Adultery Sahana: My, Once Shy, Bengali Wife by Dhaka1989
So we chatted some more. I was on the side taking pictures on my phone, of the beach and of Sahana. Then I asked Mark to take some couple shots of Sahana and I. I stood with my arms around her, holding her waist, then another one where I was holding her face and was kissing her. In the next one, she was standing in front of me, with me holding her around her stomach. Then for the next shot, I made her turn her back to the camera at an angle, her face turned towards Mark, arms around my neck and my hand at her hip. Mark paused, shook his head sideways, came towards us, took my hand from my waist and placed it on her ass. ‘Much better,’ he said, ‘you guys married not long ago, show some passion.’ He clicked some more. I then took some pictures of him and Laila, where they were both sat on the blanket with him, behind her, in the last picture he was cupping her breast. He made it seem so normal and natural. After a while Laila got up and left to find a public toilet as she needed to pee. Mark did not bother accompanying her.

The Sahana suggested, ‘Mark let’s take some photos.’
‘Oh yes please,’ replied Mark, with a grin. She did not need to ask me or want my approval for it; she knew I was already game.

So they stood and took photographs, with the sea at the back, first one was tame with them in side hugs and was followed by the next one with Sahana kissing his cheeks as her held her tight, his hands on her lower back. For the next photograph, she had her back to him as she leaned against him, his crotch and her ass touching highly likely, his hands around her waist on her stomach. They were doing the same routine that mine and Sahana’s couple pictures were. I knew what the next photograph was going to be and I was right. She turned her back to the camera and head turned towards it, while Mark’s right hand came around was slowly inching towards her ass cheeks. How Sahana would react to it, was all I thought. Then to both my relief and disappointment, when Mark’s hands actually touched her ass for a second, she immediately pulled his hands up to his waist. Luckily I had caught both of those hand positioned shots on camera. She had longs legs and a scrumptious ass; he was probably dying to get his hands on it.
As their photo session ended, Sahana came towards me and whispered to me in Bengali so Mark had no idea, ‘How was it?’ as her left eyebrow danced peeking over her sunglasses. Her right hand then brushed on my suit to find my cock stiff. She had her answer.

‘How much did you like it? I asked, as I felt the front of her pussy and it was wet, we had not gone to the water yet. Her back was towards Mark and her body was covering my hands touching her pussy. She sheepishly laughed, embarrassed that she had been caught red handed. I realized that not having Laila, Mark’s wife, around had made her bolder, bold enough to initiate teasing.

Laila came back and we chatted some more, mostly politics and about the latest terrorist attacks in Europe, before going to the water for a swim. Laila, who I found to be very quiet, being a Syrian, gave us her opinion of the middle crisis, and from what I could gather from her, she was probably a silent supporter of her President.

I was by now quite sure that Mark and Laila were not married, but I could not point to it exactly why I thought so. Nothing happened all afternoon, except us men taking peeks at each other’s partner. Laila was physically a very gifted woman, and gave off aura that she was very sexual. It was her full lips and the sharp straight nosed face, coupled with her zeal to expose her body, which gave off that aura.

After spending a whole day and staying for the sunset, we headed back. We then got invited to go to a spa day the next day with Mark and Laila, followed by clubbing in the evening. Mark promised that he would make all the arrangements. Although Mark was old enough to be our father, he was treating us as if we were his friends.

That night we made love that night will full passion and managed to come at the same time. I had put a lot of effort into foreplay and oral sex for that to happen and I was glad when it did. As we lay on our bed, Sahana turned towards me and said, ‘you know, when we were taking pictures, with my back to him, I actually felt his hardness on my ass, you know. I hope you don’t mind.’
I made a “brushing away” movement with the right hand, a gesture we Bengalis made, to signal that it wasn’t a problem. ‘He is not the first one whose hardness you ass has felt,’ I said.
‘Of course it was Anis’s. You are right,’ she said.
‘How did that feel?’ I asked her, looking into her eyes.
She thought for a moment, ‘he was wearing boxers and I had just bent down. I was half-expecting him to be hard,’ she said caressing my chest, ‘I was just trying to tease him. So when I sat on him, I felt it against my ass you know, so in reflex I, without thinking, rubbed against it, till his “thing” set right in between my ass. I did not think what I was doing. I just did it. You don’t think bad of me do you?’ She said with her puppy dog expression. I gave her kiss to answer her question.
‘Did you like it?’ I asked, immediately regretted asking. She did not answer me, ignoring the question, and simply got on top of and put my already erect cock into her.

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Continuation 7

The next day we went up to the spa with Mark and Laila. Mark and I did not want to do much, so we decided to lounge about, have a few drinks, chat and accompany the girls if we can as they did their stuff. They came out in robes and went inside doing the usual foot spa and head massage, the usual stuff, while we men sat outside near at massage table for them to come out to us. ‘I had found a good masseur; Laila had asked for a massage by strong hands, to her all those female-masseur’s soft hands don’t cut it,’ Mark informed in a matter-of-factly manner. ‘You see men don’t usually massage female clients here, so it had to be specially arranged.’ I understood that he had to pay good money for that. So after an hour, the girls came out, giggling. Sahana was easy going, so it was possible she had managed to befriend a cold, unconcerned character such as Laila. Sahana did not want to have a massage. ‘We can’t afford it, we already spent a lot,’ she whispered to me in Bengali when she asked if she wanted a massage too, ‘anyways we have Subhas-kaka, our personal masseur,’ she said with a wink. I laughed at her naughtiness. I also realized she was not comfortable having a stranger touch her like that.

The masseur came out, Daniel, a Philippine, as he introduced himself and set the table. Then Laila opened her robe and gave us a twirl in her Bikini that she was wearing under her robe, the same one she was wearing yesterday at the beach. She got on to the table on her front and the masseur untied the knot of the bikini top at the back and the strings fell sideways. He went into his work as he poured oil onto her body and started massaging her back. After massaging her back, her went down to her legs, as he bunched the bikini bottom further into her ass crack exposing most if not all of her butt cheeks. With vigor he massaged, kneading her butt then rubbing his hands on her legs down to her foot it one motion. As her massage went on and we stared at Daniels performance and Laila’s body, Sahana who was sat beside me, leaned in and whispered into my ears, ‘Subhas-kaka’s is no way near Daniel’s talent.’
I turned myself away from Laila’s heavenly body being manhandled and looked at Sahana, ‘Subhas-kaka is probably a child in front of Daniel’s abilities,’ I said. I noticed Daniel had a hard on that had formed under his trousers, kept from going full mast probably because of his trousers and underwear. Sahana noticed it too, as I saw her stare at the cock hardening.
‘Let’s learn all we can from Daniel as we have to teach Subhas-kaka as we can,’ she said with a broad smile. I was confused as to what was in store for us once we got back.

Daniel used a lot of techniques, elbows, knuckles, fingertips to push into Laila’s back, legs, feet and ass. All this time Laila, who did not seem at all uncomfortable from getting a total body rubdown from a man she had never met before, was moaning every now and then. After fifteen minutes of massaging, it ended; Daniel helped her tie the knot of her top and helped her to get up. The women told us men to go to the private pool filled with hot spring water. While we were walking up to it, Mark pulled me aside, ‘Alright Ali, you have probably figured this by now,’ he said, ‘Laila and I am not married.’ I nodded.
‘I already figured that out,’ I said.
‘I was worried what you guys would have thought,’ he said, ‘whether you would have accepted or be friendly with us knowing that Laila is like a “pleasure companion”,’ he kept his hands on my shoulders and continued, ‘I don’t like the word escort, its degrading.’
‘You are like her sugar daddy?’ I asked.
He laughed whole heartedly, ‘of sorts,’ he replied.

We men got into this tiny pool, with water pouring in from a dragon statue’s mouth at one corner. We relaxed in the warm water and waited for the girls, and after a while saw them approach. Laila had washed off the oil and maybe Sahana was helping. They soon approached us, Laila was wearing her bikini that she was wearing and Sahana was still wearing that same robe. I in the hurry in the morning had not noticed what suit she packed and had forgotten to ask her. Scenes of Laila being rubbed down had occupied my mind for a bit and also her being an escort of sorts had made the thing even hotter.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Laila got into the pool and sat beside Mark. Mark (I think) and I were in anticipation of what Sahana was wearing inside her, as she opened her robe slowly; we discovered Sahana was actually wearing the black two piece bikini I got her. She had one hand covering her breasts and the other one covering her bottom crotch area, shy from all the exposure. ‘Relax..’ I said as she came towards us in the water, then she looked at me and then at Mark, keeping eye contact and dropped her hands. Her top part was a triangle top that was tied behind her neck and back. Her full breasts had filled out her bikini top, her breasts pressed together and ample cleavage was showing with her long necklace resting on the valleys of the cleavage. Her hair was tied in a messy bun and entire back was naked except for the strings that tied her tops. Her bikini bottom was tie sides and left half of her ass exposed, seen by Mark and I, as she turned and sat between Mark and I. She could have sat on the other side of me, but she had chosen to be in-between us men, with their arms touching. I leaned in and gave her a full kiss, whispering to her of how proud I was of her. We were sat on steps inside the pool and the water came till our upper chest and Sahana’s bikini clad tits were bobbing and coming up the water level every now and then and I saw Mark checking it out.

We all relaxed for a bit and made small talk. I noticed that Sahana had started to relax in the warm water. I realized that her inhibitions had been significantly lowered in this trip and that she had worn a two piece bikini for the first time. I had to make a point of it.
‘Mark… Laila,‘ I announced, ‘my beautiful Sahana is has turned a new leaf in this trip and have worn a two piece bikini for the first time.’ My shy wife started to go red and then playfully punched me in my stomach.
Mark clapped, even Laila clapped as well. ‘Sahana, darling,’ Mark complemented, ‘you look beautiful, you should wear them more.’ Sahana thanked us, still shy and looked down. Mark not missing the opportunity to spice things up had called me, ‘Ali, give me your phone; let’s take some pictures of your bride.’ I got up, went to where our phones were, got back and handed him my phone. Sahana in the meantime didn’t need any coaxing as she proudly stood, water dripping from her body.

Mark took some photographs as she posed, hands on hip, looking sideways, all those sorts of things. Then I was asked to join her and we posed for two or three shots. Then to my surprise Laila came up, and we posed with Sahana on my one side and Laila on my other. I had my hands on both of the girl’s hips as they had theirs on my. Then I was sat on the edge of the pool, my legs spread, with the two girls straddled my legs each and leaned against me with my hands on their stomach. It was wonderful having Laila so close to me, knowing that she and Mark had no relationship to speak of, I was bit more relaxed touching her. Mark then instructed only Laila and I to pose standing up in tight embrace with both of us looking at the camera, one of boobs crushing into my chest. ‘Mark lets make this pose sexy,’ he said, as he came to us and put my hand that was grazing her lower back and pulled it to her ass cheek, most of which was outside her suit and making me cup it. Sahana immediately shot me a look and the look I gave back to her was of helplessness as if I had no say in this. But I was in heaven. ‘This is just for photographs,’ Mark announced, sensing some unease within me. I was cupping her ass for quite some time as Mark fiddled with the phone camera settings before clicking it. Then upon Mark’s direction I left the frame and Sahana entered. He made them hug each other with their face to the camera, and Laila immediately upon holding her put her hands on Sahana’s ass cheeks and Sahana laughed and did the same to Laila. After that shot something strange happened, Laila came out of the frame and took the camera from Mark and Mark replaced her immediately, as Mark embraced a laughing giggling Sahana in a tight hold. Then they did the same pose Laila and I did, with Mark cupping my wife’s ass with his right hand palm. Sahana froze, and Mark announced again, ‘this is just for photographs,’ and whispered something in Sahana’s ears and she unfroze, and unlike last time she did not make him move his hands upwards. Laila took the picture, Mark gave one last squeeze on Sahana’s ass and released her, and Laila then handed Mark the camera as he saw the shot on the screen.

A thought immediately crept into my mind: was this photo session planned by Mark and Laila to get Sahana and me physically freer with them? To put my thoughts to rest, Mark presented my phone to me and pronounced to Sahana and I that the picture set was a small honeymoon gift from Mark and Laila and that if we wanted; Sahana and I could email him the pictures to him later. We stayed for a bit, talked about cricket, relaxed in the water, and then leaving for lunch, to meet again in the evening.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Continuation 8

We went back to our resort after lunch and Sahana and I lied down on the bed in the afternoon. Sahana asked me how Laila’s ass felt when I touched it, I said, ‘not as good as yours, she had soft massaged skin, but it did not match yours.’ She laughed at the comparison and compliment. I asked her, ‘what did Mark whisper into your ear as he was groping your ass?’
She after a moment said, ‘he said that “as far as I can tell Ali wants you to be more adventurous and sexy.” That’s it that’s what he said in a very calm manner. I was like he made you touch his wife’s ass, and they are married. I thought having you ass touched and squeezed wasn’t such a big deal and that you didn’t say anything, I let it go. Are you mad that I let him touch my ass?’ I was not inclined to reveal to Sahana the nature of Mark and Laila’s relationship. I just wanted to see how she acted the rest of the way with Laila present as I was as sure Mark touched Sahana’sr ass once and would touch her ass again.
‘No,’ I replied, ‘I was proud of your ass and adventurous attitude, how good and confident, you looked. Ass touching is no big deal.’

We became naked in no time and Sahana got on her fours and I fucked her from behind as we looked at the pictures from the spa pool. When we finally got to the picture of Mark groping her ass in full freedom, I told her how hot it looked with her bikini covered boobs touching his chest and his hand cupping her ass, as if she is completely under his control, we both came.

In the evening, when I came out for the shower I discovered Sahana was almost ready and was putting on makeup. She was wearing a ‘bandage’ black mini dress with the length that came to the mid of her thighs, that was tight and stuck to her like second skin. It had a low cut front and an open cut back, a cut that extended to the lower mid back. She accessorized her neck with a black choker. I quickly got ready to find that she was ready and was wearing her kitten heeled black ankle boots. It was quite clear looking at her that she was not wearing a bra underneath due to her low cut front and open back, but I could not tell if she was wearing panties or not as she showed no panty lines. So was she naked under her dress?

Before I could investigate, Mark and Laila knocked on our glass door. I opened to find Mark smartly dressed in shirt tucked in and straight jeans trousers. Laila was wearing a short purple coloured mini dress with a cowl neck cut low just below the boobs showing ample inner braless-side boob. The neck was halter design with tie closures. The dress was open back, bodycon silhouette, with side slits, tight around the ass, and of a length that reached just above mid thigh. She topped the outfit off with beige pumps with ankle straps. Her curly hair was tied up, leaving her neck bare, making her entire getup sensational.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Mark and I kissed each other’s spouses in cheek and shook each other’s hands. Sahana was finding cheek kisses normal now. After the greetings were done as we all stood in our room, Mark stretched his hands and touched the dress material on the lower back of Sahana, keeping his hands there and said, ‘Wow, what is this material, so smooth?’

Sahana shrugged her shoulders, ‘I have no idea’, she replied, turning her head to look as Mark crept his fingers down to her ass cheeks.
I was on the other side of Mark and I too extended my hand and touched her ass with my fingers, pretending to feel the material, ‘a mixture of spandex, I think,’ I said. Mark smiled at me, his finger still tracing her ass.
‘oh yes, its smooth,’ he said. It was quite a scene as we both men from two sides were caressing Sahana’s smooth ass cheeks, one for each. Laila had a smirk on her face.

‘Aren’t you wearing panties?’ I asked Sahana, acting as if I was shocked, ‘I can’t feel panty line?’
‘You wicked men! It’s called a thong Ali,’ she replied, ’I can’t go pantyless in such a short dress.’ Even though she was not informed about Mark and Laila’s ‘client’ relationship, Sahana by now had became more comfortable around Mark and less at unease while teasing him.
Mark laughed and patted the ass cheek of Sahana that he was caressing. Sahana, although unbothered it seemed, lightly flinched; maybe she still needed time to adjust to touches by men other than me. He took his hand away and reached out to Laila who was near him, turned her around, and grabbed her ass. ‘Laila goes pantyless,’ he said, ‘it’s easier that way.’ Laila called him a bastard and playfully pushed him away.

Mark called a taxi; the driver was his acquainted and would wait for us the whole evening. Mark knew the taxi driver because he had been here to Bali before and was quite good at keeping connections and contacts. He knew how to get things done it seemed, like earlier in the day he acquired the services of Daniel and made the spa allow Daniel, an outsider to massage a lady client. All four of us got into the back of the taxi. Mark and I had our respective partners on our lap. The whole way to the club, Mark was openly kissing and petting Laila, putting his hand under her dress to get to her pussy and cupping her breasts over her clothes. The girls were sat on our laps with their sides and sat towards each other with their knees touching. So from mine and Sahana’s position we could see the whole show. Sahana had never another couple act so sexually in front of her before and that shock showed on her face

We reached the club and managed to find a table just beside the dance floor. The club was upscale and was basically like a big ballroom, with tables all around a massive dance floor. Men and women were well dressed and it did not look like the student ‘nightouts’ in Bali. The crowd consisted of what looked like people in their mid twenties to mid thirties on average. Mark remarked how he liked to go to these sort venues because it made him feel young, but avoided the trashy clubs where mostly young people wearing beachwear drank off their faces and rowdily danced and moved about. We ordered our drink; Mark and I had beer, Sahana tried Vodka Lemonade and Laila was drinking a screwdriver cocktail. Although there were hot skimpily dressed women in the club, Sahana and Laila were drawing attention because among all the Australians around both of the girls were visibly exotic and looked hot. One man, who looked in his thirties, actually come up to me and Sahana and said, ‘I live in Australia, so I seldom get to see a brown women this hot, well done mate’ and high fived me and left. Sahana was blushing like a little girl from that complement.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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After an hour we each had a fair few to drink, Sahana looked a bit buzzed as she was not much of a drinker and the vodka lemonade being a smooth drink, she didn’t have to struggle to drink it. The DJ was playing remixed versions of international chart toppers and by now the dance floor had filled up. It felt awkward to try to talk to each other over the loud music, so I took Sahana’s hand and led her to the dance floor. It was the first time she actually went clubbing. So I wanted her to have a good time and she liked to dance. We danced together for some time. The song was upbeat and Sahaa did most of the dancing, shaking her ass and body with the beat. I was mostly grabbing her in places as she danced, then I slipped behind her with her grinding me at my crotch area, as I was grabbing her boobs every now and then, tweaking her nipples.

She was horny as after a while we were dry humping each other in the dance floor. We realized an audience had gathered around us, mostly men. I drew Sahana’s attention to them and she stopped looked around, seeing them clapping at her performance, and sunk her head into my chest in embarrassment. Then after her embarrassment passed and horny exhibitionist tendencies took over. She straightened herself, put one her hand on my shoulders and looked back at them and shook her delectable ass with the song beat, sexily swaying it. I never imagined she had it in her. My so-called-liberated ex girlfriend wasn’t even capable at this like Sahana is. The crowd was enjoying it and showed their appreciation with claps and hollers. Then suddenly the guy who had high fived me earlier at the tables, came towards us with a friend and started to dance with Sahana. I thought Sahana would reject them, but to my surprise she danced with them in return and that too right in front of me. They were now double teaming her, with her sandwiched between them, holding the guy’s shoulders while grinding her ass into the friend’s crotch, then after a while, she switched positions and was grinding into the main guy and leaning forward against the friend’s shoulder. They each had briefly touched her ass and thigh while dancing with her. This went for a minute, and then before things could escalate, she broke the dance and came towards me, put her hand on crotch, to obviously finding me erect, gave me a crooked smile. She knew that I had enjoyed it and that I did not mind. The guys then came to us, high fived me and thanked us, giving a kiss on her cheeks from both sides.

We went back to our table; ‘quite a performance there darling,’ Mark shouted when we arrived, Sahana blushed, she was possibly embarrassed as she now knew Mark saw her dance with the two men. Mark and Laila had danced already. We got another round of drinks and quietly drank that, whilst Mark every now and then was shouting over the music of how he had never heard of these songs. After a while, a slow song came up, and Mark immediately got up and asked Sahana for a dance, Sahana looked at me, as if asking permission with her doe eyes, pleading and I did not have the heart to refuse her. I wanted to see how she would dance with Mark. I was also happy that she wanted my consent in these sorts of actions.

As soon as they left for the dance floor, Laila came and sat beside me and said into my ears, ‘from what I hear, you now know about mine and Mark’s relationship.’ I nodded and she smirked in return. ‘You like it, when your wife teases other men?’ She asked. That question was like an arrow into my soul, because I did not know how to answer it, keeping quiet. Then she did something really startling: she stretched her hand out and touched my crotch and found my cock to be hard, I froze, from not knowing how to react. ‘You don’t have to answer,’ she said, ‘now, come one lets go for a dance, let’s see what your wife is up to,’ as she took my hand and led me to the dance floor where Sahana and Mark were.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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When Laila and got there, I saw Sahana had her arms around his neck, and his hands were around her lower back. There was some gap between them. They looked at Laila and me and gave us a nod, acknowledging our presence and continued dancing and so did we. I tried to keep my distance with Laila, but she smelled fantastic and soon her chest was crushing into mine as we danced. I glanced at them and their gap too had disappeared and now Mark was rubbing, what looked like his erection against her leg, while she swayed. In our end, Laila had slid her hand on my butt and held it there. Sahana who looked at my direction noticed that and soon she took her hands from around Mark’s neck and put them on Mark’s ass, to his pleasant surprise. This emboldened Mark and he slid his hands from Sahana’s back to her ass cheeks and started fondling them over the dress, making her dress ride up to just below her ass cheeks. Laila had noticed that development and she took my hand and put it on the slit of her dress on the thighs and I automatically went inside on her bare skin rubbing her bottom ass cheeks. I realized that this had turned into a competition and I might have helped escalate it further.

The double ass play for both of the duos went on for a bit, and soon Mark sliding up and down her thighs, had made Sahana’s dress ride up more and the bottom of her ass cheeks was visible which Mark was now happily fondling. She getting her butt’s bare skin rubbed was a new occurrence. As I went back to caressing Laila’s smooth behind, I noticed that the song had changed and a faster number had come up and Sahana and Mark had changed their dancing style and they started to grind into each other with the rhythm. Laila started doing the same with me and I tried keeping up, as my focus was on wife three feet away. Mark said something in Sahana’s ears and she threw her head back, laughing and turned around and put her ass to his crotch, grinding, as he held her waist. Laila and I stared on at Sahana’s performance, both of us stopping our dancing. Sahana then did the unthinkable, one of the sexiest things I have seen and never knew where she learned these moves. She, while her waist was being held, bent forward and started grinding her ass into his crotch.

The dance was so erotic and so animalistic, that if Laila had touched me then, I might have cummed. That dance went on for about fifteen seconds or more, but seemed like forever, where Mark had one hand on her waist holding Sahana in place, with his other on her back, keeping her in that position as she ‘twerked’ her now partially uncovered ass. Then she straightened as Mark gave a light slap on her right ass. If Sahana reacted badly to that ass slap, I would have gone in and plummeted Mark, but to my relief Sahana looked unfazed, as she straightened her dress, gave Mark a kiss on the cheek, and said something to his ear. She then came to me giving Laila a peck, to my surprise on the mouth, and then led me back to our table. It was time for us to leave as she had enough of dancing. I was also relieved that it ended where it ended, as I was not ready to have Sahana take it further, and for example, having her tits mauled was not something I was prepared to see.

In the taxi ride back, we had sat the same way we did when we went out, with us men sitting and our respective partners on our laps, facing inwards, with the girls’ bare knees touching. This time Laila and Mark were much more open with their petting than last time, with his right hand inside her legs, spread wide. If she spread her legs any inch further, then glimpses of her pussy would show. I looked for the same access inside Sahana, as she reluctantly gave it to me; to not to be seen as indecent, she did not spread her legs much. I found her thong panties to be wet as I prodded my fingers over her pussy. ‘Stop it,’ she whispered to me in Bengali, ‘what will they think?’
‘Nothing,’ I replied, ‘they are doing more than we are, so relax.’ I was glad the conversation was in Bengali, we could talk more freely. ‘Anyways, what had gotten into you in the dance floor, you gave him quite an access?’
‘I know, dancing was just so much fun that I just went with the flow. One thing led to another… and you were doing the same,’ she replied, accusing me.

‘Oho! I am not accusing you of anything,’ I retorted, my hand still grazing over her thong.
‘Are you angry that I let him touch me and let those Australian boys dance with me?’ she asked, in a teasing tone, and then I realized she could feel my hard-on underneath her. ‘Your cock tells me you enjoyed it,’ she said with mischief in her eyes. As she said that, I pulled her thong aside and put my finger into her pussy and she gave out a suppressed groan that drew the attention of our friends beside us. Mark and Laila broke their kissing and looked at us.
‘Atta girl,’ Mark cheered, patting Sahana on her bare knee.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Sahana, like always, blushed, trying to stop her face from convulsing. My finger was still in her pussy. I took my wet finger out after a while, making her smell it, to which she playfully hit me on my chest and rest her head on my shoulders. By the look on her face, I could tell, she was very aroused and if I had tried to fuck her, she would have let me fuck her in the taxi in front of Mark, Laila and the taxi driver. Then I turned to look at Mark and Laila to discover that Mark had put his hands under Laila’s dress, through her low cowl neck that provided easy access, and was pressing her boobs. The dress was such that if someone pushed the strap of cloth, that led up the halter neck and covered her magnificent tits, aside, her tits would be out with very little effort. After a while my prayer was answered and Mark pushed the dress aside and her tits were out.

I looked back and saw, Sahana staring at the scene unfolding in front of her. Mark being the shameless he is, said, ‘she is a beauty, isn’t she,’ when he realized we were staring.
I nodded in approval, ‘she is, you are one lucky old man,’ I said and then we both laughed. Laila, enjoying the treatment on her breasts, had her head thrown back, her curly hair out of the bun. Mark was now tweaking the large nipples on her D-cup breast. Before long, he leaned in and took the exposed nipple in his mouth and was started sucking it. I even noticed the taxi driver fixing his rear view mirror to get a look. This went on for a minute and Laila was now moaning in the taxi and I in all this slid my hand up Sahana’s dress and fondle her left boob and tracing the nipple. Sahana would have stopped me in any other day, as breasts were a highly sensitive part of hers, but she was horny and the highly erotic scene in front had her distracted.

Then, in no time to end the night, we had arrived at the resort, straightened our clothes and got out of the taxi. As this was the last night, we said our goodbyes and exchanged contact details; we were to retire early as we had a flight to catch the next morning. As soon as the goodbyes, hugs and kisses, were done, Sahana dragged me into our room and opened her dress and took off her thong to get on top me and initiate what became one of the most vocal and wildest sex sessions in my life. She came early due to her being aroused most of the night.

As we laid down, spent, she asked out of the blue, ‘do you think, it was strange for Mark to expose Laila the way he did in the taxi?’
‘You mean show her tits to us?’ I asked in return and she nodded a yes. I had not yet told her that Mark had actually hired Laila for the trip to accompany him and that they were not married like they had us believed at first. I wasn’t not willing to share that information with her for some reason; I thought it was best not to tell Sahana about it, I clearly did not know why, but that I wanted all that had happened so far to have an element of ‘risqué’ in it. ‘Look,’ I continued, ‘if Mark wanted to expose Laila and she had not problem and was enjoying it, what’s the harm?’
‘hmm, I get it. Also do you feel the same way about the things that you and I have done back at home and in Bali the past few days?’ She asked.
‘Yes,’ I replied. ‘Do you want this to continue, this fun?’
She nodded, ‘yes, I would like to have fun in the future, but how far do we go? This could become something we might regret very fast.’
‘Again look, do not worry,’ I replied, ‘If we feel we need to stop we will stop, but for now lets be adventurous. Okay?’ Then I got up on her, gave her a long kiss. I, then reminded her that we had a flight to catch in the morning and we went to sleep.

This honeymoon trip to Bali was not only our first trip together, but also were we, especially Sahana had an awakening to her adventurous side. I was glad we had found Mark and Laila in this trip as without them the transformation of Sahana would not have been complete and that they acted not only as a catalyst but also as an active participant. In that very moment I felt glad that I had married Sahana, whatever initial doubt that I had about her being a perfect match was now gone.

 horseride  Cheeta    
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Thanks Sarit for posting but where is Dhaka1989?? He was claiming that he will continue his story afterwards...
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nice story. thanks.. need more update
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Continuation 9

We got back from the trip and settled down for couple of days, Sahana had her time of the month and we needed a rest. After that we had to wait for half a week Anis to come back from Turkey. A few of days had past and weekend had come around. In the morning, I woke up to Sahana giving me a blowjob. She was wearing her dark purple silk robe, tied in the middle, the lenth which ended just above the knee. Even though the robe was quite modest because of its length, as Sahana, as far I could make it out, was wearing nothing underneath, making it really sexy and risqué. Mid blowjob, the bell rang, ‘oh shit, I forgot,’ she said, as she lifted herself off of me.
‘What happened?’ I asked.
‘It’s that last night I asked Subhas-kaka to come in the morning. The house needs serious cleaning,’ she replied as she tidied her robe and walked towards the main door. In the meantime I managed to go to the toilet with a hard on to freshen up.

After I came out I went straight to the kitchen to find Subhas-kaka sitting at the table. Sahana said that she offered him breakfast before he started cleaning. I asked about his health and well being. I noticed that he had been stealing glances at her as she was working. I somehow started wondering if he realized that she was wearing nothing underneath. As I could clearly see no panty lines when she stretched to reach the cupboards and so on and also there were the nipple impressions that could be seen every now and then. Subhas-kaka was careful not to ogle or get caught staring and made a point of only looking at her if she made a sound or was talking. So I devised a plan.
I went up to Sahana, gave a her quick kiss, making sure Subhas-kaka saw that PDA was a ‘thing’ in the household, I then held her by the waist and brought her up to the table, near where he sat. ‘Kaka,’ I said, ‘what has she asked you to help her with?’ making sure he turned his head up and looked at us for the conversation.
‘Just wipe the floors and wash the clothes,’ he replied, staring at my hand slipped down from her waist, grabbing and caressing Sahana’s lower hip area near her ass. I was not ready to grope her ass just yet in front of him.
‘He also needs to help me with cleaning the bookshelf and everything,’ she interjected, ‘but most importantly, he needs to give me his famous massages.’ It could be my imagination, but Subhas-kaka’s dark face actually lit up, maybe he never expected to get the chance to feel her up again. Like the little obedient man, he shook his head.

They got back to work, Subhas in his lungi and T-shirt and Sahana still in her robe. As Subhas was wiping the floor, Sahana was bent down for most of the time, dusting the sofa. This made her robe ride up, exposing lower parts of her thigh and the robe dbangd over her ass. I helped around a bit with the cleaning, watching her and noticing him taking peeks at her. Also noticed that the tie at the waist had loosened and the gap at the top had widened in all the movement. When the position and angles were Subhas-kaka had nice views of her cleavage. When she was done with the sofa, she called Subhas-kaka up and started to talk to him, giving him instructions. The she said out of the blue, ‘Uncle,’ she called him uncle sometimes, ‘why do you always look at the ground when I am talking to you?’ She was stood in front of him with her hands on her hip, the top slit of her robe slightly loosened and a hint of cleavage was seen. Her hair was in a bun.

‘No… it’s nothing like that Didi,’ he replied with a hesitation, his eyes still on the ground in front of her.
‘Still calling me sister, weren’t I supposed to be your niece?’ she asked, teasing him, as whilst she called him “uncle”, he called her “big sister”. ‘Anyway,’ she said in the mildest most caring voices, ‘why don’t you look at me when I talk to you. I am not that ugly, am I?’
‘No no Didi,’ he replied, looking at her.
‘That day you said, I look like a Bollywood actress,’ she said with a smile and gave him a model-like twirl, slowly, spending three to four second with her back to him, ass slightly extended out, posing, head turned back to all times read his expression.
‘Didi, you look like a Bollywood actress, even better than them,’ he said with a smile on his face, after watching her entire slow twirl, then put his head down after realizing she saw him staring.
‘Thank you,’ she said, basking in the compliment, ‘but, see, you tell me I look like a Bollywood actress, then hesitate to look at me. You call me Didi, that is I am like you elder sister, don’t brother’s look at their elder sister? She now came near him; put her right hand on his shoulder. Even though he was looking at the ground in front of her, as she came nearer, his line of sight now had her boobs really close.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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‘I call you elder sister, so out of respect I don’t look at you directly,’ he said, ‘a man from my status should not look at women like you directly.’

‘Nonsense,’ Sahana retorted, ‘there is nothing like that.’ She still had her hand on his shoulder and had a smirk on her face. Maybe she realized that Subhas-kaka, with the pretense of looking down was actually staring at her tits under her silk robe.
‘You are so kind, Didi,’ he said, looking up, ‘all the other women in the building treat me like crap. They would kill me, if I even looked at them.’
‘I am not like other women,’ she said.
‘Correct,’ he said with matter-of-factly, followed by a grin, ‘also none of them look like you, Didi. Most look ugly.’ That cheeky bastard was complementing my wife, so casually now.
Sahana upon hearing the indirect complement, laughed. ‘Okay, okay, thank you,’ she managed to say in between her laughs.
‘But still I feel shy, you are Ali-bhai’s wife and such a women, I still am not comfortable looking at you while you speak,’ he said, turning his head around to look at me, acknowledging my presence for the first time since this conversation started.

‘Uff! He does not mind and I don’t like people who don’t look at me when they talk,’ she told him a bit sternly. Now she went a few steps back and said in a calm voice, ‘you told me I look like a Bollywood actress, so, would you not like to see Bollywood actresses, if they were in front of you?’ She was clearly teasing him, testing him.
‘I would, but a Bollywood actress will not come in front of me, these Bombay heroines will not come in front of a poor man like me,’ he said, garnering sympathy. Oddly enough, he was not his usual ‘smart alec’. Maybe it was because of Sahana, men these days it seemed to lose confidence around her.
‘Okay, so to make up for that. You can look at me, stare at me, I don’t mind, and think that I am a “Bombay heroine”, okay?’ she told him. He nodded his head. ‘You know what…,‘ she continued, ‘I like it when someone tell me I look like a “Bombay heroine”.’ I did not know where she was going with this. ‘So,’ she said, ‘from now one you when you see me, you will look at me and tell me, your elder sister, that I look like a “Bombay heroine”, okay?’ laughing and even Subhas-kaka chuckled and then agreed. ‘Good,’ she said patting his back, ‘let’s get back to work.’

They got back to work. Now, after the floors were cleaned, Subhas-kaka, dressed in his lungi and T-shirt, with holes in a few places, was helping Sahana by holding onto the chair, while she was stood on it to clean top of the bookshelves. Her robe, riding up, exposed more of her slender legs, legs and ass which were so close to his face. My wife was naked under those robes, a thought which gave me an erection. Thankfully I was sat on the sofa, looking at them. Then she said, ‘this chair is rickety, Subhas-kaka, would you be kind enough to hold me steady?’
He was taken aback, unsure what to do.

‘Oho!’ she said, then asking him to give both of his hand, and she took his kept them on her hip. ‘Now hold steady.’ He turned his head and shot me a look, a look of helplessness. This was certainly a new development, as Subhas-kaka was now sure, that she was not wearing panties underneath. One thing he did was that he did not move his hand elsewhere, but held onto her waist. I was glad that he wasn’t taking any liberties, as she cleaned; his face was now directly looking at her ass, which was at his eye level. Then he started looking straight down at his feet and breathing hard. I think this was to stop him from having an erection. Any man would have gotten an erect. As I was as an angle, and they had their sides to me across the room, I saw his cock coming alive under his lungi, then his lips were moving, what seemed like he was murmuring something. He must have been praying with his eyes closed and after a moment, his semi under his lungi subsided.

 horseride  Cheeta    
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Continuation 10

After shelf cleaning was done, Sahana announced that she was going to take a shower and in the meantime, put a pile of her clothes and asked Subhas to put them in the soak and wash them. As she handed him the pile, we noticed that her bras and panties, from normal to thongs were on top of the pile. She acted as if this was all normal, where Subhas-kaka looked visibly embarrassed. ‘What happened?’ she asked, when he looked unsure and unmoving.
‘Didi, is it alright for me to wash these?’ he asked, hesitantly, his head signaling the knickers at the top of the pile.
‘Oh, these?’ She asked almost rhetorically, after a few moments, then taking the thong from the top of pile, holding it up, and saying, ’Kaka, all women wear undergarments, you see, there is nothing to be embarrassed about it. I see no problem for you to be washing them. Now please do it while I finish showering. After that I need you to give me your famous massage.’ She must have chosen the thong from the pile to add to his discomfort. Her teasing had been relentless today. At the mention of the coming massage, his faces lit up and his discomfort vanished.

After about half an hour, Sahana, with her hair still wet, came out of the shower wearing her tight black leggings and a spaghetti strap tank top with a bra inside, the bra strap visibly wider than the spaghetti strap. The tight top showed a bit of cleavage and most of the upper chest and shoulders was bare. The tank top ended such that it did not cover the ass at all and ended just where the ass crack started. Her legging encased her ass perfectly and seemed as if the stretchable leggings were like a coating on her ass and her slender legs. I was still sat on the sofa watching the afternoon news. She sat with me for about a minute or two then got up to go to the common bathroom to see what Subhas-kaka was up to and I went with her.

As she opened the door, we saw that he was sat squatting down, having finished with the washing the clothes, was closely inspecting a thong. He got startled as the door suddenly opened and he saw us standing, dropped the thong on the bucket and acted as if he had been caught doing something horrible. A look of alarm and fear dbangd over his face. He then got up and hurried past us and we followed him to the door. He wanted to escape and Sahana went after and called him, telling him to stop.
‘I a... I am… sorry… Didi, Ali-bhai,’ he stammered, ‘I di—‘
‘—why were you looking at that so intently?’ Sahana interjected. I didn’t say a word all morning and did not intend to change that. Her tone had no anger or seriousness. She was curious and was teasing in the process.
‘I am so sorry Didi, I should not have looked at them like that,’ he apologized.
‘Oho! You don’t need to say sorry, you were not doing anything wrong, just say why you so interested in that, that you got startled when we came in?’
‘Didi, Didi, I… I… have never seen anything like those before…’ he said struggling to finish his sentences.
‘Okay okay, don’t worry. It was me, who gave you those to wash,’ she said, ‘forget it. Now come and hang them on the clothing line.’

They went and got the buckets out and put the wet clothes on the drying rack and on the clothing line in the veranda. I was observing them. Be it intention or coincidence, while Sahana was handling the normal clothes and hanging them on the clothing line, Subhas-kaka was left with handling her delicates. It was quite a scene to see as he spread her bra and panties, bikinis and especially those thongs, on the drying rack. Sahana, I noticed, was also watching intently from the corner of her eyes. He was periodically stealing glances at her, from not having seen her with thin-shoulder-strap-tanktops with so much of her shoulders and upper chest being bare. I was turned on and had to go back and sit on the sofa, before anyone noticed my semi erect cock, stretching my shorts.

They came back and we all went straight to the kitchen for a cup of tea. Subhas was looking unmindful as he sat with his cup of tea. I asked, ‘Kaka is anything wrong? You look unmindful?’
‘No, nothing like that Ali-bhai,’ he replied. Something was bothering him.
‘You can tell us anything, please say,’ Sahana said, her caring side had taken over. Sahana prodded some more, asking him what he was thinking.
Then he finally said with a shy smile on his face, looking down at his cup of tea, ‘just because you really want to know, but I am still feeling embarrassed to say… it’s about the underwear that of Didi’s that I had to wash.’
Before I could say anything she asked, ‘what about them?’
‘It’s that I had never seen so much variety and I am confused what purpose the varieties held,‘ he revealed.
Sahana turned beet red. After much thought, she said, ‘okay, I will give you an example, but you have to promise you will never say this to anyone.’ I was curious what she would do and in that very moment she shot me a look, trying to read any resistance on my face of what was happening.
‘Okay Didi, I will tell no one,’ he said, his tone sounding genuine. He was looking at her now, literally staring, waiting for what she was going to do next.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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After a bout of hesitation, ‘okay, I am saying these to you because you are like an uncle to me and have helped me so much, alright? Alright, see,’ she said,‘ the panty you were holding when we saw you in the bathroom is called a “Thong.”’ She had used the word ‘panty’ and refrained from using any Bengali word for it.

‘A “Thong”,’ he said automatically and giggled. He probably found the word funny.
‘Uff! Don’t laugh,’ she said to him, her voice I found was lacking seriousness. He apologized. ‘Okay,’ she continued, ‘we women wear those, thongs, when they wear clothes like I am wearing now,’ pointing to her leggings at her hip. She now had her sides to him. He looked at her hip intently, observing it. ‘You see, here there will be no panty lines,’ she said, grazing her hands on the part of the hip.’

I wanted in on the fun and wanted to test both Sahana and Subhas-kaka and see how they reacted to it. So, I put my hand on her waist and made her turn, making her give her back to us. Then I traced my hand on her ass, and with my fingers signaled Kaka to lean in and observe from a closer distance. She did not make a peep. ‘See kaka, when girls wear these there is no panty line, even with such tight pants like this,’ I said, tracing my hands on her ass cheeks now. He was nodding, but form his open mouth expression I could tell his mind was somewhere else.
Then Sahana did something unexpected, she lowered her leggings an inch at the hip and pulled out her thong elastic strap, she said, ‘see, the elastic is thin.’ She didn’t need to do that, he already knew what a thong looked like.
‘So Didi, wearing it and not wearing it makes no difference,’ he joked, to which we all laughed and in response he got playfully hit in the shoulders by her. It became clear to him that she and did not mind this kind of light sexual banter. And this was also the first time he did not shy his eyes away from her. ‘Didi, for being so kind to me and showing me you “thong”,’ he announced, him mentioning her thong, mispronouncing it, to which brought him another shy giggle from her. I was astonished at his audacity and daring to tease her in front of me. ‘The other ladies in the building will never be so kind to me, explaining what women wear. So, to repay you I will give you the best massage in your life,’ he said. This comparing her with other women was doing wonders as she, like an obedient girl went straight and sat on a kitchen stool.

He went to work on her, massaging her on her shoulders like the last time. Only that this time, her he was touching her bare shoulders. He was careful not to go under her tank top strap or go down from her shoulders much and stayed around her collar bones. But upon insistence, he massaged her shoulder blades. I was infront of her sitting on a stool casually sipping my tea, while she was getting her massage. But we all soon realized that the bra strap was getting in the way and suddenly she gave me a naughty smirk and with her hands slipped her left bra strap off her shoulders, ‘oh, Subhas-kaka, this is getting in the way,’ she said in her most sultry of voices, ‘and you can massage under the top strap,’ pointing at the tank top strap. This was new territory. He massaged under her strap and then proceeded to the other shoulder and pinched her bra-strap and slid it off her shoulders and then kept massaging under the strap. All this I could see him staring at her cleavage. Sahana on the other hand had her eyes closed, enjoying her massage. He then proceeded to massage her hands. When he raised her hand to massage her arm-pit, she giggled and in reflex withdrew her hand.
‘Have I done something wrong, Didi?’ he asked.
‘No no, I am just ticklish, continue,’ she said and then put her hand up to massage her hand and and armpit. It was quite a sight to see my wife letting this old pot bellied man rub her armpits. I noticed, whenever he was touching something a bit more sensitive, he would mutter under his breath. Maybe he was praying for what it looked like. Even I would pray to keep myself from getting an erection, if that worked.

After that, she said that her entire back and feet were aching; I suggested that she should get her back and feet massaged. But as it was difficult to that in the kitchen, I suggested we go to the living room and have her lay down on her yoga mat. After much hesitation from her and Kaka’s part, they both agreed. So she as she was on her front with her back to us, I noticed that her ass looked particularly scrumptious. The mat was laid down parallel to and in in front of the sofa I was sitting on and Kaka was on the opposite side of her. He got to working on her mid back and after a while she said, ‘tsk tsk, the bra is getting in the way,’ as she was looking at me with her head turned, she gave me a look, a look I knew that wanted me to come and open up her bra hook, but I wanted to have some fun, so I stared at her and made no advancement. Getting tired of wait she asked, ‘Kaka, could you please open my bra hook through the top?’
This request shocked him, ‘Didi, how can I do that? It will not be proper.’ He then looked at me for a second to see how I am taking this.
‘Oh, don’t worry about proper or not, I and your Ali-bhai do not mind. Just help me, I can’t reach my back like this,’ she said with a commanding tone, whilst she had her eyes locked on mine. She wanted to see my expression as she was taking the next step.
He then looked at me and then started fidgeting with the hook, then after twenty odd seconds managed to successfully pinch it and open the hook. He was probably nervous because of my presence.

As he massaged my wife, giving her a rub down from her upper back to her lower back with his rough hands over her top. In the meantime he started a conversation, ‘Didi, why did you not do the movies?’
‘What? Join the cinema?’ She asked, her eyes closed, relaxing from the rubdown.
‘Yes, Didi, you look like a filmstar, you should have joined,’ he complemented.
My wife ate that complement up from what I could see, as she gave a moan, ‘hmm, but the actresses have to look pretty all the time and have to maintain figure and wear short clothes,’ she said.
He kept on his massaging; now rubbing her entire back up and down from his side, her tank top riding up exposing all of her ass and exposed her lower back. ‘Didi, you have excellent figure, all time beautiful and I have seen you in short clothes,’ he said. He was probably referring to seeing her in shorts and a sleeveless top once.
‘You’ve seen me in short clothes?’ she asked and laughed, ‘do I look good on them like Bollywood actresses?’
‘What Bollywood, say Hollywood. You look like Hollywood actress.’
‘ Okay, Subhas-kaka, thank you , but now please massage my feet, they are killing me from all the walk I did in the holidays,’ she requested. And like the dutiful man he was, he moved to her feet and started to massage them and in no time she was moaning in pleasure. Suddenly she asked me, ‘Ali could you please massage my legs.’ Maybe she was not ready yet to have Subhas touch her legs.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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I went to her and kneeled down and tried to massage her legs. She had her eyes closed, having two men massage her. I was massaging the back of her knee going up to her thigh, But after a while she said, ‘Ali can you not massage harder?’

I replied,’ this is the best I can do.’ Then I asked Subhas, ‘Kaka, please massage her legs, I don’t have rough hands like yours,’ patting her thigh.
He paused, ‘Ali-bhai, Didi, will it be proper for me to touch and massage your legs? I am just a low-level man.’
Then to my surprise Sahana responded. ‘oh, Kaka, didn’t I tell you that since you call me Didi, I am like an older sister to you, so, see younger brothers can massage older sister’s legs it is not a problem.’ She was playing her older sister game with a man who was two and a half decade older than her. He had a daughter who was as old as her. Sometimes she teased him with a uncle-niece relationship.
‘Okay, as you say Didi, I am you younger brother,’ he said and we all laughed. He had a gleam in his eyes and a smile on his face.

He was at last getting to touch her long slender legs, although over clothes and he went to work starting from her calves working her his way up, first the left leg, then the right leg. After that he got to her left thigh. As soon as he did, she twitched and he paused, then she relaxed again. It was okay for him to continue as she did not say anything and so he did. He was really pushing his hand and pressing her thighs, up and down, his hands ending just below her ass cheeks. I was sure he was hard, but as he was half kneeling half squatting, it stayed hidden I, on the other hand, was finding her ass irresistible, so I slid my hand up to her ass and kept it there. As soon as I made this move, she froze with a sharp breath intake. I was pressing every now and then and moving my palm sideways from one butt-cheek to the other. One of my other intentions was to tempt Subhas-kaka, to see what his next move was. ‘You must be sore there, from sitting,’ I said, referring to her ass.

‘What are you doing?’ she asked me, lifting her head up.
‘Oh should I stop?’ I asked in return, still my hands were on her ass, openly groping in front of Subhas-kaka. Then she without response kept her head down and I continued. Subhas-kaka stopped massaging by now and was looking what I was doing, but his hands were still on her thigh.
This went for a minute, after which she suddenly shuddered. She had an orgasm, although suppressed by her. No one said a word, tensed at what had just happened. I was not sure Subhas-kaka understood that she came. Then she told me to stop and got up. Stretched, her bra still hanging awkwardly as she put her straps back up but kept the back hook unattached. She and I then sat on the couch and Subhas-kaka simply sat on the floor, not getting up. I would not get up as well if I was him, as from what I could see, he was sporting a boner and was trying to hide it.

All this had to come to an end and he needed to go, but I had some important things to say to him. ‘Kaka, you are being welcomed here, helping me and my wife, and she is being kind to you, letting you massage her. Also, she dresses freely at home,’ I said and he nodded. I reminded him, ‘Kaka, you have worked with us for long time, so you know my family well.’
Subhas-kaka was smart so he knew where I was going with this. ‘Ali-bhai, you don’t need to worry, I will not tell anyone about how wonderful you two are. They will not understand it. And I do not want anyone to think bad of you two,’ he said with sincerity in his voice. ‘Didi,’ he explained to Sahana, ‘Ali-bhai’s family gave me shelter and work when I was very poor and treated me well, even they avoided cooking beef in their kitchen because I used to work in the kitchen a lot. I will never forget the debt I owe to them. And it was Ali-bhai who helped me get this job as a caretaker, when I had to stay in Dhaka to be near my daughter. I will never betray that trust.’ His genuine confession, he did with a lump in this throat, had both of us, Sahana and I emotional. Then Sahana left her seat on the sofa and went to him, kneeling on the floor, comforting him, patting his back and giving him a side hug. She was caring type, something I liked about her.

After Subhas-kaka left, we pounced on each other, becoming naked in no time. After we had sex on the sofa, I asked her, ‘Did you enjoy your massage today?’ She knew that I had noticed her have a minor orgasm on the yoga mat. She said nothing, her cheeks blushed and she buried her head in my chest. ‘Did you not like it?’ I asked again teasing her, ‘I thought you liked Subhas-kaka massaging you.’
‘Yes, I liked it, it was quite nice to have rough hands massage and open knots in my back,’ she said.
‘What about when he had his hands on your legs and thighs?’
‘Oh, it was good, my legs were aching and so it felt good. It’s just thighs, nothing much,’ she replied. She was still not answering the question head on.
‘So if he now starts massaging your sore ass,’ I inquired, leaning in and giving her ass a slap, ‘would you like it?’
She looked at me, ‘I don’t know, if it’s okay for him to touch my ass. I don’t know…,’ she said, ‘but look at you, you are enjoying this, you pervert,’ holding my now erect penis. ‘So you like the idea of someone, maybe a dark low-class man, touching you wife’s ass, groping it, massaging it,’ she said, getting on top of me and putting my erect penis inside of her wet pussy and started slowly fucking me. ‘Maybe,’ she said, in between her bouncing on top of my cock, ‘maybe I would like it, maybe not, but his strong and rough hands do feel good.’ We were both severely aroused.
I continued the conversation, ‘so… how is Anis and Subhas’s situation different?’ whilst still fucking her, trying to have a real conversation.
She, after a long time of staying quite, bouncing on my cock, said, ‘with Anis… its fun and we all can have fun, but with Subhas-kaka… I am in control… AAAAAAAHHHHH,’ and she came and I with her.

 horseride  Cheeta    
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Ooooh! Getting closer to the edge.....letting Subhas touch feet, legs, thighs and then considering whether he can be allowed to touch ass!! We know what's after that!! Then there is Anis....

‘with Anis… its fun and we all can have fun, but with Subhas-kaka… I am in control… AAAAAAAHHHHH,’

Let's wait for Anis to return!! She's going to go "all the way" with these guys at this rate!! And hubster, the cuck, is loving it!!

Subhas....when you have a good time, you tend to enjoy telling other people, so many others you work for, especially after a little liquid libation!! Soon she'll be the slut of the neighborhood!! Lots of potential for this story. Could be an epic!

EROTIC ALL THE WAY for us!!! Love the quick and long updates.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Continuation 11

All of the changes of Sahana were happening so fast and I was not having any trouble keeping up with it. I did not know what surprise she had next and how far she was willing to go. Frankly it was quite a revelation that I was not going through much conflict about these changes.

Anis was still in Turkey. He was due to come later in the week, just in time for my Birthday. But it seemed like Sahana wanted to continue having fun so she called Subhas-kaka for another massage.
As I got home in the evening the next day, I saw she had laid out the yoga mat in the same place as last time, in front of the big sofa. She was wearing a similar tank top like yesterday, and as bottoms, wore one of her woven hot pants which were sky blue in colour. Most of her fantastic legs were on display. She acted all casual and when Subhas-kaka arrived she led him to the living room. I was sat on the sofa watching the news. As they came in, he was saying to her, ‘Didi, today, you look better than yester…’ then he suddenly stopped when he saw me.
‘—What?’ Sahana asked, ‘I look better than…, what?’

Then he finally gathered up the courage to say what he wanted, ‘better than yesterday Didi. Complete Hollywood package. Today you look like an English heroine, you know from Aamrikan-filims,‘ he said, at one go, as if it had been rehearsed. It was obvious that he was uncomfortable in saying things normally he would say to her, in front of me.
‘Arey wha! You seem to know a lot about “Aamrikan Filims”,’ she said with air quotes, laughing.
‘Didi, I watch them all the time, Hindi, English, you name it, no one in the locality watches them more than me,’ he said proudly, ‘if you open my TV now you will find a movie channel.’ Bollywood movies were very big in Bangladesh as Hindi and Bengali had similarities, people with some effort could grasp Hindi.
‘But, you don’t understand English,’ I said.

‘Ali-bhai, who needs to know English to enjoy fight scene and beautiful actresses? Yes, Ali-bhai, true, I don’t understand English, but I understand hindi. So I basically stick to Bombay cinema,’ he said.
‘Enough,’ Sahana told us and then asked, ‘now, Subhas-kaka, tell me how I look better than yesterday?’ The answer was obvious but she wanted to know it from him. She now sat beside me and he was standing in front of us.
‘Didi,’ he chuckled and said, scratching his head, ‘how do I say... You dress changed, that’s why.’
‘How did it change?’ She asked, playing dumb only to tease him.
‘…you are wearing those, “half-pants”, instead of “full pants”,’ he pointed out, his eyes showed shyness as he still was having trouble to look straight at her.
‘Oh, so I look better because I am wearing shorts?’ she asked, now extending her legs up, straight for us to admire.
‘Didi,’ he managed to say finally, looking at her toes, shy to look her in the eyes, ‘I have never seen women dress like this in my life, only in movies, like that Deepika actress. Your half-pants(shorts) remind me of her. So I said you looking like a bollywood actress.’

‘Uff! You said I look good and yet, you don’t look at me, when I talk,’ she said, annoyed.
‘Sorry Didi,’ he said, ‘I have never seen so much of skin of woman’s legs in real life, so I am having difficulties.’ It was true, having such a beautiful woman in front of you, practically exposing all of her legs. It was also brave of him to mention her beautiful legs unnerving him.
I said, ‘why do you have to feel shy? Her legs are exposed for all to see,’ lightly slapping her left thigh with my right hand, ‘and it is summer time, so many women like wearing shorts. Look, Kaka, she does not mind anyone seeing them,’ I said caressing the part of her thigh I had slapped. His gaze was drawn to her exposed thigh in that slap. Then I cheekily said, ‘Kaka, if you cannot even look at them, how you can massage them?’ bringing a giggle from him and a coy smile from her. He then immediately sat down on the floor, pretending to straighten the yoga mat. In reality I knew he was hiding a “stiffy”.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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As the massage started, Sahana laid down on her front. He started to massage her shoulders and her hands, all over her bra straps, while he was bent over her, clearly staring at her ass encased in her woven hotpants. Even he, by now had understood that such shameless display was normal for her and that she did not mind having a look. Then she told him to stop got up, with his back to him, asked him to unclasp her, and then after he unclasped her, she still with her back to him, slid her bra out and again lay down in the same position. She was now braless, if she had turned over, he would have seen her nipples poking. He then proceeded to her back, rubbing her up and down her braless back, her top pulled up in the process, exposing her lower back. He then looked at it for a few second and then continued massaging her exposed back, getting involuntary groans from her every now and then. All I could do was sport an erection and look at the play happening in front of me, the slow seduction.

She then turned over and asked him to massage her stomach, this time she pulled the top up to expose her mid riff to him, essentially asking him to massage her naked mid riff. And after a bit of hesitation he started massaging her stomach, all the time staring at her tits. Her nipples were poking through the material of her top. ‘Didi,’ he asked, ‘do you exercise a lot, to maintain such a flat tummy?’
‘Yes,’ she,’ replied, ‘lots of running and dancing.’
‘You dance?’ he asked, acting surprised. He was still massaging her stomach, careful to not massage too close her tits. I noticed that he put his fingers in and around her exposed navel. This was sure to arouse Sahan even further as his hands some of the times did travel downwards brushing against the waist of her shorts.
‘Of course I do, ask your Ali-bhai, he likes my dancing,’ she said, turning to me, giving me a wink. She knew what kind of dances I like, dances, if Subhas saw, would lose his mind.
‘You must show me one day Didi, I like to watch dancing too, I have Deepika’s dances on my phone,’ he said with glee. He had become really free with her.

‘Okay, okay, I will I will,’ she said, ‘now massage my legs.’
He then started massaging her feet, left and right, and then went upwards to her shin. Hearing no objection he slowly went up to her knee. He then fiddled around the knee for a while, afraid to massage her naked thighs. He then looked at me, seeking my approval. I gave him a nod and he then proceeded upwards. Her eyes were closed and as soon as he got to her thigh, her eyes opened and her head turned and she looked at me. Upon getting no response from me she closed her eyes and continued to enjoy her massage. ‘Didi, you skin is so soft, like butter,’ he said.
She laughed, her eyes were still closed. ‘I put cream on my legs daily,’ she replied. He was massaging up and down both of her thighs, her hands went very close to her sex, when he massaged her inner thigh. I was sure if he touched her pussy, he would have found out how

‘Didi, you modern women know so much, cream… thong and so much more,’ he said, mentioning thongs to tease her.
‘Chi! Always saying those dirty things,’ she said, playfully hitting him. He said sorry while still giggling. She then turned over, telling him to do the back of her legs. And he repeated, starting from her feet and worked his way up.
He then rubbed the back of her thighs, this time wanting no permission. Up and down till the edge of her hot pants.
She then looked at me and asked me, ‘Ali, could you please massage my “Behind”, it is still sore from last week.’
She was not sore; she just wanted her ass to be played with. ‘I can’t honey. I am tired, ask Subhas-kaka to massage your ass,’ I replied. I deliberately used the word “pacha” which means ass in Bengali.
She gave me a stare of death. I expected her to abandon it, but to my surprise she asked Subhas-kaka, ‘Kaka, since Ali does not want to help, could you please massage my Pacha(ass)…,’ her hand pointing at her ass cheeks. Her using the word “pacha” was doing a number on my cock.
Subhas, getting the shock of his life, started Stammering, ‘Didi… Didi… how can I massage your… your…’
‘Massage my what? Say it Kaka,’ she said, teasing him, her same coy smile was on her lips, ‘say it.’
‘…your… your “apples”, Didi,’ he said, he was still having trouble using the word “pacha”, but using fruit analogies worked as well.

‘Aha, I call you uncle, so I am like a niece to you and uncles can massage a niece anywhere she wants, can’t they? So, uncle just do it, I am giving permission, Ali is okay with it, it’s hurting, so just do it,’ she said sounding annoyed and he then quickly grabbed both of her ass. Today was an uncle-niece situation then. ‘And yes, take it slow,’ she said, ‘you are the first one to touch them other than Ali,’ which was a lie of course; Mark and Anis had grabbed her ass before. She probably wanted to make him feel special and also not seem like a slut who randomly lets men touch her ass. He was now caressing her ass cautiously to not seem too eager I thought, as if he was kneading doe very slowly. I was surprised how easily my once shy wife had gotten used to a low class man fondling her butt. She was enjoying the massage and then suddenly it dawned on her that, what he had called her butt, she lifted her head, ‘apples?’ she asked.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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‘What happened, Didi?’ He asked, stopping, breaking away from his trance.

She said, ‘it’s that you called “it” apples,’ her head nodding towards her ass.
‘Oh that,’ he said, continuing the ass massage, ‘what can I call your “po[n]d” other than apples’, then he put his tongue between his teeth in shame for using vulgar street words like “po[n]d” in front of a respected lady such as her. She looked back at him at mock anger and playfully slapped his arm. ‘Sorry Didi, this is the only words we, low-class men, know,’ he apologized.
‘It’s okay,’ she replied, now giving him a smile, ‘you said sorry.’ She then laid her head on the yoga mat, this time her eyes were open. ‘Now tell me why you called them apples?’
Subhas-kaka looked visibly confused; maybe he wasn’t sure what to say. All men were confused on how to satisfy womenfolk. Saying the wrong thing leads to trouble. ‘Didi… what can I say, it just came from out from my mouth,’ he finally said
To his rescue, I leapt out off the sofa and came to them, sitting down on the floor, where subhas-kaka was directly opposite mine, with Sahana in the middle, lying down, I said, ‘hmm, let’s see, if it looks like an apple.‘ Then after staring at it for quarter of a minute, I concluded, ‘kaka, your observation capabilities is fantastic. Apple is the best comparison.’

‘Thank you Ali-bhai,’ he said giving me a shy smile, ‘she is not fat, so no pumpkin; it is just right size and shape. So I said apple,’ then laughed as he said it.
‘You are correct, her’s is just perfect, see it can be grabbed nicely,’ I said to him as I grabbed her left butt cheek which was closer to me.
He then followed my hand and grabbed her right butt cheek like that, ‘You are absolutely correct Ali-bhai,’ he said to me, Then he said, while we both massage an ass cheek each, ‘everyone is jealous of you and considers you lucky. I don’t know about the Sahib’s, they must too. But the drivers and servants all say how beautiful she is.’
This lucky bastard was stroking my ego wonderfully as I was letting him maul my wife’s ass, as she made no complaint. ‘They only said ‘beautiful’?’ I teased.
‘They said other things, Ali-bhai, But no, I can’t say them and I tell them not to tell those things,’ he said. He was now doing his rubdown from thigh to ass and back, which I followed as well.
Now he had both mine and Sahana’s attention as she twisted to look back at us whilst still lying down, her face stiff from suppressing the pleasure she was receiving, she asked, ‘what do those men say about me?’
He looked embarrassed and unsure, so I encouraged him, ‘come one Kaka, tell us what they say, we won’t say anything.’

‘Vulgar rascals, so I don’t mix with them,’ he said, ‘but Didi , Ali-bhai, don’t mind when I say this that they say how hot she is, you know in bed…’ He stopped, looking embarrassed. If he was fair skinned, he would have turned red by now. ‘…they say how wonderful she must feel and they seemed to be very jealous that you, Ali-bhai, get to do with her “what all husband-wives do”,’ he said. “What-all-husband-wives-do” was a euphemism for sex, a word he was too embarrassed to say. I laughed at these revelation. ‘Ali-bhai, you are not mad?’
‘Why should I be mad,’ I replied, ‘these rascals are jealous of me. The whole world can be jealous.’ People lusting after my wife were not something I was surprised of.
‘You both have big heart Ali-bhai, Didi and should be lucky to have each other,’ he said, complementing us. He then cupped his hand and gave light slaps on Sahana’s ass right cheek and gave a shaking rub, repeating it for a few times, to which she “cooed” in response from all the pleasure. If she had slipped hishands on her pussy, he would have discovered she was wet.
‘Subhas-kaka,’ she said mockingly, ‘teach my husband, what you just did, he needs to learn.’
Subhas-kaka and I both laughed. ‘This is classic barbershop massage. Don’t worry DIdi, he is learning very fast Didi,’ he said giving me a knowing smile. Then he made a cheeky remark which surprised me, ‘Didi, as I massage I can see that you are wearing the thong again, and I tell you it makes no difference.’ I giggled at that; it was funny, what surprised me that he was really comfortable with her ass now, commenting on it. Sahana looked back at us with mock anger, calling us characterless men. We both laughed as we knew she was not serious.

After about half a minute of getting a serious massage from both us men, Sahana suppressed, what looked like, a moan, because she was stiff and shook for a while. She signaled that it was over and slowly stood up. Her cheeks were flused.

Sahana went to the bedroom to return with her purse. She held out a hundred taka note in her hand and offered it to Subhas-kaka. ‘No Didi, I can’t accept money,’ he said.
‘Why?’ she asked, looking confused, ‘you have given a wonderful massage and I would like to give you a reward for it.’ She walked towards the sofa and stood beside were I was sat, facing him.
‘Didi, no no. It was my good fortune that I could massage someone so beautiful like you, I can’t take money,’ he said and sounded honest in his confession.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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Sahana had a confused look on her, whether it was genuine confusion or not I had no idea.

To further spice the situation up, I said to her, ‘darling, he just means that it was his pleasure that he got to massage your long legs,’ as I put my hands on her thigh from the front and rubbed it up and down. She just stood there and he just stared at her legs. ‘There will be riots in the streets to just touch her…’ I said, as I lightly slapped her ass, ‘…pacha(ass).’ My hands stayed behind on her ass right after the slap to soothe the ass cheek I slapped.
‘Ali!’ she immediately reprimanded me by slapping me on my shoulders, although I knew she was okay with it.
Subhas-kaka gave a grin and said, ‘Ali-bhai is right Didi, people will kill to massage you… there,’ his eyes and eyebrows dancing, pointing at her ass level, as he was sat on the ground and she was standing.
‘Chi! Perverts!’ she said, with a frown that slowly turned into a mischievous smile. Then she turned, ‘is it that great?’ she asked jutting her ass out towards him.

He looked at me for approval to continue this conversation, seeing no negative reactions on my face, he said with hesitation, ‘Didi, trust me as a man, I can say that your… your…’
‘My what? Say it,’ she asked, teasing him, with a smile flicking across her face, her ass still towards him, her head upper body twisted trying to face him.
‘Your… “apples”,’ he said. It was sweet of him, not mention her ass, as he still respected us. Although we have already gone beyond any of that and we were having conversation where he was describing my wife’s ass.
‘My “apples”?’ she asked, laughing, ‘so what about my “apples”?’
‘They are perfect shape, like apple, any man would be lucky to touch them,’ he said.
She was now blushing; her face became all shades of red, as he mentioned touching her perfect ass, no use using euphemism such as massaging etc.
‘I told you Didi that you look like Deepika from bollywood,’ he said.
‘You have seen and touched Deepika’s ass?’ I asked.

He laughed, saying ‘ofcourse, no Ali-bhai, I can only imagine from what I see on the screen.’
‘How can you compare her to Deepika? How do you know that Sahana’s “apples” are perfect?’ I asked him, pointing to her ass, in seriousness, as if it was an academic discussion.
He thought I was serious and he crawled towards us and sat with his face a feet away from her ass. ‘Ali-bhai, why can’t I compare it to Deepika’s, I have seen her in movies and I can see that there is similarities. Look…’ he said and then extended his hands to touch the back of her knees, falling short by centimeters, looking up at her, seeking permission. She gave no response. If it was a problem she would have stopped him. He touched the back of her knees and said, ‘Look Ali-bhai, the legs are so slim,’ rubbing his hands up and down her thighs. I watched intently. ‘See, her slim legs leads up to her “apples”,’ he then brought his hand to her ass and groped it.
I could see her body stiffen from that touch. A low-class man was touching her ass without the pretense of massaging. She inadvertently bent a few degrees to extend her ass further from him to touch. I was leaking from my cock now, as I had been hard for quite a long time now.
‘I am sure from what the photos I have seen Deepika is like that also,’ he said, his hands still on her ass. ‘There is no one in this apartment building, who comes close to Didi here,’ he said in a matter-of-factly manner and withdrew his hands.
Sahana ate up the compliment and clapped, ‘oh thank you,’ she told him and sat on the sofa beside me. ‘Okay so same time tomorrow then for another massage, Subhas-kaka,’ she said.

We then got up and said good bye to him. He took his own sweet time to get up. I knew that he had an erection and needed time to subdue it. After he left she undressed herself and got on me and we started making out. As she then was giving me a blowjob, I asked her, ‘how was it when he was groping and pressing you ass as if it was like doe? Did you get aroused?’
She looked at me, and gave a long suck on my cock head, sending me in deep pleasure. ‘Did that answer your question?’ she asked, taking my cock out of her mouth and smirked at me. Later while she was sat on my cock, fucking me in cowgirl position, slowing down, she asked if I had enjoyed watching her get mauled all evening. She then picked the pace up and sent me over the edge and we both came.
I said yes to her last question, and asked, ‘Do you want to continue this?’
She looked into my eyes as we were lying down, spent from our fuck session, and said ‘I want to continue getting the massage and maybe tease him a little bit, but do not want to do anything extreme. I am not ready.’
‘I am not ready to see you do anything extreme as well, you know, but I am having fun,’ I said, ‘and it arouses me to know that my wife is so desirable to men and that she enjoys such games with them. The way he was touching your ass, I felt like making you naked and taking you then and there.’
‘Don’t get me wrong, I am having fun and enjoying this, our sex life has been awesome. But I am still scared that if we do something out of too much excitement we might regret it. What if you dislike if I do something, you know,’ she said.
‘Darling, I will never dislike anything that you do, if you are okay with it, I have no problem,’ I replied and gave her a kiss. It was true though I was not ready for her to get naked or give anyone a blowjob or fuck someone. But, I was okay with flirting and teasing and touching, all of that sorts.

 horseride  Cheeta    
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