forth between Seasons, Bro!
You will get it in a couple chapters ahead. clue: has to do with ####'s identity.

Also, Robin's episodes are over for now!
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nice updates bro
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[Image: Samanthaa.jpg]
image hosting gif
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(21-03-2021, 03:58 AM)compguydfw Wrote: [Image: Samanthaa.jpg]
image hosting gif

Hahahahah... Fantasticcc.... Sam & her master... I think it is of that time when sam just joins MIMS... 
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KOOL update bhai..

1. Rana update was great and you introduced Anasuya as a Aunt.. Wow.. This MILF is turning young dicks on. Thanks for using her as aunt.

Now, we understood why Rana hated Rao Bahadur so much and it also shows how much Rana Bahadur cares about women in his family. Anasuya was a distant relative, still he beat the shit out of Rana for molesting her.

#### knows the consequences of laying hands on Rao bahadur's Grand DIL. That means he is more powerful than Rao Bahadur or he is Rao Bahadur. There is another possibility of someone close to Rao Bahudur being the ####, like *aasteen ka saamp*

One thing I observed in this update is that Rana projected himself as a lover of Sam and Sam subconsciously accepted it easily. I think when Rana was questioning Sam about her college life and kissing someone, but she instantly replied with "No". There is something deep inside Sam's mind (like old college lover / Sam's first love) which Rana triggered and she instantly accepted Rana as her lover.

2. Present update is also awesome. Hybrid nature of Sam is glowing in this update . She is dominating her husband and watchmen, but getting submissive for ####. We are finally going to find who actually #### is.
This question troubled me more than "Kattapa ne Bahubali ko kyu maara?". Finally, you are going to give answer of the question. Robin is really a "mad dog" who doesn't give a fuck to Chai's presence. LOL. I liked the "leaks and screw driver" part, it was impressive.
Getting her ass licked by Chai is also amazing and thinking of getting her ass licked by Solomon himself is also erotic.
Looking forward to your new update where she will give her first blowjob. Rana is a lucky bastard..
[+] 2 users Like Silverstone93's post
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One question bhai.

Are you going to show Solomon seducing Rahim's wife?

I am eagerly waiting for that plot too..

Waiting for your next update. Take your time and post awesome updates. Heart
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(21-03-2021, 03:57 AM)compguydfw Wrote: nice updates bro

Many thanks, compguydfw bro!
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(22-03-2021, 10:43 PM)Silverstone93 Wrote:
KOOL update bhai..

1. Rana update was great and you introduced Anasuya as a Aunt.. Wow.. This MILF is turning young dicks on. Thanks for using her as aunt.

Now, we understood why Rana hated Rao Bahadur so much and it also shows how much Rana Bahadur cares about women in his family. Anasuya was a distant relative, still he beat the shit out of Rana for molesting her.

#### knows the consequences of laying hands on Rao bahadur's Grand DIL. That means he is more powerful than Rao Bahadur or he is Rao Bahadur. There is another possibility of someone close to Rao Bahudur being the ####, like *aasteen ka saamp*

One thing I observed in this update is that Rana projected himself as a lover of Sam and Sam subconsciously accepted it easily. I think when Rana was questioning Sam about her college life and kissing someone, but she instantly replied with "No". There is something deep inside Sam's mind (like old college lover / Sam's first love) which Rana triggered and she instantly accepted Rana as her lover.

2. Present update is also awesome. Hybrid nature of Sam is glowing in this update . She is dominating her husband and watchmen, but getting submissive for ####. We are finally going to find who actually #### is.
This question troubled me more than "Kattapa ne Bahubali ko kyu maara?". Finally, you are going to give answer of the question. Robin is really a "mad dog" who doesn't give a fuck to Chai's presence. LOL. I liked the "leaks and screw driver" part, it was impressive.
Getting her ass licked by Chai is also amazing and thinking of getting her ass licked by Solomon himself is also erotic.
Looking forward to your new update where she will give her first blowjob. Rana is a lucky bastard..

Your reviews are so valuable, as always, Silver Bro!

1. Glad you liked Anasuya in Rana's past (she was in my radar but got stimulated from your awesome post on her too)
2. On #### try thinking from the completely other side of relations too
3. plot reveal: Sam's behavior on her "first night" with Rana will completely be due to the influence of the drug KOOL. 
4. Appreciate you realizing how much Sam's hybrid personality is contributing to her dual role as both submissive & dominant

Many thanks!
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(24-03-2021, 06:29 PM)Silverstone93 Wrote:
One question bhai.

Are you going to show Solomon seducing Rahim's wife?

I am eagerly waiting for that plot too..

Waiting for your next update. Take your time and post awesome updates. Heart

Nice Q, bro!

In Rahim we have an interesting character:

He is so eager to see/enjoy other man's wife.

Will he let someone see/enjoy his wife?

So, will he end up showing the hypocrisy many husbands possess?

There is more plot involving his wife SUFALI (swara bhaskar) for sure!
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Dear Readers, many thanks for your patience!

I regret not being able to post more frequent updates!

I will certainly try to - 

1. post multi-chapter updates 'Bull & Bulbul' this Fri/Sat
2. post the much awaited & very revealing chapter Virata Parvam before end of March

Thanks again for your support & patience,
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Teaser 27 - Samantha Skimpy wear

Our fictional character Samantha from an ultra orthodox family,
will wear modern dress for the first time in her life

in.... Bull & Bulbul & Bulbul...

[Image: sam.jpg]
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Readers, what do you want Rana to do to Samantha?

Let out your fantasies... This is the chance...

I will try to include suitable, kinkiest ideas from you all!

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I have shared my ideas for Rana - Sam. I hope you'll like them and use it in next update.
I haven't shared them publicly cause I thought they will act as a spoilers.
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(25-03-2021, 09:26 PM)Silverstone93 Wrote:
I have shared my ideas for Rana - Sam. I hope you'll like them and use it in next update.
I haven't shared them publicly cause I thought they will act as a spoilers.

Thanks, Bro! Your inputs and feedback are key as always..

You, Neel Bro, compguydfw Bro and Babyma Bro
are the PATRON SAINTS of my Novel...
you guys really keep the thread active and going...

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(25-03-2021, 07:46 PM)Saravroman Wrote: Readers, what do you want Rana to do to Samantha?

Let out your fantasies... This is the chance...

I will try to include suitable, kinkiest ideas from you all!


Dear Sammie, what I think, at this moment Rana is more focused on taking revenge (because he was slapped by Rao Bahadur) rather than making sex.. So his attitude towards samantha will be ... a bit humiliating ....... Humiliating both Sam and Chai with rana's behaviour, his razor-sharp tongue will bite them both...
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(25-03-2021, 11:09 PM)neel191298 Wrote: Dear Sammie, what I think, at this moment Rana is more focused on taking revenge (because he was slapped by Rao Bahadur) rather than making sex.. So his attitude towards samantha will be ... a bit humiliating ....... Humiliating both Sam and Chai with rana's behaviour, his razor-sharp tongue will bite them both...

Interesting take, Neel bro -

As you saw in Chapter 51, Rana's mind alternates between terrible anger for Rao Bahadur & terrible lust for Samantha

Let's see where that takes Rana and Samantha
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