Fantasy Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty
"Hey boys, let's kill us some vamps huh? I have the place all staked out and if we hurry we can get there before dusk and give them the jump." Paul was eager as ever standing by his ride and holding his hat like he was a wild west gunslinger.

"Hey Paul, sounds good. So, how many are we talking about?" Jeff was out of the car and already headed to the trunk as Paul stood by the passenger side holding a blade in each hand.

"It's not far up the road right here, and I think it's probably 10 or so. ...Oh man, do you guys ever air out the car? It smells like straight up sex in there." Kerry had gotten out allowing Paul a whiff of the interior.

"Uh, long story, anyways, let's kill some bloodsuckers, we could both use the release." Kerry rolled his eyes heading to the trunk so they could get weapons.

The killing was a nice escape; however, still leaving them covered in blood and exhausted. Although Paul was positive they had gotten everyone, they decided to stay the night and double check in the morning. It was something Jeff called his spidey sense that made him believe that they had more lurking in town.

A quick shower and they were all on their way to enjoy some time at the local dive bar. Kerry had finally changed his jeans, although secretly he hid them in the hotel bathroom so he could get a nice whiff later and release some of his tension.


"So, who got lucky in there, because wow! I mean I've had my share and all, but the Torino reeked today." Paul was eager to hear the juicy details of a conquest. Plus, he was half way into his first beer and already feeling pretty good.

"Unfortunately, there has been no sex in Stella for a while; it was actually Kerry's fault it smelled because someone couldn't keep his hands to himself this morning." Jeff shot him a glance still bitter about the ride there and smelling Lizzie's sweet intoxication.

"Hey, I just wanted to let her know we were leaving, it's not my fault she finds me irresistible." Kerry chimed back.

"I knew I should've woken up sooner and gotten to her first." Jeff grumbled at him.

"Whoa, wait a minute guys. I'm about ten steps behind, but it sounds to me like you are dating the same young filly, which is a recipe for disaster." Paul gave his usual sage yet odd advice. He still had a Texas accent when he drank a little bit, and it definitely came out as he was speaking tonight. He looked up to the two men across from him. They were practically legends and even as he waited on getting a new partner, he hoped that whoever was assigned might compliment him half as well as Kerry did Jeff.

"We aren't dating." Both partners chimed in unison causing Paul's eyebrows to rise.

"Okay, now you have to fill me in." He sat up trying to figure out the latest point of contention the partners were wrestling.

"Her name is Lizzie, and we're protecting her. She's special - as in not human really, and she has an affliction which has made things difficult." Kerry tried to be pc and protect her dignity.

"What my partner means is she goes into heat once a year and we are keeping her safe at the bunker. Unfortunately, she can't seem to decide which of us is better suited to help her deal with the situation." Jeff tried his best to be respectful but his sharp intake of breath as his eyes glazed over gave a different message.

"So you guys are messing with a Capsa, the girl Oz mentioned last year? Aren't they only supposed to mate for life?" Paul asked with a slight giggle as his last beer was emptied.

"Wait, what do you know about Capsas?" Kerry asked stopping the conversation.

"Only that they are these incredible celestial vessels, which are created to birth special beings. I thought they were a myth though. Who would ever think a perfect female creature who goes into heat would even exist? I kind of thought it was a science fiction story gone wrong. " Paul rambled, slurring his words slightly.
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"She exists, trust us. And, she is in fact pretty perfect, but still pretty human to be honest. Anyways, what else do you know?

"It's only a few things I picked up from a professor of ancient studies that I dealt with last year. It was after Oz mentioned to be on the lookout for any information. From what I remember, they are supposed to be perfect. I spent many a night thinking about what one might look like. I can't believe she ended up going to the two of you for protection? That's like, a heffer in heat walking into a bull pen." Paul giggled again.

"Uh, sure, yeah. The point is she has needs and I for one satisfy them. But, we're not dating." Jeff chimed in with his cocky attitude as usual.

"You're an ass Jeff. Anyways, we're helping her and that's it. You should meet her, but after her heat cycle...she can be overwhelming right now." Kerry sighed at the word overwhelming.

"Yeah...overwhelming's a word for it." Jeff sighed too.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you guys were smitten. Too bad you'll probably have to kill her one day huh?" Paul called the waitress over for another beer.

"Wait, what?" Jeff grabbed Paul's arm trying to center him enough to get a straight answer.

"You know, all googly-eyed over her." Paul giggled.

"No, what the hell do you mean we'll have to kill her?" Jeff was stern pressing his fingers into Paul's arm.

"Well, I figure when she is ungated, well good things aren't really what tends to happen around us Dark Division folks, so when she is pregnant with some damn monster one of you will probably have to finish her off. I say live while you can though." Paul was decidedly drunk, although his words made Kerry and Jeff both sober up instantly. This was a different perspective about Lizzie and it wasn't exactly positive.

The subject changed shortly and they were all soon chatting about daily living, although Kerry and Jeff both had their reservations going forward. Neither even noticed the two or three different girls eyeing them up for a nightly encounter. It seemed they only had Lizzie on their minds.
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Dark Division - The Capsa - Ch. 11

The next day proved Jeff's spidey-sense proved right as a check back to the nest gave them another two heads to remove. It meant leaving even later than expected, but neither felt like staying away from Lizzie much longer.

A stop for dinner was even cut short as they decided to eat in the car on the way. They had weirdly decided that Kerry deserved a chance to finish what had been started the day they left. Jeff was stuck on the thought of having to end another relationship badly knowing that he was definitely in love with Lizzie at this point. He was somehow okay with sharing her with his partner, possibly because he loved Kerry too as a friend, of course. Lizzie deserved to be happy anyways, especially considering that none of the information they had about her pointed to a good outcome.

Both partners had managed to sneak in a few text messages to Oz relaying the information they had gotten from Paul and hoping to spur him on to getting more. Kerry was particularly worried, with his history with women. After all, the last serious relationship he had ended in the unfortunate death of the young woman he was seeing. He was starting to have stronger feelings for Lizzie, and he remembered all too well how hard it was to get past the part he played in his last girlfriend's death. He wondered if he should pull himself back from this, but the thought of that beautiful woman in the bunker just waiting for him had him excited right now. He had jerked off a few times already just smelling her on his jeans, and he couldn't wait for his chance at having her tonight.


Lizzie had again cleaned up around the bunker, even doing the guys' laundry, which was no small feat after the last excursion they were on. They got into some really gnarly stuff and let's just say blood didn't come out terribly easy.

She had received the text that she waited for a few hours ago saying Kerry and Jeff were on their way home and it made her want to do something special for them. So, she was now in the kitchen making mini-pies. She had learned that baking was the way to Jeff's heart, and she discovered that as much of a health nut as Kerry was, he enjoyed an excuse to splurge. She figured the pie would be plenty cool by the time they returned as they were already in the oven.

Lizzie had decided that after a few days with no release, she really needed either of them to be in that bunker with her as soon as humanly possible. After a moment's consideration, she had pulled on one of Kerry's flannels, which was a little bigger than Jeff's and also had a snap up front. She was wearing it - and only it as she danced around the kitchen with classic rock blaring. Their love for classic music made her and Jeff close, of course, but once in a while her 80s hairbands seemed to tie her to Kerry. She was standing and daydreaming in the kitchen when the timer went off and she leaned down to pull the tray of mini-pies that she had crafted in a cupcake tin out of the oven placing it on the stove to cool when a familiar voice greeted her.

"Man, now that is a view I could get used to." Kerry's smell hit her almost as quickly as his words.

"Oh, hey stranger. Where's your infamous partner?" Lizzie turned smiling at Kerry, oven mitts still on her hands. His blue flannel hung on her, not helped by the fact that she had only fastened two-thirds of the snaps. At least she had rolled up the sleeves so she could bake.

"He's washing some um...stuff... off Stella in the garage, and I thought I would come in and finish what I started the other day." Kerry moved from the doorway around the kitchen table and towards her.

"Hope you don't mind, but I borrowed your shirt." Lizzie caught her bottom lip between her teeth as she peeled the oven mitts off and threw them onto the counter.

"Looks way better on you than me. Did you bake for us?" Kerry was only a few inches away as he spoke.

"I did, but we have to let them cool first. I wasn't expecting you guys to be back for another hour or so." She sighed as Kerry leaned in grabbing her face and kissing her.

"I made him drive fast; I didn't want to keep you waiting much longer." She could already feel Kerry's hardness against her as he spoke and she felt herself start to moisten in anticipation of him.

"You know I didn't even jerk off after you left. I wanted to make myself wait for you." She moaned as he started to lick down her neck letting his hands roam down the sides of her body. She pushed her fingers up into his hair. It was soft, always soft.

"Mmmm, God you smell so much better in person than on my jeans. I was so bitter I didn't get to feel you before I left." Kerry growled in her ear as his hands found the sides of her legs. He traced his fingers over her outer-thighs making her head lean back.

"Want a fun surprise?" Lizzie smiled at him as his fingers eased up the edges of the flannel.

"Depends, can we go to my room first?" He slid his hand up her bare hip and stopped looking at her with a sly smile.

"Well, now the secret's out, I'm only wearing this flannel." She grinned wider as her hand slid over his cock straining at his jeans.

"Oh fuck, we're not going to make it." Kerry grabbed both of her ass cheeks hauling her up against him and spinning to sit her on the kitchen table. The lights flickered suddenly, but neither of them cared as he laid her back so he could drop to his knees.
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Kerry didn't have restraint left as he buried his mouth on her clit and held her hips tightly. He struggled to get out of his coat so he could have better access to feel her body. Lizzie tasted so perfect after being gone. She was becoming his cure for the nastiness he saw in the world. She was perfect, just like Paul said. The taste of honey from her soaked lips took away his need to think then as he pushed two fingers into her.

Lizzie loved how Kerry did this. Jeff was amazing, but it was like Kerry had to learn each piece of her sex when he went down on her. He would take time on each nerve in her body and then suckle at her clit like he may never again. She was moaning and arching off the table in the next minute as she felt herself closing in on a first release.

"Hey guys, the electric flickered and I wanted to make sure everything was okay. Is that pie I smell? What...oh shit!" Jeff's stammering in the doorway broke Kerry's concentration for a second. Lizzie didn't hear him speak over the throbbing of her heartbeat in her temples. Kerry had her on the verge and she could feel every nerve coiled and ready to explode.

"Kerry, don't stop, please...I'm so close." She moaned out holding one hand on his head as her other hand reached into her shirt grabbing her right breast.

Her words were enough to make Kerry not care about the presence of his partner who stood transfixed in the doorway. He curled his fingers on her g-spot hard as he pulled her cilt into his mouth.

"OH FUCK YESSS! AHHHHH!" She screamed out pushing her thighs against his cheeks.

Jeff still stood in the doorway watching as Lizzie's back arched off the table that look of bliss across her face that he had dreamed of when they were away. His cock was completely hard by the time her breathing returned to normal. She opened her eyes and caught his gaze, which made him instantly drop a hand to his crotch rubbing along his length.

"Fuck you're incredible." He sighed out.

"Jeff, do you mind?" Kerry moved over Lizzie's body coming towards her mouth.

"Oh sorry, I'll go." Jeff stuttered as his hand rubbed his length.

"Wait. Stay - show me." Lizzie was completely enraptured in the moment. She wanted to feel Kerry and wanted to see Jeff's straining erection. The scent of both men in the room with her was making her pussy water and she couldn't stand the thought of either leaving. She grabbed Kerry's hair pulling him in to kiss her and shoving her tongue into his mouth trying to shut him up before he said anything to the contrary.

Kerry wanted to say no, tell her he wasn't sure about Jeff being there, but the feel of her mouth on his made his mind go blank. He felt her body ablaze with lust beneath him and her fingers on the button of his jeans trying to free his cock, which made him only want to be inside of her.

" you what?" Jeff was breathing heavy and holding his cock through his jeans.

"Show me what I do to you." Her voice was low and raspy as she finally freed Kerry so her hand could wrap around him. He groaned in response looking down at her and realizing it was pointless for him to try to get away from her. He wanted her too badly. Her smell was driving him crazy and now her hand was stroking his length even as she spoke to Jeff.

"Z...fuck...that's...fuck." Kerry could only mutter as she stroked him so his head rubbed along her pussy getting wet and ready to enter her.

"Oooh...Kerry... please. I want you inside me." She flashed him a look full of desire as she eased his cock head down to the entrance of her sex. She looked off to her side to see Jeff undoing his jeans and pulling the front of his boxer briefs down to show her his cock. The tip glistened with precum as he stood there fixated on her.

"Uh...Z..." Kerry groaned as he pushed himself inside of her completely. Her head flew backward at the feel of him completing her. When she opened her eyes she could see Jeff stroking the length of his cock as he watched her. Kerry was slowly pulling himself out before thrusting back into her.

"Come here so I can watch, please Jeff."...she moaned as Kerry filled her again. Her senses were overloaded as she watched Jeff obeying, walking towards the table where his partner was sliding in and out of her even as he stroked his length.

Jeff thought for only a moment how wrong this should be before getting caught up with her scent and seeing her writhing on the table. Kerry was pushing in and out of her and with every thrust he saw that look of pleasure on her face. Before he knew it he was doing exactly as she asked and walking over to the table to stand only a foot from her at the corner.
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"Oh, Kerry, that's so good...oh fuck." Lizzie reached up pulling Kerry down to her so she could kiss his mouth. He grew rock hard inside of her pushing on her sweet spot. Watching Jeff and feeling Kerry had her body on edge. She could hear the sound of herself being fucked and of Jeff's hand on his own cock and it was all just too much...too good.

Lizzie reached out seizing on Jeff's cock and her body exploded once more as Kerry thrust into her. She screamed out as both men groaned almost in unison. Kerry paused letting her ride out her orgasm on his cock, more so that he wouldn't join her and end her pleasure too soon. Somehow the sight of her hand wrapped around Jeff was so incredibly erotic right now. He leaned down sucking on her neck as her throbbing subsided on his cock. He undid her shirt buttons as he kissed down her chest. He could feel the movement of her arm as she stroked his partner next to him.

Jeff was lost in the sight of the woman he loved on the verge of orgasm as her hand jumped out seizing him. He groaned and released his own hand to stop from cumming right there. He watched as she seemed to pulse while her body experienced pleasure. He cursed his partner for leaning down and taking away his view of her as he kissed down her body. When her hand started to stroke him, he forgot his frustrations and let himself get lost in how her skin felt once more.

"Kerry, stop, help me flip over." Lizzie groaned out causing Kerry to pull himself from her. His shirt was open around her revealing her entire naked form to them both and her pussy was on fire, every nerve screaming out for more and more from him.

"How do you...what do you mean?" Kerry was breathing heavily and looking at her puzzled. She sat up on her elbows, dropping Jeff's cock and looked from Jeff's face to Kerry's.

"I want you both inside me when I cum again." They both looked shocked at how lust-filled her voice was and how intensely neither wanted to walk away. She didn't know, but her eyes had flashed an otherworldly bright green for an instant as she spoke. Lizzie pulled herself backward to sit in the center of the table before flipping over so that was kneeling on all fours with her ass facing Kerry.

"Fuck Lizzie, are you sure this is what you want?" Jeff asked breathing as quickly as Kerry was.

"I want you in my mouth Jeff, now come here." She was forceful in her words and he couldn't deny his desire to be just where she wanted. He walked around to the opposite side of the table from his partner parting the chairs there so he could walk up to her inviting lips. Her right hand reached out caressing his balls and making him inhale sharply. When she reached with her tongue and caught the moisture rolling from his slit he became powerless to resist her. He walked forward allowing her to take his full length inside.

"Oh Jesus...huh." Jeff's hand seized into her hair. His other joined pulling her long brown locks up into a make shift ponytail so he could watch each time she bobbed on him.

Kerry watched as Lizzie's pussy dripped in front of him. He could see how exciting it was for her to have Jeff in her mouth and all he could think about was how incredible she had felt only moments ago cumming around his cock. Hesitantly, he reached out running his hand over her ass. He looked up into his partner's face seeing him standing there with his jaw hanging as his brows furrowed.

Lizzie pulled her mouth from Jeff as her hand held his cock firmly in place. "Please Kerry, I want you inside." She moaned to him before sliding herself down onto Jeff once more.

Kerry couldn't stop himself then lining up with her dripping hole, he pressed himself inside moaning. He held her hips in place with one hand as his other slid under her to grab one of her breasts.

Lizzie felt so incredibly full suddenly and finally sated. She moaned on Jeff's dick as she felt Kerry's graze along her g-spot. His hand went from her breast down to stroking her clit causing her body to clench on him even as Jeff moved one of his hands to hold her other breast. She was so close to exploding as her body seized both of them at the same time.

"Oh God, I'm too close ...I can't." Jeff panted out as she sucked on his head pumping his shaft with her hand.

"Uhhhhhh...Z...fuck." Kerry groaned closing in on his own orgasm.

It was all she needed as Lizzie's pussy clamped down on Kerry before releasing and sending her spiraling over her edge. She felt Jeff's cum shoot down her throat at the same time as Kerry's filled her. Jeff's hand grabbing her side and the table as Kerry grabbed onto her hips holding her in place.
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The lights flickered in the kitchen before turning off completely. Jeff pulled abruptly from her and she heard a chair creak in front of her catching his weight. Kerry slowly pulled from her before she heard another chair behind her and she allowed herself to fall on her side basking in her post-orgasm numbness.

When the lights flickered again and came back on they were all spent sitting in the kitchen breathing together with no words between them. It seemed like hours passed before she could even get herself to move.

She rolled to her side looking at Jeff, who sat with a blank expression on his face. "I made pies for you guys...they should be cool by now." She smiled at him and he laughed back at her. Kerry joined in the laughter from the other side of her and soon they were all cackling as she lay there almost naked on the table between them.

"We should probably clean the table first." Kerry said after a few minutes. This started a new round of laughter easing whatever tension was left in the room.


No one spoke of what had happened between them as the night went on. Instead they all sat around the newly cleaned table enjoying pie together. Lizzie had put on a pair of shorts and buttoned up Kerry's flannel before returning from her bathroom and enjoying it with them listening to the details of their vampire killing with Paul. She felt safe there with her two protectors, who would never hurt her. She felt at home.


The previous night's activities left the bunker nicely free from scent for the next day and allowed Lizzie to enjoy two peaceful nights of rest. Since the night with Jeff the year before, she had not felt the desire to sleep in the same bed as either of them, enjoying the quietness of her own space, which she had become accustomed to over the years.

It wasn't until breakfast the following morning, that Lizzie felt her heat creeping back in. She was surprised frankly as she had not even had a smell the morning before. Lizzie had spent all day with the guys and not even seen one of them respond sexually. It was so refreshing. She wasn't sure, honestly, if they needed to discuss that night, or what it could mean for the future. All she knew was that she was happy and calm.

With her heat creeping back in, she made sure to throw a robe over her pajamas before heading out to the smell of pancakes cooking in the kitchen.

"Well, good morning gorgeous." Jeff chimed in as she entered the kitchen. He was sitting at the table looking through articles on his laptop.

"Hey, Lizzie, want some coffee?" Kerry was at the stove working on pancakes as he turned. Her boys were so perfect right now and she just stopped and smiled.

"What's up?" Jeff asked as they both looked at her.

"Sorry, I was just thinking how nice it is to wake up not alone anymore. I'm so happy I came here again. I would love some coffee Kerry." They both smiled at her words as Kerry poured her coffee.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you are putting out some major smell this morning. I knew you were coming before I even heard your door close." Jeff leaned over taking a strong whiff from her as she sat enjoying coffee. She had her knee drawn up exposing her leg and he took the opportunity to run his fingers along her thigh.

"Hey, let me at least eat breakfast first, damn." Lizzie pushed against him with a smile.

"He's right you know, you smell incredible today. I had to take a long shower just so I could think enough to make breakfast." Kerry smiled putting plates down in front of her and Jeff before placing his own on the other side of the table.

"It's never enough for you two huh? My goodness. Didn't I just get both of you off two days ago?" Lizzie spoke without thinking and everything in the room suddenly stopped.

Jeff cleared his throat, "on another note, Oz said he is tracking down the professor Paul met a few years ago so we can figure out more about you. He told us he would call sometime today to fill all 3 of us in on what he's found. Hopefully if you know more about what's to come, you'll feel a lot better."

They finished breakfast then, and no more was mentioned of their threesome from before. Lizzie hoped that meant things were back to normal. Somehow, she didn't think Kerry would have as much of an issue with things because he seemed so much more open to the world than Jeff did. Jeff would be another matter, and Lizzie wasn't exactly sure how he was dealing with their activities. What she did know was his hand on her leg was just enough to tip her heat into overdrive.

After they ate, Lizzie made her excuses and quickly scampered to the showers while they stayed in the kitchen doing research. Both men watched her as she left and sighed when she was gone.

"She's...uh." Kerry sighed looking at his partner as he sat down and opened his own laptop.

"" Jeff shook his head as if trying to get rid of the scent that was now stuck in his mind. The touch of her skin filled him with electricity.

"So, we blew like two lightbulbs when the electricity surged two nights ago, do we have more?" Kerry chimed in, trying to get his mind off the lingering smell in the room.
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"I don't think so, and I think it is your turn to go to the store, so bring back lunch when you're done huh?" Jeff smiled at him.

"You expect me to leave you here with her like this?" Kerry asked him huffing at the end.

"Yep, your turn man, what can I say."

"No way, coin toss?"

Jeff's phone pinged then and he held up a finger to check it. Sure enough it was a text from Lizzie.

"Can you meet me in the garage in 15 minutes?"

"Haha, tie breaker done, she needs my help in the garage." Jeff smirked showing Kerry his phone.

"Damnit. Alright, I'll go, but I'm not bringing home pie for you, you still have some of hers from yesterday." Kerry huffed and got up to get ready to head to town.

"Oh, Kerry, take Lizzie's car, her keys are on the shelf there, mine sounds off and I gotta fix her. Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna have some pie soon if I play my cards right. I think I'll catch a quick shower first though." Jeff licked his lips and shot two double barrels using his fingers at Kerry, who was decidedly not amused.


15 minutes passed incredibly slowly for Jeff, who made his way back to his room to assure that he had good breath and to reapply his deodorant. If he wasn't the only man she was enjoying, he certainly wanted to be the one that impressed the most. After the other night, he had at first considered if what they were all 3 doing was a bad idea. He just wasn't sure how else this could play out.

These were the two people he cared about most, how could he imagine one of them being hurt in all this? The answer was simple; of course, he didn't want either of them to get hurt. If that meant that he couldn't have Lizzie to himself, then he would share. Somehow he thought the 3way they had enjoyed was a testament to just how close they had all 3 become. Whatever it was, Jeff wasn't one to overanalyze his feelings, so it was definitely time for him to get to the garage and a waiting goddess.

He opened the door heading inside and was greeted by White Snake's Here I Go Again blaring over the speakers they had installed. He closed the door behind him and made his way to the front of the Torino wondering where he would find her. As he reached the front of the car, his wonder turned to an immediate hard-on at what he saw.

There was Lizzie lying on her back on the hood of his car. She had on the light violet bra and panties from their first night together and her hair was splayed out across the hood behind her. Anyone else on his hood would have pissed him off, but she seemed perfectly in place there. Perfectly!
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As he scanned her body, he reached her mouth which he realized was mouthing the words to the song. He was speechless as she stared back at him before starting to move. Her hands ran over her skin and she allowed them to squeeze her tits together before wandering down to give herself a rub between her legs. With his full attention, she started to move on the car, pretending to grind herself into the hood and then leaning tongue out to fake a lick across the finish.

"Hey Jeff, cat got your tongue?" Lizzie purred to him causing him to regain his senses.

"Oh my God, Whitesnake will never sound the same. I...I...oh my God..." Jeff stood caught in her gaze as she continued to move and touch herself on the hood of his precious Stella. She stopped as the song did and motioned with her finger for him to come to her. He walked over on unsteady legs watching how every inch of her body fit perfectly into the next one with her movements.

"Do you remember this outfit?" She was so sexy as she spoke to him only inches away from her.

"Remember it? I can't get it out of my mind. You look incredible on there." His lips grabbed hers full of passion and desire. Her scent radiated through him as he leaned over to grab her in a full embrace pinning her down to the car. He could feel the heat radiating from her body and it was making him want more of her.

"I'm so excited Jeff, will you take me right here?" Her hands grabbed the top of his jeans starting to unbutton them. Her hands buried themselves under his jeans once they were undone seizing on him through his boxers. Jeff growled low under his breath.

"I will, but first, I want to see what I do to me here. I want to burn the image into my baby cumming on my Stella." Jeff kissed her standing up while hooking his thumbs into her panties and pulling them down and over her bare legs and feet. When he stood fully up, he freed his own cock stroking it lightly in anticipation.

Lizzie couldn't stop herself; she moved her hand down swiping her own liquid heat from her body and running it over her clit. She inhaled and her head went backward. She heard Jeff sigh in front of her as AC/DC's Shook Me All Night Long started to play. Jeff's music mix was like a sex soundtrack in her ears.

She drew her knees up planting her feet flat on the hood, legs spread wide to give Jeff the best view. Her fingers drew circles quicker and quicker on her clit as she allowed her hips to grind up into her own hand.

"Oh Jeff, you make me so wet." She panted to him as she pressed just a little harder onto her clit. Catching his eyes she saw the deep lust in them and he stroked himself a little quicker as she felt her own release approaching. There was something so erotic about having him watch her do this. Jeff oozed sex when he wanted to, and this somehow felt like she could finally compete with him.

"Yeah, baby, dip those fingers in." Jeff stepped closer, reaching out to run his fingers down the inside of her left thigh while he continued to stroke himself. She obliged him sliding her middle and ring fingers down into her wet hole seeking out her own sweet spot. She moaned as her other hand continued its motion on her clit. Lizzie was growing closer by the second.

"Jeff, I'm...I"m...AAAAAHHHHHH!" She cried out clenching on her own hand as her breath caught in her throat.

Jeff moved with lightning speed, pulling her fingers from her body and burying his cock in her all the way up to his curly brown hairs.

"Unnnnnnnnnnnnh...fuck...Lizzie, fuck." Jeff came in her without another movement, the feel of her wet pussy around him overloading his senses. He pulsed cum into her even as he watched her body subside. He collapsed forward onto her when he was done hands planted onto the hood on either side of her head as he started to plant kisses gently on her mouth and jawline. They stayed there together basking in the feeling before Jeff raised his head.

"Sorry about that, you're just...I mean...I..." Lizzie silenced him with her fingers on his lips.

"I love you too Jeff." She couldn't help but say it as she looked into his green eyes. Lizzie really did love him. He wasn't her mate, but none of that mattered, she loved him and she loved being so completely connected to him.
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Jeff stared at her before kissing her again passionately. Lizzie felt his cock twitch to life inside of her as his tongue danced on hers. He had not even really gone soft and here he was reignited. He was a hell of a lover, she had to admit.

He stood up, pulling her with him this time as he made his way around the car towards the back door. Jeff's pants had fallen to his ankles, so he shuffled as he moved trying to step out of them.

"I think I have to put you down for a second before we both fall over, sorry." He lifted Lizzie up sliding himself out of her. Leaning over he fished his pants the rest of the way off his legs taking his socks with them. Lizzie pushed up the bottom of his black t-shirt, which he happily discarded.

Jeff's mouth kissed her with renewed vigor and Lizzie pushed down on his boxers and soon enough he had those down and was stepping out of them. He pressed into her against the back door allowing her no room to breathe. His hard cock pressed roughly into her hip. She pushed back on him gently with her hands and he took the hint allowing her to step forward so he could open the back door of the Torino.

Their hands were in a flurry finding every piece of skin they could before Jeff was able to get fingers on her bra clasp. As always, he flicked it apart with a simple movement. He broke their kiss long enough to pull her bra off one arm before he was back on her again as she quickly discarded the garment off to the side.

"Unh...I want you back inside me." Lizzie whispered full of need into Jeff's ear as he kissed her now exposed breasts.

"Kerry's right you are turning into quite the little minx...let me get my pants so you have a pillow." He turned about to retrieve his jeans from the floor to ball them up under her.

"Who said I was going to be on the bottom?" She snaked an arm around his waist holding him long enough so she could spin around him.

"Oh God keep talking to me like that and you can be anywhere you want." His hands went to her face holding her to him in a needy kiss as she backed him up, her hands still on his hips. When his body collided with the car, he ducked his head taking a seat and started backing up along the leather.

Lizzie couldn't help but smile as she ducked her head in. She had been in the Torino only a handful of times, but she had certainly heard about Jeff's exploits in it from Oz, who held her as a confidant now. She just imagined how many women had had the pleasure of that backseat. It should have made her jealous, but in a way it was like she was joining an impressive club.

"What are you smiling about? Come here beautiful." Jeff reached out to her, and she gave him what he wanted crawling over his body until she could plant her pussy flush against his cock pinning it to his abdomen. Jeff growled in response as she leaned down to seize his mouth.

"I guess I was just thinking I was joining the Torino club." She slid forward a little more allowing the tip of Jeff's cock to rest at her entrance.

"The Torino club? Unhhhhhh..." Jeff sighed out as she shifted her hips just enough so his head slid inside of her.

"You know the club of ladies that have had you under her or over her on this very seat. OH...Jeff." She moaned as she slid him completely inside of her.

"None of them compare to you. Your body is so perfect." His eyes slammed shut as she squeezed her Kegel muscles around him. She had been researching a lot in the past year truthfully and been waiting for the right moment to give this trick a try.

"You don't have to woo me Jeff, I'm already fucking you. How does that feel." She released and he opened his eyes, huffing out his breath.

" that?" His brows were raised in wonder.

"The internet, why do you like it?" She squeezed again and his fingers dug into her hips while the muscles in his neck seized.

"Huh...huh...huh...fuck...Come here." He growled at her his teeth grinding together. She released her muscles leaning forward to him.

She leaned down to his waiting mouth and he kissed her roughly holding her to him.

Lizzie stared into his eyes and saw the love in them behind that crazy lust that she adored in Jeff. She was the one to break the stare as she sat up allowing her hips to roll on his. He felt so good inside of her from here. He filled every inch just perfectly and she was moaning soon even as she leaned back to see what a new angle might feel like.
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"God Lizzie...I can' fucking good." She could hear from his breathing that he was close and she squeezed her muscles a little allowing her body to do what it needed to join him in oblivion. She leaned a little further snapping her hips each time she was flush with his body.

"OOOOOOH!!" She cried out as her orgasm split her in half. Fluid surged from her covering Jeff with each spurt and the Torino's seat. He cried out at the feeling. It was unintelligible as she felt cum fill her body and slide out with her own liquid.

When she could move again, she let her hips rest back against his pelvis and heard his heavy breathing come back to her ears. Leaning down slowly she peppered Jeff's neck in kisses as she felt him calm. As she lay there enjoying the feeling of his heartbeat, she felt him start to shake against her. Truthfully, it was the first time she had felt weakness in the man and it freaked her out a little.

"Jeff? Hey, are you okay?" She lifted her head and placed one hand on his cheek.

"'s just a little intense...sorry." The great Jeff was apologizing as his body shook beneath her.

"What? I don't understand." Lizzie stared into his face full of concern.

"No worries baby, see already calming down. It happens when it's really good sometimes." He held out his hand where the shaking had already begun to subside and she let out a sigh nuzzling into his neck.

They rested in each other arms until long after Jeff released from her body, just enjoying each other.

"Lizzie, baby, Kerry's going to be back soon with lunch, you want to go eat?" Jeff roused her from near slumber.

"I guess, but maybe a quick shower first?" She groaned a little as she sat up peeling them apart and noting the rather sticky mess they had made.

"Does that mean round 3?" Jeff chuckled.
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Dark Division - The Capsa - Ch. 12

"So, what did you bring for lunch?" Jeff sat down in front of his partner with a sigh, a huge smile painted across his face.

"Salads actually, where's Lizzie?" Kerry smirked back. That was his ultimate revenge was forcing his partner to eat a salad or starve. It made him so happy to see him squirm and after letting his partner stay and enjoy Lizzie, he wasn't about to give him the courtesy of a greasy burger.

"Oh man, you expect me to eat that rabbit food? Damnit Kerry." Jeff glared at him knowing full well that this was payback for sending him to the store.

"I'm right here, what's up?" Lizzie smiled as she walked out in a long dark blue skirt, sandals and a white tank top. The top hung low on her neck just enough to catch Kerry's attention as she started to pull her hair into a quick bun.

"Oh Oz called me, said Jeff and you weren't answering. He said he had an important update on what he found out from Paul's professor friend. You want to eat and then call or call while we eat?" Kerry was so sweet, but clearly he was just as eager as Lizzie to know what Oz had discovered. She had noticed the change in him and the more and more intensely he cared about how she was and what was going through her mind. Lizzie wondered if Paul had said more than the boys told her on their last trip.

"Let's call him, while we eat. Ooh is this Panera? I love their salads." Lizzie seized the salad in front of her and a beer and sat down to enjoy both at the table. Jeff rolled his eyes and groaned.

Kerry took out his phone after they were all situated and called Oz, putting it on speaker phone in the middle of the table so they could all here.

"Hey Kerry, everybody there?" Oz's fatherly voice came out. It was warming to Lizzie.

"Yep, all three of us, don't mind the noises we're eating lunch, but we didn't want to wait." Kerry's response was cute as he took another bite of salad.

"No, problem, Lizzie how are you holding up kiddo?" He was so sweet to her.

"I'm good, just hoping you found something so I know what I'm getting into. This time's been pretty strong and I'm not looking forward to next year unless I stay locked in the dungeon here." She smiled, but the sigh on the other end of the phone took away her energy as she sensed this was not going to be all good news.

"Well, I wish I had a complete picture, but what I have now isn't exactly going to make you feel better."

"Whatya got Oz?" Jeff asked concern in his voice.

"Well, I tracked down Paul's professor friend, and he had a partial manuscript in his archives that described a mythical creature called a Capsa. I, of course, told him we were investigating something classified and took the manuscript and whatever information he could give me. Of course, Lizzie is a Capsa, which means vessel, crucible, incubator, etc, etc, it all points to some type of container. The manuscript talks about container in a few ways. First, you will be a container for a being of importance - i.e. a mother. Second, you are a container of great power at least prior to the birth."

"I don't have powers though, Oz, so what does that mean? And what do you mean prior to the birth?" Lizzie was eager dropping her fork.

"Hey, hold on there let me get it all out then the questions." Oz's words calmed her enough to shove a bite of salad in and take a deep breath.
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"One lore book I found, which was not too easy to get by the way, translates some of the manuscript symbols as saying that you contain this power and at the breaking of 7 gates it is opened in you. It is also then that you are truly able to receive the being. So, if you can avoid opening the gates, then you won't have to worry about unleashing the great power or getting knocked up. Here's the part I don't like. The manuscript is only partial with a chunk missing, but the notations about the Capsa end after the child is born. It does mention alternatives of the child being evil or good, but you seem to disappear after the birth. So, I think maybe this is one of those births where you don't make it out so alive." Oz sighed as did the rest of them.

"Okay, well I just won't break the gates then. Oz, I can avoid them right?" Lizzie tried to sound hopeful.

"I don't know that yet baby girl, I hope so. You know if I can help it I will and so will the boys. Only 4 of the 7 gates are noted on this part of the manuscript, so we can at least stop the first 4 for now until I find the rest of this thing. I'm not sure if they are in order or anything, so let's just go through what I've got translated. And hey, before you get worried just know that I've got more sources to look at, so this ain't the end."

"Okay Oz, what are these gates?" Kerry sighed looking as if he was on the verge of tears already.

"Alright, these might get a little personal, but we'll see what we got. The first gate is being penetrated by a man, so are you a virgin Lizzie?" A silence fell in the room.

"Haven't been since I was 18 Oz, I don't think we can get around that one. You know the angels warned me, but teenage hormones and all." She sighed trying to laugh but already feeling like this would have a bad ending.

"Yeah, I wasn't positive we would get that one, but it's only one of them. Glad you're okay answering these by the way, because I sure as hell feel bad askin' em." Oz sounded relieved that she had answered so openly.

"Alright, the second gate is being made love to outside of your heat cycle by one with pure intent. It seems to say that the man shall have acted out of a selfless desire to show you the good in mankind. So, umm..." Oz paused awaiting a response.

Lizzie looked at Jeff and her eyes grew a little wider in wonder. She couldn't help but think of their first night together.

"Not sure on that one Oz, could be." She hesitated.

"What do you mean, have you had sex again or not?"

"Yea, but the whole intent thing?

"It would have happened the day after your heat cycle. Looks like 10 years hence from the first gate. Does that help? I thought you were sworn off men when we spoke last year - I guess I figured that meant you hadn't."

"Oz, I hadn't been with a man for 10 years until last year, the day after my heat cycle ended. But, that means the second gate - it's broken." She sighed putting her head in her hands.

"Wait, you mean...Jeff, you dolt, did you touch her? I swear to God boy."

"Hey I didn't know Oz. I was just...ah fuck, I'm so sorry Lizzie."

"It's okay, just tell me what the next one is, maybe I haven't completely fucked up yet." Lizzie's eyes watered as she started to contemplate that none of this was truly in her control at all.

"It says that you will start you next cycle with the love of a third man, who was not anticipated. That one's a little weird, but dare I ask if it sounds familiar." Silence fell at Oz's words as Lizzie turned her head to look at Kerry and her face fell.
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"I'm hearing crickets here guys, talk to me." Oz sounded agitated on the phone.

"Uh, Oz I think we have an affirmative on that one." Jeff chimed in sparing Lizzie and Kerry from the need to respond.

"Are you kidding me? Lizzie, what the hell has gotten into you?" Oz asked harshly and she felt a tear roll down her cheek as she looked at Kerry. It had been so wonderful to be with both of them and now she knew it was just destiny and all crap at that. This was never her choice, never. She wanted to scream and cry at the same time.

Jeff reached out, placing his hand on hers stroking over her fingers with his thumb.

"And, the fourth Oz, what's the fourth?" Kerry cleared his throat and squeaked out the question.

"I don't even want to ask." You could almost hear him shaking his head on the other side of the phone.

"Just tell us and then for God's sake find out what the last 3 gates are so there aren't any more mistakes." Jeff's word rang in her ear...mistakes...he had called them all mistakes.

"The fourth is said to be a moment of shared pleasure for two prior lovers and the vessel. It sounds like a 3 way to me, so who wants to tell me I'm thinking about this one wrong." Oz's words came out.

"Shit!" Jeff exclaimed slamming his hand on the table and jarring Lizzie from her shock.

"I'm sorry Oz, it looks like I'm a whore. I was born and lived through hell all to be everyone's whore! Go find out how I whore myself out next huh? Little innocent Lizzie was supposed to stay chaste or is it that I'm supposed to die. Well, fuck this...not fair, I didn't want any of this. I just wanted to stay in my house and have no one bother me. Now, look, I try to be happy just for a little bit and look what happens. The angels warned me to stay chaste, but I had to be a whore!" Lizzie was wailing as she finished her statement and she took off down the hallway to her room.

"Lizzie, wait...uh..." Kerry tried to speak.

"Kerry, let her go, let her have some time to take this in." Jeff tried to sound reassuring.

"I thought you two were supposed to keep her safe, not turn that place into an orgy. What the hell were you thinking? Tom gave you someone special to protect and neither one of you could keep it in your pants long enough to find out why she's special. I thought I taught you better than to mess with special beings like her. You may have just doomed her if I don't find out more." Oz was furious at them. He knew Lizzie and he cared for the girl. He could tell just how wounded she was when she first came to see him. They had enjoyed talking and sharing in some drinks. He couldn't imagine something happening to her. Couple that with two of his best agents clearly acting like idiots and he was beside himself.

"I don't know what to say Oz. She's perfect." Jeff shook his head at himself; unable to comprehend how he hurt the woman he was in love with.

"Can you try to find out the rest Oz? Do you need help?" Kerry tried to contain himself. There was something about watching Lizzie cry that made his insides churn.

"Let me see if I can locate the rest of this manuscript and I might send you guys to get it. Until then, try to behave." Oz hung up leaving both men staring at their salads with no appetite.

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The guys started drinking shortly after the phone call. And, then they started the waiting. Sitting outside of Lizzie's door and listening as she cried inside and screamed. She didn't want to die and more importantly she didn't want to think about how Jeff had said that she was a mistake.

"Hey Lizzie, you've been in there a bit, do you want us to bring you anything?" After much hesitation and both of them trying to force the other to try, Kerry finally bucked up and made a move.

"Unless you have a new hymen on you, I'm not sure you can help." Lizzie called out in anger, although Jeff couldn't help but smirk. Even angry she still had a great sense of humor.

"We do have ice cream in the freezer if that will help." Jeff tried and Kerry gave him a thumbs up to say way to go.

The boys weren't sure what to do, but they knew they had to make her feel better.

"So, is your silence a yes to ice cream?" Kerry ventured trying to extend an olive branch.

"Okay, I'll try." Kerry smiled at her words and nodded his head at Jeff. They may not be able to fix everything for Lizzie, but they sure as hell could make her feel better tonight if she was willing.

Both boys got up and ran into the kitchen trying to get there first. As Jeff won the race, he laughed grabbing the Ben and Jerry's out of the freezer. Kerry smiled, and grabbed a second container. Jeff grabbed spoons out of their drawer and Kerry smiled grabbing napkins before they both headed back to see if Lizzie would let them in.

"Hey gorgeous, we have two pints of Ben and Jerry's and a bunch of spoons let us in." Jeff yelled through the door.

"Fine." Lizzie sighed. Kerry opened the door and walked into the room to find Lizzie with a blanket over her legs sitting on the bed. Her face was streaked with tears and she held tissues. The boys sighed and one climbed to each side of her before passing her a spoon and each opening a container. As much as the two said they were different, their mannerisms were so similar that she almost couldn't tell them apart.

Lizzie turned on her t.v. putting on an old Horror movie, she did love that about October and how it allowed her to watch her favorite movies.

"Sweet is this Chlildren of the Corn?" Kerry chimed in.

"What's that?" Jeff asked.

"It's awesome and super creepy. Just give it a try Jeff." Lizzie chimed in.

"Alright, but only to make you feel better." And so they sat enjoying ice cream together on Lizzie's bed as they watched the movie.

"This isn't so bad, you know." Jeff made the comment half an hour into the film. Kerry reached for the remote pushing pause on the movie and setting their empty ice cream containers off to the side.

"Ok, so talk to us. That was pretty heavy stuff there and you kind of freaked out." Kerry reached out to her trying to get her to open up.

"What is there to talk about? I was born and raised to be a whore for destiny, so I'm just you know on the train straight to misery and death. Plus, as a bonus I was with you both because destiny said so, not because you actually wanted to be with me. You know a typical Wednesday." A tear rolled down her face as she spoke allowing the words to bring her back to the words Oz said.
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"You know you're not the only one destiny has its hooks in. We've both been on the receiving end of that one." Jeff brushed Lizzie's hair out of her face, but she still refused to turn and look him the eye.

"Lizzie, you have to know that just because it was supposed to happen doesn't mean we didn't want this. Sometimes things are written and it's a blessing that it comes true." Kerry tried to help her out.

"You don't understand, even Jeff said it. It was a mistake, and if you could take it back neither one of you would have even touched me. I was just fooling myself in thinking that I could be happy, let alone with the two of you. How stupid could I be?" She started to really cry then.

"Hey, I didn't mean it that way. I ...I...argh. I meant mistake as in we made a mistake in having you go down that path when you didn't have to. We...we...Kerry and I well we were selfish in acting on what we wanted when it's just going to bring you pain..." Jeff stuttered his way through.

"Wait, you're sorry? I don't...I..." Lizzie didn't know what to say as she looked between the two guys.

"Lizzie, sometimes, destiny gives you what you want even if you never saw it coming. So, let's just watch the movie together and we'll figure this stuff out as we go." Kerry had the right words even when Jeff didn't.

With those words they went back to watching the movie. As it ended, the guys went to get up.

"Hey, can you just stay here tonight, I don't' want to sleep alone." Lizzie reached out to them with her words.

Nothing else needed to be said as they both stripped off their clothes to their boxers. Lizzie pulled her shirt over her head and lay down on the bed, leaving her in only her panties. Jeff moved over to the light as Kerry curled up behind her with an arm around her and nuzzled into her neck. Jeff came back to bed after the lights were off and stroked his hand over her face. Before long they were all cuddled up legs intertwined and the men held her tightly so she could fall asleep.


The next two days were spent in near silence as Lizzie's smell increased, but no one tried to act on it. They didn't want to take even the slightest chance that another seal could be broken. At the end of the second day, a break came and Oz called once again.

"Hey what's up Oz?" Kerry answered as he and Jeff sat at the table eating. Lizzie was in her room trying to get herself under control before being in the same room with the two of them again.

"I think I found out where the rest of the manuscript is. Listen, it's going to take you at least a day to get there, but I can't send anyone else and risk this issue become more widely known. So, pack your stuff and I'll email you the details." He sounded heavy-hearted as he spoke to the two of them, and they all seemed to know why without acknowledging it.

The guys told Lizzie what was going on and were out the door within the hour. If they had a chance at saving her, both were determined to do so. It gave Lizzie some comfort, but still she was worried, especially because her heat cycle wasn't over yet this year.

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Two days after they left, the bunker was filled with nothing but silence. The noise from Lizzie's tv was the only sound to give her company. It had been extremely tough to get to sleep since they had parted so quickly. In all that they had heard, there was no time to consider her heat and how it would creep back in. Now, her sheets smelled like them both. It meant her dreams were flashes of sex acts both with them and grotesque acts that she hoped would never happen with monsters.

After four nights of those dreams, she was a walking zombie, and even the texts they sent giving her progress weren't helping to relieve her stress. She was drinking to pass the time as 3 a.m. drew in. The whiskey did not even take away the frustration of not being able to find release on her own and not being able to sleep the heat away because of the nightmares.

"Oh Tomas, where are you when I really need you?" Lizzie sighed out her eyes pinching closed.

"I'm here, what do you need?" A deep voice caused her to open her eyes instantly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pray to you, but I just. Tomas I'm a mess." She was very frustrated sitting on her bed, bottle in hand in one of Kerry's flannels and her sleep shorts.

"It's fine, Lizzie, I was not otherwise busy. You seem very distressed; tell me what is bothering you." He sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I...Did you hear about the gates? I fucked up Tomas." A tear rolled down her cheek.

"I have heard yes, Jeff called me. It is unfortunate, but I don't believe we can fix those now. Is that why you are so distressed?" His concern was genuine.

"That and other stuff." She was clearly drunk as she tried to think about how to articulate what had her so stressed.

"You know you can tell me anything. I do not always understand the complex emotions you humans have, but I do know you." He reached out tilting her face up.

"Tomas, I can't handle this, the heat is too much. I can't think or even sleep. I keep having these horrible dreams. I mean I have the usual sex dreams, but now I'm having these horrid nightmares too." She opened up to him feeling a little relief in doing so.

"You know I cannot take away those dreams. I could stay here and hold you while you sleep. I believe that helped you when your girlfriend passed away." He was so sweet, her angel.

"Please Tom, would you?"

"Did you call me Tom?" He looked at her tilting his head to the side.

"Yea, the guys call you that, is it okay?"

"Of course and of course I will hold you, let me remove my coat and tie so that it is more comfortable." He stood taking his coat off as well as his suit jacket and then his tie. Tom liked to do things as a man around her because it somehow comforted her. When she was young she had explained that he felt so cold and foreign when he whisked away all the time and left her alone. Since then he had made a point of using doors when he could with her and otherwise acting normally.
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Once done with this menial task, Tom climbed into the bed next to her sitting with her at the headboard and putting a hand around her.

"Tom, no shoes in the bed." He flicked his fingers and they were suddenly under the chair where his coat was.

"Hey, we talked about that. None of that weird magic stuff if you can help it. I want my normal angel here." She snuggled into him as he took the bottle from her hand and placed it on the night table.

Tom waited until she was sleeping in his arms before making a motion to flick the lights off, assuming she wouldn't notice. He closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of his charge in his arms. Lizzie was family and he still remembered her as a frightened teenager coming to him. It was much easier to fix the teenage woes than what she was currently dealing with. At least this he could help to some degree by holding her.

A few hours went by as she slept before he started to hear muffled crying. Tom realized Lizzie was tossing in his arms then, covered in sweat. He had let his mind drift and her sudden shaking roused him from his daydreams. She screamed waking herself up as she grabbed him.

"Lizzie, you were just dreaming, it's okay. Calm down."

"Oh Tom, it was so horrible. The demons were...they were..." Her mind drifted back into her dream of demons holding her and taking turns violating her body.

"They are not here. They cannot get into the bunker, and I am here with you. Lizzie your scent is very strong, have you not used your vibrator to release it?" He asked matter of factly bringing her further into being awake.

"Sorry Tom, with Kerry and Jeff it gets better, but it's so intense and they haven't been here. Plus, when I close my eyes I just get these horrible images. I haven't been able to get any release."

"Would you like to try while I watch over you? Perhaps, it will work then." Tom offered in his innocence and from a completely non-sexual position.

"No offense Tom, but if it doesn't work when you're not here, then you watching would not make it any easier. I don't know what's wrong with me. Normally, I can at least take the edge off, but it's like with the gates breaking I just can't do anything..." She huffed in frustration as she held onto him.

"I hate to see you like this, perhaps there is something I could do to help." Tom spoke softly with concern in his voice.

"I didn't think you could take the heat away with your mojo. You told me that wasn't possible." Lizzie was willing to try anything.

"I cannot just heal it, it is not a wound. But, I have previously shared grace with a Nephilim trying to heal her, and I was told it was euphoric. Perhaps I could try that with you and it would be close enough to a sexual release that you could calm and get some rest." It had occurred to Tom before, but Lizzie had always found a way to release energy herself. He had believed it would be too close to a sexual act and would make her uncomfortable, but now it seemed there were no good alternatives. He didn't trust anyone but Kerry and Jeff to help her and they were busy trying to find the rest of the manuscript.
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"Is that too weird for you Tom? I am willing to try anything." Lizzie was open to any suggestion, she trusted Tom with her life and her soul. He would never hurt her; in fact he would protect her with his being until he no longer could.

"If it will ease your suffering, then it would never be weird for me. Just lie down and relax." At his words Lizzie laid her head back on her pillow and rolled to be on her back.

Tom focused energy into his hand seeing the glow beneath the sheets and he placed his hand on Lizzie's stomach. He felt connected to her like when he healed her suddenly. And he heard her sigh.

Lizzie felt the warmth spread through her. At first it was as if she was being healed, and then she felt it spread throughout her core and up to her chest. She moaned as she felt her nipples get hard at the sensation.

"Are you okay?" Tom asked hearing her moan out. Suddenly, her scent grew even stronger and it filled his mind and body with a strange sensation. He could not place it, but it was unlike any interaction he had with her before.

"Uh-huh...that's really, oh Tom." Lizzie's temperature had skyrocketed as the heat branched downward stopping just before her clit causing her to groan out once again.

"Is this helping?" Tom asked quietly, unsure if the groaning was a positive or negative and seeing Lizzie writhe beneath his touch.

"Oh yes, move your hand." Lizzie panted.

"Where would it be better?" Tom asked trying to understand what was happening to himself and her. He felt his own energy being mixed with hers even as he tried to comprehend the trail of new energy drifting back to him.

"Lower, please..." Lizzie needed the touch, her pussy was begging as her core heated. She felt Tom's hand drift down the shirt resting just below her navel.

"Is that better?" He asked, his own voice getting slightly ragged as he felt his physical body develop a sheen of sweat.

"Oh fuck, yes...please...fuck lower." The warming sensation had reached over her clit causing her inner coil to tighten as she yearned for a further sensation. Her pussy watered, waiting to be entered. This felt amazing, unlike any sexual touch she had ever had. It was as if Tom's hands were all over her, but he barely touched her at all. Suddenly, she wanted his touch, and very badly at that.

"Lizzie, this is very odd. I'm having a reaction I did not expect, would you like me to stop?" Tom was breathing heavy as he spoke and Lizzie opened her eyes to look into his, which now held a light blue glow. She noticed then that the entire bed seemed to be glowing around them.

"No, please, don't stop, touch me Tom, really touch me." She was panting and begging, trying to keep herself from reaching out to him. Her fear was that somehow reaching to him would cross a line that could not be undone.

"Show me. I don't understand." Tom was locked on her now, his body half covering hers and she felt the impossible - an erection against her leg.

Lizzie whimpered at the thought, feeling her body grew even hotter. She looked into his eyes, seeing Tom truly before her and took his hand in hers lowering it beneath the top of her shorts. She had worn no underwear since the boys weren't here, so his touch immediately met with her curly hair and then went further as she continued to move threading his fingers onto her clit.
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"Here. Oh fuck Tom...I'm so close." His finger pressed down onto her clit causing her to scream out as her fingers moved to his shirt taking a fistful of fabric in a tight grip.

"It is working then? You are close to orgasming?" Tom asked still with heavy breaths as he gazed down into her eyes. He saw a green glow in them that he had never seen before. He felt connected to her unlike any connection from their past years together. He moved his finger exploring the feel of his charge and her soft core. It was the only part of her he really had not seen before.

"Oh fuck...yes...oh Tom...oh...oh...AAAAAHHHHHH!" Her back arched off the bed as she kept his gaze. He had moved his finger causing what felt like electricity to pulse through her clit and it had sent her over the edge.

" are so beautiful when you orgasm." She truly was, he had perhaps not realized how perfect a being she had become. It was as if his eyes had opened and now he had seen her very soul. It glowed the most magnificent green and as she came it had pulsed out before his eyes. He was awestruck.

"Please, more...please." She begged him, breathless and flushed as she clung to his clothes. Her other hand had now snaked between the arm that held him up and his body pulling on his hip and grinding his erection against her body.

"Anything for you, but these are too constricting." Tom pulled his hand out of her shorts and with one motion Lizzie was naked next to him. His finger found its previous place circling once more as he allowed his grace to stretch further than before. He could feel almost her entire body as he watched a glow coming from inside of her. She gasped as it slipped inside of her wet hole exploring.

"Oh God, what are you doing? Oh please never stop." She was moaning and whispering his name as his touch continued. It was so curious to him how a touch in these spots had her so riveted. He could now understand the draw of human sexuality completely as he never had before. This was an experience he would never understand without having it.

"Your soul is so incredible..." Tom sighed the words out as she opened her eyes capturing his. He felt her core tighten impossibly and then release quickly as she came again. The pulse of light from her was amazing. He only wished that the light he could see he could show to Kerry and Jeff. They may understand parts of her, but this truly was the most beautiful treasure he had ever seen in his existence.

"Tom, these are too constricting." Lizzie was completely caught in the bliss, drunk and sex drunk at the same time. All she wanted now was to see her angel's body. She could feel his perfect grace all over her, but she wanted to see his physical form too.

"Yes." He said one word and he didn't even need to move his hand as his clothes disappeared reforming on the chair by the bed. The sheet was soon batted away and a blue glow enveloped both their naked forms.

"Oh please, I want your body inside me, not just your grace...please Tom." The only thing she could think about was being completely filled by Tom in all of her senses.

Tom looked at her and wanted to say no, but her entire being was reaching out for him. He let his glow continue in the darkness and moved so he was above her releasing his hand. Lizzie spread her legs beneath him. His face met hers and she kissed him for the first time since they had met.

His breath left him as he responded and then felt her warmth and moisture on his body. It made him want her in a way he never had. He knew somewhere that this was not normal, but he just didn't care. His mouth moved from her lips down her chest seizing on of her nipples. As his tongue circled it she moaned out his name. It was incredible to have her like this begging for him.

Lizzie panted as she waited for him to fill her. Her angel, her protector, it felt so right to have him complete her now.

"Please Tom, I want you inside." She moaned at him winding her fingers into his hair. He moved upwards again catching her lips and adjusting his cock to her entrance. It was warm and inviting calling out to him physically as her essence did to him spiritually.

Then came the inevitable, Tom breached her inner core slightly and his eyes changed immediately to human eyes. The deep blue of them had no grace reflected, while he looked at her with complete lust. Suddenly, he stopped holding himself back sliding into her until he could move no further. He groaned out as he let his grace fill her from the inside and outside. She moaned with him feeling every nerve in her body ignite.
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Tom reached his hands up lacing his fingers into her hair as he started to thrust instinctively. His mouth was on hers as they moved together. There were no more words only the noises of sex and carnal release as they moved. She gripped onto his shoulders as he continued. He could see all parts of her and she was truly a celestial being.

Lizzie felt herself reaching another apex as she saw a glint of green surrounding the blue aura that enveloped Tom. His mouth smothered hers, not wavering as he moved making her gasp with each entrance into her core. His kiss was soft and unyielding with their eyes locked on each other.

"Tom, I'm...I'm...oh GOD!!" Her body exploded from every pore shooting a green light out through him and shorting out all the lightbulbs in the room.

"UNHHHHHHHHH!!" Tom came inside of her unable to hold anything back as his grace flashed out. He should have warned her before showing his true face like that, but he simply could not. His fear was not realized though as he looked down to see her subsiding beneath him. His grace had not harmed her in any way.

He collapsed onto her unable to hold himself up. Tom' strength was completely gone from his heavenly and his human form. A few moments later and he felt her struggling to breathe. It was then he pulled himself from her and moved so that he was next to her on the bed.

"I'm sorry. I did not mean for it to go that far." Tom said to her as he lay there.

"It's okay. It was me, my heat was too much. Just please don't leave me while I'm sleeping." Lizzie rolled over onto his chest feeling his heart beat still pounding. Tom wrapped his arms around her pulling her tight to him and then fixing the sheet around them both. As she drifted off in his arms, she swore she felt feathers around, but dismissed it as a dream.

Tom had never experienced anything like what had just happened, and he was completely unsure of what it meant. He had never seen Lizzie that way, she had no sexual attraction for him and he was immune to her heat. He started to wonder if this had been a grave mistake, and at the same time he felt a love for her like he never had before.

It was then that they both slept, peacefully. Tom had never dreamed as he did that night - never really having slept while he was an angel, and it was a welcome respite for Lizzie from her torturous nightmares.
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