Fantasy Actress Roleplays
A story of Shraddha about her becoming a Slave
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Part -- 2

Kajal was dragged from the cell, her legs locked straight as she tried to resist her heels sliding on the concrete floor. The medical cell was about 30 feet down the corridor and as she went she caught glimpses of the other rooms. They were deck out in different ways. One looked like a dungeon with chains and ropes, another like a grand bedroom and others she could only just catch sight off. Kajal didn’t know what to do. How could she fight back or get away? The situation was impossible and she gave a shudder of horror remembering what he told her about her colleagues and the little Cessna.

“Please General, let's talk about this, you don’t need to do this.” She stammered as she was almost lifted through the door into a white tiled room.

There was a African woman dressed like a nurse standing patiently. Kajal was allowed to stand unaided; the two large guards stood either side of the lithe diminutive woman. The brutes were massive and even in her high heeled sandals they towered over her panting body.
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“Now Kajal,” The general said almost apologetically, “I don’t think you understand your situation yet do you?” Kajal’s expression of disgust answered for him. He nodded, “hmm very well I will allow your insolence for the time being.”

The walls were dull with grime and dust. There was a row of trolleys with sheets over them and two large wicker chairs like from the 60,probably still the fashion in this backward country. One of the chairs had two bamboo poles pointing up from the arm rests with carved faces on the top. They looked like voodoo dolls or some other crazy religious symbolism either side of a wicker throne.

He signalled the guards who moved her towards the chair. Kajal gave a yelp as one guard pulled her dress over her shoulders, the fabric falling around her cute ankles. She stood there in a thong, heels and no bra, her hands now other her 36B chest.

The group admired her figure. She was proportioned well, her legs slim and shapely accentuated by heels, her ass full and slappable. Her curved back was drenched in sweat, her blonde hair now more bedraggled pulled out of a hair in the struggle cascading around her bony shoulders.

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“What are you going to do, you filthy bastard,” she growled her eyes blazing.

The general sighed. “Miss Kajal I regret to tell you although you will find me a loving master I have some deviations that you may find difficult to accept at first.”

Kajal gave a moan of despair,” oh shit this can’t be happening.”

The two guards suddenly gripped her hands and she began to struggle. They spun her around pushing her into the wicker chair. It was deep and as her ass hit the seat her legs flew up and at angles the guards grabbed a tiny ankle each with huge black hands. They lifted her ankles pushing her legs wider and higher Kajal now more on her back than butt her hands desperately trying to loosen the grip on her ankles. The nurse grabbed her arms pulling them behind her chair backrest binding them with rope.

The general watch until finally she was in position. The leggy blonde half lay in the chair, her arms tied behind it, her legs open and high her ankles bound with rope around the tops of the two bamboo poles. Her breast heaved with effort her thong panties soaking her crotch wide and embarrassingly wide open.

The general barked an order to the two mesmerised guards and reluctantly they left the cell.

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The nurse traced her finger over Kajal’s tummy hooking the thong panties and in one tug ripped them from her crotch.

The general took a seat in the other wicker chair and unbuckled his belt. He slowly pulled his fat black cock out of his pants and drew back the foreskin with a satisfied groan. Kajal’s eyes widened at the sight of his cock and how unashamedly he exposed himself. The nurse was smearing gel along her hand, the skin glistening and Kajal gave a whimper of understanding.

Outside the cell the two guards could hear the woman shout then give horrified groans. In their pants their cocks hardened in envy of what the general was watching his slave endure.

The blonde waif stunner couldn’t do anything to stop the black witch. She was completely trussed and open. The nurse’s fingers were formed into a cone and she was gently but firmly pushing her cone shaped hand into Kajal’s blonde pussy. She gave a moan of discomfort the sweat of the day lubricating her pink hole but still not enough to allow constant yielding entry.

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Kajal couldn’t believe what was happening.

“No, no you mustn’t! I ..uhhhh!”

She looked at the general then at the roof in discomfort and embarrassment. What could she do? The woman was using her fingers to twist inside the young blonde’s private space, Kajal feeling the soft feminine fingers caress her inner flesh.

“Oh God!” She gave a despairing cry as she looked down. The woman’s hand was moving inch by inch deeper and deeper, her pussy wall burning with effort of resistance.

Uggggg oh god no no uhhhhhhhhhhh!” She arched her back as the nurses hand opened her up almost to the knuckle, but not enough.

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“Ahhhhhhhhhh no no ugggg It won’t go oh god stop!”

The general moaned in pleasure, the nurse nodding to his questions gibbering back in his native tribal tongue.

“Is the white bitch too tight? Push harder, more grease on your hand.” He looked at Kajal in the eye.” Don’t fight it, relax your body. We have all day; by evening you will have learnt how to accommodate even my hand.” He flexed his fat fingers Kajal horrified at the size of his fist.

The general tugged at his prick as his nurse’s hand twisted and probed at the blonde bitches’ hole. Kajal groaned and thrashed her head still trying to reason with the insane man.

“Uggggg stop, please general I’m sorry I’ll say what ever you what uggggggg there’s has to be…uggggggggggggg!”

“When I first saw you,” the general said shaking his head, “I marvelled at how slim and delicate you were.”

The general paused to admire her panicking beautiful face, then he continued his vulgar thoughts.

“You were so confident in that news conference. I will enjoy looking into those arrogant eyes when I have my hand deep inside your pussy.”

The girl gave an oval pout of shock as her pussy lips did indeed at that point relax just a fraction allowing the nurses greased hand almost to the knuckle. Kajal screamed as the woman tried to push again, but her lips wouldn’t open any further.

“Jez stop! Stop please uhhhhhhhhhhhh!”
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The general snapped an order in his native tongue, the nurse slowly removing what hand she had managed to burrow inside the woman.

Kajal gave a pant of relief and was about to speak thinking her negotiation was working when she saw what the nurse was doing. The woman had opened a large jar of plant grease and was carefully drawing the slimy fluid into a big bore syringe until it held maybe a beer bottle full.

“Some extra lubrication Miss Kajal,” the general explained.

The reporter tried to wrestle free as the thick point was pushed into her slit. A second later she felt the surge of liquid inside her canal, the syringe plunger forcing every last drop into her cunt.

The nurse re-greased her hand and started her mission again.

Outside the confines of the concrete fortress the jungle choked the humid air. It was mid day, the temperature somewhere in the nineties so was the humidity. The cell block of the military base baked like a huge oven. From the sky the whole site was only visible if you flew directly overhead the dense inhospitable jungle 200 miles in each direction

Kajal knew all this but even knowing she still couldn’t accept this was happening. In her head she went over the same thoughts again and again.

“Someone will come, they will, they must!”

She’d heard about abductions, but that was always the locals, not a foreigner not a journalist, But her rational mind kept telling her what she didn’t want to hear.

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“Everyone thinks you are dead, you are alone imprisoned in the jungle, and your captor has the power over a country.”

The general caressed his bell and ended his cock eye weeping juice. He was rampantly erect now the veins bulging on his glistening black trunk of a cock. The woman in front of him was drenched head to toe in shimmering, bronzing sweat. Kajal had fair complexion normally however now she glowed greasy and wet like a lap dancer, her long heeled legs pointing to the sky giving her more of that contorted pole dancing look. Even her hair had dulled from brilliant blonde, black sweaty streaks in the cascading mane. Only her eyes remain pure and angelic, the pupils widening at every slight push of the nurses hand.

Kajal looked down at her abused hole seeing her oiled lips slurping and yielding slowly she realised this time the woman’s hand was going all the way in.

“No please, you uggg don’t ugggggggggg. Its not ugg right I..I..can't ugggggg!”

The general groaned in pleasure. “No more resisting my dear, you’ll find your body is capable of many astounding feats.”

The trussed blonde gave a series of high pitch grunts the nurse’s knuckles disappearing slowly.

The general leaned forward the sweat dripping from his forehead

The black bitch twisted her wrist a little and…Pop!”

The nurse gasped with the effort Kajal screaming as her lips suddenly yielded, the hand sliding past the widest point into her void, her lips closing tightly around the sweaty greased wrist. She could see her tummy bloated her skin moving as the hand twisted inside her ultra slim body.

“Oooh God nooooooooo!”

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The hand felt enormous, like a creature, a mole or something wriggling inside her body. It was like some fucking alien, her flat groin seeming to move with the motion of the fist.

The nurse with her left hand inside the bound woman was pouring a vial of lubricant onto her wrist and as she pumped into Kajal she delivered the grease along her tight tunnel.

“Ug, ug, you, you ugggggggggggg filthy ugggg ohhhhhh!” Kajal gasped through clenched teeth.

“Oh God she’s going to split me open!” She thought wildly, the pumping hand making disgusting slurping and belching noises.

Kajal struggled to concentrate the sensation of a hand inside her private place almost unbelievable. The embarrassment was overwhelming the woman looking up into her wide eyes twisting her fingers seeing Kajal’s faces contort her lips purse and nip.

Kajal didn’t want to add to their enjoyment but she couldn’t stop herself grunting and groaning. The nurses listen for the highest most indignant noises to decide where to press and twist the most.

Kajal spat in disgust at the nurse, she in turn gave Kajal a swipe across the face, her large white eyes staring into Kajal’s. She shouted in her own language and Kajal guessed it was an order to behave and stop fighting if she knew what was good for her.
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The general stood up stepping out of his pants. His thighs and butt were massive, a product of years of military service before he led the coup that made him the country's leader. He looked ridiculous in shoes and socks, no pants but still a military shirt with elaborate lapels, his cock waving around like he was about to hang a flag from it.

He could hear her pussy squelch and Kajal grunt indignantly over and over. Her skin accentuated the black arm buried in her hole and her lightly haired blonde pussy gave her slit an almost shaven look.

The general began to unfasten her ankles from the bamboo poles. He took each small foot and hooked her legs on the outside of the poles until she was sat with her thighs even wider, her heels almost touching the floor her legs on the outside of the poles unable to close. Kajal felt her legs ache but was thankful that they could now rest more easily. But it was not an act out of kindness she almost instantly realised her virgina had now straightened allowing the nurses hand to push deeper without restriction.

“Ohhhhhhhh God no uggggggggg!” She thought the woman was going to keep going all the way to her throat.

“Please general uhhhhhhh!”

He laughed in amusement. “Please feel free to ask any more probing, embarrassing questions about my life. After all you will have a ring side seat to my darkest perversions from now on.”

The nurse was now touching Kajal at the top of her slit with her free hand. She could feel the feminine fingers searching for her bud.

“Ugggg no, no!” Kajal cried horrified at what the woman was attempting to do.

“Kajal,” the general said sweetly,” I am not a monster, your life with me though challenging will have its pleasures. It is important my slaves know how to climax in their job. “

Kajal gave an animal groan of refusal shaking her head, hair flying everywhere.

The fisting went on for what seemed ages until Kajal’s pussy felt numb the slime of juice and grease dripping from her slit as the wrist twisted. The nurse had pressed a small vibrator against Kajal’s clit and slowly but expertly she had brought the cursing girl to near climax. The blonde had tried to forget she was here, fall into a humid sea of half dreams. The sensation in her pussy had dulled; she was back home with her fiancé.

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“Her fiancée!” Kajal gave an anguished cry, “Oh God Simon help me please.”

The general was instantly distracted from the mesmerising view he had been enjoying.

“Simon? Oh Yes Simon Wiez head of your news channel.” The general recalled the picture today, tall chiselled, mature, powerful. Very powerful. “He was your betrothed wasn’t he?”

Kajal snarled back teeth and gritted the tiny buzzing stick working its magic on her bud.

“He ugh still is you fuckkkk!”

The general grew angry at her outburst gripping her hair pulling his face close.
All content are copied from INTERNET. if any one have object i will remove the content. This is a work of fiction.This stories and pics are not my own. copied from Internet .  Please find Index in 1st Page.
Visit our  Actress roleplay
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“Not any more, you are dead; remember? He has lost his long legged trophy wife for good. You prefer the older man don’t you, richer more appreciative? That’s good you’ll get to meet many like that over the coming years.”

The climax kept building but the nurse seemed to sense when Kajal was on the brink and removed the vibrator stealing her buried wrist always at just the wrong time for Kajal.

“Ohhh God! Do it, finish me for God's sake I can’t take anymore.”

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Kajal didn’t know what else to say. If she came they’d stop wouldn’t they? She didn’t really know if she meant to make her cum or kill her. At that moment she didn’t care.

The general pushed the nurse to the side and roughly pulled her wrist out of Kajal. She gave a yelp of sensation her hole gaping the air filling into where it should never see. She felt like she was dripping her body’s fluids out of a gaping wound.

“Ugggggg no I feel sooo…” She didn’t know how to describe it.

The general did. “You feel like a dirty submissive whore about to ride her master's hand like a glove puppet.”

And with that he began to push his own fat hand into her sloppy hole. Kajal groaned but didn’t scream it was more out of humiliation of how accommodating her pussy now was than actual pain. His large fat fingered hand was sliding inside any second her exhausted muscles would swallow his knuckles and he would be up to his wrist inside her.

“Oh Kajal you bad girl, “he said huskily, his hand feeling like it was wrapped in a slimy hot towel. He moved his fingers, opening his palm Kajal biting her lip, her eyes glazing over. Her feet tapped on the chair, her thighs quivering he noticed her tits were fuller nipples hardened; the nurse had brought her to peak quite satisfactorily.

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The nurse pressed the vibrator onto her clit once more and the general began to pump in and out her lips bulging as his hand tried to remove itself but just as her pussy hole parted her pounded back to her cervix.

Her juices were running down his arm dripping at his elbow, the arrogant Kajal arching her back thrusting her tits out shrieking in sensation overload.

“Look at me Kajal, look into my eyes.” She shook her head so with his free hand he twisted her cheeks making her pout in his direction.

The slopping noise added to the disgusting scene, the vibrator humming the people grunting, gasping, taunting.

“Yes you bitch come on my hand, I Want to feel you come.” Her walls seemed to be tightening as her back arched more and more.

“Ukkkkkkkkkkkk ah, ah, ah, ahhhhhh awwwwwwwwwww!”

Kajal began to buck her calves flailing her butt bouncing on the wicker seat. The pussy convulsions were squeezing his hand so much he felt it would go numb. She was thrashing and screaming in orgasm, her pussy so wet that even his hand began to slip and as she jerked her hips in a disgusting thrusting movement, she ejected his glistening hand along with copious amounts of frothing juice

“ nooooooooooooooo!”

The spots took a while to clear from her eyes the humid oppressive air almost suffocating now. She was exhausted after hours of attention; she couldn’t think straight and was almost in a daze.

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The general stood up, his cock still pointing straight out. Suddenly the cell door opened. It was one of the guards

“General you are needed in the command building.” The evil dictator snarled back at his charge telling him that he didn’t want to be disturbed.

“But its USplanet News sir, a Mr Weiz urgent.”

The general’s eyes lit up. He looked at the spread eagled slit dripping woman, her head hanging limp. Then down at his angry cock.

“Hmm I’ll enjoy it more if she was a little more conscious anyway.” He said to himself then barked an order to his guard. “I will take the call in my office in ten minutes, bring this bitch.”

Fifteen minutes later Simon Weiz finally got through. He has not had any answers in the last 24 hours. As an experienced news hound he knew never to accept other people’s stories. His darling girlfriend just couldn’t have died in such a way.

“These fucking third world shit holes don’t know their ass from their elbows. How the hell am I going to get answers? no one has confirmed they’re dead. Certainly not this news channel.”

The phone was a little crackly but he could hear the preening voice of the fat dictator on the other end.

“General Mobana, I need your help, only you can bring this nightmare to an end. Please I implore you to call a truce so we can send out a search party to the crash site.”

He could hear other voices and sounds over the phone. Clearly the general had it on speaker phone allowing his aids to enjoy the grovelling from a big news head.

The general spoke sweetly almost sarcastically. He couldn’t help it and the rebels were not into any negotiation.

The Reported was growing frustrated the general seemed distant, a little distracted and from time to time took seconds to respond as if confused or concentrating.

In his ornate flag dbangd office he indeed was distracted. A large fan spun in the ceiling drawing cooler air into the room, below it was a large teak table on its speakerphone and an impressive golden statue of a lion.

Also face down bent over the deep wooden furniture was his latest trophy; Miss Kajal. He had her hands tied even tighter behind her back making her shoulder pull back forcing her neck and head to look up. Her tits were pressed flat onto the soft wood top the small of her back filled with a pool of collected perspiration. The table was high so as her ass pointed to the ceiling her long legs even in heels only just touched the carpet. He had her ankles tied together then again at the knees allowing her little opportunity to move.

Kajal wanted to cry out; she could hear her fiancée pleading desperately to find her. If only he knew the truth. But she couldn’t speak. Her mouth had been filled with a rubber ball then tapped over. She could grunt but the speaker phone faced away from her; she had no idea if she could be heard.

The general was seated one hand on his cock the other stirring a pot of Vaseline. As he spoke he took great globules of grease and gently smeared them over Kajal’s ass hole. He’d been kind enough to explain he would fuck her in the ass since she needed time to strengthen again.

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His fat greased fingers pushed inside her ass putting jelly deep along her rubbery shaft.

The conversation was going round in circles, this Weiz fellow wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“Please Mr Weiz your fiancée was a personal friend of my daughters.” He said this so sweetly Kajal’s stomach turning in revulsion.” I have the up most respect for your excellent reporter and the up most admiration.” He stroked her back his admiration not professional as Weiz might expect but more lustful.

She could hear the frustration and resignation in her fiancés voice. “He wasn’t giving up already was he?” The phone crackled and she heard a distant voice become a little more assertive.

“I’m sorry general but I need to see for myself. I’m getting that next plane out.” And with that the line went dead. The general paused a little indignant the man had dared hang up. He slowly extracted his finger from the bound woman ass ring and massaged a fleshy butt cheek..

He pressed his intercom. “Send Koko in.”

Kajal looked up as the door opened. It was her old friend, the tall athletic daughter of General Mobana. The woman didn’t seem fazed by her half dressed father, his cock standing to attention and hardly gave Kajal a second glance.

“Father?” She said in obedience.

The general was climbing onto the table so he straddled Kajal’s back. He lowered himself into a squat, his fat cock pointing forward rod and ball hanging like an undercarriage. Kajal tried to wriggle his cock tip slid between her ass cheeks, the general using his hand to point his cock down and press her sphincter.

“Contact Mr Weiz at USplanet News, I believe you met him?” Koko’s eyes widened and she finally caught Kajal's eye.” Indeed I have.” She purred.

“Good,“ grunted the general, rocking his enormous butt finally allowing his cock relief, entering the tight rubbery passage of Kajal’s anus.


The woman could only gargle; her eyes open wide staring ahead insanely, lashes like blooming flowers, her pupils showing the gut turning sensation.

The general gave a gasp as he lowered his cock sliding the full length into his bound bitch.
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“Get him on the phone. Make a personal invitation, he plans to come anyway. If you are his escort he can spend a few fruitless weeks in your charming company.”

Koko gave a wicked smile. “Indeed father.”

She was about to turn and leave when he stopped her.

“No do it here, on the speakerphone now, while I bugger his darling fiancé.”

Kajal nearly swallowed her gag. His cock felt like a giant pole in her ass. She had anal before once with an ex and she hated it then. Her Simon was now back on the phone as the black bastard twisted and slid back and forth inside her. Koko had been put straight through and she could hear his voice as the general’s daughter cooed seductively to him.

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“Simon I know how you must feel. Please, anything I can do. She was a great friend etc, etc.”

Her fiancée was a little taken aback. This woman seemed to be saying all the right things but she sounded cold. He assumed it was the way with these people. Africa breeds cold hearts.

“Koko I’d be happy to have your help, thank you so much.”

The general was grunting faintly getting a rocking motion going his cock fitting as tight as a piston in an engine.

Phut, phut, phut!

The table was rocking a little, Kajal biting down on the gag. She began to moan and he pulled her hair making her head snap up.

“Silence bitch!” He hissed in a whisper.

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Koko sat on the table, legs crossed finishing her conversation. She stroked Kajal’s rocking head with long nailed hands smiling and acting as if she was having a normal conversation. Her father was grunting more loudly, his thrusting becoming harder.

“Fuck she’s so tight!” he growled Koko putting her hand over the phone set looking with a glare at her father. She put a finger to her full lips telling him to “ssssh.”

The man at the other end of the line once again got the impression something was happening in the room. He could hear noises like machinery repeating over and over maybe a pump or something.

Phut, phut, phut!

Kajal couldn’t bear it. Her lover so near yet so far she could hear his confusion in his voice. He knew something was wrong but he couldn’t tell. The general was pounding so deep it made her nearly sick; she could feel his cock almost in her gut.

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Koko finally with a sweet goodbye hung up, her father instantly groaning in satisfaction.

“Take it you tight ass bitch.” He began to even pump faster.” By the time I’m finished with you we’ll be able to drive a train up there.”

Kajal screamed on her gag he was hammering into her with abandon. She felt like her ass would explode the friction burning red hot. And the horror, what was in store? What more did he have planned for her sweet tight holes?

Koko turned to leave brushing her long hair with her hand. She gave a cute look back over her shoulder at Kajal and her father both looking at two rutting beetles the table shuddering under the hammering.

The general didn’t want it to stop; he could have fucked her tight ass for eternity. She was under him subservient; obedient finally she was getting the message.

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Kajal couldn’t have resisted if she tried his weight, his piercing cock and her binds stopping her from moving. She felt his cock finally, thankfully unload inside her ass.

“Oh God this can’t be happening!” She said over and over as two, three then four spurts of his thick African come filled her for the first but definitely not the last time.

[Image: 04emiZbR-8G2UKMFtzVOMeyBIIjd7TIaATduuDfX...5BeMEbHjb1]
All content are copied from INTERNET. if any one have object i will remove the content. This is a work of fiction.This stories and pics are not my own. copied from Internet .  Please find Index in 1st Page.
Visit our  Actress roleplay
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Part -- 3

Kajal stood to attention in the general’s office. She had no choice; she was still tied at the ankles and knees the binds behind her back holding her wrists. She had the gag and tape still over her mouth and she was totally exhausted. The general sat relaxing in his chair smoking a fine cigar. Kajal felt like her knees would buckle and she nearly went over on her ankle before managing to remain upright and to attention.

The general had enjoyed her ass even more than looking into those baby eyes as he fisted her soaking pussy. He looked at her fabulous rear. He could keep her ass tight he supposed.

He chuckled to himself, knowing full well his perverse desires. “Yeah of course you could Mobana,” he thought to himself sarcastically.

Eventually he spoke to her.

“Kajal I will be leaving this evening, affairs of state etc. I hope today has taught you the realities of your future life.”

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Kajal was silent but her eyes answered for her. The message was getting clearer and clearer.

“Hmm you understand but do not accept. This is to be expected.”

He pressed for a guard to take her back to her cells.

Koko and I would love to stay to see your training however it won’t be possible. The two guards you saw today and the nurse are fully briefed. He came up close to her and gently peeled off the tape then opened his hand allowing her to spit the mouth ball into his palm. The blonde coughed and sputtered her mouth dry, her lips swollen a little from the tape.

She began to sob shaking her head saying she was sorry begging him to release her.

“Tut, tut,” he said gently, “be a brave girl it’ll only last a few weeks.” He smiled, “by that time you’d fuck your own father if I asked you to.”

Kajal began to cry more and as the soldiers entered she fainted from despair. The General showed no remorse, “drag her away,” he said looking at the limp beauty supported between two red beret wearing troopers.

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Back in her cell she curled up on the bed. She heard the noise of a departing helicopter, the general leaving her here. What was going to happen?

Kajal found out very quickly. The two guards and nurse spoke no English so her pleas fell on death ears. She was awoken about 2am in the night by a bright light the two men towering over her. They tugged her from her cell down the corridor into a room she’d glimpsed before. Inside it was like a dungeon, the nurse there already. In front of her was a wooden horse type device. It was a plank of wood waist height with four legs. Pointing up from the wood encased in a leather saddle were two vibrating nodes. The nurse had attached 6 inch dildoes over the metal tips however they were interchangeable with many phallus shaped devices hung on the walls.

Kajal tried to resist but the men were massive. They lifted over the horse, the nurse directing the dildoes until they finally let her drop onto the beam. She was impaled with rubber anal and pussy cocks her long legs touching the floor on either side; just. The rubber cocks were so stiff, the metal rods inside them adding to the rigidity.

Her arms were tied behind her back and the nurse adjusted casters on the four legs. She felt herself lifted higher, her groin pressing down more firmly until finally only the very toe edge of both her sandals touched the floor. It was now impossible to lift herself off or even adjust her weight that much.

She just whimpered with resignation, the guards smiling in lustful delight.

The nurse turned a dial on the wall and the dildoes began to buzz and twist. One soldier held up his hand signalling six. Six hours of this!

[Image: c-4Tzeob_sDNldNY-QtrJ8wBUdHmVv0up9gOtkSF...-pNXl0yudD]

She came more than once each time screaming in climax and with hypersensitive burning flesh just after. Her ass had also eventually given way and she farted and spat watery shit over the rear of the horse. By the fifth and sixth hours she grew more and more weak, her ass and pussy becoming numb until eventually all she felt was a constant movement in her soaking wet slits. She was a moaning mess by the time the guards appeared again.

They said nothing just threw her in her cell. She collapsed on the bed into a nightmarish sleep.

It was six hours later, sometime just around noon she was shaking from her sleep. Both guards signalled for her to stand and then they took her hand and gently led her from the cell. This time it was back to the steamy oppressive heat of the medical cell. She began to panic and begged the guards to be gentle talking to her calmly. They knew after the first time it would be much harder to get her here.

[Image: BI4f-2hj8eM2gaVmijYzsywtNMUiJJJjlWokn7Ue...i0cFvZ7HbH]

Kajal was made to lie over the wicker throne, her hands tied to the totem poles. She gave a cry of disgust as she saw what was going to happen. A pint and half bucket of engine oil was moved over her by a pulley in the ceiling. Kajal began to sob the bucket and had an inch wide Perspex tube snaking down to a strange nozzle. The end was like a black golf ball, maybe larger the nozzle hole running through the middle to a small tip.

The nurse wasted no time; she pressed the tip against Kajal’s ass, the woman bucking a little but the men had tied her ankle either side of the rear legs of the seat. The ball was slimy and with some effort it popped into her anus her ring closing tightly around the tube the tubes end and the contents it would deliver now almost airtight sealed inside her. The nurse adjusted a valve on the tube and rather like controlling a medical drip she regulated the flow of oil down the tube.

Kajal began to feel liquid inside her ass slowly filling it up. The tube was wide enough to allow tiny air bubbles to flow the opposite way up into the bucket.

[Image: Q4AnaH75oG30qN1VuVbgQKkunHDj4NjAhtR4II8h...Ax_gRcHHQf]

“Awwww you dirty fucks!” She yelled at the men, smiling the nurse looking stern but satisfied with the procedure. The blonde’s ass was pointing skyward the highest point of her bent body and she made a good receptacle for the liquid flowing from the roof high bucket.

As Kajal groaned in disgust and wriggled her beautiful upright ass the group began the next stage. The nurse was pushing a device from the corner of the room. It was covered in a canopy and it looked like a little pointy tent about 3 feet high. Kajal could see a lead trailing from it and the captive woman moaned in worry.

The nurse pushed the thing to within a foot of her face, Kajal gritting her teeth now as her ass farted up into the enema tube.

“Oh my god!” Cried the blonde as the cover was pulled away.

The device was on small wheels set in a sturdy plinth. It was a massive completely upright rubber cock. Cock would have been a poor description. Yes it had veins and a head like one, but it was about 2 and half feet high and as fat as a man’s forearm. At the head it narrowed a little with a big finger width spunk hole at the tip.

Kajal looked down its length at the bottom and sat in a bucket which appeared to be full of slimy porridge type liquid. It looked disgustingly like semen.

The guards plugged the cable in and the machine came to life. Kajal gave a school girl yelp as the tip began to pump the dirty white fluid. It was like some crazy spunk fountain. The slime was spurting out then running down the rubber cock back into the bucket to be eventually pumped up the rod again.

As Kajal thrashed trying once again to break free a collar was fastened around her elegant neck. It had a lead running down to the cast iron base of the cock fountain.

[Image: qLgX8modu9xvd0nbr-QEWdvtUHoHEFxrQZbkfodT..._QEUZVBo6h]

“Oh god please no I can’t please!!!” She realised they wanted her to take the thing in her mouth

Eventually, after a struggle her captors were happy. Kajal’s mouth was open as wide as it could, her face looking down her lips slurping around the massive tip of the cock. As they had pushed her mouth onto it they tightened the collar lead so she couldn’t pull back. The stunning woman was now bent over the wicker chair; bound ass high, an enema tube in her rear, her mouth forced over an upright monster dildo.

They turned the machine on and her mouth began to fill rapidly with foul smelling synthetic spunk. She gargled and swallowed a little but most belching from the sides of her lips back down into the bucket. The ejaculations were constant every two seconds or so enough time not to overwhelm and choke her. Her ass was beginning to bloat her sphincter under pressure, but there was nowhere for the liquid to escape.

The nurse spoke a word in English. “Six,” she shouted in a thick African accent.

It was late evening the hot humid night shrouding the camp before the captors came back. Kajal was only half conscious. Her mouth was numb from having to accommodate the monster head for so long. She’d found a way of resting it on one check so a constant gap was created at the other side of her mouth allowing the come to dribble room her mouth without effort. She’d needed to as the ass void had filled to such a point the cramps were driving her crazy.

[Image: 3Z0XIESOqdkcEIuHmM3OR3bm3sMco0BA0xRDlXnM...1ZR9t5-2M5]

The pulley bucket had nearly emptied the pint plus of liquid before her body had finally had enough. The fluid had filled and lubricated her so much that after the fifth hour her sphincter had with some effort given way, allowing her to shit the golf ball size plug out.

She had groaned in pleasurable relief as her ass spurted filthy water and for a few moments she looked like some crazy human water statue, liquid frothing around her mouth more ejecting in a delightful arch from her upright ass.

The nurse inspected the semen bucket. It was nearly empty. Although the ejected come had dripped from her mouth over the hours she had gulped bit by bit most of it down her throat. Although disgusting in taste it would supplement her food for the coming time.

Back in her cell she found food and water to wash the stink away, though she didn’t feel that hungry. The nurse had showered Kajal’s sweaty dirty body in the medical cell and the slim stunner felt clean for the first time in three awful days. Once again she thought it might be out of some minute speck of humanity but she was wrong. In another six hours time she would find out why they wanted her so clean.

[Image: R-W184SBltKVJD27C2eOW0_J8sQCKe34dAZsA_A9...ko3p7YtmeM]

When they awoke her she realised how this was going to work. The guards looked tired themselves as if they’d just awoken. They were following the same pattern as her, sleep; training, sleep; the days and nights would merge into one for all.

This time they didn’t bind her just pulled again by the wrist to the cell adjacent. It was the one dbangd out like a bedroom. There was a very big master bed at four corner ornate bamboo totems. The headboard was a carved image of the country's flag. The room had a large chest, high backed chairs and even a sink.

Kajal sat on the bed, naked her hair looking brilliant blonde for the first time in days. The nurse walked in and closed the cell door with a crunching slam. Kajal then noticed that they all seemed to be in different degrees of undress. The nurse unbuttoned her white uniform allowing it to drop away underneath her naked. She was not a stunning woman but in shape for a forty something. Still lean but curvaceous, her large black breast is like two chocolate buns. Her short hair accentuated her hips and bust making her a fabulous full figured mature woman.

[Image: PaldjohlrZe2CmcrfULQOfIXYtL7yeVy_A1Iz3Mw...-UAgu0XUTW]

The two men were half her age and as they disrobed Kajal could she their firm muscled physique. They stripped fully their cock already firming up at the sight before them.

Kajal put her hand over her mouth in despair looking at the nurse.

“Six hours?” She said pitifully looking at the witch with puppy dog eyes.

The woman gave a brilliant grin and answered in her thick accent

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Kajal was banged doggie style by the eager men. They took it in turns like a tag team even the nurse getting in on the act with a strap on dildo. Kajal could only comply like a wanton animal, on her hands and knees taking one cock after another. As they came near to climax they would rest allowing the next in.

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[Image: v5n64ichBpyKcBlVQ66hqxlm_UQBk7M2ys2hh6gO...Nehy8lJy_V]

They were experts at control and after what seemed ages the first came inside her aching pussy his big fingers kneading her glowing ass. They change positions laying her on her back head over the edge of the bed. The nurse rode her pussy from the top, her tits bouncing over the pure white tummy of the reporter. The other guard pumped into Kajal’s mouth. She found his cock though impressive far easier to take than the monster fountain one and allowed him to bang against her cheek, her lips wet and quivering around his black shaft.

[Image: ZvsailtmvUZZgHWLTufH9rxudljoAPXUTGzNP9Ew...hsM9kqirav]

When he came she couldn’t twist her mouth to allow the come to escape so had to swallow his load. Something she now found almost came as second nature to her.

With both men needing a rest, leaving the nurse to stuff the wet stiff dildo in and out of her hole as each gripped one of Kajal’s ankles pulling her feet back towards her shoulder, her cute toes almost touching her ear. Kajal grunted her head hanging upside down from the bed the nurses cock ramming hard against her cervix

“Ug, ug, ug, ugg, uggg!”

[Image: LINYBCtAk6pOe8F3qCRgFbWlWMWerUZH8eK4uHjo...IFI72NgmLh]

She felt her bud hardening with the friction from an hour’s long abuse. The men were exhausted so spread her legs wider roping them around the bed posts. The nurse pulled Kajal’s hands in front of her squeezing her small mounds together into a deep cleavage and held them like reins riding the blonde tart like a snow white mare. Eventually she too was exhausted, the black strap-on turning the woman’s pussy into a soppy wet hole. Kajal was near climaxing, her arms killing her, her legs numb from being stretched wide and back so long and her neck stiff from hanging over the bed edge so long.

The men untied her, lifting her up in their arms like a bride carrying her to one of the chairs. The sweaty messy nurse fell onto the chair, her dildo pointing straight up. They lifted Kajal over the nurse making her face the witch and lowered her onto the cock. Kajal was eye to eye with the nurse and she blushed gripping onto the woman’s shoulders.

“Ride!” the nurse ordered.

As Kajal began to slowly rub the cock along her walls she could feel the two men with their fingers at her ass one pushed a new buzzing vibrator into her as her hole easily swallowed the rod. The thing pulsed and twisted making the blonde pout in sensation.

“Ooooooooohhhhhh ug, ug,ugggggggggg!”

It was only a matter of minutes before she came bouncing on the cock the vibrator hitting her nerve endings making her go crazy with pleasure.

[Image: CvTvTJ4Ej0GY7DpjUTMdKg8Nzdc6sAvyiDHPTBNe...l_HxDJ4N1G]

As she collapsed with with fatigue her orgasm complete she was once again lifted back to the bed. The men where stiff again; time to bugger her. She was pulled back into doggy position and they started to repeat the process.

By the time she had to straddle the chair again this time on one of the men’s cocks up her ass facing away from him, she could hardly lift herself. The other man, the nurse and the seated man all gripped her body to help her bounce up and down on his cock. The nurse got down between the woman’s open legs and thrust the vibrator in again. She rubbed furiously at Kajal’s clit and eventually after some time and patience Kajal came milking the man anal buried cock that showed true resilience not to erupt until the final seconds.

[Image: xM2pJQj5EUZPVbuUT0i_87UHP84eXZhLLNPVrQuA...wgO26-xYEz]

How much more of this she had to endure she couldn’t guess her head was swimming. All of them were now sweat drenched and panting with effort. It was time for a rest. They all lay on the bed sandwiching Kajal’s making her open and bent legs over the mass of black limbs and torsos. She tried to push their hands away but it was useless they mauled and groped her tits, ass and holes at leisure; thrusting sticky dirty fingers in her mouth and nostrils.

As they lay one by one they took it in turns to push their hands into her twat. Kajal gritted her teeth and gasped as they gently fisted her wide exhausted pussy, making her look down and savour the view as they pumped.

“Oh god uh, uh, uh, uhhhhhhh!”

She was rolled over and the nurse poured oil on her ass a soldier’s hand still twisting in her pussy. The woman wiping the sweat from her eyes reached from the bed flipping open the trunk. It was full of devices and sex toys she pulled a strange pipe and balls from the box. The soldier was flexing his hand making Kajal groan the other groping her ass cheeks pinching her nipples.

[Image: bFHrAcjUIvSq3LCUjSjCor8P33JWoQZ5IQW-7OJU...gVPaJdniX-]

The small ball was like leather and it easily slid into Kajal’s anus the tube dangling from her rim like a black tail. It was a rubber balloon attached to a hand pump. The nurse began to squeeze the ball at the other end and the balloon inflated inside Kajal’s ass.

As she squeezed the nurse gritted her teeth it was getting hard to inflate, the woman’s walls pressing down. The non fisting soldier took over his powerful hand inflating the rubber balloon to the size of a big apple. Kajal’s body would go any further, a hand in her pussy an apple size balloon up her ass. The rubber tube was incredibly strong and it sprang taut as both the nurse and the soldier began to pull at the buried balloon.

“Nooo agggggggggggggg!”

She screamed as the thing tried to escape the hand in her pussy pushing with its fingers against her thin walls dividing her cunt and anal tract. They tried again pulling harder Kajal arching her back clawing the wooden headboard.

“Eieeeeeeeeeeeeee pop!”

She delivered the greasy wet ball onto the bed the thing instantly deflating. They repeated over and over until satisfied. Then rolled her onto her back removing the fisting hand.

Kajal then had to deliver the ball from her pussy again and again each time the thing got bigger and bigger until the fifth hour near it was about 5 inches wide before it popped from her greased pussy lips. The men stuck their cocks in her ass one at a time enjoying the pressure from the inflation then extractions until the finally spun with the pressure of gripping pushing pussy muscles.

[Image: qmmd5hg0eWRKYs7wvv6pTTjxj9y0PosZd0vLliP8...6Rf3VZZCYY]

The final hour was left for the nurse to enjoy. Both women lay groins touching their legs scissored together the nurse gripping Kajal's ankle to stop her pulling away a soldier pulling the nurses ankles to make her twat press against Kajal’s. In their pussies was a two ended vibrator set on full its tip pushing hard against both woman's cervix. The nurse came three times before finally allowing the thrashing woman to relax.

As Kajal was carried to her cell and laid on her bed she groaned incoherently. Her eyes slightly opened to see the face of a very tired guard. He raised his hands showing six fingers.

“Oh god! No, nooo!” She wailed in her head.

And that’s how it was for day after day. First the dildo horse, cocks getting bigger and bigger each time. Then to the medic cell more and more synthetic cum filling the cock, the enema becoming a larger and larger quantity the anal ball valve getting bigger and bigger; so it was always around the fifth hour before her strengthing anal muscles could shit it out.

[Image: WzckGUBCVzUjMltt6jCQ95sSTdMthXIjviwGlCXh...Ym-56iWiFP]

Then finally the gang bang. The fucking constant and almost choreographed. The inflatable ball grew bigger, the vibrators more aggressive and horrific. They began to stimulate her with low voltage dildoes and nipple clamps, then incredibly high speed vibrating power tools. It was just over two gasping, screaming weeks before the general finally returned.

[Image: Z5EiKLNFX3Y--1RMlRNhplsEchKUt-vtzT4nvgnB...Y1gGDkyKt4]
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Part -- 4

Mobana felt his cock stiffening in his pants as he walked towards the cells. He listened as the nurse explained how things were going. Alongside him was also a slightly built bespectacled German man, in his late fifties with grey hair, an educated manner about him.

The General opened her cell to see Kajal sitting there silently. Her eyes were wild, her hair bedraggled but they had put makeup on her, washed her and even made her wear her tatty golden heeled sandals. He looked at her quivering Barbie pink lips. She knew he was coming today; she'd been awake over an hour and had not been taken to one of the rooms. She couldn’t remember which room was due all the indignities now seeming to blur. They had told her; well given her a note from the general saying he was inspecting her performance today if she was satisfied she would be moved to his private residence to begin her service.

“She is a beauty,” the German man said entering the room.” Stand up please,” he asked. She responded to her first request in English for two weeks.

[Image: TWQFR566DAEgKiKzbSQrKyp42OkyRXcHW5ySaY6q...qEyZpGOWdX]

“Hm, very nice,” He said, turning her around. He cupped her tits examining the nipples.” Very firm and healthy, considering.” He added.

“General please no more.” She stuttered.

The Big black dictator folded his arms in an arrogant stance.” Let us see how much of a whore you have become.” He said smiling. “First demonstrate you’re riding skills.”

In the dungeon the German man gasped. The wooden horse now had two enormous cocks on it. Both were pink rubber their length covered in rubber hairs. The tip had long rubber storks like a snake's tongue, the whole thing slightly curved as fat as forearms, 10 inches long.

He marvelled as she was gently lifted onto the cocks, her pussy and ass swallowing inch after inch. She grunted as her pelvis slowly ever so slowly neared the base of the cocks. Her toes just touched the floor and the group could see her eyes look to the ceiling in concentration.

She can just swallow all 10 inches,” The nurse explained, “just.”

The general waited for the men to finally release her and her arms fell behind her gripping the horse her tits jutting out. The switch was flipped and both monster cocks erupted into a frenzied vibrating battle with her insides.


[Image: U-dEmpSKdLrSzWk79YiAO5ggHyxJinYMMtpKsxCB...cLI2lcUYzP]

The general couldn’t help but touch his groin through his pants. The sight was electric. After five pulsating minutes the room was hot and sticky with perspiration he shouted.

“Enough! Take her to the next room.”

Kajal gave a grunt of fear, her first sign of resistance, the soldiers having to heave her off the two wet furry ribbed cocks.

“I can see you enjoy this one Kajal,” he teased seeing her panicking face.

In the med cell she was bound double over the chair. The German looked to the ceiling there was a drum maybe a gallon plus full of liquid. Another one was above her head. Tubes hung down and were inserted. One in her ass with a massive ball plug. She shook her head screaming in refusal as a bit was put in her mouth. It forced her teeth apart allowing the end of the tube which also had a large ball on it to go into her pink mouth.

The general watched as the nurse released the valves on both drums fully. Kajal’s mouth began to spew white spunk substitute onto the floor, her eyes wild as she guzzled as much as she could down her throat. Her rectum flooded with oil the extra size from the drum creating more of a pressure hose effect, in seconds she was 2 pints full of gut retching fluid.

[Image: q63LYTb7JkehM1OM8Cmn9JqFyXw7xnhcMhfyySup...NPgtYHisMb]

“You’re choking her!” the German shouted in horror and delight.

The general pulled his colleague to her rear showing her wobbling ass and growing, hardening tummy.

“Push Kajal before you do,” he laughed.

The man was amazed the massive black ball was appearing from her anus it grew wider and wider till finally.

“Pop!” It farted from her the torrent of oil belching in desperate pumps from her rear.

The general immediately signalled for the mouth one to be stopped and removed.

“Cough splutter uggggg please Mobana stop I’ll do whatever you say!” She gasped and dripped from her chin and nostrils.

He gripped her hair pulling her face up.

“You address me as a master from now on, do you understand?”

She nodded looking submissive.

The general undid her ties himself.

“Wash her and bring her to the final cell. I will do this alone.”

In the ornate bed cell the general waited for the door to close before he spoke.

“Kajal,” he said sitting next to her on the bed. “From now on I will address you as a slave. You no longer exist in the outside world, just in my private heaven and hell. Once you are finished here you can begin to serve me and my family until your age turns you into an old hag.”

[Image: M-2lhK5IT2z5ZoYXxHD0bcfvcVGSJvlLFO-lmBXT...F5SjkHMy4W]

He laughed. “I will no doubt be dead by the time and as your usefulness recedes let’s hope my sons keep you as a cleaning maid. Well who knows that is a long, long way away.”

“Gggeneral, she said sobbing, I..I..” the general put his finger to her lips.

“Ssssh slave now lay back and open your lovely long legs.

He greased his hand then the other as she whimpered spreading her thighs. He pushed his cone fingers at her anus opening her up. He smiled in satisfaction, his hand slowly disappearing until he was wrist deep.


“Good slave now your cunt. Use your fingers to spread your lips for me.”

Kajal sobbed as she drew back her lips with her long fingers the generals second hand burying easily in to a large loose pussy.


“Uuuuuuggggggg!” She grunted at double hand penetration.

[Image: czLq4QG0flslfEzlm5r2152eAdaePtjrbl5oGyHg...8jsHh2JAXM]

He began to flex and pump, enjoying been inside her places feeling the tiny wall of flesh between his different hands.

“Rub yourself,” He ordered, “come on my hands.”

She began to rub her clit obediently as he pumped in and out. There would be no fooling him he would know when she came.

Within minutes she was screaming in ecstasy, her ass biting on his wrist, her pussy flooding making his hand a soaking mess.

“Yes bitch yes I can feel you in spasm, excellent!”

His hands slipped from her with the slightest grunt

He stripped fully, sitting on a chair, his cock upright. Kajal stood and came towards him slowly. At arms reach he pulled her onto him telling her to ride his cock. He spun her around locking her legs together with his shins pulling her round ass onto his dick.

She began to bounce up and down, his cock pistoning into her rear hole.

“No slave, sit on it fully.” She stopped and complied till her ass was on his lap. He cupped her small cup tits feeling the texture.

[Image: cx0C1ER4of_IUcZVzwZlAByh4XCwVc194bEg-kF5...xJ9-sXRhdN]

“Use your ass muscles to milk me.” He ordered

Kajal began to squeeze her now considerably stronger anal muscles the general groaning and occasionally thrusting up of his chair.

“Hmm very good slave so strong down there.”

Kajal continued to concentrate massaging his hard rod till finally.

“Ug, ug, uggggggggg yesssssssss!” He climaxed inside her bouncing up and down on the seat Kajal like a rag doll tossed about.

He allowed her to lie on the bed as he dressed. Opening the door he called for the guards.

“Two more weeks,” he said calmly to the delighted soldier

“Noooooo! You promise,” she screeched in horror.

“You still show too much free will and failed to follow my orders.” He snapped back.

“But I did,” she cried overwhelmed with confusion and horror,” I did.”

He shook his head, “you said general just after I told you to call me Master.”

Kajal shook her head in disbelief, “but, but, I, I Oh God no ,noooooo!”

[Image: whG6Y9LJs21HctgsSY61iIsG7Bkk5TDkq864PWu8...FnoL1a2pJm]

The cell door slammed shut the general walking out into the daylight. The German man stood patiently with the nurse.

“Another two weeks doctor then you can have her.” The man nodded. “Very well my discretion is assured.”

The general narrowed his eyes. “Dr, “he said, menacingly, ``My reach around this world is great, you will find your discretion is guaranteed.”

The Doc gulped and nodded. “Of course general, now about my fee I would like a sweetener for the delay.”

The general scowled but the nurse explained. It seemed quite reasonable.

The general marched off as the soldier shouted from the door to the nurse. “It’s time to begin again.” She nodded and took the white mans wrist. “We have a guest for the rest of the day.” She shouted back leading the doctor to the gang bang.
[Image: 9Oh6-1kTMVprmCnnEvmi149Nm_IPYCLPTAh0FYMh...iMgPx3EF_J]
[Image: APYJ_X4thA4Odyr8RNYPtXvkHiGMBpyJXQsXzJY7...P04mEDUyHa]

The confident sexy reporter had been in the camp for nearly a month when the routine of sexual repetition began to go strange. She wasn’t sure if she was hallucinating, dreaming or dead but the world seemed distant, then there were big stretches of time which seemed almost outside her body. She was in a bed with bright lights then blackness then glimpses of that German bastard who had bangd her with the help of the soldiers and nurse. She sensed passage of time but didn’t experience it. In moments of clarity she realised she was drugged but only for that moment to go and Kajal to slip back into a sea of confusion.

[Image: vBH9LldODELdjyuk6x0DTCdeyTtXsljvH4L-humw...IbpVjQhDlc]

She awoke after over two weeks of drugged haze to find herself in four poster bed bang cell, not her usual meagre confines.
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She was dressed in a skimpy cloth nightie, her head aching with intoxication. She noticed the change in herself almost at once. Her nightie thrust out under her neck, she could feel the extra weight on her frame. Her hands moved up to touch two firm large mounds under her top.

“Oh God.”

She choked, pulling the top over her head. Her new porn queen tits thrust out at 45 degree to each other. The things were perfect domes, the nipples appearing constantly erect chafing her on the inside of her nightshirt. They were fat and pink, inch long teats and each had a gold ring through them, like you might find on a bulls nose.

“Oh the fucking...” She stared in disbelief, the German, he was a plastic surgeon.” no, this can’t be happening,” she screamed. They’d turned her into a pneumatic whore.

[Image: uRikrvtZPT5YNbX-1dwcizAFlUEFI8UK9hYBhDrW...fHRDiGmMrD]

The tits were magnificent; though big they were not of a ridiculous size for her schoolgirl frame. Her slim waist now was topped by an impressive silicone cleavage. The tits felt a little tender but not painful, the woman being kept unconscious while the bandages were on. She cupped the round skin feeling the weight she would now have to get used to

She felt her back starting to ache a little, it would probably take some time.

She put her head in her hands in total sobbing despair and then heard someone approaching. Kajal pulled the nightshirt over her new obscene assets and waited. The cell door opened.

It was Mobana.

“Slave,” he said in a powerful voice.

“Y...yes master?” She replied in fear. One wrong word and she knew he would put her through another two weeks of training?

“Your fiancé has left the country. He has accepted there is no more he could do.”

Kajal gave a little moan of realization not daring to react anymore.

He continued. “My darling daughter helped him so much, but he just kept coming up against barriers. In the end one of his team was shot near the battle line and he realised it was just too dangerous.”
[Image: KYqbKqI9zUjuv6p2Yd-ZNd0qA_bCqCZyAvZmBJiY...5r8tz3mMMo]

Kajal's new chest rose and fell in hyperventilation. “Oh god that’s it. I am dead!”

“But don’t worry,” He added, Koko consoled him through his grief. I think he just needed to release that pent up frustration when he fuck her that final evening. What do you think of that Kajal?” he asked provocatively.

Kajal paused, gripping her hands into fists, nails biting into her skin to stop her wailing in anger.

“I think whatever my master tells me.” She answered slowly and nervously.

He looked down at her nightshirt noticing the bulge created by her hidden breasts.

“Magnificent are they not?” he said with a beaming grin. I hope you appreciate the money I’ve spent on you.

Kajal slowly nodded her tearful eyes down.

The general looked at his watch. “I have guests here with me today. Tomorrow you’ll be flown to my private retreat far to the south. It’s almost as remote as this from prying eyes. But for tonight you will entertain our guests in the officer’s quarters.”

He closed the cell door and marched away.

That evening a long flowing gold dress was brought in for her. She gulped at the sight of it. She’d barely been in clothes for the last month. It fit her perfectly; long split up the thigh, the plunging neckline just containing her new improved mounds. Along with the gown she slipped on the high heeled gold sandals. She knew what would happen. She’d be introduced to some disgusting leering man then she’d have to fuck him or worse. Her mind was in turmoil with the feeling of helplessness. She didn’t want to do it but she couldn’t take another two weeks here.

[Image: 2nOXudwykTYYUjEJlH2RByCXvVmn9WreDSZuXQk0...TnRfbVmfu6]

She left her cell block escorted by two guards. Her heels crunched softly on the dust courtyard as the night air was full of buzzing and clicking insect noise. There was nowhere to run, it was pointless she was like a lamb to the slaughter she thought to herself. The officer block was a huge keep type structure with the helipad on its roof. The sound of laughter and music could be heard as she entered and climbed the spiral staircase.

The general was sat reclined on a sofa sipping a drink. In the room were two other men. They were Arabs dressed in robes, their faces dark and tanned their ages mid fifties.

“Ah Mustafa and Ali here she is,” exclaimed the general standing up arms out in greeting to his beautiful blonde slave.

The Arabs raised their eyebrows at the voluptuous woman who entered. Kajal was finding it difficult to get used to heels again especially with her new cantilever cleavage and she struggled to remain upright and still. But her shoes accentuated her long legs firming her ass making her shoulder pull back thrusting out her melons. She held her hands together apologetically her long golden hair down one shoulder, eyes looking into soulless dark pupils.

“What a beauty!” Mustafa declared in a loud voice then narrowed his eyes. “She seems familiar?”

[Image: LsWCnZcx04ofVfl-Xovozx15um4ZPjxbefocHwaj...fFHvh1KqMF]

“Maybe,” Mobana replied, taking a sip of his drink, “She used to be a TV journalist before she crossed me.”

The men burst out laughing, the Arabs nodding in understanding.

“Excellent! Excellent!” Ali repeated admiring the general’s style.

“I’m Kajal !” She suddenly blurted pink lips quivering, “Please I just want to go home.” Then she gave a hesitant gulp. “Oh shit!” She thought to herself.

The General frowned for a moment then growled.

“Even after weeks of training this one’s still feisty.”

“All the better general,” Mustafa added, “why break all her spirit? I find the prospect of humiliating such a resistant slave so much more arousing.” Ali nodded in agreement.

The general thought for a moment. He had slaves; lots of mindless conforming women. The Arab was right he would enjoy her so much better with a little life in her.

She looked as stunning as at those ambassadors’ parties she had attended. Still a little arrogant upturn in the nose but her trembling lips told him it was all for show. She knew who was in control. Reports from his nurse had told of spanking sessions till she feinted, tag team fisting and aggressive three hole banging

[Image: OxJ9_583WLX9_YtcCduSn-mKcjwruTFO-wmbkmxG...NVbz7whm2k]

“I think we’ll let you keep your name Kajal.” He said after a pause.” So you will remember who you were in years to come and reflect on what might have been if you had not decided to cross me.”

He curled his arm around her waist stroking her hair. “Now sit on my friend Mustafa’s lap and let him have a look at you.”

Kajal nodded with total fright of his next reaction and did as she was told. The Arab instantly put a hand along her thigh another inside her loose garment to grope a tits. He groaned in delight feeling the nipples with fat rings through and eagerly twisted them.

“Uggggg oh,” she gasped, her tit ending yelping. She felt his other hand inside her thigh stroking at her naked groin.” Please I don’t want to.” She said knowing it was pointless.

“Open your legs,” the Arab snapped, pushing her knees apart with his hands. Mustafa was pulling the dress open allowing him to see her open pussy. He looked on in fascination as his colleague opened an ornate travel trunk and produced a glass test tube about an inch wide with a ball pump on the end. The general looked into Kajal’s blue eyes.

[Image: Rpj6L_Pva6fbpjBc4ymGNVBFsoEvGb29DXU-KOyh...V7EWmZ0NVF]

“Listen carefully Kajal, my friends here are very important people. If by sunrise they have not been fully satisfied I will feel dishonoured and your punishment will be severe and long.”

With this clear message he saluted his visitors and left the room.

Ali closed the door still holding the tube and looked at the seated couple, the blonde wriggling on his friend's lap. Mustafa was groping at will, Kajal’s long legs kicking out trying to steady her body. He moved in front of them, his hands on her knees pressing them apart.

“Now miss first let's see how much of a whore you are.” He said as he tested the ball pump on the end of the tube.” We want to see you come my dear.”

Kajal grunted and struggled as her knees were pulled wider apart. She could feel the bulge of the Arab on her seated bottom, his fingers still twisting her nipple rings like dials.

“Please sir,” she said in an almost apologetic tone. “Please help me. I'm with a news channel and they will be very grateful I….”

The Arab sniggered cupping her tits feeling the weight like ripe fruit.

“Kajal  yes I know who you are. Not so cocky now my dear are you?” His friend waved the test tube in front of her face. It was another crazy suction device she was sure of. She could see the chest it had come from there were many more bizarre things in it. A perverts workshop she imagined, thinking, “oh God what’s he going to do?”

“Oh! Uggggg!”

She gritted her teeth as the Arab pressed onto her slit pushing the open rim down onto her clit. Her eyes widened with a little horror, her clit felt swollen. The Arab sensing her surprise explained.

“A slight alteration here as well I think.”

[Image: KDdLav5wlMIsR-yA2jeOrdxrfzxEuBq_if1n16at...GY2JAD3qqd]

He laughed, pumping the rubber ball with his hand. “The doctor enhanced your clitoris as well as your breasts by the looks of it.”

“Oh God,” groaned Kajal, the pull of the suction tube now creating an inch long pink clitty stump inside the glass.

The Arab could see her enlarged bud, like a fat cherry the air being sucked from the tube instantly tugging the fleshy lump up into the airless void. He beckoned his friend to look over the woman’s shoulder down to her groin.

“Look at the size of this bitch’s sex.”

The seated man did just that twisting her nipples as he did. “Maybe she should have a ring through that too?” He said, seeing the bud flesh grow redder as the air was sucked from the tube.

She gasped her hands reaching down to the tube just for the man’s much stronger hands to pull them away.

“Behave slave! Now open your legs wider; do it!”

The Arab was pulling her gold dress over her head so once again she was naked heeled legs wide apart her big tits arching upwards as the test tube thrust from her clit like a glass cock.

[Image: wfIX5ydLPAIdSfZOpOLYVRhkVgua2GKHBL4LJIjD...fqfjirGkH3]

She began to pant and bite her lip, the tube now totally devoid of air, her clit like a two inch slug trying to pull itself deeper and deeper with each squeeze of the ball pump.


“Is that feeling good?” The seated Arab asked, a finger dangerously inside a nipple ring like he was about to pull the pin on a grenade. “Is it arousing; you dirty little bitch?”

Kajal gave a yelp thinking he might tear her nipple.” Yes, yes master uggggggg!” then gave a long sensous groan as her clit grew hotter and hotter.


She felt him tug his pants down his long hard cock pressing snugly along her ass crack. He gently lifted her until it sprang upright between her thighs the sucking tube bouncing against its upright flesh.

“Feed me into your pussy,” he demanded, “Do it.”

Kajal’s hands went between her legs gripping the shaft and she raised her ass pointing his sweaty cock head against her lips under the clit tube. She was about to say it wouldn’t go when she felt her hole open, the long Arab member sliding up her deep virginal tunnel the clit tube still firmly in place

“Uggggggg oh uh, uhhhhhhhhh!” She groaned with pleasure his cock inside her pussy, her clit under intense suction pressure.

[Image: eFxguXQ1DvfvrLrZRyj9gOUgh5tH-wu7-ekG_8jg...1b5y2mqAM_]

The Arab s eyes widened feeling her chute instantly become lubricated his cock a happy wet invader

“Oh Miss you are sooo welcoming.” Kajal unable to respond to his teasing as she gave a series of sensation filled grunts and groans.

He steadied her wriggling waist by gripping a hard tit. Kajal was already about to come. He took the pump from his friend, now he would bring her to climax on his upright cock the white babe gasping in embarrassment at her reaction.

“Ugh, no, nnn, nno, ugh, ugh oh god stop uhhhh uhhhhhhhhh eieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!”

Mustafa felt her pussy grip and massage his buried cock the juices slurping as he slowly pumped into her frenzied hole

“Awwwwww ugggggg!” She was climaxing intensely, her fingers gripping the arms of the chair then gripping the clit tube as the sensation became too much.

“Uuuuuu no get it uggggggggggg!”

[Image: KJ6nCOmj3buLpgfR-hJZ7JtJWKn027zAz1tvG20A...ErD6DZzlmW]

The Arab was tugging at the tube trying to pull it off without releasing the vacuum causing her clit to stretch and bend. Both men gripped and pulled at the sucking tube.

“Eeeeeeeeeeeeee pop!” It came loose; Kajal screaming in relief and ecstasy. She gave another animal scream her back arching as she final began to come down from climax.
All content are copied from INTERNET. if any one have object i will remove the content. This is a work of fiction.This stories and pics are not my own. copied from Internet .  Please find Index in 1st Page.
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He lifted her off his cock the sweaty woman gripping him for dear life, her body still tender and fragile. Both men were now stripping naked their fat bellies overhanging two rampant hard cocks; Mustafa’s glistening with the woman’s come. She was positioned on all fours Mustafa taking her head and sliding his dirty cock into her throat.

“All the way in slut.” He ordered Kajal's gulping but not gagging as inch after inch slid down to touch her tonsils.

[Image: uXm9B-EoSQC_b5lDS7JNKMapOak5GbD_RZAIx7l7...RiNu5qvD1m]

Ali wasted no time in mounting her from the rear pushing into her soppy hole his hands reaching around to grip her tits. “I’m going to ride you like a thoroughbred.”

They began to fuck; long hard strokes into her twat at the same time Mustafa pulling her head down onto his cock so her lips pressed onto his hairy pelvic base. Both large dark skinned men reminded her of bears, hairy and wild their fat frames looking out of proportion to her teen like figure. She was a stunning lithe beauty with tits to die for her blue and innocent yet pumping her at both ends soon began to bore the men.

[Image: ZyZ-ibYQEmiHa958eSQzV3OCPX9VrCw3pKdOV7vo...nh8KWZ_3v5]

“We hear you can take a man’s hand?” Mustafa said, gritting his teeth as the woman slurped on his rod. She could only cough and lower her eyes as she blew him. Ali withdrew his cock pushing his fingers into her pussy hole.

“Yes easily!” He shouted excited by the sensation of her pussy lips slowly swallowing his wrist. He pushed more twisting his hand. She was taking it!

“The prophets are praised. I have never seen such a deep well of delight.”

His hand was buried to the wrist; Kajal’s ass beaded with sweat, her head not flinching from the oral servicing she was giving. Both men growled with lust the humiliation of being able to touch her from within delighting them.

Mustafa felt his balls tightening his arousal heightened knowing she had hands inside her small curvaceous hips.

“Uggggggg! I am near release,” he groaned.

Ali was slowly pumping her yielding hole; the juice around his wrist.

“This bitch could take the cock the size of an Arabian.” He declared.

[Image: xgPnxsWo7rmh7myxWsFCeMFmGPE7RMCxv19LghqT...a4-C0FQ8I6]

Mustafa imagined the enormous cock of one of his many white stallion horses. The image of this young strapped and mounted by one was too much for his control.


He unloaded a torrent of come down her throat Kajal gulping it before it could froth up into her nostrils.


He pulled his cock from her mouth, a trail of white hanging from her lips to his sore eye hole, but there was no let up for the woman. Ali continued to fist, harder and harder pulling her away from his friend so he could stand and reach the chest.

Kajal began to grunt and shake the fisting intensely unaware that the other man had now brought out another device.

[Image: owLwna8qwvN50rexpGsS2nMvqrrVoptycNluiMXD...Jyqh7KIXzw]

“Use this,” he panted. And Ali withdrew his hand to hold the pistol grip of a power tool. Where the chuck was they had attached a 6 inch long but 2 and half inch wide dildo. It was orange with knobbles along its length like a fat corn cob.

Kajal looked back over her shoulder.

“Oh God, no don’t pleaseeeuggggggggg!” Ali thrust the fat can like cock into her hole the ribs pressing hard against her pussy walls. It felt like a hand at its widest but all the way from its tip to exit.

She was panting looking over her shoulder eyes pleading, her tits glistening in sweat. “Oh god, oh god oh, ohhhhhhhhhhhh!”


He pulled the trigger, the drill beginning to spin the can cock at about 5 revolutions a second.

“Uggggggggggg!” She screamed at the sensation of the men drilling her pussy with a hand size ribbed cock.

Mustafa pressed a hand onto her back to hold her in place and using his other hand thrust two fingers into her ass to feel the vibrations running through her body.

[Image: Gn6Wen6Yhw0zP35DSecEAO2MenMb0jenndDhzVtU...KITSS49sX3]

“Ohhhhh ugh, ugh please ugggggggggg!” She wailed her teeth chattering her vision blurring as her body vibrated.

Ali was an eager workman twisting and pumping the pistol drill her hole rim frothing with juice whipped into a lather. Mustafa took over and between them they rolled her onto her back. She lay tits pointing to the ceiling, her legs bent, her mound raised the drill whirring in her bloated pussy juices spitting in all directions.


Ali straddled her chest, his cock waving over her tits. She arched her back in uncomfortable convulsion her tits thrusting up and he cupped them together forming a cleavage like a mountain valley. He rammed his cock between her domes pumping hard and fast his thumbs teasing her sore ringed nipples. His cock head was popping out near her neck like a demented vole the eye weeping any second he’d…


[Image: _YpbqnlcZR3NNx3UjtLNxpCLfPP4UOO6LQSYrXue...5zADaf7u-e]

The wads of come pumped onto her neck and chin the man releasing a bountiful load Kajal almost unaware her head flailing, hair whipping teeth gnashing as Mustafa drilled her hole for all it was worth.

she screamed nails biting the expensive carpet.

He withdrew the spinning cock her pussy left open and exhausted. She felt the stink come on her face and chest, her long fingers touching the spider web of white filth big globs dripping from her fingertips.


The men were taking a drink, one lifting her head to allow her lips to sip a glass of sweet tea. She drank slowly her long lashed eyes looking for any type of kind gesture to make her feel more human. She need not have bothered. Both men made ready for bed in the evening growing late. Once they were ready they led her to the bedchamber a dbangd large bed in the middle of an elegant room.

[Image: jIIykcFqmsxY-duWW544WXf-Eyl-5ABM1bpjiL5H...uft7oIKfs7]

She took off her shoes, bending down stretching her long calves. The men admired her frame lustfully. Their will was strong but their aging flesh weak; neither looking like he would become erect again.

They escorted her onto the soft bed telling her to lie down. She complied, feeling the luxurious sheets under her. She looked forward to a soulful sleep. Then she moaned in resignation. Both men were putting on harnesses around their groin. Each harness had a long, about 9 inch long black rubber cock. Her eyes widened as she saw Mustafa press a concealed pad and the cock began to gyrate slowly. Pleased it was working he turned it off.

Kajal tried to sit up but Ali was already behind her laid on the bed. He pressed her shoulder down making her head sit back on the pillow, Mustafa turning off the light climbing into the bed to face her.

That night she found it difficult to sleep. The men had sandwiched her as she laid Ali sliding his long vibrator up her anus, Mustafa doing the same to her pussy. Once both black banana type vibrators were in her they then lashed their harnesses together around her hips. She was unable to retract either cock the men’s groins pulled snug with her ass and pelvis.

[Image: UfQMuT9Mv214zSlpkxfqiaQ0DeQwGp-f_aBxNE5j...YxclKSqMF1]

The men had switched on the cocks and Kajal had felt the twisting burrowing ends deep against her cervix and intestine. The men settled down to sleep embracing her, hands caressing her hips and tits till eventually they were snoring.

“If you wriggle and make so much fuss that you wake us,” Ali had warned, “you will spend the night hung by your ankles from the ceiling crossbeam.”

The small blonde reporter lay there still abused even while they slept; her occasional aroused moans and climatic bucking stirring them momentarily from their slumber. Deep into the night the batteries strength began to weaken and Kajal's numb body allowed her to drift into a vibrating nightmarish sleep.

[Image: eaedHj-aobLcpITRF_jMOCY5aG8zjCexKflsvz4D...FdOvyLVJb0]

She knew tonight was the start of the rest of her life.

All content are copied from INTERNET. if any one have object i will remove the content. This is a work of fiction.This stories and pics are not my own. copied from Internet .  Please find Index in 1st Page.
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Part -- 5

The ride in the presidential helicopter was the first freedom she had felt in over two months. High above the River following it south the large green bird rattled and hummed intensely. Inside the rear cabin Kajal sat in a flowing red dress flanked by two of Mobana's notorious elite troops. She was not bound or restrained in any way instead allowed to sit prim with knees together on the hard vibrating seat. She could just see out of the window; the sea of jungle green below turned desert yellow as the chopper passed over the capital and then headed even further south towards the gold coast.

In the last 24 hors since her all night humiliation with the two Arab VIPs she had been treated more as a valued possession than a captive. Pampered by two young women they had painted her face and manicured her nails. She had been bathed in scented oils and even her hair had been restored to its fabulous golden cascade. To look at her you may have believed she'd imagined the last eight weeks of indignity, however as she stretched her neck some things remained to bring her back to reality. Her tits and shoulders ached, her new bosoms weighed still something she was coming accustomed to.

[Image: 5w3F-9OqpV7T31gUCalrqwHKzjxQr-gFJG3fIi93...07kgzsdkOe]

She arched her back, her porn star melons almost busting in the fabric, the nipple rings pressing their shape into the red cloth. She was elegantly beautiful, ultra slim, flowing blonde hair about 5'6 with perfect pins; but Mobana had wanted even more and with the help of his pet plastic surgeon he had made cleavage and pussy enhancements to the beauty.

Kajal sensed the enlarged bud clenched between her thighs, her engorged clitoris not aroused at the moment but still feeling like an alien tadpole nestled in her washed and perfumed slit. Her ass felt numb on the seat but this was one thing he had not needed to improve, full and firm a great rump for sauntering provocatively and also as she had learnt perfect for enduring concentrated slapping and spanking.

[Image: 1oFmBJmrG1coDXkKspj9U9KwO8hBw8Gj7vjQHyRW...7rpRVyCkau]

The two guards furtively eyed her long legs visible from the knees and felt their lips dry in the heat. She sensed their lustful gaze but looked straight ahead, her chiselled nose and full lips glowing in the humid cabin. Both men had seen her eyes looking a little dull. Unknown to Kajal she was drugged and was slowly coming down from the manufactured ease that had allowed her to be dressed and transported without fear of escape or resistance. She felt something was wrong but she just couldn't remember what or why. She felt no inclination to escape as if kidnap and sexual slavery were an everyday occurrence to her. The two men knew she would be easy to take advantage of but the risk of horrendous torture was too much, even for one as perfect and usually unobtainable as her.

It was an hour later when Kajal saw the coast and Mobana's personal island; her new home. She tried to scan the coast line for signs of where she was but the guards pulled her back onto her seat.

The chopper descended and with a thud touched down.

As she was helped out she could see the island had an army base with barracks as well as large ornate buildings. The whole complex was interlinked by gardens and pools; it looked like a luxury hotel but armed to the teeth.

[Image: ca4ysM5Eq_XwIiZ9VESdKX9OZoSs2vr0rwZGB8Dx...baqmHz5jw2]

She stood there in heels and the billowing dress as a waiting fat figure smiled then bowed.

"Joseph," she said, surprised but not understanding why. After all Joe Mobana was the eighteen year old son of the president. Already a healthy 20 stone his portly frame showed that although he wore the military uniform he was no jungle warrior.

"Miss Kajal it's so nice to see you again and I must say you're looking lovely as ever."

Kajal heard the sarcasm in his voice.

"Joe, please I just want to leave. Please I never did..."

"Oh no of course not." The son said hand behind his back; a pale imitation of his father's style.

"No you never led me on did you? Never flirted to get your dirty little secrets for the world press?"

Kajal had been a guest of the family not so long back and she remembered how the young man had fawned around her. His sister had even laughed and teased him about it. But that was before; before she had betrayed their hospitality.

"You cock teased me, you gorgeous bitch," he added turning and walking away. "Now I will tease you at my leisure."

The two guards gripped under her arms and the frog marched her behind the preening fat fool.

"You teased me so much I would jerk myself raw imagining having you." He said, continuing his reminiscing.

Approaching them was a beautiful late 30's oriental woman dressed in a business suit.

"This is madam Chui; you answer to her from now on." He explained.

Madam Chui nodded to the son then glared at Kajal.

"Now take her to my dungeon." He commanded.

"But the president, your father says she is for his personal harem. She is to..."
[Image: UIP0EOUNx969VXAh0OZ7yAYpHY9tExhYQquRlJPX...MmP2JXBSoQ]

The son gripped his cane snapping it down on his leather boot.

"My father is not here," he bellowed. "I'm in charge!"

Madam Chui gulped and nodded.

The son strode off at pace eager to start his games.

Kajal tensed her arms but was pulled along; Madam Chui walked in front leading the way as her gorgeous captive began to remember what a predicament she was in.

"OH god his dungeon, please I've been good, I've done what I've been... The general..."

Kajal had heard rumour of the son's appetite for torturing whores and street runaways. Many had been kidnapped and brought here to play in the young man's dungeon. She had on many occasions felt her stomach turn knowing this while she had dined with him and his family. She had played games with evil itself for a story and had gotten too close.

The madam showed her no pity, just annoyance at having to explain later to the general himself. Madam Chui noticed this one seemed more resistant than all the generals' other slaves. She'd heard the general had decided to allow her to keep a name and quite clearly the conditioning had not gone far enough to break her spirit fully. A bad idea as far a Madam Chui was concerned

"It seems you are the general's favourite," The woman said patronisingly. "Well cross me and you'll wish you were a mindless slut like the rest." And with that the two guards dragged her underground.

An hour later little Joe Mobana stepped confidently down the dark stone steps as he neared the cell. He straightened his shirt and smoothed his hair as if looking in a mirror, then entered the cell. Today he would repay her teasing and flaunting.

Inside Kajal was alone.

"Oh Kajal," he said in a husky nervous voice, "I see you're ready for me."

The sexy blonde was in the centre of a device strewn room. She was standing though not fully upright. Kajal was on tip toes, eight inch heeled boots the black rubber up to her thighs. The boots were so tight they seemed to mould to her perfect calves; her ankles visible in the tight material her thighs gripped firmly by the boot tops.

[Image: 80KBlG1Ndoztf3yzfPm1SGWbafsSrybkBXojiNBx...FOhUc3Xyml]

She had no skirt instead her full white ass and hips were bare followed again at her tummy with another rubber garment, Her tits were encased in the rubber too showing an amazing bottomless cleavage pressed tightly closed together. Her shoulders were also bare with both her arms behind her back wrapped together in a rubber bandage, like some black mummy. The bandage went from elbows all the way to two rubber gloved hands, her long fingers stretching the material to its limits.

Kajal could hardly move her wrist as they were fastened to a rope suspended from the ceiling. She almost hung there her arms in the rubber splint trying to lift upwards, her feet only just touching giving precious relief. She tittered on her ankles and slipped a few times yelping at the pain in her arms.

Her head and face were unmolested with restraints. He didn't want her gagged to start with he wanted to hear her beg.

Kajal moaned. She knew it was pointless, but she had to try.

"Please Joe," she said with respect; "I always liked you, that's the truth."

"Be quiet and take your punishment." He snapped.

He was already sweating; his excitement uncontainable. He knew once his father was here he would have to ask a great favour to be allowed time with her again. He remembered how sweet she had been, how sparkling and seductive her smile. But that was before when she was a member of the civilised world.

[Image: vTCZysLaoyNrqGhgCttDADOtnvjiHrKJgqQlc4k6...lqtRgqaVkn]

"Now bitch," he commanded, "you will address me as sir."

He walked behind her and gripped that fabulous ass with both hands squeezing the flesh. He groaned in satisfaction, her rump full and malleable. He caressed her waist cupping his hand around it, fingers almost touching. Kajal continued to speak in a calm sweet voice asking him not to do this, he didn't need to, he shouldn't; he didn't need to follow his father.

Her beautiful eyes fluttered, he remembered back to evening tea on the palace lawn.

Little Mobana snapped back to reality. He was just eighteen, son of a dictator and he had a stunning woman half naked and suspended. It was time to begin!

He took a firm grip of his parade cane.




Kajal screamed, her voice echoing along the corridor. Her eyes were seeing spots in the buzzing electric light. The sons cane was striking down on her raised ass like he was swatting flies




[Image: cYQZK3sApA1qk2WBJF7Bx6H-eAW0y03X2LLKnOpA...UcplMprtjp]

Kajal yelped and screamed over and over doing a tap dance in her heels as she bucked and tried to dodge the blows. Junior was now stripped from his shirt, his hairless fat bellied body glistening with effort, his cock rampant in his slacks.




"Eieeeeee ogh shit stop please sirrr ugggggg ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Another flurry of blows made her squeal like a stuck pig.

Searching on the table of equipment he changed from cane to a paddle the slaps less sharp but more thundering her jelly ass wobbling at each blow. The paddle had more padding but each blow made her buck just as intensely.




"Please, please ugg stop that," she moaned her eyes as wide as saucers.

Junior paused for a moment panting from the effort.

"You're ass is like a fucking overstuffed pillow! You can take it!"

He began again



Kajal thought she would puke, each slap making her body spring forward her arms almost breaking, her ankles twisting inwards.


He stopped, now more than a little out of breath.

Like a practiced pro he lowered the rope a little allowing her to stand solidly on both feet. He then kicked her legs apart from behind so her high heeled boot toes touch shackles on the floor. Moments later he had her rubber clad ankles attached to rings in the floor about 4 foot apart making her legs split wide ass still high in a difficult split.

[Image: LxUfSyIMLtDHzwQeNMluK59xg6IuDS1xADgNzWK0...eEiAOnUw3-]

"I'm going to teach your ass a lesson," he coughed already showing the signs of overexertion. "Remember how you used to bend over in those tight business skirts, always in front of me!"

Kajal shook her head," no, no, you've got it wrong I never meant to lead you on."

The man wasn't listening. "Maybe you didn't but so many times I imagined caressing such a fine full rear. Imagine what it might endure."

His hand held her butt cheeks like he was examining ripe fruit in a market, fingers squeezing, palms feeling the weight.

His hand slid up the sides of her waist then over her encased tits; his fingers gripped the tight rubber top of the basque and then pulled down. Kajal's fantastic tits popped out, the rubber springing back to grip around her ribs just under her cantilever cleavage.

"Yes my father's improvements are most impressive!"

She groaned in embarrassment. It was so easy for him. She couldn't resist even if she wasn't shackled. She was a slave now and all that mattered was enduring.

The young man walked away from her toward the table covered in items including a couple of champagne bottles and a glass. He picked up a black leather mask. Kajal gulped in horror. The presidential son then pulled the stretched material over his own head until only his eyes and thick lips could be recognised. He then approached with her mask. Kajal swung her head desperately but it was useless; the thick rubber sheath slid over her bedraggled hair covering her face but allowing her hair to billow out of the top.

Kajal's mask appeared only to have a slits for a nose and oval mouth hole.

"Oh god, uh oh please no," she stammered head rocking in her new desensitised state.

Now Kajal couldn't see but she could feel.

Little Joe picked up his next toy. It was a 10 inch rubber cock. He'd fashioned it himself ribbed and black it was like a man's forearm. The base was moulded into a sword grip a lead running from its base. Through many hours of fun with his captives he'd perfected it. Joe's toy was mains powered creating a 200v vibrating monster the chunky gnarled surface guaranteed to hit in all the wrong spots. In her semi bent spread position he found it easy to push the tip against Kajal's pussy lips.


[Image: Nlg-K5EMwG3GLwVvz81-EkMzH6bCYYqb0aE6La_u...xdIK1GhLoc]

She gave a shrill gasp of sensation as the young man slid the long horrid cock up into her hole. He pressed the switch, the thing buzzing at incredible high voltage speed. Brrrrrr!


"Is that good?" He laughed angling the fat rubber thing against her cervix making a spiral motion widening her shaft.

He began to pump in and out the vibrations making her teeth chatter Kajal was shaking her head unable to see. But she could hear the high pitch buzz, feel her clit and shaft vibrate, smell the humid stale air, the sweat of bodies on heat.

"Ohhhh ahhhhh ahhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhh!" The cell echoed with the voltage hum and the blonde's moans.

Joe was sliding it in and out her lips quivering her ass wobbling. She strained her arms pulling on the rope but was unable to escape the penetrator. Her booted legs were held far apart her arms pulled high behind her forcing her to bend over allowing easy access with the vibro-cock.

Joe reached around cupping her swaying udders feeling the nipples harden.

"Hmm you say no but your training has gone well, look how turned on you are."

Kajal shook her head trying to turn to speak to the invisible voice.

Ah, ah no uggggg its uhhhhhhhh tooooooo muccccc speeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddd!" Her legs were buckling her pelvis numb from the pneumatic drill like vibration.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! She was nearing climax.

"Stop you bitch!" He shouted pulling the hot wet device from her pussy the vibrating tip spitting her juices everywhere.

[Image: qdlTIhXcRBqYyKySY9kaNoTE_VrH1HmThYOSNI41...pjogrHbyNt]

"You will not come, understand I forbid it!"

Kajal gasped and spluttered, her lips glistening her back a wash with sweat.

"Do you think I'm going to just let you get away with just a massive vibrator up your pussy?" He asked menacingly.
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Kajal felt his hands go down to her ass. He was kneeling behind her his palms pushing her cheeks apart. He could see her chute the sphincter tight closed

"First a bit of grease!" He said, inserting a finger up her rear hole then smearing her rim.

"Oh oooooh what? What's that?" She moaned as he pushed something into her. It felt like a butt plug, maybe an inch wide and 2 inch long. Then...


She gave a yelp realising that was all of it. She's swallowed it up her ass; apart from what felt like a long string tale.

Suddenly she blinked in the electric light as a flap was pulled back on her mask. Her eyes almost crossed focusing on the objects at the tip of her nose.

"Let me show you what I have for you."

In his hand were five or six black capsules with cords attached.

"Have you seen these before?" He said smiling to her. She shook her head not wanting to speak.

"Sure you have," he said holding one between his fingers."

"Oh Jesus!"

Kajal sobbed her knees turning in as she felt feint. She had seen them before! They were party poppers!"

"Happy new year!" he shouted pulling the cord on one. The tube exploded forward, the tip disintegrating gunpowder propelling a mass of thick chunky goo out in a spray; pieces hitting the floor some spattering the closed wall.

"Quiet a spurt!" he laughed, then looked deep into her eyes. "I've just put one up your ass!"

"Oh God no no, no..!"

He closed the eyes flap plunging her back into darkness then went behind her, Kajal pleading desperately. "No don't set that of inside me!" But he wasn't listening.

"Now here's the tale get ready you bitch here it comes!"



She felt the explosion hard up in her rectum her tunnel seeming to expand with the force.


Her sphincter felt like erupting, the cannon type shot packing her ass with sludge.

The evil man pulled the empty chamber out. Then pushing in...announcing.



[Image: bMRs4C1jFnTD5WSzBtyZWgHYH1BrfTVWtWhULOXL...pGpUH4V3sU]

"Eieeeeeeeeee! Ahhhhhh stop uggggggggggstop! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

But he wouldn't, he had five to play with and after each gunshot ejaculation she felt her intestine stuffed with goo. Her ass was belching each explosion filling her with gas

"Nooooooooo!" POP

The final popper he pulled almost all the way out opening her sphincter fully, she felt her self shitting it out then!



"Your ass deserved that!" He laughed and admiring her quaking shapely body he added. "Now for that arrogant pout and amazing new tits!"

Kajal wanted to get out of this stress position; she was sure she would pass out in the hot sticky mask.

"Please I'm soo tired let me down I uggg splurr mmmmggggggggg!"

Something has been forced in her mouth. It was like a rubber pipe with a golf ball tip; the tube running through the middle. It had a head band around it which he hooked around her skull. She tried to shake it off but couldn't. She now had a fat tube between her teeth over her tongue. Her lips closed around the tube like she was sucking a long cock.


[Image: eC-9GnV6Lt2ZRY7L_IaBPjUFwLoaOaOljlfkUEm3...mUnZ6knGGi]

Little Joe looked up to the glug tank above their heads. It was an oil drum type barrel with the bottom funnel tapered to the thick black pipe.

He turned a value at its base and her mouth began to fill with water. She swallowed but after moments began to panic it was too much.


Some was spilling out around the side of her lips but not enough, she went rigid in terror. "Oh God!" She thought in panic," I'm going to drowned!"

The beast turned the value off the liquid halting. Kajal began convulsing a torrent out of the edges of her lips down her neck over her sweaty wobbling tits. Joe was already on to his next device.



Kajal bit hard on the tube and gave a muffled scream. "Mgggggggggggg!"

Little Joe had pinched both of her long nipples with steel crocodile clips. He snapped the teeth at the base of each nipple the big rings still fed through each one.

He flicked the transformer on and turned the dial.

The transformer hummed as he electrified her fabulous melons.

Kajal bucked and twisted but could not move. Her tits glowed with power, her nipples screaming for release. The glug tank began again and as she coughed water over her body adding to the electric conduction.

[Image: MYjOFTqjsudTGuTyKDSRbJpyx5Gjltew44XwA3-0...7JrOjV_JcQ]

She spasmed and danced in electric shock.


He turned the dial up a notch. "Try this western slut your tits look so horny like that. Big fat nipples just asking to be tortured."


Her knees gave way and she hung there, her arms pulled painfully high behind her. She was passing out the water in her mouth, the sparks on her tits, her ass numb and wanting to shit a concrete log.

"One last turn Kajal," he said, seeing she was almost unconscious. "Full power lets see those domes on fire!"

[Image: IQrs-WWXiuG3EbH50F4iJn6GuJgolMKKp3Xv_zTw...zmRIA74SCz]

She came around slowly and delirious, she was so disorientated. He was carrying her over his shoulder across the room.

He laid her down, her hands still bandaged behind her. She slipped into a reclining chair, her arms hooked over the back, resting her ass sliding down to an almost non existent seat. But she didn't need to support herself there as gently but quickly Little Joe lifted her ankles into birthing stirrups. These were spread apart making her open her thighs at about 90 degree angle to each other. She slipped down the seat further pushing her legs wider still her ass and pussy slit totally exposed. With buckles around her ankles she didn't need to be restrained any more.

"Oh you dirt bastard uuhhhhhhhhhh!" She cursed her nipples, still stinging her tits heavy feeling numb. She felt so exposed in this position like she was a human doll.

Joe pushed a ball gag into her mouth. Now she was unable to see or speak.

The son began to disrobe fully as Kajal lay reclining her legs wide apart booted ankles high. The son's massive belly wobbled as his car boot ass came loose from his pants. His cock was shaven bare the black rod curling up like a palm tree trunk; ribbed and bowed. He wiped his bell end, fingers under his helmet rim pulling the tip in excited teasing tugs.

"I always imagined fucking you in a big white bed with the African sunset streaming through palace windows. But that was before."

[Image: ffxTKqyHCA8o7X9e0mHtkyDrRAT0s62YwKtcvVAh...RzDEpK-wUl]

He turned to the table picking up another strange set of attached items. It was like a rubber strapped brassiere but without the cups. Instead of stitched fabric there were two glass tubes; wide tubes looking like tall coke cans though completely clear. The tubes had open ends on both sides. On the tit facing side the rims were coated with rubber so when pressed onto the nipple tipped dome of a tit and the bra straps pulled they would make an airtight seal. The other ends thrusting out had large corks pressed in once again making airtight seals.

The young man went to work attaching the straps over her shoulders as Kajal struggled unable to see but guess what was happening. He fastened them under her shoulder blades making sure both tubes sat firmly over her melons pressing down making her arose and nipples bulge inside the glass. Her nipple rings tapped against the glass as she bucked but in a few minutes he had the brassiere tightly on; her tits now pointing out at 45 degree angles glass towers on the ends.

His cock stood rampant now hard against his paunch.

He removed the cork bung from the end of one tube.

"These are soldier ants," he explained as her poured a container into the upright tit tube.

Her nipple and surrounding tit were covered in maybe a hundred big jawed bugs." They love to bite!" He added tapping the cork seal back on and then repeating the exercise with the other tube.


Kajal back arched tits almost launching to the sky. The ants were biting with their big jaw; her nipples getting countless nips and stings a second.


As she bucked and writhed legs splayed on stirrups, gimp mask and gag on Joe wasted no more time in mounted her.


He gave a long satisfied groan as he thrust his scimitar shaped cock up her pussy. The blonde babe was wriggling and shuddering adding to his penetration, involuntarily massaging his cock.

"Hmm yes, yes ride me, ride me you bitch!" He groaned his thick hands gripping her waist, ribs showing as her body tensed continuously.

"MggggggGGGGGGGGGGG!" was the only response Kajal could muster.

[Image: hhPBJgkhKNHk7KUhD4_rPw9ykI-DK3t4BWAWq77U...aNBGh4h-BO]

She could feel his hard long stabs up her, but it was her nipples tickled and bitten which were making her see flashes of light in her pitch black vision.

"Ahh, ahhh, ahh, ahhh!" Joe was getting into a rhythm drool running from his mouth as he admired his fuck toy.

Kajal was foaming around her gag, her heeled toes wiggling her hips and chest swinging from side to side trying to throw the brassiere of. But it was useless.

Slupp! Slupp! Slupp!

Her pussy squelched with the fleshy invader, her pelvis feeling the hard slam of his as the cock touched so deep inside. He was working his rod frantically angling the tip to touch in intimate places but all the while slamming hard in letting her know who was boss.

[Image: KBksxVgSNBhCBObZRLsWbcGC3xcFOn0MC6Apymsd...1c3z7siKf6]

The pounding was amazing. In her desensitised state it felt like a huge machine servicing her as she lay strapped onto it. Her tits burned the nipples now numb but as hard as bullets. She bit for relief on the gag as she began to build to the climax so rudely taken from her earlier.

He pushed her stirrup ankles wider than the metal clicking three then four more notches. She was almost doing the splits. As he thrust in he could see her massive sore clit pushed up and out glistening with juice sending shockwaves through her body.

She was almost coming, her pussy flooding her ass coughing popper chunks as the muscles contracted. Joe suddenly withdrew his cock jerking his hips machinegun spurting his long strands of white filth up over her tummy around her tip encased tits.

"Yess, yess, yess...!"


Kajal pussy glowing with intensity the hole dripping onto the floor but not finding relief

[Image: mnIfbD5iHxclw11lTHY3QySd_cOKoMcTHTYZCo_U...H_y34PFbdu]

Her bronzed chest was cris-crossed with white webbing and her belly button filled her waist, dribbling a rivulet of semen down to the nape of her back.

Joe was dripping with sweat as he undid her gag and removed her mask. The blonde beauty was silent, her lips apart in a permanent pout, her eyes wild with frustration and the constant attention of the nipple ants.

He stood back as she moaned and groaned waving her breast in frustration and discomfort.

"Oh for good sake gets these off me!" she gasped pink lips puffed beautifully.

The son sneered with pleasure at her humiliation complete, he unbuckled the tubes tugging them off the ants pouring out. He cracked open a bottle of champagne and like a racing driver hosed her stinking ant covered body down. The fizz covered her splayed legs and sore abuse tits in a reliving sticky shower.


As he dressed she lay there moaning to herself. Madam Chui had appeared at the dungeon door.

"I've finished here Chui," he said as he marched past her," take the white cow to the Harem."

As his footsteps faded Madam Chui unbuckled Kajal's ankles allowing her to sit up. Next she removed her bandaged arms, Kajal feeling the blood flood back into them. The blonde struggled to stand her body exhausted and the madam saw blazing eyes and heard her mouse whining pants of frustration and embarrassment.
[Image: 7DMtZfRr6W-nujG3-2EDitj8fhmYRYj-iUBMKgj3...Yxb2wke5Qx]

Next to the table was a wooden chair.

"Bend over the back rest." Madam Chui said unexpectedly.

Kajal almost robotically responded

"Reach down hold onto the legs," She added.

And as Kajal stood legs apart bent over the chair in her thigh boots madam Chui took the vibro-cock and slid it back up the girl's dripping loose pussy.


As the voltage hummed through the stick Kajal gripped harder on the chair, legs her body about to explode.

"Ohhhhh god yessss yesssss ugggggggggg ohhhhhhhhhhhhh "She was grunting enthusiastically.

Madam Chui slid the monster in and out twisting the shaft her own hand feeling the numbing sensation of the electric cock, knowing full well what it was doing to this young bitches insides.

"Ohhh harder, harder uggggh oh ohhhhh ugggggggggg!" Kajal groaned and gasped in an aroused dream like trance. She needed so much to be released.

Madam Chui pressed the vibrating length firmly against Kajal's massive clit.

Release came!


[Image: 3qoh-Orms9t39uqSXkvGVSWZPh6MFkL_1yohnI3b...sZESex0Qi9]

Madam Chui let the long twisted length drop to the floor as Kajal's knees finally gave way and she collapsed over the creaking chair.
All content are copied from INTERNET. if any one have object i will remove the content. This is a work of fiction.This stories and pics are not my own. copied from Internet .  Please find Index in 1st Page.
Visit our  Actress roleplay
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Part -- 6

Kajal had not been ravished again since little Mobana had taken his own personal revenge nearly a week ago. His games of torture had pushed her to the edge; but since then marooned in this remote palace harem she had spent her captive hours trying to make conversation or rationalise with the other concubines. They were from around the world and although English seemed to be spoken by most it didn't really help. They acted mute either through fear or by the continual practices of sexual domination having its effect. General Mobana had eight women slaves in all, Swedish blonde type, elegant Orientals' big bosomed Africans; a whole collection of female forms.

[Image: 78hqS1XA6ll8cnRocj9wQpHidQ5EHOmbP73LS5dY...VOBBHwcl9r]

Madam Chui, their slave master had explained that although Kajal was in the president's personal harem she like the other girls could be expected to service visiting dignitaries and whoever else the governing family decreed. Kajal was grateful the general's reputation held Madam Chui and the most lustful of his aides back. Even his son had not dared repeat his dungeon revenge. Kajal had been marked as special and her stomach had turned on a number of occasions as madam Chui had taken pleasure in reminding the cute reporter that her wedding to the general was very near.

Although she had gone through much in the last few months including body enhancements she was still that dogged reporter underneath; buried very deep but still there. This President Mobana knew very well; he didn't want another brainwashed whore. She had insulted him in such a public way she would remain lucid throughout his planned years of sexual torment. The warm cloak of mental collapse would be no hiding point for her; unlike his other fabulous bodied wretches.

[Image: xpU23_1xS3g8aF-VaYUiXHrylfLXTPpPylHR80O7...OUAbNXRafW]

Kajal settled into a routine with her harem world. The surrounding was luxurious and in the day the women were even allowed into a high enclosed garden. Only in the evening did they return to meagre cells; but with beautiful gowns on hand to hide their forms from leering guards.

Kajal spent her time thinking; trying to slowly build her defences back up. The torment had nearly broken her and she was thankful for the respite. The daily routines only real indignity was an afternoon visit to the medical wing. Here a tall ebony skinned medic would examine and weigh her tits before injecting her big round assets with a syringe full of strange solution. It was uncomfortable but done in a caring nurturing way the man clearly concentrating on his medical work rather than some perverse sex game. The only explanation she had gotten was from madam Chui who had said that money would be no object in keeping her as an ultimate male fantasy. Waif thin and having a proportioned chest only a few months ago, she already knew that he was prepared to use medical technology to enhance her body to cartoon fantasy proportions.

[Image: WpDg79Hk1_oRD1sCehaCUpEzyKcNujtLvE4PZ_i8...6ZH0FujLX8]

At night she was plagued by nightmares and foreboding. Her fiancée had abandoned her unknowingly believing her dead. Even that had been given an extra cruel twist with Koko, her ex best friend and the general's daughter seducing her media tycoon boyfriend on the final night before he flew home in grief.

It was early morning of her fourth week here when she awoke covered in nightmare induced sweat. The hum of a helicopter was drifting through her high barred window. It could be any number of military staff but Kajal somehow knew different. It was him, the general had arrived.

It was cool that dawn as the presidential chopper taxied in line with a red carpet, a row of immaculate soldiers snapping to attention. This was his special retreat only men drawn from his own tribe; his notorious personal regiment could be allowed the responsibility of his protection.

The side door opened and the men concentrated on staring straight ahead as two long high heeled legs stepped down onto the claret floor. The tall athletic woman waited for the uniformed general as he lifted his portly frame from the cabin, straightened his jacket and snapped his cane at his side in salute to his men. She then smiled hooking her arm inside his, leaning in to his shoulder as they walked. The woman's chocolate skin and heaving chest were a contrast to her linen white dress, her long black lashes and deep pooled eyes beautiful but also slightly demonic.

"Father," Koko said in her sweet voice pulling the general closer as he inspected his men. "I don't know how you've contained yourself this long?"

The general didn't smile, instead continued his inspection then stopped as he reached the final figure in the line.

It was Madam Chui.

"Are the guests on route?" He asked as they walked; madam Chui hurrying after the general, the long legged Koko easily keeping pace with her father's strides.

"Yes general the ceremony is planned in two days." She replied at a canter.

The general looked back at the woman. "Only, if she is ready!" He snapped; madam Chui nodding in understanding and praying the little blonde bitch would be.

It was afternoon before Kajal realised the general had indeed arrived. The beautiful woman had once again endured a visit to the medical wing, the doc injecting her enhanced tits with a solution for the twentieth day in a row. Her breast ached; the weight feeling a little heavier each day. Since the operation they had been silicone firm but somehow though she found it impossible to imagine they had grown even harder and fuller. Her nipple rings had been removed and her teats were swollen and erect causing her golden gown to deform into her womanly shape.

[Image: hRFepvARFLout5Lt1-w4o2DBroKbPg8M8bzvb_6e...9LPUwWju7w]

As she entered the warm flower covered courtyard she saw the general and his daughter standing there. Around him on their knees were his concubines looking obedient and attentive.

"My dear you are looking as beautiful as ever." He said with a false smile and he congratulated the madam on how at home his captive reporter looked. Koko didn't speak, instead looked at the blonde with an upturned nose arrogance. Kajal glared back then to the general.

"Sir," she said, swallowing her pride. The general smiled again but wasn't fooled.

"Good your understanding is very clear now, isn't it?" Kajal nodded; walking slowly closer.

"I hear Little Mobana had fun and games with you," Koko said playfully; the generals' faces showing annoyance.

Kajal didn't reply.

"He's such a naughty brother," the African babe added with a glint, the tales of sexual torture no doubt relayed with gusto back to his sister by the little bastard.

[Image: YvmNHuRUT9a6rhRIk8i9FmrG6v6Il5859XO2_dUH...j3nKEf2xYZ]

"The insolence of youth" The general announced," I will deal with him later; but first our wedding my dear."

Kajal took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling impressively.

"Whatever you wish, general. But you know it's false. A sham; what satisfaction do you get from that?"

She stopped herself saying anymore seeing the man's eyes narrow. Was it anger or frustration she saw?

The general looked down at his compliant whores. "You will become like them is that clear?"

Kajal looked back at him and slowly shook her head.

"Father is this slut worth your time?" Koko said, her annoyance at her father's fascination with this woman clearly showing.

He continued. "I can see in your eyes the satisfaction you would get from slitting my throat on our wedding night."

Kajal didn't respond. She knew escape was impossible maybe revenge was the only solution

"I am not afraid," he added, "I know you will not do it."

Kajal just stared back non committal.
[Image: B7rMPbu9mT6HgUzwziAMwTqVBSrT_jBImHDWEy2a...AseYZ5DJjU]

"Let me show you why," he said, almost tasting the hatred emitting from the sexy  newshound.

The general snapped a finger and a nearby aid hurried forward. He had a small camcorder in his hand and the general took it and flipped open the viewing screen. He handed the thing to Kajal as it began to play. She stood still, almost frozen to the spot as she watched

It was a street, she struggled to tell where then she caught sight of a distinctive Florida car plate. It appeared to show a number of excitable men jabbering in their native tongues sat in a car viewing a house across the road.

Kajal's suddenly felt sick

"Oh God!" She knew this house.

The camera picture jumped and dipped inside the car as a woman came into view. She was in her early thirties, blonde plaited hair wearing slacks and a jumper. She had two kids who she hurried down from the house to the family SUV.

Kajal looked at Mobana as he nodded then back to the film of her sister taking the kids on the school run.

"Your sister is very attractive isn't she?" Mobana said, Koko folding her arms looking smug as Kajal's face grew paler and paler.

The SUV sped off and the camera jostled as the excitable men got out of the car and hurried to the house. They were looking for a way in and Kajal saw them reach the rear porch door and gently push it open. One of the men's smiling faces looked into the camera as the group; dress like trash workers entered the house.

"You see Kajal," Mobana said, beginning to explain. "My reach is far; look at the ease in which my men can get into that sexy soccer moms house."

Kajal's knees turned in as she saw the group head up stairs looking in all the rooms. The camera panned to one agent, no doubt on a student visa, as he stood in her sister's bed room. He was waving a thick black double ended dildo that he had concealed with him. The thing looked like a medieval mace the end bulbous and with rubber spikes

"Oh God please no you can't." Kajal said her stern manner was broken. Then remembering she was watching a recording she added. "Please no you didn't? No you haven't?"

Mobana laughed.

The men were running now, scrambling down the stairs out into the porch. One remembered at the last second to close the door. It was like an African version of the keystone cops, a perverse slapstick performance as they babbled and tripped. They reached their car just in time, the camera showing them ducking and slowly peeping back over the road as her sister's car returned.

Sneha, Kajal's older sister got back out of the car the kids now safely at school; she stretched showing a full jumper encased chest before climbing the steps back to her home. As she opened the door the gang's car set off speeding past the house the camera panning to show her sister safely entering. Then the house disappeared out of view as the car turned a corner.

Then the picture went black.

Kajal gave a gasp of relief and began to pant. She was nearly hyperventilating; had she breathed in the last few minutes?

Mobana let the situation sink in. "How many unfortunate incidents could befall one family?" He asked, seeing his captive's mind in despair. "You see I have total control over you."

Koko laughed wickedly and walked over to Kajal. "My dear lets be friends again," she said sarcastically. Kajal eyes gave the reply. Unfazed Koko continues. "Father a girl needs a hen night before her wedding does she not?"

Her father looked confused.

"It's a western tradition," Koko added, "a party with her girl friends before she marries."

Kajal didn't know what to say. Blackmail could be so effective.

[Image: Yz7kDknSjosi87fzjLcGF6nibG4Jn4Pqsh-yxeuF...a1C2IVZ_UC]

Koko hand trailed along the blondes shoulder then over her aching bosom.

"So hard father, your doctors really are experts."

Kajal winced; disgusted by her ex friend admiring grope.

Mobana gave a satisfied grunt. "A good idea my daughter, I will also have a party tonight!" And with that he gripped the hair of his Scandinavian bitch. "I will begin with you my dear," he added as he led her away.

Koko put her hands to her mouth in mock excitement as two soldiers hurried to her aid.

"Bring the kajal and oh her as well, the sultry one."

Koko had pointed to the oriental girl knelt on the floor. She was Korean maybe, bobbed black hair, olive skin with a well proportioned body, curvy hips and great tits. Mi Lei like all the other girls hardly said a word her big lips parting in a slight gasp realising that this evil bitch had singled her out for attention tonight.

Koko stood between the nervous women linking arms with both.

"Now girls," she said playfully, "Lets go visit the prison first shall we?"

Kajal didn't try to speak to Koko. She had known her years at college but she didn't recognise the evil woman guiding her playfully down into the depth of the cell block. How could that sweet college friend have turned into this witch?

"Now girls this is a game I sometimes like to play," She explained, "I've got eight rebel soldiers newly flown in. Normally we don't take rebel scum as prisoners. And guess what we're not going to start now."

She giggled as the door opened and the three goddesses stepped into a large dank cell.

At the wall stood the eight rebel soldiers; they were late teens up to old veterans. All were naked, grime covered and with their hands chained above the heads.

Koko stood in the centre of the cell in a commanding stance, her high heels raising her well over 6 feet tall. She explained to them all men and girls alike what was going to happen. The men were dead, they had to accept that. Once they left this cell it was the firing squad. They had one choice: a quick or slow execution.

The prisoners eyes showed anger but also understanding of their inevitable fate.

She continued, they were scum not fit to lick her shoes and their final hour would be given up to amusing her.

The two escorting guards drew their revolvers and stood in the far corners of the cell.

"Now you two darlings," Koko said with a stern voice looking at the women, "I want every man hard."

Koko purred and cooed like a stroked cat as the two women began their task. They had been told to strip and now both naked in the warm humid cell they wanked and on command from Koko sucked each captive man to rampant erection.

[Image: 2E9Tqnsp84fkwL-O0BVWqCClpVPRzLAXDMqJ6_IV...D44a1xFBz3]

The men moaned and shouted, some disgusted some accepting their fate. Kajal had been made to swallow the eighteen year old boy soldiers cock to the hilt the young man grunting and gyrating never experiencing such a heavenly delight before. Few of the men had even seen a woman naked let alone received the attention of a growing expert sex slave like Kajal.

Her tits were glistening, bobbing back and forth as she gobbled the young man, other men rock solid just at the view. Her sultry oriental colleague was holding two cocks at once as she then sucked another; the three men of differencing ages and appearances all groaning in unison.

Kajal was told to do the same; reaching out with her hands to coax firmer ball tight erections from flanking prisoners.

[Image: bHoSIzGz5pmkojSzEy8TQkXp6kg3k7QeDHrmh7zb...keJ1G1caJD]

The boy was near orgasm and she pulled her mouth off him, moving her attention to another. Koko had said if any came she would shoot them herself here and now.

Kajal felt totally helpless; she was a toy in this cruel game. Some of the men thrust back eager for her attention others looked to the ceiling embarrassed. Others spat at her, angry, seeing her as a Mobana whore, representing all they were fighting against.

But all of them were steel hard under her spell.

Koko walked up and down the line every so often gripping a cock giving it a hard forced wank; looking at the prisoner deep into his eyes enjoying her control over him.

She was teasing, laughing, and goading her prisoners. Asking them if they liked it, were they about to shoot? How did it feel to be the president's daughter's little doggies? She explained tonight after they were dead she would use a big vibrator on herself remembering their faces. "Can you imagine that?" She cooed seductively, elegant long nail fingers pressing on their bulbous rampant cock heads.

Kajal spat a dripping cock from her mouth the anger building

"For fucks sake you bitch, you fucking evil bitch!"


Koko's hand struck her face and Kajal went sprawling on the floor.

"It looks like our reporter cares for these wretches. Good listen up."

[Image: pCOOke8Cqbnqx2pTbMmudHw0VHjeV3447D5wdDu6...4kVOPmQ5i5]

Koko explained as one by one the men were unfastened from the wall and their hands tied together in front of them. "You have five minutes for this bitch to make you come." She said pointing to the curvaceous blonde curled on the floor. "Anyone fails to shoot then your death will be unpleasant indeed."

As the guards and Mi Lei stepped back Koko peered down at the kneeling Kajal.
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"Now it's up to you sweetie. Show them what you've got. And remember don't let them down."

The men descended on her almost instantly. They needed to come. Maybe it was the thought of a long death or the realisation that soon they would be no more and to seize this final chance of satisfaction. Or maybe it was revenge, a chance to a least hammer away at one of their cruel seductresses. Whatever the reason, Kajal in moments became entwined in a heaving mass of torsos, legs, mouths and cocks.

She arched her back as a cock slid without care into her anus the owner thrusting hard against her rubbery walls. She felt her tits pushed up into a mountainous cleavage as another torso straddled her thin waist, his cock pounding into the fleshy tunnel created between her two pressed tits. Another man, old but with an erection of a teen slid into her open pussy, her thighs widening to allow him in

[Image: ae4_aCJnuAI319H2nbnkS1FMKY0_vJVc_55CeZnR...nXxdREdO9X]

She gave grunts of sensation her body bouncing with the attention and she reached out with each hand grabbing cocks, her fingers tugging frantically the men thrusting their hips eager for her to bring them off. At her head hands were pulling her chin up and forcing her head back to the ground two more cocks were pressed either side of her face and Kajal's mouth opened taking both big bell ends onto her tongue; her lips wrapping around like she was trying to swallow two hero sandwiches at once.

Only a few minutes left, as Koko counted down with great pleasure. There was one prisoner left unattended and she realised it was the teen, pushed aside by the other bigger men. She spat the cocks from her mouth for a split second shouting a few words of his dialect before the men rammed them back in.

[Image: xJcqqELG1RzgPvuGhQ23jy4omSCuj9QBOx2yf-Ps...tdmtwzMn-9]

He understood and got behind the pussy rutting old man.

Kajal pressed her thighs in gripping the old git making him wince as he thrust into her. Her long legs hooked around his back, her two soft sexy feet coming together forming a tunnel of flesh around the standing teens cock. He in turn thrust against the soles of her feet Kajal's legs jacking back and forth quickly, her feet rubbing the lad towards climax.

Suddenly the old pussy fucker climaxed, she couldn't see him but felt his load empty inside her. The man in her right hand exploded the come hitting her neck and the thigh of the straddling tits thruster. His cock appeared and disappeared like a manic mole from her tits valley the sore eye suddenly retching came all over her neck and chest, her tits glistening with slippery deposit.

Koko was down to the last minute.

One of the mouth fuckers climaxed; his come filling Kajal's eye socket and hitting up her nose. She spat him out to concentrate on the other deep throating; almost choking. The other hand wanker let rip with an agonised cry, his cock launching a torrent into the air Koko giving a yelp of delight.

[Image: saHIhO9zeH_c0tRvR87dEKZuQ9jxB7-SdAhuUzod...YdNqCEyISy]

[Image: v2HGAVSdGN90H7AULZVHCsCF5PUQ8rkVOqyT0Kss...ciKF_OVqdh]

Kajal felt her ass battered by a sweaty pelvis as another grateful man, the sixth, emptied this time inside her anal shaft.

The teen was also nearly there her foot massage giving him a sensation he had never imagined. He looked to the sky, his hands gripping her cute feet tight together as he fucked into her soles.

Koko tapped the face of her watch and it was almost out. The boy soldier thankfully came, his cock belching stream after stream of adolescence coming like he was taking a heavy piss Kajal feet and shins dripping with his seed.

Koko gave a patronising whistle of admiration seeing the teens face as he exploded from the bizarre sexual encounter. She began to count down from ten giving the final man's ass a slap as he desperately tried to shoot deep in the blonde's throat

Kajal's mess dripping right hands shot up to his ass also. Her finger pressed into his anus searching for his prostate gland. She found it pressing hard making his eyes cross his cock firing off deep in her throat the come oozing out around her lips as Koko reached zero the man's eyes crossing as he nearly passed out with ecstasy.

Koko looked at the spunk covered woman. It was in her mouth, over her chins, big chunks in her eyes socket. More covered her swan neck and caped her tits like snow peaks. Even more was running from her holes, her thighs and shins long rivulet streaks from her cute toes.
[Image: f-goqVeeKQX8OkVHqnY3Fg_mgPi78_HXBCS3sCEk...pddG_oMVSM]

"Oh Kajal we're having such a great time," she said clapping her hands together on tip toes like a child; " now let's take the party to my bedchamber."

Kajal had to be dragged from the cell cursing her old friend's perverted games. Koko didn't seem bothered at all and walked with a hip swaying swagger arm in arm with her naked Korean woman. As they reached the stunning colonnaded residency they heard a volley of gunshots from the cell area followed by single coup de gra rounds. Koko didn't even slow her pace as the sound echoed then faded.

The prisoners were dead.

Koko's quarters were amazingly luxurious. The room was all creams and pastels, the centre piece a massive bed. There was a huge ice bucket with a champagne bottle chilling also with fruits and chocolates. Kajal was frog marched into the room still ranting in disgust at what she had done and just heard.

On a beautiful ornate stand was a bowl full of tablets. Koko took two between her fingers pushing one into the accepting mouth of the sultry oriental slave then with help from her guards forcing Kajal to swallow the other. The reporter spluttered and coughed, champagne oozing from the sides of her mouth as Koko made her wash the tablet down.

"There you are," Koko said sweetly, acting almost like she was once again her best friend," you'll feel a lot better now."

Kajal quickly began to relax the guards releasing their grip and as Koko dismissed the men the sexy slave lolled onto the bed the alcohol and tablet going straight to her head. The room was warm and as the evening drew in the soft lighting reminded her of the luxury she once knew. Mi Lei was also on the bed, both women totally naked.

[Image: bQTZ_ctTYlLCGlXe4y3sIPmFW9v4ddBznG02Z5de...Djnyb6pZLo]

Koko took a sip of champagne as she slipped from her dress. Both her slaves were fabulously sexy. Mi Lei with wanton eyes, Kajal innocent; their figures were similar tight waist with long elegant legs Kajal's cathedral domed tits giving her the edge on her partner's excellent cleavage.

Koko walked slowly to the bed now dressed only in her high heels. Her skin was flawless, a rich chocolate with a fine toned muscle structure. Her perfect hard tits had made her a cover girl when competing in her country's international athletics team. But that was back in the states before she had taken her rightful place at her father's side, dictator and daughter with a country at their feet.

Kajal was feeling alert but slightly detached. Her anger was fading and she knew that she didn't want to be here or play the evil girls games but she didn't seem to have the will to resist.

She felt the touch of both women as they moved her into the desired position. Koko was reassuring her by telling her to be a good girl. At the side of the bed was a big bowl full of lubricants and sex toys

"Now service your mistress." Koko said in a matter of fact way, laying on her back, open her legs, heels pressing into the bed linen as she opened into a birthing position. The bitches' fingers slid down her body opening her slit showing a pink wet tunnel her nails teasing her growing bud.

She began to moan and bite her lip as Kajal sucked on her clit, licking the African woman's rim Koko's nails biting into her blonde mane. This helped hold Kajal in position just in case she tried to resists as Mi Lei caressed her upturned ass then slowly began to finger fuck her doggie style.

"More, more..." Koko moaned egging Kajal on but also nodding to the other girl.

"Put more in her," she groaned.

[Image: iz88Q6vEoXKxUKfvncyfgOvywmVoEEg_hSIWhXdh...DCvkuADAO6]
Kajal grunted her tongue tasting hot musky female juice, the sounds of pleasure from Koko humiliating. She felt the grease hand pressing until she finally swallowed Mi Lei's hand all the way into her pussy.

Koko was thrusting her pelvis up squeezing her own tits laughing in delight. The squelching noise from Kajal's pussy filled the room Mi Lei elegant fingers forming an excellent fuck cone.

Koko grew bored hooking her long leg over Kajal's head pulling away. The blonde continued to kneel doggie, her head down as the other slave fist fucked her. Koko also gripped her ass fingers pushing into her anus. Kajal moaned and wriggled the fisting arousing her Koko's anal exploration and disgusting comments adding to the frenzy.

"Let me taste your cute little hole Kajal. Good girl open those cheeks wide ahhhhhh!"

She felt the witches tongue on her sphincter licking around her fingered rim then hard slaps on her cheeks as fister and mistress increased the pace.

Koko reached to the bowl pulling a long double ended dildo. In her other hand she had a glowing bulbous headed vibrator glistening with Vaseline.
[Image: XTOqxEp2YRzpEF5JfwdxbN7u-ET05r8rivQG8vdI...k5T9E9_XGm]

The bed creaked and rocked as the three women thrust and gyrated in an entwined heap. The humming vibrator passed between asses, pussy and mouths as each woman experienced its deep shuddering attention. Two at a time the girls rode the double ended cock. Kajal and Mi Lei ass to ass on their knees as Koko slapped them like a galloping racehorse. Koko riding on Kajal's ass as she knelt on all fours; the double ender was deep up Koko's pussy the other end pushed down into Kajal's ass. Then it was Mi Lei turn to go on top of an anal rutted Koko; the kneeling black babe licking Kajal out as she was vibrator fucked up the ass by the oriental slave.

Koko finally had enough of this three way orgy pushing both women to the bottom of the bed.

[Image: 2qtMnnYgXGC3rVGTVLmkW9dyxAxYR_A7YAmZ9acj...mfGiQUnatm]

"Get down there," she snapped taking command again, "On your hands and knees facing away."

Both women gripped the end of the bed asses raised knelt on all fours like compliant dogs.

Koko lay on her back curling her knees in so she could massage her own feet.

She squirted Vaseline from a tube between her toes smearing it down to her dainty heels.

"Hold those asses high," she commanded, opening her legs wide, pressing a big toe against each doggie girl's exposed pussies.
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Kajal grunted like a pig feeling Koko's grease toes then the ball of her foot pressed then entered up inside her pussy. Mi Lei also whined her big eyes fluttering her expression one of shock even in her drugged, brainwashed state. Both women pushed back slowly on Koko's command, her feet pumping into big swallowing cunts, the grease and juices squelching and dripping as she stabbed.

[Image: yj8OtFW_6fciStIfet2iLBj-6p5UUJoKGnTjAgoG...YnmgW4HILn]

Kajal's indignant voice made her old friend drool with pleasure. The beautiful blonde was moaning in horror and humiliation, Koko's toes flicking inside her then as she pushed deeper and deeper the whole foot sliding in until.

[Image: lEbUw64n0G2DawkBTe68IK-ahtYns-h8AgpZ3kAO...4VBMA00YEM]

"Oh yes, good girls, such good girls," Koko cooed, her feet now both buried. Her pumping back and forth was now pulling and pushing the big sexy asses of the women to and thro, both girls gripping the bitches feet like tight wet bandages.

As she foot fucked them Koko pushed her own groin up and with one hand fingered her clit the other sliding the impressive glowing vibrator in and out of her own pussy. She smiled in pleasure at the two feet fucked asses below her and true to her word remembered the shocked faces of the men as they had been wanked to explode that morning.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Mi Lei began to thrash on Koko's foot, the sexy Korean looking to the roof, her lips pursed as Koko's toe found then pressed on her g spot.

"Yesssssssss!" the black bitch cried ramming her big vibrator deep inside herself feeling the sex slaves muscles tighten.

[Image: MddyuUFeTjS7HTwRZcAB21V0If4Np5ahyuz0KDao...3H_b4MbcIC]
She began to thrust hard, pushing deeper inside the woman Kajal grunting and gripping the bed, Mi Lei in the throes of orgasm screaming the room down.

The foot finally popped from the whore with a satisfied and relieved eastern groan.

A moment later Koko's other foot was twisted from inside the kneeling Kajal, Miss Kajal; giving a thankful grunt, her eyes tight shut her pussy feeling like it was a gaping cave mouth.

"Quickly bitch," Koko commanded Kajal pulling the long wet glowing cock from her snatch," get between my legs, I'm going to come,"

Kajal moved up to her a little unsure, her head swimming from the drugs. Koko gripped her beautiful golden mane pulling her freckled face down onto the pink exposed flesh of her seeping clit.

"Ugggg, uggg, uggggggggggg!"

Koko began to push up rubbing her clit and dripping hole all over Kajal's face, lips, nose chin; the reporter snorting for air her mouth tasting the flood of juices as her evil mistress erupted like a hot geezer.


Satisfied Koko pushed her slave back rolling onto her knees, her dark skin glistening with sweat. She pulled Kajal up onto her own knees, tits thrusting out like guns on a turret. From behind the blonde she reached around to squeeze Kajal's hard heavy tits, talon fingers flicking the nipples, her soft mouth sucking and licking the reporter's neck.

[Image: kPFR18xHcSrBkhZxA_0bZD61vhxb_yFiuLKaEovU...MlM4Z7R8-Q]

Mi Lei told her to unfasten the seal on a champagne bottle and then with the cork still inside thrust it up the cunt of the kneeling Kajal.

The blonde gave a gasp of horror, the big magnum filling her hole, Mi Lei ramming hard making the contents fizz and expand inside the bottle.

Koko had both hands on Kajal's tits the blondes hands trying to relieve the bitches vice like squeezing at the same time stop the oriental tart fucking her hard with the corked bottle.

"Uh no stop uggggg of God uhhhhhhh no its going to explode inside me!"

Kajal's moans and pleas were ignored, the cork slowly edging up the neck of the fat bottle; the magnum itself like a cone up her twat.

"Oh yes, yes Kajal ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Koko was laughing in delight hearing her captives despair squeezing her tits so hard now they turned red against her pale skin. It was happening! Koko could feel it.

Kajal felt it too, the impending explosion of champagne inside her momentarily lost by a more horrifying discovery.

[Image: TbTxmd3Dj6EX7vldLsErbmsu_V8_wVC-AlZCQNwN...2j8XXKMPzx]

"Oh God no, oh no no please!" The blonde babe wailed; her teats beginning to bubble, milk foaming then spitting from her massive mammaries with each kneading action of her long fingered witch mistress.

"Oh yes Kajal," Koko cried, the blonde arching her back fabulous tits beginning to squirt white liquid over Mi Leis upturned face." Now you're ready for your wedding day!"

At that moment the Champagne cork popped inside her, feeling like a cannon going off her pussy suddenly full of fizzing liquid. She bucked up with the force her cervix battered her scream mixed with hissing as her snatch foamed with tingling fast moving liquid. She gave a cry of total revolt her body climaxing in turmoil her tits swelling the milk oozing with ease; Koko like a peasant maid twisting her teats wringing every last drop of sensation out of the bottle fucking cow's orgasm.

[Image: qSiFl38bguX0bR7tFc7egh8dBmY5Jo7RD1tLhKYu...Tp_u_RNH1s]
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Part -- 7

The sweltering island looked more like an international airport than a private playground on the day of the wedding. Lear jets and helicopters taxied between the military buildings as an array of jewel encrusted dignitaries most fat with the trappings of power were each dutifully fawned over by Mobana's guards and his island madam.

"This way your highness, " the oriental Chui said as she bowed to the King of a close by third world state, "and welcome to President Mobana Island."

Then it was the turn of an African industrialist.

Then an interior minister and his weekend whore.

All of the worst that Africa had to offer were here today.

"Father?" Koko said watching from the cool of the general's office, " I think this is becoming an obsession with you. You have already broken the woman and proved your superiority. Why marry her?"

Koko had always enjoyed the admiring looks from her father's sycophants. But lately she'd noticed it was her enhanced Barbie doll captive who caught their eyes more. She rubbed her father's shoulders trying to get his attention.

"She's not that special after she father?"

The general just grunted as he signed papers. Koko gave a huff and put her hands on her fabulous hips. Then she stamped her feet frustrated at his indifference to her wounded pride.

"Be rid of the bitch," she said exasperated." I think..."

The general's patience was as short as ever. He would have a man shot for questioning his orders. But his darling daughter was cut some slack.

"Silence!" He screamed rising from his seat, slapping her across the face.

"I think... I THINK! Since when do I ask you to think?"

Koko managed to remain standing taking the blow well. Her face was one not of anger but acceptance. She had spoken out of line but it needed to be said. She continued matching his angry stare, the gauntlet clearly thrown down. However her tone was more caring and concerned.

"I hear things father. The war, the rebels, I fear you are distracted to the point of recklessness."

Koko's spies in her father's inner circle, many officers she bedded for their loyalty, had told her tales. Tales of a man unable to conduct a meeting without the mention of his bitch, or an update from Chui about her training cutting into an important council of war. They also looked worried whenever she mentioned the rebel losses that her father publicly boasted about. Were there any rebel losses?

The general did not strike her again instead raised his hand slowly as if to calm a tensed animal.

"I have not forgotten my duties." He said, fixing her with the confident gaze of a ruler;" but this woman insulted me in front of my peers." He pointed to yet another despot walking from his jet. "They will know today my power and my mettle as a leader. That is all the bitch reporter is to me; another battle honour."

Koko nodded and apologised for lack of faith. As she left the building the mid morning heat of the equator hitting her body she was more convinced than ever that he was lying.

In her cell a brigade of women surrounded Kajal. She sat silently and without resistance as they tended to her make-up, hair and dress. What was the point anymore? She had heard that many people would be here today but reports of her premature demise getting to the world's press didn't seem to concern anyone. Madam Chui had explained, amused at seeing Kajal eyes light up in thought when she had been told about the audience

"You will find Miss Kajal that secrets can be kept from the world as long as only the right people know. No one tomorrow will ever mention what they have seen."

Kajal had realised with professional clarity she was right. They'd be rumours maybe even a story in the National enquirer along with all the Elvis sightings, "Missing TV babe becomes African slave queen." But that would be as far as it went. Now sat in her beautiful white wedding dress she looked forlorn at the cheerful women who jabbered and laughed as they painted her nails and brushed her stunning golden locks into an exquisite crown-topping bun.

[Image: 5WZPNn5DGWOgv20UiUI-UmunGZJXuTQVWZDLbfRW...JRvr6GPitw]

The captive reporter knew that the blackmailing Mobana could get at her sister with astonishing ease and that was a comfort to her. Bizarre as that might sound it meant it soothed the shame of submission. She really did have no choice at all now not even death could give her sanctuary as Mobana's revenge on her sister would be swift and terrible. But so would her own... eventually. One-day years from now when so much had been done to her that few hardly remembered who she was and why she was here she'd already vowed to kill him; and her ex best friend, his daughter.

"Its time," Chui said as she entered the cell," stand!"

Madam admired the effort that had been put into her appearance. Kajal was looking breathtaking; with her hair up in the bun her long neck and slight frame seemed to hover in the long silk white gown. The gown was open at the front like an ice waterfall either side of her perfect globe tits, the pink nipples swollen as ever the melons heavy with the lactic potion injected into her for many weeks. The curve of her hips could be seen inside the gown down to her shaven bare slit. The gown framing her torso and then her long beautifully waxed legs the fabric pooling around her white high-heeled sandals.

[Image: 0D9LlSIMRUJhQQlExXIkKpEOvejleoSGVlpbNBHH...lP6MetyKR8]

Taking a harem slave as concubine was unheard of but after this African voodoo ceremony most people in this backward cult driven society would not question her elevation to the ruling tribe; even if only as the family's pet dog. Madam Chui nodded in begrudging admiration of her poise and demeanour even if the idea seemed ridiculous.

"Well a least you look like you are worthy of the honour."

As Kajal walked out in slow elegant strides the madam followed giving words of warning." Remember where you are and who you have become. Remember the dungeons and the excesses of the little Mobana. But above all remember your sister and what we can do to her." Kajal took a gulp and nodded in obedience. The general had warned her that if he were crossed she would have to watch the image of her sister's inevitable gang bang. She'd have to watch each night as she serviced her master until every scream and gasps was imprinted on her mind.

Chui signalled to her aides as Kajal's hands were tied behind her back in strong silk binds; more as decoration than serious restriction. "Prepare for your entrance."

In the great hall Mobana addressed his audience with a smug syrupy dialect of platitude and eager boasts. He explained the age-old belief of his culture that a great chief on taking the finest of his enemies women as his concubine would never be defeated in a mortal combat. Koko listened close by, bowed in reverence and growing understanding.

"So that was it," she realised, "did her father really believe the old religion or was it an act of desperation against a strengthening rebel foe?" Either way she knew his military commanders did and so did his loyal tribe, his toughest and most ferocious troops. Maybe his motives for this white bitch were sounder than she realised. Her old college friend would become his soldier's greatest battle standard protecting them with the arcane powers of voodoo!

Mobana had continued his speech. "So behold my prisoner bride. A princess of our most hated nemesis; the arrogant media."

The African drums thundered through the high ceiling hall as two lines of dignitaries parted and she entered. Flanked either side by regal presidential bodyguards she looked like a small porcelain figurine in a long flowing white gown her steadying steps showing a glistening thigh and shin, her bosom rampant thrusting out exposed for lustful eyes, her shaven mound slightly hidden by the swirls of fabric.

[Image: CqFUugmH2cYjRm35diqZEAHS-D0yFCI9LCsPGlIl...42JlnHsyag]

The crowd looked in admiration and there was an audible gasp as quickly many eyes recognised the supposedly dead news hound, risen from the grave and enhanced for pleasure.

As the blonde beauty from the afterlife was slowly pushed down the aisle towards a high altar Kajal could pick out dignitaries of nearby states. Many she had seen or even interviewed before. None looked away in shame, quite the contrary most wanting to catch her gaze to look lustfully and arrogantly into her big piercing blue eyes. Each one was enjoying her embarrassed lip biting face and then looking in respect and admiration to general Mobana as he glowed in pride.

"Yes this is my finest hour!" The fat dictator thought as his angel floated towards him.

Kajal was flushed in humiliation, her breasts a visual feast, her total debasement evident to all. She'd come across his quasi-voodoo religion before while a guest in this country. It was a cruel and bizarre religion of sacrifice and mother goddess worship.

[Image: wq4__TRxOPa8kQYANxMnsYApZfYIFJdF67jPvyeK...CDaOWLGUkN]

"What insane plans does he had in store for me?" She thought as she took nervous high-heeled steps forward, the drums sounding.

Ahead a witch doctor danced and gibbered in strange tongues; large totem poles with crazy phallic carvings flanking his matrimonial alter. The general was there in his finest uniform looking triumphant, a preening peacock of a leader enjoying his occasion. Behind the witch doctor standing on a plinth was a huge ape of a man, a jet-black Nubian warrior maybe 6 foot 4 bulging muscles; thighs like tree trunks. He was naked apart from a loin cloth, his shovel hands massaging together in preparation like he was an Olympic weightlifter about to go for gold. Kajal looked to her right to see Koko bowing in sarcastic courtesy along with the awful psychotic son, little Mobana.

The escorting guards pressed on her shoulder making the waif bride drop to her knees in front of the crazy holy man, his mask a multicoloured plumed extravaganza.

The drums continued to resonate a deep thunder throughout the hall. And Kajal felt the heat and noise like a soothing hypnotic blanket.

The ceremony was a wailing cacophony of dance and sacrifice. A chicken slaughtered then at its climax Mobana placed a gold collar around her elegant neck. As he did his foul breath spat words of contempt at her. "At last you know your place, woman."

The general stood back the crowd applauding the witch doctor prostrate on the ground exhausted by conversing with the nether world.

Koko and Madam Chui took Kajal's bound arms, making her climb the few steps to the altar plinth. There the huge Nubian stood his body glistening like a prize racehorse.

"Now in the tradition," Koko said sweetly twisting her around forcing her to kneel at the top of the steps, "the bride's first duty is to suckle her new tribe in a sign of benevolence and generosity."

"What?" Kajal gasped feeling the Nubian squat behind her, his two powerful hands gripping her breast low down near their bases. His body pressed into her back, pinning her tied arms, his cupped palms holding her tits like a push up bra.

"Don't worry," Koko added as she stepped back and ordered a queue of guests already forming, "the powerful beast behind you will do all the milking."

And with that his hands tightened like vices her teats foaming then beginning to spit creamy fluid.

[Image: W8uVVg32CmticK8klArezKd-hxK1KJZzWfrpWyuF...nDF1b1_FFL]

The first two down to her big pink nipples were her bodyguard escort. Both majors in the general's army the bullet headed warriors mouths encircled her teats their hands by their sides the Nubian squeezing her breast the milk spurting onto their tongues as they sucked and licked. The men acted strange more reverent now eyes closed the enjoyment of savouring her breast added to by a halo of religious honour.

With each powerful squeeze she gave a little yelp until after a minute they both bowed and backed away, lips dribbling as Kajal gasped and saw two more eager faces drop before her.

"Oh God not everyone! Please!"

As the drums hammered away the line of guests began their visit to the white fountains of Babylon.

The general was stiff in his pants and the sight wondrous. His arrogant cock sure reporter now elevated to suckling voodoo mother of his tribe. The Nubian set about his task diligently, his ape like palms unflinching in their tit attentions. Each powerful grope released a copious amount of milk into the mouth and onto the chins of one after another of the guests

[Image: jOLVgzuidap_c6_mudQHvpcJ8zPxXPpKh54FMtib...vetWcN3-CL]

Some sucked like angry hogs biting and pulling her big bags Kajal groaning as her nipples stretched. Others enveloped as much of her amazing globes as possible a steady stream of liquid spitting down their gullets.

Men and women seemed oblivious to any shame or remorse all accepting the tradition and dismissing the moans and obvious discomfort of the woman as an irrelevance.

Kajal's tits ached and the sensation of liquid release mixed with the sounds of slurping and the pressure of vice lick groping was a powerful concoction. The humiliation was unbearable. She shook her head looking to the ceiling as one man helped his own wife take Kajal's white juice out of one then the other breast, the dutiful partner coughing with the load in her mouth.

[Image: 6Ga0idVXQhzHMAoc3uM36Taw32wp9GE8cfxrp5ZG...61fB3YXVRf]

Next the Kajal's eyes were wide in disgust as two fat old men, one a foreign business man the other the general's health minister battled like a pair of ravenous dogs chewing on her domes. The Nubian wrestled to keep hold of his milking bags as the men both who she had met and enchanted at cocktail parties seemed to become unhinged with lust and fervour. But they were only allowed a minute like all the rest and had to back away frustrated by their big black lips glistening with her bounty.

The drumming helped her drift away. She imagined herself at home but the constant attention was never fully drowned. She hoped she'd feint or at least stop noticing each hungry lustful face as her breasts were fed to them.

[Image: CCqPiFY65QKOqyh7s9odlZH40S0EXE4JyROHghhq...3XGDedV6K4]

Her enhanced bosom was a medical wonder. She now realised that the quiet professional doctor had gone about his task well. Each day injecting and weighing until he'd created these vessels of plenty.

When it came to Little Mobana and Koko's turn she was thankfully becoming desensitised. The two siblings acted like all the rest. To see them you would have thought they'd never sampled her delights before as they pulled her nipples out to amazing lengths, their teeth like pincers, their hungry slurps like camels drinking at an oasis.

[Image: 4cz5ULoKDfC0bJe-jHs-kMMSYE2yJAKB0rJHIzjr...CUJtGtnHSg]

As they stood Koko's long fingers trailed down Kajal's chest over her boobs then over the tiring Nubians hand. "My he is powerful isn't he?" She said to Kajal as she gave him a lip licking came her look, aware that his no doubt rampant erection would need some attention afterwards. The Nubians hands squeezed with excitement of possibility; but first he still had a long queue to deal with.

An hour later the general drank from his fine crystal as the man seated next to him at the banquet whispered, his eyes watching that no one else was listening.

"President," he said with less reverence than Mobana's subject," the rebels are willing to talk. I think there will be an opportunity for peace."

The general gulped more wine as the prime minister of his neighbouring country continued his message.

"My friend you may need to bow to some self rule in the north, but you will have peace."

The general scoffed the prime minister a little annoyed as he had his own intelligence services who knew Mobana was losing this war. The general was distracted looking down the table. Another dignitary was razing his hand asking to begin the show.

"Please President Mobana it must be time for my gift," he laughed. Then looking up to stroke blonde curls he added. "Even if just to give your new bride a chance to recharge."

Above his head suspended over the banquet was Kajal. She was naked now apart from heels. Hanging like a high cliff diver legs together arms out wide. Her breast swayed as she tried to wriggle hanging down like two bladders of milk. And as she had groaned and writhed many guests had filled their cups with her fluids like some obscene human vending machine.

[Image: 28KpBfSg3q3_lKSzd3ndHffDApymC-17KFzvkliU...XH5UFKU2Jq]

The entire table laughed agreeing that she must be milked dry by now and Mobana clapped his hands to his servants to begin the show. The prime minister gripped his arm and the general's indifference starting to bite.

"Mobana," he said, catching his eye," you must meet them."

The general's smile faded and he nodded to his ally reluctantly in acceptance.
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"Now," he said, belching wine not willing to discuss anymore," watch my concubine in action."

Kajal was aching and sore, as she stood naked and curvaceous in her high heels. The fantastic hairstyle was more bedraggled returning to her long curly cascade. She felt ridiculous in front of all these people but arched her back to relieve the strained muscles and her seated audience gasped at her expanding melons. Then she put her hand to her mouth as she recognised something being carried into the room.

It was the wicker chair with totem pole stirrups that she had used on her first day and many days after in his northern hellhole castle. She remembered Mobana wanking as he watched a nurse fist her tight strong pussy for the first time, until she came on the bitch's wrist. The two men put the chair down then bowed to Kajal before leading her to the seat.

There was a buzz of excitement as she sat the men tying her hands behind the chair as before.

"No please," she said looking at the general. "These were almost the only words she had spoken in hours." Please not in front of all these people."

As the two men lifted her knees then hooked her legs either side of the totem poles into a birthing position she shook her head in realization.

"Oh God he's going to put his hand up me." Then she thought back to the wedding guest queue and a more terrifying idea entered her min." Oh fuck no not every one!"

[Image: mzgMuodZ4vHmHW5-eiF4jVV810XS7sImt311W0S7...s5RQj3AXeG]

It was a strange relief when Kajal saw small men entering the hall. The two African pygmies were bald, naked and glistening with oils. They carried a silver jug of similar lubricant. The midget slaves hurried forward until they stood in front of the spread open woman.

The guest dignitary explained above a din of excitement and discussion.

"These are my gifts, President. Tribesmen tutored in love play and sexual arousal. They will delight and amused even the most decent of audiences."

The little men bowed then turned to Kajal, their hands inside her thighs examining her. Their fingers trailed to her slit and they giggled as her silicone-enhanced clit popped out one of the dwarf native rubbing the tender bud between his fingers.

Kajal groaned her face flush his attention making her moisten almost immediately.

The other little man was on his knees, his tongue licking up her slit his mouth opening her pussy so he could rim her tunnel entrance. Kajal's body was already tensing her toes pointing as she tried to stretch herself another few inches. Although humiliating she couldn't deny it was arousing her.

[Image: SMeOR36ohydkvp5qtSkfEii_keCqpH89oS7INloQ...jzxi97dS6U]

Mobana nodded in pride, his bitch already responding to the sexual advances. He could see her clit red and fiery the black hands of small men pressing it between thumbs making it harden still

"Oh heavens ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She thrust her mound up to meet them the kneeling pygmy's mouth now trailing spittle and her love juices. "Oh you dirty little fucks!"

The clit-rubbing midget took the jug and poured a steady trail down her tummy, the river of lubricant filling her pussy, smearing her clit and collecting on the hole licking pygmies tongue. He pulled back rubbing his hand with oil into a fist.

She shook her head as she felt his hand turn to a ball and press on her womanly tunnel.

The crowd gasped in delight as his black fist entered her, his arm sliding inside like her was searching for a lost item.

"Oh god ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The pygmy was touching points she never knew existed making her wail without care, her eyes bulging her sore nipples like horns. Her chute was flooded, her own juice and the lubricant filling her nostrils with a sickly musk. The slime was running down the native's hand dripping from his elbow.
[Image: dgYXRRuBMKg2q8KY5xSbeqpSW1JOdalFX2cyFuKh...2Icrcg6oIZ]

As he withdrew his fist she sighed in ecstasy the other small man continuing to tickle and caress her fat maggot like clit. The sensation was making her see spots before her eyes.

The kneeling pygmy turned his head and spoke to the mesmerised guests.

"Now for your pleasure we will make this woman climax like she has never done before."

The baldhead little man grinned his white teeth sparkling against his jet-black face. Then Kajal began to moan and shake her head. "Oh God what no..." The crowd were stunned in silence then burst into animated debate. The other pygmy was pouring the lubricant from the silver jug directly onto his little friend's head, the grease running down his face.

He bent down his shiny glistening head pressing against her open aroused slit like a torpedo tip. Kajal gave a high pitched yelp of shock, then looked to her husband shaking her head in panic.

"OH no, no you uggggggggggg!"

The man pressed forward his lubricated crown opening her up. Mobana was mesmerized as he could see the small man's head pressing harder, Kajal's pussy lips stretching her face one of abject horror. There was a collective whistle as suddenly his temple then the top of his head entered her body. Slopppp!

The young waif babe gave a horrendous moan. It was from an amazing sensation of openness, her lips swallowing an incredible shape, her inner flesh feeling his ears rubbing her shaft and his eye sockets bump over her labia rim.

[Image: rpnq1W50K18yQYENx_zn3feF9Ub9gcR25hq7jk0I...WOyTQAKA7S]

Then she moaned again with her eyes a blaze seeing all the guests' mouths open in awe. The pygmy's nose pressed at her hole his head shaking a little as Kajal's pelvis writhed trying to back off.

"Ohh fuck no, no it's uggggggggggggg!" As his nose slid inside her pussy the man gasping through his mouth she finished the sentence in her mind. "Not possible!"

She looked down over her cathedral domes, her thighs so wide. HEr hooked legs in this birthing position the sight of the rear of a pygmy mans neck glistening with juices as he twisted his skull inside her pussy.

The other pygmy's fingers rubbed her swollen clit the little mans eyes looking at her face seeing her growing tenseness as climax built.

"Oh no ohhh no ohhhhhh!"

Inside her hot tunnel the small face was awash with juice, the feeling suffocating his mouth gulping air just outside her body. He felt her muscles squeezing, his head swelling her groin as he pushed up on his forehands, sliding slowly deeper.

She was coming.

The hall filled with her ecstatic screams as her body exploded. Her clit felt like she wanted the man to rip it from her body, his fingers gripping it like a mini sausage on a stick. Her tunnel began to convulse her hips buck as she twisted the buried mans head like she was trying to break his neck. The pygmy was gripping the chair legs his shoulders strong and locked his dark hot world like a roller coaster ride at night

"Oh fuckkk, No you fucckkkkkk!"

She was screaming expletives her body a volcano of perspiration and energy. Her beautiful lips were in an air gasping pout her tits throbbing her swollen groin shuddering as she literally come on the man's face.

[Image: POmK0aDH8euJVxUi-16sRB89rc-79Ijm__ZXdgE_...df-hvanmvx]

His body started to spasm in suffocation; he'd had enough, his head pulling from her hole the juices dripping from his nose, his head a glistening hot mess.

As he pulled away his colleague reached down between Kajal's wide thighs squeezing her labia together like a gasping mouth letting the orgasmic juice pump out like a cliff waterfall onto the marble floor as the blonde still continued to buck and writhe in subsiding frenzy. The voyeuristic crowd gasped as her slit poured its slimy contents like the pygmies silver jug, Kajal shaking her head in claustrophobic embarrassment unable to say anything apart from a long deep groan of relief.

[Image: ciUsNkNB2ZLoX1E4yRhjzAB5XVTT2ux8gheqh5MF...Xvz6pZUh26]

It was late that afternoon when Kajal was escorted to the big green presidential helicopter. She didn't know why but the general needed to fly back North that very night and he had no intentions of missing out on his wedding night. As she sat in the whining bird's red-carpeted passenger area like a waiting room she could see Mobana shaking hands with his friend and ally the minister of his neighbouring country. At his side Koko stood in heeled boots and military fatigue no doubt having spent the afternoon enjoying that enormous Nubian slave.

"Good luck my friend," the minister. "They will meet you at dawn to begin the negotiations."

Mobana nodded, "they will find me as serious a diplomat as I am a general," he bragged

"Indeed." The minister said stepping back and bowing with a smile.

The General saluted his two escorting guards and Kajal recognised them as her wedding escort, the officers who had suckled so proudly on her breasts.

[Image: AxN7SpJBNUROCZPYKOs5DuIFeOzIyNaQOE94vmET...PP471gyjgt]

The door opened and as the swirling evening heat filled the cabin the general, Koko and his officers entered. Koko gave her the slightest of nose-raised looks, the general more of a commanding nod. But the two majors acted in reverence both saluting then lowering their eyes.

"See my soldiers," the general laughed, taking a sip of wine as the helicopter began to taxi, "with such a queen blessed by our gods the rebels must know their time is over, that is why they call this meet."

Kajal gave the slightest of dismissive shakes of the head more in contempt than disbelief. The general's face narrowed but she had already realised in a way being married to him was safer than not. Koko went to slap her face and the general gripped her wrist as the soldier's face one of horror. "Behave yourselves, both of you," he snapped and the women sat there in arrogant silence.

As the evening jungle crawled below her craft like a widening slick of deep green Kajal realised where they were heading. She had stupidly hoped she was heading to the capital but that would have been too easy. No, she would never again come close to the world. Instead she was heading back to that awful place of dominance and pain Mobana's deep jungle fortress.

The regal cabin allowed a degree of sound proofing to the ferocious rota just above their heads and Koko taunted her old friend.

"You were spectacular today my queen," she said with a sly grin. "All those months of training worked wonders didn't it?" Kajal looked sternly back at her. The general had earphones on communicating with his command and was oblivious to their discussion.

"My father will tire of you and when that happens I'll be waiting."

Kajal gave the slightest of smiles. Koko was taken aback, was it a sly grin?

"Maybe he'll tire of you first," was her unexpected response.

The black beauty had no chance to continue their game as Mobana took off his headphones happy with the news.

"Tomorrow I will bring peace to my country," Mobana said in a pompous rant. "A great leader can always be magnanimous in victory." Koko's eyebrow rose at this interpretation of ongoing events.

"Selfless as always to your duty father" She added in praise and possible mockery.

[Image: mrWpwn0bMgZtJQDaReqBBCC8-uFpaeVwlcqAmPz5...DU-PCgjSGi]

He lit a cigar reclining back on his seat looking at his new wife.

"But first I have a wedding night to enjoy."

As the aircraft banked and dipped approaching the massive walls of his camp Kajal could see miles and miles of blackness, the Northern jungle home to the rebel army. Somewhere in that blackness lay the remains of her plane and film crew. She was just one more statistic in a war that appeared to be drawing to a close and with it any hope of her plight been revealed.

High up in the central keep of his jungle fortress Kajal slowly undressed under the lustful gaze of her new husband. Outside the pitch-black night hummed with insect choir and she was grateful of the big ceiling fan slowly wafting her perspiring body.

[Image: JcgtmjakteIEN5wWUadX7ih8x_beAsPTyBnhQJSn...m2GSwCQWWE]

Mobana reclined on the ornate bed, his body naked his fat rolls of skin looking like he had been winched into place. As she slid the negligee from her shoulders he gave the slightest of appreciative nods her naked hourglass body glistening in the pale light.

"Very beautiful," he coughed, taking a swig of wine then a puff of his cigar. He leaned forward to talk. He loved to talk. Loved to hear himself talk.

"You are my bride and my tribe's bride. Such an over confident  bitch brought to her knees." He crawled closer. "But life could be bearable if you allow it to be." He caressed her thigh then up to her waist. "If you please me you could live many years in comfort." His face then frowned. "Or you will live many years in distress."

Kajal nodded feeling the potion he had given her take effect. She needed the relaxant, hungered for it even. She needed something to take the edge of the reality of tonight, tomorrow and forever.

"Sir," she said softly, his hand cup between her legs, his palm pressing on her mound, his fingers in the crack of her ass. "I'll do whatever you say."

He smiled then sat at the side of the bed.

[Image: 1RRAlNh6c_vRZI1JSIokrTooSeuxtf_odnBJj5Dv...QWBTYsvCZe]

"Very good, my Queen," he said, putting his hand into a silver bowl at his bedside. "Now come here and bend over."

His hand removed from the bowl a long sturdy sausage. The thing was a German frankfurter or bratwurst type food. A strong skinned meat in a thick cylindrical tube. The long food had been dripping with gel and the President traced the end down the crack of her ass as Kajal touched her toes and her heels legs slightly apart.
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She knew what to do, he'd already explained.

The evening began to rumble with thunder, as the weather grew more intense and humid. The president was now laid back on his bed, his hands on Kajal's great rump. The blonde goddess was straddling his flabby chest, her ass waving towards his face, her head down between his thighs sucking on his cock. As she took deep long slurps she gave slight grunts of effort her anal muscles hard at work.

"Yes Kajal I can see it now, uhh good push, push harder as you fellate me."

[Image: qeHK7Qmoxr30eDHgq9Gg1Ba3I3gHDUfseMWv48jQ...4gtQWZN51p]

The general's eyes widened in enjoyment as while his bride dutifully blew his cock he could watch as a stiff greased sausage appeared from her anus. The rubbery skinned meat slowly snaked from her ass as the woman squeezed with all her might.

That's it my queen, you swallowed it all the way in, now let me see you shit it back out."

She could feel herself forcing the meat truncheon out like a stiff tail all the while his rampant cock in her mouth the eye hole seeping with enjoyment.

There was a crack of thunder and the blonde's skin glowed with sweat like a fluorescent statue.

His hands kneaded her ass cheeks pulling them wide and Kajal's head lifted and she gave a groan of humiliation as she squeezed the sausage all the way out the thing dropping on Mobana s chest slippery with gel.

"Hold tight," Mobana coached and Kajal nodded and gritted her teeth.

Her yes widened and she froze then gasped as she felt the sausage press then slid back up her ass until her sphincter closed around it; the turd deep inside her again.

"I want to watch you do it again my dear. And again, and again."

The big black tyrant pushed her onto her knees, his body behind and as he knelt he slid his cock up into her pussy his hands on her ass cheeks again spreading wide awaiting the bratwurst tip to appear slowly from her anus again. Her tits swung heavy and pendulous and she gave a slight whisper and then began to push.

[Image: tKVnuRX_MLI_0AHSYzhVQd2PK_eQ_zX21N6LzVP6...dJZMc9zCqb]

"Yes my President, anything you command."

It would be a long night.

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[Image: uNr5HISBSLkHUB2-Ew-iYLxNc02QsD4Q2a58_Sv4...hHGoQoq2sl]

[Image: x0x2hFeDLYxbmMRE2eukrUuPp476mdOEDzUeVZ3O...qp3EJ6HM4A]

Kajal was awoken in a painful thump on the bedroom floor. She had been sleeping across her master's midriff when the big dictator had leapt from the bed sending her flying into a crumpled heap. As she rolled the dawn light filling the room she heard Mobana's voice. It seemed different she had never heard him like this; it seemed agitated.

[Image: m3bLaaiD6M2DtwstRebXjJFDvyVnt-nniLnskB0M...QIzC9Po6Bk]

The dictator was pulling on a dressing gown and slippers as a bug eyed trooper had a message in his hand. As Kajal pulled her gown across her naked body she caught the final words as the two men hurried down the steps.

"Get me the capital I must speak with my son!"

Kajal pulled herself to her feet brushing her hair from her face pulling the long silk gown tight around her hips, her breasts thrusting the fabric out like a crazy coke bottle shape.

As she turned away from the widow she felt the heat and pressure wave as her world was then turned upside down hearing a high pitched buzz, her vision blacking out.

Mobana had reached the compound just as the first rocket hit. The aide had been ranting about the capital. There were rebels on the street and the world media was already in frenzy as they relayed the images back to the networks. He saw Koko running towards him dressed in fatigues and a machine pistol in her hand.

For a moment he was confused. Why did she need a weapon? He needed to speak to his son, but the man told him the line to the city was dead. Mobana wondered if his son was too.

As the rocket hit he flung himself to the ground, the fortress beginning to erupt in small arms fire.

It had been an ambush. He pulled himself to his feet, Koko screaming.

"Father the capitals over run. The palace is in flames. You've been tricked."

Another rocket hit the walls then a third exploding on the main gate.

Mobana's face drained as Koko looked at him for guidance. But he was like a rabbit in the headlights. His troops were running to and fro the sounds of battle close by just on the other side of the fortress gate.

"Father?" Koko shouted at the side now running for his life.

Mobana ran too, pushing past his daughter pulling up his trailing dressing gown as the rotors on his big green helicopter parked across the compound began to spin.

Suddenly the gates gave way and through a cloud of smoke the figures of skinny jungle rebels began to dance between tracer fire. Koko was running also, chasing her fleeing father as a battle royal began in the courtyard. Mobana was already in the helicopter screaming to the pilot the rotors spinning at take off speed.

"Father don't leave me!"

The chopper was lifting and Mobana never looked out to see his daughter fall.

At that very moment a dazed, deafened Kajal stumbled out into the chaos. She swayed in her bare feet the tight silk gown billowing in the morning wind and rain. The muddy compound was red with blood but she hardly noticed taking cross over steps as if any second she'd fall.

[Image: cdQcI6bscYr_LoKhCjcxtgyti1ZstDUt17ekDAhA...GoHGBa6heS]

Her ears were still ringing and she could only sense the hiss of bullets as Mobana's elite troops held on grimly to an inner circle of sandbags and wrecked vehicles.

She looked up almost falling as she shielded her eyes to the beating rain. The big green bird thundered overhead the "thumpa" sound of its blades resonating on the sodden earth. Close by rebel troops ignored the woman and levelled their rocket launchers at the target.

Then for the second time in minutes Kajal was on her back the heat of the explosion like a flash bulb in her face.

She never saw it hit the ground, only felt the flames and smell of kerosene as the wreck burned in a hundred pieces.

She stood again like a drunken fool lurching into danger. The noise and carnage danced around her as like some white robed ghosts she floated across the battlefield.

Her foot felt something and she tripped.

It was Koko; the girl a crumpled bullet riddled mess. Kajal gripped the babe's hair pulling her head up. She was dead and Kajal felt the anger, cheated of her revenge. She saw men close by the shouts of pain and anger beginning to filter into her deafened world. The slice of a rebel bullet spattered her with blood and the beautiful blonde waited for the final killer round as she began to feint.

From the redoubt the president's tribal soldier charged with the passion of voodoo and Kajal's vision saw double as a line of men thundered towards her, their features snarling in death faces.


She awoke to silence. The feted jungle air closed around her body and she realised she could see the stormy sky above. How long had she been lying here? In a moment she pulled her body upright. Her nightgown was torn and smeared and as she stood her arm felt limp the pain dull, but the wound dressed.

She was back in the keep. On her wedding bed the damaged room now open to the sky, the bed more like a lop side ramp. She stood then limped to the balcony. The doors were smashed hanging by threads and as she pushed them open they collapsed.

She could see down into the war zone. The battle was over.

All around the rebel bodies were piled high as sweat-smeared soldiers collected their defeated enemies. She couldn't know but across the country the uprising had failed. But she did know one thing; she was still here. She began to sob her tears matching the morning downpour. Even now she hadn't died; the nightmare just wouldn't end.

[Image: 5WgPTJTT8UPDrFqY5pX5JhO3gLQWv1L6BLpOZzSP...cf9bzDpfTy]
The sexy prisoner heard the shout of soldiers and she shook her head in frustration.

Below in the compound the major one of her wedding escort saw her and gave a tribal cry. Kajal's beautiful face looked up and her eyes showed a flicker of life force as she struggled to understand. The soldiers on mass had knelt in the red stained earth the rain and wind beating down around them. The major was the only one to raise his head and gaze on their divine talisman.

He knew Mobana was dead, so was his daughter and now they had heard his son was too. Only one of their tribe's regal line remained to lead them as she had already victoriously done this very day; walking between her enemies with the majesty of an immortal.

[Image: N8gH7lkYbiM4mQaQTfN1aqQx3pDgrxMzQohdGeDK...f1fli-vKLp]

[Image: rL6atiAmXdBW-AqaVFcW49QdbdJnT0ecILoQRQtF...O40zfnBsKb]

As the downpour increased in this twisted dark heart of a continent the hundred or so kneeling warriors paid dutiful homage to their new Queen.

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one more story on keerthin suresh please
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please on more story on keerthy suresh

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Keerthi suresh please
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Bro eshanya maheshwari
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