Fantasy Dark Division - The Capsa by bdbeauty
Kerry squeezed the lube bottle above his cock dribbling a thin line down the back. He followed it with his hand spreading the moisture out over his full length. Lizzie watched as his length got shiny and she felt her pussy get wet watching as Kerry started to make soft noises gently brushing his hand up and down over his shaft.

His eyes locked on hers as he continued and Lizzie couldn't help getting more excited. Kerry leaned back as he made sure each stroke went up and over his head taking a gasp with each movement. Lizzie was mesmerized at the sight of him pleasuring himself. His breathing grew heavier as his strokes grew faster. When Lizzie saw his other hand slip down to his balls, her breath caught.

A groan escaped Kerry's lips as she watched him continue getting faster.

"Kerry." Lizzie ventured shyly.

"Yea?" Kerry asked stopping his movement.

"Would it be weird if I touched myself while you did that?" She asked. The whiskey stopped her embarrassment from leaking out. Instead, she was just free and excited being here with him.

"No, God's actually more exciting." Kerry reassured her. His hand resumed its rhythm as Lizzie slid her hand inside her pajamas. Her fingers traced to her hole gathering moisture before returning to her clit.

Kerry slipped back into his rhythm on his own cock. Soon his breath was coming faster and faster as he stroked his full length. Lizzie couldn't believe how sexy this was. Her own fingers drew faster and faster circles on her clit. He kept staring at her with those sexy eyes even as he made those tiny expressions of pleasure.

Soon, Kerry was groaning and Lizzie was making soft noises too. She watched as his head got larger, engorging with blood. She couldn't believe how hard he had become. His cock had no more give as he continued to stroke it. He soon focused more on his head getting faster and faster as he firmly grasped his balls.

Lizzie's fingers grew faster and then a second hand plunged into her core inserting into her hole to seek out her g-spot.

Kerry couldn't believe how hot this was. Lizzie looked amazing. He could see her hands moving under her pants as her hips moved up and down. Her mouth hung open as she kept his gaze. He saw her glance down to his cock and it made him realize just how close his orgasm was.

"Unh...unh...unh...yes..." Kerry came as he stroked. Lizzie watched enthralled by the cum shooting out of Kerry's tip and up his shirt. It was so amazing to see the hot liquid roll down over his hand as his mouth opened and shut in pleasure. She could smell the cum from across the room as he came down breathing heavy and stroking himself lightly.

"AHHHHHHH!!" Lizzie had been stroking as she watched him and her orgasm had snuck up on her. It was close, and then blam...her core seized and released freezing her with her hands on and in her.

Kerry was mesmerized watching Lizzie cum. He had gotten lost in the feeling as he stroked himself watching her. Now, he couldn't believe he got to see her cum again. It was hot before at the gym, but this...I mean she came watching him jerk off. How much hotter could this woman be? Kerry stared not sure what to say or do next.

"Th...Thank you Kerry...I...I should go crash out." Lizzie pulled her hands from her pants and got up making her way out of the room. God, this was so incredible, but she didn't want to make it more awkward.

"Lizzie?" Kerry spoke before she reached the door.

"Yeah?" She didn't turn to look at him, perhaps too embarrassed.

"Good night." Kerry sighed; he didn't know what else to say.

"Goodnight Kerry, talk to you tomorrow." Lizzie left. Thankfully, she only had one more full day of heat before this month was over and she could go back to her normal, uncomplicated life.
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Dark Division - The Capsa - Ch. 05

Ch. 5

The last day started out like normal, with a faint knock signaling her to get dressed before she called out the okay for Jeff to come in with breakfast. He smiled as normal before sitting a small tray in front of her and then taking his leave. If there was one thing about Jeff that was clear it was that he kept his word.

Lizzie had told Kerry and Jeff the day before that she wouldn't be joining them for sparring or shooting. Today was set aside for her to make them a large dinner. She had them buy extra ingredients the weekend before when they went shopping just for this meal. Lizzie was intending to make lasagna and garlic bread complete with an apple and cherry pie for dessert. It was her way of thanking the two of them for what they had done. The remainder of her day was intended to finish up the two books she had been perusing from their shelves that talked a little about her becoming.

It was in those books only a few hours later that she discovered the answer to one question that had stuck with her for her entire life.

"Kerry, check this out. I think I'm translating this correctly from the Latin, and if I'm right this says that a Capsa is the product of a demon and an angel joining. It says it's very rare, and most do not live beyond birth." She lit up and handed the book to the man across the table. Lizzie had always wondered why the angels told her that she would never know about her parents. If this was true, then it was pretty obvious why.

Kerry looked over the volume intently, and a few minutes after picked his head up and looked into the hopeful eyes of Lizzie. She seemed to have found out her origin, and her hopefulness meant that was something she must have searched for a long time before.

"I get the same translation. Wow, so you are....well technically...not human." He said it and then studied her face for a reaction. They clearly knew that she was different, but breaking news like this could not be easy for her.

"Who's not human?" Jeff wandered in with a gun case in hand. It looked to be a few hundred years old from the wear pattern. He had been going through a shipment that was brought in the week before, and loving every minute of it. The details of where it came from were withheld from Lizzie, so she just had to admire each item as Jeff cleaned them on the library table before carefully cataloguing each.

"I guess I'm not." Lizzie sat down with the book, cursing the fact that the entry ended shortly after the discussion of how most Capsa died after birth.

"She found a little information in one of our books, and it seems to say that Lizzie is the daughter of an angel and a demon. Also, that she's pretty rare." Kerry smiled at Jeff hoping his sometimes slow counterpart wouldn't say something too offensive right now.

"Well, you know demons and angels are both usually in human bodies and a lot of them used to be humans, so you sort of still are human. I mean I'm guessing the anatomy is still the same." Jeff said it and smiled. Kerry sighed and rolled his eyes. How could he say something somewhat supportive and follow it with an idiot statement.

"Really Jeff? Since when do you care about my anatomy?" Lizzie shook her head and then raised her hand as his mouth opened once more. "Wait, don't answer that. Anyways, I think that makes sense. I mean the angels told me that I would never know and now I get why. I wonder if I can find out who my parents are though. Wow, this is crazy."

"You should tell Tom what you found. Maybe he can find out more if he starts digging. Oz might even be able to find stuff in his archives. There's usually some sort of cosmic signal when special births happen so we can just look around your birthdate, too." Kerry was immediately on his computer.

"Awesome. Oh crap, I have to go start food. Do you want to snack or something because dinner won't be ready until 6?" She bolted up with a smile on her face as she put the book back onto a shelf a few rows back.

"I'll make some sandwiches for a quick lunch." Jeff was up and joined her in the kitchen.


Lizzie spent the next few hours prepping and preparing dinner. She happily sang in the kitchen. Her time here had been amazing, and she learned so much. Plus, as the afternoon progressed, her heat slowly receded. It was so nice to feel normal again, even if it meant leaving her new found friends. She had known it was temporary, but still thought the day wouldn't come somehow.

By 6, everyone was gathered around the table and marveling at the small feast she had prepared. Lizzie was quite proud of herself and accepted all the nice compliments the guys threw at her. It was relaxing to just enjoy them, especially since her sensitivity to their smell had gone and now she could take in the food in front of them.

After dinner, the two guys sat to watch TV, and Lizzie made her way to her room to start packing. She intended to leave fairly early in the morning. Tomas had checked in a few days before and agreed to pick her up whenever she called and take her home. Now, it was just a matter of gathering her things. As she packed her large duffle back, a soft knock came at her door.

"Come in, it's open."

"Lizzie, are you packing up to go?" Jeff seemed bewildered as he watched her after coming in and shutting the door behind him.

"Yeah, I'm not leaving until morning, but I figured I should get everything ready before I crashed out." She smiled at him as he stood taking in her movements. Lizzie was definitely going to miss having roommates that checked in on her.

"Oh, why are you heading out now?"

"I'm not in heat anymore as of a few hours ago from what I can tell, thank God. I am heading back to my place, but if you don't mind, I might come back to the bunker next time. I like how safe it is and besides you guys managed to be gentleman for the most part." Lizzie smiled as she finished putting things into her bag.
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"Ah, I thought you smelled different at dinner. But, I was kind of hoping you would stick around, it's been fun having you here." Jeff furrowed his brow, grinning slightly as he looked at her and walked over to the bed where her duffle bag sat open.

"Hopefully, I still smell good!" She teased. Her smile widened. Fuck, he was still hot even without the smell right now. She almost wished she had let him have her in her heat, but she didn't want to risk it all for the interest.

"You still smell amazing, and still look irresistible to me." Jeff smirked as he talked. He was so sweet to her.

"Jeff, Jeff...Jeff. You are ever the flirt my dear. You know I can't go there. Besides, I'm pretty sure it would be awful given how inexperienced I am. Shit, I shouldn't have said that." Lizzie crinkled her face. Her overarching need to be honest made her want to smack herself in the forehead yet again.

"I'm not flirting, and I don't think for a second it would be awful. Honestly, I think you should experience it again before you discount it as a lost cause." Jeff had closed her door and suddenly she felt trapped in a room that was becoming far too warm.

"I will experience it sometime Jeff, but I will probably never enjoy it." Lizzie sighed, her mind drifting at how disappointing it was when she lost her virginity.

"So, that's it, you are just going to wait until you imprint and nothing else, no one else? What if it's like ten more years? I mean, I get it, but I guess I just feel like you're missing out on the best part of life." Jeff sighed.

"Did you come in here to tell me I should get laid? You're too much. Besides, what are you going to do, show me how incredible sex with a man is? I don't think I'm meant to enjoy it Jeff. It's not my lot in life." Lizzie sighed. She had resigned herself to this fate a long time ago. Even the dalliances she had had with them over the past month hadn't convinced her it would be good.

"Well, I guess yea...I mean if you're willing to give it a try."

"Wait, what? Jeff, which question are you answering?" Something clicked in her brain -- she had asked two questions there and one had a lot more implications than she meant to put into it.

"Both, I think. Believe it or not, I'm willing to I guess take the chance that it know if you are willing to take the chance that it's amazing. I'm still completely attracted to you even though you're not in heat." Lizzie's heart skipped a beat at his words. When his fingers touched her hand she titled her head up meeting those impossibly sexy green eyes.

"What? But, I haven't in so long...I mean. What?" Lizzie stammered unsure if she should take the chance or not.

"We can go slow, Lizzie, I don't want to hurt you. I just want to show you......I guess one of the best things about being alive. And, I don't want you to leave here without taking my chance to be with you." Jeff's eyes made her pussy get wet this close. She could get lost in those. Her heart thundered in her chest. This was impossible right, Jeff wanting to show her what she had only imagined in dreams.

"You don't have to force yourself to do this Jeff, I'm okay with my world. It's only missing a small piece. Plus, if it sucks I won't ever be able to come back for your help -- it will be weird." She was being practical, yes practical. Don't do this to yourself she thought. Lizzie knew better than to trust some gorgeous eyes and a beautiful body to mean that she would have a wonderful experience.

"Shit! That's not how I meant this to sound. I mean....I...I'm awful at this stuff. It wouldn't be forcing myself, not even close to it. And, you have my word, even if it is awful we never speak of it again. And without question, you can always count on us to protect you when you need it. Lizzie...I guess...oh fuck it!" Jeff gave up and grabbed the back of her head with both his hands pulling her to him for a kiss.

His lips were impossibly soft and yet full of passion. Lizzie stood limp, being kissed like a school girl and tasting the bourbon and cherry pie on his tongue. She hummed softly as he continued his kissing. When he pulled back, his hands still held her head, hers were at her side. She was dumbstruck and breathing heavy.

"Okay." She breathed out one word.

"What?" Jeff looked puzzled, not sure if he heard her right.

Lizzie backed up one step and then walked around him to the door. She threw the lock so they would have privacy and walked back towards the bed. Her hands seized the bag from on top and threw it to the ground.

"I said, okay, show me what you got Jeff." With those words Lizzie approached him once more.

He pulled the flannel off of his arms leaving him in his jeans and Motorhead t-shirt with those God awful grey tube socks on. He loved to walk around the bunker in those, sometimes she swore it was just so he could sneak up on her unannounced, unlike Kerry and the huge slippers that he wore around.

His arms found her face again, pulling her mouth to his. This time she was more assertive enjoying the feel of his lips on hers. He was such an amazing kisser. So, far only one woman she had been with could top his passion, and he had not even used his tongue yet.

"Promise me it won't be weird for us after this, though." She smiled at him, needing just a little reassurance before plunging back onto those full pink lips again.

"It won't, if you promise me something."

"What?" She wasn't sure what he was about to ask, but just hoped it led her back to those lips.

"If anything hurts, tell me and if you aren't comfortable and want to stop, tell me." Jeff was so sincere, his eyes already filled with desire that she didn't understand given her now normal phase.


"I want to make you feel the way you look tonight...incredible." And with those sexy words his mouth was back on hers. Her arms moved up grabbing his biceps. They were so hard beneath her touch and her body responded to the feel of him. He smelled slightly of gunpowder and alcohol and that sweet old leather smell that the car always had. On top of it, though, was the familiar smell of him -- a muskiness that was unique to Jeff. She inhaled deeply allowing it to make her moisture pool in her panties. The scent wasn't as strong as it had been this morning, but still held her attention.
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Lizzie pushed things to the next level then, parting her lips and allowing her tongue to nudge at his. He made his first noise, a small sound between a grunt and a sigh as he parted his lips so that their tongues could touch. Instantly, her mind demanded more. She let her hands fall to his hips grabbing at the hem of his t-shirt.

He pulled his mouth away helping her raise the shirt up and over his head. He was back on her in an instant after discarding it somewhere behind him in the room. Her mind screamed out in desire as her hands explored every possible surface of his chest and back that she could reach, it was like Lizzie could not get enough of how he felt. His body was so hot to the touch, muscle only broken up by the occasional scar.

When he stopped this time, he reached to the bottom of her tank top. She was suddenly struck by the fact that she was going to have to show Jeff her entire body. She was almost shy as he pulled up the edge of her shirt, and she raised her arms slowly allowing its removal. The light violet of her bra suddenly seemed like a stupid choice as she thought about how pale her skin was.

"God, you're beautiful." His sighed words followed by the touch of his insatiable mouth again had her moaning softly. His hands found the small of her back and then his mouth moved caressing her chin softly with kisses and finding her right ear which he pulled into his mouth lightly.

"Oh, Jeff." Lizzie couldn't help the sigh as he planted wet kisses and licks down the side of her throat. His fingers went to the button on her jeans freeing it. He moved so slowly as he unzipped them. She was so turned on already.

"Your skin is so incredibly soft -- fuck Lizzie." His words seemed like a passing thought as he moved downward. His eyes were locked on hers as his fingers found their way inside her jeans to slowly push them down over her legs until they were bunched up on her feet. His hands eased each of her calves up removing her bare feet so that she stood in only her undergarments suddenly.

As he stood back up, he let his fingers trace up the back of her legs making Lizzie want him even more. His mouth made its way up her neck from the other side now, stopping again at her earlobe before finding her lips again. She was happy to oblige the deeper kissing that he started now -- which coincidentally sky-rocketed him to being the best kisser Lizzie had ever been with.

Her fingers found his jeans, fumbling with his belt. He chuckled a little in the middle of kissing and his hands moved from her back to undoing his own belt. Her fingers then slid his button out of the hole and pulled his zipper down. His hands threw the jeans quickly to the floor before stepping out of them and his socks unceremoniously.

It was then that Lizzie felt his hard cock against her, as he pulled her as close as she could be to him. His arms wrapped around her center pressing her chest to him. His hands seized her ass and Lizzie took the hint hopping slightly to wrap her legs up and around him. He walked the few steps to the bed laying her down gently.

"You doing okay?" He checked in sweetly.

"Yes," she whispered out. He held himself up on one arm at her side as she lay flat and somewhat rigid in her nervousness next to him.

"Relax, you look gorgeous right now." He whispered into her ear before descending to her neck once more. Her hands slid into his hair as he kissed down her chest between her bra cups. He continued his descent as Lizzie tried to relax and enjoy his ever so wet kisses making their way towards the top of her panties. He allowed his nose to brush along them bringing a groan from her mouth as his breath caressed her clit through the shred of fabric.

Lizzie couldn't believe how amazing this felt. He was making her so excited, and then she realized he was lapping at the wet spot in her panties as he hooked his fingers into the waistband. The light purple fabric was peeled down her hips and agonizingly slowly over her legs until they joined the clothing pile at the end of the bed.

When Jeff returned to her mouth, she was flushed from her hairline down to her nipples. No one had ever been so eager to taste her, all of her girlfriends were bottoms, so she was used to doing the tasting.

"You alright?" He paused looking at her. Lizzie could smell herself on his face, and it somehow made her want him more.

"Yea....uh-huh. That's just new for me, and I feel very naked right now." She panted the words out as his lips found hers again.

"You're not naked yet. Lizzie, has a guy ever done this to you before?" His fingers found her clit, drifting over it slowly a few times.

"Yes, my first."

"What about this?" Jeff's fingers came up to his mouth where he moistened them and then they disappeared down until she felt one ease into her wetness, filling her. Her head went backward at the touch.

"No, but a woman has."

"Fuck, baby, you're so wet. Unhhhhh....and tight." He moaned as if it was almost painful to feel her right now.

"That's what she said." Lizzie chuckled lightly as he rubbed over her g-spot a few times making her moan as her hand reached out to grab his forearm.

"You know it's incredibly hot that you've been with chicks, right?" Jeff continued his slow assault on her body before introducing a second finger and making her gasp.

"I thought it was pretty hot to be with chicks too, but even that I haven't done in years. Oh, wow Jeff...what...oh."

"That's it just focus on talking to me and feeling...just let your body feel what I'm doing." Jeff shifted his body against her leg; obviously more excited judging by the feel of his cock. He was whispering to her and it was easy to do what he said. Lizzie felt her body relax.

"Jeff, that's really good, please don't stop." He obliged continuing his motions at an agonizingly slow pace. Lizzie felt her pussy get wetter with each passing moment, and her temperature rise. She raised her right leg giving him better access.

"Has anyone ever tasted you here beautiful? Because, I really want to taste you." Jeff's hand pulled from her body as he leaned over her seizing her mouth once more. He loomed above her staring into her eyes and waiting for a response.

"No, no one has, and you don't have's okay." Her words came out without a filter -- honesty was what she always gave, and now would be no different. Lizzie wouldn't force him to do something that she figured most men hated to do. She was so raw and open to him, beyond all of their conversations where she gave the intimate details of her life.

He paused moving his face so they were in direct eye contact and putting his hand on her cheek.

"Not even a chick has eaten you out? I thought chicks did that all the time." He smirked at her with his usual grin.

"I was the one tasting Jeff; I kind of enjoyed that part of women. And, then you know we did other stuff. I liked to watch them get least the few I had the pleasure of."

"Okay, first of all that is so fucking hot. I mean, wow. Second, I enjoy that part of women too, so there's no forcing this. Plus, I'm pretty fucking amazing at it." Jeff grinned in his smugness. He leaned in passionately kissing her with full force. He nearly took her breath away.

"So, you like doing that? I thought we were just going to you know get right to it. That's what it was like the only other time I've done this with a man." She smiled at him.

"Baby, you weren't with the right guy. I want you nice and ready for me, plus I love watching women get off more than you do. I guarantee it. Let' s lose this first, so I can see all of you though." Jeff ran a hand around the bottom of her bra finding the clasp and releasing it behind her. He seemed to be quite the expert as he kissed her while pulling the strap free of one arm and shifting to slide the bra out from under the rest of her. Lizzie was suddenly completely naked in front of Jeff and somehow not embarrassed anymore.
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"Is there any part of you that isn't beautiful -- fuck." With those words his mouth was on her left nipple in an instant while his hand gently cupped her other breast. She heard him make a low moan as he took his time to suck and lick until both nipples were rock hard for him.

"Oh," Her hands wound through his barely there hair as he savored her body. She was enraptured in the feeling of it all, even the way the tiny hairs on his head ran over her fingertips. When he released her second nipple, he started kissing down her stomach all the way to her brown tuft of hair. She sighed and tensed up waiting for his next movement. He paused, moving back up to her face.

"Can I taste you, now?" He asked softly after kissing her once again.

"Yes." Her single word was enough as he reached out across the bed grabbing one of the pillows on the other side. Lizzie looked at him unsure of what he was up to.

"Lift your hips for a second." He whispered and she obliged. The pillow slid under her body and she shifted, feeling a bit awkward at first to have her pussy tilted up and on display.

Jeff moved quickly tilting her left leg up so he could slide between her thighs and leaving it on his shoulder. Lizzie sighed as his hot breath came back to her pussy. He drew his flattened tongue along her entire sex garnering a moan as she looked down at his intent eyes. She would have been embarrassed if it didn't feel so damn good

His exploration of her body was slow as he licked along her lips and then parted them with his fingers to lick along her core. He found her clit with his tongue and started to move over it incessantly over and over. Lizzie stared at his eyes watching as his face shifted with his movements. When he pulled her clit into his lips sucking on it with force she moaned. It was an incredible sensation as he lit up every nerve in her pussy.

He moved back to tasting all of her again before seizing her clit in his lips once more. This time she could not keep eye contact with him as her head flew back. She moaned and he took the opportunity to slide one of his fingers into her wetness again.

"Oh, fuck Jeff, what are you...?" Lizzie groaned now as he repeated his pattern ending with a few repeated sucks at her sensitive nib.

She felt Jeff groan against her as a second finger entered her body. The two found her g-spot almost instantly curling against it. Soon his tongue was pointed and forceful and he was focused only on her clit. His left arm wrapped around her hips holding her in place. She had started shifting them up and down moving with him and his arm stopped the movement. He was now forcing her to take pleasure at his giving.

Her breathing had quickened and she felt a tightening and engorgement of her tissues. Her left hand flew to the back of his head involuntarily running through his hair. It was all too much as her mind struggled to focus while feeling him making unknown movements on her clit as he rubbed her with his fingers.

"Stop....oh, God, Jeff you have to stop." He did as asked, not removing his fingers but pulling his face up so he could look at her.

"Am I hurting you?"

"'s really...just....I'm.... think I'm going to cum and....and....." Lizzie was terrified. She wasn't sure what it looked like when she came, and what if it was weird. She hadn't had someone down there before when it happened.

"That's the point baby, lay back and enjoy." Jeff almost snarled before lowering his head and getting back into his rhythm on her body.

"Oh, fuck....oh.....oh fuck.....Jeff.....I'm.....OHHHHHHHHHH... ..YESSSSS!" She cried out as the tightening coil inside snapped. Her legs snapped together on his face as her hand found a death grip on his head. She was locked in an orgasm like never before and then as it dissipated, she felt her pussy pulsing as he continued to lightly lick. When he pulled out his fingers he took a special moment to put them into his mouth and suck them dry.

Jeff released her hips and kissed his way up to her mouth again. This time as he kissed her, she tasted the sweet/ salty combination that was her own. It was intoxicating.

"You taste so fucking good, my God. I've never tasted a woman so sweet." Jeff was out of breath as he planted gentle kisses around her neck and chin.

"I'm sorry Jeff....I didn't mean to cum." He stopped at her words and again held her head.

"Lizzie, why are you apologizing, that was fucking hot! And, now, I think you're ready for me to show you what good really is." Jeff growled a little as he ground himself against her leg, the feel of his cock on her waking her pussy back up from its post-orgasm numbness.

"I've never cum more than once at a time, so I wanted to wait until we were know."

"Oh." He chuckled a little. "Well, you've never been with me, have you?" And with those words he was back to kissing. Lizzie could feel a stronger need in his mouth now, and couldn't resist reaching out with her hand as she rolled towards him. She seized his cock in her palm and running her hand up and down. He was huge in her mind, almost as big as Kerry but definitely thicker, and she suddenly wasn't sure how she was going to fit all of that in her body.
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"Whoa, you have to stop that. As tight and wet as you are, there is no way I will last if you keep doing that." Jeff smiled and kissed her again.

He pushed Lizzie over onto her back with his body weight and pulled away long enough to pull his boxers down and over his feet letting them move to the floor.

When he returned, he moved her left leg up again and positioned himself between her thighs. This time, his face was even with hers as he rested on his left elbow.

"Are you still okay with this? It might hurt a little." Jeff asked with sincerity in his eyes.

"Yes, but go slow okay." Lizzie was breathing heavy in anticipation, unsure of how this was going to feel. Her first time had been unpleasant and quick, leaving a very bad feeling about a repeat.

"I got you baby." She felt Jeff's right arm on the inside of her thigh as he adjusted himself to the right spot, before feeling the tip of his cock positioned at her hole. He moved his arm sliding it onto the bed next to her head and under her shoulder.

His movement became a gradual steady intrusion as she tried to take in the feeling. Lizzie felt stinging and burning inside as he pushed his way in and she inhaled sharply at the intrusion.

"Are you alright?" Jeff was panting, holding himself back. Lizzie was tighter than he thought she would be, and it was incredible around him.

"Yea, I'm okay." She panted. Jeff started to move again pushing himself in and watching her face. When he saw pain creep into it again he froze.

"Baby, I think we should stop for now. I don't want to hurt you." Jeff's whole body was tight and stiff above her as he spoke. She knew he wanted to pound into her and she felt so guilty that he had to hold back so much.

"It's okay. You're just bigger than my first." Lizzie sighed looking into his eyes.

"Ugh, there goes that mouth again." Jeff almost came at her words and the feel of her body. "More?" He panted, hoping she would say yes.

Lizzie nodded and he slid himself the rest of the way into her body. She caught her breath and tried to relax into the slightly painful stretching. It was so incredible to feel this full. When he was completely in, her breath released and she registered the fact that Jeff was inside of her body, filling her to the core.

"Don't move for a second okay?" Lizzie was panting the words as she tried to relax in this new feeling.

"You feel so good good. Just breathe baby, adjust to me." Jeff leaned down taking her mouth with his as he lay letting her accommodate for a moment.

" can do more." She finally felt ready to try that again, and he moved instantly although just as slowly as before. He pulled himself out most of the way before sliding back in. It was easier that time and even easier each time after as he continued to pump in and out at a snail's pace.

"How is that? Do you need me to stop?" Jeff's eyes were so full of caring as he looked at her.

"It's good." And, then something changed. His intrusions went from slightly painful to good-then, really good as he kept going. Her body lubricated him more and more with each thrust as he continued. It wasn't long before she started to moan softly with each movement in and out. Jeff's mouth found her throat as he sucked and licked while continuing.

"I'm going to go a little faster now, okay?" He said it so nicely into her ear, and she could imagine nothing she wanted more.

"Yes, please." It was all Lizzie could muster as her breathing grew quicker. Her fingers held onto his hair and his back, enjoying the closeness they were sharing. Jeff sped up his thrusting and her body's response. She had not expected to feel this good and now it was going even further.

"You feel so good Lizzie, fuck..." His words made her body respond once more as her hips started to move upward to meet his thrusts.

"Oh, faster Jeff, please. It feels really good." She dug her nails into his back as the coil inside tightened again. He winced at the feeling and then growled seizing on her mouth roughly. Each inward and outward thrust brushed perfectly on her g-spot and she started to wonder if another orgasm was possible. Jeff's speed increased and his right hand sprang free of her shoulders reaching down between her legs. His thumb stopped at her clit applying pressure on that wonderful spot.

"Jeff..yes....oh, oh my God....oh...." Her mind started to reel once more as the pleasure intensified. Jeff didn't move his thumb but his thrusting shifted it each time he entered her.

"I want to feel you cum beautiful...cum for me while I'm inside you." Jeff knew exactly what to say and the very sound of his voice seemed to do something for her.

"I'm so close, oh fuck......ah Jeff....oh....fuck...fuck.....YESSSSS!" Her body seized on his cock locking him in place as her hips shifted up and down. Her nails dug into his back while her head was thrown backward. This time when she came down, her pussy throbbed inside and out. She felt him steady inside, not moving.

"Unh, yes. Baby, I can't wait....I'm too close." He whispered as he thrust while her orgasm subsided. He grunted with each thrust now as he moved, his pupils dilated as he stared into her eyes. The fingers of his left hand dug into her shoulder as the ones on his right held her hip tightly.

"Oh, Jeff....I want to feel you cum." Her words were a pure expression of desire. She wanted to feel every part of this man.

"Uh....Uh......Uh.....FUCK!!!" With a sharp last word Jeff's body pulsed as his cum filled her. He continued to pulse for a few more moments before letting his head rest on her neck.

When he regained himself he began kissing her neck and chin softly. It felt like she was being worshipped as he planted a kiss on any surface he could without letting go. They stayed like that kissing for a while before she felt his erection falter.

"This may be uncomfortable for a sec." He warned as he pulled himself from her body. She felt empty again as a few small stings followed in his wake. When he was fully out, he rolled himself to his side and then lay there staring at Lizzie as he let his hands wander over her skin.


Sleep had been so peaceful as she lay in Jeff's arms, but when she woke at 6, Lizzie knew she couldn't stay there. She had to go despite everything she thought of as a possibility for the two of them. Jeff had been wonderful, and shown her that making love to a man could be good.....really good to be honest. Lizzie just couldn't take the risks involved so she left a short note on the bed next to him and grabbed her bag and shoes heading for the door. One last look back and Jeff was only in her memory.

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Jeff rolled over, about two hours later to find Lizzie's note on the bed. It was simple and to the point.


Thank you for last night, it truly was a gift. I see why you say sex is one of the best things in life. Sorry to leave without saying goodbye, but I couldn't risk having you or Kerry look at me differently when you woke up. Please do keep in touch, and I hope if I need you in the future I can call -- call or text me if you want........


She had scribbled her number on the bottom and drawn a metal hand next to it. Jeff smiled and lay back on the bed taking in her scent from the pillow where her head had been. What a woman. He would keep in touch, but if he never saw her again it wouldn't surprise him. Her face would still be in his mind after all, especially the way her brows furrowed and then relaxed as she came.


"What's up, where's Lizzie." Kerry seemed surprised as he came into the kitchen to find Jeff having coffee.

"She left early this morning. I guess she didn't want to make it awkward." Jeff told his partner.

"So, that's it huh? I figured we could at least have a few days after her heat cycle ended to get to know her a little bit more. I mean we got to talk over dinner last night and finally it was kind of normal."

"Yeah, I think she just didn't want us to see her differently now that she wasn't in heat anymore." Jeff sighed.

"Jeff, did you say something to her?"

"What, no, she just didn't want to stay."

"I call bullshit on that, what did you do Jeff?"

"It was nothing."

"Jeff!" Kerry was insistent. His partner was keeping something from him, and it had to do with Lizzie, who he was really starting to care about.

"What, I may have shown her what she was missing."

"You slept with her?"

"Yeah, Kerry, so what? I just offered to, you know; show her that it could be a good thing. It wasn't pity or anything, I just hated that she thought it would be so bad always."

"Fuck, Jeff, I thought you know, I might.....Ugh, I felt bad too. I mean only one guy ever? She's 28 and sexy as hell and only one guy ten years ago?"

"I know, I mean I just couldn't let her think that was all we had to offer. Plus, the girl thing hadn't happened in like years. I mean how can a woman like that not have guys and girls everywhere? I felt bad she had this outlook like it would always be awful, so I offered." Jeff was genuinely concerned for her and Kerry could read it on his face.

"I get it, I guess I'm just pissed it wasn't me. So, tell me was it, you know, good?" Kerry asked, curious as hell. Jeff inhaled and his eyes became unfocused as he reflected back.

"Incredible, Kerry, incredible."

"I knew it would be. Did she leave a note or anything?"

"Yeah, said we could call or text and she would ask if she needed anything. So, if she does, you have to promise me you won't make it weird. I don't want her to think that we aren't willing to help." Jeff was stern, his care for her obvious.

"I won't make it weird Jeff, that's your specialty. And, of course, no matter what she needs."
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Dark Division - The Capsa - Ch. 06

After she left, their lives and hers returned to pretty much normal. Well, as normal as theirs lives could be. Jeff stopped once in a while to send her a text and check in as did Kerry. Her answers were always sweet and normal. She had apparently resumed her contract attorney work and that was that. It seemed as though nothing had been off between them, and both guys were thankful. After all, both men wanted to stay friends with her.

As much as everything was fine for Jeff, he still only had her on his mind when he jerked off. The sweet taste of her juices often came to mind when he ate pie after also, especially her cherry pie from the night before she left. He would often wonder if she tasted more like one fruit than another.

Kerry, while having not had the pleasure, still envisioned Lizzie when he had the time to jerk off and enjoy himself. He kicked himself for not taking advantage while she was in heat, and for assuming she would be around long enough for him to make a move. He had always been slower than his partner when it came to making moves on girls, and this time it had meant losing one that he really would have enjoyed having.


All went smoothly, until the end of September the following year. Call it a boy thing, but neither Kerry nor Jeff had kept track of exactly when Lizzie had been with them. If they had, they may have expected that her annual heat cycle would be on the horizon once again.

It was September 30th, when Lizzie realized that her scent was changing and she noted the different looks she had gotten at the supermarket. She knew it was coming, and expected it to start on the 1st or 2nd, so it really wasn't too much of a surprise. She grabbed a few items and headed back to her house, before it could attract too much attention. The vague look of desire from her neighbor on the way into her apartment reminded her of the danger on the horizon.

When she awoke the next morning, Lizzie's temperature was already up and her sheets slightly damp from the night's dreams. It was always this way on her first night, but never this strong. She would awake with dampness in her sheets and her pussy that was all too familiar.

She had already decided to ride this cycle out, not wanting to be a burden on the two men that were so kind last year. Last year, her cycle had started a day later, but with leap year she had been surprised somehow. A knock at the door roused her from her stupor.

"Who is it?" She asked as she approached to look out the door after throwing on a few items of clothing.

"It's me, Rob, your neighbor." Lizzie wasn't sure what was going on, but she figured she already asked who it was so now she was stuck.

She opened the door and there stood her young buck of a neighbor with a bouquet of daisies in his hand smiling.

"Oh, hi Rob, what's going on?" She tried to be nonchalant even though her core was on fire.

"I was just sitting at my apartment, and this morning I was thinking about you and how you probably needed some flowers as beautiful as you are in your house." Oh shit, she thought to herself. It had gotten so bad that Rob could smell her from the apartment next door.

"Thanks, Rob, but you didn't have to. Can we catch up some other time? I was about to head out for work." She forced a smile. Rob, unfortunately, smelled of day old booze and a greasy breakfast as he stood in front of her. The smell of man was beneath it, but not enough to overcome it at all. Although, given enough desperation, who knew.

"Why don't you have me in now, and we can get to know each other better." Rob's words confirmed her fears that her heat this time was much worse than last year. He had only hit on her once as they passed in the hallway. The trouble, of course, had been the demons and other beings that could smell her last year and why she had run to the bunker in the first place. She didn't want to be taken and mated to one of them.

Tomas had saved her then taking her to the two men that could keep her safe from it all. And they had, the interlude with Jeff after her cycle being the only time that either had cracked, and that didn't really count.

If Rob could smell her from the other apartment though, this was going to be too much for her to stay here. The other things that go bump in the night would surely be smelling her already.

"Rob, not a good time, sorry, go home." Lizzie slammed the door in his face after taking the flowers and ran to her room starting to pack. She paused only for a second to send Jeff a text"

"Jeff, heat's on, can I come stay again? It seems like I might need the seclusion?"

Lizzie continued packing, assuming they would help out. A few minutes later and she was not disappointed.

"No problem, come to the bunker, Kerry is there. I'm on a hunt for some items with Oz, but I'll let Kerry know to expect you and you can text him when you get there. Should be like 2 hours right?" Jeff's text was welcome and made her sigh with relief. Like it or not those boys had saved her ass last year, and it appeared she would need saving once more.

"Thanks - yea 2 hours."


Two hours later with two suitcases in her trunk and a laptop bag she pulled up to the bunker. A parking spot in the trees next to it meant her car was hidden from easy sight and then she texted Kerry.

"Hey, outside, can you come help with my bags?" Lizzie was almost safe and felt her heartrate coming down already. She had already stopped to get herself off once on the way here, so that she wouldn't be coming into the bunker in full heat for poor Kerry. Last year he had almost cracked a few times, but never allowed himself to go too far. She didn't want to put him in a bad position this time.
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No response came on text, but a tap on the window startled her from her thoughts. She opened the door and there was Kerry.

"Hi Kerry, it's so good to see you." She didn't even think about it and wrapped her arms around his neck, which still required a reach even though she had her 4 inch heels on.

"Whoa, Lizzie, you are in full on heat huh? I mean it's good to see you, but oh my God you smell so good." Kerry pressed against her body inhaling deeply.

"Shit, I'm sorry Kerry, I just missed you guys. Here, help me with my bags and we'll just ignore the tent pole." Kerry had a full bulge after hugging her and he couldn't hide it. It was nice that Lizzie had a good sense of humor about it all though. He remembered last time and the running joke of how many boners each guy had gotten just from touching her. He supposed she was used to the reaction in men, but it still made him somewhat embarrassed.

"I guess that didn't take long, my bad. Should we start the tally again this year? I think Jeff won for highest number last year. Yeah, bags and we'll go inside." Kerry grabbed the two suitcases leaving her with only a laptop case and escorted her to the bunker door.

Once inside, the door was locked and she felt a sense of security wash over her. Kerry, on the other hand, immediately felt the bunker fill with her energy. He had nearly forgotten how powerful her presence had been when she was in heat. His body had clearly remembered though.

She glanced around the rooms as he watched her. He scanned the way her short sleeve green shirt clung to her shoulders and tits and how her waist melted perfectly into the black skirt she had on. He followed the line of her legs from her skirt, noting that she wore no hosiery underneath. Her black high heels completed the look, and before he knew it she stood staring back at him while he thoughtlessly rubbed at the bulge in his jeans.

"Fuck...I...let me take you to your room and then, I need a little time out, sorry about that Lizzie, but you know." He was embarrassed again. He didn't remember it being so strong that he resorted to touching himself in front of her, but he somehow had to this time. Could her essence have become stronger? Had he not been with anyone for that long, he could hardly work it out with the smell of her so close.

Lizzie followed Kerry down the corridor, admiring how he shuffled in his slippers, noting the broadness of his shoulders. Her heat was definitely stronger this year as she eyed him from behind. By the time they made it to her room at the far end of the corridor as far from the guys' rooms as possible she had soaked through her panties and didn't know if staying here was such a good idea. Of course, staying in a safe bunker with only two men, who were definitely human was a way better idea than staying in the world with hundreds too close for comfort - and not all human at that.

"Here you go, just you know make yourself at home and I'll be in my room for a few minutes and then we can maybe do lunch. Jeff'll be back in a day or two." Kerry was nervous and she looked down to see the full outline of his straining cock.

A few minutes went by as Lizzie unpacked her bags loading them into the all too familiar dresser in the room. Hanging up what needed to be in the small wardrobe and adding her shoes to that mix. Once done, she sat for a minute considering if she should change or stay in her more professional attire to go eat. She normally wouldn't have worn this, but a quick trip to the courthouse was required on her way over, and afterwards she sped over.

As she plugged in her laptop charger a smell entered her nostrils that halted her in the middle of a turn to get her cell phone. It was the smell of a man. Not just any smell, but a man in the middle of sex. The smell was unmistakable. Her heart beat sped up. It was during her heats that her heightened sense of smell would overtake her. She could smell anyone whose pheromones were increased, which of course seemed to happen when they were having sex, pleasuring themselves, or even having a sex dream. Last year she had a towel that was stuffed under her door at night and she knew not to be near the showers anytime the boys were in them just in case.

Now, though, she smelled a man in the midst of his own pleasure and it made her groan at the thought. Her mind flashed immediately to Kerry, who had been so nice in helping her in and so embarrassed by his body's reaction to her. She knew exactly what she smelled then. It was Kerry pleasuring himself in a room at the other end of the corridor, and it was intoxicating.

She stood still, hoping to convince herself to stay in her room long enough so that his energy would dissipate. Lizzie began to pace as the smell increased and a drop of her own wetness rolled down her engorged pussy to join the puddle in her panties.

This year had been a change, in that she had no illusions about it being so bad to be with a man. Lizzie had not ventured enough to try out other guys after Jeff, but she had become more adventurous in playing with herself. Unfortunately, it also meant that she knew what her body was capable of and how good sex could really be. Now, she was pacing quicker and quicker across her floor and flashes of Kerry stroking his cock came into her mind.

Before she even realized it, she was turning her door knob and exiting her room, heading right where she shouldn't go. As she neared his room, she heard faint grunting and knew her suspicions were right. It made her blood almost boil as she stood just one door away from seeing him. Her hand was no longer her own as she turned the knob and strode in.

There he was in all his glory. Kerry was sitting at his computer, his shirt was completely off, and his jeans and boxers were around his ankles as he watched porn. His hand was lightly moving up and down his shaft as he watched some girls on the screen. She froze there, watching him and then he groaned a little, whispering her name.

"Kerry." Lizzie let the word slip.

"Oh, shit, Lizzie...I..." Kerry turned away and slammed his computer shut. He knew he had been caught but couldn't really hide what was going on right now.

Lizzie walked over, past the point of no return. Once next to him, she stopped and looked down admiring his cock at full attention, only partially hidden by his hand.

"Turn and face me." Her words were firm and Kerry turned on full display for her. Once he was looking at her, she was almost his height. The sheer size of Kerry sometimes surprised her, but now it seemed like a perfect thing.

Lizzie took his face in her hands and seized Kerry's lips with her own. His hands left his cock and grabbed her sides as she held his face there. She kept kissing him allowing it to relieve some of her tension as she stood in front of him. Kerry reveled in the kiss letting their tongues work together as they both made faint noises.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it, you smell so good." Kerry moaned his words out in a low tone as Lizzie kissed along his chin and onto his throat.

"Shut up and take off my panties." Kerry didn't hesitate once the words were out. His hands slid up the back of her legs grasping on the red cotton fabric and pulling them downward. When they reached beneath her knees she lifted one heel placing her hand on his shoulder. He slid her panties over her shoe. She changed to balance on the other foot then allowing him to fully remove the fabric.
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"Fuck, you're so wet." Kerry's eyes were staring at her panties as he held them in his hand. The crotch of her panties was two shades darker than the rest - clearly soaked through by her body.

"Say no and I'll walk away - you can keep them to finish." Lizzie was breathing impossibly heavy. Her body needed her to act on her desires. The heat had taken over and now her head was bowed low as she stood there waiting on the sexy man to respond.

He said nothing, instead shoving her soaked panties into his mouth. Kerry tasted her for the first time, and his mind reeled. She tasted of honey with a hint of saltiness. His tongue danced on the dampened fabric as her eyes lit up.

Lizzie's breath caught in her throat as she watched him. She was impossibly wet and needed him inside of her now. Kerry reached out grabbing her towards him by her hips and she picked her knees up obliging him as she straddled his lap on the desk chair. Pulling herself upward slightly as she stared into his hazel eyes, she let her hand slide down seizing his cock and aligning it with her dripping pussy.

Her descent was slow as she adjusted to yet another large man entering her. It was definitely clear that Kerry and Jeff had enough length and girth to make any girl need to adjust. The familiar burning and stinging was less than with Jeff the year before, perhaps because she had been enjoying her body throughout the past year. Once he was fully inside, she felt better instantly - her heat starting to be quenched.

Kerry moaned with her at the feeling, and when she started to move the change from discomfort to pleasure was much quicker than it had been with Jeff. She stared at him eye to eye with her red panties gripped in his teeth in front of her. Her body did not let her enjoy slow movements for long as she felt the pleasure increasing. Kerry's hands gripped her ass helping to facilitate her movement and keeping her skirt nicely up and out of their way. Lizzie moved faster and faster, and soon couldn't take it anymore and grasped the panties in his mouth.

"Drop." She commanded him like a dog, not for any reason other than she could barely muster that word with her heavy breathing. Kerry let the fabric go and she tossed them to the side as she pressed her mouth to his, hard. Their tongues eagerly fought with each other as they groaned with each movement. Kerry's hands soon grabbed her shirt pulling it upward and over her head before going back to kissing her. Her white cotton bra exposed to him he started pawing at her breasts the best way he could.

"Oh, Lizzie fuck, that's so good...uhhhh." His mouth pulled from hers he made quick work of her bra clasp and she let her arms drop for an instant freeing her breasts as he whisked her bra off of her and onto the floor. His mouth instantly grabbed her right nipple with his hand firmly holding it in place, and her head was forced backwards with a groan.

"Oh, Kerry, yes, oh suck hard." She moaned out the words as his other hand gripped onto her hip even harder. Lizzie's body moved faster rocking against him and allowing his cock to come out and in just a few inches with every thrust. As she continued they changed from words to only grunts. Each thrust sent a new shockwave through her.

"Uh God, too good..." She breathed between movements.

"Cum for me Z...please God cum for me." He growled out as his hand went from her breast to entwine in her hair pulling her face to his. They kissed feverishly until she couldn't breathe anymore and pulled back. Her forehead rested against his and she continued thrusting her body, feeling the inevitable orgasm just a few movements away.

"Uh...Uh...I'm...uh...uh...AHHHHHH...GODDDDD...YESSS!" The tightness in her body burst from every seam as her nails dug into Kerry's shoulders. She opened her eyes half way through to look into his face as her jaw hung slack.

"OH FUCK!!" Kerry came as she watched his face seize up. He had only made two thrusts into her beyond her orgasm's start and he pulsed inside as his hands held her to him in a death grip. He grunted through his orgasm as she whimpered with each new thrust into her calming body.

When both had subsided they stayed locked breathing together. Her body felt sated for the first time in so long, and the heat seemed to gradually be fading from her.

"I'm so sorry Kerry." Breathlessly she whispered to him as she pulled her face back from his.

"What?" Kerry was bewildered as he spoke.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to um take advantage." She suddenly realized that she had essentially ambushed a masturbation session and then hopped on him to fuck him.

"Hey, no apologies, you can't force the willing." He smiled the boyish grin that she remembered from their talks about sex the year before. He always seemed just a little embarrassed when they talked about sex of any kind.

"I know, but you were trying to not..." He pulled her in for a kiss cutting her off mid-sentence.

"I was trying to not jump you, but I definitely have wanted to for a while now. And, fuck, it was even better than I thought it would be. I'm sorry it didn't last longer, but you know...fuck.," a small blush creeped into his cheeks.

Lizzie chuckled a little, "well, this one will be awkward to get out of."

"Um, let me help." Kerry's erection had receded enough so he shifted and it released from her body before he grabbed her against him in his enormous arms and stood up. Lizzie allowed her legs to release and find the ground.

"Thanks, now if you'll excuse me, I need a minute in the bathroom before lunch."

"Sure, and by the way, I like you in heels it's easy to kiss you." Kerry leaned down giving her a sweet kiss before she grabbed her shirt and bra and left his room.


A few minutes later, and they both sat at the table in the kitchen over some burritos Kerry had put together quickly.

"So, how have you been this last year other than 'ok' like you said in your texts?" Kerry finally broke the awkward silence.

"I've been doing good, you know still doing some contract legal work and then enjoying some life in between the craziness. How have you and Jeff been?"

"We've been good, you know the usual top secret crazy weird stuff, and trying to have some fun here and there. We both missed you when you could have stayed you know." He looked at her imploring.

"I know, but I didn't want to make things awkward, plus I guess I'm different when I'm not in heat, not quite as alluring and all." She smiled taking a big bite of her meal.

"I have to say you still smell good, but it's not as overpowering right now, does that always happen know."
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"You can say it Kerry, don't you remember, I don't pull any punches. It gets better if I have an orgasm at least for a bit. Honestly, last year, I was using my vibrator twice a day and still there were times with the two of you that...fuck." She drifted in her mind as she remembered the sheer intoxication of both men looking at her and how her body screamed for their touch.

"Twice a day? I think I was only jerking off once a day to be able to hang out. Although, if you touched me at all, I had to take care of myself a few times...where I wouldn't have cared if Jeff was in the room. This heat thing is no joke. Oh fuck, I...I...Lizzie are you on birth control, because..."

"Kerry, relax. Remember, I can only get pregnant if I'm imprinted to the man. You're safe. It's like a failsafe. So, when I get imprinted then I reciprocate, kind of without a choice really, I can get pregnant when I fuck that person in my heat phase. At least, that's what I was told by the angels that educated me when I was a teenager and had my first heat."

"That's right, you basically get a free pass for sex with no worries, not too bad of an exchange." He smiled and shrugged trying to find the lighter side of things as he always seemed to.

"Yea, but then there's times like today, where my neighbor Rob could literally smell me from the next apartment. He brought me flowers and that's when I knew I had to get out of town. I mean...ewwww...Rob." She scrunched her face and Kerry responded with a lighthearted laugh.

"It's bad, huh? It sucks that you have to deal with that. I hope you know that I wanted you when you were out of heat last time. Not that the heat is a bad thing, but it only heightens what is already there for me."

"Really Kerry? I wish I could believe that, but you know I've only been with one person when I wasn't in heat and I didn't stick around to see if that would continue."

"You mean Jeff last year?" He smiled at her taking a bite for emphasis.

"Yes, actually, I see news travels fast. Oh, shit, I guess that makes me kind of a whore for sleeping with both of you."

"Hey, I don't judge and besides, I was totally jealous. Still am actually, because you wanted him without the heat and he got to experience you normal. I guess, with everything we know about the world, you're always a little skeptical that what you're feeling is influenced by something you can't control."

"Yep, so remember, you may not feel this way about me in a month. Right now, though, damn that hit the spot." She sighed.

"You mean the burrito or the sex?" He raised his eyebrows looking at her before laughing.

"Both big man, but perhaps we should try to avoid making it a habit considering everything."

"So you know, Jeff and I talked about you a lot while you were gone and how nice it was to have you here in the bunker. It might not be so bad if you stayed this time. You were pretty good company aside from the sexual tension." He reached out instinctively touching her hand.

"Kerry, no offense, but can you try not to touch me too much. I'm in a lull after the orgasm, but I want to enjoy it as long as I can. As for staying, I don't know, let's ride out this month and see. You may want me to get the hell out of here." Lizzie smiled as Kerry obliged her pulling his hand back.


The two did their own things for a few hours before Lizzie felt heat creeping back into her. She knew it would only be temporary fix, but was hoping she would get a full day out of the release. It was not her lucky time for that though. By dinner time, she could smell Kerry from her room as he busied himself in the kitchen.

Lizzie took a deep breath and made her way towards the big man. To her surprise, she found Kerry not just busy with two pans on the stove, but standing there in only a pair of mesh shorts with no shirt on. Her breath caught as she stared at his strong back. Marks from her nails still on his shoulders from earlier had her temperature on the rise as she devoured his body with her eyes.

"I know you're there, I can smell you. Are you hungry?" He turned around looking at her, his hair still damp from the shower she knew he took earlier. His bare chest in front of her made her temperature go even higher especially when she noted how his nipples were hard.

"Can you put a shirt on Kerry?" Her chest moved up and down as her breathing got heavier and she kept herself along the door frame.

"Yeah, shit I'm sorry. I'm not used to having you here again yet." His eyes glazed over as he looked at her. He walked over to the table and grabbed a t-shirt from on it and pulled it quickly over his head.

With him covered, she could breathe for a second. He turned the burners off and looked back at her. Neither of them spoke. She watched as his breathing grew heavier. She couldn't help herself; there was simply no turning down the heat as she stood there.

"Maybe, I should go to my room for a bit and heat it up later. I'm sorry, I just..." Lizzie turned and walked out of the kitchen heading for her room and her trusty vibrator. A hand on her shoulder stopped her as she turned looking at Kerry in the hallway with her.

"We can both heat it up later." Kerry's mouth found hers as his hand held her head. She felt the heat from his body radiating on her and melted into his kiss. His other hand snaked down and into her yoga pants, past her panties that she had soaked through once more standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
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"God, you're so wet." Kerry's fingers rubbed along her pussy coating his hand in her juices. She moaned as he leaned down kissing her neck. She could feel his cock straining against his shorts pressing on her leg.

"Oh Kerry..." Those were the only words she could muster. Her hand sprang into action finding its way inside his shorts and moving his briefs out of the way quickly before grasping his cock.

"Ah, not so rough..." He breathed out with a gasp.

"Sorry, I don't have much practice at this." A small giggle came from her mouth as she released him a little. He was practically drooling pre-cum from his cock allowing her an easy lubricant to stroke him. He felt amazing in her hand. She loved how soft and yet incredibly hard he was. The sounds he started to make had her moaning into his mouth as he continued his motions on her clit in small circles with just a hint of pressure.

"That's...oh...that's perfect." He pressed her into the wall with his whole frame as his hips pressed his cock into her hand even as she moved. The hand giving her pleasure then took things to the next level. He slid two fingers down her body and entered her without warning.

"Oh God Kerry...yes...right there." His palm dug into her clit as he fucked her with his fingers. Her hand instinctively moved faster on his cock enjoying the building tension between them. Their motions soon became in sync with each. Each thrust of his fingers moving with her stroke downward on his cock.

"Lizzie...I'm gonna, I'm..."

He didn't have time to finish his sentence as she grasped his cock with a scream as her own orgasm hit. Her fingernails digging into his forearm even as she held his cock feeling cum cover her hand beneath his shorts. They finished there in the hallway, both still clothed and breathing into each other's mouths while their lips touched.

"Fuck, that was intense!" Kerry's words came out followed by a kiss.

"You have to wear a shirt okay, like always around me."

Kerry laughed as he pulled his hands from her pants and slid them into his mouth.

"This might sound a little weird, but you don't taste like any girl I've ever been with. You're so sweet, it's like insane." Lizzie pulled her hand out too then, in sheer curiosity and took a lick from her finger.

"Well, you're the first guy I've tasted, but it's pretty good. As for me, well, I'm not a regular girl, and the girls I've tasted don't taste like me either. They all have their own flavor, but mine's just different." She breathed heavily with the words.

"I'm going to go change my shorts and such and then we can do dinner huh?" Kerry smiled and Lizzie followed him down the hall heading for her room and the bathroom inside to wash her hands. She also decided to change her underwear for the second time that day before heading out to eat with Kerry.


"Okay, well at least dinner worked after that. I don't remember you being this intoxicating last year, is it my imagination?" Kerry asked as they cleared plates from the table together.

"It seems stronger, but then again it's supposed to get worse each year until I'm imprinted. I hope it happens soon because this year is hard for me too. I'm usually interested but I guess after Jeff last year, now I know what I'm missing. Sex is pretty fucking amazing Kerry." There she went just speaking out whatever was in her mind.

"Yea, sex is pretty amazing. Leave it to Jeff to ruin your self-control." He laughed knowing his partner and his insatiability with sex at times.

They watched a movie that night, laughing through it and enjoying a few beers. It was so comfortable there with him like they were old friends. Lizzie basked in the glow of it, her heat in check for at least a short time.

"Okay, I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted and I still have another 29 days of this." Lizzie sighed and made her way to her room. She practically fell asleep as she lay down that night after brushing her teeth. It was a peaceful sleep for the first time in days. Somehow the orgasms with Kerry had done much more to quench her need and calm her mind than the ones she had with her vibrator the year before.
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Dark Division - The Capsa - Ch. 07

She awoke the next morning to silence, and could feel the heat already rising in her body. The sheets weren't soaked thank God, but she had slept naked so that she wouldn't ruin another pair of underwear. She pulled on her pajamas next to the bed - a small black tank-top and short shorts with hearts on them -before moving toward the door. She had a second thought though before leaving and pulled on the light grey robe she had before making her way to the kitchen in her bare feet. The cold of the stone hallway soothed her somehow as she was pleasantly surprised to not be overwhelmed by the male scent.

When she reached the kitchen she found a box of fruit loops on the table with a note, thus explaining the lessened male scent.


There's milk in the fridge. I had to run out for groceries and I thought I would give you some time alone. I'll be back around 1 or 2 with lunch, so until then the bunker's yours.


That was so nice of him. Lizzie immediately discarded the robe, enjoying her alone time was definitely a plus to be so far from other men. It was only 10, so she had plenty of time to just veg before showering and having to worry about how close she could come to Kerry. She had slept well the night before, which was a welcome change and maybe a side effect of two orgasms in one day. She ate her cereal and made her way back to her room to get her cell phone and speaker.

Not an hour later, she was perusing the bookshelves in the library with her speaker cranked up, blaring Metallica through the dusty halls. She was singing so loud as she danced around that she didn't even hear the bunker door open.


Jeff opened the bunker door and heard music that sounded vaguely familiar. After making his way down the stairs and through the entry room, he realized it was Hit the Lights blaring from the library. He figured Lizzie was forcing Kerry to enjoy the music they both loved, which made him smile.

He was greeted with her smell when he entered, but was willing to chance it as he hadn't seen her since the night they made love. The sight he beheld made him question his decision not to jerk off before coming home.

There was Lizzie in a black tank-top with little red hearts on it. She wore no bra and as she leaned over the library table with her back to him, the shirt hung loose allowing him to see her skin to almost her tits. The tiniest of shorts covered her bottom as he leaned slightly to take in the picture of her ass exposed ever so slightly as they rode up. The intoxication of her smell and seeing her overwhelmed him and his cock sprang to life.

He stood transfixed as his eyes examined every curve on her. Each scar and small tattoo was exactly where he remembered, and with her hair up in a bun he could easily see the flat purple butterfly shaped mark on the back of her neck where she would one day be imprinted. He dropped his bag without thinking creating a loud thud, which caused her to turn around suddenly.

Lizzie heard the sound and turned around instantly. There he stood, in all his glory. Jeff looked incredible. His flannel had been discarded on his bag - the usual red shade that played so well with his eyes. He had brown boots on with light faded jeans secured by a brown belt. The Iron Maiden shirt on his chest clung to his muscles. Then, she noticed the obvious bulge in his pants and felt herself get wet instantly. The night with Jeff had never left her mind this year, often fueling her own masturbation sessions. He had been incredible and made her want more.

"Hey Jeff." Her hands clutched the edge of the table behind her; she hadn't used her vibrator yet this morning, thinking she would before her shower. Kerry wouldn't be home for at least two more hours. The smell of Jeff drifted through the air. His scent was much deeper and richer than Kerry's. It made her blood boil, and all she could think was how she could escape this stifling room so that she didn't make things awkward.

"Hey." Jeff said gruffly before striding towards her at full steam. His hands finding her face so his mouth could seize hers. She didn't hesitate kissing him back; it had been something she missed all year. His mouth was ravenous, making it clear that he too had thought of her throughout the year.

They kissed and kissed growing more and more violent with each moment. Jeff grabbed her ass cheeks lifting her up and sitting her on the library table. He brushed his arm across behind her as he lay her down. Books flew off the table and across the floor. Metallica funneled through her ears around the blood pulsing as Jeff kissed down her neck. He continued his slow descent as she writhed on the table grasping at his hair.
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No words came from either of them as he grabbed the hem of her shorts pulling them off quickly and exposing her sex to him completely. She was suddenly thankful to not be wearing panties. Jeff grabbed the chair closest to him pulling it out and sat down while still firmly holding her hips in his grasp. Lizzie tried to sit up only to feel a strong hand push her back down from the center of her chest. Jeff's mouth was on her then. His breath across her pussy sending shivers through her.

She looked down seeing Jeff's eyes full of hunger and lust between her thighs. His tongue made a sweep across her pussy gathering the moisture that he had created just by being in the room. He was ravenous as he licked and sucked her on every surface he could find. She moaned grabbing at his hair, enjoying that it was about an inch longer than last year. He was focused on his task staring at her even as she gaped and cried out. Her orgasm approached rapidly as his teeth nibbled lightly at her clit. His fingers were not even involved yet as he gorged himself on her pussy.

"Oh, Jeff...I'm...oh...UNHHHHHHHH!" She screamed out as her eyes slammed shut forcing her to see little white lights in the darkness of her eyelids -her body clenching and pulsing hard. Jeff paused letting her ride her orgasm out before he was back on her again. This time he slid a finger inside finding her g-spot instantly as if they had been together only the day before.

"I forgot how good you sweet." Jeff mused to himself as he continued his exploration. Her body was already rising towards another release as he continued. He was truly gifted at this, he had been correct about that. What did she expect though; he had been the one to show her she was multi-orgasmic.

Lizzie heard an odd noise somewhere in the distance as Jeff thrust a second finger into her blocking out her ability to hear anything but the music and her throbbing heartbeat. Her back arched from the table as Jeff sucked at her clit with no mercy.

"Oh God, Jeff...I'm gonna cum again...oh God...YESSSS!!" She gripped his hair holding his mouth to her. He again paused in his movements watching her pussy pulse in front of his face. When she began to come down, she expected him to be done, but she was very much mistaken as his fingers started moving inside of her once more. His scent suddenly increased making it all the more intoxicating to be with him like this.

"Fuck you're so sexy when you cum...I wanna make you cum forever." His voice, full of lust, was replaced with groaning as he lowered himself back to her body. His tongue again explored her folds as she panted. Somewhere in her mind she knew why his scent had increased, he was rubbing his own cock beneath the table. The sound she had heard was his belt and zipper before. The thought of him doing this while eating her out had her quickly approaching another release.

"Oh's too much, I'm...AHHHHH!" A scream erupted from her as her abs clenched pulling her upward before she fell back to recover.

"Baby...fuck...I can't." Jeff stood suddenly pulling his fingers from her body and there he was in all his glory. His hand was stroking his rock hard cock above her pussy. His other hand caught him, planting on the table to hold him up, as he stroked his cock more and more quickly.

"Oh God yes baby...cover me in cum...please." She begged at him, and he obliged only a few seconds later shooting cum up her stomach. He continued thrusting into his hand pouring more and more across her body. She moaned feeling another release coming as she watched him. The heat from his cum searing her flesh where it touched and making her want so much more.

Lizzie couldn't wait, reaching down she took some of Jeff's cum from her stomach and traced it across her lips. She licked there even as she reached her other hand down to her throbbing clit. She stared up at her Jeff, and rubbed herself in circles trying to get to her next explosion. His now relaxed face watched her as her back arched again and she screamed out his name. The deep contractions of yet another release left her panting as she let her hands fall to her sides.

"Holy shit, I missed you." He was breathless as he leaned down pulling her up to him and kissing her mouth with full force.

"I missed you too, Jeff." He held her tight against him for what seemed like forever.

"Jeff, I should go shower, I'm sort of covered in cum." He pulled back allowing her to hop off the table.

"Uh, yeah, I guess I need to change my shirt at least. I'll see you in a couple minutes?"

"Yea, Kerry should be back in a bit and then we can all do lunch. Is Oz here?" She asked gathering her shorts up and wiping herself to some extent.

"No, he and I split up after the retrieval mission. Can I talk to you while you shower?"

"Oh, sure, I guess it's nothing you haven't seen before."

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"So, your, uh, scent is stronger this year I think. I figured I would make it more than a few minutes with you. It seems to have dissipated now though."

They had exchanged the pleasantries and caught up on a few stories as Lizzie showered with Jeff leaning a few feet away against the wall. He could only see her face over the stall, but it at least allowed them to catch up. Thank God she had brushed her teeth before Jeff came back, because that kissing would have been tarnished.

"Yea, it is a lot stronger this year, I mean my neighbor could smell me from his apartment. That's what made me decide I had to ask you for help. I hope you don't mind."

"Never, you can always ask us for anything. What's with the lowered scent now though? I remember you having ups and downs before, but still always at a pretty high level."

"Oz researched that a little and it looks like a moment of peak pleasure - an orgasm - takes the levels down to tolerable. I suppose it makes sense. And, well four will definitely do a good job in making it go away. Don't worry, I didn't exactly tell Oz why I was asking."

"Happy to oblige - you taste even better than I remember. Wait...I thought you were jerking off last year, and that took the edge off, is it different with another person?"

"Apparently, I mean yesterday it was pretty low for a few hours before it got bad again. I mean..." She stopped opening her eyes to look at him. This was not how she wanted to tell him about her and Kerry, but that stupid open honesty that was her strong suit had shot her in the ass once again.

"Yesterday? You mean when you came here or...wait...with Kerry?" Jeff stuttered, a look somewhere between hurt and anger came into his eyes.

"Yes, Jeff, with Kerry. My heat was happened, and then it sort of happened again later."

"Are you kidding me? That is not an accident, and what do you mean sort of...eww. You're fucking kidding me. I had my partner's leftovers today? You're a fucking whore, goddammit." Jeff's face grew red and he stormed out of the shower room.

Lizzie's heart sank for a second, his words hit her like a hammer. That fucker had the nerve to call her a whore! Jeff was the biggest man whore in the world! As much as she cared for Jeff and adored his personality, that stupid impulsive child in him was a part she could do without. She finished her shower and made her way back to her room to get dressed. Once she was done, she pulled out a book and started to read, not wanting to even deal with the idiot she just encountered.


Kerry came into the library of the bunker just in time to see Jeff coming out of the kitchen with a beer in hand. He was obviously angry about something. Kerry put the bags of groceries on the kitchen counter and followed Jeff to the library.

It was then he noticed the books strewn across the floor. Jeff was angrily gathering them while still holding his beer in one hand. He looked around puzzled before it dawned on him that Jeff came home to Lizzie with no warning and she had been in full on heat this morning. He could smell her through her door as she slept before he left; it must have been quite the shock even knowing she would be here given the intensity of her this year.

"Jeff? You okay?" Kerry asked him, not sure what to expect from his partner.

"Okay? No, I'm not fucking okay. I bet you're okay, though, after fucking my girl yesterday - twice sort of." Jeff put a whiny intonation on the last words. He could be such a child sometimes.

"Your girl? You mean Lizzie? I would hardly say she's your girl. You were with her what once and then you texted a few times? That doesn't make her your girl Jeff. And both times for me were yesterday."

"Well, I was with her first, so know you just don't do that to a guy." Jeff was dialed up to an insane amount.

"Well me liking her last year didn't stop you from fucking her, but I didn't flip out on you."

"That was different, because I didn't know you liked her, and now I was with her."

"Jeff you're such an ass. It was no different, and she's made clear she is no one's girl. Maybe she wants to fuck me now, is that so hard to believe that maybe she would want me instead?" Kerry was frustrated with his partner and his every girl wants me routine.

"I just wish I had known that she switched to you before I came back, because...well I wouldn't have touched her today." With his last words he gestured to the library table.

"What did you guys... oh God... on the library table? We work there Jeff. Anyways, it's not like she doesn't shower. Wait, though, she was with you today? Fuck, is that why her smell is so low? I thought she left or something." Kerry suddenly realized he could barely smell Lizzie in the bunker. He remembered that she said the orgasm is what lowered her smell, and a bit of him was jealous thinking she might have had more than one orgasm with Jeff making her smell even fainter.
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"It wasn't full on sex, but like sort of. Yeah, she's still here, but it almost killed her scent after four, so... " Jeff looked at Kerry and smirked, "Oh, you didn't give her four did you? Yep still got it." Jeff's obnoxiousness showed through clearly right now.

"You are an ass you know that. I hope you didn't insult Lizzie. It's not like we are dating or anything you know, and it's not that weird given that she's in heat and all." Kerry tried to smooth things over, as he wondered what his ass of a partner had said to her. Jeff could be pretty hurtful sometimes when his pride was stung.

"I guess I get it man, you couldn't stop yourself, but twice?" He looked at Kerry with a pained expression.

"Well, one and then just you know like touching in the hallway."

"Eww...okay, that's enough. I want to be able to walk around here not thinking about you and her everywhere. I suppose if you promise that won't happen again, I can forgive you." Jeff resigned himself to being okay with Kerry, still not sure what he would do about the girl he thought he was falling in love with.

"You mean like how I won't be able to work at the table anymore. Jeff, I'm not going to promise you anything. We have an incredibly sexy woman in our bunker in full on heat. I wanted her not in heat, so I don't know what's going to happen. And, you don't exactly have your name on her, she can choose who she wants to be with. Don't make it weird."

"Fuck, I already have, I fucking called her a whore...I am an ass." He chugged the last of his beer and headed down the hallway towards Lizzie's room.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he reached her door. He could hear her crying on the other side of the door, and he realized he had done that to her - him and his stupid ego. The emotional thing was not his forte, but he sure as hell had to make this better. Jeff tapped lightly on the door.

"Go away, I want to be alone." Her words made him kick himself in the ass standing in the doorway.

"Lizzie, it's Jeff, can I come in and talk?"

"No, I'll be out for lunch when Kerry gets back."

"He's already back; can I please talk to you first though?" He was begging as he stood there.

"Fine, come in." He opened the door looking up at her as he ducked his head down in some semblance of shame.

"Look, didn't mean to call you a whore, it' s just..." He stammered.

"You meant to call me a whore. You don't get it do you? I never wanted to even deal with sex until I was imprinted. Then, you come along and tell me you'll show me how good it is, and here I am now with a stronger heat and I know what helps. Plus you have the nerve to call me a whore - you're a fucking man slut yourself. You hit everything with tits all over the country, Oz told me. I sleep with 6 people in my whole life and you think I'm a whore. Fuck you Jeff!"

"Shit." Jeff slumped down into the desk chair in front of him. "You're right. What can I say? I'm an ass sometimes, I don't think before the words come out of my mouth."

"I don't care what you think of me, you know. I have dealt with this for most of my life now. I have to know that I will only find one man or male whatever and I will be claimed by him, that's my destiny. I finally find some enjoyment out of this whole situation and you are going to judge me for it? I think I'm just going to leave Jeff. I can't stay here and deal with your idiocy."

"I'm sorry, Lizzie. Don't leave, though. We can get past this, so long as you just choose one of us I think it'll be okay."

"Choose one of you? Fuck you, is that what you and Kerry came up with?" Lizzie blew past Jeff heading for the kitchen where Kerry's scent came from. Her mind was racing at the thought of these two men who had been her protectors suddenly claiming her in some sort of prize fighting competition.

"Hey Lizzie, I brought home sandwiches for lunch." Kerry smiled at her as he turned, then his face fell as he saw her expression.

"Did you really participate in this choose which of you gets to fuck me contest with your idiot partner?" She fumed at him.

Jeff appeared in the kitchen then and Kerry gave him a look of apology.

"No, I did not. I told Jeff that whoever you decide to be with is your choice and no one should be claiming you. Look, I think what Jeff said was wrong, but I don't know if we can survive you being with both of us."

"Survive? You know what you two, fuck you both! I can fuck or do whatever with whomever I want to, and right now I certainly don't want it with either of you guys. How can men turn into stupid boys so fast? I mean what is the big deal? I'm not asking for a three way, and I'm not going from one of you to the other in some sort of swapping thing. I figured maybe we could be adult enough to let me get what I needed or frankly decide not to get it and just have some protection from the millions of other idiots out there with dicks."

"Lizzie, look, hang on. I know you're pissed, and you have every right to be. You're right, you're not meat or something to be claimed. You have protection for however long you need it." Kerry was even in his words dialing her anger down somewhat.

"Kerry's right, we're both overreacting. It's just a little different, and something we have to deal with. We've dealt with weirder stuff. You definitely should stay, and we will protect you. Whoever you do or do not decide to...mess with is your choice." Jeff chimed in.
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"Okay, I'll stay, but I don't think I want either of you anymore. The last thing I want is to come between the two of you. Besides, neither of you is imprinted with me, so this is only a temporary fix until I find my mate. Let's just can the judgment bullshit, because if that keeps going I'm out of here. I will not be judged by men that have been with way more people than I have...I mean fuck you guys have been with everything from demons to angels to God knows what. Oz talks to me you know, and he's not shy about what man whores you guys have been in the past. Suddenly I wish I had used protection with you both."

"Um...too much Lizzie...too much." Jeff spoke as Kerry stood there eyes wide.

" sandwiches?" Kerry tried to divert the conversation.


The air settled as the day went on, with very little temptation. It seemed Jeff's efforts earlier had subdued her heat greatly. She breathed easily as they sat watching Netflix together in the large living room. It was actually nice to laugh and enjoy time with the two guys.

The next day, she awoke and before even going down for breakfast she used her vibrator to avoid any unnecessary issues.

"Good morning, we were thinking pancakes, how does that sound?" Kerry's cheerful voice greeted her. He was happy that the intense burst of scent from earlier near her door had left her and now she was just incredibly sexy, but not quite irresistible.

"Sounds good, I'm starving this morning."

"I bet you are." Jeff snorted.

"Shut up. You wish it was because of you." Lizzie dished it right back to him causing Kerry to chuckle.

"Did you sleep okay?" Jeff asked smiling at her with his familiar caring. He might be an ass sometimes, but it was because of how deeply he felt things. Kerry was able to empathize, but Jeff had a depth to his feelings that he had no idea how to verbalize. The two were perfectly matched as partners and she cared for each for his own personal way of being.
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Dark Division - The Capsa - Ch. 08

Her release from the morning meant she felt free to dress how she wanted opting for jeans and a tank top to work on her motion at the library table after a quick shower. It was nice to be back in the bunker, with the quiet that seemed to be there. The partners were involved in research of their own and all 3 found themselves at the table where Jeff had taken her the day before.

It was late afternoon by the time Lizzie felt the heat start to creep back up in her. At first, it was just enough to break her concentration, so she stopped and started to listen to the guys. She figured since yesterday the two were turned off of her and she could count on them not succumbing to her rising scent.

"I really think that's what this is Jeff...I mean we've dealt with werewolves before." Kerry was so sexy when he stood up to his partner like that. She loved it when his brow furrowed.

"It sounds more like a shape shifter to me; I mean it doesn't just come out during the full moon."

"Maybe it's a pureblood."

"No, because at least two people said it was a regular sized dog."

"Hang on, it could be a hybrid right? I mean they could mate, couldn't they?" Lizzie spoke up standing and walking over to Jeff's side to look into the book he had opened on the table.

"You might be onto to something Lizzie. I mean Jeff if it was hybrid then it might be shapeshifting from its werewolf form to other animals. It would explain the weird marks and such on everyone."

"Whoa, Lizzie, you smell, I mean, I...Kerry we can pick this up later, I need to go wash Stella." Jeff jumped out of his seat and walked out of the room, the bulge in his pants giving Lizzie the obvious reason.

"Lizzie, you probably should avoid tank tops like that if we are going to be around each other a lot." Kerry's eyes stared down the neck of her shirt as she leaned over the book still from where Jeff left the room.

"Shit, I thought you guys were done with me and that me cumming before I left my room this morning would be enough. Are you going to run off now, too?"

"I should, but honestly I'm a little embarrassed to get up from the table. He's right though your scent is incredible right now, and the thought of you in your room this definitely not helping." Kerry sighed as his hand fell to his lap, taking a single rub over his crotch to ease his growing erection.

"No worries, Kerry, I'll go to my room for a while." Lizzie stood up, walked over grabbing her laptop and left the room heading down the hallway. In another few moments she was lying on her bed, trying to calm her mind. She was trying to avoid using her vibrator and trying to think of anything not sexy.

A few minutes of that was all she could do before she pulled the purple wand from the drawer next to her pillow. She pulled her pants down to mid-thigh and her panties after them. Her hand held the vibrator in place as she slowly ground her hips into the bed, burying her face in the pillow. The heat was proving to be incredibly strong this year.

Her rhythm soon became steady and she was starting to climb towards her release. The sound of her door opening caused her to stop her efforts instantly turning towards it. There was Jeff flushed in the face breathing heavy. He had on cutoff Jean shorts and a blue t-shirt. His shorts held back his erection, but were strained to do so.

"I was on the way to wash Stella, but your smell...and now...fuck."

"Well either leave or close the door and come help ya dolt." She was frustrated and channeling Oz suddenly. All she needed was to get off and this was preventing it. Plus, she was certainly not putting on a show for Jeff's spank bank.

Jeff turned in the doorway, and Lizzie was almost positive he was going to leave. He hesitated and then did the exact opposite closing the door and throwing the lock on it before turning and walking towards the bed. He undid his button as he came nearer and paused behind her as he dropped his shorts and boxers to the floor stepping out of them.

Lizzie froze, waiting for him to make the next move, her vibrator still held to her clit made the wait almost intolerable. His hands found her calves, making their way up her legs until he hit the exposed flesh of the back of her thighs, which he grabbed in both hands.

She felt his tongue lick along her from clit to asshole, making her groan. Jeff continued his movements until his breath was on the back of her exposed neck hovering over her mark. It was incredibly sensitive almost like a second clit, and his breath there had her moaning.

"Don't stop what you were doing." His words came out in a husky voice. His cock pressed into her ass as he spoke letting the weight of his body move over her causing her to lie back onto her stomach. She felt his hand on her ass, as he parted her thighs. The head of his cock followed to prod at her entrance. She paused long enough in her motions on the vibrator for Jeff to push himself inside until his hips were flush with her ass cheeks.
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A low groan escaped them both in unison. Her body lit up at the feeling of him inside of her again. She moaned as her hips shifted her clit along the vibrator once more. Jeff moaned in response as she felt her body clench on him. His tongue caressed her mark as they moved together causing her to moan even louder.

"Don't...oh God." Her words escaped with a moan following as she felt her orgasm building.

"Don't what baby?" Jeff's arm snaked around and under her taking the vibrator from her hand. He held it firm against her clit as her arm shot out to grab onto the sheets. Both hands now fisted in those sheets and as Jeff started to use the vibrator and his own cock to hold her body in place.

"Don't bite it...oh fuck Jeff, I'm gonna cum...oh fuck...OH FUCKKKKK!" She screamed out as her pussy exploded from the inside and out. Jeff stilled letting her throb around him.

"I won't unless you ask me to." With those words he opened his mouth placing lips over the edges of her mark and letting his tongue play on it.

"Oh God, that feels so good. Fuck me harder please. Oh please Jeff." She groaned at him in desperation. His mouth and his body making her want so much more.

Jeff released the vibrator, leaving it on the bed where she could still rub her clit against it. His hands found hers interlacing into her fingers as he positioned himself to be right on top of her. With one hard thrust he sent her over her next plateau causing her to now grunt his name into the pillow.

"Oh God, you're so fucking sexy when you cum." Jeff half mused to himself as he started to thrust into her with full force. Her body moved each time raking her sensitive clit over her vibrator.

"Yes, Jeff...Yes."

"Cum again for me baby...I wanna hear you scream my name." His words in that husky voice undid her.

"OH JEFFFFFFF!" She screamed out lifting back from the pillow and thrusting herself onto him. He pushed back shoving her into the pillow again as he came inside of her. Noises came from him each time he spasmed as he continued to breathe on her mark.

They lay there together until his erection receded and he pulled himself out of her. His hand gingerly went around her hips to turn the vibrator off before pulling her onto her back and leaning over to kiss her.

"So, does this mean we're good?" She asked him basking in his glow as they lay there together.

"Hell yeah baby...hell yeah!" Jeff's breathing had still not recovered.

"Wow Jeff, that was a new one for me. And, since when do you wear shorts?" Lizzie mused to herself

"I...uh...I wash the car in them. You don't think it's sexy?" Lizzie started to laugh and Jeff joined in. It was nice to be friends in that awkward moment. Jeff lying sprawled with his arm under her back - he still had his t-shirt on but nothing from the waist down. Lizzie, of course, had her tank top on, but her pants and panties were pulled down to her knees. They made quite the picture laying there laughing together.

"You were right about this sex thing, fuck! I'm not sure you should have opened Pandora's box though."

"I'm always right, and I for one am thrilled that I opened that box."

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They were dressed in the next few minutes, although Jeff still looked ridiculous in his shorts. He was so doting as they stood there insisting on kissing her every few minutes - with soft short pecks that made him adorable.

"So, your mark is crazy sensitive huh?" Jeff questioned her.

"Yeah, always has been, but you know I wear my hair down or frankly most people think it's a birth mark or tattoo. Why does it feel weird to you?" She was suddenly self-conscious about the butterfly shaped purple marking on the back of her neck.

"Baby, if your feet made you moan like that I would spend all night licking them. I think it's sexy as hell. I don't think I got to play with it the last time you were here, so I didn't know. I just you know didn't mean to freak you out or anything by messing with it." Jeff was adorable the way his eyebrows rose in concern for her.

"You know, you're hot when you care. It didn't freak me out; I just don't want you to bite it if you aren't supposed to be my mate. I'm not sure what could happen. Whatever you were doing to it was...well...more than fine." She sighed rubbing a hand over her mark, swearing she could still feel the tease of Jeff's breath on it.

"We could ask Oz to look into it more; you should probably know all the lore behind yourself if you have to keep dealing with this."

"If you think he wouldn't mind that would be awesome, I'll keep looking through your books here and seeing if I can find stuff and there is some lore there. Something said that my true mate would have been reborn, and there was a footnote that said reborn was meant to signify being returned to earth from the depths of hell. I think that means it might be a demon though, or some other creature whose soul has been to hell and back, which sort of freaked me out and I stopped looking. It's kind of specific though, anyways, maybe I will talk to Oz about it. For now though, I am going back to the library to work and hopefully not distract Kerry too much."

"Returned from the depths of hell? You know it could be a human too. I mean Kerry and I have both done tours in hell and come back, so it could be someone awesome like us." Jeff smiled, trying to reassure her, but in the back of his mind wondering how he should take that piece of knowledge. "Well, I'm off to wash Stella and try not to think about that juicy ass of yours for a little bit." He kissed her once more trailing a hand over her butt to emphasize his words.


Lizzie returned to the library and started working once more. Kerry was still diligently going through books as she sat there.

"Ah, much better Lizzie thanks." Kerry's words of relief came out as he sat two seats away from her.

"Thank Jeff, he was quite helpful." Lizzie smiled, not realizing her words once again.

"Oh, I suppose that means he's not being an idiot anymore. Does it also mean you've made your choice?"

"Kerry, give it up, I'm not going to choose anything. I'm just going to attempt to last out my month with you two and see how that ends up. I told you before; I am not doing anything serious or exclusive until I find my mate. You guys would both do well to learn to live with that." And she put in her headphones starting back up with her work.
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