Incest Game of Thrones Sex Stories
                     Chapter 1- King Aerion(Jon Snow) and his Grandmother

Everyone knew who King Aerion Targaryen was. He was the final son of the late King Rhaegar Targaryen First of His Name. King Aerion has ruled for six years, and has proven he was a worthy king. Since he has sat the Iron Throne, the builders have been working on sewer system for Fleabottem, under his orders. The Goldcloaks have been fixed of its corruption, and the late Commander Janos executed. The Throne’s debts have been paid to the Iron Bank.
Over all the six years under King Aerion have been peaceful and good. But the great houses of the Westerlands, Iron Islands, and Tyrells haven’t forgotten what happened during the rebellion or after the rebellion.
With the Westerlands being hurt the most, with there late lord Tywin being stripped of his titles, losing his dominant hand, and finally sent to the Wall to take the oaths of the Night’s Watch. But also losing their heir and greatest fighters. Ser Jamie still in the Order of the Kingsguard, leaving Lord Tyrion as head of house -whom has no problems with what has happened to his father, and proud for his brother- and Gregor Clagne in Drone being tortured, because of killing both Elia, Viserys and Aegon Targaryens, with the former being bangd, under the orders of the late Lord Tywin.
The Iron Islands lost there titles and have joined the ruling of the Riverlands, under the ruling family of Blackwood after what the Tully’s did. They lost there fleet with only giving them half a dozen cogs. They lost the right to leaving their Islands, making them stay on there bird shit cover home.
The Tyrells were hurt the least of the three. With former lord Mace Tyrell being stripped of his titles after what he did to the two Baratheon brothers at Storm's End. He was then ordered to go North, and prey to the pagan gods. This was all done with the Queen of Thorns agreement.
The families loyal to the current king were Houses Martell, Baratheon, Arryn, Blackwood, and Stark. Most of the families having a seat in the King’s Counsel.
The Hand of the King was Davos Seaworth, a man who grew up in Fleabottem, becoming a smuggler, and helping the Baratheons the best he could. Master of Whispers, Lord Varys. Master of Ships, lord Stannis Baratheon. Master of Coin, lord Jon Arryn. Master of Laws, Benjen Stark. Master of War, Prince Oberyn Martell. Grand Maester being Marwyn the Mage. And finally Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Arthur Dayne.
And current there is a Small Council Meeting going on. Sitting at the table were the named people, and King Aerion.
“Your Grace.” Marwyn spoke.
Aerion looked to the Maester, “What is it Maester?” He spoke in a northern burr. Aerion didn’t take after his father, he had his cheeks, nose, and dark velvet eyes. He mainly took after his Mother, Lyanna Stark.
The Maester looked around at the other Counsel Members, “I believe it is time we brought up marriages for you, My King.” The others nodded, “We have a few young ladies, that you know and of being in the same age group as you.”
He looked towards Benjen, who nodded and spoke, “Arya Stark is unmarried, and we all know what feeling you two have for each other.” Benjen grinned, “I would say she is still a maiden but it seems you already took that form her.”
Aerion nodded, and it moved to Oberyn, “My Niece, Arianne, and my bastard daughter, Tyene, have spoken highly of you and would love to become queen.” He smiled, “You also have your aunt Daenerys whom has lost her maiden hood by you.”
A little smile grew on Aerion’s face. But they continued with naming the ladies who could become queen. Lord Stannis spoke next, “My daughter Shireen is also unmarried, and still a maid.”
Aerion nodded, he was friends with Lady Shireen, and even though she had the nasty scare of greyscale, she was still pretty, and has a kind and loving heart.
Varys spoke for the first time in the meeting, “There is also Lady Margaery Tyrell, and Lady Myrcella if you want to renew the relationship of Houses Lannister and Tyrell to House Targaryen.”
Aerion looked to Varys, “What are the rumors of both ladies?”
“Lady Margaery has been taking lessons from both her mother and grandmother. I have also heard that she is loved by the Smallfolk of Highgarden.” Aerion nodded, and motioned for him to continue, “Lady Myrcella is loved by the people of the Westerlands, and has her mother's beauty, but not her evil intents. She is the complete opposite of her mother. Form what my little birds say, both are still maidens.”
Aerion took that to memory, and nodded. He looked to Ser Arthur, “Who do you think would be the best of the two?”
Ser Arthur looked to Aerion, “Out of those two. I think Lady Myrcella would be the preferred one.”
The King nodded. He trusted what the knight said, and with his life. Ser Arthur wasn’t as talkative as the other members but when he does, everyone knew he was speaking the truth.
Ser Arthur spoke again, “I would also suggest my sister Allyria.” Ser Arthur looked to be in thought, “She’s probably going to be the oldest on the list of candidates. But sense my brother, Davos Dayne, passed, and my sister marrying your uncle Eddard in the North. Allyria has been ruling Starfall, for the past few years.”
Aerion looked to Arthur, and spoke, “I will take that into consideration, Ser Arthur.” The King stood, and was soon followed by the members of his counsel members, “I should go see how, Aegiron. I haven’t seen him for a bit and he is probably restless for a fly.” The member nodded, “The meeting is done.”
Aerion left the meeting room, with Ser Arthur following him. The moment he left the Throne room, Aerion heard the roar of his dragon. He smiled, as flew Aegiron into his line of sight.
It has been seven years since the dragons have returned. With the findings of four dragon eggs in Dragonstone, and with the amount of death during the Rebellion and the blood of two full blooded Targaryens, two half-blood Targaryens, and one quarter blooded Targeryen, the magic for hatching dragons eggs was almost complete, all they needed left was someone with Targaryen to go into a fire with the eggs.
Aerion looked up to the his dragon, whom he named after the Conqueror, and who has blood red scales, underscales, and horns, and purple eyes, wing membranes, and spikes, his dragon was the biggest of the four that he hatched and has the strongest flames, his being a crimson red.
The second biggest dragon of the four that hatched was named Rharaxes -named after the sister wife of Aegon, and after his oldest sibling-, whom has silver spikes, scales, under scales, she also has blue eyes, horns, and wing membranes. Rharaxes has silver flames. Her rider was Daenerys.
The third biggest was Smoke, whom was smoky grey all over, form his eyes, horns, spikes, scales, under scales, and wing membranes. He has grey flames, and was the fastest of the four. He has no rider.
The last dragon was Rhaegal, whom was named when the late King Rhaegar passed. He had emerald green scales, under scales, horns, spikes, and wing membranes, he has bronze eyes. He had the second strongest flame with an emerald green flames. His rider was Dowager Queen Rhaella.
Aerion was taken from his thoughts by finding himself in front of his dragon landing in front of him. He smiled at Aegiron as he brought his head down in front of him. Aerion raised his hand to the snout of Aegiron and rested it on her nose. The dragon released a puff of smoke in his face. Aerion laughed and took the hand that was on her nose and brought it to the side of her snout, and with his other hand he brought it under the dragon, and brought his head to the place where his formerly and rest it there.
“I missed you to.” Aerion whispered, “I’m sorry I couldn’t bring you with me, but you know how the Northmen are when they see you.” A snort fame form the dragon, and Aerion laughed, “Ohh stop it you poor baby.” He took his head off the dragon, “How about a fly?”
And like that the dragon brought his body closer to the ground and brought out his wing.
Aerion looked back to his Kingsguard, “Ser Arthur, I will be leaving the keep for a bit. I should be back by dinner.”
The knight nodded, “I will wait until you return, my king.” And turned to leave.
Aerion walked up onto his dragon and tried his best to find a comfortable sitting position. When he found one he didn’t have to wait to say the command to fly, because the next moment he was in the air, with his shoulder length hair flying in the air.
When Aegiron found a level he like and was safe for his rider he leveled out. Aerion smiled at the view he had. It was a wonderful thing being in the air, flying on his dragon. He has flown over all of Westeros, and nothing has ever beaten the feeling yet.
He thought of the meeting he had just left form. He was twenty-name-days and is still unmarried. Westeros needed a queen, and he also needed someone to continue the Targaryen bloodline with. He thought of the ladies his counsel mentioned.
He loved his cousin Arya, and Daenerys. But he also knew that Arya didn’t want to be Queen, she wanted to be a knight like Ser Brienne of the Kingsguard. But even if she said she could rule, he knew otherwise, she would be a great queen one that will surpass the former queens. He also knew that Daenerys would be an amazing queen, but he also saw the tiny madness in her eyes. It was nothing to worry about, but like his grandfather the Mad King, he started as a sane person but then lost himself in his madness.
And then there were Ladies Margaery and Myrcella. Both being born in the richest families in Westeros, only being beaten by the Targaryens. Aerion knew that if he was to marry Margaery he would get the food his people needed to live through the next winter. But if he were to marry Myrcella he would gain the support of the other families in the Westerlands, and get the gold the Westerlands are known to have in there mountains. Both being a good marriage but both being risky.
Then there were the others. He has met both Princess Arianne and Tyene Sand. The latter form spars with the Sand Snakes, and the former from going to Dorne for a visit well his father was still king. And to be completely honest he has fucked both of and have done it more then once.
Aerion was taken form his thoughts because Aegiron roaring. He looked around him and saw that he was joined by the other dragons, with none having their riders on them. He looked down and saw that he was over Blackwater. Then he was hit with a all so familiar smell of burnt stone. He looked forward and saw that Aegiron was taking him to Dragonstone.
Then it hit him, ‘Grandmother is there.’ He laughed and patted Aegiron, “Thanks Aegrion. You know me better than I.”
The dragon roared, and he was followed by the others.
Rhaella was sitting in the garden when she heard the roar of the dragons. She was about to leave it be, but when she heard the first roar she knew that Aegiron was back. Rhaella knew that Aegiron lived in the Dragonpits, in King’s Lansing. So for him to come here would be a few reasons.
Rhaella stood from her chair and speed walked to where the dragons land.
When she got there she found a dozen Targaryen guards kneeling before the man currently getting off of the biggest dragon, the Targaryens currently have. She smiled at the man, who was called king.
He has grown up since he was a babe at the teats. With both Lyanna and Elia, Aerion was born without a mother to care for him, so with her giving birth to Dany, she had raised him herself. He was the son she always wanted. Yes Rhaegar will always have a spot in her heart for being her first born, but Aerion he has done things to her that neither Aerys or Rhaegar has done to her.
Even though her old age she didn’t show any sign. She was just as she was when she was his age, with only parts of her hair turning a snowy white. And with the magic the dragons give off, her white is going away, and returning to the silver hair her ancestors had.
When Rhaella saw that Aerion was looking at her, she smiled while unconsciously putting her hand on the growing bump on her belly. It hasn’t been long since she found out she was with child, and she knew the father was because she hasn’t slept with any other man other than her grandson. That was the reason why she was currently on Dragonstone, hiding her pregnancy form the open eyes of King’s Landing.
She watched as Aerion walked towards her, she bowed her head, “Your Grace, welcome to Dragonstone.”
Aerion smiled, “Grandmother, I have told you over and over again, there is no need to call me that. We’re family.” He brought her into a hug. She returned the hug, and held him close to her. When he broke the hug, he looked into her eyes, “I need your help with something, Grandmother.”
Rhaella nodded, “What is it, Aerion my sweet?”
Aerion looked around, “Not here. It is a personal thing.”
Rhaella nodded and took his hand, “We can talk in my room.”
Aerion nodded, “That would be nice.”
When Aerion entered his Grandmother’s room, he found himself sitting on a chair and drinking some Hippocras, he explained to Rhaella what was going on. When he finished he found, his grandmother in his lap, well playing with the laces of his tunic.
“What I think you should do is marry four wives.” Rhaella said when she was done undoing the laces to his tunic, “The New Gods, have no more power in Westeros, leaving only the Great Sept of Baelor, the Starry Sept, and the Sept of the Snow.” Aerion brought his hands to her dress, “The Old Gods, don’t care about polygamy. They only care for kinslaying, slave selling, breaking the laws of hospitality and direct incest.” She stopped to kiss Aerion on the lips.
Aerion stood from the chair well picking up Rhaella, all the while having open mouth kisses.
When he got to the bed, he dropped Rhaella on to it, when his hands were free he took off his shirt, to show scars. When his shirt was off he kneeled down in front of Rhaella. He spread her legs out to show her hairless cunt. He looked up to her and said, “You expected this, didn’t you?” She nodded.
Aerion looked back to her cunt and licked it.
Rhaella’s head flew back in bliss. She wanted to watch but with her dress still on, and her skirts in her way, she could only moan form what her grandson was doing to her cunt. Within a few minutes Rhaella had an orgasm. Aerion licked all the extra liquid she released. When Aerion was done drinking up all the liquid his grandmother released, he stood and took off his breeches, to show his rock hard cock.
Rhaella looked up at her grandson when she regained her breath. She loved when that cock was in her. It was just the right size for her wet, dripping cunt.
“Please… Please put it in me?” She plead.
Aerion moved closer to her and onto the bed. When he got to her he started kissing her. All the while taking off her red dress. When the dress was off, his lips moved south, going to her chin, her throat, her collarbone, and when he got to her tits, he licked and sucked both of them. Well he was doing this his hands were playing with her wet folds. With her other hand he moved it across her body.
But when his hand reached her belly, he stopped. He looked down at her belly and saw a little bump. When he looked up to Rhaella he saw that she was smiling, and before even asking, she answered, “Yes, my love. The child growing in me is yours.” He went to ask how far along, but again she knew what he was going to ask, “From what the Maester said, I should be either three or four moons pass.”
Aerion smiled and continued to pleasure his grandmother. When he was sure he has done enough, he moved back up to her lips. They continued to kiss, until Aerion entered her. She moaned into his mouth, enjoying him moving into her and back out of her and repeat.
When they finished kissing, Aerion moved to her neck leaving love marks. When Rhaella realized that he wasn’t going as fast as she liked, she moaned out, “Faster!” And he listened. There were only two people Aerion couldn’t say no to, and they were Arya, and Rhaella.
Aerion’s thrusts speed up and the only thing you can hear in the room were the moans from the Dowager Queen, and skin hitting skin.
By the time Aerion released his seed into Rhaella, she has had four other orgasms, and swapping positions, from Rhaella riding Aerion, to Rhaella being fucked from behind. All she enjoyed greatly.
Aerion laid his head in between Rhaella’s breasts, breathing heavily. Well he was doing this Rhaella was playing with his hair.
“I will take five wives, my love.” Aerion spoke.
Rhaella smiled, “And whom would be these five?”
Aerion looked up to her, and smiled, “Well there will be Arya, Arianne, Daenerys, Myrcella and finally you.”
Rhaella smile grew, “I always wondered what it would feel like, fucking my own daughter?” She kissed him on the lips, “Well I won’t have to wait long will I?”
Aerion shook his head, “No you won’t.” Aerion kissed her, and stood, “I should be returning to the Red Keep, my love.” He dressed and walked to the door, before he left, he turned around and grinned at her, “You can suspect me to be here by the end of the day. We can continue what we want to do here.”
Rhaella smiled, “I will be waiting.”
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