Construction People Try Their Luck – Part I (Copied)
Hello Chunniji what a surprise 

Hello Sushmitaji all papers are ok no problem in the loan

What Chunniji you called all the way for this –it’s all processed in 3 days time your cheque will get processed

Oh Sushmitaji remember what I told you that day have you thought about it

Chunniji that day you told me so many things showing your big shiny black cock how can say no to anything

Oh god Madam Chunni smiled wolfishly whistling hearing sex filled repertoire

Chunni call me sush or sushmita no madam i am getting a different meaning when you use that word

Don’t worry sushmita for me you are sushi tastiest dish in the earth

Oh Chunniji I like that new name now you can tell me why you called

Sushi I want to shift 50% of my bank accounts to your bank i am clear that I want to have long term relationship so I have to start now

Oh Chunniji how much transactions you will do

Sushi till you say no I will keep doing you know just by talking to you I have become rock hard

Oh Chunniji that I know and I also don’t mind the unlimited transaction

Sushi sushi iam not joking i am going to first make you a corporator then a MP or MLA why not may be mantra also I am very clear

Chunniji why can’t you become you have everything

No Sushi I do not I want some person who I can trust last 2 years I was looking for a right candidate good education good looks and personality and all of sudden you came along I feel I have found that person and my god with best body in the world Sushi please do not misunderstand you are the perfect partner for sex now it’s time for you enjoy power and money

Chunniji what is your plan –marrying me I am confused

No Sushi you please remain happily married to your husband just once in a while give me some Sushi and together we will reach make a lot in life money, prestige and privileges

Why not your wife or some relative : Sush

These days you have to be smart it has to be third person you trust not a relative or even wife so outwardly no link can be made are you ready for the ride Sushi asked Chunni 
Oh Chunni I cannot say no to this devious plan i am ready tell me what I should do

That’s my dear Sushi  Chunni rhymed

So tomorrow you tell your bank manager  I have convinced  Aksar builders managing partner to have accounts with our bank so he wants to meet him at 11.30Am -Ok Sushi

Arre Chunni now at least tell the transaction amount you have planned with the branch

Ok Sushi initially 3-4 Cr per month

Oh god Chunni my bank’s monthly transaction itself is only 20 Cr or you real

Chunni then replied Sushi I will make it 5Cr a month I want see you frequently so nobody mistakes us so i will meet tomorrow

Chunni further added Sushi one more thing in 3-4 days I will make you to come to my office so please keep your pussy cleanly shaved not a speck of hair I want to see that then I just want you spread eagled in my office table and I want to eat lot of sushi are you ready

Chunni you are really a dirty bastard see you tomorrow good night darling

Sush was totally zapped on many directions her life was taking with chunni I had a dominating partner who dominates her slightly & she was on the look out for a submissive male and it seemed  Beni prasad is earmarked for that well she thought of Bada that is for pure pleasure she really liked naughty slutty thoughts her pussy was dripping wet with all excitement she had last 2 hours my god without any sex but thinking & talking about that this was something new for Sush

Then she heard the calling bell it was Ajay back from office she thought poor Ajay he was not really in any of her sexual scheme of things and she had most outrageous thought she thought he is like my house pickle which she can taste when main course is not available

Ajay was at the door with big smile Hi Sush

Now she was back to the role of most dutiful house wife and doting mother.
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House pickle :D
Nice going
Really exciting how she is putty in chuni's hands. A sophisticated modern educated hot woman to be used by Fat builder chuni. Will be interesting to see if the dreams he's giving to Sush about making her corporator/MLA/MP are genuine or if he is cunningly using Sushi for 2 purposes... First, the supremely high quality pussy (and mouth and ass(?)) And second, for some illicit money laundering activity through her employment at a bank, making sushi an unintentional accomplice, and if she'll later be sacrificed. Will she also be used by Chuni for getting contracts/tenders, where she'll be made to give sexual favors to government officials.
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Sush got up for a momentous day she had lot lined for the day she left her home sharp at 9am she was at office she had messaged about the Aksar builders appointment to Branch manager he was also early waiting for her she briefly explained about the discussion with the builder one Mr.Chunni lal the same builder where she had booked a flat during her interactions she had established good rapport  and suggested to try her bank for his transactions he was also interested as ours was  big established reputable private bank he will come 11.30 am

Her Branch Manager asked Sushmita what you suggest should we call the chief manager also for the meeting if really it’s going to be 3 crore per month we need him also in the loop

Sush replied respectfully my suggestion is we meet him today if he is really interested then may be second meeting you can call him but sir it’s your call

No Sushmita you have good instincts I have noticed the good working atmosphere you have created in this branch in just 2 months

Sush replied no way sir it’s your smart leadership style which has helped me but thanks for your compliments

Sush thought is this guy also hitting me but he looked genuine and his remarks were also true& for sure if even he was hitting it was strict no no

Ok Sushmita we will meet him today and see how it progresses thanks for bringing this customer

At 11.30 am Chunni came and discussion with the Branch Manager he behaved a different man all dignity and respect our BM made a neat presentation Chunni asked relevant smart questions listening attentively.

Chunni said Sir iam very happy with the way you presented I have decided you will be one of our bankers & my only request is this my accounts to be handled by Sushmita madam I do not want any special privileges right now but after seeing my transactions for 6 months and my working I request  you and madam to give me the best terms possible from your side then he got up and said iam sending accounts head in the afternoon to start the due process .

Branch manager was overwhelmed as he thanked Chunni 

Chunni interjected Sushmita madam had told you have a nice team in the bank and requested to have a chat with you and then decide I really like the way you spoke

Chunni got up said thank you for taking me as one of your customer shaking his hand and gave a big respectable namaskar at a distance to Sushmita thanking her for introducing to her branch manager  

As Chunni left her BM said Sushmita this is a great job if all this goes smoothly I have every chance moving to bigger branch I will make sure and recommend you to be made BM here truly every bank requires employees like you –thank you Sushmita

Sushmita said don’t thank me sir iam sure he was impressed with your presentation and clarity sir I simply brought him here

But this is great news Sushmita I will inform Chief Manager

Sush was thrilled of what all had happened she could believe the crass vulgar speaking Chunni behaving like a epitome of perfect gentleman my god he is a terrific actor then she thought that vulgar or cheap crass behaviour may be with her only in his natural way

Sush decided after great day at office she planned to leave at 4pm and she will have some fun with Beni Prasad the old shop keeper  today she had something in her mind only thing she has to make the guy a willing partner

During lunch she had requested BM that she had to leave bit early he said please go madam

Sush reached her home by 4.30 pm picking her son from club she prepared milk and snacks for him she said beta I am going out will be by 6.30 pm okay -Her son Akash more than happy left to play downstairs

Sush now dressed for the evening with Beni with a typical cotton north Indian style house dress of loose kurta and pyjama the type punjabi ladies wear nothing sexy about the dress but importantly she wore no under garments then she took a thick duppata which will cover her breast and back her long kurta covered her bottom side

Sush checked in full length mirror without the duppata she was a truly a awesome sight her big breast pointed in her excited state you can almost see those big jugs satisfied she covered herself carefully so when she walked in the road no will notice her also she covered her head and face with a scarf

Sush walked out of the apartment right to the shop no customer was there she walked right in

Hi Beni waiting for me as she removed her scarf

Beni Prasad half sleep in erotic dream of Sush could not believe the lady herself has come now calling him Beni

Yes madam what do you want looking at her beautiful face

Sush decided no beating around bush Oh Beni Prasadji are you ready for some fun and willing to listen to me

Oh Madamji whatever you say he could not believe what this beautiful lady saw in him

Ok Beni can you close the shop for some time

Beni: question in his face what madam not even able to digest saliva his mouth almost dry?

Oh Beni Prasad please close the door from inside and lock it

Like man in trance Beni Prasad put the shutter down put the latch on from inside

As he turned Sush was standing without the Duppata he could those beautiful big breast and hint of dark nipples through the clothing he almost skipped a heart beat

Oh Beni Prasad happy seeing this as Sush lifted her breast most provocatively in both her hands so he could see big jugs clearly

Beni Prasad was beside himself Madam you are a apsara and I am your slave as his face reddened with excitement

Sush said Beni from now on if you listen to me you will have best time of life but if you don’t I will punish you

Sush then said give me long scale poor fellow immediately took the longest one from his shop –steel scale not knowing what she will do with that

Then Sush said Beni now remove your pyjama and underclothes

Beni Prasad: what madam in shock?

Sush walked up to him and gave solid blow on his fleshy part of shoulder with the steel scale I said remove your pyjama in mock anger

Beni feeling the shooting pain said haa as he quickly removed his dirty pyjama  now only in his under wear and Kurta his big pot belly hanging and his extra big cock pushing against his dirty yellow stained under wear stood uncertainly 

Sush then with the scale tapped his big pole poking from his underwear & asked what are you hiding I said take it out as she raised the scale

Beni: no madam no madam please as he untied his underwear

As he almost untied his underwear Sush said stop now as she saw unique scene 

Beni immediately stopped his loosening his under wear now his undie was hanging on his big cock like cloth in a big pole his black pimpled unimpressive butts visible

Sush pussy was overflowing with her juices never in her life she managed to bring such  timid and submissive behaviour from a man and my god what a pick Sush congratulated herself this guy seemed to have real massive ugly penis he was truly old ugly man but he had a massive pole now his underwear hanging by his pole was some erotic scene in very vulgur way 

Beni eyes looked at her truly in fear and excitement  (she thought more in excitement )

Sush said Beni bring the stool careful I don’t want the underwear to fall down raising her scale

Beni could not believe what’s happening he was in dream world this angel lady with big boobs and most beautiful figure was playing sex games with him and he was ready to be her slave any day he thought my God i am lucky god has finally answered my prayers

[+] 3 users Like mouthinvader's post
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Great. Another updated. Beni...a perfect outlet for Sush's residual kinkiness, whatever remains after being squeezed by chuni
[+] 1 user Likes creamydelight's post
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(30-12-2020, 02:04 AM)creamydelight Wrote: Great. Another updated. Beni...a perfect outlet for Sush's residual kinkiness, whatever remains after being squeezed by chuni

Is it ok can we move the story in same vein  - Any suggestions 
because its going to be more slutty -Is it OK ..
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Please continue with same vigour
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(30-12-2020, 02:47 PM)Mande Wrote: Please continue with same vigour

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Sush : Beni Prasad carefully bring the stool to the galls counter and Beni I don’t want your undie falling down then she saw most wildly erotic scene his underwear hanging on to the  big cock head now totally wet and spreading and through wetness she could see black cock glands Sush thought this was awesome  

Sush : Then cooly she said show me the mats one by one

Beni: what madam in real confusion

Sush : Gave a solid blow to his butts get on the stool she said sternly

Beni : O ouch oh no madam as quickly he climbed to avoid another blow on to the stool in the process his underwear fell down his big leaky black member starring at Sush

Beni looked absolutely petrified what Sush will do

Sush : Oh Beni again you are very bad boy showing this black monster to a married lady and frightening her then with her left hand holding stem of his cock in the base her right hand moved to give 3 quick strikes with steel scale to his butts it was painful blows

Beni: Oh no madam oh no oh no please stop its paining please stop madam almost in tears there were solid scale marks in his butts

Sush saw in each time she gave a blow his big cock jerked and sprayed pre-cum onto the glass panes involuntarily so each blow become harder she thought poor guy so thought she should soften the strikes

OK Beni no more blows if you are good boy Ok

Beni:I will be a good boy yes madam yes madam I will be a good boy all most in tears it was a sight the ugly oldish man with the big belly but with truly massive cock crazily his cock was almost pushing his flapping belly and he had real big balls low hanging  

Sush was thrilled absolutely over joyed with what she was doing she thought this was beyond pleasure she thought my god I am good at this but Sush’s  sluttiness came into fore she felt a total urge to taste this massive cock his front head portion was swollen full of pre-cum it was so ugly looking but for her it was so tempting so she made a interesting rule

Beni now show me the mats one by one

Like obedient boy Beni showed mat it was in nice red colour

Sush : That is a good boy so this is your present as she took his big black cock in her eager mouth and sucked his pre-cum he was smelly and she felt trashy so Sush sucked half of his cock inside her mouth giving it 3 solid sucks in succession and stopped

Beni saw stars he never believed such pleasure exists he saw madam’s  beautiful rose lipped mouth swallowed his cock and her hard sucking made it so wild Beni thought he will fall down as was shaking with pleasure but luckily the sucking mouth of Sush left his cock

Oh Beni show me the next mat her mouth coated with his precum as she looked up at Beni Prasad knowing fully well the effect it will have on Beni

For Beni it was unbearable he thought if she continues some more time like this he will have a momentous climax because of  sheer beauty of Sush and his own ugliness was giving him unbelievable pleasure further this beautiful lady taking his big oversized cock in her hot mouth was the  ultimate moment in his life 

Sush thought way this guy was flowing with so much pre-cum he would totally spoil my dress she said one second Beni and simply moved aside and removed kurta folded it and kept in one side

Sush then turned towards Beni Prasad, Beni felt his eye will fall out of his socket

Beni saw two big up turned breast with big proud red nipples she was creamy yellowish fairness and her absolutely big breast he really fought hard just not to cum it was too much for a old man who had never scene such beauty in this close vicinity

Beni almost crying madam do not hit me I will be bad boy you are so beautiful and your big naked breast madam is so sexy my god I have never seen anything like this I am losing control sorry sorry you are so hot oh no I will cum in hoarse desperate tone

Sush saw the old man cock pulsing she knew this guy is now going to cum no point  in more games but today it will be a hand job only she need to play it along not make it easy for the oldman more importantly she need to control herself

Sush stood side ways and with her left hand on the trembling cock & waving cock said Beni hold onto the cupboard I don’t want you falling down

Then with left hand Sush started to give him a hand job rubbing his cock back and forth in a second her whole hand was wet pickly making clucky sound with his pre-cum my god she thought may be his bloody big  tummy is full of cum as her right hand from underside of his butts started squeezing his big balls .

Beni seeing this big titted lady giving such pleasure with the hand was beyond point of return as he thrust his penis with closed eyes spraying gallons of hot cum right into glass almora making a total mess of the glass panes he spurted in big twitches as Sush watched cock shooting thick white semen onto the glass pane then after few seconds he almost stopped and tricked to drops for one small moments she was tempted to take his cock in her mouth but then controlled and willed herself 

Sush : Beni you are very bad boy cumming so soon not only that see my hand it’s a complete mess i have give you severe punishment  looking for the scale

Beni : Please do not beat me I will do anything please

Sush : You will do anything then let me see Beni

Stretching her left hand to his mouth Sush said suck me clean 

For Beni it was like giving a five star chocolate holding her hand in both his hands he licked her clean spot by spot

Sush then removed her hand from his reluctant mouth then she said Beni Prasad I don’t want to see any of your cum in the glass shelves lick it clean for me if you do a good job you will get a present from as she raised her scale said c’mmon

Beni: Without even thinking hurriedly got down from the stool and started licking the glass panes coated with his own juices at first he did not like but Sush steel scale was now caressing his hanging big balls he was in prone position so he simply licked with closed eyes and intent on cleaning the area as per madam’s instructions he did not fancy a blow to his precious balls he thought she was capable of that too

What more he loved this crazy women and decided he was ready more beating if he gets so much pleasure
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how to get instagram image url
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lovely.... keep it up... i really like the eroticism...
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(31-12-2020, 02:07 PM)fun.toosh Wrote: lovely.... keep it up... i really like the eroticism...

thanks Its going to get real wild -hold on guys and gals
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Just superb
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Sush now moved away taking the stool with her she wanted the old man’s tongue on her pussy she was absolutely leaking in excitement  so she removed her wet pyjama and put it on the counter type shelf and sat on the stool her back leaning on to the counter pushing her butts almost to the edge of the stool with her legs looks wide open so her wet tingling pussy almost in offering as she patiently waited for Beni to look towards her

Beni was truly obedient soul absolutely licking the area clean then he looked around saw what was waiting O Madam his jaws dropped she was absolutely naked sitting in the stool my god no no what a sight

Beni in his life hardly scene a pussy properly as he was used to missionary position fucking in a crowded village house here now he saw the most  beautifully pussy shaved pristine pure shinning with rose petal like lips and almost pink clit starring at him completely wet with her juices

Sush waved come to him Beni come and sit in front of me

Beni with mounting excitement obeyed immediately

Sush said Beni hands behind your back then she moved little more forward so her pussy was hanging outside the stool just in front of his cum coated lips

Lick me clean Beni dada Sush instructed in a commanding voice

Beni was in absolute heaven as he started to lick her love hole in right earnest

Sush knew all it required was tongue to have few strokes she was in absolute high after what had just happened now as Beni started to lick her clit with his rough coarse tongue she fell in to a earth shattering climax her left hand holding on to his head pushing it on to her pussy her right hand closing her whimpering mouth

Orrre Orrre O dada O dada she had a prolonged orgasmic climax.

Both of them stayed in the position for almost a minute Beni’s mouth locked in her pussy lips enjoying his first time licking a female pussy that to a very special one

Beni was savouring his feelings he felt a sweet pungent smell coming from madams pussy he absolutely adored this pussy it was so smooth pristine and pure he thought to himself given a chance he will suck and lick it all day  

But Sush got up from the stool pushing Beni as he slouched back further into the shelves exhausted lying in ecstasy Sush saw his face a mix of all sexual fluid hers and his own but clearly he looked absolutely knocked out like drunken man in a stupor

Then Beni’s noticed shrunken old man’s cock bloody old man she thought totally spent but even in this condition it was still a huge cock almost 6” long ’ and so fat almost 3” wide utter black and ugly it was surrounded by thick white hair

Sush thought life is so unfair this kind of ugly dirty old man endowed with such a big cock thinking about her hubby Ajay such a good looking man but having a puny cock but then with a slutty grin she thought now this guy is my slave totally & she could not believe how suddenly she was getting all big cocks

Then she moved  to small room in the back of the shop with her kurta & pyjama  first she quickly wiped all sweat & sexual fluids with the old man’s towel my god I have to teach this guy some hygiene then she put on kurta and pyjama her duppata was in the shelf outside as she went out she saw Beni bent picking up his underwear and pyjama she cooly put on her duppata

Than eying Beni - Sush said oh Beni dada how was it did you like your UP wali ladiki

Beni: Madam my life I have not experienced this kind of pleasure you can beat me how much ever you want I will do anything for you l will be your slave for life

Sush :Beni dada now get a dog collar and chain and bigger stick buy and keep I will come in 2-3 days understood  and another thing shave all this bloody hair around cock lifting his solid black cock in her hand it felt so cold as if kept it was kept in a fridge dropping it immediately she did not want oldman to have another boner

Beni : now flinching from the amazing touch her fingers were giving in a hoarse voice with emotion pleaded I will be ready please come madam please

Madam can I tell you something

Sush : Tell me her hand taking the scale

Beni : As he put on his dress turning away from her he did not notice her action , this is the first time in my life I have some value even my wife does not sleep with me because I am ugly and because of my size of my penis she simply ignores me but I never thought I will have this opportunity that to with a absolute queen you are so beautiful and perfect

Sush : Beni dada bus karo raising the scale and be ready for next time now go and open your shop

Beni quickly opened the shop in the busy street and as he opened cool as a cat her face fully covered Sush left the shop without a backward glance to her apartment it was almost 7 pm she thought my god I had spent more than an 80 minutes with this old man and it had felt like 10 minutes

Sush was absolutely invigorated with this new dominatrix role from where all this had come she could not gauge may be years of submissiveness has suddenly broken through but she thoroughly enjoyed this it was absolute stress buster with maximum pleasure

Sush simply loved the most awesome climax it seems now a regular affair now as it has happened with Chunni and Bada now with this ugly oldman Beni dada

Suddenly a thought struck Sush may be i should keep Ajay also like this but then Sush thought with his cock he does not deserve to be her slave he does not qualify she thought laughing at herself for the utter vulgarity

Sush thought  Beni dada’s cock it was truly awesome next time may be do something with it but she was clear it was going to be long while  before I fuck or suck swallow his cum but one thing she was slowly and surely becoming cock crazy

Truth now was Sush had become a total slut which she thought none of her friends group will believe or have a inkling and she would like it that way only , but now she felt the world was there to conquered  with her sexuality
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Just cum blasting.
Happy New year to you, to Beni, Chuni, Bada and most of all to Sush. May there always be cum in her pussy(and butthole?) from a recent fuck, and may she always have birthday control (or maybe she forget sometime?)
[+] 1 user Likes creamydelight's post
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(01-01-2021, 04:39 AM)creamydelight Wrote: Just cum blasting.
Happy New year to you, to Beni, Chuni, Bada and most of all to Sush. May there always be cum in her pussy(and butthole?)  from a recent fuck, and may she always have birthday control (or maybe she forget sometime?)

thanks Thanks wishing same to you 
Thanks for some more ideas ...
[+] 2 users Like mouthinvader's post
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Nice updates bro and like the way she dominate and orders
[+] 1 user Likes Saikarthik's post
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(01-01-2021, 01:20 PM)Saikarthik Wrote: Nice updates bro and like the way she dominate and orders

[+] 1 user Likes mouthinvader's post
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Please update this also!!!
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(09-12-2020, 12:22 AM)mouthinvader Wrote: Sushmita swam to other end , towards Badshah sitting in a stool , she asked for a towel left in the chair, still in the pool she asked chunniji & badshahji let us work on the price , chunniji in his usual style said madamji if only you get out of pool & sit in the chair whatever  price you want you take it. Making her  speechless , ok said Sushamaji getting out of the pool now clad in only herblack bra & panties sat on the chair towelling her head , Badshahji in a sincere face said  madamji we will close it at 25 Lakhs , please talk  to husband & give us token advance 1L , we will immediately close & process the paper immediately..
Sushmati looked at chunnuji with a smile stood up giving both the both of them her  best look  her jutting breast and black panties hiding swollen mound some of pussy , its hair escaping in the sides , then looking at Badshah she said so let me talk to my husband we will have the  deal & walked to the change the room as she walked she understood her right butt almost completely outside so adjusted her panties as she walked -chunni Oogled in delight .

As she disappeared into changing room Chunnaji got out of the pool & almost ran to the other room with Badshah trailing behind , he then sat infront of black glass partition ,Badshah said chunni you can relieve yourself  if you want , Chunnuji said holding his cock in his hand no way she has started to 

This is very good. specialllt story building up. you have a great idea of building up. but i strongly say you build up this slowly like original Sweetrati did. add more details and double meanings. Great and Great. wish you all the best. you have a nice idea. please slowly build. then nothing wrong in your stories. 
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Thanks for the feedback 
Will get there eventually it just requires some practice.
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