Fantasy Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty
Dark Division - The Capsa - Ch. 16

Two years passed with no word from Lizzie. Tom, Kerry and Jeff searched for her for a time, but she was gone. They realized at some point that she did not want to be found.

Oz had not told them about how she had appeared on his doorstep broken and battered. By the time she had arrived, he knew that her power was unlocked. It was also then that he realized she should be kept as far from Kerry and Jeff as possible. They were her mates and the likely key to her demise. So, he kept silent.

Lizzie spent months at Oz's mending physically and learning how to sleep again without seeing either of her mates in her mind. He worked with her on shooting as Jeff had before and even helped her with her fighting techniques. They grew close during those months. When she was ready, Oz told her the information they had from Gabriel. That left her knowing that she really could turn to no one, especially after discovering that Gabriel had lied to her for so long. And when she was done healing and learning, she and Oz both knew that she needed to move on and try to live her life. So, after 6 months, Lizzie left with a promise to keep in touch and a classic car freshly painted blue thanks to the old man.

Her life didn't return to normal from there, though. Lizzie tried working as an attorney again, but ended up drifting towards more and more morose personal injury cases. When she had a few large settlements, she just couldn't take it anymore and she bailed. The next few months had gone by with her hopping motel to motel or friends' houses, trying desperately to stay away from anywhere that she could be found. It was hard until she decided to take a break from it all for a while. The last big check for 3 million was what solidified her decision. That was it, no more cases. She just wanted a quiet life of safety.

Oz had been in contact with her constantly through that time, telling her every tidbit of research they had discovered. Now that she was fully able to defend herself, the information seemed less important though, as if she could avoid the world if she wanted. Even that first heat cycle alone again hadn't proved too dangerous. She had found a small cabin in the woods and bought it turning it into her new home. There her heat seemed lowered, but then again she had spent the last few months acquiring tattoos, which were wardings against a whole lot of beings. Oz had been more than happy to provide her with the patterns, hoping that if nothing could touch her, then nothing would kill her. On the other side of that first cycle, everything seemed like it was going to be okay.

Lizzie started to venture out little by little, although she found plenty to occupy her at the cabin. She even started taking on new legal work after a few more months. It was all able to be done remotely, so she didn't have to think about leaving and could just be there in her own peaceful part of the world.

When her next heat cycle started her second after her ungating, she wasn't even worried. Her cabin was remote and she had tattoos on her body to cover nearly anything that might sense her. As she unpacked the last of the provisions she would need for the month, the quiet was suddenly broken up by her phone. She ran over in time to see Oz's name pop up. A few minutes of the phone call and Lizzie was hopping in the Charger heading towards Oz's house. It would take her a few hours, but Oz had said this was important and she had to come in person.


"Hey Oz, what's up?" Lizzie said it normally after Oz answered his door.

"Lizzie! So incredible to see you little lady. I'd hug you, but I can smell you from here."

"Sorry, I came as soon as you called, but my heat started yesterday. You said it was important, though." Lizzie smiled at him.

"It is. Me and the boys, we found someone who can help." Oz noted the tattoos that now adorned parts of Lizzie's arms and the large anti-possession tattoo that she now sported on the top of her chest. She looked different than he remembered, harder somehow.

"The boys? Oz, are you hiding something?" Lizzie locked her jaw looking at him.

"Look, you know I've been using every resource to get rid of this curse you have, which includes my best agents."
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"Fine, well tell me who can help me and I'll make my way there. First, I need a drink though, and don't worry about my heat I took care of it earlier. It should be tolerable until morning." She shook her head walking past Oz into his house.

When she got to the doorway into Oz's living room she stopped dead in her tracks. Two sets of eyes met hers that she hadn't been faced with in almost 2 years.

"Hey Lizzie." Kerry spoke up smiling. Jeff was silent, casting his gaze down immediately.

"No fucking way Oz, no fucking way." Lizzie turned back to head for the door and Oz's hands seized her arms and then he dropped them immediately feeling his body respond to the touch in a way he was completely uncomfortable with.

"Just wait little lady. They found a lady that might be able to break the curse and you can't go there alone. "

"I can take care of my damn self. I have been training for years now, and I'm fine alone. Give me the name and address and I'll go there." She huffed, pissed off to even be near the two bastards that cursed her.

"You can't go alone. The men you are mated with have to go with you." He looked at her with a level gaze.

"You know very well what they did to me, and you expect me to trust them?" Lizzie was fuming as she looked into his eyes.

"Now you and I both know that was some hoodoo that caused that. Those boys in there love you, and they never would have done that if not under a spell. They have searched for two years to find anything to fix it. So, take your pigheaded self in there and talk it out with them." Oz took on the father tone with her that she hated.

"Fine." One word was all she had as she turned to walk back into Oz's living room and sat across from them. The room was thick with tension as she sat down on his favorite chair.

"It's good to see you Lizzie." Kerry was soft as he spoke. His heart was racing at seeing her again. She looked different in many ways. She had tattoos on her, some of which he recognized from the dungeon in the bunker. She now wore black eyeliner and mascara around her eyes and red lipstick, which made his body respond instantly. The small tank top she had on hugged her and she was much more muscular now than he remembered. He looked into her face and still saw the woman he fell in love with though. His mind flooded with memories.

"I wish I could say the same. When are we leaving?" Lizzie muttered at him, her eyes caught Kerry's and saw the pain and regret painted there.

"Is that it? Two years and we didn't even know you were okay, and you ask when we are leaving." Jeff looked at her with hurt written on his features. His smoldering green eyes reflected pain and not the anger that he used to hide it.

"Yeah Jeff that's it. You assholes bangd me and marked me, why the hell would you care if I was okay? So, yea after two years I kind of got over you both and now we should get going so I never have to see either of you again." She was steely in her gaze back at him, not willing to yield anything to him emotionally.

"Lizzie, listen, I know you understand that we wouldn't have hurt you if we had a choice in the matter. We love you, and we just want to reclose the gates so you can be happy." Kerry gave her that puppy dog look that she remembered all too well.

"I understand it all Kerry, but it still took a good part of a year to get the images out of my brain, so you'll forgive me if I don't jump up and hug you." She sighed not sure what else to say to him.
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"It was the same for us, but we never stopped trying to make it right. Are you doing okay now?" Kerry asked her while Jeff scowled off to his side. He was taking in her appearance and how much he still cared about her. Jeff didn't know how he could ever make it better after what happened between them, but he knew that being in the same room with her made him ache to just hold her.

"Kerry, it happened, so there's no real going back. I'm trying now to just deal with it. If you guys really do love me then help me reclose the gates so I can be free again." She softened trying to convey more than her words with how she was looking at him.

"It's this uh witch in Louisiana. Your mother gave her the spell to rescind the contract Gabriel signed. Supposedly, she is the only one that can use it and it will reclose the gates. It's about two days of driving, unless we stay at hotels." Jeff spoke sniffling a little under his breath as he grazed a hand under his eye wiping away any potential remnants of the tear that he felt.

"I have my bag packed in the trunk, 'cause Oz said he might need me to stay a few days. So we can leave when you're ready." She looked up at Oz with a death glare.

"Alright, grab it and we'll take Stella." Jeff stood up, ready to get on the road.

"No way. I'm not riding in that car." Lizzie was firm.

"Well, it doesn't make sense for us to take separate cars; it won't work if we trade off driving. We can take yours." Jeff offered.

"I'm not letting you touch Henry. So, fuck it...we'll take the Torino and I'll deal with it." Jeff smiled a little to himself. He knew Oz had fixed up a nice classic for Lizzie, but her naming it was so perfect. It was a nice thing to hear from her mouth.

The four of them walked out to where Lizzie had parked and Jeff leaned admiring Henry. The beautiful car was painted a perfect blue with black stripes. He took a special moment to look it over and even walked to the side to note the way the hood scoop perfectly complimented it.

"Hey, stop eyeing my ride. You can't fuck him Jeff." Lizzie snapped at him making Jeff look at her with a glare.

Lizzie grabbed her bag from the trunk and headed towards the Torino. She hadn't expected the gut wrenching feeling as she made her way past the trunk where Kerry had broken that gate years before. Looking up she caught Kerry's eyes and they communicated with no words the regret and guilt that he felt about that night. She had forgiven Kerry first in her heart. It was a horrible thing, but they were already messing around and she knew he didn't mean for it to happen.

Jeff had been another thing, and taken her much longer to forgive. She had to in order to move past it, but still it hurt that he came to her room drunk, knowing what had happened. Her mind had never fully grasped what he had done to her while she was unconscious, and the feeling of being violated like that when she thought he was there to provide comfort just burned inside.

After situating herself in the back so Jeff couldn't see her in the rearview mirror, Lizzie settled down in the seat and put her headphones on playing music from her phone. She had no desire to participate in small talk with the two guys. She must have drifted off at some point around midnight, because she was waking up at a drive thru the next thing she knew. It was a seedy little joint, and that's when she realized it was already starting to get light outside.

"We were starving, so thought you might want something to eat." Kerry was leaning over the front seat shaking her awake. Lizzie blinked a few times taking in the large bright sign in front of her.
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"I'll have a bacon cheeseburger and some fries with a chocolate milkshake." With those words, she pulled herself up and caught a steady look from Jeff in the rearview mirror. He didn't smile, just looked at her and she stared back.

A few minutes later and they were all eating in the car, parked off to the side. The silence was thick as she munched down her food. It was Jeff who chimed in this time.

"So, it looks like your mother found out about Gabriel's little deal and made a deal of her own down below. I think the idea was that this witch would have a spell to find you once the gates were open and you could then be used as a pretty powerful weapon or sired to whomever."

"And how did you find this out?"

"We might have tortured a few demons, but the important thing is that your mother was actually screwing Hell over too. I guess she was a little smarter than your dad. Instead of just giving the witch one spell to find you, she also gave her something more powerful. It's some type of spell that recloses the gates after finding you. I guess it's a hidden feature. The witch knows, but no one else did until she had a daughter." Jeff spoke perfunctorily trying to hide the feelings brewing inside of him. He was just trying to find a way to connect with Lizzie again and at least she was invested in this topic.

"I hope you didn't torture the daughter."

"No, we just followed some leads and ended up talking with her. I guess her mom is training her to take over because she's sick. This spell seemed particularly nasty though, and when she pressed well it freaked her out. She doesn't really want to learn something that Heaven and Hell will both be pissed about. So, we made her a deal. We'll take care of her mother, she doesn't have to even learn the spell and in exchange they'll reclose your gates." Jeff turned now and looked at her trying to make that connection even more.

"And the CIA is fine with you babysitting this witch forever?" Lizzie was instantly suspicious of what their real intentions were.

"No, of course they aren't. But, Oz is so we're going to take her back to live near him and she'll be safe."

"Fuck and I gave the old man a hard time. I can be a real bitch sometimes." She said the words and shook her head. She let things catch up to her too much at times and now after Oz had apparently gone out of his way she had vented anger onto him.

"He won't be too upset. You didn't exactly know." Kerry finally chimed in and turned to look at her.

"Well, listen, I'm pretty wired, do you want me to take a shift of driving Jeff? You guys can crash for a few hours?" Lizzie ventured it out unsure.

"That sounds great." Jeff hopped out opening the door for her from the back. He felt a glimmer of hope as they passed by each other. She had not recoiled as he thought she would. It was small really, but it was something.

The rest of the day was spent shifting drivers in relative silence as they sped down the road. Music filled the car, changing with each new set of hands on the wheel, but the conversation was pretty much gone. Despite stops for food, they made pretty good time, and when Lizzie was asleep again in the back, they only had about six hours left. She figured they would get to the small Louisiana town sometime in the night and be gone again by morning.

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"Where are we?" Her eyes opened slowly and she realized the Torino was stopped beneath a large neon sign. She felt like she had just fallen asleep, and thought maybe they had already arrived at the house.

"Hey, so they only have one room, Lizzie, sorry. Kerry and I are just tired and it looks like you are too." Jeff's voice roused her as he opened the back door of the car.

"Shit, a hotel? I thought we were driving through the night." She suddenly had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Well, we still have about 3 hours to go and we're all exhausted. So, we figured one night in a hotel wouldn't be such a bad thing. Like I said though, they only have one room. Kerry's getting it situated now."

"I guess if we have to, well we have to. Does it at least have two beds?"

"Yea, and don't worry Kerry and I agreed to split one already, so you've got your own to crash in."

"Hey, I got the key, and it's right here, so just grab the bags and we can leave the car." Kerry called out to them as he walked over to the second door beside the office and slid the card into the slot.

Lizzie hopped out and grabbed her bag heading inside. She was exhausted and understood, but the thought of being trapped in a confined space with the guys was already making her nervous. Her only consolation was that she could definitely defend herself if she needed to plus she had at least two guns and a few other weapons in her bag. Lizzie was far from the defenseless girl that Kerry and Jeff knew from years ago.

The three quickly situated themselves and then Jeff volunteered to go out for food. It left her alone with Kerry, who seemed just as nervous as she was. They both started to get comfortable and after a short bathroom trip, Lizzie was in shorts and a tank top and Kerry couldn't help but sneak a peek here and there.

Kerry didn't bother with the bathroom, instead just stripping off his flannel shirt and getting comfortable on the bed. He had no interest in giving up the ability to hide what Lizzie's ever-increasing scent was doing to him.

"When did you get that scar?" Her words caught him off guard. Then, he realized that with only a t-shirt on his newest scar on his left forearm was visible.

"I was actually dealing with a pretty nasty thing in Wyoming just after we went back out on rotation and picked this one up. Jeff stitched it, but he's definitely not as good as you are. His shoulder healed much cleaner."

"So, you guys don't live at the bunker anymore?"

"Nope, we have a few safe houses to crash at around the area, but we are back out investigating cases and doing the dirty work. We did three years there, so we had our break."

"What did you deal with up there?"

"Some type of nasty ghoul creature. I don't know if we ever definitively found out what it was, but it had a nice bite on it. I was just lucky it was my arm and not something else."

"Jesus. I don't know how you guys do this stuff. I don't think I could see all that stuff and still sleep."

"You get used to it. So, uh...are all those tattoos for protection? I don't remember you having any before."

"Well, when you hear that anything can get you knocked up and lead to your death, you start finding ways to protect yourself. It started with just the anti-possession tattoo here," Lizzie pointed to the large black circular pattern that covered the top of her left chest. "And then I figured if you're going to have one, well get them all. So, I just kept bothering Oz with getting more and more warding patterns so that nothing could even come close to me. Before I knew it, I had full sleeves and started on other parts. They don't look to bad though, huh?"

"No, it's kind of hot actually." He said it without thinking and the room fell silent again as Lizzie took in the words.

When the door opened, it saved them both from further awkwardness. Jeff entered with food and they all sat down around the small table. They ate quietly and soon after Lizzie turned in for the night. Her hope was that she would be able to wake up before the guys and find a shady spot to relieve some of her heat before they had to hit the road.

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By the time Lizzie woke up the next morning, she was covered in sweat. Her covers had been thrown off long before, and now she lay there breathing heavily.

"Hey, um...Kerry went for food. We didn't want to wake you, but now that you are. Well, as much as I don't want to ask you to; I think it would be better if you maybe put on some clothes." Jeff's voice roused her enough to sit up. Her hands instinctively went to her body and she realized that she had abandoned her clothing at some point with the blankets.

"Shit, I'm sorry. You know the heat just...well. Sorry Jeff."

"It's okay, I remember Lizzie. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"Thanks Jeff. Don't worry; I'll take care of things before we head out." In a flash, Lizzie was up and out of the bed throwing on a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt to cover herself. Jeff stared at the laptop in front of him, trying to memorize the route he had to drive today. It was the only thing he could do to stop himself from staring at her. Lizzie was gorgeous and watching her as she slept had been too much. He was trying desperately to not think about her scent as he sat there and waited patiently for Kerry. They had already agreed that Lizzie couldn't be left alone with her heat, so he had offered to stay and make sure she was alright until his partner could return with breakfast.

"Alright, breakfast." Kerry's voice boomed in when he opened the door. A plastic bag hung over his arm. Once inside, he stopped dead as the smell hit him. This morning both he and Jeff had woken up to a room filled with Lizzie. She was panting and sweating as she tossed under the covers on the other bed. Her clothes were already off, and they both had to fight their bodies just to get out of bed. Now that he was back, the room seemed to have grown even thicker with it.

"I'm actually going to go for a quick walk, and I'll eat when I come back." Jeff was flushed as he got up heading for the door.

"Would you like me to go?" Lizzie offered feeling guilty especially after sitting with Jeff for the last few minutes and watching as he tried anything to not look at her.

"No, I think you should definitely stay inside. Uh, just let's start eating and then we can all take showers and such." Kerry smiled at her, not wanting her to feel worse for what she clearly couldn't control.

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The same tension carried through breakfast and when Jeff returned it was Kerry's turn to take a break. He left the room and Lizzie was back to the awkward with Jeff. It was killing her to make them so uncomfortable. After being back with them just for the last two days, Lizzie felt bonded to them once more. They were not only her mates, but her long lost friends. These two men had been so much to her, and now that she was with them again she was sad that so much baggage was there. With the added complication of her heat, it was making everything so damn complicated.

"Excuse me for a second Lizzie, I'm just gonna go talk to Kerry real quick." Jeff finished shoving food in his mouth before tossing his trash and scurrying out of the room. A few minutes passed as she sat there on the bed deciding on the best way was to ask them to give her space to jerk off some before they got back in the car. She considered doing it in the shower, but was almost positive that her increased scent would be a too much still. But, how do you ask to have some private time like that when there's so much between you.

When they both entered, she almost had the nerve to just blurt it out, when Kerry broke the awkwardly silent moment first.

"Look Lizzie here's the problem. Your scent is crazy right now and you know it. Jeff and I can barely think being near you, but we don't want to leave you alone given that you are in a susceptible place right now. If we take you with us then you'll be in danger and so will we because we can't even think, but we have to go. I mean this witch could redo the gates. That would mean you could lead a normal life, so we have to go to save you. So, I guess what I'm saying is, we have to get your scent down if not gone before we can do anything else." Kerry sighed suggesting it to her.

"So, what are you saying? You guys will wait in the car while I jerk off in here and then we can all go to the witch and I can go back like I never met you two?" Lizzie asked looking from Jeff to Kerry. Jeff's eyes went to the ground immediately at hearing her say that she regretted knowing them.

"Look, Kerry's right, and honestly you should definitely come with us because the sooner you are fixed again you can go back to your good life from before us." It was easy to see the pain behind his words, and the guilt for what he had done. He clearly couldn't get past what he had done, whether it was destiny or not.

"Well if you are coming with us, you'll have to have no scent or as close as you can get to it. Otherwise, every demon for miles and well any male will know where we are and might even get to the witch first." Kerry was calculating in his brain hiding behind thinking to avoid addressing the feelings of guilt he had and the pain he knew Lizzie was still experiencing.

"Stop skirting it Kerry and just say it or I will. You know we're all thinking it." Jeff looked at his partner pleading with him to be the one to make the suggestion. He couldn't bring himself to open Lizzie's wounds again.

"What the hell are you talking about Jeff?" Lizzie asked eyebrows raised.

"Fine, well you know how you took care of yourself that first year?" Kerry started with trepidation.


"What my partner is failing to say is that your scent never went away, it just became tolerable for short periods. But, when you were with us it went away for a day or so. The witch is at least a few hours away, so to be safe you should be with one of us." Jeff laid it out.

All of them sat silent as Lizzie tried to reason through the situation in her mind. Kerry had been thinking the exact same thing, and also trying to figure out the least painful way this could happen for Lizzie. He loved her whether they were mated or not. The last thing he wanted was to push her away even further for fear that he might lose her forever. They all understood that if her mark was restored then they would not be mated and probably never be able to be together again physically, but at least he had a shot at friendship at some point.

"'re right. I have to be honest though, there is no way I am fucking either of you. I just can't do that again yet. Fuck, I hate that you're right. If this means I'm free of this though, then so be it." Lizzie resigned herself to her fate.

Kerry and Jeff's heads both rose at her word - yet. It meant that she might not be so deeply scarred that she would never recover. And, it gave them a glimmer of hope that she didn't truly hate them.

"Lizzie, we can turn off the lights and I'll use my mouth. You always loved that, and god knows I miss that taste." Jeff sighed as he finished his statement. More than anything he wanted to be the one that helped her. He wanted to again show her pleasure. That was the worst part of his memories from their last night together. It was knowing that in the same way that he had given her such pleasure he had caused her such physical pain. He had never intended to harm to her, and would have rather died than hurt her that way. Now, he was willing to do anything to heal her.

"Jeff I can't be naked with either of you, and honestly I think you touching me would be too much. Kerry, are you willing?" Lizzie looked at Jeff, her eyes held so many questions and so many emotions that they had never worked through. Jeff had been the one to really introduce her to enjoying sex and then he so violently hurt her using it as a weapon. How could she ever reconcile that? She only hoped that re-gating her power would let her avoid ever having to deal with that pain again.
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"Of course, Lizzie. Um...come here." Kerry was genuinely concerned as she approached. Lizzie walked over to him, and Kerry took his jacket off. He threw it on the chair next to him. Then, he held his hand out to her.

"Jeff, I think you should stay in case something comes to the door, but can you turn around please?" Lizzie asked him knowing it was the safest thing for them all even though she really didn't want Jeff to get a free show.

"Of course, for what it's worth, I'm sorry about this Lizzie." He sighed and a single tear rolled down his cheek as he turned around to face the hotel door.

"Kerry, I'm a little nervous sorry...this is...hard." Lizzie looked him in the eye fighting every urge to run away from them both.

"Just turn around beautiful and let me talk to you." Kerry guided Lizzie so her back was against him as she felt his hands on her hips and his breath on her ear. Lizzie felt her body stiffen as one of his hands ran down her arm.

"Z...just breathe. Close your eyes and listen to my voice and feel... feel. No other thoughts nothing, just be here with me right now." Kerry was whispering in her ear as he slid his hand under the edge of her shirt feeling across her belly.

Lizzie felt her body relax into his and she took a deep breath releasing the tension in her nerves.

"Ohhhhh." The word came out of her mouth as Kerry slid his hand down her yoga pants. His fingers stayed light, barely touching her as he moved them down over her pussy. He rubbed slowly and said nothing as he did so.

"Are you okay? You're not really, um...wet..." Kerry sighed in her ear.

"Sorry, it's' to me Kerry on the mark." It dawned on him then, the mark was so sensitive and now it was his mark. She needed more, she needed to be turned on - something he had not had to worry about with her before.

"No apologies, just listen to my words Z...let your body relax for me and show me how incredibly wet that pussy gets for me." His words brought her back into the moment. Kerry slid his hand back and then moved a little harder across her body as he breathed on her mark. A moment later and he felt her get wet beneath his fingertips.

"Lick it Kerry, please." Lizzie sighed as he started to feel the results of his movements. She felt her own moisture being used to slick her sex completely over and over again.

"That's it baby...get wetter let me feel it." Lizzie moaned lightly as he started to focus more and more on her clit rubbing in light circles. His tongue mimicked the movement on her neck.

"Yes..." Lizzie's hips started to move as Kerry's movements grew faster and faster with each increase in her wetness.

"Fuck, I love how wet you get. I wish my mouth was on you right now tasting this beautiful pussy." Kerry let the words come out softly on her neck causing her to groan. She heard Jeff sigh on the other side of the room and it made her even wetter. Suddenly it didn't matter what happened between them before all that mattered was she was here with her mates.

"Faster, please Kerry." She sighed out as her head fell backwards against him. His second hand held her around the waist holding her up to compensate for her weakening knees. It felt so right to have Kerry connected to her this way. His fingers pressed a little harder as he sped up on her clit.

"Mmmmmm...I love how hard that little clit gets for're making my cock drip Z...god." Kerry groaned in her ear bringing her to the verge of her orgasm.

"Mmmhmmm." Jeff made a noise across the room exciting her more.

"I'm so close, please, oh yes, please...oh please Kerry." She moaned one of her arms moving to his hip as she ground her ass into his cock. He was so hard against her.

"Cum for me...cum on my fingers Z...cum." Kerry's words were enough as she cried out and her palm slammed onto the table in front of her.

"More Kerry, more..." She moaned as her orgasm subsided and he started to rub her again.

"Oh Z, give them all to me, cover my hand baby."

"FUCK!!" Lizzie's pussy pulsed as she came again. Her breathing ragged.

"Baby you got more, come on..." Kerry started up again this time letting his fingers slide inside of her as his palm lay on her clit. She moaned again another orgasm causing her to clamp onto his hand as her hips jerked. She was leaning hard on the table her legs stiff as Kerry pressed his cock into her ass even through their clothes she could feel how excited he was.
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"More...god more." Lizzie grunted through her clenched teeth as Kerry's fingers moved faster and faster into her.

"Fuck're so incredible...I'm so fucking hard. Unhhhhh." Kerry's words were needy and moist on her ear as he gripped her tightly.

"Oh Kerry, Oh Kerry, uhhhhhhhhh!" She rode his hand as they stood there.

He let her ride out her orgasm and his hand kept going.

"Please stop, it's too much Kerry." Kerry stopped pulling his hand out from her pants. He had undone his jeans and had his cock out and in his hand off to her side within seconds. He was using her slickness to coat himself as he stroked. His cock was harder than he thought possible. It took all of his effort to not cum as she was, but now he couldn't wait.

Lizzie leaned back and then dropped her hand from the table grasping his cock. Kerry released his own hand, letting Lizzie take over. She stroked him quickly staying so his head was in her hand in short strokes.

"OH fuck, oh Lizzie... oh...I'm... I'm... AAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Kerry cried out as cum shot across the table. She stroked him again and again as he shot streaks of white across the table.

"OH YES!!" Jeff moaned out from the other side of the room.

"Are" Kerry asked straightening himself up as she released his cock.

"Yeah, I just, I need a minute."

"We all do, take your time." Kerry kissed her mark without even thinking sending a shiver down her spine. She ran her hand over his that now rested on her hip. They both sighed.

Lizzie stayed only a moment before shifting and heading into the bathroom. She needed to breathe a few minutes in the aftermath of what had just happened.

"You okay Jeff?" Kerry turned around fastening his jeans after adjusting himself.

"Um, not really. Kerry I...I miss her." Jeff had his head against the wall as he fixed his own pants.

"Fuck, did you cum on the door?" Kerry asked him.

"Can you blame me? You know how incredible it smells in here let alone the sounds?" Jeff raised an eyebrow before walking over to take a seat on one of the beds. "You came on the table Kerry, that's disgusting."

"That's disgusting? Can you blame me? You should have felt her pulsing, fuck Jeff." Kerry laughed.

"Should we clean up?" Jeff asked him.

"Nah, we'll just checkout and let them wonder what kind of party this was." Kerry laughed and for a moment it was almost normal to be there. They forgot for however brief a time that they were about to lose a chance to be with the woman they both loved.
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Dark Division - The Capsa - Ch. 17

The car ride was tense as none of them spoke. Lizzie sat in the back as the guys nervously fidgeted with whatever was available for them in the front seat. She meanwhile stared out the window wondering what she would do when this was all over. The thought of not being with these men that she had grown to love cut her to the core, but she knew it was the best thing for her. Those thoughts plagued her as she closed her eyes.

"Looks like we have about 15 minutes left." Jeff gave a quick update. It was the first one since she had fallen asleep and it roused Lizzie instantly from her light slumber in the back of the Torino.

"She's expecting us. I texted her a few minutes ago." Kerry tried to keep things going.

"Good. And guys, thank you for this." Lizzie looked into the rearview mirror catching Jeff's eyes. He looked as if he was on the verge of crying.

"It's the least we can do. You know we just want you to be okay, and be able to be happy Lizzie. It's all we've ever wanted." Kerry looked at her softly and she felt so loved in his gaze again.

"I know, and honestly, I wish it didn't have to be this way, but I just want..."

"You don't have to say it Lizzie. We know, and if we could change everything we would. Let's just get to this witch and go from there." Jeff looked at her with that same love in his eyes from the rearview mirror.

From there, it was small dirt road after small dirt road and Lizzie felt the anxiety rising in her as she thought about taking everything back that had happened. It was almost too intense as she watched the houses go by. When the car finally pulled into a small driveway, she carefully opened the door taking in the small bungalow type house in front of them. It was so modest, and yet completely what you'd expect of a witch she presumed. They were supposed to meet both women tonight and hopefully resolve everything.

The guys both got out and they all approached the small porch quietly. Jeff took a deep breath and knocked, only to have the door push open a little when he did. He glanced at Kerry and they both went onto high alert, instantly pulling their guns in anticipation of what might be on the other side of the door.

With a nod of his head, Jeff pushed it open. Kerry sprang forward ready for whatever. Lizzie stood unsure of what might be next, but a very bad feeling crept into her stomach as she waited.

"Sweet Jesus!" Jeff's words rang out as he made his way inside and then skirted to the left. An older woman sat at the kitchen room table, slumped forward. Her eyes had been burned out and blood pulled on the floor at her feet.

"Back there." Kerry's quick command had Jeff heading towards the hallway while he skirted around the kitchen heading into the living room gun leveled as he searched for anyone in the home.

"Hey, come out here." Jeff's words rang out as Lizzie slowly stepped into the kitchen taking stock of the older woman's body slumped over. She couldn't believe how sad the scene was before her. When Jeff came into the kitchen again, he had a woman at gun point in front of him. She resembled the old woman at the table, and Lizzie immediately registered that this might be the daughter they were seeking.

"We're all clear back here." Kerry re-entered the room, gun leveled at the woman alongside Jeff's.

"Start talking, who are you?" Jeff was gruff with her as Lizzie stood trying to take it all in.

"Me? Oh, well, let's just say I'm a friend of a friend." The girl smiled at him, and it struck Lizzie as out of place immediately.

"Kerry, do you have any holy oil on you?" The question seemed odd, and then Lizzie started to piece it all together.

"She's a demon?" The question seemed so out of place as she looked at the young woman.

"Oh my, and who are you little girl? Wait, don't tell me. I know your face...oh yes, I took one just like it off your mother. Would you like to see it?" The young girl snarled at her and Lizzie's eyes grew wide.

"Here you go Jeff." Kerry threw a small flask to his partner, who unscrewed the top and splashed some of the liquid from inside onto the creature before him. It sizzled as it struck her, and she cried out at the feeling.

"Now, start talking, or I light your ass on fire with this all over you." He wasn't angry as he spoke, striking Lizzie as odd. She hadn't seen Jeff really work before and now that he was he was completely level and in control.
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"What would you like to know?"

"First of all, who are you?"

"My name isn't relevant."

"Fine, what are you doing here?" Kerry chimed in and walked around to face the creature. Both men had positioned themselves in front of Lizzie instinctively protecting her with their bodies in case something went wrong.

"I'm here to tie up some loose ends. This lovely woman here was about to undo something we've all been waiting for...oh damn, for almost...well how old are you Elizabator?" Lizzie's face fell as the word came out. No one called her that, no one.

"How do you know my name?"

"Maleena screamed it when she was dying, begging us to let you out of your dear old Dad's contract. She was so pretty in pain, just like you'll be when you die birthing some fantastic hellspawn." She laughed maniacally.

"You bastard! Tell me where my mother is." She wanted the information now. If her mother was alive still then she might have the answers Lizzie needed.

"Poor girl. Once the higher ups found out your little boyfriends were heading for the witch we figured something was up. And, with some persuasion, Maleena was happy to provide us the details of her treachery."

"I think you've talked to her about enough, so here's how this is going to go. I am going to exorcise your ass all the way back to hell or I'll burn you in holy oil and you'll just be gone. The choice is yours either you let the poor girl go that you're in or I kill you both." Jeff was firm and Lizzie didn't know what to say.

"She's already dead, and with her the key to making poor Elizabator whole again. When I leave, she'll just be a corpse like mommy dearest is. You see we don't need the locator spell anymore. We have other options now." He snarled and with a quick pulse black smoke emanated from the girl's pores. It gathered into a small cloud and then disappeared. Lizzie stood staring as the body slumped to the floor. Her eyes were open, but no life was in them any longer.

"Wait, no. She's, no..." She dropped to the floor near the girl staring at her last vestige of hope at leading a normal life.

"Lizzie, I'm sorry, but we have to go. They know we're here, so we have to get on the road before something else comes. We'll go back to Oz's and he might have another idea."

"She's dead, there are no more ideas. These women died, and for what? So, I could have a chance at a normal life. Let's face it. I've told you both before I'm destined for misery, now it's just a question of when it will come and how bad it will be."

Lizzie walked outside and only made it about 50 feet towards the car before a large arm seized her around the neck from behind. She heard the house door slam, and a yell from Kerry, but it seemed so far away. Her mind reeled at the sensation taking in the leathery feel of the skin on her neck and calculating what she could do. Her training left her brain as the arm pulled her in tighter cutting off what little air supply she had left.

"I'm going to enjoy putting a baby in you little girl." Lizzie's eyes flew open at the disgusting words that came from behind her head. She felt a surge then as if her body was full of electricity. Her heart rate slowed and everything around her seemed to go into slow motion. She focused in on the thought of how vile it would be to be impregnated with a being from whatever was holding her. And, then a green pulse of light escaped her.

In the next instant, Lizzie was laying on the grass in front of the bungalow. Her chest heaved as she tried to breathe. Her vision had a green halo around it. In another second, sounds started to flood into her.

"Lizzie? Lizzie, can you hear me?" Jeff's concerned face appeared in front of her as he leaned down. Kerry was kneeling next to him in an instant.

"Yes, yes. What...what happened?"

"We were hoping you could tell us." Kerry's words made her sit up and look around. There were bits of flesh and sinew all around her in a circle and her eyes grew wide.
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"Was that me?" She looked around and at the equally stunned faces of her two mates.

"I think we found out what your powers are." Jeff smiled at her.

From there, the three of them hopped into the Torino and made quick work of calling Oz. Lizzie sat in the back stunned at what had just happened, but strangely comforted by the fact that she was able to protect herself. She hadn't really been in a desperate situation since the last gate opened, so this was all new.


On the way to Oz's the three managed to drive without stopping at a hotel, trading off driving every few hours. It was somehow much easier now that they had something to discuss that was new for them all. Lizzie found solace in being able to talk without all the baggage. Soon, they all were somehow okay with the witch and her hope of normalcy gone. Maybe it was the fact that she could protect herself or maybe it was just coming to terms with what happened. In any event, by the time they returned to Oz's house, they were all exhausted and went to the spare bedrooms without much more discussion.

A quick breakfast the next morning was all Lizzie could take before she had to head out again. It was a few hours to her cabin and as much as she was enjoying the fact that she had such a kick ass power now; she still wanted to be home sooner rather than later.

"Are you heading home?" Kerry asked as they threw their bags into the Torino.

"Yep, where are you guys heading?" She smiled at him as she stood near Henry.

"We're between cases so probably head to a safe house a few hours north to hole up until something happens." Jeff joined them as they stood in the morning sunlight. It was nice to be there with them like this, and as much as she knew it was probably a bad idea; Lizzie didn't want to say goodbye to them.

"Well if you guys have nowhere else to be, I live a few hours north and you guys can come and crash there tonight before going back to a safe house. You both look tired and so am I. I can make us dinner, and maybe we can even talk over some whiskey." Lizzie put it out there.

"Sounds amazing, and then maybe you'll want to come to the safe house with us. You do have another 3 weeks of dealing with your heat right?" Jeff asked trying to invite her back so they could at least chat, but knowing it had to be her decision to come.

"My house for a day or so, and then I think I'll be just fine. Follow me boys." She hopped into Henry.


For lunch, they enjoyed a few drinks and some good pasta that Lizzie prepared. Some of the tension resolved, but knowing that Lizzie still had this curse on her meant that they had not saved her and would have to start trying again.

After lunch, Lizzie had poured them all drinks so they could sit and chat. She wasn't sure how she would ever get past would they had done to her, but being with them the past few days had at least helped her feel better. She was worried that opening that door was too much, though, given that she knew what the results of getting pregnant might be and she knew that both men were likely candidates for that. She could only hope that knowing the future wouldn't necessarily make it happen.


"Oh shit, hey slow down and tell me what happened." Jeff heard Lizzie on the phone obviously distressed.

He got up from couch where he had passed out and walked towards her office. Kerry had made his way to the spare bedroom upstairs where he was still crashed out.

"The arraignment is tomorrow? I don't know if I can make that." Lizzie was freaking out on the phone having heard that one of her longtime clients had just been arrested for embezzlement. He was understandably crazy and now that he had bailed out thanks to her work an hour earlier he was at home stressing. She couldn't not help him out, but at the same time she was in heat. How the hell was she going to go to court with her scent so high?
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"Craig, Craig, calm down. Look, I'm not sure how I'm going to work it out, but I will. I will be there tomorrow morning and we'll get through this together. I have to go now and make arrangements." She hung up with a deep sigh and slumped down into the desk chair.

"Everything okay?" Jeff's voice startled her from thought.

"Yeah, one of my longtime clients just got arrested and both the company and he are freaking out. I got a call a few hours ago. I've been on the phone trying to work everything out since then. Not exactly easy considering I haven't done criminal defense work in years now." Lizzie let the stress of the morning come pouring out.

"Wow, I guess I forgot that you have a real, adult career. It's kind of neat to see you this way." Jeff smiled.

"Well, the shitty thing is that he doesn't want any other attorney with him, and I can't piss off this client. I mean corporate clients are hard to come by and one that pays this well isn't one you blow off. So, I will just have to figure this out. I have no idea how I'm going to go in public in heat, though. I can't exactly blow someone up in front of the courthouse."

"We'll go with you to court. It won't be that bad, I mean we'll get to see what you used to do and I love a sexy lawyer outfit. If you want our help it's yours." Jeff tried to make light of it all.

"Hey guys, what's up? That bed is crazy comfortable Lizzie; I haven't slept that well in forever." Kerry came into the room yawning and stretching.

"Hey Kerry, just a client emergency." Lizzie smiled at him, feeling her warm feelings creep back in hiding the bad memories that still plagued her.

"Lizzie has to be in court tomorrow morning, and I told her we didn't mind staying an extra day and going with her." Jeff chimed in.

"If it means sleeping in that bed more, no problem at all." Kerry yawned.

Lizzie spent the next hour lining up the bail issues in case something happened at Craig's arraignment, and then of course working with his company to resolve their stress. It seemed she was on a never ending set of phone calls. She had not even stopped to eat dinner. Kerry, thankfully, had gone out and bought dinner for all of them.

After dinner, they sat down to have a drink together and Kerry excused himself going to the spare bedroom so he could continue some research he had started.

Lizzie sat in the chair near Jeff watching t.v. with him in relative quiet. A few minutes later, she excused herself to go up to her bedroom to try to get some rest. She had completely forgotten about her scent with all the work she was involved in.


A knock on the door drew her attention up from the book she was reading as she sat in her bed in her shorts and tank top.

"Come in."

Jeff opened the door and walked in, closing it behind him.

"Hi, so I was wondering if we could chat." Jeff was shy almost in his approach.

"Um, okay." she wasn't sure what to expect from him. He did have a tendency to be emotionally stunted.

"Listen, I just want you to know that it has been good to hang out with you again these last few days regardless of the circumstances. I missed you like crazy." Jeff was raw and open, the way he was with those he loved.

"It has been good, I kind of miss you guys too, but it's just so damn complicated." She sighed as Jeff came over sitting on the edge of the bed furthest from her.

"I know, and I know that I can never fix what I did. I...I...I fucked up, fate or no fate, I fucked up and if I could do anything to take it back. I can't though, and I have to live with what I did, and with knowing that no matter how bad it hurts me...the pain you must feel I can't even comprehend. There were so many times I just wished that I hadn't been drinking that night or that I hadn't come into your room..." A tear rolled down Jeff's cheek.
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"Jeff, I'm not sure what to think of it all, but I have to move forward and regret won't help me do that. Like I told you before, this is my lot in life. Oh fuck!!" Lizzie's slow thoughts turned to an immediate concern.

"What's up? You okay?" Jeff was really concerned wiping the tear on his hand and turning to her.

"I just realized I'm going to court in the morning and my scent is ridiculous. I have to go ask Kerry to help me out." Lizzie thought aloud.

"He may have passed out, last I saw him he was pretty close to asleep. Want me to go get him?" Jeff asked, trying to avoid his desire to volunteer.

"Um, no let him sleep. I...I'll just..." Lizzie stammered looking at him and realizing that it really was a much better cover to be with one of them then doing this herself. And, given the stress of the next morning, she couldn't chance her scent creating a major issue.

"Jeff, does your offer from the other day still stand?" His eyes rose up and he looked her squarely, searching for her feelings.

"Always, I told I will always help you. Is that something you're ready for?" He reached his hand out touching hers.

"If you don't mind maybe being under the covers, then I'm willing to chance it sucking if you are willing to chance it being awesome." She smiled a faint smile trying to put their last time together out of her mind as she drifted back to their first.

"Lay back beautiful, let me make you feel good." There was the Jeff she knew and loved. Lizzie scooted backwards tucking under the top sheet on her bed. He looked at her and then peeled his t-shirt over his head and discarded it off the side of the bed.

Jeff moved under the covers so he was completely hidden from sight before taking her shorts in both hands and peeling them down. She wore no panties so she was revealed to him immediately. Even in the dimly lit room, Jeff felt his dick come to life at the sight of her. Her smell was intoxicating from here and as he moved in between her legs his mouth watered at the thought of tasting her body once more.

Lizzie was frozen in place, hoping that her body would relax as Jeff trailed fingers over her thighs. When he leaned down taking a long lick over her pussy, she sighed recalling how good it was to have his mouth on her. He moved slowly licking the inside of her thighs on either side and felt her relax as he did.

When his mouth was back on her, she was wet all on her own. His slow exploration of her folds made her close her eyes to enjoy the feeling. Jeff was always incredible at this, mostly because he enjoyed it so damn much.

His continued onslaught grew faster and faster as he focused on her clit making her breathing get heavier. Jeff grunted against her as she moved her legs closer together and tilted her hips up to meet his mouth.

"Oh yes." She moaned out as he continued. He hesitantly brushed a finger over her entrance causing her to clench instinctively. A deep breath and she spread her legs a little further inviting him to enter her.

Jeff slid his finger inside slowly and she felt the wonderful pleasure in having him rub over her g spot while still tasting her clit. When he introduced a second finger, she could feel herself approaching her release. Jeff moaned into her as his free hand roped around her hip holding her in place.

"Jeff...I'm so close." She was panting as she tried in vain to shift her hips against him. Her hand went under the sheet grazing through his hair which made him curl and pull hard against her g-spot causing thunder to roll through her body. She groaned as the darkness of her closed eyes erupted into a thousand little white lights.
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He caressed her slowly with his mouth until she came down and he could start again in earnest. When he pulled her clit into his lips to suck on it, her head came up. She needed to see him, wanted to look at her lover's eyes. In one swift motion, Lizzie threw the sheet back revealing the beautiful man between her legs.

Jeff paused at the sudden rush of cold air across his back. Their eyes met through the darkness backlit by the television behind Jeff. His hesitation was brief before he went back to his movements on her body. He was eager to see her cum after not having been able to for far longer than he would have liked.

Lizzie groaned as Jeff's fingers and tongue increased their pressure on her body. Her hand raked across his scalp as she tried to keep her eyes open and staring into his. The light wave of her next orgasm caused her head to roll backwards and she felt Jeff moan against her throbbing pussy. He kissed along her thigh loving that he was so close to her like this again.

When his mouth returned to her clit, Lizzie let her hand shift and lay on his hand holding her hip. Jeff released his hold there threading his fingers into hers and she gripped him tightly with her head going back as she came again. Every nerve was sensitive and as she rode out her orgasm she wasn't sure how much more she could take.

"'s...too...much." Her words came out ragged as she tried to breathe.

Jeff took a moment to look at her as he sat up on his heels. Lizzie saw his cock straining through his mesh shorts.

"Wow, I um need a second to um..." He shifted so he was sitting with his back to her and was about to get up off the bed.

"Wait." She moved down on the bed so she could reach out and touch his arm. One of her legs was behind his butt bent slightly at the knee and the other outstretched beside him.

"Lizzie, I..." He looked at her unsure if they should go any further.

"Shhhh...I want to watch you cum too." Lizzie leaned her face against Jeff's shoulder as she reached down pulling his shorts and briefs out and over his cock.

Her hand grazed lightly over his shaft and he groaned roughly. She couldn't believe how hard he was. There was no give in his cock at all, even as her hand wrapped around him she couldn't move his cock from where it stood. He was flaming hot in his hardness and his head was shiny in the light from the show. Lizzie couldn't believe how incredible it felt to touch him again.

"I'm really close...oh fuck..." Jeff breathed out as his body relaxed backwards. He was barely able to catch himself on his elbows behind him. Lizzie shifted to get a better angle and view so that she was sitting on her haunches. Her hand took a slow stroke over his entire length from balls to tip using his precum to moisten his length, she heard him grunt as she finished her movement.

She admired the picture that Jeff made there laid out in front of her, rock hard cock on display as his eyes squeezed shut. Her next stroke was a little faster as she watched him closely trying to see every part of him at once. Another slow stroke was all she could handle before she sped up wanting to see him explode.
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" ...yes...unh...unh." He grunted between noises and partial words as she watched his cum shoot across his chest. Each of her strokes milked another tendril out until his pressure was released enough to just dribble down her hand. Lizzie's eyes glittered with excitement.

"Stay there a second." Lizzie pulled her hand free and went to the bathroom to wet a towel. She returned to Jeff handing it to him. He took it wiping his chest and stomach with the dry part of the towel and following it with the wet part and then adjusting his shorts over him.

"Thanks." Jeff handed the towel back to her and she walked over putting it in the hamper. Lizzie went to the bathroom taking her shorts with her. When she returned, Jeff was up and putting on his t-shirt again.

"Jeff, do you want to stay for a while?" Lizzie moved back to the bed laying down as she waited on his response.

"I'd love that. But if you want me to go it's not a big deal at all." Jeff turned to face her, another tear on his cheek.

"Come here." She reached out and Jeff walked over to the bed and lay down. He was on his back next to her as she lay there enjoying him being with her in the bed. Lizzie picked up the remote turning off the t.v.

"Lizzie, I.." Jeff rolled towards her lifting up to put his hand on her face. "I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry, please, please don't hate me." He choked up as tears rolled down his face.

"It's okay, I forgive you. Shhh, it's okay, I love you Jeff." She pulled his face to her chest and cradled him until he stilled, wiping a few tears from her own face.

They fell asleep in each other's arms from there, peaceful together for the first time in what seemed like an eternity.


"Hey, Jeff my alarm's going off, I have to get up and get ready for court." She roused Jeff from his sleep enough to roll out from under him and get ready for the morning's adventure in Court.

It was going to be quite the adventure.
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Dark Division - The Capsa - Ch. 18

Returning from court had been interesting. It was the first time that Kerry and Jeff had seen her as someone other than the girl in heat. Lizzie couldn't help but notice that they each eyed her as she moved around the courtroom. It was obvious that her suit was doing the same thing for them that it did for the prosecutor. She smiled at the thought that she was so alluring in the outfit.

When they returned to the cabin, Lizzie had to start work right away. She started making phone calls from her home office and wandering about as she often did trying to think about next steps. It was about three when both guys decided that they would go into town and grab some supplies. They had all decided that they should stay a few days in case she had to return to court. Lizzie was sated that day and felt good. It wasn't until late afternoon, when they had been out for a while that she started to get frustrated on the phone.

"Well, I don't particularly care what you want to do and not do while you are on bail. You need to keep a low profile. That means act like you are devastated so I can sell it if I have to." She hung up completely dialed up and waiting for herself to calm down. Getting too excited like this made her heat kick in strong, and she didn't want to be with Kerry and Jeff again if she could avoid it.

When a knock came at the door at 5, she thought for sure it was them, but it wasn't. It was a pleasant surprise. She opened the door and there stood Jonnie. Jonnie was another agent that Oz had sent to check on her and of course to help her out when needed. Jonnie also helped to train her a little bit. She was so sexy standing in the doorway. She had on a white men's tank top and a small white camisole under it. They played perfectly on her light brown skin. Her hair, which was always short had the perfect tousled effect.

Lizzie's smile widened as she glanced down seeing the tan khaki pants beneath. When she looked back up a pair of brown piercing eyes held her gaze. Jonnie was gorgeous; her muscles made Lizzie want to lick her arms right there in the doorway.

"Hi." Jonnie spoke to her, returning her smile.

"Hey stranger. What brings you to town?" Lizzie was coy as she caught her bottom lip. The heat between them was palpable as she stood there. Truth be told, Lizzie's other girlfriends had nothing on this woman. Jonnie was an incredible lover and from their first meeting it was clear that they had chemistry mirroring what she had with Kerry and Jeff.

"You know, between hunts and I know it's your heat cycle. So, I came to lend a helping mouth." Her beautiful brown eyes glistened as she eyed Lizzie in the late afternoon sun. Jonnie loved how she looked in a suit and now standing in front of her in a button down sleeveless white shirt and navy pinstriped skirt, it made her mouth water. Lizzie could be so feminine and she had pictured her almost just like this the whole ride over.

"Jonnie, I...there's something I should tell you..." The crash of soft hot lips into her mouth took away Lizzie's need to speak. She was forced into the house as hands moved all over her body, eventually seizing on her ass. The heat had exploded as she knew it would. Jonnie had no patience. It was always like this when they saw each other. Within minutes, she would be pinned to a wall and she loved it.

Their mouths wrestled as Jonnie made a path to the right and into the kitchen. Lizzie was pinned shortly to the nearest wall and Jonnie's mouth had never left hers. She moaned as she felt the grip of a soft hand around her breast.

"God, I missed how you feel." The words sang in Lizzie's ear as she felt lips travel down her neck and a hand grip onto her ass tighter. This was exquisite. They never did end up in a bed the first time, but afterwards it seemed hard to leave one. Jonnie had been in and out of her life since she came back from Oz's. He had asked her to check in with Lizzie and then it was stolen encounters between hunts. Thank god for her too, she had done so much to help Lizzie recover and showed her there was hope for her to have an incredible sexual relationship without her mates.

"Wait sexy...I need to tell you..." Fingers silenced her words as a second hand traveled down her leg and under Lizzie's skirt. It slid up, under Jonnie's touch, and then a soft hand cupped her pussy.

"You cum first, then you can tell me. I gotta hear you moan little girl." Lizzie groaned at the words and the slow intrusion of Jonnie's fingers into her panties.


Kerry and Jeff returned from the local hardware store, and made their way towards the house. They saw that the front door was ajar and both had a moment of fear. Each questioned whether they should have left her there alone, but she was engrossed in work and they figured it would be fine. At least they knew she had powers now, so she could defend herself in an emergency.

"Hey, there's a back door right?" Jeff whispered to Kerry.

"Yeah, let's go." They dropped the bags at the doorstep and made their way around back. As they moved through the house, they heard movement in the kitchen. Both drew their guns and made their way through the dining room.

"Oh God, Jonnie please...oh yes...right there." Lizzie's voice called out from the other side of the kitchen and both men stopped to stare.

"What the fuck?" Jeff mouthed to his partner with no words.

"I don't know. We have to check. Go." Kerry mouthed back to him.

They edged around the doorframe and then froze. Lizzie was pinned against the wall in the corner with a very butch, yet sexy, woman kissing her neck. Her skirt was pulled up and the other woman's hand was rubbing her pussy as Lizzie moaned out.

"Yea little girl, cum for me...let me see that beautiful face." Jonnie panted into Lizzie's neck moving her fingers faster.

Kerry and Jeff were frozen. Kerry was slightly embarrassed at the sight, and wanted to make sure that this was consensual, although it certainly looked that way. Jeff on the other hand was getting harder by the second and was starting to get angry that someone else was touching his girl.
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"Oh fuck...fuck...Jonnie inside please." Lizzie moaned, and gave Kerry his answer. He still couldn't move though, it was too incredible to see this right now.

"Like this?" Jonnie shifted her hand shoving two fingers into Lizzie's waiting hole and kept her thumb firmly on her clit.

"OH FUCK!!" The sudden intrusion caused Lizzie to pulse around her fingers cumming hard.

"Oh yes, baby, yes...come here." Jonnie removed her hand and picked Lizzie up by her ass cheeks turning her to carry her over to kitchen island and seating her on it. She lay her backwards admiring how beautiful Lizzie looked on the granite. Her white skin against the cool black background made her hungry for more.

"We should um...bedroom." Lizzie panted.

"Hell no, I can't wait that long to taste you." And with those words Jonnie undid the buttons of her shirt running her hand down the exposed skin of her chest and over her stomach. She slid the skirt up again and then hooked her fingers under Lizzie's panties. She pushed Lizzie back a little and her mouth descended instantly licking and sucking every inch of her pussy. Lizzie moaned in response, her eyes closed enjoying the feeling.

"We should go." Kerry tapped Jeff's arm and whispered to his partner.

"Are you kidding?" Jeff asked back. There was no way he was leaving the best porn show he had ever seen.

"Come on." Kerry was more forceful as he clenched his jaw.

"No." Jeff swatted at him, hitting a picture frame that was seated on the windowsill and knocking it over with a loud clap.

"What the fuck?" Jonnie's voice came out as grabbed her gun from the holster on her back and drew it on the two men she had just spotted.

Kerry and Jeff drew their guns as well.

"Whoa, hey, hey, guys, guns down. Jonnie baby it's okay, this is Kerry and Jeff." Jonnie lowered her gun as Lizzie scooted down the counter and hopped off trying to pull her skirt over her exposed pussy.

"Guys, this is Jonnie. She's an agent too." The guys lowered their guns.

"What are they doing here little girl?" Jonnie asked Lizzie, her gaze conveying how much she disapproved.

"Oz had a lead on getting my gates reclosed and it involved them. It didn't work out, and then well, it just made sense for them to come back here with me given my heat cycle and all." Lizzie tried to explain.

"You don't need them to protect you sexy, you can handle yourself. Besides, I texted you a month ago that I would be coming through town." Jonnie looked at her brushing a hand over her cheek.

"It's okay, we've made amends." She tried to answer back as best she could to those gorgeous brown eyes under that furrowed brow.

"Sorry, we uh, well the door was open, so we came in the back to make sure you were okay." Kerry muttered from the dining room.

"Yea, we barely saw any cum...anything." Jeff stammered out.

"You guys have a lot of nerve coming near her again. Amends or no amends, you treated her like a piece of shit. If she didn't care about you I would kill you right here." Jonnie was angry.

"Baby stop. I can handle this. Now, guys, um...Jonnie here has been an agent for a long time, she knows Oz really well. He sent her over after I came back to my own place and she's taken care of me in a lot of ways. So, no fighting, we're all on the same team." Lizzie made the peace despite how flustered she was. Her shirt was undone and she was sure the post-orgasm blush wasn't being helped by the embarrassment she was now feeling.

"Nice to meet you. We're happy she had an agent to watch out for her." Kerry spoke up. "We got pizza and beer while we were out, what do you say we all sit down and get to know each other a little bit.

"That sounds good, let me just um clean the table off real quick." Lizzie moved away flittering towards the sink and buttoning her shirt on the way.

"Fine." Jonnie was not happy at all, but realized that Lizzie wasn't about to allow her to take it out on these guys. It also didn't help that she wanted her girl in about a dozen different positions before she would be contented for the night.
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Lizzie cleaned the table while the boys left returning with two pizza boxes and two six packs. They all sat down and soon were able to start into some fairly basic conversations. A few beers in and they were chatting about various assignments they had been on. It was then that Lizzie noticed just how similar Jonnie and Jeff were. They were such kindred spirits and hearing them trade stories made her smile. It was something she had never really noticed before, but it was nice all the same. The fact that the tension in the room was resolving was nice too.

"Okay, guys, I'm heading to bed." Lizzie smiled standing up and putting their dishes in the sink.

"I'll clean up here little girl. But, you better not fall asleep before I get up there if you know what's good for you." Jonnie was so adorable when she threatened that. She knew very well that Lizzie would be waiting in bed for her - probably in a way too cute nightie. She loved that about Lizzie, how she was always ready for more with her.

Lizzie left the room and went up the stairs. When she got to her bedroom, she made her way to the bottom drawer of the dresser. There was a special white nightie that she had bought just for this occasion. She loved to surprise Jonnie with something new each time she came over, and had been excited to pull this one out for her.


"Well guys, make yourself at home. I have some unfinished business to take care of." Jonnie smiled and finished putting the last of the uneaten pizza in the fridge.

"Color me jealous. She won't mind if I hit the liquor cabinet right?" Jeff asked her, knowing he would need something if he had to think about his girl up there with Jonnie. While he liked the agent, Lizzie would always be his girl and this pulled at his heart.

"Not at all, and sorry for how loud she gets, but we don't usually have company in the house." Jonnie smiled at Kerry and Jeff.

"Loud?" Kerry asked his brow furrowing.

"Yea, she gets really loud sometimes." Jonnie winked and made her way out of the kitchen.

"I remember her being loud with me sometimes." Jeff piped up as he headed out to the living room to see what was on tv.

"Me too." Kerry sighed before he joined his partner.

"Goddamnit, where's that liquor cabinet?"


"Hey beautiful, white this time? Man I love you in white." Jonnie grinned from ear to ear as her eyes scanned over Lizzie's body. The straps of the nightie were thin and lay against her perfectly. The lines going down to perfect lace cups that were just transparent enough so that Jonnie could make out the dark pink of her nipples, her mouth watered at the thought of the taste of Lizzie's skin.

"Come here and ravage me."

"You don't have to ask me twice." Jonnie stripped off her pants walking over the bed and seizing Lizzie's face as she lay down. Her mouth was hungry as her lips played over Lizzie's lips and then moved down her chin and to her neck. Her hands massaging Lizzie's breasts had her moaning out already.

"God I've missed you."

"Me too, now let's get these panties off so I can taste you properly." Her hands moved to the sides of the fabric and she pulled them downward giving her full access to Lizzie's wet core. This was her favorite part.


"So, Jonnie, huh?" Jeff took a swig of brandy from his glass as he sat with Kerry watching some old Western that they found.

"Yea, she seems, um, nice." Kerry sighed downing some of the brown liquor himself.

"I'm not going to be able to get that image out of my head man." Jeff sighed allowing his eyes to unfocus as he recalled the picture of Lizzie laid across the table with Jonnie kissing down her chest and stomach.

"Trust me, I know. We should probably leave though, huh? Looks like she's safe and we're, well more in the way." Kerry had already come to the realization that he wasn't going to be able to have Lizzie the way he really wanted to. It had become too dangerous for them to do anything.

"Yea, I guess she's being taken care of as it were." Jeff leaned back trying to lose himself in the movie.

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