Fantasy Actress Roleplays
Anushka is My Wife,My Love,My Honey,My Sweetheart
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Anushka is my wife and I am her hubby..She is made for me only...I hug her tightly and lick her whole naked body and fuck her daily day and night with my monster dick very very hard in every position of Kamasutra and in her every hole..She moaning loudly and enjoy real pleasure with me in bed...She is My LOVE, My JAAN.
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Excellent Narration and Flow,,, Eagerly waiting for more episodes
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Anushka waited in the den just behind the half-closed door. She felt like a fool hiding in her own house, but here she was. She listened to her children across the hall in the library but couldn't quite make out their words. They were arguing about something in a good-natured way. The twins were always so agreeable. It was her first-born, Karun, who had really tried his parents' patience. Finally, she heard them leave the library and walk down the hall. Once Shriya and Krishan disappeared out the front door of the house, Anushka tiptoed out of the den.

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"Maybe I shouldn't do this," Anushka whispered to herself. She looked down the hall toward the main stairs. Ganesh was up in the west tower and he'd asked for her help. And here Anushka was, sneaking around like a teenager with her first crush. She took a deep breath and walked into the library. She'd help her husband later. She just needed to see that giant fake penis one more time. She'd just get it out of her system.

Five minutes later, she sat on the toilet lid in the bathroom next to the den. Her dress was bunched around her waist and her panties lay on the tile floor. "Just for a minute," Anushka mumbled. She took the head of that jet-black phallus and rubbed it against her moist vaginal lips. She grasped the thing with both hands and marveled at its girth.

"Uuuuugggggghhhhhhhh." Anushka trembled as she pushed it into her. "Oh, gosh. It's too big." She got about half the head in and stared down at her poor stretched vagina. She hoped things would tighten back up quickly after she was done. She didn't want Ganesh noticing anything different during their intimate time. She pushed and a little more of the veiny thing moved into her.

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"That's quite task you've undertaken." Nayanthara stood by the bathroom door, watching Anushka with cool eyes.

"What?" Anushka shrieked and dropped the dildo to the floor, where it made a solid whack.

"Oh, don't stop on my account, dearie." Nayanthara smiled and took two steps toward Anushka. She bent down slowly, cradling her large belly with one hand, and got to her knees. Her long, bustled dress flowed out around her on the floor. She picked up the dildo in her left hand. "This magnificent steed is quite wet, my mischievous lady."

"I'm dreaming ... I'm dreaming ..." Anushka's brown eyes went wide and her breath shallow.

"Well, then dream away, Anushka." Nayanthara leaned forward and pushed Anushka's dress back up her legs from where it had fallen in her fright. "Nothing but the most pleasant dreams for you." Nayanthara lowered her gaze to that trim bush between Anushka's legs and the protruding lips just beneath. "You kept your legs open for me, that was very good." She brought up the dildo and rubbed the head against Anushka's nethers. "Such a strange thing this is. I had one fashioned of wood, but this is a better material. What do you call it?"

"Silicone," Anushka squeaked.

"Well, it certainly does the job." Nayanthara pushed the phallus's head into the vagina before her. "My, you are tight. That Ganesh of yours must be Lilliputian."

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"What? No ... he's got a ... big one," Anushka lied. Her pulse beat like a heavy drum in her ears. She watched the dildo push its way in again, this time the whole head made its way inside her. "Aaaahhhhhhh. It's too ... much. I don't want to ... squirt from down there ... again."

"Oh, you had the downstairs flood?" Nayanthara felt the resistance in the poor woman's vagina and stopped her pushing, letting the round head of the thing sit in its new snug home. "Some women spend a lifetime without knowing that pleasure. You're a lucky one." She looked up into Anushka's eyes and gave the woman her most reassuring smile. "Attend, Anushka. Krishan is larger than this." She wiggled the dildo a little for emphasis. "Imagine the ecstasy when you stretch to accommodate him."

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"That would be ... cheating." Anushka shook her head. "I'd never do that to ... ooohhhhhh ... Ganesh. Or to ... Krishan. He's my ... son."

"You say that like it's a point against the endeavor." Nayanthara pulled the counterfeit cock from the woman and looked at its glistening head. "But his relation to you is a point for. Many points, actually. There is nothing like letting your son know you completely. And knowing him ... every inch of him. Until then -"

Anushka stood and pushed Nayanthara to the side.  she moved past woman toward the bathroom door. "I am dreaming, I am dreaming. None of this is real." Anushka looked back at the woman now sitting on her butt by the vanity. Her dress looked very uncomfortable in such a position.

"Careful, Anushka." Nayanthara watched the frightened wife carefully. "Such rough treatment is most unagreeable to me."

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"You're not real." Anushka opened the door, jumped out into the hall, and raced toward the stairs.

Ganesh walked toward her with a look of concern on his gentle face. "There you are, Anu. I really could use your help ..." He stopped when he saw her face. "Are you okay?" His wife had a frantic look in her eyes, and her dress was rumpled.
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"Fine ... I'm fine." Anushka thought things over. If Ganesh was here, then what had just happened in the bathroom wasn't a dream. For the first time in her adulthood, Anushka considered the existence of ghosts plausible. Heck, it was a likelihood now. "I was just ... having trouble with the bathroom sink." Anushka smoothed out her dress.

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"Oh, really? Let me have a look." Ganesh gave his wife a tender kiss on the cheek and stepped past her toward the open bathroom door.

"No," Anushka shrieked. That specter was in there. And even if she was all hallucination, the dildo was in there. Ganesh would be crushed if he found Anushka using it behind his back. "Let's go work in the tower. Don't ..." She trailed off and hung her head as Ganesh entered the bathroom.

"Jeez, Anushka," Ganesh called out. "You shouldn't leave your things lying around. What if the children wanted to use this bathroom?"

"I ..." Anushka walked toward him. He was taking it better than she thought he would. She arrived at the open door and looked in to find her husband holding her forgotten panties in his right hand. He offered them to her and Anushka reached out and took them. "Sorry, Ganesh. The sink must have distracted me."

"Right, the sink." Ganesh turned the hot tap and then the cold. Water ran into the basin as it should. "Everything seems in order. What was wrong with it?"

Anushka didn't answer him, she looked around the floor for the abandoned dildo, but she couldn't see it.

"Did you lose something else?" Ganesh watched her with bemusement. "Drop your bra, too?"

"No." Anushka shook her head. "I've got everything." The dildo wasn't there. Maybe the ghost had taken it with her to pleasure herself. The thought sent a chill down her spine. "I was just thinking, Ganesh. Maybe we should bring in someone to rid our house of ... unwanted spirits."

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"That's crazy, Anu. Did you see a ghost?" Ganesh laughed and placed his hand on his wife's slim shoulder. As funny as this was, she did have a worried look about her.

"Yes ..." Anushka could see he was laughing at her. "I mean no. I don't know."

"Don't be silly. There are no such things as ghosts." Ganesh ushered her out of the bathroom. "Let's stick together and the house won't seem quite so spooky. Right?"

"Right." Anushka didn't know what to think.


Weeds brushed against the twins' legs as Shriya and Krishan turned the southeast corner of the house. The old, uneven cobble path did its best to turn their ankles, so the twins tread with some caution.

"What do you think the garden looked like in its heyday?" Shriya looked over her shoulder at Krishan as he followed her.

"The Nayantharas probably had servants tend the garden. I bet it was full of flowers and very neatly trimmed." The fresh air around them invigorated Krishan. A stiff breeze blew into their faces from the north. "Thanks for getting me out here, Shriya. I haven't really explored the exterior yet."

"Me neither." Shriya walked around the northeast corner. "Oh, they're beautiful." The rose bush seemed even more prolific viewed from ground level. The flowers were a deep crimson, with large petals nestled together. "Scissors, please."

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"Sure." Krishan stopped next to her, fished the scissors he'd brought out of his pocket, and handed them to her. He watched her hop through the weeds over to the rose bush. Her body was so relaxed under her billowing dress and her face carefree as she circled the plant looking for perfect flowers.

"This bush is marvelous, don't you think, Krish?" Shriya reached up with her scissors and snipped a stem, careful not to grab the thorns.

"Yeah, it's nice." Krishan smiled. He felt so removed from all the strange happenings that had gone on inside the mansion next to them. It was both a gnawing worry and a relief. He desperately needed to see Nayanthara again soon. But he also knew that the licentious path he and Anushka traveled would lead to irrevocable events. Krishan didn't want to do anything that would harm his relationship with his loving mother. But even without Nayanthara's prodding, he felt drawn to further things with Anushka. It was all so confusing.

"Who's that?" Shriya gazed toward the northwest corner of the house.

"What?" Krishan slipped out of his reverie and followed her gaze. A tall, square man with a top hat strode toward them with purpose. The hem of his long, velvet jacket just brushed the tops of the weeds below him. His black mustache drooped around the corners of his mouth, and his black eyes seemed to look right through them. Good God, Krishan thought, his eyes were so very black.

"What mischief have you brought upon my garden, you scoundrels?" The man balled his hands into fists by his sides. He was about thirty feet away from the twins.

"Who is that?" Shriya squinted at the man, but squinting didn't make his presence any more logical.

"Let's go." Krishan could see Shriya wasn't about to run, so he stepped over to her and grabbed her free hand in his. Krishan recognized the voice from the night Nayanthara led him down the secret stairs. This was Vijay in the flesh. Or whatever ghosts are made of. "Now, Shriya." As Vijay closed within twenty-five feet, Krishan pulled hard on his sister's hand and they were off and running.

"What's going on, Krish?" Shriya dropped the scissors in the weeds and clutched the roses she'd picked in her right hand. She ran with Krishan back the way they'd come.

"Crazy dude in our garden." They rounded the northeast corner at a sprint. "What's it look like?" Weeds flew by their knees. Neither of the twins looked back.

"Get back here you thieves." Vijay's voice hung in the garden air, reverberating around them. "I'll hunt you down, miscreants."

Krishan hazarded a look over his shoulder. Vijay stood at the corner of the mansion they'd just passed. The man's hands hung stiffly by his sides and his eyes welled hate. Relief filled Krishan, as it seemed Vijay had given up the chase. Just then, Krishan's foot went sideways on a cobblestone and his ankle rolled over. He tumbled into the weeds with a short yelp.

"Come on, Krish. Get up." Shriya bent down and helped him back to his feet. She put his arm around her shoulders and they limp-jogged around the southeast corner of the house. She didn't dare look back.

The twins burst in the front door and slammed it behind them. They leaned their backs against the door and looked at each other with wide eyes.

"That was crazy." Shriya let out a nervous laugh.

Krishan, panting, watched his sister as her laughter picked up until it was an uproarious cackle. He couldn't help himself, he laughed, too.

Their parents, having just left the main floor bathroom, found the twins scuffed, scbangd, bleeding, and sharing what seemed like either a hilarious or insane moment.

"What happened to you?" Anushka rushed up to Krishan. The right knee of his pants was torn and blood stained the fabric. He wasn't putting any weight on his right ankle. She looked to her daughter, where blood dripped from her right fist as she clutched the thorny rose stems tightly.

"Some ... guy ... chased us." Shriya's laughter slowed. "With a ... top hat."

"Oh my, Gosh." Anushka bent down and moved Krishan's arm from his sister's shoulders to hers. "Just now?"

The twin's laughter died completely.

"In the garden." Shriya nodded.

"It's okay, Mom." Krishan looked up into his mom's soft brown eyes. "He wasn't very fast." His blond hair fell down over his forehead and into his eyes.

"Let's get you cleaned up," Anushka said to Krishan. "Ganesh, can you see if the man is still outside?"

"On it." Ganesh ran to the study and came back out with a wood baseball bat. He opened the door and jogged outside.

"Shriya, pumpkin, you better toss out those flowers and clean your hand off." Anushka helped her limping son toward the bathroom.

A minute later, Ganesh reentered the house and slammed the massive front door behind him. "No one there." He breathed hard from the run around the house. "You two sure you saw somebody?"

"Clear as day," Shriya said. "You must have scared him off, Dad."

"Hhhmmmm." Ganesh looked at his wife and Krishan as they disappeared toward the bathroom. "Where are you going, Anu?"

"I'm taking care of Krish, Ganesh." Anushka got Krishan into the bathroom, sat him on the toilet lid, and closed the door.

"Okay, I guess." Ganesh looked over to his daughter as she marched off toward the kitchen. "Where are you going?"

"To put these in water." Shriya held up the roses. Their ruby hue matched the blood that trickled down her arm. "And to clean my hand off. Turns out, thorns are sharp."

"Every rose has its thorns, Shriya." Ganesh locked the front door and followed her into the kitchen. "I'll keep you company."

"Thanks, Dad." Shriya walked into the kitchen and headed for the sink.

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"Why are you holding your panties, Mom?" Krishan looked at Anushka's left hand where her underwear was balled in her fist.

"Oh, ah ... that's not important." Anushka set the panties down on the floor by the door and silently cursed the dearth of pockets in women's fashion. "More importantly, who chased you, Krish?" Anushka bent at the waist, pulled her son's pants down to his shins, and got a good look at the abrasion on his knee. "That's a nasty scbang, let me get the peroxide." Anushka straightened and opened the medicine cabinet behind the mirror.

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"I don't want to talk about that man." Krishan's gaze traveled up his mom's curvy body, hidden as it was, under her dress. Conflicting emotions surged through him. With the medicine cabinet open and Anushka rummaging through it, only Krishan could see the bathroom mirror now. In the mirror, Nayanthara stood inside, smiling down at Krishan as if the mirror was a window with her freckled forehead pressed upon the glass.

"I can understand you were very frightened." Anushka put the peroxide bottle on the sink and rummaged some more. "But you'll have to tell me and your father so we can figure out what happened. We might have to call the security officer."

Nayanthara made a motion with her hand like she was holding something large in front of her mouth. She moved her hand backward and forward and bulged her check out with her tongue again and again. It was clear she wanted Krishan to talk his mom into a blowjob.

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"No." Krishan shook his head.

"What's that, pumpkin?" Anushka searched through the bandages, looking for the ones for knees and elbows.

"Nothing, Mom." Krishan continued to shake his head at Nayanthara. Even if he wanted another blowjob from his mom, it was the wrong time. Not with his father and sister just down the hall. Not with his ankle throbbing. "I just think we shouldn't bother the security officer about it." Krishan thought about his mom's mouth wrapped around his dick. Maybe he did want more attention from Anushka. But it would have to wait. Later, he mouthed at Nayanthara.

Now, Nayanthara mouthed back. Or, she shook her head and her face darkened.

"Well, you and your sister can tell us all about the man once we get you cleaned up." Anushka pulled out the correct bandages and closed the medicine cabinet. The mirror went from a window to the spirit world to a plain reflective surface again. "There now, let's get you patched up." Anushka got to her knees in front of Krishan. He still sat where she'd left him on the toilet seat. She reached out and removed his left shoe. When she wiggled his right one, her son whimpered. "Sorry, sweetie. It has to come off. We'll get some ice on that ankle. I'm sure it's just a sprain." She worried that it might be something worse. She thought about x-rays, multiple trips to specialists, and medication. They really couldn't afford all that.
"It's okay. It doesn't hurt that bad."

"Here goes." Anushka pulled the shoe gently off her eighteen-year-old son and set it beside her. "That's a brave boy." She then gingerly pulled off his pants and socks and placed them on top of the shoes. "Now let's have a look at that knee, mister." Anushka turned the open peroxide bottle over on a cotton ball, placed the bottle back on the sink, and leaned forward. "This will sting a bit."

"Ouch." It didn't feel great but looking down his mother's dress at her cleavage took some of the sting out of it.

"There, now." Anushka finished cleaning the wound, opened the bandage, and placed it snuggly over the abrasion. "One down, one to ..." Anushka lost her train of thought as she looked up to discover that Krishan was hard. How could he have an erection at a time like this? Teenagers were curious animals. "Um, what's going on with that?" She pointed at the boxers that couldn't contain all his thirteen inches. She could see the outline of the upper part of his glorious penis under the bottom of his shirt.

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"Sorry, Mom. When you were fixing my knee, I could kinda see your cleavage." Krishan couldn't make eye contact. He looked off toward the mirror and saw Nayanthara looking out from the inside again. The apparition smiled and nodded at Krishan.

"You ... uh ... like my body that much?" Anushka frowned.

"It's really nice." Krishan nodded and stole a quick glance at Anushka, his eyes meeting her eyes ones. He looked away again.

"Well, I guess that's a nice compliment." Anushka blushed. Her poor son looked so nervous. She wanted to put him at ease. "I suppose with the internet you've seen more boobs than all your ancestors combined. So, if you still like mine ..." Anushka shrugged and smiled. Her brain went fuzzy for a second and then she had complete clarity. Anushka knew what she had to do. "I don't think we can deal with your ankle until we deal with that. I know how much you need relief sometimes." Anushka pointed to his penis again. "What do you think?"

"You want to touch it?" Krishan could hear his pulse in his ears.

"I don't know about want, pumpkin." Anushka reached up to Krishan's waist and hooked his micro-boxers with trembling fingers. "But I need to do something. We can't have you swelling in two places. It's my responsibility to take care of you." She pulled down the boxers and gently removed them. Anushka's breath caught in her throat as the purple-headed monster swung out in the open. In all respects but one, Krishan was a meek, delicate flower. But that one aberration was a beast. "Now I'm just going to use my hands and a towel. That's not cheating."

"No, it's not cheating," Krishan echoed. His eyes lingered on the mirror where Nayanthara silently clapped her hands in anticipation. He then looked down at his gorgeous mother as her fingers wrapped around his thickness. In that moment, Krishan didn't care what Leviticus or his conscience told him. He wanted his mother. He wanted to possess her completely.

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"My Gosh, Krish. Your thing is so manly." Anushka bit her bottom lip as her hands stroked up and down. "It's even bigger than ..." She was going to say her new dildo, but she didn't want Krishan knowing about that.

"Dad?" Krishan let the pleasure move through him. He wanted to bask in that feeling forever. "Were you going to say that I'm bigger than Dad?"

"No." Anushka looked up at her son with his messy blond hair and that little half-smile on his face. "Well, yes, actually," she lied. "But let's not talk about your father." Her gaze fell down to that huge pole in front of her. Her eyes distant as she gazed at the savage beauty of it.

"Okay." Krishan watched her work his dick in silence for several minutes. "You know, we already agreed that using your mouth to help me isn't cheating on Dad."

"Yeah." Anushka nodded. "How's your ankle doing?"

"My ankle?" Krishan had forgotten about the throbbing pain in his ankle. "My ankle would feel better if you used your mouth."

"Right." Anushka moved her left hand down to Krishan's left ball and cupped its weighty substance. She looked at the little purple veins that crisscrossed the rough flesh of his testicles. Anushka had never seen balls like Krishan's, but they looked right to her. This was how a man was supposed to be. "Not cheating," Anushka murmured. She lowered her mouth to the wide, purple head and gave it a quick lick. "You taste salty, Krishan." Anushka then opened wide and sucked on his penis. She bobbed her head with little short strokes, a new method for blowjobs that was fast becoming familiar to her.

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"You're the best ... mom ... ever." Krishan's eyes trailed from his mom's bouncing hair up to Nayanthara watching from the mirror.

The beautiful redhead's breath seemed to fog up the inside of the mirror and she wiped it away with her pale hand so she could continue to watch this mother fall as so many others in this house had fallen before her.

Ten minutes passed as Anushka pumped Krishan's penis with her mouth. She pulled off him and looked up. "Is this helping?"
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"It's good, Mom. But, could I rub your butt again?" Krishan's hands gripped the white porcelain of the toilet and he pressed his butt into the lid. This was almost too much. He watched her stand, turn her back to him, and lift up her dress to her waist. This was the first time Krishan had seen her ass without panties on. It was perfectly heart-shaped and almost as white as the porcelain he sat on.

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"We'll have to be careful not to hurt your ankle." Anushka backed up and sat on his lap. Her son's monster stood up straight and pressed between her cheeks as it rose up to the small of her back. "I'll be gentle." She rocked up against him and felt the weight of his thing push back against her. He was incredibly large. "Since I don't have panties on, we have to be careful. Make sure it doesn't get close to my you-know-what."

"Okay, Mom." Krishan moved his hands from the toilet to her hips. His ankle hurt, but the pain felt so very far away. He watched her ass ripple and shake as she rocked and bounced back against him, rubbing her butt against the length of his dick. He stole a glance at the mirror and Nayanthara was still there making a circle with the fingers of her right hand and running it through with her left index finger. She wanted him to have sex with his mother and Krishan was far enough gone to want it too. He was pretty sure Anushka wouldn't let him, however.

[Image: Anushka-Shetty-Ass-Fingered.jpg]

A quiet knock sounded on the door and mother and son froze mid rub in the bathroom.

"How's it going in there? Is Krish, alright?" Ganesh sounded worried.

"Yes, honey." Anushka tried to keep the flutter out of her voice. "Don't come in, I know how you feel about blood. We're ... um ... cleaning him up."

"You've been in there a long time, Anu." Ganesh leaned against the door, but didn't try the handle. It was true, he couldn't stand the sight of blood.

"It was a nasty scbang, and Krish also turned his ankle." Anushka pushed back against Krishan's swollen penis ever so slightly as she talked to her husband. Goodness, gracious he had a brute of a thing. A surge of guilt swept through her, but then she reminded herself that what they were doing wasn't really cheating. Krishan stayed perfectly silent behind her.

"Okay, then." Ganesh nodded to himself. Anushka would take care of Krish. That was the great thing about marriage, the other spouse could always fill in when life played to one of your weaknesses. She had always been the one to patch up bleeding children. "I'm going to take Shriya down to the security officer station to file a report. It shouldn't take more than a couple hours. Then we can work on the west tower. Sound good?"

"Yes" Anushka rocked her hips again. Even with her poor husband on the other side of the door. What was she doing? "I'll be ready to help you when you get back."

"Great, bye." Ganesh walked down the hall.

"Bye." Anushka moved faster on her son's lap, almost forgetting about taking it easy on his ankle.

"Embrace it,Anushka." Nayanthara spoke from the mirror, a look of pure delight on her face. "Tend to your scion. Feed the family tree."

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"What?" Anushka turned her head toward the mirror. "Do you see the lady in the mirror, Krish?"

"Yeah, Mom." Krishan dug his fingers into the flesh around his mother's hips, preventing the dress from falling back over her butt. "That's Nayanthara."

"We do need an exorcist." Anushka should have been terrified, but her fear floated so very far away from her. She pressed her hands into her knees and kept rubbing Krishan with her bare butt.

"No, Mom. She's helping us."

"Really?" Anushka watched the freckled woman in the mirror. Nayanthara did look like a friendly, innocent person. Maybe she was helping. "What do you want, spirit?"

"Complete the bond, Anushka." Nayanthara's smile was earnest and true. "Take Krishan whence he came."

"You can't mean ..." Sweat beaded on Anushka's forehead.

"Just the tip, Mom." Krishan squeezed Anushka's hips and lifted her about fourteen inches off his lap. He held her there, above him. He could see her pussy clearly with her legs spread and her feet planted on either side of Krishan's feet. Her lips protruded wonderfully and glistened. Krishan knew he was about to go home. "Just this one time."

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"Okay, Krish." Anushka reached under her and grabbed the purple head. "Just the tip and just for a moment." She lined him up with her opening and lowered herself down on his penis. "Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh. It's too ... big." The head lodged itself inside her vagina and spread her out. "It'll never ... fit ... ooooohhhhhhh."

"So ... tight ... Mom." Krishan had the perfect view as the pink interior of his mom's pussy gripped him like a vice. He hated to admit it, but Anushka was right. He would never fit in such a tight pussy.

"The bond, the pact, the contract made." Nayanthara watched from the mirror with mercurial, green eyes. "We paid and received and the Devil took his due. All we need from you is your approbation, sweet Anushka. Then you can have it all. You can feel it all. You can fit it all."

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"Aaaaaahhhhh. Okay, okay. I ... approve ... let me ... have this." There was no pretense in Anushka's mind about helping Krishan with his ankle, or any other excuse. She had been swept up in the moment and wanted him desperately. "I'll pay ... any price ..."
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"Very good, my lady." Nayanthara bowed her head slightly to Anushka and disappeared. The mirror was just a mirror again.

"I feel warm." Anushka trembled, still skewered on just the head of Krishan's penis. A warmth built in her vagina, hips, and breasts. At first it was a pleasurable feeling, but then it was too much. "I need to cool down." Anushka stood up and let her son's penis plop out of her. She leaned over to the shower and turned on its coldest setting. She then stepped under the water with her dress still on. Not only were her breasts unbearable hot, but they now pushed uncomfortably at her bra. Her mind raced. Anushka thought her bra was somehow shrinking. She pulled off her dress and dropped it to the shower floor. She then undid her bra and dropped it too. She looked down to see that her breasts glowed a crimson red, as did her hips. The same red shone from between her legs, too. "What's happening, Krish? Help meeeeee."

[Image: AnushkaShettyNakedImage.jpg]

Dumfounded, Krishan watched his naked mother in the shower. He could see that same sanguine glow that had consumed him the night his dick grew. And he could see his mother's hips gently expanding with every breath she took, and her boobs enlarging as they shook with her raking breaths. Not knowing what else to do, he stood, limped over to the shower, and climbed in. He still had his shirt on, and it soaked through immediately. The cold did nothing to diminish his raging hardon. He reached around his mom from behind and rubbed her breasts to help.

"Aaahhhhh. I'm on fire." Anushka felt her son trying to help, but his touch did nothing for her.

Krishan, desperate to help, turned her around and planted kisses all over her boobs. They were noticeably bigger than before. The glow faded some.

"Thank you." Anushka sighed. "Thank you, Krish. That's helping." His lips felt so cool on her turgid breasts. The red light left her breasts and hips completely, but hadn't yet faded from between her legs. "It's still too hot ... down there."

[Image: AnushkaShettyJuicyBoobsLicked.jpg]

Dutifully, Krishan trailed his kisses down her slightly rounded belly and over the dark triangle of pubic hair between her legs.

"Cool it down. Please, please, please." Anushka opened her legs as she stood under all that cold water to give him better access.

"Yes ... Mom ..." Krishan said between kisses as he moved his mouth along her lips. Frigid water cascaded over both of them. A few seconds later, the glow left her pussy and he felt his mom's hand on the back of his head. She pushed his face into her and Krishan stuck out his tongue. It went between her lips and he tasted her tanginess.

"Oh, Krish." Anushka squirmed as the heat completely faded away. "What are we ... doing? Uh ... oh, Krish, ... uh ... oh, my gosh. Right ... there ..." Anushka shook uncontrollably as she felt her son's tongue working inside her. "Ooooooohhhhhhh." An orgasm swept over her.

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Krishan closed his eyes and let his mom go wild. When she'd calmed down, he stood up and nudged her out of the way so he could wash off.

"Wow ... Krishan ... no one has ever done that ... for me ... before." Anushka leaned against the shower wall catching her breath. She looked down and saw that indeed her breasts were larger than before. She cupped them and felt their weight. "What happened to me?"

"It's Nayanthara, I think." Krishan turned toward his mother and opened his eyes. He accidently poked her hip with dick. Her hips looked wider, she had more of an hourglass figure. It didn't seem like the apparition had done anything to her butt as far as Krishan could tell. Krishan pulled off his sopping shirt and dropped it out on the bathroom floor. "Mom, can I?" Krishan didn't wait for an answer, with Anushka's hands still cupping the bottom of her boobs, he turned her toward him, bent a little, and took her right nipple into his mouth.

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"Oooooohhhhhhhh. What are you doing to me, Krish?" Anushka shivered. The cold water fell all over them. She let go of her left boob and dropped her left hand down to Krishan's still raging erection. She hadn't relieved him yet. She could feel him shivering. "It's freezing in here." She pushed him away and turned off the water. "Are you cold?"

"Yes." But Krishan didn't much care about the temperature.

"Let me take care of you, sweetie." Anushka reached for a towel and pulled it into the shower with them. She dried him off slowly, pausing a few times to plant tender kisses on his skinny chest and his robust penis. She then dried herself. "I can't believe I'm going to say this, but we should go upstairs and get one of your father's condoms." She stepped out of the shower and offered him her hand. "I'm going to take care you properly."

"Really?" Krishan took his mom's hand in his.

"You better hurry, mister, before I change my mind." They left the bathroom, walking naked hand in hand. Anushka held her breasts with her left hand for a show at modesty and to keep them from swaying about. Her wedding ring sparkled on top of her boobs as they moved up the curving stairway, catching the afternoon light falling through the great stained windows above. Once at the top, Krishan's limp became too much and Anushka dropped her hand from her boobs and put his arm over her shoulder. She helped her injured son into the bedroom she shared with her husband and sat him down on her marital bed. "Stay there, I'll be right back."

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"Okay, Mom." Krishan's whole body buzzed. They were going to do it. His dick pulsed with every heartbeat. He watched Anushka's perfect butt shake as she jogged into the bathroom. He thought about how her body had changed and decided the house hadn't done that much to her. It had simply given her more of what she already had. She came back in from the bathroom holding a little foil packet in one hand and a bath towel in the other. Krishan thought she looked even more tantalizing from the front as her boobs shook and swayed from side to side.

"I hope this fits." Anushka felt dreamy, euphoric, and high. Her mind drifted in a way similar to when she'd taken Ecstasy with her boyfriend in college. She knew her brain wasn't working quite right, but she didn't care. She got on her knees in front of Krishan, put the towel next to her, and tore the packet open.

"How are we going to ... um ... get my dick ... in you? You're too tight." Krishan didn't want to break the spell that was over them and immediately wished he hadn't said anything. He could see her dark pupils dilated to wide circles. She didn't seem to notice or care that her little pussy couldn't fit his big dick.

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"Don't worry about that." They'd cross that bridge when they got to it. Anushka ignored the nagging thoughts that scratched at the back of her mind about morality and decency. "Let's just get this on." She reached up and tried to unroll the condom over the purple head in front of her. It wouldn't go. "Oh, no." Anushka frowned and tried again, this time pulling hard at the edges of the condom. But it just wouldn't stretch wide enough. She rested the rolled condom on the tip of the head and felt Krishan's pulse through her fingertips.

"I'll pull out, Mom." Krishan was ready.
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"That's a sentence no mother expects to hear," Anushka murmured. She dropped the condom to the floor and stood. She pushed Krishan back on the bed and straddled his narrow hips. "You'll let it out in the towel when it's time. Okay?" She reached under her and grabbed his beastly thing.

Krishan nodded and looked up at his beautiful mother. His nostrils flared. He could smell her wetness and it was heaven's scent.

"Now ... oooohhhhhh ..." Anushka lowered herself. "... we'll see about ... getting this inside me." To her surprise, she felt a great spreading sensation as inch after inch of the penis penetrated her. "Gosh, Krish ... uuuuuggggghhhhhhh ... you fit." The most animalistic impulses she'd ever felt welled inside Anushka. She bottomed out and sat perfectly still on her son's hips. "It's in my belly. How ... does it feel ... to you?"


"Your pussy feels ... uh ..." Krishan grunted as he felt his dickhead push up against something. "... amazing." His mom's insides were so much warmer than Nayanthara's.

"Language ... Krish ..." Anushka place her hands on Krishan's chest and rocked her hips experimentally. She could feel him pushing around her insides. It was both unsettling, and exquisite. "A woman's vagina ... is not a p-u-s-s-y." She spelled out the word so she wouldn't have to say it. Her hips rocked faster. "You're ... so deep ... uh ... uh ... uh ..." Soft grunts escaped her lips. She'd never made such sounds before. She leaned back, placed her hands on Krishan's thighs, and bounced up and down. Anushka was so used to her husband's thing, that she kept thinking she'd dislodge Krishan at the top of her motion, but his penis never left her. Emboldened, she bounced higher and still he stayed. Anushka's eyes rolled in her head. Why had no one told her sex could be like this?

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"Wow, wow, wow," Krishan mumbled to himself as he watched her enormous, teardrop boobs swing in opposite circles to one another.

"Krishhhhh," Anushka shrieked as an orgasm overtook her. Her shoulders convulsed and her body shook.

Krishan couldn't believe that his reserved mother could bounce and writhe as she did. She bared her clenched teeth and her face twisted with one eye open and one eye closed. She seemed a woman possessed. Maybe she was.

When her orgasm passed, Anushka rode Krishan harder. She put the soles of her feet on the bed and held her arms out to the side. Her fingers flexed and made odd gestures as rapture moved through her. "I'm humping ... uh ... uh ... uh ... you, Krish. I'm humping you."

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A thought occurred to Krishan. "You're cheating ... on Dad. This is cheating." He gripped the blanket by his hips. He could feel his balls churning.

"Oh, my gosh. Uh ... uh ... uh ..." Anushka's grunts and squeals filled the room. "You're right. What would your father think?"

Across town, Ganesh sat in the security officer station waiting room next to his daughter. She was on her phone, ignoring him. The hairs on the back of his neck suddenly stood up. Something was happening. Something ... wrong. Ganesh looked around the room, but didn't see anything amiss. He slouched down in his chair and tried to ignore the sensation. He took a deep breath. It was nothing, he told himself. Just the aftereffects of the prowler accosting the twins. Everything was fine. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted Anushka to see how she and Krishan were doing. He waited several minutes for her to respond. When she didn't reply, he texted again. But he didn't hear back. After a while, he opened a puzzle on his phone and tried to take his mind off his worries.

Back in the Mansion, Anushka had just worked through another orgasm. She was back to bouncing on her son with astonishingly long strokes. She looked down at his young, handsome face and admired the vitality of youth. She reveled in her eighteen-year-old's raw, physical stamina and power.

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"I'm going to cum, Mom." Krishan gripped the blanket tighter. "The ... towel."

"Don't worry ... oooohhhhh ... about the towel." Anushka slid high enough to dislodge him and then pounced on his penis. She sucked him into her mouth and stroked with both hands. She must be crazy. She was intent on milking him dry.

"Oh ... Mom ... aaaahhhhhhhhhh." Krishan's cock erupted in Anushka's mouth. Pure joy filled his body. He shuddered with each shot down his mother's throat.

Anushka's eyes fluttered as the hot, salty mess filled her mouth. Her cheeks expanded and then she began swallowing. She gulped and gulped and felt the heat move down to her belly. She never would have believed that she could swallow so much. When he was done, she kept her mouth on him for a long time, swirling her tongue around the bulbous head.

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"Mom?" Krishan looked down at her, with her lips stretched around him. "Did you swallow it all?"

"Mmmmmmmmm." Anushka nodded with the penis still in her mouth. Eventually, she let go and looked up at Krishan. Some wayward cum dripped down her dainty chin. "That was crazy, Krish."

"Yeah." Krishan nodded. "Can we do it again?"

"Yes." The reality of what had just happened slowly crept into Anushka's mind. "I mean, no." She shook her head. "No, no, no." She climbed off the bed and looked at the bedside alarm clock. "We don't know when your father and sister could come home." Mentioning her husband was like a splash of cold water on her face. "Your father ... what have we done, Krish?"

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"It's okay, Mom." Krishan sat up. His dick, still hard, pressed into his stomach. "What do you need me to do?" Seeing her distressed like she was brought on a surge of guilt. He didn't want to destroy his parents' marriage. But looking at her breathtaking beauty, he knew this couldn't be a one-time thing. Krishan couldn't reconcile the two thoughts as they pulled at him.

"Can you walk?" Anushka bent down and picked up the towel she had brought out with her with the intention of using it for her son's sperm. Goodness. She touched her stomach. Sperm that she'd swallowed. She wrapped the towel around her torso so that she was covered.

"Let me see." Krishan scooted off the bed and stood. "It hurts, but I think I can walk."

"This is what you can do for me, pumpkin." Anushka bent down and picked up the unused condom. She made a mental list of all the things she needed to pick up and clean before Ganesh got home. Change the blanket on their bed. Clean up the bathroom downstairs. Take another shower. It was all doable. "Get yourself into the shower and make that thing go down." She pointed at his penis. "Then get dressed and get some ice on your ankle. I'll do the cleaning. Can you do that?" She bent down and picked up the torn foil packet.

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"Yeah, Mom." Krishan limped to the door, his dick swaying slowly with every halting step. He turned back to look at Anushka. "I didn't mean to ..."

"We'll talk about it later." Anushka tried to give him a smile.

"And what about your ... um ... boobs and stuff?" Krishan nodded to the cleavage just above the towel. "What are you gonna tell Dad?"

"They really are bigger, aren't they?" Anushka raised her eyebrows and looked down at her body.

Krishan nodded.

"I'll tell your father it's hormones or something." Anushka shooed her son with her hands. "Now go, before they get home."

"Um ..." Krishan didn't move. "Thank you, Mom. That was the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much."

"I love you too, sweetie. Now, get a move on." Anushka turned and pulled the blanket off the bed. Thankfully nothing had soaked through to the sheets.

Krishan turned, left his parents' room, and limped down the hall. His mind was pulled in so many directions. He wondered what would become of them in Mansion.

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To be continued….....
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[+] 2 users Like Krishan202's post
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What a Hardcore sesssion,,, truly awesome
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Please post on Juhi Chawla/Tara Sutaraia
[+] 1 user Likes Delhidevil2021's post
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Anushka is My Wife,My Love,My Honey,My Sweetheart

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Anushka is my wife and I am her hubby..She is made for me only...I hug her tightly and lick her whole naked body and fuck her daily day and night with my monster dick very very hard in every position of Kamasutra and in her every hole..She moaning loudly and enjoy real pleasure with me in bed...She is My LOVE, My JAAN.
[+] 1 user Likes ashw's post
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So sexy & hot narration.... Keep them coming buddy ..
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(29-04-2020, 09:30 AM)King1996 Wrote: Pove pora anchor vishnu priya
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There are no stories on her so you please write on her bro please ???????
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Rohan was young man, son of a wealthy industrialist, in the final year of his MBA. Quiet good looking he was a guy of great ability and qualities. His dad had no doubt that he would one day take his business to unimaginable heights. Rohan had already proved himself, as many of the times he used to assist his father in managing the business. He was the key player in solving the labour problems they faced in the factories. He was the one who helped his father to keep the finance of the business as stable as one could in the times of global financial crises.

As he was a guy of peculiar abilities and qualities, he had his very own peculiar preferences of sexual interests. He was attracted to women not of his age but of much elder to him. His quality preference was of women of in their late 30s and early 40s. He loved big boobs, big buttocks and a little fat on belly region. He preferred dusky complexion over complete fair. But as the circumstances were, he never got an opportunity to engage with women of his own preferences.

He used to check out women but never had ever find a women who would appeal to him sexually. And as he was studying MBA he rarely got time to find someone with his busy schedule of studies and helping his father in business. Moreover he was in final year of MBA so couldn't took risk by getting involved in other things than studies. He kept himself busy in studies.

The final exam of MBA was near. It was only one and half month before he could leave for home with his father, and take the business gradually in his hands. But, it never is easy as it seems. That day, Rohan was studying in his room, when he got call from their manager. Usually, Rohan would rarely get call from him. Only when it was urgent he used to call Rohan. Rohan, quick in his mind knew, that something urgent has come up. He picked up the call and got the shock of his life when the manager, Suhas Uncle, who had great respect in Rohan's life, told Rohan that his father jus got a major cardiac arrest. When he was taken to the hospital the doctors tried their best, but...

Rohan understood everything, he quickly packed his bags and left for his home. He was numb, not knowing what to do and how to do. He couldn't control, and let his tears make their way. After death of his mother when he was a child, Rohan's father was the one who had brought him up with great love and care, not letting him feel the need of his mother. Their bond was great. His father was everything Rohan ever had.

When Rohan reached home, he saw his dad covered in white cloth of coffin. Rohan controlled himself, and showed the composure one could show at times such as this. Rohan completed all the after-death rituals. He asked his Uncle Suhas to somehow carry on the business till he comes back from the college after exam. And Rohan left for college.

After a month, Rohan came back and started concentrating on the business. After his arrival everything started functioning smoothly.

Rohan was ambitious just like his father. Rohan put forth a plan of constructing a manufacturing unit in a village, where he would easily get cheap labour, as well as he could also provide employment to the unemployed in the nearby area and also could use the local talent to help the business. He set the whole plan accordingly and started to work on it. He chose a place near a river bank. Rohan alone went to check on the place.

It took Rohan a long ride of about seven hour to go to that place. Rohan was exhausted driving the car for so long. Rohan reached the village by around seven in the evening.

He still went to check the place. While he was inspecting, it got dark. The sun had already set. Rohan was very thirsty and had an appetite for so long, he had not ate anything since he had left home. He found a small cottage like house nearby the place. He was a little surprised as that place was a little far from the main village and there was no other house too.

Rohan stopped by the cottage, and asked if anybody is there. A boy around 10 year old opened the door. Rohan asked him for some water. The boy called his mother, to get water for Rohan. Till the boy's mother was getting water for Rohan, the little boy and Rohan were talking to each other. Rohan asked the boy his name, the boy told his name as Ajay. It didn't took the two guys to get along with. Rohan's sixth sense told him that the boy was extraordinarily smart.

Ajay's mother bought Rohan some water. Rohan after drinking one glass, asked for another. The woman got him another glass of water. Now Rohan was a little relaxed.

The woman enquired about Rohan. Rohan told her that he had come to check on the place of the factory. The woman asked him if he had ate anything, because he seemed tired. Rohan shook his head. The woman offered him dinner, as it was nearly eight in the evening. Rohan hesitantly accepted the offer. He parked the car beside the house and went in.

There was no electricity in the house. There were only kerosene lamps lit up. Out side there was only one lamp, in which one was barely able to see. In the light of the little lamps, the woman served Ajay and Rohan. Rohan was now carefully checking on the woman. He asked her name. Her name was, she told, was Pavitra Lokesh. Rohan could see Pavitra, who just had taken bath, with wet hair, and a voluptuous body. Her assets were great, for a young man like Rohan, who has always dreamt of older woman.

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Pavitra was in her early 40's, Rohan guessed. She was wearing blouse and saree. Pavitra was fair in complexion. She was good looking. With straight nose, big eyes and a smile on her face in which Rohan saw a naughty sense. Rohan stared at her assets. Her chest was wide with big boobs around DD size. Her stomach was a little over than flat, and her buttocks were big. Big enough to give you an immediate hard on.

He realized that Pavitra was perfect in every aspect, he desired in his type of women. His desires started poking him. His desires took over him. He wanted to sleep with Pavitra. He wanted her to be with him. He wanted her to be with him, everyday. Every morning, when he would wake up, he wanted to see Pavitra lying beside him. He wanted to suckle on her breasts, he wanted to knead them, he wanted his hard rock penis to rest in her pussy every night. He wanted Pavitra to share his house with him, share his room and bed with him. Every single probability of having sex was running through his mind.

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Rohan who had not had sex in recent times, felt that his penis was getting hard by just checking on Pavitra. Rohan was infatuated by Pavitra's great aesthetics. Rohan who never was distracted by girls was now distracted by a woman whom he never had even met before. Rohan, controlled his urges as he knew that it was not appropriate. But he in his mind had resolved, that one day, he will lie down with Pavitra, and will have great sex with her at least once, but not forcefully.

But he could not make a plan. In the ordinary course of conversation,

Rohan asked Pavitra, "Why you guys live alone, that too outside the village?"

Aha answered, "A few years back my husband died of Typhoid fever. After death of my husband, my in-laws started harassing me, by saying that, because of my bad luck my husband died. So we moved out from the house of my in-laws. And now, we live here."

Rohan was delighted to hear that Pavitra's husband was dead. He thought that he now had fair opportunity to have sex with Pavitra. But he did not show the enthusiasm on his face.

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Rohan- I am so sorry to hear about it.

Pavitra- Now we are used to live like this. I just wish that my boy, Ajay, studies and get a good job and be a great man.

Rohan- Oh sure he will. He is very bright.

Rohan had the dinner and went outside to get some cool air. When he came back to the car his plan was ready. He had made a full proof plan to get laid with Pavitra. But for now he planned to leave for home. When he went inside the house, and told Pavitra that he is leaving, Pavitra and Ajay both insisted, that Rohan should stay for one night and then in the morning should leave.

When Pavitra and Ajay both insisted on Rohan staying at their place, Rohan agreed. Ajay was very happy, as Rohan who was a knowledgeable person, used to answer many of Ajay's curious question which made Rohan intellectually attractive to Ajay and they bonded very well. Even before sleeping his questionnaire was continue. But when Pavitra interrupted, and asked Ajay to sleep and not to trouble Rohan anymore, Ajay slept kind of disappointedly.

When Pavitra felt that Ajay was deep asleep, she got outside the house and was sitting simply idle thinking. Here Rohan could not sleep as he was not accustomed to the place. When he noticed that Pavitra was not there, he too went outside. There he saw, Pavitra sitting, thinking about something.

Rohan- Why are you sitting outside?

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Pavitra- Oh, you did not sleep?

Rohan- No, I could not sleep, it takes time to get accustomed to a new place.

Pavitra smiled and said, "Yes, it does"

Rohan asked Pavitra, "Why don't you live in the main village?"
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Pavitra- You know, we widow woman don't get respect from the villagers which we deserve as a human. The men in the village try to take advantage of our situation. They try to take advantage of us being helpless. It feels like a deer surrounded by lions and foxes. It feels very terrifying."

Rohan was looking at her, imagining the situation and trying to understand the quantum of the issue. As a city guy he never had to witness such cruel truths of the society. He felt sympathy for Pavitra. But right now h could not do much about it. He some how comforted Pavitra.

Pavitra, getting out of the emotional state, thanked Rohan for listening her problems as he was by no means involved in it. Rohan said, "It's okay."

Pavitra- Tell me about you, how do you come here?

Rohan told her the whole story. Pavitra was impressed by Rohan. Rohan was the first young man, successful, wealthy, talented, gentle, she had seen in her life.

Once, for a second, a thought of 'she and Rohan getting together' crossed her mind, but she denied the probability. She later asked Rohan to visit her and Ajay, whenever he may come to the village. Rohan guaranteed to her that he will visit them when he will come to village.

Rohan suggestively said to Pavitra, "Be ready, your life's going to change forever."

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Pavitra could not understand the meaning of what he said, but was happy that he had accepted to visit them.

They went to sleep, that night.

Early in the morning, Pavitra got up. She made tea for herself. Later before it was sunrise she went to take bath in the bathroom which was made up of some coconut tree leaves and a plastic sheet surrounding it. The noise of utensils woke up Rohan, but he did not rise from bed. He was watching Pavitra, and staring at her assets, imagining Pavitra naked with him lying in his bed, every morning. The thought of him fondling her breasts and fucking her cunt made him horny instantly. When he watched Pavitra going to bath, he rose from the bed and went to check on her. Here Ajay was still sleeping.

Rohan, without making noise, went near the bathroom and started watching Pavitra, who was removing her clothes, from the gap left between the leaves and plastic sheet. When Pavitra removed her blouse, Rohan was awestrucked to see her melons. Her boobs were big. Big enough that Rohan would not have been able to hold one melon in one hand. Rohan had never seen such boobs in his entire life. On her big boobs were medium sized areolas, and on them were nipples, proud and erected about an inch long. she removed her saree and her petticoat. And here was her treasure, kept secret from the world for past few years.

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There was a bush of black hair over her pussy. But otherwise there was no existence of a single hair over her rest of the body. She was a perfect woman Rohan had always dreamt of. Rohan got an instant hard-on. But resisted himself and again came back near the door of the house. In a few time Pavitra came too. She smiled and said good morning to Rohan. Rohan too greeted her. Rohan complimented her that, "You look beautiful" and smiled at her. She too graciously accepted the compliment and a smile showing her shyness ran through her face.

She cooked break fast for three of them. After having breakfast, Rohan said good bye to them and left, but before he left he gave them a ride in his car. Ajay and Pavitra were so much excited after the ride. They bid him good bye and asked him to visit again. Rohan assured them and went home.

After coming home, he started working on the plan of the new plant, keeping in mind that he will visit Pavitra as soon as possible. He gathered his team and started working on the plant. It was month of April when the project of the new plant started. Rohan himself went to see the progress of the plant. He frequently visited Pavitra and Ajay. No sooner than he visited their bond grew stronger. Now Rohan was like a family member to Pavitra and Ajay.

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Once Ajay asked him if he can visit the city with Rohan, to which Rohan could not deny. He even Asked Pavitra to come with them. Pavitra initially denied but when Rohan insisted with firmness, she reluctantly agreed. Rohan took them with him in his car to his apartment. Ajay and Pavitra were first time coming to city. They were excited about the journey. Ajay in excitement was asking so many question to Rohan. Rohan too was enjoying their company.

When they reached and entered the apartment, Ajay and Pavitra were awestrucked by it's luxury. They had seen this luxury only in movies. There was enough space to play cricket in the apartment and still enough rooms were left to sleep. It was a duplex apartment.

Ajay, who got tired of the journey went to bed early. Now only Pavitra and Rohan were awake in the apartment. Rohan played smooth jazz in the background and set the lights on dim mode. They were sitting on the sofa facing each other.

Pavitra curiously asked Rohan, "Do you live alone in such a big house?"

Rohan laughed and said, "Yeah, what to do, I dont have a girlfriend nor anybody wants to marry this poor guy."

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Pavitra laughed. She asked, "what type of woman you want as your wife?"

Rohan kept on looking at her and finally said, "I have seen a lady, but yet not asked her to marry me. As soon as time will come, I'll ask her."

Pavitra- "Ah, Lucky girl!"

Rohan laughed.

Next day Rohan took them on tour. They enjoyed each other's company. They had a lot of fun. Pavitra and Ajay enjoyed every bit as well as Rohan. Rohan insisted on them staying with him for a few days. Ajay accepted it as even he wanted to stay in such a big apartment where he could take bath in a bathtub. He loved the luxury which was there as well as he loved the library in the apartment. Rohan was happy that Ajay was not wasting time on TV and other things but was reading various books. He knew that, if provided with good opportunity and resources Ajay would make an excellent student.

Rohan had in mind that he will keep Ajay with him and will enrol him in a good school, so that he will be provided with opportunity as well as resources. He himself will bear all his expenses. Later that day, a thought came in his mind that it will be a good opportunity for him to make Pavitra stay with him. As she too wants her child to learn and cannot stay away from him. Accordingly he asked first to Ajay, if he wanted to study here, staying with Rohan. Ajay was more than happy to say yes. But he said, I will only stay here if my mother is with me and she permits me to stay. Thence later that day, Rohan asked Pavitra when Ajay was asleep.


It was a positive shock for Pavitra, as she never had imagined all these efforts being made from a guy who was stranger a few months ago. But when Rohan convinced her by reasons, of great future of Ajay, she agreed. She was happy that now after living in a cottage cum house for few years she was going to live in a luxurious apartment, she will no more have to live a life of fear. Also the thought of being with Rohan was stronger in her mind. She told Rohan that she is unable to express her gratitude towards him.

Pavitra said, "I'll always be grateful to you."

Rohan said, "it's his pleasure to make future of a young bright kid."

Pavitra showing gratitude hugged Rohan tightly.

Rohan got excited by the hug, and he hugged her tightly too.
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The initial days were spent very good in the company of Ajay and Pavitra. Rohan took them to shopping and bought some good clothes for both of them. Pavitra insisted on getting sarees, hence Rohan bought her some quality sarees as well as some quality inner wears. Pavitra who was initially shy with Rohan had now opened up with him. Ajay got accustomed to the new life very easily, whereas Pavitra who was reluctant, got support from Rohan.

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Ajay, got mixed up with the kids in the society. As it was month of may, all the kids were going to summer camp. Ajay too wanted to go, but restrained himself as he thought that it would be inappropriate to trouble Rohan every time. When Rohan got to know of this from the other children of the society, he was surprised by the sensible thinking of Ajay, and rewarded him with the trip of summer camp with his friends. Everybody was happy.

Ajay went for summer camp with his friends. The camp was of 15 days. Now it was only Rohan and Pavitra in the house. Rohan knew that he had a good opportunity to now concentrate on Pavitra. He started planning on seducing Pavitra. But he could not devise of any. Next day in the evening, Pavitra after taking bath was clothing up. She had not locked the door of her room. The door was a jar.

Rohan who was sitting on comfy sofa, watching TV, got a call from the engineer of the plant work who wanted Rohan at the plant next week. After the call Rohan went in Pavitra's room to tell her that he will have to go to the village for the plant work. But when he entered the room, he saw Pavitra only in her bra and panty, trying to hook her bra, standing before the mirror. After seeing her, Rohan excused himself and closed the door of the room.

He went back to sit on the sofa and was about to sit on it, that he heard Pavitra calling him. When he asked, she called him inside the room. When Rohan went inside, Pavitra was still trying to hook her bra. She was unable to do it properly. She asked him to set the hook. Rohan, who already had a hard on seeing her half naked, found a good opportunity to initiate her seduction.

They were standing before mirror in the room. Rohan could see her front in the mirror and back with his eyes. She was a complete bombshell for Rohan. She had a curvy fine, busty body with a seductive appeal. Her front was too as beautiful as her back. Her big round boobs, deep navel area, her smooth thighs were a sight to behold.

Rohan tried to hook the ends of the bra but could not as it was tighter than her size. Rohan asked Pavitra to set the cups of the bra properly, but she was busy drying her hair. She asked Rohan to do it. He was shocked to hear that. He asked her, if she was sure. She told Rohan to do it fast. For Rohan it was a moment of opportunity.

Rohan grabbed the opportunity and set the cups of bra on her boobs. He took a little advantage of the situation and while setting the cups of bra on boobs, he touched her boobs. When set the cups, he pressed her boobs a little over the cups. Pavitra gave a naughty smile to Rohan. Rohan smiled back too in the mirror. Rohan set the hooks of the bra.

After the hooks, he moved his hands from her bra to her waist. The feel was ecstatic for Pavitra. It filled Pavitra with the feeling of the Ultimate physical desire. Here Rohan did not remove his hands from her waist. When Pavitra looked at him in the mirror, he removed his hands, but his lusty mind still glided them over from her fleshy buttocks.

Rohan said, "They are big, you need to get bigger size."

Pavitra smiled at him naughtily.

Pavitra- Yes, now I have to. It gives an unnecessary chance to people to touch me.

Saying this she winked at him.

Rohan was now turned on. Pavitra too could sense the tension between them.

Pavitra- It would be great if you measure the size for me.

Rohan recognized that Pavitra was in a naughty mood. He replied accordingly.

Rohan- But I dont have measuring tape, how to measure?

Pavitra exactly knew what Rohan was implying. She wanted to tease him further.

Pavitra- How did you get to know that they are big? Use the same measuring tape.

Saying this she winked at him. Now they were staring straight into each other's eyes.

Rohan went ahead. He asked, "Are you sure?"

Pavitra nodded.

Rohan checked out Pavitra. Pavitra was wearing a blue bra and panty on which there was beautiful white floral design. Rohan captured in his memory the backside of her curvy body. Rohan put his hands on the waist of Pavitra. He made Pavitra rest her back on his chest. His crotch which was continuously rising was now poking over Pavitra's panty. Pavitra had closed her eyes. She in her mind was ready for the upcoming events.

Rohan moved his hands from over her waist region to her chest. When his hands were on the side straps he moved them on her big juicy breasts. He grabbed her breasts from over her bra. Rohan was almost in the air. Feeling the big breasts of hers in his hand was a dream come true for Rohan.

He murmured in Pavitra's ear that, "They really are so big!"

Pavitra who felt Rohan getting sexually aroused, replied, "Rohan what are you doing? Check their size quickly. And let me put on my clothes."

Rohan did as per her instructions. He unhooked her bra from behind. He slowly removed her bra and made her breasts free. He placed his both hands on her boobs. He grabbed those tender yet firm big boobs in his hands. He started caressing them.

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Pavitra was, after 9 years enjoying the touch of a man on her body. The feeling was ecstatic. Rohan on the other hand started playing with her boobs and nipples. He grabbed the boobs and started kneading them. His kneading was so effective that Pavitra started getting wet down there.

Pavitra- Rohan, what are you doing? Mmmm

Rohan- Shhh

Pavitra, was enjoying Rohan's touch. She was moaning with pleasure. Rohan knew that Pavitra was now turned on and was responding positively.

Still Pavitra resisted a little but could not resist the powerful aura and charisma of Rohan. She simply was obeying him even when she felt that, this is going somewhere beyond.

Rohan while kneading Pavitra's boobs, also grabbed her nipples and started squeezing them. His squeezing was so effective that Pavitra started trembling a little on her feet indicating the pleasure she was enjoying. A wave of shiver ran through her body. Involuntarily her ass was being rubbed against Rohan's cock.

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The feel of her ass on his dick was a massive turn on for Rohan. Rohan started kissing Pavitra on her neck. He bit on her neck. His tongue started rolling over Pavitra's neck region tasting Pavitra's juicy body. Pavitra loved it. She too started responding to Rohan's touch. She started rubbing her cheek on Rohan's. In the process she lip-locked herself with Rohan.

Their first kiss! There it was, mingled in the arms of Rohan, Pavitra could not expect for more. She wanted to explore Rohan and to be explored by Rohan. Rohan while kissing Pavitra, was still grabbing her boobs. Now his one hand started moving all over her body while other was fondling her boob and squeezing her nipple. His hand moved over her belly and eventually entered into her panty. Pavitra shivered. Pavitra started breathing heavily.

Suddenly, Pavitra came back to her senses. She realized that whatever is happening is not appropriate. She started resisting Rohan. Rohan who enjoyed Pavitra's co-operation so far, was bewildered. Pavitra got out of Rohan's arms. She covered her boobs with her dangling bra. And went in the bathroom.

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Rohan, bewildered, could not grasp what had had happened. For a moment Pavitra and him, both were enjoying their amazing sexual encounter, but suddenly Pavitra recused.

Rohan couldn't decide what to do next. He wanted to go behind Pavitra, but then decided that it would be best if he leaves her alone for some time. Rohan went in his room trying to figure out the situation.

The incident had shaken him very bad. Now he was even nervous to face Pavitra. He did not go for dinner, nor did Pavitra called him. In fact Pavitra herself did not have her dinner. She had locked herself in the room. For Rohan that evening was most frustrating. He was endlessly thinking about Pavitra. It was past 11 that night. Rohan made himself some coffee and went to the balcony. The lights were dim. He sat in a sofa. He was staring from balcony glass, sipping coffee from his favorite mug. He was recalling the whole incident.

He was deep lost in thoughts. Here even Pavitra was restless, she to couldn't sleep. She could feel the erotic touch of Rohan on her body. She wanted that touch more, but was scared of various social stigmas. She was conscious of the age gap, she was conscious of her being a widow, she was conscious of the fact that she had no social or legal relationship with Rohan. She knew very well that if somebody gets to know that she and Rohan are engaged in sexual relationship, her whole life would be ruined.

She was afraid that she will be called a cheap woman, she will be called a slut; a woman who lured a wealthy young man; a bitch who sold her body for sake of wealth. She would be called a shameless widow who could not honour her husband and left for another man.

She felt uneasy lying on the bed. She left her room and went to the balcony. She did not know that even Rohan was in the balcony. She without switching on the lights went and sat on the sofa. Rohan who was sitting there on another sofa, deep dived in the thoughts, did not have a clue that Pavitra was in the balcony sitting just beside him, on his right side.

When he noticed, he found Pavitra looking straight at him. He offered her coffee by gesture. As there was only one mug, he offered his own mug. She took it from him. Nobody spoke anything. The silence was enough for them to convey many things. Still Pavitra broke the silence.

Pavitra- Rohan, I am sorry!

Rohan- It's okay.

Pavitra- I should not have done it.

Rohan held Pavitra's hand in his hand, and in an assuring tone told her,

It's not your fault, Pavitra. I crossed my limits.

Again there was silence.

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Pavitra- "It was tough for me. After what I have been through, I cannot be careless."

"You are such a wonderful guy, you have done so much for me. In the heat of the moment even I got carried away, but when I came back to senses, I had to recuse. I hope you understand my situation."
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Pavitra expressed all her concerns. She let out everything that was there in her mind. Her eyes got watery. Rohan noticed it. He understood the quantum of the situation. He tried to comfort Pavitra.

Rohan- Pavitra, it's OKAY! I am not mad at you. I understand what you have been through and how it feels. But I also understand that, you are the only woman in my life, and I dont want our relation to get complicated and increase hesitation hereafter.

Rohan meant what he said. He understood what Pavitra had in her mind. Why she was afraid to get along. And he understood that it was fair on her side to break the situation. But now it was his duty to ensure that their relation gets back on track.

Hence, Rohan took Pavitra's hand in his hand, mingled his fingers with hers, and told her,

"Pavitra, whatever has happened today, I dont want it to affect by any means our bond, and our relationship or whatever it may be. Also I dont want this to affect Ajay's life. Please don't let it affect us by any means. We are now like a family, I have only you guys in my life, and I can't imagine my life without you; you have become an inseparable part of my life and consequently of me. So please don't let it affect us."

Rohan's eyes became wet. Pavitra held his hand tight.

She responded,

"Rohan, I never had in my life dreamt of even being in such a house and with such a wonderful guy. You are the one who pulled us out from that poor life and gave us this new one. Me and Ajay will never be able to return you the favour. And I assure you that whatever has happened between us will remain between us and won't affect us by any means."

Rohan hugged Pavitra. Pavitra hugged him too. The embrace was so comforting for both of them. It removed from their mind the uneasy feel and were now back as they were before.

Pavitra never in her life was so comfortable. She remembered how her past life had been. She remembered that her marriage was an arranged one. She never had loved her husband. But by the marriage institution itself, she was forced to accommodate her husband. Indeed she obeyed him as her husband, but she never was able to get the respect from him. She obviously had sex with him, but she never quite loved him. Moreover he was a drunkard and had an affair even after their marriage. She was never happy with him.

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But now things were different. She was not with her husband, but with a guy, who cared for her. Who showed great respect towards her and who commanded great respect from Pavitra. This guy treated her in a gentle manner. He showed great affection towards her. He took all the responsibility of her and her child on his shoulder. He provided them with food, shelter and opportunities and more importantly provided them with a secure feeling. He showered love over her. He deserved in return, a piece of love.

Pavitra was well aware of this. She knew that Rohan was a young man. He had everything, whatever he wanted he had it, and whatever he did not have, he never needed it. But as a young man he had his own needs. And if in return of these much efforts, he did not get it fulfilled, it was unfair towards him. Pavitra very well knew this and wanted to do anything she could do for him. Pavitra realized, the society has done nothing but to scare them and this young man has made them feel secure, and he deserves more than society. He deserves happiness from her. She realized that this may be her opportunity to please him.

Pavitra was now much more comfortable. She had it clear in her mind. She decided to take their bond to the next level.

She had always desired of Rohan, as he was a young, bright, good looking guy. Besides he was the only man now in Pavitra's life. Many times Pavitra had dreamt of sharing bed with Rohan but had resisted it. Now that she was in the arms of Rohan her urges started rising. She could feel the heat of their body. She could feel her boobs being rubbed on Rohan's chest. Her pussy was getting hot after so many years. Pavitra decided that she will take it a step further and so she did.

While they were hugging, Pavitra murmured in Rohan's ear,

"Rohan, my dear, I may not be able to give you the happiness you deserve, but I can certainly give you a token of appreciation on my part."

"Close your eyes", she said.

Rohan closed his eyes.

And the moment he closed his eyes, Rohan felt the luscious wet lips of Pavitra on his own, then a tongue exploring his mouth. But before he could summarize everything in mind, Pavitra had broken the kiss.

When he opened his eyes, Pavitra was sitting on the other end of the couch. Rohan was mesmerized.

While Rohan was staring at Pavitra, Pavitra stood up and started leaving the balcony. Rohan kept looking at her. Pavitra went away from Rohan and turned again towards him. She called Rohan, and dropped the pallu of her saree.

She was looking damn beautiful. She was wearing an off white coloured saree on which were beautiful flowers designed of purple colour and a matching blouse. When she dropped her pallu, Pavitra's big breasts covered in her blouse stood proud before Rohan. She had adjusted her saree. Her saree was now unusually below the navel, exposing her belly button and area below. Hey hour-glass curve was now visible. She gestured with her eyes, "Have me, Rohan, Have me!"

She was now inviting Rohan to have her, taste her, and please himself with her body. Rohan could not control but to go ahead and kiss Pavitra again. There was a moment, just before their lips locked, a moment of tension, hesitation and nervousness. But when locked, it was never to be seen. That kiss was so passionate. So passionate that they lost their balance and fell on the next couch, and still were kissing.

They were enjoying it. Rohan was moving his hand all over Pavitra's back. Pavitra held him tight in her embrace. Her breasts were now being pressed on his chest. Rohan felt the ecstasy of the moment. After a long passionate kiss, they stopped. They stopped just to breathe, and their lips again locked.

Rohan was so turned on now. He was lying on the couch and Pavitra was over him. They were kissing each other madly. Rohan's tongue entered Pavitra's mouth. He started exploring her mouth. She tasted like nectar. Now Pavitra too started penetrating her tongue in Rohan's mouth. They started playing with each other and again lip locked.

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Rohan's hand started getting inside Pavitra's saree, he started groping her big ass. He could even feel the heat emanating from Pavitra's pussy as his cock was just below her pussy while Pavitra was lying on him. He groped Pavitra's ass and started caressing it. Pavitra loved Rohan's touch.

Pavitra moved from over him and asked Rohan to get into the bedroom. She took Rohan's hand and guided him till bedroom. Once they reached, Rohan again kissed Pavitra.

He turned Pavitra to face her back. He kissed Pavitra's neck. A wave of excitement ran through her body. Rohan grabbed from behind Pavitra's big boobs over her blouse.

Rohan carefully unhooked Pavitra's blouse and took it down. He then started to unwrap her saree. It was a matter of a few moments when Pavitra stood in her bra and panty before him. Rohan unhooked her bra too. Now her big melons were ready to be eaten by Rohan. Rohan took them in his hand and started kneading them. He loved it. He was squeezing them hard. Pavitra was feeling so much pleasure. The pleasure reached height when Rohan squeezed her one inch long erect nipples. Rohan loved to do it. Rohan was now squeezing Pavitra's one boob and his other hand moved down. He entered into the restricted zone of her pussy, where now he was the only man who was granted special entrance.

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Pavitra, who was not fucked for almost seven years, was now being explored, with a whole new passion. Rohan was rubbing over with his fingers, Pavitra's clitoris. Pavitra was experiencing the greatest pleasure. Pavitra was now responding to Rohan's hand. She was moving her hips as she was being pleasured by Rohan. Pavitra was completely engaged with Rohan. She was kissing him, he was squeezing her breast as well as fingering her.

Pavitra could not bear more. She climaxed with amazing vigour. Rohan rubbed the wet juices over Pavitra's breasts. Rohan turned her to face him. He kissed her. He kissed her deep. Their tongue was mingling with each other. They shared saliva. The saliva felt like nectar. Rohan then kissed Pavitra's breast over which he had rubbed her juices. He licked all the juices. They were enjoying each other's body. Rohan started removing Pavitra's panty. He removed it and grabbed Pavitra's big buttocks. He pushed her ass towards him so that her pussy will be forced over his cock. His cock started responding to the touch.

Pavitra removed Rohan's T-Shirt, she also removed his track pants. Now again Rohan was fingering Pavitra. Pavitra removed Rohan's underwear. As Pavitra was responding to Rohan's fingering, Rohan's cock was responding to Pavitra's moaning. It rose to its full glory when Pavitra held it in her hands. Rohan lifted Pavitra in his hands and laid her on the bed. He lied beside her. He took her nipple in his mouth. Pavitra was restless, she started breathing heavily. Her legs got crossed. She crossed her legs with Rohan's. She came over Rohan. Her breasts were still in the mouth of Rohan.

She filled Rohan's mouth with her breast , while she was making him suckle harder.

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Pavitra- Rohan, suck them hard, make them feel that they are loved too. Let them know that they have got their caretaker too. They have made me go mad since these many years. Nobody was there to look after them.

Aaaaaahhhhh, aaa mmmmmmm... She moaned.

Rohaannnnn... Oh god you are so gooooood at ittt... Aaahhhhhh...

Suck them Rohan, suck them. Suck them so hard that they will start lactating for you. I want to breast feed youuuu... Aaahhhhh. Rohaannn. You are amazingggg...

Rohan was so turned on by her sexy moaning. He suckled on her breast for more than half an hour. He bit her nipples and kissed her boobs. He once bit on her boob. His love bites were all over her boobs. Pavitra was loving it. She never had enjoyed such pleasure. Her husband used to fuck her. He never made foreplay such an amazing thing.

Pavitra wished that Rohan would always suckle on her breasts. It was her fetish that she would breastfeed him one day.

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While he was sucking, his cock was poking at the door of her pussy. She removed her panty. She took his cock and guided it to navigate through her wet pussy. Rohan gave a loud moan with Pavitra as his cock went in the tight pussy of Pavitra. Pavitra's pussy started showing it's magic. As Pavitra was untouched for almost seven years, her pussy had earned her tightness. Her pussy was tight like a young girl. She started moving her hips and started the tight and loose technique of pleasure. They both were enjoying a sensation which they had hidden behind the usual course of action.

They now were fucking each other with full passion. Rohan grabbed Pavitra by her waist and turned her down to bed and came over her. He inserted his cock in her pussy and started thumping. Rohan and Pavitra were thrilled by the intimacy of the missionary position. Rohan fucked her for a few minutes and changed the position. He lied beside Pavitra and, turned to face her back. He then held her leg in his hand and raised it to make way for their little friends to engage.

[Image: Pavitra-Lokesh0002.jpg]

Rohan raised her leg, while Pavitra applied some saliva on her pussy. Rohan inserted his six inch long cock in her pussy. And it was an all new feel. They both started enjoying the pleasure. Rohan fucked her for five minute like that. He also grabbed her boob from behind to squeeze it hard. The dual pleasure was amusing for Pavitra. Pavitra couldn't control and let her juices flow. She cummed for the first time with Rohan. It was after a long break of seven years. Pavitra was feeling so good.

Now Rohan was sweating. Hence Pavitra took the lead.

She made Rohan lie on his back and jumped over him. She inserted his cock which was now under the control of her pussy into her pussy. She started riding his cock in Cow-Girl position. Rohan loved this position. It was his favorite. Rohan loved being dominated by Pavitra. Pavitra too had never got an opportunity to try this position as her husband never let her be on top. She started showing the magic of her pussy as she was moving off her waist. She was grooving her waist. She was absolutely fantastic at bed.

Rohan was feeling the pleasure of a pussy after so long. He never had ever felt such intense pleasure. He was thumping her pussy and she was engulfing his big cock. Her pussy work was intense. Pavitra felt the increasing heat of Rohan's cock. She understood that he was about to cum now. But she did not care. All she cared about was their first sexperience. Rohan could control no more and he came. He came inside her pussy. While cumming, Rohan held Pavitra to his chest and came inside her. Rohan gave a loud moan of pleasure. Their first sex was enthralling. They loved to have sex with each other.

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That night they slept together. The AC was spitting chilling air, but now they had each other to warm themselves. Rohan was infatuated by Pavitra's beauty. He hugged her while sleeping and crossed his leg with hers. Their genitals were in constant contact with each other. This made them hornier than ever. They fucked each other in various positions that night.
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Rohan woke up late next morning. He was sleeping naked, and when got up remained naked. When he saw Pavitra was not sleeping beside him, he wondered. He freshened up and went to check on her. When he couldn't find her, he went to check on her in the kitchen. There she was, making tea for them. She was wearing her white robe, underneath was her bare skin. When Rohan saw her, he went behind her and hugged her.

Rohan- Good morning, My lady!

Pavitra- Good morning, dear.

Rohan kissed Pavitra on her cheek and on her neck.

Pavitra asked, "Wait Rohan, I am making tea! Or you cannot wait?"

Rohan laughed

Rohan- I don't want tea today!

Rohan gave a naughty smile.

Pavitra- So what do you want?

Rohan- Let me think... Umm, I want milk today.

Pavitra- Oh really? I thought you don't like milk!

Rohan- Yes, but I like the milk woman!

Pavitra laughed naughtily.

Pavitra- You are so naughty, Rohan.

Rohan took down her robe. He kissed and bit on Pavitra's neck.

It was a romantic moment. Pavitra got goosebumps. Rohan slid his hands from over her shoulders to on her hands and returned. He slid his hands from her shoulder down and groped her boobs. Pavitra was enjoying that. Rohan lifted her and took her to the couch. He made her sit and sat beside her. He suckled on her breasts. Certainly she was not lactating, but Rohan had resolved that he would make her lactate. So he suckled for a long half an hour. Later Pavitra started to rub her clit. Rohan too got excited. He wanted to lick Pavitra's pussy. He held her boobs in his hand and started playing with her nipples as his face was moving down. He reached Pavitra's pussy and started licking it.

He kissed her pink pussy lips. Rohan started kissing her clitoris. Pavitra was enjoying it. Pavitra sometimes shivered with pleasure. It was the first time that somebody was licking her pussy. Rohan parted her pussy lips and started fucking her with his tongue. It was a whole new feel. Pavitra had almost reached her orgasm. Rohan with his tongue inserted his finger in her pussy. The combination of tongue and pussy, made Pavitra cum with a strong sensation.

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Rohan was finger fucking Pavitra. When she came, he licked her pussy and licked her juices. Pavitra after a great orgasm lied quietly on the couch. But Rohan was not yet finished. He started sucking on her breasts with new energy. Pavitra was now enjoying this foreplay. She held Rohan's face and kissed him. Rohan too passionately kissed her. They kissed for a long time. Later Rohan took her into the bathroom. Pavitra was surprised. Rohan made her sit into the bathtub.

When Pavitra sat inside it, Rohan started the shower and started soaping her. He soaped her whole body, especially her boobs and pussy. When he was applying soap, Pavitra got him inside. Now Pavitra was sobbing Rohan. She applied soap to his cock. His cock became hard rock. Pavitra understood what to do next. She made him lie by the wall of the bathtub. While she sat on his lap facing her back to him. She took his penis and inserted it into her pussy. She fucked him in reverse cowgirl position. Then she stood up and made Rohan stand up too. She now got into doggy style and Rohan started fucking her. The doggy style had it's own fun.

The tight pussy, which engulfed Rohan's penis, pleasured it so greatly that Rohan couldn't control it for so long. It didn't take him so long before he ejaculated. At the time of ejaculation, Pavitra took his cock in her mouth and stretched his balls. That was a whole new experience. Rohan came with full pressure, Pavitra gulped his semen. Rohan felt so good.


They now used to fuck each other everyday, every night. Fun fact was, Rohan made Pavitra lactate in just three days, as he stimulated her breasts by suckling on them for long. Pavitra's fantasy of breastfeeding Rohan came true. Whenever she got time, she milked him and he drank all of it too. Their sex life had reached its peak. But as they say nothing lasts forever, their happiness couldn't last for long.

After 15 days of summer camp, when Ajay came back, the house never remained as it was when only two of them were there. Ajay never used to leave his mother alone and when he used to leave her alone as when he played and was reading books, Rohan never was home.

Since Ajay had arrived Rohan and Pavitra never got any chance to share their bodies. Rohan became frustrated. It had been a week since they had had sex. Neither Rohan nor Pavitra could find any opportunity to have sex.

But one day, Ajay asked Rohan to watch a movie with him after dinner. They were watching the movie in Pavitra's room. Pavitra and Ajay used to sleep together in that room. They started watching the movie at 10:30 pm. While watching the movie even Pavitra joined them. All of them were sitting on the bed and were watching the movie. Ajay was on the right of Pavitra and Rohan on her left.

Ajay got bored of the movie dozing off. Rohan turned off the lights and was about to get back to his room. But Pavitra held his hand and asked Rohan to lie beside her. Rohan understood what she wanted to convey. Though it was risky, Rohan slept beside Pavitra. Pavitra was facing her back to Rohan as Ajay had kept his head on her hand. If disturbed him right now he might have woken up. Hence Pavitra could not even turn to face Rohan.

Rohan was fine with it as he finally, after a week, was getting an opportunity to sleep with his woman.

While Pavitra was facing her back to Rohan, Rohan put his hand on her. He started caressing Pavitra's boobs over her blouse. He unhooked her blouse and set her breasts free. He grabbed her boobs and started squeezing them softly. His grip and vigour got stronger and he kneaded her boobs with full power. He squeezed her nipples so hard that Pavitra gave a moan. Thankfully, Ajay was deep asleep, and did not wake up. Rohan removed Pavitra's blouse and his t-shirt. He touched his body with her. The feel of their bare skin after a week was amazing.

[Image: Pavitra-Lokesh-nude-on-bed.jpg]

Further, Rohan loosened Pavitra's saree and took it upside. He then inserted his penis in her pussy. Rohan started thumping Pavitra. The frustration of the whole week was coming out. His thrusts were stronger than before. He was so lost in Pavitra that he forgot that Ajay was sleeping beside them. Pavitra too started moaning a little but then Rohan turned her towards him and kissed her.

But nevertheless Rohan's thrusts woke Ajay up. Though he still was in sleep. Pavitra gestured to Rohan to take a pause. Rohan paused for a moment. When Ajay felt at ease he put his hand around his mother. When Rohan again started to fuck Pavitra, Ajay's hand started to slid down. His hand came down on his mother's big boob. Ajay, a kid, felt his mother's bare skin. When he, in sleep, felt his mother's boob, he instinctively started playing with it. He touched her nipple. His tender fingers ran a sensation in Pavitra's body.

[Image: Pavitra-Lokesh0002.jpg]

Soon after, Ajay's mouth went near his mother's breast and he started to suckle on it. Here Rohan was about to come. Rohan ejaculated on the bed. Now he was relieved. Pavitra had already had her orgasm. When they were done, Pavitra realized that Ajay was suckling on her breast while he was asleep. She shook Rohan and showed him that her son was suckling on her breast. They both were speechless.

Here Pavitra developed another fantasy. She asked Rohan to suckle on her other boob. Rohan, too , was excited. He started sucking on her other boob. Now Ajay and Rohan both were sucking Pavitra. Pavitra was experiencing a new sensation. On one hand a tender mouth was sucking her breast and on the other was her lover sucking on her tirelessly.

[Image: th?id=OIP.cH-Y6T4ZYxY-tqBnKRAcPQHaJ4&pid=15.1]

When Rohan was done, he saw that Ajay had already stopped suckling. His face was innocent. Rohan and Pavitra were looking at him with affection. Next day was Sunday. Rohan was home that day. When Ajay left to play with his friends, Rohan and Pavitra found their time. They fucked each other with full passion. After they were done, Rohan thought of a surprise.

When Ajay got home, he took Ajay with him and took him on a ride. While they were taking the trip, Rohan asked Ajay, if he thought that his mother should get married? Ajay, an innocent kid said, "If my mom wants to get married she should."

Rohan again asked, "Would you like to have a father?"

Ajay- I don't know. But if he loves me then sure I would like.

Rohan- Do you think I can be a good father?

Ajay- Why not? You already take good care of me. You are very good at it. In fact I would have liked you as my father, but that is not possible. His face saddened.

Rohan- Really?

Ajay- Yes. Is it possible?

Rohan- Ajay, it is possible and even I would love to be your father, but your mother should agree to it. If she won't I can't.

Ajay- Oh. So what to do?

Rohan- We will have to ask her if she wants me to be your father. If she says yes, then only I can be your father.

Ajay- Oh, so let's ask her! But before, make her happy, so that she won't be able to say no.

Rohan- Sure.

Rohan planned everything for the night. He asked Ajay to get dressed and asked Pavitra too to get dressed. He had bought a new saree for Pavitra. Ajay was wearing his new bought blazer. He looked like "The Best Man" of Rohan.

Pavitra was wearing the new saree which was pink in colour and transparent in material. It had a sexy blouse made of silk. The blouse was deep neck and backless. It showcased Pavitra's assets in its glory. She was also wearing her necklace. All in all she was a perfect bombshell. When Rohan saw her, he was drowned in her beauty.

[Image: Dhudde+Dhoddappa+kannada+movie+_2_.jpg]

As planned, Rohan already had bought a diamond ring. He took them to a restaurant where he had booked a special table. They were the only people at that section of restaurant that time. After the dinner, Rohan bent and sat on his knee and proposed Pavitra. He asked her to be his woman for life. He had declared that the 13 year gap did not matter for him. His love was unconditional.

Ajay, the young best man, stood behind Rohan and kept his hand on Rohan's shoulder showing his support to him.

Pavitra was surprised. She could see the love in Rohan's eyes. And she could see Ajay supporting Rohan. There was no reason to say no. Pavitra happily said yes and Rohan inserted the ring in Pavitra's finger.

That night, Ajay slept in his room early. Here Pavitra and Rohan were enjoying their privacy. Rohan kissed Pavitra. He stripped her down and made love to her. He kissed her, he suckled on her breasts, he drank milk from her. He undressed her completely and suckled on her pussy. He turned her on. She too tore off his clothes. Pavitra went wild that night. She made him lie down on the bed. She took his cock in her mouth and gave him the best blow job in his life.

She literally fucked him the whole night. She had taken the lead that night. The sex was insanely amazing.

[Image: Pavitra%2BLokesh%2Banal%2Bsex%2Bprouder%...Bcouch.jpg]

In a few days the couple planned for their marriage. They had a registered marriage.

When everything was done, Rohan now wanted some privacy. He wanted to spend some quality time with his wife. So he asked Ajay, who usually slept with his mother, if he could sleep now onwards like a grown up boy on his own in his own room? Ajay when heard if his own room, was overjoyed and said yes but only on one condition that he should get a PC. Rohan agreed happily.

Next day there was a PC in his room and Pavitra in Rohan's room. Rohan fucked Pavitra every night. Their sex life was as active as a newly married couple. They lived happily ever after. 

[Image: aHR0cHM6Ly8zLmJwLmJsb9dzcG-0LmNvbS8tb3Vp...MuanBn.jpg]

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[+] 3 users Like Krishan202's post
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Please write on geetha madhuri ...i was requesting you long back ago...please write next story on geetha madhuri
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Brother.....Pls write on MILF Juhi Chawla/Sangeeta Bijlani...Its been long time
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