Fantasy Actress Roleplays
Asin, wife of Mr. Tapas, was aged 34 years. She had a round face, thick rosy lips and had big breasts. Krishna Murthi was watching her very carefully. Her boobs were protruding through the tight bra and blouse as if it would burst open by splitting the hooks. She had a deep long cleavage, prominently exposed while she was facing opposite Krishna Murthi. Through her sari, Krishna Murthi could see her two big thick thighs resembling logs of a small tree. He was comparing the two women, Asin was slim like a Model, and on the contrary Anushka was voluptuous. He found both very sexy. He felt he was getting an erection. Immediately, he diverted his mind.

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Asin said, "I am your immediate right-side neighbour."

Then Asin called his Son named Tapan, aged 19 years, a college going student, and school going daughter for an introduction. Both came and touched the feet of Krishna Murthi who blessed them by touching his right-hand palm on their heads.

Next day, he reported at his Bank at 10.00AM in the morning. His Bank was in a very busy, commercial place. The Bank was on the Third floor near the main Road. The Bank consisted of 3 numbers of Male Assistants, one lady officer to assist him whose name was Rakul, aged 26 years, a fresh young girl, newly recruited by Bank, one Armed Guard, and one Lady Sweeper aged 40 years named Asha Saini. All the staff of the Bank greeted him. Although the Bank was a small one, the transaction was heavy, and it was crowded with customers all day as located in a commercial place.

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In the evening, when Krishna Murthi returned, he found three girls, playing in the open space of the floor.

Seeing him, all the girls in one voice greeted him, "Uncle, Good evening."

Krishna Murthi stopped near them, smiled, picked out Cadbury packets from his pocket, and handed them over to them.

Already one month has passed. Krishna Murthi got mixed up with the two families and merged with them in such a way as if he belonged to them. He was accepted by children as a father figure and accepted by these two ladies as Dada (elder brother). His flat was located between these two neighbours. Krishna Murthi changed the flat in a lavish manner. He had purchased sophisticated modern furniture made of mahogany wood, fitted and furnished the entire flat with fixtures. All the three bedrooms contained luxurious mattresses with pillows. He also purchased a big LED TV, (Big screen) and installed a internet. He also purchased a washing machine and fitted Air conditioner (AC) in the entire flat. The flat became modern and rich between these two poor flats. He would always help these two families by way of treatment in Homeopathy medicines in sickness like Influenza, cough, fever, and in other small sickness, helping them to save Doctors' fees. He would often shower with gifts to the children frequently; he would present them with chocolates, pens, notebooks, and various magazines.

He would present the ladies with sarees and cosmetics. The two families were very much obliged to him.

One day, Krishna Murthi called the two ladies and addressed them, "Listen Asin and Anushka, I am a lone person, but I am using a big flat of 3 Rooms whereas I need only one room which is sufficient for me. It is also very difficult for me to pass the time after office hours in the evening. I am very good in the subject of physics, chemistry, mathematics, and in English. So, what I suggest, you both can send your children to my flat in the evening for their study. I will help each kid for his/ her homework and my time will be passed by doing this. Since your flats are congested, children will have a good studious atmosphere in my flat with AC and they will concentrate more in their studies. For refreshments, the children could watch my LED TV for a brief time. Further, my flat is locked for the whole day till I return from office and the whole day, you two ladies remain alone on this floor as children leave for their schools and I leave for office. You both must be feeling boredom, and the temperature outside is also unbearable. So, what I suggest is, you keep the key of my flat, and enjoy the AC as well as daily soap opera in my LED TV during daytime."

The two ladies could not believe their luck and happily agreed. Similarly, all the Bank employees were very happy with their new Boss. They found in him a true leader, a fine gentleman, helpful, co-operative, good Administrator, knowledgeable, and best guide. Being a Manager, Krishna Murthi also had given certain advantages and liberties to his employees which they were deprived of previously. The second officer of the Bank under him, the new girl Rakul would always seek his advice in the Banking matter. Due to this attitude, the employees of Bank became more vibrant in the dealing of customer service and the business of Bank started booming.

But one problem cropped up. Since he was taking food outside in restaurants, he developed stomach related problems due to spicy foods, and he would often fall sick.

Sensing this problem, the two ladies had a meeting in one afternoon to help this old man. They discussed in detail their plans to help him as well as to earn some extra bucks for them. They comprised their inner rivalry. Both were being benefited from this simple gentleman, but they wanted more as both were very selfish and materialistic, and wanted to exploit more from Krishna Murthi as he was wealthy.

In the evening, when Krishna Murthi returned from office, both approached him.

Anushka being older started saying, "Dada, we both are very much concerned about your health. So, henceforth you will not take outside food, we will serve you homemade food. For one month, I will clean all your rooms, wash your clothes, provide you bed tea when you wake up in the morning, and provide you breakfast before going to the office, and pack your Lunch box. When you return from office, I will provide you evening tea and dinner. Alternatively, Asin will do the same thing next month. For this you will pay us the expenses whatever you deem fit."

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Both knew they would be rewarded much more beyond their expectations. Krishna Murthi happily agreed to this proposal.

So, every day in the morning, the lady in task would open his flat with a duplicate key and serve Krishna Murthi with a cup of hot morning coffee and wake him up from the bed by greeting good morning in her soft and sweet voice.

There was a beautiful small park near their Apartment.

One day Krishna Murthi suggested to Asin, "Asin, what I observe, you are gaining weight day by day, and I don't want to see such a beautiful woman like you turning in to a plump lady. So from tomorrow, we both will have an evening walk together in the park."

Asin readily agreed and pleased that how much Dada was concerned about her health and beauty.

[Image: PyOF2CjhufZnKj_dAE42AhEcWTiVAusqatw_iOZc...gZJwhfxZjE]

Anushka was a movie buff, but her husband would hardly accompany her to a movie theatre during his short stay in Kolkata. Krishna Murthi became aware of this fact. So, every weekend on Sunday, he would take Anushka to the movie theatre, and they would watch the movie as per choice of Anushka. The choice of Anushka varied from Hindi movies to Hollywood movies also. Of course, the entire expenses would be borne by Krishna Murthi.

One morning in a routine way, Asin entered his bedroom with the cup of coffee. Krishna Murthi was sleeping flat on his back. In the morning, usually the dick of a male person would erect to the full extent. Krishna Murthi was wearing a lungi and due to his huge erection, the border ends of the lungi slid away and a full dick had come out from it. Asin had never seen such a huge dick of 9th inch long ever in her life. She was completely mesmerized by the sight. She was very much surprised and thought that her husband's cock would be less than half the size of this giant Cock. Now days, virtually sex was stopped between Asin and her husband for two reasons. First, her husband would visit once in six months, and he would not take any initiative for sex, may be due to his age factor and fatigue. Secondly, with growing up son and daughter in a congested flat, sex was not possible in a free manner. No doubt, she was a sex starved woman.
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Suddenly, Asin felt a tingling sensation inside her pussy. She watched intently the huge cock for a longer moment, but immediately she controlled herself, regained her consciousness.

She placed the cup of tea near the bed, and softly called, "Dada, wake up, it is morning."
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To be continue.......

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All content are copied from INTERNET. if any one have object i will remove the content. This is a work of fiction.This stories and pics are not my own. copied from Internet .  Please find Index in 1st Page.
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#On wedding day evening

After coming out of the shower clean and fresh, I got dressed and ready for the wedding. Jai had texted me to say he would meet me at the reception of the hotel. Bhumi called me to see how I was and check everything was ok.

I explained to her that I would soon be meeting Jai but had not heard from or seen Shaun, also that Mike, his best man had not been able to get hold of him. She asked me to go check on him, on my way to the church. I messaged Jai asking him to hurry up so we could set off early to go past Shaun's dad's house.

We climbed into my car and headed off. Luckily Graham, Shaun's dad, didn't live too far from the hotel. We arrived quickly Jai got out and went up to the house and started knocking on the door. The house was not in a particular good state of repair which was a shame as it was a nice neighbourhood.

Graham answered the door, looking at Jai he groggily blurted "what do you want?"

"What the fuck do you think I want!" Jai replied angrily, "where the fuck is Shaun?".

"How the hell would I know?" replied Graham

"Because he was supposed to stay here last night, you really are a waste of oxygen, aren't you?" Jai stated

"Huh," the only reply Graham could come up with.

At that point Jai caught a sight of Shaun fast asleep on the couch. Jai started to lose it, he had always been the kind of guy who would do anything to help anyone, a friendly giant, but if you wound him up it didn't usually end well for you.

"What the fuck is your game? he's right there you little prick!" I heard him shout so I raced out the car to the front door.

"Let's calm down and get him ready," I said, I walked past them and shook Shaun, then shouted at him to get up as he was not moving. I saw Jai go through to the kitchen, quickly returning with a basin of cold water.

Throwing it over Shaun he shouted "Get the fuck up Shaun it's your wedding day!" Then giving Graham an evil stare as it looked like he was about to complain about throwing water over his couch, he kept quiet though as probably thought better of it considering the situation.

Shaun jumped off the couch "what the fuck, oh shit I'm going to be late!" he blurted out with a bit of a slur in his words. "Why didn't you wake me up Dad, I thought you set an alarm?"

"I must have forgotten son, don't worry it's not life or death if you're late," he replied bluntly. He was giving off a strange vibe like he didn't want the wedding to go ahead.

"Just what is your game Graham? You didn't set an alarm, you lied to us about Shaun being here, do you not want this wedding to go ahead?" I asked and awaited a reply while he blankly stared at me.

I couldn't believe what he said next "It doesn't matter to me if he wants to throw his life down the pan by getting married, that's his choice. I just don't see why anyone would tie themselves down to one tart rather than playing the field, like I've always done and spending all that money on something else."

Shaun now half dressed quickly raced over to his Dad and started shouting in his face "Don't you dare call Shraddha a tart. Was this your fucking plan, to get me so drunk I would miss my own wedding? so any money I had you could try to convince me to gamble with?"

Graham just looked back at Shaun and turned white, I quickly moved between them as it looked like Shaun was about to hit him, I was right and was able to block the punch before it connected with Grahams face. He ran upstairs and we heard the bathroom door locking "You better stay up there, and don't bother showing up to the wedding either!" Shaun angrily shouted out.

He looked at Jai and I and said "Fuck bro's I've been so fucking stupid, he's almost ruined my relationship with Shraddha and my family, for what, money? Christ I've got a lot of making up to do." Then he told us "I've run up a load of debt which Shraddha has had to help with, god knows where she got the money from."

Jai thought back to the night before he started looking nervous, so I tried to calm the situation. "Let's not worry about that now, get dressed asap we have to get to the church before Shraddha." I quickly phoned Mike and told him we were on our way. I also called Bhumi and asked her to try to stall Shraddha as we were running late. She agreed and Mike said he was already there and was currently sorting out guests seating as they were arriving.

We climbed into my car and I quickly drove us to the church, Shaun was sat in the back. I heard a screwing noise and glancing in my mirror I noticed he was drinking from a flask, "I hope that's coffee or water in there," I stated.

"Nope it's a nice single malt whiskey." He replied, "I'd offer you some but you're driving," he sniggered

"Do you not think you had enough last night?" Jai questioned him "You still seem a little drunk"

"I'm ok. I just need to take the edge off, put it down as wedding nerves and cope with what that dickhead has done to me." Shaun half-heartedly laughed.

"Well make sure you slow down, you know you get drunk to easily and you don't want to do anything stupid." I replied but it seemed to fall on deaf ears.

We arrived at the church and started meeting some of the guests, the obvious jokes of "it's only supposed to be the bride who's late" were repeated as we tried to get to the altar. Mike came in and made us aware the bridal car had just arrived. Jai and I stepped back to the front row whilst Shaun and Mike stood waiting.

Suddenly the wedding march started playing, everyone looked back to see the bride, first in came the bridesmaids Bhumi, Samira and Shraddha's friends. They all looked amazing in their pink dresses.

Then the moment everyone was waiting for in came Shraddha and her Dad slowly walking down the aisle, her dad looked so proud, I couldn't help but think to myself if only he'd seen her last night or this morning that look would be a lot different. They got a little closer and that's when I saw Shraddha, she looked out of this world.

She wore her usual wavy hair up for a change, which showed off more of her face or at least it did once the veil was lifted. She wore an Ivory white dress tight fitting around the torso with a court train, a scoop neckline and open up back. 

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I have to admit I felt a little jealous watching her walk onto the altar next to Shaun. Bhumi and Samira sat next to Jai and I. My dad and Shaun's mum were also on the front row with us and his mum was already tearing up.

The ceremony went smoothly, they both got their vows right, Mike made a joke about forgetting the rings but then produced them. They walked off down the aisle as husband and wife. Outside the church we stopped to have some photos taken, the photographer was very professional and you could tell why Shraddha wanted him. Then it was time to head back to the hotel for the evening entertainment.

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There was a gap of around 2 hours until the Lunch was due to start, so a few more photos were taken in the hotel gardens. Some guests went to the bar while others returned to their rooms to relax. I wanted to check on Shaun to see if he was ok after what had happened in the morning.

He wasn't at the bar so I went to his room, his door was ajar so I peeked in as I could hear him arguing with Shraddha. She was trying to calm him down as he was getting angry about his dad. It sounded like he'd told her about that morning. I saw him sit on the edge of the bed through a mirror. Shraddha approached him and said "This will make you feel better."
All content are copied from INTERNET. if any one have object i will remove the content. This is a work of fiction.This stories and pics are not my own. copied from Internet .  Please find Index in 1st Page.
Visit our  Actress roleplay
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I heard the zip on his trousers going down then after a minute, I assumed she'd been stroking his cock, I heard slurping and sucking noises. I remember thinking to myself that would probably make me feel better as well. Flashbacks to the night before made me start getting an erection but I was able to control myself on this occasion.

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Shraddha had obviously learned some new skills from us as Shaun was saying "wow what's gotten into you, I think I can feel your throat and this is the best blow job ever." Then I heard him grunt and knew she was getting a throat full of cum.

I heard him kiss her and say "let's get back down stairs to the party, people will be wondering where we've gone."

I took a few steps back then knocked on the door and shouted in "Shaun are you in there?"

"Yes," he replied, "I was just having a moment's break. Can you get us a couple of drinks and I'll meet you at the bar?"

"ok, no worries, I'll see you shortly down there" and I headed back down stairs.

On the way Jai approached me not looking impressed "You're not going to believe who's just showed up!" before I got a chance to respond and with anger in his voice "fucking Graham."

"You're joking right, surely he's not that stupid" then remembering what I had just witnessed "Shit Shaun and Shraddha are on their way down and he's just told her about what Graham said this morning."

"Wouldn't be a family wedding without a fight," Jai laughed.

"Be serious for a second this is a 5-star hotel they'll chuck us out if it gets rowdy, they have a reputation to protect." I thought for a second "I'll try to get rid of Graham, see if you can slow down Shaun and Shraddha." We split up with our own tasks to try and make the day go smooth.

I got to the bar and there was Graham amongst other guests, pint in hand like everything was fine. I made it clear "You better get out of here, Shaun and Shraddha are on their way back in and she knows everything."

"What's your point?" he obnoxiously replied. I almost hit him myself but thought better of it.

From behind I suddenly heard Shaun "What the fuck, get the fuck out of here now." The other guests, not knowing what had happened earlier, all looked stunned. I saw Shraddha trying to calm him down but it didn't seem to work.

Graham opened his arms and said "c'mon son lets sort this out." I don't think he quite expected what happened next.

Thump, whack, you could hear the connection between Shaun's right hand and Graham's chin, followed by the noise of Graham hitting the floor. Guests looked even more shocked, a couple of them helped Graham back to his feet then helped him outside for fresh air.

Jai and I tried to settle things down and let guests know some of what had happened. The manager came out, he was older than us, maybe around 50 and stood around 5ft 10", he had mostly gone grey and had a receding hairline. He looked the part though in his expensive suit. He took Shaun and Shraddha to the side. "Look I can't have this sort of behaviour in my hotel, any more of this and the party will be over."

Shraddha told him it won't happen again and Shaun apologised. You could tell he was still furious. Our Uncle on my dad's side came up to us and said they had put Graham in a taxi and told him not to come back.

It was time to enter the main hall for the sit-down meal and speeches, so once again, we tried to move on from the issues Graham had caused and get back to enjoying the day.

The meal was 4 courses and everything tasted amazing, everyone was enjoying the complementary wine, we were close to the top table and noticed Shaun had drank a few pints as well as the wine. I went up to the top table and whispered in his ear "it might be time to go slow for a bit and take on some water."

"It's my wedding day and I'm having fun, don't worry about me," he said with a slur.

We headed back to the bar area while the staff changed the hall round, ready for us to head back in for the party, there would be a 2 hour gap before the band started and the evening guests started to arrive.

I was at the bar with Bhumi then Jai and Samira joined us for a drink. We we're talking to the young barman, as he had an accent and we were trying to guess it. His name was Paolo and turns out he's over from Milan studying. He was no more than 19, he was tall and about 6ft 3" quite slim with dark short hair. He was using this work to help with any student costs as he had no family here.

Shraddha came over to join us after saying hello to some of the other guests and thanking them for coming. Paolo made a comment about how lovely she looked and that Shaun was a very lucky man. He then served us all another round and moved on to serve someone else.

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Shaun was drinking with a few of his friends and was doing shots, he stumbled backwards into the bar and knocked over a couple of drinks. He got himself upright again and told Paolo to get another round of shots in. Paolo questioned "Should you not take it easy, it's still early would you like a glass of water or coffee?"

Shaun looked at him puzzled then grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him forward he stated "Look kid its my wedding and if I want to drink, I'll drink, now get those shots poured!" releasing Paolo from his grasp, the young barman fell backwards and banged his head against the top shelf. "Clumsy idiot." Shaun stated.

Paolo refused to serve him and headed to the manager's office. "Jai can you sort out Shaun, go and take him upstairs to sleep for an hour or pour some black coffee down his throat to sober him up." Jai agreed to do this "I'll go speak to the manager and barman see if I can cool things down."

Shraddha came with me, Bhumi & Samira got a bottle of wine to take away, they then went to one of the rooms to have a rest before the party started. I noticed a lot of the guests had already done this or were in the coffee lounge resting and catching up with each other.

I knocked on the manager's door, Paolo answered and let us in. Straight away the manager said "I warned you what would happen if there was any more violence and to make it worse this time it was against one of my own staff." Shraddha started crying "Unfortunately I will have to cancel this evening's events and if Paolo wants to press charges, he'll have my full support and access to the CCTV footage, on top of that your husband will not be allowed to stay here tonight."

Shraddha was breaking down in front of us, "Sir surely there must be something we can do?" I asked then explained about the day that Shaun had been through in full. "It's the biggest day in their life so far please don't cancel it."

"First of all, my name is Mark no need to call me sir, secondly I gave him a warning earlier what else am I supposed to do?"

Paolo jumped into the conversation "What's a lovely, stunning girl like you doing with a man like that? If you were my wife, I'd treat you like an angel and definitely not like a guest at your own wedding."

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"He may not be great when he's drinking, but when he isn't, he's lovely, kind and funny. I love him and I'm begging you both please don't cancel the party or throw him out, he's upstairs sobering up now I promise nothing will happen again." she pleaded with the 2 men

I felt I had to say something, "Mark, Paolo surely there must be something we can do to rectify this without the need to go to extreme measures."

After a brief pause Mark replied "It would be a shame for such a sexy looking bride to have to tell everyone the party's cancelled. Imagine the embarrassment, as well as the loss of money." Shraddha looked at Mark unsure of what he meant. "As you've breached hotel policy you won't be refunded for any of the deposit, the remaining package balance will still need to be paid, all the food will be wasted along with the cake as we supplied it."

Shraddha had tears streaming down her cheeks, her make up was starting to run "please, please, please I'm begging you both I'll do anything please I can't go through that embarrassment."

"Anything," Paolo responded "are you sure?" he looked at Mark and they nodded to each other. I knew exactly what they were thinking, after all I had been in a similar position the night before.

Shraddha looked at me, waiting for me to say something. I just looked back at her and said "they've basically given you 2 options Shraddha. I won't say anything, what happens in here stays in here."

"I'll give you both a blow job, how's that?" Shraddha tried to sound authoritative.

[Image: dDCQagzT3FLQ26g7PaJhCG5QEff0vrTClKq-wQ3U...FuGm9BZJvm]
Mark shook his head, "no way, if I'm risking the hotels reputation, I want to fuck that sweet curvaceous body of yours."

"No way, it's my wedding day and I won't let anyone else inside me other than my husband," she replied sharply. I looked at her and chuckled remembering that morning again, she gave me an evil stare though.

Mark once again told her his terms, "we get to fuck you or the evening is cancelled!"

"Say something," she said to me but I was staying out of it. "I need to get back to my guests. I don't have time for this."

"So is your answer no? that'd be such a shame." Paolo replied.

"How about I come back another time and promise to let you fuck me? You can do whatever you want but I can't right now." Shraddha had one last stab at getting out without breaking her wedding vows already.

"OK I'll meet you halfway, you give us both a blow job now and then come back another time so we can have the rest of your body and do whatever we want." Mark made it clear it was this or nothing.

"Fine, get them out we need to be quick. Whatever happens in here stays in here though right?"

"As long as you come back to fulfil your end of the agreement," Mark replied as he unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. He sat on the edge of his desk, "come here and open that mouth of yours." He was a decent size even though he was still a bit soft, about 6 inch in length.

I noticed Paolo taking his phone out and aiming it towards Shraddha and Mark. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Making sure she comes back to complete the agreement" he replied. I don't think Shraddha heard any of this.

Shraddha kneeled down and opened her mouth, she went to grab hold of his cock but he swatted her hand away "Mouth only bitch!" and with that he slid his cock into her open waiting mouth. Gently sliding his manhood in and out, never fully removing it, he then grabbed the sides of her head, his fingers sliding through her red hair, and started to fuck her mouth with great pace.

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I thought he was about to cum but instead withdrew his cock and said "see to Paolo now," Paolo handed his phone to Mark and then stood in front of her. He pulled down his trousers and boxers, I was shocked. I couldn't imagine what Shraddha thought as he pulled out a cock at least 9 inch in length and was still fairly flaccid.

She took hold of it in both hands and started to masturbate him. She tried to do this for what seemed ages, then Paolo realised she was trying to make him cum quickly. "I believe the agreement was a blow job!" Paolo stated, cock now fully erect and looking about 11-12 inches in length.

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"It's too big I won't fit it in my mouth."

"Don't worry I'm sure there's spare room in your throat for it, now open up bitch!!" he responded aggressively.

"What happened to treating me like an angel?"

"I'm letting you suck my cock, not marrying you. Today, you're just a slut bride!" he then forced his cock into her mouth, just a few inches to start with then progressively with each thrust just a little more. His cock was slowly disappearing further and further into her mouth and throat.

After a few minutes he took hold of her face, one hand placed just under her chin and the other around the top of her head. He turned her slightly to an angle then forced his cock in, keeping a tight grip and pulling her head forward on to his cock, at the same time thrusting his cock forward to meet her.

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She was gagging and spluttering and he didn't let go. After a few minutes he pulled out her mouth but still didn't let go of her, leaving a trail of spit connecting his bell-end to her tongue. Her eyes had reddened and she panted heavily.

He didn't stop for long, He again thrust his cock forward whilst pulling her head forward to meet it, this time though he did not pull back once he was in. Slowly he started pushing his cock further in and you could see a bulge in her throat. Encouraging her like some kind of coach "Just a little more, take all of it, I know you can do it."

All you could hear from Shraddha was more gagging as she tried her best to accommodate him in her throat. "Yeeesss!" He shouted out as he had finally managed to get all the way in her mouth and throat. "Mark make sure that's on close up."

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Shraddha pulled her head away releasing his cock, out of breath and mouth full of saliva she blurted out "What the fuck do you mean on close up?" then she saw Mark with the phone "I didn't agree to this being filmed, delete that now!"

Mark replied "I'll delete it when you've finished your end of the deal and come back for the fucking off a lifetime, but first back to the task in hand."

Paolo quickly grabbed her head before she could say anything. Once again gripping her head tightly, he started to force his cock back into her mouth, but this time he wasn't going slowly. He started thrusting in and out like a piston. All of a sudden, he wrapped his arms around her head holding her tight, his pubes tickling her nose.

With a large grunt he thrust forward "Oh fuck yes," he whispered as his balls were being emptied straight into Shraddha's throat "Swallow it all my angel," he sniggered. He released her head and pulled out. Shraddha fell forward to the floor ending up on all fours gasping for air.

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Mark handed the phone back to Paolo, "Right slut, my turn," Mark commanded. Shraddha raised herself back to her knees only and let her mouth fall open awaiting an insertion. Mark didn't need any further invitation. He put his cock tip in her mouth and rubbed round her lips, then told her "Give it a kiss."

Shraddha responded with a kiss then started to suck him in deep, Mark responded by taking hold of either side of her head and started fucking her face again, making sure he got as deep as possible with every thrust. "Have you ever ball surfed before?" Without waiting for an answer, he put both hands on the back of her head. He pulled her close and once again her nose was being tickled by pubes.

Whilst he was in her mouth, he instructed her "Keep my dick in and lick my balls slut." To my surprise out came her tongue and started to lick his balls. I'd never been ball surfed so made a mental note for future use.

Shraddha started gagging again but Mark wasn't letting go, he pulled back slightly then started fucking her face again, within a minute he let out a loud moan and emptied his balls into her throat. "Make sure you swallow it all," his last words before pulling out of her mouth.

[Image: 8xUu6af5EB3D93KPSR0nKVQbpXEfLrZOKDvDtcRQ...1Uvi_EXzD-]

Shraddha again fell to all fours and gasped for air. When she came back round, she asked "Now, can we forget about the incident earlier and let the party go ahead?"

"Of course, I'm a man of my word," Mark answered her. "You might want to sort out your face though it's a fucking mess," he laughed.

Paolo aimed the phone straight at her face, then added his own opinion, "I don't know about that Mark, I quite like this look on her."

"Can you delete the video now please?" Shraddha asked

"Nope, not until we get your body as you offered earlier." Mark answered then continued, "There's a disabled toilet just a few doors down, you'll get privacy in there to sort yourself out, I look forward to our next meeting."
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I checked the hall was clear then hurried Shraddha out and watched her run into the toilet. I went back into the room. " guys did you have to be so rough with her?" I asked the pair of them.

"Looked like you enjoyed it from where I was standing." Mark answered.

"Do you want a copy of the video?" Paolo asked.
[Image: 1uB5l2FpK5AidP8OxN12GqlLyW1exC8aK31wPhqY...iM7r8R53KV]

"Definitely," I answered and gave him my business card with my number and email so he could forward it to me. "Look I'll try and get her to settle the debt asap but please don't share the video with anyone else."

Mark replied, "as long as she comes back to finish what she started, the sooner the better, even tonight if she's up for it."

"I doubt it, it's her wedding night, unless of course Shaun's too drunk to complete his marital duties." I jokingly laughed.

Paolo and Mark in unison both replied "Let's hope so."

On that note I left to go and check on Shraddha. She was just coming out the toilet, her eyes still hair not as neat as earlier and she had washed off her makeup. She spoke "I'm going up to my room for a rest before the party starts, the rest of the guests will start arriving soon. Please don't tell anyone, and I mean anyone about what just happened."

"Ok, but you know you need to fuck them soon or that video will get out," I had to say something.

She just looked at me with tired eyes and said "that's a problem for later, right now I just want a drink and a rest with Shaun."

I headed back to my room, Bhumi, Jai and Samira were in there chatting about the events of the day. "What did the manager say?" Bhumi asked as I entered the room.

"Well he wanted to cancel the rest of the day and press charges against Shaun for assaulting Paolo." They all looked shocked. I continued "As everything was part of the package, they would have got no money back either."

"What's the plan now then?" Samira asked

"Paolo didn't want to press charges so Shaun's off the hook, and after some pleading, begging and grovelling the manager agreed to give 1 last chance."

"So where is Shraddha now?" Stacy asked

"She got quite emotional, started crying and made a mess of her make up. I left her down the hall, she was heading back to her room to fix her makeup and talk to Shaun." I did my best to come up with a story about her makeup being a mess, at least it was half true.

Bhumi said she would check on her before heading down in case she needed help. Then she poured us all a glass of wine and we just chilled listening to some music.

As the time approached for the evening party to start, I had a cup of coffee and a pint of water to help with the alcohol consumption. Bhumi and Samira set off to meet Shraddha. 5 minutes later Shaun showed up at my room, "Are you boys ready for the party?" he asked, still drunk but a bit more coherent than when I last saw him.

"Come on then, let's head down and see who's arrived." Jai replied

We set off down to the function room again and most of the guests from the day were there and few of the evening guests had already arrived. "I better go and mingle with the guests," said Shaun.

"It's your day bro so enjoy but go easy on the beer, wine or whatever your drinking you only do this once," were the words of advice I gave him.
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#On Wedding day night

The girls then entered and Shraddha was looking amazing again, her hair was tied back up and she had fixed her makeup. I was pleased to see she was still in her wedding dress. Bhumi and Samira were looking on point again as well but my eyes only had one destination.

I went over to meet them "can I get you ladies a round of drinks?" I asked.

[Image: sgzck8marYbQLKvReBWByv_eP6-WKzdMWRjWtVAn...VxBe2fwl65]
Shraddha replied "not for me, I'm pacing myself and I need to go and meet some friends from work who have arrived."

"Just get us a bottle of white and 2 glasses of honey," Bhumi answered.

"Ok babe, do you want to go find us a table or somewhere to sit and I'll bring the drinks over, give me a hand Jai."

Bhumi and Samira went over to one of the tables and sat down. "How amazing does Shraddha look Jai?" I asked

"Bro she looks amazing but don't get any ideas, I'm still worried about last night. I'm never doing anything like that again." Jai replied

I made him aware that I had spoken to her and she definitely wasn't going to say anything. That seemed to put him at ease, Paolo showed up at the bar "What can I get you gents?" he asked

"2 pints of lager and a bottle of the house white, 2 glasses please." I ordered the round in. "Charge it to my room, Paolo it's 144."

"Ok that's fine just sign this receipt, the tabs already open for the room." Paolo stated, Bhumi must have ordered it earlier I thought.

"That's perfect" I replied. Jai headed over to the table with the points while I waited for the wine and glasses.

"Mark wanted to have a chat with you at some point." Paolo told me.

"Ok I'll catch up with him later, if that's ok, there's some people I want to go see right now." I left the bar and dropped the wine off at the table. I had noticed some of Shraddha's work friends had arrived including my old friend Dave, Shraddha's boss.

Dave's a decent guy, he's 36, quite well off and running his own business, he stands around 6ft and carries a little extra weight but not fat. Neatly trimmed beard and tied back black hair in a man bun.

I had a catch up with Dave as I'd not seen him for a while, he came over to see the rest of the table, he knew us all as we'd been friends for years, as the night went on and people moved from table to table it was turning into quite the party. Various conversations were happening, except when I was with Dave, it was all about Shraddha looking amazing and all the things he could imagine doing to her.

[Image: twm2eMGKZZiUhBppNE3WYG34VTeJG2FfD0EXQ8hY...CK2ZC_kMj7]

Unfortunately, 1 person was having too much fun, Shaun, he was getting drunker than I recall seeing him before. I was on my way to have a chat with him when Mark caught my eye. "Hi, Paolo said you wanted to see me about something?" I queryingly asked.

"Ah yes, can you pop into my office quickly? I want to run an idea past you" he stated.

I nodded and followed him to his office. "Here's what I was hoping, could you get Shraddha to complete her end of the deal tonight?" he asked

"I don't know about that, she'll probably be busy with Shaun I'd imagine. What's with the sudden rush?" I asked back.

"I want to get in her asap if I'm honest, let me sweeten the deal for you."

I'm listening." I replied whilst I sat on the edge of a chair wondering what he was about to say.

"I noticed there seems to be a large tab in your room, which your wife has run up, how about I make the tab and cost of your room disappear?"

Knowing Bhumi had been through quite a few bottles of wine and some cocktails, "Sounds pretty good to me, I can't make any promises though." I stated.

"If it'll help you get her to come, I'm willing to knock the cost of the bridal suite of their final bill, no need to tell her about your end of the deal. Also, as the agreement was, we can use her body sexually for whatever we want, we want to share that body with a few more of our colleagues, I hope that's ok."

[Image: kBVaCWlhGTDuwMbt0wcdpu1G3QuHgepHvxN7zY-w...F3jc7oKZsM]
"I'll do what I can, they're a bit hard up for cash so removing the bridal suite will be tempting, it just depends on Shaun, to be honest though the last time I saw him he looked ready to drop. I won't mention the other guys as it might put her off, but as you say it falls within the agreement. Would you have any objections to me and a mate maybe joining in?"

"Why would I object? The more the merrier." He said laughing to himself.

"OK, I'll come find you later with an update" I said then headed back to the party.

Going back into the party atmosphere seemed strange considering the conversation I had just had. I did consider cancelling the arrangement I had made, but then I saw Shraddha on the dance floor, she looked at her finest. Dancing in her wedding dress it hugged her body while she danced almost seductively to the music.

[Image: A5Y5Fa2fAti_lZwAK-vJywJjYm5ODZHP3DkqdmcY...wBPzy-NirD]

I decided to find Bhumi and spend some time with her, as I didn't want to raise any questions about my disappearance. I soon found her with Samera and quite a few empty champagne bottles, I now knew why my tab was even higher. I sat down next to them and Bhumi muttered something but due to the amount of alcohol she'd consumed it made no sense.

She gave me a big cuddle and kiss and headed for the dance floor with Samera. I went to the bar to get myself a drink and found Shaun there with some of his mates. They were doing tequila shots, jaeger bombs and still drinking lager. Shaun was a state, he could hardly stand. I remember saying "Fuck sake Shaun, I told you to slow down."

His response was "fuck off unless your doing shots, come on it's a party!"

I chose not to join him but instead went to catch up with some family members who were still there.

It was starting to get late and people not staying at the hotel started to leave. Some of the guests staying in the hotel had started to head up to their rooms. I managed to speak to Shraddha alone, "I spoke to Mark earlier, he was saying if you can finish your end of the agreement tonight, he will delete the video straight away, and he will also remove the cost of the bridal suite from your bill."

"No way, it's my wedding night and I'm going to spend it with Shaun."

I decided to point Shaun out for her, he was fast asleep, leaning on one of the tables, "I don't think he'll be doing anything for quite some time."

[Image: JqTCHau_PZAjKMaE-3doNrwhgWTC0ZckmkR5kxWM...rXwXTsRzA7]

"Fuck sake Shaun, ok anything to get this over with, I need you to help me get Shaun upstairs first though."

I got Jai to give me a hand to carry him up to the bridal suite, "Have you seen Sameera or Bhumi recently?" Jai asked me over the unconscious body we were dragging with us.

"Not for about an hour, they had put a few bottles away between them, maybe they've headed back to one of our rooms."

We got to the bridal suite and dropped off Shaun. Jai headed to his room to see if our wives were there. I stayed to chat with Shraddha and confirm she was still happy to go through with it. She was so I said I would head back down stairs to let Mark and Paolo know and she agreed to come down shortly.

I spoke with Mark and told him it was on, he made me aware of a training room they have. It has a desk and chair in case any office staff need to research anything, there is a bed and bathroom for the housekeeping crew to practice on, it was also used for interviewing new staff.

Jai came back to the bar area and said "There both passed out in my room, I'd hate to see the bar tab. Its been a long day I'm knackered, can I crash in your room again?"

"No worries I'm going to have a few drinks with Dave before he sets off, I'll see you in a bit." Shraddha arrived back down and was saying goodbye to the final guests as they were leaving, it was not long after midnight now. Dave was constantly admiring Shraddha.

As expected, the conversation then turned to Shraddha. Dave started "You know what mate, I know she's now your sister in law but I would love to fuck Shraddha. Look at her sexy curvy petite body, the way she moves and her oh so innocent appearance."

[Image: lXpyN-ZUGFNxfIqv7rAqPEkqpM9JHG35YhQdDr_B...H7T-MOPVi1]

"What would you say if I told you I could arrange it tonight?" He just stared back at me with a smile, I continued "but you would have to share her with some other guys."

He replied, "are you joking or being serious right now? If you're being serious, I'd say lead the way and that I'd owe you a favour back." I showed him a clip of the video Paolo made earlier that day and his eyes lit up. "Mate I'll owe you a few favours if you can get me some of that."

"That's cool man we always sort each other out, just stick around once the rest of the guests have gone and someone will come get you. Try to stay out of her way through." I went to see Mark to check if the room was ok to go ahead.

He told me his plan "If you can take her down to the room at 1am, Paolo and I will be there waiting. The other lads will be waiting in the side room to come join us once she's a bit more at ease."

"Sounds like a plan, my mate Dave is coming as well, can one of you take him down to the room to wait?" I asked. Mark was fine with this and grabbed Dave on his way to the room.

The final guests left and it was just the 2 of us remaining. "Are you ready for this?" I asked her.

"It needs to be done, we need to save money and I can't risk that video being shared so let's go." She replied with a hint of worry in her voice, we headed for the training room making sure no one was around.

[Image: LkHiXAUyxJ6FMWFvifAmo2cql5hsAqRnY4Hcv-Y1...gTVRUke_8o]

She knocked on the door quietly, Paolo answered. He took Shraddha by the hand and pulled her into the room, I made sure the door was locked. "Right let's get this started, I hope you're ready to be fucked senseless by all of us!" he said excitedly.

Shraddha froze "what do you mean all of us?" she asked.

I put in "I'm taking part as well Shraddha."

"I never agreed to that, it was just those 2 the agreement," she tried to argue back

Then Mark spoke "The agreement was we could do whatever we want and we want to share you. Now less talk and more action! I've been waiting to long for this already." He started stripping off and so did Paolo, I thought what the hell and stripped off also.
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(06-07-2020, 11:56 AM)Krishan202 Wrote: I heard the zip on his trousers going down then after a minute, I assumed she'd been stroking his cock, I heard slurping and sucking noises. I remember thinking to myself that would probably make me feel better as well. Flashbacks to the night before made me start getting an erection but I was able to control myself on this occasion.

[Image: rT_9cLdVoVK7ROp8nbK6PM7aFjrkclGXkln2vNX7...exxyyKIYzp]

Shraddha had obviously learned some new skills from us as Shaun was saying "wow what's gotten into you, I think I can feel your throat and this is the best blow job ever." Then I heard him grunt and knew she was getting a throat full of cum.

I heard him kiss her and say "let's get back down stairs to the party, people will be wondering where we've gone."

I took a few steps back then knocked on the door and shouted in "Shaun are you in there?"

"Yes," he replied, "I was just having a moment's break. Can you get us a couple of drinks and I'll meet you at the bar?"

"ok, no worries, I'll see you shortly down there" and I headed back down stairs.

On the way Jai approached me not looking impressed "You're not going to believe who's just showed up!" before I got a chance to respond and with anger in his voice "fucking Graham."

"You're joking right, surely he's not that stupid" then remembering what I had just witnessed "Shit Shaun and Shraddha are on their way down and he's just told her about what Graham said this morning."

"Wouldn't be a family wedding without a fight," Jai laughed.

"Be serious for a second this is a 5-star hotel they'll chuck us out if it gets rowdy, they have a reputation to protect." I thought for a second "I'll try to get rid of Graham, see if you can slow down Shaun and Shraddha." We split up with our own tasks to try and make the day go smooth.

I got to the bar and there was Graham amongst other guests, pint in hand like everything was fine. I made it clear "You better get out of here, Shaun and Shraddha are on their way back in and she knows everything."

"What's your point?" he obnoxiously replied. I almost hit him myself but thought better of it.

From behind I suddenly heard Shaun "What the fuck, get the fuck out of here now." The other guests, not knowing what had happened earlier, all looked stunned. I saw Shraddha trying to calm him down but it didn't seem to work.

Graham opened his arms and said "c'mon son lets sort this out." I don't think he quite expected what happened next.

Thump, whack, you could hear the connection between Shaun's right hand and Graham's chin, followed by the noise of Graham hitting the floor. Guests looked even more shocked, a couple of them helped Graham back to his feet then helped him outside for fresh air.

Jai and I tried to settle things down and let guests know some of what had happened. The manager came out, he was older than us, maybe around 50 and stood around 5ft 10", he had mostly gone grey and had a receding hairline. He looked the part though in his expensive suit. He took Shaun and Shraddha to the side. "Look I can't have this sort of behaviour in my hotel, any more of this and the party will be over."

Shraddha told him it won't happen again and Shaun apologised. You could tell he was still furious. Our Uncle on my dad's side came up to us and said they had put Graham in a taxi and told him not to come back.

It was time to enter the main hall for the sit-down meal and speeches, so once again, we tried to move on from the issues Graham had caused and get back to enjoying the day.

The meal was 4 courses and everything tasted amazing, everyone was enjoying the complementary wine, we were close to the top table and noticed Shaun had drank a few pints as well as the wine. I went up to the top table and whispered in his ear "it might be time to go slow for a bit and take on some water."

"It's my wedding day and I'm having fun, don't worry about me," he said with a slur.

We headed back to the bar area while the staff changed the hall round, ready for us to head back in for the party, there would be a 2 hour gap before the band started and the evening guests started to arrive.

I was at the bar with Bhumi then Jai and Samira joined us for a drink. We we're talking to the young barman, as he had an accent and we were trying to guess it. His name was Paolo and turns out he's over from Milan studying. He was no more than 19, he was tall and about 6ft 3" quite slim with dark short hair. He was using this work to help with any student costs as he had no family here.

Shraddha came over to join us after saying hello to some of the other guests and thanking them for coming. Paolo made a comment about how lovely she looked and that Shaun was a very lucky man. He then served us all another round and moved on to serve someone else.

[Image: iwRdMikdE8ESwqwdg4sZj2kCq-jE52RakY1JooLU..._mOtLbu-xw]

Shaun was drinking with a few of his friends and was doing shots, he stumbled backwards into the bar and knocked over a couple of drinks. He got himself upright again and told Paolo to get another round of shots in. Paolo questioned "Should you not take it easy, it's still early would you like a glass of water or coffee?"

Shaun looked at him puzzled then grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him forward he stated "Look kid its my wedding and if I want to drink, I'll drink, now get those shots poured!" releasing Paolo from his grasp, the young barman fell backwards and banged his head against the top shelf. "Clumsy idiot." Shaun stated.

Paolo refused to serve him and headed to the manager's office. "Jai can you sort out Shaun, go and take him upstairs to sleep for an hour or pour some black coffee down his throat to sober him up." Jai agreed to do this "I'll go speak to the manager and barman see if I can cool things down."

Shraddha came with me, Bhumi & Samira got a bottle of wine to take away, they then went to one of the rooms to have a rest before the party started. I noticed a lot of the guests had already done this or were in the coffee lounge resting and catching up with each other.

I knocked on the manager's door, Paolo answered and let us in. Straight away the manager said "I warned you what would happen if there was any more violence and to make it worse this time it was against one of my own staff." Shraddha started crying "Unfortunately I will have to cancel this evening's events and if Paolo wants to press charges, he'll have my full support and access to the CCTV footage, on top of that your husband will not be allowed to stay here tonight."

Shraddha was breaking down in front of us, "Sir surely there must be something we can do?" I asked then explained about the day that Shaun had been through in full. "It's the biggest day in their life so far please don't cancel it."

"First of all, my name is Mark no need to call me sir, secondly I gave him a warning earlier what else am I supposed to do?"

Paolo jumped into the conversation "What's a lovely, stunning girl like you doing with a man like that? If you were my wife, I'd treat you like an angel and definitely not like a guest at your own wedding."

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"He may not be great when he's drinking, but when he isn't, he's lovely, kind and funny. I love him and I'm begging you both please don't cancel the party or throw him out, he's upstairs sobering up now I promise nothing will happen again." she pleaded with the 2 men

I felt I had to say something, "Mark, Paolo surely there must be something we can do to rectify this without the need to go to extreme measures."

After a brief pause Mark replied "It would be a shame for such a sexy looking bride to have to tell everyone the party's cancelled. Imagine the embarrassment, as well as the loss of money." Shraddha looked at Mark unsure of what he meant. "As you've breached hotel policy you won't be refunded for any of the deposit, the remaining package balance will still need to be paid, all the food will be wasted along with the cake as we supplied it."

Shraddha had tears streaming down her cheeks, her make up was starting to run "please, please, please I'm begging you both I'll do anything please I can't go through that embarrassment."

"Anything," Paolo responded "are you sure?" he looked at Mark and they nodded to each other. I knew exactly what they were thinking, after all I had been in a similar position the night before.

Shraddha looked at me, waiting for me to say something. I just looked back at her and said "they've basically given you 2 options Shraddha. I won't say anything, what happens in here stays in here."

"I'll give you both a blow job, how's that?" Shraddha tried to sound authoritative.

[Image: dDCQagzT3FLQ26g7PaJhCG5QEff0vrTClKq-wQ3U...FuGm9BZJvm]
Mark shook his head, "no way, if I'm risking the hotels reputation, I want to fuck that sweet curvaceous body of yours."

"No way, it's my wedding day and I won't let anyone else inside me other than my husband," she replied sharply. I looked at her and chuckled remembering that morning again, she gave me an evil stare though.

Mark once again told her his terms, "we get to fuck you or the evening is cancelled!"

"Say something," she said to me but I was staying out of it. "I need to get back to my guests. I don't have time for this."

"So is your answer no? that'd be such a shame." Paolo replied.

"How about I come back another time and promise to let you fuck me? You can do whatever you want but I can't right now." Shraddha had one last stab at getting out without breaking her wedding vows already.

"OK I'll meet you halfway, you give us both a blow job now and then come back another time so we can have the rest of your body and do whatever we want." Mark made it clear it was this or nothing.

"Fine, get them out we need to be quick. Whatever happens in here stays in here though right?"

"As long as you come back to fulfil your end of the agreement," Mark replied as he unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. He sat on the edge of his desk, "come here and open that mouth of yours." He was a decent size even though he was still a bit soft, about 6 inch in length.

I noticed Paolo taking his phone out and aiming it towards Shraddha and Mark. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Making sure she comes back to complete the agreement" he replied. I don't think Shraddha heard any of this.

Shraddha kneeled down and opened her mouth, she went to grab hold of his cock but he swatted her hand away "Mouth only bitch!" and with that he slid his cock into her open waiting mouth. Gently sliding his manhood in and out, never fully removing it, he then grabbed the sides of her head, his fingers sliding through her red hair, and started to fuck her mouth with great pace.

[Image: ckYlsqQ1CGLO0E6pTOxJMSFU2YBkxhVJaAGPS1QL...HmB4D3jZoU]

I thought he was about to cum but instead withdrew his cock and said "see to Paolo now," Paolo handed his phone to Mark and then stood in front of her. He pulled down his trousers and boxers, I was shocked. I couldn't imagine what Shraddha thought as he pulled out a cock at least 9 inch in length and was still fairly flaccid.

She took hold of it in both hands and started to masturbate him. She tried to do this for what seemed ages, then Paolo realised she was trying to make him cum quickly. "I believe the agreement was a blow job!" Paolo stated, cock now fully erect and looking about 11-12 inches in length.

[Image: REGOQBRkkEe1na5gqTCy11vOkoZsrEs05ATvu6ou...PQalSI0L_7]

"It's too big I won't fit it in my mouth."

"Don't worry I'm sure there's spare room in your throat for it, now open up bitch!!" he responded aggressively.

"What happened to treating me like an angel?"

"I'm letting you suck my cock, not marrying you. Today, you're just a slut bride!" he then forced his cock into her mouth, just a few inches to start with then progressively with each thrust just a little more. His cock was slowly disappearing further and further into her mouth and throat.

After a few minutes he took hold of her face, one hand placed just under her chin and the other around the top of her head. He turned her slightly to an angle then forced his cock in, keeping a tight grip and pulling her head forward on to his cock, at the same time thrusting his cock forward to meet her.

[Image: iBl5Vu3nujmAL8e1L9PV8UrCOl2TwYMbF3DagzwP...EhOsHsLpfv]

She was gagging and spluttering and he didn't let go. After a few minutes he pulled out her mouth but still didn't let go of her, leaving a trail of spit connecting his bell-end to her tongue. Her eyes had reddened and she panted heavily.

He didn't stop for long, He again thrust his cock forward whilst pulling her head forward to meet it, this time though he did not pull back once he was in. Slowly he started pushing his cock further in and you could see a bulge in her throat. Encouraging her like some kind of coach "Just a little more, take all of it, I know you can do it."

All you could hear from Shraddha was more gagging as she tried her best to accommodate him in her throat. "Yeeesss!" He shouted out as he had finally managed to get all the way in her mouth and throat. "Mark make sure that's on close up."

[Image: 6sK75hCRRYeskBXpLkqSpilPpDaPibQBv9gz6Xrp...D3QZsYUP2F]

Shraddha pulled her head away releasing his cock, out of breath and mouth full of saliva she blurted out "What the fuck do you mean on close up?" then she saw Mark with the phone "I didn't agree to this being filmed, delete that now!"

Mark replied "I'll delete it when you've finished your end of the deal and come back for the fucking off a lifetime, but first back to the task in hand."

Paolo quickly grabbed her head before she could say anything. Once again gripping her head tightly, he started to force his cock back into her mouth, but this time he wasn't going slowly. He started thrusting in and out like a piston. All of a sudden, he wrapped his arms around her head holding her tight, his pubes tickling her nose.

With a large grunt he thrust forward "Oh fuck yes," he whispered as his balls were being emptied straight into Shraddha's throat "Swallow it all my angel," he sniggered. He released her head and pulled out. Shraddha fell forward to the floor ending up on all fours gasping for air.

[Image: DU7JOGhV7XX_rH2SIYnWgocumV5PAzAjl2bN-5e6...l18d_bHYwW]

Mark handed the phone back to Paolo, "Right slut, my turn," Mark commanded. Shraddha raised herself back to her knees only and let her mouth fall open awaiting an insertion. Mark didn't need any further invitation. He put his cock tip in her mouth and rubbed round her lips, then told her "Give it a kiss."

Shraddha responded with a kiss then started to suck him in deep, Mark responded by taking hold of either side of her head and started fucking her face again, making sure he got as deep as possible with every thrust. "Have you ever ball surfed before?" Without waiting for an answer, he put both hands on the back of her head. He pulled her close and once again her nose was being tickled by pubes.

Whilst he was in her mouth, he instructed her "Keep my dick in and lick my balls slut." To my surprise out came her tongue and started to lick his balls. I'd never been ball surfed so made a mental note for future use.

Shraddha started gagging again but Mark wasn't letting go, he pulled back slightly then started fucking her face again, within a minute he let out a loud moan and emptied his balls into her throat. "Make sure you swallow it all," his last words before pulling out of her mouth.

[Image: 8xUu6af5EB3D93KPSR0nKVQbpXEfLrZOKDvDtcRQ...1Uvi_EXzD-]

Shraddha again fell to all fours and gasped for air. When she came back round, she asked "Now, can we forget about the incident earlier and let the party go ahead?"

"Of course, I'm a man of my word," Mark answered her. "You might want to sort out your face though it's a fucking mess," he laughed.

Paolo aimed the phone straight at her face, then added his own opinion, "I don't know about that Mark, I quite like this look on her."

"Can you delete the video now please?" Shraddha asked

"Nope, not until we get your body as you offered earlier." Mark answered then continued, "There's a disabled toilet just a few doors down, you'll get privacy in there to sort yourself out, I look forward to our next meeting."

Another gud update....
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As Shraddha stood in the middle of the room in her wedding dress, she still looked as elegant and sexy as she did when she entered the church, except now she had 3 naked guys surrounding her . Mark grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards him, he bent down a little and started kissing her passionately whilst guiding one of her hands to his cock.

As she started to wank him off Paolo pulled her round to him, he started to kiss her passionately now, he then moved her round to me and I followed suit and started to kiss her. I took her other hand and guided it to my waiting throbbing cock.

Paolo pulled her back round to him. She was facing him with Mark and I either side and her hands were still wanking us off. Paolo put his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her down, she dropped to her knees and knew exactly what he wanted. She opened her mouth ready to receive his cock and he didn't hesitate placing it straight in.

[Image: JpORPxXQKpOejFW-K2Gben8si4TzNFe6QRLUqWzp...Md3paPCxaH]

With her hands still full she started licking up and down his shaft before she completely wrapped her lips around it. He removed the clip that was holding her shiny hair up and let it fall over her shoulders. He then scooped a bunch of her hair from the back of her head into his hand and clamped his hand around it. He kept a tight hold of her hair then started to pull her head up and down his shaft.

He pushed his cock deep into her mouth and throat holding it in there while she gagged, he pulled her away from his and guided her head towards Mark's cock. He then pushed her head onto Marks shaft and started to control her head back and forward until it looked like Marks cock was deep in her throat then held her there. Once she started to gag again, he pulled her off of Mark and guided her towards me and repeated the same action again then returned her to his cock.

[Image: aKzYLLNPWfwMpvu4IACzZ2p7IFxhkl_Y5J3zyYRu...LL2vEqbVqr]

He repeated the act around the three of us a few times then let her hair go. "Keep going like that slut and make sure you always have a cock in each hand whilst sucking on the third." Shraddha went into automatic mode working her way round the three of us.

After a few more rounds I stood behind Shraddha and stood her up. I pushed forward on the back of her neck so that she bent over but kept her knees locked so her legs were straight. I kneeled down behind her and started to roll her dress up her legs. I unzipped it a bit which made it a little easier, I managed to get it up and over her ass then slid her white satin panties down which stopped around her knees. I started lapping at her pussy and anus. She was getting very wet very quickly.

[Image: NFysLn9HwBmdGDN9NqpRrmRdO0NBhdUkJ5eu3AIo...EgRlVdE3S_]

Paolo had hold of her head and was face fucking her as he had earlier that day. I started to put a few fingers in each hole whilst licking her clit and could hear her start to moan around Paolo's cock. I stood up behind her and put my hands on her waist. I slowly pushed my cock into her waiting pussy.

She let go of Mark's cock and put both her hands on Paolo's thighs for support. As I was fucking away Mark looked to the corner of the room and held up 2 fingers. Then 2 men came into the room from the side room which was behind me, they were already naked, I recognised them as 2 of the waiters from earlier.

What Mark hadn't told me was that there was a camera in the room which recorded straight to his PC and could also be watched on a monitor in the side room.

[Image: jtaNAphp6UsbqOLx12orxUQ5aT0CXnpdk8yCPrrD...c3ELquqBEc]

These 2 guys were both mid 20's and roughly around 5ft 10inch and 6ft both had cocks about 6 inches. They walked up and stood behind me. I started to fuck more powerfully into Shraddha for a few minutes then stopped and stood to the side. Paolo and Mark were taking it in turns to face fuck her and prevented her from looking back.

The first guy took my place and put his cock into her pussy, grabbing her waist and forcefully started pounding into her as hard and as fast as he could quickly tiring himself out, he pulled out and the 2nd guy took his place, he went the same route as the 1st guy and quickly tired out I then took my turn again. We continued doing this for about 15 minutes. Shraddha came twice in that time, she must have thought I had serious stamina to continually pound into her at that pace without stopping for more than a few seconds and not cumming.

[Image: XSLNbPKGRqz5IsQLc90a4tmP7wJEqF8DyH10dgWY...rx435BLOaa]

Mark then messed up by letting go of her head, she looked back to see some random guy fucking away at her pussy, her eyes widened as he looked straight at her "Hey, how you doing?" he laughed.

She tried to pull away but was held in place by Mark and Paolo at one end and this guy at the other. She tried to protest but Mark replied "I told you we wanted to share you, this is Phil and behind him is Kev."

Phil pulled out and Kev replaced him in her pussy. "I didn't agree to this, please stop."

[Image: vu4Hgm6XtQVl_A8hMsX73KthL9xNKsAseklXyOdf...PU5D1yfE_i]

"We'll stop when we are all finished, you made the deal now get back to what you do best and suck on this cock." Mark said as he pulled her head back round to his cock and started to pound into her throat again.

Paolo then held up 2 more fingers to the side of the room and again 2 more guys sneaked in naked. This time it was Dave and the young lad who had been working on reception, he looked about 18 and quite nervous, they joined the line at her pussy. Kev pulled out and made his way round to her face. Now her mouth was being shared by Paolo, Mark and Kev, Whilst Phil and myself had been joined by Dave and this young lad.

Dave high fived me as I let him go in front of me, he whispered to me, you know there's another 5 guys back there still. Dave entered his 7 inch cock into her pussy and smiled like he had just won an Oscar. He soon started getting into the rhythm. After a few minutes he pulled out and let the young lad in.

[Image: 60H9Bfy-z4m9oYe0dg4NIz26eZsaCDCJct0sDGm1...mL6NkRdtJx]

Paolo turned her head round so she could see the young lad, "this is my cousin Toni who came over to study with me. He's a virgin so take it easy on him." He said.

"Please no more men there are too many already." Shraddha said then she saw Dave in the queue. "Why is he here, that's my boss no he can't be here as well." She said with panic in her voice.
All content are copied from INTERNET. if any one have object i will remove the content. This is a work of fiction.This stories and pics are not my own. copied from Internet .  Please find Index in 1st Page.
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(06-07-2020, 11:56 AM)Krishan202 Wrote: I heard the zip on his trousers going down then after a minute, I assumed she'd been stroking his cock, I heard slurping and sucking noises. I remember thinking to myself that would probably make me feel better as well. Flashbacks to the night before made me start getting an erection but I was able to control myself on this occasion.

[Image: rT_9cLdVoVK7ROp8nbK6PM7aFjrkclGXkln2vNX7...exxyyKIYzp]

Shraddha had obviously learned some new skills from us as Shaun was saying "wow what's gotten into you, I think I can feel your throat and this is the best blow job ever." Then I heard him grunt and knew she was getting a throat full of cum.

I heard him kiss her and say "let's get back down stairs to the party, people will be wondering where we've gone."

I took a few steps back then knocked on the door and shouted in "Shaun are you in there?"

"Yes," he replied, "I was just having a moment's break. Can you get us a couple of drinks and I'll meet you at the bar?"

"ok, no worries, I'll see you shortly down there" and I headed back down stairs.

On the way Jai approached me not looking impressed "You're not going to believe who's just showed up!" before I got a chance to respond and with anger in his voice "fucking Graham."

"You're joking right, surely he's not that stupid" then remembering what I had just witnessed "Shit Shaun and Shraddha are on their way down and he's just told her about what Graham said this morning."

"Wouldn't be a family wedding without a fight," Jai laughed.

"Be serious for a second this is a 5-star hotel they'll chuck us out if it gets rowdy, they have a reputation to protect." I thought for a second "I'll try to get rid of Graham, see if you can slow down Shaun and Shraddha." We split up with our own tasks to try and make the day go smooth.

I got to the bar and there was Graham amongst other guests, pint in hand like everything was fine. I made it clear "You better get out of here, Shaun and Shraddha are on their way back in and she knows everything."

"What's your point?" he obnoxiously replied. I almost hit him myself but thought better of it.

From behind I suddenly heard Shaun "What the fuck, get the fuck out of here now." The other guests, not knowing what had happened earlier, all looked stunned. I saw Shraddha trying to calm him down but it didn't seem to work.

Graham opened his arms and said "c'mon son lets sort this out." I don't think he quite expected what happened next.

Thump, whack, you could hear the connection between Shaun's right hand and Graham's chin, followed by the noise of Graham hitting the floor. Guests looked even more shocked, a couple of them helped Graham back to his feet then helped him outside for fresh air.

Jai and I tried to settle things down and let guests know some of what had happened. The manager came out, he was older than us, maybe around 50 and stood around 5ft 10", he had mostly gone grey and had a receding hairline. He looked the part though in his expensive suit. He took Shaun and Shraddha to the side. "Look I can't have this sort of behaviour in my hotel, any more of this and the party will be over."

Shraddha told him it won't happen again and Shaun apologised. You could tell he was still furious. Our Uncle on my dad's side came up to us and said they had put Graham in a taxi and told him not to come back.

It was time to enter the main hall for the sit-down meal and speeches, so once again, we tried to move on from the issues Graham had caused and get back to enjoying the day.

The meal was 4 courses and everything tasted amazing, everyone was enjoying the complementary wine, we were close to the top table and noticed Shaun had drank a few pints as well as the wine. I went up to the top table and whispered in his ear "it might be time to go slow for a bit and take on some water."

"It's my wedding day and I'm having fun, don't worry about me," he said with a slur.

We headed back to the bar area while the staff changed the hall round, ready for us to head back in for the party, there would be a 2 hour gap before the band started and the evening guests started to arrive.

I was at the bar with Bhumi then Jai and Samira joined us for a drink. We we're talking to the young barman, as he had an accent and we were trying to guess it. His name was Paolo and turns out he's over from Milan studying. He was no more than 19, he was tall and about 6ft 3" quite slim with dark short hair. He was using this work to help with any student costs as he had no family here.

Shraddha came over to join us after saying hello to some of the other guests and thanking them for coming. Paolo made a comment about how lovely she looked and that Shaun was a very lucky man. He then served us all another round and moved on to serve someone else.

[Image: iwRdMikdE8ESwqwdg4sZj2kCq-jE52RakY1JooLU..._mOtLbu-xw]

Shaun was drinking with a few of his friends and was doing shots, he stumbled backwards into the bar and knocked over a couple of drinks. He got himself upright again and told Paolo to get another round of shots in. Paolo questioned "Should you not take it easy, it's still early would you like a glass of water or coffee?"

Shaun looked at him puzzled then grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him forward he stated "Look kid its my wedding and if I want to drink, I'll drink, now get those shots poured!" releasing Paolo from his grasp, the young barman fell backwards and banged his head against the top shelf. "Clumsy idiot." Shaun stated.

Paolo refused to serve him and headed to the manager's office. "Jai can you sort out Shaun, go and take him upstairs to sleep for an hour or pour some black coffee down his throat to sober him up." Jai agreed to do this "I'll go speak to the manager and barman see if I can cool things down."

Shraddha came with me, Bhumi & Samira got a bottle of wine to take away, they then went to one of the rooms to have a rest before the party started. I noticed a lot of the guests had already done this or were in the coffee lounge resting and catching up with each other.

I knocked on the manager's door, Paolo answered and let us in. Straight away the manager said "I warned you what would happen if there was any more violence and to make it worse this time it was against one of my own staff." Shraddha started crying "Unfortunately I will have to cancel this evening's events and if Paolo wants to press charges, he'll have my full support and access to the CCTV footage, on top of that your husband will not be allowed to stay here tonight."

Shraddha was breaking down in front of us, "Sir surely there must be something we can do?" I asked then explained about the day that Shaun had been through in full. "It's the biggest day in their life so far please don't cancel it."

"First of all, my name is Mark no need to call me sir, secondly I gave him a warning earlier what else am I supposed to do?"

Paolo jumped into the conversation "What's a lovely, stunning girl like you doing with a man like that? If you were my wife, I'd treat you like an angel and definitely not like a guest at your own wedding."

[Image: DtgslENGrUvTui03E-NaXb2h08gn_y19AVH458se...ocw9mQof_O]

"He may not be great when he's drinking, but when he isn't, he's lovely, kind and funny. I love him and I'm begging you both please don't cancel the party or throw him out, he's upstairs sobering up now I promise nothing will happen again." she pleaded with the 2 men

I felt I had to say something, "Mark, Paolo surely there must be something we can do to rectify this without the need to go to extreme measures."

After a brief pause Mark replied "It would be a shame for such a sexy looking bride to have to tell everyone the party's cancelled. Imagine the embarrassment, as well as the loss of money." Shraddha looked at Mark unsure of what he meant. "As you've breached hotel policy you won't be refunded for any of the deposit, the remaining package balance will still need to be paid, all the food will be wasted along with the cake as we supplied it."

Shraddha had tears streaming down her cheeks, her make up was starting to run "please, please, please I'm begging you both I'll do anything please I can't go through that embarrassment."

"Anything," Paolo responded "are you sure?" he looked at Mark and they nodded to each other. I knew exactly what they were thinking, after all I had been in a similar position the night before.

Shraddha looked at me, waiting for me to say something. I just looked back at her and said "they've basically given you 2 options Shraddha. I won't say anything, what happens in here stays in here."

"I'll give you both a blow job, how's that?" Shraddha tried to sound authoritative.

[Image: dDCQagzT3FLQ26g7PaJhCG5QEff0vrTClKq-wQ3U...FuGm9BZJvm]
Mark shook his head, "no way, if I'm risking the hotels reputation, I want to fuck that sweet curvaceous body of yours."

"No way, it's my wedding day and I won't let anyone else inside me other than my husband," she replied sharply. I looked at her and chuckled remembering that morning again, she gave me an evil stare though.

Mark once again told her his terms, "we get to fuck you or the evening is cancelled!"

"Say something," she said to me but I was staying out of it. "I need to get back to my guests. I don't have time for this."

"So is your answer no? that'd be such a shame." Paolo replied.

"How about I come back another time and promise to let you fuck me? You can do whatever you want but I can't right now." Shraddha had one last stab at getting out without breaking her wedding vows already.

"OK I'll meet you halfway, you give us both a blow job now and then come back another time so we can have the rest of your body and do whatever we want." Mark made it clear it was this or nothing.

"Fine, get them out we need to be quick. Whatever happens in here stays in here though right?"

"As long as you come back to fulfil your end of the agreement," Mark replied as he unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. He sat on the edge of his desk, "come here and open that mouth of yours." He was a decent size even though he was still a bit soft, about 6 inch in length.

I noticed Paolo taking his phone out and aiming it towards Shraddha and Mark. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Making sure she comes back to complete the agreement" he replied. I don't think Shraddha heard any of this.

Shraddha kneeled down and opened her mouth, she went to grab hold of his cock but he swatted her hand away "Mouth only bitch!" and with that he slid his cock into her open waiting mouth. Gently sliding his manhood in and out, never fully removing it, he then grabbed the sides of her head, his fingers sliding through her red hair, and started to fuck her mouth with great pace.

[Image: ckYlsqQ1CGLO0E6pTOxJMSFU2YBkxhVJaAGPS1QL...HmB4D3jZoU]

I thought he was about to cum but instead withdrew his cock and said "see to Paolo now," Paolo handed his phone to Mark and then stood in front of her. He pulled down his trousers and boxers, I was shocked. I couldn't imagine what Shraddha thought as he pulled out a cock at least 9 inch in length and was still fairly flaccid.

She took hold of it in both hands and started to masturbate him. She tried to do this for what seemed ages, then Paolo realised she was trying to make him cum quickly. "I believe the agreement was a blow job!" Paolo stated, cock now fully erect and looking about 11-12 inches in length.

[Image: REGOQBRkkEe1na5gqTCy11vOkoZsrEs05ATvu6ou...PQalSI0L_7]

"It's too big I won't fit it in my mouth."

"Don't worry I'm sure there's spare room in your throat for it, now open up bitch!!" he responded aggressively.

"What happened to treating me like an angel?"

"I'm letting you suck my cock, not marrying you. Today, you're just a slut bride!" he then forced his cock into her mouth, just a few inches to start with then progressively with each thrust just a little more. His cock was slowly disappearing further and further into her mouth and throat.

After a few minutes he took hold of her face, one hand placed just under her chin and the other around the top of her head. He turned her slightly to an angle then forced his cock in, keeping a tight grip and pulling her head forward on to his cock, at the same time thrusting his cock forward to meet her.

[Image: iBl5Vu3nujmAL8e1L9PV8UrCOl2TwYMbF3DagzwP...EhOsHsLpfv]

She was gagging and spluttering and he didn't let go. After a few minutes he pulled out her mouth but still didn't let go of her, leaving a trail of spit connecting his bell-end to her tongue. Her eyes had reddened and she panted heavily.

He didn't stop for long, He again thrust his cock forward whilst pulling her head forward to meet it, this time though he did not pull back once he was in. Slowly he started pushing his cock further in and you could see a bulge in her throat. Encouraging her like some kind of coach "Just a little more, take all of it, I know you can do it."

All you could hear from Shraddha was more gagging as she tried her best to accommodate him in her throat. "Yeeesss!" He shouted out as he had finally managed to get all the way in her mouth and throat. "Mark make sure that's on close up."

[Image: 6sK75hCRRYeskBXpLkqSpilPpDaPibQBv9gz6Xrp...D3QZsYUP2F]

Shraddha pulled her head away releasing his cock, out of breath and mouth full of saliva she blurted out "What the fuck do you mean on close up?" then she saw Mark with the phone "I didn't agree to this being filmed, delete that now!"

Mark replied "I'll delete it when you've finished your end of the deal and come back for the fucking off a lifetime, but first back to the task in hand."

Paolo quickly grabbed her head before she could say anything. Once again gripping her head tightly, he started to force his cock back into her mouth, but this time he wasn't going slowly. He started thrusting in and out like a piston. All of a sudden, he wrapped his arms around her head holding her tight, his pubes tickling her nose.

With a large grunt he thrust forward "Oh fuck yes," he whispered as his balls were being emptied straight into Shraddha's throat "Swallow it all my angel," he sniggered. He released her head and pulled out. Shraddha fell forward to the floor ending up on all fours gasping for air.

[Image: DU7JOGhV7XX_rH2SIYnWgocumV5PAzAjl2bN-5e6...l18d_bHYwW]

Mark handed the phone back to Paolo, "Right slut, my turn," Mark commanded. Shraddha raised herself back to her knees only and let her mouth fall open awaiting an insertion. Mark didn't need any further invitation. He put his cock tip in her mouth and rubbed round her lips, then told her "Give it a kiss."

Shraddha responded with a kiss then started to suck him in deep, Mark responded by taking hold of either side of her head and started fucking her face again, making sure he got as deep as possible with every thrust. "Have you ever ball surfed before?" Without waiting for an answer, he put both hands on the back of her head. He pulled her close and once again her nose was being tickled by pubes.

Whilst he was in her mouth, he instructed her "Keep my dick in and lick my balls slut." To my surprise out came her tongue and started to lick his balls. I'd never been ball surfed so made a mental note for future use.

Shraddha started gagging again but Mark wasn't letting go, he pulled back slightly then started fucking her face again, within a minute he let out a loud moan and emptied his balls into her throat. "Make sure you swallow it all," his last words before pulling out of her mouth.

[Image: 8xUu6af5EB3D93KPSR0nKVQbpXEfLrZOKDvDtcRQ...1Uvi_EXzD-]

Shraddha again fell to all fours and gasped for air. When she came back round, she asked "Now, can we forget about the incident earlier and let the party go ahead?"

"Of course, I'm a man of my word," Mark answered her. "You might want to sort out your face though it's a fucking mess," he laughed.

Paolo aimed the phone straight at her face, then added his own opinion, "I don't know about that Mark, I quite like this look on her."

"Can you delete the video now please?" Shraddha asked

"Nope, not until we get your body as you offered earlier." Mark answered then continued, "There's a disabled toilet just a few doors down, you'll get privacy in there to sort yourself out, I look forward to our next meeting."
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Mark quickly spoke up "Firstly in this scenario there is no such thing as to many, secondly I decide who gets to take part not you, the only thing I want to hear from you now is fuck me."

Paolo interrupted before Shraddha could reply "Maybe she's got a point about the amount of men, I think we should bring another hole into the mix."

[Image: YXOnmkiaw1kHgQBvILgS9smMiap2Ejfm11LIcGFG...lpdSGphKNf]

"Please no, just hurry up and finish so I can go to bed and forget all about this," Shraddha spoke.

"What did Mark just tell you? The only words you need to be saying is fuck me otherwise shut up. Toni go and lay on the bed." Paolo started giving instructions. He pulled Shraddha over to the bed leaving her panties on the floor "come on cow girl it's time to ride."

Shraddha pulled her dress back up, dropped to her knees above Toni and guided his 5 inch cock into her waiting pussy. Toni lit up like a firework then grabbed her waist and started thrusting upwards. "Calm down kid there's plenty of time," Dave said through laughter.

Phil and Kev kneeled either side of Toni's head and she started blowing the 2 of them one at a time. Mark gave me a tube of Vaseline, I decided to let Dave go first. He put some on his fingers and worked them into her anus. Toni slowed his pace to allow Dave access. Dave then rubbed some on his cock and started to edge his cock into her waiting rosebud.

"No please not my ass as well, it's too much." Shraddha tried in vain one last time.

"Time to make her airtight guys." Mark shouted out.

[Image: ZE6m0dB8C-aRJaL5ApjgZwLKCQ8XynD30SU-Oudy...L8VEJ8xNrC]

Dave slid his cock into her anus an inch at a time. It didn't take long to get balls deep. Dave and Toni were working together like a set of pistons, as one pulled out the other pushed in. Kev and Phil still fucking her face. All you could hear were the sounds of slapping meat and the moans of Shraddha as she reached another orgasm.

Dave pulled out, "who's next to try her ass, it's amazing."

Mark stepped up, "It's my turn," and he slid his cock straight into her waiting anus.

"Dave go and stick your cock in her mouth. She's amazing at deep throat," I said.

"It's just been in her ass though there's no way she'll suck it." He stated.

[Image: WKc06xFE5We94CQIG-wfU61Z26GyxBh7arCQ6f0A...h2iO9YxiLi]

"Trust me mate, just go for it."

He ushered Kev out of the way taking his spot next to her head, Kev made his way to the bottom of the bed into the anal queue.

Dave then grabbed her head and guided it towards his cock, Shraddha didn't even look to see who it was, she went into automatic mode. Quickly starting to suck him in he gave me a thumbs up, with his other hand he pulled her deeper onto his cock he could now feel her throat around his cock.

Mark pulled out of her ass and Paolo stepped up, "She'll never take all of that Paolo, at least let some of us have a go before you stretch her out," Kev asked.

Shraddha pulled the cock out of her throat, "No not Paolo, he's too big." Paolo started laughing, then moved aside letting me in instead.

[Image: NaimhW6dx6uRuxigr1oXG2YUye-aGwLLBNgFj_Du..._MM54lEBSU]

"Don't worry angel you will feel me inside you soon, I'm confident you'll take it all and love it." Paolo started with a grin on his face.

Mark swapped places with Phil. Toni decided he needed a break so we lifted Shraddha off him. Dave laid down next and we placed Shraddha on top of him and we started the rounds again.

Paolo lined himself up behind Shraddha, cock head at her rosebud and finger to his mouth telling us to be quiet. We all sort of paused for a minute as we wanted to see if he could get all 12 inches into her ass. Dave gently fucked in and out of her pussy and Mark let Shraddha's head go and let her suck him at her own pace.

[Image: 4GAwZSnCYoYXrGxwik1bTpKz9tgr92Z7t-qy5k5I...df4stnFHTd]

Paolo squeezed some Vaseline onto his cock then slowly started to enter her. He was about 5 inches in when Shraddha realised something was different, why was everyone quite suddenly, she looked back and a look of fear came across her face. She darted her body forward and Dave and Paolo's cocks both slipped out of her, "I told you he's too big, I can't take his penis!".

Dave wrapped his arms around Shraddha and slid her back down towards his cock. Paolo started talking "That's it Dave hold her tight, Shraddha I don't have a penis I have a cock and you will take it all."

Paolo placed his cock tip once again at her rose bud and started to enter her. Slowly he pressed forward working his cock in and out, every time he went in, he went a bit deeper. He was about 8" deep and you could see the grimace on her face as she was struggling to take him deeper. He withdrew his cock till only the tip was in and spread some more Vaseline on it.

[Image: wLs_m-8mXM3M4AHxbPqWbufOCeEeXeKgZ25P3BTv...BMGfGL2jeP]

I quickly grabbed my phone. I wanted to get this on camera, he started pushing forward again, Shraddha let out a whimper then a scream as he had forced almost 10" up into her anus now. I caught it all on my mobile the look on her face every time he thrust in was so hot.

Shraddha hadn't seen my mobile so I was glad I was able to get some close ups on vid. "This time angel, balls deep," Paolo thrust his cock into her and a round of applause started as she had taken him all the way in. He then started to fuck her gathering pace as he thrust full shaft into her.

[Image: 1wxinZDZaZPeUIwrDrq9BP689VSoTqEOgQjkmpwh...vJ17AY6hys]

Dave decided he would go back into her pussy now and she let out a scream as she felt the full length of them both inside her. Mark started to fuck her face again then asked "What shall we do next?"
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Kev suggested an anal line up, so everyone climbed of the bed. Shraddha was taken down to the floor on all fours. Kev lined up first, I'll show you how to do this properly. He pulled one of her hands and placed it on her back, she leaned forward uneasy on one hand, her face was now lying flat on the floor, Phil handed him a tie, Kev then took her other hand and put it on her back then tied her wrists together.

[Image: Rr1JYVqR2-V1XnfV4wQ8_7I-tPomCH5IVSVGHo8q...6UvKQ-eWxJ]

Phil suggested we blindfold her as well so she can't see who's next, with that idea in mind one of the beds pillow cases was rolled up and tied around her eyes. Kev spoke again "now stick your ass up slut," Shraddha tried to do it "Higher slut, arch your back down." She had managed to do as requested, her wedding dress still around her waist.

As she did this, he sunk his cock straight into her waiting anus, you could hear Shraddha whimpering as she was being sodomised. Mark waved to the corner and the other 5 guys came in. He came over to me and said it was the kitchen crew. They all varied in height between 5ft 8 and 6ft 2 all with cocks between 6 inches to 8 inches.

[Image: oSb1JN2gjoQL9lk9JZw_tF2keIjI-yh5V4EKBlC7...D9hQ3epHvU]

Everyone lined up behind Kev, patiently waiting their turn. Paolo started taking some pics of the queue and her open anus. The pillow case covered half her face so it would've been hard to recognise her if you didn't know her.

"Hurry up Kev!" said Phil "I want back in there."

Kev pulled out and joined the back of queue, Phil now stuck his shaft deep into her anus. Mark suggested around a minute each then we move round to keep the queue moving. Once all 12 had a go at her anus, we started the round again, this continued for about 3 rounds, Shraddha had no idea who was fucking her unless it was Paolo.

[Image: R_vgnO_GaIfi1GkSORyiprind93Q-c-XaOSf8eo1...DG70tiUb1r]
[Image: yzCBF3avkejMJh8InJlr0lKzqXF-suhc_zXEsHa_...M9VMIpj3Ia]
[Image: 3s5_lHurAuqhRqzNm9c1noj9LbhHqAS1h7v7332U...C4Tm-CBFfL]

You could tell she was shattered now as she was struggling to keep her ass up and was making less noise. I'd lost count of how many orgasms she'd had.

Mark asked if anyone else wanted to try anything. Dave suggested a DAP, "Go for it," mark replied.

Shraddha whispered "What the hell is a dap?"

"You're away to find out" Dave replied, "Who's joining me?"

Keeping her hands tied Dave lied next to Shraddha, she was lifted across his body and placed in a straddle position. Dave guided his cock into her anus and started to fuck her. I decided to try and join him. I dropped some Vaseline on to her anus and Dave's cock worked it in, I spread some on my own cock and pushed it gently in.

[Image: vpW6LGoIfpv5Me_mgWwflZhRQrUTuWiSxxCT6Wnc...oImWKxf5a8]

Shraddha suddenly found a bit of energy "What the fuck?" she angrily shouted "Not 2 in the same hole for Christ sake please, your going to ruin my ass."

Dave whispered in her ear "DAP means double anal penetration my dear."

We went at it for a while, I pulled out as I could feel I was close to cumming. Toni took my place and started to really push his cock into her, his first sex experience was quite an eye opener for him I thought to myself, he then pulled out. Mark announced it was time to finish up.

[Image: U9Xxj6fIECMqqeRqkTQrZymuJd4mYopxxfPmUxWN...esXGScuZsJ]

Shraddha was once again lifted from the floor, this time she was carried over to the desk. They placed her on the edge of the desk so she was bent over it, even as she stretched to her tiptoes, she barely reached the floor. Paolo then tied her knees and then ankles together. She was laying on her stomach, ass sticking out. Her hands were then untied, she was pulled forward and her wrists were tied, each to a table leg. Mark removed her blindfold. "What now?" she asked

[Image: HTXq1-bjRovfT0cf8BQynqohGR8x2m0rYgpnui5n...0i9ayzCcHH]

"The big finale." Mark replied. Form a queue guys and get ready to cum. I want everyone to feed this slut your cum. Use her pussy or ass until you're ready. Move round to the other side to make your deposit into her waiting mouth. You better swallow everything slut."

Shraddha with a painted breath said "Have you not had enough yet?" the room started laughing "Just hurry up then, I need to get back upstairs before Shaun wakes up."

"Shut up slut," Mark replied as he shoved his cock into her mouth. "Come on guys form a line and get started," he continued with laughter in his voice "you heard the lady her husband is waiting."
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Toni was first in line and went straight into her pussy, after a few minutes he moved up and into her ass. Griping her waist and pumping he soon was ready, Mark made way as Toni quickly moved from her ass to her mouth. Just as he was away to enter her waiting mouth "aaaargh" he moaned and jizzed all over her face, most of it landing on her cheek and chin, a few drops in her mouth.

[Image: iJ7AVS92COb38YDZAyW_iVVg8E3Aec5NAZ2QAHZr...69TlRRX5ns]

Kev lined up next, parted her ass cheeks and went straight into her anus, "she feels so much tighter back here tied like this," he shouted back to the line formed behind him. Grabbing her waist, he started to thrust himself into her.

"ooooohhh" Shraddha continued to moan throughout the fucking.

[Image: Ns5bH8t1XmiZEmcnXmkklIN0Pet796g_tGqhMsrs...48TZTq5_An]

After a few minutes of hard anal pounding, he pulled out and moved to her head. He ran his fingers through her red hair, grabbed her head and started fucking her face. At the same time Phil then moved into place and he followed on exactly as Kev had just done going straight to her anus.

"Oh God," Kev moaned, he took a tight hold of Shraddha's head and pushed into her throat "aaaargh," and then he started pumping into her throat.

"Cack, gag, ugh," you could hear Shraddha gag and gulp as she swallowed his load, then gasping for air "ooooooh," as she orgasmed again. Phil pulled out and moved to her face, Dave replaced him in her anus.

[Image: dUflTzk4x0oufE3eWaEI07GN0ZjGnb_vp78Dr3OA...EP2sHNVBpB]

"I don't know whose idea it was to tie her legs but damn it does keep her feeling tight." Dave joyfully told the line as he thrust as hard and as deep into her back passage as he physically could. "we may need to discuss a new contract for you when you're back from your honeymoon." He said as he dripped some Vaseline onto his cock in between thrusts.

"mmmph mmmph," Shraddha struggled to reply as Phil was still deep in her throat.

"Fuuuuuuuuck" Phil let out a shout as he started to dump his load into Shraddha's throat.

[Image: xakb0ZfF2ZZRPtxhMmFuKI1T3riQZlJ_9_UHkGqx...JiePxhjAkI]

Dave moved to her mouth and I was next. Placing a hand on either ass cheek I slipped my thumbs into her anus, pulling her cheeks apart, I kept my thumbs inserted and I slipped my cock in-between them. Pushing as deep into her ass as I could.

Dave emptied his load into Shraddha's throat, I moved to her face and took my turn at throat fucking her. It didn't take long for me to feel the need to cum and I soon blasted my seed into her throat. 4 loads in her stomach and 1 on her face just 7 more to go.

Mark and Paolo were at the back of the line and the 5 kitchen crew guys were next up. They took turns in her pussy and ass and all dumped there loads into her throat. Shraddha had swallowed 9 loads of fresh jizz now. "Just how many of you are there?" Shraddha struggled to speak.

[Image: o6w6el4XgDMOkKK17JaLLFsU_VDaQOBGmA0skQ1f...r4Ao8yp9hg]

"Just 2 left, Paolo and me," said Mark as he finally removed her blindfold.

"uuuumm" Shraddha whimpered as Mark sank his cock into her anus, pounding like a madman, "Fuck sake, take it easy, please give me a break."

"Paolo you ready?" Mark asked as he slid out her ass and headed round to her mouth. He entered her mouth and started slowly sliding his cock into her throat.

Paolo moved into place behind her, covered his cock in Vaseline and slid all of his 12 inch shaft, balls deep into her. "Aaaargh" Shraddha screamed around the cock in her throat. Mark and Paolo worked together in a sawing action, as Paolo thrust into her ass, Mark pulled out her throat, then as Mark thrust back in to her, Paolo with drew to his tip from her ass.

[Image: 3O9kaJQWP9sQIogs_6qyTvHi_UGhMiE9ayCLXiH0...RO3B1UjZn0]
They kept the action going for about 5 minutes then Paolo pulled out and Joined Mark at her face. Mark thrust his cock towards her gullet and as he came, he slapped Shraddha on the back of the head which caused her to choke and cough. As she coughed his cum shot out her nostril, "and that boy is called the angry dragon" he proudly announced.

Paolo couldn't contain himself any longer seeing this and jetted stream after stream of warm cum all over her face. It landed in her eyes forcing them closed. It landed in her hair, on her nose and cheeks. She was a mess. I quickly grabbed my phone and took another photo.

[Image: eIKk47ov1mD9KthEYfNHHDFqaBUtVl9Vw6oIYgIy...pO7gLAXeXo]

The guys all clapped and thanked Mark and Paolo as they started to leave. "Well are you going to untie me or what? You bunch of assholes." Shraddha stated as the cum started to dry on her face, "come on please I can't open my eyes, my eyelids are starting to stick together."

Mark replied "Not yet, I want to admire the view a little longer."
All content are copied from INTERNET. if any one have object i will remove the content. This is a work of fiction.This stories and pics are not my own. copied from Internet .  Please find Index in 1st Page.
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"I trust all agreements are now settled?" I enquired.

"Yes, everything I agreed to I will stand by," Mark answered then aimed towards Shraddha "If you ever want a free night stay just give me a call."

"And I was serious about re-negotiating a new contract for you when your back to work." Dave added.

"Just get me untied and out of here, I need to get cleaned up and upstairs asap." Shraddha stated.

We untied her and she wearily got to her feet, rolling her dress back down from her waist she headed to the bathroom. She washed her face and tried to get as much cum as possible out of her hair. She returned to the room and looked at those of us left, Mark, Paolo, Dave and I. "You're all dicks, Shaun better still be sleeping when I get upstairs," she said then left to head back to her room on weary legs and holding her ass.

[Image: 3vSvx3jsioduk9gLXYnlfeMZj_RgA6MLw0IISq12...gRcn_7q4WP]

That's when Mark explained about the camera, "The whole night is on video, do you want a copy lads?" Mark asked us.

Dave said yes without hesitation, I needed to clarify a few things first though "Look you need to keep that for yourself though it's not something to be showing off to everyone. You agreed to delete the video from earlier. I don't mind you keeping them as long as they are kept private."

"Of course we will, we would all lose our jobs if this got out." Mark replied.

"Then yes, send me a copy as well," I said with a smile. I checked my watch and it had gone past 4am. At that point we called it a night. Dave got a taxi back to his, Mark and Paolo headed home and I went back to my room.

When I got there Jai was fast asleep. I creeped in and climbed into my bed falling straight asleep.

About 9am Jai woke me up, "Bro if you want breakfast you need to move. "What time did you get in here last night? I passed out as soon as I hit the pillow."

"Not much later than you, had a few drinks with Dave and some others then came up." I'm not sure why I lied to him but it seemed the best thing to do at the time. He didn't ask anything further so I must have gotten away with it.

He then started talking about Shraddha's debt and how he wanted out of the whole deal. He thought it was too risky. I offered to give him the money Shraddha owed so Shraddha was solely in debt to me.

[Image: HK_Sijlq9RYIcHyJm-oqumCAZBPdR5ganA3kZCtc...3O3seSSMTO]

We headed down for breakfast, Bhumi and Sameera we're already at a table with Shaun when we arrived. "What time do you guys go to bed?" Sameera asked.

"Not long after you lost." I replied, "no Shraddha this morning Shaun?"

"She should be down soon, I think she drank too much last night." He replied. I almost spat my coffee out as I recalled how much cum she had guzzled down. "You alright?"

[Image: blzVcPqXadOxTV2cSmgV5dy0zNOb3zo4RClWVYCZ...QyWmoPk9XW]

"Yes, it just went down the wrong hole, what's good to eat then?" I asked which changed the conversation to food.

We started eating breakfast, 10 minutes later Shraddha walked into the dining area. She was dressed in jogger bottoms and a hoodie and looked a little ruff. She was walking a little uneasy, I assumed her ass hurt "you alright there Shraddha?" I asked and she looked at me with daggers in her eyes.

[Image: BwmCZgyiINE8hxQALZ8ziVDDTS5QG6r_qRIZ9I_g...X7aE3blmij]

"I'm not sure I think I slept awkwardly, I'm sure I'll be fine later," she said sharply and huskily, I think her throat may have been hurt as well.

Other guests were in the area and were all congratulating the newly married couple. Shortly afterwards it was time to start packing up and getting ready to go. I finally found a moment to have a chat with Shraddha alone. I told her about buying Jai's debt and confirmed I had deposited money into her bank account directly for the honeymoon spend.

I said we could sort out a payment plan or alternative agreement when she's back. She was away to speak but Shaun showed up. "Are you all set honey, time to head for the airport."

"Yes dear, I was just saying goodbye to the family," she replied

"Yes, she was just thanking me for helping look after you both in the drunken mess you both got into last night." I added

"Thanks again, we need to control what we drink more, well I definitely do anyway," Shaun replied.

As they were excited the hotel Paolo was arriving for his next shift. "Hey hey the happy couple, no hard feelings about yesterday guys, it's all in the past. I hope to see you stay here again soon." He spoke to them both but his eyes were firmly on Shraddha.

[Image: s0_wsXL4vTB6C4UbfTeo8NcGXPLFvPTGBnVbLzM1...iJ-er3gq9B]

I had a brief chat with Paolo before his shift started, he asked what it would take to get Shraddha back for another round like last night. I reminded him to keep everything to himself and that I doubted she would come back but if I could ever find a reason I'd be in touch.

Bhumi arrived at reception and briefly said hello then it was time to go. I had a great time in that hotel and couldn't wait for Shraddha to get back from her honeymoon. 

[Image: iivVZc_MMHUSoFYaIzhWt9J2oydSlS_CzoDYsbxr...ZEEbQD-PLx]
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(06-07-2020, 11:48 AM)Krishan202 Wrote: Asin, wife of Mr. Tapas, was aged 34 years. She had a round face, thick rosy lips and had big breasts. Krishna Murthi was watching her very carefully. Her boobs were protruding through the tight bra and blouse as if it would burst open by splitting the hooks. She had a deep long cleavage, prominently exposed while she was facing opposite Krishna Murthi. Through her sari, Krishna Murthi could see her two big thick thighs resembling logs of a small tree. He was comparing the two women, Asin was slim like a Model, and on the contrary Anushka was voluptuous. He found both very sexy. He felt he was getting an erection. Immediately, he diverted his mind.

[Image: qmbKF0kKuPo_rv7fv62aiZSy_d6_RIdFWMWNmtHF...BDZ44wqC9c]

Asin said, "I am your immediate right-side neighbour."

Then Asin called his Son named Tapan, aged 19 years, a college going student, and school going daughter for an introduction. Both came and touched the feet of Krishna Murthi who blessed them by touching his right-hand palm on their heads.

Next day, he reported at his Bank at 10.00AM in the morning. His Bank was in a very busy, commercial place. The Bank was on the Third floor near the main Road. The Bank consisted of 3 numbers of Male Assistants, one lady officer to assist him whose name was Rakul, aged 26 years, a fresh young girl, newly recruited by Bank, one Armed Guard, and one Lady Sweeper aged 40 years named Asha Saini. All the staff of the Bank greeted him. Although the Bank was a small one, the transaction was heavy, and it was crowded with customers all day as located in a commercial place.

[Image: aP6MJATXbreaCpsZBbhFKm0IaxqZtdjJ4eQ3ioMm...gVVdvTdbiL]

In the evening, when Krishna Murthi returned, he found three girls, playing in the open space of the floor.

Seeing him, all the girls in one voice greeted him, "Uncle, Good evening."

Krishna Murthi stopped near them, smiled, picked out Cadbury packets from his pocket, and handed them over to them.

Already one month has passed. Krishna Murthi got mixed up with the two families and merged with them in such a way as if he belonged to them. He was accepted by children as a father figure and accepted by these two ladies as Dada (elder brother). His flat was located between these two neighbours. Krishna Murthi changed the flat in a lavish manner. He had purchased sophisticated modern furniture made of mahogany wood, fitted and furnished the entire flat with fixtures. All the three bedrooms contained luxurious mattresses with pillows. He also purchased a big LED TV, (Big screen) and installed a internet. He also purchased a washing machine and fitted Air conditioner (AC) in the entire flat. The flat became modern and rich between these two poor flats. He would always help these two families by way of treatment in Homeopathy medicines in sickness like Influenza, cough, fever, and in other small sickness, helping them to save Doctors' fees. He would often shower with gifts to the children frequently; he would present them with chocolates, pens, notebooks, and various magazines.

He would present the ladies with sarees and cosmetics. The two families were very much obliged to him.

One day, Krishna Murthi called the two ladies and addressed them, "Listen Asin and Anushka, I am a lone person, but I am using a big flat of 3 Rooms whereas I need only one room which is sufficient for me. It is also very difficult for me to pass the time after office hours in the evening. I am very good in the subject of physics, chemistry, mathematics, and in English. So, what I suggest, you both can send your children to my flat in the evening for their study. I will help each kid for his/ her homework and my time will be passed by doing this. Since your flats are congested, children will have a good studious atmosphere in my flat with AC and they will concentrate more in their studies. For refreshments, the children could watch my LED TV for a brief time. Further, my flat is locked for the whole day till I return from office and the whole day, you two ladies remain alone on this floor as children leave for their schools and I leave for office. You both must be feeling boredom, and the temperature outside is also unbearable. So, what I suggest is, you keep the key of my flat, and enjoy the AC as well as daily soap opera in my LED TV during daytime."

The two ladies could not believe their luck and happily agreed. Similarly, all the Bank employees were very happy with their new Boss. They found in him a true leader, a fine gentleman, helpful, co-operative, good Administrator, knowledgeable, and best guide. Being a Manager, Krishna Murthi also had given certain advantages and liberties to his employees which they were deprived of previously. The second officer of the Bank under him, the new girl Rakul would always seek his advice in the Banking matter. Due to this attitude, the employees of Bank became more vibrant in the dealing of customer service and the business of Bank started booming.

But one problem cropped up. Since he was taking food outside in restaurants, he developed stomach related problems due to spicy foods, and he would often fall sick.

Sensing this problem, the two ladies had a meeting in one afternoon to help this old man. They discussed in detail their plans to help him as well as to earn some extra bucks for them. They comprised their inner rivalry. Both were being benefited from this simple gentleman, but they wanted more as both were very selfish and materialistic, and wanted to exploit more from Krishna Murthi as he was wealthy.

In the evening, when Krishna Murthi returned from office, both approached him.

Anushka being older started saying, "Dada, we both are very much concerned about your health. So, henceforth you will not take outside food, we will serve you homemade food. For one month, I will clean all your rooms, wash your clothes, provide you bed tea when you wake up in the morning, and provide you breakfast before going to the office, and pack your Lunch box. When you return from office, I will provide you evening tea and dinner. Alternatively, Asin will do the same thing next month. For this you will pay us the expenses whatever you deem fit."

[Image: RhSulOPvOmTc9tVyLBw5TfJ9QgZ6dbP9UjC78Fuu...5-UK5h66m8]

Both knew they would be rewarded much more beyond their expectations. Krishna Murthi happily agreed to this proposal.

So, every day in the morning, the lady in task would open his flat with a duplicate key and serve Krishna Murthi with a cup of hot morning coffee and wake him up from the bed by greeting good morning in her soft and sweet voice.

There was a beautiful small park near their Apartment.

One day Krishna Murthi suggested to Asin, "Asin, what I observe, you are gaining weight day by day, and I don't want to see such a beautiful woman like you turning in to a plump lady. So from tomorrow, we both will have an evening walk together in the park."

Asin readily agreed and pleased that how much Dada was concerned about her health and beauty.

[Image: PyOF2CjhufZnKj_dAE42AhEcWTiVAusqatw_iOZc...gZJwhfxZjE]

Anushka was a movie buff, but her husband would hardly accompany her to a movie theatre during his short stay in Kolkata. Krishna Murthi became aware of this fact. So, every weekend on Sunday, he would take Anushka to the movie theatre, and they would watch the movie as per choice of Anushka. The choice of Anushka varied from Hindi movies to Hollywood movies also. Of course, the entire expenses would be borne by Krishna Murthi.

One morning in a routine way, Asin entered his bedroom with the cup of coffee. Krishna Murthi was sleeping flat on his back. In the morning, usually the dick of a male person would erect to the full extent. Krishna Murthi was wearing a lungi and due to his huge erection, the border ends of the lungi slid away and a full dick had come out from it. Asin had never seen such a huge dick of 9th inch long ever in her life. She was completely mesmerized by the sight. She was very much surprised and thought that her husband's cock would be less than half the size of this giant Cock. Now days, virtually sex was stopped between Asin and her husband for two reasons. First, her husband would visit once in six months, and he would not take any initiative for sex, may be due to his age factor and fatigue. Secondly, with growing up son and daughter in a congested flat, sex was not possible in a free manner. No doubt, she was a sex starved woman.
[Image: 8iQaouSCIFoIAb1ORCLMHArV0KcFbaGIrABxhyj-...ey_VQNPe3f]

Suddenly, Asin felt a tingling sensation inside her pussy. She watched intently the huge cock for a longer moment, but immediately she controlled herself, regained her consciousness.

She placed the cup of tea near the bed, and softly called, "Dada, wake up, it is morning."
Huge waiting for next update with lot of gangbang and hot episodes...
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(06-07-2020, 11:49 AM)Krishan202 Wrote: To be continue.......

[Image: asin+%2810%29.jpg]

yourock Smile Smile clps clps
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Waiting for the sexyyy sirens....

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[Image: images.jpg]
[Image: images-1.jpg]

Asin Thottumkal, Anushka Shetty, Nivetha Thomas...
[+] 1 user Likes Sabzzz19's post
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(06-07-2020, 12:03 PM)Krishan202 Wrote: "I trust all agreements are now settled?" I enquired.

"Yes, everything I agreed to I will stand by," Mark answered then aimed towards Shraddha "If you ever want a free night stay just give me a call."

"And I was serious about re-negotiating a new contract for you when your back to work." Dave added.

"Just get me untied and out of here, I need to get cleaned up and upstairs asap." Shraddha stated.

We untied her and she wearily got to her feet, rolling her dress back down from her waist she headed to the bathroom. She washed her face and tried to get as much cum as possible out of her hair. She returned to the room and looked at those of us left, Mark, Paolo, Dave and I. "You're all dicks, Shaun better still be sleeping when I get upstairs," she said then left to head back to her room on weary legs and holding her ass.

[Image: 3vSvx3jsioduk9gLXYnlfeMZj_RgA6MLw0IISq12...gRcn_7q4WP]

That's when Mark explained about the camera, "The whole night is on video, do you want a copy lads?" Mark asked us.

Dave said yes without hesitation, I needed to clarify a few things first though "Look you need to keep that for yourself though it's not something to be showing off to everyone. You agreed to delete the video from earlier. I don't mind you keeping them as long as they are kept private."

"Of course we will, we would all lose our jobs if this got out." Mark replied.

"Then yes, send me a copy as well," I said with a smile. I checked my watch and it had gone past 4am. At that point we called it a night. Dave got a taxi back to his, Mark and Paolo headed home and I went back to my room.

When I got there Jai was fast asleep. I creeped in and climbed into my bed falling straight asleep.

About 9am Jai woke me up, "Bro if you want breakfast you need to move. "What time did you get in here last night? I passed out as soon as I hit the pillow."

"Not much later than you, had a few drinks with Dave and some others then came up." I'm not sure why I lied to him but it seemed the best thing to do at the time. He didn't ask anything further so I must have gotten away with it.

He then started talking about Shraddha's debt and how he wanted out of the whole deal. He thought it was too risky. I offered to give him the money Shraddha owed so Shraddha was solely in debt to me.

[Image: HK_Sijlq9RYIcHyJm-oqumCAZBPdR5ganA3kZCtc...3O3seSSMTO]

We headed down for breakfast, Bhumi and Sameera we're already at a table with Shaun when we arrived. "What time do you guys go to bed?" Sameera asked.

"Not long after you lost." I replied, "no Shraddha this morning Shaun?"

"She should be down soon, I think she drank too much last night." He replied. I almost spat my coffee out as I recalled how much cum she had guzzled down. "You alright?"

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"Yes, it just went down the wrong hole, what's good to eat then?" I asked which changed the conversation to food.

We started eating breakfast, 10 minutes later Shraddha walked into the dining area. She was dressed in jogger bottoms and a hoodie and looked a little ruff. She was walking a little uneasy, I assumed her ass hurt "you alright there Shraddha?" I asked and she looked at me with daggers in her eyes.

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"I'm not sure I think I slept awkwardly, I'm sure I'll be fine later," she said sharply and huskily, I think her throat may have been hurt as well.

Other guests were in the area and were all congratulating the newly married couple. Shortly afterwards it was time to start packing up and getting ready to go. I finally found a moment to have a chat with Shraddha alone. I told her about buying Jai's debt and confirmed I had deposited money into her bank account directly for the honeymoon spend.

I said we could sort out a payment plan or alternative agreement when she's back. She was away to speak but Shaun showed up. "Are you all set honey, time to head for the airport."

"Yes dear, I was just saying goodbye to the family," she replied

"Yes, she was just thanking me for helping look after you both in the drunken mess you both got into last night." I added

"Thanks again, we need to control what we drink more, well I definitely do anyway," Shaun replied.

As they were excited the hotel Paolo was arriving for his next shift. "Hey hey the happy couple, no hard feelings about yesterday guys, it's all in the past. I hope to see you stay here again soon." He spoke to them both but his eyes were firmly on Shraddha.

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I had a brief chat with Paolo before his shift started, he asked what it would take to get Shraddha back for another round like last night. I reminded him to keep everything to himself and that I doubted she would come back but if I could ever find a reason I'd be in touch.

Bhumi arrived at reception and briefly said hello then it was time to go. I had a great time in that hotel and couldn't wait for Shraddha to get back from her honeymoon. 

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Nice hot story on Shradda Kapoor yourock yourock yourock
[+] 2 users Like Sabzzz19's post
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Brother brilliant story on Shraddha, best in this threat easily. Love to see more DAP by the way  Big Grin Tongue Tongue
[+] 2 users Like Kallu's post
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Anushka is My Wife,My Love,My Honey,My Sweetheart

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[Image: 8a0098a5ca120b97a82704ee45e9123a.jpg]
Anushka is my wife and I am her hubby..She is made for me only...I hug her tightly and lick her whole naked body and fuck her daily day and night with my monster dick very very hard in every position of Kamasutra and in her every hole..She moaning loudly and enjoy real pleasure with me in bed...She is My LOVE, My JAAN.
[+] 3 users Like ashw's post
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Ultimate plot for Asin and Anushka family nest story....pls update
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