Neha’s Compromise To Recover Her Porn Addicted Brother by Varun
It goes something like this. Husband out of country for a couple of years to work. Bro comes and stays with sis for engineering. He wants to visit prostitute with friends but sis finds out and gives him what he needs at home to encourge him study more but he lies her throughout that he is studying well. In the end, a tragedy happens. I read this years ago xossip but haven't been able to find it anywhere. It was a good novel, if you have it, pls post the link below.
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Neha’s Compromise To Recover Her Porn Addicted Brother

writer:- Varun

Hi All, I am Neha. Married, a beautiful 24-year-old girl with wheatish complexion, 5.3” height and well-maintained and structured body with round firm boobs and curvy hips. Anyone seeing me will lust to have me in bed. When first time I stood nude in front of my hubby Navin, Navin told me “Hey your face looks very homely, innocent, cute and romantic, whereas your body structure looks like a top foreign porn model with firm erected round boobs without any sag and hourglass shape hips and well-shaped buttocks”. I consider that as my highest and genuine compliment describing my beauty. You can imagine me equal to a girl whom you consider so beautiful. I am a daughter of a strict teacher couple and I got a younger brother Manoj. My parents and I lived in Madurai.

After my engineering studies, I got married to Navin who works as a petrochemical engineer in Chennai. I moved to Chennai to live with him. I got a job in a computer institute as faculty and started living a happy and romantic life with my husband. Navin got a project assignment from his office where he has to go to middle-east to work in the oil field for next 1 year. Unfortunately, he cannot take me with him because of the logistics issue. Therefore, my husband and my parents all have decided that he will go alone, whereas I will stay here in Chennai, and my brother will join with me for my company and safety. My brother had just completed his 11th standard and he is about to move to 12th standard. He is now 18 years old. My parents decided to enroll my brother in 12th standard in Chennai so that he can study in Chennai and stay with me. It will also help him to get prepared for next year engineering studies in Chennai. Everyone was happy with this decision.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Is this the story , you looking for.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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(04-06-2020, 05:58 PM)sarit11 Wrote: Is this the story , you looking for.

continue this story looks promising
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(04-06-2020, 05:58 PM)sarit11 Wrote: Is this the story , you looking for.

pls update anyway. . . .
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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Yes this is the one. Thanks bro. A very good story! I found it by copy pasting what you wrote in google!
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Wat story is this
How to get full story
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To tell about my brother Manoj, he is a very smart and intelligent person and very good in his studies. He never slipped the first rank in his studies. Though he is in 12th standard, he looks like a well grown up teenage adult with well-toned muscles, strong arms, dense hairs and strong body. He looks very smart in a way that girls will be attracted to him. Since my mom and dad are teachers in college, they are very strict in bringing up their kids, so no surprise I did my academics well and similarly with my brother.

Brother moved to Chennai and enrolled in school and we both started living in a rented apartment. As usual, he did well in his studies even in Chennai, but he could not get the first rank here in Chennai competition, but he was consistent with his third rank. We did not bother much and thought he will pick up soon. His top-class academic performance made me proud of him. At one instance, I thought to gift him something special and I got him a brand new advanced smartphone. I gifted this despite my parents and my husband’s warning stating that it is not a good idea to give him smartphone while studying as it will bring unnecessary diversion in his studies. I just ignored their request and took it casually. Despite their warnings, I presented the phone to him.

Immediately after a couple of months, I noticed his academic performance came down drastically and he slipped from rank 3 to 7/8 in class. I was shocked to see this. I also noticed that he was not spending time with books as he did passionately in past. He spent a lot of time smiling and fondling his phone.

I being fed-up with his academic performance and his distraction on phone, one day I casually took his phone to check his activity while he was away to a local shop. I unlocked the phone with my fingerprint (as I registered my fingerprint when purchased the phone before gifting to him, which he is not aware of). I was very shocked to see the porn content all over the phone. A lot of porn apps and history of watching lots of porn videos and porn stories. I was terribly shocked to discover the extent of daily hours he spent on these by looking at history. I felt very bad about ignoring parents and my hubby’s advice.

I casually opened his WhatsApp and felt in ultimate shock of my life. I shockingly sat down on the sofa and started crying. Yes, I was shocked to see that he got a group of four friends in a WhatsApp group. WhatsApp conversations for last several months discussing girls, porn, sharing pics, videos etc. Total conversation thread was about sex, sex, and only sex. Ultimate shock for me in that conversation is that they have recently started planning for real fun with a prostitute.

I saw threads of conversations regarding their plan to go to a prostitute, they even discussed the rate and the girl and after tons of discussions, they abandoned that plan as it is not feasible to collect 7000 per head from parents for their attempt to enjoy with a prostitute. However, without giving up their plan for enjoyment, they started to explore the other low-cost possibilities and nailed down to go to massage-center and get a massage from a girl with a happy ending. (Even at that time when I read the message, I was not aware of the meaning of happy ending, but I would guess that it is something definitely bad). They decided to pool 3000 each for this enjoyment and go to massage-center on a specific day. When I checked the date of their plan, it is 3 days from current date.

Now I could correlate the latest 3500 rupees that he got from my parents recently for some academic stuff. Definitely, he got this amount to go for the massage. I started crying reading all this and I felt too guilty to ruin a wonderful, intelligent and my smart brother. He was not of this kind until he had mobile. I felt so guilty and started crying with full of tears.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I was terribly broken and crying sitting on my bed, meanwhile my brother came back home and calling for me he entered in my bedroom and noticed me sitting on the sofa with his mobile and crying. He got shocked to see me crying and further double shocked that I am holding his mobile unlocked. I immediately sensed shiver with him and he came to me and weakly asked “Akka (sister) what happened? Why are you crying?”

I, with my broken/crying voice “Manoj? How much have I trusted you and presented this mobile to you despite parents warning? You completely breached my trust and doing nasty things and you got ruined to an extent to cheat parents, myself and get money to go for sex/massage with a girl?” I asked him with frustration, anger, and disappointment.

Manoj was immensely tensed, as he was caught red-handed. His voice started broken and he just started looking at the floor and said “I am sorry Akka, please forgive me and I beg you to not tell to parents and uncle (my hubby)”

I harshly replied to him “How can I tell them that you did this? They will beat me with slippers for giving you phone despite their warning.” I answered desperately

My anger and tension have not come down, I started scolding him a lot for few minutes, he was quietly standing his hands folded like school student listening to my scolding bending his heads without the courage to look at my eyes, and tears are rolling on his eyes. I felt pity for him seeing his tears. I convinced myself; “See it is his age problem. I should have been careful in not giving access to mobile. I did that mistake and no point in scolding him now. Moreover, he is grown up adult. There is no point scolding him nonstop. It may hurt him. He needs friendly advice to bring him out of this mess”

I calmed down and softened my voice and said “Manoj, please stop this nonsense. This is not appropriate for this age. If you lose focus now you cannot succeed in your career. If you succeed, you will get a beautiful girl for marriage”.

I advised him a lot and you can fill in the content of advice here that one will give to such person. He listened to them without showing any acknowledgment or agreement to my advice. I asked him to respond to the group saying that he will not come for the massage, as his sister is unwell.

With literal disappointment on his face, he took the phone and responded to the WhatsApp group with the message that I asked to send. I could see more tears in his eyes when he typed the response. I sensed that he is highly disappointed with the flop of his plan. I asked him to give the money back to me. He took the money and gave back to me with a height of disappointment.

One consoling thing over all this discussion is that Manoj has not argued supporting his stand, as usual, some bad kids do when they get caught red-handed.

I felt high pressure on myself that just stopping him at this moment from going to massage-center or prostitute is not sufficient. I need to recover him back to the old state or academically excellent student. The only way to do this is to be friendly with him and with proper guidance and advice to slowly bring him back to the normal track.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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To compensate his disappointment with massage plan drop, I thought to keep him happy in other possible ways and bring diversion in his thoughts. I took him to restaurants and got him the food he likes well. Took him to temple, and took him to the movie theatre for his favorite hero movie. I cooked special food and sweets in the home that he will like. In addition, I felt that he should not feel that sister (me) is maintaining distance after I discover about his lust for girls. So I tried to physically close (not in a bad way), by just patting his shoulders, sitting closer to him etc. However, I have not noticed any happiness on his face in all of these. He appeared so dull and silent. He completely reduced talking to me. He just responded plainly in one or two words for any questions to him.

I seriously worried about his attitude and started worrying whether if he is going through any depression or any physiological problems. I was in a helpless situation that I could not take this issue to my parents or my husband. Moreover shaming him by taking this issue to my parents will not help anyway.

Days passed like this. It was the day he planned for the fun. They had planned for the fun at 11 AM for fun in massage-center. It was already 10.50 AM. I was sitting opposite to him in the sofa and watching at him. His eyes are with full of empty feeling and looking at ceiling and time to time looking at clock. I believe he is thinking about the planned event and worrying that he missing the fun.

I just walked from opposite sofa, sat next to him, and said in a soft voice “Manoj? Are you angry with me?” He turned his face away without answering anything, which is a clear hint that he is angry.

I continued “Manoj, please raa. I am feeling bad seeing you like this. You are not normal. I tried a lot to keep you happy and bring diversion by doing all the things that could make you happy. I took you to cinema, beach, cooked you your favorite sweets and food, but it is very unfortunate that nothing is making you happy and you almost stopped talking to me. I am highly worried ra”

My soft caring request made him broke and he started crying and whispering slowly, turning face away I touched his shoulders to console him and he politely pushed my hands away and said “Sister, please. Don’t even I have the right to cry? Crying is not a bad thing like going to massage-center. Please let me do this at least”.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I really felt bad with this conversation. In past, he is such a respectful brother, never be harsh like this. It clearly indicated that he has abandoned the message-center trip because that he was caught. He has not whole-heartedly dropped the massage-center plan realizing his mistake. His mind is still filled with lust and dirt like an addicted kid. By looking at his childish adamant nature, it reminded me how he was angry for not giving him cookies when he was a young kid. I looked at him helplessly.

Helplessly I watched him without any choice of words to speak to him, as he is slightly harsh and frustrated. My mind started thinking deeply about the situation and started thinking about how can I bring him back to normal. After series of plans, thoughts, and confusion, my mind decided on something, where I need to make some compromises to compensate my mistake of ruining his life by giving a smartphone to him. After I made the decisions inside me, I started slowly speaking to him.

Me to Manoj: “Manoj, please turn to me I want to speak to you.” He did not turn his face to me, he still looking another side of the wall.

I started speaking to him without waiting for him to turn towards me “Manoj, I as a responsible sister I thought to bring you back from bad track to good track. I did my best to advise you and be friendly and tried all my ways to correct you by bringing good diversion, but nothing is bringing back you to normal. It seems you have not whole-heartedly gave up the massage plan. It seems you are deeply addicted to your plan and showing your disappointment and frustration for missing it. If you are not going to change by yourself realizing the mistake, it will be impossible for me to rectify you. You have completely lost focus in studies. Please be open and tell me what will make you become normal like earlier?
His face stiffness bit loosen as I begged him helplessly. However, he remained silent and not spoke any word.

I continued, “Manoj, I’ve made a decision to make you happy” and stopped.

Manoj turned towards me for the first time after a long conversation and asked me “What is that?”

I responded, “Yes Manoj, I can’t see you suffering like this. I am just thinking to let you go and enjoy your desire and wishes and come back to normal stage”

His eyes widened and I could see the immediate happiness on his face and he started “Sister, are you really serious? or telling this out of frustration and anger?”

I responded, “No, I clearly thought on this for a long time before I come to this decision, however, I need your commitment and promise on few things before I give you my complete go-ahead signal”

Manoj: “Yes Sister, please tell me. What is your concern/condition?”

I said, “Manoj, I will permit this for one time only, in return, Will you become normal and focus on the studies like in past? And get back to the third rank or higher again?”
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Manoj: With Excitement “Sister, seriously I will give my 100% focus on studies after this one. Actually, my academic skills are not gone anywhere, unfortunately, I am not in a position to focus on it at this moment, because my mind is full of dirt with this thought. I am not telling it with pride; I am telling it with shame. I thought of several ways to come out of it. It seems it is not possible for me. As you said, if you just allow me once to go to massage-centre, I 100% believe that dirt and lust in my mind will become clear which will help me align the focus on studies. I promise you that I will give my 200% on studies and further promise you that I will get the first rank in next monthly test” He said super confidently

Me: “Ok Manoj, I am happy to see your smiling face and confidence after a long time. I hope you will keep this commitment”
Manoj said: “200% I will keep my commitment sister”
Me: “Ok Manoj, then you may consider that I have granted you permission, however, I have another polite request” I stopped.

Manoj: “What is it, Sister?”

Me: “See, already I made you bad by giving mobile access, now I am going one further step up by allowing to enjoy your fantasy with some message-center girl. If our parents or my hubby come to know about this, it will be too bad for me. I hope you will never disclose this even to your friends or anyone.

Manoj said with excitement, “Please sister don’t worry, first of all, how can I tell this to parents or uncle. No way. I won’t do”

Me: “Ok perfect “I laughed and smiled at him and said, “Mm you become such a big man to do ahimsa protest with your sister to achieve your goal of getting a massage from a girl”

Manoj smiled in shyness and I was happy to see his happy face after all these days. I thought to chitchat and pull his leg to make him casual and not have any guilty feeling of what he is going to do. Moreover, it is a need of the moment for me to get closer to him and make him as a good friend so that I can influence him slowly to bring back to normal.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I asked him “Hey Manoj, it seems you and your friends are all advanced guys. I cannot even understand the language you people are talking. You guys are talking a lot of code words like BJ, HJ, extras, happy ending etc. Even though I am married but still cannot even decipher the meaning of any one word. What is it? and especially what is that “happy ending”.

Manoj’s face becomes red and super shy with a smile “Sister…, please don’t tease me like this…”

I further teased him with a smile, “Manoj, please don’t act like innocent. You lost the right of pretending innocent as soon as you become so firm in achieving your sexual desire by protesting this hard. Similarly, I lost the right of projecting myself as strict and commanding sister as I permit you to go and have fun with another girl. So, unfortunately, we both are not like earlier.

These incidents prove that you are no more little innocent brother that I saw in past, you are grown up adult. Therefore, no more pretending let us be like friends going forward. So I am really asking without knowing the real meaning of happy ending, so tell me considering me like your friend. (I laughed and said) If you don’t tell I will cancel the approval,” I said in a funny note and not seriously.

He is happy with my gesture of friendship and with shy “Sister, happy ending means… that is… mm it means….” (he stammered)

Me: Come on Manoj, please tell. I never heard this term before

Manoj: “Sister, after the massage girl completes the massage, she will perform masturbation to the guy. That is called happy ending” he completed in shy.

Me: “Oh ok, don’t feel shy. I am not taking it bad. Then, tell me what are those “Extras”
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He got bit encouraged by my word, but still with Shy he said “Sister, usually massage girl will not allow to touch her. Extra’s means she may allow to touch her and she may give something extra. That’s it.”

Me: then what is BJ

Manoj: Sister mm, it means Blow Job

I said “mm interesting… “ I chuckled and said sarcastically “mm good to know this to improve my general knowledge” He joined my laugh and started looking at clock expecting that I will give money to him so that he can rush now to join his friends.

Meanwhile, his phone beeped with a message tone, he unlocked and saw some message, and he got a smile and looked at me nervously and asked “Sister, money please”

I asked him “What is the message Manoj? From whom?”

He replied with tense tumbling “Sis., Sister, it is from my friend”

I extended my hand to him with smile “Ok Manoj, give me the phone, I will see the message”

Manoj desperately begged, “No sister, please please don’t ask for it. Please sister”

I smiled and said, “Hey I’ve already permitted you for what you have asked and as I said now I am friendly with you. I am not asking your phone with the intent of inspecting it. Just casually asking to see what is that message”

Manoj said, “Sister I understand that, but this message is bit gross and offensive that’s why I am hesitating”

I replied with a complaining tone, “Manoj, I am not a kid, I am married women, I already saw every porn pic video on your phone you had. This is going to be nothing new to me, please give”

Manoj hesitantly handed over the phone and I opened up the message. Messages are from one of his friends and first Message reads as.

“Hey Friend, we are enjoying here and happy ending is going on. Want to see our picture? We are missing you”.
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Second, one was a picture message. A picture was a close-up shot of one of his friend lying on massage table nude. The picture shows the hand of a girl with nail polish and bangles and she is holding an erected cock tight and stroking it. It seems one of his friends took this pic while masturbating and sent it to him. That was the reason Manoj was too much hesitant.

Next unread message was a short video clip was there and not played yet. I think he has not played because of audio and potentially offensive content. I casually told, “hey a video is there, what is in it?” I casually spoke out loud and hit play. A video started playing and it started showing a closeup short video of happy ending that one of his friends is receiving from the massage girl. His friend was moaning and the girl was stroking. The video does not show massage girl or that boy’s face. Just it was showing the close-up of the hand job.

Not to further embarrass Manoj and make the situation light, I smiled and said, “Mm Interesting, your friends seem to be having great fun there” without showing any disgust and handed over the phone to him.

Manoj is relaxed to see that I am really behaving like a friend and took it very sportive and not shown any weird expression.

Manoj continued, “Sister, please time is running. If you give money, I will go and join my friends”

I started in serious note “Manoj, Please listen carefully. I committed you that I will allow you to take massage with happy ending and extras, but I don’t want you to go to massage-centre to get it. I have another alternate”

Manoj got disappointed and puzzled with what I said. Manoj responded, “Sister, I am sorry I don’t understand”

I continued, “Manoj, I feel it is of a big risk for you to go to massage-centre. How many times we heard news about security officer raids in massage-centre and seeing photos of customers coming in the newspaper. I don’t want you to take such risk”.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Manoj got a bit scared when I talked about security officer raid and helplessly asked “Sister, then what should I do?”

I continued, “Manoj, moreover it is a big health risk as well. Who knows if that girl has AIDS/HIV infection and it may spread if she allows too much of ‘extras’.

Manoj said “Sister, what is this? You are scaring me a lot. Sister, I dreamt about this for a long time. Now you are saying all this”

I continued “Manoj, did I said you that you should not have fun? I am only saying that you do not go to public massage center and face risk. I have an alternate plan to have massage safely and comfortably in our house itself”

Manoj shocked a bit when I said “In our house itself” and said to me “Sister, my head is spinning. I do not understand what you are saying. Who will come here to give a massage?”

I said in a very calm and soft tone “Manoj, Please relax don’t be rush. Please listen carefully to me about the plan. You will understand”.

Manoj started listening carefully and curiously.

I started “Ok Manoj, I promise that I will arrange a home massage for you. You will have a girl to massage you and do the stuff in our home bedroom. This will be a very safe option compared to going to massage center”

Manoj could not believe what I am speaking “Sister, what are you saying? Are you pranking? Who will come here to do?”

I said, “Yes, she is my friend. She will do it on my request for sure. She will do the massage with happy ending and little bit extras for you”

Manoj shocked “Sister, I couldn’t believe it. Why your friend will do it to me? Who is she? I never have seen or heard of such type of friends to you”

I replied, “Yes Manoj, she won’t do it for everyone. She is not into professional massage business. In fact, when she massage you, it will be her first massage service to a boy. She is going to do it purely because I have requested her to do this and another reason she agreed is that because you are my brother. Because of this reason, she has very few conditions that you need to follow to get massage from her. However, it is not a very tough condition”
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Manoj laughed and hold his both heads like headache expression with a smile “Sister, it seems my head will break in confusion and curiosity with the puzzle type of answer you are giving. Tell me in simple word, who is she? Moreover, what is her condition?

I laughed at him and said “Hey Manoj, you are good in aptitude and solving the puzzle. I will explain her terms and condition and how this massage is going to happen, with my explanation if it is possible, you can unlock the puzzle to discover who she is. If you could identify her from my clue, it is not necessary for you to reveal it to me. You can keep it with yourself”

Manoj curiously “Ok tell me sister, what are her terms and conditions and how this massage is going to happen”

I said “Ok Manoj listen carefully. One key term and condition to get massage from her is that you need to be blindfolded during the entire massage session. She won’t talk with you during massage session”

Manoj thought for a second and curiously asked “mm Ok sister, I am ok with this condition. When/which day she will give the massage? When is she going to come to our home?

I continued, “Ok Manoj, It is good that you are fine with blindfolding condition. Regarding your next question, ‘when massage will happen’. As you are Ok with the blindfolding condition if you are ready. It will happen anytime you wish. Even now as well.”

Manoj confused and responded “mm Ok, but I am surprised. Does she already arrive here? Did you made this as surprise arrangement for me?”

I continued, “No more silly questions Manoj. I’m not going to answer all your silly questions. Please listen carefully. If you are ready. We will put the two benches together as massage table in the center of our bedroom. I will blindfold your eyes and slowly I will walk out of the bedroom and slam the door hard. Once you hear the door slam sound, you may start undressing you completely and get ready for the massage, but do not remove the blindfolding. Once you are ready, tell loudly that you are ready. Once you tell that you are ready, my friend will open the door and come inside the bedroom.

She will be wearing anklets in her leg (golusu-Tamil, paayal-Hindi, Ka?iyamu-Telugu). Therefore, by that sound of the anklet, you can understand that my friend is coming to you to do the massage.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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She will greet you by handshake to notify you that she is in and ready to start. She will do the massage for you and especially happy ending and ensure that you are completely happy with her service. She will do little bit of extras. Please do not expect too much from her, as she will be doing this for first time. In addition, don’t feel guilty or uncomfortable, thinking that she is my friend, when she comes to give you the massage, treat and feel her like a professional girl giving you pleasure. so be comfortable with her. Once she completes the massage session, she will give you handshake again to indicate that she has done her job and she will walk away to the door and slam the door. When she slams the door, you will know that she left the room. You may remove blindfolding and be dressed properly and come out of the room.

Another important thing is that, after I blindfold you and go out of the room, I will be not in the home; I will go out for a couple of hours to give you and my friend privacy to enjoy the session stress-free. You are assured that your sister is not nearby to have a guilt-free massage session.”

Please do not think me cheap and misunderstand my intention. In fact, I never had any lust or sexual interest on Manoj. I saw him purely as my brother only. I tried my level best to make him normal and recover from this mess, so when there is no option to clear his dirt mind other than allowing him to go to Massage center, I almost decided to let him go to massage center. Later when I gave serious thought to it, I realized that there are some big risks there.

Already I spoiled him by giving mobile access, If I give him money and access to massage centre, he may get addicted too much on this. Next time he may go to massage center without my knowledge and he may find ways to get money without even my knowledge. Who knows he may steal too. Another risk is that he may fall in love with massage girl and what if that girl falls in love with him. As he is smart and sexy guy, who knows that the girl may allow him for free sex and pollute his mind seriously.

Thinking all of these risks, I decided that sending him to massage centre is a bad idea. Ok then who else can give him massage to clear his mind dirt? Later I asked myself, “Ok why don’t I give it”?
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I was initially shocked to think like that, but later I convinced myself saying “Ok, fortunately, he is not expecting sex, he is just longing for some female touch on him and getting hand job/masturbation. Me doing a massage and hand job to him is not something where I am going to lose my virginity. If I am going to do penetrative sex with him, then that is something seriously bad. I also convinced myself that massaging him and masturbating him is somewhat similar to giving him a bath, I compared this massage activity with giving him a bath when he was a young kid. When he was a kid I made him bath by my hands.

I am going to do something similar now. Why should I think that I’m going to massage him, why not I think that this activity is something like making him bath? Why not I sholuld think that masturbating him as an actvitiy of cleaning his body part. In the course of touches, he may touch here and there on my body. I thought that it is fine.

Another reason for my decision is that I really want to create a strong bond with him like a friend so that I can influence him with more rights to recover his addiction and bring back to the academically excellent person.

Thinking all these, I decided that I should give massage to him. However, I realized the major challenge for me giving massage to him is me being his sister. How will I be able to face him in massage session as an elder sister? How can I approach his nude body as a sister, and how will he comfortably show his body to me as my brother? Therefore, I coined this blindfolding drama. Now we both of us know internally that I am going to give him massage and he is going to take the massage. I will pretend as if my friend is giving him massage. Similarly, he will pretend as if he is getting massage from my friend. This arrangement will remove the guilt feeling from both of us out of the equation.

it seems Manoj understood who is going to give him Massage. His face shows a bit of surprise, excitement and slight confusion. In overall his face exhibits mixed emotions. Let us see what he is going to say.

Manoj with a serious and exciting face “Sister, oh are you seriously Ok with this arrangement?”

He guessed it right and I responded, “Yes Manoj, I think this is the best plan. I do not want you to go to some unknown stranger girl to get Massage. I want to put you in safer hands. I know my friend well and I can trust her to do this for you”
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Manoj after a bit of initial reluctance his face exhibited extraordinary excitement. I think he is happy with this decision. By seeing his happy face, in my mind voice I talked to him “hey dirty guy, so if you are this much happy and excited means, it seems you are ready to this extent to clear your mind dirt?”

Manoj with same excitement “Sister, happy to see you that you are fine with this arrangement. However, how about your friend? Will she be comfortable to do the massage for me? especially me being nude?”

I felt too shy about his naughty question. I admired his naughtiness and cuteness by well utilizing the role-play and asking me indirectly “Are you ok to deal with my nude body”. I find myself happily engaged in this conversation.

Being internally excited about this conversation without showing on my face and just limiting it to smile. I responded “She is completely 100% ok to give you wonderful massage and more importantly happy ending. She also wants to help me to clear dirt on your mind and recover you back to normal. So she shares my responsibility as my friend”

I realized that we both are enjoying this conversation and he continued “Ok sister, how she will be looking like? Is she beautiful? In addition, most importantly what is her name? How to call her during the massage”

I giggled “What is for you if she is less or more beautiful? Anyway, you are not going to see her because of you will be blindfolded, so it should not be a big matter for you. Her name is Ramya”

He laughed and said “Wow Ramya!!! Really a cute a name, in her name itself she has alcohol “Rum” Can I fondly call her Rum darling or Rummy darling?”

I laughed and said, “However you wish”
He asked another naughty and intimate question “Ok Sister, What costume she will be wearing when she gives me massage?”

I am excited, engaged and started loving his romantic and naughty questions. His question triggered my thought as I have not decided the type of dress to wear while giving massage. I started asking and answering lot of questions within myself
 horseride  Cheeta    
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