Adultery Making of a mistress (Completed)
Part I
“Don’t you dare to leave home,” Kisan roared. But Lakshmi ignored him. She knew her husband very well. If she didn’t go and bring ration today, they would be sleeping empty stomach tonight for sure.
“His is the most expensive shop. He is giving ration on credit but I am sure he is playing with bill. I know that marwadi very well.” he continued.
Lakshmi locked the door and Kisan stood up from the charpai (old style cot) in the verandah. He moved restlessly banging his foot hard on floor, probably to catch Lakshmi’s attention.
“Take it easy, Raghu’s father. I am not in position to admit you if you got hurt,” Lakshmi said. At this, their son Raghu started laughing. Kisan was hurt by this. He threw his chappal at his direction which he easily avoided and burst into laughter again.
“Are you really my son?,” He was angry. But soon he understood what he just said as Lakshmi looked at him with anger.
“I mean to say, you are my child too, dear,” he said with soar face.
Lakshmi ignored him and started walking along with Raghu.
“Lakshmi, people are not good these days. Everybody have hidden agenda,” He further continued his unsought advice, “Why don’t you ask your brother for money?”
“Why? Why should I ask him? Is it his duty?," she continued walking.

“But he never says no.," by then he caught up her speed. Probably he was not drunk today. His steps were exceptionally straight today.
“So what, I won’t seek his help in every minor problems. He has his own family too,” She said, “Huh, you are not ashamed to suggest this," she teased him.
“Is this little issue for you? Our family is running out of food.," Kisan panicked.
“And babuji is running out of alcohol," Raghu laughed.
“Hey, mind your language, I am your father," He was walking behind them but  afraid to stop her. At last he said, “If you feel awkward, I will bring money from him.” But he got goosebump when Lakshmi gazed him.
“You don’t need to go there my dear husband. I know all you need is a bottle of alcohol. You won’t get it today.," She started walking. Suddenly, Kisan grabbed her hand and started pulling her.
“No I won’t let you go. I want money. At least 20 Rs… Please…," He pleaded.
“Look, don’t make scene… my bangles will get break… leave my hand," Lakshmi was struggling to get her hands free, “I really don’t have money.”
“Then at least tell Janardan to give me money.," He insisted.
“Ask for yourself.," She avoided. Meanwhile, some passerby gathered at street to enjoy the drama.
“No. He says that he will give money only in your hand," he was still not ready to leave her hand.
To avoid further harassment, she promised to return by an hour with money. Then only kisan let her go and walked to house.

Part II 

  She got rid of Kisan; but she was still nervous. On the way to merchant shop, there was a chai-tapari (tea stall). That infamous stall of kallu was always flooded with eve-teasers. Basically, that was home for two kind of romeos. The senior, matured guys who were still unmarried and had very little chances to get married now. They now believe that one cannot get married if he doesn’t have decent job. So, now they were fishing for women, girls for sex, let alone the marriage. 

And then there was teenagers - the fountains of zeal and hope. Most of them had left school and devoted to this noble cause instead of helping poor father. They still dreamed of getting some ‘Aishwarya’ to marry. 

But there was consensus on one thing - ‘Women should be teased, followed.’ Let she be school going girl or mature woman in her fifties. The best way to get woman is to follow her everywhere; make her irritate to the level that she herself should say yes.  Task will further become easy if you can make lewd comment at them.

Janardan put his bike on stand and ordered tea. One of the guy at stall called him. Janardan has just returned from farm, thus tired. He was not interested in those useless youngsters. He didn’t answer that guy.

“So how is the crop this year?," one of the boy asked.

“Good..," He didn’t even looked at him.

“Yeah… Janardan kaka has got bumper lottery. Kisan’s crop has blossomed so vigorously. Can’t get eyes off it... Kaka, keep watch and harvest on time otherwise..," another boy said.

“Hey dick.. Go harvest your bush first…," Janardan understood that that boy was hinting at Lakshmi.

“I have cleaned it already kaka… want to see?," all laughed at that boy’s answer. This made Janardan even more angry.

“Hey shut up - Motherfucker..," a senior most of them yelled on that boy… “He is of your father’s age… have some respect.”

“Jandardan bhaiya... what is the deal?," He asked the same old question which Janardan was answering for last 10 months, over and over again. Though he was irritated, he repeated the details of deal between him and Kisan’s family one more time.

When Kisan’s brother-in-law saw no hope of improvement in Kisan, he decided to give remaining land on contract basis. Kisan wasn’t making a penny; in fact, he had sold most of his land for the sake of alcohol. Lakshmi was carrying all the responsibilities. If  the land is rent out, she will get some money through it and Kisan too; will not be able to sale the remaining land; Lakshmi’s brother thought.

Of course, Janardan was their first choice. He was buddy of Kisan. Lakshmi and her brother knew him well. Further he was good farmer. Thus, the family farm was handed to him in return of yearly lump sum amount. The only condition was, money should go to Lakshmi’s hand only to which Janardan readily agreed. 

After hearing the explanation of the deal, that man asked, “So its 10 year contract. And after that?”

“After that Kisan is free to do anything he feels correct. He might sell it to somebody.," another guy.

“Shut up  you.. bastard," Janardan eye were red in anger, “If somebody buys his property then it will be me only. I won’t let somebody take the cream while I churn so hard all these year.”

“He is your friend, bhaiya. How can you talk like this?," that man.

“So what? Look, as long as he keeps lands with him I don’t have issue. But I won’t let him sell to someone else.," said Janardan.

“Don’t worry bhaiya, you will get it. You have good impression on Lakshmi..," that mature man continued. Janardan excited hearing that but he managed to keep his face plain. 

“Such a sex… I mean beautiful woman! Kisan ruined her life. If you weren’t there to help, where she would have gone?” 

“Kisan is asshole.," at last Janardan broke silence, “If I had gorgeous wife like her, I wouldn’t let her put legs off the bed… would have adored her like queen.”

“Yeah… I tell you she must be in regret. She deserved better.," that mature guy winked at him, “Look bhaiya, your queen is coming here only.”

He didn’t like his poking. He would have otherwise answered him well, but as he turned and confirmed that Lakshmi is coming with her son Raghu. He quickly paid off the bill and kick-started the bike. He didn’t want to appear with those people and spoil his reputation in Lakshmi’s eye. Of course he had huge crush on her. when Kisan become alcoholic, he found ray of hope. That idle lust deep in his mind was germinated back then and was growing day by day.

His bike moved to her direction and one of the boy mumbled, “He is after this Lakshmi.”

“Yeah.. but who isn’t? Entire village is crazy for her..," Everybody laughed. 


Lakshmi smiled and Raghu waved his hand joyfully at Janardan as bike passed them. He looked at her to the last moment possible; expecting Lakshmi or Raghu to call him. But as they moved quietly, he stopped bike and called out, “Wait Bhabhi, where are you going?”

He turned bike and stopped at them. She was expecting this. “Nothing,... just regular grocery purchase..”

“At Seth Harilal’s shop? I am going there only…,”  He said.

“Really? But sethji shop is this way…,”  she has smile on her face.

“I mean… I just thought... “, He felt awkward as Lakshmi caught his lie. He regretted for his foolish way of offering lift.

“I mean to say… Is everything okay? If you need money, I can give some right now. Don’t take contract that formally bhabhi. I am not stranger.” He laughed bashfully. 

“No devarji… We never consider you outsider.”, smile still on her face, “But there is no need of money right now. It’s your kindness that you pay our rent on the time, devarji”, she said in funny tone.

This was not first time his help was turned down by Lakshmi. She was not that naive to understand Janardan’s attraction for her. She became angry at first. What kind of friend he is? She handed land to him with hope that he will think sympathetically of them. But soon she realised his ambitions are huge. He wants their land and if possible, Lakshmi too.

But she was helpless. Whom she could tell her pains? Her drunkard husband? Or her brother who was helping her as much as possible without knowledge of his arrogant wife.  Over the years she had become strong mentally. She knew, she only can save their only child’s future. Get that farm back from Janardan.

She was overwhelmed with the ruthless, lusty people coming across her all the time, including Janardan. It was not difficult for her to hold his hand and spend rest of life in luxury. After going through all the hardship, words like fidelity, righteousness were hardly of her concern. But still she kept distance from Janardan. For what even if she agreed but things don’t went out smooth between them? He will surely create trouble for that helpless woman; especially with their land at his hand. Also, so much she was hurt by this man stabbing in his friends back that she sweared not to submit to him, at any cost. 

“Bhabhi, don’t get me wrong. Kisan was asking for money that's why I thought,” Janardan.

“Oh... Raghu’s father… He keep asking money all the time… and somebody gives him too… What’s big deal in it?,” Janardan.

“No bhabhi… I never give him money. I swear…”

“Not you devarji… He has so many friends… somebody might be giving him”, Lakshmi looked down, “Not everybody is good at heart like you, isn’t?”
He never understood Lakshmi’s taunts. He put hand to his pocket and offered a coin to Raghu. 

“No Bhaiya, really… we don’t need it now…”

“Should I take it Maa? I want lollipop,” Raghu wanted to take that coin.

“No I will buy one for you,” She said and take his leave. She looked at disappointed Raghu walking with her. She felt like telling him, your Janardan uncle would have made me suck his lollipop one day if we had taken his money. But she remained silent.

Janardan was standing there only looking at her lustrous swinging ass globes in pink saree. He patted his erect penis as if consoling it, “Have patience, one day that ass will be yours…”
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Part III

       Seth Harilal was waiting for his servant - Sada. There wasn’t too much rush in shop. But whenever Sada is there, he could simply seat at counter and leisurely talks with female customers and watch their body. Woman of the village were smart too. That’s why, young women always used to bring their husband with them.
“I know that Sethji won’t dare to touch me. But you know my husband has become very skeptical these days. I don’t want to run into trouble from my side…," one of the representative reactions.
“Why you people let your wife go to that shop in the first place?”
Answer? “Ahh... we don’t have money right now. Sethji hardly says no. especially when I go with my wife.”
But Sethji was optimistic! He always enjoyed challenge of engaging husband in talking while peeking at woman’s asset and at the same time playing trick while weighing grain.
But he was stunned as he saw Lakshmi coming along with her son at his shop. His heart raced as the woman he craved for so long was coming to his shop after about a month. “Hmm… her body language shows it all. This time too, she has not brought money. Should I entertain her now? I am dying to have my hand on this apsara. But she is not giving me response..," he thought to himself.
“Oh welcome behen.. You haven’t visited since a month. I thought you have found another grocery shop.. hihihi," He smiled like donkey.
“No sethji.. how can we go to other shop if we have our own.," Lakshmi smiled and stole sethji’s heartbeat.
“Yes yes… this is your shop only and you are my own people," he talked as he cleared his throat. Hardly had he said this, Raghu picked up a lollipop from counter.
“Raghu..," Yelled Lakshmi, “Put it back.. It is wrong to pick up things without permission.”
“But he himself says it’s our shop isn’t?," Raghu by now had started enjoying lollipop.
Seth Harilal somehow controlled his anger, “Yeah. But it’s bad manner boy. You should always ask… how you would feel if I directly put hand to," he said as his eyes glued to heaviness of Lakshmi’s chest apparent through her pallu. Lakshmi adjusted her pallu again knowing what he is looking at.
“No problem!," the boy immediately replied and both Sethji and Lakshmi looked with surprise at him. But he was busy with lollipop.
“hehehe.. he is still child..," Sethji tried to impress her.
She smiled but was arranging words in mind. “Sethji, it would be great of you if you could give ration….”
“Why not…," he didn’t let her complete, “That’s what our shop is for I guess.. hihihi..”
“But I want it on credit… I will clear all the outstanding due by two months once…”
“We have stopped giving credits behen…," it took much effort for Sethji for saying no to Lakshmi. He had invested too much in her despite knowing that he probably won’t get a penny back. All he wanted was Lakshmi, the most beautiful woman of the village.
It was hard for him to let Lakshmi slip out of his hand along with all the money she is due to him but he was a hardcore merchant. His calculation told him, it’s enough now. If she is not giving any favor, there isn’t much hope further.
“Atleast give me rice and..," Lakshmi said but he kept his face rigid.
“Hmmm… seems like this marwadi will not show any mercy now  until he get what he wants… Should I.. Oh god no… How can I even think… But I have to.. I Know I have to… For my family, I have to...," Her mind struggled. She looked helplessly at her son who was sitting innocently. He is too young to understand what sin she is about to commit, she thought. she looked around and confirming nobody around asked Sethji.
“How much of the lollipop?”
“Leave it..," Sethji don’t wanted to destroy all the hopes for that 2 Rs. Lollipop.
“Tell me… and tell me the total due figure..," her voice was cracking.
Sethji was confused but he simply opened the book and told the figure – 18,250 Rs.
“and this 2 rupees…," she said and gulped, her face turned red and then she made her pallu aside with unease and inserted her fingers inside her cleavage to get purse out.
This was unexpected for sethji. His eyes widened.. His mouth all open and he was watching her deep cleavage so clearly for the first time.
She did not adjust the pallu. She opened the purse and held under her cleavage to reveal that it’s all empty. And then she looked straight into Sethji’s eye… “ will this much suffice?”
Sethji went mad! His eyes were about to pop out watching that deep cleavage formed by those two big milky mounds. His throat went dry.
“That’s quite a lot …," somehow he mumbled. “I am ready to give lifelong ration in exchange of that.”
“Really?," Lakshmi teased him as she put that purse back in her blouse still bent over counter. In that tensed situation too, she felt like she will burst into laughter looking at Sethji’s weird expression… so lustily looking at her cleavage. She adjusted the pallu and smiled.
“So you are giving this grocery isn’t?," she handed over the empty bag and list to Sethji. Sethji mechanically brought his hands forward but hold her hands along with list.. “mmm… so soft..”.
Lakshmi frightened. She signaled to leave her hand through eyes. But Sethji shaked his head… no. Atlast she call for Raghu’s name and then he left the hand.
“Raghu, why don’t you go to house? You will get bored…," she said.
“No.. I want to stay here”. He was sitting at the steps of shop and hardly could see inside. So Sethji tried to be bold and signaled Lakshmi to come inside.  She was frightened, “Not now…” she mumbled in low voice.
“Don’t worry. Nobody will find out. There are not much customer at afternoon.," Sethji was very eager.
“But, my son is here..," She worried.
“He is too small to understand this… don’t worry of him… We can manage him.. Please my queen… don’t tease me more..," He was literally begging.
As Lakshmi seemed favorable, he called at his house and told his servant not to come for shop immediately, rather come after having lunch. He put the receiver and winked eye at Lakshmi.
For her, Raghu seemed to be quite busy. He was playing with hen wandering nearby with lollipop in his mouth. She slowly went inside the shop.
 “Raghu… You stay here only.  I am helping your mother with grocery. Call me if somebody comes..," Sethji said and signalled Lakshmi to follow him in the back room.
“This is the A1 Quality… Just look at the aata," He squeezed aata between his thumb and index finger. He was thrilled that at last he brought her to back room. 
As she put hand into the sack, he asked for her appraisal, “Isn’t it? Ideal for chapati.” with smiling face, he pierced his hand into floor and locked his fingers into her.  She didn’t said anything.

“You just have to knead the dough well.," He went of mimicking the action of doughing while his firm hand wrestled with her soft, small hand.

“Mmmm.. Sethji, you are too good at kneading. Looks like Sethani has left kitchen duties to you, huh?," Lakshmi smiled as she got her hand resolved from his grip.

“Hihihihi… so funny… we have maid for that job dear.," Sethji continued, “But I would be happy to knead your dough; cook your chapati darling..," His hand moved to grab her ass chick. Lakshmi has guessed this move much earlier. She swiftly moved back through small space between sacks and sethji stumbled there.

“Huh, why would you do that?," Lakshmi teased playing with her pallu, “We are already crushed under your huge kindness.”

“I hope an additional 100 kg will not suffocate you…," He said playing fingers on his big tummy as if it is tabla and laughed.

After a failed attempt to jump off the in-between sacks, he asked for her hand. “Hey Lakshmi… What are you doing at that corner. Big rats all over there. Come here.”

“Bigger than you? I doubt," she thought to herself. But she only smiled. This fake smile saved her chastity for couple of years. But today the time has came. She knew that this tomcat would surely munch on her buttery body today. She reluctantly gave hand to him and he pulled her. Her legs stumbled across the sack and she fell to his chest. 

“Lakshmi….. Aaaah," He grabbed her. His arms tightened around her shapely body. “My queen… How much I waited for this," He started kissing her gorgeous face. 

“Muah.. Muah…”

She closed her eyes, unsure about how to react to the man who was showering wet kisses on her. She formally put her hands to his waist.

“Oh my god, I hope I can bear him.," she thought as she noticed that he was so bulky that she couldn’t embrace him fully. 

Sethji caged her by tightening his arms around her slender waist as his lips brushed against her neck. His palms reached her bottom and raised her. A wave of excitement flowed through his body as his lips were served with cherry red lips of Lakshmi.

“Uh.uh..uh," is all Lakshmi could say while sethji hungrily feasted on her lips.

“It does pain…," she complained as sethji was taking heavy breaths.

“Really?” he said, still panting and again proceeded for a deep, noisy liplock. His hand wandered over her back, pinched her flesh, patted her bums. 

He was behaving like teenager. Probably he haven’t fucked since years. She thought. “Just make sure you don’t end up eating them…," she said sarcastically as he broke the kiss. But now he was beyond hearing her complaints, he bent over her, for one more kiss, this time grabbed her pretty face in hand.

Lakshmi moved back and stumbled across same aata sack to fell backward along with that aata sack. In an attempt to hold her, Sethji too lost his balance and fell on her with his face dig into the aata flour spread over the floor. Lakshmi would have laughed at the aata lathered face of Sethji. But she was trapped under a sack of not less than 100 kg - Seth Harilal.

She bite wrist to suppress the pain and moaned like puppy. Sethji quickly retired off her to her left. 

“Are you going to kill me?," She was irritated.

“Sorry dear, you taste  so sweet that I couldn’t control at all," He licked her chick.

She cleaned off that goo with disgust. His tongue again wetted her chick with slurping sound. “I didn’t put it there to clean it off, my queen.," he said caressing her shoulder.

“This man is simply impossible!," she thought and welcomed his thirsty lips for one more smooch. He tried to probe her mouth with his tongue, this time seeking entrance in her mouth.

“What happened Sethji? Are you alright?," someone called from counter.

Lakshmi was frightened knowing somebody is at the shop. She was just about to cry, “Handle that man.. Go… right now… Otherwise I would not able to show my face…”

“You think am I in position to show my face?," Sethji irritated. He cleaned his face somehow and signalled Lakshmi to keep quiet.

“Sethji? Are you alright?," The voice again.

“Coming..," Sethji answered.

Sethji slowly walked into shop. “This cat I tell you…” He was good at putting fake smile on face.

“Myaaauuu…," the sound from the back room…  Sethji shocked hearing this awful and unnecessary attempt to mimic cat.

“Oh.. I thought you got hurt. So big noise that was," customer handed the list to Sethji and made fun of sethji, “Looks like your cat is healthy like you.” 

Sethji choose not to reply him and started collecting grocery. He put all the items on counter. “Just brought that cat. Rats are too much troublesome these days.," He broke mum. 

“Yeah, I have heard people saying that along with stones, rat poop is common ingredient of grain in your shop.," he grinned.

Sethji’s face turned pale. “It’s not like that, people are trying to defame me. I insist of quality stuff.”

“Yes.. Yes..," that man nodded. He had to. He was borrowing grains from Sethji since years, of course, on credit.

“Our house has this rat issue too, sethji. Let me know once your cat yields kitten.," he said.

“Why not. Why not…," Sethji.

“And keep while coloured one for me, Sethji," customer.

“Oh man.. It will be while only like it’s mother..," Sethji was irritated and wanted him to go as soon as possible. But when he realised what he just said coincidently in attempt to dismiss him, grin appeared at his face. But that wide smile didn’t last longer.

“Not always, sethji, tom’s look too does matter.," Raghu spoke up without looking at them.

Sethji barked on him, “I did tell you to call me as soon as customer comes. Are you waiting for someone to break into my shop?”

“Hihihi… ," the boy laughed carelessly. 

“Sit hear only. And give me call as soon as somebody come," He warned him and went to back room again.

“Is he gone?," Lakshmi asked. She was standing where Sethji had left her; tensed. 

Sethji didn’t answered. Rather, his eyes roamed; all over Lakshmi’s lustrous body. Fairness of full moon. Eyes… nose…. Lips… everything well shaped and placed. As if the best demonstration of sculpture!  Mounds and curves of her body was such exceptionally lustrous that even in that two hundred rupees cheap saree, she had made everybody want her. 

“By the way, where is that cat? Is it hiding behind your pallu?," He smiled as he put hands to her pallu.

“Enough… I was so afraid.," She confessed and closed the eyes as Sethji cleared disturbance of her pallu.

“Mmm.. big…," His eyes glittered. His hands caressed her chest while his eyes mining through her cleavage. His hand moved little down and he cupped her two breasts as if weighing them. “And heavy too..," He mumbled lustily, “Now onwards, I will drink all of your milk Lakshmi.

“What? I collect 10 liters milks everyday.” Lakshmi in surprised tone. In such compromised situation also, she was thinking about her milk business. 

Sethji laughed, “I am talking about ‘your’ milk not your buffello’s.” His lips flashed like sword on her cleavage making slurping sound.

“Aaah," she moaned as his hands started kneading her big tits. Sethji was again set on fire. His intensity increased; He planted countless kisses on her cleavage, her neck. His hands squeezed her tits really hard. His palm felt the pointy erection of her nipples through that thin, black blouse.

He didn’t wait much. His fingers pierced into either sides of the blouse neck. Lakshmi immediately understood what he was about to do and hold his hands. 

“Don’t…," She tightened her grip around his wrist, “Blouse would get torn.”

“I will buy you thousands like this…," Sethji was determined.

“Now itself? How am I supposed to go home after your childish act?," she silently said.

Sethji controlled his animal instincts and unsuccessfully attempted to undo her hooks like a gentleman. Lakshmi took charge at her hand then; turned to opposite side and undid the blouse; as if Sethji was going suck on her boobs with closed eyes.

He pulled her toward him and kissed again; embraced her. Their body bumped and her racks crushed between their body.  His left hand grabbed her breast and twisted little upward. To him, that long brown nipple on her while boobs seemed mockering at him. He bend over and took it in mouth.

“Aaah," Lakshmi let out a sigh which went on becoming louder as he continued sucking on it. He left that boobs with sound “Chuk…” Her rubbery nipple sliped out of his mouth. He immediately moved to other breast; this time grabbing as much as his mouth allows. 

Lakshmi’s mouth remained open to powerful suction at her nipple. Her boob was stretched as he moved his head back leaving her breast wet with his saliva.

Lakshmi immediately covered both nipples by her hand. But she didn’t resisted when Sethji’s hand bring her hands down. His wet finger spread his saliva on her areolas. She was surely excited by now.

“Lakshmi…," Sethji said in arousing tone as he wanted her to look him in action. She looked down with her half opened eyes as his tongue tickled at her left nipple...and he again munched over whole boob.

“Ummm Sethji…," she moaned with sensation. Her fingers moved through his hairs and she hold his head firmly at her chest. 

“Take it easy Sethji…," Her voice was heavy. 

“I cannot control Lakshmi..," He said and made her lie on the stack of wheat sacks. Lakshmi’s heart raced, as she watched him getting undressed. His bare chest and his big tummy was sweating; so was her own body too. He bent over her and hungrily sucked over her breasts, for long time. 

Lakshmi threw her neck backside and bite her lips. Her anklets rang while her legs slide over each other like violin. Her hand searched something to grab; something to help her bear the sensation. 

“Sethji…”, a mischief call from customer. The couple was involved; they were on seventh heaven. It took a moment for them to realise somebody called for Sethji.
Indeed it was painful… for both of them… Sethji stood up straight and looked for something to clean his sweaty body. Lakshmi was still lying there; in that annoying trauma, gasping... She didn’t even thought of covering her bosom; glittering with saliva. 

Sethji looked at her once and left for shop without uttering a word.  Now it was too much for him to put himself in a merchant’s shoe. 

“Do you have cash?”, he harshly asked adjusting his dhoti so as to hide his erection. Customer was shocked with this, “Sethji, I have cleared all the debt last night itself.”

Sethji embarrassed. “Oh it’s you Tripathi ji … I didn’t recognise you…”, he rubbed his red eyes and took list from his hand.

Tripathi took off spectacle to clean it with his dhoti. “You look so tired sethji…  age has caught on you… Remember of our old days?”

Sethji laughed as he bring the ghee packet to the counter. “Those were the day!... You were my only competitor..”, he playfully hitted on Tripathi’s arm. 

“Hmmm… if I had money like you, I would have not quitted yet…” He winked eyes at Sethji. “But what’s wrong with you? Haven't heard of your adventure in these years?”

“Tripathi ji, my grandsons go to school now a days. Don’t feel like engaging with any woman these days.”

“Don’t tell me… I haven’t seen a womanizer like you, Sethji..”, both laughed at this line. 

“Yeah.. it’s another thing that today’s girls don’t have that taste. Remember? Joshi’s widow daughter-in-law? Goldsmith’s daughter - Sona? And what’s the name of that master’s wife which you snatched away from me at the last moment?,” Tripathi become nostalgic.

“I guess Kanta… Yeah... she was damn hot… I used to take her lesson while her husband cleaned noses in school.”, Sethji laughed, “But I can never forget Sona. You beat me there friend… ”

“That’s because she was looking for pure sex, unlike other poor women you lured with your heavy pocket.”,  Tripathi further continued, “Sethji, do agree. You were bad at seducing woman. It was your money that made woman spread legs.”

Sethji avoided answering. “She lived up to her name man… She was gold… pure gold… I was so envy of you. I bet she was the best you have got.” 

“Yeah and the best you missed…”, he teased Sethji. Suddenly he saw Raghu sitted on steps of shop deeply engaged into something. Grin appeared on Tripathi’s face.

“This is Kisan’s son, isn’t? That drunkard?,” He thought something. “I tell you Sethji, you have one chance to beat me. See if you can..”

So far, the discussion between nympho oldies have been quite hot. Sethji again realised erection; which he have somehow controlled. 

“Have you seen his mother? Lakshmi?”, Tripathi asked pointing at the boy.

“Y.. Y.. Yes… What about her?,” Sethji gulped; probably he understood what his friend is going to suggest him. 

“Damn… I don’t believe you are asking this,” Tripathi’s voice went low, “What a beauty she is! If sona was gold, then she is diamond my friend. I tell you… She stole my heart on the day of her marriage itself.  She looked an apsara with that traditional jewellery and saree over her.  Back then, Kisan’s economic condition was pretty well”, he took pause.

“These days, they are struggling for a meal… Why don’t u try your strategy,” he winked eyes. 

Sethji simply smiled. “Hmm… looks like you have tried over her…”

“Hahaha… I dismissed her thought on the moment I understood that I can’t get her. But I will consider you damn lucky if you could get her. Aaaaaah… I still remember. I had some business with Kisan and was waiting for him at his house. And suddenly I heard sound of splashing water. I curiously moved to back side of house. Bathroom was simple, made up of bamboo strips. I could see she was bathing inside. I silently moved closer and I could see her back…”

“Then?”. The Sethji could only say this much.

“I got instant boner friend… she was all nude… water droplets were shining on her milky white back. Her wet hairs were reaching upto her ass. And her ass chicks…  oh my god.. So curvy and fleshy with that inviting mole on her left hip. I was never excited this much. Not even in Sona’s presence of my younger days.”

“Then?”, Sethji curiously asked.

“I made up my mind… Despite knowing that she would not submit, my legs moved toward that bathroom. She was mumbling song.. I was just couple of feets away when I heard Kisan’s bike at the front door. And I had to move out from there. Damn… If he hadn’t come there, I would have bangd her that day I tell you…”, somehow Tripathi finished.

Sethji laughed like donkey as always and handed Tripathi that ghee packet.

“What is this Sethji?”

Sethji looked at his hand all covered with ghee. Still he has strong grip on that tore ghee packet. With sheepish face, her put that aside and offered another one to Tripathi.

“Sethji… Now I insist.. You should try…,”, Tripathi laughed and took his leave but he had no idea - Sethji has already beaten him.


“Damn… This Tripathi took too much time…,” Sethji entered back room while cleaning off his hands with a cloth. His eyes took some time to get used to dark in the room. 

“Lakshmi… where are you darling…”, He moved towards the stack where she was lying. But she wasn’t there. “Lakshmi…”, he again called her in low voice.

“Is he gone?” Lakshmi’s voice came from a dark corner.

“Yes darling.” hardly had he said it, Lakshmi rushed out literally dashed him to get out of room… He held her hand and pulled back.

“Where are you going?”

“Leave me.” Lakshmi struggled. “You said nobody comes at afternoon… damn.. Customer appears by every 5-10 minutes. I don’t want to get caught.”

“How would I let you go janeman… he grabbed her by waist and pulled her close despite her protest. “Lakshmi… I am hungry for you… you know that well…” he turned her face backward, to him. 

“Ummm… what’s this?”, Lakshmi got annoyed with that oily touch of his hand on her cheek and clean it.

“It’s shuddha desi ghee my dear…,” Sethji has still hold her with his left hand around her stomach.

“Oh… Shuddha ghee from Marwadi’s shop?” she said sarcastically.

Sethji took it sportingly. “Hihihi… so you insist on the purest…” He pulled her hand and put on his erection in dhoti and mumbled into her ear, “You won’t get that in shop, but this marwadi dick won’t disappoint you… jan”

She quickly took off the hand, “Sethji… I tell you once again. This is not the right time and place.”

“Hmm.. I don’t care my queen… I am burning in desire. I won’t let you go after adding ghee to it,” He undid dhoti and handed her his cock once again. He put his hand over her and guided her to start handjob.

She gulped. Beads of sweat started appearing on her fair forehead as she breathed heavily. Sethji turned her face to him and kissed her.  “Muaaah……..”

“Woww…,” He couldn’t stop praising her as he cleared hair string off her face and saw her beautiful face. Her eyes was closed and she was massaging his dick, slowly.

He leisurely put his thumb of her wet lips. 

“I hope apart from your husband, I am the only man to taste honey of your lips.”

“Sethji…”, she abrupted and moved away from him.

“I am not that kind of woman…,” She panicked. 

Sethji quickly come to console her and held her by shoulders. “I didn’t mean to question your chastity dear… It’s just so many men are after you… thats why I am afraid anybody has done wrong..”

She hissed and jerked shoulders to get his hands off.

“Sorry… Really sorry my queen…,” Sethji again moved to her, this time his hands around her stomach. “I swear I won’t say it again… You are such a gorgeous woman Lakshmi… I want you for me… Just for me…” He rubbed his nose on her neck and kissed there.

She kept mum. He turned her toward him, “Is my queen still angry?” He caught her beautiful face in hand and looked in her beautiful black eyes.

“No..”, she mumbled.

“Oh…” Sethji moaned as he cuddled her. His hands roamed all over her back while her face digged into his chest.

He made her sit on sack and took off his shirt. He was all nude standing right front of her. Lakshmi didn’t dare to look at him. 

 “Hey… console it…”, sethji again handed her his prick.

“How is it?” He grinned at Lakshmi, who was looking at door as she stroke his cock slowly.

She looked at his cock, hesitantly. It was an erect penis. Just like one her husband has; like crores of them hanging at groins of mankind. Males are strange! She thought. They attach size to their potency and libido. 

“Its… Its quite big… bigger than… bigger than my husband…,” she somehow managed to say in attempt to stroke his ego.

“But I haven’t seen you husband’s?” Lakshmi looked at his clueless face and realised that she missed the shot. She quietly continued stroking him.

“You like it na dear…,” Sethji said as he put aside her pallu to peek into her valley.

“Hmm…,” she said.

“Say na… Lakshmi… Tell me you like my lund…,” He moaned. And Lakshmi noticed his already hard cock expanding even more. Veins started appearing like saline pipe on his black dick and due to elongation, his foreskin went back and she was rubbing his sticky forehead only.

She gulped, “Yess… Sethji… I...I like your … lu… lund..”

“Oh my god….”, He held her head and forced mouth toward his dick… “Show your love sweetheart!”

“Ummm… No..”, hardly had her lips touched his cock, she protested. “I don’t like such dirty stuff…”

“What’s dirty in it?... common… I want to feel your mouth…”

“No Sethji..,” she stood up trying to suppress vomiting, “At least not today…  I feel like vomiting.”

Sethji was irritated; but then he was happy too at the same time. As that confirmed Lakshmi is yet ‘Single handed model’.

He hungrily sucked on her lips. His hands pressed her ass chicks and he broke kiss pulling her lower lips. “I have forgot all the outstanding… but this one I won’t…” he smiled devilishly and pushed her backward. She laid horizontally on sack stack.

‘He is going to do it now,’ her mind told her and she closed eyes with her left arm. Sethji caught her saree at her thighs and started moving it upwards along with her petticoat. 

He grunt like animal as his hand worked all way towards exposing her groin area. With eyes full of lust and watering mouth he paused a moment. He licked lips looking at her pink pussy lips hidden between that dense hairs. Her pussy was leaking as if irrigating that dense black-jungle. 

His hands roamed over her milky thigh. He wanted to do many nasty things. But his cock was shaking with excitement. He pulled her legs and aligned them vertically, across his nude body and put his throbbing cock on the entrance of her love hole. Patted it twice and pierced it inside her pussy as his waist arched forward.

Pin drop silent! As both of them were getting habituated to heavenly pleasure. There eyes tightly closed, mouth all open and all attention on the extreme sensation coming from their sex organs. Only sound of chickens and Raghu playing with them was in background!  It was only for two seconds until...
“Fuckkkkkkkk…….”, Sethji  roared in ultimate pleasure; his fingers digged into Lakshmi’s creamy thighs and he started fucking her. His waist moved like light as his cock started exploring her slippery vagina deeper and deeper. 

Lakshmi shivered with his forceful thrusts.She tried to digest those sweet pains by biting her wrist. Through partially opened eyes, she saw Sethji; all wet in sweat.
Teeths clutched and exhaling loudly as he shove his penis deep inside her twat. 

“My god…. Lakshmmmmmmiii….. You are…. Fabulous…”, He cried, “Your silky grip around my cock is way better than twenty-year cunt. Fuck… I am loving it…” He started giving hard strokes. 

Lakshmi was not on bed. With big thrust, she struggled to keep herself from falling on floor. “mmmm….Slowly…...aaaaah…” she has spread her hands to both sides and was maintaining balance.

As Sethji understood this, he put her legs off and offered her hand. She wake up slowly with Sethji cock still in her pussy. She was inclined backwards with both hands bearing her weight. There faces were close now.. hardly couple of feets away.. He looked at their union, glistering with their lovejuice. A ring of soapy foam formed was apparent on her entrance. He feels strange excitement looking at that and started giving slow but deep shots - pulling out all the cock but only tip inside; and nicely putting all inside her cunt.

When he looked at her, she was looking at him only; with her semi-closed eyes. He opened his watery mouth and his tongue slithered like snake; inviting her for kiss. He looked damn weird in that gesture. Lakshmi would have considered it indecent. But this time it was call from a male to female. A hungry, willing male who is taking her along into ocean of pleasure, deeper and deeper. Was he taking pleasure? Ofcourse, he was. But on the journey he shared that with her too, indeed very big share of joy. 

It was not something of worth to Lakshmi, mother to a son and loving wife. But the Lakshmi deep inside her?  The one starving for manly attention; who has been buried down under the burden of responsibilities. Indeed, call was for that Lakshmi..

And with unbelievable zeal she forwarded. Leaving only one hand for support she curled her left hand around Sethji’s neck and welcomed his hungry mouth. That was sloppy kiss! Their tongues clashed like sword. Their lips united as their saliva got mixed and their tongue probed each other’s mouth. 

Resting back on both hands, Lakshmi did not tried to clean the saliva dripping off her lips this time. She curled her legs around Sethji’s  back. Sethji’s hand reached at her blouse to feel her titties. He grabbed them and his thumbs started rubbing her erected nipple over blouse; in circular motion.  

“Hmmmmm….... aaaaaaaaah…,” she moaned and bit her lips overwhelmed by the dual pleasure she was getting now. With displaced kumkum and face full of horny expression, she was looking like bitch in heat. She was enjoying every moment of the game. She couldn’t wait anymore to feel sethji magic on her bare breasts. Her one hand struggled to undo blouse hooks. This time sethji’s  eager hands helped her in task and her globes were all open; standing firmly in their full glory. 

Sethji grabbed her lefts boob and started kneading with his right hand resting on her lap. 

“Mmmm…”, Lakshmi liked that rough but experienced handling of sethji. She took his other hand and herself assigned it to caress her right boob. 

“Fuckkk…,” Sethji cried as he pressed her huge breasts; rolled her brown nipples between thumb and index. He bent forward for suckling but due to his big tummy he couldn’t reach her chest. But attempt wasn’t totally fruitless as Lakshmi immediately smooched him. His hands pulled her close and they were lost in deep kiss. 

Lakshmi’s too putted her hands around his neck and her legs grabbed his waist like vine.  He hold her in air with his hands under her bums as he rammed her leaking pussy.  Flow of her juice reached upto her knee and with his hard hits it was making strange sound of “Phuchakkk… Phuchakkk…”

He was still not satisfied drinking nectar of Lakshmi’s lips. His kiss went unbroken until his cock suddenly slipped of her burning pussy. He put her down. But her legs trembled due to excitement and she hold sethji. Sethji lowered his face to drink her milk. His mouth hungrily sucked over her juicy boobs and Lakshmi moaned in ecstasy - “Seeethji… I can’t bear now…”

Sethji too was on verge of ejaculation. He roughly turned her and made her bend with her hand on sack. His hands again collected saree-petticoat up to her waist to reveal her fabulous hips. 

“Holy...shit…,” He bend down and started kissing and sucking all over her lustrous ass chicks. Her pussy smell made him shake his cock with one hand while he adore her creamy flesh. The mole on her left ass chick reminded him of Tripathi’s opinion - she is diamond. His patience was over; he kissed hard over the mole and stood up. 

This time his cock swiftly entered her pussy and he laid over her back. She was laid on stomach bearing sethji’s weight over her back. But she hardly realized that. She was floating on tides of pleasure. Sethji fucked her hard as he bite her neck. His hands crawled over her hands and their fingers intertwined. 

“Lakshmmmmmi….” sethji buried face in her loosely tied bun and her hairs went free. He breathed that exotic smell of her hairs down his lungs and his cock fired streams of thick, white semen deep into her vagina until his balls went all empty. 

They laid there; as they were for some time. Lakshmi was very tired. As sethji get dressed he gave her flying kiss… “It felt damn good Lakshmi… thanks… get dressed. I will put your ration to counter meanwhile..,” he marched towards door.

“Sethji…,” Lakshmi’s eyes were full of tear, “Please don’t cheat me… I have offered myself to you… If you turned back… I can’t imagine what life will be…”

Sethji went to her and patted her hairs. “Don’t worry Lakshmi… I won’t leave you.” He offered her thousand rupees, forcefully and told to buy decent cloth for her. “Just don’t hesitate to ask if you need help… okay?”, he bend below and kissed her lips lovingly. 

Lakshmi was standing at the counter with her pallu on head. Trying to hide love marks. As sethji done with grocery, he handed bags to Lakshmi and offered a lollipop to Raghu. 

“One more Sethji… Please… for maa”, Raghu said innocently.

“Your maa is not in mood today. I will give her lollipop next time… for sure…”, he grinned.  
[+] 11 users Like garamrohan's post
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Great Buddy, as usual  yourock
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excellent update
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Thanks biosys and kiran... atleast two of u liked the story.
[+] 1 user Likes garamrohan's post
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Awesome story...please continue
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Man an absolute stunning and kinky story..with superb plot .. please continue man
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one of the best story.. loved it reading it again..
do continue the
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Wow.. what a narration and the last part with marwadi was just dick raising..
Hope the sorry is not ending here and many more to come...
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(19-02-2020, 05:04 PM)garamrohan Wrote: Thanks biosys and kiran... atleast two of u liked the story.

Continue man it was a great story
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its one of my best read story. love reading this again here...

kudos for sharing it here again....

but please do continue the advenutre
[+] 1 user Likes tweeny_fory's post
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Super story continue
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Woww. Please continue but dnt share her with anyone. Best story.
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Thank you very much tweeny_fory, man4u, kotre143, kiran45, kishor, khada lund and yampag. Felt good u people enjoyed this story. I can understand your wish to read more sex; but this was a short story and completely posted.  
I didnt planned to continue it. And to be frank not sure if it can even be done. So I am really sorry guys. You can give try to my other story meanwhile. Thank you.
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[+] 1 user Likes garamrohan's post
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the black cock
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Continue this story
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Thank you very much monster dick and bapu.
Like erotic stories? check my Profie
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Excellent story and narration.Great job,need more such writings.
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(18-06-2020, 12:42 PM)aamitomarbandhu Wrote: Excellent story and narration.Great job,need more such writings.

Thank you very much!
Like erotic stories? check my Profie
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Is bhosdi ko aur chudao. Sali chut ko randi bana do.
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