Fantasy Samverse: Samantha & Chai Novel - Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife
Samantha checking Robin's package -----------------

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[Image: busty-frenchwoman-gets-her-swarthy-pussy...1802-0.jpg]
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(17-03-2021, 12:18 AM)Silverstone93 Wrote:
As I am not aware about Virat Parva that much. My assumption is that someone is hiding his/her real identity (e.g : cheating) and living a different life (e.g : loyal).

'real identity' - the key phrase here! Thanks for sharing thoughts, bro!
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(17-03-2021, 03:23 PM)neel191298 Wrote: Giving my reactions on Chapter 48 and 49 after some days....

Sammie your writing skill is just another level... Although you haven't described a single direct sex scene on samantha, but this foreplays and the no-fuck sex scenes (till now like with Maja Manohar finger-pussy session, Syed Shop owner - blowjob session, Two Village boys- double dick hand job session) these are absolutely delightful and so excitingly described that after reading each chapter, we have to drain ourself -  Big Grin Tongue .......... That's the power of your story...

Added reps......... and waiting for sam's hot session with Roberto the watchman....

Thanks for the kind words & giving review/reactions, Neel Bro!

Appreciate your feedback on the erotic scenes! Will add many more of those!
And also, DIRECT SEX SCENES are coming soon! Smile
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(17-03-2021, 03:03 PM)neel191298 Wrote: In virat parva, 5 pandavas after their 12 years in exile, the 13th (last) year they have to be in exile as well as in disguise also....

That's why they planned and went to Virat Raja's place into disguise.. 5 pandavas and Droupadi were in disguise...

Story of this one year is included in Virat Parva... which ends with a war between Virat raja's son Uttar and Arjuna (as Uttar's chariot rider (sarathi)) vs duryadhan and others.... this is not the final war but a separate one, where arjuna single handedly defeated 7 maharathis of kaurava side.....

Our interest about this virat parva which can be linked with this story is may be as follows -

      1. In virat parva King Virat's brother-in-law Keechak lusts about Draupadi (in disguise she was Sairindhri - Queen's main hair dresser)... 
      2. Also in this period, Virat's daughter Uttara wants to get close with Arjuna (Who was Brihannala - eunuch in disguise - dance teacher) ... But Arjuna denied Uttara's love and instead he decided that Uttara must marry Abhimanyu (Arjuna's son)....

I think Sammie bro will link two hot beauty Draupadi and Samantha in certain way.......... 
Also behind the name "Virat Parvam" it could be the reason that in this chapter some big names will be dislosed....

Waiting for this hot episode..


Thanks for detailed thoughts, Neel bro!

You have described so many aspects of Virata Parvam & there are so so so many treasure troves of interesting scenes & plots in it.
While I can neither confirm nor deny - I will say there is truth to at least more than 1 element in your writing.  clps clps clps

Without doubt, Virata Parvam is the most dramatic & suspense-driven chapter of entire Mahabharata!
And Virata Parvam will be one of the suspense & dramatic & action driven chapters of my Novel too!  Cool
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Dear Readers, updates will come in the weekend!

I will try to deliver at least 2-4 long size chapters!!

Thanks for patiently waiting!!!
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Many thanks for the 50000 views in 2 months, readers!

50 chapters completed!!

Appreciate your encouragement for my 1st story!!

[Image: 50K.jpg]

[Image: 112.jpg]
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Congratulations for a well deserved 50,000 Views.

yourock  yourock  yourock
clps  clps  clps
Iex  Iex  Iex
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Teaser 026: Upcoming chapter in weekend (Sat or Sun)

Bull & Bulbul & Bulbul

Bull (english): A dominant, usually male. In cuckolding, someone who enjoys others wives
Bulbul (urdu): nightingale bird. Also means, a beautiful, beloved woman
Bulbul (hebrew): A man's cock

This weekend our bulbul Samantha will suck cock for the 1st time in her life
[Image: 5c8d0605d5004.jpg]
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(18-03-2021, 06:39 PM)Silverstone93 Wrote:
Congratulations for a well deserved 50,000 Views.

Many thanks bro - for your wonderful support!  Namaskar
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(19-03-2021, 11:55 AM)Saravroman Wrote: Teaser 026: Upcoming chapter in weekend (Sat or Sun)

Bull & Bulbul & Bulbul

Bull (english): A dominant, usually male. In cuckolding, someone who enjoys others wives
Bulbul (urdu): nightingale bird. Also means, a beautiful, beloved woman
Bulbul (hebrew): A man's cock

This weekend our bulbul Samantha will suck cock for the 1st time in her life
[Image: 5c8d0605d5004.jpg]

Oh My God... This teaser and the pic... Too hot to handle..

Sam is going to suck cock for the first time and who is that lucky bastard? This will be past episode and only 2 contenders

1. Chutiya Chai
2. London Lund AKA Rangila Rana
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London Lavada may be cooler than London lund :-)
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(20-03-2021, 07:25 AM)compguydfw Wrote: London Lavada may be cooler than London lund :-)

short & sweet suggestion!! Smile thanks! certainly more erotic!
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(19-03-2021, 04:09 PM)Silverstone93 Wrote:
Oh My God... This teaser and the pic... Too hot to handle..

Sam is going to suck cock for the first time and who is that lucky bastard? This will be past episode and only 2 contenders

1. Chutiya Chai
2. London Lund AKA Rangila Rana

Thanks bro - will show who got lucky with Sam's mouth - Local Lavada or London Lavada (as compguydfw bro put it!)  Cool
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50 Chapters completed!  Cool

Index updated with all chapters
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Chapter 51 - KOOL {Season 2 episode 14, Time: past}

[from previous episode in Season 2:
Rana laughs. He had accomplished his deepest desire.
He had Samantha all for himself... Under the effect of KOOL.
KOOL - Kamachloric Dibooboxy Lustose - an experimental drugAnd Rana's game just began!!!]

The sedative Rana mixed in Chai’s glass took its effect and Chai became unconscious.
And the experimental drug KOOL he slipped into Samantha’s wine was taking effect too.
He could clearly see she was loosening up. Rana was greatly rejoicing in his mind.
The best part about this drug KOOL was it wouldn’t put the target in sleep or sedation rather
they would be very active and aware of what is going on but with less intelligence function
and in hypnosis state where they would believe whatever is fed to them.
And it had an added female sexual stimulant which greatly enhances sexual urge and increased desperation.
Sam clearly felt the effects of the drug. Her social inhibitions were coming down and she was enjoying herself.
That is why she stupidly laughed to all the abusive things Rana told to her. 
For a few minutes she was feeling fuzzy and it was part of the drug’s initial effect which would wear off.
She was sweating a bit. She felt blood rushing into her pussy and feeling strange.
She rubbed her pussy on top of her saree to suppress the strange itch.
She confused her growing sexual urge with a need to pee.
“Chai… something is happening to me. I need to pee" 
And she laughed to herself. "Let me go to toilet… ohhh... my vagina". And Sam left.

Sam's feels her pussy itching because of KOOL drug sexual effect
[Image: sam-itchy.jpg]

Rana was watching amusedly at her as she went to bathroom and thinks
"Towards the end of the day, your unfucked cunt will be so much on fire like the great fire of London, bitch.
I tried to seduce you with my charms and cock and what not,
Unfortunately, you left me with no chance but to use KOOL on you,
Never mind bitch, this will be our first time but not the last…"
Then Rana attention turned to a picture of Rao Bahadur on the wall. He looked at it more observantly.
His amusement with Sam’s predicament turned to rage on Rao Bahadur.
Such a quick change of emotion in such a quick instant. Rana was seething.

Rana becomes angry seeing Rao Bahadur's photo
[Image: ranaangry.jpg]

He went into the kitchen and picked up a knife and almost ran to the living room to the portrait of Rao Bahadur.
He spit on the portrait. And took the knife in his hand and stabbed it with all force that it bore into the wall.
It was laminated not glass and so didn’t shatter shards.
"You matharchod Rao Bahadur. You had the guts to slap me"
And again stared into the portrait. Again he spit. Again he stabbed the portrait. So on. Multiple times.
He remembered the instant that happened when he was 19. 

The place was their village and family event was going on.
In the home, Rana was passing by and noticed his Aunt Anasuya, a distant relative in a room changing saree.
Rana was already sexually active and had fucked a few girls of his age and women older than him too.
All this fucking only made Rana more sexually hungry.
He hid in a corner was watching Anasuya dress up.
Her curves and oomphs were so disturbing to the young Rana.

young Rana watching Aunt Anasuya changing saree
[Image: AAnu.jpg]
Rana couldn’t control himself. He entered the room and smooched Anasuya from behind.
Anasuya was shocked and turned around to see who it was. Young Rana did not give her any time.
He tightly hugged her from front and was trying to feel her boobs, smell her, and smooch her back – all at the same time.

Raga forcefully hugging Anasuya
[Image: ranaanasuya.jpg]

Anasuya was so scared to see this young relative falling upon her like a hungry wolf.
She started shouting for help. She tried to push him away but couldn’t. Rana’s grip was too tight.
A few lady relatives came to the room and were shocked to see Rana doing the unbelievable act in broad daylight.
Our young Rana was tied up and taken to the horse stable of Rao Bahadur.
Rao Bahadur and a few family elder men were seating there eating and drinking and regaling.

young Rana is taken to Rao Bahadur sitting in a horse stable
[Image: raobahadurstable.jpg]

Some of the relatives told what Rao Bahadur that Rana forced himself on Aunt Anasuya.
Rao Bahadur immediately got up rushed to Rana
and slapped his so hard that Rana’s head was dizzy. Again he slapped.
"You young son of a bitch. How dare you dare to touch a lady of the Bahadur family?"

Rao Bahadur beating the crap out of young Rana
[Image: ss-beating.jpg]

Again a few slaps. Rana fell down. Rao Bahadur kicked him hard and stamped on his stomach.
"If anybody outside the family had done this I would have had their cock cut off?
Actually… I am going to have your cock cut off too.”
White fear came on Rana’s face.
“Karim… Bring the sword… I will cutoff this mother fucker’s cock right away.”
The young Rana begged and begged and begged.
Rao Bahadur gave him few more slaps.
“Tie this bastard in the horse dung dump yard for 2 days. Give him horse fodder to eat.”
As Rana remembered that incident many, many, years ago – his anger boiled.
He went up to Chai. He slapped Chai. He spit on Chai.

“Rao Bahadurrrrrrr… Son of a bitch… pimp of Bahadur family…
look I am slapping your useless grandson… one day I will slap you too…
What did you say? You will cut off my cock for touching a lady from family?
You son of a bitch. I am going to fuck the shit out of your family’s Bahu.
I will make her my sex slave. And I will make her carry my son…
What the fuck can you do?"

And he kept slapping Chai. Suddenly he noticed Samantha was back from the bathroom and standing there.
She was watching Rana beat Chai. She was a little confused on what is going on.
Because of the effect of drug her intelligence and memory was not very sharp to see and realize what was going on

Samantha comes back from bathroom and looking at what is going on
[Image: samstanding.jpg]
“What? What is going on? Rana? You? What are you doing? Is that Chai?
Oh my vagina is still so itchy, Chai” Sam was blabbering a bit.
Rana’s mood pendulum swung back from anger to lust again. He kept looking at Sam.
His anger on Rao Bahadur slowly got sidelined seeing Sam and his cock began to spring to life again.
Rana was prepared for this. He knew Sam was in a hypnotic state and will believe whatever he says.
Rana: “Sam don’t you know me?”

Sam: You? You are Chai’s cousin Rana right?
Rana: No silly girl! I am your lover Rana
Sam: My lover? Who? You? What?
Rana: Yes, Sam. Don’t you remember. This bastard Chai separated us. He cheated you and married you. And now I came back for you.
Sam: What? Really? (her hypnotic mind was accepting the cock-and-bull story)
Rana: Sam… This son of a bitch separated us. I came back for you. I fought so many people.
I came so far for you. Chai tried to kill me. But I survived and came to make you mine.
Sam was listening in trance.
Rana: Sam did you forget? We were in deep love.

Sam: oh really... you came back for me and starts to cry

Rana: Yes baby, now I came back for you. I beat this bastard. you are all mine now.

Sam was quiet.

Rana: Sam... you used to love me so much. You cried everyday for me.
You were waiting to be rescued by me. Now I am here for you. I AM YOUR RANA, SAMANTHA!

Sam looked at him for a minute. Then…

Sam runs to Rana, kisses him and hugs him tightly
[Image: sam-rana-1.jpg]

Rana’s happiness knew no bound.

Sam: Ohhh Rana... you are my lover... you came back for me.

Rana: Yes Sam… baby… we will never be separated… I love you

Sam: I love you too Rana. You fought so hard for me and came to rescue me. I love you too

Rana: Today we are going to have a great beginning… We are going to have a fucking night, Bitch…

Sam: Chi… Rana… Don’t use those bad words

(readers, although the drug put her in hypnotic state her mind was functioning to a point
and she is still conscious to some extent… That was the design of the drug)

Rana: bullshit… today there will be no gap between us.
We will speak all the bad words in the world and do all the bad things in the world…
I will show you heaven, Sam…

(And he squeezed her tightly)

Sam: Oh Rana… Rana, my… my… (she blushed and kept quiet)

Rana: (he knew what it was) Its OK, you can tell me. I am your lover, Bitch.

Sam: Rana… my vagina is itching terribly… I feel so much temperature in my body… It feels strange

Rana: (smiling) Yes, bitch… I will take care of it for you.
I will satisfy all your pussy itches. And I will satisfy my London Lavada itches too
Rana’s dream came true. Rana looked at the unconscious Chai and the stabbed portrait of Rao Bahadur and gave an evil smile
[Image: ranalaughs.jpg]
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The game just begins .... waiting for more fun...
[+] 1 user Likes Raviraj45's post
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What should we say... Cock-blowing instead of mind-blowing....
Congrats for your stories' success...
Aptly it crosses 50K views and will surpass much more in near future..

Waiting for london lavada in samanta's itching pussy....
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Chapter 52 - Samantha's fall-at-feet fetish - {Season 9 episode 6, Time: present}

[from previous episode of Season 9:
As she was running she reminisced her Sunday: giving boobs show to Robin, getting licked by Robin,
taking an unknown running path, accidently seeing Sangi Mangi nude in Lovers Lake,
then shockingly encountering Solomon ass licking and ass fucking his own daughter-in-law,
and then giving hand job to Sangi Mangi while Sangi rubbed her clit over her pants.
What a day? How bold and depraved I’m becoming she thought as she walked back to the apartment]

As she came to the apartment’s entrance, Robin wasn’t there. Rahim was standing there.
{yes, readers – the same Rahim who enjoyed Sam’s exhibitionism along with Manohar in Kheer & Kinky wear episodes - chapter 21}
As soon as Rahim saw Samantha coming towards him, Rahim stood to full attention.
Samantha couldn’t help smiling. She was in exercise attire, full of sweat and smell.

Sam returning from (S)exercise in Lovers Lake
[Image: samexer.jpg]
Sam: Rahim how are you? Where is Robin?
Rahim: Madam, Robin has gone out Madam. He will be back. Do you need anything?
Sam: (smiling) No Rahim. Thanks I will let you know if I need anything.
As Sam was leaving, Rahim stop her.
Rahim: Madam. The other day. Your Kheer was so tasty. I went to heaven seeing you dance so beautifully. You are like movies heroine.
Sam: (blushing a bit) Stop it, Rahim. I told you not to talk about it? Don’t you want me to give you my special Kheer in future?
Rahim: Yes mam.. please mam. I did not tell anyone Madam. I swear on my wife.
Sam: (smiles) good Rahim! Behave yourself and I will give you special kheer sooner than later.
Rahim smiles. Sam smiles too and leaves
[Image: samsmiles.jpg]
Sam enters her apartment. Chai was waiting for her a bit anxiously.
What happened Samantha? Where were you? I thought you were lost.
Sam took of her shoes and went to Chai and hugged him tightly
and in the process spreading all her sweat and smell all over Chai.

Chai struggled a bit. “Sam leave me. I just had a bath.”
And as he smelled Samantha for a couple seconds, he encountered a now familiar scent - the scent of another man's cum.
Chai mind and cock stirred immediately. What? Is that right? Am I smelling… cum…?
Did Sam fuck Robin? Did she do it in the security room? Chai’s cock was struggling.
Sam where did you go? What is all this smell on your body?
Sam smiled. She knew exactly what he meant? It was the smell of Sangi’s & Mangi’s cum on her body and clothes.
One had cummed in her hand and the other over her running track suit.
Sam: What Chai? What smell do you get on me?
Chai: Sam, please don’t tease me.
Sam: Chutiya Chai, if you want me to answer, you have to ask the question properly and explicitly. Else it doesn’t deserve a response!
Sam was beginning to be such a cockteaser & hubby humiliator.
Chai: Sam, please. Tell me where you went?
Sam: why should I tell you?
Chai: Sam please.   
Sam was pleased to see her hubby so desperate to hear what happened.
He was curious to know why Sam was smelling full of cum.
He wanted to know if his wife just fucked someone.
Sam then remembered Robin falling on her feet begging to give him a chance to have a go at her.
Sam felt stimulated.

Robin begging Sam in previous episode
[Image: prev.jpg]
It was a new feeling. It was one thing to fall at ####’s feet and serve him and agree to be his slave
and do all the kinky and nasty things he was making her do. But it was another feeling to have
Robin fall on her feet and have her hubby Chai beg her to tell what happened at Lovers Lake.
She got a naughty idea.
Sam: Chutiya Chai, if you want me to tell you the details you have to fall on my feet and beg me to tell you the details
Sam gave an almost evil smile.
Chai: What? Sam, please?
Sam: I told you chutiya. If you want to hear, that is the only way
Chai was being humiliated. His wife, this once-homely wife is asking the heir to the Bahadur family
to fall on her feet and beg her. But Samantha has been making him
do worse things like _____________ and this was bad but not as worse.
{readers, deliberately left the blank in this part so it might reveal past plot}

Chai got on his knees. It was so humiliating. Chaitanya fell at Samantha’s feet.
Please Samantha, tell me where you went and what happened. Please. I am begging you.

Chai falls at Samantha's feet
[Image: chaifeet2.jpg]

Sam: beg more. Tell me you will do anything I say. Lick my feet, Chai

Chai: (in shock, but submissively following orders): Yes... I will lick your feet. Sam I will do anything
Please let me where you went and what happened. I am pleading you.

Chai licks Sam's feet
[Image: chaifeet3.jpg]
This wicked vixen was in cloud 9. Her hubby falling at her feet.
Sam: OK, I will tell you on a condition. Today you have to do 2 things I tell you to do without asking any questions.
Chai hesitated a bit. He knew what she is capable of but also knew she would have her way anyway. So he agreed.
Chai: OK Sam
Sam: good my dear chutiya chai. Remove your pants on sit on the sofa.
Chai silently did as told. Sam removed her exercise pants as well and sat on Chai’s lap.
Sam began… Chai, even in your wildest dreams you wouldn’t believe what I saw…
And she told everything that happened: changing her usual route,
seeing Sangi Mangi take nude bath in the lake, they both chasing her,
she running and accidentally seeing Solomon fuck her DIL Nikita in a hiding place behind trees covering,
Sangi Mangi standing nude near her, she jacking them off, and how Solomon ass licked and anal fucked his DIL

Sam narrates how their neighbor Solomon fucked his DIL Nikita's ass at Lovers Lake
[Image: thukralfucked-2.jpg]

Sam narrates to Chai how she jerked off 2 stranger boys at Lovers Lake
[Image: Sam-DF-2.jpg]
Chai’s cock was rock hard. His mind was a rush of emotions: shocked to hear of the FIL-DIL incest,
shocked to hear how 2 stranger boys chased Sam and how she could have been bangd,
aroused to hear Sam tell she watched Solomon fuck DIL,
and mesmerized to hear Sam tell him she jerked off these 2 stranger boys.
Samantha was all fucking wet too. She wanted to have a fucking session with her hubby right away.
But her mind was thinking more depraved. She thought of Robin.
She took Chai’s finger and put it on her pussy and made him rub her cunt.
Sam: Now that I told you all the gory details and didn’t spare anything.
Time for you to fulfil your word to enact my 2 orders.
My first order: call Robin and tell him to come to our apartment right now.
Chai: (shaking to think what is in store for her): why?
Sam: Chutiya Chai – no questions. He wanted to smell me.
I mean he wanted my old deodorant... call him and ask him to come here and collect it...
They both knew fully well why she was asking Robin to come there.
To fulfill her promise to let Robin smell her after exercise.
Chai: Please Sam don’t make me do all this

Sam: your promise Chai, Sam naughtily said.
What’s the harm in giving the poor guy an old deodorant... Sam so teasingly said...
Chai resigned and called Robin.
“Robin come to our apartment. You wanted Sam’s old deodorant, right?”
Robin surprised to get call from Chai. And is so excited to get the invitation.
He is confused about deodorant but he managed.
“Yes sir. I will come to smell madam. I mean to smell deodorant.
I will come immediately Sir”
Chai was VERBALLY CUCKED today. The humiliation of calling someone and inviting to their home
knowing fully well that guy would fuck Sam at first chance was VERA LEVEL for him.
And to top it, to hear Robin say he is coming to “smell” Sam. Chai mind bounced all over the place.
As usual, his cock was enjoying the best in the situation.

Robin is coming to smell Sam's armpit... I mean... her deodorant...  Cool
[Image: Robin.jpg]
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(20-03-2021, 11:21 PM)Raviraj45 Wrote: The game just begins .... waiting for more fun...

yes, Raviraj bro - a bunch of hot episodes coming...
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Pls continue robin story first its bit confusing so robin then rana
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