Son helps neighbor to get mom
i am not seeing many replies for my story when compared to other stories on this site. maybe my narration is not good. there is no point in continuing the story if there is no feedback from the readers. i will only update the story if i get some comments and replies from u people...thank u
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Please update dear..
You are writing it very well.. and story is really very hot..
I looking forward for some great fun between gayatri and elengo in the resort.. please continue updating...
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Please udate
[+] 1 user Likes Bam97's post
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Y stopping in btwn bro...pls give big updates ...under lockdown we expect more of ur superb narration
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Bhai story continue rakho reply apko atay rahain gain story ka start hai abi jaisay jaisay story agay barhay gi waisay waisay replies b zaida ayen gain
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hot after hot update
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(07-04-2020, 03:18 PM)kiradn460 Wrote: i am not seeing many replies for my story when compared to other stories on this site. maybe my narration is not good. there is no point in continuing the story if there is no feedback from the readers. i will only update the story if i get some comments and replies from u people...thank u

Nice build up to the story. You are doing good sir. The more you write the more comments will come. The only issue is that the updates are small. So, try to write big updates.
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What a great story, First English story I have started reading, keep up, god bless
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story is going nice from update to update....just continue brother
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after few hrs they arrived at the resort. it was a beautiful place near the beach. they had many small invidual houses for all the customers.
gayu, balaji and elango also got a separate hse like had a small play area and a garden with bonfire..gayu and elango were mesmerized by the beauty of the resort.
then all 3 went to the reception to complete the registration process and get the room key. the manager welcomed them and gave the form
while balaji was filling the form he got an idea...he said elango and gayu to wait near the room. so they walked to the room while looking at all the beautiful decorations
he filled the form and got the house key. once he reached their room balaji said
balaji - guys there was something on the registration form
g - wat was it kanna?
b - says that this resort is only for couples and family
gayu was little surprised..
e - oh no..then wat about people like us?? does this resort not allow frnds??
b - im afraid that this resort does not allow anyone other than family and couples. so i told the manager that we are a family. 
gayu had a confused look on her face..
e - wat do u mean da?
b - i told the manager that u both are husband/wife and i am your son
gayu was taken aback when she heard that..and elango thought he was dreaming
g - kanna why did u do that??(little frustrated) we could have went back home..this is cheating
b - ma i had no other option. the payment is non refundable since i had booked before itself
g - how much did u pay?
b - 12k 
gayu was was so expensive. then elango jumped into the conversation
e - gayu hes right. there is no other way. if we had returned home then 12k would have been a waste
b - thats right ma. its too much money to throw away
gayu didnt say anything for a while..she thought about it
g - hmm fine. we dont have any option. its a lot of money to throw away. but u should have known about the rules before u payed the money.(disappointed face) 
b - im sorry ma :-(
e - gayu dont make the kid sad. he did it for u to have a good time
gayu melted when she heard that. balaji still had a sad face
g - ok kanna..lets forget that. we came to hav a good time :-)(she smiled)
e - thats the spirit guys. lets have a good time today
balaji finally smiled. seeing balaji smile, gayu and elango also smiled
g - thats my son :-)
b - thanks ma :-) im sry for my mistake
g - its ok da kanna
e - i think its time for a group hug
balaji immediately said yes..
b - yes comeonn..its time for group hug :-))
this time gayu did not hesitate because they have already done it before. all 3 hugged..gayu in middle. it was a short hug. then they released and got into the room.
they ordered food and had a good conversation. the food was delicious. they ordered different varieties. they all were enjoying alot. then they came out to the beach
it was a wonderful sight. there were many couples and families. they spent nearly 1 hr on the beach. gayu was really happy with the day off. she was enjoying a lot.
there were many couples romancing on the sand. there was an indian couple who were hugging each other behind the trees. gayu saw them and blushed. slowly it was getting dark. 
balaji wanted to take some pics before it got dark. so he called gayu and elango near the waves and took some pics. they were having a good time. then balaji thought of a plan..he said he needs to buy cool drink from reception and left gayu and elango alone on the beach.
elango was happy with the time hes spending with gayu.

balaji came back to them in 10 mins. he had a new plan in his mind
b - maa..while getting the cool drink i got an information. seems that they have a special guard to check all the resort. this check will happen whenever new people come to the resort. they will check whether we are really family/couple by observing our activities and behaviour. 
if they think that we are cheating they will file complaint against us.
gayu was shocked to hear the news..she started sweating. she has never stepped inside a security officer station in her life.
g - what do we do now kanna? :-(
b - dont worry ma. just dont make us look suspicious. 
g - hope that check doesnt happen today
b - hope so ma. lets not worry about it now. lets just enjoy the atmosphere :-)
g - ok da 
then balaji got a call from office. it was from his manager. 
b - i need to take this call. its a skype meeting. i will be back in 20 mins guys
saying that balaji went away. gayu and elango were admiring the beach waves
e - it so nice na gayu
g - yes da..its a beautiful place
e - thanks again for inviting me gayu. if it wasnt for u guys, i would have never seen suck places till i died
g - dont talk like that da. just enjoy this occasion 
e - yes, im enjoying with my beautiful frnd
gayu dint expect that she dint say anything. she just blushed
infront of them there was another couple. they were hugging and romancing. they looked like a newly wed couple. both gayu and elango saw them..then elango said
e - look at that gayu. they are expressing their care for eachother. i think hug is the pure form for expressiong our care and affection..its so wonderful
gayu felt weird talking about that with him. its been many yrs since her husband hugged her like that. the only hug which she gets nowadays is from balaji. 
g - yes da. u are right. a hug is a pure form of affection. me and my son hug atleast once a day
elango's eyes became wet
g - hey wat happend da
e - nothing gayu
g - no..tell me
e - just thought about my daughter
gayu understood..she knows that his daughter always fights with him. she doesnt care about her father. gayu felt little sad
g - dont worry da..everything will change soon
elango was still silent..
e - i wish i had someone who cares about me 
g - look da..we invited u here to make u happy. but after seeing this place u are becoming more sad :-(
e - im sorry gayu. i am spoiling ur mood and time. i should not have come
g - hey stop saying that. u are not spoiling anything. im happy that u came
e - really ?(little tears in his eyes)
g - yes, i am happy to be with my friend :-)
e - i am very luck to have u as my frnd dear(emotional face)
this is the first time elango is calling gayu as dear. when she heard that she was feeling little special. no one has called her like that for a long time
g - now smile my dear frnd :-) (she too said dear to make him happy)
e - no i wont(with mocking expression)
g - y da?(gayu was confused)
e - i will be happy only if i hug my dear friend
gayu laughed and said..
g - always hug :-P
e - if u dont like hug then kiss :-P
gayu did not expect that. but she knew he was getting out of the emotional mind. so she said
g - u will get nicely da :P
e - oh i will get what? kiss or hug?
she became shocked when she heard kiss. gayu was getting a strange feeling talking like this. she just blushed
e - tell me gayu..hug or kiss?
g - i can only give hug 
e - ok give
g - how can i give here da..look around 
e - :-( so u dont care about your frnd?
g - did i say like that?
e - elango was still making a sad face......look at all these people gayu. they dont care about the surrounding people. they only care about the one who are with them. thats y they are showing their affection by hugging without thinking about others.
gayu was silent..
e - its ok gayu..leave it
g - i know u care about me..but im not comfortable here da. (then she said something unexpected) ..............can we hug somewhere with no people?
elango's dick became 90 degrees when he heard that..but still he was acting
e - its ok gayu..i dont want to force other people(sad face)
g - no one is forcing me..i want to hug my frnd :-)
e - (with a smile he said) thanks dear :-)
gayu also smiled
e - shall we go to those trees there? 
gayu was thinking for a second..
g - i think there is a couple behind those trees da
e - so wat gayu..they will not see us. they are busy with themselves 
gayu understood wat elango meant. she just blushed
g - ok da..lets go 
both gayu and elango walked towards the trees. it was a little dark there. when they reached there, the couple the still hugging behind one of the trees. they looked like a couple in theirs 40s. they were hugging and groping eachother.
gayu and elango looked at eachother..their eyes met. elango smiled at gayu. gayu was getting a strange feeling inside her seeing the couple. then elango said
e - lets walk further gayu..we dont want to disturb these two
saying that elango laughed. gayu also started laughing when she heard that.
they went little further and stopped
e - is this place ok for my dear frnd?
g - (smiled and said)ok da :-)
e - u saw the couple over there gayu? 
g - yes da(blushing)
e - its nice to see them showing their affection like that
g - true
e - now im going to show my affection to my true friend 
gayu became moved when he said that she is a true frnd.
g - im so lucky to get a caring friend like u da
e - no dear..i am the lucky one. i feel like i belong to a family after a long time
gayu was getting emotional by his speech
e - shall i hug u dear(tears in eyes)
g - yes dear(she too said dear)

elango came forward and hugged her. gayu also responded to it and hugged him. it was like a formal hug..and it went on for 10 seconds. elango was not able to control himself. 
slowly the hug became more tight. her breasts were crushed against his chest. elango was in cloud 9. 
his hands were freely moving on her back. gayu was very emotional so she did not mind any of that. he squeezed her body in the name of hug. slowly he moved one of his 
hand from her back to her ass. gayu did not notice he took that as a green signal and kept it there for sometime. after few seconds gayu realized that one of his hand was on her ass.
since elango was emotional she did not want to say anything to him. she closed her eyes. they were in that hugging position for more than 3 mins. gayu was getting a strange feeling..this is the first time in her life, a guy who is not her husband has his hand is on her ass
and she did not stop it. they were in a tight embrace. they looked like a couple to the other people on the beach. then suddenly gayu's mobile rang. only after she heard the mobile ring she realized that they were away from their room and balaji might be looking for them.
gayu then quickly opened her eyes(still in hugging position) and told elango that they have to go. then elango slowly opened his eyes and looked at gayu. their eyes met. he smiled at her. gayu also smiled and said..
g - is my frnd happy now ? :-)
still in the hugging position and still with his hand on her ass..he said
e - very much gayu :-)
g - :-) lets go da. balaji might be looking for us
e - ok gayu..lets go then :-)
[+] 5 users Like kiradn460's post
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Hi Kiran
Wonderful story..hope u can continue without changing the pace...rare to find slow seduction stories.
[+] 2 users Like RajV's post
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thanks for continuing the story.
[+] 2 users Like yamunakumari's post
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very nice. very good going and exiting too
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Nice update bro... Such a slow erotic one
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Excellent narration
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Excellent update, your narration is awesome. waiting for more action in the room
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[+] 1 user Likes kiradn460's post
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(08-04-2020, 08:06 PM)kiradn460 Wrote: [Image: images-3.jpg]
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[Image: sneha-blue-Saree-01-5.jpg]

sexy lady.
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awesome story and excellant narration
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Very nice and slow build up
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