Misc. Erotica The Holy Savior - REBOOTED (Completed)
Awsome update..
N looking forward to read the nwe changes u will make... all the best bro
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
(30-04-2020, 12:10 AM)garamrohan Wrote: Hello friends... though I was posting story in its new attire, in the updates until now, the changes were very less and those were structural rather than "adding some contents". Now onwards I would try to paint the intimate scenes more boldly as requested by you people. So please stay with me. Let me know your opinions, suggestions, critics. Thanks.

What was the secret in that fruit?  Big Grin

How swamji tested and perfected it.....
Thanks & Regards,
One man's wife is another man's slut
I don't have a Religion, I am free. Do not impose your Morality on me
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looking forward to son seeing his mom getting fucked hard a
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eagerly wating
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Thank you very much Biosys, Aikajulia, Abstar, Givemeextra, Veerasammy and mn60. The next update will appear tomorrow evening as today I will be updating one of my other stories. Wish to write something that will boggle your mind! Big Grin
STORY IN PROGRESS: The pursuit of an Artist

Please check my Profie for my other stories
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(30-04-2020, 10:20 AM)Givemeextra Wrote: What was the secret in that fruit?  Big Grin

How swamji tested and perfected it.....

Hi bro... the secret is to be revealed in next update itself! meanwhile I leave it to your imagination (and I know how good you are at this my friend Big Grin ) to think how he would have perfected it...
STORY IN PROGRESS: The pursuit of an Artist

Please check my Profie for my other stories
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please update
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Eagerly waiting for the update brother
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Sorry guys.. please allow me some more time. Very busy.
STORY IN PROGRESS: The pursuit of an Artist

Please check my Profie for my other stories
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update please
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wow bro, u don't know how much i miss this story in xossip, please come back with the next part
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please update bro
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(03-05-2020, 11:29 AM)garamrohan Wrote: Sorry guys.. please allow me some more time. Very busy
Missing the treat, waiting..
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update ittt
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Part VI
mummy stepped back, looking naughtily at Swamiji who was sitting on bed and looking madly at mummy’s seductive moves. Her hand was on pallu. I felt very bad that my pretending noble mummy is going to pull off her pallu and offer her body to this bastard to fulfill his carnal lust.

And suddenly mummy ran to the door with all her force. For a second I thought she has been successfully escaped. But alerted Swamiji quickly ran towards her. Due to over anxiety her hands struggled at opening door lock and by that time swami caught her from behind.

“Ha ha ha ha… very smart. Huh?”, Swamiji hold her by waist and whirled her in air along with him with filthy laughter.

“No..no..no..”, mummy was jerking her hands and legs. But swamiji was too strong for her. He had lifted her with ease with which one picks up child. “How could I let you go so easily… my queen”, He lead towards bed swinging her in arms and threw her on bed, “Do you think I am fool, huh?”

mummy started sobbing. She crawled back looking at swamiji. “Please Swamiji.. let me go.. for god’s sake..”, she appealed him.

“But I am like god itself for you. I guess that’s what you and your mother-in-law used to say.”, He advanced toward her rubbing his crotch over his pitamber, “Come, serve your god dear”, he bent over bed to hold her in arms but mummy stood up to the other side of the bed.

“Please Swamiji.. I am a pativrata. Don’t spoil me… ”, she was crying and pleading him with her hands folded. Swamiji stood up from bed and walked toward her with lustful eyes. mummy was also moving accordingly around the bed, always staying opposite to swamiji with bed in midst of them. My legs were literally shaking for I knew that it is very unlikely that this weirdo will leave my mummy.

“Don’t worry Arpita, Nobody will get to know..”, swamiji said. He was switching his direction in-between to catch her to which mummy also responded accordingly. “Don’t tease me anymore darling… Let’s have fun”, swamiji literally jumped towards her and he got mummy’s pallu in his hand. mummy who was running ahead stopped several feet away from swamiji as she understood the situation.

“Please leave me swamiji.. I will give you anything you want. “, mummy pleaded.

“ But all I want is you..”, swamiji said pulling her pallu, “I want to taste your beauty darling.. Want to copulate with your lustrous body which is on my minds since the day I saw you..”, and saying this he pulled her pallu, “common… make me happy.. There is no point in protesting now because within few minutes my ‘prasad’ will start taking effect. And you can’t keep me away then anyway… Hehehe…”

“Look we are very rich… I will convince my husband to give you lot of money.. Just let me go now..”, mummy requested with pallu strongly held by her chest.

“well, I don’t mind taking money from your husband dear..”, swamiji loosened his hold on pallu a little and walked couple of steps towards her, “We will surely talk about that once our lovemaking is over.” and he started pulling her pallu like rope pulling, “hahahaha…”.

Due to his force mummy lost hold on her pallu and she got rotated unfolding her saree into swamiji’s hands, “nooooooooooooo…. Nahiiiiiiiiiiiiii… “, she cried.

Swamiji stripped off her saree and sniffed it…, “Ummmm.. aaah,… exotic.”, he moaned looking at mummy with lust.

“Chee…”, mummy responded with disgust. She was in blouse and petticoat and she has crossed her hands over her chest to save her pride from those filthy eyes. “You bastard.. So mean you are.. You call yourself spiritual guru and lusts for..”

“You know what's problem with you?”, Swamiji didn’t let her complete , “You speculate too much.. One should not be making opinions so hard and fast. “, his hands were collecting saree as he talked, “You put so much belief on me when you came here; then that girl changed your mind which takes me lots of effort to regain. Now again you are running from me. I bet you will change your mind once you spend this night with me.” He grinned and threw her saree on bed.

He ran towards her; madly looking at mummy’s bulged chest in blouse, deep cleavage showing up despite mummy's crossed hand and her bare navel. Her attempts to cover were inadequate; of course so much she was blessed, how could her hands cover it all? “Noooooo…”, she cried loudly as swamiji jumped over her.

They both started struggling. Swamiji was trying to embrace her and she was pushing him, preventing him from getting close. It looked like and indeed it was a wrestling competition – the swamiji playing to ‘win’ while mummy playing for ‘not to lose’.

With their hands struggling, he forwarded to kiss her face, her neck. He looked very horny, “common... just give me a chance. I will give you ride to heaven. hahaha”

mummy was moving her head to avoid his beard, ugly face but when he seemed to overpower her she scratched his face and escaped from him. “Aaahhh..”, he yelled but instantly grabbed her by her Hairs.

As she was trying to run; her bun got released and her lustrous, long hairs spread free. With this, the gajara woven in her hairs by swamiji fell on ground. Swamiji pulled her back with her hairs.. “Where are you going my queen..”, and hold her face by other hand to turn towards him. mummy recovered from pain of hair-pull and bit on his wrist.

“Aaaahh……”, he moaned shaking his hand in pain and mummy escaped from his hands again. She stood up in corner again trying to cover her sareeless body with arms.

Swamiji looked at bite mark on his wrist and with smile he sucked on it.. “ummmmm… waaah.. tastes good… why don’t you feed me from your lips itself?” he marched toward her. This time he ducked and picked her up in arms. She was beating his hairy chest and calling for help…, “Please save me… anybody there…bachao…”

“hahahaha.. nobody is going to save you from me.. come..”, He threw her on bed, and said” The ashram is all empty tonight. And beside this, why you would need to be saved from me? Am I hurting you my dear beti? Huh?”, he hold my feared mummy’s both shoulder and forcing her to lie on back, “I am going to make love to you, adore your beautiful body, in a way your fool husband never did..” and saying this he pushed her flat on her back and came over her.

mummy who was shaking with fear suddenly got angry and hit with her leg on the genital of swamiji…”Aaaa.. oh my godddd.. holy shit..”, he fall down on ground with pain and started rolling. mummy quickly jumped out of bed; this time not wasting time to collect saree and rushed toward door but suddenly stopped holding her head. Her eyes closed and face was showing expression like she was having vertigo. All her motions slowed down, “Oh my god… what is happening to me?”, she said.

It seemed that day, odds were all in favour of swamiji, she has almost escaped but ‘timing’ of swamiji’s Prasad was so perfect that it spoiled mummy’s bold effort to escape. As mummy was taking slow steps struggling to maintain her balance, swamiji woke up, probably little relived from the pain and in anger rushed to her. he held her hand and pulled her to him and closed her soft, pink lips with his!

The way he was sucking mummy's lips was out of world. I have never seen this much vigorous kissing till now. His both hands were holding her face and he was delivering wet kisses on her lips. One after one, his lustful kisses soaked their lips with saliva to the extent that goo streamed down there mouth whenever he broke kisses to observe mummy's pretty face. I feel very sick looking the way he was giving her smooches without her consent and making disgusting noise of “muuuuuuah ...muaaaaaah..”.

mummy's motion was paralyzed to much extend. It was clear from her face that she was trying to avoid this, but his body was not in her control. Her hands were trying to push him but with insignificant force. And so swamiji was leisurely tasting sugar of her lips.

Atlast he stopped, and glanced carefully at mummy's pretty face which was hold in hands by him. “So beautiful your are Arpita! Even apsaras (heavenly beauties) will envy for you”, and he softly kissed her cheeks and rubbed his mustache over there. Then he started kissing all over her face, her forehead, her beautiful nose, closed eyes, chin. Then he again kissed her cheeks and licked her cheek with his rough tongue.

He was so excited that he didn’t know what to do. With my beautiful mummy in his arms, his eyes were roaming freely over my mummy’s body and so were his itchy hands. I think it was his dream came true. As he touched, rubbed my mummy’s body he moaned out with eccentric puppy like sounds.

“Hihihi.. You made me wait too long darling.. “, He said and pulled her over his shoulder and brought to bed. He himself sat on bed with ease without worrying mummy would fly away that time. mummy who was standing in front of him; struggling to maintain balance was about to lose her pride, her chastity – by unwillingly getting forced to do things which she probably would have done with my father only.

“ussssssss….aaaaaaaaah…”, swamiji signed as he looked at mummy’s deep belly button hidden under her soft navel. He pinched her belly playfully and stuck his one finger in navel and moved round. Then he pulled out the finger and again inserted it this time wetting it with saliva and rotating it in her deep navel. While doing this he winked at mummy but her eyes were closed.

He pulled out the finger and suddenly buried his face on her fair stomach smooching it, kissing it rubbing his dirty beard face on it and started sucking her navel. mummy’s face showed disgusting reactions but her hands were hardly able to move up to clear his face off her stomach. He sucked hard, piercing his dirty tongue into her navel and sometimes planting wet kisses on her soft belly..

“Swamiji…..plsssssssss… “, all mummy could utter.

“What happened darling..”, swamiji stopped and asked her holding her hand and easily made her sit on his lap with her face away from him. He embraced her with both hand from behind and started rubbing her both thighs over petticoat.

“Swamiji… its not too late yet..”, mummy pleaded.

“I know Arpita.. that’s why I am taking my time.. hehehe..”, He grinned..”, His hands now slowly started to pinch up petticoat and started revealing her thighs.. He moved her one hand around his neck and made her turn her face little close to him. Looking lustfully at her face with this close! Literally I was getting mad..

His one hand was still pulling her petticoat up while he way lost into her facial beauty. Her beautiful hairs, which were freed by swamiji were adding to her beauty. Her few hair strands were spread over her face and creating obstacle for swamiji’s gaze. Swamji blew and tossed them off from her face only to return them over her face. But I bet with this mummy must have felt swamiji’s hot breath. I think he breathed badly, because mummy’s face looked weird with this.

Then swamiji cleared hairs with his finger and touched her luscious lips. He delicately pinched her lips and kissed with disparity. He hold mummy’s chin by one hand not giving her scope to break his kiss. Meanwhile his other hand had finished its task to expose mummy’s creamy thighs and now massaging her thighs sensually.

I was literally dumb… This was first time I was looking at mummy’s thigh. Her extremely fair thighs were smooth like banana stem and glittering due to sweat. It was really exotic sight to see her thighs handled by swamiji’s rough but expert hand as their beaks were interlocked like love birds. When it seems impossible for swamiji to control his breaths, he at last broke kiss.

“Ohh… wow…. Mmmmm”, he moaned as he looked at her naked thighs and quickly complimented its structure by rubbing her thigh sensually. He hands explored her thighs so carefully as potter’s hands moves on his pot. Even I shivered imagining how mummy would be feeling with this. He started kissing her neck while his hands explored inner-outer of her thighs. He rested his head on her right shoulder and started massaging her thighs. mummy’s face showed that she is struggling so much from inside.

I guess with his head rested on her shoulder, mummy’s deep cleavage took his attention. “Oh..my god…” he literally moaned.., “How did I miss this?.. ohh god..”, he looked mesmerized to her huge breasts which seemed to burst out of her blouse anytime. His hands moved to mummy’s chest and he bent to kiss her breasts. But as mummy was sitting on his lap, he was restricted with this. He asked mummy to stand up but mummy was not even able to stand up. He somehow made her stand and caught her between his two folded legs so that she won’t fell down and started playing with her boobs. He was pressing her giant breasts over blouse. With his vulgar moans all the time and indecent praise for mummy. “They are so huge… Arpita… Oh my god.. putri, see, they look so good on your beautiful body.. just like diamond on golden ring aaah..”, and he dived into her chest, even with blouse on, mummy must have really felt swamiji at her most precious treasure, because he was really out of mind. He was rubbing her face on her chest, he kissed madly, tried to grab mound flesh into mouth for sucking.

It seemed really overwhelming for swamiji and equally for me. He started opening her blouse with his shivering hands. So was he excited that it took more than a minute to undo her blouse.. all this time mummy kept saying.. “please swamiji.. no, no, no, no.. “, and cried helplessly.

“Keep quite, Putri..”, He said without giving attention to her, “You too going to enjoy this..”, and at last he managed to get off his blouse and my god… there was my mummy ! simply stunning mature woman! and I guess first woman I have seen in such compromised position - sitting in swamiji’s lap with only a beautiful pink bra managing to cover her magnificent breasts somehow. Her cleavage was looking so damn inviting in her tight bra and on top of that the pendent of her mangalsutra was pierced in her cleavage a little bit. By then beads of sweat started flowing from my body. I didn’t understand what was happening to me but I never experienced such anxiety, such shivering before that.

“wooooww…. “, swamiji’s face enlightened and he made her sit again on his lap and handled her bra-covered melons. He weighed them with his both palm. “Ohh.. they are heavy..”, he grinned as kissed her chicks.

mummy burst out cry again. “Please swamiji .. you are not supposed to do this..”

“Then who does? Your fool husband? Who tied this mangalsutra in your neck and left you alone at home pretending to make money huh? Do you think he is equally loyal to you? I bet he is not.”

“Don’t you dare..”, mummy

“Listen me first...”, swamiji roared playing with her mangalutra.. “ This is you boast of isn’t? Having sex with only one man – your husband.. Tonight I will take everything from you and this witness… your mangalsutra, won’t let you forget this night. Every time you look in mirror, this mangalsutra will remind you of these intimate moments spend with me – your swamiji…. And surprising enough, do you know swamiji also mean husband? So I am going to be your another err… your better husband hihihihi…”

He then concentrated all his attention to mummy’s body rather than arguing with her. His hands grouped, caressed and pressed her boobs over bra. While he kissed over her bare arms, shoulders. I could see his pitamber was looking like a tent due to his hard on. He put one of mummy’s hands on it and just said… “please dear…”. But as there was no movement from mummy, he placed his hand of her and started rubbing his cock with mummy’s hands. He pulled her right bra strap little down with teeth and playfully bit on exposed shoulder.

Due to bite, mummy fingers curled into wrist and thus her hand which was on swamiji’s boner, tightened around his manhood. And this was too much for swamiji who was experiencing new level of temptation that night and he wetted his pitamber while grunting like animal.

He was exhausted a little so he made mummy sleep on bed. He stood up and looked at his pitamber with disbelief. I guess he didn’t expect to get finished this earlier. He went to table and drank water and splashed on his face too. Then he changed his pitamber with new one and while looking at the bed, he tossed some sort of medicinal root into mouth and after chewing properly he swallow it along with water.
STORY IN PROGRESS: The pursuit of an Artist

Please check my Profie for my other stories
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Part VII
He advanced towards bed looking at my beautiful mummy helplessly lying on bed. He stood by knees on the bed and took her legs in hands. Her anklet rang sensually; sliding down as he pulled her legs up. And her petticoat also gathered around her waist again exposing her pulpy, milky white thighs. Those beautiful thighs! There wasn’t a single hair on them and they were shining like moon. It was going to be big treat for Swamiji.

“Aahhhh.. “ he moaned and started licking her soft feet.. That moist sound of “surr…. Chukkk… chukk…” was giving me disgusting feeling. mummy was trying to move her legs but those were held firmly by Swamiji. His mouth then moved to her toes and he kissed all her figures. All over this time, his rough hands were massaging her soft inner thighs and pinching them playfully. I was wondering how his harsh hand would have felt on mummy’s buttery thighs. I think he liked her maroon painted nails. He lovingly held her both toes to his chest and rubbed there feeling their softness with closed eyes. Again he madly took them up and started sucking each of her fingers one by one heartily. mummy was jerking like fish.

In response to his wild sucking, whenever mummy tried to twist and pull her legs from his hand, he forcefully twisted her leg to opposite side which didn’t let her slip out of his hands.

It was evident to me that, he was lusting for every inch of my mummy’s body. He was not in rush, taking full advantage of mummy’s absolute voluptuous body. He stopped suckling her fingers and his tongue slides below, licking every inch of her proportionate legs. He put several bites on her thighs and sucked hard before he made his way through both of her legs held in air and kissed mummy’s luscious lips again.

This suppressed mummy’s sigh due to his biting and once again moistened (‘wetted’ may be best word I guess) her lips with his dirty saliva. He was kissing her as if honey was oozing throw mummy’s red lips. And mummy had no choice but just to sob. He then kissed her chest over bra; pulled her nipples with teeth and rubbed his face over her soft chest. “Aaaaaaah…”, she moaned. mummy’s eyes were closed and she was gasping with this treatment at her breast at the same time doing poor effort of hitting his face. He tried to undo bra; which was stretched with size of her jugs but was unable to do so as mummy didn’t move. In anticipation, he pressed both her boobs to his heart’s content.

“Mmmm… they are so perfect Putri. So huge and firm at the same time! It’s hard to believe you are married woman with school-going kid”, He mumbled while sensually pressing her bra-guarded mammary. I can’t explain how nervous moment it was for me watching my own mother’s private part – breasts – which isn’t merely a woman genital, but an object of motherly affection for son who have nurtured over it, was handled by a pervert before my eyes. With watering mouth and eyes filled with lust he was pressing them, grouping them and groaning with impatience while turning her globes into various shapes.

I understood with his increased pace that he can’t bear it anymore. “Darling.. I want to see your prominent vaksha in their full glory..”, he said and tried to stretch out her bra to reveal her breasts but this time somehow mummy crossed her hands and guard her chest.

I thought swamiji will force her but to my surprise he looked to her and while playing with her bangles said, “Oh… my queen don’t want to reveal them so early? Well no problem.. I don’t have hurry either. We have whole night ahead.. hi hi hi..”, and advanced further for a noisy liplock.

“Ummmm…” he again resettled to his original position over knee; holding her left leg on chest and elevated right leg to his mouth. He whirled his wet tongue around thumb of her left leg. mummy was helplessly looking at him.. shaking her neck in ‘no’. Looking straight in her eyes, Swamiji wetted one of his fingers and mimicked action of fucking by sliding finger into gap between two fingers of her leg and moving to and fro.

Suddenly mummy kicked him with all the force she could apply. As one of her leg was resting on swamiji’s chest, Swamiji who was not expecting this much from her, fell down from the bed.

He stood up angrily and shouted looking at mummy, “beti, bear in mind…”, He hold both her legs and said, “When my lingam (cock) will be inside your love tunnel, you will embrace my back with these same legs you just kicked me with.”

He undid knot of her petticoat and threw it on the floor. mummy was laid there before him only in her bra and black panty. And swami was ready to jump over her soft, fair body. mummy hided her face with hands in shame and cried loudly. But swamiji didn’t pay attention. He himself became full naked by throwing away his pitamber which was now just formally hanging to his waist. He was ugly, but his penis was ever uglier. It was black, looking sticky due to some fluid over it. I can’t say in inch but it was really big. It smelled so bad that even I felt its pungent fish like smell from outside the room.

He twisted mummy’s legs to turn her and made her sleep on her stomach. Her long hairs which were freed now were spread all over the bed and were looking like black mattress. Even I haven’t had seen mummy’s hairs in full glory till then. I should be ashamed but at that time, I myself thought whether she looks more attractive in loose hairs or in bun.

Swamiji’s condition was not different either. He was also impressed by what was before him. He started kissing and caressing from her legs moving up, kissed sensually on both of her thighs. mummy who was lying on her stomach replied with rubbing her legs on each other making nice sound of her payal (anklets) which added more to swamiji’s lust.

Swamiji’s hand started roaming over beautiful butt of mummy.. He planted kisses over part of her ass not covered with panty and sucked there, putting red impression of lovemaking over it. “I always lusted about your nitamb (bum) my darling; the way they swing as you walk had always gave me hard on.”, Swamiji said in aroused tone shaking her bum-chicks with both his hands. He moved upside kissing her bare back making trail of saliva from waist to neck, making way through her beautiful hairs, smelling them and laid beside her.

“Your name should have been ‘kuntala’ or ‘sukeshini’ my dear..” he said, as he pick handful of her silky hairs in his hands and smelled them.. “ummm what a smell.. Whenever I see you I wonder how one woman can be blessed with so much beauty. Such a lovely face, delicate skin, sexy curves and such a killing hairs… wow..”, swamiji moaned as he put his leg over mummy’s and came closer to her from behind and sniffed her hairs like dog.

As he was rubbing his nose in her hairs, on her neck, mummy was helplessly sobbing with her face dig into pillow. Swamiji stopped for a second, “Why are you crying dear? Look if you think that I am the guy who likes to take it forcefully, you are wrong. But you yourself are forcing me to do this…”, he was caressing her hairs, “ Please darling, I once again request you.. Cooperate with me.. I am thirsty for your divine beauty.. Please satisfy me.. It will be secret between you and me..”, swamiji turned her face and said looking in her eyes. Her eyes were full of tears.

“Please swamiji… let me go..”, her sound has been weakened maybe due to drug effect and her eyes were full of tears. Swamiji looked in her eyes for a moment. He was annoyed for even after so much effort mummy is not submitting to him. And the next moment he angrily kissed her with full of lust and force, “You are mine.. you got it?..”, he said and pulled her lower lips with his teeth. He moved his hands to her back and clicked off the bra.

It literally skipped my heartbeat to witness cheer-haran (stripping) of mummy. The only cloth saving her chastity, her bra was now lying on the floor and her breasts were standing prominently on her chest in natural state. Swamiji’s eyes were about to pop out. I too never thought I will be looking at my mummy’s naked breasts one day. My throat went dry. I felt so bad that my mummy’s breasts were going to be feasted by this animal.

“Ohhh Arpita.. “, swamiji moaned with shivering voice as he advanced his hands to hold her bossoms. “These are the best stana I have ever seen putri..”, his eyes were full of lust and surprise, “I always knew you have great treasure hidden under your pallu, but this is beyond all my expectation…” he catch her both breasts with his two hands and started pressing them.

His black hands were in perfect contrast with her milky white breasts. He madly pressed them, rubbed her nipples and mummy was controlling her emotions by biting her lower lips. But swami didn’t have anything in his mind now except her magnificent tits.

“so firm.. ohh god..”, he sighed in crying tone and suddently put his mouth to her left nipple and started sucking it.. “aaaaaah”, mummy moaned out with sensation. She put her hand on mouth and bit her wrist to suppress her sounds. Swamiji’s one hand was still massaging mummy’s right breasts. The breast in his mouth was getting sucked very hard. As he sucked, nipple was escaping from his mouth with sexy sound of “puk…” and glittering with his saliva on it. Watching my mother’s tit sucked by stranger made me feel like something precious is being stolen away from us. Her face was projecting many emotions. After properly done with her left breasts, he made mummy lie properly on her back and bent over her to munch over her right tit. He grouped that melon with both his hands and said, “wow.. so huge.. and your nipple and areola are pretty big too..”, this is after plenty of time he looked at her face and said, “ don’t worry darling.. my mouth is big enough to latch on it.” and he put his mouth on breast. Her complete nipple and areola disappeared into his mouth! He was pressing that boob and sucking it at the same time. This was too much for mummy and she ended up moaning load, “aaaaaah nnnnnnnnnaaa..ummmmmm”

Swamiji sucked even harder making mummy scream with strong sensation at her nipples. Meanwhile he was rubbing his stiffened cock on her thighs. He looked at her still holding that tit in hand, “you like it na, beti? You like swamiji sucking your tits isn’t?”

mummy turned her face to one side, sobbing again..

“I know you like it..”, swamji said, “You won’t confess it for you boasts of being pativrata.. isn’t?”, he said as he tickled her nipple with his harsh toungue. “Aaaahh..”, mummy shivered. This made him to carry on scratching her nipple and areola with his spiny tongue. It was so erotic scene to see his skilled tongue working on her sensitive nipple and areola, making mummy jerk like fish on bed. She was rubbing her legs on bed due to unbearable sensation. Swamiji understood that she is in his control. She couldn’t resist much now. The forced foreplay with mummy had made his cock real hard. And I knew that in no time I will witness spoiling of my pativrata, homely mummy.

“say you like it..” he said and started sucking her both breasts hard. Switching between both breasts; so fast that mummy just couldn’t bear the pleasure of his sucking and hold his head and moaned, “aaaaaaaah…mmmmm”

Feeling her hands holding his head, he looked in her eyes still one boob in his mouth which had been stretched as he sucked it up and smiled and let it go with now familiar “pukk….” sound.

Her breasts were all wet with his dirty saliva. I didn’t have idea by then mouth can secrete this much saliva.

“I couldn’t bear anymore darling he said. Time has come for our Milan (union). Lets dive into heaven darling, let us merge our bodies.”, he said and madly moved down.

He rushed to pull of her panty with his hands as well as his teeth. I felt like some animal has entered into him. mummy’s black panty got torn due to his impatient behavior but he didn’t take time to think on it and her panty moved to floor near her bra.
STORY IN PROGRESS: The pursuit of an Artist

Please check my Profie for my other stories
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Extremely sorry guys. But I hardly got time to write and post the update. Tonight there will be one more update. Want to hear from your opinion about recently posted updates and suggestion for upcoming post. (I am going to post it tonight only... so hurry! ;-) )
STORY IN PROGRESS: The pursuit of an Artist

Please check my Profie for my other stories
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Awsome update bro.. plz agli bar itne dino ke liye gayab mt hona bhai.. n agr gayab hone ka koi plan ho to bata diya kr yr...
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Very hot and erotic narration. Keep going.

Thanks for the share.
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(02-06-2020, 06:34 PM)garamrohan Wrote: Extremely sorry guys. But I hardly got time to write and post the update. Tonight there will be one more update. Want to hear from your opinion about recently posted updates and suggestion for upcoming post. (I am going to post it tonight only... so hurry! ;-) )

As usual you rocks..simply awesome

 devil2 Emotion In Motion, A Dirty Mind  flamethrower
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