Fantasy Actress Apartment fantasy
(11-11-2020, 07:04 PM)astbsrp Wrote: excellent update please continue

just need to know that people are reading..... 

if the thread is  silent how would i know
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
(11-11-2020, 10:29 PM)killlervishnu Wrote: Good bro my hand still fapping so can't comment???

just need to know that people are reading..... 

if the thread is  silent how would i know
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(12-11-2020, 09:27 AM)jeetyin Wrote: just need to know that people are reading..... 

if the thread is  silent how would i know

Please update huge fan of Ur writing
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͞Hey, are you OK? I was concerned͟ Gautam asked Samantha when she was back. Samantha smiled back, ͞I was feeling a bit sick, now fine͟ she said in an assuring tone. ͞

Yes I know, Kajal told me after she checked on you͟ Gautam replied back. 

Samantha was shocked. She didn͛t understand it, how could Kajal check on her when she was not in the room at all. 

Gautam decided to leave for the day, and asked her to get changed. Samantha, still startled from Gautam͛s comments, headed for the ladies room. 

Kajal was already in there waiting for her. Samantha was again shocked seeing her inside and wanted to avoid her. She started changing straight away. ͞

Don͛t worry, I know your little secret͟ Kajal told in a shocking revelation. Samantha was speechless. 

She didn͛t know how to respond. She kept looking at her in an emotionless expression. 

͞All you need to do is follow what I say, and no one will ever know about it͟ Kajal told, realizing the effect her revelation had on her. ͞Forget Amar for a month, disappear from here, and don͛t see him for a month at least͟ she said, now looking directly at her eyes. 

Samantha was left defenseless and she nodded her head like a dumb doll. 

Kajal had taken his time to think this over, and had planned on how to keep Samantha away from her love. She had used this little opportunity perfectly and had been able to get Samantha in a tight spot. 

͞Don͛t even tell about this to Amar͟ she emphasized in order to keep Amar in complete darkness. Samantha had no other choice but to agree. The suddenness of the event had left her completely vulnerable and without any other choice.

Later she told Gautam that she wished to visit her mother, and spend some weeks there as she was feeling sick quite often.

Gautam wasn͛t ready, but gave up to her will and agreed to drop her to her mother͛s place for a couple of week. It had worked out exactly as planned by Kajal, and now for a week or two she would have the opportunity to attract Amar͛s attention alone.

Away from all these, Rakul preet singh was in the college, attending lectures when suddenly her phone vibrated. She glanced on it quickly and saw an alert for a text message.

She opened the message to read – ͚Are you ready for tomorrow͛s trip?͛ was the message, she checked the sender – it was Mr. Dutt, the casting agent. She ignored it for the time being and waited for the class to be over. 

Later she went to a quiet corner, after the class. And called Mr. Dutt back. 

Mr. Dutt: ͞Hello͟ 

Rakul preet singh: ͞I got your message, what do I need to do?͟

Mr. Dutt: ͞Everything OK? You ready for tomorrow?͟ 

Rakul preet singh: ͞Yes I am͟ 

Mr. Dutt: ͞Good, now listen to me carefully. You will be picked up tomorrow at around 9 am from a vantage point, it takes 6 hours in a car to reach the destination, so you will reach around 3 or 4 pm. And you will have the entire evening to please the producers.͟ 

Rakul preet singh was listening keenly. At the same time it was making her nervous too. But Mr. Dutt carried on explaining. 

Mr. Dutt: ͞The next day we will have screen tests and special portfolio shoots if you are able to make the cut. And then you will be dropped back at home close to mid-night.͟ 

Rakul preet singh: ͞Please don͛t pick me up from home, I have made excuse of a college trip, ask the car to pick me up from somewhere close but not from my home͟ 

Mr. Dutt: ͞No problem, you will get a message regarding the pickup details, reply to that with your preferred point. But be there on time͟ 

Rakul preet singh: ͞Ok͟ 

Mr. Dutt: ͞Are you nervous?͟ 

Rakul preet singh: ͞A little bit͟ she confessed. 

Mr. Dutt: ͞Don͛t worry, you are very bold, just be as bold as you were the other day, and you are bound to excel…just remember, be open to anything, and dont give up easily͟

Rakul preet singh nodded in herself as the last words keep ringing in her mind – BE OPEN TO ANYTHING AND DON͛T GIVE UP EASILY. 

It was late in the night on Friday. 

Rakul preet singh was growing restless as she hasn͛t received any message as was told by Mr. Dutt. She was checking her mobile frequently in anticipation but nothing came till then. At the same time, those words ͚BE OPEN TO ANYTHING AND DON͛T GIVE UP EASILY͛ kept ringing in her mind, making her more nervous. 

She had already told her mother about the plan, but in a slightly fabricated way. Sneha knew that they will be picked up from college and dropped back at home, late on Sunday. 

She wasn͛t happy but neither could do anything as she was made to believe that it was linked with Rakul preet singh͛s semesters. 

She had also packed lightly – picking up her favorite dresses and accessories. She knew what kind of pleasing she had to do and hence packed her bag accordingly. 

Her phone beeped at around 10.30 pm, and she ran to check the message. It was from an unknown number and she opened the message to check its content – ͚Black Innova, TS XX EA 11YY, 9 am tomorrow, please send the pick-up point͛. 

It was short but had all what she needed to know. Rakul preet singh quickly replied back – ͚Shopper͛s Mall on the main road͛ and sent it back. 

The phone beeped again quickly and she saw an acknowledgement from the same number. She was now relieved heavily but at the same time a different feeling engulfed her.

Till then she was growing restless for not getting the details of the pick-up, but having got that she was now being anxious and couldn͛t almost sleep the entire night. 

She woke up early the next morning and took bath and got ready by 8 am. She had to leave by 8.30 to reach the pick-up point she had chosen, by 9 am. 

Sneha wished her luck, and cautioned her from straying away of the group or from anything dangerous like any mother would do. And finally at 8.30 she left in an auto towards the pick-up point. 

She didn͛t had to wait for long, as sharp at 9, a black Innova stopped at the other side of the road. She checked the number and it matched with the one mentioned in the message last night, and she walked up towards it.

There was no one inside apart from the driver, who saluted her and took her bag. She already started enjoying the treatment, and imagined what would happen once she becomes a successful model. 

She felt anxious in the long journey, they stopped at couple of occasion for snacks and refreshments, but she managed to catch a nap in the interim. Finally, around 4.30, the car reached the vicinity of the resort.

It was a sprawling facility spread across a huge scrap of land. Landscaped gardens, swimming pools, cottages, bungalows adorned the resort beautifully. Mr. Dutt was already present as he approached to greet her.

They had booked a set of cottages intended for their use, and led Rakul preet singh to one of them. He showed her a room, ͞The producers are in a meeting at the moment, get fresh in the time being, and we will meet them at 6͟ Mr. Dutt said before leaving.  

Rakul preet singh felt nervous, and was getting anxious with all the waiting but headed in their room to get fresh. Rakul preet singh took a bath and changed into something comfortable. She kept the meeting in mind and decided to dress wisely. 

She chose a silk skirt and a halter neck top. The skirt was of a bluish shade and was just above her knee length, complementing her legs beautifully. The white satin top too had a deep cut at the neck, exposing her cleavage. 

She was ready quickly and started watching TV while waiting for Mr. Dutt to come back.

Close to 6, she heard a knock at the door. Mr. Dutt was standing outside with 2 other gentlemen. All of them came inside and greeted her. Mr. Dutt introduced Rakul preet singh to the producers – Mr. Shah and Mr. Gupta. 

Both of them owned a Garment Company in partnership in Gujarat, and were looking for fresh faces to promote their brand. Both looked at her from top to bottom and smiled. 

͞Sir, do you want me to send something?͟ Mr. Dutt asked before leaving them with the girl. ͞Yes, send us a bottle whisky and snacks͟ Shah responded and Mr. Dutt acknowledged before leaving. Rakul preet singh too went and sat beside them.

͞How old are you?͟ Shah asked Rakul preet singh. ͞Will be twenty three this year, sir͟ Rakul preet singh replied nervously, starting to feel restless. ͞Young, very young͟ remarked Shah and smiled. 

͞Have you done any assignments before?͟ Gupta asked her, and Rakul preet singh nodded back. In the meantime, someone knocked at the door, a waiter came in with a bottle of whisky and some snacks. They tipped him handsomely before he left the room, leaving them alone with the girl. 

͞Why don͛t you show us some modeling skills͟ Gupta told to Rakul preet singh, ͞Show us some ramp walk͟. She nodded and stood up. Shah turned on the TV and put on the Fashion TV. There was a fashion show being aired on it, ͞Like this, we want something like this for our event͟ he told pointing at the TV. 

She nodded and started imitating the girls in the TV. She started walking up and down at one side of the living room, using it like a ramp.  

Gupta had poured two glasses of whiskey by then, and both were enjoying the show. ͞Do you know why you are here today?͟ asked Shah, between sipping his drink. 

Rakul preet singh stopped and nodded, ͞To please the two of you͟ she answered back in a provocative tone. And both of them nodded too, ͞So will you simply keep walking?͟ Gupta asked while sipping his drink. 

Rakul preet singh took a deep breath, anticipating the moment she was being anxious about. She however managed to smile back at them as they looked back at her intently. Slowly, she walked up closer to them.

She held eye contact with both of them in turn. A nice and energetic music was being played in the TV, in the fashion channel. She started moving her body in rhythm with the music. Both of them had smiles in their faces as they longed to see more. 

 She started moving and shaking her body sensually with the music. Often she would lift her dress up, giving them a glimpse of her inner thigh and then cover it back again. 

She would occasionally lean forward to show deep inside her cleavage. She had both her audience held captive in awe. 

Slowly, she held the bottom of her top and pulled it over her head slowly. 

Her belly was exposed first, then her breasts (still hidden behind the tight white bra). She waved the top few times, in the air, like a professional stripper, and threw it towards Gupta. He picked it up immediately and sniffed it for her scent. 

[Image: x1y215b9eiq51.png?width=1440&format=png&...7abd474e84]

Once again she moved her body provocatively, showing off her breasts over the tight bra. 

She didn͛t have enormous breasts, but they complemented her figure nicely. Slowly, she then reached back with her hands and unclasped the straps of the bra. But quickly she held them, in time from falling off. The two were looking at her like vultures, waiting for her to remove the bra. 

The straps had come off completely, yet she kept it at its place with her hand. 

They were waiting like hungry wolves for her bra to come off too. Rakul preet singh too didn͛t prolong that and slowly she took her hands off along with the bra. She had small but firm breasts, and she looked very neat and attractive, top less. 

Gupta and Shah were enjoying thoroughly. Their eyes had widened when she had removed her bra and stood topless. Rakul preet singh didn͛t stop dancing however.

Slowly, she held the hem of her skirt, while moving her waist in a particular motion. She started pushing her skirt down. She was wearing black panties inside, which kept her cunt and her nice round ass covered.

[Image: rakul001.jpg?w=768&h=768&crop=1]

Soon she was standing naked in her panties alone. At this point, she stopped dancing and walked up to them provocatively. Both created space for her as she sat between them on the couch. ͞

So? Did you like so far?͟ she asked with confidence. Both of them smiled in reply. Their conditions were evident from their faces, and the bulge in their pants. 

Both shifted further to the two ends of the couch, pulling her up and making her lie between them. Rakul preet singh placed her head on Gupta͛s lap and feet on Shah͛s.

Gupta touched her lips, and rubbed his fingers gently on them. She kissed on his fingers and licked them with her tongue while they were on her lips. Encouraged, he dipped his finger in the glass of whisky and put it back on her lips.

She smiled and licked his finger again, this time along with the whisky on it. Gupta liked it so much he started dipping his fingers in the whisky over and over and kept rubbing her face with it.

Shah, at the other hand, held her feet and kissed on her toes. He rubbed his fingers on her legs up towards her thigh. The more he explored towards her abdomen, the more he felt certain warmth around the area. 

Rakul preet singh was enjoying both the treatments and felt ticklish when he rubbed his fingers along her thigh and long leg. 

Gupta, dipped his fingers in his whisky to get them dripping, and then rubbed it on her breasts. 

[Image: rakulpreeth28429.jpg]

He then leant forward and started licking the whisky off her breasts. Rakul preet singh shivered in pleasure and started moaning slightly. Shah too, touched her vagina over her panties and started massaging the area by then.  

She was completely vulnerable between the two as both started rubbing and licking a part of her body. Shah started kissing on her thigh while he was still rubbing on her pussy. 

͞Mmmmmhhhhhhhh͟ Rakul preet singh let out a gentle moan, in response of the treatment she was getting. Gupta by then had started sucking her nipples. Her tiny pink nipples had grown erect in his mouth and were slowly growing red.

Shah, climbed on the couch and knelt between her legs. He spread her legs apart creating much room between them. Then he leant forward and started kissing on her pussy.

[Image: 8-ZH3-Lqw-BB.jpg]

He didn͛t bother to take off her panties and kept kissing and rubbing his face over it. 

He stuck his nose on her cunt and started sniffing at it. The strong scent of her womanhood drove him crazy. He started kissing, sniffing, and rubbing his nose and lips on it madly. ͞

Ohhhhhhh…mmmmppppppppp…ahhhhhhhhh͟ Rakul preet singh too felt the heat of what Shah was doing. She was trembling in pleasure, while Gupta didn͛t allow her much room to move. 

He had her held tightly in an embrace and was sucking her nipples relentlessly. Rakul preet singh started banging her head on the couch, unable to control her feelings. 

They were slowly driving her towards a powerful orgasm. ͞

Fuck me sir…Please fuck me͟ she started pleading while the treatment started becoming unbearable. 

Both of them smiled at this. ͞What is the hurry? We have the entire night with you͟ Gupta said in response.

Rakul preet singh couldn͛t believe that they were planning to use her the entire night. But she was not in a condition to think much either. 

Shah had to give up rubbing his face on her panties. It became wet as she reached her first orgasm, and slowly a wet patch developed and spread in her panties. 

Shah smiled and sniffed at it. It smelled so refreshingly arousing. Shah couldn͛t control himself anymore and pulled her panties down. 

[Image: Hu-IRUNGDD.jpg]

She was now completely naked, with her legs spread wide and breasts being kissed and sucked by someone. 

They kept playing with her and parts of her body for close to an hour. And between then she had came for several times, not able to control the treatment her body was going through. And around 8.30 they stopped. Rakul preet singh took a breath of relief. 

She had no energy left in her to take more, and was simply laid on the couch bearing the unbearable. 
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At 8.30 they decided to pause for dinner. ͞Let͛s carry on after dinner͟ said Gupta. They have both taken their turn on her breasts and cunt by then. Their lips were sore from the taste of her juices or from sucking her nipples. They too wanted to change taste for some time. ͞Let͛s go out, Dutt must be waiting͟ told Shah.

Rakul preet singh too sat up, her head almost spinning. She didn͛t know how she would gather the energy to go through that again in the night. Her body was being pleased, but the amount of pleasure was getting unbearable and beyond her control. 

She got dressed in the top and the skirt. They didn͛t let her put on the bra or the panties. The two gentlemen too, got dressed and fresh before the three stepped out of the cottage. 

Mr. Dutt was waiting for them at the lobby. He had a nice, broad grin on his face. He looked at Rakul preet singh, and understood from her state, how much the two must have enjoyed. He led them towards the dining hall, to a table at the corner. 

There was already a girl at that table. She looked bold from her appearance, and was alone and smoking. She had nicely trimmed, straight hairs, and a sharp face. All the three men knew her already.

While Mr. Dutt had actually brought her there, the other two shook hands, and exchanged kisses in greeting.

[Image: a9f1b382cf6406fbf7f31ae0a406e73f.jpg]

͞This is Nithya menon͟ Mr. Dutt introduced her to Rakul preet singh as well. She didn͛t gave much of a look at her and continued talking to the other two men. ͞

Nithya menon will work along with you in this assignment͟ Mr. Dutt told Rakul preet singh. She remembered being told about another girl, and suddenly became nervous in presence of another girl. ͞Don͛t worry, she is very nice͟ Mr. Dutt assured her.  

They ordered for some extravagant dinner, along with drinks. Shah had ordered for some vodka and offered Rakul preet singh to drink. ͞Sorry, I have never drunk͟ Rakul preet singh said courteously. 

͞There is always a first time͟ Mr. Dutt urged with a smile. Rakul preet singh looked at her and remembered what he had told on phone – ͚Don͛t give away͛. She took a deep breath and took up the glass.Shah had punched it well with sprite to make it not to taste very repulsive. And Rakul preet singh drank it at one go. Both smiled watching that, and ordered for another peg. 

Rakul preet singh looked back at Mr. Dutt, and he leant forward to whisper in her ears. ͞Get drunk, and the night will be easier to pass͟. Rakul preet singh realized what he intended to say, and accepted the second peg gleefully. 

By 10.30 they had completed dinner, and Rakul preet singh had gulped around 3 pegs of vodka. She was not completely off sense, but was feeling quite light and refreshed. They all headed back to the cottage. 

This time Nithya menon too accompanied them. Mr. Dutt left them in the cottage with the two girls and left. ͞Good night sir. Have a nice time͟ he smiled and greeted a good night to the two.They went inside, to the bedroom. Nithya menon too came along with them. All of them sat on and around the bed. Gupta unbuttoned his shirts, and turned on the AC. 

Shah too felt more relaxed and leant back at the bed. Rakul preet singh was lying on the bed beside him, while Nithya menon sat beside Gupta.͞Rakul preet singh, baby, you have made us hot earlier͟ Gupta said, ͞now show us, what you can do to her͟ he pointed towards Nithya menon. 

Nithya menon looked at her curiously and smiled, ͞You want me to please another girl?͟ Rakul preet singh questioned with a certain disbelief. ͞Yes͟ Shah replied. He was sitting close to Rakul preet singh, and wrapped his hands around her cozily, making her feel comfortable. 

Gupta used the back of his palm to rub on Nithya menon͛s cheek, ͞Give us a nice lesbian show, and we will fuck both of you in turn later͟ he told to Nithya menon. Shah too, pulled Rakul preet singh closer, ͞Don͛t worry, just follow what Nithya menon says, and you both will be just fine͟ he said to her in a warm tone.

There were two chairs at a corner of the room. Both the men went up and sat there. They brought the bottle of whiskey from the living room and poured some whiskey too. 

Rakul preet singh sat up on the bed, while Nithya menon walked up to the bed. She was wearing a denim jeans and an olive green short top. There was no escape from the night. The two watched them intently with much anticipation.

Nithya menon was a pro, she was quite able to handle the pressure. Rakul preet singh never imagined that she will be asked to give a lesbian show. It was going to be her first experience. She looked at Nithya menon, while she walked up to the bed slowly.The night had just started, and there was a long way to go. The two were eager for the lesbian show between Nithya menon and Rakul preet singh. 

Rakul preet singh͛s heart was beating faster than the Rajdhani express. She had never been cozy with any girl before. Nithya menon was slowly walking towards her, she didn͛t look much bothered and seemed quite unusually comfortable with what she was about to do.

For once, Rakul preet singh thought of running away, but then, Mr. Dutt͛s words kept ringing in her head – ͚DON͛T GIVE UP͛. It gave her some strength. She stood up from the bed and stood upright on the floor.Gupta and Shah were at a corner. They have changed into a pair of comfortable shorts and poured a glass of whiskey to enjoy the show. 

Nithya menon circled her and looked at her from top to bottom. She looked like a pro while Rakul preet singh͛s legs were still trembling. She was not sure if she can with stand a lesbian act or will be forced to give up. 

Amidst all this thought, Nithya menon held her from behind. She started sniffing at Rakul preet singh͛s neck and shoulder.Rakul preet singh took a deep breath and shut her eyes. ͞Don͛t give up. Don͛t give up͛ she repeated in her mind. Nithya menon had started kissing on her neck and shoulder by then. She held her top at the bottom and slowly started to pull it off. 

Rakul preet singh didn͛t move, she realized what Nithya menon was doing, and cooperated with her. Within moments, her top was off her body. And since she was not wearing any bra inside, her breasts were exposed naked again.Nithya menon cupped both her breasts from behind, and started pressing them gently. A tremor ran down Rakul preet singh͛s body as she started moaning. She was surprised too that she was enjoying Nithya menon͛s touch and it wasn͛t as repulsive as she thought. 

Nithya menon slowly increased the intensity and started pressing her breasts further. Rakul preet singh͛s nipples were slowly getting erect as she was being driven towards arousal yet again. 

[Image: 1602_15copy.jpg][Image: rakul6.jpg]

Gupta and Shah were thoroughly enjoying. ͞Talk dirty you sluts͟ Shah told to the two girls. Nithya menon smiled in acknowledgement as she continued pressing Rakul preet singh͛s breasts. She held her nipples between her two fingers. 

They were already erect, and Nithya menon started rubbing them between her fingers. ͞Look how erect these are͟ she told to the two men, who were watching them so keenly. ͞The bitch is enjoying being touched by a girl͟ she said, trying to tease both men. 

Rakul preet singh felt a prang of humiliation, but in truth she was enjoying what was been done to her. Nithya menon was rubbing her nipples between her fingers. Rakul preet singh was moaning gently but suddenly Nithya menon pressed her nipples hard between her fingers. 

͞Owwwwwwwww͟ Rakul preet singh shouted in agony, and immediately Nithya menon loosened her grip. ͞You are hurting me͟ Rakul preet singh said in a feeble tone. ͞Am I?͟ Nithya menon asked in a mocking tone and immediately held her cheeks. 

Nithya menon forced herself on her, and started kissing her lips. She hugged her tightly, pulling her closer to her body and continued kissing and sucking her lips. ͞Mmmmmmm…mmmmm Rakul preet singh surprisingly liked being kissed with such force and passion and started moaning. ͞

Are you horny bitch?͟ Nithya menon asked her in middle, and Rakul preet singh nodded her head in reply. ͞Then show us how wet are you͟ Nithya menon ordered back. 

Rakul preet singh felt humiliated, but at the same time liked that too. Slowly she pushed her skirt down. She was not wearing any panties too, so immediately she was left naked among the three. ͞Now lie down and show them your dripping cunt͟ Nithya menon ordered her loudly. Rakul preet singh was amazed by the way Nithya menon seemed to have managed an authoritative position with her. She didn͛t have the will to protest, but followed as told. 

She lied down on the bed and spread her legs wide for all to see her cunt clearly. 

[Image: PicsArt_05-30-10.53.22.jpg]

͞Spread your cunts further bitch͟ Nithya menon ordered back and she reached down to her vagina and held her cunt lips to spread them further. It was already in a mess. 

All that kissing and playing with her breasts had left her cunt dripping with a lot of pre-cum juices. 

Both Gupta and Shah too were very aroused by then, but they continued watching patiently. Both of them looked at Nithya menon with a pleased expression. 

͞Why don͛t you give yourself some pleasure too͟ Gupta looked at Nithya menon, and insisted her. Nithya menon smiled and looked at Rakul preet singh. She was lying on the bed with her legs spread and eyes closed.

Much to her astonishment, the embarrassment had further made her horny. Nithya menon then unbuckled her belt and unhooked her jeans. 

She took off her jeans slowly, as Rakul preet singh still laid in her position with her cunt wide open, waiting for the next order. She was completely under Nithya menon͛s influence by then. 

Nithya menon took off her jeans and her panties. She had a nicely shaved cunt with a star tattooed on her vagina. She then took off her top too, leaving her naked as well. It was time to take the show a level further. 

[Image: Nitya+Menon+Full+Nude+showing+big+Boobs+...folder.jpg]

She walked up to a couch at the other side of the room and sat on it. ͞Come here bitch͟ she ordered Rakul preet singh, in an authoritative tone. Rakul preet singh sat up and followed her commands instantly. 

Nithya menon placed her legs on top of the two hand rests of the couch. It exposed her vagina and opened up her cunt nicely. It was a treat to watch. 

She was very fair, with a shaved pussy. Her cunt was lovely pink in shade, and was already wet. Rakul preet singh walked up to her. 

Her heart was beating fast and she realized what the next command for her should be.Gupta and Shah, changed places and came to the bed for a better view. Their condition was well evident from the huge bulge in their pants. 

Rakul preet singh stood motionless in front of Nithya menon. She had sucked cocks earlier, but sucking a cunt was beyond her imaginations. ͞Come on, get on your knees, what are you waiting for͟ Gupta remarked, pointing at Rakul preet singh. 

[Image: (]

Rakul preet singh reluctantly went down on her knees. Nithya menon͛s cunt was held wide open in front of her. She touched it with her hands. ͞Use your tongue bitch͟ snapped Nithya menon in impatiently. 

Rakul preet singh was astonished, she had no other choice. She took in a deep breath and gathered all the courage she could and then finally started leaning forward. 

Half way through she felt the strong odor of Nithya menon͛s wet cunt. It wasn͛t as repulsive as she would have thought, but had a strong driving force which made Rakul preet singh more responsive and eager towards it. 

Rakul preet singh was filled with a strange feeling as she stuck her tongue out and it slowly inched towards her cunt.

Rakul preet singh closed her eyes, as slowly her tongue touched Nithya menon͛s cunt. She was not in a state to distinguish the taste of it, but whatever it was, it tasted so good. 
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͞Ohhhhhhhhhh͟ Nithya menon moaned out as Rakul preet singh started working her tongue in and around her cunt. She started sucking her cunt lips and the bud slowly. And Nithya menon too started moaning and trembling in pleasure. 

[Image: (]

͞Mmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhh͟ Nithya menon started moaning hard as Rakul preet singh started teasing her cunt like an expert sucker. 

Rakul preet singh too felt it surprising how she was actually liking the taste of the cunt of another woman. At this point she wanted to keep sucking her on and on. 

Nithya menon imposed her body more on Rakul preet singh and pushed her cunt more towards her tongue.

Rakul preet singh too enjoyed the feel and taste of it and kept lapping at her cunt comfortably. 

Gupta and Shah were quite surprised to see the intensity of the two. And it made them feel more aroused and eager to get into the action.

Shah stood up and walked closer towards the two girls. 

Rakul preet singh was knelt in front of Nithya menon and was completely immersed in her cunt. 

Her head was completely dug between her two legs, and she was licking her cunt greedily.

Nithya menon had her legs opened enough to allow Rakul preet singh good access to her vagina, but also had her legs tightly around her head to stop her from moving away. 

She was moaning hard as she found it difficult to control her desires. Nithya menon was so horny, that she held her own breasts and started pressing them. 

Shah walked up to behind Rakul preet singh. She was in a knelt down and he gently held her by the waist. ͞

Lift your waist bitch, on your fours͟ he insisted to her while trying to pull her up by her waist. Rakul preet singh obliged as she changed posture and assumed a doggy position. 

[Image: 352_1000.jpg]

Her cunt too was not accessible from behind and she was well aware of that. Shah too had exactly that in mind, and as soon as she assumed the doggy posture, he touched on her cunt. 

Rakul preet singh jumped up, but managed to keep contact with Nithya menon͛s cunt. ͞

Spread your legs bitch͟ Shah commanded Rakul preet singh, tapping on her thighs gently. 

Once again Rakul preet singh obliged and slowly spread her legs enough for Shah to have a full view of her cunt. 

Her vagina was already very wet and dripping and didn͛t need any further rubbing on it. Shah on the other hand was so horny that his cock was just dying to taste a cunt. 

He took off his clothes and knelt behind Rakul preet singh, in position to fuck her from behind. 

He started rubbing his cock on her cunt, and Rakul preet singh realized what was happening behind her.

 She closed her eyes in anticipation but continued licking Nithya menon͛s cunt. 

She held her breath till Shah rubbed his cock around her cunt, and then finally pushed it deep in her. ͞

aaarrrrrrghhhhhhhhh͟ she moaned out as the cock shoved in hard and deep inside her. ͞

Mmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnn͟ and she continued moaning as Shah started fucking her. 

But yet she had her head tightly held at Nithya menon͛s cunt and so whatever she did, she managed to stimulate Nithya menon͛s cunt. ͞

Mmmmm….nnnnn…ohhhhhhhh….mmmmmmm…ahhhhhhhhh͟ Nithya menon was moaning all along as she was getting on the verge of an orgasm. ͞

Oh yes, I am going to cum…I am going to cum she declared loudly as Rakul preet singh drove her on the verge of her first orgasm. 

[Image: rakul-preet-singh-fucking-2.jpg]

Shah too was getting stimulated by all the moaning and was fucking Rakul preet singh with additional vigor. But this time, Gupta too joined the act. 

He joined the three too, and just when Nithya menon was about to cum, he held Rakul preet singh͛s head tightly at her cunt. 

He held Rakul preet singh͛s head tightly, while Nithya menon was preparing to cum. ͞

Open your mouth bitch, take her cum in your mouth͟ he said to her, holding her head tightly against her cunt. ͞Oh yes…oh yes…͟ Nithya menon kept moaning, ͞Ohhhhh….͟ she moaned hard as juices started flowing out of her cunt into Rakul preet singh͛s mouth. 

͞Yes…keep cumming, cum in her mouth͟ Gupta encouraged Nithya menon as she came hard. ͞Don͛t drink it bitch, I wanna taste her cum from your mouth͟ he told to Rakul preet singh. 

Rakul preet singh who too who was unable to control herself from being fucked and forced to take Nithya menon͛s cum in her mouth, at the same time. She too came and exploded in another powerful orgasm. 

Gupta held Rakul preet singh͛s head and pulled it out from Nithya menon͛s cunt. She had Nithya menon͛s cum in her mouth, and Gupta started kissing her and pushed his tongue inside her mouth to taste it. 

They swapped some of the juices and drank it between Rakul preet singh and Gupta. And while they were kissing and sucking each other͛s lips, Nithya menon pulled down his pants and started stroking his cock. 

All four of them were involved in the act by then. 

[Image: PicsArt_03-16-11.40.37.jpg]

Shah was fucking Rakul preet singh from behind, while Gupta was sucking and kissing her lips. While Nithya menon held Gupta͛s cock and started sucking it. 

They continued in that fashion for some time before all four of them moved away. The girls, Nithya menon and Rakul preet singh, walked up to the bed and laid on it in an inviting posture. They opened their legs up to expose their cunt to invite the two men for another round of fuck. 

Gupta and Shah too decided to swap partners while Shah wanted to fuck Nithya menon, while Gupta wanted to experience the novice Rakul preet singh. 

Both of them were completely naked by then. Both of them had very fatty cocks, something which is very common and of pride in Gujarati men. 

Gupta walked up to Rakul preet singh and climbed on top of her. Rakul preet singh was already very horny by then and so started kissing him as soon as their body came in contact. 

Gupta positioned his cock by her cunt and with a slight nudge forward, it was pushed deep in her cunt. ͞Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww͟ Rakul preet singh moaned out in pain, as his fatty cock invaded deep in her cunt. Her moan was soon silenced as Gupta put his lips on her and started kissing her passionately. Rakul preet singh too responded, even under a pain of his cock fucking her so hard. And both of them kissed each other wildly. 

In the meantime, Shah too had climbed on top of Nithya menon. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer. His cock reached the opening of her vagina and he rubbed his cock on it. 

[Image: Nithya-Menen-hot-boobs-1.jpg][Image: PicsArt_05-17-03.20.46.jpg]

But Nithya menon, wanting to feel his fatty cock inside her, she pulled him closer, forcing him to push his cock inside her. ͞Mmmmpppphhhhhhhhhh͟ she moaned and bit her lips as his cock caressed inside her cunt. But yet she kept him trapped at place by wrapping her legs around his waist. 

Both of them started fucking the girls hard and with force. And both the girls were moaning hard, unable to bear such uncontrolled desires. 

Yet none wanted to stop it and continued moaning like whores and bitches. On top of their excitement, they dug their nails and teeth on the flesh of the girls, leaving behind marks of the wild pleasure. 

They continued banging them till late into the night, not wanting to cum very soon. 

͞Ohhh..I can͛t take anymore, please cum in me… please͟ Rakul preet singh started pleading with Gupta. She had already came for more than a couple of times and had no energy left to bear the wild fuck she was subjected to. 
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nice update
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Great update
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Dear viewers this is copyright stories one of old one in xossip. . Orginal writer of this story is "iloveyourleggings".Mr.Sarit11 is posted the original files of this story in xossipy. U all can get the full stories in below link (in pdf format). Story title is "XXX Apartments".
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(13-11-2020, 10:21 AM)mdnkmr131; Wrote: Dear viewers this is copyright stories one of old one in xossip. . Orginal writer of this story is "iloveyourleggings".Mr.Sarit11 is posted the original files of this story in xossipy. U all can get the full stories in below link (in pdf format). Story title is "XXX Apartments".

it is already mentioned .......... one of the old xossip... treads
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(13-11-2020, 12:12 AM)astbsrp Wrote: nice update

thanks but its not my narration i am just posting ...... keep visiting

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(13-11-2020, 08:22 AM)PANNIRUVAEL KHAI Wrote: Great update

i am just posting the update ...... thanks for your response

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͞A little more bitch, and I will fill you up with my semen͟ Gupta responded curtly and continued banging her with the same vigor. She closed her eyes and started nodding her head wildly, trying to bear that more. 

But when he didn͛t came even after five minutes, she broke in tears ͞Please sir…please cum now, I am not able to bear anymore…Feeling so exhausted͟ she said, again in a pleading tone. But this time, Gupta was in a mood to oblige. 

He held on to her tightly as he raised the intensity of the last few strokes. 

Meanwhile, Nithya menon, who was more experienced than Rakul preet singh, was still up for it. 

[Image: wxgdt9rrpd1d.jpg][Image: ly10m83e91zs.jpg]

͞oh yea baby…keep fucking me…deeper…harder…͟ she kept encouraging Shah to fuck her more wildly. Shah too responded in a grand manner. He kept dragging his cock deep inside her love hole and back very fast for her to feel the heat. 

But slowly he too was reaching the point of climax, and held her tightly for the final strokes. 

Gupta, grabbed Rakul preet singh͛s breasts and pressed them hard, while he ejaculated his load inside her. Rakul preet singh moaned out in pain, but at the same time, she was filled with his cum from inside. 

Shah too, came within sometime. And he hugged Nithya menon tightly while the two came together. 

It was almost 3 am in the night when the two finished. And by then, all four were exhausted completely. They didn͛t even have the energy to clean themselves and collapsed on the top of each other just like that. 

Within moments, all of them fell asleep – still naked and on top of the girls. The wild night had come to an end, but it was just the beginning. They still had another full day with each other. 

But at that moment, they were all too tired to think about that and slept like dead bodies. But the morning when they wake up is going to be as exciting as the night. Gupta and Shah started liking Rakul preet singh already, and are just not ready to let her go. 

The Sunday is a lazy morning. The sun too, takes his time to rise, so the rest of the human race. It is one of those days when even the early riser, Sneha, too sleeps for long. 

Amar too takes a day off on Sundays, so his otherwise buzzing Gym too remains silent and empty on Sundays. Amar was in deep sleep in his flat, while Kajal too was enjoying a sound sleep at her home. She was convinced that she would finally be able to remove Samantha off her way, after what had happened in the gym few days back. 

In the meantime, Regina and Rahul started meeting at the terrace often. They usually slip out of their apartments at midnight, after everyone has fallen asleep. And meet up at the terrace and have sex. 

The previous night wasn͛t any exception, and they were back in their rooms and deep in sleep. Rakul preet singh and Borah was absent from this peaceful morning, far away at places where they wanted to be. 

While Rakul preet singh was quite busy throughout the weekend, Borah was away on a business tour along with his colleagues. Back in the apartment, slowly the day was beginning to move. 

Kajal and Mr. Sharma were spending a lazy morning at their balcony. Amar had gone out to hang out with his friends. There was however no sign of Samantha and Gautam yet.

Regina too was in a leisure mood when her cell phone vibrated. It was a text message from Rahul – ͚Had a wonderful time last night͛. She smiled and blushed, and then replied back with a smiley. And a reply came immediately – ͚let͛s go out for coffee in the afternoon?͛. ͚

Not a bad idea. Where?͛ asked Regina. And then after few exchanges of messages, they decided to spend the afternoon at a Barista near to their apartment. 

The rest of the day went eventless, while Rahul waited eagerly for the time to meet Regina for coffee. 

He was quite under her charm, and enjoyed having such an intimate affair with her. Close to 2 pm, he came out of his flat and waited at the stairs, hoping to catch Regina there itself. He rang at her cell phone to check whether she had already left or was yet to

Regina͛s cell phone was lying ignored under her pillow. It was at the vibrating mode and hence no one noticed it ringing. 

Rahul called back a few more times before deciding to check on his own. In the meantime Regina was not in her flat. 

Couple of hours ago, one of her class mate had informed her about some important extra classes at the tuitions, and she had to leave in a hurry. 

In all that haste, she forgot to pick up her cell phone, which was lying under her pillow. And hence couldn͛t inform Rahul about this sudden change in plan. Rahul, in the meantime, had already reached the top floor. 

The door was closed, and so he tried ringing her up for couple of times again. But when there was still no answer, he decided to check on his own. 

He wanted to knock at the door, but then thought what he would say if Sneha answers the door. So he stood there for some time, thinking of some excuse and then decided to peep in somehow. 

To his surprise the door was not locked, and it opened up easily at the slightest of push. He took the opportunity to peep inside, and found the living room all empty. 

Rahul͛s heart was beating faster, he was afraid of being caught. But at the same time he was curious to find Regina. And so gathering enough courage he stepped inside to check the inside carefully. 

The living room was completely empty. There was no sound of anyone either. It made him more curious as he headed for the room closest to him. 

It was empty too. He had entered Rakul preet singh͛s room, which was empty for obvious reasons. Rahul came out of that room, still unable to make out why the flat was left unlocked and completely empty. 

Curious he entered Sneha͛s room next. It looked empty too, but Rahul heard some sounds coming from an adjacent door. 

Sneha had the largest room in the flat, with an attached bathroom. Rahul listened carefully and realized that someone was inside the bathroom. It was Sneha. 

She was alone in the flat after Regina had to leave for her classes urgently. Rakul preet singh was not at home since the previous day, and she didn͛t notice that the main door was left unlocked. 

Rahul had no idea who was inside, he wished it was Regina, but at the same time was afraid if it turns out to be someone else, worst if it turns out to be Sneha. 

He didn͛t have much chance either to react, as suddenly there was noise at the door of the bathroom and he had to hide quickly. He was closer to the windows, and so in a quick reaction he hid himself behind the curtains.

Sneha came out of the bathroom. She just had a towel wrapped around her. It was knotted together over her breasts and barely covered the upper portion of her body. Much part of her body from below the thigh was exposed. 

Though alone, at least she thought, yet she shut the door of her room before walking up to the mirror. 

She was still unaware of Rahul͛s presence, who was peeping from behind the curtain for a chance to make his escape. 

He peeked out from behind and was stunned by the view. Rahul saw Sneha in that skimpy towel and froze in fear and shock. He was now afraid of being caught in that scenario and be falsely blamed about watching her like that intentionally. 

Rahul prayed to be hidden and undetected until he find a way to get out.Sneha in the other hand, unaware of anyone else͛s presence, was in a very light mood. She turned on the Air Condition and switched on the Radio. 

The Radio played a popular song on the local FM, and Sneha too started humming the tune along with it. Slowly the room was getting filled with the aroma of her Jasmine soap. 

She stood in front of the mirror and picked up a bottle of hair lotion. She had long and beautiful hairs, which she pulled in front of her body and started applying the lotion all over her hairs. 

Rahul͛s mouth was wide open, and his heart was beating heavily out of fear. He couldn͛t believe his luck to land him in such a tricky situation. At one hand he was frozen with fear, and at the other hand he was slowly feeling aroused to see Sneha like that. 

Rahul had always felt aroused towards, large and matured women. Suddenly caught in that situation, Rahul remembered how he was involved in a discrete relationship with an older and matured lady in the past. And since then, he had been crazy for the passion and sexual drive they posses.

 Unmindfully he appraised the possibility of being caught and then used by Sneha for her pleasure, something he would not mind after seeing her so closely. 

Sneha at the other hand was combing her long hairs. She had applied the hair lotion which made her hairs soft and smooth, and looked like a flowing river of black water. She usually takes close to an hour in pampering herself after bath, and her usual routine to pamper her hairs, then different body parts, and often she loves to touch herself too.

She completed combing her hairs neatly and then kept the comb away. It was time for the body lotion, and that couldn͛t be done with the towel on. Still unaware of being watched, she unknotted the towel and allowed it to fall off from her body. 

Rahul was mesmerized. Sneha had a large body, but that didn͛t make her look plump. She had a large body frame too, which allowed her to carry her large body nicely and gave her a sensuous appeal too. 

She was still with her back towards Rahul, and he gazed upon at her body greedily, consuming each curve and cranny of her naked body. He wanted touching her large 42 sized ass and longed to see her from the front too.Sneha took some body lotion and started applying on her body. She started with her arms and slowly massaged the liquid on both her arms. Gradually he moved on to other parts of her body. 

Rahul was watching impatiently as she turned, bent, and moved to massage several part of her body with the lotion. He caught glimpses of her large naked breasts, but that made him more aroused and longing to get closer.After she was done, her body was glowing like any young girl and she took a moment to look at it in the mirror. 

She was looking quite sensuous and fresh. Her large 36 C breasts were enormous, yet firm. Her body was devoid of any marks of ageing and her pussy sought hard for attention. She looked at her pussy through the mirror, and automatically her hand reached at it. 

[Image: sneha_showing_pussy.jpg][Image: (]

She touched her pussy casually, and a chill ran down her spine. Sneha closed her eyes, absorbing the pleasure she got from that touch. And slowly she started working her fingers deeper into her sex. 

She used her fingers to spread her labia and then slowly used the rest of her fingers to gradually massage inside the pussy. It had already grown moist and responded well to the stimulation. 

On the other side of the room, Rahul too was growing impatient. He was watching Sneha masturbating in front of the mirror, and that was making him feel aroused too. 

He felt that he had developed a hard on and needed to touch his cock, but at the same time he was still afraid of being caught and its consequences.

Sneha was no longer able to stand in front of the mirror and please herself. She wanted to lie down and touch herself properly. So not wasting any more time she quickly turned and walked over to the bed. She lied down on the edge and spread her legs to reach her pussy with her hands. 

Her eyes were closed and she bit her own lips, absorbing the storm her finger was brewing on her cunt. 

[Image: Sneha-sexy-boobs-her-young-age-photo.jpg][Image: Sneha+Nude+Showing+Boobs+and+Pussy+Nudef...udwala.jpg]

Rahul was watching her intently. He was amazed to see Sneha like a pervert bitch, naked and masturbating like that. His cock was throbbing and ached for relief. He was not cursing his luck anymore and was lost in that passionate little moment. That was when luck played another cruel trick on him. He was lost watching Sneha, when suddenly his mobile phone started ringing. 

The room was silent, with a gently cool, filled with the jasmine aroma, and the light moans from Sneha. And suddenly Rahul͛s mobile phone started ringing at top volume. Both were startled and jumped on to their feet. 

Rahul fumbled with his phone and tripped out of his hiding place, while Sneha jumped on her feet in complete shock. 
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For a minute, no one moved, there was genuine shock in both the faces, while the mobile kept ringing relentlessly. Sneha moved first, she immediately grabbed the towel from the ground and tried covering herself. 

Rahul stood frozen with fear, while Sneha struggled to find any words. She tried forming words like How, Why, What, but they all struggled to form meaningful sentences. 

And by the time, the mobile stopped, and it was back silent, Rahul decided to make the move before Sneha manages to channel her anger correctly. He went down on her knees and started begging to be forgiven. ͞

Please, Sneha, please, it was an accident, I came here looking for Regina, didn’t knew you were here and …͟ he continued telling a lot of things. But Sneha still looked angry and her face flushed in a shade of bright red. 

͞Please… Please… Please… Forgiǀe ŵe. I will do anything you want… Please͟ he kept muttering with folded hands. 

Yet Sneha stood in front of him, frozen, but her face not as red as before. She stood there silently, analyzing her next action. Her face still calm and didn’t gave away what she was thinking. 

While Rahul continued pleading and proposing to do anything in return of forgiveness. ͞

You will do anything?͟ Sneha asked in a cold voice. And Rahul nodded frantically. ͞

Whatever I ask?͟ she asked again, and Rahul responded the same way, this time he touched his neck to make a silent promise. 

͞What if I ask you to get naked?͟ she asked suddenly. Rahul stood speechless, not that he was surprised with the demand, but because somewhere inside he wanted to be used like that. 

Sneha kept her strong gaze on him, and slowly stood up and started undressing. 

Sneha secretly smiled within, as Rahul started stripping. He took off his t-shirt, and the vest. The jeans followed, leaving him in his underwear only.

His cock was still hard and throbbing, the shape could be easily made over his underwear. There was a dark wet patch on the underwear, close to the cock head. It revealed how much he was enjoying the show, a few minutes earlier. 

Rahul didn’t need any additional enthusiasm to take the underwear off too, and so within moments he was standing stark naked in front of his girlfriend’s mother. Sneha looked at his body appreciatively. 

She liked young lads like him or Borah. Unlike Borah, his was a well shaped and athletic body. And as Rahul stood for his next order, Sneha removed the towel she had put on to cover herself, and both stood naked. 

She walked up to him and held his cock in her palm. It was throbbing and became harder with her touch. ͞So, you were in for a little adventure huh?͟ she asked, looking at his cock. Rahul didn’t know how to react but was greatly relieved when he saw Sneha going down on her knees. ͞

You need to be taught a lesson͟ she said, still talking to the cock. And slowly she leant forward towards the cock, until her lips were in touching distance with his cock. 

She stuck her tongue out and wrapped his cock with it, and then slowly she took his cock in her mouth.͞mmmmmmmm͟ she closed her eyes and let out a sign of appreciation. 

[Image: 16Yfy.jpg][Image:]

She had started stroking his cock in her mouth. And Rahul held her head in reflex and to keep himself in position. Soon both started enjoying the moment. 

Sneha tasted another young cock in years, she had been having a discrete relation with Borah, but the prospect of two relations was exciting her. She continued sucking his cock with great vigor. And soon Rahul started moaning. 

He took a couple of steps back and leant against the bed, Sneha followed, not letting his cock out of her mouth and continued sucking. ͞

Oh… so nice, your tongue has a magic Rahul commented while enjoying the slimy touch of her wet tongue.͞I expect the favor to be returned, when I am done with your cock͟ Sneha told in between, reminding Rahul that he will have to suck her off later. 

Rahul closed his eyes and started moaning as she slowly pushed him towards the edge. 

They continued like that for the next ten minutes, and with every passing minute Rahul was growing restless. Sneha would play with the pace, or fondle his balls to maximize the effect, and that would drive him slowly and gradually towards an orgasm. ͞

Ohhh… you are excellent, I never felt so relaxed and so crazy before he murmured, not able to believe how quickly he was succumbing to her. She too continued on his cock and balls drawing him edge closer to the moment. 

And when suddenly he held her head and announced that he was going to cum, she took his cock out of her mouth. That sudden rejection, slowed down the rush, but she held his cock in her palm and continued stroking to relieve him. 

Rahul started shaking, and he closed his eyes and stood on his toes as his cum started building up at the head. And suddenly he grunted as thick white liquids squirted off his cock and on to her body.Rahul kept moaning, and Sneha continued stroking his cock. 

[Image: sneha11.jpg]

But by then he had already sprayed her breasts with his cum. 

Sneha continued for a few seconds to drain the last drops and then slowly stood up with a satisfied smile on her face. 

Rahul collapsed on the bed, heavily panting and his face flushed in a shade of Red. 

Sneha laid down beside him, she touched his hairs playfully and whispered in his ears, ͞Its time you repay the favour boy͟. Rahul nodded his head and sat up, while Sneha spread her legs. 

Her pussy opened up too, Rahul sat between her legs, looking at her sex. It was dark pink and already wet. Rahul knelt down and spread her legs more, preparing to dive in at her sex. 

It was an uneventful Sunday for most, but things were heating up at the 4th floor apartment of Sneha. 

Rahul, who had ventured in looking for Regina, was caught unaware while Sneha was naked after bathe. And Rahul had to offer all he had, including his manhood, to get out of the situation. However it was a deal, he ended up liking too.

Sneha worked on his cock for close to an hour, milking him, making his cock dry. 

Rahul sprayed his cum all over her breasts, and now it was his turn to return the favor. Sneha climbed on the bed and lay down with her legs spread. 

Rahul gathered himself and quickly went down between her legs. 

He knelt between her legs to appraise the beautiful sight on offer. Sneha had spread her cunt open. She had a dark complexion, yet her cunt was bright pink. 

It already looked moist and was glistening in her juices. A strong odor of her cunt filled up Rahul’s nose and drove him mad. 

Rahul slowly spread her labia more, opening her vagina even more. It was beautiful, pink, sloppy, mound of flesh, as if alive and breathing. 

Rahul went down, positioning himself carefully so that he can indulge himself in her cunt. He took his head closer and sniffed at her cunt for her wild odor. 

The smell was driving him equally crazy and he couldn’t stop himself any more. 

Sneha moaned out as his tongue made first contact. Rahul started teasing her by licking her clitoris and the clitoral hood. He kept her labia spread yet moved his tongue around her clitoris only. 

Sneha was growing crazier, she turned her palms in a tight fist and bit on her own lips, trying to absorb the crazy pleasure he was giving her. But she was unable to control herself as Rahul continued teasing at her genitals. ͞

Ohhhhhhh…you are so wonderful͟ Sneha remarked about Rahul. He blushed a little but continued licking around her cunt. 

By then he had started rubbing his fingers on her labia too, and that made Sneha moan out louder. She had started making grunting noise. 
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What a shock what a compilations fakes great work dude
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(13-11-2020, 03:54 PM)PANNIRUVAEL KHAI Wrote: What a shock what a compilations fakes great work  dude

this is a old story.......... fakes are from online........... i am just posting.........

[+] 1 user Likes jeetyin's post
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͞Please… no more…please I cannot take it anymore Sneha started shouting as she neared an orgasm. Rahul stopped for a moment to check what she was upto. But she quickly gestured him to continue. So he buried his face back in her cunt and continued. 

Sneha was too close to an orgasm to stop him or change to something else. Borah was away for quite some days, and she was missing a male touch. 

But with Rahul, she didn’t have to miss it for long, and was now very close to a fulfilling orgasm. 

Her entire body was shaking as Rahul drew her closer to the climax. A chill ran down her entire body as she sensed the oncoming of her juices. She clutched on to the bed sheets as Rahul continued licking and fingering on her cunt. ͞

Mmmmmmmmppppppppppppppppppp͟ she shouted as her juices started running out of her cunt. Rahul realized this but continued licking to get taste of her juices. And soon he had enough to dip his tongue into. 

[Image: 111.jpg]

It was an enormous and an exhausting orgasm. Rahul continued fingering her and she continued coming for few minutes. And then at the end Sneha collapsed with all her energy drained out. 

She kept lying on the bed while Rahul kissed on her cunt one final time before lying down beside her. ͞

Don’t you want me to fuck you?͟ Rahul asked her.Sneha had her eyes closed, but she smiled at his question.She turned and looked at him and both of them started kissing each other. 

Sneha hugged her tightly and started sucking his lips. Rahul too hugged her back and sucked and bit on her lips. 

Soon there tongue started playing with each other and both the naked bodies mingled again. 

Whilst Sneha was getting all toasty with Rahul, her younger daughter, Rakul preet singh was about to fulfill her dreams of being a model. 

She had been away from the town, to an unknown resort. 

She has given herself away to some strangers who had promised her to offer a modeling assignment. 

Gupta and Shah had used her for the entire night. She was made to suck, fuck and do whatever they wished for the entire night. 

Finally exhausted they had slept the rest of the night off, like that – naked and on top of each other. 

She had woke up naked and between the three strangers. Both the guys were still asleep while she woke up and washed herself.  

Nithya menon, the other girl, too had woken up and got cleaned. And by the time the guys woke up she left for some urgent work, leaving Rakul preet singh alone with them. 

There was still some time left before Rakul preet singh was to leave, and so they decided to spend some time at the swimming pool. 

Rakul preet singh didn’t carry any swim suit with her, so they had to lend one from the resort officials. And after breakfast, three of them headed for the swimming pool. 

There was no one else in the pool at that time and the area was not very crowded too. And three of them started having fun. 

Gupta and Shah cornered Rakul preet singh to a side and they kept poking at her for fun. 

Rakul preet singh was naked beneath the swim suit and they took advantage of it. 

While she was cornered and surrounded, Gupta started rubbing his palm on her crotch. He removed the cloth slightly and managed to touch her bare cunt. 

Rakul preet singh wriggled under water as they started rubbing her cunt and breasts. While Gupta rubbed at her cunt, Shah started pressing her breasts gently. 

Not very far away, on the opposite side of the pool, a gang of young men were enjoying the scene secretly. 

Five young men were glued at the window of their pool view room, from where they were able to see what was going on at the pool. ͞

Hey look, the bitch is enjoying͟ remarked one.

͞Looks like she is going to cum͟ commented another. ͞

Come on Borah, you would not want to miss it͟ yelled another to another guy. 

Borah had just come out of the toilet and was curious to see all his colleagues glued to the window like that. They had been staying in that resort for the past one week for the ongoing seminar cum team building exercise. 

But never in dreams had they thought of being able to witness something like that. ͞

She is one real slut͟ remarked one of them as Borah too joined them. At first he was amused to see the girl between the two men like that. And it didn’t took him long to realize what was going on. 

By then, Rakul preet singh was sandwiched between the two. Shah was behind her. 


He had his hands slipped in her swim suit and fondling her breasts. And Gupta was rubbing her bare pussy quite vigorously. Rakul preet singh was finding it hard to control her moans. She had already come once and was struggling hard, not to moan loudly. 

Borah looked curiously at them, initially in amusement but slowly it turned into utter surprise as he gradually recognized the girl in the middle. 

He looked on wide eyed as Rakul preet singh continued to be rubbed and fondled between the two men. They two were slowly getting aroused and wanted to get away to somewhere, where they can fuck her hard. 

Borah quickly slipped out of the room unnoticed, while his colleagues were still enjoying the scene. However soon, they too came out of the pool and disappeared in the nearby lane. 

A big sigh ran across the room and they returned back to their normal chores or discussing about the slut they had just seen. 

Borah ran across the corridor, conscious of not been seeing. He had been following Rakul preet singh and the 2 men secretly. They left the pool and headed back for their room, followed by Borah. Soon they reached their cottage and went inside. 

Borah stood in hiding for some time and then decided to investigate further. He went around the cottage and spotted a window at the back end of the room. 

He quickly sneaked near the window and fortunately found it uncovered. Though the panes were closed, yet he could see inside through them. He had a clear unobstructed view of the bedroom. 

Rakul preet singh was standing in the middle. She was in the bathrobe which she had changed into before their short trip back to the room. 

Borah looked on as Rakul preet singh slowly untied the knots of the robe and let it fall off. 

She was completely naked beneath it and stood like that, nude, between the two men. 

Shah and Gupta already had a hard on, and they decided not to waste anymore time. 

Borah was shocked to see Rakul preet singh like that, amidst two middle aged strangers. He had followed them since to find out more. Horny, they had went straight back to their cottage, unaware of being followed by Borah. 

Back near the cottage, Borah had to go around the cottage to find a suitable spot to peep inside. He had to struggle through some dense bushes, but he reached a spot with unobtrusive view. It was a window adjacent to the bedroom, and he peeped inside, and got a clear view. 

Rakul preet singh was naked by then, and she stood between Mr. Gupta and Mr. Shah. Both had a hard on, and both were naked, by then, too. They were looking intently at her as she stood in her glorious birthday suit. 

[Image: RakulPreetSinghtoplessnudeboobsinhotpanties.jpg][Image: RakulPreetSinghstrippingherunderwearands...epussy.jpg][Image: Rakul-preet-singh-Nude-sex-xxx-photo.jpg]

Her body, still wet from the pool, glistened, and her breasts looked so inviting to get a handful of.She walked up to Shah and pushed him on the couch. 

He sat back lamely, allowing her to do anything with him. Rakul preet singh then knelt in front of him and took his cock in her hand. 

She looked at his eyes and started stroking his cock. Shah had a satisfying grin on his face as he looked down at Rakul preet singh. He took a deep breath and slowly started feeling the pleasure of being stroked by a pair of soft palms. 

Rakul preet singh kept stroking at his already hard cock, making it more stout and throbbing. Shah leant back at the couch, extending his cock more at her, and relaxing while Rakul preet singh took good care of it. 

He closed his eyes and started moaning as Rakul preet singh slowly started fondling his balls as well. She had by then settled nicely between his thighs and had made his cock nicely stout. 

It was oozing and aching for her wet tongue. She didn’t waste any more time and bent forward and started kissing at it. 

She kissed the top of the cock and then at its body and started licking at its sides with her tongue. 

Shah responded in moans, and she too started feeling movement between her legs. And so she took it completely in her mouth and started sucking it nicely. ͞Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh͟ Shah moaned as he felt his cock being devoured in her warm and wet mouth, wrapped in her soft and slimy tongue. 

Gupta, in the meantime, was getting impatient. He didn’t want to stay behind and so he came behind Rakul preet singh. She was busy sucking Shah’s cock, yet didn’t mind when Gupta asked her to raise her ass. He wanted to fuck her from the behind while her mouth was busy at his partner’s cock. 

Rakul preet singh was already at her knees, so she easily raised her ass and positioned herself like a bitch, ready to be fucked from both sides. She balanced herself well so that she can pay attention to both the cocks. And Gupta too positioned himself behind her, ready to enter her from the rear.

Borah watched on wide-eyed. He could not believe that it’s the same girl who had thrown up at him. He remembered that evening at the park when she had run away, leaving his desires unfulfilled. Ever since he had dreamt of being square with her, he was already having a discrete affair with her mother yet longed for the day when he will have her pretty cunt on his cock. 

Meanwhile, it was already steaming inside. Shah held on to the couch, moaning and wriggling as Rakul preet singh kept on pushing him towards the edge. Rakul preet singh too was not very comfortable. She was constantly kept at the edge by the wild thrusts coming from behind. She had positioned herself nicely so that her face and cunt both were at usable height for the 2 men.

[Image: Rakul-Preet-Singh-leaked-naked.jpg?resiz...1000&ssl=1]

Gupta had first kissed her white round ass before kneeling behind her bent body. Her ass was at a nice height and invitingly offered up to him. 

He had touched her ass cheeks and spread them to expose her juicy cunt. It was aching to feel his throbbing cock. So he didn’t waste further time and had pushed his cock all the way inside her already wet cunt. 

Rakul preet singh had wriggled at the sudden pain, but she kept her composure and continued sucking Shah’s cock while Gupta ploughed her cunt from behind. She started moaning with the cock in her mouth and was slowly turning mad from the churning she was getting. 

Yet she continued giving, Shah, the pleasure of her soft tongue and warm mouth. And he too appreciated with moans and signs. Gradually all the three were reaching towards their climax. 

Shah held her head tightly and started thrusting his cock on his own now. So did Gupta to her cunt from behind. 

Rakul preet singh became a sandwich in between, being fucked at her mouth and cunt. Both held her tightly and banged her from both sides. 

She stood still like a bitch and took all of it. She was growing wet rapidly and quickly came close to her first orgasm. She was moaning and wriggling crazily yet the two continued at the same pace and posture.

[Image: rakul-preet-singh-nude-xxx-2.jpg]

mmmmmm…..uuuurrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh…..uhhhhmmmmmm she continued making crazy noise as her mouth and cunt both were filled with cock. And both penetrated long inside her. Shah had her deep throated and kept on banging his cock all the way inside her mouth. 

While Gupta reached up till her womb and continued fucking her hard. 

Rakul preet singh felt the two cocks tearing her apart from inside, while her entire body was behaving like a slut – burning and itching in pleasure. 

Her entire body shook and trembled as she was on the verge of giving up. And yet when they continued at the same vigor, she couldn’t control any further and exploded in a heavy orgasm. 

Her pussy flooded from inside and she let out a loud noise. Gupta felt his cock become more wet and drenched in her pussy juice which was now flowing out uncontrollably. 

Shah too had reached his climax and held her head tightly and was stroking less but harder for a fulfilling orgasm. 

And while Gupta continued, Shah took his cock out suddenly and just in time to spray his load on her face. 

[Image: Rakul10_3_4.jpg]
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Rakul preet singh closed her eyes as his cum shot across her face. Shah released her head and collapsed back at the couch, exhausted and breathing heavily. 

Rakul preet singh however stayed in position, with the cum still on her face, while Gupta continued at her dripping cum. He too was near the end and that was evident from his moans. 

He had gritted his teeth and was thrusting at her cunt madly, accompanied with crazy grunts of pleasure. ͞

Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh͟ He continued in a rhythm as he climbed the ladder of ecstasy. Rakul preet singh stayed still like a bitch, allowing him to continue and fill her up from behind, as his partner did to his face. 

Gupta dug his nails on her body, and held her tightly as he came close to his climax. 

Rakul preet singh too buried his face on the couch, readying herself for the ultimate. 

Gupta slowed down in pace but started stroking harder. He held her tightly and started moaning louder.

 ͞ahhhh…ahhhhhh…ahhhhhhh…aaaoooofffffffffff͟ he moaned and Rakul preet singh too with him. She had held her in position ready for it. 

[Image: Rakul4_3_5.jpg]

And suddenly she felt herself filled from inside with the thick hot juice of her lover. 

She couldn’t resist but moaned out like the slut she had become. Gupta too, spent up, moaned loudly and settled down. 

All the three were very exhausted. Their faces beamed red in exhaustion. Yet they had a satisfying grin on their face. The two men sat on the couch, still naked but wasted. 

Rakul preet singh lied on the floor. She had her eyes closed but a smile on her face. She too was still naked and hadn’t cleaned herself yet. 

Borah chuckled as he imagined Rakul preet singh’s face when he would show her the lovely snaps he had taken. But he too was completely taken aback from what he had seen. 

He was aching to touch his cock and relieve himself. All that steaming action had made him hard and wanting to lend it to the girl inside. 

He carefully looked around and then sneaked back out and headed for his room and then the bathroom with heavy wanton to touch himself. 

Rakul preet singh and her lovers, unaware of being watched, finally got up. They too headed for the bathroom, together, to clean each other up. And once again they held the girl under the shower and love bloomed one final time before they said good bye to each other. 

Far away from all this, the Chatterjees were waiting at the airport. Samantha had not taken Kajal’s threat lightly. 

She was shocked that her little secret was out, and she didn’t want her husband to get a smell of it any way. So she had decided to get away from all that, Mr. Amar, and his gym, for some time and then return when things have calmed down. 

She was also disturbed about her illicit affair with Mr. Amar, after Gautam’s return. And was almost caught the previous day when Mr. Amar had her cornered in one of the vacant room. They had a steaming sex, but yet that had left her disturbed. 

It didn’t take much to convince Gautam. After all she hadn’t seen her mother for a few months and wanted to visit her mother’s home for a few weeks. It would be nice for the baby too. Gautam had no other choice but to agree, but he wanted to drop them home himself. 

Back in the flight, Samantha was deeply in thought of the last few days. In thought of Mr. Amar, the wonderful time she had spent with her. The cheap thrill which they had the previous day, and it seemed impossible for her of not thinking about him. It made her so hot and wet instantly. 

Gautam too was in deep thought, lost in sweet memories from his last trip to his in laws. He had not wanted to accompany them so far away without any reason. And the reason was Tamanna, Samantha’s younger sister.

[Image: 5abb78764c4f105d622871293829ec0e.jpg]

Tamanna was Two years younger than Samantha, and had just started going to college. But she was equally beautiful and hot like her elder sister. 

Actually at some aspects, she was much better than her sister, or so Gautam thought. 

He closed his eyes and remembered the sweet accident that had happened in his last trip. 

Samantha was pregnant then and she wanted her first baby to born at her mother’s place. 

So he too had no other choice but to shift to his in laws during the final weeks. And the incident occurred when Samantha was admitted, expecting the baby any time. 
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Awesome bro keep going
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(13-11-2020, 09:17 PM)killlervishnu Wrote: Awesome bro keep going

i will keep updating..........
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