Adultery Used & Abused
waiting for next
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(08-02-2020, 05:16 PM)kamdev99008 Wrote: waiting for next

Sorry bro.... got busy for last few days..... almost done with the next chapter...... will post it at the earliest
[+] 1 user Likes Devil0606's post
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Fantastic story...
Really nice build up.
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Fantastic story..
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Life got back to routine track, I got busy with Atul & Kids, Atul got more and more busy in his job and our sex life deteriorated. Atul was either travelling all the time and when at home he is either very tired or too drunk to do anything. One fine day I was in the market shopping around when I got a call from an unknown number, when picked I was told that Atul met with a road accident while returning back from his tour. He was driving and was quite drunk. I rushed to the hospital he was admitted in and was informed that he got multiple injuries and fracture but head injury is the one which is life threatening and due to that he went into coma and needed urgent surgery. They made me sign the papers and I was asked to deposit the money. I did the needful. All of Atul’s friends and colleagues also reached the hospital. The surgery went on for hours and eventually the doctor informed that the surgery was successful and but it will take some time before Atul will be out of Coma.

Almost a month passed but Atul was still in Coma. Friends, colleagues and relatives all came a few times to check on him but eventually their visits started minimizing. The hospital bill was increasing day by day and our saving got vanished in that. Anyway we managed a good lifestyle hence there was not much savings in our bank accounts. And the most of the saving went into the down payment of the house in which we were living. I tried to lend money from friends and relatives but none of them was of any help in fact they even stopped coming to the hospital to see Atul in fear that I will ask them to lend money.    
Eventually after being in coma for almost 2 months, Atul passed away. My life was devastated as I never ever imagined a life without Atul. Hospital bills wiped out all our savings and cash we had. I spoke to Vijay (Atul’s Boss) and Mr. Bansal (CEO) a couple of time for company bearing his hospital expenses as he was on duty at the time of accident but didn’t receive any response from them. I did all the rituals on my own as all the relatives and friends pulled themselves away from us due to our financial conditions. My parents were not that well to do so I didn’t seek their help and Atul’s family side cut all connections with us.
A couple of months after Atul’s death I started struggling financially. There were EMIs for home and car and other than our regular expenses there were educational expenses of both the kids. I sold my jewellery to meet up the expenses for a few months but again the cash finished after a few months. A year passed since Atul’s death and we were hand to mouth financially. Kids also realized and reduced their demands to minimal. We didn’t pay the bank EMI for 2 months and received the notice from bank that if we didn’t deposit the next instalment then they will forfeit our property. I got really tensed after receiving the bank letter as this house the only thing we had. Since I was not very educated there was very less hope of getting a job was minimal. I knew only Atul’s company can hire me and pay me a decent salary to meet up the EMI and our expenses.
I called up Vijay (Atul’s ex-boss) and explained my situation to him and requested him to get me job in the company. He was more than happy to help me. Then I informed him I need at least a salary of 35000-40000 per month in order to meet all my expenses. He got tenses listening to that but told me not to worry and he will work something out. He then asked to come and meet me at his house in the evening at around 7 pm.
I said – Sir, I’ll come and meet you in office tomorrow, if its ok with you.
Vijay replied – Anita as you told me that you don’t even have a resume so we need to make that first otherwise it will look very unprofessional to come to office without any resume. Further you can meet my wife as well there.
I got relieved when he informed me that his wife is also going to be there. As I didn’t want to go and meet him when he is alone at his house. Since Atul’s death all males around me used to look at me as if I’m available for all of them and I hated that.
I reached Vijay’s house in the evening, he opened the door and greeted me. He gave me a hug which lingered on for more than the necessary duration. I didn’t like it but didn’t say anything either. He made me sit in his living room and we started talking. I informed him how badly I need the job. The house we live will be auctioned by the bank.
Vijay replied – See Anu, getting you a job in company is not a problem, but getting you the salary you will is a big task. Since you don’t have any previous work experience hence company will not agree to pay the higher salary. I can propose you for the position of public relation officer which will get you the desired salary, but for that I will have to make fake experience certificate for you.
I asked – will it be ok to provide fake documents?
Vijay – See Anu I’ll be your reporting office so I’ll be able to manage just that we need to convince HR manager Mr. Iyer. But I’ll find a way to manage him. But first I need to take your thorough interview and know all about you so that I can prepare you for the interview with HR and make your resume and experience certificate accordingly.
I kept looking here and there to find Vijay’s wife but couldn’t find her anywhere and was confused. Vijay understood that I was looking for something and asked me – Anu do you need anything?
I asked him – Where is Sakshi? I was hoping to meet her as well.
Vijay said – Oh, ok come with me.
He took me to one of the bedrooms and there Sakshi was lying on the bed.
Vijay explained – Sakshi is paralysed for last one year. Initially it started with partial paralysis but for last 1 year she is fully paralysed and totally bed ridden.
Sakshi looked at me with blank eyes. I asked – So who takes care of her.
Vijay replied – There is nurse who comes every morning and leaves once I’m back from office. The cook and maid also leave by the evening. As I take care of her from evening till next morning.
Me – I’m sorry Vijay. Do let me know if you ever need any help from my side.  
Vijay held my hand and said – Thanks Anu, I know you will always be there for me. it’s just that sometime I feel very lonely and alone. I think you must also be feeling the same way after Atul. 
I didn’t know how to react. I couldn’t just pull my hand away from his grip and he slowly started rubbing my hand.
To divert him I said – Lets start with the resume and interview.
Vijay realized that and said – Yes lets move to my study, I have my laptop there, we will type and print your resume there only.  
Vijay took me to another room, it was a big room with a work desk on one side with a chair and a two seater couch and on the other side of the room was a double bed. Vijay explained that he has converted one of the rooms into guest room cum study to work at home and some time he even sleep in this room.
Vijay then started asking about my education and my hobbies. He discussed regular current affairs issues with me to check my intellect and general knowledge and was quite satisfied with me. Then Vijay explained to me that their company is into Media & Advertising for government and also into supply for government departments so they have deal with a lot of vendor companies to get a good deal which they can sell to government making profits and they have to deal with lot of government official and politicians to get government projects and tenders. He told me that we have to take care of all these people for example to take them out for dinners and drinks to get the deals. He explained to me that since I’m very beautiful an charming that’s why he thinks that I’ll suitable for the position of public relation officer.
He then started asking me personal questions like my likes and dislikes, my do’s and my don’ts etc. And then he became more personal and asked me – How many boyfriends you had Anu in your college or before you married Atul?
I was shocked to hear this question and asked him why is he asking such a question?
He explained – See Anu I need to know will you be able to interact with the clients or not? See all our clients are males and they will definitely flirt with you and you also need to flirt back with them, just healthy flirting you know to make them feel comfortable. So I need to know whether you have experience of boyfriends or not.
I was not confortable in answering it but still I replied that I didn’t have any boyfriends before marriage.
Vijay – Oh! That will be another problem to hire you on such a higher profile then, as you don’t have any experience of getting along with strange males.
I pleaded – But I’m a fast learner. I’ll learn very soon.
I was loosing hope of getting the job.
Vijay – So Atul was the only male in your life like as in relationships.
I was hesitant to answer this as I had sex with 5 other males than Atul but I didn’t want to tell all that to Vijay. Seeing me silent Vijay got a bit irritated.
Vijay – Look Anu you have to be frank with me then only I’ll be able to help you and get you this job and I know you need it badly so don’t hide any facts from me and tell me everything. So you have been with males other than Atul.
With a very heavy heart I nodded yes.
Vijay’s eyes shined and he thought (So the bitch has fuck males other than her husband, its gonna be easier than I thought in this case).
Vijay said loudly – So you have been in physical relationship with other males and since you didn’t have any boyfriends before you got married to Atul that means you been with other males after getting married to Atul.
I was dying in shame and wanted to run away from there but that was not an option for me.
Vijay – How many?
Me – What do you mean?
Vijay – I mean you have been with how many males other than Atul.
I had tears floating in my eyes – Please can we not talk about this.
Vijay – Anu this is the last time I’m telling you, if you need this job then you need to be honest with me. Now tell me how many males have you been with other than Atul.
Me (In a low voice) – 5
Vijay (Slut has been sleeping around with five males and I didn’t get the piece of that ass, no worries its better late than never) – Were they older or younger men?
Me – 1 was older than me and 4 were younger.
Vijay – So these were like one time thing or you were having an affair.
I had my head down and was hoping the world to end right then and there. Still I answered – All were one time thing.
Vijay – Good. Now the other most important requisite to get a job in our company is fitness and boldness. Our chairman Mr. Saraf need all his employees to be fit, smart and bold. I need to be sure before I propose you name for this position. So can you please get up.
I did not understand what was he upto so I just got up. He looked at me from tip to toe and then asked me to turn around. I did the same while thinking that he is treating me as a showpiece and cheaply checking me out.
Vijay – Its very hard to make out while you are dressed in saree like this Anu. Please take off your saree.
I was shocked to hear that. I said angrily – Are you out of your senses? What kind of interview is this? Your wife is right there in the next room.
 Vijay coldly replied – I’m very much in my senses. My reputation will be at stake in my company when I’m proposing you for this position. I’m going to make fake documents and going to put my job at risk as well. I need to be very sure about you. Now if you are pleased with my answer then take off you saree immediately.
I thought to slap him and move out of his house immediately but then I thought about my financial situation and then I didn’t have any other option. I dropped my pallu on the floor. Vijay’s eyes got glued to my big boobs in tight blouse and the cleavage. I took the rest of the saree out of the peticoat and dropped it on the floor too.
Vijay looked at me with hungry eyes and said – Now take off your blouse and peticoat as well.
I knew there was no point arguing with him so I opened the hooks of my blouse one my one and took it off and dropped it on the floor with my saree and then pulled the string of my peticoat and it joined the rest of the clothes on the floor. I was wearing a white lacy bra and a white cotton panty.
Vijay asked me to turn around and when I did that he licked his lips looking at my big butts clad in the white cotton panties.
Vijay said – See Anu I’m a very lonely man. My wife is bed ridden for almost 2 years now. So my sex life is zero since then. I’m ready to risk my job and my career for you to take care of your need but in return I want you to take care of my needs.
With tears in my eyes I said – Please Vijay don’t do this to me. I thought you were Atul’s friend.
Vijay got angry and said – Oh please Anu, you slept with 5 other males when Atul was alive so don’t try to act all innocent. Listen dear the path to that job goes through that bed is in this room. So if you need that job then take off your remaining clothes and come here to me.
I knew that I’m left with no option, I heavy heart I took my hands behind and open the hook of my bra and took it off. Vijay was looking at me with hunger in his eyes. I then thumbs inside the waist band of my panty and slid it down. I was in my birthday suit now. Vijay signalled me to come near him. My legs were not moving, but I pushed them I moved near him. Vijay then signalled me to kneel infront of him, I did what I was told to do.
Vijay – Wow these boobs are almost the size of melons. Since years I was dying to see them. See Anu I like it rough and hard so be ready for that.
I didn’t have an option to say no. He started roughly mauling my boobs. He pinched my nipples hard and I winched in pain. I pleaded him to be gentle and slow, but he ignored me. He then unbuckled his jeans and took his dick out, he was already hard. He bent forward and started kissing me. He was kissing me roughly, almost biting my lips. He moved his hands on the back of my head. After kissing me for couple of minutes he broke the kiss and pushed my head on his crouch. I knew what he wanted but I didn’t want to take him in my mouth. I tried to turn my face but he held my face with his both hands and asked me to suck him. I eventually opened my mouth and took in my mouth. There was a pungent smell of piss coming from his dick and when it touched my tongue it tasted a bit salty. I felt like puking and tried to take his dick out of my mouth but he had his hands on the back of my head and didn’t let me move. He started moving my head up and down on his dick. I gagged a bit initially but then got accustomed to his dick. After a while he stopped applying pressure from his hands I myself started sucking him and giving him a blowjob. He was enjoying and moaning.
He started using abusive language – Suck it hard you bitch. Mujhe shuru se pata tha tu ek number ki randi hai. Wah kya choos rahi hai saali.
After being sucked for almost 10 minutes Vijay pulled me up a bit and placed his dick between my boobs. He then asked me to press my boobs from both sides on his dick. I did the same and his dick was now stock in the valley between my boobs. He then asked me to move my boobs up and down while pressing my boobs on his dick. Since his dick was all wet due to my saliva his dick started sliding in and out of my cleavage. He loved the feel of my boobs on his dick and was moaning non-stop he was non stop abusing me and calling me slut and whore etc etc. After fucking my boobs for few minutes, Vijay stood up and pulled me up as well.
Once I was up and was standing in-front of him he pushed me on the bed. He then came over me and started sucking my nipples very hard. He started biting my boobs and my nipples. It was causing pain to me and I tried to stop him but he got hold of my hands and pinned them above my heads.
Vijay said – Anita you are so fleshy I just want to chew your flesh from your body. Look at those boobs and god this fleshy ass of yours looks so yummy.
 He was sucking and biting me everywhere and was leaving love bites and hickeys all over my body. I was having sex first time after Atul’s death so it was more than a year since someone touched my body. Doesn’t matter whether I was liking it or not my body started responding to Vijay’s action on it. Vijay came down and started sucking and biting my thighs. He then opened my legs and put his mouth on my vagina. He sucked my clit so hard that I jumped a foot above the bed and came very hard. He drank all my juices. After sucking all me juices he got up and came between my legs and pushed his dick inside me very hard. I cried in pain, he ignored it and started fucking me roughly and very fast. He fucked me hard for 8-10 minutes in that position and came inside me.
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My Wife
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Fabulous story
Keep updates regularly
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He laid over me for 5 minutes and then got off me and went to wash room. Once he came out I also felt the urge and went to washroom to clean myself. Once I was out I went to pick up my clothes, but Vijay stopped me and again pulled me on bed and said that he is not finished yet. I told him that I thought it was a one-time thing and any way I’m getting late and kids are waiting for me.

Vijay said – Anita, I’m risking my job and my career for you and you think you just fuck me once and it will be over? Listen dear if you want this job and keep working on this job then you have to let me have you as and when I want you, otherwise you can forget about working in my company.

I was speechless hearing this, he already fucked me once and now if I go back form here then I’ll have no job either. I didn’t say anything and he took my silence as my consent. He made me bend in doggy style and parted my butt cheeks. He started moving his hand in my butt crack. I again started getting excited. After playing with my butt cheeks and butt crack for a few minutes he also became hard and inserted his dick in my pussy from behind. He got hold of my hairs and started pulling them while fucking me from behind. He again started calling me slut and a whore and was using other abusive words. This time also he was fucking me very roughly. My body was betraying me and I was getting very excited. He fucked me hard and fast for almost 15 minutes and then we both came at the same time. This time I didn’t even had time to clean up so I just wiped Vijay’s cum with the bed sheet lying on the bed and put my clothes on.

Vijay kept looking at me while I was putting my clothes on, he then got up came near me and hugged me from behind. He then told me to report in the office my 10.30 tomorrow morning with all my mark sheets and certificates and he will print a resume and fake experience certificate for me and will also talk to Mr. Iyer about me. Vijay said that he will prepare me for an hour for the interview with Mr. Iyer and will explain me the job profile of the current job as well the job experience he is going to mention in my resume. He told me to be prepared to answer Mr. Iyer properly and he might ask some tricky questions as well. If he will get any doubt about my fake experience then he will be very nasty and immediately terminate the interview. He then turned me around and kissed me deeply and thanked me for giving him such a good time. I hugged him back and thanked him for helping me and bid him goodbye.

Next morning when I was getting ready I found my whole body was covered with hickies and bite marks from Vijay, he was very rough and fucked me like an animal. I got ready in a hurry and reached office 10:15 am dressed in a saree and blouse. My blouse as usual was a small one with deep back and front. I covered my cleavage properly with the pallu. The whole building was owned by Mr. Saraf as has many companies operating from the same building and he used to sit on top floor. I went to the reception and the receptionist guided me to Vijay’s floor. I found all familiar faces around on the floor. Brijesh and Aseem came up to me and greeted me. They both hugged me and the hug prolonged more than the required duration. Aseem hand was rubbing my bare back while hugging me. Other male eye were glued to me when Brijesh and Aseem were hugging me. They guided me to Vijay’s chamber.

Vijay got up from his desk and greeted me. He also hugged me and once the pleasantries were over Brijesh and Aseem left his chamber. As soon as they both left the chamber, Vijay hugged me tightly and started kissing me passionately, initially I tried to stop me but he was not ready to stop so I started responding him. He kissed me for good 5 minutes and once he was content he let go off me and went and sat on his chair. He then started explaining me about my job profile that I’ll be in the public relations and maintaining the relationships with the new as well as the existing clients and answering their queries and attend to any grievances. This went on for almost an hour where he covered all the questions which Mr. Iyer can ask me in his interview. He handed over the resume he printed for me along with fake experience certificates. He then told me that I have to go 2 floors up in HR & Accounts department and ask for Mr. Iyer there. He then again got up and came near me and wished me luck and again kissed me, while kissing me he took his hand inside my pallu and started squeezing my boob. There was a sudden knock on the door and we parted. As soon as we parted Vijay said loudly – Come in.

Brijesh walked in and saw me adjusting my pallu, my breath was also fast. I was caught off guard. He gave a meaningful smile to me before talking to Vijay regarding the issue he came in for. I thought did Vijay told him about us but then I droped the thought thinking that its not possible, as it will hamper his image as well. I shake the thought off my mind and left for Mr. Iyer’s office. As I walked out they both were staring at my swaying ass.

When the door was closed behind me Brijesh licked his dry lips and said – Kya maal hai boss. Khub maza aaya hoga aapko to kal. Jee bhar ke choda hoga aapne isse.

Vijay laughed on his lewd comment.

Brijesh continued – Boss akele akele hi khayegne ya humain bhi chakhne ka mauke denge.

Vijay – Abe akele kabhi khaya hai maine, don’t worry you will also get your chance but in due course of time. Is saali ne bahut tadpaya hai saalon se. AUr who madarchod Atul humara maal humesha share karta tha aur usse jab maine share karne bola to usne mujhpe haath uthaya tha, ab sab ka badla is saali se lunga main. Isse Randi banaunga sabki.

I took the lift and reached 2 floors above Vinay’s floor and searched for HR Department. Mr. Iyer’s cabin was in far corner. I knocked on his door and entered in his cabin. I introduced myself and he greeted me with a smile and looked at me from top to bottom. Mr. Iyer was a pitch dark looking man, not very tall and was having a pot belly. He was wearing a crisp white shirt in contrast with his complexion which was making him look even darker, he was bald with thick moustache and was looking a villain of south Indian movie. He informed me in his thick south indian accent that he knew me as he saw me with Atul many times in company parties and events. He informed me that he was a good friend of Atul and offered his condolences on his sudden demise. He said he will be more than happy to offer a position in the company. I handed him over my resume and other documents as prepared by Vijay.

He went through all the documents and then started asking me questions which Vijay made me rehearse in the morning itself so I answered all of them with confidence. As I was speaking he kept staring at my face and my pallu covered breast which was making me uncomfortable a bit but I didn’t say anything. He then satisfied with my answers asked a few more questions about my past experience and my last job. Again I gave the answers as Vijay told me.

Mr. Iyer then suddenly said – Oh, I know Mr. Gupta who is the HR manager in the previous company you worked. He is a very good friend of mine and its been ages I spoke to him last. It’s a good excuse to call and catch up with him and check your referral as well.

Before I could say anything he took his mobile and searched for the number and called. I was getting very nervous and started sweating. He chatted casually with Mr. Gupta for some time (least I knew that he was talking with Vijay only and they both have planned it well last night only). He then started asking him about me and my job profile there. His face frowned listening to the reply from the other side. He again asked Mr. Gupta is he sure what is he saying and his he frowned more listening to his reply. I was almost shaking in fear listening to all this.

As soon as Mr. Iyer disconnected the call, I started sobbing and confessed to him that I lied about my experience. I don’t have any work experience, but since I badly need this job I lied about my work experience but the truth is that I never worked in my life. I started crying after I told him the truth. He got up from his desk and came behind me. He put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me and then moved it to my back and started rubbing it there in order to console me.  

Mr. Iyer – Stop crying dear. You didn’t need to lie about your experience to get a job here. You are such a fine lady I would have offered you a job anyway. Why did you even think about giving fake experience and certificates?

I stopped crying but was still sobbing a bit and between the sobs I replied – I needed this job badly financially as we didn’t have much saving. Further I thought without any experience I won’t be getting the minimum salary I need to afford the EMIs on my house and my kids education.

Mr. Iyer – Yes that can be a problem but let me see if you will be able to manage the profile and then what can I do for you. Vijay is a good team leader and if you are a quick learner then there will not be a problem.
Mr. Iyer continued - See Mrs. Singh our company is the biggest supplier of computer hardware. We deal in 3 channels government supplies, corporate supplies and in retail as well. Vijay is the incharge of the team dealing with corporate supplies. You will be the public relation officer in his team dealing with the grievances of the clients as well. You think you will be able to handle this job profile.

I replied confidently - Yes sir I will.

Mr. Iyer - Our Chairman Mr. Saraf is very serious about the image and presentation of our company and employees. And since you will be face of the company to our corporates you need to be in your best attire all the time. Mr. Saraf is very clear that he wants our females employees not only to be beautiful but sexy too as it increases their confidence by many folds.

Without understanding much about the meaning of his words I just nodded yes in affirmation.

Mr. Iyer - And you meet both the criteria’s you are not only very beautiful but also very sexy.

I blushed and smiled on his compliment.

Mr. Iyer - I hope you and equally cooperative and a quick learner to learn all the skills needed for the job.

I again nodded in affirmation.

Mr. Iyer - So let’s move to the adjoining room where I’ll complete taking your details in order to finalise your joining.

With that he got up from his desk and moved towards a door in his chamber. I initially thought that it must be his personal washroom but it was actually a record room. Once inside I found that there were file cabinets in all the four sides, with a desk and chairs in the middle. A sofa on one side and there was an adjoining washroom. Mr. Iyer explained that this the place where they keep the records of all the employees of this company as well as other companies owned by Mr. Saraf. I also came to know that Mr. Saraf was not only into hardware supplies but he also take tenders of huge government supplies and he own many warehouses as well.

Mr. Iyer sat on one side of the table and signalled me to sit in the other side. He then pulled out an empty file and a few forms. He asked me about my basic details like full name, address etc.

He then said - Mrs. Singh as a company policy I need to take your complete physical details. Please get up and stand on this weighing scale.  

After measuring my weight he asked to move towards the wall where there was a scale to measure height. Once he was done he went to his desk and noted the measurements.

He opened his drawer and pulled out a measuring tape and said - I need to take your body measurements now.

I was taken aback listening to that and asked him - Why do you need that??

Mr. Iyer said - There are 2 reasons for that, we keep vitals in record for each employee as I said for sales and PR team our company hire only good looking and fit people. So we will keep a track of your figure. Secondly company will provide you business suits and other outfits for company’s events for that we need all the measurements. So now if you please come and stand here I’ll finish my job as I have other work to do as well. I don’t have all day to play games with you here.

With the tone of his reply I understood that he didn’t like the way I questioned him. Anyway with reasoning he gave it was not possible to avoid this so I went and stood near the desk where he was standing with the forms.

He started taking the measurements like a professional. He started with my arms, then he measured my shoulders moved to my neck. He was noting down all the measurements in the form he had on his desk. He then sat infront of me and first measured my leg from the side then moved infront moved my pallu aside and made my navel visible. His eyes shined looking at my navel. He measured the length from my navel to my feet and then from my navel to my upper thighs. In all this the tape was touching my pussy above my saree and petticoat, his hands brushed my thighs many times in the process.

He then said - Mrs. Singh you need to take off your saree and petticoat.

I was shocked and said in a loud voice - What for?? Why you want me to remove my clothes.

Mr. Iyer said in a calm voice - How am I supposed to measure the width of your thighs and the measurement of cross/crutch point. The business suits company provides comes with pants. How many time do I have to tell you that this Organization is very particular about the looks of it’s employees and their attire. It’s not that I’m dying to see you naked.

I felt ashamed of my sudden reaction. I apologised to him and politely asked him - Isn’t there a female to take these measurements.

Mr. Iyer - No we don’t have the budget to keep a female employee just to take measurements. Here I’m keeping my job at stake by hiring you even after knowing that you produced fake experience certificate and you don’t trust me. Let’s finish the process here and you can join somewhere else. I’ll refer you to some other company, you can join there.

With that he got up from the floor and threw the tape on the desk. I felt sorry for him and showing distrust like that.

I said - I’m really sorry Mr. Iyer, it’s just that I have never given measurement like that and also I have never undressed infront of a Male other than my husband. That’s why I reacted like that.

Iyer thought - You bitch, Vijay already told me that you have fucked half a dozen men that too after marriage and here you are acting all Sati Savithri. Give me some time and I’ll bring out the slut inside you.

I continued - Please don’t get upset. I’m really sorry if I hurt your emotions.

He replied - Mrs. Singh I’m just trying to do my job here. I have done this procedure with everyone who has joined this company whether Male or Female. I’m fully professional in my work and don’t take anything personally.

Totally unaware of his plans and intentions I was falling in his trap and I said - I’m really sorry again Sir. I’ll do whatever is required as per company’s norms. Will you please turn around as I’m feeling very shy to remove my saree infront of you.

With disappointment in his eyes Mr. Iyer turned around as he missed the chance to see me stripping. As soon as he turned around I took my pallu off and started undbanging my saree. I placed it on the chair next to the table and pulled the string off on my petticoat. It followed the gravitational law and fell on my feet. I walked out of it and put it with the saree on the chair. I thanked my stars that I was wearing a hipster panty rather than a bikini or a thong. But it was tight on my butts and my butt crack can be easily traced from outside, lower portion of my butt cheeks were also peeking out from the bottom of the panties.

I asked Mr. Iyer that I’m ready, he turned around and was speechless to see me only in my blouse and panties. His mouth opened in awe. The blouse I was wearing was showing 2 Inches of my cleavage and my curves were accentuating in the tight blouse. The back of the blouse was hardly 3 inches and was just covering the strap of my bra hence my back was almost open in the view.  

Mr. Iyer move near me without even blinking in his eyes and picked up the measuring tape from the table. He was constantly staring at by blouse covered boobs and my thighs. He kneeled again infront of me started taking measurements. He again measured the length of my thighs, from the start of my panty line to my knees and then to my upper thighs. He then measured the thickness of my thighs one by one. His fingers were constantly brushing my skin while doing so.

Mr Iyer - Mrs. Singh your skin is smoother than silk and it’s so fair.

I just smiled on his compliment. He then moved the tape up to measure my waist. He joined the tape right on my navel to take the reading. His finger poked my navel in the process and I gasped. He noticed my reaction. After measuring my waist he said - There is some dirt here, let me clean it and with that he inserted his index in my navel, I gasped again and pulled my tummy in. He stared moving his finger in and out of my navel in the context of cleaning it. He brought his face very close to my navel to see whether it’s clean or not. He said - it’s not fully clean yet. I wanted to tell him it’s ok, I’ll clean it myself. But before I could say that he did something which I never imagined he would do. He inserted the tip of his tongue in my navel.

A cried - Noooo Mr. Iyer. Please don’t do this.

But he ignored it and started rotating his tongue too in my navel. A moan escaped my mouth. He licked my navel for good 2 minutes before moving his mouth from there. He moved his mouth and looked at me and smile when he saw that my eyes were closed. From down there when he looked up he saw the mounds of my boobs in the blouse.

He then moved the tape to measure around my butts. This time he kept the joint right on my pussy to take the reading and his fingers were slightly touching me there. My body started to betray me and I started getting wet with all this touchings.

He then got up and said - Mrs. Singh please widen your thighs a bit I need to measure the crutch/cross point. I did as he said I wanted this to get over as soon as possible. He stood next to me and up one end of the tape on the panty line above my pussy and took the tape between my legs and right above my pussy and the above my butt crack to the back start point of my panty line. The tape was rubbing my pussy and I started getting more and more wet. In order to adjust and keep the tape properly he moved and jiggled it a few times which resulted in more friction on my pussy and I moaned a bit. He took his time to take this measurement and finally it was over and he pulled the tape out from between my thighs.

He said - Mrs. Singh, it’s time to measure you bosom now. Please remove you blouse.  

I gave him a questionable look and before I could shot the question he said - I have already told you that I need exact measurements, which is not possible with two layer of clothings. If you are wearing a padded bra then I might have to ask you to remove the bra as well.

I was more relieved thinking that I was not wearing a padded bra rather than think that he has asked me to remove my blouse. He took my silence as my yes and said - Will you do it fast, I have a lot of work to finish today itself.

I realised that I lost the chance to give any excuse or raising any question. I turned around and started unhooking my blouse. There was a wicked smile on Mr. Iyer’s face and he was hungrily looking at my panty covered butts and rubbed his dick above his pants.

I turned around and Mr. Iyer’s eyes almost popped out, my boobs are crushed together in the tight bra making a deep cleavage. He licked his dry lips looking at the cleavage and my bra cladded boobs. I looked down in shame when I saw him staring at me like that. I looked down and found that he was having an erection. I smiled slightly looking at that. I wanted the task to be completed fast so I walked towards him. He also came out of trance and came forward to take the measurement.

Due to all the touchings and the air conditioning my nipples were hard and were easily visible above the bra. Mr. Iyer also notices that and was staring at them now. He then me to raise my hands and as soon as possible did that my boobs jutted out more from the bra. Mr Iyer then put the tape around me and brought the ends infront right on my boobs to take the reading. He placed the tape strap right on my nipples and then in order to adjust the tape his fingers brushed my nipples. This sent shivers in my body and I was getting more and more wet with every passing moment. Mr. Iyer then tightened the tape and I said - Ahhhh.

He asked - Is it too tight?

I nodded yes so he loosened it a bit And asked if it’s ok. When I confirmed he took the reading. He then asked me to lower my hands and again took the readings. He said - You got a beautiful body and perfect vitals Mrs. Singh.

I again just smiled on his compliment. He noted the reading on the forms lying on the table and turned the page. It was the last page of the bunch. He looked at it and his face got stressed.

I asked - If everything is ok sir.

He kept quite for a few seconds which made me nervous and moved forward and kept my hand on his shoulder. He turned towards me and said - Mrs. Singh we have reached the final section of the process now. Here I have to mention about any physical marks or scar if you have. But that’s not a problem. The problem is the next section where we both need to sign a declaration that the facts and information mentioned in your resume, documents and this form are correct and I have verified it. Now I can’t sign that declaration knowing that you have given false information in your resume. If I sign it I’ll have to put a remark mentioning the false experience thing here.

I was devastated to listen that. I lost all my hopes to get this job and save my house and solve my financial problems. I said - Sir I really need this job other wise bank will take away our house and we will be homeless. My kids will be thrown out of school as I have paid their tuition fee for last 3 month. I beg you please help me out here.  

While we were having this conversation Mr. Iyer was constantly staring my cleavage.

He said - You don’t understand Mrs. Singh I will loose my job if management will come to know that I signed even after knowing the truth. Further you will save you house and your kids education. What am I getting in all this by risking my job and my career.

In the flow of the conversation I said - I will do whatever you say Mr. Iyer but please give me this job. In future if anything goes wrong I’ll take the complete blame and tell the management that you were not aware of the truth. But please let me have this job as I have nowhere else to go. Let me pay the banks from the first 2 months salary and then you can keep half my salary for as many month as you want (I got tears in my eyes).

A slight smirk got on his face and he said - Please Mrs. Singh don’t embarrass me. I don’t need your money. Let’s second last part and when we will come to the declaration part we will think what can we do.

I nodded and smiled on his response. He said - Let’s fill this part up as well. So Mrs. Singh do you have any birth or any scars on your body?

I nodded no. He proceeded - I can see you got a flawless body dear.

It was the first time he called me dear I smiled on his compliment.

He said - But you know the company policy, I have to check it myself. Further I also need to mention the moles and warts on your body.

I didn’t get the reason why would company needs to know the moles or marks on my body but I didn’t question him. He came very close to me and held my face by chin and pulled it up, he started looked closely at my face from all sides and angle. The he moved his hand on my neck, he found a mole on the left end of the nape of my neck. He rubbed it slightly to confirm that it’s a mole. He then raised my hand one by one and moved his hand on my armpit. All these touches started to excite me. After moving his hands on my armpit he turned me around. And then he sniffed his hand to inhale the smell of my armpit, he thought I might now see it but I noticed it from the corner of my eye.

He roamed his hands on my back and then he did something which I didn’t expect and it shocked me. He opened the hook of my bra. I jumped and snapped at him - What have you done Mr. Iyer?? Why did you open my bra??

He snapped back at me - You back is not completely visible due to the strap of the bra. What if there is a mark below it? And 10 mins back you can said that you are ready to do anything to get this job and you couldn’t keep your word for even 10 mins.

I realised my mistake and turn back and said - Please go ahead and check.

He moved the back straps away and then removed the straps from my shoulder. I folded my arms to keeps the bra cups on my boobs as the straps were now hanging on my arms. He moved his hands on my back from top to bottom slowly in order to check any moles there. I was hating his lustful touch on my body but I didn’t have any other option.

He put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around. As was feeling ashamed of my nakedness and was looking down on floor. He then brought his hand forward and tried to pull my bra away from my body. With tears in my eyes I looked at him and pleaded - Please Mr. Iyer.

With a grin on his face he said - I’m just doing my job Mrs. Singh. If you don’t want to proceed with it, you are free to walkout any moment.

I was left with no option so I just loosened my grip and he yanked the bra off from my body. I was now standing topless infront of him. His eyes shined looking at my naked boobs. He couldn’t believe his luck. He brought both his hands and held my boobs and started liking at them thoroughly. He pulled them up as if weighing them and looked below my boobs and said - Aaha, see there is a mole below your left boob.

He then flickered my nipple with his thumb as a result it got hard and there came the dots on my areola. He touches them and asked me - Are these moles Mrs. Singh.

I was dying in shame to answer such question. I just nodded no.

He said - You nipples are also dirty Mrs. Singh, I have clean it the same way I cleaned your navel.

Without waiting for my response he bent forward, pulled his tongue out and started licking my nipple. He was holding my boob tightly and his tongue was making slurping sounds while he was vigorously licking my nipple. There were tears rolling out of my eyes but my body was betraying me and I was getting wet at the same time. He then took the nipple as well as a good portion of my boob in his mouth and started sucking it. After sucking it for some time he still kept the boob in his mouth and rolled his tongue on my nipple. I moaned when he did that. While at the same time his other hand was pressing and playing with my other boob. He was punching my other nipple in between pressing my boob. After sometime he switched his mouth and took my other boob in his mouth and his hand started playing with my first boob.

He played and sucked my boobs and nipples for a long time and when he was fully satisfied he left them and stood straight. He then held my hand and took me near the sofa and said - Lets check your lower half and finish the process. Now you get on the sofa with your knees on the sofa seat, put your hands on the headrest of the sofa and bend down.

I asked in a low tone - Is it necessary Sir?

He replied - Yes dear it is very much necessary. Now be a good girl and do as you are told.

With a heave heart I got in the position as he told me. My butts were jutted out and boobs were hanging down. I was feeling so ashamed of my lewd position.

Me Iyer came near me and said - Part your legs dear. How am I supposed to see your inner thighs??

He then part my legs and moved his hands all around on my thigh and brought his face down at the same time to look for any marks or moles. He brought his more close to my pussy and inhaled the smell from there. He went mad by the smell of the juices coming out. He then brought his hands on my lower back and slowly inserted his both index fingers from opposite sides in my panty lines. I panicked by the thought of him removing my panties so I brought my hand on my back and held the panty line and pleaded again - Please sir, don’t take it off, I beg you. Please.

He said in an irritated tone - You want that joining letter or not Mrs. Singh? Stop all these tantrums and cooperate with me for few more minutes and you can have your joining letter in your hands. Now let your hand go.

I had no other option but to surrender. I finally removed my hand and he slowly pulled my panties down. His eyes widened and he went crazy in lust looking my round and fleshy naked butts. He couldn’t control his urges and spanked on my butt and when the flesh jiggled he said - Wow you got so much of flesh there. I haven’t seen such a perfectly shaped butts with so much of flesh in my life.

He again slapped my butt and this time harder. I loudly said - Aahhhh. Please Mr. Iyer it hurts. He controlled his urges and started his process of inspecting my butts. He roamed his palm on my butts cheek and brought his face closer and said – Hmmm, there is mole on your right butt cheek as well.

He then parted my butt cheek and bent down to look into my butt crack. He looked at my tiny butt hole and my pussy was glistening with my juices. He looked at it and smiled. He rubbed his fully erect dick above his pants and said – This part here also needed to be cleaned properly.

I said – No, no Mr. Iyer please you don’t need to.

But it was too late, he already had his mouth on my pussy and he moved his tongue on the slit of my pussy and licked it. He then moved his tongue from the slit of my pussy upwards and licked by butthole and my butt crack and then moved his tongue down back to the pussy licking the whole way down. I moaned loudly and shivered with the sensation. I was still constantly pleading him to stop – Please Mr. Iyer please don’t do this to me. I was a married woman.

He ignored all my pleas and opened the lips of my pussy and inserted his tongue inside. My pleas were getting weak now and my moans were increasing with each passing moment. After licking me for good 5 minutes he got up. I heard the sound of unbuckling of belt. I understood what he is upto now. I said – No Mr. Iyer I’m not going to do that and I started getting up from the bending position.

He held me by my shoulder and pushed me down and said – Just few more minutes dear, let me fuck you now and you then you can go with your joining letter.

I was still not ready for that, I cried – Please Mr. Iyer, I’ll do anything else but please don’t put it in.

He didn’t listen to me and hurriedly pulled his pants and underwear down on one go and pushed his dick hard in my pussy.

I almost screamed in pain – Noooooo. Please pull it out Sir. Tears were rolling out of my eyes.

He said – Be a good girl dear and I’ll even get you more salary than you expect and we usually pay for this position. Think all your financial problems will resolve in no time.

Listening to that I became quite. He started pumping his dick in and out of my pussy. He held me by my hips with his hands and started fucking me very fast. After fucking me for 2-3 minutes in that position and when he felt that my resistance has gone he pulled his dick out and asked me to turn around and lie on the couch. I did as I was told I lied on my back resting my head on the handrest. He spread my legs and came between them. He took off his shirt, he was hairy and pitch black. He was quite scary to look at. He got an average size dick of 5 inches. He again inserted me and started pumping me. He brought his face down and tried to kiss me. But I turned my face away, so he started kissing and licking my neck. He then moved his face on my tits and started sucking my left boob. He took my nipple between his teeth and slowly started biting it. While with his other hand he started pressing by right boob and pinching the right nipple. I started getting excited now and was moaning loudly now. He increased his speed and was now fucking me like a mad bull. I started getting very wet and as I was starting to enjoy the fuck, he suddenly said - Fuck you are so hot Mrs. Singh and your pussy is so tight, I have never fucked someone this hot. I don’t think I will be able to last long. I’m going to cum soon.

I said while gasping for breath - Ahh-ahhh, Don’t you dare to cum inside me. Pull out when you have to cum.

I said this with such and authority that he got it that it’s a no-no thing. So after pumping me for hardly one more minute he pulled his dick out and started cumming on my tummy, a few jets even landed on my boobs. He came so much that it made a small pool on my tummy. Looking at it he grinned and said - I never came so much before.

He handed me tissues and started getting dressed. I wiped his semen from my body and went to the adjoining washroom to clean myself. When I came out he was gone to his chamber. I got dressed and went to his chamber. As soon as I entered he got up and handed me over my joining letter and was surprised to see that he has offered me a salary of Rs. 60000/- my expectation was a maximum salary of Rs. 40000-45000/-. I was very happy to see this. Seeing my smiling face he said while grinning - I think I deserve at least a kiss now.

I laughed on his comment. He look it as a positive sign and move closer. He was right I couldn’t deny him a kiss for the favours he has given me as I didn’t let him kiss me during the whole session inside. Although he took advantage of the situation and almost blackmailed me to have sex with him. But looking at the joining letter I was so happy that I almost forget about what happened inside the records room.

He moved forward and held my face, I closed my eyes. He bent down and kept his lips on mine. He then slowly started sucking my lower lips, I also started responding him and started sucking his upper lips. After sucking the lower one for sometime, he moved to my upper lip and started sucking that one. Then his tongue tried to enter my mouth, I opened my mouth and let his tongue in. His tongue invaded my mouth and revolving it around in my mouth for sometime he started rubbing it on my tongue. Both our tongue got twisted into each other like they are fighting a dual.

Suddenly his mobile started ringing and we broke our kiss. We both our breathless due to such a long kiss. He controlled his breath and attended the call and I wiped by mouth as his saliva has covered it fully. I looked at my watch and realised that it’s been almost 4 hrs since I came in his chamber.  

As soon as he finished the call I said - I should be going now.

He wished me luck and gave me goodbye hug. I pecked him on his lips, thanked him again and walked out of his chamber. With the joining letter in my hand I was feeling as if I was on 7th sky. On the way down to Vijay’s office I was thinking how I’ll start repaying all instalments from next month. But I need to make some payment to bank this month as well.
[+] 5 users Like Devil0606's post
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Awesome update
[+] 1 user Likes ansharora's post
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Great details and vivid description. Her husband's death and her struggle after that somehow brought in gloomy filling in the story and it hurts.
[+] 2 users Like blackdesk's post
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Once back in my department I went straight away to Vijay’s cabin. He saw the smile on my face and understood that I have got the job. He got up and hugged me tightly and congratulated me. Brijesh and Asim were also there in his cabin and they congratulated me as well. I felt a bit awkward being hugged like that infront of both of them. I handed my joining letter to Vijay and he was also surprised to see the salary Iyer has offered me and said - You must have really impressed Mr. Iyer to get this figure as it’s the highest he has paid to any Assistant Manager here. But what look you so long.

I was taken aback by this question as when he was trying to take advantage of my situation in records room I thought that I’ll go and tell everything to Vijay but the way things concluded upstairs with Mr. Iyer I just lied to Vijay - Oh he was just explaining everything about the company and it’s business. He started with the history of the company and then in detail he explained me about job profile and then rules and regulations of the company etc etc.

Vijay replied - Oh nonsense he was just looking for excuses to be in the company of such a beautiful lady for last long as possible.

I smiled on the flattery by Vijay. He then got up and said - Lets go out and I’ll introduce you to the rest of our team. I’m VP and  head of this hardware sales division of our company. You already know Brijesh and Asim, they both are AVP Sales & Marketing.

We moved out and he introduced me to the rest of the team. There were 2 more managers both females in sales assisting Brijesh and Asim their names were Pooja and Ruchi. Both of them were good looking and well dressed. Then there was 1 guy for technical support as IT Manager Murali. Kishan was the back end guy for all the paperwork. They have 2 young interns as well Neha and Harpreet under training. The whole team was well dressed and was looking sharp. They all greeted me and welcomed me in the team.

After the introductions were over Vijay said - Anita take rest today and you can start working from tomorrow.

I said - Sir, can I talk to you alone for minute.

Vijay - No sir please, everyone calls me Vijay only. Come in my chamber we can talk there.

Once inside I said hesitatingly - Vijay will it be possible to get some advance salary. I know I have just started but I really need some money to pay to the bank and school.

Vijay - How much do you need?

I said - Around 40,000/-.

Vijay - Anita since you have just joined so I don’t think accounts department will agree on such request. But I’ll lend you the money and you can return it back when you will get your salary.

Me - No no, I can’t take money from you.

Vijay - Anita don’t worry it’s just a loan. You are in my team now and I’m always there for my team members. I don’t have that much cash on me right now but I’ll withdraw from bank and will drop it at your place on the way back from my office.

I tried to deny but he convinced me to lend the money from him.

I left the office and was very happy. I immediately called my old maid and cook whom I had to sack as I could afford their salary and asked them to restart their work from tomorrow morning, they were also happy to get their job back. I bought some sweets for the kids and reached back home and gave the good news to the kids.

I spent the day preparing for next day of office and organising thing for kids when I’ll be at work and they will be at home with the maid. Whole day passed in that in the evening I was waiting for Vijay but he didn’t turn up, he must have got busy with work I thought.

It was past 9.30 in the night, after putting kids to bed I was sitting in living room watching TV. I was quite horny as I didn’t cum during sex with Mr. Iyer and I was remembering the whole episode. Suddenly the door bell rang. I opened the door with the thought that who could be there at this time. I was surprised to see Vijay there. It seemed that he was working late and came straight from office as he was in the same attire. I was in my pyjamas n T-shirt, since it was my night attire I got rid of my bra and my boobs were jiggling.

He showed me a bottle of champagne and said - How can we not celebrate this achievement of yours??

I smiled and let him in. Before sitting down he handed me over a bundle of 50k and said - Anu you don’t need to return this to me immediately with your first pay. First stabilise your finances and then you can return the money. I don’t mind eve if you pay me in small instalments.

He then handed me over a packet and said - And this is your joining gift from me.

I was feeling very happy as after months I have got such a special treatment for someone. I totally forgot how Vijay took advantage and used me physically just a day before. I feeling very pampered.

Vijay asked me to bring 2 glass while he started opening the bottle of champagne. Once I got the glasses he popped open the bottle and filled both the glasses. He then made a toast wishing me luck and success for my new role.

We sat on the couches and were sipping champagne. Vijay was staring at my chest and he could trace out the impression of my nipples on my thin t-shirt. His stares on my boobs were making me conscious and my nipples started getting harder with each passing minutes. Vijay was enjoying the view and was chatting non-stop with me and telling me the office gossip.

Soon we finished the whole bottle of champagne and I started feeling tipsy. I was laughing on every silly joke of Vijay. Since the champagne finished I asked Vijay would he like some wine as there is some left from Atul’s stock. I said he would love some and also asked if I could get something to munch. I apologised for my fault of not serving him anything before.

I went to the kitchen and was filling the bowls with the snacks, suddenly Vijay came behind me and hugged me from back. I was shocked with his sudden move. He brought his face forward and whispered in my ear - God you are so beautiful Anu, I couldn’t take my mind off you and was thinking about you all day.

He then kissed me on my ear and then started sucking me earlobe. It was the champagne or the pent up desires from the day I was really enjoying all this. Vijay got the signal and moved his hand to my boobs and started pressing them. I start to moan when he started playing with my nipples. Parallely he started kising and licking my neck. I could feel his semi hard dick touching my ass from behind. He moved his dick to my ass crack and started rubbing it there. I could feel his dick growing inside his pants. He started moving one of his hand down and inserted it inside my pj and touched my already wet pussy. I got on my toes and moaned loudly. He started rubbing my clit and moved his other hand inside my t-shirt and attacked my naked boob there, simultaneously he was grinding his dick on my ass crack and licking my neck up and down with his tongue. All these multiple attacks on my body were too much and I started shaking, Vijay realized that I was on the verge of cumming so he stopped suddenly and I really needed an orgasm as the same thing is happening since morning that I was left right on the verge by Mr. Iyer as well. But Vijay wanted to tease me more.

He then moved back a bit and put his fingers on both sides of my pyjamas, he pulled the pyjama and my panties down in one swift motion and made me naked from waist down. My naked globes are shining in the white light of the kitchen and he could see than my panties were drenched with my juices. He couldn’t control his urges and spanked me hard, I moaned loudly, his eyes shined when he saw the flesh on my ass jiggled. I then heard the sound of unbuckling of the belt.

I suddenly realised that I was in my kitchen and kids were sleeping in the adjoining bedroom and can come out any moment. I myself wanted to be fucked hard right then and there but I was also afraid of being caught by the kids so I tried getting up and pulled my panties and pyjamas up. I begged him – Please Vijay not here, kids can come out any moment listening to the noise.

Vijay was in no mood to listen. He again tugged his hand in the elastic of my pyjama and tried to pull it down.

I said – Please Vijay I beg you, not here. Lets to upstairs in my room, you can have me there.

Vijay thought for a few moments and said – Ok, but only in one condition. You have to get rid of all the clothes and then walk with me upstairs buck naked.

I was horrified listening to his proposition. He said – Come on Anu, I can’t stand here for long with my hard dick dangling like this.

I never roamed naked in my house before and told him the same. He laughed and said – Well there is always a first time for everything.

I didn’t have any other option as I could not take the risk of being seen by my kids with him like this. So I said ok to him.

I took off all my clothes so did Vijay then we both walked upstairs to my room. Vijay hands were roaming on my naked body while we were walking upstairs. When we reached my bedroom on first floor I was almost shaking with thrill and excitement. I never felt so thrilled in my life. Once inside the room, Vijay threw me on the bed and jumped upon me. He started licking me all over, he started from my feet and slowly moved upwards. Once he reached my upper thighs I moved my butts up in the air in order to bring my leaking pussy near his mouth so he can lick me there and I can reach my orgasm. But he was in a mood to tease me more, he just ignored my pussy and moved his tongue upwards to my navel and poked his tongue in there. After licking there for a few seconds he moved up and then started licking my rock hard nipple.

He was almost above my body and the tip of his dick was touching my pussy every now and then. I again thrust my ass up in order to take his dick in my pussy but he again moved back and bit. I was very excited now and badly wanted to be fucked, I looked at him with pleading eyes. Vijay got up from me and sat between my legs he got hold of his dick and moved forward. I was pleased that at last I’m going to get what I wanted. But Vijay started rubbing his dick on the slit of my pussy from top to bottom slowly. It was getting impossible for me to control my urges, finally I said - Please Vijay stop teasing me and please put it in?

Vijay (shaking his dick in his hand) - Hmmm you want this dick inside??

I nodded my head in yes.

Vijay - Then beg me to fuck you.

Me - Please Vijay I beg you to fuck me with this dick of yours.

Vijay - Say that you are my personal slut and I can fuck you anytime anywhere in any way as I wish.

I felt so humiliated but my carnal urges took over me and I was not in a position to think straight.

Me - I’m your personal slut Vijay, you can have me anytime anywhere in anyway as you desire now please put your dick inside me.

Vijay - Ok my bitch, if you say so.

He then moved on me and put his dick on the entrance of my pussy and with one hard jerk put his whole 7 inches inside me in one swift motion.

A load moan escaped my mouth - Aaaahhhhhh

I felt so satisfied and complete in that moment. His dick stretched my pussy and my vaginal walls gripped his dick tightly.  

He kept his dick like that for a few seconds and then started pumping me in slow long strokes. My eyes were closed due to the satisfaction I was getting. He brought his mouth on my boobs and took a bite on my nipple, this was enough to take me over the edge, I shuddered and reached my orgasm.

I had convulsions and the orgasm lasted for almost 60 seconds. When my orgasm subsided, Vijay chuckled and said - You badly needed this isn’t it??

I smiled and nodded yes. He replied -Well there are many more to come.

We started kissing each other passionately after kissing for a few minutes he broke the kiss and got up from me. He then folded my legs and brought my knees to my chest, my pussy got raised in the air in that position. He also raised his body above bed on his toes and inserted his dick in my pussy again. In that position his dick went very deep inside. He then started fucking my pussy in speed with short strokes. He was pushing his dick with great force inside me and the tip of his dick started touching my g-spot which started giving me great sensation.

The sound of his balls hitting my ass and the sound my moans was echoing in the room. We both got very excited again and Vijay said - You are again excited my slut. You are such a horny bitch.

His abusive language was a new experience for me and I was getting more excited due to it. He then said - Tell me you are my slut and you want to be fucked like one.

I said - I’m you slut Vijay, fuck me like a slut.

We both were getting more and more excited with these dirty talks, Vijay increased his speed and now his dick was pumping my pussy like a piston. I was on the verge of my second orgasm in less than 20 minutes.

He pumped me in that position for just a couple of more minutes and we both grunted and came together. His hot cum filled my pussy, he came so much that his cum mixed with my cum started leaking from the sides. With that he collapsed on me. We both have thoroughly enjoyed the session we had and were so tired that we fall asleep naked in each other arms.

I got up early in the morning with the sound of the movements in the room, I opened my eyes and saw that Vijay was wearing his clothes and was getting ready to go. I check the time and it was almost 7 in the morning. I sighed in relief as my kids get up only after 7:30 every morning. I also got up and wore a nightly to cover my nakedness. I offered him coffee but he said he would like to be out before kids get up and I agreed with him. He kissed me goodbye and said he will see me in the office.
[+] 4 users Like Devil0606's post
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Great narration, please keep posting updates
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Waiting for your update...
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Very nice, keep it up.....looking forward to the next update
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Waiting bro
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Once he left I started doing my daily chores and while doing the same I kept on thinking that how much I have started enjoying sex with Vijay. Though he forced himself upon me and took advantage of my situation but now he totally fulfils my sexual needs. I even thought about having a stable relationship with him since his wife is bed ridden and he told me that the doctor has reckoned that her life span is not going to be long, so once she will be gone we can even get married so kids will also get back a fatherly figure in their life. How naïve and unaware I was of Vijay’s plan for me.

I reached office and got busy with the work. We had a very nice team there, everybody used to joke around, pull each other’s legs and flirt around with each other. I found it fun to work in the team though I noticed that both Pooja and Ruchi were overly frank with Brijesh and Asim and they were cracking double meaning jokes among themselves but I ignored thinking that they are working since long with each other so must be close friends by now.

It was my third day in the office and in the afternoon I went to Vijay’s Cabin to discuss the matter of one of our corporate client and Vijay was sitting on his desk and I sat opposite to him. After some time Vijay asked me to his side to show me some of the client’s documents on his computer screen, so I went to his side and bent to read the document opened on this screen. I was wearing a knee length skirt with a formal shirt and a jacket on top.  Vijay moved his chair back my a few inches and looked at my ass while I was bending and busy reading the documents. Due to the bending position my ass was jutting out and was looking sexy. Vijay then placed his hand on my lower back and slowly moved it on my ass and started feeling my butt cheek from the top of the skirt.

Due to the sudden invasion I tried to get up from the position, but he held me by my shoulder with his other hand and asked me to keep doing what I was doing. I pleaded him that someone might come but he just shushed me. I got back to reading the document but my mind was on his hand moving on my butts. His finger then started tracing my panty line and from there his finger started moving up and down on my ass crack which started sending current in my body and I started getting excited. I was dead scared due to the fact that we were in his cabin and anytime someone would walk and see me in that position. Vijay without caring about such thing then moved his hand downwards and then inserted it in inside my skirt and was now dangerously close to my pussy which was already wet due to all this touching. I looked at this face and it was expression less and focused on the computer screen, so I was also left with no other option but to get back to the screen.

He then moved his fingers on my panty covered pussy and started moving them up and down on the length of my pussy. My eyes got closed due to the excitement and tried controlling myself from moaning. He continued his assault on my pussy and then slowly moved my panty aside and touches my bare pussy which was dripping wet by then. I again pleaded him – Please sir, don’t do it here someone might come in. He showed no reaction to my plea as if he didn’t hear anything and then slowly inserted his middle finger in my dripping wet pussy.

I moaned loudly – Ahhhhh and held the side of his desk tightly.

He then started moving his finger in and out of my pussy. I was so wet that his finger was easily moving in and out of my pussy. With this other hand he undid the top 2 buttons of my shirt and inserted it inside by bra and cupped my boob and started pressing it. I was on seventh heaven and was thoroughly enjoying the finger fucking. After a minute he inserted his index finger as well along with his middle finger in my pussy. It doubled up the pleasure as well and I started moaning non-stop now without caring about that we were in the office right in the middle of the day.

The thing which I was totally unaware of was that the webcam of the computer was on and the screen was minimized and Brijesh and Asim were enjoying the live show on their mobile. They was also guarding the door and it was their job to stop someone from coming inside.

Vijay suddenly increased the speed of his fingers and with his other hand he got hold of my nipple and started pinching it. It was too much for me and I reached my orgasm and started squirting. My fluids started flowing from my thighs and my head along with my upper half of the body was lying on Vijay’s desk. He pulled his fingers out of my pussy and licked them clean. He handed me a box of tissue to clean myself. While I was cleaning my thighs without my notice Vijay signalled on the webcam and as soon as I finished cleaning my thighs and legs, there was a knock on the door. I just threw the tissues in the bin as Vijay said – Come in.

Brijesh walked in and I tried to act normal and started explaining the matter for which I initially came in the cabin. The thing I totally forget was the upper 2 buttons of my shirt were still open and almost half of my cleavage was visible. I noticed it when I found that Brijesh was staring at my cleavage and his eye were about to pop out looking at the sexy view of my cleavage.

My cheeks turned red in embarrassment but I tried to act normal and continued the discussion. While the discussion was going on I caught Brijesh a number of times ogling at my cleavage. Finally Brijesh finished the task for which he came in and went out. I sighed in relief and first of all buttoned the shirt and I also winded up my task and moved out.
Brijesh looked at my button up shirt and gave me a meaningful smile and I just looked down in embarrassment. He said – Anita, Vijay is not only one here who admires beauty, I’m also a great admirer of beauty. I turned red in embarrassment and couldn’t find a reply so I just walked to my desk.  

Sexual activities with Vijay in his cabin became a regular thing. At least 2 -3 times a week we started having either fingering or handjob or blowjob sessions there. I started deriving thrill and excitement out of it in the office in everybody presence with the fear of getting caught. Other than that Vijay started coming and spending the night at my place atleast twice a week or started taking me to his place after work where we used to have wild sexual sessions for 2-3 hours and then he would drop me home. One time Vijay took me to a suite of a 5 star hotel where he had a meeting with a client and once the meeting got over client was the first to leave to the suite and after that we had a marathon session of sex there itself.  

Many times Brijesh and Asim caught me buttoning my shirt or blouse, adjusting my saree and skirt when they walking in Vijay’s cabin but they never spoke anything about it all I used to get was naughty smiles and stare on my boobs and ass. The thing which I was unaware was that they watched almost each and every session we had in Vijay’s cabin and have seen the recording of many of the session we had at Vijay’s home as he had hidden cameras installed there. So they always kept a watch and guarded the cabin when me and Vijay used to have a session in the office.

One particular incident which was most embarrassing, happen 2 months after I joined the office. Vijay called me in his office, I was wearing a transparent chiffon saree with a deep cut blouse and I wrapped the saree tightly as instructed by Vijay, so my curves were prominently visible. Once inside Vijay started discussing the grievances of a major corporate with me, suddenly a file which was kept in the corner of the table fell on the floor and all the documents in file were scattered on the floor. I bent down to pic all the papers, but there were so many of them I had to go down on my knees to pick the documents. I was facing away from Vijay and my ass was towards him. I was totally unaware that Vijay was staring at my ass and was getting aroused.

Once I got up after picking all the documents, Vijay was looking at me lustily. There was a set of couches on one side of his cabin for guests.

Vijay said – Anu, go to that couch.

I looked and him questioningly. But he just gestured me to do it. I got his intentions and smiled and did as I was told.

Once I was on the couch, Vijay said – Now bend down and bring your ass out.  

I did as he told, he then said – Now lift your saree till your waist.

I objected – Vijay, someone might come.

Vijay – Shhhhh, just do it.

I slowly lifted my saree, my thighs and then my panty covered ass come to his view. I was wearing a red tight hipster panty. The shape of my ass and ass crack can be easily traced from outside.

Vijay – Now slowly pull out your panty and put it on the coffee table.

While bending down I brought my hand to the waistband of the panty and slowly and seductively pulled it down. My ass in full glory came into Vijay’s view. I put the panty on the coffee table and again bent down my asshole and puffy pussy lips came into view of the bright light. Vijay licked his lips which were getting dry.

I jiggled my ass to seduce Vijay. He got the invitation and got up from his desk and came near me. He couldn’t stop himself from touching my ass. After rubbing my ass for a few seconds he bent down and started licking, kissing and biting my ass cheeks. I was enjoying the treatment my ass was getting and started getting aroused.

While kissing my butts Vijay moved his hand to my pussy and inserted his finger inside and found that I was completely wet. I think he just needed the confirmation coz he just pulled his finger out instantly and got up and opened his zipper. He pulled his fully erect dick out and rubbed in on my pussy, then in one hard push inserted his dick in my pussy. I had to shut my mouth with my hand to supress my scream.

Vijay was very excited as he straight away started pumping me hard and fast. He brought his hand forward and started pressing my boobs above my blouse only. After fucking me hard for only a couple of minutes, he started cumming and sprayed the jets of his hot sperm in my pussy. The shot of his hot cum hit my G spot and I also reached my orgasm.

Once he emptied his balls, he pulled his dick out and started cleaning it with my pussy. After cleaning his dick with my panty he threw it back on the coffee table, meanwhile I went to the attached washroom to clean myself. When I came out of the washroom after 10 minutes, I found that both Brijesh and Asim were standing near Vijay’s desk. As soon as I walked out they looked at me and then they looked at my panty which was lying right in the middle of the coffee table. To my horror, the wet stains of Vijay’s jizz were clearly visible on my panty. I felt so ashamed and wanted to die then and there. While Vijay was busy going through the papers they brought for Vijay’s approval, they were looking at me and giving me a meaningful smile and I was not able to look them in the eyes.  

This was so far the most embarrassing moment for me so far in the office, least I know was there was much more to come in the future for me.
[+] 5 users Like Devil0606's post
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Awesome update.... keep posting
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Next update awaited, please post bro
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Vijay made me dress more and more seductively and provocatively with each passing day. The size of my blouse got reduced to almost half what it used to be with increased depth at the cleavage. The skirt rose almost 6 inches above my knees and become tighter on my ass. I was doing all this for Vijay, as I started liking him and for me we were in an informal relationship now and on the back of my mind I was thinking to take it forward to a formal relationship. On the other hand Vijay became my weakness sexually as well and I couldn’t say no to him for anything. He made me pose nude for him many time and was also videotaped us many time having sex. Vijay used to call it his personal collection; least I knew that it was not personal at all. Vijay not just shared it with Brijesh and Asim but many of his other friends as well.

BRijesh and Asim always looked at me in the office with hunger in their eyes. They used to flirt with me like they flirt with Pooja and Ruchi but I never replied back to them and always just smiles back on their comments and lewd jokes.

It was more than 4 months since I joined the office and my financials were back on track now. One evening after office Vijay, Brijesh and Asim were sitting in a pub and were having drinks. Vijay was showing them my pics which he clicked on weekend when he took me to a resort and he made me pose nude in the balcony of the room with the sunset view in the background.      

Brijesh – Boss kab tak bas pics dikha dikha ke jalate rahoge. When will we get the chance to taste her? Or this time you have decided to keep her for yourself only and not gonna share.

Asim – Have you forgotten the golden rule of sharing is caring boss.

Vijay – Motherfukers when did I not share my sluts with you? Its just that you have to wait for the right moment when she won’t be in a position to say no to me. Anyway you guys are good for nothing, tum dono usko patane main buri tarah se fail huye ho.

Brijesh – Boss apne apna jadu is tarah se chalaya hua hai uspar ki who humari taraf dekhti bhi nahi, naa hi humare kisi flirt ka jawab deti hai. Lagta hai is pe bhi Ruchi wala ya Pooja wala formula apnana padega.

Vijay – Nahi us had tak jane ki zaroorat nahi padegi, yeh ustin strong nahi hai usse pehle hi maan jayegi. Iyer aur mere neeche to bade aaraam se aa gayi. (In a funny tone) Tum dono main ab dum nahi bacha, ha ha ha.

Asim – Boss waise hi aap itni gaand jalate ho uski pics aur chudai ke videos dikha dikha ke. Ab aur humari maar rahe ho. Ab wait nahi hota main to kehta hoon kal hi Pooja Singh ke saath jo kiya tha wahi kar dete hain ya phir Ruchi Arora wala kaand repeat kar dete hai dono tried and tested formulas hain 100% success guatanteed hai.

Let me take a break here and tell you what happened in the case of Pooja Singh and Ruchi Arora.

Pooja Singh age 33 joined as Assistant Manager Corporate Sales under Brijesh who was Manager Corporate Sale. Vijay interviewed her along with Brijesh and wanted to fuck her the moment she walked inside his cabin. When he learned that her husband is paralyzed and is bed ridden for more than 3 years and she is facing financial troubles due to the same, his mind started plotting the ways to get her to his bed. Pooja’s family was middle class from a small town and she moved with her husband to this city where her husband was working on a clerical position in a private company. They were living in a small rented house in a lower middle class society and her kids were studying in trust school. She being a bright student since childhood used to take private tuition for the kids living nearby at her home for some extra income. Once her husband got paralysed and lost his job, it became very hard for the family to survive on the income from the tuition classes. Slowly the debts started increasing and eventually it became hard for them to even survive. Everyone who owe them money used to look at Pooja’s body like vulture and wanted a piece of her, but she was fully committed to her husband and could not think of adultery even in her wildest dream.

Though she was inexperienced and there were experienced candidates waiting outside but still Vijay selected her and made sure that Pooja understands that Vijay has given her a big favour.

Once she joined the office, Vijay tried his best to woo her with his charm and wit but it all went in drain. Brijesh and Asim played the role of Vijay’s wingman and boasted about Vijay infront of Pooja. But Pooja didn’t give much attention to that and concentrated on her work. She was fully devoted and was in live with her husband though her sex life ended once her husband got paralysed but she was so busy struggling in her life that sex was the last thing on her mind.

Vijay used to touch her hand or shoulder while talking to her which she didn’t like and used to move away from him. All this was making Vijay more and more frustrated and he was not able to get Pooja. He indirectly offered pay rise and promotion to Pooja if she is willing to fulfil his wishes to which Pooja replied in a very strict tone that she is not that type and will earn her way up in the company. Vijay took it on his ego and wanted a revenge from her.

He didn’t do anything for a couple of month and let the things cool off, after 2 months he made a plan and set up a meeting with a major corporate client whose account was handled by Pooja and Brijesh. There was a big deal due for closing and the decision maker was a good friend of Vijay. As per Vijay’s request he dropped an email to Pooja for a presentation from her team before they close the deal for better understanding. The meeting was scheduled for late in the evening and the venue was a resort in the adjoining city where the client has booked a 4 bedroom villa for Vijay and his team to stay back (actually it was Vijay who booked the villa on his cost).

Pooja was sceptical to go for the presentation out of the town and then stay overnight there, but it was the biggest deal of her career and she could take a chance to loose it by denying the presentation. She requested the client to reschedule the meeting for early afternoon or to do it in their hometown but they denied it. She was left with no other option but to take the matter to Vijay and request him that rest of the team should go and give the presentation as its not possible for her to stay away from home overnight.

Vijay calmly explained to her that it her client and she is only one who knows all the aspects of the deal and only she can answer all the queries of the client. He said he along with Brijesh will be there to support her but as per the client request she needs to give the presentation infront of the client’s team. She also found Vijay’s point reasonable and had no other option but to agree for the same.

On the decided date they started their journey to the near by town for the presentation. When she found that Asim has also came along with Vijay and Brijesh she was not surprised. They drove down and reached the resort by 4 in the afternoon. It was a jungle resort with villas and cottages which were quite far from each other. The villa allotted to them was in the far end of the resort on the bank of the river with a beautiful view of water front. The villa was having 4 rooms to each of them took 1 room. The projector was set in the living room for the presentation. The meeting was supposed to start at 6 pm so they had a cuple of hours to rest.

At the said time the client team arrived and they started the meeting. Pooja gave the presentation which was actually just a formality as Vijay already bribed the purchase manager who was his friend and closed the deal. After the presentation got over there was a round of discussion after which the client’s team got satisfied and they signed the agreement and handed over the cheque. Vijay gave the whole credit of the deal to Pooja and appreciated and praised her infront of everyone. Client’s team also appreciated Pooja’s effort and they also agreed to Vijay.

Vijay’s friend proposed that they should celebrate this success and Vijay brought the champagne and glass which he already ordered and placed in the kitchen. He filled the glasses and Vijay’s friend picked up the glass and raised the toast for Pooja. Pooja was hesitant to pick the glass as she never had alcohol in her life. Vijay whispered to her that the client will be offended if she will refuse his toast. She picked a glass and like every one clinked the glasses and gulped the champagne in one shot. She didn’t like the taste initially but then thought its not that bad.

Vijay immediately refilled Pooja’s glass, this time she liked the taste and was now sipping it slowly, all the while Vijay was praising Pooja for her efforts in getting this major deal. Pooja also loved all the attention and praises she was getting from everyone. After couple more rounds of drinks the client took the leave. As soon as they left Vijay said – Now the real party will begin, he played the music and they all started dancing. Brijesh brought out hard drinks. Pooja was already tipsy and but was busy dancing. Vijay made a large peg of Vodka mixed with cold drink and lots of lemon juice, when Pooja got tired of dancing, Vijay knew she must be feeling thirsty, he handed over the glass to her. With thinking what was in it, she gulped down the drink, she found the taste funnier but since she was thirsty and was having a good time after so long she got back to dancing. She was feeling hot due to all the dancing and drinking she took off her jacket and was not in shirt and skirt.

Vijay moved closer to her while dancing, Pooja was facing away from him, he almost glued himself on the back of her body. Pooja got alarmed when she felt Vijay’s hard dick poking in her ass. Since she was drunk and didn’t want to create a scene she moved a bit away from him. Brijesh and Asim were just enjoying the scene and were waiting for their turn.

Vijay got restless when Pooja moved away from him he held her by her waist and again pulled her near him and again started rubbing his dick on her ass. He moved his hands up and grabbed big boobs which were looking bigger in her tight shirt and whispered in her ear I know you need it badly.

This was too much for Pooja, she turned back and slapped Vijay and screamed – Bastard how dare you touch me like that? I warned you before as well, but you left me with no other option but to report the sexual harassment case to HR.

Everyone in the room got stunned by this. Vijay got mad in anger as it hurt his ego by being slapped infront of Brijesh and Asim. He slapped Pooja so hard that she lost her balance and fell on the floor.

Vijay said – Bitch you need to learn a lesson. You are gonna file a case of sexual harassment against me then let me show you what actually is sexual harassment is.

He signalled Brijesh and Asim and said – Pull her up guys.

Pooja was still under the shock of being slapped so hard. Brijesh and Asim held her one arm each and pulled her up while Vijay increased the sound to the music in case anyone comes near their cottage won’t be able to listen anything.

Vijay came infront of Pooja who was held tightly by Brijesh and Asim.

Pooja shouted at them – Leave me you son of bitches or I’ll kill you all.

Vijay ignored what she was saying and grabbed both the collars of his shirt and pulled it apart so hard that the shirt tore open and the buttons flew in the air. Her big bra clad boobs came into the view. The bra was very tight making a deep cleavage which was looking very sexy. All the three pair of eyes looked at the deep cleavage and shaking boobs lustfully.

Pooja was trying hard to release herself from Brijesh and Asim but they were too strong for get. She raised her knee and tried kicking Vijay in his crotch but it missed and she eventually hit him in his guts that too with not much force. This pissed him off and he again slapped her hard and she saw butterflies. Vijay tore her bra and Brijesh and Asim pulled her out of her shredded shirt and bra. Vijay unzipped her skirt and with a jerk pulled her skirt and panty down in one go. It got stuck at her big butts but Vijay have it a strong tug and in a swift motion it came to her feet.

Vijay looked at her naked body and said – Lets take to bed guys.

They took her in bedroom and threw her on bed. Pooja realized that her threats and screams are not going to work and she started crying and begging them – Please leave me sir, I’m a married woman, please spare me. I won’t be able to face my husband and family after this. Please let me go.

Her pleas went to the deaf years as all three of them were crazy in lust for her body. Brijesh and Asim sat on her arm and pinned both her arms on each side and bend down and started playing with her boobs. They started sucking and nibbling her nipples. On the other hand Vijay spread her legs and made her pussy visible. She had thick bush on her pussy as she didn’t have an active sex life for last few years. Vijay pinned her legs with his hands strongly and brought his face down to her pussy and smelled it. He loved the aroma of her pussy. He pulled his tongue out and licked the whole slit of her pussy.

Pooja started crying very loudly and was begging again and again to leave her, due to the loud music playing in the hall and their cottage being in the far corner of the resort no one was there to hear her cries.

Vijay digged his tongue inside and started searching for her clit with the tip of his tongue, he wanted to spread his pussy but didn’t want to take her risk of leaving her leg.  Slowly Pooja’s sex starved body started to respond to the assault all three were making on her body.

6 hands were roaming around freely on her body and touching the corners which were untouched for a very long time. Her cries slowly became sobs and then slowly the sobs turned into supressed moans. Her body stopped struggling and started enjoying the treatment it was getting. Her fluids started flowing freely from her pussy and were making the bed wet with it.

Realising her body getting under control all three men one by one slowly undressed themselves without stopping the tasks they were doing.  Pooja had her eyes closed and just enjoying the sensation. Vijay freed her legs and then spread her pussy lips, he could see her swollen clit and he sucked on it. Pooja jumped a few inches when Vijay sucked her clit and moaned loudly this time. Vijay used the space and brought one of his hands under her butt and started pressing it. While he brought his other hand and inserted his finger inside her pussy. Its been years since something entered her pussy and Pooja again moaned loudly. All 3 men looked at each other and smiled and they got the signal that she is under their control now.

Vijay started to finger fuck her while Brijesh and Asim got hold of her hands and put it on their dicks. They had their hands above her palm and slowly started moving it up and down on their dicks. When her hand got into the rhythm of giving the handjobs, slowly Brijesh and Asim moved their hands away.

When she was on edge of reaching her orgasm Vijay pulled her finger out and stopped it. He again started licking her pussy and started playing with her clit. His finger was wet with her juice, he took his wet finger and touched her asshole with it. She raised her ass in the air as soon as Vijay’s finger touch her asshole, her asshole was also wet with her juices which were flowing from her pussy, Vijay slowly inserted his finger in her asshole while he his tongue was playing with her clit. He slowly finger fucking her asshole while licking her pussy and clit. Again after a few minutes when Vijay realized that her asshole is getting tighter on his finger and she is about to reach her orgasm, Vijay suddenly stopped what has doing. Pooja was getting very frustrated and wanted to be fucked now but she was hesitating to say that herself. Pooja opened his eyes and looked at Vijay who sat down and moved between her legs. He rubbed his dick with his hand for some time and when it became rock hard, he went down and started rubbing his dick on Pooja’s pussy. He moved his dick from top to bottom of her pussy and was not inserting it inside. Pooja was getting restless and she raised her ass up to take his dick inside but Vijay pulled himself back.

Pooja got frustrated and said – Will you put it in??

Vijay laughed and said – Put what in??

Pooja said – Put you dick inside.

Vijay – Dick inside what???

Pooja – Will you stop playing game.

Vijay – Please be specific and clearly tell me what do you want me to do?

Pooja – Just put your dick in my pussy and fuck me.

Vijay – Now that’s like a good girl.

Vijay moved forward and pushed his dick inside her, Pooja felt filled and content after so long. Vijay was already very excited and he started fucking her hard and fast with deep strokes. Vijay pulled her legs on his shoulder and started pumping her, in this position his dick was touching the back of her vagina and just after 2 minutes Pooja started having convulsion and she reached her orgasm after a span of more than 2 years. Vijay stopped for a couple of minutes till her orgasm subsided and again started fucking her again. He fucked her like that for a few more minutes and pulled her dick out and came all over her tummy and boobs. Once he finished he moved aside and Brijesh came forward with a towel in his hand. Pooja knew that there is no point fighting as they will not let her go without fulfilling their lusts. She kept lying there, Brijesh came over her and inserted her and started pumping her, and once he was done Asim came for his share of her body. His was a circumcised dick with which was a bit longer and thicker than Vijay’s. He inserted it in and Pooja’s pussy got stretched more and it took her a few minutes to accommodate his dick. But once she got accustomed to it she enjoyed it more than when she was fucked by Vijay and Brijesh.

Asim was fucking her like a bull and made her cum twice before he reached his orgasm and drenched her in his cum. She got up and went to the washroom to clean herself, while moving in she saw that Vijay was doing something with his mobile by connecting it with the LED TV in the room.
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