Incest Stories from Baron Sade
BaronSade is one of my favorite authors. However, he removed most of his early works for some reason. Here, I am re-posting his early works in a series. Enjoy!!!!!


1. Story 1: What a mother-in-Law
2. Story 2: Adopted
3. Story 3: Loser
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Story 1

What a Mother-In-Law

by BarondeSade©
© 2002, Baron Darkside. ALL Rights Reserved.

No portion of this story may be reproduced for profit without the express written permission of the author...

This story is a work of fiction. The characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental...

An rewrite of an erotic fantasy from the pen by BarondeSade . . .


Ron sat in the classroom staring out at the fountain where several coeds were sitting. They had their feet in to the pool and were splashing each other while he watched. Meanwhile the professor droned on and on and on...

Suddenly, he noticed that the classroom had fallen silent. What was going on, he wondered, turning to face the professor?

"Ron Childers, didn't you hear me?" the professor angrily asked.

"Uh, no, uh, sorry," Ron muttered, his face turning bright red as the other students began to giggle and laugh. "Uh, what, what was the question?"

"Question? There was no question!" the professor frowned. "The dean wants to see you in his office--immediately."

"Uh . . . oh . . . I . . . I see," Ron mumbled, flipping his book closed and rising up from his chair.

He heard the snickers and laughter following him as he made his way toward the exit.

What in the hell did the dean want to see him for anyway? He couldn't think of anything he had done—recently anyway, that would warrant a visit to the dean's office.

"Ron, Ron Childers," the secretary asked as he timidly stepped up to her desk.

"Uh, yes, yes, ma'am," he answered, his eyes dropping to the older woman's mountainous bosom.

"Have a seat," she told him, angrily glaring at him for his open ogling of her bosom. "The dean will see you shortly."

"Uh, thanks," Ron muttered, taking a seat.

As he waited, he watched secretary's massive breasts jiggle and bob under her crisp, white blouse.

Frowning her obvious annoyance with him, she turned so that he only had a side view of one mountainous tit as she worked.

Then the intercom rang and Ron heard his name mentioned.

Still frowning, the secretary told him that the dean would see him.

Stepping into the dean's office, he saw Dean Miller sitting behind his desk.

"Ron," the dean said, standing up and thrusting out his hand toward Ron.

"Dean Miller," Ron said and stuck his hand out to shake hands, surprised by the Dean's unexpected show of familiarity.

"Have a seat," he told Ron, motioning to the chair that sat by his desk.

Ron took a seat and watched the dean drop back down into his leather office chair.

"Ron, I'm afraid that I have some bad news for you," he said, putting on a stern face.


"I've just received news that your grandfather passed away."

"What?" Ron muttered.

Grandpa Childers gone? How could that be? He had seen him just last week and he seemed to be in the best of health!

"Heart attack, they said," the dean said, rising again. "And your family is waiting for you back in Collins."

"Uh . . . oh . . . okay," Ron said, struggling to his feet. "Uh, thank, thank you, sir."

The next three days flashed by in a blur as he returned home to his family and they buried his grandfather.

Then came the reading of the will . . .

His grandfather had been quite well off. Everybody in the family thought his estate was probably worth thirty or forty million, give or take a few million one way or the other, and this was borne out by his will.

He gave Ron's sister, Kim, five million dollars. He gave Ron's parents, Joe and Stella, seven million. And finally, he gave Ron eighteen million dollars. In addition to that, he willed the housing development at the edge of the town, Sunnyside Acres to Ron and the deed to his own home which was also on the estate. His grandfather had lived there himself. Ron was stunned. Why had his grandfather given him the most? While seven and five million was nothing to sneeze at, his booty made him independently wealthy at the age of twenty!

"And also," the lawyer said to Ron, handing a letter to him, "your grandfather also directed me to give you this envelope."

Taking the envelope, Ron started to open it, but the lawyer stopped him.

"He stated that you should open the letter in the privacy of your new home at the Sunnyside Acres."

"Uh, okay, guess I'll wait then . . ."

Stuffing the letter in his back pocket, he turned to his parents and sister.

"It would be party time under different circumstances," he said, giving his mother a soft hug.

Even under these sorrowful conditions, he couldn't help but delight in the feel of his mother's mountainous tits pressed against his chest. He had always been a tit man, and his mother had the prettiest treasures in the world. He had spent his whole youth, trying to catch a peek at them, but he had never been successful.

Then, she stepped back and dabbed at her eye, wiping away the single tear that had formed...

Silently, he gave his father, Joe, a quick hug. No words were exchanged as the family grieved in silence. Then, finally, he gave his sister, Kim a hug and felt her wondrous tits dig into his chest. Big tits certainly ran in the family, he told himself, holding the hug a little longer than necessary...

"Well, I suppose I'll go over to gramp's house and see what this letter is all about..." Ron said, reaching back and patting the letter in his back pocket.


Unlocking his grandfather's house with his newly acquired key, he stepped inside the cavernous house. Ron had always thought the living room of his grandfather's house was so large, you could play basketball in it. Now it was his, he dizzily thought, reaching around and dragging the letter out of his back pocket.

Quickly opening the letter, he spread it and began to read it...


Well, since you're reading this, I'm off into the hereafter. Probably down there as opposed to up there.

I guess that you're wondering why I bestowed the bulk of my estate upon you. I know of your quest for the voyeuristic side of life, as I was a fellow voyeur, myself. Your new home has some rather unique features that I doubted the other members of our family would appreciate.

To explain, each house in the estate has a central core that houses all the life support functions (i.e. air conditioning, heating, electrical, etc.). But unknown to the tenants, it also houses viewing and listening ports for each room. There is also an underground tunnel that runs under the estate and gives maintenance crews access to the homes. You also have access to this tunnel. In the tunnel, at the entrance to each home, there are two keypads. One the maintenance crews use and the other one is yours. The maintenance crew keypad is the upper one and opens the door. Yours does the same. But in addition to opening the doors, your keypad opens all the viewing and listening ports. So you have total admittance into the lives of the tenants. The entry access keys are 5-5-7-7-3.

The viewing ports are disguised as air outlets and the maintenance shafts are also soundproofed, so there is no way the tenants can see you or hear you.

The entrance to the tunnel is in the basement. The whole wall is a series of bookshelves, but the center bookshelf swings around and opens out into the tunnel. There is also a remote control for the television in the basement. Simply aim it at the bookshelf and press 5-5-7-7-3 and the bookshelf will open. Repeat the sequence to close the door. Also, be sure to take the remote with you and close the door while you are viewing so no one will stumble onto our secret!

The decision to use the tunnel is up to you . . . If you choose not to utilize it, lock it up and throw away the key. No one will ever find the entrance! If you do choose to use it, good luck and good viewing . . . Gramps

Ron was stunned. Grampa Childers a voyeur? He would never have guessed it. But now that he thought about it, Grampa seemed to always have a pretty, young thing hanging onto arm. But this? This was a complete surprise!

In a daze, Ron stepped down the stairs and into the basement. He remembered the bookshelves and recalled reading some books from it in his youth. He would never have guessed what was hidden behind them. Looking around the room, he spied the remote sitting atop the television. Picking it up, he aimed it and entered the numbers dictated in the letter.

As he pressed the 3 button, there was a faint whirring sound and the middle bookshelf slowly spun open revealing a long, lit tunnel stretching out from it. Tentatively, he stepped around the bookshelf and out into the tunnel. Slowly walking down the tunnel, he felt a faint breeze brush against his cheek. Just then, he remembered his grandfather's instructions and turned around. Aiming the remote at the opening, he entered the numbers and watched the door slowly close, disappearing as it melted back into the wall.

It blended back into the wall so well, you couldn't even tell it was an opening, even if you knew it was there.

Old Gramps seemed to have thought of everything, he thought to himself as he walked up to the first maintenance entrance.

Above the entrance door, there was an address: 305 Glendale Way.

I wonder who lives here, he asked himself, punching in the buttons and hearing the tumblers in the door clunk. Reaching down, he turned the big brass wheel and pushed the steel door open. As he stepped inside, a light flicked on revealing all sorts of machinery and a set of steel steps leading up to the second floor of the house where it ended in a circular catwalk running around the shaft. A viewing port, Ron thought to himself. Walking over to the wall, he saw a series of rectangular ports that looked out into the house. Moving around the wall, he could see into every room on the first floor.

There didn't appear to be anyone home, but there was an open tool kit sitting by the door under the kitchen sink which was open. Being as quiet as he could, he stepped over and climbed up the stairs to the second floor. Stepping around the wall, peering out into the rooms, he was stunned when he saw a man atop a woman pounding away at her pussy with his big dick. The man and woman were naked, but lying on the bed by them was a pair of coveralls. 'Johnson Plumbing' was emblazoned across the back of the coveralls.

So, Ron grinned to himself, looks like Johnson is making a house call. This thing might just turn out to be a real hoot . . .

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Glancing out of his window, Ron saw Gloria Vandandren jogging down the street in front of his house. She was a very good looking woman in her mid-forties, abundantly endowed with the assets the estate women seemed famous for; great legs, a lovely rear end, and nice tits. Watching her jog by, he was fascinated by the way her tits frolicked freely underneath her thin shirt. She had to be wearing a sports bra, but her tits were still flouncing up and down delightfully.

Knowing that she would probably shower when she was through jogging, Ron raced her back to her house just to see what she would look like naked.

Climbing the stairs, he was soon looking out into the Vandandren's house. Ron knew that Gloria lived there with her husband, Ralph and he had heard rumors that their daughter, Clarise was visiting. Ron hadn't seen Clarise around the Estate, so he didn't know if it was rumor or fact.

Walking around the viewing port, he saw that he had beaten Gloria back, so he decided to have a quick look around and see if anyone else was home.

Ron walked around, looking into each room and discovered a guy asleep in one of the spare bedrooms. The muscular young man was naked and lying on top of the covers with his big, thick cock prominently displayed, lying dormant on his belly.

Must be Clarise's new husband, Ron thought slipping down the stairs to await Gloria's return.

He didn't have to wait long for Gloria to come puffing up the front walk. Pausing outside for a moment to catch her breath, she trudged inside, closing the door behind her. Once inside, she reached down and jerked her T-shirt up over her head. A big, wet sweat stain on her bra, between her exquisite breasts documented her earlier exertion. Trudging toward the stairs, she grabbed hold of the bottom hem of her jogging bra and yanked it up over her head, freeing her pretty boobs. Free from restraint, her elegant breasts pertly sprang forward. It appeared, the way her tits were jutting out, that they might have had a little enhancement in the past. Pitching her shirt and bra down on the floor, she started up the stairs, squeezing and rubbing her big tits while her fingers tweaked the big nipples. The tight jogging brassiere had held her breasts snugly, but it had also made ugly red marks across her magnificent breasts.

Finally able to tear his eyes away from her bosom, Ron watched her swish her round, firm buttocks from side to side as she went up the stairs and headed for her bedroom. She was indeed an eyeful.

Stopping in her bedroom, she sat down on the huge waterbed and started untying her shoes. Slipping them off along with her socks, she sat rubbing her feet for a few moments before she stood up and pulled her shorts down. Running her hands through the luxuriant forest of kinky brown hair at the pit of her belly, she tickled and scratched herself for a few moments before she turned and made her way into the bathroom.

Ron watched for at least fifteen minutes as she showered and diligently cleansed every nook, cranny, and mountain. Finally, as squeaky clean as a new car, she stepped back into the bedroom. Walking over to her chest-of-drawers, she reached inside and picked out a satiny pair of panties

They were the kind that women wore back in thirties. They were provocatively split up the sides all the way up the waistband with a thick ruffle of lace encircling her marvelous thighs. Slipping the fancy satin pantaloons on, she once again reached up and fondled her big droopy breasts. The angry red stripes that had been there earlier were gone leaving only the expanse of lovely alabaster tit.

Admiring her mauve capped breasts with their big dusky cups and big, rubbery nipples, Ron watched on. They were delightfully shaped and the size of small, pink gbangfruits. Flicking the little knob-shaped nipples, she padded around the bed and walked out into the hall. She was quite a sight padding down the hall wearing only panties as her delightful tits jiggled up and down beautifully

Purposefully heading straight for the room where the young guy was sleeping, she strolled up to the door and without knocking flung open the door.

"Oops," she yelped when she the young man lying on the bed.

Trying to cover her tits with one arm, she turned away from the bed and looked over her shoulder. The guy in the bed didn't move.

Stopping, blushing, and breathing heavily, she stood in the doorway for several moments staring at the young man as he slept.

Then, looking around nervously, as if someone else might happen upon them, she tiptoed over to the edge of the bed where the man lay. Looking down, she stared directly at the big, flaccid prick lying sleeping in its hairy nest at the bottom of the man's belly.

Damn, Mikey is hung like a horse she smiled to herself.

Suddenly, she felt a tingle of excitement. It surprised her. She hadn't felt anything like that in a long time.

Maybe life was getting a little boring. A little too predictable. Hardly daring to breathe, afraid that he might wake, she couldn't take her eyes off Mike's sleeping giant.

Was she that horny? Why, it had been only, uh, only, uh, Jesus, it had been three weeks since she and Ralph had done anything. Three weeks! What was happening to them? She could remember when they did it two-three times a day, instead of one time in three weeks.

But what did that have to do with Mike?

And why was she getting all hot and bothered by looking at her son-in-law?

Well, it would feel good to have a big, hard cock scratch the itch that had sprung up inside her pussy. Maybe Mike's big, hard cock!

As the licentious thoughts swirled around inside her head, she noticed a change in his cock's appearance. It slowly began to harden and swell.

Was he awake? She had been so preoccupied with his cock she hadn't paid any attention to his face. Was he awake and watching her?

Quickly glancing up at his face, she saw that he was still asleep.

Then why was he getting hard? Was it the beginnings of a piss-hard? Or was he dreaming? Whatever, it might portend the end of his sleep.

Best not get caught standing around ogling his cock, she told herself. He might get the wrong idea, she laughed.

Turning, she quietly stole back over to the door. Looking back over her shoulder, she gave his cock one long, adoring look before she slipped back out into the hallway and closed the door softly behind her.

Fanning herself with her hand, she hurried back down the hallway to her bedroom. Stepping inside, she closed the door and stood leaning against it, trying to get her knees to stop shaking.

I guess Mike will just have to make his own bed, she said to herself.

I thought that he would be up and gone by now. Although, it did appear that he was getting up now, she laughed, recalling his cock.

After a few minutes, she walked back over to the chest-of-drawers and rummaged through the drawers until she found some shorts that were appropriate for mixed company. Slipping off her satin pantaloons, she blushed when she saw the wet stain spreading out over the crotch of the panties.

Goodness, did I get that wet down there, she giggled? It was nice looking at his lovely prick, but I didn't think I got that excited. Maybe a little, but not that much. Really. Dear me. Maybe I'm just a little hornier than I thought.

Reaching down to her womanhood, she gently ran a finger up the wet slit of flesh peeking out the forest of kinky brown hairs and found her finger coated with her musky juices.

My, my, Gloria, you'd better watch yourself, she smiled. You wouldn't want to do anything that would get you in trouble. Would you?

Moving her hand away from her drenched womanhood, she did some more searching and pulled out a halter-top. Quickly pulling it on, she looked over at the mirror.

"Naughty, naughty," she said out loud when she saw that she could easily make out the sexy outline of her breast and her big, puffy nipples poking out against the thin material

Starting to pull it off and find something a little less risqué, she stopped.

Why? Why not let Mike get an eyeful. Let him see that his Mom-in-law is still pretty good looking for an old broad. Well, forty is hardly old, but it's a lot older than he is.

As he saw her making her way down to the kitchen, Ron departed.

Ron was gone so he didn't see Mike join her later in the kitchen where they had breakfast. He didn't get to see the number of times Gloria's eyes strayed down to the obvious lump in Mike's shorts. He didn't get to see the number of times that Mike admiring ran his eyes over his mother-in-law's delightful figure. And he didn't get to see the time they both caught each other looking down where their eyes shouldn't have been perusing.

But he did see Gloria go jogging by at the same time the next day and raced back to watch her shower again. The way she had longingly looked at Mike's cock, Ron hoped that maybe something else might develop.

This time, after her shower, Gloria quickly pulled on another pair of semi-respectable shorts and a T-shirt. She didn't put on a bra and it was obvious as her delightful breasts bounced about freely under the thin material of the shirt. Their impressive size and shape were easily discernible along with the prominent jut of her big, ripe nipples.
Checking herself in the mirror, she smiled mischievously and headed down the hallway to Clarise's room again. Stopping outside the bedroom, she took a deep breath and reached down to the doorknob. Quickly pushing the door open, she stepped inside fully prepared to apologize for bursting in on him without knocking.

No apology was necessary as Mike was still asleep. Smiling faintly, she slowly inched her way over to the bed. Only the great purple head of his manhood was visible this time as the rest of his imposing cock was hidden beneath the sheet. Hardly able to believe it herself, she felt her hand slowly reach down and gently peel back the sheet to reveal the entire column of thick pink flesh. Feeling the same wicked tickle she had felt the day before, she inched the sheet down a little farther until the two big, round companions of his cock were also exposed.

Standing by the bed, holding the sheet in her hands as she admired his lovely cock, she wondered what he would do if he woke up.

Suddenly, she heard him groan and watched in terror as he stirred in his sleep. Afraid to move, she didn't know what to do.

What if her caught her? Suddenly, she felt herself growing dizzy.

Jesus, Gloria what had you gotten yourself into this time? Her hands trembling, she watched as Mike slowly settled back to sleep. Thank God.

Breathing out slowly, she carefully lowered the sheet down onto Mike's hairy thighs leaving his impressive penis uncovered. Gently letting go of the sheet, she was moving her hand away when it accidentally brushed against the flaccid cock.

Sucking in a quick breath, she watched the soft rod of flesh wriggle slightly.

Looking up at Mike, she saw that he hadn't moved.

Growing braver, she lovingly ran her finger down the satiny smoothness of his big cock. Mike still didn't move. With the subject of a great deal of her thoughts yesterday and last night laying exposed, she ran her finger down the bulging barrel that ran all the way from his big balls up to the swollen, tapered head of the monster.

Mike slept on.

Still nothing happened, so she laid her small dainty hand down onto his cock, letting it rest on the hot, puffy flesh.

Anxiously glancing up at Mike's face, she saw that he was still asleep.

Knowing that she was playing with fire, she eased her fingers down around the thick, round shaft of his sleeping cock.

Holding the slumbering giant in her hand, she gently lifted it as she gave it a squeeze. This time she felt a tremble of response quiver through it.

Nervously, she sneaked a quick peek at Mike's face and saw no indication of consciousness. When she looked back down to his cock, to her amazement she saw that it was gradually growing.

She couldn't believe it. While Mike slept, she had coaxed his cock into life. Squeezing it a little harder, she felt it twitch.

This is crazy, she told herself, slowly releasing his cock as she gently laid it back down on his belly.

Just as she released it, she heard Mike groan. Stumbling back away from the bed, she was terrified as she watched Mike reach down and grab hold of his cock.

Whining something unintelligible, he began to roughly shuck his hand up and down his cock.

Sensing that it was only a matter of seconds before Mike woke up, Gloria flew across the room and out into the hallway. Spinning around to close the door, she got one last look at her son-in-law as he lay there beating his meat.

Quietly easing the door closed, she stopped and left it ajar a couple of inches.

Panting from her flight and near disaster, she stood just outside the door listening to Mike masturbate.

She was still feeling light headed as she listened to the sound of Mike's hand slapping against his belly.

Well, your life isn't quite as boring as it was yesterday, she told herself as her hand sneaked down inside her shorts.

Leaning over, she peeked in through the crack.

God, she thought as she watched Mike's hand flying up and down the colossus of a cock. The gigantic slab of meat had to be at least eight or nine inches long as Mike lay there with his head thrown back and his fist racing up and down the monster.

As she watched, she fingered her bulging clitoris. It had been a long time since anything this exciting had happened to her. Wickedly, she leered at Mike longingly.

Don't waste it, big boy, she silently shouted at him. Don't waste it. I have a place you can put it. God, was she going crazy? What was she doing?

Suddenly, she heard Mike groan loudly as his back arched thrusting his cock high into the air.

"Oh, My, God," she whispered, watching the first vulgar gob of gooey cum shoot out of his cock.

Incredulous, she watched the wad of thick, white jism fly up into the air and drop back down onto Mike's iron-hard belly.

Jerking her hand out of her shorts, she ran back to her bedroom. Rushing inside, she closed the door and stood there gasping.

"He just came. I can't believe it. I just watched my son-in-law jack off. And I caused it all."

Rushing into her bathroom, jerking her clothes off in the process, she hastily turned the shower on and stepped under the ice-cold spray of water.

"Holy Shit," she shivered, "this water is cold."

After several minutes under the cold shower, she finally stepped back out of the shower. The icy water had driven out the devil inside her. She was back in control again. Almost.

What was she doing, she asked herself as she slowly dressed again?

This game was getting a little too dangerous. What if she got caught? And why was she doing it? She was a happily married woman. Wasn't she?

But maybe she did need a little excitement in her life. And maybe Mike could be that excitement. But should she risk it? Risk everything for a little romp in the hay with a boy half her age? Her daughter's husband?

The juices were already starting to flow again as she thought about it. It was like a pot that was slowly reaching the boiling point and was ready to bubble over at any time.
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For the third time, Ron watched as Gloria jogged by, tits bounding and butt quivering with each step. Deciding to give her one last chance, he met her back at her house. This morning, she spent an inordinate amount of time in the shower but finally came out, shiny pink and squeaky clean.

Repeating her usual ritual, she searched through the chest-of-drawers until she found the clothes for the day. To Ron's surprise, she chose the same pair of pantaloons that she had worn the first day. This time though, she pulled on a short matching chemise. Her pretty jugs displayed magnificently, creating light and shadow patterns that highlighted all of her seductive curves and hollows. Running the brush through her hair, she looked at herself in the mirror and satisfied with what she saw, slowly slipped out of her bedroom.

Arriving at the door to her daughter's room, she stopped. Taking a deep breath, her breasts heaved up and down delightfully as she reached for the doorknob and slowly turned it.

Quietly opening the door, she saw that Mike lying in bed asleep, as usual. As before, he was naked and only partially covered.

Gloria's eyes immediately sought out his cock. Just as it had been on the first morning, today it was exposed. But today, it was already puffy and swollen. Feeling a shiver of excitement run through her body, she stepped toward the bed, moving quietly through the stillness of the room.

Stopping by the side of his bed, she stared down at Mike admiring his muscular build and most specifically, the potent weapon jutting out of his groin. Slowly kneeling down by the bed, she could feel the wetness seeping out of her womanhood spreading out and dampening the crotch of her satin pantaloons. Standing on her knees by the bed, she was now only inches from Mike's prodigious cock as it reclined before her in all of its evil glory.

She couldn't believe that she was actually doing this. Not old, boring Gloria. Now here she was in her son-in-law's bedroom, kneeling by his bed, preparing to do something so wicked that it might change her whole life. But it was happening.

One last chance to stop it all, right now, she thought. But down deep inside of her she knew that it was already too late for that. She was already committed. Committed to making Mike her secret lover and there was very little she could do to stop it.

She could feel her sweaty palms tingling with expectation as she slowly reached down toward Mike's big, bloated penis. Time slowed to a crawl and it seemed to take forever for her hand to move the few short inches to his cock. Then she felt the warmth of his hard cock as her fingers gently touched it.

She watched his mighty cock lurch as her fingers tickled the tightly stretched skin. Tenderly caressing his rubbery hardness, she delighted in the feel of his rock hard cock.

God, she thought, his prick is as hard as concrete as it defiantly jutted out of his hairy groin. She was thrilled to see it so rigid. Was he dreaming? Was that what was making him so hard?

Her attention riveted on the tautly strung penis, she gently wrapped her fingers around it.

The giant, jerked in her hand and she suddenly sensed that her presence was no longer a secret. Giving his lovely cock a soft little squeeze, Gloria slowly looked up to find Mike's eyes open and staring back into her own eyes. Neither of them spoke. Words weren't necessary as an electric current of passion crackled and hissed between them.

They stared into each other's eyes for several moments before Gloria let her eyes drift back down to Mike's surging cock. Watching with eager anticipation, she leisurely slid her hand up and down his oversized cock. She could hear him breathing harder and saw his chest heaving up and down as she softly stroked him. She could feel his hardness growing stronger with each stroke.

Then, she felt his hand on her breast. Feeling his hand groping her udder through the thin material of her silk top, she moved closer to him so he could fondle her as she gently stroked his stiff meat.

After a few moments, she felt Mike's hand slip up underneath the silky halter-top. His groping hand roamed over the silky softness of her big breast until it found the hard nipple jutting out of its center. Pinching and pulling on the sensitive knob, his teased it as her hand moved up and down quicker.

After a few minutes of toying with Mike's unyielding weapon, Gloria slowly bent down and kissed the great inflamed head of his cock causing it to jump and quiver in her hand. She heard Mike gasp with surprise as she gently sucked the giant dick-head into her mouth and ran her tongue around the its sensitive corona. Then, sucking almost half of his big, thick cock into her mouth, she felt his hand leave her breast and drop down onto her thigh. Holding him inside her mouth, she felt him grab her soft, quivering thigh.

"Why don't you come up here," he whispered, loving caressing the silky softness of her thigh. "Let me return the favor . . ."

Smiling to herself, she slowly got to her feet, bending at the waist and keeping her lips locked around his prick. As soon as she stood up, she felt his hands grasp her satin pantaloons and quickly jerk them down her long, muscular legs. Lifting one leg at a time, she let the satiny pants slip off her feet and fall to the floor.

Her womanhood, now totally exposed and vulnerable, was leaking so badly, her juices were coating her soft, smooth inner thighs making them softly glimmer in the morning sunlight.

Without waiting, Mike roughly took her legs and pulled her toward him. Responding to his beckoning, Gloria placed one knee on the bed and raised the other leg up, lifting it over Mike's head and shoulders. With his cock still buried in her mouth, she straddled him with her sopping cunt poised directly above his face.

"I've been waiting for this so long," he sighed.

He was Intoxicated by the view of his mother-in-law's soft, pink pussy peeking out from the forest of kinky brown hair directly above him. Watching her juice oozing out of the fleshy pink gash, he reached up and pulled it down to his mouth. His tongue shot out and rapidly found her swollen clitoris. Raking his tongue back and forth across the inflamed little knob, Mike felt her body tense as she nipped his cock with her sharp, white teeth.

Hungrily sucking on Mike's big, bloated prick, she stared down at his big, hairy ball-sac and the two swollen eggs it contained.

And those eggs just had to be full of his thick, potent cream, she told herself. Bringing her hand up, she gently squeezed and fondled the giant goose eggs, imagining how much thick, creamy cum they must hold. It had to be gallons, as big as they were, she thought as she devoured his unyielding cock with her hungry mouth.

The wickedness of what they were doing. The sheer depravity of seducing her son-in-law. The danger of getting caught. Committing adultery and committing it with her daughter's husband. The depravity of it all. All this made her so excited, she knew she would come in a matter of seconds.

Mike wasn't teasing her. He was furiously working his tongue across her clitoris rapidly driving her closer and closer to a colossal climax. As the fiery tingle inside her constricting cunt grew, she found it more and more difficult to concentrate on sucking the monster in her mouth. She wanted to focus on the wonderful sensations pouring from her feverish clitoris. She wanted to enjoy every rapturous second of it. She wanted to wallow in the adulterous depravity of it all.

Mike seemed to sense her impending orgasm and he granted her no mercy. As his mouth tormented her aching clitoris, his hands roughly squeezed and massaged her dangling tits ravaging the oversensitive nipples that jutted out of them.

She wanted to bring him along with her, but she couldn't. It was all happening too fast for her. And she wanted it so badly. Her mouth slowed to a crawl as she concentrated on the delightful feelings that were spewing from her cunt.

She could feel it welling up inside of her. Then, abruptly she found herself being consumed by the unholy fire that burst out of her cunt. Her whole body seemed to burst into flames as she was ravaged the depraved conflagration.

"Ooh, no, oh, no, oh, Immmmmmmmmm sorriiiiiieeee, God, I'm commmmmiiinn," she shrieked as she spit out his cock and roughly thrusted her pussy down into his face.

Her whole body was wracked with convulsions of pleasure. Grinding her pussy down into her son-in-law's face, she cried tears of absolute joy as her body was wracked by the currents of pure animal pleasure pulsing through her.

Mike furiously attacked the pulsing little knob of nerves as he felt her lift off into her climax. Sucking, licking, and nipping the wobbly, little clit, he could feel her juices dribbling out onto his chin.

He had, had fantasies about doing this with his beautiful mother-in-law but never dreamed that they would come to fruition. And now it happening. He couldn't believe it.

Grunting and groaning out vulgar obscenities, she let the orgasm consume her totally and completely as she basked in the absolute joy Mike was bringing her. She didn't' want it to ever end, but at last she felt the gut-twisting jolts of pleasure begin to wane.

Slurping at the throbbing knot of nerves with his tongue, he felt her gradually come sliding back down from her orgasmic high. As he felt the tension flow out of her body, he slowed his tongue down and softly nuzzled the tender, delicate flesh of her unguarded womanhood.

It took several seconds for Gloria's mind to recover from the pure delight that had possessed her.

Groggily, she opened her eyes and saw Mike's stiff, ripe cock, jutting up in front of her like an angry cobra ready to strike. Easing her mouth down onto it, she twirled her tongue around the smooth hardness of its bloated head as she felt it twitch with excitement.

Wishing she could suck him off, she found the need to have him inside of her stronger. So, giving his giant a soft, lingering kiss, she slowly moved off him. She faced him and crawled around, straddled him again with her drooling cunt poised above his jutting manhood. Looking back down between her dangling breasts, she reached back down between her thighs and took hold of his granite hardness. Guiding his stiff cock up between her soft, velvety thighs, she quickly fitted the great mauve head of his cock into the dripping slit of her womanhood.

As the wet heat of her cunt swallowed his bulging cock-head, Mike thrust himself into her.

Feeling his huge cock squish up into her sopping cunt felt awesome. So good she almost swooned. Her eyes drifted up and rolled back as she luxuriated in the wonderful sensation of his gigantic penis sliding up into the her aching femininity.

Yes, yes, she hissed to herself. This is what I was waiting for. This is what I wanted. This is what I needed.

Deeper and deeper the great cock went, plowing up through the soft, mushy depths of her hot wetness like a battering ram. Welcoming the colossus into her tight, hot cunt, she was disappointed when her hairy crotch settled down around the thick base of his huge cock. She wanted more. But how, she asked herself? She had already taken all of his wonderful cock. Straining and grunting, she shoved herself down onto him and felt his cock-head nudge up against her cervix. Even though she was penetrated her to her limit and over stuffed with ripe, hard cock, she wanted more of him.

She wanted to scream. Scream out to the world that she had taken him all. Taken him all and wanted more.

Instead, she sat impaled on the giant and basking in the inner knowledge that she had taken all he could give. Sat savoring the delightful pleasure welling up from her overstuffed cunt.

As his mother-in-law sat perched atop him, his cock stuck up inside of her all the way to the hilt, Mike reached up and took hold of her big, soft tits. Roughly squeezing and fondling the lovely udders, his fingers toyed with the button like nipples jutting out from the center of her the big dusky cups. He had never seen such nipples, so big, or so hard, or so beautiful. Her tits were prettier than Clarise's tits even though Gloria was twenty years older.

Finally Gloria lazily raised her hips, letting Mike's giant cock slither out of her like a great, wet snake sliding out of its furry den. She loved the feel of his great prick as it slithered back down the drenched channel of her aching cunt. So much so, that she immediately wanted it back inside of her. Slamming her pelvis back down onto him, she felt his elephantine prick impale her all the way to the quick once again.

God, it felt so good to have her cunt filled with his delightful prick. She wanted to just sit there, filled to the brim with his overripe penis but she knew he hadn't come yet. She was being selfish. She had finished and now instead of taking care of him, she was lavishing all the attention on herself again.

Slowly at first, she began to ease her pussy up and down on him, milking him with the tight, strong muscles of her cunt. She could see his approval as his hands and fingers began to fondle her rougher and rougher.

Looking back down between her mammoth tits, past her son-in-law's hands squashing and teasing her tits, she watched the big, blue-veined cylinder of rock-hard cock piston in and out of her salivating little slit. As it slid in and out of her, his love tool pulled her big, fleshy pussy lips inside of her every time it slashed back up into her. She could feel the entire length of his knobby cock drag over her clitoris as it went in and then again as it slipped out. Gradually, her hips began to rock up and down a little quicker as if they sensed the urgency once again building inside of her. She knew that he was enjoying her fucking him, but she feared that she was rocketing along toward another orgasm at a much greater speed than he was. Unable to stop herself, though, she worked her strong, muscular legs driving her hips up and down faster and faster as her pussy beat out a frantic rhythm on his cock. In and out, in and out went his gigantic prick, being driven inside of her with the force of a woman possessed.
Realizing that his mother-in-law was already racing toward another climax, Mike let go of her flopping breasts and grabbed her around the waist. She was slamming her ass up and down as hard and fast as she could, but Mike dug his fingers into the soft flesh of her waist and began helping her work to another level of fucking. As her slobbering cunt crashed down on him, he thrust his penis up into her waiting womanhood savagely. Their love weapons clashed together with such momentum, the room was filled with the wicked thunder of their adultery and the bed threatened to collapse at any moment.

Gloria could hardly believe how hard they were fucking. She knew that she would probably be bruised tomorrow, but at this moment, it didn't matter. Nothing mattered except the astounding pleasure pouring from her cunt. The bruises would be little payment for the intoxicating storm that she was caught up in. The invasion of his giant prick was creating bolts of lightning that were exploding into her brain with such demonic wickedness, she knew that she would be engulfed in the flames of another orgasm within seconds.

"Harder, baby, stick, it, in, me, harder, oh, baby, stick, it in, me." she pleaded with him and felt him respond.

Mike's large purple prick-head was ripping through the tight, clinging flesh of her cunt furiously.

But, it was what she asked for. It was what she had wanted. It was what she had dreamed of. She had never been fucked so royally and she was loving every second of it. It was like bull riding in a rodeo. She was the rider and he was the bull. She rode him as hard as she could and he bucked her, driving his cock deeper and deeper into her hungry cunt with every lunge.

Then all at once it was upon her. Like a demon, it gorged itself on her flesh, sending bolts of pure electricity through her body as she went rigid. Every muscle in her body tightened down into inflexible bands of steel. Twitching and jerking, she had no control over herself.

Holding his steel hard cock thrust up in her as hard as he could, Mike was afraid that she might be having a heart attack. She was breathing, but he could feel her muscles trembling and quivering uncontrollably. Her cunt had collapsed down on him with such ferocity, it felt like it was being clamped in a hot, wet vice. Harder and harder, her cunt muscles compressed down on his great cock as she trembled and shook above him. Ten, twenty, and finally thirty seconds drug by as she quaked and gasped her way through her orgasm.

Mike was becoming more worried when all at once, he saw her glorious bosom swell out as she sucked in a huge breath of air.

Then, ever so slowly, he felt her muscles relax and then she abruptly flopped forward to land on his chest.

He could feel her breathing. She was taking fast and shallow breaths. And when he felt her pulse, he found it strong and steady.

He wondered if something was wrong with her.

He had never been ridden so hard and so fast by a woman. She had been a wild woman.

He hoped that she hadn't bruised him down there with her vicious attack on his mighty warrior. It would be hard to explain to Clarise that her mother had done it.

His penis, still hard and achingly rigid, jutted up inside the silky sheath of her soft, velvety pussy as she lay pinning him to the bed. Twice now, she had brought him along with her toward a climax, only to climb the mountain by herself. He could feel his heavy balls full of boiling hot cum, aching for relief.

Unable to contain his need any longer, he wrapped his arms around her and gently rolled her over onto her back. Her arms and legs flopped about lifelessly as he did. He felt a fleeting stab of shame but hoping that she would understand his need, he reached down and hooked his arms underneath her long, limp legs. Lifting them up in the air, he scooted up until his rock hard penis was pointing down at her seeping love wound. Quickly aiming himself down into the soft, wetness that lay between her legs, he carefully fitted his giant prick into her hot, sopping socket. He loved the feel of her hot, clutching cunt wrapped around his primed cock as he slowly sank the entire length of his maleness into her clenching, absorbing love wound.

Impaling her to the limit, he ground his belly into hers, twirling his long, thick cock around in the scorching heat of her womanhood. As he did, he felt her stir below him. Pulling his cock back out of her, he quickly sent it ripping back into her as she mewed out softly. The wonderful feeling of her soft, mushy cunt sucking on his steel-hard cock was almost enough to finally trigger his eruption, but he strained to hold it back as he fucked her with long, deep strokes.

As he fucked her, his elephantine penis plowing in and out of her dripping slit, he saw her slowly open her eyes. She was still dazed as she looked up at him bewilderedly. A flash of panic filled her eyes and he saw her eyes glaze over and close again.

What had frightened her?

Blinking open again several seconds later, he saw the look of fear had been replaced by confusion. Even as she tried to sort out what was happening, he could feel her body begin to respond to the pounding her cunt was taking from his huge, hard cock.

He couldn't hold it back any more. Even as she struggled back to sanity, he couldn't stop.

Suddenly, his cock lurched and erupted deep inside the fiery heat of her cunt. Driving his steely hardness into her as deep and hard as he could, he felt a searing white flash of ecstasy rip through it as his cock began to spurt out its thick, creamy essence into her.

"Ahhhhh, Gooooddddd," she suddenly wailed as the white hot gusher of boiling cum burst out into her cunt, "its so fucking hot!"

Unable to restrain himself, Mike continued to hump his spewing, spitting wand into her ravenous cunt as fast as he could, sending it into her all the way up to the hilt every time.

"Oh, Yes, Baby, More, Unhhhhhhhh, Oh, Yes, More, UNnnnnnn," she cooed every time she felt his massive penis swell and squirt another gusher of his virile, hot seed-laden cum into her, "Cum in me, Oh, Baby, Cum in me."

Mike couldn't believe how long his awesome orgasm was lasting. Over and over, again and again his penis erupted inside his mother-in-law's deep, steaming wetness.

He must have shot a gallon of the gooey syrup into her before it began to give up and the intensity of the spurts grew less and less. Until finally, his balls had been drained dry by his mother-in-law's sucking cunt.

Gradually the instinct to drive his cock into her gave way to overpowering fatigue and he leaned back away from her. Gently easing his shrinking manhood back out of her drenched pussy, he released her long, firm legs and rolled over on the bed beside her as a river of his thick, creamy exudiate flowed out of her bruised and battered womanhood.

"You must think I'm a horrid mother-in-law," Gloria sighed, looking over at him.

"Why?" Mike grinned questioningly at her

"I don't know what came over me," she sniffled, big tears rolling down her cheeks.

"This is not the way I was told it was going to be," he chuckled. "Aren't we suppose to hate each other or something. That's what I heard."

"I'm so sorry, but I just couldn't stop myself," she blushed, trying to convey her penance to him.

"There is no need to apologize to me for God's sake," he told her, reaching over and gently caressing one of her big breasts. "It was awesome."

"But, it was all wrong," she said, tears still running down her cheeks, "I just wanted you so much, I couldn't stop myself."

"I've wanted you just as much," he said, pulling her into his powerful arms and hugging her to him tightly. "It was just one of those things that was bound to happen. We can't go back and change it and I wouldn't change it if I could."

"Yes, you're right," she agreed with him, trying to staunch the flow of tears.

"Something like that," he grinned, flicking her rose bud of a nipple lovingly, "comes along once in a life time. It was awesome. Just fucking awesome."

"Yes, you're right again," she smiled, "It was wonderful."

"We both enjoyed it," he said, kissing the tear trails on her cheek and tasting the saltiness of her guilt, "so how could it be bad?"

"Now what?" she asked. "What do we do now?"

"Well, the way I see it, we have a few options. We can call this a one-time accident, keep it our deep, dark secret, and never do it again," he said, letting his hand stray down off her breast onto her flat, hard stomach, "Or we confess our sins to Clarise and Ralph and hope they can forgive us, or. . . ."

"Or what. . . ." she asked breathlessly.

"Or keep it our secret," he smiled at her, letting his hand roam through her kinky forest of soft, brown pubic hair, "and do it every fucking chance we get to enjoy it for what it is."

"What, uh, you mean, uh, you mean," she stuttered anxiously, "You mean to have an ongoing affair?"

"That's a rather technical term for it," he chuckled, "But, yes, I suppose that is what you would call it."

"Oh, oh, oh," she murmured as his finger found her clitoris, "Do you think we can hide it and go on behind their back?"

"Hey, it's worth it, isn't it?" he said, dipping his finger down into the soft, wet slit, "I like fucking you and I think you liked fucking me."

"Oh, God, Yes," she gurgled enthusiastically, reaching over to his limp cock and lovingly shaking it, "I love the way your wonderful penis fills me up."

Neither of them said anything for a moment as they thought about the gravity of their choice.

"Can we get away with it?" she asked him as she felt his maleness gradually hardening under her soft, gentle coaxing.

"That is something that only time can tell," he told her, as he felt himself wanting to be inside her again.

"Oh, My," she shuddered, trying to consider all of the complexities of the journey.

But it appeared they had already embarked and there would be no turning back.

"It would be so hard to be around you, in front of them, without letting on."

"Hey, it's hard already," he laughed, looking down at his growing cock.

"Silly," she smirked, roughly squeezing his prick.

"Seriously, I think we can do it," he mumbled, pulling her to him and kissing her long and deeply.

Their mouths ground together as their hands fondled, poked, and played with the other's body, quickly bringing their desire to a fever pitch once again.

"Oh, God, I'll do anything to have you inside of me again," she panted as their lips parted.

"Oh, Gloria, I think I'm falling in love with you," he gasped, feeling her hand on his hardness.

"You make me feel so, so like a Woman," she groaned, "but what I feel toward you is definitely unmother-in-law like."

"I want to fuck you, again," he growled, rubbing his cock against her, "I want to fuck you and fill you up with my seed."

"I want it in me. I want your big, hard cock deep in pussy," she shuddered, rolling over onto her stomach and getting to her hands and knees.

"Put it in me like a doggie," she growled back at him, waving her round, firm ass suggestively, "Fuck me like the bitch I am."

Scrambling to his knees behind her, he scooted up to her wavering ass and grabbed her by the hip. Taking hold of his jutting penis, he pointed it up at the gaping slit of her sex and thrust himself up at her at the same time he pulled her down onto him.

"Ohhhhh, MY, LORD," she wailed as his cock tore up into the soft, wet heat of her waiting womanhood, "it feels so good I don't want you to ever stop."

Holding onto her hips with both hands, he began to raise and lower her up and down on his jutting spear, burying the entire length of his hardness up into her each time he hunched his cock into her. The wickedness of their covenant drove them to such a state of excitement, they knew the coupling couldn't last long. Mike had never been so hard or so primed. He almost felt like he was deflowering a virgin and in some ways he was on virgin ground. The hot wetness of his mother-in-law's vagina wrapped around his steel hard cock was almost too much to fathom. In and out it went, ripping deep into her each time his belly slammed into her butt. They were like two rutting animals only wanting to fulfill their base desires. Her wetness was gushing out of her hot box and covered his flopping ball sac and the front of his thighs as more of it splashed out every time he speared her Their bodies were smashing together so rapidly, it was only a matter time before they would be overtaken by the heat of the moment.

"Aiiiiiieeee," Gloria suddenly screamed out in anguish as her body was wracked and torn by another muscle wrenching orgasm.

The contraction of her convulsing vagina was all Mike needed to push him over the edge and he began to fill her cavernous cunt with his rich, thick syrup once again. They were both swept to height that neither of them had attained before. It was like being in the eye of a sexual hurricane and they were being buffeted by the winds of pleasure from all sides. Mike kept his spewing cock thrust up inside of her burning, sucking hole as they rose and fell with the waves of pleasure that washed over them again and again.

Finally, it ended and Gloria's legs gave way. Falling away from Mike, she flopped down onto her belly, jerking his rapidly recoiling prick out of her abused pussy. As she fell to the bed, Mike slumped down to the bed by her side.

"Damn," she exclaimed in astonishment, "It gets better every time. I want to spend the rest of the day making love with you."

"I wish we could," Mike grimaced, "But I'm afraid that we're going to have our first test. I forgot to tell you that Clarise wants us to meet her for lunch down at Barney's"

"Oh, For Chris sake," she moaned, "Why didn't you tell me that earlier?"

"I'm afraid that I had other things on my mind," he grinned at her, "It's not every day that a guy gets seduced by his mother-in-law, yah know."

"What time did she want us to meet her?" Gloria asked, sitting up and looking at her watch.

"Around eleven-thirty," he yawned, looking over at the clock on the nightstand, "We still have plenty of time to get dressed. And. . ."

"And What," Gloria blurted out, slowly struggling to scoot over to the edge of the bed.

"Clarise said that she had to leave us on our own after lunch," he smiled lewdly, reaching over and tickling his mother-in-law's back, "So I can't think of a better way to spend the afternoon than in bed with you. That is if you still want to."

"What, uh, well, that definitely changes my outlook on the day," she bubbled, standing up.

"I can't wait until our luncheon date is over so I can get you back in bed where you belong. I think I might even have dessert when we get back."

"I get dubs on it first," Mike said enthusiastically, "I want another piece of your wonderful love pie. I want to eat and eat and eat it."

"Oh, you naughty little boy," she snickered, sauntering across the room and stepping out into the hall, "You'd better stop talking like that or you'll have to make up an excuse to tell Clarise why we didn't show up."

"Don't tempt me," he laughed as he watched her disappear ...

[FIN - Story 1]
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2. Story 2


by BarondeSade©

Many thanks to Tom (trciii) for editing this work of fantasy...

An erotic fantasy from the pen of BarondeSade...



Twenty-two years... Twenty-two years since his mother, Christine had given him up for adoption. But now, in a matter a few minutes, he would see her...

She had put him up for adoption just after his birth and he had lived with his adoptive parents until he was eighteen. He hadn't even known that he was adopted, until his parents told him just before he left for college. He didn't know what prompted them to tell him and it had come as a stunning shock to realize the two people he loved most in the world weren't his biological parents.

He had been in a confused state of mind for most of his freshman year in college, thinking over what they had told him. But he had finally gotten over it and moved on. Moved on and met his friend, Carl. He and Carl, both computer geeks, had combined forces and started a software business. And in their junior year, the software they produced took off in sales; by their senior year, they were both independently wealthy.

Since she had given him up for adoption right after birth, he had never really seen her. What would she look like, he wondered? Would she be pretty? Ugly? Tall? Short? Skinny? Fat? He had a picture of what he thought she might look like in his mind, but he was about to find out. It had taken him three years to find her and he didn't know what to expect. She would have to be around forty or so. She had him when she was fourteen his parents had said. He could see why she had to give him up for adoption. Having a child at age fourteen must have been a traumatic experience. Why she was only a child herself. David couldn't really bring himself to blame her, and besides, he'd had a good life with his other parents, so this meeting was mostly to satisfy his curiosity. They hadn't had a life together before, and he didn't know if they would start one up when they got back together. She didn't even know that he'd found her...

He'd learned that she was working as a realtor. So, wanting to see what she was really like without the pressure of knowing that he was her son, he called her up and set up an appointment to view some houses. It had felt really strange talking to her. Talking to the woman who was his mother and didn't even know him. She had sounded nice on the phone, though. And to his surprise, she sounded sexy, which was a bit of a shock to him.

Finally, he drove up in front of the little real estate office and stopped. Looking at the sign in the yard, he saw a picture of her. She was pretty. Not ravishing, but pretty, he thought as the picture stared back at him. She had short, blond hair that was cut in an abbreviated pageboy style and a graceful neck. An attractive face, with her nose maybe a little too pronounced, but not so to take away from her attractiveness. He saw no wrinkles, but the picture had probably been airbrushed, so he would have to wait until he saw her in person. But one, actually two, he sickly thought, other things stuck out...she had quite large breasts...

Well, let's go and get this over with, David told himself, pushing the door open and stepping out of the car. Striding up the sidewalk, he stopped by the sign and studied the picture again. Even up close, he came to the same conclusion as before. She was an attractive woman...

Stepping on, he climbed the steps leading up to the porch. Then, nervously stopping in front of the door, he took a deep breath and pushed the door bell...

A couple of moments later, the door slowly opened and there she stood!

"Oh, you must be David," she smiled at him as he stood awkwardly staring at her. "Do come in."

"Uh...yes, I'm, uh, I'm David," he stuttered, blushing and stepping into the office.

"I'm Christine Dumas," she smiled, taking his hand in her soft, dainty hand and shaking it. "Welcome to Dumas Realty."

"Uh...thanks...thanks," he mumbled, letting go of her hand.

"Why don't you have a seat," she smiled, motioning to the chair sitting by her desk.

Looking around the room, he slowly sank down in the chair. The office was small, neat, and there were no other desks, so he assumed she must the only realtor working out of her office.

"You seem surprised," she laughed softly, stepping around her desk to her chair, as David dropped his eyes down to her pretty butt jutting out against her tight skirt. "I'm not what you were expecting?"

Did she know? How could she know? He was stunned. She must have somehow found out that he was her son. But how?

"Did I sound so different on the phone?" she smiled, sitting down and looking across the desk at him.

" just wasn't expecting pretty," he smiled, finally regaining some of his composure.

"Why, thank you," she said. "That's such a nice compliment. Especially coming from a handsome young man like you."

"More truth, than compliment," he laughed, watching her warm, blue eyes sparkle in the afternoon sunlight.

"You're quite the silver-tongued young man," she said, fluttering her eyes.

"Well," he said, glancing down at the pile of manila folders in front of her, then looking back up at her face, "what do you have to offer me?"

So this was his mother, he thought to himself, studying her face as she began showing him the folders that held the information on different houses...

He didn't hear a word she was saying as he pondered the question. Should he tell her...or not? He had a strange feeling toward her. She was his mother, but he found himself thinking of her as just an attractive older woman. An attractive older woman who he would...would like to make love to!

As sick as the idea was, he found it perversely exciting. A part of him wanted to tell her that he was her son and see how she would react to that. But the other thought was so intriguing. The thought of making love to his mother had never crossed his mind...until now. Could he? Could he seduce her?

After all, she didn't know his secret. He could make love to her and then decide to tell her...or not. She would never be the wiser, unless he told her. But could he really bring himself to do such a sick, twisted thing? He didn't know if he could bring himself to do it, but found himself wanting to give it a try!

"...and so, which ones would you like to see?" he heard her ask.

"Uh...let's see...what about these two?" he said, picking out two random files and handing them to her, wishing she were referring to the two treasures that were nested down inside her overstuffed blouse.

"Okay...okay, but these two are the most expensive of the lot," she smiled, almost as if she was slipping into a maternal role and trying to protect him from his own folly. "By the way you didn't say...are you married?"

"," he smiled, looking down at her ringless ring finger. "Are you?"

A puzzled look flitted across her face, then she looked him straight in the eye.

"No, I'm not..."

"Good," he said. "Then it wouldn't be inappropriate for me to ask you out to dinner after we've looked at the homes."

The look of puzzlement on her face grew as she looked across the desk at him...

"I...uh...I suppose it wouldn't be inappropriate...but..." she said, pausing and reaching down to the folders, "but..."

"But what?" he asked, smiling at her and gently placing his hand on hers. "I'm new in town and don't know where to find a decent meal. Besides I would love to share dinner with the prettiest woman in town."

She paused, looking at him, and then slowly smiled.
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"So, what is your nickname, David?" she laughed softly. "Speedy Gonzales? I've seen some fast moves in my time, but yours is about the fastest I've ever seen."

"Well?" he smiled, giving her hand a soft squeeze.

"Well," she laughed back. "I suppose. I don't have any plans for tonight and sharing a dinner with a good-looking young man like you would probably enhance my marketability around town quite a bit."

"Done then...a deal," he said, rising up from the chair as she picked the folders and stood up, too.

"You know that the two houses you want to see are both over six-thousand square feet. Whatever would a single young man do with all that space?" she grinned, stepping out from behind her desk.

"Uh...well...I've got to spend my money on something," he laughed, stepping across the room in front of her and opening the door for her. "An investment."

"You're that well off?" she asked, stepping through the doorway.

"A friend and I started a software company," he said, pulling the door closed behind them and watching her electrifying butt wiggle provocatively as she stepped down the sidewalk. "We sold it last month for sixty mill each... So now I'm trying to find some new investments. Some things that I can invest in that I didn't have before..."

"Sixty million?" she gasped, stopping and turning to face him. "You said sixty million?"

"Yeah," he grinned, leaning down and opening her door for her.

"I've never known anybody with that much money," she muttered, sliding into her car and unknowingly giving him a lovely shot of her long, shapely leg.

"Well, now you do," he laughed, closing her door and walking around to the passenger side.

Getting into the car, he glanced over and saw that her skirt had ridden halfway up her thigh revealing a large expanse of smooth, flawless flesh, as she started the car.

As he looked, he saw her glance over at him, then down to her exposed thigh. He saw a smile flicker across her lips, as she reached down and made a pretense to push her skirt down...but only moved it down a couple of inches in the process.

"So, you and all this money," she said, pulling away from the curb, "what are you doing in Pleasanton?"

"Oh...I came back to look up an old acquaintance," he said, looking over and watching her skirt ride higher and higher up her creamy thigh, every time she shifted.

"So, did you find this old acquaintance of yours?"

"Yes...yes I did," he smiled at her...

"And?" she insinuated, pulling up in front of one of the houses on the list...

"And what?" he asked, pushing his door open and stepping out of the car.

"And you and this acquaintance? What now? Was it a personal thing? Or just curiosity?

"Curiosity, at first, but now...I don't know," he said as they walked up the sidewalk to the house, "yet!"

Perplexed by his thoughts of his mother, he watched her move around the house, pointing out this feature and that...but sickly, most of his attention was focused on her body.

Still, the strange feeling that she wasn't really his mother, permeated his mind. A part of him thought of her as an attractive, older woman whose panties he would like to get into, but another part of him knew that what he was thinking was despicable. Even if she was a stranger to him, to fuck your mother would be a gross perversion, no matter how you diced it up. No matter that she had given him up...given him up to fend for himself and make what he could out of his life without her. On his own. The more he thought about it, the more convinced he became. She had left it up to him to make a life for himself, and he wanted her to be a part of it again. But in such a sick and twisted way! That was part of the deal—she had given him up as her son, so since she didn't think of him as a son, he would not think of her as his mother.

"Well, what do you think?" she asked him as they finished the tour.

"I think you're very pretty," he grinned.

"No, Silly, about the house," she smiled.

"Let's look at the other one, then I'll decide," he told her, opening the door for her.

"Okay," she laughed, stepping through the door and walking down the sidewalk toward her car.

Listening to the sexy clop of her high heels on the sidewalk, he closed the door behind them. Turning to follow her, he watched her beautiful butt swishing from side to side, as she stepped away.

"But this house definitely has a fine view," he said, watching her turn and see that he had been looking at her ass.

"Silly," she laughed, opening her door and sliding in under the steering wheel, giving him another shot of her long, shapely legs.

"Are you just going to stand there gawking," she said, closing her door, "or are going to come along?"

I'd love to come, he giddily thought. Come a long time in your hot pussy...

As he stepped up to the car, he saw his mother's eyes stray down to the bulge of his cock. Then, he saw a slight blush color her cheeks as he slid into the passenger seat and she looked away...

They continued to flirt and tease while they toured the second home. And the sexual interaction between them became more and more pronounced, David thought, as he kept pouring on the charm. Her touches seemed to linger longer and longer as she pointed out the houses' finer points until finally, she intimately rested her hand on his arm while they walked.

Finally, finished with the inspection, they stood by the front door. She gave him an inquisitive look. When she did, David couldn't resist attempting to find out just how she really felt about him.

Stepping up to her, he gently wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him. Bending down, he pressed his lips to hers and gave her a long, probing kiss. A look of stunned shock filled her flared eyes for a moment, then her eyes fluttered shut as she slowly encircled him with her arms and pulled him to her. Then she returned his kiss, thrusting her big breasts against him as she probed his mouth with her hot tongue. Then he felt a gentle pressure against his stiff cock as she gently pressed herself against him. David had never felt anything so exhilarating in his whole life as they kissed. Then, he dropped his hands down onto her tight, hard butt and delicately cupped it, pulling her up against his swollen cock.

They continued to kiss for what seemed like an eternity before David finally felt her step back and draw away from him.

"Oh, my," she gasped, reaching down and straightening her rumpled skirt as she tried to catch her breath.

"I'm sorry," David panted, breathing hard. "I couldn't stop myself..."

"Well...well, uh, did you like it?" she stammered, nervously running her hand over her jutting breasts.

"I loved it," he told her, running his tongue over his lips and tasting her spit.

"No...the house? I meant the house," she said, blushing again.

"Let's discuss it over dinner," he smiled. "I'm famished..."

"Uh, oh...okay..." she muttered, opening the door and stepping out into the dusk.

Then, she quickly started down the sidewalk as David closed the door behind them.

"This one has a nice view, too," he laughed, admiring the sway of her butt as it swished from side to side, seemingly with more emphasis than before.

"You certainly are insistent," she smirked, not even bothering to look back at him this time!

They spent two hours over dinner, sipping wine, intimately touching and fondly looking into each other's eyes.

Finally, Christine told him that she was going to the little girl's room. David's eyes followed her as she strode across the restaurant...her tight skirt rustling over the perfect roundness of her ass with each step she took.

When she disappeared into the restroom, David quickly called the waitress over to pay the bill. He had just finishing signing the receipt, when he saw Christine come striding toward him. This time, the objects of his attention were her big, bobbling breasts as she strolled toward him with a mischievous smile on her pretty lips.

"And what do you find so fascinating," she smiled, stepping up and taking his hand in hers as they started for the door.

"Your breasts," he whispered into her ear. "They're fantastic...every man in the room is admiring them..."

"Oh, shush, you silly boy," she mumbled, blushing and giving his hand a gentle squeeze...

David continued to admire her smooth, creamy thigh as she drove along. But, this time she seemed not to mind in the least as they returned to the realty office.

Then, to his surprise, she turned into the driveway of the house next to the office.

"You live here," he asked, studying the trim cottage.

"Yes," she smiled, turning the car off. "When it came on the market, I swooped it up. I find it convenient to live so close to my work."

"Cool," he laughed.

"Want to see inside?" she asked.

"Sure," he said.

Once inside, she gave him a quick tour of the house and returned to the living room.

"So, why don't you make us a drink, while I slip into something more comfortable," she smiled.

"Sure. What'll it be?" he asked, stepping over to the bar as she took a couple of steps toward her bedroom.

"Scotch on the rocks," she said, reaching down and slipping off her high heels.

"Scotch on the rocks, it is," he said, loosening his tie.

After making the drinks, David pulled his sport coat off and stripped off his tie. Dbanging them over the bar, he walked around the room, studying her pictures and sipping on his drink.

"Aren't they pretty?" he heard Christine ask him as he stood peering at a picture.

Turning to face her, he saw that she had traded her blouse, skirt, and heels for a short gown. The opaque gown blurred the outline of her body underneath, but it was obvious there was little, if anything under it other than her silhouetted body. And it was especially obvious that there was nothing restraining her big breasts under the gown, the way were freely bobbling.

"I think they're gorgeous," he smiled, openly looking down at her bobbing breasts.

"Not them, you silly boy," she laughed softly. "The pictures..."

"They're pretty, but, I think I still prefer those..." he said, stepping over to the bar and picking up her drink.

"I think they're too saggy," she complained, taking the drink from him.

"How can you say such a despicable thing about them," he said, appreciatively watching them bob and jiggle. "I'll bet you they're fantastic..."

"Flattery just might get you..." she smiled, batting her eyes at him.

"Get me what?" he asked, following her over to the couch where she sat down and pulled her long, shapely legs up under her.

"You never know," she said, taking a sip of the drink. "Ah, just the way I like it. Like I like my men. Nice and strong..."

"Good," he said, sitting down beside her.

"So what does a handsome young man like you a doddering old broad like me, anyway?" she asked, looking into his eyes.

"I like women like I like my wine! Aged to perfection," he said, reaching over and running his fingers down her bare arm. "I don't like wine that hasn't had a chance to age..."

"It's been a long time," she murmured softly, reaching down and running a short, manicured fingernail down his thigh.

"A beautiful woman like you?" David said softly.

What would she do if she knew I was her son, he excitedly wondered, letting his finger brush over the soft material of her gown? What would she do if she knew that it was her own son trying to seduce her?

"My husband, Terrance, left me for a younger woman," she frowned, "three years ago and I just never got around to getting back to the dating game. So all this is a little scary, but at the same time, it's strangely exciting to be pursued by a boy young enough...young enough to be my son!"

Did she know? No, she couldn't or she would have stopped it. Wouldn't she? She knew that he was out to seduce her. Why else would she be sitting on the couch running her finger up and down his thigh?

"Terrance must have been an old fool," David frowned, easing his finger a little way inside the armhole of her gown. "An old fool to leave you for a child..."

"She was an attractive young woman," Christine said, looking over at her hand.
"Can I see," he whispered. "Can I see what he turned down for another woman?"

"Oh, I don't...I don't know," she whispered back. "This...this is all happening so, so fast. I don't know what has gotten into me. I'm not usually forward. Why, why you must think I'm a shameless reprobate."

"Please," David said, setting his drink down, as he slowly got to his feet and turned to face her with his hands extended down to her.

Looking up into his eyes, she slowly reached out and set her glass on the coffee table. Then, she slipped her hands into his and let him gently pull her to her feet. Wanting to calm her doubts, David wrapped his arms around her and tenderly hugged her to him. His lips touched down onto hers...soflty like a butterfly landing. Then they kissed, tenderly, lovingly as their bodies slowly melted together. The kiss grew more insistent as David eased his hand down to the middle of her back, just above her buttocks and pressed her against his rock-hard penis. He felt a little moan bubble into his mouth as he explored the secrecy of her mouth with his tongue. She leaned into him, thrusting her big, soft tits into his chest as they passionately kissed. This was his mother...his mother kissing him more intimately than he had ever been kissed in his life. David was in a euphoric fog as the kiss went on and on and on.

At last, their lips breathlessly broke as they stood gasping for air and staring into each other's eyes...

Not wanting to break the spell, David took the tiniest of steps backward. Still staring into her eyes, he reached down and delicately grasped the hem of her gown in his numb fingers. He saw her eyes drop down as he ever so slowly raised the gown up. Up over the flawless smoothness of her thighs, the curl-shrouded secrecy that lay between her legs, up over the rounded softness of her belly, climbing higher toward the mountainous peaks above, then up over them, revealing their exquisite beauty to his gaping eyes.

Then, she lifted her arms over her head as David stared down at the precious treasures before him. Pulling the gown up, he lifted it over her graceful neck and pretty face, then up over and off her arms.

Letting the silky gown slip from his unfeeling fingers, he gazed down at her in reverent wonder.

"God, you're so beautiful, M..." he groaned, only able to stop himself from calling her mother at the last second.

The gold necklace and ring she wore were the only detractors from her unblemished beauty as she innocently stared back into his eyes. He could see that she was blushing as he ran his eyes over her body.

"So beautiful," he murmured.

"Now stop that," she blushed brighter, reaching out and plucking the top button of his shirt open. "You're embarrassing me!"

"Can't help it," he whispered as she popped another button open. "You're so beautiful..."

Then, as her fingers crawled down his shirt, he reached out and gently cupped the dangling treasures. Squeezing them ever so gently, he lifted their heaviness with his hands.

He lovingly fondled her heavy, sagging breasts until she unbuttoned the last button on his shirt. Then she pushed his shirt back over his shoulders and tossed it down on the couch.

As her fingers found his belt buckle, his hands searched out her drooping tits once again. Toying with the big, puffy nipples, he felt her fingers make quick work of his pants, as they suddenly went skittering down his legs. Still looking into his eyes, she brushed his hands aside and slid her thumbs down under the waistband of his jockey shorts.

Then, she looked down and thrust his shorts down his legs, freeing his big, hard penis as it jutted up from his groin.

"'s...oh, what a divine creature," she gushed, adoringly running her fingers over blue-veined shaft of his cock as it twitched and bobbed.

"And it needs a home," he muttered. Slipping out of his loafers and quickly toeing his socks off, he quickly stepped out of his pants and underwear.

"Yes...yes..." she hissed softly, "but dear...slowly, so I can savor the touch...the feel...the taste of your body..."

He was about to fuck his mother, David feverishly thought! But first she wanted to do other things to him...and...taste him. Could that mean? It could mean only one thing...

"," she said, taking his hand in hers. "Let's go exploring."

Slipping his arm around her slightly age-thickened waist, he pulled her to him as they walked to her bedroom. Strangely, now was the first time he had noticed the exotic fragrance of her erotic perfume.

Who was this woman that was his mother? What was she really like? What was she really like in bed? What were her likes and dislikes? Maybe he would actually take the time to find out. But was about to find out what the mysterious woman was like in bed!

As they walked arm in arm, He saw his mother watching his cock slash back and forth in from of him.

"It looks like a divining rod," she laughed softly. "A big, hard divining rod."

Dropping his hand down onto her jiggling butt, David gave it a soft grope as they strolled up to the bed.

Moving her arm from around his waist, Christine raised a knee up to the bed and quickly crawled up onto it.

Standing by the bed, David waited to see what she had in mind before he committed himself.

As he watched, she stood on her knees, smiling up at him.

"Come, lie down beside me," she said, patting the bed.

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Quickly crawling up on the bed, he flopped down on his back beside her. Watching her, he saw her lean down onto her hands and knees and lift a leg over him, situating her pussy just above his face...

There it was, he giddily thought, as he stared up at the big, fleshy wound hovering above his face. His mother's pussy. The place where some guy had stuck his cock, filled it up with cum, and made him. Staring up at the beautiful thing, he watched it slowly descend down onto his lips. As it touched down, he tentatively eased his tongue out and licked it between the big, meaty lips dangling down on each side of her vagina. His mother's vagina. The place he had lived so long ago. And he was about to revisit it in such a different, perverse way...

Just then, he felt his mother's hot lips encircle the bloated head of his cock. She began to hungrily suck and lick it. A shudder of such intense excitement sparked through his twitching cock, it was all he could do to hold back the explosive charge already gathering down inside his balls.

"Ummmmmm," she murmured out around the shaft of his swollen cock and began to rock back and forth.

Raking her pussy back and forth on his lips, she lovingly fucked his face as he tasted and drank of the pungency flowing out of her meaty pussy. Sparkles of excitement sparked around the room as fireballs of passion poured their fury down on the two of them.

He could feel his mother ravenously devouring his cock, sliding her mouth up and down it, slurping loudly with each down-thrusting suck. Hot spit ran out of her mouth and dripped down onto his balls, coating them with spitty heat. Then he felt his mother maneuver her big, marble-size clit down onto his lips as his tongue found it.

"Ummmmmmmmmhuh..." she groveled out, as he began to tickle and tease the jutting knob with his tongue.

As he tormented the slippery ball of her clit, he reached up and found the two treasures dangling down from her chest. What would it have been like to drink from the two mountainous fountains, he deliriously wondered, twisting and tweaking on the two berry-sized nipples that jutted out of their centers. What would it taste like, he wondered, frantically working his tongue on his mother's clit. Would it be sweet, or salty, or creamy, or milky, or just what, he dementedly wondered. But he would never know,, he couldn't let himself go that far. But he went ahead and finished the hanging sentence in his head...unless his mother was pregnant!

Just the thought of such a perversion sent a current of excitement firing through his cock. Using all his will power, he held it back as his mother's mouth feverishly worked up and down his cock. As it did, he could feel her roughly pulling and plucking at his big balls as if she were trying to coax them to release their load into her mouth. It was all so fucking exciting, he thought, as he humped his cock up into her mouth and she humped her pussy down onto his lips. They were like some kind of sick, demented see-saw, working up and down at breakneck speed, he crazily thought.

"Gommaummmm," he groaned out, as the pressure inside his balls was building up to an uncontrollable force.

"Ummmmhuhhhh," she grunted out around the shaft of his cock.

Then he felt it rip through his cock like a flash of lightning, pouring through the delicate insides of his cock and blistering them like a spurt of acid...

As it did, it spewed up into his mother's mouth where she hungrily drank it down.

Then as his cock jerked and jumped, spewing out it's gooey load, he felt her body stiffen and begin to writhe. As it did, she thrust her pussy down onto his mouth while she shook and trembled. Dropping her tits, he reached around her and grabbed her ass, shoving her down onto his mouth. Her butt continued to jump and quiver as she worked her pussy around his lips, painting his mouth and chin with a rich coating of her luxuriant pussy-juice.

At last, David felt the final trickle of pleasure drizzle out from his cock as his mother's lifted her mouth of it.

"My goodness," she mumbled, lifting her leg and rolling over onto her back beside him.

Raising up onto her elbows, she looked down at him, slowly running her tongue over her lips, lapping away the cum that had escaped her mouth. "That was some mouthful..."

"Uh-huh," he grinned down at her with his juice-coated lips.

Struggling up, he crawled around until he was lying beside her with his face pressed against one of her big tits. Snuggling up against it, he reached over and grabbed hold of the other one. Then as he gently nursed on one big, puffy nipple, he tweaked and toyed with the other one while she lovingly ran her fingers through his hair.

Pressing his leg up against her thigh, he felt her lift her leg. Sliding one leg under her leg and the other over it, he gently rubbed his limp cock against her leg as he sucked on her nipple.

"I wish I could have done this...this with...with my son," she murmured softly.

"Huh?" he muttered, spitting out the nipple and looking up at her face. "What...what do you mean?"

"I...had a son when I was...was young...fourteen!" she said, cupping his head in her hand and gently pressing his mouth back down onto her nipple. "But I found myself in such a predicament that I...I had to give him up for adoption when...when he was born. And I miss him so much...miss all the things a mother...mother and her babe were supposed to do. Not the other thing, but this. I always missed being able to suckle him. Hold him against my breast and let him suckle my breasts."

Hearing her confession was having a profound effect upon David. He was torn... A part of him wanted to take her in his arms and tell her that everything was okay! Everything had turned out for the good...tell her that he had turned out okay. But how, how could he do that when he was in her bed, using her in the most demented of ways possible? How could she understand what he was doing? Doing to her? He wanted to tell her that he had missed it too. Missed her, but how could he. It would be a lie. He hadn't even known that she existed until his parents told him. So, if she was fourteen when he was born, that would make her thirty-six now. He was so confused...but even in the swirl of confusion...he found himself even more drawn to her in that sick, twisted and most evil of ways.

Cradling his head in her arms, she delicately rocked him, pulling him to her breast as he gently suckled her like an infant.

Feeding on the intimacy of the moment, he felt his cock rapidly regaining its potency as he gently rubbed it against her leg.

"I miss much," she wept, holding him tighter. "He he would be just about your age," she told him, tears coursing down her cheeks and dripping down onto David's face.

Finally, knowing that his cock was fully recharged, it was the time for reckoning, he thought, slowly lifting his lips away from her nipple.

"It's okay...everything will be okay...M...M," he mumbled, leaning away from her and struggling up to his hands and knees. "You'll'll see."

Then, as she looked up at him with tear-stained eyes, she slowly spread herself open for him.

"Be gentle," she murmured, reaching down and gently clasping her fingers around his jutting cock.

"Yes..." he whispered, leaning down over her and letting her guide the head of his cock down to her waiting vagina.

The emotions he was feeling were frying the circuits in his brain. He was going to fuck her...fuck this woman, who in the last few moments had become his mother again...How could he do it? How could he do this to this lovely, sad woman? A woman who had missed him much more than he had missed her! She had given him up, but he hadn't even known she existed. She had lost so much more than he had! But at this moment, he really didn't care. He was going to take back his place. Take it back and use it in such a heinous way. He was going to take her. Take her and make her his. His what? His mother? His lover? He couldn't think straight any more, but he knew he must have her as his...

"Darling..." she murmured, as he gently eased the head of his cock down into the opening of her juice-filled vagina.

A shiver of perverse excitement tickled through him as he knowingly defiled the very sanctity of his birth-chamber. How could any son do this to his mother? Anything so degrading, so shaming, so belittling? Yet, she would never know! Unless...unless he told her. But he would...

Somehow, it had all changed within the last few moments. The feelings before, they had been different, now they were loving and nurturing. This was his mother, his mother, but still she was woman, too.

"Oh, yesssss," she hissed as he pushed himself down into her all the way to the hilt.

The world crazily spun around him, as he grasped at it and tried to make some sense of it all. This was wrong, so wrong, but he had to have her...bring her back to him...

Slowly, lovingly, he began to fuck her. He wanted to show his love to her, but how could he do it in this sick, perverted way? Would she know? Would she know how much he loved her and accept his way of showing it? Or would she turn on him and banish him from her life? Banish him from his rightful place a second time?

Whatever would be, would be, he told himself. But now, he was going to possess her. Totally and completely...make her his and bring sweet pleasure to her!

Looking down into her lust-filled eyes, he leaned down and rested himself on his elbows. Then with both hands, he took her slowly sloshing tits and began to squeeze and fondle them.

As his hips leisurely worked back and forth, he drove his cock down into her glutinous cunt. When he did, she met him at the bottom of the thrust by lunging back at him, their bodies meeting with lewd, wet slaps. Her juices were spewing out of her pussy like water pouring over a dam and their groins were quickly covered with its clinging wetness. Consumed by the passion pouring up from their loins, their mouths met in a wanton kiss as their tongues twisted and coiled together like two crazed snakes.

Suddenly, Christine kicked her long legs up into the air and rested the back of her knees against his shoulders. Now her pelvis was tilted to such a degree her pussy was totally exposed to his barrage.

"Ohhh...M...oohh...M...oohh," he gasped out as he began to drive his cock into her as deep and hard as he could...

Fighting to keep from uttering that fatal word, he frantically fucked her.

"Yes-yes-fuck-me," she blathered out, clawing at him as her feet wildly slashed back and forth above his head.

They were no longer man and woman! No longer mother and son! They were wild animals! Wild animals, mindlessly fucking to reproduce themselves. There was no emotion...nothing but pure, bestial gratification.

The sick sounds of their incestuous fucking filled the air as he fucked her with wild abandon.

The slap of their bodies crashing together; the mutual grunts and groans; the creak and groan of bedsprings mingled into a sick melody of perversion.

The depraved thoughts that filled his head drove him on to new heights of savagery as he pounded his cock into his mother's pussy. He could feel her fingernails digging into his back as she clawed at him pulling him down onto her harder and harder. There was nothing left to hold back between the two of them. They were both giving their all; fucking and pushing their bodies to the limit as they clashed together over and over again in his incestuous communion. She couldn't share in the depravity of it all, as she knew nothing of it. Driving himself closer and closer to a colossal eruption, he could feel her whole body tensing for her mad dash to the finish line. Who would cross it first? Who would be the victor in their insane race?

Then, with a long, shuddering gasp, she tripped off into her own world of ecstatic pleasure. Her legs stiffened into boards, her hips bounced and jumped, pattering her ass up and down on the bed while her ravenous cunt hungrily clutched and grabbed at his pistoning cock.

As she writhed and groaned out her fulfillment, the finality of what he had done exploded into his brain, kicking off his eruption.

Grunting, he felt a spasm of pleasure tear through his cock as it jerked and shot out a great, gummy glob of steaming cum into his mother's hungry cunt. Thrusting himself deeper into the fiery depths of the sucking pit between her legs, he felt his cock kick and hurl another gelatinous glob of hot cum into her! The sticky goo coated the velvet lining of her cunt with its sticky heat. But she gave no quarter, dropping her legs off his shoulders, she drove her heels into his clenched ass, forcing him ever deeper into the convulsing core of her vagina. David's big cock continued to spew out its sperm-laden cream into the very chamber of his creation, filling it with the vile toxin. Unknowingly, she accepted his poisonous gift, as her hungry cunt sucked and clutched at his cock, coaxing it to give her more and more.

An eternity later, David felt his cock shudder one final time as it dribbled out the last of its pestilence into her cum-drenched chamber. Now it was up to fate, he tiredly thought as he slowly backed his shrinking warrior back down the softly clutching channel of her vagina.

Now it was up to her. He had given her the precious essence, but their destiny was now in her hands. Would she take his seed and grow it into a creation of their union, or would it lie fallow in her womb?

It was up to her...


Unknowingly, Christine helped her son find a house suitable for a man of his wealth. Then she helped him furnish it. David still hadn't gotten the courage to confess his sins to her yet, as they continued to date and spend time with each other...

David began to think of her more and more as his lover and less and less of her as his mother. And sometimes, especially when they were making love, he almost forgot that she was his mother...

Then some three months later, she invited him over to her house for dinner.

He arrived at her house with a bottle of fine, aged wine. A reminder of their first night together, he thought to himself as he rang the doorbell and waited...

Finally, the door opened and Christine welcomed him in. She was wearing the same gown she had worn that very first night. Apparently they both had the same thing on their minds, he giddily thought, as she took the wine from him. Smiling knowingly, she stepped aside so he could enter.

He stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

"A fine, aged wine," she laughed softly, making her big tits wiggle and jiggle under the thin gown.

"Just like my woman. Aged to perfection," he said, pulling her to him and giving her a long, lingering kiss as their bodies melted together.

Finally, they parted and Christine stepped over to the table. Setting the wine bottle down, she picked up the two drinks that she had apparently placed there before. As she did, David noticed that the liquid in one glass was clear while the other was amber-colored.

"Dear...come with me," she said softly, giving him the darker drink, taking his hand, leading him into the living room.

Following her, David wondered why she was in such a serious mood. Usually, she was warm and bubbly, but tonight there was something different. Almost somber, he thought, watching her sit down on the couch and draw her legs up under her the way she had that first night...

"Why so somber?" he asked, sitting down beside her.

"I've...I've got something to tell you," she frowned, "and I don't know how you are going to take it!"

"What? What could be so grave?" he asked nervously, studying her face for any clue to what was wrong as she took a sip of her drink.

The silence was deafening for several moments before she spoke.

"I'm pregnant," she said bluntly, her eyes studying his face, apparently looking for any sign of disapproval.

"P...pregnant?" David sputtered, his jaw dropping and his eyes bugging out.

"Yes..." she said. "The doctor confirmed it this morning. The rabbit died."

"The rabbit died?" he grunted. "What do you mean?"

"It's an old saying," she said. "It just means you're pregnant..."

"" he muttered.

"I'm afraid so, Darling," she murmured, reaching for his hand. "You and I...we made a baby. There's been no one else but you since I met you."

David's brain froze. His mother was pregnant. Pregnant with his baby. What should he do? Tell her now? Not? What if it came out all fucked up? Oh...shit...this screws everything up. What do I do?

"Isn't it wonderful? You gave me just what I've wanted for so long," she gushed. "But don't worry...I didn't do this to trap you or anything. I can understand how you might think that I could have done this to get your money, but it's not anything like that. I'm pretty well off, too. Of course, not like you, but I don't really need any of your money. Besides, it's not about money."

"Mu...Mu..." David mumbled, still unable to finish the word.

"And I can understand why a young man like you," she smiled, "wouldn't want to tie himself down with an old woman like me."

"NO, no, I'm not...not going to leave, leave you," he said, tearfully looking into her eyes.

"Darling," she gushed, setting her glass down and sweeping him into her arms. "I love you so much!"

"Uh...I...I love you..." David choked out pulling her to him, trying not to spill his drink.

Their lips met as they kissed deeply for the longest time.

What now, he asked himself? If her told her, she might get an abortion. Then what would he do? Boy, did this fuck things up between them!

"What's wrong, Darling?" she asked him, gently squeezing his hand. "Aren't you happy. Our baby. We made a baby. look confused."

"'s just, just so sudden," he stuttered, his mind swirling in chaos. "It's such a surprise!"

"I understand," she laughed softly, running her hand up his thigh. "But it's not due for another six months. So we could celebrate tonight, if you want do it with an old pregnant woman."

"A pretty, pregnant woman," he corrected her, lifting her hand up to his lips and kissing it as his other hand lifted up to a breast and lovingly caressed it through the thin gown.

"They'll get bigger," she smiled as he absent-mindedly tickled its nipple with the tip of a finger. "But right now, they're kinda sore some of the time, so we'll have to be gentle with them."

Me? Me a father? How can this be? He fumbled for the answer, but none came...

"Uh, okay, but I don't see how they could get much bigger," he said, cupping the heavy udder in the palm of his hand. "They're already colossal..."

"And then, after the baby," she cooed, reaching into his lap and slowly unzipping his pants, "I'll share my milk with you."

A bolt of electricity shot through his cock as he heard what she said. At the same time she dug down into his shorts and pulled out his big cock.

"This...this lovely creature did it," she murmured, leaning down over it and quickly sucking it into her mouth.

"Uhhhhhh...he, he had a little help from her," he groaned, running his hand up between her legs and finding her hot, wet pussy.

Then, as she roughly sucked on the head of his cock, he slowly worked his finger in and out of her tight, clutching pussy.

"Hope the baby won't mind sharing your sweet pussy," he murmured as he gently finger-fucked her.

Raising her mouth off his cock, she looked up at him and smiled.

"He won't,"

"He?" he grunted.

"What else could it be coming from such a manly weapon as yours," she laughed, lowering her mouth back down onto his jutting cock.

"Uh, let's go to bed," he said, easing his finger out of her dripping snatch. "I'm not complaining, but I feel like a contortionist doing it here on the couch."

"Whatever you say, dear," she murmured, slowly lifting her mouth up off his jutting penis.

She lifted herself to her feet, then reached down to help him up.

Taking her hand, he pulled himself up, still trying not to spill his drink. Holding onto his hand, she took a step toward her bedroom.

"Aren't you going to take your drink?" he asked her, letting go of her hand and reaching for it.

"It's only water," she smiled at him. "Can't drink liquor when you're pregnant. Not good for the baby..."

"Oh, yeah, that's right," he laughed, taking a sip of his drink. "Glad those rules don't apply to Dads!"

"Don't get smart," she laughed, too. "Or I'll make you stop drinking...when you're around me."

"Sorry! I apologize."

"It's okay," she said, as they walked into the bedroom, "I was just joking, anyway."


"He looks funny sticking out of your pants like that," she giggled, wrapping her hand around his cock and leading him to the bed with it.

"Well, you're the one that made him that way," he snorted, reaching down and unbuttoning his pants. Letting go of them, he let them slide down around his ankles.

"That looks even funnier," she snickered, reaching down and lifting her gown up over her body, as she saw his big cock jutting out of the opening of his jockey shorts.

"You didn't think he looked funny before," he said, feigning indignity. "Before, you said he was a lovely creature, now you're calling him funny. He might get mad at you if you don't quit mocking him. Maybe he'll get mad and spit on you."

Poking his stiff prick back through the opening of his shorts, he quickly shoved his shorts down his legs, freeing the one-eyed ogre.

"That's better," she said, tossing her gown aside and crawling up on the bed.

"Glad you think so," he grinned, toeing his loafers and socks off, then kicking off his pants and shorts.

Rolling over onto her back, she looked up at him and grinned.

"Better enjoy it this way, while you can," she giggled, "cause something's going to come between us that won't let us do it this way much longer."

"Well, I've always liked it doggie style," he said, pulling his shirt up over his head. "Arf...arf..."

"But I won't get to see your face when we do it," she complained as he crawled up between her legs.

"Well, I'll get to see your pretty ass," he snickered, lowering his cock down to the weeping hole between her legs.

"So, you like my fat ass," she smirked up at him, fitting the head of his cock into the slippery opening of her vagina.

"I love it," he grunted, pushing his cock down into the clinging heat of her pussy. "And it's not fat. It's just right."

"Oh, that feels good," she cooed as he slid his cock into her.

Holding his cock down inside the clutching heat of her tight pussy, he looked down into her eyes. The eyes of his mother. The eyes of his son's mother. The eyes of his lover. The eyes of his wife to be, he drunkenly thought.

"So," she said, smiling up at him, a slight blush coloring her cheeks, "if you like it so much...maybe I'll let you have some of it. Would you like that?"

"What? What?" he muttered in a state of shocked excitement. "You would let me do it, do it to you back...back there?"

"Yes,' she said, clutching her pussy down around his cock as it twitched down inside her pussy. "If, if you want to."

"Uh, okay. But I don't want to hurt you," he said, backing his cock and beginning to gently fuck her with slow, deep thrusts.

"Let me...let me worry about that," she murmured, thrusting herself up at him every time he stroked his cock into her. "But now make me feel all happy down there!"

"Yes...make Mother...make Mother feel happy," he groaned out, fucking her harder and faster.

"Mother! Mother? What?" she gasped, staring up at him in shock.

"What? What?" he grunted, not even realizing that he had spewed out the forbidden word.

"You called me...M...Mother," she cried out, trying to push him off her.

" are! You are a mother," he blurted out, hoping his ploy would work. "You just told me that you're a mother, now. You did. The mother of my baby."

"That's...that's why you called me Mother?" she asked suspiciously, but stopped trying to push him off.

"Yes, yes, that's why..." he lied, grinning down at her. "I just thought that it would an affectionate name to call you now."

"Oh...oh. That's why," she said, a smile finally creeping across her lips. "It's okay, I guess...okay for you to call me that. Call me Mother...if that's why."

"That's why," he lied again, feeling her pussy clutch down around his cock. "Mother!"

He'd gotten away with it, he thankfully thought. Gotten away with it and he could call her Mother anytime he wanted to. And she would never be the wiser! Even if he screwed up and forgot. He was covered now!

"Okay, then, make Mother happy," she laughed softly, thrusting herself up at him.

David immediately began to saw his cock in and out of her slavering cunt again. She looked up at him and grabbed hold of her sloshing tits, holding them to keep them from flopping back and forth as he hammered his cock into her at a furious pace. What if she really knew, he frantically thought? The way she had reacted, he knew that if she knew, it would be all over between them. But now, at least he could call her mother without fear of reprisal.

"Make-Mother-Happy," he grunted out between strokes, as he pounded his cock into her.

"Yes-yes-make Mother happy," Christine growled out, completely oblivious to the fact that it was indeed her son slamming his cock in and out of her pussy.

David increased the speed and force of his thrusts as she groveled beneath him. They could both hear the wet slurp of his cock as it plowed in and out of her spewing pussy.

"Harder, Baby...harder," she panted, "Make Mommy happy."

She was pushing back at him, matching him stroke for stroke as he savagely pounded his cock down into the clutching hole between her outstretched legs.

David didn't say a word as he went about his job with workman-like determination. He had to make her come, he frantically thought. Make her come and then he could have her back there. Down there. Back down there in her hot ass...

Christine's hot juices were flying everywhere as their bodies slapped together over and over again. David was desperately trying to hold back the gathering eruption as he fucked her. Hold it back and save it for her hot ass. Save his boiling load of steamy cum for her hot ass. His mother's hot ass. He was in a delirious fog as he pounded his cock in and out of her pussy.

"Oh-oh-yes, almost happy-almost" she jabbered out, digging her fingernails into his ass and jerking it back and forth.

Hurry-hurry-hurry, he silently pleaded with her, straining as hard as he could to hold back the calamitous explosion gathering in his slashing balls.

Then, all of a sudden, she began to tremble as her eyes rolled back in her head and her hips began to jerk up and down.

She's coming. Thank God, she's coming, David groaned to himself, jerking his cock back out of her convulsing cunt. Hoping he had pulled it out in time, he stared down at it, watching it twitch up and down dangerously as he willed it not to explode. Then, feeling that it wasn't going off, he looked down at his mother's pussy as it contracted and dilated, open and shut, squeezing out a gush of her thick, gelatinous juice every time it did.

"Oh, God," she gasped as she melted back down onto the bed. "Awesome...but why did you pull out?"

"Uh...your-you know—your other one—saved it for that!" he muttered, a faint blush reddening his cheeks.

"Oh...I see," she said, grinning mischievously. "Saving it for my, uh, my backdoor, huh?'

"Uh, yeah, your backdoor," he grinned, reaching down and wrapping his hand around his cock feeling her hot juices coat his palm. "Saving this for your backdoor..."

"Well, let me up," she said, gently pushing at his chest with her hands. "And I'll go prepare it for its defilement..."

"Okay," he grinned, crawling off her and stepping down.

Holding out his hand, he pulled her up. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she stepped down and stood up.

"It'll be a few minutes," she said, walking toward the bathroom, "so you'll have to occupy yourself while I'm gone..."

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David watched her beautiful ass jiggle as she stepped across the room, thinking that it would soon be his. His mother's beautiful ass. His to do with as he saw fit. Sitting down on the bed, he slowly worked his juice-drenched hand up and down his cock, slowly stroking it as he waited for his mother to return.

At last, his mother came out of the bathroom. Walking toward him with a smirky smile on her lips, she reached up and cupped her big, bobbling tits as he openly gawked at them.

"Do you still like them?" she asked, stopping by the bed and releasing them as she leaned down and opened the drawer of her nightstand.

"No! I love them," he grinned, leaning forward and sucking one of the big, bulging nipples into his mouth.

"Ummmmm, that feels good," she murmured, wrapping her hands around behind his head and pulling his face into her tits.

He loudly slurped and sucked on her nipple for several moments, before she finally stepped back away and reached down into the drawer. Pulling out a small, white vibrator, she smiled and crawled up onto the bed.

Then she positioned herself with her shins resting on the bed, her feet dangling over the edge and her delightful butt waving in the air above the edge. Quickly getting to his feet, David stepped up behind her. As he did, he saw that her pouting asshole was glistening with a lubricant of some kind. Dipping his hips, he thrust his cock up into her juice-filled cunt.

"Yes, make it slippery with my juice," she murmured, milking her cunt down around his pistoning prick.

Holding onto her hips, he humped his cock in and out of her pussy as her juices spewed out, coating his cock and dripping down onto his flopping balls.

"," she finally grunted, pulling her pussy off his juice-drenched prick.

Wrapping his hand around his drenched cock, he lined it up with her puckered asshole. Fitting the tapered tip of his cock-head on the little ring of wrinkled flesh, he grabbed her by the hips again. Then, slowly, but persistently, he began to push it into her.

Staring down, David watched the head of his cock slowly spread the darkened circle of flesh as it relaxed and let his cock slide inside. Pulling her back at the same time he pushed, he saw his cock slide deeper and deeper into the depths of her ass.

"Nnnnnnnnuhhhhhhhh," she softly groaned, as his cock stretched her asshole wide open and disappeared into her.

Leaning down over her, he lovingly nibbled on her arched neck as he eased his cock in the last few inches. As the hairy base of his cock, nudged up against the smooth skin of her upthrust ass, he ran his hands down under her and cupped her heavy tits.

Holding himself inside of her hot ass, David paused and gently tweaked her rock-hard nipples. Tugging and delicately pinching on the knobby protrusions, David felt a shiver run through her body as she pushed herself back against him, taking him even deeper inside her ass.

Slowly, methodically, he began to stroke his cock in and out of the clutching tightness of her ass as she thrust herself back against his invasion.

He was doing it, he feverishly thought. He was fucking his mother in the ass. Fucking her tight, hot asshole with his big cock. And she seemed to like it, he thought, as she rocked back and forth impaling herself on his thrusting cock.

Slowly, he increased the tempo, fucking her harder and faster. Then, he felt something brush against his balls and heard the buzz of the vibrator. His mother now had her hand shoved down between her legs and was using the vibrator on her clit.

Dropping her tits, he leaned back and grabbed her by the hips again. As he did, she looked back over her shoulder at him. Their eyes locked and David saw that she was getting that glazed, far-away look that always preceded an orgasm. Continuing to fuck her ass with deep powerful strokes, he pushed and pulled on her hips as he pumped his cock into her tight hole.

"Come...come for me...come for me, Mother," David grunted as the bed shook and rocked under her.

"Yes, yes, soon," she crooned, dropping her head and staring back down between her legs.

Deep, throaty moans were coming from her lips as she humped herself back at him, matching each of his thrusts with one of her own.

All at once, she fell silent as she thrust herself back at him. Slamming his cock into her as deep as he could, he held it there as her body went rigid and she started trembling.

"Ohgooodddddddd," she gasped out, as she arched her back so hard, David was afraid it would snap in two.

Her legs were shaking and quivering as she thrust herself back against him. He couldn't believe the strength of her orgasm as he felt the spasms working through her pussy tickling up against the bottom of his cock. She came and came with a ferocity that he had never witnessed before.

At last, she collapsed down onto the bed, jerking David's twitching cock out in the process.

Then, as she lay in a quivering heap, gasping for breath, David reached down and gently rolled her over onto her back. Spreading her legs apart for him, she looked up at him expectantly. It seemed she thought that David was going for her pussy again, but David had different plans for his big cock. He was going to have her ass again.
Sliding his hands under her legs, he cupped them and pushed her legs up to expose her anus. Seeing what he had planned, his mother reached down and pulled at the cheeks of her ass apart, opening herself for him.

Leaning down over her, holding her legs pressed down against her big tits, David maneuvered his hips to position the head of his now lube-coated cock onto the wrinkled prune of her asshole.

Leaning into her, he saw that his cock easily slid into her this time. Moments later, he was once again buried balls-deep inside his mother's hot ass. It was a strange feeling, looking down at the thick, meaty lips of her pussy wetly stuck together, while down below them, his cock was sticking in her asshole. It was just about the sexiest damn thing he had ever seen.

Fucking her gently at first, David slowly increased the force and speed of his thrusts until he was furiously pounding his cock into her forgiving asshole.

Her asshole was tighter than her pussy, he giddily thought as he fucked it. And his thighs were slapping up against her soft, giving ass, giving the whole thing a totally different feel. But even though he was fucking her asshole, her pussy was still pouring out her juice. And as it spewed out of her cunt, it ran down and coated his pistoning prick with its sticky heat.

Finally, the tightness of her clutching asshole and the passion of the moment overcame David. His big cock began to twitch and spurt deep inside her hot ass. Gusher after gusher of steamy hot cream gushed out of his exploding cock completely filling her rectum with its virulence.

Groaning out his pleasure, he held himself thrust down inside the cum-filled depths of her ass as he emptied his load into her. He felt like his big balls were melting. Melting and pouring down into her hot ass. But, his cock just kept on spurting and spurting until at last there was nothing left to spurt. He had uselessly spit every last sperm into her hot ass...

Slowly backing away, he eased his battered prick out of her tightly-clenched asshole. As his cock slithered out of her asshole, he stared down watching the widely-stretched opening slowly begin to shrink back to normal. Fascinated by the way it shrank, he continued to stare at it until it was once again a circle of wrinkled flesh instead of a gaping hole.

Finally, he released his hold on her legs, letting them drop until her feet once again rested on the floor. As he did, she scooted back onto the bed and he crawled up beside her.

Lying beside her, he lovingly ran his hand over her smooth, slightly-rounded belly.

Looking into her love-filled eyes, he gathered his courage and spoke.

"Mother...Mother, would...would you marry me?" he timidly asked.

Tears immediately filled her warm, green eyes as she blissfully gazed back at him.

"Marry you? You want to marry me?" she asked in a voice so soft, he had trouble even hearing her.

"Yes...Yes, I want to marry you," he groaned, watching the tears stream down her cheeks. "Will you have me?"

The room was filled with an electric silence as they lovingly stared into each other's eyes.

"Yes...yes...I'll marry you," she gushed as they pulled each other into their arms.

He was going to marry her, he deliriously thought. He was going to marry his MOTHER! What could ever be more perverted than that? Marry his mother!


Four months later, David sat nervously awaiting his mother's return from her doctor's visit. They had married right after he had found out she was pregnant with his baby. After their marriage, he had moved his mother in with him and found their love was flourishing and growing stronger with each passing day. As was the baby inside her womb...

Pacing back and forth, he didn't know why he was so nervous, but he felt like a cat in a rocking chair factory. Why hadn't he gone with her? Then he would have known so much sooner...

Finally, he heard the clop of her heels on the porch. Striding over to the door, he threw it open.

"Hi, Honey," his mother said, smiling at him as she stepped through the doorway.

"So, how did it go?" he asked, watching her step across to the table.

"Fine...just fine," she said, setting her purse on the table.

Then she turned and slowly pulled her gloves off as his eyes swept down to her beachball-sized abdomen.

"The doctor confirmed it today, with ultrasound," she said, reaching down and running her hands over her bulging abdomen...

"And?" he asked, stepping over to her.

"Twins," she said, softly. "Twins. One of each. A boy and a girl..."

"Wow..." David exclaimed, reaching down and running his hand over her swollen belly. "Is that cool or what?"

"Yes...isn't it," she said huskily, taking his hand and pushing it down below her distended tummy to her pussy.

"Damn, Mother, what's got you so hot?" he grinned, running his hand up under her skirt to the dampened crotch of her panties. "You're dripping wet."

"I don't know," she giggled. "Maybe it was having another man play with my belly..."

"Well," he frowned, digging a finger under the leg hole of her panties and finding her oozing cunt, "if you're trying to make me jealous, you've succeeded."

"Oh, really," she laughed, reaching down and grabbing his wrist and dragging his hand out from under her dress.

"Come on," she huffed, pulling him along behind her as she clopped over to the stairs. "Let's have another celebratory fuck..."

"Whatever you say, Mother," he laughed.

Behind her, he watched her butt swish from side to side as she heavily climbed the stairs ahead of him.

"You sure have a pretty butt," he said.

"Not today, dear," she laughed back at him. "I want you in my puss."

"I was just telling you how pretty your butt was," he complained. "I wasn't trying to get into it."

"Okay," she said, unbuttoning her blouse as she went.

Both of them hurried into the bedroom, unbuttoning, unsnapping and undoing until they were both standing by the bed naked.

Standing before her, David eased himself down to his knees. Staring at the big, bloated swell of her belly, he leaned toward her and began to shower it with soft, lingering kisses. As he did, she ran her fingers through his hair, gently pressing his lips against the stretched skin of her abdomen. This went on for a while, before he wrapped his arms around her thighs and gently turned her until her back was to the bed. Still raining down soft, butterfly kisses on her belly and walking on his knees, he carefully forced her back until the backs of her thighs bumped up against the bed. Then he ran his hands up to her shoulders and delicately pushed her down onto her back. Now as she lay looking down at him, holding herself up on her elbows with her butt perched on the edge of the bed, David leaned down and buried his face in the pungent, juice-slathered gash between her widespread legs.

A soft moan escaped her lips as David ran his tongue up and down the dew-covered valley between her fat, bloated pussy lips. Her juice was warm and sweet as he tasted it on his tongue.

David continued to lap at her pussy, as she wrapped her hands around his head and gently, but insistently maneuvered his mouth up onto her jutting clit. The soft curls of her fleecy hairs tickled his nose as he flicked his tongue back and forth across the little rosebud sticking out of its fleshy sheath. His forehead brushed against the slope of her swollen belly and his chin was pressed against her wet pussy as he tongued her wiggly clit. Sliding his hands under her ass, he pulled her cunt into his face. Dropping his tongue back down to her drooling pussy, he lapped more of her hot juices into his mouth and then returned to the torture of her slippery clit. He loved the taste of her hot juice on his tongue.

"So gooooodddddddd," she murmured out pushing his face down into the seeping hole from which he had come.

Running his hands up over the swollen roundness of her belly, he moved them up until he found her mountainous tits. Cupping them, he kneaded them, pinching and plucking at the big, swollen nipples. Her moans became louder, more insistent as she bucked her hips up against his mouth. As he eagerly lapped at her clit, her legs slapped up against his cheeks, pinning his head between them. He could feel the soft flesh of her inner thighs pressed against him begin to quiver and tremble as he frantically attacked her clit with his tongue.

Then she gave out a long, shuddering groan, beating her fists on the bed as she thrust herself up at him. Grinding her pussy on his lips, she grabbed his head and shoved his mouth down onto her spewing cunt.

"Oooooooooooooooo..." she whined, arching her back and humping herself up at him as she came and came and came, her body twitching and shivering...

Finally, with one last gasp, she slowly melted back down onto the bed.

"Oh, that one was soooo good," she murmured, looking down at him as he struggled up to his feet.

Well, maybe there's another one hiding down in there," he grinned, aiming his big cock down at the oozing, goo-coated gash between her legs. "And maybe he can find it."

"Yes...yes, I think there is another one hiding in there," she cooed, as he eased his cock into her. "And I know that he can find it, if he looks real hard."

Then as he leisurely fucked her, she raised her legs and hooked her heels on the edge of the bed. With her legs splayed out, she opened herself to him. With her head thrown back, eyes closed, she gave herself to him totally and freely.

In this position, with David standing upright by the bed, her belly offered little hindrance as he slowly increased the pace while the bed began to shake and shudder under her. As it did, her giant tits began to frolic about wildly. David saw drops of yellowish milk begin to leak out of the big, puffy nipples. Fascinated by this, he fucked her harder, making her tits flounce around even more. By then, milk was spraying out of her bulging nipples spotting everything with small, white drops of milk.

"Oh, God, look," he grunted, still furiously pounding away at her pussy.

Christine's eyes fluttered open. Her mouth flew open in surprise as she stared down at her spraying tits.

"My tits...milk...shooting...milk..." she gasped, reaching down and grasping the flopping mountains in her hands.

David's hips slowed to a stop as he watched her fingers squeeze down around the nipples, sending up twin founts of milk. Her big tits were covered with tiny white droplets that gathered and then trickled down off her tits onto the bed.

"That is so fucking hot," he told her, easing his cock out of her and leaning down over her milk-covered belly.

Sticking his tongue out, he licked and lapped at her belly until it was completely devoid of milk.

"It tastes so good," he grinned.

Leaning down over her further, making sure to avoid her bulging belly, he watched as Christine smiled and aimed one of the spraying nipples up at his face and squeezed again. A drizzle of fine white droplets shot out onto his face, covering it with her milk. Sticking out his tongue again, he ran it around his mouth and licked some of the heady brew into his mouth.

"Ummmmmmm, good..." he murmured, savoring the taste of the white nectar.

Then, with a naughty grin, she tilted the other breast up and sprayed a stream of milk directly into her open mouth.

"Unh-huh," she gurgled, swallowing the splash of milk down.

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Looking back down at her drooling pussy, he leaned back, grabbed hold of his cock and threaded it into her waiting vagina. Sliding it in all the way up to its hairy hilt, he immediately began to pound it in and out of her hot pussy. As he did, she sprayed him with her warm milk, covering his face and chest with its clinging whiteness. Faster and faster, he pumped his cock into her tight hole. Suddenly, she threw her lovely legs up in the air, resting the back of her thighs on his milk-splattered chest.

"Yeah, Baby, fuck Mommy," Christine panted, clutching her pussy down around his pistoning cock. "Make Mommy come."

It was strange, he giddily thought, how easy it had been to convert her over to the Mommy thing. In fact, she seemed to be into it more than he was. Maybe she was coming around to the eroticism of having a boy the age of her son fucking her. Wishing that he could actually tell her that he was her son, he knew that it would be disastrous and could ruin everything.

As he stroked his cock into the tight heat of her pussy, he could feel the muscles running along the back of her thighs tightening...

Parts three and four are being posted for my fans...If all you wish to do is criticize, please take your business is not wanted here...

The twins were born without incident. The family was a happy, loving one with no evidence of anything out of the ordinary for the next eighteen years.

During this time, Scott, the boy, grew into a handsome Adonis of a young man. Captain of the high school football and baseball teams, he was the center of attention among the girls at school. There always seemed to be a girl hanging around with Beth and making moon eyes at Scott of Beth's hanging around the house all the time, but Scott seemed to ignore this fact, focusing most of his attention on Beth herself.

Beth, the girl twin, had grown into a beautiful young woman, with long, auburn hair; large, full breasts; hourglass figure; long, shapely legs; and a cute, pixyish face. She was the captain of the cheerleading group and class president. All the boys in school were smitten with her, but she seemed quite content to hang with Scott most of the time. She did have the occasional date, but she never grew interested in any of the young men who sought her attention.

The only fly in the ointment, David thought, if there was one, was her growing beauty. As she became more and more beautiful, he found it harder and harder—pardon the pun—to control the perverted desire he felt for her.

But he fought it tooth and nail, trying to control the urge, and nothing had happened untoward between them.

David's wealth had continued to grow, and now he spent most of his time in philanthropic efforts. He was on the board of several charities and foundations. While he was doing this, Christine had founded a foundation for the humane treatment of animals and spent most of her time at the shelter. The twins seemed content to lounge around the house most of the time, enjoying their last summer before they would be off to college. David didn't help things by granting their every wish and doting on them as any proud parent would.

If it wasn't for that one tiny, gnawing problem, he told himself...

David finished early at the board meeting of the Wetland's Foundation and decided to call it a day. Driving up in front of their mansion, he saw that the Twin's duplicate blue Porsche's sitting in the garage side by side. Just like the two of them, he mused as he pulled his bright, red Saleen S7 into his own parking space. He saw that Christine's Rolls-Royce Corniche convertible was missing, so she was probably still down at the humane shelter. It was only one o'clock and she usually didn't return home until four or five.

Turning off the ignition, he let the gull wing door swing out and up. Stepping out, he pushed the door closed and stood looking down at the beautiful car. The car and the house were his only two extravagancies. The car was a deep bronze color and its smooth curves flowed like liquid honey. But enough of the car, he grinned, hitting the garage door switch and listening to the doors purr down as he stepped out of the garage and onto the walkway leading up to the house. Birds were chirping and the sun felt warm on his shoulders. It was a fine day, he smiled to himself.

Slipping his key into the door lock, he turned it and pushed the door open. The Cathedral-like silence of the house greeted him as he strolled through the foyer and into the cavernous living room. Maybe he ought to put in some stands and hold football games in it, he laughed to himself. The room was so large it dwarfed the furniture in it, making it look like dollhouse furniture.

Wonder where the twins are, he asked himself, climbing the twin staircase that led up to the children's section of the house. Striding down the hallway, he searched for them, but didn't find them. Finally, in the recreation room, he glanced out the window down onto the huge backyard.

What he saw floored him.

Down in the spa by the pool, he saw the twins. They were facing away from him, but it was obvious, even from the second floor, that they were naked. Naked and fucking! Beth was standing, leaning over and clutching the top of the spa. Her legs were spread and Scott was standing behind her, up between her long, shapely legs. He had his hands curled around her waist holding onto her as he humped away at her pussy, driving his big cock in and out of her at a furious pace. She had her head thrown back and was flouncing around, slinging her wet hair slashing through the air as she bounded up and down on her brother's pistoning cock.

David had to grab hold of the windowsill to keep from falling. His legs suddenly became noodles, the strength flowing out of them. Dropping onto his knees, he stared down at his copulating children...his children...and his brother and sister. So this is why they are so close, he sickly thought to himself.

In a daze, he watched on. He had fought so hard to keep his perverted cravings in check, but he wanted to run down and join them. He wanted to fuck Beth so bad! It wasn't fair, he told himself. Pushing himself to his feet, he was finally able to stagger across the room. As he stumbled along, his strength began to return. Stopping at the top of the stairs, he looked down, hoping he would be able to reel down them without falling and breaking his fool neck.

At the bottom of the stairs, he stopped and gathered himself. Shuffling across the room toward the door leading out into the backyard, he could feel sweat pouring down his forehead and dripping down his face.

Pushing open the door, he looked out at the two teenagers. How could Scott do what he was doing to his sister? How could Scott do to her what he himself had wanted to do to her for so long? He had held himself back...but for what? David could add the second jewel to his incestuous crown. The first jewel, an emerald, filled his heart with its warm, comforting glow. His mother's radiance was ----making love, long afternoon walks by the lake, moonlight swims, and soft intimacy. But now Beth was his. A fiery red ruby, filling his heart with her brilliance. Beth would be hot, sweaty sex, mad dashes to fulfillment, swimming in the noon heat, and youthful exuberance.

Obviously, she was no stranger to sex, and no stranger to incest. Now he would have her. Now he would be charged and found guilty of the second of the incestuous top-five. Son and mother...and now father and daughter...or was it brother and sister? Strange, he thought. Would he be charged with a double sin at the same time? Father and daughter and brother and sister? What did it matter, he asked himself. He was already going to roast in hell for what he had done to his mother. So what more could they do to him? Make the fire hotter? Make eternity last longer?

Stopping a moment to gather his wits, he watched and listened to the frolicking teenagers. Scott and Beth had their backs to him, so they couldn't see him as he stood gawking at them. Scott was still pummeling his sister with his giant cock as David watched his son's ass clench every time Scott thrust up at her. As they fucked, Beth was tossing her head around, slashing her brother's face with the strands of her long, wet hair.

"Almost, Scottie, almost," David heard her shout out, as Scott picked up the pace another notch, driving his peter in and out of her faster.

"" Scottie panted out, jerking his sister back down onto his cock every time he slammed it up into her.

"Ohhhhyeeeeeesssss," she finally hissed as her body stiffened and she began to shiver and shake.

"HERE...take it...take it...take it all!" Scott grunted loudly, thrusting up into her at the same time he shoved her down onto his cock.

"Yeah...yeah...give it to me...give me all your hot cummmm," she choked out, grinding her pussy down around her brother's erupting cock.

David thought he was going to come in his pants, watching the incendiary climax of their fuckfest. He was so hard and excited, he was afraid to move...afraid he would set off his own explosive charge.

The teenagers continued to grovel and writhe for the longest time before Scott finally pulled his softening prick out of his sister's cum-filled slot. As he did, David couldn't help but note the stream of thick, white syrup that poured out of his daughter's pussy. God, he must have come a whole gallon, he sickly thought as more and more cum dripped out of her, down into the swirling waters below her cunt. Releasing his hold on her waist, Scott staggered back and plopped down onto the seat behind her. Bringing her lovely legs together, Beth took a couple of small steps backwards and sat down beside him. Scott ran his arm around her shoulders and gently pulled her to him as they lovingly kissed.

After a while, David felt that he had regained enough control to confront the pair. Taking a deep breath, he shuffled across the patio to the spa.

Stepping around to the side of the spa, he saw the look of panic flash across their faces as they flailed their arms and splashed about trying to cover themselves from his leering glare.

"Daddy!" Beth shrieked, trying to cover her big tits with one hand and her pussy with her other hand.

"Dad...uh...I...we..." was all Scott could stammer out, holding both hands down in his lap to hide his shrunken manhood.

"I know...I saw," David said, leaning down and scooping up the two towels that lay by the spa.

Then as he stood glaring at them, he saw Beth's eyes dart down to the obvious bulge of his penis jutting out against his pants. As she did, the look of panic on her face melted to one of amusement. A knowing little smile tugged at the corners of her mouth and she suggestively ran the tip of her little pink tongue over her lips.

"You two," he muttered. "Out...up to your rooms!"

Oh-My-God, he thought to himself. She's coming on to me! Beth is coming on to me! The idea that his dear, sweet Beth was coming on to him sent a message down to his cock, making it twitch and jump inside his pants. And as it did, the smile on Beth's lips widened. Staring down at her with excitement and shame, he saw her slowly stand up and drop her arm away from her beautiful tits. His eyes immediately shot down to the jiggling treasures as she reached out toward him for her towel. Handing her towel to her, he saw her climb up onto the seat in front of him. She made no pretense of covering herself as he took her hand to help her out of the spa. He couldn't help but drop his eyes down between her legs as she crawled out of the spa. When he did, he felt another gush of adrenaline spew out into his bloodstream.

She didn't have any hair down there! She was as bald as the day she had been born, the smooth skin of her youthful cunt glistening wetly as he gawked down at it. The lack of hair around her pussy made it seem just that much more fragile and delicate. And sensual!

"Like it?" she whispered, stepping up beside him, brushing her hand over his cock in the process.

"GO!" he choked out, almost coming in his pants for a second time as he pointed toward the house.

"Okay...Daddy...don't get hostile," she laughed, dbanging her towel over her shoulder.

Just then, Scott splashed up out of the spa and the twins went trudging across the patio toward the house.

As they walked, David could see that Beth was swinging her hips from side to side with exaggerated emphasis. He couldn't keep his eyes off her beautiful, jiggling tush...and she knew it. When they reached the house, he saw her turn and give him another suggestive smile just before she disappeared inside.

His knees were shaky; he was sweating like it was a hundred and ten outside, and his cock was hard and throbbing with excitement. He wanted to touch it but was afraid to...afraid it would go off on its own. He couldn't believe what he had just seen. His daughter...his dear, sweet Beth had just put the make on him. And right in front of her brother. God! He couldn't believe how much he wanted her, wanted his own daughter. He was a sick, sick man. First he had seduced his mother and now he wanted his daughter. How much lower could he stoop?

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he finally found the courage and strength to start toward the house. He had to confront the twins and make them stop. He had to make Scott stop fucking his sister. Make his son stop fucking his sister so he, David, could have her. Have her all to his own, he sickly thought, walking along in a jealous fog. So he could have his dear, sweet Beth all to himself.

Stepping inside the house, the quietness of the house engulfed him once again as he hurried over to the stairs. The next thing he knew, he was standing in front of the door to Scott's room. Hurriedly, before he lost his courage, he knocked on the door and pushed it open.

"Dad...I'm...we're sorry," Scott muttered from his bed where he sat.

Thankfully, he had dressed in shorts and a tee as he shamefully looked up.

"This has to stop!" David declared, angrily looking down at him. "What if it had been your mother that caught you? It would have killed her."

"I know...I'm sorry...we won't..." Scott sniveled.

"'re won''d better not," David threatened. "I'm not going to punish you, this time, because I don't want your mother to find out. "But cease and desist. You understand?"

"Yes...yes, sir," Scott muttered under his breath.

Turning, David stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him. That wasn't so bad, he told himself, purposefully striding down to the hall toward Beth's room.

But now what? What was he going to say to Beth? He didn't know what to expect. He had to make her see that fucking her brother wasn't in her best interests. But she knows...knows...knows that I want the same thing. What to do...what to do?

Stepping up in front of her door, he took a deep breath, knocked and eased the door open.

OH-MY-GOD, he groaned to himself, when he saw Beth leaning up against the wall insolently staring back at him. (PIC)

"Hi, Daddy," she smiled, leaning forward and letting the red towel she had dbangd over her shoulder drop to the floor.

"Beth-uh-I-you-you and Scott-uh," he muttered childishly.

In one heartbeat, she had become the parent and he the child. He felt like a ten-year-old who had just got caught peeking at his naked mother.

"Scott? Scott and I? Stop?" she laughed, slowly walking toward him, rolling her hips seductively. "No...Dad...I don't think so."

"But...but, but your mother," David choked out.

"We'll just have to be more careful," she said stepping up in front of him and reaching down toward the bulge sticking out in the front his pants.

"You see, Daddy, Scottie and I kind of have this thing between us," she murmured, gently running her fingertips over his twitching cock. "And we're not going to stop! But that doesn't mean that you can't have what you want, too."

"Oh, God," he moaned as the pressure of her fingertips grew more insistent. "You mean..."

"This is what you want isn't it, Daddy," she smiled at him, taking a step back and running her hand down to her pussy.

He watched her finger her clit for a few seconds and then dip her long finger down in the valley between her glistening pussy-lips.

"This is what you want, isn't it...Daddy?" she smiled, easing the finger up into her cunt. "I know you do. I can see it in your eyes. And you can have it. You can share it with Scott. You and Scottie can both have it..."

David felt like someone had shoved a hot poker up his prick as it twitched uncontrollably. As it did, Beth continued to stare into his eyes as she lifted her finger up to her mouth and casually sucked the juice off it.

"You'd like that wouldn't you, Daddy?" she cooed, stepping back up to him and reaching to his belt buckle. "You'd like to stick your big peter in my sweet, little puss, wouldn't you, Daddy?"

"OH GOD!" he groaned, as she quickly pulled his belt off. "You're going to make me come!"

"Oh, Daddy. Are you going to come in your pants, just thinking about my sweet puss?"

"Oh, Beth, don't...don't tease..." he moaned, feeling his pants go skittering down to the floor.

Fighting to hold back the explosion, he felt her dig her fingers under the waistband of his jockeys and shove them down his legs.

"Oh, Daddy, he's a nice one," she gurgled, curling her hand around the rock-hard shaft of his throbbing prick. "It's almost as big as Scottie's."

David's heart lurched, as a pang of humiliation stabbed through it. Almost...almost as big...his cock was almost as big as his son's cock? He hadn't even fucked Beth, but he had already been bested by his own son.

" big..." he muttered enviously.
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"Eight inches," she laughed softly. "We measured it one day. Then we looked it up on the net. It's bigger than ninety-nine point two percent of all the white cocks in the United States."

"Oh..." he mumbled, looking down at his jutting prick.

He'd always been proud of his seven inches, but he felt crestfallen.

"But yours is big, too," she smiled, running her fingertips over it appreciatively, "just not quite as big."

"It's not nice to belittle a man's equipment," he grunted.

"You men..." she fussed, crawling onto her bed and rolling over onto her back. "All you care about is who has the biggest damned cock."

"We just want to make sure we make you women happy," he said, stepping out of his pants and shorts.

"I'm sure you will, so quit complaining and go to work," she laughed, slowly spreading her legs open and fingering her drooling cunt. "She wants some of your big cock."

Not even taking the time to take his shoes and socks off, he climbed onto the bed and crawled up between her widespread legs.

"God, Beth, you're so pretty..." he groaned, feasting his eyes on his beautiful daughter's lush body.

He just hoped he could hold it back for a little bit. He was so excited; he thought he could will himself to come without even touching her. He couldn't believe he was finally getting to do what he had dreamed of for so long. He was going to fuck his sweet, innocent daughter. Okay, his sweet daughter, he told himself, slowly lowering his hips and letting her guide the tapered head of his cock down in between the soft, fleshy lips of her pussy. Fighting for control, he eased forward, letting the head of his cock slide down into the tight, clutching opening of his daughter's fragile-looking pussy.

"Oh, Bethhhh," he murmured, sliding his aching hardness down into her mushy softness.

"Daddy," she gurgled, kicking her legs up into the air and resting her calves on his lower back as she nudged him on with her soft, round heels.

Slowly, like a train pulling out of the station, he began to fuck her with slow, deep thrusts. But soon he was out into the countryside, pounding her with fast, powerful strokes. The passion of the moment was quickly becoming too much and he knew he was already about to blow.

"Gonna...gonna...gonna come...sorry," he muttered out into her ear.

" yet...not yet," she panted, humping herself back up at him with wild abandon.

It was like an atomic bomb going off inside his balls. A jagged jolt of pure pleasure tore through his cock, making him wonder if his balls had been blown off. He had never felt such feelings of satisfaction. But as he groveled through his own gratification, he knew that he hadn't brought closure to his daughter as she futilely pleaded with him.

" yet...oh Daddy," she wept as his cock spewed out its vile load into the depths of her clutching heat. "Oh Daddy..."

"Sorry...sorry..." he cried out, thrusting himself deep into her, letting his dick empty its potent payload into her.
At last, his cock was finished, as it had nothing more to give her...

"I'm sorry, Baby," he wept, tears running down his cheeks and dripping down onto her quivering breasts as he began to slowly back his cock out of the cum-filled channel of her pussy.

"'s okay," she told him.

Just then, they heard a soft tap on the door.

"Beth...Beth...can I come in," they heard Scott say from the other side of the door.

"NO! NO! NO!" he urgently whispered, wildly shaking his head from side to side as he stared down into her fiery, brown eyes.

"YEAH...Yeah...come on in," she said, insolently grinning up at David.

Backing away from her, he saw the door ease open. Then Scott stepped inside...

"Jesus Christ!" Scott muttered, as he stood staring at them with flared eyes and open mouth.

"He couldn't make me come," Beth smiled, gently pushing David out from between her legs. "He couldn't do it like you can. So come, do it and make me come."

"What?" David exclaimed, looking from one to the other of the grinning twins. "Now?"

"Yes, Daddy," she said. "You got me all hot and bothered and didn't finish the job. So Scottie can finish it for you..."

Looking back over at Scott, he saw that he already his short pants down around his ankles and was in the process of pushing his shorts down his muscular legs.

"Yeah...I'll be glad to, glad to help you finish," he grinned, walking over to the bed with his big, dangling cock flopping about wildly.

David watched on jealously as Scott crawled up on the bed and worked his way up her body until his cock hung down just above Beth's soft, pink lips.

"But, you gotta help me make it hard first," he told her.

"That'll be easy," she laughed, reaching up and curling her hand around the dangling giant.

Without a moment's hesitation, she opened her mouth and sucked the swollen head of his cock into her mouth as he lowered his hips.

Slurping loudly, she began to hungrily suck and pull on his cock with her lips and mouth as David gazed on enviously.

"Oh, yeah, like that," Scott grunted as David saw that his son's cock was slowly expanding and hardening. "God, Sis, you give great head..."

"Um-huh," she said, around the thick shaft of cock-meat stuck in her mouth.

David didn't know what to do. Should he try and stop them? Make them stop, so she could suck on his cock? But they were ignoring him, going on as if he weren't even in the room. Finally, he decided to wait...wait and watch. So he just stood watching his daughter hungrily sucking on her brother's peter as if it were the most normal thing in the world. As she did, it continued to swell and lengthen until it was sticking out hard and ripe. Scott's cock was bigger, David enviously thought, staring down at the jutting giant. And thicker, too. It was definitely a cock to be proud of. No wonder Beth liked it so much, but he didn't know how Beth could get anything that big inside her tight, hot, little cunt.

"Okay, Scottie. He's all ready to go," she grinned, letting his spit-covered cock slither out from between her full lips. "Put him in."

Grinning down at her, Scott crawled backward down her body until his peter was twitching up and down above her hairless pussy. Running her hand down to it, she pushed the stiff column of meat down until its plum-colored head slid down between her gorged cunt lips. Then as David watched on with covetous greed, Scott lowered his hips and forced his cock down into the tiny slit of a pussy.

"So big," Beth cooed, digging her heels down into the bed and pushing up at him as the giant slab of meat bit deeper and deeper down into her.

Scott's cock was so big, it pulled her fleshy pussy lips down inside her as it slid inside. David had never seen anything so wickedly exciting and yet so vile. Now he could imagine what his own cock must look like when it slid into her daughter's tight little slit. Finally, their bellies touched and Scott ground his groin against hers, twirling his mammoth pole around inside her hot little twat.

Slowly easing his big butt down onto the bed, David sat only a couple of feet away from where Scott began to slowly work his cock in and out of his sister's honey pot. David could see it all and hear it all. He could see Scott's wet, glistening prick slide down into Beth's ravenous cunt, going in until their juice-slathered groins slapped together, spraying out more juices everywhere. He could hear the lewd slap of their bellies and the soft, panting grunts Scott was making as he drove his cock in and out of Beth. While he did, Beth was making soft breathy grunts, pushing herself up at him every time he drove down into her. It was almost more than he could take as he felt himself being rocked in rhythm with the fucking going on beside him.

Suddenly, Beth let out a loud, groaning grunt as she dug her nails down into her brother's ass, pulling him down into her as deep as he would go. With her head thrown back, eyes clenched shut, her body stiffened and she thrust herself up against him. Scott looked down into her grimacing face, holding himself thrust down into her pussy as it convulsed and spasmed around his cock. At last, David saw her body begin to soften as the last throes of her orgasm worked through her body.

"God..." she gasped, pulling her claws out of his ass.

The moment Scott felt her relent, he renewed his attack on her pussy with a vengeance as David watched on in an envious daze. This was all so different from what he had imagined it would be, he dizzily thought. He thought the first time with his beautiful daughter would be an intimate, loving experience. Not this marathon fuckfest to see who could have the most orgasms. Beth was not the sweet innocent he had thought she was. She was a hellion, especially in bed. And both of the twins were well versed in the art of fucking...that was for sure! So how long had their little affair d'amour been going on, he wondered as he watched Beth trip off into a second, a third, and a fourth orgasm before Scott finally shot his wad...

As they lay panting, trying to catch their breath, Scott tiredly rolled off his sister onto his back beside her.

Looking over at her, David saw her lift herself up to her elbows and look over at him.

"Like that, Daddy...four times," she grinned, glancing down at his recharged peter. "Oh, look, Daddy's hard again."

"Uh...yeah," he muttered, following her eyes down to his jutting manhood.

"And he's almost as big as you are, Scottie!"

"Yeah, I can see," Scottie smirked cavalierly, looking at his father's big cock. "Almost..."

"Come on, Daddy," Beth giggled, holding her arms out to him. "Come on and let's make some a baby..."

Dispiritedly, he slowly crawled up between her legs and let her guide his cock down to the cum-oozing hole between her legs.

Within moments, the thought of his son's bigger cock had been fucked out of his head by his hellion of a daughter as she urged him on and on. He fucked her until sweat was pouring off them, making even more wet, lewd sounds emanate from their copulating bodies. He couldn't believe little Beth; she had already had five orgasms, but she quickly rocketed off into four more before he could finally shoot his wad.

"Wow, Daddy!" she exclaimed, lying under him panting. "You did made me come four times, too. Wow!"

Just then, they heard a soft rap on the door.

All of them froze...waiting...listening...

"Beth...Beth...are you in there?" they all heard Christine ask through the door.

None of them could breathe as they breathlessly waited to see what Christine would do.

Then, with his heart threatening to explode with each beat, David saw the door knob slowly turn...

Jerking back, David pulled his cum-slathered cock out of Beth's pussy just as the door slowly opened.

Christine stood in the doorway looking at them with a stunned look on her face. The three stared back at her in panic etching their faces, waiting to see what she would do.

"Finally," she muttered, looking at David. "I wondered how long you could last."

"What? What do you mean?" he asked, wishing that the ground would open up and swallow him.

"I know," she said. "I know about you and me. And I guess that it's about time the children knew too, because it appears that incest runs in the family."

" did you find out?" he asked her, easing down onto the bed, his legs threatening to buckle at any moment.

"I found your adoption papers," she said. "When the children were two years old."

"Sixteen years ago?" he said, his mouth dropping open. "Why didn't you say something?"

His mind was reeling under the impact of what his mother had just told him.

"Why? What good would it have done? What was done was done. There was nothing to be done that could change it. So, I just lived with it."

The silence in the room was deafening as everyone stared at Christine, waiting for her to continue.

"How could I say anything? I couldn't watch you go to jail. I couldn't let the children grow up without a father!"

Then she turned to look at the two naked teenagers.

"So now you know. David is not only your father, but he's your brother, too!"

"Brother!" Beth sputtered, turning to gawk at David. "You're my brother?"

"Damn!" Scott cursed, jerking his head around to look at his father. "Is this crazy or what?"

"So...what now?" David muttered, looking over at Christine.

"I've had sixteen long years to think about that," she said. "I've known that Beth and Scott have...have been intimate for some time now. I didn't say anything. How could I when I was guilty of the same thing? At first, when I found out, I was mortified, but I did nothing about it. And knowing that I was letting my own son have me in a aberrant way. But over time, I began to embrace it myself, came to welcome his love for me and taste the sweetness of our incestuous love. To love another person is a dear and sweet thing. But to love the one person that you care for more than any other, makes it so much sweeter. Like in the Bible, the fruit from the forbidden tree was the sweetest in the garden. And so it is with incest..."

"And I want to share that sweetness with my other son. Share it with Scott and make the circle complete..."

"What?" David sputtered, glancing over at Scott who was eyeing his mother with open-mouthed amazement.

"Me?" Scott muttered, running his eyes up and down her body as if seeing her as a woman for the very first time.

"Unless, you find me unattractive..." she murmured.

"No! No! I...I think you're beautiful, Mother!" he exclaimed. "Beautiful...I just never, never in a million years..."

"Then come...come with me, my love," Christine cooed, reaching out and taking hold of his hand.

"What? Now?" David whined.

"Yes, David...Now!" she told him, helping Scott up to his feet.

Leading Scott through the door, she slowly walked down the hallway with him, hand in hand, toward the bedroom that she and David shared.

Stepping over to the door, David watched them as they made their way down the hallway. Watching his son's tight, muscled ass quiver tautly with each step, knowing that it would soon be bounding up and down driving his penis down into their mother. Jealousy filled his heart as they disappeared into their bedroom.

"Daddy, don't be sad," Beth murmured from the bed. "You've got me..."

"I know...I know, Honey," he told her, turning and walking back over to the bed where she lay. "And you'll never know how thankful I am for that..."

~ ~ ~ ~

Stepping across the room, Christine stopped, bent down and slipped off her heels. Letting them drop to the floor, she turned to face Scott who was looking on all googly-eyed. Smiling, she slowly started unbuttoning her blouse. She saw Scott's eyes were on the opening of her blouse which was growing wider by the moment.

What would he think of them, she sickly wondered?

But of more importance, why was she doing this? Why was she seducing him? Seducing her other son? Was it payback to David?

Whatever the reason, it was deplorable. What mother could ever even consider letting her son have her like this...have her in this most sick, despicable way? While she had done the same thing with David, she hadn't known it in the beginning. But was blatantly wrong. Terrible! But she had known it would happen from the moment she had found David's adoption papers. She had known that she would give herself to her other son someday. The only thing she hadn't known was when. But now she knew the when...and the when was now! Today! Right here and now!

Slipping the last button through its buttonhole, she slowly peeled her blouse back over her shoulders to reveal the pretty, lace brassiere underneath. Letting go of the blouse, she felt it whisper down her back, brushing down over her calves as it fell to the floor. She could see the adoration in her son's teary eyes as he stared down at her big, jiggling breasts resting in their lacy, red cups.

Teasingly, she bent her arms and reached up behind her back to the clasp on her brassiere. Holding the two straps between her fingers, she unfastened the clasp. With a tantalizing smile playing over her lips, she ever so slowly eased the straps apart, releasing the tension on the bra. Keeping her eyes locked on his face, she leaned forward the tiniest bit and let go of the bra straps. The red bra slipped down over the curve of her shoulders and went racing down her arms. As it did, her big, saggy tits sprang forth, jiggling a couple of heavy jiggles before they settled down onto her chest.

Scott stood ogling her bounteous treasures as the lacy, red bra floated to the floor. The whole thing had the hint of a burlesque show, she thought as she thrust her tits out at her son. How many other mothers had done a strip show for their sons, she dizzily wondered? Not many. Not many were sick enough to do anything like that!

Cupping her breasts, she gently tweaked the two swollen nipples jutting out from them. She could see that Scott was almost drooling to get at them as she slowly eased them back down to their resting-place.

Curling her hands around the curve of her body, she slowly ran them down over her waist to the waistband of her short, black skirt. Scott's eyes were glued on her fingers as she leisurely toyed with the button on the side of her skirt.

"Mother, you're going to make me have a heart attack," he groaned, watching her fingers finally pluck the button open.

Holding the zipper tab between her fingertips, she lazily pulled it down the curve of her hip. Teasingly, she held it a few seconds before she let it slip out from between her fingers. As she did, the skirt went rustling down her long, lovely legs to reveal a pair of sheer red panties encircling her hips. The panties were stretched over the eight garters that ran down from a lacy, red garter belt to the tops of her sheer, skin-colored nylons. A coy smile flirted with her lips while she slowly bent forward and eased her thumbs under the tight waistband of her panties. Her big tits dangled down heavily, jiggling and quivering enticingly as she eased her panties down her long legs.

As the wispy, red fluff was pulled down her legs, her fur-covered pussy hoved into view and Scott's eyes immediately locked down on it. As the red panties went over her knees, she let go of them and they went whispering to the floor. Stepping out of the puddled panties, she turned and stepped back into her high-heeled shoes while Scott watched on in feverish anticipation.

Extending her arms, she held out her hands, palm up and slowly turned around in a circle.

"Well?" she asked, the little smile still playing at the corner of her lips.

"Awesome, Mother," he finally choked out, his eyes centered on her big, quivering breasts. "Beautiful..."

"And so are you," she murmured, dropping her eyes down to the beast jutting up out of his groin. "And he is an especially beautiful creature. But I'll be back in a moment..."

Blowing a kiss in his direction, she turned and hurried into the bathroom.

Jerking open the medicine cabinet, she looked over the various bottles and jars. Finding the one she wanted, she picked it up. He doesn't need to know that I need this, yet, she told herself running the tapered tip of the bottle up inside her vagina. But oddly, the tip slid inside with amazing ease. Wow, she thought. I'm wet down there. I'm making juice by myself. I haven't been this hot in a long time. But, better safe than sorry, she laughed to herself, squeezing the bottle.

As she did, she felt the cool juice squirt out onto the lining of her pussy, adding to the already abundant goo coating it. Replacing the bottle, she closed the cabinet. Taking a deep breath, she turned toward the door. This is it, she told herself. This is the day I've been waiting on for the past sixteen years.

Rolling her hips seductively, she sauntered across the room, over to where Scott stood gaping at her, his eyes fastened on her frolicking breasts. Reaching out, she delicately ran her fingertips down over the twitching length of his rock hard prick. Then she knelt down in front of him and gently took his cock between her hands. Cradling it lovingly, she leaned down. Slipping out her tongue, she slowly licked it up the whole length of the underside of his cock, from his dangling balls all the way up to the huge, swollen mushroom of a head.

"Moootthheerrr..." Scott groaned out, thrusting his hips forward.

Still looking into his face, she could feel the hot juices flowing out of her pussy, coating her inner thighs with its sticky warmth as she slowly bent his cock down until it was jutting out directly pointing at her face. Leaning forward, she eased her lips down over the swollen hardness of his cock-head. As she did, she felt his hips jerk forward instinctively, thrusting almost half of his giant organ into her mouth.

Choking back a gag, she eased her mouth back until only the giant's bloated head remained in her mouth. She felt her cheeks hollow as she began to suck and flick her tongue back and forth across the tautly stretched skin of his cock-head. Then the tip of her tongue found the little notch where the shaft met the head of his cock. She felt his hands wrap around her head, holding it imprisoned between them as he tried to force his cock deeper into the hot, sucking depths of her mouth.

"Moophhh," she muffed out, dragging her mouth and lips back off his cock. "Inside me...inside my pussy...come in me this time...not my mouth!" she whined, staggering to her feet and shoving him back onto the bed.

Hurriedly crawling up onto the bed beside him, she quickly rolled over onto her back and threw her long legs apart. Scott was on his hands and knees and up between her legs before she knew it. Watching his impatience bobbing up and down below him, she reached to it and forced it down to the juice-slickened hole that wetly gaped open down between her widespread legs. Then it was in her, spreading the mush of her pussy as it forced its way inside the clutching channel. She could feel the great head of his cock opening her wider and wider as it slid in deeper and deeper.

"So big..." she murmured softly, squeezing herself down around the invading colossus.

She had never been so overstuffed with cock meat in her whole life. But was it too big, she frantically wondered? So big that it would go crashing into her cervix on every evil thrust? But as aroused as she was, she knew that probably wasn't going to be a problem. Just then, she felt his hairy belly scbang up against hers at the same instant his cock-head brushed up against her cervix. A perfect fit, she told herself as he slowly backed his cock down the juice-filled sheath of her vagina.

"God,'re so hot...and wet," he moaned out softly, easing his cock back down into the clutching tightness of her pussy.

"Just for you...just for you, my Dear," she whispered, squeezing her cunt down around his cock as he slowly pistoned it in and out of her ravenous cunt.

Love and adoration poured down from his eyes as he leisurely worked his hips back and forth. She knew that look. She had seen in David's eyes so many times, she joyfully thought, as she drank in the emotions and passion flowing between them.

Her juice-slathered inner thighs painted his rocking hips with her warm, slippery juices as they rubbed back and forth against him. Digging her high heels down into the bed, she thrust herself up against him as he intimately stroked his cock in and out of her. Reaching up, she lovingly ran her long fingers through his soft, blond tresses while his hips tirelessly worked up and down.

She was so lucky, she giddily thought. Two she had two sons to bring her joy and happiness. Maybe this was her repayment for having to give David away and live those twenty years without him. But then to have him return to her and give her another perfect son, it was all just so unbelievable. She could feel the tears slowly escaping from her eyes as she looked up at him. Maternal love and pride swelled up into her heart, filling her with joy and peace, while down below, there was a growing need for fulfillment growing inside her womanhood.

Watching his face, she saw a small grimacing frown crease his forehead as he concentrated on driving every stroke in as deep as he could. Driving it in forcefully on every down stroke, he was still able to do it without hurting her, she thankfully thought. But then again, maybe it wasn't him. Maybe it was her. Maybe she was just so hot for him, everything down there had melted to accommodate his giant prod. Whatever, she told herself, it was all good.

"Am I hurting you, Mother?" he asked, tears beginning to stream down his cheeks and drip down onto her face as his hips jerked to a stop.

"No-no-no," she cried, "it's just wonderful...keep on...Please, keep on!"

His hips began to slowly rock back and forth again.

"I really can't believe this is happening," he panted, picking up the pace a notch.

"I'm loving it..." she murmured, tears streaming down her cheeks. His and hers.

How could anything so possibly destructive make her feel fulfilled, she asked herself, thrusting herself up against her son? Now it was all out in the open between them. There were no secrets.

Unaware of Scott's previous two eruptions, she thought the passion and fire of their incestuous rutting would bring a quick conclusion to their lovemaking...

She had never been farther from the truth.

But her own passion quickly overflowed and she found herself falling down into the endless pit of satisfaction. Her mind and body split in two as he continued to tirelessly pump his giant cock into her imploding pussy.

Her mind was awash with pleasure and joy, completely oblivious to the pounding attack. Her feelings were reminiscent of those she felt the first time with David, she rabidly thought. She must be the luckiest, or unluckiest, depending on your frame of mind, woman in the world. Having two sons and being able to share her love between them in such a loving and intimate way! Such a sick and twisted way! It was all beyond belief. What more could she ask for?

Suddenly, as the last throes of her orgasm tickled through her pussy, she had a sick, twisted thought. Another son? Could she let Scott impregnate her? Impregnate her and bring forth another son into the world? NO! NO! Not at her age. She couldn't! She would love another child. But wait! Scott and Beth! Could they give her another child? It was all too much as she felt herself trip off into another mind-boggling orgasm.

"Mother...Mother...another one?" Scott grunted out, humping her harder and harder.

"Yes...yes...nother one," she groaned, as waves of pleasure washed over her body, making it twitch and stiffen, lurching itself up against his pounding attack.

At last it was over for her a second time as Scott continued to fuck her with deep, penetrating strokes, giving of himself totally on every one. As they fucked, he rained down soft, loving kisses on her face, kissing away their salty tears. Then he maneuvered around until he could get his hands on her quivering breasts. She could feel him clutching at them, squeezing them and fondling their soft pliancy. As he did, his fingers found the big, puffy knobs of her nipples with his fingers.

Another fifteen minutes passed while she fought her way through more orgasms, but Scott worked on tirelessly. They were both drenched in sweat as their slippery bodies ground together, back and forth, back and forth.

At last, just as she was recovering from her last orgasm, she felt Scott begin to fuck her harder and faster.

"" he blathered out, raising himself up on his hands and working his hips back and forth in a blur.

" it in my pussy," she quavered out, goading him on with her hands as she kicked her feet up into the air and drove the sharp points of her high heels down into his bounding ass.

Then she felt his cock balloon up inside her as she furiously clutched her pussy down around it.

"Yessssssss," she hissed as she felt the first hot splash of his creamy cum fill her pussy. "More...more...more..."

Scott's spewing penis quickly complied, spurting out gob after gob of fiery cum into her, quickly filling her cunt to the point of overflowing.

"God, Mother!" she heard him groan, his face twisted into an agonized grimace as he emptied himself down into her gluttonous cunt.

She took all of him she could, feeling the gooey warmth oozing out of her, coating her pussy lips and running down into the crack of her ass. Then, as the warm gunk ran over the puckered prune of her asshole, she found herself sickly wondering when she would give that to him, too.

But for now it was over. The circle was complete...whatever that meant, she sickly thought. The family was one. One and the same. Mother and father...Mother and children...Mother, brothers and sisters...One and all, they would live their lives together, from now on...

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by BarondeSade ©

No portion of this story may be reproduced for profit without the express, written permission of the author. . . .

This story is a work of fiction. The characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. . . .

All fictional characters in the story who are involved in sexual situations and incidents are above the age of eighteen. . . .

An erotic fantasy from the demented mind of BarondeSade. . . .

Anne could barely turn the steering wheel as she drove back toward home. It had taken place so fast she still couldn’t believe it had all happened. She had initially gone over to Randy’s apartment to break up with him, but it had all gone terribly wrong from there.

She was such a loser. She always seemed to pick the Mr. Wrong. Why, for once couldn’t she pick Mr. Right? She couldn’t really explain her penchant for younger men, and Randy was just another one in the line of those mistakes. She should have known. Twenty three and already in and out of prison for assault. Assault with a deadly weapon she now knew. And she had become his second victim.

It had all started innocent enough, but when she arrived at his apartment, she could tell he’d been drinking. Drinking a lot, she later discovered. There had been words and she had slapped him for some caustic remark he had made. She hadn’t expected the fist up side her head as he retaliated. It had stunned her, almost knocking her senseless. And then came the gun as he waved it about threateningly. Numb from the blow, she was defenseless against his strength when he grabbed her by the shoulders wrenching them as he flung her on the couch. She couldn’t believe his brutality as he had ripped her panties off and took her as he would have taken any slut right off the street. It had been the most savage, vile fucking she had ever received.

Then, when he was finished with her, he had thrown her out like a piece of trash. She felt so all alone and helpless as she slowly made her way back home. Yes, she was a loser of the highest degree, she sadly thought. All her relationships seemed to end on a sour note.

Sparks of pain shot up her arms as she turned into the driveway and pulled up next to Eddie’s car. Thank goodness, she gladly thought. She was happy he was home. She felt so safe when he was around. Who could blame her with her choice of men/boy friends. Eddie was the one real bright spot in her otherwise murky life. A shining beacon in the night, an oasis in the desert for her. But she would even be losing him soon. Eighteen, he would be leaving for college soon and once again she would be all alone. Loser—Loser—Loser—she railed at herself as she somehow got the car door open and staggered out of the car.

Barely able to get the front door unlocked, Anne stumbled into the house and closed the door behind her. She could hear the television in the living room as she tossed her keys and purse on the table beside the door. Then taking a deep breath, she tried to keep her balance as she went clumping into the living room with the heel missing off one of her high-heeled pumps.
Eddie must have sensed something was wrong when he heard her come in as he was half way across the room heading toward her by the time she made it into the living room.

“Mom! What? What the fuck, uh, what the hell happened to you? You, you look terrible,” Eddie gasped out, stepping up to where she stood looking at him with a wretched look on her tear-stained face.

“Randy. Randy beat me up,” she blubbered.

“That son-of-a-bitch—“ Eddie growled. “Where’s he at? I’m going to go beat the crap out of the S.O.B.”

“No! No!” Anne emphatically declared. “No, he has a gun, and, and he’d probably use it. I can’t risk losing you, too. Just let it go. It’s all over between us so he won’t be in our life anymore.”

“What? What can I do?” Eddie groaned.

“Just hold me,” Anne whimpered, wincing as she lifted her arms and spread them open.

Eddie stepped up and took her in his arms and pulled her to him as she wrapped her arms around him. Standing cheek to cheek, they hugged for several long seconds. Finally, Anne let her arms drop down to her side and stepped back.

“Do we have any pain killers around?” Anne asked him as she stood with her arms helplessly hanging down at her side.

“Uh, yeah, yeah, they gave me some the last time I went to the dentist,” Eddie told her, turning and starting for his room. “I’ll get them.”

“Thank you,” Anne murmured, watching Eddie as he hurried across the room.

Stepping over to the bar, Anne winced again as she poured herself a glass of scotch and threw it down.

Moments later, Eddie came hurrying back carrying a glass of water in one hand and a little vial in his other hand.

“You know this is against the law so don’t go turning me in,” Eddie grinned, trying to lighten the heaviness of the situation.

“I won’t . . .” she mumbled, taking the glass of water and holding out her palm for Eddie to pour out the pill.

“One, or two?” Eddie asked, holding the vial of pills above her upturned hand.

“How strong are they?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t have to take any,” Eddie told her.

“Two then,” Anne told him.

“You’re the boss,” Eddie grinned tipping the vial and letting a couple of the little, white pills spill out into the palm of her hand.

Watching her cringe as she lifted her hand and the glass up to her mouth, Eddie had never seen his mother looking this bad. Her hair, usually perfectly coiffured was disheveled and tousled. Her eyes were puffy from crying and her cheeks had long, dark streaks of mascara streaking down them. And one tear-stained cheek had a bruise already forming on it. Her lips stick was smeared all over her full lips. The top button of her blouse was missing and the second was hanging by a thread. Her short skirt was twisted and askew. Her nylons had lost some of their stretch and had puffy ripples in them at places. One high heeled pump was missing a heel making her stand lopsided as she washed the pills down.

“Thank you, again,” she said, wincing as she handed the glass back to him.

“Mom, you’re a mess,” Eddie declared.

“I know. I need a shower in the worst way,” she whimpered, “but I, I don’t know if I can get undressed.”

“What can I do?” Eddie volunteered, not knowing what he could do to help her.

“Could you help me down to my room?” Anne plaintively asked.

“Uh, yeah, sure,” Eddie said. “But first, why don’t we get rid of your heels, uh, heel,” he grinned, dropping down onto his knees in front of her. As he reached for her shoe, he felt her brace herself with her hand on his shoulder while she lifted one of her feet up so he could slip her shoe off it. Then she lifted her other foot up and Eddie slipped the shoe off it.

“Think you’re going to have to buy another pair of heels,” he told her pushing back up onto his feet.

“Yeah,” she mumbled, looking down at the ruined shoe.

“Well, let’s go,” Eddie told her stepping up to her and wrapping his hand around her tiny waist. Pulling her against him, he held onto her as they went shuffling along hip to hip as they made their way down to her bedroom.

“Over there,” she told him, pointing to the bed, “so I can sit down.”

“Okay,” Eddie told her helping her over to the bed.

Stopping by the bed, Anne turned and leaned back against it.

“Can I get you anything else?” Eddie asked.

“It hurts when I use my arms. Could you, uh, could you help me get me get undressed?” Anne shyly asked, looking at him with her big, sad eyes as she stood with her arms limply hanging down by her sides.

“Huh? Uh, uh, yeah, uh, sure, uh, what do you want me to do?” Eddie asked feeling a strange sense of tension in the air. Undress her? See her in her undies? Or less, Eddie sickly thought. That had been a lifetime goal of his and it had taken her getting a beating for it to happen. He was a disgusting example of a son, he cursed himself.

“Could you, uh, unbutton my blouse for me?” she asked, looking at him with a helpless, defeated look on her smudged face.

“Uh, yeah, uh, sure, but that shouldn’t take long,” he mumbled. “There aren’t that many buttons left on it.”

“I know, Randy was awful,” she fussed as Eddie lifted his trembling fingers up and began to slowly unbutton her blouse.

“I still wish you would let me go and kick his butt,” Eddie complained as he fumbled with the buttons. His fingers felt like they were the size of tree stumps as he tried to push the tiny buttons through their holes.

Finally, after what seemed like hours later to Eddie, his mother’s blouse was unbuttoned. Eddie could see his mother’s frilly, lace-adorned brassiere through the opening in the front of her blouse as it limply hung down from her shoulders.

“Ouch,” Anne flinched as she shrugged her shoulders and let the blouse go fluttering to the floor. “Even that hurts . . .”

“Sorry,” Eddie muttered as he leaned down and picked up her blouse.

“”You don’t have anything to be sorry about,” she told him, slowly turning to face away from him.

“Just wish it hadn’t happened,” Eddie told her, folding her blouse and laying it on the bed.

“Me, too,” Anne grimaced over her shoulder. “I know that I shouldn’t do this,” Anne told him, “but I will never be able to get my brassiere unfastened. I know that you’re a big boy now and have probably seen all kinds of tits, so I’m going to ask you to take my brassiere off for me.”

“Uh, okay, uh, yeah, seen a lot—seen a lot of tits,” Eddie choked out as he tried to swallow the bale of cotton that had mysteriously materialized in his throat.

While his fingers had felt the size of stumps before, now they felt like sequoias as he groped at the two tiny clasps holding the back strap of his mother’s brassiere together.

“Having trouble?” Anne asked him as he continued to struggle with the tiny, bow-covered clasps.

“Uh, yeah, not something I do every day,” he complained.

Finally one of the clasps gave way but that put more pressure on the other one as his mother’s big breasts strained out against the bra.

Anne could feel the pills starting to work as Eddie continued to fumble with her brassiere. Maybe she could do it, she told herself as the pills slightly deadened some of the pain in her shoulders. Moving her arms, she felt two sparks of pain shoot down them. That won’t work she told herself she felt herself growing a little light headed and woozy.

“Ouch—“ she winced as Bobby finally got the catch open and her brassiere strap sprang apart. As it did, the lacy bra went sliding down her limp arms to drop on the floor.

“Sorry,” Eddie muttered, thinking he had somehow caused the pain as he leaned down to retrieve her bra.

Sweeping up the frilly brassiere, eddy stood back up to find himself face to face with a pair of the prettiest, most perfect breasts he had ever seen as his mother had turned to face him.

“Oh, God—“ Eddie gasped unable to keep his eyes off the beautiful, dangling treasures.

“Sorry . . .” Anne mumbled, leaning back and easing down on the bed.

“It’s okay—it’s okay—“ Eddie groaned, gawking at the twin mountains of flawless, pink tit-flesh. “They’re awesome—“

“Thank you,” Anne shyly mumbled as the pills continued to do their magic and deaden not only the pain but a goodly amount of her qualms about having her breasts gawked at by her son.

“You—you’re welcome—“ Eddie mumbled, not knowing what else to say.

“Could you pull my skirt off, too?” she murmured, pushing off with her hands to lift her butt off the bed as she closed her eyes to the pain. “Ouch—“

Eddie leaned down and somehow quickly got the little button undone before he eased his fingers down under the stretchy waistband of her short, black skirt. Pulling gently, he felt the waistband begin to stretch and slide down over the swell of her hips. What was going on, Eddie frantically asked himself? He didn’t see any panties as he eased the skirt lower and lower down her hips.

Unknown to Eddie, Anne’s foggy mind had forgotten about Randy ripping her panties off earlier so there was going to be nothing to hide her womanhood from Eddie once the skirt had cleared the “Y” of her belly.

Eddie felt sweat begin to pop out on his forehead as the little, black skirt slipped down off the curve of her hips and the narrow band of curly, brown hairs above his mother’s pussy came into view.

“Mother!” Eddie gasped his hands unable to move as he stared down the fleshy, pink cleft between his mother’s long, shapely legs.

“What?” Anne groaned, opening her eyes and looking down at her bare, exposed femininity. “Oh—No! I—I forgot—“ she grimaced, dropping her ass back down on the bed. “Ouch—Ouch!” she winced as she shoved her hands down between her legs to cover the oversight on her part.

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Eddie didn’t know what to say as he quickly jerked her skirt down her legs and tossed it down on the bed beside her.

“Could you get me a towel, please?” Anne humbly mumbled as she sat with her hands covering the “Y” of her flat belly.

“Uh, yeah, uh, sure,” Eddie mumbled, torn between wanting to extricate himself from the highly charged situation on the one hand, and wanting to stay and feast his eyes on his mother’s beautiful, naked body on the other hand.

“Thank you,” Anne mumbled as Eddie turned and quickly shuffled over to her bathroom.

Grabbing one of the big, fleecy towels off the towel rack, Eddie wiped it across his brow to wipe away the sweat that had formed there and then went hurrying back out to where his mother was now standing beside the bed with her back facing him. As she looked at him over her shoulder, Eddie could tell that she still hand her hands shoved down between her legs to cover herself. But now another national treasure was on display as Eddie pored over her perfect, round ass. Concentrating on her ass and not watching where he was going as he stared at the precious treasure, Eddie stumbled and almost fell before reaching his mother.

“Ouch—“ Anne yelped once again as she pulled her hands out from between her legs and lifted them out to the side. “Wrap the towel around me, under my armpits and pull the ends around in front,” she instructed him.

Eddie did as he was told and stretched the towel out between his hands. Holding it up against her back, he stepped up and wrapped it around her to hide the marvelous view from his leering eyes.

“Now come around here and overlap the ends,” Anne told him as she eased her arms back down and trapped the towel under them.

Letting go of the towel, Eddie stepped back around in front of his mother. As he did his eyes brushed across her exposed beauty as the towel still hung down by her sides leaving her breasts and body exposed.

Reaching out, Eddie grasped hold of the edges of the towel and pulled them over one another dbanging them across her quivering breasts. As he did, the back of his hands brushed against the soft, smooth skin of her breasts.

“Sorry,” he mumbled.

“Tuck the ends under the towel,” she told him knowing full well that he would have to poke his fingers down under the towel to do so.

“Okay,” Eddie said, lifting his hand and grasping hold of one end of the towel and with trembling fingers tucked it down under the towel rubbing against her breast as he did. The intimacy flowing between them was having a profound effect on Eddie and was showing itself by the rapid engorgement of his penis.

“Thank you,” Anne murmured. “Now help me over to the bathroom so I can take my shower.”

Wrapping his arm around his mother’s waist, Eddie held onto her as they tottered across the room to her bathroom.

“Don’t go too far,” Anne told him as she stepped into the bathroom.

“Want me to wash your back for you?” Eddie joked, trying to lighten the mood.

“That’s not funny,” she scowled back at him as she closed the door.

Eddie stood outside the door wishing that he could see through it as he waited.

Anne stepped over to the shower and let the towel drop down onto the bathmat as she opened the shower door. Wincing again, she reached inside and turned on the water.

What had Eddie thought when he saw her naked, she woozily wondered? The pills were making her feel weird. Almost like an out-of-body experience. Like it wasn’t really her standing here. It was just her body while her mind was outside the door standing with Eddie trying to read what his mind was thinking.

She felt so safe, so warm and happy when she was around Eddie. He made her feel protected. Made her feel that nothing bad could happen to her when he was around.

Finally the water was warm enough and she stepped into the shower. The warm caress of the water felt good on her skin as it splashed down on her. The warm water and the pills had a soothing effect on her shoulders and she found she could move her arms enough to wash herself as she slowly ran the bubble-covered washcloth over her skin.

Then just as she was about to finish, she felt dizzy. Dropping the washcloth, she reached out to catch herself to keep from falling. Holding onto the wall, she was afraid to move, afraid that she would fall and smash her head against the wall or the slippery shower floor.

“Eddie—HELP ME!” Anne hollered out at the top of her lungs as she stood bracing herself against the wall.

Good thing he had waited, Eddie told himself as he reached down and shoved the door open. Seeing the blurred image of his mother through the frosted shower door, Eddie scurried across to the shower and threw open the door.

“I feel faint—“ Anne mumbled as she stood holding onto the wall and looking over her shoulder at him. “Help me back to my bed . . . please.” (PIC)

“Sure—“ Eddie mumbled, reaching over and turning off the water. Then he leaned down and swept up the towel she had dropped on the bath mat. Holding it out in front of him, he stepped into the shower and wrapped the towel around her.

“Thank you so much, Eddie,” Anne murmured as Eddie helped her out of the shower. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“Well, I’m not going anywhere until I’m sure that you’re all safe and tucked in your bed,” he told as they stumbled across the room to her bed.

Reaching down, Eddie pulled back the bed sheet as Anne stood huddled beside the bed.

“Crawl in,” Eddie told her reaching out to take her towel.

“Yes, Daddy—“ Anne joked back unwrapping the towel from around her body and handing it to him.

Standing with one foot on the floor, her other leg raised, knee on the bed, Anne paused and let Eddie’s wandering eyes lovingly caress her naked body. What are you doing, fool, her woozy brain asked her? She couldn’t answer the question as she crawled up onto the bed and rolled over onto her back.
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As she lay looking up at Eddie with her big, sad eyes, she saw him toss her towel down on the foot of the bed. Then running his hungry eyes over her naked body one last time, he reluctantly reached down and slowly pulled the bed sheet up over her body and tucked it under her chin.

“There . . . all safe and sound . . .” he whispered, leaning down and giving her a soft, lingering kiss on the cheek just below her bruise before standing back up.

“Thank you . . .” she murmured for the umpteenth time during the afternoon.

“Is there anything else you want me to do for you?” he asked, looking down at her with love pouring out of his steel-blue eyes.

“Don’t leave . . .” she softly whimpered. “Could you just hold me for a little while? It would make me feel so much better . . .”

“Of course,” Eddie whispered, toeing his loafers off.

Crawling up on the bed beside her, Eddie eased one arm under her neck as she lifted her head to let him slide it under it. Then with her head resting on one arm, she snuggled up against him as Eddie dbangd his other arm across her chest just below the rounded undersides of her flattened breasts and gently curled his hand around her side. Then he tenderly pulled her against him as he buried his nose in her damp hair.
It was then that Eddie realized that his rock-hard cock was resting against his mother’s forearm as it lay pressed against her side under the sheet. She would know, he frantically thought. She would know that he had an erection. Know that her son had an erection. And she would also know that there could be only one reason for it. And that reason was her!

Basking in the warm glow of the intimacy flowing between them, it took Anne and her drugged mind several long moments to become aware of the rigid hardness pressed against her arm. He has an erection, her numbed brain shouted! Eddie has a hard on! What was happening, she frantically thought to herself? How could he be aroused by her? She was his mother for God’s sake, and boys weren’t supposed to be aroused that way.

What should she do? Tell him to leave and embarrass him to death? Let him stay and just ignore it? Yes, that was what she would do. After all, it was just an erection, wasn’t it? Wasn’t it just a man’s natural reaction? A normal response to lying in bed with a woman? Lying in bed with a naked woman with the only thing between him and her being a paper-thin sheet? What did she expect?

As those strange, new thoughts flowed through her head, she felt her sensitive, tingling nipples begin to swell and harden as they jutted out against the thin sheet proclaiming her excitement. He’ll see, she woozily thought. He’ll see that I’m, I’m what? Aroused? I’m aroused. Why am I aroused, she asked herself? I can’t be. Not Eddie. No, it couldn’t be happening. The one man in the world she loved the most, but never could have and now she was letting herself—No—No, she couldn’t let that happen. But if she moved, he would know that she knew. She couldn’t think straight as she lay in the bed next to her son afraid to even move.

It was the pills, she told herself. That was it. They were making her feel this way. It had to be the pills. There was no way this could happen on its own. It was the pills making her do things she would never do without them, she feverishly thought. Letting Eddie see her in the nude, lying in bed naked with him lying next to her, letting him hold her and comfort her. But she was and it was taking its toll on both of them.

Just then she felt Eddie’s lips softly brush against her cheek. It was a tender, loving kiss as he kept his soft lips pressed against her cheek. The kiss of a lover, not the kiss of a son, she dizzily thought. What was going on? This couldn’t be happening, she told herself. Not between her and, and Eddie!

The air around them was hissing and sparking with tension as she fearfully felt Eddie’s arm move ever so slightly. She could feel it brushing against the rounded underside of her breasts as he lazily uncurled his hand from around her side and slowly pull it toward him.

No! No! No, please, she pleaded, but it didn’t stop the slow, inexorable movement of Eddie’s hand as it crawled up over the rounded curve of her ribcage. At last, Eddie’s hand was resting on her ribcage just under the flattened underside of her breast.

He’s going to touch it! He’s going to touch my breast, she hysterically thought. Stop him—Stop him, her drugged brain screamed at her. You can’t let him touch you there. Then through the thin sheet, she felt his fingers slowly crawl up the bottom of her breast and move directly toward her hard, throbbing nipple as it thrust itself out against the sheet.

Anne couldn’t breathe. She thought her heart was going to stop beating as she anxiously waited for the touch of his fingers on her nipple. Then she felt it as she involuntarily flinched and sucked in a breath of air. But his fingers slowly moved away from her trembling nipple and made their way up the slope of her breast toward her neck. What was he doing, she woozily asked herself?

His hot, soft lips were still pressed against her cheek gently kissing her feverish skin as his fingers slowly stole up her long, slender neck. Then his fingers were on her chin. Gently, but forcibly, he pushed on her chin, turning her face toward him. She could feel Eddie’s lips moving across her cheek leaving a faint trail of saliva while they drew closer and closer to her own trembling lips.

Then, as her eyes instinctively fluttered shut, she felt his hot lips on hers. His fingers continued to press against her cheek holding her face turned toward him as he kissed her in a way no son had a right to kiss his mother. The passion, the fury of the kiss took her breath away as she felt Eddie’s tongue gently force its way down between her quivering lips. Her heart was fluttering, threatening to stop at any second as she felt Eddie’s long, sinuous tongue softly probe the insides of her mouth until it found her cringing tongue.

What was she to do, she frantically asked herself? What could she do? Was this somehow the answer to all her past failures? Her son? The one man who would never hurt her! Never forsake her. Could it be? Then, almost on its own volition, her tongue slowly, sinuously wrapped itself around Eddie’s slippery, probing tongue.

“Unnnhhhhhnnn . . .” Anne groaned out into Eddie’s mouth as she felt his hand leave her cheek and make its way back down to her quivering breast. But this time, his hand dipped down under the sheet and moved over her smooth skin as it sought out her throbbing nipple.

Anne had never felt such excitement, such anticipation as she breathlessly returned her son’s fevered kiss. Then his inquisitive fingers found her sensitive nipple. Sparks of excitement and arousal were sparking from her nipple and crashing into her reeling brain as Eddie drew out the impassioned kiss. Tongues twisting, warring, dueling inside, their open mouths clashed together on the outside as their spit intermingled and mixed together.

Anne had never felt such passion and exhilaration as she turned her hand and tried to find Eddie’s erection through the sheet and his pants.

Frantic with desire, Eddie scooted back away from his mother and ran his hand down to his pants. Blindly searching for the tab on his zipper, he finally found it and quickly unzipped his pants.

Anne heard the rasping sound of the zipper and knew what would be coming next.

Digging his hand down inside his open fly, Eddie roughly jerked his big, hard penis back out through the opening. Then, reaching back up, Eddie grabbed hold of the bed sheet and tugged it down. Down off his mother’s flattened, quivering breasts, down off her stomach and down to the middle of her thighs before stopping.

Now with her hand free of the sheet, Anne blindly groped for Eddie’s cock. Then she found the jutting malignancy and wrapped her hot, little hand around it. It felt so big, she feverishly thought as her fingers explored its thick, round shaft and bulbous head. She had never thought about the size of her son’s penis before, but now, now that she had it in her hand, she was somewhat frightened by its weighty mass.

Then, with an impatient whimper, Eddie broke their lip lock and scooted down the bed to give his mother easier access to his hard, throbbing cock. And as he did, he pleasantly found that his lips were almost touching her hard, erect nipple.

As his mother’s hand continued to clutch and grope at his cock, Eddie gently pursed his lips around her fat, rubbery nipple. Everything was working out perfectly, he deliriously thought as he gently nibbled and teased her nipple with his lips, tongue and teeth. This had always been the one thing he had dreamed of. His mother! To have and hold his mother like this was mind-boggling.

“Mmmmmmmm . . .” Anne murmured out as she felt Eddie’s lips on her achingly sensitive nipple. How had she let all this happen, she dizzily thought to herself? In a strange, demented way, it almost seemed as if it had been pre-destined to happen. Were the gods playing with them? Using them as pawns in some sick, twisted game of incestuous chess? Using mother and son to amuse themselves?

She knew that she would regret it if she didn’t stop it, but now she didn’t want to stop it. She wanted the whole thing to play out to the end. Then she would worry about the consequences of their incestuous communion. Then, but not now. Not when they were so close. So close . . .

Anne could feel the warm liquor oozing out of her womanhood as it readied itself for him. And the head of Eddie’s over-sized penis was covered by the slippery goo that was seeping out it as it too readied itself to enter the sanctity of her secrecy.
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“Eddie, Darling, why don’t you take your clothes off . . .” Anne whispered, gently pushing his mouth away from her throbbing nipple. Eddie didn’t have to be told twice as he rolled over and dropped his feet to the floor.

Pushing up, Eddie stood looking down at his beautiful mother as he quickly jerked his tee shirt up over his head and tossed it on the bed beside the towel. As he did, Anne’s eyes dropped down to his cock as it jutted out through the opening in his pants. Yes, it was big, she told herself. It was the biggest one she had ever seen and she had seen a few, she sickly thought to herself as Eddie’s hands flew down to his belt. Quickly unthreading the belt through its buckle, he unsnapped his pants and shoved them down his stout legs.

All the while he was undressing his giant penis was twitching this way and that until he finally shoved it back through to opening in his shorts. Then hooking his thumbs under the waistband of his shorts, he shoved them down. Lifting his legs one at a time, Eddie stepped out of his shorts and pants and kicked them to the side.

“It’s so big,” Anne murmured as Eddie stood looking down at her with his cock proudly jutting straight up into the air.

Then Anne struggled up onto her butt. “Ow,” she softly whimpered as she reached out and pushed the sheet the rest of the way down off over her tiny feet.

“Your shoulders still hurt?” Eddie asked, lifting a knee up on the bed in preparation of crawling back on it as Anne slowly spread her legs apart to bare the wet, oozing wound between them.

“Just a little,” she told him, wincing as she lifted them to welcome him down between her legs. “Not enough to stop this . . .”

“Are you sure about this mother?” Eddie asked her as he stood on his knees between her widely-splayed knees. “I don’t want you to have any regrets when it’s over—“

“I won’t,” she whispered.

Now it was time, she fearfully thought. From here there could be no turning back. They were about to take that one final step! The step that would plunge them into the sinful bond of incestuous matrimony. But there was still a few seconds for her to come to her senses and stop the atrocity. No, no, she couldn’t bring herself to do that. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her.

This was their choice. They had chosen to do this together. No one had forced them to do it. They both had known that all the preliminaries would finally lead to this moment, Anne fearfully thought. She was losing her son! But in that loss, she would gain something much more precious. She would gain a lover!

Eddie couldn’t count the number of wet dreams he he’d had dreaming of this moment. The moment he had craved for so long, but never imagining would happen. Leaning over her, he paused to brush his lips over her soft, trembling lips. Then he tenderly ran the tip of his tongue over their velvet smoothness.

A spasm of excitement sparked through his spinning head as he felt her tongue find his. As they kissed, their mouths slowly opened to each other and their tongues unhurriedly twirled and twisted around each other in sensual, erotic dance of passion and adoration.

Then Eddie felt his mother's fingers on his penis. Easing his hips back, Eddie looked down between their bodies at the ogre jutting out of his groin and pulled back away so she could get her hand around his hot, throbbing column of rock-hard cock-meat.

Cupping her hand around his oversized cock, Anne lovingly groped and pulled on it as Eddie shoved it against her hand. Taking his hint, she spread her legs wider apart, opening herself for him.

Now with his big, evil cock jutting out with her hand still wrapped around it, Eddie slowly moved up higher. As he did, he felt her pushing his cock down, aiming it, steering it toward the exposed, drooling opening between her outstretched legs. Dropping his hips lower, Eddie let his mother guide the tapered tip of his penis down to the juice-slickened opening. Fitting the point of his cock inside her pussy, she released her hold on it and lifted her hand up onto his hips. Digging her fingernails in, she pulled him down into her.

The round, purple head of his penis began to slide down into the tight, wet opening. He's so much bigger than Randy, she frantically thought as Eddie’s big cock slowly slid down into her, spreading her and stretching the sheath-like channel of her vagina. I hope I can take all of him.

Barely able to contain the electric excitement that was sparking around inside his brain, Eddie pushed in deeper and deeper. She was so hot, so wet, so tight, he giddily thought as the silky channel of flesh collapsed down around his invading penis.

He's inside me, Anne feverishly thought! My son is inside me! His penis is inside my vagina. How could she let this happen? They were now doomed. They would both burn in hell for what they were doing. But she didn't care. Not now. She just wanted to savor the poignancy of the moment. Save it and lock it in her memory forever.

Anne kept her eyes focused on Eddie's as she slowly rocked her hips, working his penis deeper inside her.

Eddie could feel her cunt sucking on his cock as its head moved deeper, following the tight channel to what had once been its home.

Anne's eyelids were fluttering up and down as she stared up at him with her unfocused, glazed eyes. Sighing contentedly, she pressed her legs against Eddie's hips as she rubbed them against him and let his big dick slide deeper down inside her.

God, how much more of it is there, she fearfully wondered as Eddie's long, thick penis continued to spread and stretch her while it moved down inside her. She couldn't take much more. Then amazingly, she felt the head of his penis gently nudge up against the opening of her womb at the same moment his belly thudded up against hers. It was all in. She had taken all of him. Taken every last millimeter of his giant member. Then as he continued to gently thrust into her, she felt her womb shrink back to make room for him as her vaginal canal lengthened to accept him.

"Oh, sweet, Eddie—" Anne gurgled out, her fingers clutching, pulling on him trying to get him deeper inside the tight clutch of her pussy. Setting aside the pain, she curled her hands around his head and pulled his lips down on hers. Holding his head between her hands, she crushed her lips against his as she impaled his mouth with her hot, probing tongue.

As they finally broke the fiery kiss, Eddie's hips began to make small, slow, rocking motions, working them back and forth, barely even moving as he fucked her with tiny, gentle thrusts. Staring down into her love-glazed eyes, Eddie slowly slid his hands along her sides and resting his weight on his elbows, gently clutched hold of her big, gravity-crushed tits. As he did, Anne's hands dropped away from his head and covered his hands. Then with his palms brushing against her big, swollen nipples, they both began to squeeze and knead the big mounds of soft, pliant tit-flesh. As Eddie continued the slow undulating movement of his hips, Anne let her eyes flutter shut. Although her eyes were closed, there was a small, happy smile on her full, red lips as she moved with the slow, rhythmic motion of their fucking. Still rocking back and forth, Eddie slowly increased the length and depth of his strokes as the pace began to quicken. As he did, he could feel his mother's hot cunt clutching, sucking, gently squeezing down on his slowly pistoning cock. Then it would release its hold for a moment before clutching back down as he thrust into her again.

Raising her hips to meet him on every driving thrust, Anne let Eddie drive deeper into her as she pushed back against him. Anne could sense that her son was slowly losing control as the strength and force of his strokes grew in intensity. Staring up into his love-crazed eyes, she could only imagine what was going on behind them. What could he be thinking?

He was fucking his mother! Fucking the woman who had given him life and brought him into the world. It must be weighing heavily on him, she sickly thought. Anne moved with the rhythm of his hips as they moved faster. Eddie could feel her velvety-smooth thighs as she clutched them against him tighter.

He could feel her big tits heavily undulating up and down under his hands in cadence with their fucking as he roughly squeezed and pawed at them.

Straining up against him, Anne sped up the rhythmic rocking of her hips taking him ever deeper inside the hot, clutching core of her cunt.

Eddie could feel the pressure building in his big balls as they slapped up against his mother's tight, up-tilted butt. The wild, crazed look in his mother's eyes drove him on as the pace became even more frenzied.

Anne's breath was coming in short, shallow gasps as she moved against him taking him up to the hilt on every deep, lunging thrust. The seeds of orgasm had already been sewn down inside the deep, dark, secret depths of her womb. But this one was going to be different. Different from all those other ones she had experienced in the past.

Eddie could feel the muscles around the tight opening of his mother's cunt squeezing tighter and tighter. The crazed, unfocused look in her eyes disappeared behind her eyelids as she clenched her eyes shut and the frown etching her forehead grew deeper and deeper. She was going to come, Eddie deliriously told himself, driving into her harder and harder.

Suddenly, Eddie felt her cunt clamp down around his cock as her thighs slapped against him and tightly gripped his hips to bring the undulating motion of their bodies to a stop. Then as he felt the first jolt of pleasure rip through his cock, he let out a primal roar and drove into her as deep as he could.

Anne's hips began quiver and shake uncontrollably as her body began to convulse.

“Aieeeeeeee—“ Anne screamed out as her arms flew out jerking her hands off his hands as she began to frantically claw at the sheet. Her head wildly twisted from side to side slinging her damp hair all over. Suddenly her feet shot up into the air and came crashing down Eddie's tightly clenched ass and drove him even deeper into the tight clasp of her convulsing cunt.

Eddie's erupting cock was spewing out cum by the bucketfuls down inside his mother's hot, hungry cunt.

"My Baby—oh, my Baby—oh, God—" Anne blubbered out, ignoring the pain and wrapping her arms and legs around him, hugging him to her as tightly as she could, afraid he would escape and disappear into thin air.

Eddie had no intention of disappearing. He loved this woman with all his heart and soul and he didn't want to ever leave the cocoon of happiness she had woven around him.

"Mother—Mother—Mother—" Eddie groaned out softly clutching at her breasts as he rained tiny, butterfly kisses all over her tear-stained face.
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Eddie didn't know how long they lay intertwined, their bodies still joined sickly at the groins as they hungrily kissed and hugged. It was as if they hugged tight enough, they would become one again. Son inside mother. . . .

But as with all things good, it finally came to an end when nature intervened and Eddie's big, limp dick slithered out of her pussy to flop flopped down onto the bed between her legs.

Then as Eddie started to push up and roll off her, she covetously pulled him to her.
"Don't leave me—please stay with me—" she whispered, grinding herself against him, pressing her furry pelt up against his belly.

"I'm not going anywhere, Mother," Eddie whispered, leaning down and covering her trembling lips with his.

As he felt her arms loosen their death lock, Eddie pushed up and rolled off her and then quickly snuggled up against her.

"Oh, Baby," Anne gurgled, pressing herself against him as he snaked an arm under her neck and pulled her against him. Then their lips found one another again and they lay pressed together, mother and son lovingly kissing and uttering endearments to each other.

As they kissed, Eddie curled his arm around her slender neck and down over her shoulder to rest his hand down on one of her big, spongy breasts. Fondling and caressing the mountain of firm tit-flesh, he tickled and teased its big nipple back to hardness as he slowly crawled his other hand down over her belly. The tips of his fingers just barely grazing the velvet smooth skin of her belly, Eddie stopped his hand's downward flight, pausing and slowly teasing the tip of a finger around the shallow indentation of her cute, little belly button.

As he did, a soft, wet murmur leaked out into his mouth as they continued to kiss and tongue each other. Lazily moving away from her navel, Eddie finally felt his fingers brush across the band of soft curls at the base of her flat tummy.

His fingers moving through the curls, he inched ever closer to the wet, seeping opening between her legs. As he did, he felt a leg nudge up against his leg as she spread herself open to his probing fingers. Then his fingers found the shy, little kernel of flesh that had retreated back down inside its fleshy sheath. Gently, lovingly, he slowly peeled the soft hood back off the little nub and exposed it to the loving touch of his fingertips.

Another soft, wet murmur bubbled into his mouth as he gently brushed his fingertips back and forth across her squiggly little clit.

Then as he lovingly provoked her clit, he felt his mother's hand curl itself around his rapidly hardening penis. Clutching and pulling at it with her soft fingers, she gently, but patiently coaxed life back into it.

Feeling his mother's fingers urging his weapon back to full manhood once again, Eddie slowly moved his fingers down off her clit and into the sopping valley between her spread pussy-lips. He could feel her wetness as he moved down the slit to the seeping opening at the end of the valley. Slowly, gently, he eased his fingers down into the sticky, wet hole, spreading it, stretching it open as his fingers slid down into it.

As his fingers slipped deeper, her finger's clutching became more insistent, more demanding as his penis grew harder and harder.

Sucking his lower lip between her lips, Anne gently nibbled and sucked on it while she felt Eddie's long, probing fingers sinking deeper and deeper into the depths of her emptiness. She could feel that his weapon was almost fully recharged as her fingers frantically pulled and plucked at it.

Sex with Eddie was so different than all the other sex she had ever had. This was totally exciting! Dangerous! Forbidden! Incest layered on top of the fucking! It was a betrayal to her sense of morality! But she had to have it. Have more and more of it.

Backing her lips off his, she looked deep into his eyes.

"Put it back in me," she whispered as Eddie stared back into her unfocused, lust-glazed, misty blue eyes. "Fuck me! Fuck me again!"

Easing his goo-covered fingers back out of her slippery, wet cunt, Eddie slowly lifted them up to her lips. As he did, Anne opened her mouth and slowly, sensuously sucked all four of his dripping fingers inside her mouth.

Eddie could feel his mother's hot, little tongue twirling round and round his fingers as she licked the sticky residue off them. There was something so depraved about her sucking her own sweet juice off his fingers, Eddie giddily thought pushing his fingers into her mouth deeper.

Her own fingers were becoming more insistent, more demanding, more frantic as she pulled and tugged at his cock. Finally, Eddie pulled his spit-drenched fingers out of her mouth and crawled up between her legs. With her legs bent at the knees, the soles of her dainty feet rested on the mattress and the velvety-smooth skin of her inner thighs rubbed against his hips as she thrust her hand down and found his jutting penis.

Bending his rigid penis down, she seated the rounded tip of its head in the juice-slickened opening of her empty vagina. A shiver of excited anticipation tickled up her spine as she felt her son's large, swollen cockhead slowly spread her and slip back inside. There was something so different, so exhilarating about the way his penis spread her. Something sick and depraved on the one hand, but yet so erotic and sensual on the other hand. She couldn't explain it. All she could do was let herself be immersed in the addictive perversion of their forbidden love.

"Oh, my sweet Love," she whispered tilting her hips and clutching her cunt down around his penis as it slowly slid down into her. "Unnhhhhh . . ." Anne murmured out, expecting Eddie to fill her aching emptiness with his hard, throbbing hardness. Then Eddie stopped! He had only the upper third of his penis inside the strangling tightness of her cunt.

"Don't stop—" Anne pleaded, her voice quaking with emotion.

Eddie didn't answer her. He just began slowly working his hips back and forth, fucking her with a third of his big, long penis.

Anne was frantic with need as she dug her fingernails into his waist, pushing and pulling on him, trying to make him move deeper inside her. But he wouldn't as he continued to lazily work his hips back and forth at a snail's pace while his cock slid in and out of her hot, clutching hole.

"More—more—Deeper—put it in deeper—" Anne begged, her whole body working against him trying to get him to give her more of his wondrous cock.

"Like this, Mother?" Eddie whispered, letting another third of his penis slide down into the velvet-lined sheath between her widely splayed legs.

“More—More—“ she pleaded pulling on him.

Then he began to slowly fuck her with two-thirds of his cock, holding back the last third in reserve for the final assault.

"Deeper—deeper—all of it—give me all of it—" Anne frantically begged, kicking her legs up in the air, wrapping them around his waist and driving her soft, little heels into his slowly undulating ass.

Minutes passed as she continued to implore him to fuck her deeper, but he wouldn't relent until finally, with a loud grunt, Eddie jerked his ass back and rammed his cock down into her cunt as deep as it would go.

"Oh, yes—yes—yes—like that—" Anne groaned out, thrusting herself back onto his cock as it began to slide in and out of her at a furious pace.

Moaning with pleasure, Anne thrust her big tits up and let her tingling nipples scbang along Eddie's chest as their bodies rubbed together.

Taking her son's giant cock up to the hilt on every crashing blow, Anne leaned up and Kissed Eddie along the side of his neck and across the shoulder. Moaning out her pleasure, Anne dropped her legs back down and spread them as wide as she could. Ignoring the tiny pricks of pain, she curled her hands around her ankles and spread them as wide as they could possibly spread, opening herself, letting her son penetrate her even deeper as he drove in and out of the seeping hole between them.

Eddie had become a wild man, his ass flying back and forth sending his penis ramming into her like a pile driver driving in piles. Anne's quiet moans were murmuring out into the crook of her son's neck as her hands continued to pull at her ankles keeping her legs spread out to the fullest.

Anne's moans were increasing in volume as Eddie drove into her faster and faster.

Then Anne felt a rush of pleasure blossom down inside her womb as her body began to tremble and writhe. Letting go of her ankles, she grabbed hold of Eddie's jerking ass and began to push and pull on it encouraging him to fuck her even faster, deeper, harder.

Then her whole body stiffened as she convulsed against her son's brutal attack.

"Oh—Fuck—Fuck—Fuck!" Eddie gasped out, his hips ripping forward as he buried his cock-meat deep inside his mother's spasming cunt. Straining against her softness, Eddie felt a jolt of pleasure sparkle through his cock as it twitched and a second wave of hot, steamy semen began to spurt out of it. Pulse after pulse of the creamy goo squirted out into his mother’s seemingly bottomless pit quickly filling her to the point of overflowing. But even after her cunt was overflowing, his giant cock continued to contract and pump out more and more sperm-rich cum into her. So much of it, the creamy, white ejaculate was being forced out around his buried cock, dripping down onto his balls as they lay mashed up against his mother's quivering ass.

At last it was over as they lay intertwined, gasping for breath with sweat pouring off of both of them. Eddie wanted to say something but he couldn't think what. What had happened between them was just to mind boggling to explain, to describe. There were no words that could express his total and complete love for her. Even the word 'love' seemed such a trivial and petty way to describe the emotion he was feeling toward her at this moment.

As Anne lay looking up at him with her big, blue eyes, he could see the dazed, lost look in her eyes. They had just shared what could never be shared between a mother and son. Taken unholy communion of body and soul. What they had shared as mother and son before could never be shared again. What they shared now was so, so much more. A love so much deeper and profound. Now they were lovers in every sense of the word.

Easing back, Eddie slowly withdrew his cum-drenched weapon from his mother's overflowing cunt and rolled off her. . . .

[Fin - Story 3 - Loser]
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(16-09-2020, 04:13 PM)nilr1 Wrote: BaronSade is one of my favorite authors. However, he removed most of his early works for some reason. Here, I am re-posting his early works in a series. Enjoy!!!!!


1. Story 1: What a mother-in-Law
2. Story 2: Adopted
3. Story 3: Loser

Thank you very much for this initiative. Was searching for BaronSade's works for a long time.
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