Fantasy Samverse: Samantha & Chai Novel - Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife
Chapter 47 - Practical demo by the Psychiatrist {Season 2 Episode 11, Time: past}

[from previous episode in Season 2:
Rana: Well, that famous UK MP &&&& & his wife are my clients
And I am going to play you the video of my counseling session with them, where I played ROLE PLAYING with them
Sam is frozen to hear all this... Too much for her to take. The famous MP of UK? Really?]

For Chai, it was one think to hear Gautam telling about being cuckolded by Kajal with David.
It was an all together different experience watching a famous MP of UK and his wife in a roleplaying session with Rana. 
Rana had just begun screen cast a video from his iPhone to the 65-inch plasma display TV.

The place seemed to be like someone's home and the MP was seated on a sofa with his eyes cowered down.
Right across was Rana, with a beautiful gorgeous 30s something woman right on his lap.
Presumably the MPs wife. She was nervously moving around on his lap and Rana seemed to be enjoying it.

MP wife sitting on Rana's lap
[Image: wife-on-lap.jpg]

Rana (in video): Mr MP, I think the last session was very productive.
If not for your interruption, we could have further explored your core personality
and the best way you both can have a stable life and active enjoyable sex life.
(Sam thinks: So this guy is raising the sex life part in every session.
It must be very important as he said. But I am not going to think too much about it)
Rana: (in video) Mr. MP, per our past few session, we can certainly rule out rule out some personality types.
You are not a dominant and based on our roleplaying you are not a stag either.
While I proposed to you that we can surmise you are a cuckold,
you behaved unprofessionally and walked out of the room.
MP: Dr. Bahadur, that was not intentional. I apologize
Rana: (in video) Clarify one thing to me. It was you who approached me and offered me 50000 pounds,
a grand sum even for you, for my exclusive marriage counselling services for 2 weeks. Was it not?
MP: yes, Dr. Bahadur
Rana (in video): And at  that time I told you my methods are unconventional and if you follow my counselling fully,
I can assure you 100% satisfaction. Today, I am going to have my way with both of you and I want absolute obedience.
Furthermore, you will do whatever I say. I will call you guys with my choicest abuses and you both will refer to me as SIR.
Is that loud and clear?
MP: Yes, Dr. Bahadur. I mean… Sir
Rana (in video): How about you, Slut? (to MP's wife)
MP’s wife: Sir. Yes. Sir.
Rana (in video): That’s good slut. Now don’t sit there idly like a dumbo.
Use your beautiful fingers to stroke my cheeks.
(now he turns to MP)
Bitch, how do you feel when your beautiful wife is sitting on another man’s thigh?
Describe it to me. Be honest to me and be honest to yourself.
(Chai squirms thinking Rana is calling an MP of UK parliament as Bitch)
MP: It feels strangely exciting, Sir. It’s a different experience.
Rana (places his hand on wife’s waist): Yet, it is an experience you have been secretly craving for a while.
Did you share this fantasy with your wife? Bitch, did you tell your wife that
per my initial PTA (personality type analysis) report, I classified you as a voyeur bordering on cuckoldism?
MP: no, Sir
Rana (in video): let’s get to the bottom of it today. No more theoretical discussions.
This will be a full practical session. We will make real progress today
and the next couple of days between us three will be really transformative, I promise!
The MP’s wife was stroking his cheeks and silently hearing the conversation.
She was feeling shy since it would be her first post-marital sex with a guy other than her husband.
Rana: So slut! Do you want to reveal your beauty top down or from the bottom up?
The wife didn’t know how to respond. She stared at him shyly.
Rana: (looking at the MP) Tell me bitch, which part of your wife is more beautiful?
MP: Her whole body, Sir
Rana: (smiles) I agree, although I must say her ass is more inviting.
With one swoop he lifted the wife’s camisole up and dragged her panties down and threw it on the MP’s face.
The wife was now totally naked from navel down

(Off screen, Sam and Chai were too shocked to respond. They were watching with gaped mouths)
Rama was stroking the MP wife’s ass. She felt the pleasure of his fingers.
This whole experience was totally new for her.
Her husband, the famous MP of UK hired a psychiatrist who was fondling her and, in all likelihood, going to fuck her.

MP wife naked navel down in front of Rana & he fondling her ass
[Image: 11.jpg]

 Rana: (to MP) Bitch, your wife body is the perfect makeup. Not too plump but still fleshy and soft.
Oh! So soft. His hands were all over her back. You are a lucky son of a bitch.
Getting a chance to own this body. But today, I am going to get lucky too.
He pinched her waist.
Rana: (continues) Slut, see how your MP hubby is sitting there like a sissy letting me grope your body.
He is going to watch me enjoy your body. He is going to get hard watching me fuck his darling wife.
Don’t you want to enjoy today? Don’t you want to show me your beautiful body to me today?
Don’t you want to pleasure me so I will be happy with you and return the pleasure?
Don’t you want to satisfy your master, you slutty wife of MP?
Wife: yesss…. Yes, master… I want to do all of those.
Rana pulled her camisole down. He removed and threw the bra right on the MP’s face. 
[Image: 13.jpg]

The MP did not protest.
His wife did not object. She had made up her mind.

In fact, the smooches and gropes and rough handling Rana did in the previous session in the name of roleplaying,
her body was already responding to his authoritarian behavior. If her hubby had not interrupted that session,
she would have let Rana fuck her for sure. And since then she was yearning for the next session.
Rana knew this. He kept her waiting. He deliberately scheduled this session three days later so she would get heated up more.
She was now like a bitch in heat and fully cooperating with him.
(Off screen, Chai’s was watching with awe and his cock was getting hard too.
Sam was getting very uncomfortable. She was trying to ignore the video but her eyes
kept going back and forth to it. She kept nudging Chai but he did not do anything)
Rana (on screen): (to MP): Its not fair for us to have all the fun, bitch. Join us here. Come sit right beside me.
Rana was asking a husband to sit next to him when he was fondling his nude wife.
Then the session progressed further.
He fondled her more. He squeezed her boobs. She was moaning
Serve your master, slut. Lick my feet. She obliged.
Remove my clothes. He told the MP to help her. The couple both helped Rana undress.

And Rana’s cock was revealed in full glory. Sam remembered morning scenes
[Image: cock-4.jpg]
(off screen: Samantha watched in frozen state. The cock she saw for a fleeting second today morning
and right in front of her on her 65-inch screen. “Chai stop him, please” she was pleading.
But Chai did not do anything. He couldn’t gather his courage and what was happening on screen
to the famous MP and his wife was too engrossing and too sexual for Chai)
Rana made the wife suck his cock and asked the MP to come closer
[Image: wife-sucks-his-cock.jpg]
Then Rana licked the wife in front of her husband
[Image: rana-licks.jpg]
Then Rana turned her on the sofa in doggy position and mounted his large London Lund into her

Rana inserting his lengthy london lund into MP's wife
[Image: rana-fucks.jpg]
Both the on-screen husband (MP) and the off screen husband were watching in amazement
and in fact both of them down in their heart were enjoying the situation.
STOP IT RANA PRATAP! Samantha yelled at the top of her voice. We don’t want to see your XXX movies.
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Chapter 48 - Ménage à trois {Season 2 Episode 13, Time: past}

[Image: men.jpg]

Rana was clever and quicker in response. Sam & Chai, I took your consent before playing this educational video.
Rana changes tone. Nothing to be shy, if you are not comfortable it’s ok.

 And he turned off the screen cast.
He smartly continued the session as if everything was normal.

Sam and Chai had to listen.
Rana terribly enjoyed seeing Samantha watch his fucking video.
His plan A of seducing her with the video did not work, however.
No issues, coz he had a surely-workable PLAN B and he began to work on it.
He changed his tone to professional again.
Rana: my intent in showing the video is to demonstrate to you guys that people from all strata of society
are working on their relationship and are willing to try and experiment newer things.
The bolder people get the best benefits in both marriage life and sex life.
This MP and his wife are an excellent example. I showed to you guys only because I trust you guys.
So my advice to you guys is …. Blah! Blah! Blah! … he continued to 10 minutes…
To conclude, you guys should also take time to understand each each other and understand yourself.
Try newer things! Experiment! Don’t hold back! That’s the key to a happy marriage.
Rana finished his session.
Sam thanked him and went into the kitchen. She was feeling very weird. It was a storm of conflicting emotions.
All the ‘information’ Rana gave confused her a lot.
And then the part about cheating and cuckolding and then finally the video was very new and very strange.
And the worst part, she knew that somewhere in the corner she was aroused with these a bit.
The impression Rana’s cock was having on her was an entire beast by itself.
To top it all, he had called Samantha a hypersexual and Chai ‘gay Chai’. She cringed thinking of the latter.
She took some refreshments to the living room and placed them on the table.
What juice? Let’s celebrate our get together and the valuable session we had.
I have one of the best available wine You should try it!
And without giving them a moment to respond, he went into the guest room.
Sam and Chai were alone for the first time after their session.

“Chai… why did you not stop him? You were sitting right there watching all the dirty video”
Rana spared Chai from giving answer to this difficult question.
“Here’s the wine I was talking about:  it’s called Ménage à trois
[Image: menage.webp]
{readers Ménage à trois means Threesome in French – google more, there is a real wine company by that name}
Samantha, please get three glasses.
“No, Rana Pratap, I don’t drink”
In fact, Sam had tasted liquor only 3 times so far. That too when alone with Chai.
Rana feigned disappointment. He resorted to emotional blackmail.
"I am a professional psychiatrist and I spent time with you guys to give marriage counselling
Do you know how much I charge my clients?
All I am asking you guys is a friendly evening with good company and a drink"

Chai reluctantly agrees. OK, he says.
Sam is mad at Chai for agreeing.
No, Chai. I am not feeling well. I will have something with no alcohol
“I thought you were above 18? Are you not?” Rana taunted and laughed.
“Yes, I am” Samantha defensively said.
Then join us… Please Sam… I am requesting you…

Samantha gave in.

And as they were having their first glass of wine.
Rana used his charms on them. He regaled them with tales of London and all the fun stuff.

Sam had an unusual feeling
[Image: sam-kool.jpg]
Sam was slowly relaxing.
Chai was slowly feeling drowsy
[Image: 14.jpg]

Unusually Sam agreed for a second round. Chai too

Sam was even more relaxing. She was all smiley smiles and laughing.
[Image: 15.jpg]

Chai was even more drowsy.
Rana knew it was working… He wanted to give it a try…
Look at that asshole husband of yours, Sam bitch. He is sleeping like a good for nothing hobo on street

Sam laughs with all her might… “Oh… so funny… so funny…”
[Image: Sam-laugh.jpg]

Sam was all very relaxed and in full joy mood.
Rana smiles. It’s working… One more try…
“Sam bitch, I am going to fuck the hell out of you today”
Again Sam laughs… “Oh whoever you are… you are very funny… saying very funny things”

Rana laughs. He had accomplished his deepest desire.

He had Samantha all for himself… Under the effect of KOOL.

KOOL - Kamachloric Dibooboxy Lustose - an experimental drug

And Rana's game just began!!!


KOOL - a psychopharmacology analysis

KOOL is an experimental drug, that was developed secretly by a research team in London that Rana is aware of.

It has interesting properties.

It relaxes a person, makes them more sociable and friendly.

It compromises their judgment and restricts intellectual thinking.

And the most important effect: it puts a woman's pussy on fire and makes them so hungry for sex


The scenes and details mentioned in this and upcoming chapters are purely fictional for the purpose of an imaginary story

Attempts to replicate certain aspects of these fictional accounts are illegal and immoral and self-destructive
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That's for now, readers!

Let know your feedback and comments!

Many thanks for reading & active participation,
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Nice update. you have the knack of when to put the pull stop in the story. :-)
[+] 1 user Likes compguydfw's post
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great update.. waiting for more..
[+] 2 users Like mindhunter11's post
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(13-03-2021, 06:31 AM)compguydfw Wrote: Nice update. you have the knack of when to put the pull stop in the story. :-)

(13-03-2021, 10:24 AM)mindhunter11 Wrote: great update.. waiting for more..

Many thanks for the compliment, compguydfw Bro! Glad you liked the chapter...

@mindhunter11: thanks, Bro - more Rana and Sam masti soon!
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Fantastic update. Now it seems we will enjoy Sam's erotic scenes in the "Past Seasons" also.

Uuuffffff... What a scene it will be... Sam is totally drunk with this vicious drink KOOL, and Rana will cherish her body, her beauty...
[+] 1 user Likes neel191298's post
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Your hard work for this story is just mind blowing...

Be it writing so beautiful poems (In my opinion writing "good" meaningful poem is one of the most difficult jobs in this world)

Be it using difficult but absolutely relevant words (KOOL, menage a trois, etc.)

Be it creating so apropriate (but painfully hard) pictures - like sam's dare 1, or others like that...

You can easily avoid this and still we would read your story, but u listened to your heart... 

Absolutely brilliant... Hats off to your passion for writing erotic stories...
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Finally, I read chapter 35 onwards in one sitting and what a great weekend it is for me.. Saravroman bro, you are indeed the BEST writer on Xossipy. The efforts you put in the story are mind-blowing. This shows how much dedicated you are towards this thread. After reading all these chaps, I found some interesting things in it.

1. Rana is not ####

First and the most important hint I get from these updates is Rana is not ####. How? Here's the answer.
Chap 36 : Rana never liked to anal fucked women. Actually, it was an act of humiliation for him, so he never licked or fucked women ass. He never gave any woman's ass the attention it deserved.
Chap 43 : #### put his fingers in Sam's ass crack and said that he will fuck her virgin ass. Rana will never do that as per chap 36 cause it is humiliating for him. He is not interested in virgin asses of women. So, as per chap 36 and 43, RANA IS NOT ####.

2. David is not ####

Chap 43 : #### style is "Slow and Steady". That means he will not force himself on women. He will take his time and make woman fall on her knees to beg him to fuck her. It is important to note that he can control himself very well.
Chap 46 : We saw how demanding David is. He doesn't show any patience when his prey is vulnerable. He directly started tearing Kajal's clothes once they sat in the car. This shows that he is not #### too..

Biggest hint of #### was that he never fucked Sam. Instead he gave her 10 assignments to complete. He knows that Sam is under his complete control. He is patiently waiting and observing the changes in Sam's life.

3. Soloman : This old pervert has ass fetish. Even #### had said that he will fuck Sam's virgin ass one day. But, will Solomon wait to fuck Sam's ass? Answer is No. Solomon has no patience, that's why he immediately grope women's ass. If he had a chance of taming Sam, he would have fucked her ass without wasting time on giving her assignments. And the way Sam and Chai are behaving with him in present shows that he is not ####.

4. Ram-Rahim-Robin-Rakhbir

Neither of watchmen is ####.
A) Maja Manohar (MM) is driver of #### and I don't think any watchman can afford a car and driver. So all of them are out. Though they all will play crucial role for sure. Looks like Sam had some good time with every watchman. Rahim got to see her sexual tease show during "kheer" saga.. Now, in chap 42, Sam said " I shouldn't have let you...", it means Sam-Robin did something in past. What could it be? Another hint is that, when she saw Sangi and Mangi black cocks, she said that they have lovely cocks, ALMOST LIKE ROBIN. She even showed him her boobs and let him suck them. I don't think only Robin is the lucky bastard among all watchmen. Only time will tell how 4 watchmen treat Sam and her lust.

5. Jai - Chacha

JAI - I don't think Jai is ####. As per Sam's HYBRID nature, she can dominate him. And we know that #### is the dominative one and Sam is submissive one in front of ####. I'll love how sister in law (Sam) treats/teases her handsome brother in law(Jai).
CHACHA - There's nothing much to say about chacha, but I don't think he has patience to control his lust. The way he fucked his wife shows that he can not control his lust and craves pussy all the time. I am looking forward how he and Sam "interacts" with each other.

6. Sangi - Mangi : Two young teenagers from slum areas, black bodies and black cocks.. Well, this is the most popular theme on this forum. They called Sam "didi". And as per teasers, they will ask Sam to suck their black cocks. I don't think Sam will decline their request. But, this incident will lead to more erotic journey for sure.

7. Bhikari Baba

One of the most important characters in my eyes. #### has patience and Bhikari Baba qualifies in this criteria. But, still there is a loophole in this too.
A. The way Chai treats Bhikari Baba eliminates the possibility of Bhikari Baba being ####. Chai treats him respectfully and if Bhikari Baba was ####, then Sam wouldn't have reacted the way she reacted after seeing him on running track.

8. Rao Bahadur :
One of the most mysterious, dangerous person no one knows about. He is dominant person in Family and looks like he patiently solves the problems. So, he des qualify for #### position. But, here comes the problem.
A. When Sam was returning from blowing Syed ji dick, she was texting ####. He said that he is in office. Does Rao Bahudur work in office? No. ( He may call his Haweli a "office", we never know). He can still be ####.

****There's one person who is out of everyone's eyes and hardly anyone suspected that person. That person is "Vivek", Chai's Father. How many of us know about him or his behaviour. NO ONE. How did he react when he first saw Samantha? Is there another Solomon- Nikitha relationship developing behind the doors? Is Vivek ####? Father/Mother knows their child very well.****

We all know the hint that ##### was the first person who called and keep calling Chai "Chutiya Chai". Some might think Rana is the one, but as per #1 , I don't think he is ####. Those who are close with Chai and dominant in nature will call him "Chutiya Chai". If father is overly friendly with his son, he can call him "Chutiya"  So, vivek can be the ####. who can be ####?

This is my opinion/assumptions regarding all the updates I read. I might have missed some details. This is all about who is ####. I'll give my analysis about chaps 35-48 later..
[+] 3 users Like Silverstone93's post
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Supra like @Silverstone93... Fantastic analysis... Even if your answer is wrong, it doesn't matter.. What matters is here in this story, the author has got a reader who is equally hard working, dedicating like the author...

Fantastic writer-reader combo.....
[+] 1 user Likes neel191298's post
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(13-03-2021, 05:16 PM)Silverstone93 Wrote:

1. Rana is not ####

2. David is not ####

3. Soloman : he is not ####.

4. Ram-Rahim-Robin-Rakhbir

Neither of watchmen is ####.

5. Jai - Chacha

JAI - I don't think Jai is ####. 
CHACHA - There's nothing much to say about chacha

6. Sangi - Mangi : no chance

7. Bhikari Baba


8. Rao Bahadur :
 He can still be ####.

****There's one person who is out of everyone's eyes and hardly anyone suspected that person. That person is "Vivek", Chai's Father. How many of us know about him or his behaviour. NO ONE. How did he react when he first saw Samantha? Is there another Solomon- Nikitha relationship developing behind the doors? Is Vivek ####? Father/Mother knows their child very well.****

We all know the hint that ##### was the first person who called and keep calling Chai "Chutiya Chai". Some might think Rana is the one, but as per #1 , I don't think he is ####. Those who are close with Chai and dominant in nature will call him "Chutiya Chai". If father is overly friendly with his son, he can call him "Chutiya"  So, vivek can be the ####. who can be ####?

This is my opinion/assumptions regarding all the updates I read. I might have missed some details. This is all about who is ####. I'll give my analysis about chaps 35-48 later..

What about Flat inhabitants   Mr Basu and Mr Velan's son? We don't know much about them either... 

Although personally I don't wish any of them becomes ####.... Still they can have fun with our Sam..... 

Who is this fucking Master  Cool
Enjoying the story very much.... 
happy happy
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There was a small story I read.

A teacher draws few small black dots on the whiteboard and asked students
"What do you see?"
Students screamed,"black dots"
Teacher noticed one student who was looking at a whiteboard silently. He asked the same question to that student. He replied, " I see the whiteboard." Teacher smiled at the answer because only that student had answered correctly.

Rana/David are like those black dots which attracts our attention towards themselves. We (readers) focus on these black dots and neglect the whiteboard. I'm sure that #### has already mentioned somewhere in the story,all we have to do is connecting the dots.
[+] 3 users Like Silverstone93's post
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(13-03-2021, 08:05 PM)Silverstone93 Wrote:
There was a small story I read.

A teacher draws few small black dots on the whiteboard and asked students
"What do you see?"
Students screamed,"black dots"
Teacher noticed one student who was looking at a whiteboard silently. He asked the same question to that student. He replied, " I see the whiteboard." Teacher smiled at the answer because only that student had answered correctly.

Rana/David are like those black dots which attracts our attention towards themselves. We (readers) focus on these black dots and neglect the whiteboard. I'm sure that #### has already mentioned somewhere in the story,all we have to do is connecting the dots.

May be xxxx will be grandfather or somebody related to Sam College
[+] 1 user Likes Babyma's post
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Today is there any update bro
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Scores of thanks Silver Bro & Neel Bro!

This thread will be so dull without your presence!
Lucky to have such readers!

I’ll respond In detail sometime Sunday...
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(13-03-2021, 11:14 PM)Babyma Wrote: Today is there any update bro

Babyma Bro, update coming on Sunday night.

And it will be to your liking...
[+] 1 user Likes Saravroman's post
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This story is too good. Very detailed
[+] 1 user Likes Rajaryanea's post
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(14-03-2021, 09:35 AM)Rajaryanea Wrote: This story is too good. Very detailed

Thanks, Rajaryanea bro!
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Awesome Horse power from my readers - Thanks so much!

Totally motivated y enthusiasm, support, comments & feedback. 
[Image: hor.jpg]

Of the 4 horses pulling my story: my original plot/ideas is at 100%, self-motivation to write is 90%, audience support is 80%, and available time is 10%
The first 3 horses are galloping.
Time is my only constraint now & I will over come it to give decent number of updates per week (to the extent possible).
Current writing Horsepower = 280 out of 400

1. Silver Bro's return from hiatus is awesome news

2. Silver Bro's detailed review on ####'s identity is a must read by every reader of this thread - detective analysis is so good
(will respond in detail bro to your comments bro)

3. Neel bro's amazing level of support - your enthusiasm "Enjoying the story very much" is rubbing on me! Appreciate it so much!
(will respond in detail to your comments bro)

4. My ton of thanks to active supporters: babyma (your support from day 1 is appreciated), compguydfw, longindian_axe, raviraj45, kalyan143 & many others recently

Huge thanks to all for the encouragement, comments, feedback, likes, shared pics & keeping the thread going!

Thanks for reading,
[+] 2 users Like Saravroman's post
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My story: Samantha & Chai - Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife (cuckold, hotwife, suspense)
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