Adultery Who Watches The Watchmen? by aurelius1982
After Dara left, I stripped naked and masturbated three times on our bed. I kept replaying everything we had done and the kinkiness of the situation. After bringing myself off all those times, I felt a little sleepy so I took a nap without putting my clothes back on.

I was awakened by the sound of the doorbell. I looked at the clock and saw it was almost noon. I dragged myself off the bed, still feeling a little groggy. It was only after I walked out to the living room that I realized I was fully naked. A part of me was tempted to open the door like that, but it seemed too big of a step.

I recalled Dara's instructions and for some reason felt resentful that he should be telling me what to wear and what not to wear. So I went to the kitchen, and put the whole sari back on before going to answer the door. When I finally opened the door, Dara pushed it roughly, closed it behind him and with a surly expression said,

"What took you so long?"

I was pissed with his tone of voice. So I replied,

"I was sleeping. What do you want?"

He smiled and put his arms around me.

"You know what I want, memsaab. But will you give it to me?"

"Don't be oversmart!" I shook his arms off.

"Why are you fully dressed? I thought I told you to be topless and take of your sari." he tugged at my pallu, making me spin a little as a couple of layers of the sari came off.

"Dara, stop it!" I yanked at the sari and wrapped it around me again. "You can say whatever you want. I am not going to obey you. Don't forget your place."

"Fine." he shrugged and plonked himself on the couch. I glared at him, then went and sat next to him.

He put his arm around and shoulder and gently pulled me towards him so I was leaning against his body. For the next few minutes, he kissed me on the neck and cheeks and got me a little worked up. So when he tried to take my pallu off this time, I didn't resist. Soon he had me topless and only in my petticoat. I expected him to take his dick out but he didn't.

Instead turned 90 degrees facing me and started kissing me passionately on the lips. With practice, he was actually getting a lot better at it. His hands though, didn't maul my boobs as usual. He kept one hand behind my head holding me in the kiss and his other hand started slowly caressing my thigh. I shuddered as his touch, even through the petticoat fabric, mad me break out into goosebumps. Part of me wanted to stop him, but I reasoned that as long as he confined himself to the thighs, it was okay. We made out like that, him caressing my thighs while kissing me on the lips and stroking my neck. Soon I was breathing quite heavily.

"Memsaab." he said between kisses.


"Please let me take off your petticoat."

I just shook my head, and that too tentatively, because honestly, I was now craving for his touch on my bare thighs.

"Please." and then kissing again.

I shook my head again, but even more tentatively.

"I promise I won't do anything you don't want me to do."

I said nothing and kept kissing him. I put one hand on his lean muscular shoulders and rubbed them. After a minute or so of making out, Dara moved his hand from my thigh slowly up to the waist and to the petticoat knot. I moved a hand and put it on top of his. We stared into each other's eyes, our breathing heavy and our faces slightly sweaty. After about twenty seconds of the staring contest, I took my hand away.

He smiled and pulled at the string. I didn't protest. He put a fingers inside the waistband and loosened it. I found my hips rising by themselves to help him slip off the penultimate article of clothing covering my modesty.

"Red undies. Nice." he tried to touch my pussy mound, but I said,

"Not there."

"Okay, okay." he said and resumed stroking my thigh, this time making direct contact with my skins. I felt a jolt surge through me at his touch. I realized that I was letting things go a lot farther than I would have ideally wanted.

Suddenly he stopped kissing me, took his hand off my thighs, and sat back. I stared at him, breathing heavily.

"Straddle me." he said, tugging at my arm.

I don't know why, but I felt myself compelled to obey him. I got up and put my knees outside his thighs on the couch cushion facing him. Then I lowered myself into his lap, and we started kissing. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. I could feel his erection through his pants poking against the crotch of my panties. I shifted slightly to avoid that direct contact but it was still rubbing against my thighs.

I moved a little more until my crotch was resting on his right thigh. I took my right leg and put it between his legs. In this position, the curve of his thigh fit perfectly again the junction of my thighs. very snug fit. And before I knew it.......god this is so embarrassing.....before I knew it, I started moving my hips up and down his thighs, more or less dry humping him.

The friction that this motion caused with his thighs, even through the fabric of my panties and of his pants, was beginning to affect my clitoris. I started moaning with every stroke. Dara, for a change seemed taken aback. He was a passive participant and I was the one doing all the work, kissing him, rubbing his hair, and of course, dry humping his thigh. But he soon recovered his wits.

"Memsaab, there are easier ways to do this."

"Shut up!" I said in a voice so hoarse that I couldn't believe it was mine.

I was rocking back and forth and sideways, the friction was feeling great against my clit. The pleasure wave was building up. And that's when Dara decided he had enough license to try something else. He calmly slipped one hand down the back of my panties and grabbed my right as cheek. I was too far along to be scandalized or stop him. Honestly, if he had had more, I probably wouldn't have stopped him. But he contented himself with fondling the naked skin of my ass while I dry humped his thigh.

The feel of his rough fingers massaging my ass directly also had an additional effect on me. Within a minute, the orgasm hit. And I moaned my way through it, continuing to ride his thigh. It lasted for a good 15 seconds or so. And when it subsided, I just plonked my head on his shoulder and hugged him tight.

"That was interesting." Dara said kissing me. "Don't think I've ever seen a woman do that before."

"I've never done it either." I said, suddenly filled with shame that I had just orgasmed in front of this lowly watchman.

"My turn." he said and unzipped his pants. His dick sprang out.

And sitting on his right thigh, with my head on his shoulder and kissing him like a teenager, I jacked him off.

He left to return to his job. I cleaned his cum off the floor again, making a mental note that next time I should have a napkin or a towel handy.

Sot hat's what happened today. He didn't return the rest of the day.

I am a little freaked out, Prakash. What I spontaneously did......felt so cheap and trashy. I am contemplating just shutting this whole experiment down before I go too far.

Love You
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I finished reading the email a third time and was wild with arousal. I had already jacked off twice to it already. The mental image of Menaka, clad in just her undies, masturbating using our watchman's knee and then jacking him off.....mindblowing! I realized that I did not feel any jealousy anymore and was in fact rooting for Dara to go all the way with my wife soon. Considering the pace at which things were going, maybe it would happen the very next day. I wished there was a way I could see all this happening instead of just reading descriptions.

I sent Menaka a short reply saying I loved everything she had written, that I loved her a lot, and was glad she was finding some spontaneous pleasure. I thought about adding that if she wanted to go all the way, she had my blessings, but then decided against it. I did not want her to do anything obligated by my desires.

The next 36 hours or so crept by very slowly. I had a tough time focusing on my work and my mind kept going back to what was happening in Mumbai. Finally when we reached another coverage zone, I excitedly refreshed my inbox and was delighted to see an email from Menaka. It had arrived almost a day ago. Eagerly,I opened it and started reading.

Email 2

Dearest Prakash

Thank you so much for your understanding and enthusiastic email. It meant a lot. I thought you might be angry with me. Having your support makes it easy for me to deal with my guilt and shame.

Guilt and shame are the theme of this email. After what I did, when my mind returned to normal, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of self-loathing. Typing it all outin an email for you only made that sense stronger. I kept tossing and turning all night, barely able to sleep. The next morning when I was dropping Ayan for his school bus, I kept praying that the watchmen wouldn't be there. But of course they were.

Banke had a smile on his face as he stared at me. Dara was standing with his hands folded and a wide grin on his face. I tried to avoid eye contact. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dara raise his right knee and then slap his thigh a few times. At this, Banke burst out laughing.

I felt my face go hot with consternation as I not only relived the shame of what I had done, but also felt new shame and anger at the fact that Dara had obviously told everything to Banke. Dara had assured me of Banke's discretion, but how could I trust him?

I stopped at the corner of our lane with Ayan. The bus finally arrived. I led him onto the bus and it drove off. I turned around. I could see Dara standing outside the gate looking in my direction. I felt another pang of shame and guilt. And I took an impulsive decision. There was an empty rickshaw passing by. I hailed it and got in.

"Where to, madam?" he asked.

My mind was blank. I finally said,

"Inorbit mall."

Long story short, I did not find myself up to the task of facing Dara again at least today. I went to the mall, shopped around a little, browsed a few books, watched a movie, had lunch, doing everything on my own. I called up mom and talked to her. By the time it was late afternoon, I still didn't feel like going home. So I took a rickshaw to Ayan's school. Picked him up after his day ended, and took him to the park. Then to Juhu beach. Then showed him a cartoon movie. It was past 10 PM by the time we got home.

Dara wasn't around. Banke was busy talking to someone at the other end of the compound. He didn't notice me as I quickly led Ayan to the lift. At home, I put a tired Ayan to bed. Now I am writing you this email and then I am going to sleep.

Before you ask......what about tomorrow? I don't know. Spending a normal day has made me a feel a lot better already. I'll decide tomorrow what to do tomorrow

Love you


I could not help but feel a sense of anti-climax because of this email. I had expected something much more.....explosive. But she had taken a day's break for her games. Not that I could blame her. Menaka was a shy demure small town middle class girl at heart. Even with me, exploring her sexuality had been a long slow journey. Just the strides she had made so far with Dara were huge. It was understandable if she wanted to slow things down a little and introspect.

I was about to log off and go back to work when suddenly I saw an alert at the corner of the screen. Menaka had logged on to Skype! I checked my watch. It was around 1 AM in India. had she logged on hoping to find me? Our ship was moving pretty fast, so before we moved out of the coverage zone, I dialed Menaka.

The Skype tone rang a couple of times before the call was declined. I thought it was a network problem. I tried again. Disconnected again. I was about to try a third time when Menaka sent a chat message.

- He's here right now. Can't do video or voice.

I was stunned! Granted that the email I had just read was sent a day ago. But still, going from that to having him in our apartment in the middle of the night within 24 hours? What had I missed?

- WTF?????

is all I could type.

And then the prompt under the chat window that Menaka was typing something seemed to last for an eternity as I waited for some clarification on exactly what the hell was going on.

Finally the message from Menaka popped up in its entirety

- I was sleeping when the door bell rang repeatedly. I went to answer it and Dara was standing outside, covered in sweat. It's an unusually humid night here. He asked if he could take a bath at our house because the tap downstairs wasn't working. I was puzzled, asked why he needed to have a bath this late at night. He smiled and said it was because he had just spent an hour having sex with Vimla on the roof. And then as he stepped closer, I could smell the combination of sex juices on him. He smiled again and said he was feeling very sticky and could I please allow him to have a bath. I reluctantly let him in.
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very hot story.keep going.
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- Wow, that is bizarre. Are you sure it wasn't just an excuse?

- Maybe it was. But he really was reeking of sweat and sex. So I let him in.

- Had you engaged in hanky panky earlier in the day?

- No, I did the same thing as yesterday. Spent the day outside. When I came back in the evening, I saw Vimla talking with Dara so I should've guessed that they'd head to the roof eventually.

- Is he next to you right now?

- No, he is across the room, drying himself.

Ummm...what? I asked the obvious question,

- He is naked in our bedroom???????

- Yes.

- Is he...making a move?

- No, not yet. But he is looking at me and smiling.

- Menaka, why don't you turn the video on? I'll just watch. Shut off the monitor so he doesn't know.

There was no answer for a few minutes. Finally she typed,

- Sorry, he just came and fondled me. I pushed him away saying not now. Now he is sitting on the bed naked. His dick is erect. I am feeling a little nervous at the situation.

- Turn on video chat.

- No way. I feel embarrassed.

- Come on! Please!

There was silence for a while. And then the video feed came on.


The first thing I saw was Menaka's arm stretched across the screen. I assumed she was turning the monitor off as I told her.She then sat back in the chair. She was wearing a salwar kurta from what I could see. Beyond her, I saw him. Our watchman, sitting on our bed, stark naked. His thick dick looked obscenely disproportionate compared to his wiry small body.

"Are you done talking to your husband?" he asked.

Menaka nodded.

He got up and strode towards the screen. Standing next to Menaka's chair, with his dick swinging side by side, he put his hands on her shoulders and massaged them saying,

"He is a stupid man, your husband, leaving such a hot wife alone for so long. Of course, it's good for me."

Menaka's eyes were locked into the webcam so it was like she was looking directly in my eyes. I could see tension on her face and she was squirming at his touch.

"Don't talk about my husband." she said angrily.

"Okay sweetheart."

Dara bent down and started kissing Menaka on the neck. She inhaled sharply and pushed him away.


"What?" he asked, confused. "It's been two days already."

He took her hand and tried to wrap it around his dick. Menaka's fingers instinctively grasped it but then she blushed and let it go again.

"Haven't you gotten your night's worth from Vimla already?"

I heard a tinge of jealousy in her voice. Dara must have detected it too because he laughed and said,

"Don't be jealous. You can have what she has."

And he pushed his hips forward, slapping his erect thick dick against her cheeks. This made Menaka really angry and she got up.

"GET OUT!" she yelled.

"Come on, memsaab." he tried to mollify her. "See how keen this guy is for you."

He wrapped his fingers around his dick. I saw Menaka looking at the cam and then lower at the dick.

And the screen froze.

"Goddammit!" I yelled, noticing that the connection had been lost.

For the next few minutes, I waited for the internet to come back as the screen stayed frozen on the image of my wife, standing with her hands on her hips staring at the watchman's dick as he held it out towards her just a couple of feet away.

And there was no way for me to see or know what happened next. At least not then.


It was over twelve hours until I finally had access to some communication network. No internet still, but at least phone network. As soon as I could, I called Menaka.

"Hi honey" I said.

"Hi." she sounded glum. "Do you hate me?"

"What do you mean?"

"You saw what happened."

"Actually, no, I didn't see too much."

"What do you mean?"

I told her the point at which the internet connection was lost.

"Oh, that early?" she said, sounding a little pensive.

"Yeah, so what happened?"

She was silent for a couple of seconds before answering.

"Nothing much. I told him to leave. He argued a little bit and then left."

"Huh? Then why would I hate you?"


"You asked me if I hate you."

"Oh that...because you didn't get to see anything. I felt very shy doing anything with you watching."

Her answer bothered me. I could tell she was hiding something.

"So you just sent him away. Right away."


"So then why didn't you turn the monitor on and notice that I was disconnected."

"I did. I noticed you were offline." she said, a little too emphatically.

Her story didn't add up. But I didn't want to grill her too much, at least not over the phone. So far, as far as I knew, she had been completely honest with me. If she was being cagey, I was sure she had her reasons. I decided to let it go and wait for her to tell me the truth at her own pace and on her own terms.

"Okay. So what next?"

That's when I heard the door bell ring behind her.

"Honey, I gotta go." Menaka said. "I'll email you later."

And she hung up.

I sat there with the phone clasped to my ears, convinced that things had progressed a lot and were probably able to progress a lot more.


I was in a lot of emotional turmoil for the next few hours until Menaka's email arrived and cleared a lot of things up.

Email 3 -

Dearest Prakash

I want to start by apologizing to you. I know you know me well enough to have realized that when we spoke on the phone, I wasn't being entirely truthful. I promise you that I didn't lie because I wanted to deceive you. It's just that I couldn't get myself to say the truth while talking to you. I just felt too embarrassed. Somehow it is easier to do by email. I think that in the future, we should communicate anything related to Dara only by email.

So now on to the truth. You already told me at what point your connection went down. I had yelled at Dara to get out while he stood in our bedroom naked, pointing his dick at me. The thing is, I was actually getting very turned on and tempted by seeing him stroll around the room naked in his cocky manner with his thick hard dick swinging all around me. Add to it the shame of the fact that you were watching. Which is why I asked him to leave. But my gaze was locked into his dick.

As I stood with my hands on my hips, hoping he would leave, he came close to me and pushed his dick against my thigh. He grabbed my boobs over my kurta and squeezed them hard, making my already aroused body cry out for his touch that I had deprived myself of for 2 whole days. When he started taking my kurta off, alarm bells went inside my head, but I let him, deeply ashamed of the fact that you were probably watching.
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He then put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down in a squatting position. My body, thirsting for some male contact, obeyed. And soon his dick was an inch in front of my face, in its angry erect glory. This was the closest look I had ever had of the dick although I had given him handjobs before. My mouth instinctively opened up in an expression of surprise. And the crafty guy took that opportunity and shoved it forward straight inside my lips.

I was taken aback by this sudden movement. I gagged and tried to move my head back. But he had cleverly put his hands on my head, stopping that from happening. Before I knew it, his dick was inside my mouth and touching the back of my throat.

Obviously, I struggled. You know I am not a big fan of giving oral sex. But in that squatting position with his strong hands holding my head in place, I wasn't really able to do much. The clammy hardness of his thick dick started making its presence felt in my mouth, rubbing against my tongue, my lips, and the inside of my cheeks. I felt like gagging, but it was suppressed too. And soon he was having sex with my mouth as his public hair went into my nostrils with every stroke.

"Oh wow, you have a sexy mouth, memsaab." Dara chuckled and kept going, as I struggled to maintain balance on my haunches.

Slowly, the revulsion of fellatio wore off and my tongue and mouth actually got used to the intrusion. I am ashamed to say this but I started enjoying the kinkiness of being on my haunches in our bedroom sucking off the watchman. When he realized that I had stopped struggling, he let go of my head. And for a minute or so, I squatted on the floor, my hands on his thighs as he fucked my mouth.

And then I suddenly remembered. You were watching all this. And were probably angry that I giving him a blowjob so happily when I don't do it for you. Obviously, I had no idea you were disconnected.

"Wait a second." I said, taking his dick out of my mouth. I crawled over to the CPU and held the power button to turn the computer off.

So in my mind, I thought you had seen this happen and then seen me turn the computer off. Which is why I asked you if you hate me. Once I learned you had seen nothing of it, I tried to change the story because I was feeling so shameful and guilty. That was wrong of me and I and sorry.

Anyway, after I turned the computer off, I turned around to see he had followed me. He shoved his dick in my mouth again.


I was on my knees on the floor in front of the computer with his thick dick invading my mouth again. By now, I had gotten quite accustomed to having the organ in my mouth. And I was following his instructions.

"Take it all the way in until it touches your throat. Keep your lips pressed hard. Then take it out again...yes like that, memsaab. Now roll your tongue over the tip. Hmmm...that's good."

As I continued to blow him, he slipped off my bra leaving me topless. He then made me get up and took my salwar off leaving me in just my panties again. We moved to the bed where he sprawled out with his head on the pillow. And I was my his side on my elbows and knees, sucking his dick, feeling very trashy at doing so in our bed with our watchman, clad in just panties.

Finally, about five minutes later, I felt his dick throb in that familiar way. Not wanting his semen in my mouth, I took it out and he spurted all over my tits again. This time, it felt normal. I was amazed that even after having sex with Vimla he had produced so much semen. Globs of it stuck to my boobs, polled in my cleavage and leaked down to the bed.

Dara sat up, took me in his embrace and kissed me. I was sitting on my ass with my knees up and folded. As we kissed, I felt his hand move to my crotch. His two fingers gently rubbed against my clit over the fabric. And I shuddered.

"Dara, no!" I broke the kiss and said, putting my hand on his hand.

"Please memsaab." he said. "Give me a chance to pleasure you and return the favor."

"It feels wrong."

"I won't take it off." he said, rubbing his fingers over that special spot again.

I squirmed as I wrestled with the decision. I was wet and I was turned on beyond belief. I needed the release. But I was scared that if I let him breach this last boundary, then nothing would be left. If I let him finger me, how long would it be before he wanted to go all the way? And I didn't feel ready for it. But all this trepidation was disappearing with every stroke of his finger on my crotch. Finally I took my hand away and whispered,


He looked elated. While kissing me with his lips and one hand rubbing his semen all over my tits, his other hand started its magic.

"You'll like it. Vimla loves it." he said, and I felt a pang of jealousy at him mentioning my competition.

His index fingers rubbed my clit over the panties expertly as his thumb and middle finger traces the edges of my panties against my inner thighs. I felt myself getting aroused, my breath getting heavier. I kissed him really hard and even bit his lip as his index finger started stroking me harder and harder.

After a couple of minutes, his middle finger gently slipped inside my panties and touched my labia directly. I gave a start and looked at him. He stared into my eyes. I went back to kissing him and he took it like the tacit approval it was. Soon his three fingers moved the crotch of my panties to the side, exposing my pussy. He looked at it and said,


And now his fingers were directly playing with my clit without the wall of the fabric. My chest started heaving. And within a few minutes, I was thrashing about in his arms as a big orgasm swept over me. He kissed and bit me throughout, and we were like two young lovers in heat. Once my orgasm subsided, he respectfully covered my pussy with the panties again.

After the sexual release, guilt and shame swept over me. I got off the bed and started getting dressed. I told him he should go and he nodded. After he left, I tried my best to sleep, but it took me a couple of hours until that happened.

So there you have it. What I was so embarrassed to tell you over the phone. I have now sucked our watchman's dick, and he has seen my pussy, and fingered me to an orgasm. And not just that one time. Today, we went through the same routine three more times, including right after I hung up the phone.

I am a major crossroads, Prakash. I still feel shame and guilt and discomfort at what I am doing with a common gurkha. At the same time, with every boundary I cross, i get more and more engaged in the process. As you can tell, all that remains is the final frontier. I still don't know if I am ready to cross it. But I think about it a lot and I dream about it like I have since that night I first saw him fucking Vimla.

You have been supportive of me throughout, but I can understand if you are feeling angry and disgusted at me right now. Say the word and I will stop doing this.

I love you more than life itself.

Love Menaka xoxo

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I finished reading the email with the biggest erection and my brain seemingly on fire. I could not believe how far my once demure wife had come. Not just once, but multiple times, she had given our watchman a blowjob and let him finger her to an orgasm. Just a couple of weeks ago, this would have been unthinkable. I finally typed out my response to her.

Dearest Menaka

I am not angry or disgusted. I am very happy you are finding the pleasure and delight you so fully deserve. I love you more than life itself too. And whatever you want to do going forward, you have my blessings.

Love Prakash

For the next couple of days, I was preoccupied with the idea that any moment now, my wife might be going all the way. There was no internet connection so the email wasn't updated. But finally we reached a point where I could make a ship to shore call. I was too eager to wait any longer. So I called up Menaka.

"Hi honey, I love you." I said.

"I love you too, Prakash. Sorry I haven't been able to send any email updates." she said.

"Oh, that's okay. I haven't had any internet access anyway. So what's new?"

"Well, things are a bit slow right now. Dara and I are having another fight." she sighed.

"Again? You two keep fighting like hormonal teenagers. Haha."

"I know. He is just getting so cocky and arrogant."

"Well, can you blame him, given how well it has worked so far?"

"True, but still. he should show some respect."

"What happened this time? Is the fight because he wants to go all the way and you are not ready yet?"

"No, it is a different and a weird reason." she even giggled a little.

"Tell me."

"Like I wrote to you in the email, we crossed another boundary. I took his dick in my mouth, he saw and fingered my pussy. The next day we repeated that three times in different settings."

"What kinda settings?"

"In the morning, as soon as I returned from the school bus, he came up. Stripped me down to my panties. Got fully naked. Then he fingered me to an orgasm on the couch. And later I sucked his dick."

"'s so hot to hear you describe it so nonchalantly."

"Shut up!" she giggled. "Anyway, he had to go start his shift. But he said he'd be back later in the day during a short break. And asked me to be ready for him by stripping down to my panties so we could save time. That's when you had called."

"So when you were talking to me, you were only in your panties?"

"Yes." she said bashfully. "Anyway, this time we did it all right on the floor inside the door because we were both so horny."

"Did you start swallowing?"

"Ewwww! No! It's been sprayed on my body every time."

"Okay. Okay."

"The third time was just before Ayan was due back from school. We went to the bedroom. And...I didn't mention this in the email because I was feeling very shy about it. Oh god..."

"He fucked you?"



"Okay see...I was on my back on the bed wearing just my panties. The crotch was moved to the side and his fingers were playing with my clit and pussy. I was very worked up, approaching an orgasm, when he asked if he could slide my panties down a little for better access. I shook my head. He insisted. So I just said yes, wanting to get the orgasm done with soon. So he put his fingers in the waistband of my panties and slid them until they were around my thighs."

" you were practically naked!"

"Yes, he was now getting a full look at my private parts. And that turned me on a lot. Soon I started orgasming. And as I did, I kicked my legs up and down a fair bit. And that...that made the panties fly off my legs."


"Yes, I was now totally naked in front of our watchman. Not a stitch of clothing."

"How did he react?"

"With delight. I instinctively tried to close my legs, but he grabbed them by the ankles and held them apart, carefully surveying all that he saw. I felt very shy so I closed my eyes and put my hands on my face. He watched and groped my naked pussy and ass aggressively for several minutes. Rolled me over on my stomach and played with my butt crack. It was humiliating but also very erotic."


"Finally I kicked his hands off my legs and started getting dressed saying I had to go pick up Ayan. He quietly started getting dressed as well."

"It all seems very amicable so far. What was the fight about?"

"I am coming to that. It started the next day. With something very silly. And just snowballed."

"What do you mean?"

"Okay. So the next morning, expecting that he'll be coming soon, I stripped to my undies. When he did arrive, I hugged him. He hugged me back. And then handed me a small envelope."

"What was in it?"

"It had 101 rupees. I asked him what that was. And he said it was...oh god it sounds so was my 'choot-dikhayi'"

"What the fuck is a choot-dikhayi?"

"That's what I asked him, a little testily. He explained that like many communities have the custom of muh-dikhayi, where a woman is given a cash gift for showing her face, in his community, there is also a custom of choot-dikhayi. So when a wife gets fully naked in front of her husband, the husband gives her a cash gift as a token of gratitude of showing her his pussy."


"I know! It sounded very creepy to me so I flung the envelope back at him saying what nonsense was this. He picked it up and tried to hand it to me again saying he was just following a custom from his community. I yelled at him that firstly, I wasn't his wife, so this bizarre custom didn't apply to me. Secondly, throwing money at a woman he was getting physical pleasure from? Seemed so cheap. That got him a little upset. He said that sure he wasn't my husband, but he had been around for me and taking care of my needs and listening to every whim and demand of mine. So why wasn't I respecting this one tradition of his?"


"We argued like that back and forth for a bit and other issues came up. About how I was jealous of Vimla and how I was a tease. And I complained about his arrogance and demanding nature. At the end of it, he stormed out. And hasn't been back since."

"That is weird!"

"So things here are in a holding pattern. I am waiting for him to cave. And this time I am absolutely not going to be the one to be manipulated. He is the one who owes me an apology."
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Yes, moreeeeee
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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"Are you sure?"


After that we chatted about a couple of other issues and the conversation ended.


I was very titillated by the idea of a choot-dikhayi, a man paying a woman for showing him her pussy. But given how offended and objectified Menaka seemed by it, I echoed her sentiments about the matter. Listening to everything that had happened and base on the short glimpse I had seen, it was clear to me that Dara completely had Menaka in his control. Her sense of pride and propriety was making her throw occasional roadblocks in their progress but I was sure it would be shortlived. It was only a matter of time before that gurkha dick would breach her cunt, I was sure.

So I was surprised when the story took an unexpected turn. We next spoke three days later over Skype when I was off the coast of Philippines and had great internet access. I spent fifteen minutes talking to Ayan and Menaka together before she put our son to bed and the topic resumed.

"So...fucked Dara yet?"

"No! God, you are so vulgar!" she blushed.

"But you at least made up with him?"

"Not exactly." she said mysteriously.


"Okay, so after the fight, our cold war resumed. We would look away when we crossed each other, waiting for the other person to make the first move. And he went back to his old trick of using Vimla to make me jealous. She would always be hanging out with him. And I could see from the window at night and even in the afternoon that they would disappear to the roof. Once when I was walking by in the afternoon, he actually took her to the lift in front of me. Trying really hard to weaken my resolve."

"Did it? Tell me honestly."

"Honestly, I was tempted a couple of times. but I was still upset over our argument and especially the choot-dikhayi stunt. So I held firm. But then I got a chance to get even in a way."

"What do you mean?"

"Two days ago, I was walking back from shopping in the afternoon. Dara was nowhere to be seen. Banke was sitting at his stool. When he saw me, he walked up to me and said that there was a package delivered. It was the new mixer I had ordered online and the box was big. I already had bags in my hand. So I told Banke to carry it upstairs with me. Which he did. We reached our flat, I put the bag down and led Banke to the kitchen to put the mixer there."

"Was he being lewd or suggestive like before?"

"Actually, he wasn't. he usually did that only when Dara was around. But he did keep stealing glances at me. Especially when he put the box down and got up, I saw him stare at my breasts for a couple of seconds. That's when a plan started forming in my brain. If Dara thought he could make me jealous, well, two could play that game. His friend Banke was right here."

"Whoa! So you sucked him off?" that sounded deliciously wicked.

"NO! I am not some sort of a slut to go around sucking the dick of every man I find. But I did decide to use him. I thanked him for the help and told him to wait and I would make him chai. But first, I said, I needed to change."

"Ah ha! So you gave him a peep show?"

"Kinda. I went to the bedroom and left the door half open. I slowly stripped off my sari and my petticoat. In the bedroom mirror, I could see Banke was slowly taking steps towards the door. He finally stopped at a point about 6 feet from the door from where he could see me. I was in my blouse and panties. In the mirror, I saw his eyes get big in admiration as he saw me. Suddenly, I felt so exhilarated at the naughty thing I was doing. My original plan was to just show him that much. But then I felt a voice inside my head goading me on. So I took the blouse off hastily. And stood there for a few seconds in my underwear, giving Banke a good long look at my body."

"Wow! Didn't he barge in?"

"I was a little worried he would."

"Worried or hopeful?"

"Shut up!" she giggled. "Anyway, I had planned to change into salwar kameez. But instead I took out one of those skirts you had bought me."

"Which one?"

"The black one with pleats that goes down to the knees. I slipped that on. And a top."


"No, not too much. I wore that and walked out. As soon as he saw me starting to walk out, Banke ran back to the kitchen and stood there as if he had been there the whole time. When I walked in, I saw he was hiding his hips behind a dining chair. One quick glimpse was enough to confirm that he was doing so because he had an erection. I smiled and went to the stove to make tea. he just stood there silently. To break the awkward silence, I asked him if he was married. He said he wasn't. I asked him if he had a girlfriend. He said no, not really. Then he said, "once in a while..." and stopped. I asked what once in a while? Blushing hard, he said, once in a while, Dara shared Vimla with him."


"That made me blush. I didn't say anything. There was an awkward silence for a while. Then he said, "memsaab, you and Dara had a fight?". For a moment I considered saying yes. But for some reason, I chose the other option. I angrily said, "what do you mean?" He was taken aback and said nothing, and then said sorry. We were both quiet for a while. Then I angrily said that Dara was a nobody, a nothing, and he shouldn't believe random crap he had heard. And I also added, "Dara does not own me." He nervously nodded. I gave him a cup of tea, took one myself and went to the living room. He followed me. I sat on the couch and he sat on the floor near me."

"Was he still nervous?"

"Yes, but he kept staring at my bare calves. I shifted a little, moving my legs to give him a glimpse of my thighs. And I saw him stare and swallow. I had given him enough signals for him to do something."

"What were you hoping he would do?"

"At least make some sort of a move. My plan was to maybe allow him a quick fondle and then act shy and send him away. Then he would tell Dara what had happened and he would jealous."
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"Did it happen?"

"Not...not that time."

"But it eventually did?"

"Yeah." she blushed.


"So when did it eventually happen?"

"The next day. I more or less tricked him into it." Menaka giggled.


"Well, that afternoon when i went to the balcony, I saw that Dara was with Vimla again, taking a stroll around the compound. When he saw me, he smiled in my direction and very purposefully squeezed Vimla's ass. She noticed me as well and blushed. They walked around for a while and then I saw them leave the compound, hand in hand. Dara kept looking at me occasionally, trying very hard to make me jealous. So that motivated me to retaliate even more."

"So what did you do with Banke?"

"The first time I had given him a glimpse of myself in my undies and then let him stare at my legs. But he had been either shy or scared of Dara. So this time, I decided to push the envelope a little. I went down where Banke was sitting on the stool near the gate. I told him that I needed his help getting some stuff down from the roof shelf in our apartment. You know the ladder the building has? I asked him to bring it with him. He nodded and said he'd pick up the ladder from the store room and come up in a few minutes."

"Oooh, I see where this is going. What were you wearing?"

"Hehe, the same skirt and top from before. And just to make things a little interesting, I went up to our home and slipped off my bra and then put my top back on."


"Hehe, I mean the top was pretty modest as you know, but without the bra..."

"Yeah, I can imagine. Your tits are big. Must have strained against the fabric like melons."

"Shhh Prakash, stop using such naughty words."

"Haha, okay. Continue."

"A few minutes later, Banke showed up with the ladder. A few seconds after walking in, I saw his eyes go wide as he noticed my chest. Without the bra, the top's fabric was outlining them in an obvious way. And doing this was making me feel a little turned on so my nipples were hard and poking through. He stared at my chest for a couple of seconds, swallowed nervously and then looked at my face again. I put on a mock expression of being offended. And then led him to the bedroom."

"Ooooh, bedroom right away."

"Shut up! Only because that's where the roof shelves are."

"Plus the bed."

"You are incorrigible." she giggle. "Banke placed the ladder near where I told him to. Then he offered to climb it and take down whatever I needed. But I said no, only I knew where things exactly where, so I should go up, and he should hold the ladder. He nervously nodded."

"And the show began?"

"Yes, sort of. He held the ladder firmly. I got on it, moving closer to his body than necessary. That made my boobs brush against his shoulders and I noticed him shiver a little. I climbed up the ladder 3 then 4 rungs. That was actually enough for me to reach most of the stuff on the shelves. I looked down and saw Banke was staring at my thighs under the skirt. Suddenly, I felt very exposed. But at the same time, I felt emboldened to give him more of a look. So I climbed a couple of more runs until the hem of my skirt was well above his head."

"What color panties were you wearing?"



I closed my eyes and imagined the sight of my demure wife climbing too high on the ladder. Her creamy white calves and shins under the black skirt leading up to her shapely thighs and then a look at her perfect ass clothed in red panties. The sight that Banke must have gotten to see at such close quarters was definitely one that he would never have dreamed about. A hot high class housewife wantonly exposing herself to a common watchman like this. It was enough to get the blood surging in my loins.

"I stayed up there, poking and looking around the bags and trunks." Menaka continued her narration. I could see her breath getting a little labored as she recalled her adventure. "I glimpsed down once or twice and caught Banke staring directly up my skirt, presumably at my panties. Whenever I looked down, he would look away, red-faced."

"His face was red and your ass was red."

"Hehe. Anyway, after a minute or two I decided I had given him enough of a show. I picked up a couple of things at random and handed them to him. Then I started climbing down, looking at him. The disappointment on his face at the show ending was obvious. Now originally, I had decided to just end it at that. But as I was climbing down, I started feeling the heat radiate from his body and I saw his muscular arms holding the ladder and suddenly on a whim, I decided to play another trick. When I was on the second rung from the bottom, I pretended to slip and fell backwards. He instinctively wrapped his arms around me as I fell against his chest."

"You naughty minx!" I could not believe how diabolical my once innocent wife had become. She blushed again.

"The momentum of my weight hitting his chest made him take a couple of steps back. His arms were wrapped around my stomach. When he finally paused, my back and butt were clinging to his front. And I immediately felt something hard poking against my butt through the pants. I realized that my show had given him an erection again. And from the size of the bulge digging into my skirt from the back, I could sense that he was very well endowed."

"So he copped a feel?"

"Not immediately. For a few seconds, he just stayed still. I could feel his hot breath on my ears. 'Sorry, I slipped.' I said, my voice shaking with excitement. 'Hmmm' he said and then I felt his hands move up and grab my boobs over the fabric. he also thrust his hips forward making his bulge push even more against my ass. 'Banke...what are you doing?' I shyly asked, but did nothing to move or slap his hands away. ' are so beautiful.' he said, now massaging my bra-less tits over the top. I finally moved my hands up and put them on top of his rough manly hands. But didn't push them away. When he realized that I wasn't really resisting, he pushed me forward until I was leaning against the ladder again. His left hand still massaging my boobs, he moved his right hand low and under my skirt. He slowly caressed my inner thighs and then put his hands on the crotch of my panties. That's when my internal alarm went off. I pushed him away and he stepped back. 'Banke, I am a married woman.' I said my rehearsed line. 'Sorry...sorry memsaab, I just got caught in the moment.' he said, looking contrite. 'Maybe you should go!' I said in mock anger. He nodded, picked up the ladder and almost sprinted out."

"You are cruel! Such a cock tease!"

"Hehe, maybe. But I thought that was enough to get my motor running and send a message to Dara." she said smugly.

"So what's happened since?"

"Nothing much. We'll see how things progress now."

After that we spoke about other matters and then ended the call.
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I was busy with port work for the next day or two and had to also spend a night with one of my fuck buddies in Manila. So I couldn't really talk to Menaka and get updates. But throughout, I kept thinking about what my wife had been up to. As if her dalliance with one watchman wasn't enough, she had crossed another big boundary by teasing the other guy too. And although she didn't specifically say it, I got the feeling that her games with Banke had to do with more than just making Dara jealous. I remembered Banke. He was a young strong strapping guy in his early 20s, almost the exact opposite of the short older gurkha Dara. Just in terms of pure physical attraction, I could understand Menaka's loins burning more for Banke.

I was also starting to wonder how things would proceed after 10 days or so when I would be home for a month long shore leave. Menaka had been able to indulge in these discreet games under the excuse of her husband being away. But with me in town and at home, how would things change? Would she be okay with including me in the games? Would I be okay being part of it and essentially signalling to her lovers that I was fine with whatever was happening? So many questions.

Some more questions were added to that list the next day. I had finished a night of feverish sex with Lucy, a 22 year old port clerk in Manila, and come back to my quarters in the morning to find a long email waiting for me from Menaka. And it was a very looooong email. Here's how it went.

Dearest Prakash

I tried to catch you on Skype and even call you over the last couple of days but I guess you are busy. A lot has happened here. As you know, when something complicated or particularly shame or guilt inducing happens, I find it easier to express myself through emails. Conversationally, I feel shy going into details. So I guess it's just as well that this is the form in which I am updating you.

The day after I flashed my panties at Banke and then let him feel me up in our apartment, things were quiet. I felt like putting a brake on things after the huge risk I had taken with him and I also wanted to give things with Dara time to play out. I wondered if Banke had told Dara about what had happened. I didn't leave the house much except when absolutely required.

The next day though, things changed big time.

In the morning when I was walking Ayan to the school bus, I saw Dara standing near the gate with an angry expression on his face. I thought that I guess he knew and was now feeling jealous because the shoe was on the other foot. As I walked past him, he said under his breath,

"We need to talk."

I ignored him and led Ayan towards the bus stop. When I came back, Dara was still there, hands on his waist and still looking angry. Next to him, I spotted Banke. Banke had an ashamed expression on his face and I noticed a bruise on his cheek. That worried me a little.

"Memsaab, we need to talk." Dara gruffly said.

"I am busy." I airily replied, enjoying the angry expression on his face.

"NOW!!" he said angrily, reaching up and squeezing the much taller Banke's ear hard.

"Okay, what is it?" I said, a little taken aback by the anger in his voice.

"Not out here." he said, turned around and started walking.

Banke glumly walked behind him. I looked around to make sure none of the neighbors were watching and then walked behind them. Dara took us to the wooden shack at the back of the compound where the two of them lived. I walked in behind the two and was surprised at how small the space was. How did they ever manage to live in such a cramped space? It was barely 10 feet by 8 feet, was full of boxes and some kitchen utensils and two thin mattresses in the corner.

"What is it? I don't have all day." I folded my arms and said testily.

Dara bolted the door, turned around, stepped close to me, and said,

"What the hell has been going on between you and Banke?"

I looked at Banke, who was staring at the floor.

"What are you talking about?" I feigned ignorance.

"You and I have a fight so you're getting your cunt rammed by this asshole?"

"DARA!!" I said, raising my voice. "I will NOT have you talking to me like this."

"Just answer my question, memsaab."

I stayed silent and glared at him and then at Banke.

"What did he tell you?"

"Nothing." Dara said. "I even punched him up a little bit."

That explained the bruises, I thought.

"Then what the hell?"

"I'll show you what the hell. He has been denying anything and everything. But I wasn't born yesterday. Look at what I found on his phone."

Dara reached into his pocket and fished out a Nokia phone. He unlocked the screen, scrolled a little and held it up. I looked at the screen in shock, and then threw an angry look at Banke, who looked like he wished he'd be swallowed up by the earth.

"He said it's just something a friend forwarded him. But I have spent enough time between those legs to know they are yours. Aren't they?"

The picture was an upskirt shot of me that Banke must have taken discreetly when I was on the ladder without my realizing. It was an old phone with a low quality camera, but even in that grainy image, you could see my naked thighs and my butt covered in the red panties. Dara showed me two more similar pictures that were on the phone.

"That's...that's not me." I hotly said.

"Really?" Dara scoffed.

"I am going home." I said and turned around but before I could reach the door, Dara grabbed my arm and pulled me into his embrace.

"It's not you, you slut?" he said, one arm wrapped around my shoulders and the other reaching under my kurta.

"Dara! What are you doing?" I said, trying to struggle free.

Banke looked up and seemed in two minds about what to do. He took a step in our direction, when Dara said,

"Don't you dare move, Banke, unless you want another beating." Banke froze.

Meanwhile I was trying in vain to push Dara's hand out from under the kurta. But his ex military strength had managed to fell even a bigger man like Banke so I was no match. His fingers were at the knot of my salwar and soon opened it.
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"Dara, let me go!" I said struggling against his grip.

"Okay!" he said, and really let me go.

The force I was applying to free myself from his grip made me suddenly fall forward. As I was falling, the salwar dropped around my ankles. Soon I was on my hands and knees on that dirt floor. Dara swiftly moved behind me, lifted the back of the salwar and put one leg on my back to hold me down. I was wearing blue panties and in that position, I was bent over and on display to him and Banke.

"Now, let's do a matching comparison."

"Dara!" I was protesting loudly, but the shack being in the back corner of the building compound meant no one could hear us.

I tried to get up but Dara's foot pushed me down until my shoulders were also on the floor and my arms were folded at the elbow. I looked back and saw that in one hand, he held the phone and was looking at the picture. Banke was staring at my ass with his mouth open, but not moving at all.

"Nice shapely thighs...identical shape. The round curve of the divine ass...that's a match too." Dara was touching me all over my thighs and ass as he made these comments.

"Please let me go!" I said, on the verge of tears, feeling utterly humiliated.

"Why are you acting so coy all of a sudden, memsaab? Isn't this what you love? Teasing poor men by flashing them. And we're all between friends here. Nothing either of us haven't seen before."

"Dara, listen to me...I...DARAAA!!" I started reasoning with him but then screamed.

I screamed because I felt his his left hand go inside my panties and pull them down. My naked ass and pussy were now exposed to Banke whose eyes had gotten as big as saucers. I blushed and fought back tears, distressed at being exposed like this.

"What's the problem? It's nothing Banke or I haven't seen before." Dara said, spanking my ass loudly a couple of times.

"He hasn't." I said, fighting back my sobs.

"You're still denying that's your picture?" Dara said and spanked my ass really hard.

"OUCH!!" I said. "I am not denying it. He's just never seen...beyond what was in the picture."

Dara looked at Banke who nodded while still staring at my most private parts.

"Well, that's a shame. But I know how it is. This bitch really makes you work hard at every step."

Another spank. My ass cheeks were now stinging.

"But you see, I am the one who has done all that hard work to turn her from a frumpy housewife to this teasing slut." Dara put his right hand on my pussy lips and rubbed them. I was feeling so utterly humiliated. "I don't appreciate you coming in at the last minute and swooping in on it, Banke. I told you all the details of what we were doing for your enjoyment, not so you try to barge in on my conquest."

I listened silently, feeling humiliated but also turned on to hear Dara being so possessive and dominant. It was an entirely new sensation. I found myself unable to say anything or even to make an attempt to move. I stayed hunched over, getting used to my ass and pussy being naked and on display for two watchmen.

"I am sorry." Banke said, finally having found his voice. "You know how much I respect you. Even with Vimla, I only have a go with your permission. Believe me, I didn't do anything to make a move on memsaab. She is the one who...who trapped me."

"Explain." Dara said, moving his finger to my clit and gently rubbing it. I shuddered.

For the next couple of minutes, Banke gave an accurate account of what had happened, from him watching me change, to the ladder story, to my not wearing a bra, and then letting him cop a feel. I was only half paying attention, because as Dara heard Banke speak, he had started stroking my clit skillfully. I had been deprived of that pleasure for several days and my body was crying out in delight. My breathing was getting heavier and my ass was swaying in response to Dara's fingers.


"Is this all true?" Dara looked at me and asked when Banke finished.

"DON'T STOP!" I said loudly, arching my back. Dara's fingers had almost brought me to the precipice of a long awaited orgasm but he had suddenly taken his hand off my clit. My body was covered in goosebumps aching for a release.

"Is it true?" Dara asked sharply, spanking my naked left butt cheek.

I reached back with my right hand to finish what he had started but he grabbed it by the wrist and pushed it away.

"Pleeeeeease...just finish it." I said in a begging voice.

"Not so fast. If what he is saying is true, then you deserve punishment, not reward."

Dara stayed silent, grabbing my hand that still kept struggling to reach my clit. I finally gave up and sighed.


Dara stood up and walked around until he was in front of me as I stayed crouched. He got on his knees, put one hand under my chin and pulled my face up until I was looking in his eyes.
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"And what the reason for this stunt? To make me jealous?"

I didn't say anything, just lowered my eyes, and that gave him his answer.

"Aren't you ashamed of using poor Banke as a pawn in your games?"

This was the height of hypocrisy, I thought. I straightened up on my knees to face him and angrily said,

"And aren't you ashamed of using Vimla as a pawn?"

"Vimla isn't a pawn. I like her and she likes me. I have been banging her long before you decided to inject yourself into our lives." Dara shot back without batting an eyelid. "You're the one who is jealous of her."

"I am not jealous of her." I spat out.

"Regardless, what Vimla and I have is a relationship. With you and me, what do we have? You treat me so badly, so arrogantly!"

"I treat YOU badly?" I couldn't believe the man's impudence.

He stared at me angrily and launched into a monolog.

"You don't even realize it. I am a human being too, I have wishes, desires, feelings. But you just treat me like a sexual servant. To me, I am just another lower class poor guy that is expected to dance to your command. YOU set the limits, YOU decide what is offensive and what isn't. I have no say in it."

"So is that all just about me not letting you have sex with me?"

"Nooooooo! Would I love it? yes. Do I respect your decision? Also, yes. So I will never force you into it. But then everything until then is all driven by YOUR decisions. Vimla and I are two equals in the relationship. You think of yourself as the memsaab and think you are doing me, an inferior person, a favor."

I was taken aback by this line of reasoning. I was de facto in a relationship with this guy. So there had to be at least some give and take. I had always been thinking that he's using me, but I realize that he thought I was using him. And maybe I had been. I had been the one laying the real mind games.

"Ok." I said, slumping my shoulders.

"What ok?" he asked.

"Okay, I will respect the fact that we are in a relationship. And promise to treat you as an equal."

"So we are in a relationship?" he raised his eyebrows.


"What kind?"

"Excuse me?"

"What kind of relationship do we have? Vimla and I we are lovers. Are you and I? Am i your lover?"

"Yes." I said, blood rushing to my face. "You are my lover. We are lovers."

"Good!" he said, and pulled me close to him by the shoulder.

He kissed me tenderly for a couple of minutes while caressing my naked ass. His erection, even through his pants, rubbed against my naked pussy. He then started slipping my kurta off. I was so caught up in the tenderness of us declaring ourselves as lovers, that I kissed him back passionately too and raised my arms for him to slip it off. I had forgotten everything - where we were, which was a dirty dingy shack of a watchman, who i was with, a lowly watchman, and who was with us - Banke, staring at us, rooted at his spot. I let the kurta peel off and then shook the salwar and my panties off my leg.

As I kissed my lover clad now only in my bra, I randomly remembered that this was the same bra I was wearing when I first flashed Banke. But this time, I had no panties on. I was almost naked in one watchman's arm while another stared. At that point, I was so far gone, that if he had tried to penetrate me right away, I probably would have complied. But I didn't have to. he didn't ask for it. His demand was very weird.

"Memsaab...darling" he said, breaking the kiss. "Could you please make me and my friend some chai?"


"Please memsaab darling, make your lover and his friend some chai."


"Yes. There's the hot plate. And the pot and the materials are right there."

"Okay..." I said, puzzled by this strange request. I reached for my panties, when he said.

"Just like that. Don't wear anything else. I want to watch my lover's luscious body."

"Okay." I said, blushing a deep red at the thought that Banke would get to keep seeing me like this.

I went to the corner, squatted, and started making tea. I turned the hot plate on and waited for it to warm up. I saw that Dara and Banke were now sitting on one of the matresses, staring at me and giggling.

"Doesn't her naked ass just look delicious hanging there like that just an inch from the floor?" Dara asked.

"Very!" Banke replied.

"You know, I was going to ask her to take the bra off to show you her tits. But there is just something really kinky about a woman wearing just a bra. Especially a big boobed woman like this."

"You're right."

For the next ten minutes, I made chai squatting there and the two watchmen exchanged many such lewd and weird comments about me.


Finally the chai got done. I poured them into two small glasses and brought it to them.

"Aren't you having some?" Dara asked.

"No, I had it just a while back."

"Okay...come, sit next to me." he said patting a spot to his left.

I sat down on folded legs, angled sideways to minimize exposure to my private parts. As I sat, I put my hands over the small triangle that was still visible.

"She's shy about her pussy." Banke said and the two of them laughed.

I sat there silently as the two guys loudly slurped the chai.

"Speaking of pussy, now that we are lovers and you promise to treat me as an equal, I hope you will respect my customs." he fished out the hundred rupee note from earlier. The so-called choot-dikhayi.

"Fine." I said, extending my palm.

"No, that's not how it's done." he rolled it up into a tube. "In our custom, the male lover slips this into the female lover's pussy."

I sighed and opened my thighs, partly from reluctance and partly from the hope that once his fingers were there, maybe they could finish my interrupted orgasm. Banke watched wide-eyed as Dara slowly pushed the note's tube into my vagina. I was already very wet so it slid in easily. Felt very weird, the papery texture. But still, my cunt was pleased a little at the presence of something in it.

I was sitting there next to my newly certified lover, naked except for my bra, thighs open, and his friend staring at my naked pussy with a 100 rupee note shoved in it. This lasted about 20 seconds when suddenly, there was a loud rap on the door.

"WATCHMAN! WATCHMAN!" a male voice outside loudly said.

Dara leaped up to open the door just as I was about to leap for my clothes which were on the other side of the door. But he was faster. So I had no choice but to hide behind the door, almost naked, hoping that Dara wouldn't flash me to some random guy. He didn't.

"Yes saab?" he opened the door only partially and asked.

"There's some furniture and other stuff to be unloaded. Come help us."

"Okay saab." he said. "Banke, go with saab right away. I'll just turn the stove off and come in a few seconds."

Banke sprinted out of the shack. Dara closed the door behind him, and turned around to look at me.

"These last few weeks, i have happily spent a lot of time in your house following your rules. Since we are now equals, I want you to spend the day here. By my rules."

"Okay." I said. "What rules?"

"Until i come back, you will stay like this, wearing only a bra."



"Yes, promise. But come back soon."

"I will."

Dara left me alone in his shack, bolting the door from the outside. I saw on that thin dirty mattress for a couple of minutes. And soon, my fingers were at my clit, finishing what Dara had started.


Once I brought myself off to a slightly unsatisfying (compared to when Dara did it) orgasm, I started thinking about everything that had just unexpectedly happened and also about what Dara had said. And he was right. And I also realized that I did think of him as some sort of a lover. Obviously, nowhere close to you, because you are the love of my life. But still, someone I had found myself starting to care for beyond just sexual things. I hope you understand what I am saying.

Anyway, as I thought about all these things, to keep myself busy, I started tidying up their shack. I folded clothes, gathered trash, cleaned up a little, etc, all the while wearing just my bra as he had instructed. I had turned into Dara's personal nearly naked cleaning maid. And I didn't mind it.

Dara returned twenty minutes later, alone. When he opened the door and walked in, I was on my hands and knees, straightening out his bedding.

"I am glad you kept your word." he said, staring at my naked pussy. I felt very conscious of his gaze, so immediately sat down on my folded knees and put my hands over my crotch.

He came over, squatted in front of me and kissed me passionately. I put my hands on his head and kissed him back. He put one hand over my ass and ran a finger up and down my ass crack.

"I notice that you have cleaned up the shack a little. Thank you. Usually Vimla does it every few days."

"Just trying to pass time." I said as my face went red at the realization that what he said had implied an equivalence between me and a lowly maid.
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"I have put Banke on watchman duty for a while. So we will have privacy." he said, standing up. He started to take off his pants.

I was still sitting there on folded knees in the dingy shack, naked except for my bra. Soon his semi erect dick swung free of his underwear and stared me in the face. I wrapped my right hand around it instinctively.

"Take it in your mouth again, memsaab darling!" he said, stroking my hair.

I obediently opened my mouth wide and took his hard cock inside.

"Play with my balls." he said, gently patting my cheeks which were now swollen because of the tool in my mouth.

With one hand I started slowly massaging his balls as my mouth gave him a blowjob using the technique he had taught me. I swallowed it whole, took it out, used my tongue and my lips, and soon, he seemed close to cumming when suddenly,

"Wait!" he said in a hoarse voice and pushed my face away.

The motion made me fall back on the mattress on the floor. He immediately got on his knees under me and grabbed hold of my knees. He held them apart, staring at my wet naked pussy. His dick was just a few inches away. For a second, my body cried out for penetration, but then whatever was left of my shame and sense of propriety returned.

"Noooooooo!" I said, putting my hand on my pussy.

"I know." he smiled and nodded. "Trust me."

Panic surged through my brain. Here I was, nearly naked inside his shack, on my back and my legs held apart. His dick was one thrust away from breaching my pussy.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a high pitched voice.

"You said we are lovers in a relationship. Then you need to trust me."

"Trust you with what?"

"Just...take your hand away."


"DO IT!!" he sternly said.

I felt my hand move away on its own. I don't know if it was trust that made it happen or my body aching for intercourse. But it happened. My hand moved away, leaving my naked pussy vulnerable to his throbbing manhood. I stared into Dara's eyes as I felt him slowly thrust his hips forward. And I braced for penetration.

But instead, his dick slid smoothly over my pussy lips without entering.

"Mmmm!!" I moaned as the tip of his dick brushed against my clit.

He moved his dick back and then rolled it over my crotch again. Goosebumps sprang up all over my body.

"I am not going to force you to do anything you aren't ready for." he said, rolling the dick back and forth over my pussy.

It was the weirdest sensation. A thick throbbing cock so close to my pussy, brushing against my labia and my clit, but not entering. Maybe he was trying to tempt me into submission. But I held firm. Just closed my eyes and relished that feeling.

A few seconds later, I felt Dara's hands pushing my knees back together. He closed my legs again forcefully, making his dick get trapped between the insides of my thighs. A lot of precum made my thighs wet. And then he started bucking his hips back and forth.

I finally realized what he was trying to do. He was respecting my wishes of not wanting actual sex. But instead, he was trying to do the next best thing. Use the soft grip of my inner thighs as a proxy for my pussy. He was essentially fucking my thighs, and every stroke made his dick also rub against my clit. And I went red as I felt the unfamiliar sensation of his balls slapping against my ass cheeks.

Dara put my joined ankles over his left shoulder, bent forward, and started kissing me as his fucking of my thighs continued. I kissed him back, loving this weird new sensation.

But it didn't last long. My mouthplay had already brought him close to the brink. Within a couple of minutes, the friction from my soft wet thighs were enough to send him over the edge. As we continued kissing, his semen spurted all over my stomach and the bottom half of my bra.

Dara had just had innovative intercourse with me without actually entering my pussy.

Once he got done shooting his seed, he kissed me hard. Then he slowly slid downwards. he opened my legs and soon his face was right above my pussy. I saw him poke his tongue out and flick my already engorged clitoris.

"Mmmmmmmmm!" I squirmed and moaned. His fingers had always felt good but his tongue felt even better.

"Is this okay?" he politely asked.

I just nodded and laid back, his semen drying on my body, as he gave me cunnilingus. Within minutes, I was thrashing about in the throes of an orgasm.

After that, we cuddled naked for a while on the mattress, and he kept my bra on throughout. Although he did maul my tits to his heart's content.

And that was pretty much the next several hours until it was time for me to go pick up Ayan. We gave each other oral sex, cuddled, kissed, as much as possible in his shack. Once, he let Banke watch, and I was getting used to having an audience. In fact, once I even felt tempted to ask him to join but I didn't want to step on my lover's toes.

After making each other cum many times, that date of sorts ended in the late afternoon. I got dressed, picked up Ayan, and took him home.

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All evening and then at night, I could not believe what had happened. From just minor physical games that were in my control in the comfort of our apartment, I had spent almost all morning and afternoon nearly naked in the company of one watchmen and let the other one see me in all my slutty glory. I replayed in my mind the occasions when Dara had quasi-fucked me. All the dozen or so orgasms he had given me.

When I put Ayan to bed in his room at night and went to our bedroom, I was in a very excited state. I stripped naked on our bed and fingered myself to a few more orgasms. Far from satisfying me, they actually whetted my appetite. I knew that the next day, I would be with Dara again. But the thought of waiting that long seemed unbearable.

After midnight, I couldn't control myself anymore. I fished out my phone and called him up. The phone rang for several rings and then wasn't answered. I tried again. Same result. So I went to balcony to see if I could spot him near the gate. But I saw only Banke sitting there, listening to a radio. I tried the phone again. No reply.

And a suspicion started forming in my head. I made sure Ayan was deep asleep and then stepped out of the apartment. I tiptoed up the stairs to the roof, certain that Dara was up there doing it with Vimla yet again. To be honest, at that stage, I did feel a little jealous of her. And a little resentful towards Dara. I had all but given myself to him and agreed to his terms. I had spent so many hours almost naked in his shack. I had sucked his dick so many times. And yet at night, he was trying to find satisfaction between Vimla's legs? I felt like I was being cheated on.

I got to the roof door and pulled on the handle. To my surprise, it was locked from the inside. That just confirmed my suspicions. I knocked on the door gently a couple of times. But there was no answer. Finally, feeling annoyed and resentful, I returned to the apartment. I was sure he must have heard my knocks but decided to ignore them anyway. I went to bed stewing in anger for a while before finally falling asleep.

The next morning, I ran into Dara while returning from dropping Ayan off. He followed me home and after making sure no one was around to see him enter our apartment, came in.

"Was it you knocking on the roof door yesterday?" he pulled me into an embrace and asked.

"Yes." I pouted and replied.


I just shrugged.

"You need to control your jealousy about Vimla." he said, patting my cheeks.

"It's not jealousy, Dara." I earnestly explained. "It's just that...after I spend the whole day with you like we did yesterday, if you then go spend the night with another woman, it makes me feel...unwanted."

"Awwwww, don't feel that way, my love." he hugged me and said. "It's not like I don't want to be with you."

I pouted a little more.

"I'd happily spend nights with you. But your son is there at nights. How would it seem if you are on the floor naked with your lips wrapped around my dick and your kid wakes up and starts crying?"

He had a point. So I don't know what made me say what I said next.

"My son won't be home tomorrow night."

"Really? How come?" he asked.

"He has to go to a friend's place for a sleepover." I said.

"Well, okay then. Tomorrow night is memsaab night not Vimla night." he kissed me.

After we gave each other oral pleasure again, he left. And I got on the phone to the mother of Ayan's friend Rahil. I had made up this sleepover and I had to make it happen. I called her and told her I had to go to Poona for a day for some family reasons and didn't want Ayan to miss school. Could she please keep him for one night? She agreed.

So in conclusion, that's how things stand. I went from being in a prickly fight with Dara to craving his company so much that I engineered this sleepover. Tomorrow night, I will be alone at home and Dara will be with me all night.

Do you think things have gone too far? Should I call it off? Call me when possible.

Love Menaka
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I read the email three times and jacked off all three times in delight to see how far things had progressed. Part of me was a little jealous too at the fact that Menaka seemed to be getting more emotionally involved with Dara than earlier. But I told myself that it was inevitable. I was more focused on the absolutely kinky developments of my wife spending the day nearly naked in the watchman's shack, clad in just a bra.

The whole day I thought about what to do next. And a small plan began formulating in my mind. To put it into action, I went and visited my colleague Zhang, who was a bit of a computer whiz.

I called Menaka on her phone when it was evening India time. She answered right away.

"Where have you been?" she asked impatiently.

"Sorry, honey. Things have been really busy here." I said. "Can you come on Skype?"

"Okay." she said.

As soon as the Skype call connected, I smiled at what I saw.

"Whoa! Nice! A new haircut!" I said. Her hair was usually long and straight. It seemed wavier and more elegantly styled this time.

"Did you read my email?" she asked.

"Of course. It was hot!"

"Are you upset?"

"Not at all. I am very turned on. So tonight's the night?"

"Yes, Rahil's parents came and picked up Ayan a while back."

"What have you two lovebirds been up to all day?"

"Prakash! Don't say things like that!" she blushed.

"You clearly got a new haircut for the night."

"No. That's just a coincidence." she said unconvincingly. "Anyway, we haven't really met all day. I was busy taking care of a lot of chores and he had day duty so he could be free at night."

"When is he coming over?"

"Late at night, after everyone in the building goes to bed."

"So...thinking of going all the way tonight?"

"I...don't know." Menaka said, sounding uncertain.

This was the first time she had not responded to my teasing about intercourse with indignation.

"You know I won't mind if you do."

"I know..." she said, pensively.

"Will he be with you all night? Or just a few hours? Will Banke be with him?"

She said nothing, just looked at me in a lost way.


"Yes, sweety?"

"I feel weird talking about it like this. It is making me nervous."

"I understand."

"Maybe it's best if I write you an email like last time."


"You're okay with that?"

"Of course."

"I love you, Prakash, you're the best!"

She blew a kiss in the direction of the screen.

"Before you go...there's something I need you to do, Menaka."


"I am emailing you a file. Just download and install it. It's a new database system our company has put in place to sync up all the engineering telemetry. That way i can have access to some information even when I am home."

"Oh okay."

"It'll take a while to install and then it will automatically update through the internet for a couple of hours. So just leave the computer on."

"Alright." she said.


After the Skype call ended, I rushed to finish off all my work related responsibilities for the next couple of days. I had told my boss that I needed to take a personal day. When i finally got done with everything and returned to my cabin, over an hour had passed.

My heart pumping, I opened the email Zhang had sent me with instructions. I logged in to the VPN and then followed his instructions step by step. My request to him had been simple. I told him that I just wanted a way in which I could remotely have access to my home webcam because I suspected that my wife was cheating on me. Zhang had been cuckolded and dumped by his wife so he was only too eager to help.

After what seemed like ages but was just about fifteen minutes, I broke through, thanks to the software Menaka had naively installed. And my screen was flooded with images from my bedroom.
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The room was empty and dark. I checked my clock and calculated that it was about 9:30 PM in Bombay. I applied the night vision filter Zhang had given me and the screen turned into different shades of green. The room was indeed empty. In shades of green, I could make out the bed and other furniture.

I turned up the volume all the way and applied the sound enhancement filter that Zhang had told me about. In the distance, I could hear the sound of television coming from the living room. I guessed Menaka was watching TV as was her routine this time of the night. She had anyway said that Dara wouldn't come before later in the night.

I knew that this spying exercise would require patience. So I left the screen on, fetched a book and started reading.

I had been reading for about half an hour when suddenly, the screen brightened up. Menaka had walked into the bedroom and turned on the light. I looked at my gorgeous wife as she walked around the bedroom, oblivious to the fact that I was watching her. She was still wearing the same salwar kameez as earlier. She walked right past the webcam and the monitor, which meant that as Zhang had said, there was just a screensaver on.

I watched as Menaka took a few minutes straightening up the bedroom, folding sheets, picking up clothes and suchlike. She was humming some tune all the while. A few minutes later, her phone rang. She looked at it and smiled. And then she answered it.

"Hello, ji."

The person at the other end said something. She giggled. I was surprised at how young she seemed in terms of how she behaved. Like an excited teenager. For the next few minutes, I saw her examine herself in the mirror as she spoke on the phone. Obviously, i only heard what she was saying and had to guess what the responses at the other end had been.

"Yes, 12:30 is fine. Yes. No need to knock. Send me a missed call and I'll leave the door unlocked."

"Don't be silly." and a long schoolgirly giggle.

"Have you had dinner? I can cook something for you."

"I don't think I have the ingredients for that."

"Yes, that I can make."

"What do you think I am wearing right now?"

"Hehe, keep dreaming."

"NO! NO! Do not bring Banke over. I sucked his dick once. He should be happy with that!"

This was news to me. She hadn't told me about this. I wondered if she had purposely hidden the fact from me or just forgotten to mention it.

"Okay, now I have to go get ready. Yes, now. Yes. Yes! Okay! I am hanging up now."

Menaka disconnected the phone and put it on the bed. Then I sat up as she started taking her clothes off. Even after all these years of marriage, the sight of my voluptuous wife stripping still gave me a boner. She got completely naked, then picked up a towel, and walked towards the bathroom, her full ass swaying gracefully. Before she entered the bathroom, I noticed that she picked up a small plastic bag from the nightstand and took it with her.

I sat patiently waiting for her to get done with her shower. As the minutes ticked by, I noticed that she was taking a longer time than usual. It was almost half an hour by the time she returned. And the sight of her returning gave me a boner again.

My wife walked out fully naked, her big tits rising and falling with each step. The towel was wrapped around her wet hair. And there was a spring in her step. As she walked across the bed and closer to the webcam where the closet of her clothes was next to, I let out a cry of surprise! If she could hear my voice, she would've been startled.

But I was startled. As she walked by, I noticed that my wife's pussy was completely bare! Menaka didn't really have a very hairy bush. And she had never really shaved down there. I had never asked her to and she was too demure and traditional for it. I was positive that her bush had been there when she walked in to the bathroom. So that's why it had taken her so long. She had been shaving her pussy.

This was confirmed when she then walked to the mirror, put her fingers on her labia and carefully examine her bald pussy. She found a couple of hair that she hadn't managed to get before. She sprinted into the bathroom and sure enough, I saw a razor in her hand. She put one leg on the dressing table, and carefully ran the razor over her pussy. Just watching her do this in her private moments had made me almost cum.

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Menaka finally seemed satisfied with her pussy. She put the razor away, unwrapped the towel from her hair, bent down and started wiping it. Her huge tits swung like pendulums and her ass looked very inviting as she was bent over. I felt like jumping into the screen and mounting her then and there.

She then picked up a hair dryer and carefully worked on her newly styled hair. Before that, she slipped on what looked like a new pair of white lace underwear and a matching bra. Once her hair was dried, she put on some basic make-up and then she wore a red sari, almost like a new bride.

I shifted uncomfortably in my chair as the sight of my wife of many years decked up like a pretty new bride filled the screen. She was doing all this for our lowly watchman. A guy who had become her lover by shoving that folded hundred rupee note into her cunt. A guy who had done almost everything with her and looked set to capture the final frontier tonight.

Menaka finished getting ready, turned the lights off and walked out of the bedroom. Through the enhanced filter, I could hear sounds of the TV being turned on again. And then I heard some sounds of kitchen utensils. I guessed she was cooking while watching TV.

The next couple of hours ticked by very slowly as I sat in front of the computer screen. I was agog with excitement about what I was about to see. But it was the middle of the night in Manila and I had had a long day at work. I didn't realize when I dozed off.

"I can't find them!"

I was suddenly woken up by a loud voice saying that. I rubbed my eyes and saw that Dara, our old watchman, was standing there fully naked in front of my closet. I noticed his nudity and wondered how much I had missed. I checked the clock and it was barely a few minutes past 1230.

"They're right there!" Menaka walked into the bedroom clicking her tongue.

I noticed that she was still fully dressed. But he was naked. She reached into the closet and handed Dara a towel. As she did, I saw her give his semi-erect thick dick a quick glance and blush. I guess he was going to take a bath again like the other day.

"Can I wear his clothes too? Mine are too dirty." he said.

"You could." Menaka said looking at my clothes. "But he is much taller and more muscular than you."

"And yet here I am playing with his wife." Dara said, put his arms around Menaka's waist and gently squeezed her ass.

"Hehe." Menaka giggled. "How about this?"

She reached over and took out an expensive golden robe I loved. I cringed at the thought of that boorish old man wearing my fancy robe.

"Hmm...okay. I won't be needing clothes for too long anyway." he cackled. "Although I appreciate how you took the effort to dress up."

He buried his face in her cleavage over her blouse, nuzzled her breasts and then walked to the bathroom. Menaka walked out and went back to the kitchen.

Ten minutes later, Dara came out with my robe on, but open. I could see his dick was more erect now and his wiry torso glistened with water he hadn't fully dried off. he stopped in front of the mirror, and admired his taut body for a while, flexing his muscles and feeling his flat tummy. He then picked up a couple of bottles of perfume and sprayed a lot of them all over his body.

"Dinner is ready!" Menaka's voice called out from the kitchen.

"Coming, memsaab!" Dara said, smiling at himself in the mirror and walked out.

I sat on the edge of the seat watching the empty bedroom and listening to whatever sounds I could hear. The TV had been turned off. I heard some noises of plates and pans. Then I heard indistinct noises of conversation for a while. They were eating and talking.

Fifteen minutes turned to half an hour turned to forty five minutes. I started dreading the worst case scenario. That whatever they did, they'd do in the living room and I wouldn't get to see anything. And soon my fears started seeming valid. The voice of conversation stopped. There was complete silence, except for an occasional giggle.

I stared at the empty bedroom in frustration, trying to imagine what was happening. Had my wife already been disrobed? Had she already been penetrated? What was happening? Why weren't they moving to the bedroom?

That's when my prayers were finally answered.

Dara walked into the bedroom carrying my wife in his arms. He had already divested her of her sari, petticoat and blouse. She hung in his arms wearing just her fancy lacy bra and panties. he was still wearing my robe but it was tied up. He gently walked to the bed and threw her on it.

"I'll be back." he said, raising his little finger and walking towards the bathroom.

My wife, clad in just her underwear, nodded, and sat up.


Menaka got of the bed and looked at herself in the mirror. She seemed to have a nervous expression on her face. She ran her palms over her stomach, her sides and her butt. She then walked around the bedroom taking deep breaths and swinging her arms nervously. She went back to the mirror, lowered the front of her panties, and ran her fingers over her newly bald pussy for a few seconds. She then lowered the back of her panties flashing me her naked ass inadvertantly and swayed her hips like a seductive cabaret dancer. That nice round creamy ass looked so intensely fuckable.

"Shit, what am I doing?" she whispered to herself but I could hear it clearly. She pulled her panties back up.

Nervously, she walked back to the bed and sat on the edge facing the webcam. There was a pensive expression on her face. I admired her smooth naked legs and her ample cleavage as she sat there, occasionally sighing in trepidation. She folded her right leg over her left, put her right elbow on her knee and sat there looking into nothingness, her other hand smoothing her newly done hair.

"What am I doing, Prakash? Am I crazy? Will you hate me?"

She said this looking directly at the webcam and for a moment I thought she knew I was watching. But then she looked away and continued her soliloquy.

"I love you and I hope you won't hate me. I really can't control myself. Oh god, maybe I should send him away!"

She started chewing her right finger in nervousness.

"Yeah, I'll send him away." she nodded and said to herself.

That's when the bathroom door opened and Dara walked out. His robe was now untied and open in the front and his dick looked almost fully erect.

"What were you saying?" he asked, approaching the bed and sitting next to her folding one knee.

"Nothing." she said, wrapping her hair around one finger.

Dara put his right hand around her shoulders and pulled her in for a kiss. Menaka opened her lips and started kissing him back. Dara's left hand moved to her boobs and started fondling them over her bra, Menaka's body was still a little stiff. Her hands were folded together and although she was kissing him, she seemed nervous.

Dara continued to gently kiss her and stroke her shoulders and boobs. Gradually, Menaka seemed to relax. She put her right hand on his arm and gently rubbed it. A few seconds later, her hand disappeared under his arm and moved towards his crotch. Dara moaned a little so I surmised that her fingers were wrapped around his dick. But soon her hand withdrew and started stroking his thighs over the robe's fabric.

The enhancing filter meant that the sound of their smooches was very loud. After one particularly loud smooch, Dara lowered his head and started kissing Menaka's neck.

"Mmmmmmmmm...ooooooooo" Menaka moaned in a high pitched voice as her left hand started caressing his hair.

Dara's left hand now slipped inside her bra and started fondling her right breast really hard.

"Aaaah!" my wife moaned as he bit her exposed nipple.

"I love your tits!" Dara hoarsely said.

His hands kept playing with her tits as she pulled his lips back in for a kiss. They kissed like two hormonal teenagers, moving their heads a lot, and pawing each other. Menaka's right hand move from his thigh to his bare chest and started stroking the hair on it. Menaka then locked her hands around his neck and kissed him very hard for a few seconds. Then she broke the kiss and lowered her face, kissing his hairy chest. Dara kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair.

"You got a new haircut for me?" he asked.

"Hmmm." she said, her face still obscured by the lapels of the robe as she licked his chest.

Menaka face was making a slow journey south. She nuzzled and kissed her chest hair for a while, then his stomach, and then suddenly, she bent her head even more and I saw my wife's innocent lips wrapped around the watchman's thick naked dick head, and her dainty fingers wrapped around the base.

"No hands!" Dara leaned back and sternly said.

I was amazed and aroused to see my wife obediently follow the watchman's command. She put both her hands on his thighs and slid her ass back a little so she could bend over more in the waist. Her head bobbed up and down on his lap as she gave him a skilled blowjob. Watching this was a revelation. I had never gotten such a passionate blowjob from my wife and here was our watchman getting the umpteenth one.

"I love your warm mouth, memsaab darling!" he said, and then pulling her tits out of the bra cups, added, "and of course, your big jugs."

It was an intensely trashy sight filling my screen. I zoomed in a little. Menaka's nipples were rubbing against Dara's knees as she sucked his thick dick. He started moaning occasionally and caressing her bare arms and shoulders.

After about five minutes of the handless dick sucking, Dara made Menaka straighten and then his mouth and hands attacked her tits that were hanging over her bra cups. She wrapped her arms around his head and started kissing his hair.

His left hand slowly moved from her breasts down over her stomach and slipped into her panties.

"Mmmmmm!" Menaka moaned.

"Whoa!" Dara exclaimed.

He raised his head and looked at her.

"You took off the hair?"

She blushed and nodded.

"For me?"

She blushed and shrugged.

Dara got back to sucking her tits and his left hand inside her panties started moving at a furious speed.

"NNNGGGGG...AAAAAA...UHHHHHHHHHHH." Menaka started groaning loudly as Dara's fingers feverishly worked her pussy and clit.

Dara put one of his legs over hers and attacked her tits and pussy with even more intensity. For the next couple of minutes, my room was filled with different moans from my wife.


She dropped her arms to the side and leaned back as her watchman lover fingered her expertly. In a couple of minutes, her hips and thighs swayed and shuddered as she had a decent sized orgasm in the arms of her lover. I could not believe what I was seeing and was rock hard myself. Hearing and reading about it was one thing. Watching my wife cum at the hands of our lowly watchman on our own bed...divine!

"Thank you..." Menaka said with genuine gratitude and started kissing his chest again.

Dara leaned back on the bed and she started sucking his dick again. She was now attacking his dick with renewed vigor. In a few moments, Dara raised his legs and wrapped his ankles around my wife's naked back, holding her in the bent subservient position servicing his cock.

"That's right...suck my dick, memsaab...suck it like a lollipop!" he said, gently pulling her hair.

She complied with his request for a few minutes, then raised her head and kissed him. Dara didn't seem to mind the smell of his own dick on her breath. He leaned back until he was lying down on the bed and with his legs, dragged Menaka on top of him. She put her hands in his hair and started kissing him, laying on top. As they kissed, Dara finally reached for her bra hooks and took the flimsy thing off.
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My wife was now wearing only her panties as she squirmed and writhed on top of her lover, kissing him like a hungry teenager. I was taken aback by the level of passionate intensity in their kisses. This didn't just seem like a convenient booty call or a no strings attached fling. This seemed something more meaningful and that partly terrified me.


After a while, Dara rolled her off from on top of him. Her weight seemed to be too much for him to bear for that long. He made her sit up on the edge of the bed and stood on the floor himself.

"Suck!" he commanded my wife, who hungrily complied. "You can use your hands to pleasure my balls."

"Oggay" she replied slurring with his dick in her mouth.

Menaka was now topless on the edge of the bed, leaning forward as she sucked the watchman's cock. Her left hand was on his waist and her right hand was cradling and fondling his balls. Dara was standing over her, one hand on his head and another on his hips, wearing my robe, standing in my bedroom and wearing a smug happy expression as my wife gave him fellatio.

"Get on the floor!" he barked an order and pulled her by the hair.

My wife obediently slipped off the bed and got on the floor on her knees. As she slipped off the bed, the friction with the sheet mad her panties slip down a couple of inches and reveal some of her naked ass and ass crack. Instinctively, she moved one hand and pulled them up. But even for that brief second, the glimpse of her naked behind looked so erotic. Soon she was on her knees, bent over slightly in the waist as she played with his balls and sucked his dick hungrily. Her full luscious lips were wrapped tightly around his thick dick, stretched almost to their limit. With every shove of his dick in her face, some of her lipstick rubbed off against his shaft.

"Use your tongue, use your tongue!" he casually slapped her on the cheek and commanded.

And I could see her tongue tracing a circular pattern around the dick in her mouth as it moved all around, causing a bump in her cheek. She took the dick out after a few seconds, coughed a couple of times, and then sticking her tongue out, traced it all the way from the base of the shaft all the way to the tip. She ran it around the tip in a circular motion a couple of times. Her dainty fingers were pleasuring his big balls the whole time.

She then did something incredibly trashy, almost straight out of a porn movie. She held her big boobs and wrapped them around his dick. Dara clearly liked that and he titty-fucked her for a few moments before he shoved the dick back in her mouth.

"Your tits are nice to touch and play with but when it comes to my dick, it prefers being in your mouth."

Dara's voice had gotten more breathless and high pitched, and he was obviously close to cumming. So this time when his dick invaded her mouth, he decided to take charge of bringing it to climax. He grabbed her hair with both his hands and started bucking his hips rapidly, pretty much fucking her mouth instead of her giving him a blowjob. The rapid motion seemed to surprise Menaka who grabbed Dara's hips for support. But she seemed to get used to it and even enjoy it as her hands slowly moved to his ass and started massaging it.

"GLPPP...GLPPP...GLPPPPP..." Menaka's mouth let out muffled gagging sounds, but they conveyed carnal elation, not discomfort.

It was a surreal sight. My wife clad only in her panties, her hands wrapped around his ass as her face was pushed against his crotch. He grabbed her hair and continued mercilessly fucking her mouth. her tits were swinging back and forth, alternately slapping his thighs and her ribs. Dara was looking particularly dominant as he used my wife like his personal fucktoy.


Dara suddenly grunted, and stopped moving his hips. His grip on my wife's hair tightened and I saw her cheeks puff up as her mouth was clearly being filled with his jizz. Her eyes widened, and she seemed to be trying to push herself back so his dick would come out of her mouth. From what she had told me so far, he had never cum inside her mouth. But he held her firm and she stopped resisting, her mouth getting flooded.

It seemed like an eternity but was just a few seconds as the scene held like that.

"GLMMMMMM." there was a loud swallowing noise.

I felt a pang of arousal and jealousy as I realized that my wife had just swallowed a lot of our watchman's cum, a courtesy she had never extended me.

Dara snickered and finally let Menaka's hair go. Instantly, her head sprang back, and she started coughing hard. Some semen shot out from her mouth and landed on Dara's thighs. She sat on the floor leaning against the bed, as her hands wiped the cum that has leaked out of her mouth. She shot Dara a cross look and continued coughing.

Dara snickered again, softly tapped her head and walked towards the bathroom, presumably to clean himself up. And I looked carefully at my wife, who was sitting there, wheezing and trying to get her breath back. Her face has many streaks and gobs of his semen. Her eyes looked moist, as it often happens with a coughing fit. Her tits were jiggling all over the place. And her face wore an upset expression.

I watched in fascination as Menaka's chest finally stabilized. She threw her head back and sighed loudly. Then she straightened her head again in a snap. She raised her right hand which she had used to wipe the semen away. She stared at it carefully. Then slowly she stuck her tongue out and licked some of it. I saw her lips stretch into a wry smile. She then licked her hand and wrist clean, clearly swallowing whatever gobs of jizz she was licking off. She then used her fingers to gather the streaks of semen from her face and neck and swallowed those too.

Even after all that she had done so far, what I just saw her do, unknown to her, seemed to signal a massive shift in my wife's psyche. She had started tentatively exploring her sexuality and expanding her horizons. And although she had been a keen participant, she always seemed to be taking baby steps. The Menaka of the past would probably have been upset at Dara ambushing her mouth like this by filling it up. And she had seemed a little upset initially. But obviously, that anger had dissipated and she had come around to relishing the experience. Here she was studiously gathering and swallowing his cum as if it were chocolate syrup.


Menaka slowly got up off the floor and got on the bed. She sprawled out on her back with her legs wide open, staring at the ceiling as she still absent-mindedly licked her fingers, Her big tits were gently flopped over outwards from her chest and her nipples were super erect. She then slowly slipped one hand into her panties and started playing with herself, occasionally moaning. I zoomed in the camera and saw that her fingers were fucking her pussy, not playing with her clit. Then she slowly rolled over onto her stomach, raising her body a little on her knees and kept fingering herself.

From that angle, she looked so slutty. Her face buried in the bed as her legs were spread out and her ass covered by panties, rising and falling as her fingers penetrated her cunt. And then her bare smooth back spread out over her waist.

Dara came back into the room a few moments later, the robe still open. He saw her lying face down on the bed pleasuring herself and smiled.

"Did you like that, memsaab?" he asked.

"Mmmmm." Menaka replied with a horny moan.

"Did you like swallowing your lover's juice?" he asked getting on the bed next to her propped up by his elbows.

Menaka turned over on her side and curled her legs up. In that position, her big ass, even covered with panties, looked doubly inviting. She snuggled up closer to Dara and put her face on his shoulder. Dara slid closer to her on his side as well and put his hand on her naked waist.

"I have never done that before." Menaka said, blushing. Her hand came out of her panties and started stroking Dara's semi-erect dick.

"You mean you've never swallowed even your husband's jizz?" there was genuine surprise in his voice.

"No." she shook her head.

"That makes me feel very special." Dara stroked her ass. "It's a nice gesture from you about your commitment to this relationship."

Menaka said nothing, just gently kissed the hair on his chest while snuggling even closer to him. They cuddled silently for a couple of minutes and then Menaka said,

"Does Vimla always swallow?" she asked, a tinge of jealousy in her voice.

"No, I was just thinking that. She'll let me cum in her mouth but always spits it out. The lowly maid draws the line at swallowing but the rich memsaab hungrily laps it up and licks the leftover." Dara said and cackled.

That remark caused Menaka's face to wear an expression that was of shame and arousal.

"What does she have that I don't?" Menaka asked in a sharp tone.

"It's not what she has anymore but what she does." Dara quickly replied.

"And if I were to also start doing what she does?"

Dara propped himself up on his elbow and looked at Menaka.

"Are you saying you want to? You're ready?"

"NO! I didn't say that." Menaka also raised herself up on her elbow and looked at her lover.


"I am saying that if...just if...I did, how would things change?"

"How would you want them to change?"

"Forget it." Menaka plopped down on her back again, clicking her tongue.

Dara stayed on one elbow, looking at Menaka with a smile on his face. He looked like he wanted to say something but he stayed silent. He moved his hand lower and into Menaka's panties.

"You are really wet tonight!" he said, shoving two fingers in her cunt.

Menaka's boobs shuddered at that sensation. But then she pushed his hand out.

"Don't do that right now. Just...hold me in your arms and cuddle." she said, putting her head back on his shoulder.

Dara complied with her request. He put one leg over hers and drew her into a tight embrace against his body. I watched in surprise as my wife was snuggling lovingly in this old watchman's arms as if she were his wife. For the next few minutes, Menaka happily cuddled with the old man, kissing his cheeks, his chest, running her hands over her body. He reciprocated, but his hands primarily focused on her ass that he stroked over her panties.

"Have you always been like this?" Menaka softly asked.

"Like what?"

" aggressive. Have you always been chasing women?"

"Why do you ask?" Dara said quizzically.

"I just want to talk a little. Usually we just do these sort of things. I want to know a little bit about you."

"Okay." Dara said, thinking a little. "I have obviously always been interested in sex. But honestly, in my younger days, I didn't really get much action. I guess I didn't understand women. Plus I was married off early. And being in the army meant a very limited access to available women. I was usually happy with the sex life my wife and I had. Then she died and I started, you know, shopping around."
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"How many women have you been with?"

"A dozen or so." Dara shrugged. "How many men have you been with?"

"You are the third." she said.

"So Banke is fourth if you count him."

Menaka blushed hard.

"That was just an impulse. I felt bad for the poor guy." she said.

"He didn't mind." Dara smiled.

Menaka's hand moved down and she wrapped her fingers around Dara's dick, which I noticed was getting hard again.

"Already, huh?" she asked, slowly stroking the thick dong.

"It's all you. Having you in my arms, talking about sex, and now your magical fingers. If your mouth also cooperated...hehe." Dara winked.

Menaka sluttily smiled and slid lower on the bed. With her body folded at her waist and her legs curled up, she open her mouth wide and started sucking his dick. I was amazed that he had gotten ready so quickly. I watched entranced as my wife attacked his dick with her mouth passionately, her fingers playing with his balls. Dara lay back and enjoyed the blowjob. Then his fingers slipped into the back of her panties and started fondling her ass.

"May I take your panties off, memsaab?" he politely asked.

Menaka took his dick out of her mouth, looked at him, and nodded. He pulled her up into his embrace and started peeling her panties off. her fully shaved pussy and glorious naked ass came into view as the panties slid down to her ankles and were kicked away. He pawed her naked body lying down for a few moments and then sat up. Menaka sat up with him.

I looked at my naked wife, her breasts heaving, her legs folded, and her fingers nervously playing with her hair. Her face wore an expression of arousal and conflict.

"Move to the other side." Dara said. So far he had been to her right. He wanted her to his right.

Getting on her hands and knees, Menaka switched her orientation. As she did so, her big naked ass jiggled. Watching all this through the webcam, I was happier with the new arrangement. It gave me a closer look at my wife's naked body and her face.

Dara pulled her closer to him. Menaka moved with a sense of familiarity that indicated that she had now understood how to read her lover's rhythms. Something we still didn't have after nearly a decade of marriage.

Dara made Menaka lie down on her back. Her right leg was folded in the knee with her feet on the bed. Dara got on his side to her left and pulled her left leg over his hips. He then slid his hips forward so his thick erect dick was poking against the top of her left thigh. Menaka slid her ass closer to him, making the dick rub against her crotch.

He then lowered his face onto hers and started kissing her. Menaka's legs were intertwined with dara's and his dick kept hitting her all over her pussy region. Then he held her legs up in the air with his left arm. And then, he started bucking his hips gently, making his dick rub all over her pussy mound and between her thighs.

"Mmm...ahh..." Menaka moaned as the dick presumably rubbed against her clit. I was getting a first hand view of what Menaka had described - Dara's penetration-free fucking.

It seemed a lot more elaborate and aggressive than Menaka had described. He didn't penetrate her, but using his left hand, he guided the dick all over her hairless crotch. He rubbed it hard against her pussy lips, her clit and moved it up and down part of her ass crack, poking against her perineum.

"Ahhhhh...ohhhhhhhhhhh...ahhhhhhhhh." Menaka moaned between kisses as her lover's dick played around with her vagina without breaching it.

"You like it, huh?" Dara breathlessly asked.

"Yeahhhhhh...ooooh." Menaka's ass was convulsing and swaying all over.

"You like my thick dick all over your pussy?"

"I do."

"Say it."

"I love your thick dick all over my pussy...mmmmmmmmm."

There was an edge of urgency and submission in Menaka's voice that made me sit up straight. Her hips were bucking up and down, making her ass jiggle even more obscenely.

"You shaved it only for me?"

"I shaved it only for you, lover." she grabbed the collar of the robe and said, now writhing in his arms.

"You love my dick?"

"I love your dick."

"Sooooo.." Dara suddenly stopped moving and positioned the tip of his dick right at the entrance of her cunt.

Menaka stopped moving as well and stared into his eyes.

"Well?" he asked.

Menaka stared at him for a couple of more seconds and nodded.

"You sure?"

"Yesss..." she grabbed his hair and pulled him into a kiss.

Dara slowly moved his hips ahead and the tip of his thick dick breached my wife's cunt. I almost came sitting there thousands of miles away in my cabin as my wife finally crossed the final frontier.

"AAAAAAAAAAA!!" she broke the kiss and yelled with closed eyes as her ass jerked and tried to pull away. But Dara held her hips tight and shoved a little more of the dick in.

"IT'S SO THICKKKKKKKK!!" my wife yelled with tightly shut eyes. And it was thick. Much thicker than mine.

"I'll go slow." he gently kissed her on the cheeks and said.

He withdrew the tip and then pushed it back in, this time almost half the length.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH..." Menaka screamed again, her eyes still clenched shut.

"Do you...want me to stop?" he asked in a concerned voice.

At this question, Menaka opened her eyes and with an eager expression said urgently,

"NO NO NO...keep feels feels good."

Dara smiled. He propped up his hips even more, held my wife's legs far apart and then with one swift motion, rammed the entire length of his thick dick inside.

"JAI MAHAKALI!!" he yelled his battlecry

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!" Menaka's ass thumped up and down the bed as her cunt was enveloped around the thickest dick she had ever experienced.

And sitting in the cabin, I watched with a sense of delight and doom as I watched my wife finally getting fucked by another man.


"OHHHHH IT'S SO THICK...IT'S SO GOOD..." Menaka yelled, her hips bucking and thrashing as I saw Dara's dick now buried to the hilt inside her cunt.

The journey that began with her spying on him and Vimla and then prodded along with my help after her dreams about him had reached its logical conclusion. I had been rooting for it. So why did I feel this disconcerting sense of something having gone wrong?

"You're so tight and warm, memsaab." Dara said happily.

He put his left hand on her right ass cheek and pulled her closer so their torsos were now sideways and touching each other. Menaka put her right leg around his waist and drew him in. With her lips, she was kissing her lover's chest hair and shoulders. Having snugly clasped her to himself, Dara started slowly pistoning his dick in and out of my wife's cunt in deep strokes.

"Oh yes...oh yes..." Menaka was now whispering. Through the enhanced filter, I could hear the squelching sounds emanating from her pussy as she got fucked on our bed.

"I love how your smooth bald pussy feels against my skin." Dara said, biting her ear.

Menaka was clinging on to her lover and making guttural sounds corresponding to each stroke. Dara's taut hairy brown ass moved authoritatively as the fucking continued.

"You see what you've been missing?" he asked.

"Hmmmm...oh yesssssssss..." she responded to another purposeful thrust.

With me, Menaka was very silent in bed. I felt a pang of jealousy at how talkative she was being with him.

"NOOOOOOOOOO...DON"T STOP!!" Menaka cried out as Dara took his dick out and pushed her away gently.

"Relax, memsaab. I am just changing positions." he said, pushing her on her back.

"Oh good."

My wife responded by raising her legs, opening them wide and rubbing her waiting pussy.

Dara placed his knees under her thighs, grabbed her ankles and then shoved his dick inside her cunt again.

"Oh yeahhhhhh!!" she responded happily as the dick returned to her cunt.

Dara let go of her legs and bent forward until his face was on top of hers. He kissed her and she kissed him back between moans. he put his hands on her head lovingly and she locked her hands behind his neck pulling him into an embrace. He was still wearing the robe and his ass, now covered by the robe, started humping back and forth as he fucked my wife missionary style. Menaka's legs were folded in the knees but obscenely hanging in the air and shaking as she got plowed.

"You like this?" he asked.

"Yessss." she responded in a high pitched voice. "It's so thick!"

"Do you like getting fucked?"

"Yes, I love getting fucked." she said, kissing him.

"Then why did you make me wait so long?" Dara stopped his humping.

"Nnnnnnnnnnnnnn." Menaka let out a squeal of disappointment. She wrapped her legs around his waist and tried to pull him back in.

"Beg for it!" Dara snarkily said. He was now toying with my horny wife, fully aware that she had not been fucked for months.
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"I beg you..."

"Beg me to what?"

"Please, I beg you to fuck me."

"Say you are a married high class memsaab who wants to get fucked by her watchman."

"Yes, yes, I am a married high class memsaab who wants to, who needs to get fucked by her watchman."

"Good girl!" he patted her cheeks and continued fucking her.

The missionary style fucking continued like that for about five minutes, punctuated only by Dara's grunts and Menaka's unprecedented moans along with the sounds of their skin. I could not believe the sounds she was making.

"Okay, get up!" Dara finally straightened and said. "I want to fuck you like a dog."

Menaka obediently got on her hands and knees, facing away from the webcam.

"Arch your back, bitch! Has your husband never fucked you doggy style?" he gently punched her waist.

I also often had trouble getting Menaka to arch her back properly when I took her from behind. She just didn't instinctively realize how to make her ass stick out and expose her pussy in that position. With me that is. With Dara, she got in the correct position right away.

"Look at that pussy! So nicely shaved, so wet, so tight despite having a kid." Dara obscenely ran his fingers up and down her ass crack. Menaka just moaned.

"Get on with it already!" she said in annoyance after a minute or so.

"Demanding!" Dara chuckled and got into position.

He reached under her to grab her massive tits and started fucking her doggy style. Menaka's groans resumed as the fucking resumed. She seemed positively delirious with pleasure.

The whole scene was so perverted. Doggy style is the most animalistic way of fucking. And here was my prim proper traditional wife taking our watchman's thick dick in her cunt in that position. Her hair fell around her face obscuring it. She could have been any random whore getting pummeled by this lowly gurkha. But she was my wife, I could not believe what I was seeing.

Dara let go of her boobs. With one hand he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back.

"Ahhh!!" Menaka shouted.

He then took his other hand and spanked her big ass a couple of times.

"Chal Dhanno! Hahaha" he stepped up the pace of his fucking and the room was filled with sounds of their thighs slapping and his spanks on her ass.

That merciless pounding continued for several minutes. I was impressed with Dara's staying power considering this was the first time he was fucking her.

"Oh, it's so amazing, your big round creamy ass. Vimla is so skinny. And her ass is very bony. But you, rich memsaab with your rich foods, you have a perfectly grabbable ass!"

"OUCH!!" Menaka yelled at a particularly hard spank.

After a while, Dara plopped over on his side and pulled Menaka with him. She was on the bed on her side, her back to him. And he started spoon-fucking her, as they kissed. Menaka's bald triangle of crotch looked so inviting between her legs as the dick kept pounding her. The big tits were flopped over sideways and jiggling with each stroke.

Five minutes of this and then Dara sat up.

"Come with me." he got off the bed.

Menaka, looking like a trashy whore with her make-up smeared all over her face, followed him. He led her to the swiveling chair in front of the computer.

"Bend down and put your forearms on the seat."

Menaka did as was told. She was now bent over naked just inches from the webcam. The hair covered her face. her naked back rose up to her curvy as which then descended into her shapely legs. Dara grabbed her hips and started pounding her standing up. The wheels of the chair made her move back and forth as my wife now got fucked in her 5th position of the night. It had been over twenty minutes and Dara showed no signs of climaxing.

I watched my naked wife standing bent over, squeal and shriek her way through what seemed like an orgasm as the pounding continued. I guessed that from this standing angle, his dick was rubbing against her g-spot inducing the orgasm. ---


Menaka hollered through an orgasm so intense that I couldn't even blink while watching. It took me a while to realize that the intensely wild sight of my wife quaking her way through an orgasm had turned on Dara as much as it had turned me on. When the orgasm wore off and Dara stepped back, I noticed that his dick was covered in cum. I zoomed in on her ass and saw big gobs and streaks of cum leaking down her thighs. the fucking watchman had just dumped his seed inside my wife's cunt!

Dara staggered backwards towards the bed and sat on it.

"That was unbelievable!" he said.

Menaka was still naked and bent over the chair. Slowly, she straightened, looking intensely satisfied and exhausted. Her knees buckled and she just slumped to the floor right there. And then, curled up in a fetal position.

Dara got up with a concerned look on his face and squatted next to her.

"Are you okay memsaab?" he lovingly stroked her ass.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Menaka said, still breathing heavily. She looked a little embarrassed in the aftermath of what had just happened.

"You are loud! Like a hyena!"

"Shut up!" she slapped him and giggled.

"Come on." he said, straightening. "Let's go wash up."

"In a minute." she said in a whiny voice. "I am tired."

"Tired already? Doesn't your husband fuck you that long?"

"He does." she said, slowly sitting up. "But he isn't so...aggressive."

And whose fault was that, I felt like asking her. With my many girlfriends, I was very rough and aggressive. I loved pulling hair, spanking asses, and trying a bunch of different positions. But Menaka always seemed like such a pure and pristine lady in her tastes that I didn't try to push her much. All these years, I had tried maybe 3-4 positions with her, because she always seemed so subdued. Little did I know that all these years, I could've personally unleashed the nympho inside her by being more assertive. Instead, it had taken a watchman to bring out the slut in her.

"Maybe you should bring him to me for lessons." Dara said and chuckled. "Come on now!"


Menaka squealed as Dara bent down, put his hands on her waist and effortlessly picked her voluptuous body off the floor. I was impressed with the raw gurkha strength in his seemingly wiry body as he casually threw her body over his right shoulder, bent at the waist. Her full ass was curved perfectly next to his face as he carried my giggling wife to the bathroom.

I could hear the sound of water flowing and a lot of giggles for the next couple of minutes. My wife and her lover were obviously washing each others bodies clean of all the sex juices. Finally Dara came out, the robe now tied up. He was followed by Menaka, with a towel wrapped around her body, tucked under her arms.

"I'm going to get some water." he said and walked out of the room.

Menaka nodded, walked over to the bed, and laid down on it, the towel still wrapped around her body. Her chest was heaving and there was a tired expression on her flushed face. Her hair was partially wet. After a few seconds, she turned on her side facing the webcam. She put her hands under her head and bent her knees partially and got into a position I knew. This meant that she was about to fall asleep soon.

Sure enough, a minute or so, when Dara came back with a bottle of water in his hand, his married mistress was in slumberland.

"Are you sleeping?" he asked.

There was no reply. He smiled. He then took off my robe, took a big swig of water, and went to turn the lights off. As soon as the room went dark, the night vision setting kicked in and I started seeing things in shades of green.

"Well done, my little slut." he whispered, kissing Menaka gently on the cheeks as he got on the bed behind her. "I'll let you rest for a while, but the night is still young."

He then put one arm around my wife's waist, and slid closer, spooning her. And then was silent.

I watched the idle scene in green for a few minutes. My wife and her watchman lover slept cuddling like a loving couple. I decided to get up and take a a break. It was morning in Manila.

I went to the shower and jacked off, emptying my stuffed balls all over the bathroom floor. Then I got dressed and headed out to the mess hall to get some breakfast. It looked like they would be resting for at least a while. I was sure I had time to get some grub and coffee.

When I returned about 15 minutes later, the scene had changed a little, thankfully towards the erotic side. No, there was no action happening. It was still all green and they were still asleep. But Menaka had obviously turned over on her other side, something she tended to do a lot. She was now sleeping facing away from the camera. But the motion had made her towel come loose and it lay wrinkled under her. I could now see my wife's big naked creamy ass and her watchman lover's palm on her left ass cheek as she slept in his arms.

I stared at the erotic sight of those two naked individuals sleeping cuddled together, as I constructed various scenarios in my mind about just how I would fuck my wife when I met her in ten days. I was going to try all the positions Dara had tried and also a dozen more of my own. But as I thought up all the positions staring at the green scene, the green eyed monster started making his presence felt too. I started feeling jealous, and even insecure about what had happened. It had been amply clear that Menaka had enjoyed her first time with Dara a lot more than the hundreds of times with me. And it was more than just the thickness of his dick. I am quite well endowed too.

As I watched my wife lovingly snuggled up in the watchman's arms, it struck me that it was more than just physical. She had chosen Dara on her own, without too much prodding. Contrast that with her marriage to me, which was arranged. We had not fallen in love "organically" so to say. We never had the kind of raw passion I had with Neha. My wife, raised in a conservative setting, had pretty much been handed over to her first husband and then to me.

But what she had with Dara was more primal, more instinctive. Her constant insecurity about Vimla, her little gestures like wearing a red sari or shaving her pussy, or even just the way she hollered and talked during sex. I didn't know if she realized it, but she was clearly in a deeper relationship with the guy than when she had started out. And what scared me was that Dara clearly seemed to recognize it.

For another half hour or so, I kept mulling these thoughts, getting more and more paranoid. At the same time, I could not deny the arousal I was feeling.
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