Construction People Try Their Luck – Part I (Copied)
Fantastic....Fucking Awesome....Added reps
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Amazing story dude.Loved it.Sushmita is an absolute sex Queen!!! Please continue with the story.LoomingLooking forward to future!!
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(01-03-2021, 11:33 AM)neel191298 Wrote: Fantastic....Fucking Awesome....Added reps

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(02-03-2021, 12:49 AM)qazmlp Wrote: Amazing story dude.Loved it.Sushmita is an absolute sex Queen!!! Please continue with the story.LoomingLooking forward to future!!

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Well a truly eventful day ended with Ajay getting real high and become very  friendly with chunni , Sush then took leave from Chunni lal  as the family returned extremely happy immersed in each other'a own thoughts –Ajay happy with the lovely new house & Chunni lal a true drink buddy and a builder to boot , Akash their son absolutely happy with club house and bigger space for him well Sush the happiest  with everything going as per plan with something extra too with unexpected Vutka barging in well one thing was sure her pussy was truly stretched to limit with so many option on offer   
Sush had called Vutka and asked him not to wait for them as her husband had come in a hired car, At home Ajay continued with the unfinished bottle insisting on Sush also to join he was so insistent  Sush reluctantly joined Ajay was truly high and was in that mode where he speaks some home truths sometimes very brazenly 

Ajay: Sush did you notice that minister had only eyes for you so be careful  dear he wants to get in between your lovely legs

Sush: Ajay you are truly drunk he behaved very decent I thought your new friend Chunni was the one with lecherous eyes my god what all type of people one has to meet –Sush was really becoming true politician as she threw her fishing net with clever words

Ajay: Aree Sush that guy respects you so much I think you are mistaken he speaks so highly of you don’t worry he is now dear friend next time I will ask him straight

Sush: Ajay you are mad and stop drinking I thought we were just talking so i expressed my opinion what do you think will happen if you ask that to your new friend and if he says he would love have good time with me -my god men in a exasperated way

Ajay: Honey I was just joking dear the problem is you are such a pretty & shapely  looking lady everyone has eyes for you dear they just cannot help it  –They just don’t know how tough you are –Honey you should take that offer of joining the party who knows you may become a MLA,MP or even a mantri every party needs pretty mascots your kind with intelligence will be a big catch

Sush: Ajay I think you are truly drunk but really do you think I should give it a go regarding politics  I want your honest opinion

Ajay: I am a little high but I feel some luck has changed in our family and when opportunity comes like this we should grab with both hands I am totally with you dear , even 2-3 years down the line you want to become a full time politician you can even leave job I am serious .

Sush : I think we will have this same conversation in the morning but this is a great day dear as she leaned and kissed him on his lips as Akash walked in

Akash: O god guys at least show some decency kissing in front of your own son as he told them jocularly

Ajay: Are beta we were talking about mother joining a political party and working for society what do you think

Akash: O mummy will be at least one decent politician –Mom I think you should take up that offer you will make a great one

Sush : Well if two men in my life give such unsolicited advice what else I can do I just have to obey – Ok guys lets sleep c’ mmon Akash let me check everything is ready for you for tomorrow as she walked with Akash to his room

Next day morning Ajay and Akash left as usual by 8 am Sush was feeling little discomfort in her pussy in the lip area as well as inside  she thought what else would happen after the pounding she had taken last 2 days well just yesterday only counted for 2-3 years of sex in the barren sex less existence of last 6 years with busy as a bee Ajay her dear hubby .

Well forget the marathon sex sessions it seemed all of sudden all big cocks long, fat, thick ones were made available for her she thought my poor pussy had taken real pounding naturally and so many different orgasms after almost orgasm less family life it no surprise it was complaining

Sush then  spoke to a friend who suggested a good lady doctor she made the appointment for 4 pm in the evening as got ready and left for office

Well Vutka picked up and dropped her in the bank Sush was too busy checking some important mails as she got down sorry Vutka not able to speak to you too busy -can you pick me up at 3.30 need to go a hospital 

Vutka : Mamsaab no problem I will be here by 3.30 as he left her .

Evening straight from the bank she met the doctor who was just 5 years her senior as she explained her discomfort doctor asked her lie down has she inspected her real tender pussy

Doc: Can I call you Sushmitha you are pussy seems pretty bruised what happened everything Ok no abuse or unnatural sex it seems it was heavily used

Sush: O Dr after a long time I don’t know what happened to my hubby had become hyper active in sex last 3-4 days and was relentless in fact yesterday almost twice guy he seemed insatiable even after servicing him in my mouth he was looking for more – Sorry for narrating all this to you since you are a lady as well  as Dr so I told you Dr from the morning its sore to be frank before this week we hardly had sex for almost 4 months

Doc: Well that is pleasant problem to have I am prescribing a ointment and please get away from him for at least 2 days you should be ok in a day for heaven sake avoid today and tomorrow  

Sush: O thank god today was not so great sitting in the bank with this discomfort  I will abstain for a week doctor

Doc: Well you work in bank that’s really good but again lady to lady not as a doctor I just wish my hubby can bruise me like this really I am in the middle of barren spell & well my lady you come with a lovely problem well you should be ok by a day or two just apply this medicine every 4 hours  .

Sush: Thanks doctor I was worried may be I will come next week you can suggest solution or can I apply this ointment on any discomfort

Doc: I suggest you meet me next Friday say about same time I will give some suggestion as Sush left thanking the doctor

Sush after picking up the medicine took the waiting auto of Vutka

Sush : So vutka what’s happening any new conquest  in your basti or in our apartment talk freely we are friends

Vutka : O god madam after the time with you I have not even thought about sex madam

Sush: So I have made you a good man well Vutkaji i am out of service for at least 4-5 days because all you guys have made a mess of my love thing with your big sized tools so understood no sex any time soon

Vutka: O sorry madam even if you come in my auto that is enough madam i am really sorry madam

Sush: Big joke you know now the poor doctor is having hots for my hubby as I told her he had done this damage down under with a big laugh

Vutka : O madam you are too much as he could not believe the things lady was freely talking to him he was absolutely thrilled that he will get his sex innings with a lady in a week’s time indirectly she just told him   

Sush: Vutka I am joining DLP party shortly so I want you to be my right hand man can you do it I want a person who is totally honest with me as lot of things are being lined up

Vutka : Madam I am member of that party madam what more in life I can I have I will work with you madam truly you are changing my whole life

Sush: Yes Vutka I will tell you my plan later as the auto reached her home .

Vutka was more than overjoyed he thought finally his life has some meaning he could not believe that one forced fuck has changed his whole life for better as his right hand touched his big dick in a salute “salaam my small brother we are lucky”  then with total happiness he marched to the liquor shop from now on it was only happy hours .

Contd .
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Contd .
Sush reached home early and relaxed as doctors suggested she washed her private parts and applied the medicine after 2 minutes of  real itchy pain then it provided soothing effect as she thought well finally I have take some rest after really stretching her pussy last few days as she laughed at herself as she could not believe what all she had done then she thought bloody why should I think like that i had fabulous time with all this men and my god it was just start of interesting life she liked that excitement .

Sush with nothing to do thought why don’t I go and see her friendly UP wala bhaiya  Beni dada let us see what he is up to as she dressed up in a relaxing cotton brown top and a track suit as wore her shoes and walked out of her house

Sush could see Akash was playing basketball with kids in the club house as she walked away no sign of Vutka well now she need not worry about him now he was her property as smiled at her thought process as she entered Beni’s shop

Sush: Aree Beni dada what are you doing in this empty shop

Beni: Are madam normally this time is always like this I get good crowd after 7 pm

Sush: So Beni dada how is your love story going on with our friend Pari any recommendation required from my side

Beni: Aree madam now it’s in a delicate state after taking lot of courage I spoke to her of my loneliness you won’t believe what she told me

“Pari  told me why it has taken so many days to tell me that O bhaiya at last god has opened your eyes I thought I am moving around a man of stone she told me she will come with lunch tomorrow and ask to keep my room ready you don’t know how lonely I am prasadji I am really looking forward receive your prashad as she smiled and then she tapped by cheeks “Ok bhiaya Kaal thoo kelna hai”  I am all ready”

Madam i could not believe your intuition you were correct 

Sush : Aree Beni why you have not phoned me you were waiting for me to come or what

Beni: Really I am feeling afraid Sushmaji I really don’t know what to do I was thinking of closing the shop and go somewhere tomorrow afternoon that’s why I did not call you 

Sush: Aree Beni dada are you mad if you do not take care of Pari she will any way find a another willing partner it’s good that I came today ok  tomorrow what time she will come I want to see what you are going to with her dada

Beni: Aree Madam how will you do that there is no space in that room

Sush : O Beni dada you be here in the shop I will find a space as she went inside the cramped living quarters literally there was no place to hide but one corner furthest across the bed there was a free space clever Sush quickly found a idea

Sush came out & called Beni dada come here as she saw he had hung a board in the open shop aisle

Sush: what is that board?

Beni: Madam it’s just says “closed” tell me Sushmaji

Sush : Walked to the 3 ladder stool used for climbing and picking things in the shop’s top shelves pointing at it tomorrow you just put this stool walking into his staying quarters and put it in this corner also put a bed sheet on the stool and keep this water vessel on top of that and just make small hole – Ok ek kaam karo bring the stool now

Beni went out and brought the stool kept it in the corner she had had showed then Sush got inside the stool then looking at Beni –Pl put a bed sheet on top of this Beni put a big brownish colour bed sheet on top covering all four sides –Sush popping her head lifting the bed sheet  from under said dada make small hole as she pointed finger through the bed sheet taking a scissor Beni made hole as Sush suggested Sush then from inside could see the room clearly satisfied she came out .

Beni you go inside and sit –Aree madam he went inside and & sat Sush could see nobody could make out somebody was inside Ok Beni Dada come out

Sush: Tomorrow what time she will come

Beni : By 2 pm she will come madam please come by 1 pm

Sush: O Beni dada no net practice with me I will just watch I will be here by 1 pm also act naturally don’t worry about me do not spoil anything Dada I will be sitting here with my stick inside if things do  not go properly I will come out & give real beating to both of you & make you do it in front of me understood

Beni: Aree Madam please don’t do anything like that madam I will behave properly

Sush:Don’t worry please enjoy your time with Pari ok I will come by 1pm tomorrow any change in plan please call and tell me as she walked out of shop feeling so happy then something struck her so she walked on the road towards  Pari’s husband’s shop

Sush reached the shop it was bit crowded with lot of men & she could see that was because Pari was managing the shop she was a typical UP village girl with superb body in a very traditional saree very shapely may be same age as Sush she had big pendulous bra less big breast and nice big bottom and you had to admit she had nice features –a real looker

Sush walked near to the shop and keeping her mobile as if she was speaking she watched the lady actually a peasant girl was so casual so unconscious of all the attention on her body and looks were making men buzz around her  Sush had some diabolic plan in her mind she was very happy with what she saw as she turned and walked towards her apartment Vutka was in the auto stand seeing her he looked confused how to react  

Sush walked upto him Vutka mindful of glances other drivers walked towards yes madam

Sush: I am not feeling well so don’t wait for me for tomorrow morning pick up you carry on if required I will call you Ok ji & walked away

Sush could see the big buzz created in the auto stand as she spoke to Vutka she knew she had to be normal and be bold from now on hence she just practiced that as she will have to meet many people in many wards coming Saturday she had some plans for that and Vutka has to be there to help her asshe needed a rough and tough guy like that

Vutka felt very proud such a dazzling female had come and spoken to him in front of all the drivers well honest to god he would not mind one more session with her he just could not believe how non challantly she had sucked him and taken his jizz that too with so much aplomb rarely it had happened to him that too mostly it was forced by him as one young driver shouted  breaking those wondrous thoughts – “Aree Vutkaji  lottery lagya kyaa what’s cooking  thoda tho share karoo ”

Vutka: Aree Bhai Madam has fixed me for pick up and drop monthly basis you guys know that tomorrow she is on leave that’ s all guys

 Vutka then added with a smile well what you guys tell is correct – O madam koo pick up and drop in auto is definitely a lottery for any auto wala my dear friends I accept that as the other driver’s interest slowly drifted away Vutka also walked to his favorite shop to avoid any further talks .

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[Image: pari.jpg]
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Great going. Carry on.
What a battered bruised pussy she would have
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Strange that her husband did not see any change in her behaviour being in same house. He can be a cuckold and enjoy the adventures of his wife atleast as he cannot satisfy her.
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(06-03-2021, 05:36 AM)Steven Rajaa Wrote: Strange that her husband did not see any change in her behaviour being in same house. He can be a cuckold and enjoy the adventures of his wife atleast as he cannot satisfy her.

some thought let's wait and see thanks
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[Image: pari-2.jpg]
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Sush walked happily into the apartment complex with a sense of attachment actually she was buzzing with some imaginative thoughts on what can be done as walked into her house making decided on making some special stuff for dinner for Akash and Ajay

Well the evening drifted along nicely her hubby as usual walked almost at 9.30 am absolutely looking beat , Sush decided to cheer up as freshened up and come with chilled glass of scotch with lots of ice

Ajay: O god is this my imagination or am in some other house

Sush: O dear you looked aabsolute like a zombie just thought this will cheer you up and dear just this glass only and food or food along with it

Ajay: O Sush I really liked that thoughtfulness as he sipped and had a hearty meal  O Sush I
forgot Chunni called me he says our house will be ready in 7 days we should starting planning for it

Sush: Purposely –Men or men see that bloody fellow’s behaviour he called you and informed not a word in absolute false anger

Ajay: Aree darling it’s nothing may be he did not want call a lady after 8 pm you see he called me half an hour back

Sush: Ok Ajay this weekend will make the plan –you also need to inform this house owner immediately

So the night rambled on with lot of domestic every day issues early in the morning Sush got up and told her hubby Ajay I may not go office today have some private women issues

Ajay : Are you Ok need me to stay back

Sush: O that’s sweat don’t worry I may go also I will message you or maybe I may go in second half

Well by 8am both her hubby and  son and left home Sush also plunged into domestic mode as she finished all her shopping for a week as returned home by 12 noon had her bath and around 12.45 she left home with a simple Tshirt and track bottom her face & head covered in thick scarf as walked out of the Apartment no sign of Vutka it was surprising as the stand seemed empty as she walked into Beni’s shop one lady was buying something as Sush pretended to look at some stuff then the lady left

Sush: O dada I am so excited for you all the best-ok then I will sit inside as walked into his cramped hot steamy room

Beni : O madam I am so nervous good you have come she may early also

Entering the room Sush then did something outrageous she quickly removed all her clothes clad only in her panties she neatly folded all her clothes and kept it in a white bag hanging on the wall then she took to her position inside the stool covered by bedsheet  well poor Beni had put some clothes as to make her a seat and she looked through the hole she could see the bed clearly as she waited for some interesting afternoon then got bored she started working on her mobile after putting it on silent  mode

Suddenly she could hear voices of Pari’s in a girly voice prasadji  I have not slept well feel so excited O Bhagwan

Beni: Pari please go to my room I will lock the shop and come

Sush : Watched through her hole could see a nervous Pari with tiffen carrier bit sweaty as she looked for the fan switch as put on the table fan and sat on the cot

Beni walked in almost 5 minutes later as Pari stood up he just took the tiffen box away and embraced her tightly

Pari: O Prasadji its so good to be embraced by a mard for your friend Doval I just do not exist really I am just a cook and person to look after the shop

Beni : O Pari you are a beautiful woman I never even imagined in my dream this possibility

Pari: O can I call you Prasad

Beni : O you can call me Beni o my sweet Pari as his one hand was on shapely cut her hips and the other one try find big globular breast

ParI; O Beni it feels so good –“kaam Karnaki baad kana” Ok .

Beni: O Konsa Kaam O meri pyari

Pari: Beni please sit on the bed you tell me how I look as she made him sit on the bed
Pari then removed her saree she had a terrific body as she then removed petticoat and slowly removed her bra showing real big jugs no droop standing proudly with big brown nipples and then she removed her panty showing a nice hairy pussy bit unruly as she posed

Sush watching the scene felt a kick she loved this village belle she loved the whole package as she pinched her own breast thinking of what her doctor told her & what she was doing

Beni : O Pari my you are like temple sculpture my good please come I want to feel you O god

Pari: Aree Beni hmm abhi equal partner hai now it’s your turn to show what you got come here as removed his anxious hands and sat down on the cot

Beni removed his top kurta and then just removed his bottom part he was not wearing anything under as his truly monstrous cock looked leaking at Pari

Pari was shocked beyond words as she fell kneeling from the cot O bhaiya my god what is this Beni  are you joking I have not seen anything like this first time  i am feeling fear O Beni  you will kill me with this

Beni walked upto her almost showing his priced possession at her face

Beni: Pari in truth this cock is a curse you know my wife does not even sleep with me because she calls it ugly

Pari: O Beni O my god  “iske mein puja karange”  as took his cock in her hand & said Beni you have to teach me I am not good in sex your friend has a very small one almost less than half of this and most days it does not even stand up he makes me suck it for long time and then shouts you are no good and sleeps away

Beni: O Pari just for once can you suck with your beautiful mouth

Sush watching was absolutely fascinated by the play between both of them and was thrilled by Pari’s shock on seeing this fellow’s monster cock

Pari without hesitation took his cock in her mouth as sucked the big bulbous member with real flair one thing was correct she was a good cock sucker as she loved this massive member

Beni then lifter her shoulder making her get up as he kissed pre cum filled lips roughly almost Pari crumbled into him with passion one thing good was happening Beni after seeing Pari naked had all but forgotten that his Memsaab was watching this live show he was intent on good time with Pari

Beni slowly pushed her near the bed then taking breaking his kiss he kneeled in front of her licking the watery pussy –even Sush could see the girl was all ready her juices tingling in ultra black public hair

Pari “ O bhaiya O my god this is first time somebody has put a mouth on this O god I will fall down”  as almost stutteringly she fell in the bed as she stretched her back and widened her legs Beni now really had full access as he gave her a solid lick enjoying  the raw animal like smell and texture of Pari he then slowly reached her wondrous big nippled breast as he feasted on them

Pari “ O Bhaiya Jaldi sa karrona Iam feeling so much Beni please you may feast on me later abhi undar daldo please do it Bhaiya almost pleading”

Sush watching through the hole saw the whole scene unfolding she was absolutely enjoying this onslaught as thought Beni was now a trained lover as she started having some delicious thoughts ..

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Splendid update. Waiting for threesome here.
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(09-03-2021, 08:46 PM)Dorabooji Wrote: Splendid update. Waiting for threesome here.

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Well Pari was overwhelmed with desire as Beni was absolutely mauling her large breast and brown areolas of her nipples she did have round and pendulous breast hanging low no sagging but it had a different feel to it may be due to not wearing proper bra or not wearing bra at all but Beni loved those as his hands simply  was making a royal aata out of it with his mouth munching her nipples

Pari: Bhaiya Bus Karoo I want you inside me O Beni please

Beni then moved her to centre of the bed in such away the pussy was facing Sush who had a real nice scenery to watch as Beni moved forward holding his big engorged penis on front of  the twinkling pussy lips of Pari her hand also holding onto his penis as she guided it to her love hole

Pari: Beni I have never handled such a big one please do not tear me part please do it slowly please bhaiya

Beni: Aree Pari don’t worry just close your eyes and relax you will  enjoy the feeling

Beni in a swift quick move entered and had almost half of his big cock inside Pari’s  really tight pussy it was absolutely clampy

Pari: O Bhaiya my god you are absolutely filling me up it feels like your cock almost reached my stomach o my god even by nostrils have become so dry O Bhaiya slowly Kaar na

Beni knew what to do there are no easy method so he almost removed the entire cock out and pushed on again  

Pari was whimpering O bhaiya my god you are filling me up completely Its paining a little but without some pain no pleasure O Bhaiya Karoo joorsa

But Beni slowly and methodically after almost 7-8 thrusty strokes had his entire cock in the tortured pussy he knew the value of carefulness after the way he screwed his wife who now almost hated sex

Pari was like intoxicated lady the absolute pain and pleasure of such a big cock was overwhelming as she tried to open her mouth Beni’s mouth was on her as he kissed her & sucked her tongue just giving minor movements with his real big cock allowing her pussy to get comfortable

Pari slowly was losing the pain and was engulfed in a real flaming pleasure from her lower tummy as she kissed him back now and with arms pushed his butts forcefully

Beni got the message the lady is ready as now took the full cock out and then plunged it back into the whimpering love hole  ensuring in each stroke he lodged his full cock in her pussy he simply loved tight pussy as it almost opened to his cock reluctantly he loved this grippy feel

Pari never in her life had so much pleasure there was no more pain only the clammy hardness as simply loved such a big cock
“ Beni please fuck me hard my god I never knew this hard cock can give so much pleasure O god harder more harder beni  O god mera koo achisee Chudai karoo Beni  “
as she also actively joined enjoying it as her arms pulled Beni’s shoulder and her legs almost folded on his butts as felt her butts getting banged in the bed almost his cock acting like how a pointed rod splits open a coconut in the villages she felt Beni was the steel rod she felt like the coconut ripped in pleasure by her steel man Beni as she felt awash with sheer pleasure

Beni just as he was reaching the crescendo as felt a squeeze on his balls and in few seconds he felt a warm mouth on his balls he thought my god Sushma memsaab had joined the party as suddenly he felt a real  frenzy as he absolutely hammered a helpless Pari

Pari feeling the sudden explosiveness felt for first time in her life a real churning in her lower stomach her eyes almost trembling her breast getting more hardened as she fell into reeling successive climax she was just fell into the bed in almost feeling that as then she felt hot blast from Beni’s big cock she felt it as he sprayed on her insides when it blasted she felt his already big cock just become  touch bigger as he sprayed for few seconds  Pari was in a place of no return as she just felt a shattering orgasm almost for few seconds as hung on to Beni shoulder as Beni simply had her mouth in his lip lock as he kept spraying into her

Sush who was watching sexual journey just did not want see any she wanted action slowly she got out removed her only attire her wet panties as she slowly started using her hands to caress Beni then she just plunged head on with her lips as she took both his balls alternatively in her mouth as she felt the absolute blasting of his cock into helpless Pari as she slowly moved away and slid beside the two lovers as her hands caressed Beni back as he recovered from a thunderous climax after almost 3-4 minutes 

Beni moved to other side of Pari in the bed Sush then boldly started sucking Pari’s  lovely left breast taking nipples in her mouth and stretching it as she signalled Beni to do the same to Pari’s right breast –poor Pari already bewildered by the rocking climax and orgasm could not believe twin mouth attacking  both her breast it felt like dream because so much pleasure as her hands reached both the heads attacking  her breast to utter shock she found two heads one a female and other Beni

Pari almost sat “ my god he kya orehai O god a madam kaun he”

Sush boldy reached and made her lie down beside her no need to get worried my sweet pari – I am sushma

Pari just could not believe that a most beautiful lady like hindi fim actress was beside her she was like a star clear white skin and totally naked with gorgeous body she could see her lovely butts as the lady was on her stomach looking at her

Pari : O madam itne sundar lady I have never seen so close I do not understand what is happening

Sush cooly reached and kissed her flush in her lips and then said O my sweet Pari it was I who made Beni dada to have a go with you did you like what Beni did to you  

Pari was stunned by the kiss of the lady she felt so hot –then she spoke in truth in my life i have never had sex like this I never ever thought Beni will have such a big member o my god it is so big all I hoped was rigid hard cock -- But madam who are you what are you doing here you look like a bada memsaab almost not able to stop as Sush hands closed her mouth

Sush: O Pari I just experienced this UP wala bhaiya  just holding Beni’s now swiveled still formidable cock and I felt poor Pari my dear UP wala saheli with such a beautifull body as she fondled Pari’s big boobs (as Pari whimpered O memsaab) should also enjoy this big cock – Do you agree on that

Pari : O memsaab I am confused I don’t know but I really enjoyed Beni so much

Sush: Then don’t worry from now on we three are going enjoy everything – O beni what happened seating so quiet

Beni: O memsaab few days back I was living life so dull all of sudden I am with 2 most beautiful woman what I can tell you

Sush: Now both of you have your food I want to watch the 2 lovers have food c’mon Pari – no need to dress

Utterly confused Pari sat down as a naked beni sat across her as she opened the tiffen handing over one box to Beni as she had one for herself  then she looked at  Memsaab you can have this I brought some extra please come as Sush joined them Pari was truly shocked to see a beautiful shaved pussy as she looked up her eyes almost open like soucer  in disbelief

Sush: O Pari like what you see don’t you worry when you go from here today we will make you look most beautiful inside out  my dearest Pari as she sat down in a circle across them

The three naked group 2 lovely naked ladies and a Older guy with a prodigous cock as his only asset  enjoyed the tasteful  Chicken biryani –Sush enjoying the most as a little stunned peasant girl Pari was too confused to understand what’s happening as she tried to eat and Beni was also eating but feeling the rising excitement of seeing the 2 naked ladies
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Beni has become a lucky bastard
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(11-03-2021, 07:56 AM)Gilmalover Wrote: Beni has become a lucky bastard

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two excited ladies... waiting for more to join the seduction gang...
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(12-03-2021, 10:56 AM)fun.toosh Wrote: two excited ladies... waiting for more to join the seduction gang...

yes it's happening  Smile
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