Those 6 days at Goa
(10-04-2020, 07:03 PM)fasterboy Wrote: it's great to read u again. this story great. I found very similar to last completed one. Same kid's pov which gave me same sadistic feeling instead of to feel eroticism  like lastone and felt fear to read forward. Same husband works very long hours. Wife's feels neglects. Boys always witness his mother's adulterous action but never confront his mother nor tell to his father. Father till the last stays as clueless. Like previous one boy's mother never get seduced instead she was attracted to her lover from day one when they met.

I were hoping to find some drama tensions between husband-wife regarding wife's affair but again hubby loose his chance while his wife already fucking old fart in his hotel room.

They will keep their fling in delhi too but husband always clueless.

You declaimed in staring based on true events. Is there some crime involved due to love triangle and reported to security officer ? Just curious.

That's why it's a story, right. I like to write the way I feel that is right. And thanks for reading it. And no, there is no crime in this story. Tell me, what's your idea. How I should proceed further. Tell husband ? Whatever you or anyone can suggest.
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(10-04-2020, 07:05 PM)fasterboy Wrote: Another thing I found you are writing update very frequently than previously. I hope you will keep this pattern till the end and will not hang us very long to read climax.

Again kudos to your skill.

Thanks to lock down. Lol.
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(10-04-2020, 07:14 PM)Man4u90036 Wrote: Exactly... Same plot... Boy knows about his mom's every escapade but still keeps silent getting frustrated himself but don't express.... She gave all the info in the first meet itself that she disappoint with husband.... And family. What else one needed..
May be if it ends whatever happening in goa there itself in 6 days like the title.. It would be interesting... With some twists and really like a real life happening..

But drubyu put lot of effort in completing his previous long story.. Where many others stop it in middle, which is very disappointing..
Thanks drubyu.. For writing again..

Thanks for the comment. Should the protagonist, inform his dad?  He is a character. He can do that.
[+] 2 users Like Drubyu's post
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(10-04-2020, 08:41 PM)Drubyu Wrote: Thanks to lock down. Lol.

When do we expect the next update ?
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(10-04-2020, 08:16 PM)[email protected] Wrote: Can you provide link of the other similar story?

(Mom's affair with her colleagues) current author's great completed quality work
[+] 1 user Likes fasterboy's post
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(10-04-2020, 08:39 PM)Drubyu Wrote: That's why it's a story, right. I like to write the way I feel that is right. And thanks for reading it. And no, there is no crime in this story. Tell me, what's your idea. How I should proceed further. Tell husband ? Whatever you or anyone can suggest.

Yes I could wish to tell you that I want boy tell his father and he starts to closely watch his wife instead of just go to confront her without having any proof except some info from preteen boy.

No, just write as your will and just like you had plotted while starting this thread. I hope you never influenced by reader like us.

Yes, This is story, I know in coming next update boy will see his mother getting fucked and old man's pence is going in-out like piston in from his mother's vagina. sex clps
[+] 1 user Likes fasterboy's post
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super update - getting tensed to see what happens next
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(10-04-2020, 08:45 PM)Drubyu Wrote: Thanks for the comment. Should the protagonist, inform his dad?  He is a character. He can do that.

Thanks for the reply dude.. 

I just meant, when the e boy could understand the difference evsn in the type of touch between his mom and pratap... Why to just keep him as a watcher... Give that character significant part..

You mentioned in the starting its a real event... So you should write whatever is happened... Nothing we can change if it happened really.. 

Waiting for the next updates... May be we can discuss it after that.. As this is just beginning
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(10-04-2020, 08:45 PM)Drubyu Wrote: Thanks for the comment. Should the protagonist, inform his dad?  He is a character. He can do that.

Definitely mother will discover someday ( may be on 5th day) about her son. I look forward to enjoy mother's reactions.
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(10-04-2020, 08:45 PM)Drubyu Wrote: Thanks for the comment. Should the protagonist, inform his dad?  He is a character. He can do that.

I read the story today and amazed by your style. I think the boy should inform his father about his mother affair.
[+] 1 user Likes Kumarsr096's post
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I exited the room and went to the door of Nidhi’s room.I turned the doorknob and tried to open it but it was locked.Then I moved to the door of Pratap’s room and pushed the door a jar. I peeped into it and found my mom there.

What the hell was going on- I thought. They were standing in the middle of the room, near the edge of the bed.They were standing in such a way that their sides were facing the door.Mom was standing near the edge of the bed and Pratap was in front of her.Pratap’s hands were on the back of mom and her hands were also locked behind his back.Pratap’s thin and dark lips were mashed with my mom’s soft lips and he was kissing her passionately.Mom’s eyes were closed.

My heart was racing.I felt numb seeing them.I closed the door carefully.My feet shaked so I sat on my knees.It was an ominous scene.What should I do? I thought for a while. Maybe I was hallucinating , I thought. To confirm it was not the case, I gathered courage and again pushed the door while sitting on my knees on the floor.I gently pushed it a little so that I could peep in the room from the crack.It confirmed I was not daydreaming.They indeed were there,hugging each other and busy in smooching.

They continued to kiss like that for a few minutes.Then Pratap stopped and moved his face a few inches away from mom’s face.He caught mom’s face in both of his hands and gently rubbed her lips with his thumbs.

“You're beautiful…” Pratap said in a soft voice.

Mom opened her eyes and stared into Pratap's eyes for a while but she didn’t speak anything for a few seconds. 

“Let me go.”  She said in a soft voice.

“No...never..” Pratap shook his head and replied.

“Pratap...please..try to understand. I’m married..” Mom said. 

“I’m not denying it.” Pratap moved his right hand from her back to her forehead and moved the strand of her hair to behind her ear and said.He then put his hand on her waist.

“Then…?”  Mom said in a sweet voice.

I noticed even though she was asking him to let her go, she still was hugging him. Strangely, I felt betrayed by her. 

“Do you think your husband loves you?” Pratap asked mom.

“Yes..” Mom replied almost immediately.

“ Really…?.. Do you feel his love? You came here all the way from Delhi to spend some time with him and look at him. He even didn’t bother to take a few days' leaves for you guys. I’m sorry but I don't think he loves you or your son. He is not in the army or something like that. He can get some days off from work and  spare time for you, only if he wishes to. I even suspect he is having an affair with someone. Wake up from your sleep Shweta, he is ignoring you guys.” Pratap uncle spoke.

Mom didn’t reply.She kept looking at him without uttering a word.

“Since when he is in Goa?” Pratap again asked in a soft and sympathetic voice.

“Three months.” Mom replied.

“And how many times has he visited you in Delhi since then?” Pratap asked.

Mom kept silence.

“None, if I’m not wrong. Look sweetheart, Delhi is 2.5 hours away from Goa by air. He could have visited you, only if he wanted to.” Pratap again spoke.

Mom was silent again..

“Do you think, he can remain without sex for three months? I don't think any man can. But I’m sure you didn’t do anything in his absence. Darling, you are faithful to him but he is not faithful to you.” Pratap spoke.

Mom didn’t have to say anything this time also.They just remained like that for a few moments.Then Pratap held both of mom’s hands in his hands and hissed,

“I love you, Shweta.” 

“No, you can’t.How long do you know me? Three days? What do you know about me?”  Mom asked him.

Pratap smiled at her and spoke,

“I can. How long do I know you? More than thirty years, my love. Wait...” 

Pratap then took his mobile out from his pants’ pocket and did something in it.

“Here..See it..” Pratap gave the mobile to my mom.
Obviously, I could not see what he was showing to her.

“She’s Aparna. My wife. Love of my life. Look how similar she looks to you. Same eyes..same color of hair...same shape of face...same nose...I fell in love with you the moment I saw you.” Pratap uncle caught her upper arms and said.His voice quivered a little. His eyes welled up.

“Hey...It’s alright….” Mom threw the phone on the bed and she wiped his tears with her thumbs.

“Yeah. I’m ok. If you want to go, go.”  Pratap said in a sad voice.

Mom stared him for a moment.Then she moved and put her lips on Pratap’s lips and started kissing him.She wrapped her hands around his neck. Pratap also embraced her and started caressing her back.Pratap too started kissing her back.Their lips wiggled and their head moved.

Pratap’s hands were roaming all over mom’s back.He then slid his hand on her side and put it gently on her breast while their lips were still locked.

“Umph…..” Mom moaned in Pratap’s mouth when he pressed her breast a little.

Pratap’s other hand travelled down on mom’s back and it rested on her bum.He just kept it on her bum.He felt her bum with his hand.Pratap then started kissing  and licking  her cheeks and forehead. Mom’s face glistened due to Pratap’s saliva smeared on her face.Pratap then moved to her neck and started kissing on her neck. He took mom’s earlobe between his teeth and gently bit it while moving his hand on her bums. His other hand was still on her breast. He was gently pressing her breast.

He then bent a little from his waist and kissed on her breast over her T shirt while pressing another breast with his hand. He then stood straight again and caught her hand and gently put it on his crotch,

“Look...What you have done to it.” 

Pratap put his hands on her waist and quickly kissed her lips.Then he caught her T shirt with his hands and started pulling it upward.Mom stretched her hands above her head and Pratap effortlessly took her T shirt off and threw it on the floor.She was wearing black colored padded bra. He then reached behind her back and unclasped her bra.Then he gently slid its straps from her shoulders. So her bra fell down on the floor near her feet.

“Marvellous…” He looked at mom’s naked breasts and exclaimed.

He then brushed her nipple with the back of his finger and said,

“I’ve never seen such perfect boobs in my life...Amazing….So soft and yet so stout…” Pratap said, putting his palm under one of her breasts and gently pushing it upward.

He put both of his hands on her breasts and mauled them for a few moments.Then he removed his T shirt. He had a lot of hair on his chest.He had big black colored areolas in stark contrast to mom's brown nipples. She had small brown colored areola in the middle of her boobs.

He unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down his legs and kicked it on the floor with his foot.He stood there only in his boxers.Then he unbuttoned and unzipped mom’s jeans and pushed it down but he was able to push it a little only.

“It doesn’t go like that.It’s skinny..” Mom giggled and said mockinly.

She then sat on the bed and rolled her jeans out of her legs. She was wearing black colored panties.Looking at her, Pratap swiftly removed his boxers and his cock came to the view.It was thick and long.It was very hard and stood perpendicular to his body proudly.

He put his hand on mom’s shoulder and pushed her back so she lay on the bed on her back.Her legs were still hanging out of the bed.Pratap caught her knees and made her feet placed on the bed.He then stroked his hard on with his right hand and climbed on the bed between mom’s legs.

Pratap caught the waistband of her panties and slowly slid it off and removed it from her feet.He snuffed it briefly and then threw it on the floor.He then moved forward and leaned on her with both of his hands on her breasts.He pinched her nipples with his thumb and fingers.Mom caught the bedsheet with her hands and moaned.

He then lay on her properly.Mom’s breasts were squashed by Pratap’s naked chest.He started kissing her lips.Then he caught his dick with his right hand and gently aligned its head on her pussy.He stopped kissing her and looked at her face while he gently pushed his cock’s head in her.

Mom gasped after a moment and wrapped her hands on Pratap’s back.Pratap stopped for a second and then put his hands around her head and sealed her open mouth with his lips while he slowly inserted his length into her.

“Ummmmm…..”Mom groaned in his mouth.

“Aaahhh...You’re so wet and tight, Sweety. I’m fully inside you” Pratap spoke as if he was in a trance.

He then slowly removed his dick from her and again inserted it back inside her.Pratap kissed her lips and fondled her breasts while rythmically fucking her.

“Aahh...Aaahhh….Aaaahh…” She would moan whenever Pratap would thrust his dick into her.

Pratap kept fucking her like that for some time. He was breathing heavily and his forehead was shining due to sweat.Pratap paused fucking mom for a moment while his dick was still buried in her. He then removed his cock from her pussy completely and it came out with a ‘plop’ sound.

He sat on his knees on the bed between her legs ,stroking his dick with his hand.He caught his breath and then again pushed his cock in her.Pratap caught mom’s nude waist with his hands and again started fucking her.

But it was different this time.He was fucking her more speedily.He would shove his dick till his thighs collided her ass and it created a -Thupp sound. His thrusts were more forceful this time.Mom had caught bedsheet in both of her hands and she was moving her head on the bed with her eyes closed.She was biting her lower lip and moaning without opening her mouth like,


Pratap’s eyes were also closed.He had caught her waist and fucking her furiously.

“Ohhh...Swweeettyyyy…….” Pratap was moaning.

Pratap kept her fucking like that for few minutes.Then he stopped moving with his dick buried to the hilt inside her.

“Ooooooooohhhhhhh…………” He shouted in a loud voice with his waist jerking.

Then he collapsed on my mom as if he was dead and I too collapsed on the floor.My knees were hurting.I was so much mesmerised looking at them, I had forgotten who they were.Then reality dawned upon me and I felt a huge amount of guilt in my mind. I instantly regretted my decision to peep on them. I for the first time in my life saw my mom naked.Not only naked but actually saw her being fucked by some stranger. It was so shameful.I felt as if I was the meanest person of the world. 

I felt tears running down my cheeks.I stood up somehow. My knees hurt a lot but I made it into our room.I threw myself on the bed and buried my face in the soft mattress of the bed.Then I heard the vibrating sound of my mom’s phone on the bed. I stretched my hand and took it. It was someone’s message.

It showed five missed calls from dad.I knew her pattern as I used to play games on her mobile.So I unlocked it.I opened the whatsapp.There was a lot of unread messages but Pratap’s name caught my attention.I opened their chat and scrolled the messages.They were like,

P- Only thanks?
M- Then?
P- Don’t you think I’m entitled to more than Thanks?
M- Ummm….Like..
P- How about a quick peck?
M- Are you crazy. From where do you get these ideas?
P- What’s the wrong in it. I’m not asking anything beside it. Just a really quick , harmless peck.

It’s time that we were in the mall.I then remembered they chatted while we were waiting for the food.I then further scrolled the messages.They were like,

P- So sorry, Shweta. Got carried away.I’m so sorry. I’m a fool.
M- Yes. you’re right. You’re a fool.
P-What are you doing now?
M- Nothing.Just sitting on the bed.Chatting with you.
P- Ohh.What’s your son doing?
M- He’s reading that book.
P- Ok.Come to my room. I need to show you something.
M- And what is that?
P- Some videos about interesting places in Goa.
M-Fine.Send me it here.
P- No.It is fun only when we see it together. Please come na..
M- Is it interesting?
P- I think so. Come na.
M- Where’s your son and family?
P- They’ve gone somewhere.Your son still reading book?
M- No.Sleeping .Lol
P-Then , what’s the problem. We are going to leave tomorrow anyways. 
M- Ok..Ok...I’m coming.
[+] 8 users Like Drubyu's post
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Wonderful update. keep going
Experienced Bull.Techie by Profession and Bull by Passion.BDSM is my Obsession.Enjoying being a DOM
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Super hot - great update
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Thanks for update and as usual amazing writing skills., though I feel the story is rushed here, lack of seduction and not much background on how she is seduced on beach while they were together alone, as I think that's the only time they were alone with out son in between, next thing we know he is kissing her in restroom and shocking is next thing we know he fucked her, wow just wow,if only in real life its that easy to seduce. Anyways thanks for update and giving us something to read in these quarantine days.
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just an amazing update....thanks for showing some background about how things initiated b/w hot & seductive......
let see how things from now on......what boy going to do.....& what SHWETA will b going to do after they left GOA.....
extra marital affair is so erotic to read with a class of your kind of writer....just wow
keep going
keep writing
[+] 1 user Likes doonknightz's post
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Nice update.
Hope the affair continues in delhi also
[+] 2 users Like Penetration's post
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Drubyu. Foundation laid successfully... Military eyes helped him... Now its time to build up a great one... Maximum you may be planning that pratap would stay there in goa giving some excuse and continue this ramp... 

Waiting how you ise those son and hubby 

Waiting.. Update soon..
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Thok diye hai ekdum ?
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Fucking session not justified ....No doubt You have very amazing writing skill ... Keep it in your own way   yourock
It will be intresting to know how she handle her awaked son and various missed call of husband
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Thank you for update..add more characters like pratap Friend etc..add more seduction..
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