Misc. Erotica Shop Floor Fun (Collected)
I always felt a strange kind of kinship with Kajal. Both of us were women in the heavily male-dominated world of machine tools. I was the only woman in the dozen-strong sales team of a small machine tool manufacturing firm, the archetypal "small and medium business". Kajal was the only female among the half or dozen or so interns we had hired from a local engineering college for the summer. In our field, women were either derided, undermined or treated with kid gloves. Through years of hard work, I had earned my spurs and was now treated as an equal. And Kajal too had been outperforming the male interns and had impressed everyone with her knowledge of our products, our manufacturing process, and our clients.

So within 3 weeks, she and I had built up a very good rapport that others in the firm had also noticed. They called us "Double K" for Kajal and Kanika. Although we were separated by almost a decade (Kajal was 21 and my 30th birthday was just a few months away), there never seemed to be a generation gap. We shared a lot of common interests, and most importantly, our temperaments were very similar. There was one small difference though. Being a hardcore saleswoman myself, I was hoping to steer Kajal towards sales too. But she seemed more interested in the manufacturing process. After the initial introductory 2-day stints in manufacturing, product development and sales, while all other interns had chosen one of the last two to work in, Kajal had been the only one to opt for manufacturing. Which meant she would spend most of her internship on the shop-floor in the basement of the building.

So Kajal and I got to meet and talk only during lunch, coffee breaks, and in the mornings when she would spend a couple of hours doing the the SAP-related work on the computer before heading down to the shop floor. But even in those few hours, we bonded a lot. I told her about my marriage to my engineering college classmate, Rohan, who now worked in software. How we had chosen not to have any kids, not because of career-related reasons, but just because neither of us wanted any. She told me about how she had recently broken up with one of her classmates, because he had been insecure of her "non-feminity", which was ridiculous, because Kajal was an extremely pretty girl. She was of average height for an Indian woman, about 5 ft 3, had a very pretty face, a fair or even milky-white flawless complexion, waist-long hair, was slim and although she was not very buxom, whenever she wore jeans, it was obvious she had some great curves.

And although we were both alike in many ways, appearance-wise I was almost her opposite. I have a pretty face too (even if I do say so myself), but I have dusky skin, shoulder-length hair, am tall at 5 ft 9, and while I work out to make sure here is no flab, I am not quite petite, and have rather inconveniently large 36D breasts. The big boobs attracted a lot of welcome and unwelcome attention when I was growing up, but I thought I had now reached the stage in my life when, apart from a few furtive "checking out" looks by men, they had stopped being an issue.

Anyway, one day I had stayed behind a little longer at work than usual, catching up on some paperwork. It was almost 8 pm when I got done for the day. When I finished with everything and got up to leave, I noticed there was absolutely no one in the office. This happened frequently enough, so I switched off all the lights, locked the front door with my copy of the key and went to the parking lot. In the parking lot, I noticed there were only two vehicles left. My car, and Kajal's scooter. Seeing her scooter there puzzled me. Ours was a small manufacturing operation that had only one shift, which ended at 5 p.m. Kajal usually spent the second part of her day on the shop-floor and left directly from there. There was really no reason why her scooter should still be around. Unless she got a ride from someone and decided to leave it there.

I decided to just double check and make sure nothing was wrong. I took my cellphone out of the purse and called Kajal's number. It rang for about a minute, and then I heard the standard message "The person you are calling is not answering their phone." I decided to call once more. Same result. I called again, and this time, the message came on after just 3 rings, as if someone had opted to ignore the call. This got me really worried. Fearing the worst, I decided to check the shop floor in the basement. I went down the stairs, and saw that the shopfloor was fully lit, but completely deserted. It's a small shop-floor really. We have about two dozen lathes and other kinds of machines, but only 10 workers. And none of them was around.

That got me even more worried. If she was not here, and her scooter was still there, and she was not answering her phone, where was she? As I started to walk back towards the stairs to go up, I dialed her number again. As soon as the phone started ringing, my ears picked up something. There it was....very faint but still audible, the "O Fortuna" ringtone that Kajal's phone had. The phone was around here somewhere. Kajal was around too. I was about to yell out her name, when something inside my head stopped me. Maybe it was the ominous paranoid sentiment that O Fortuna always tends to invoke. I had no idea what situation she was in. Maybe she was being held captive by someone against her will. Maybe she was being bangd. If so, I could not make my presence known. If someone was indeed holding Kajal captive, they would get me too.

The rings stopped and so did the ringtone. I started thinking about whether to call the security officer or my husband, when I heard, again faint but audible, "hehehehehe"... clearly Kajal's laughter. I followed the voice. It was coming from the back of the shop-floor. And I remembered, that was the changing room for the shop-floor employees, where all the guys changed in and out of their overalls. Taking very small steps I walked towards it. Just to make sure, I called her number again. O Fortuna rang out again, and sure enough, it was coming from the changing room. The door was almost shut, but not completely. There was a window that was closed, but it had small glass squares that one could look in from.

Almost on my tiptoes, I went to the window. The ringtone was still audible. I thought of walking in the door, but decided to look from the window first. So I crept up to the window, and peeked inside. The sight I saw almost made me cry out in shock.

Kajal was sitting on a mat on the floor, with a beer bottle in her hand. Now normally, that itself might have been shocking. Alcohol is not allowed on the premises, and especially on the shopfloor. But it got worse. Kajal was topless, sitting there only in her jeans. And standing next to her was Heera, one of the shop-floor workers, his erect cock right next to her face. Kajal had a smile on her face and was looking at someone in another corner of the room. Finally. I heard her say,

"Yousuf, why don't you just give me the phone and I'll turn the sound off."

"No way. I like this music. I hope people keep calling." Yusuf, another worker who I could not see from my vantage point, replied. As soon as he replied, the ringing stopped. "Oh, damn. It stopped."

"Haha, you idiot. No one needs to call for you to listen to that music. Here, bring it to me and I'll play it for...mmmppfffffmmmm"

She could not complete her sentence. Because Heera, probably running out of patience, grabbed her hair and stuffed his dick into her mouth.

"Enough of this phone nonsense. Get back to what you were doing." he laughed and said.

Kajal, very obviously quite voluntarily and even enthusiastically, started sucking his dick. I watched dumbfounded as she put the beer bottle on the floor and with her hand, started playing with his balls even as she kept sucking.

"Was it her again?" Heera asked, looking at Yousuf. To my surprise, a different voice answered.

"Yes, the same bitch - Kanika. Is she in love with you or something, Kajal? How many times is she gonna call?" I guessed this to be the voice of Babu, the oldest of the shop-floor workers, easily in his 50s. He was there too? This really took me by surprise. I mean, sure, I was surprised to see Kajal here having sex with Heera and, possibly Yousuf. But I gotta say, both those men, in their mid-20s were not at all bad looking. But Babu? He was old enough to be Kajal's father. And not much to look at.

"HAHA, maybe she is. She could be a lesbian, you know?" Yousuf said with a cackle.

What happened next kinda made me happy in a vain way. Kajal took Heera's cock out of her mouth and defending me said,

"Shut up, you assholes. Don't talk trash about her. She is my friend. And she is not a lesbian. She is married."

"Yeah, sure, married for as long as she has been here. And yet no kids. What does that tell you?" Babu said. "It's unnatural. Either her husband is impotent, or then she is a lesbian."

"Shut up, Babu!" Kajal said "She and her husband have chosen not to have kids. A sentiment you will never understand, with your brood of 10 kids."

"Yeah, right! Chosen not to have kids. No one does that." A new fourth voice, which I recognized to be of the new guy whose name I did not know, joined in. God, I wondered, how many men were in the room? Was Kajal going to suck them all? The new guy continued, "But you know, Yousuf, Babu, I don't think she is lesbian. Hell, it would be a shame if she were, with those huuuuge tits. Man, have you guys ever noticed her rack?"

All the voices murmured assent and/or appreciation.

"Great point, Jaggu" Babu said... ah yes, new guy's name was Jaggu. "Man those tits.... how I'd love to grab them, bite them, and slide my dick between them. There's nothing that turns me on more than big boobs."

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"Really?" Kajal said very pointedly.

"Sweetheart! Come on! You know what I mean!" Babu said. I saw him come into view as he walked towards her and sat down next to her. Grabbing her smallish tits, my guess is B-cup, he said, "Size isn't everything. Your tits are perfectly shaped, tight and so yummy. I am sure Kanika's boobs sag all the way down to her knees."

They most certainly do not, I felt like yelling. I am proud of the fact that my boobs are big and yet very tight and firm. There is no sag in them. But one thing was for sure. This whole discussion centering around me was having a mild effect on me. I was curious to see what they would say next. Babu playing with her tits made Kajal laugh, and she gave him a peck on his lips. Heera, meanwhile cleared his throat very impatiently, and Kajal took his dick back in her mouth.

"You know, Kajal." Jaggu said, "That Kanika sure is one hot bitch. And have you seen how she is snapping at everyone? I am sure she doesn't get any sex from her husband and is frustrated. You should do her a favor, and bring her to us. We'll fuck her frustration away."

Kajal was about to take Heera's dick out and say something, but Heera had clearly grown wiser by now. Grabbing her hair he held her head in place, not allowing her to take his dick out. Kajal made some muffled humming sounds as if to speak, but realizing that Heera had no intention of letting go, fell silent.

"Another thing is... that Kanika is a big girl isn't she? Not fat... I don't think she is fat... just nicely built, like some of the farmgirls back home in our village. Like..... Hema Malini!" Yousuf added his take. That compliment comparing me to the Bollywood legend made me smile. I was always concerned that my big frame made some people think of me as fat, and was glad to know these men didn't think so.

"Oh yes, really hot. You know what I'd like to do?" Jaggu said. "I'd like to make her get on her hands and knees, in front of a mirror. Then spank that amazing ass. Ever seen how great her ass looks when she wears trousers or jeans? Round and perfectly curved. I'd spank her ass, like I spanked Kajal's last time, for a good five minutes or so." Last time? So she had slept with these men before? "Then I'd fuck her hard, doggy style. Ramming really hard, and watch in the mirror as her huge tits swing back and forth, back and forth."

There were murmurs and moans of approval. What Jaggu said, and the animalistic way in which he said it, really turned me on too. Truth be told, things had been a little quiet in the bedroom between me and Rohan. He had been having erectile dysfunction issues. And whenever I hinted at visiting a doctor and getting some medication, he would act very offended and say there was nothing wrong, he was just tired and stressed. This had been going on for almost a year now. We had "proper" sex maybe only once a month when his erection lasted long enough. The other times, when he lost it midways, he would be considerate and go down on me, but it wasn't as satisfying. Watching this incredible scene unfold in front of me, and listening to Jaggu describe his fantasies about me in detail had turned me on.

It also seemed to have spurred the others on into some sort of a narration contest, because Yousuf said,

"You know what I'd do? I'd take Kanika up to the office late one night. Make her lie down on her own glass-covered table, her head hanging over the edge, and then fuck her. Grabbing her tits, biting them, pinching her nipples. Then I'd turn her over, and maker her lie face down on the table, so the glass surface squishes her huge tits. And then fuck her from behind. And then finally, take it out just before cumming, make her bend down, and spray it all over her face. Like I sprayed it all over Kajal's face last time. My white jizz on Kanika's dusky face will just look awesome. Then I'd make her lick my dick clean."

Oh my god. This was even hotter. I had often fantasized about being fucked on my table. But it had always been Rohan in those fantasies. Once, I even suggested to him that since I had keys, we should go to the office late at night, and do it. But Rohan had never been one to take too many risks. Said, what if we got caught. It would destroy us forever.

I closed my eyes, and imagined tall, lean and handsome Yousuf fucking me as the glass surface of the table squished my boobs. And that is when I crossed a line. Making sure I wasn't breathing too heavily, I quietly unbuttoned my trousers, and slipped my hand down my panties to my clit. Yousuf's fantasy clearly had an effect on the others too. Especially Kajal. She took Heera's dick out of her mouth, grabbed Babu by the collar, pulled him towards her and said in a throaty voice,

"Fuck me, Babu. Strip me naked and fuck me RIGHT NOW!!!"

Babu did not hesitate. In ten seconds, he had her jeans off, followed by her panties. He took off his own clothes in a jiffy, got fully naked, got down on his knees and rammed his surprisingly long cock into Kajal's hungry pussy. It looked about 10 inches long.

"MMHMMfFPPMMHHH" Kajal moaned, as Babu started fucking her slow and hard. I was impressed at Babu's technique. I would have expected an ugly old man like him to just buck Kajal like a goat and shoot his wad. But Babu was clearly savoring every stroke. Kajal now lay down on the ground, and Heera kneeled down to keep feeding her his cock. Yousuf and Jaggu too got up, got naked and started playing with Kajal's body.

"You know what I would like to do?" Babu said in a surprisingly level voice even as he kept fucking Kajal, "I would get Kanika naked, make her lie down right here on her back. Then I would get a naked Kajal to lie down on top of her, facing upwards. You know, stack them on top of each other. Their pussies one above the other. Then, just like I am fucking Kajal right now, fuck them one by one. Ten strokes for Kanika, then I take my dick out, move it a couple of inches higher, and ten strokes for Kajal, then again ten strokes for Kanika..."

"Fuck man, that'd be hot..." Heera said, his voice high pitched as if he was nearing his orgasm.

"..wait, I am not done yet. After about ten minutes like that, I'd turn them around. Make Kanika get on her knees, and show me her nice big ass, and then make Kajal climb on top of her, facing down. Making it a stack of asses. Then fuck them doggy style again, 10 strokes at a time..."

"Ohhh...Mannnnnnn" Heera exclaimed and grabbed hold of Kajal's head and jerked his hips, clearly shooting her seed into her mouth. As Heera moved away, I saw no sign of the cum on her face or mouth. She had obviously swallowed the whole load very nonchalantly.

"...and while I fuck them one by one, both Kajal and Kanika will have one dick each of you guys in their mouths.... just picture the scene guys...."

"OHHHHH.....HMMHMMMMMMM" Kanika started wailing, as her first orgasm hit her. She groaned some more, thrashed around for about 30 seconds and then finally calmed down as the orgasm subsided. Babu's long cock reaching the insides of her cunt, combined with his erotic narration had pushed her over the line.

And it pushed me over the line too. My fingers had been working overtime all this while, and watching Kajal thrash about made me orgasm too. With great effort, I stayed silent as the orgasm rippled through me. For a while, I seriously considered going inside and joining the orgy. But the implications of that seemed too much to face.

So I quickly buttoned up my trousers, and even as I kept hearing the groans and moans and slurps and the noises of skin slapping against skin from inside the room, I decided to leave. Turned around, quickly, but with soft steps, retreated towards the stairs, up the stairs and got in my car.
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Throughout my ride home, I kept replaying in my head the scenes I had seen. I was so distracted, it's a miracle I did not get into an accident. When I got home, as soon as I was in the door, I almost jumped on Rohan and started kissing him. I needed to be fucked and I needed to be fucked right then and there.

"Fuck me, Rohan. Fuck right now. Right here on the living room floor." I said in his ear as I reached down to unbutton his pants. He seemed taken aback and even tentative. I unbutton his pants, and pulled his flaccid cock out, and felt a little disappointed. I thought my horniness must have turned him on by now. Oh well, I thought and took off all my clothes and got naked. I got on my knees in front of him naked right there in the living room and started sucking on his cock, trying to cajole some life into it.

Five minutes later we were both sitting quietly on the couch. Despite everything I had tried with my mouth, Rohan's cock had refused to respond. My disappointment, which I usually kept hidden in such situations, was very obvious on my face. Rohan, perhaps noticing that, said,

"Sorry honey... it's just...been a long day... and I felt too much pressure in the situation... the way you jumped on me... it just wasn't like you."

"It's OK." I curtly said. Got up, changed into some home clothes and went into the kitchen -----------

Rohan and I finished our dinner with very little conversation. In an hour or so, both of us were in bed. He was asleep within minutes, but I stayed awake, tossing and turning, thinking about what I had seen. At about midnight, I got a text message from Kajal - "Sorry K, was in movie n ph was silent. talk tya tomm". That made me wonder.... had she been with those guys all this while? Had they been banging her for almost 4 hours?

The next day at work with Kajal, I tried hard to act as if nothing had happened, and I think I succeeded. She was her usual talkative and vivacious self. We talked during the morning, had lunch together, and then talked some more in the coffee break. I thought of bringing up the subject of the shop floor guys indirectly, thinking maybe she'd take me into confidence.

"So how are the shop floor guys treating you? Are they polite?" I asked.

"Oh yes, they are total sweethearts. Very nice guys. There were a couple of them that I had some major disagreements and arguments with, but it all got" she paused and smiled mysteriously, "well, sorted out."

"Really? Who all did you have problems with?" I asked.

"Well, you know Babu, the old guy? He is like the alpha male down there. Even the floor supervisor is scared of him. And he has two minions, Heera and Yousuf. The three of them are like the unofficial leaders of the shop floor. And this new guy Jaggu also hangs around them all the time."

"I did not know that."

"Yeah. So the 4 of them had a lot of trouble taking instructions or criticism from a young woman like me. That led to a lot of shouting matches."

"What happened next?"

"Well...." Kajal took a long pause, as if deciding how much she could share with me. "It just all worked out in a few days. I won't bore you with the details. Now we get along fine."

And then she changed the subject. I was very curious to know the turn of events that had led to an acrimonious relationship turning into one so close that she was now having sex with all of them. I thought about mentioning that I had seen her with them last night. But decided against it.

Four days later, I stayed back in the office till 6 pm to finish with some paperwork. Only a couple of other salesmen were in the office when I finally got done and decided to leave. As I approached my car, I noticed someone approaching me from the corner of my eye. I turned to see Babu and Jaggu standing there.

"Kanika ji, I wonder if you could do us a favor. Could you give us a ride?"

I stood there, staring at them both. I had never really talked to Babu at length, except for a couple of times when I had to personally explain some manufacturing specifications to him. And I had never talked to Jaggu at all. I just stood there speechless, wondering what to say or do.

"Please? Just a ride to the bus station. We promise we won't bite. Hahaha." Babu laughed.

"Yeah sure, of course. No problem." I said, not wanting to seem rude or snobbish. The bus station was just a couple of kilometres away anyway.

Babu got in the front seat next to me and Jaggu was sitting in the back. All this while, Jaggu had a very strange, even creepy grin on his face, something that should have tipped me off. I took the car out to the street and had been driving for barely a minute when Babu said,

"So....did you like what you saw? You certainly seemed to have enjoyed it."

I jerked my neck and looked at him in horror, and almost banged into another car in front of me. I noticed it at the last minute, swerved, heard the driver honk in annoyance, and regained control.

"Now, now. Keep your eyes on the road. No need to get us all killed." Babu said with a smile on his face.

"I... I have no idea what you are talking about." I said, keeping my eyes on the road and avoiding his gaze.

"Really? You mean to say you were not down in the shop-floor a few days back, hours after works, peeking into the changing room and....well.... playing with yourself?" Babu continued.

"What nonsense!!" I pulled the car to the side of the road and hit the brakes hard. I then turned to look at both of them and yelled "Get out of the car, you idiots!!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Such a temper! Okay, listen...." Babu said, taken aback.

"I said GET OUT!!!!" I yelled again "Or I start shouting for help" the road was pretty busy and I even saw a security officerman a block away.

"Okay, just listen to what I have to say for one minute. After that if you still want us to get out, we will. Deal?"

I stayed silent, breathing heavily, my eyes spitting fire.

"Good. So a few days back, we were working on a new machine tool prototype. The supervisor wanted to make the manufacturing process more efficient. So he decided to set up a camera."

As soon as Babu said "camera", my heart sank and my shoulders visibly drooped. Babu noticed it and laughed.

"Haha, you know where I am going with this, don't you? But let me continue. Jaggu here knows a fair bit about computers. So with Jaggu's help, the supervisor set up a camera, attached to a computer, and set it facing the machines we were working on, towards the back of the floor, near the changing room. But the supervisor got an important call from home and had to leave early that day, and he forgot to turn off the camera before he left. So it kept running and recording everything, even after the shift ended."

Yes, this was going exactly where I feared.

"Now on that day, we were, well, you know what we were doing. Periodically, some of us would obviously have to go to the bathroom, and since there was no one around but us, we didn't take the trouble of putting on clothes before leaving the changing room and going to the bathroom."

Then Jaggu started talking,

"That night as I was about to go to bed, I remembered the camera. Could it have recorded us walking around naked, I worried. It did not have a film which would run out. It was connected to one of those SAP-enabled computers with a lot of hard drive space. So I panicked, went to Babu's house at the break of dawn, explained the situation to him. He has keys to the main entrance, so we went to the shop floor right away, a good couple of hours before anyone else got there."

"That's enough. Just stop." I interrupted him.

"No no, listen to the whole thing. So we got there, and found out the camera had been recording everything and had created a pretty hefty media file. I was about to delete the file at once, when, well, Babu here, horny old goat that he is, said... what did you say, Babu?"

"Haha, I said, let's see if there is a recording of Kajal running to the bathroom naked, all covered in our cum. That would be a fun souvenir to have."

"So I started scanning through the file to find that when what do I see? Kanika ji, standing outside the window, peeking in. After a while, Kanika ji unbuttoning her trousers and masturbating. And then Kanika ji having a very obvious orgasm. Obviously, we had to save that. So I clipped that portion and put it in a hidden folder. Would you like to see it? Would you like to see how you look when you are fingering yourself?"

Jaggu stopped talking and started laughing. Babu started laughing too. They kept laughing for about a minute or two, and then finally Babu said,

"So should we still get out of your car? We can get out, go to the shop-floor, take the clip and email it to the whole office. Should we go?"

I did not say anything. Grabbed the steering wheel hard, and kept blankly staring ahead.

"Just like I thought." Jaggu said and started laughing again.

"Anyway, enough of all this comedy." Babu said in a serious tone. "Now Kanika, I suppose you are smart enough to know what we want. So first call up your husband and tell him you will be going home much later. Tell him... oh I don't know... midnight?"

I meekly took out my cellphone and called up Rohan. Told him there was a lot of paperwork and some proposal that needed work, so I'd be late.

"Good, now you know the worker's quarters behind the factory? Take us there. We need to pick up Heera and Yousuf." Babu said.

"Please, Babu. Why do you need more people? Can't the three of us just..."

"Shut up! We are not selfish people. We share everything, be it food, or work, or even.... you. Now drive!"

Making a reluctant face, I started the car and driving. I had on an expression of resentment. But there was a part of me that was actually looking forward to what was about to happen. My sexual frustration had been mounting with each passing day, and although I would have liked more control over the situation in which I relieved that frustration, the end result was going to be the same. Kajal had clearly had a good time with these men. Kajal, I suddenly, remembered, and asked Babu,

"Does Kajal know about all this? Is she also going to be...."

"Wow, you are quite the slut, aren't you? You want her there too? We haven't told her about this yet, but if you want, we can call her. She is quite a horny slut herself. Will jump at the idea."

"No, no, please. I don't want her to be there."

"Okay, as you wish. But only for now. Eventually, I hope you understand, she will have to be brought into the loop too. I am sure that the other night you heard the plans we have for you two together."

I stayed silent and kept driving. Shortly, we reached the worker's quarters, and Heera and Yousuf were standing there. Both of them had folded bedsheets and mats in their hands.

"Open the car's trunk." Babu said to me, and I did as I was told. Heera and Yousuf put the stuff in the trunk of the car and joined Jaggu in the back seat. Both of them were smiling. I did not make eye contact with them.

"OK, where do we go next?" I asked, wondering if they were planning to go to the same location as the other night - the changing room.

"Wow! Enthusiastic slut, aren't you? Can't wait to get started? Good! I know married hotties like you can never get enough fucking. Don't worry, you'll get plenty of it tonight." Babu said with his creepy smile in place "Well, we are not going to the factory, if that's what you are wondering. Just start driving and I'll tell you the directions. First, get on the highway."

Twenty minutes later, I pulled up the car next to a very rundown looking shed about 1 km off the highway. It was about 20 feet by 40 feet, and looked like it used to house cattle. Half the roof was missing. The door was creaky and rusted. I turned the car off and opened the trunk. We all got out of the car. Yousuf and Heera took the mats and sheets out of the trunk and walked inside.

I surprised myself by following them inside without any prompting, and ahead of Babu and Jaggu. Heera went to a corner and flipped a switch and a small yellow 60W bulb came on.

"This is where Heera's family kept their cows when they were in the dairy business." Babu helpfully informed me. Yousuf laid out the mats and bedsheets all around and stood there.

I wondered about how calm and quiet the proceedings were. Later Babu told me that I had amazed them more than I had amazed myself by being so cooperative and almost willing. For a few seconds, everyone just stood there looking at each other. And finally Jaggu made the first move.

He lunged and grabbed me in a tight embrace. Jaggu was a stocky man and was also quite short. The top of his head was at the level of my chin. He then bent down and buried his face in my bosom. Heera made the next move and was on my right side. Reaching under Jaggu's hand, he pulled the "pallu" of my sari and started unravelling it.

Yousuf moved behind me and started unbuttoning my blouse, while simultaneously kissing my neck. That made me moan in delight. Rohan knew I was very sensitive in the neck region and always used to do that for a long time back when things between us were still passionate. After Yousuf finished unbuttoning my blouse, Jaggu helped me take it off completely.

Meanwhile, Heera had finished unraveling my sari completely. He rolled it into a bunch and threw it to the side. Then he undid the cord of my petticoat and took it off too.

"Look at that amazing ass. Just like I imagined it." Yousuf said from behind me, as he spanked me over my panties a couple of times. Jaggu had reached behind me and was struggling with unclasping my bra. Amused at his struggle for nearly 20 seconds, I smiled, reached behind my back with my left hand and unclasped it. Jaggu pulled of the bra and threw it away. And that brought my massive tits into full view of everyone.

Babu, who had been standing a couple of steps away until then, watching his proteges work on me, then swung into action. He joined Jaggu in fondling my boobs, and said,

"Oh god... look at how firm they are, inspite of being so huge. No sag at all!"

I smiled at the compliment. He bent down and started biting the left boob even as Jaggu was licking the right one.

"Hehe... you promised you wouldn't bite." I listened incredulously to my own voice joking in this situation. It was as if someone else had possessed me. Babu took a pause from biting my breast, looked at me quizzically for a few seconds, then realized what I was making a reference to and smiled.

"Well, by now you should know, we are not men to be trusted."

While Jaggu and Babu were busy at my chest, Yousuf and Heera together started stripping me off the last piece of fabric separating me and nakedness - my panties. As I stepped out of the panties and the petticoat bunched at my feet, I realized I was now completely nude, in the company of four men. Since I had gotten married seven years ago, I had not slept with anyone but Rohan. And suddenly I was going to have sex with four men.

The four men now changed positions while mauling my body. Heera moved behind me, go on his knees and started pinching and biting my ass cheeks. Jaggu moved from licking my boobs to licking my stomach, down to my mound. He just started licking there at random, without any attempt to find my clit. Babu now had sole access to both my boobs, and he started slapping them from the sides one by one, and pinching my nipples. Yousuf, the guy I found the most attractive, was also the only one of the four significantly taller than me. moved to my left, grabbed hold of my hair, turned my head to face him, and lowered his lips to mine. He kissed me really hard, and pushed his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues played with each other for a while, and he finally broke the kiss and looked at me.

He smiled at the look on my flushed face. If I had any minute particles of doubt or resistance left, Yousuf's passionate kiss cleared them all away. I was now fully into it, as enthusiastic as Kajal, if not more, and looking forward to getting fucked by all these men. With my left hand, I grabbed Yousuf's hair and pulled him closer for another kiss. Just as we were about to lock our lips in another kiss, I said,

"Ow, that hurts." This was intended for Heera who had just bitten my ass a little too hard. But Babu thought I was talking to him about his pinching my nipples and said,

"Get used to it, whore! In fact instead of complaining, you should put your mouth to better use." He unbuttoned his trousers, took them off and kicked them away, displaying a semi-erect cock. He then grabbed my hair and pulled me down, making me bend in my waist, until my face was in front of his cock. "Suck it, slut!"

I looked at his cock close-up for a couple of seconds. It was rapidly becoming erect. It really was big, easily ten inches, like I had surmised that night. I took the head of his cock into my mouth and started sucking on it. As I continued sucking it, I felt some licks on my boobs. In my bent state, my boobs were hanging, like two huge pendulous mangoes. Jaggu who was below me, shifted his attention from my crotch back to my boobs, and started licking and biting them, paying extra attention to my rock hard nipples. I was enjoying his playing with my nipples, and my now had almost half of Babu's cock in my mouth when the spanking started.

Heera and Yousuf were on either side of my ass, spanking one cheek each, in an almost synchronized manner. Their hands would land on my ass cheeks at the same time. The first few spanks were soft, almost as if they were loosening their arms. Then I heard Heera say,

"Ready? One...two..three..."

And a big loud SMACK sound was heard as they brought down their palms hard on my round ass cheeks. The double spank was so hard, that the impact made me move forward, resulting in a lot more of Babu's cock entering my mouth, and the head hitting the back of my throat. I had an instant gag reflex, and it made me straighten from the waist with a sudden jerk, making Babu's cock slip out. Another hard double spank followed almost at the same instance that I straightened, and it made me lose my footing and fall forward straight into Babu's arms.

All four of them started laughing at what happened, and I couldn't help break out into a giggle too. Babu then hugged me tight, his pot belly pushing against my flat stomach, and his chest mashing boobs. His chest was a hairy and flabby chest of an old man, and I noted for just a seconds, the weird sensation of my huge tits pressing against his man tits. For just a second, because I then noticed his by now rock hard cock pressing against my crotch. Babu was almost my height, maybe half an inch shorter. He bent his knees very slightly, making his cock straighten out in the gap between my legs just below my pussy. He moved it back and forth, rubbing against my pussy lips, and I reacted with a moan.

The other three, almost out of deference for their leader, kept their hands to themselves as Babu's own hands grabbed my ass cheeks and he moved the cock back and forth over my pussy lips. I raised my face, which until then had been buried in his shoulder, and looked at him. Our eyes met and he started kissing me. His kissing technique was nowhere as good as Yousuf's. He slobbered into and all over my mouth, and his tongue was darting around confused like a blind snake trying to find its prey. He continued his slobbering for about a minute, and then broke the kiss.

Babu then took a few steps back, held my shoulders and lowered us both down to the floor. He made me lie down on my back and as I looked up through the torn roof, I saw stars twinkling in the sky. I couldn't help but admire the view as I felt Babu grab my knees and open my legs. At the next instant, I felt as if the number of stars I was looking at suddenly doubled, as Babu rammed his cock into my wet and waiting pussy in one swift stroke. The sudden hard penetration had shaken my pussy, my insides, my whole body and even my head.

As I felt his crotch hair rub against my pussy lips, I realized with amazement that I taken all of Babu's 10 inch cocks on one swift stroke, as if it always belonged there. Even I did not know my pussy was capable of this. Rohan was a decent 6 inch, and when he fucked me I felt quite full. The three boyfriends I had before Rohan were also of similar sizes, and I had never craved a bigger cock. It was only now that I realized that I had never been fully filled in my life.

If that sensation of being filled was unprecedented, what followed next, as Babu started pumping his cock gradually in and out, was absolutely divine. I was being touched and poked in places I didn't know could even be reached. My pussy walls gripped Babu;s cock snugly as he kept pumping gradually, and then increasing the tempo as if in a rhythm. After a lot of slow strokes growing in speed, Babu withdrew his cock, until his head was just holding open the entrance of my pussy, stayed like that for a couple of seconds as he raised my knees even higher making most of my ass lift off the floor, and rammed me harder and even deeper. That sent a spasm of pleasure through my whole being, and I threw my head back and let out a holler of raw animal delight.

With my head thrown back, I saw the other three guys standing there, now fully naked and their cocks erect. Heera was a well-built man, with a well defined chest, bulging biceps, and a flat stomach. His cock, as I had observed at length when he was fucking Kajal's mouth, was similar to Rohan's in length and girth. Yousuf was tall and lean, also with a well defined chest and flat stomach, but with muscles smaller than Heera's. His dick, the only circumcised one of the four, was about 8 inches, and had an impressive girth.

But it was Jaggu who was the most remarkable. He was short, stocky, balding and with a very ugly face. But his cock, curving upwards, was a monster. I had not been able to get a look at it when he was with Kajal, now as I saw it, it fascinated and terrified me in equal amounts. It was easy an inch or two longer than even Babu's. It was thick! Thicker than Yousuf's, with a diameter of about three inches. And it just looked very....well....angry and ominous. I kept staring at it with my eyes wide open, terrified at the thought of taking it all the way in. It was almost as if the sight of Jaggu's cock had made me forget that Babu's was fucking me hard at the same time.
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Yousuf noticed me staring at it and said,

"Haha, Kanika has the exact same expression on her face looking at Jaggu's dick as Kajal did. It is quite something, isn't it? Gives even me a complex, and I'd never had any complaints from women. Don't worry, we usually make Jaggu go last. By the time his turn comes, the three of us have loosened the pussy enough to make it manageable."

I looked at Yousuf's smiling face and then at Jaggu's. Jaggu had a proud and evil grin on his face. He looked at me and said

"You like it, don't you? Want a closer look? Want it in your mouth?"

I nodded almost involuntarily. As Babu's fucking tempo increased even more to the fourth gear, Jaggu came and sat on his bent knees next to my face. My mouth was already open in amazement. I opened it even wider, and Jaggu shoved his remarkable organ inside. It was so thick, I could not roll my tongue up and around it while it was in my mouth, like I had done with Babu's cock.

"Here, this will work better." Jaggu said, and pushed my head backwards until the top of my head was partially in contact with the ground. Then he moved from the side of my head to behind my head, and gradually started pushing it in my mouth and down my throat. Babu groaned in approval, and started fucking me even harder, now in overdrive. Jaggu, clearly experienced in this, gradually kept sliding his cock inside, and I would feel it against the wall of my throat, and going downwards.

His cock being shoved down my throat made me feel like even more of a slut. As it made its slow progress, for the first time, my eyes fell on his giant balls. They were perfectly in proportion with his dick, and so were massive. Babu's by now rapid fucking teasing my insides and the near-choking sensation of this monster cock advancing down my throat, combined my first close observation of Jaggu's huge balls, and started the first of my many orgasms for the night. I breathed in deeply, and arched my back.

"Hold her down by her arms unless you want your dick broken." Babu said breathlessly, realizing I was about to cum, and grabbed my waist and held it down. Jaggu immediately did as he was told, pinning me down. And the orgasm hit, as I started shaking, constrained by the strong grip of these two men. It was as if a jolt of high voltage electricity had been shot through my body. my body started convulsing even more as my orgasm lasted longer than it ever had. My orgasm sent Babu over the edge too, and as my orgasm started subsiding, I felt a large amount of cum filling my insides. He pumped into me for about half a minute and emptied his load into me, and it started oozing out of my pussy.

Jaggu took his dick out of my mouth in one swift motion, wincing as my the edges of my teeth rubbed against it, and let go of my arms. I inhaled a lot of air, as if to fill the vacuum left by Jaggu's giant dick, and started coughing. Babu took his dick out, and sat on his knees in front of me, breathing heavily. I was still shaking and shivering from the intensity of the orgasm, and was covered in goosebumps. Breathless and still shivering, I sat up and said,

"Oh God!!! That was AMAYYYYYYYZING!!! That was just...Oh god o god go god... " I looked downwards to see the river of Babu's cum oozing out of my pussy. I put a finger in my pussy, took out a gob of the cum, and licked it. As I looked at my pussy, I thanked my luck for being on birth control pills. This amount of cum would have surely knocked me up, if I hadn't been.

"Glad you liked it, slut. Now who is going to clean my cock?" Babu said.

I then got on my hands and knees, went to Babu, and started licking his now softening dick clean. Heera meanwhile walked up, got on his knees behind me, and shoved his dick into my pussy. After Babu's dick, Heera's barely registered its presence. But to be polite, I made a few moaning noises every now and then. Heera was not much in terms of technique either. In a few minutes, Babu's big dick had been licked clean, and Yousuf, the last dick to make contact with me, replaced it in my mouth.

It was nice and thick.... not as scarily thick as Jaggu's, but thick enough. I had barely been sucking on it for a minute when I felt Heera grab my waist hard. He started pumping his load into me. As soon as he was done, I took Yousuf's dick out of my mouth, looked at him, and said,

"Your turn to fill my pussy now."

"Of course. But I'd actually prefer a different position." Yousuf replied.

He lay down on his back, with his cock pointing straight upwards, and smiled at me, indicating that he wanted me to ride him. Being on top had always been my favorite position. It allowed me to take control of the pace and the tempo. With my knees of either side of Yousuf's hips, I gradually lowered my pussy over his cock. I started moving up and down and sideways, fucking him at a higher pace than Rohan. He started playing with my boobs and I did that.

After about five minutes of my doing this, Yousuf pulled my boobs hard, making me fall forward on to his chest.

"Stop moving." he said to me and started kissing me. A kiss even more passionate than the last one. He continued his kiss as he put his hands around my waist and pulled me even closer to his body. He then bent his knees, and started pounding me upwards from below. I inhaled deeply as he hit some special spot that even Babu's big dick hadn't been able to hit. As he increased his tempo, I felt another orgasm approaching. I started moaning and broke the kiss. Once my lips were off his, I started literally hollering, so loudly that a passerby might have thought I was being murdered. With each stroke of Yousuf's, my orgasm kept growing and growing instead of plateauing.

Finally at one point, the pleasure just broke all barriers, and the climax hit, making me shudder so violently, that Babu later told me my tits were swinging side to side rapidly enough to create the illusion of four nipples. I however did not notice my tits shaking or my yells much longer. In a couple of seconds, I passed out and flopped down motionless on Yousuf's body.

What woke me up was a sharp pain in my cunt. As I opened my eyes, I saw Jaggu's ugly face in front of mine. The pain was a result of Jaggu shoving his monster cock inside me. Even though he was doing it gradually, it still hurt, and stretched my pussy to the fullest. As Jaggu noticed my eyes open, he smiled and said,

"See guys, I told you this would wake her up."

The pain started subsiding, presumably because with me awake, my pussy generated more lubrication. I looked down and saw that as full and stretched as I was feeling, more than half of Jaggu's cock was still outside my cunt. An inch or so more, and Jaggu seemed to have decided this was how deep he would go. Having established this penetration level, he then started humping me gradually.

"Wow, Kanika, your pussy has taken much more of my cock than Kajal's could. And she was crying with pain even then. Your cunt is a lot more accommodating, which I like." Jaggu said, and then started humping me faster. The friction of his thick long cock against my stretched cunt walls was creating an unbelievable sensation. If babu had made me feel full, Jaggu was making me feel overstuffed.... but in a good way.

As Jaggu kept fucking me, I started moaning again. Not the hollers like with Yousuf, but loud enough. As great as the shafting his cock was giving my cunt was, I noticed something else. Jaggu's huge ballsack, hanging from under his cock, was also swinging like a pendulum, and with every stroke, hitting my asshole. The smacking against my skin of thighs made a distinctly different sound than his balls pounding on my buttcrack. Two different raw sounds of fucking.... something I had never experienced, because none of the men I had fucked before had a ballsack that hung this low. I closed my eyes and enjoyed this blissful sensation of being well and truly fucked, without giving any thought to what this meant for my marriage.

I opened my eyes when I felt someone's skin touch against my stomach. It was Babu, on top of me with one knee of either side of my stomach.

"Now I am going to do something I have fantasized about since the first day I saw you, Kanika." he said as he moved his cock forward, placing it between my huge boobs. He then grabbed my boobs with both his hands and pushed them together, creating a snug tunnel for his cock. That done, he started rocking back and forth in his waist, fucking my tits.

This was not the first time I was being tit-fucked. When you have tits as big as mine, it sorta comes with the territory. However, this was the first time my tits were being fucked by a cock so long that it hit my chin every time he thrust it forward. After a few hits to my chin, I reflexively bent my head forward and opened my mouth. Babu let out an unexpected moan, as on the next stroke, his cock entered my wet waiting mouth. He smiled at me ecstatically at this innovation I had undertaken voluntarily, and started fucking my tits and mouth harder.

Meanwhile, Jaggu's tempo had increased,and combined with the kinky realization of getting fucked in the tits, mouth and cunt at the same time, it brought on another orgasm. Maybe it was the exhaustion, or I was getting used to this, but this orgasm, while as pleasurable as the others, did not make me buck and thrash about that hard. It did however, get Jaggu started too, and he shot his gigantic load into my pussy at the same time that my climax was on.

Heera at once jumped up from where he was sitting and stood next to me. Babu looked at him, and then got off my chest.

"On your hands and knees, Kanika, get on all fours like the bitch in heat your are." he said.

I looked at Babu and Heera with glazed eyes, dug into my pussy to take out a big wad of Jaggu's semen, and gulped it down. Then I slowly turned over and got on my hands and knees, wondering which one would fuck me where.. As I got into the doggy style position, I felt Jaggu's cum ooze down my inner thighs in a thick stream. I was hoping Babu would fuck me next, but to my disappointment, he kneeled down in front of me and shoved his cock in my mouth. And Heera got behind me, I noted to myself that he was by far the worst fuck in the group. He had already fucked me doggy style once, had not shown much technique, and had shot his load too fast. As he plunged his dick into my wet pussy, I braced for a couple of minutes of nondescript fucking, and turned my attention to Babu's cock.

But within a minute, my attention was back to Heera. After fucking me for a little while, he had taken his cock out, I thought to avoid cumming so soon. But then he inserted two fingers into my cunt and took out a few gobs of Jaggu's remaining cum. He then smeared it all around my asshole, and inserted a finger into my asshole with the cum on it. That's when it hit me.... he was going to sodomize me!! I tried to take Babu's cock out of my mouth and say something in protest, but Babu had a tight grip on my hair.

There wasn't much I could do as Heera pushed the head of his dick on my sphincter. I clenched hard, making it difficult for him to insert it in.

"Come on, just relax your body. You know it is going to happen. Don't fight it. You've been such a nice slut so far." Heera said, and gently patted me on the ass a couple of times. I thought it over. It had been years since I had been fucked in my ass. One of my boyfriends before Rohan had taken my anal virginity, and had fucked me in the ass quite regularly, making it almost completely painless. Rohan was not into anal sex, so my butthole hadn't had anything inserted in it in many years. Would it hurt again?

I decided to find out by unclenching my butt and relaxing my muscles. Heera moaned in approval and pushed his cock on my asshole again. I fought the instinct to clench, and tried to relax my butt as much as possible. After slow gradual pressure for about 20 seconds, Heera's cock head entered my asshole. It hurt, but not as much as I thought it would. He stopped it there, inserted his fingers into my pussy and smeared some more cum all over his dick and on my asshole. Another inch went in. He did this a couple of more times until I noticed in amazement that his whole cock was buried up my ass, and his balls were resting on my ass cheeks.

Babu had been looking at all this spellbound and said,

"Wow, she took it. She took it all the way in. Not like Kajal, who hollered at even the head entering her butthole and forbade us from ever trying to fuck her in the ass."

"This slut is special." Heera said, and slowly started fucking my ass.

"That she is. I need her cunt now." Babu said, took his dick out of my mouth, and slid under me. He maneuvered his position so that his cock was right under my pussy, and then said, "Heera, keep your dick buried in her ass, and lower her slowly."

Heera did as was told and gradually lowered my butt, with his cock still buried inside it. Babu adjusted his cock so it was right below my pussy. The tip of his dick effortlessly entered my cunt.

"OK Heera, I am in, now push her down hard."

Heera pushed my butt down hard and Babu's cock entered me in one motion. I let out a low moan as I registered this reality of two cocks in me, one in my cunt and another in my ass. I had never had this experience before, and the feeling was indescribable. Even in that delirious state, I remembered the phrase - double penetration. I had read about it, seen it in porn films, and had even fantasized about it, but had never even come close to actually feeling the way I felt now.

"Hah!! What an amazing ass you have Kanika. God created it specially for ass fucking." Heera said as he spanked it hard a few times.

As the three of us settled in a comfortable position, Babu and Heera started pistoning their dicks in and out of me. Both were going slow at this point, but at different speeds, and small explosions went off in my head every time either of them thrust their dicks all the way in. My mind, inexperienced at double penetration, was having trouble multitasking by registering the sensations of a simultaneous ass fuck and cunt fuck. The cunt fuck felt much more pleasurable of course, because that's where the nerve endings that generate pleasure are. In some ways, the cunt fuck was the "main show"

But the ass fuck had a peculiar feeling too, different from my previous ass fucks with my ex-boyfriend all those years ago. Back then, although I found being fucked in the ass very kinky and fun, it did not really generate any physical pleasure. It was great for my ex, because his dick got the friction, but I was mostly just turned out at the taboo of being sodomized, and was always waiting for him to get done with it, and finish me off my fucking me on the pussy or working on my clit. This was different. My cunt was getting attention from Babu's dick. And Heera fucking me in the ass was adding to the pleasure, mentally as well as physically.

As I was thinking about all this, both men had stepped up their tempo. Babu's cock, in a different position from the last time he fucked me, was now probing and touching different places and driving me close to an orgasmic frenzy. Heera pounding my ass was helping it along. In a couple more minutes, as Babu started ramming his cock up my cunt even faster, I felt the orgasm approaching.

"OH YESSS!! OH YESSS!! Keep fucking my ass Heera, ram it hard." I yelled out.

Heera acquiesced and started fucking my ass even harder, and that probably was too much for me.

"Ohhh...Kanika... I am cumming... I am cumming in your asshole." Heera said breathlessly.

And he started filling my intestines with his cum. I felt that cum inside my ass, and that feeling sent me over the edge as I started shaking with the impact of the orgasm. Babu, who had by now seen how violent my orgasms were, smartly put his arms around my back, and held me down, my boobs mashed against his chest. He kept driving his cock into my cunt all the while. My hips were bucking wildly with the orgasm and Heera was still shooting his seed into my ass.

Finally Heera got done cumming even as my orgasm continued. After it subsides, I stopped bucking around, and Heera, his dick still planted in my ass, plopped down on top of me. I should have felt stressed by his weight on top of me. Instead I realized how I had become the meat in this guy sandwich, with Babu's torso plastered against my front with his cock up my cunt, and Heera's torso plastered against my back, with his cock up my ass.

"Heera, get off her, dammit. You two are crushing me." Babu said in a thin voice.

Heera got up, took his cock out of my ass, and stood up. Within seconds, Yousuf replaced him. His thicker and longer cock met with more resistance from my ass than Heera's had, so he could only insert up to half of it inside. Babu and Yousuf were now double penetrating me.

Jaggu got up, his cock incredibly erect again, and stood in front of me smiling.

"So do I get a go at your ass next?" he asked.

"Nooooooooo...... it's too big and wide.... it's tear me apart. Pleeeeeeeease.... nooooooooo." I whimpered in fear.

"Yeah yeah, I know. But you will have to make up for it in other ways." he said, lifted my head up, and thrust his cock in my mouth. I started sucking on whatever he was able to insert in my mouth.

And with that, another bullet point was added to my sexual resume - triple penetration. Being fucked in every fuckable hole of the body. Jaggu in my mouth, Babu in my cunt and Yousuf in my ass. With all three men fucking me at their own pace, I just relaxed my body and let it move according to their strokes. After ten minutes of the triple fucking, I had had two more orgasms and was getting very exhausted. Incredibly, Yousuf, even with the higher friction from my ass, kept going. Luckily, Babu finally started cumming in my cunt. After he was done shooting his load, he just lay there, with his dick buried in my cunt.

I then turned my attention to Jaggu. With my hands I started playing with his gigantic balls and sucked on his cock-head harder. As I kept working his balls, I sensed Yousuf speed up. He finally hit his orgasm and discharged his jizz into my ass. He then took out his cum-covered cock and slapped and rubbed it all over my asscheeks.

"Look at how her ass jiggles." Yousuf said.

And looking at my ass jiggle against the impact of Yousuf's cock probably sent Jaggu over the line too. He started cumming, with his copious jizz oozing out of my mouth, even as I kept trying to swallow it. I ended up swallowing half of it, with the other half dribbling down my neck to my boobs.

With all cocks now out of me, I collapsed on the floor, lying on my side. I was exhausted. And I was covered in semen and sweat, some dried, some still moist. My ass felt as if it was on fire, my thighs felt a cramp coming on, and my jaw felt ready to drop off. I wanted to be held and cuddled, just like after every time I had sex. But these men weren't the cuddling types.

I turned on my side and saw them all getting dressed. Finally the sex was done with. As exhausted as I was feeling, the more dominant sensation was one of satisfaction. Complete and unimaginable sexual satisfaction that I had never thought possible.

Fifteen minutes later, we were driving back. Yousuf and Heera had helped me clean up with water from a tap outside. Obviously, they had felt me up all over while doing so. I had dried myself using one of the sheets, and gotten dressed. I was too exhausted to drive, so Heera was the one driving my car, and I was in the back seat between Yousuf and Jaggu. Both kept fondling me and feeling me up all the way. Yousuf even kissed me in his amazingly passionate way a few times. It was decided that since I was too tired to drive, they'd all drive me back to my home, and get rickshaws from there to get to there home. I should have made them stop a little way off my building, but I was too tired to think straight.

So it was only when Heera pulled up the car to in front of my building that I realized the risks. What if someone saw me with these men? Yousuf got out and I got out after him and scanned the surroundings. It was just past midnight, so luckily none of my neighbors were around. The night watchman was on his chair inside the gate, but was luckily sleeping. Phew, dodged a bullet. Or so I thought.

After I got in to the driver's seat, Babu came up to me and said,

"I am sure you had a great time tonight. We'll tell you soon when we can do this again. And next time, Kajal will join in too."

I didn't say anything, just nodded. As Babu stepped away, Yousuf came to the window.

"Good night." he said with a smile, then lowered his head into the car, and kissed me for a good minute or so. I tried pulling away, but could not resist. Once he broke the kiss and stood up, I whispered in a voice full of anger,

"Are you crazy? The watchman is right there! He can see us."

"Don't worry." Yousuf laughed and said. "He is fast asleep." and started walking away with his three friends.

I sat there in the car for a minute or so until the four men were far enough. The watchman was sleeping. I thought I'd wait for a couple of minutes more before waking him up to open the gate of the building. Just then he opened his eyes, looked at me, and gave me a very lecherous smile.

"Open the gate." I said to him.

He kept smiling and unlocked the gate, opening it for my car. I pulled it inside the gate, and for some reason said in a stern voice,

"You should not be sleeping, you know. You are a night watchman. It is your job to be awake all night."

"Don't worry Madam. I just had my eyes closed. I wasn't asleep. I was awake enough to see enough." he said and winked.

I didn't say anything, and drove my car into our assigned parking space. As I got out and turned around, I noticed he still had that creepy smile on as he kept staring at me. He kept staring at me as I went to the elevator and got in
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"Kanika.... wake up, Kanika!!"

I opened my eyes sleepily and saw Rohan combing his hair in front of the mirror.

"You're finally awake!" he smiled at me "Looks like you were really tired after last night. Didn't have energy to put on a nightgown, did you?"

I looked at him quizzically, and then looked down at myself... I was naked! I never slept in the nude. Even when Rohan and I had sex, I always made sure to wear my nightgown before sleeping. So Rohan had obviously noticed this unusual occurrence.

"Hmm...yes.." I replied, suppressing a yawn. "Got out of the sari, and then was too tired to look for a gown."

Which was partially true. I had come home, exhausted after my gangbang with the shop floor guys to find Rohan already asleep. All that strenuous sex had left me ravenously hungry, so I ate leftovers from the fridge. And then decided to take a shower, just in case I still smelt of sex. The long hot shower had felt really good, but it had also made me very very sleepy. So I just dried myself, stumbled to the bedroom barely managing to keep my eyes open and plopped on the bed, falling asleep instantly.

"Are you going to work late today?" Rohan said, putting his wallet and cellphone in his pocket.

"Yes, I will. I'll sleep some more, and go in around lunch time." I replied, turned over on my side and tried to go back to sleep.

Rohan came close to me, spanked me playfully on my butt, kissed me on the lips, and said,

"OK sweetheart, see you in the evening."

With my eyes still closed, I heard Rohan walk out and close the door behind him. I wanted to go back to sleep, but now that I was awake, I could not help but think of the previous night's events. What had I done? After several years of staying faithful to Rohan, I had gone ahead and cheated on him in the most scandalous way possible. A gangbang with 4 shop floor guys? The justification as of course, that I had no choice. Babu and the others could have shown that video clip of mine to the whole office and gotten me fired.

But as I thought about it, I realized what a flimsy justification that was. I should have dared them to do it. Gone to the security officer and complained about blackmail. Spoken to my boss and explained the situation. Or even quit the job and found work elsewhere. But instead, I had been a willing participant in the debauchery. In fact, I had thoroughly enjoyed it. And then I remembered some instances from last night when I had actually been enthusiastically slutty. The guilt and the shame finally overcame me and I started crying into the pillow.

After about ten minutes of crying, I thought of getting ready and going to work. But then the smiling and leering faces of Babu and the others flashed in front of my eyes. How could I face them? How could I face anyone? How could I concentrate on work at all? I was in too chaotic a mental state to cope with the situation. So I decided to take a sick day. I got up, went to the computer and typed out an email to my boss, explaining that I was down with a flu, and could not come to work. I got a reply from him almost instantly, asking me to take care of myself, and take as many days off as I wanted. He noted that I had never taken a sick day in over three years, and I deserved all the rest I needed.

With that done, I decided to try going back to sleep again. My body was still a little tired. I resolutely closed my eyes, tried hard not to think any thoughts that brought guilt or shame, and just force myself to sleep. In a few minutes, I had drifted off into slumberland.

I woke up with a start by the sound of the ringing telephone. Reached over to the nightstand to pick up the cordless, but the stand was empty. Rohan must have left it in the living room again, I thought to myself. Got up, caught a glimpse in the mirror and realized with surprise that I was still naked. Making a mental note to put on some clothes after answering the call, I went to the living room and picked up the receiver.

"Hello." I said.

"Hello, Madam. This is building security."

And my heart skipped a beat. I remembered how the night watchman had heard me talk to the guys, and probably seen me kiss Yousuf. But... was the night watchman still around? I glanced at the clock, and it said quarter to one. Surely the night watchman couldn't be around till this late. As I was thinking all this, the line had been silent.

"Hello Madam, are you there?" the voice piped up again.

"Yes, yes, I am here. What is it?" I said, finding voice at last.

"Madam, there is a Miss Kajal here to see you. Should I let her come up?"


"Miss Kajal. Says she works with you. Should I let her in?" the watchman asked again.

"Yes, yes, fine. Send her." I said, and slammed the phone down.

Another complication. Why on earth was Kajal here? Had Babu and the others told her everything? If so, why had she come here? Was she upset? Was she happy? Was she confused? Did she want to talk about it? Oh no, please no, please don't anyone make me talk about it. I felt like just running away to a different city to avoid this whole mess.

In a few seconds, the doorbell rang. As I started to walk towards the door, I kicked myself mentally - you are still naked, remember? I quickly ran into the bedroom to put something on. The doorbell rang again as I rummaged through my clothes to find something I could slip into right away. Just my luck, all I could see were saris, formal clothes and salwar kameezes. When the doorbell rang a third and again a fourth time, I finally reached over to where Rohan's running clothes were. I slipped on a pair of his running shorts and a white t-shirt. As I ran out of the bedroom, the shorts started slipping down. They had an elastic waistband, but were Rohan's after all, so were a few sizes too big for me. I pulled the shorts up, held the waistband up with one hand, and went to open the door.

"I am sorry, sweetie, did I wake you up?" Kajal said cheerfully as she walked in, carrying a big plastic bag.

"No..well...yeah.." I mumbled.

"I heard you were sick, so I thought I'd pay you a visit during lunchtime. After all, we are lunch buddies, remember?" Kajal said, taking a couple of plastic boxes out of the bag. "Got you some hot chicken soup. That always helps when you have a flu."

"Oh, thanks. That was sweet of you. But you didn't have to do that." I said, breathing a sigh of relief. She was just here to have lunch with me.

"Come on Kanika, don't be so formal. I missed you in the office all morning. So I told the floor supervisor I am taking a long lunch and came here." she smiled at me. "Well, come on, let me serve you some piping hot soup."

I had been standing there, one hand holding the door open, and another holding the shorts up. I closed the door shut, and with the other hand, reached to lock it, when I suddenly realized my mistake. The loose shorts prompty slid down and fell around my ankles, leaving me completely naked from the waist down. The t-shirt came down to only my waist. Since I had turned around to lock the door, I was facing away from Kajal and my butt was completely exposed to her.

"Hehehe... looks like you need tighter shorts." Kajal laughed and said. I turned my head and saw her admiringly staring at my butt.

"Oh, these are Rohan's. I put them on by mistake." I said, bending down to pull them up. That's when I inexplicably froze for a few seconds, as I realized that by bending over, I had given Kajal a look at my pussy as well. I looked at her face and she was still staring at me. I finally pulled the shorts up, and said

"Well, that was embarrassing. Sorry. I'll just go and change into something else."

"No, don't be silly. The soup will get cold. Come and have it first. Change after that." Kajal said with a tone of finality.

I held the shorts up even tighter this time and walked towards the dining table. I sat down on a chair next to Kajal and looked at her. This time she was staring at something else. I followed her gaze downwards, towards my chest. And I saw what she was staring at. My huge boobs were clearly outlined against the thin material of the t-shirt. And my nipples were poking against the fabric, and very clearly visible. Kajal realized I had caught her staring and quickly shifted her gaze towards the soup box.

"Hehe, sorry sweetie... they are just.. quite a sight" she said with a smile. "You don't wear underwear at home, do you?"

"I do. I've just been so disoriented today." I said, putting my face in my palms.

"It's OK Kanika. I'm just pulling your leg." Kajal said with a chuckle. "Anyway, I enjoyed the peep show. You have an amazing body, you know. I wish I had a body like yours."

"Come on, Kajal. You have a great body too." I said.

"Well, yeah. I am not saying I am ugly or anything. Just that.... well, I have always wished I had bigger boobs, and a nice round butt like yours." she said, giving me a box of soup with a spoon in it.

"My boobs are too big. Uncomfortably big. I wish they were like yours." I said, taking a sip of the soup.

"Yeah, but I bet guys love them. I am sure Rohan does not wish they were smaller." Kajal said, opening a box of noodles and taking a bite.

I felt like saying to her that considering the lack of interest Rohan had shown in having sex recently, I don't think he has any major opinions on my boobs. But I stayed silent and kept drinking the soup. Kajal also ate silently for a minute or two and then said,

"Kanika..... to be honest, bringing soup to you was not the only purpose of my visit. I also wanted to talk to you about something else"

And the sinking feeling in my stomach returned. She knew. They had told her. Oh God, this was going to be awkward. She was looking at me expectantly, so I said,

"OK, what did you want to talk about?"

"Well, I have done something stupid. Something that could really hurt my career and reputation if word got out." she said.


"You remember I was telling you about how I was having some trouble with some of the shop floor guys, and then it worked itself out?"

"Yes..." I said, still unsure of what she was getting at.

"Well, there's more to the story than that. Here's what happened. I am in charge of minimizing the number of errors in the tool parts' fabrication process. So I make rounds, giving them suggestions, stopping them if they are doing something wrong, and making sure whatever they are doing is correct. If they have made an error, I throw out that particular piece and tell them to restart work."

"I see."

"Most of the workers are manageable. But those guys - Babu, Yousuf and Heera, were always very uppity, talking back, refusing to listen to the changes I suggested, and generally being very rude. Which was still fine. They didn't make as many errors. But it was the new guy Jaggu that was the biggest headache for me."

I nodded, sipping on my soup, and Kajal continued,

"He keeps making small errors which he thinks should be just ignored. But even a millimeter here and there can affect the quality of the tools. So I had to keep giving him the most re-do's. One particular day, and it was a Friday, he was really bad. Nine of the ten pieces he worked on that day were flawed. The shipment had to go out the next day, so we had to get all the parts done that day. Which meant he would have to stay after work and do it, and I would have to stay after work to inspect them and okay them."

"This got me really upset. I had some plans with my family that night, which I had to cancel because of Jaggu's incompetence. So I lost it. I yelled at him, really yelled at him. Like I had never yelled at anyone before. I cursed him, abused him, and threw in a lot of Hindi curse words that I usually never use. And this was in full view of the entire shop floor."

"Oh God." I said "What happened next?"

"Babu stepped forward and started yelling at me, saying I should go easy on Jaggu because he is just a newcomer. So I yelled at Babu too, and said if he was so interested, he could stay back after work and help his friend too. Babu responded by saying sure, he would stay back. Yousuf and Heera also said they would stay back. That's when the supervisor heard all the yelling, came in, and calmed everyone down."

"Was this five days ago?" I asked, wondering if that was the night I had seen Kajal with those men.

"No, this was about two weeks back. Why five days ago?" Kajal asked with a furrowed brow.

"Oh, no reason. I just remembered some shipment got delayed five days ago and I wondered if it was because of this." I said, impressing myself at being able to lie so well on my feet.

"Anyway, the shift ended and all the other workers left. The supervisor asked me if he should stick around, but I told him no, I could handle it. So there we all were, the four guys working on the machines to make up for Jaggu's error, and me walking around to oversee them. The hostility between us was very apparent. They were all silent and so was I. Finally, I saw Jaggu about to make another error, and told him to stop the machine. I then said to him - you keep making the same stupid mistake. if you concentrate on getting it right, you'll be much better at your job."

"So what did he do?" I asked.

"He glared at me, grabbed his crotch with his hands, and said - suck my dick, bitch!"

"Really?" I said, feigning surprise. That actually fit well with the Jaggu I knew.

"Yes. I was taken aback. No matter how rude these men had been, they had never crossed the line into vulgar. As soon as he said that, the other three started laughing. I felt really annoyed. I should have probably just stayed silent, but I said something stupid and impulsive."

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I said to him - Jaggu, you are such a useless worker, that if you actually manage to finish all your pieces today without a single error, you know what? I'll gladly suck your dick." Kajal said, shaking her head as if still in disbelief at what she had done.

"Oh no!" I said, noting that a crucial piece of the how-did-Kajal-end-up-fucking-them puzzle had now fallen into place.

"Yes. Suddenly, they all stopped laughing. Babu stepped forward and said - are you serious about that? You will suck his dick if he doesn't make a single error? I said, yes, but it can't be a one-way bet. If he makes even a single error, you all have to stop mouthing off against me on the shop floor, and obey my every instruction." Kajal said. She took a deep breath and continued,

"Babu agreed, and so did the others. After that Jaggu started concentrating on his work with the sort of focus I had never seen him apply before. I was very sure I would win the bet. But after he finished two pieces without a single error, I started panicking. He only had to do three more. I started fearing I would lose. I was usually around them hoping they wouldn't make an error. And here I was staring at him wide-eyed, hoping and praying that he would make an error."

"Let me guess. He didn't make an error?" I interrupted.

"Well... actually he did." Kajal said.

"What?" I said, surprised.

"Yes, he made an error on the last piece. I breathed a sigh of relief, and the others groaned in frustration. I started laughing and gloating, and the four of them just stood there dejected. Jaggu was the most crest-fallen. With a spring in my step, I took the red marker, and made a big cross on the piece."

"OK.... so what's the stupid thing you have done?" I asked, confused at this anti-climax.

"Wait, I am coming to it. So they finished all the pieces. We put all the pieces in the packing. I took my bag to the bathroom to change into my clothes, and the men went into their changing room. After I came out, having changed from my overalls into my jeans and a t-shirt, I was about to head out when I heard Jaggu's voice call out to me."


"He was standing in the changing room window. He beckoned me to go near him, and I did. Then he said, congratulations on winning your bet, but I thought I'd show you what you missed out on. And then he stepped back and pulled down his pants, revealing his.... his thing." Kajal said and fell silent.

"Alright... so? What next?" I asked, partly guessing what might have transpired, since I remembered the effect seeing his monster cock had on me. Kajal didn't say anything. Just kept staring at the food. "Kajal?"


Taken aback by Kajal's sudden breakdown, I leaned over, and put my arms around her, trying to console her. She thrust her face into my chest and kept crying.

"There, there, Kajal. It's OK." I said.

"No, it's not OK. I couldn't help it. Jaggu's dick is.... it is just so... I had never seen anything like it. I was spellbound. I just couldn't help it. And the other guys too. I was like putty in their hands. I am such a whore!" she said, sobbing on my shirt.

"No you are not." I said.

"Yes, I am. Every time one of them snaps there fingers, I just do what they say. Every time I decide I will put my foot down and end it, I get swayed. I just can't help it. I hate myself. I hate them. And yet I can't help it." she said, the tears still flowing.

"It's OK, Kajal." I said, running my hands over her back, conflicted about what to say. I understood exactly how she felt. In some perverse way, I was actually happy I had company for my misery.

"You always keep saying how difficult it is for a woman to be respected and taken seriously in this industry. I wanted to be like you, and look how I have started out. Becoming the cum slut for some random shop floor guys. And it is going to get worse. And destroy my reputation forever." she said, her face still buried in my bosom.

"How is it going to get worse exactly?" I asked. Kajal finally raised her face, looked at me, and said,

"Because today Babu said someone else knows. Someone from the sales team. And this person from the sales team is going to join us in our next gangbang."

"What? Who in the sales team?" I asked, and as soon as I said it, I realized... Babu had meant me!

"I don't know. He didn't tell me the name. But if one person knows, every one will soon know. What kind of a guy will keep this to himself? Pretty soon everyone will know me as the factory slut, if they don't know it already. I am ruined." Kajal said, crying even harder.

"No, come on. I'm sure it won't be that bad." I said.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better." she said.

I paused for a second, wondering how I should phrase my own confession. How should I tell her that the tiny glimmer of hope here was the fact that I was the person Babu had meant. I opened my mouth to say something when the doorbell rang.

Kajal and I both looked at the door, and the bell rang again, this time twice, as if someone was in a hurry.

"Go to the bathroom there, and wash your face. I'll see whoever it is and get rid of them." I said. Kajal nodded, got up and headed towards the bathroom.

I got up and started walking towards the door when...damn those loose shorts... they started slipping again. I pulled them up, held the waistband and went to the door.

"Who is it?" I said loudly, hoping it was some neighbor I could tell to come later.

"It's me, Madam! Suresh!" answered a familiar-sounding male voice that I could not quite place.

"Who?" I said

"Suresh, the night watchman. From last night? Remember?"

Oh great! Talk about bad timing. What the hell was he doing here? I had to get rid of him somehow.

"What do you want?" I shouted again.

"Open the door, Madam. Or should I shout from here about last night?" Suresh replied.

That weasel! He knew I couldn't risk him yelling out what he saw out there. What if some neighbors heard him? I really was in a fix here. But I had no choice. And no time.
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Making sure I was grabbing on to the shorts, I opened the door slightly and poked my head out. Suresh was standing there with the same creepy smile on his face as last night. I poked my head out of the door to see if anyone was around. All the other doors on the floor were closed and Suresh was the only one standing there.

"OK, what?" I said, whispering. "I have some company right now. Can you come later?"

"I know you have company. Miss Kajal. That's why I have come here. I was in the security booth to pick up my new uniform, when I saw in the guestbook - a Miss Kajal had come to visit you." he replied, thankfully also in a whisper.

"So?" I asked, puzzled.

"So it reminded me of something one of your lovers said. Next time Kajal will join us too?"

That's when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I pulled Suresh inside, and closed the door. When I turned back, Suresh was staring at me. Or to be precise, he was staring at my boobs, his eyes and mouth wide open. I looked down and realized why he was staring.

It was bad enough that I was wearing a thin t-shirt without a bra. Kajal's tears all over it had made the white t-shirt semi-transparent and now my boobs were partially visible to him.

"Oh wow! Oh man!!" Suresh said, and suddenly lunged at my boobs like a starving man lunging at food. He grabbed one breast in each hand and started pressing them "Oh they are huge and beautiful. Let me see them please."

His hands went down to the waist of the t-shirt to pull it up. Instinctively, my hands grabbed his to resist. He tried to move them up and I tried to press them down. I was fighting him off with the strength and purpose I wished I had shown with the shop floor guys.

"Suresh.... stop.....or...I'll scream!!" I said haltingly, fighting him off. And sure enough, he stopped. His hands were just holding the waist of my t-shirt limply. I was relieved that I had gotten a semblance of control at least over this situation. That relief lasted exactly half a second, as I suddenly realized what had made him stop.

I had been so focused in keeping my t-shirt down, that my brain hadn't registered my failure to keep the shorts up. The shorts were around my ankles and I was completely naked from waist downwards, with my pussy visible to Suresh the night watchman. Our hands, which had temporarily called a truce, started struggling again, but with their positions reversed. Now I was trying to move my hands down, obviously to pull up the shorts, and his hands were trying to stop me.

Until now, our struggle had seemed like one between people of equal strength. But that had been because Suresh, distracted by my assets, had not really been trying too hard. He was taller than me, and quite well-built, and could swat me like a fly if he wanted. He finally seemed to have had enough.

He let go of my right hand, grabbed hold of my left wrist and twisted it sideways at a strange angle. My body moved instinctively to minimize the pain, and I ended up turning 180 degrees, facing away from him, my arm twisted behind my back. He then pulled my right wrist behind my back, and held it together with my left wrist.

"Alright, now, are you going to stand still for a moment, or are you going to make me twist your arms even more?"

I didn't say anything, and just stood still. He let out a small chuckle, and still holding both my wrists together behind my back with his left hand, made me bend in the waist and started rubbing my ass with his right hand.

"Amazing. It's like a dream come true. Boobs, one hundred percent classic. And ass, even better. How did you manage to give your ass such a great shape?", he said and spanked my ass a few times. I stood there, bracing for more spanks, but they did not come.

Instead, I felt his fingers run up and down over my pussy lips and clit. Stroking me there a few times, he finally rested his finger on the perfect spot on my clit, and pressed it lightly. I couldn't help but let out a moan. I was surprised how fast he had zeroed in on my sweet spot.

"Suresh... please...don't..." I tried to protest, but could not complete the sentence and let out another moan.

"Haha, the lips up there say no, but the lips down here" he said and moved his finger a little lower and inserted it into my rapidly moistening cunt, "say yes."

Suresh, sensing that I was unlikely to resist his advances any more, let go of my wrists. My hands, on their own accord, went to my boobs and started massaging them. Meanwhile his right hand returned to my clit, and his left hand started fondling my ass. The left hand then stopped at the top of my ass-cleavage. A finger went into the gap between my ass cheeks and started coming down slowly. It stopped for a few seconds at my asshole, and pressed it gently, but then continued its downward descent.

It finally stopped at my pussy, and entered it. Then another finger joined it. And then another, until three fingers of suresh's left hand were gradually moving in and out of my now soaked pussy. All this while, the fingers of his right hand kept pleasuring my clit. The magic of his fingers pushed me into such a heightened state of sexual frenzy, that I forgot that Kajal was still in the bathroom. At that moment, for all I cared, there could have been thousands of people in my house and I still would not have stopped Suresh.

It had barely been a couple of minutes since Suresh started with his fingerplay, but I already felt an orgasm approaching. If he had continued for even 10 seconds more, I would have cum right there. But instead, he suddenly withdrew his fingers. I groaned in frustration and looked back at him annoyed. He smiled and said,

"Patience, Madam, patience. That was just a preview."

He stood straight, held me by the shoulders and made me turn around. He then started taking the t-shirt off. This time, I did not resist at all. In a flash, he rid me of my last shred of clothing, and I stood there naked before him. He pushed me back against the door and attacked my now exposed boobs with a renewed vigor. As he started doing that, I looked at his face. The first time I had properly seen his face, especially after I gave up all resistance and all but submitted myself to his fancy.

He wasn't a very bad looking guy. Something about a watchman's uniform always makes a man seem very inconsequential and mouse-like. But here he was, in his regular clothes, and his understated but rugged handsomeness revealed itself. I guessed him to be in his early 40s. He was a well-built man with broad shoulders. As he kept playing with my boobs, I reached out with my hands and felt his arms. Hard and muscular. I then reached out and started unbuttoning his shirt. That proactive gesture made him shift his gaze from my boobs to my face and smile triumphantly.

He stood back and let me unbutton the shirt completely. He wasn't wearing an undershirt beneath. And so I got a look at his firm and broad hairy chest. It wasn't toned or shaped, but it was tight and there was no flab on his stomach at all. I bent down and started kissing his hairy chest, and even licked it a little, savoring the salty taste of sweat. As I played with his chest, I realized that was one luxury a gangbang can never afford you - slow foreplay, where you explore each others bodies. The four guys last night had attacked me like a pack of hungry wolves, and kept going until they had fucked me like a whore every which way.

But there was something different about Suresh. Although he had started off pouncing on me, similar to the other guys, he was now moving at a more elegant, and I daresay romantic pace. I was almost reminded of the first few times Rohan and I had made love, when our bodies were new to each other, full of surprises. Rohan! As that name popped into my head, I suddenly stopped kissing his chest and straightened. What was I doing, I thought to myself. First those four guys and now the building's night watchman. Did I not realize the ramifications of this? As if it wasn't stupid enough having four lovers at work, I was now right in the middle of getting one in the building too.

I don't know what Suresh made of my suddenly pausing. I have no idea what thoughts went through his mind. All I know is, he turned around, walked to the couch, sat on it, and unzipped his pants.

An erect and impressive cock sprung up. It was nowhere close to Babu or Jaggu's horse cocks. But it was alluring enough in its own right. I estimated it to be a little over 8 inches, like Yousuf's, but thicker than Yousuf's. Which was impressive, because Yousuf's girth was not something to sneeze at. As I kept staring at the cock and thinking all these thoughts,I realized it was coming closer to me. No! I was going closer to it. I hadn't even realized when I had started walking towards the couch. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of Suresh, staring at his cock.

That' when the bathroom door opened, and Suresh and I looked at it. Kajal stepped out with her back towards us and was pulling the door shut saying,

"Sorry I took so long, Kanika. I needed to..."

And she stopped mid-sentence as she turned around and struggled to compute the scene in front of her eyes.

"Whoa!! How long was I in there?" she said, and started slowly walking towards us. I was staring at her, but she was staring at something else. She was staring at Suresh's erect and gorgeous dick. Finally she came up to 5 feet away from us and stopped. I turned my glance towards Suresh and noticed he was staring at Kajal.

"Wow... you're gorgeous!" he said.

"Thank you." Kajal replied in a weak voice, and just stood there.

I had no idea how exactly Kajal was going to react. A lot had changed in the 10 minutes that she had been in the bathroom. Maybe she would freak out and run away. Or maybe not. Frankly, I was not in a mental state to care. I turned my attention back to Suresh's dick. I got down on my knees in front of it, and wrapped a hand around it. Yes, definitely thicker than Yousuf's. Close to Jaggu's thickness. I ran my fingers up and down it, and touched its foreskin-wrapped head.

I was about to bend down and take it in my mouth when I was stunned by what happened next. Kajal's face suddenly came into my view on its way down towards the cock. She was sitting on the couch next to Suresh, and had bent forward to engulf the dick in her mouth. I sat there with Suresh's balls in my hand as Kajal took most of the dick in her mouth. The thick and long cock entering her pretty little face looked very erotic, and I couldn't help but stare in wonderment.

Her head bobbed up and down as took the cock in and out while sucking it, at a very fast pace, even making small gagging noises as the cock head hit the back of her throat. She then took it out and licked it along the side up and down. All this while, Suresh had his eyes closed, head thrown back and was breathing heavily.

Kajal finally stopped licking his cock, turned her face and looked into my eyes. She gave me a shy smile, and I smiled back.

"You never told me your husband has such an amazing dick, Kanika." she said. "I hope you don't mind my cutting in. But I guess you have a bigger right on it."

She thinks he is my husband, I realized. I opened my mouth to say he wasn't my husband, but before any words could come out, it was filled with Suresh's dick. Kajal had caught hold of my hair, and swiftly pulled me forward, making me take his dick in my mouth. As I sat still, with his dick in my mouth, I noticed Kajal straightening. Suresh had pulled her up and was now unbuttoning her top.

"See how Kanika is naked. You need to get rid of your clothes too, or we won't let you play." he said with a wry smile.

As I started sucking on Suresh's magnificent dick, he unbuttoned Kajal's top completely. She took it off and threw it on the floor, and then took off her bra as well, bringing her small but pretty tits into view. Kajal then sat back with her eyes closed and head thrown back as Suresh attacked her tits. He bit them, licked them and massaged them, and then with one hand started unbuttoning her jeans. He then sat back as Kajal lifted her butt and took off her jeans and panties together, and was now completely naked on my living room couch.

She and Suresh looked into each others eyes hungrily and then started kissing. As their liplock continued, Suresh reached down with his right hand and started playing with Kajal's clit. He really was talented and experienced at this, because just like with me, he found the perfect spot right away. Kajal started squirming and moaning, and after a little while broke their kiss and said,

"Oh Rohan... this is just so..."

"Rohan? I am not Rohan. My name is Suresh." Suresh said as he increased the speed at which his fingers were working. Kajal's body shuddered in response, but her face had a look of confusion, and she said to me,

"Kanika, this isn't your husband?"

With his dick still in my mouth, I looked up into Kajal's eyes, and shook my head. Kajal was about to say something when she suddenly closed her eyes, threw her head back and gasped. I saw that Suresh's thumb was still in her clit, but he had inserted two fingers in her pussy, and was now finger-fucking her, pushing all practical questions about his identity out of her head.

"Oh that's so good. Oh god, I am so horny right now." Kajal said. Then she opened her eyes, looked at Suresh and said, "Fuck me right now. Fuck me with that beautiful dick of yours."

Suresh smiled and withdrew his hand from her crotch. He then pulled my head up from his dick and stood up. I sat there naked on folded knees and watched as he took off all his clothes and got completely naked. As he did so, Kajal got on her knees on the couch, turned around, and put her hands on the back of couch. Her small but curvy butt was sticking out and her asshole and sloppy pussy were visible to both of us. She was perfectly positioned for a doggy-style fuck, waiting like a hungry bitch in heat dying to be mounted.

And mount her, Suresh sure did. He stepped behind her, and in one rapid motion thrust her big thick cock all the way up her pussy. Kajal inhaled very loudly, and let out a small whimper. Suresh started fucking her very gradually and with deep thrusts. I just sat on the floor spellbound, watching someone have sex at such close quarters for the first time in my life. The sight of Suresh's dick sliding in an out of Kajal's willing pussy was indescribably erotic.

I got up, got on on the couch with my knees next to Kajal, and my hands on her waist. My hands could feel the impact every time Suresh rammed his dick deeper. I looked into his eyes and saw a raw primal look that was triumphant. I bent my head down to just above Kajal's butt, and tentatively kissed it. Suresh was watching me do that and said,

"Lick it. Lick her butt and make it wet."

I obeyed, and started running my tongue all over Kajal's smooth ass, just inches away from her pussy which was being pounded by Suresh. He suddenly stopped and took his dick out of her pussy. He then pulled my head closer, and shoved his dick into my open mouth. I could taste Kajal's pussy juices on it. He fucked my mouth like that for a few strokes, then took his dick out and started fucking Kajal again.

"Turn around and get on your knees like her." Suresh ordered me.

I did as was told. Turned around, and put my hands on the back of the couch, right next to Kajal's. I looked at her face and saw how completely in heat she was. Her eyelids were partly closed and her eyes slightly rolled upwards, her mouth was open and her tongue was sticking out. Her little boobs were swinging rapidly back and forth, like two pendulums.

As I looked at Kajal, and noted my own fuck-me position on the couch, the enormity of the situation suddenly hit me. How things had rapidly changed in just ten minutes. Before that, I had been consoling my fully clothed friend as she expressed regret at her willful sex games with the shop floor guys. And now here she was, naked on my couch, getting fucked by a guy she didn't even know. Getting fucked by my building's night watchman.

As I was staring at her and thinking about it, she opened her eyes, clicked her tongue in annoyance and looked back.

"Why did you stop? I was so close." she said to Suresh.

I looked back and saw Suresh had taken his dick out of Kajal's pussy and was standing there.

"Sorry, but don't worry, you'll get your turn. Right now, my cock is aching for this bitch here, whom I have been dreaming of fucking since the first time I saw her."

He took a couple of steps and was now standing behind me. I had been so obsessed with watching the two of them have sex that I hadn't realized how badly I was waiting to be fucked too. I noticed how sopping wet my own pussy was. I saw Suresh standing there, with his big cock erect and throbbing, standing behind me, and almost involuntarily, I arched my back and thrust by butt closer to him until his cock hit me on my right buttcheek.

"Haha, look at how badly this bitch wants it. Her body is begging for it. What do you think, Kajal? Should I fuck your friend?"

Kajal got up from her bent position and stood up next to him.

"Well, you were fucking me, and I would have liked if you had finished with me first. But I can see...." she paused, and grabbed my left butcheek with her right hand, "I can see why you got distracted. Look at her big round ass. Even I was mesmerized by it when I saw it."

And Kajal spanked both my butt cheeks a few times, and ran her hands up and down my thighs.

"I love how it jiggles when it is spanked. Like jello." Suresh said and then he spanked me a little.

All this while I was being driven crazy by the anticipation of feeling his big dick in my wet pussy. I couldn't wait any more and yelled out,


Suresh loud out a loud guffaw and then rammed his dick into my pussy. I was in seventh heaven as his long thick dick started fucking me, first deep and slow, and then gradually picking up pace. Kajal meanwhile bent down and disappeared from my sight. As I turned my head downwards, I saw her kneeling on the floor between Suresh's legs and cupping his swinging balls as he fucked me.

"Look at how big these balls are." she said and took them in her mouth, moving her head back and forth keeping pace with Suresh's pounding me. As she did so, her cheek kept rubbing against my clit, stimulating me in two spots.

As I looked down under me, just imagine the scene I saw. First, my big boobs, swinging back and forth rapidly. Beyond them, my flat stomach descending into my pussy mound. Then I saw Suresh's huge cock fucking me. And below it, Kajal's hungry face, with his balls in her mouth. her cheeks rubbing against my clit, and Suresh's cock probing the insides of my cunt. It is not surprising then that I was about to cum when a cellphone rang.

Actually, it had probably been ringing for a while. It just took my brain some time to register its sounds. Even then, I noticed it only when Suresh grunted,


I concentrated on the ringtone. It was my cellphone and it was in the bedroom.

"It's OK, I'll get it later." I said laboriously.

But Kajal had other ideas. She got up, ran to the bedroom and brought me the ringing phone.

"It's Rohan." she said, handing me the phone. I took it from her hand and just threw it on the couch next to me. It stopped ringing. Kajal smiled, and wordlessly moved next to me on the couch. She then bent down and slid under me, straightening her legs. She was now lying down on the couch on her back under me, her legs on the inside of my legs. Not just that, my huge tits were rubbing against her petite ones. It was an indescribable sensation. Of course, Suresh had kept his pounding on all this while.

Kajal then slid down a bit more until my boobs were on top of her face. She raised her head and caught my left nipple in her teeth and bit it hard.
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"Ouch!" I said. Kajal laughed and then bit the other nipples. She started biting my sensitive nipples one by one, and then reached down with her right hand and started playing with my clit.

With Kajal's expert fingers manipulating my clit, her teeth playing with my nipples, and Suresh fucking me at now rapid speed, my orgasm returned. It hit me fat and it hit me hard, and I felt the strength go out of my hands, which were on the couch back propping me up. I started shivering, moaning and shaking, as I fell on top of Kajal, almost suffocating her with my tits.

Suresh noticed me fall, and as if to make my fall complete, took his hands off my waist and put them on the insides of my thighs and pulled, making my knees gradually slide sideways. In a couple of seconds, my body was completely hugging Kajal's even as I had a massive orgasm. Suresh's dick was still buried in me.

Once my orgasm subsided, I was just lying there motionless, not sparing a thought for Kajal. She however had pushed my boobs aside, and her face was now at my neck. I felt Suresh's rock hard dick finally withdraw. I took this as a sign to get up, but as I tried to do it, Suresh pushed me down again.

"Stay like that."

In few seconds, I started feeling the rhythmatic impact of his thrusts as Kajal's body started moving. Suresh's stomach started slapping against my butt. That's when I realized that he was now fucking Kajal, who was right below me. I propped myself up on my elbows and saw that hungry look in Kajal's face again. And to return the favor, I was about to lower my hand and finger her clit too, when my cellphone started ringing again. I picked it up and saw it was Rohan calling again.

"Go ahead, answer it." Suresh said in an authoritative voice. And like an obedient slave, I complied. Ignoring the fact that I was still breathless from his fucking, Kajal was moaning under me, and there were two distinct slapping noises in the background, his stomach against my ass, and his thighs against Kajal's thighs, I brought the cellphone to my ear and pressed talk.

"Hello." I said in a breathless voice.

"Hi honey. I just called to see how you were doing." Rohan said.

"I am.... fine." I replied.

"Are you sure? It sounds like you have a sore throat or something. And where are you? What are these noises?" Rohan said.

"It's just...... it's the TV. I am at home." I said in a more normal voice and looked pointedly at Kajal, who put a hand on her mouth to muffle her moans.

"Oh, that's great. I am almost home." Rohan said cheerfully.

"WHAT???" I yelled.

"Easy honey! Yes, I am like five minutes away from home. I left some documents at home which I needed to pick up." he said.

"Ok..... I'll see you soon then. Hanging up." I said and disconnected the phone without waiting for him to say anything. "Listen. Rohan will be home in five minutes. We need to stop this."

I said, getting up from the top of Kajal's body. But Suresh kept fucking Kajal.

"Come on, didn't you hear me?" I said panicking.

"Yes, just a minute. I am almost there." Suresh said.

"Me too." Kajal said breathlessly.

"WE DONT HAVE TIME!!!" I yelled and pulled at Suresh's arm, but he pushed me away roughly, making me topple backwards and fall on the floor.

"Ah oh... yeah... I am cumming." Kajal said and started to writhe. Suresh increased his tempo too, and started pounding her deep and hard. I got up and came close to them again, by which time Kajal's orgasm had subsided.

"You done, Kajal?" I said. She nodded with dreamy eyes. "OK then"

And with all the strength in my body I pushed Suresh hard with my two hands. This impact he felt, and he staggered backwards, his dick sliding out of Kajal's pussy with a plop sound.

"You bitch!" Suresh said, lunged forward, and knocked me on the floor. He then got on top of me, and inserted his dick in my pussy, and started pounding me. Before I could resist, I felt a wet gush of his semen filling up my insides. His juice sprayed the inner walls of my pussy.

And I was about to say something in protest when CLICK.... I heard the lock, and the front door creaked open.
[+] 4 users Like KEWekJON's post
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Wonderful story thanks bro
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Very Nice and Hot story, waiting for next update
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ha ha ha ha ...........................you stopped at most tragic moment of the story
[+] 1 user Likes kamdev99008's post
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Very hot n erotic....

Thanks a lot for sharing......

Eagerly waiting for next update.....
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(24-09-2020, 09:59 PM)kamdev99008 Wrote: ha ha ha ha ...........................you stopped at most tragic moment of the story

i know its a cliffhanger . but u can interpret it as you like XD. its open for imagination.
Shy Shy
(24-09-2020, 12:17 PM)bobby Wrote: Very Nice and Hot story, waiting for next update

(26-09-2020, 07:19 PM)pedapandu Wrote: Very hot n erotic....

Thanks a lot for sharing......

Eagerly waiting for next update.....

its a collected story , main story ends here.  so its hard for me to post an update    Smile Smile
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