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chachaji milked mom(collected from net)
I turned to Chacha-ji.

Me: Chaaaaaaaaachaaaaaaaaaaa-ji… am selected!

I ran down to him and held his hand to express my gratitude to him – without his recommendation it wouldn’t have been possible!

We both expressed our thanks and gratitude again towards Mr. Raman and also to Sharma-ji and Nitin. They both wished us luck for the job. My uncomfortable and somewhat elated state was gradually disappearing and I could sense that my nervousness was also by then completely gone and I was really thrilled that I could grab this opportunity which in turn would provide me surety of money for my family - Ram and Harpal.

Just then tea and snacks was served by the hotel boy and that was certainly a very welcome thing for me. After tea, Sharma-ji and Nitin bade us good-bye as they went to another shooting area leaving Chacha-ji, Mr. Raman, Naren and myself in the hotel.

I found it rather odd to look directly at Naren; I was feeling overwhelmingly embarrassed as I knew I was intimate with him just moments ago to the point that my boobs pressed on his chest and he felt my round plump ass directly with his hands in the pretext of the acting sequence. Naren on the other hand was giving me constant stealthy secret glances and I could not stop blushing as I was honestly impressed by his looks and physique!

Mr. Raman: Before briefing you two about the project… one thing I would like to know from you Bina… it is especially a problem with the female actresses…

I looked questionably at the director.

Mr. Raman: Well… I have seen many novice actresses like you… prefer to act with known faces… i.e. persons they know… rather than acting with complete strangers and outsiders.

Me: Err... yes absolutely Sir. Err… I mean… it is much easier to adjust and act with known persons Sir and to express oneself before the camera rather than unknown people.

Mr. Raman: Hmm…

Me: Actually Sir… it is much, much easier to act out new relations with known faces, rather new people.
Mr. Raman: So Bina… you agree that you can deliver better if known people are in the team.

Me: Absolutely Sir!

Chacha-ji: Is that possible Raman? I mean… you must have specifications for all roles…like you have for Bina and Naren…

Mr. Raman: Yes… as per the story of this project… Oops! I forgot to tell you people the name of this video… its “Amavyas Ki Raat”.

Naren: Oh! Very mysterious name… is it a horror story Sir?

Me: Oh! Err… I mean Sir… something happens on the raat of Amavyas and that is the story?

Both Naren and myself were extremely curious and excited which was but natural too as we were chosen as the hero and heroine of this video!

Mr. Raman: Hold on… hold on Naren, Bina! Yes, of course… a lot of things happen on the ‘Amavyas ki raat’ and as the heroine of the film… things happen around you only Bina! The whole story revolves around you Bina… you are the centerfold!

Me: Oh! Wow! Thank you Sir! Thank you!

For the first time I felt true importance! Naren and Chacha-ji were looking at me with appreciation. But I was too innocent in this line not knowing what the director meant by mentioning the word ‘centerfold’; which actually meant a picture of a model in nude condition on the center fold of a magazine! To my utter ignorance he probably had vivid plans to strip me naked in this video!

Mr. Raman (talking to me): Well… I shall come to the story later, but firstly I think I can fulfill your suggestion.

Me: Means you can cast my known people in this video??!? I can’t believe it Sir!

Mr. Raman: Yes Bina! The story gives me that space and the other people who are not in lead roles can also be fitted without an audition.

Chacha-ji: Oh! That would solve a lot of problem I guess!

Mr. Raman: Yes Mukund. (turning to Naren) Naren, the first day you came to me and a girl was accompanying you…

Naren: Yes Sir… she is my sister, Ritu. She is also very keen about acting… but she is yet to complete schooling….

Mr. Raman: Does not matter! I can provide her a role in this video… though very small…

Naren: Chalega Sir, chalega… you are so kind! Thank you Sir!

Mr. Raman: Even in that small role she can make her presence felt! And you were saying she stays in hostel… so no need to inform your parents also.

Naren: Oh! Thank you Sir! She will go mad when she will hear it!

Mr. Raman: So see… three roles are finalized… you, your sister and Bina.

Naren: Ji.

Mr. Raman: Well Bina… do you think you will be comfortable if my friend gets a role in this project?

Me: W—h—a---t? What Sir?

I was really not at all expecting this and almost shouted!

Mr. Raman: Look Bina… I just want to ensure an environment where my lead actress gives her best… See… firstly you are a housewife… secondly you are about 30… you are no longer a 22-23 year old girl that you would flirt about with any male and mix easily. So I have to plan likewise naa…

Me: Ohhh! Sir! I am so thankful to you! This would be a very special comfort for me during the shooting. Thank you again Sir for taking Chacha-ji in this project.

Chacha-ji: And since I am not a professional, I will charge less also from Raman… Ha ha ha ha….

Mr. Raman (smiling): Yes, I can’t deny that fact too!

We all were smiling and I was especially happy to note that Chacha-ji would be present with me in this job and Naren was also glad that his sister got a role too.

Mr. Raman: Well Bina… I have one more surprise for you.

Me: Oh! What Sir?

Mr. Raman: Well… though this video is meant for adult audience… but the story gives me opportunity to cast teenagers and hence I am giving a chance to Naren’s sister who is a schoolgirl…. And I have decided to cast your son Ram also in this video!

That was a real big amazement for me!

Me: W-h-a-t? Ram?

Mr. Raman: See Bina… as per the story I had to cast some unknown teenager boy…and I had to pay him…. but when your son is there who qualifies my criteria…. and Mukund said he is very smart and tidy, I decided to go with him only! I will add his payment to yours! This ensures your comfort level to the highest point… acting with your son… am I right?

Me: Oh! Absolutely Sir… I am so, so delighted… I cannot thank you enough!

Though I was happy but I immediately got alerted about Ram’s studies and school and was about to put forward that point when the director cleared my doubts on that.

Mr. Raman: I shall schedule your son’s shooting only on Saturdays and Sundays so that his school and studies are not hampered.

Me (smiling): So kind of you Sir! I was about to tell you that only. Then there is no problem from my side.

Mr. Raman: That’s great to know! Well Bina… apart from you and Naren, I have space for 6 characters in the story out of which we have finalized Naren’s sister, your Chacha-ji and your son.

Naren: Then Sir… three more characters need to be filled.

Mr. Raman: Exactly Naren. Out of the three… Sharma will be relatively free during shooting because once he gets the costumes for you people, he is only assisting me, so he can do a small role and another role can be done by Sharma’s younger brother who actually runs a garment shop from where we take costumes.

Naren: Oh! That will be great Sir! It’s like all within family.

Mr. Raman: Right you are Naren. (turning to me) Bina… I hope you were comfortable with Sharma?

Me: Ji Sir. He is very soft spoken and helpful.

Mr. Raman: Good… and since his bother resembles much like him, except that he is younger by some years it should not be a problem for you. Moreover, they will be providing your full costume set for every scene… so if he is acting with you… you can be more comfortable telling him if you have any problems with any dress, etc.

Me: Ji Sir… it will be very good.

Mr. Raman: I have seen heroines have a lot of problem with size and dress fitting. Since he runs a shop he can get you different sizes etc. His name is Surinder. And Sharma as it is will be always there to guide you.

Me: Okay Sir…. once again thank you Sir for thinking about me so much.

Mr. Raman: You are my heroine… I have to think of you man! Anyway, now for the last role that’s left in my kitty …

Mr. Raman could not complete his words when a stranger knocked and entered the room along with a lady.

Mr. Raman: Ah! Dr. Despande… please come!

As the director stood up, we all had to stand up and greet the new man. He was in his 50s, looked pretty elderly with grayish white hair and having a potbelly, most unimpressive looking. The lady behind him was dark complexioned and petite though looked plump and fleshy. She was wearing a three piece costume which included a white shirt, a long skirt, and a matching red jacket with gold trim to sleeves. I wondered how she could wear that jacket in the summer! But readily realized as she came forward to the director to hand over a file that the shirt she was wearing was thin and tight enough to reveal her white bra amply; so probably to look decent in public she was wearing a jacket over her shirt.

Mr. Raman: Gloria, is this the time to come?
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Gloria: Sorry Sir... Jacob’s (husband) motorbike had some problems midway and so I got late.

So saying she hurried to the director and gave a cheek kissing to greet him! I was rather taken aback as I was not habituated seeing men and women do that in public, in front of everybody, but quickly remembered that this was a common practice in the film line to greet, Chacha-ji had told me.

As she talked I could clearly sense an accent difference from ours. She was not from North India which actually her brunette-type complexion (dark) also underlined; she was probably from Goa/south as I could make out a “cross” hanging over her shirt inside her jacket.

Dr. Despande: I gave her lift Raman... your secretary was standing in the sun.

Mr. Raman: Oh! Thanks Doctor Sahab.

Gloria: You told me to arrive early Sir, but today only Jacob’s bike… Sorry again Sir!

So saying she quickly opened her red jacket. I was virtually shocked to notice that the shirt she was wearing was a sheer one and anyone could clearly see the white bra she was wearing inside her thin white top! Her breasts were medium sized but she indeed looked eye-catching in that revealing outfit. I noted that Chacha-ji was also gaping at the free show this woman was providing.

Mr. Raman: But Gloria… late to phir bhi thik hai… par did I not give you a dress code to wear when at work?

Gloria: Yes Sir… I am wearing the top and the jacket that you told me to wear… but Sir…

Mr. Raman (visibly irritated): What ‘but Sir’?

Gloria: Sir… I mean I wore the skirt too… but the problem is I come to workplace by sitting on my husband’s bike Sir…

Mr. Raman (again visibly irritated): So what? You come by bike, rickshaw, taxi, whatever! That’s none of my business!

Gloria: No Sir… I am not telling that… you did not get my point!

Mr. Raman (frowning): What point?

Gloria: Sir the trouble is when I wear a miniskirt and sit on the motorbike seat behind my husband… my legs… I mean Sir… the skirt is hiking up too much and I mean… anyone on road Sir can see right inside my legs Sir… I am feeling very awkward…

So saying she hurriedly pulled out a packet from her vanity bag.

Gloria: So Sir… I wore a different skirt and decided to bring the miniskirt with me in my bag and change it at your place. Err… I think that will do Sir.

Mr. Raman: Okay, okay… point taken … go to the other room and change.

Gloria (smiling sexily): Thank you Sir.

She again came very close to Raman Sir and openly kissed her cheek with a sexy sound! This time the cheek kiss was of longer duration and she embraced him more intimately! She was doing this openly in front of us without any inhibition!

I wondered what sort of a woman was she?!? Every now and then she was kissing a male! How can a married woman do that so voluntarily!

This time Raman Sir also lightly held her waist and return kissed her cheeks, one at a time.

But… but…. but what was he doing!

As Raman Sir kissed back his secretary on her cheeks, I clearly noted that he momentarily shifted his right hand off her waist to her skirt-covered round buttocks and felt the area! I was surprised that the woman did not react at all!

I was naturally feeling a bit irritated at this woman’s shameless behavior, but could sense that my boob flesh got tighter inside my blouse seeing a matured male and female kissing openly in front of my eyes, may it be cheek kiss!

Dr. Despande: Well Raman... has everything been finalized about the video?

Mr. Raman: Yes, yes Dr. Despande. Here’s the hero and the heroine. Bina and Naren… Meet our producer Dr. Despande.

We offered namaste to him. I noted that Dr. Despande was elder than Chacha-ji and looked amusing as his belly protruded in the front awkwardly. He was wearing spectacles with thick glasses too. But I also noted that he quickly roved his eyes all over my sari-clad body. Involuntarily out of natural female shyness I adjusted my pallu tightening it on my chest and my big boobs looked even more prominent and upright through my thin georgette sari. I could clearly sense that the producer was not looking at my face but was rather looking at my coconut-like headlights. I blushed and out of natural shyness breathed a shade heavy thereby unknowingly making my boobs look more provocative to him!

Dr. Despande (coming somewhat close to me): Very nice… very nice choice Raman… oval face… badi badi aankhen…lambe baal… raseele hoth… tall figure… very nice choice as heroine Raman! (then he murmured something which were not clearly audible) badi badi choochiyan… moti gaand… banana-trunk like legs…iss aurat ki choot bhi raseele aur hairy hogi zaroor…Aha!

Me: Ji?

Dr. Despande: Err.. I mean Bina-ji…you look very nice and attractive… Best wishes for getting the role of the heroine!

Me: O! Thank you Sir.

The producer also congratulated Naren for getting the role of the hero.

Dr. Despande: Raman, here’s the money and the keys for the shooting bungalow… (he handed over a packet) Well… have you finalized a role for me in your video? Already I am 50+, suffering from hypertension, high cholesterol… marne se pehle ek chance to de mujhe to act before camera!

We all were smiling at Dr. Despande’s comment.

Mr. Raman: Aap bhi naa doctor sahab…you are the producer… you are investing money … you command what do you want to do?

Dr. Despande: At this age mai zyada kuch nehi kar sakta Raman… you know that very well. I don’t have the age like your hero Naren that I will do romance with a young girl neither am I 41-42 that I will hungrily ride a woman.

Dr. Despande (referring to me): Kiyu Bina-ji… kuch galat bola mai? Already baal safed ho chuke hai… koi aurat mudke bhi nehi dekhta… pressure high hai… chicken-daru chuna mana hai… (lowering his voice slightly and turning to the director) upar se aajkal to khadaa bhi nehi hota…. Ha ha ha… sirf marna hi baaki hai lagta hai… Ha ha ha… (again turning to me) …to us-se pehle ek chance mar loo acting me! What do you say Bina-ji?

We all broke into laughter the way he spoke. The environment of the room became lighter immediately. Unlike the director, Dr. Despande was consciously trying to mix with us easily.

Mr. Raman (turning to me and Naren): As we were discussing just before Dr. Despande’s arrival…the last role was yet to be decided…

Naren: I got it Sir! Despande Sir will do that role.

Mr. Raman: (turning to Dr. Despande) Naren is absolutely right! You will do the role of a doctor in the video.

Dr. Despande: Oh no Raman! Shooting mei bhi patient dekhna padhega!

We all laughed out again.

Dr. Despande: But Raman you said you are making a horror movie… where from a doctor will come into that? Mujhe ullu to nehi bana raha hai? (turning to me) Dekhiye Bina-ji… seeing an old man how he is fooling me!

Me (giggling): No, no Sir… Raman Sir was telling us just before your arrival how he is planning the cast.

Mr. Raman: It’s not the general horror story, it’s different! Very interesting story line and I am including teenagers also in the video!

Dr. Despande: What? That’s sounds incredible! But… But Raman … I mean… you need to keep in mind of censor… teenagers are risky… you know what I mean…eh?

Mr. Raman: Yes, yes Dr. Despande… I have the censor rules in mind! Don’t worry!

Honestly I could not gather why the producer was apprehensive about teenagers. Showing teenagers in a movie was not a crime! And as far as I could know from Chacha-ji in the last couple of days about the film line… censor board objects to violence, pornographic things and verbal abuse on camera. How would a teenager come under scrutiny I wondered!

I naturally got worried about my son Ram. I was so happy that the director included him in the story, but now if due to the producer’s apprehension he loses the role that would be very depressive for me.

Dr. Despande: Well Raman… now that I have handed you over the money. ab mujh jaise buddha adami ko niraash mat karna… (lowering his voice a bit) shooting mei at least koi lady patient dena dekhne ko! Ha ha ha ha….

Saying that he himself laughed out load and so were we. The best thing that happened after the producer’s entry was that the fearful strict personality of Mr. Raman somewhat faded away from my mind and I really was starting to feel normal and at ease. Just then the director’s secretary Gloria returned from the other room.

She was indeed looking ‘hot’ now as I noted all the three males gaping at her including my Chacha-ji! Gloria had changed her long skirt and was now wearing a red miniskirt and the sheer white shirt she was already wearing. She had already taken off the red jacket. Though Gloria was of short height, the miniskirt, which was about 14-15 inches long, looked shorter on her body. I noted that her butts were proportionate to her short stature, but the skirt being tight-fit, her round butt cheeks looked protruding and provoking like a big ripe watermelon under cover! Her brassiere was amply visible under her sheer white shirt and her boobs formed two provocative conical hillocks under it. Though her complexion was dark still her well shaped naked legs looked shinny below her short skirt.

Gloria: Is it okay Sir?

Mr. Raman: Yes, now you look perfect!

Gloria: Thank you Sir.

I looked from the corner of my eyes and noted that Chacha-ji’s jaw as if hung seeing Gloria’s sexy outfit and he was as if licking Gloria’s glossy petite body through his eyes! The doctor was also no exception. The elderly person was also gaping at her exposed legs with “hungry” eyes.

Mr. Ramn: Actually as I told already told you Gloria that I attend frequent meetings with different producers and there I need to have a smart looking secretary. You being a Christian you are very familiar with wearing all sorts of skirts and so you will carry it without hesitation unlike a North Indian girl.

Gloria: Yes sir… miniskirt is not a problem for me which may be a problem for other girls here, but as I told you wearing this when I sit on my husband’s bike I look very odd, moreover Sir… I mean… you will also understand that on a moving bike I cannot always sit with my legs tightly closed… so its… I mean Sir… provoking too! I hope Sir you are not angry with me.

I realized that it was not only me who feared the director! Everybody working under him had a fright about him including his own secretary!

Mr. Raman: Its okay…. I took your point Gloria…

Gloria: Thanks Sir.

Mr. Raman: Well… have you met the crew? Here’s my hero and heroine for “Amavyas ki Raat”.

Gloria: Oh! Glat to meet you both.

So saying she immediately went ahead to Naren with a smiling face and shook hands with him first and introducing her she cheek kissed him, just like the director! As she kissed she bent slightly and I noted her round firm medium-sized butt in her miniskirt called more attention to the onlookers. I could even note her panty-line inside which the other males in the room must have noted too! Naren was naturally not ready for that and fumbled where to hold while return kissing Gloria’s cheek.

Then she turned towards me. Would she kiss me too? In our society as far as I know a woman kissing a woman openly was a taboo! But Gloria broke the taboo and cheek kissed me too holding my waist gently. I did not know why she gave me a slow long cheek kiss unlike what she did to the director and Naren (duration very seemingly was longer in my case). I could smell the perfume she had used and as her soft brown lips brushed on my rosy cheek I could feel her conical boobs gently pressing against my tight bulging mammaries making me almost shiver!

I was already kindled inside me with Chacha-ji hugging me first in front of everybody, then Naren during the audition, and lastly the director while demonstrating. Moreover, during the last part of the audition Naren simply fired me up pressing my ass publicly at the Raman Sir’s instruction. Afterall I was a housewife and just at the ripe of 30 and was never exposed in my life to such overtly touching by males. So not only was I feeling very awkward and embarrassed, but also getting whipped up and roused from inside. Even a woman’s innocent childlike touch was stirring me up!

As Gloria held my waist I noticed her fingers were long and clean and she had glossy nail polish on them and the color was quite a contrast to her dark brunette-like complexion. I hesitatingly return kissed her cheek and fumbled just like Naren as I was not at all familiar to greet people like this!

Dr. Despande: Okay guys, catch you later... I have to make a move now!

After the producer left, Mr. Raman handed over Rs. 2000 to me as advance for the role of heroine in his movie.

Mr. Raman: We will sign the contract tomorrow Bina... and then will discuss the full amount of money that you will get while working in this project. Koi shaque?

Me (with a big smile): Ji nehi Sir!

Mr. Raman: Naren, will discuss payment for you and your sister tomorrow. Now actually I have to go to the shooting location where Sharma and Nitin have already gone. (he turned to Chacha-ji) Mukund, what you do is... you come tomorrow with Bina and his son in the evening here. Same hotel, same hotel room. (now turning to Naren) You also come with Ritu... right?

Chacha-ji: Fine with me.

Naren: Okay Sir... will come with Ritu.

Mr. Raman: Good day everybody! We are meeting tomorrow to discuss “Amavyas Ki Raat” and its shooting schedule.

Naren & Me: Right Sir!
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The whole modeling arc killed this story. That's when the real writer stopped updating the story as he had no idea how to progress further. Too many arbitrary characters, subplots and a stupid decision to turn the story towards porn modeling ruined it. This was the hottest story of it's time.
Are you going to update it? Do you have any wish to continue it? If yes then mail me and I can help you if you want with the story.
[+] 1 user Likes Wtf99's post
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Yar ye story bhot achi thi agar isme ye modeling wala scene na hota . agar ap story shuru karo to wesy karna jesy modeling waly scene say pehly story the . agar continue karo to plz reply kardena best of luck
[+] 2 users Like flash speed 321's post
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no modelling scene kindly and no higher class male please. it will kill the kinkiness.
[+] 3 users Like blackdesk's post
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Someone continue
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