Those 6 days at Goa
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“Mumma, when will we reach Goa?” I asked my mom while looking out of the window of the flight. It had been 2 hours since we boarded the flight from Delhi and I was too excited to go to the beaches of Goa.

“Approx half an hour” I heard my mom. She was sitting next to me on the aisle seat.

I turned my head and glanced at her. She had Femina magazine in her hands and she was reading or looking at the pictures of the models with great interest. 

“Nani told me you did modeling while you were in college ” I wanted to know whether it was true..

“Yes,” She replied and sighed.

“Then, why did you stop doing it?” A question instantaneously shot out of my mouth.

“Because I got married to your father and he didn’t like me to model. So I had to leave it and then join this software company” She said calmly. I felt she was not happy that she had to leave her favorite activity. 

“I’m sorry, mom,” I told her as I felt so much sympathy for her and I didn’t know what to say.

“Why are you sorry, hon?” She chuckled and gently tapped my forehead with her hand.

“Nothing,” I said as I started to gather my things and put my headphones in my bag.

I was studying in *th standard and my annual exams were just over the previous day and it was the start of the vacation in the school and my mother and I were headed to Goa for a week,  for six days to be precise. My mom worked in a very well known MNC and she had taken leaves for a week.

My dad worked in a construction company as a senior architect. Although his company was based in Delhi, they were having a big project at Goa. And he had been deputed to Goa for the last three months. So he already was in Goa and we were going to join him for a week. 

Although almost every day we video called him, I was going to meet dad for the first time in two months. It also added to my excitement.

Finally, after a few more minutes, the flight landed at Dabolim airport. Mom put our bags in the trolley and we came out of the terminal.

We saw dad weaving his hand at us. So mom happily moved fast towards him and along with her, I. I had to literally run to catch up with her. She immediately left the trolley and hugged my dad cheerfully. I had to catch the trolley to stop it from moving.

“Heyy…how you been?” Dad was excited and roamed his hand on my head and played with my hair. Then he put his hand on my shoulder. His other hand was around the waist of my mom.

I hugged both of them. Then he took our bags and put them in the trunk of the car. Mom sat on the front seat beside dad and I was in the back.

“So, how was the journey?” Dad asked while driving the car.

“Fine. It was smooth.” My mom replied.

She looked at dad for a few moments while he was driving. Then she asked,

“Did you buy a car in Goa? “ 

Dad giggled and said,

“No, It's provided by the company. We have to move a lot. ”

“When will that project end?” She asked dad annoyingly.

“It will take another three months,” Dad replied nonchalantly. 

I saw her face and I could say she didn’t like that. I too, didn’t like that.

“Was it necessary to come here at this time? Project is in an important phase and it's a lot of work now. ” Dad briefly looked at mom while changing the gear.

“Don't ask me. Ask your son. Even before starting the exams, he was insisting to go to Goa.” She replied to dad. 

I saw in the mirror, dad briefly glanced at me. I felt suddenly guilty. She was right. Mom had promised me that she would take me to Goa in vacation but I had insisted on booking the tickets on the very next day of my last exam. I was excited about the idea of visiting Goa and dad both.

“It’s ok. Now you are here. I fear I might not be able to spare enough time for you guys. It would have been better if you had come after a few days. But it’s ok.” Dad said.

“Where is your project situated?” My mom asked for the sake of talking.

“Near Panjim.” Dad replied.

“So we are staying at Panjim?” Mom asked, looking at him. She looked disappointed.

“Ha Ha, no. We are provided staff quarters in Panjim but I’ve booked a resort for you guys in Candolim.” Dad replied smiling.

“I can’t put my beautiful wife in a staff quarter. What if mosquitoes bite her and ruin her beauty?” He further said while putting his hand on her knee.

“Dear Husband, someone is here,” She said while moving her knee so his hand slipped from her knee. Dad again put both of his hands on the steering wheel.

After a few more minutes of the drive, we reached our destination. It was a four-star nice looking resort with a swimming pool and other amenities situated in the Candolim area of north Goa.

 Our room was on the third floor. There was a lift in the middle of the lobby. A staircase was just opposite to the lift. There were four rooms on the right side of the lift with the doors of two rooms opposite to the doors of the other two rooms. The same situation was on the left side of the lift. So total there were eight rooms on the floor.

[Image: image?w=546&h=211&rev=7&ac=1&parent=1gpg...N-n5hl3XqE]

Our room,301, was on the right side of the lift. It was very spacious with a king-sized bed in the middle of the room. There was a wide couch across the bed, attached to the wall of the room. 

[Image: image?w=401&h=243&rev=74&ac=1&parent=1gp...N-n5hl3XqE]

“Dad, Let’s go to the beach.” I was so excited, I asked my dad as soon as he dumped the bags in the room.

Both of my parents looked at me and started laughing. Dad took us to Candolim beach which was within walking distance from our resort. I was overjoyed. I was seeing the sea for the first time in my life. It was all the water until my eyesight reached. Its waves created a soothing rhythmic sound when they collided with the shore. My mom was also very excited. 

It was a fun atmosphere on the beach. There was a sea of people on the shore.Some people were swimming in the sea.There were a lot of beach huts or beach shacks, beachside makeshift restaurants lining up the shore. There were loud songs and music playing in the loudspeakers of these beach shacks. Some people could be seen dancing to the tunes of this music. 

There were mostly Indian people but there was a good number of foreigners also. I noticed one difference between Indians and foreigners. Almost all of the Indian women were wearing their traditional clothes like salwar and Kameez, some even wore the sarees. Some girls were wearing T-shirts and jeans or skirts but that was the limit. Most of the men wore vests above and rolled their pants till mid-calf. Some men or boys were wearing the bermudas too. 

On the other hand, almost all of the foreigners were wearing proper swimming /beach attire. Girls were in the two-piece bikinis and men only wore a Bermuda. 

There were a lot of people on the beach. Some sitting on the beach and chilling while drinking beer, some reading a book while relaxing on the beach bed. Some simply lying on the sand. Some were just sleeping on the beach bed, enjoying the view or reading a book with a beer bottle in one hand while relaxing on the beach chair.

Some guys were busy taking the vids and pics of the beach.There were lots of speed boats and other boats in the sea. People were enjoying themselves and nobody seemed to give a damn to anybody else.

I was so lost and awestruck in the majestic view of the sea, I almost forgot I was not there to look only. Coming to my senses, I started running in the soft sand till my feet touched the cold seawater.

“Aman, don't go too far.” I heard the voice of my mom but I decided to ignore it and went further down in the water till the water was up to my knees. 

I wanted to go further down but I felt hands around my waist and suddenly it became stiff around my waist so I was not able to move further.

“NO. Don't go too deep.” I heard the loud voice of my mom in my ear.

She dragged me out of the water until only my feet were under the water. I hated my mom. My mom stood behind me with her hands on my chests, making sure I don't run out of her reach and dad stood beside her. Our feet were under the sea. I didn’t have much height. My head reached her chest.

“It’s so nice na.” Mom was talking with dad.

“Yeah.It’s awesome.” Dad replied.

“Dad, Let's go there.” I pointed a finger to a place in the sea where a lot of young people were bathing and having fun.

“No, it’s too deep. Look, water reaches to their necks. They know swimming. We don't know so we can’t go.” Dad replied.

“Yes, your dad is right.It’s too risky.” Mom also supported him.

Then suddenly a huge wave came and it completely drenched us. It was fun. Then dad threw some water on my mom and me by his hands and we did the same to dad. It was fun.

We then had some coconut water and simply walked on the beach. We stayed there till the sunset and then returned to our room. 

My mom sent me to the washroom to clean myself and take a bath. After I was done I tried to open the door but it seemed locked. I shouted for my mom but she didn’t reply. After a few minutes, she opened the door and said that it was locked from outside mistakenly. Then they became refreshed.

We decided to have dinner at the restaurant of the resort.

My mom and I stood in the lobby while dad was locking the room. There was a family, a couple in their twenties and their little kid, standing near the door of the lift and another man, who looked like he was in his late forties, was locking the door of room no.308 which was adjacent to our room. 

“Hi” said the man to my dad as he caught up with him while walking towards the lift.

“Hi” Dad replied as we all entered the lift.

My parents and I stood silently in the lift while all the other people were talking with one another. From their discreet conversation I guessed, they were related. 

Dinner was awesome. It was a buffet dinner with a variety of food items. Food ranged from Goan style prawn curry to North Indian Dum Aloo. There were quite a few people in the hall. All had a dish in their hands. They were eating, talking and laughing in the groups of their friends. We were standing in the corner, eating silently.

“Hey...Are you new here?” That older guy whom we met in the lift approached us while dad was away, having a phone call with someone from his work.

“Yes.” My mom briefly looked at him and again started eating food. He was standing beside me and in front of my mother.

He was wearing a tight navy blue t shirt and black track pants. His hair was short. His chest was broad and its muscles created bumps on his tshirt. His stout biceps could be seen from the sleeves of the Tshirt and his arms looked strong and stiff.He was clean shaved.

“Let me guess, you’re from Mumbai.” He said while holding a dish in his hand and taking a bite of some salad from it.

“No.We’re from Delhi.” Mom flatly replied.

“O teri, That’s why I thought why were you looking so familiar. I’m also from Delhi.” He said looking at my mom.

“But you guessed we’re from Mumbai.” Mom smiled a little at his bluff and replied while mixing rice with dal on her plate.

“Yeah. I did feel you’re from Delhi but then guessed you must be from Mumbai as you are very pretty and fair. Mumbai has bollywood na.” He tried to justify.

 I found his logic weird and looked at my mom while chewing the food. I expected her to show disgust at his flawed logic but instead, she kept mum trying to hide her smile.

Soon dad also joined us and they started to talk while mom and I ate dinner silently listening to their boring conversation. From their chatting, I came to know that his name was Pratap Singh. He was a retired colonel of the army. That couple were his son and his daughter in law. His son’s name was Sumit. Pratap’s wife had died a few days earlier and he took his only son and his son’s family to take a vacation in Goa so that his son might come out of the grief of losing his mother. 

While sumit and his family went to the lift, Pratap asked us to climb the stairs instead of using the lift as some exercise was necessary for health, he told that. Both Pratap uncle and dad lead in the climbing while my mom and I followed them. Dad and he were talking all the way. I also came to know that Pratap uncle had booked two rooms in the resort. One , 308, for himself and 307 for his son and wife.
[+] 1 user Likes Drubyu's post
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Nice start... Are you original writer or you are taking it from somewhere???
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Please narrate the story from mother point of view
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Do post the next part
[+] 1 user Likes Antichrist12's post
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nice & promising start....... like the plot.......can u tell name of mom & other characters as well in upcoming update.....then it'll more easy to understand that who's telling & who's listening ..........
keep the story going....
keep writing
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promising start - what happens next
[+] 1 user Likes kittepo's post
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I jumped on the bed and lay on it as soon as we returned to the room.Dad sat on the couch and turned the TV on. Mom sat on the other side of the bed and started applying lotion on her arms.

“Can’t you take off from work till we are here?” Asked my mom to Dad.

“No. I can’t.” He replied briefly.

“But why , Dad? It’s a vacation. ” I asked him. I was really annoyed. I had expected that I would spend this little vacation with both of my parents.

“It’s a vacation for you guys. I'm not here vacationing. I’m working here and I’m in the middle of an important phase of a God damn project.” He replied in a voice louder than usual. His voice suggested that he had started to be frustrated. And my experience said it was not wise to incite him more.So I decided to stop talking to him and I looked at my mother.

“Don’t ruin the boy's mood. I had told him that it was not the best time to visit here but he was so much excited and insisted too much that I had to book the tickets. And you know that.” Mom came to my rescue.

“Look dear, I’m so sorry but I’m really stuck with work here. I’m a supervisor over 200 workers here and I really can’t leave the site. We will go somewhere when I return in the evening.” He softened up somehow and said.

“Leave him, we will go to Candolim tomorrow.”  said  my mom looking at me.

Going to nearby Candolim beach was far better than staying in the room.So I nodded feeling disappointed and concentrated on the TV.

Day 2

The next day in the morning, we went downstairs to the restaurant of that resort for breakfast.Mom and I were wearing the same clothes in which we slept. I was wearing a loose T shirt and a black bermuda and mom was wearing off white kameez and salwar.Dad woke up early and he was all prepared to go to work. 

Like the dinner on the previous day, it was a buffet breakfast with many cuisines like Dosa, Idlis and Chole Puri along with different kinds of biscuits with tea and coffee. We took our plates and stood in the same corner as the previous night.

“Hi” Pratap uncle approached us with a mug full of coffee in his hand. 

“Hi “ Dad replied, looking at him.

“So what's the plan for today?” He asked dad. 

“Nothing at all.I’m going to work. But Shweta and Aman will go to Candolim. I will take them to dinner in the evening when I return.” Replied my dad while eating the Idli.

“We are going to Baga. Your family can also join us if you don’t mind.” Pratap uncle said to my dad.

Dad glanced over where Pratap uncle’s son Sumit and his wife were standing and then looked at uncle’s face.

“Are you all going? I mean you, Sumit and Nidhi.” Dad asked him.

“No”  Uncle replied almost immediately.

Dad was confused. He kept staring at the uncle’s face.

“My little grandson will also come.”  Clarified uncle.

My mom could not stop herself from laughing.I too smiled. 

“Yeah, of course.” Dad felt embarrassed and it was all he could reply.

“So what do you say?My daughter in law Nidhi will also find a company in Shweta ji.” He again asked my dad.

Dad didn’t reply and continued to eat breakfast as if he was thinking  what to do. I also found that idea great. I looked at dad hoping he would agree to his offer. Dad looked at me staring at him.

“Ok, no problem,” Dad said to Pratap.

“We’ll be leaving in an hour,” Pratap uncle said while looking at mom.

After breakfast  we returned to our room. Dad went to work. We took a shower and changed. 

I wore a white-colored T shirt and blue bermuda. Mom wore yellow kurti and green leggings. Her kurti was short-sleeved. The sleeves of her kurti reached till her elbows. Kurti had a decolletage neckline so a major portion of her neck and its lower part and her collar bones could be seen. It had a hook behind her neck.There were green colored patterns printed on all over the material of the Kurti. She had tied her hair in a bun that was held by a hairpin. She had removed the small earrings and except the wedding ring in her left hand, she didn’t wear any jewelry. 

She then took my backpack and emptied it on the bed and stuffed two towels in it.We were ready to go. We waited for uncle in our room. After a few minutes, his son Sumit knocked on the door and said that they were going. My mom and Sumit’s wife Nidhi greeted each other. She was carrying her kid in her hand.We followed them downstairs.

Pratap uncle had hired Ertiga and was waiting for us.He was sitting on the front seat. As Nidhi had her son in her arm, Sumit helped her open the door. Mom and I were standing behind them. Nidhi then climbed in the middle seat along with her son.Then she moved on the seat and made space for Sumit. Sumit also started to settle there. My mom told me to settle on the back seat as she moved to open the door on the other side of the middle seat. She had to move around the front of the car to reach the other side. I saw the head of Pratap uncle also moving, following my mom. She then sat on the middle seat beside Nidhi and I adjusted in the back seat.

“Hello shweta ji” Pratap uncle turned his head towards mom and said.

“Hi” She replied briefly.

“I hope my grandson doesn’t bother you.” Uncle said looking at his hyperactive grandson who was sitting on the lap of Nidhi.

“No no, it’s ok” Mom replied.

“Yes, bear with him. Baga is only around 5 km from here.It’s only a matter of a few minutes.” Uncle said and turned his head and started looking from the windshield.

Then my mom and Nidhi started talking during the way. They talked about kids and stuff. Nidhi was worried about her son’s hyperactivity and she asked my mom’s opinion. Mom said it was perfect for boys at this age to be hyperactive and also gave her some advice on what to do or how to behave with hyperactive kids. I was surprised how come my mom knew so much about it. I mean I was not hyperactive so she was not talking from her experience. Luckily, Nidhi asked her whether I was also hyperactive. Mom denied and said that she had read about all kinds of scenarios when she was pregnant with me.

Finally, we reached Baga beach. Pratap uncle hired two beach lounge chairs and put the backpacks on the sand near the chairs. Pratap uncle and his son Sumit were wearing T-shirts and Jeans. Nidhi wore simple Tee and jeans. Her jeans reached till her midcalf.

Both father and son put their mobile phones and purses in their respective backpacks and then took their T shirts and jeans off. They were wearing bermudas under their jeans.They had their vests on.Mom didn’t bring her mobile phone with her so we didn’t have to worry about it.

“Let’s go,” Uncle announced. He sat on his knees and made his grandson sit on his shoulders. Then he stood up and started to move towards the sea.

I also started following him.I looked back and saw Sumit , Nidhi and my mom were also coming behind me. I ran and caught up with Pratap uncle.

“Hey , Don't go too far.” I heard the voice of my mom coming from behind me when the water was at the level of my knees.

“Don’t worry. I’m with him.” Uncle turned his head and replied to mom.

Uncle then caught the leg of his grandson who was sitting on his shoulder and caught my wrist with his other hand and said,


“YES” . I shouted. I was ready like hell. It was so exciting.

Then we moved further down till water was around my neck and when a wave came, it surpassed my head. It was an amazing experience. Once the wave had passed, I would poke my head out of the water and be ready for another wave. Uncle had firmly gripped my wrist all the time.

Then he left my hand and said,

“Enjoy the water but make sure to keep your feet firmly on the ground. Don’t let the wave move your feet from the ground. Understood?” 

I nodded. He then took his grandson and started to move him on the surface of the water.We spent a crazy amount of time in the water.

When I looked back I saw the trio- my mom , Nidhi and Sumit having fun in the water.They would take the water in their hands and start sprinkling on one another. They had not come as far as us but they were little behind us.

After having much of the fun , uncle started moving to the shore with his grandson sitting on his shoulders.I too followed him. Soon we all gathered around the beach lounge chairs.We all were completely drenched in the water. Nidhi took the towel out from her backpack and started wiping the head of her son.Mom also gave me a towel. She too wiped the water from her head and face.

Uncle went to the nearby beach shack and came with five bottles of sprite and a small water bottle between his hands and chest. He handed the Sprite to all of us and the water bottle to his grandson. It felt good when the soda went down my throat. 

“Thanks” said my mom who was standing beside Nidhi. 

“Arrey, what thanks.” Replied uncle.

“Let’s play volleyball.” Sumit Suggested with a ball in his hand.

We all went to the sea. When a wave came, it wetted our feet. Uncle decided to play boys against girls. So Uncle, Sumit and I were in one team and Nidhi and my mother were against us. Nidhi’s son was playing with sand near us.

Nidhi and mom were ready with their fingers intertwined. Nidhi stood in front of Sumit and mom was standing in front of uncle on the opposite side. I was beside Sumit. 

Sumit first serviced the ball and threw it on the opposite side. Nidhi jumped and hit the ball so it came in the direction of Pratap uncle. Uncle hit the ball with his right hand and sent the ball to the direction of my mom. Mom stretched both of her hands above her head to hit the ball. 

I realized for the first time that her kurti had clung to her body completely as it had become wet. Its material was thin so It had become transparent.She had worn a yellow colored padded bra. As her bra didn’t cover the whole of her breasts, the cleavage could be seen through her Kurti.She had worn her leggings just below the navel. So her skin from the waistline of leggings to her bra was on the show. 

She missed the ball.She then threw the ball on the other side towards Pratap uncle.He flawlessly hit the ball and sent it back towards mom. I looked at him. He didn’t hit the ball as hard as the previous time. Mom once again stretched her hands above her head to hit the ball. I looked at Pratap uncle from the corner of my eyes.  He was standing there motionless and staring at my mom constantly.

I felt too much embarrassment. I didn’t like him staring at her.I hoped mom realized that her Kurti had become transparent as soon as possible but she didn’t. They continued to play. I hit the ball very few times. Mostly it was Pratap uncle and mom playing. Whenever she ran or jumped, her breasts bounced.I felt Pratap throwing the ball intentionally towards my mom.

I looked at Nidhi.She also was wet but the material of her T shirt was thick and it didn’t become transparent like mom. Her breasts also bounced when she ran or jumped. Strangely I liked to see her.

Surprisingly Nidhi was the first to back out from the game.She said she was tired and could not play anymore. She took her son who was playing with the sand nearby and went to the lounge chairs. We all followed her and sat on the lounge chairs.

Sumit sat beside Nidhi and their son on one chair. Pratap uncle and mom sat on the other. I just sat on the sand near them. 

“You played well,” Uncle said while looking at mom.

“I like volleyball very much. I played in my school team. We won a statewide medal” She replied.

“Wow.” He exclaimed.

“Dad, fetch us something to drink.” Sumit ordered his dad while sitting beside his wife.

“What do you mean by fetching us? You just go and bring the drinks for us.” He annoyingly answered his son.

“No, I won't go. You go.” It was Sumit again.

“Ok Ok. Calm down. I’m going” Said my mom and started to stand up.

“No. You sit Shweta. I will go.” Pratap uncle caught her hand and made her sit. 

He then threw an angry look at his son and went to the beach shack and brought water bottles for us.

“Let’s go to Jetski,” Nidhi said, looking at the sea.
[+] 2 users Like Drubyu's post
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Nice started a story my mom and that politician. Update this story
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nice update - getting more interesting
[+] 1 user Likes kittepo's post
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nice story....conversation is the best part of the story,.............with description of scene......excellent outcome
keep going
keep writing
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continue.. make it sa long lasting novel it has a lot potential
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And the best author of xossip is back
[+] 1 user Likes Metal619's post
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nice start
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Good start
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He then threw an angry look at his son and went to the beach shack and brought water bottles for us.

“Let’s go to Jet ski.” Nidhi said looking at the sea.

“Yeah. Good idea.” Mom said.

“Let’s go then.” Uncle stood up. 

We went to the Jet ski operator.Pratap uncle purchased tickets for all of us. They gave us life jackets to wear. My mom and I rode the skii together. I caught the front part of the skii and mom sat behind me. She put one of her hands on my shoulder and caught the front part of the ski with her other hand. Nidhi and Sumit also sat like that on another ski.Nidhi had her son in her lap whom she had firmly caught with one of her arms.

A guy stood behind my mom and he drove us to a wide open sea.  We spent a good twenty minutes in the sea. Pratap uncle refused to let someone else drive the ski. He argued that he knew how to drive it so he himself drove the Jet ski.

We  all came to shore together after the ride was over,except Pratap uncle. He was still in the sea. Mom and I stood near the sea and looked at the direction of uncle’s ski. Soon Sumit and Nidhi along with their son also joined us.

“Hey..” Mom said looking at them.

“It was fun na.” Nidhi said.

“Yeah, my heart was racing like anything,” Sumit said, still breathing heavily.

“Ohh, why? It was exciting but look at you. Looks like instead of riding on Jet ski, you were running on the water behind it.”  Mom asked Sumit.

“Because I have speedofobia.” Sumit replied while trying to catch his breath.

Speedofobia? What the fuck was this? I thought.I looked at my mom puzzled but she was looking at Nidhi. Sumit was still trying to catch his breath with his hands on his knees. I saw mom and Nidhi smiling above his back.

It was too much fun. After all of these activities, I felt a little tired and hungry also. 

“Mumma, I’m hungry.” I told my mom in her ear. No one else was talking about food so I felt they would make fun of me.

“Hmmm..Let Pratap come here. Then we would go for lunch,”  Mom replied..

Pratap uncle was still in the sea. It seemed he had planned to spend the rest of the day in the sea itself. Finally, Jet ski operator sent one of  his employees with another Jet ski.He went in the sea and brought uncle back to the shore. Jet ski guys demanded uncle to pay extra money for extra time spent in the sea and he had to pay extra money to them.

“I went all the way to that point.” Pratap uncle pointed his finger to the sea and said after removing his life jacket.

“How do you know how to drive Jet ski?” Mom asked uncle while removing her life jacket. 

We had forgotten to remove our life jackets so looking at her doing so we all started removing it.

“I didn’t know,” Pratap uncle dropped a bombshell.

We all were dumbstruck and stared at him ,expecting clarifications.

“I had seen a program on Discovery channel about the operating system of Jet Skis and I knew the swimming. I had a life Jacket on also. So I put two and two together and decided to do something toofani.”  Pratap uncle said while looking at all of us.

“What?” It was Sumit’s response while mom,Nidhi and I were laughing. Mom was standing beside Pratap uncle and she slapped on uncle’s upper arm with her hand while laughing hysterically , keeping her other hand on her mouth.

Speedofobia. A word came to my mind when I looked at Sumit.

“Aren’t you guys hungry?” Mom said after composing herself.

“Yes. Let's eat something. Bittu is hungry too.” Nidhi supported her. 

Uncle suggested we go to a famous beach shack which was a little far from there.We went to the  beach lounge chairs where our backpacks were placed. We all dried ourselves with towels. Our clothes were still wet but they were not as drenched as earlier. 

I dried my hair and wiped my face and hands with a towel.I looked at mom. She had removed the hair pin and she was wiping her loose hair with a towel. Nidhi was wiping her face. Sumit and Pratap uncle removed their vests and wore another T-shirt they had brought.Then they wrapped towels around their waist and started removing their bermuda under it. 

Mom turned her face to the other side as soon as Pratap uncle and Sumit started doing that. Nidhi also changed the clothes of her son and then took out another set of her clothes from her backpack.

“Didn’t you bring any other clothes?” Nidhi asked my mom while taking her clothes and towel in her hands.

“No. Where will you change them?” Mom was surprised and asked Nidhi.

“I’m going inside the beach shack. They maintain separate changing booths for ladies.” Nidhi told my mom and started moving inside the beach shack.

“It’s ok. It happens for the first time. We also roamed all day in wet clothes when we came on the first day.” Pratap uncle looked at mom and said. 

He had changed his clothes into another coffee colored T shirt and another bermuda.

“hmmm.” Mom replied. 

Pratap uncle then paid the rent of the beach lounge chairs.We took our backpacks. Soon Nidhi came out and we walked to that famous beach shack for lunch.

We all settled around a big round table in that beach shack. My mom was on my right side, uncle sat on her right, then Sumit and after him Nidhi with her son on her lap. So it made Nidhi sit on my left side.

That beach shack had a huge menu with names of items I read for the first time in my life. Almost all of the items were non veg. Uncle asked my mom whether she was a non vegetarian. She replied she was crazy behind fish which was true.

Uncle ordered food- Various types of fish and prawn items and soft drinks.They were amazing. I had never tasted so much delicious seafood earlier.

“How’z the food?” uncle asked while taking a piece of food in his fork.

“Ummm...Amazing.”Mom replied while munching.

“What are you doing on the mobile? Start eating.”  Uncle annoyingly asked his son Sumit.

“Nothing Dad, They run a long trip in the sea in boats. Dolphin seeing trips.I’m thinking of going there. I’m trying to book the tickets  for all of us.” He replied , still his face buried in the screen.

I liked his idea of a Dolphin seeing  trip, deep in the sea. I felt excitement. 

“No, we are not going. You go with your wife and son. We will better relax on the beach only.” He replied to his son.

It was a huge disappointment. I wanted to go there. And who the hell was he to dictate my mom and me? I thought. I looked at my mom. She also glanced at me. I knew I had conveyed to her that I wanted to go there. I had expected her to speak and try to convince Pratap uncle to let us go if he didn’t want to go but mom didn’t do that. Instead she continued eating her food. My mood was suddenly off. I stopped eating. Mom looked at me and said in a  very low voice,

“Don’t start. Finish your Chapati.”

Although I didn’t have an appetite, I had to finish the Chapati because I knew I would have to finish it.

Sumit, his wife Nidhi and their son left for the boat ride as soon as the lunch was over. Pratap uncle, mom and I stood on the beach, deciding what to do next.

“Let’s go to Calangute,” Uncle suggested.

“Calangute? Jeez, no.” Mom said, making her face.

“Why ? What happened?” Uncle asked.

“I’ve heard, It’s the most polluted and overcrowded beach in Goa.”  Mom said.

“I don’t know about the pollution but you’re right about the crowd.It’s because most of the travel agencies, that run buses and stay in Goa for one or two days  ,book their  hotels at calangute. It’s cheaper than other places. So naturally it is overcrowded.” Uncle said.

“Then..” Mom said.

“We still should go there. To see the crowd. It’s an adventure of its kind.” Uncle said.

I was silently listening to their conversation. I didn’t give any damn because I didn’t care where they wanted to go. I wanted to go to see the Dolphins and I was not going there so I was ready to go wherever they decided  but I felt uncle was adamant on going to Calangute. 

“Ok, Fine, Let's go there.” Mom gave up and said.

“Thanks. Lets walk then.” Uncle said.

“Walk?” Mom asked.

“Yes. Calangute and Baga are joined together. It’s hardly three km from here.Can you look at that place?” Uncle said while pointing his finger to some distant place.

“Yeah.” Mom replied.

“Calangute starts from there. So let’s go. ” uncle said.

“Ok,Fine.” Mom said. She was not very excited about going there but she didn’t have any choice.

“Let’s do a sea walk” Uncle said and started going towards the sea.

We started to walk on the beach very near to the sea. Our feet were under the sea water.
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wow - Is Pratap uncle scheming now? -- Dolphin sight seeing is dropped banana
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(28-03-2020, 12:36 PM)Saaketh krishna Wrote: Please narrate the story from mother point of view

Yes please
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Please continue the story the way it is.
Son pov is good and the way he is telling the seduction of mother by pratap is awesome.
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“Let’s do a sea walk” Uncle said and started going towards the sea.

We started to walk on the beach very near to the sea. Our feet were under the sea water.

Uncle was walking on the side of the sea. I was between him and my mom. Mom walked on the shore side.

“It feels so nice na.” Uncle said while walking in the water.

“Hmmmm. Right. It feels serene” Mom replied calmly.

“So Shweta, Did you come here for the first time?” Uncle asked, looking at mom.

“Yes. You?” She asked him.

“No, I’m not a first timer. It’s my favorite place to vacation actually.I used to come here along with my wife.” He said rather in a sad voice.

Mom also sensed the sadness in his voice so she was silent for a few moments. Then she spoke,

“What happened to her?” 

“She had cancer.” He replied in a low voice.

“Ohhh.. So sad.” Mom sympathized with him.

We kept walking for some time silently. Then uncle spoke,

“You know a lot of movies have been shot in Goa?” 

“Haha, yes. Especially Rohit Shetty ones.” Mom replied.

“You remember that famous scene of Chennai Express movie, where a train is stopped by Deepika’s father near a waterfall when it reaches to his reign?” Uncle asked.  

I remembered the scene. 

“Yes, it was awesome.” I replied before mom could speak.

“Yeah, It is shot in Goa. It is Dudhsagar waterfalls. It’s in Goa.” Uncle said. Sadness in his voice was gone.He seemed quite excited.

“Ohh..really. I thought Goa is famous for beaches only.” Mom showed her ignorance.

“You are wrong Shweta. Goa is actually famous for K P and C.” uncle said.

“K P and C ? “ mom was confused.

“Yes, Khana , peena aur Chahalna.” uncle clarified.

Mom giggled on his weird acronym.What the hell was comic in that? I thought.

“Can I ask you a question?” Uncle looked at mom and said.

“What?” Mom said.

“Do you take drinks?” He asked.

No.She doesn't take drinks. I wanted to say because I had never seen her taking the drink.My dad took. We kept bottles in our fridge but she didn’t take them.

She hesitated for a moment and then said,

“Yes. I mean , not regularly but occasionally, mostly to give the company to my husband.” 

I was surprised. I looked at her.She avoided looking back at me.Instead she kept walking looking straight.It was a revelation. While we were walking, I saw a beautiful seashell lying on the shore at some distance from the sea. I started to go there.

“Where are you going?” I heard the voice of my mother. I turned my head and looked at them.They were standing and looking at me.

“There’s something on the beach.” I said while running towards it. I feared someone else might take it.I took it as a souvenir from Goa. 

When I returned I found mom and uncle had been walking. I caught up with them.They were walking side by side and there was no space in the middle. So I started to walk by mom’s side. She was now in the middle of uncle and me.

“So, you don’t like seeing Dolphins?” Mom calmly asked uncle.

“No, I like it.” Uncle replied in short.

“Then why didn’t you go there? My son was excited and he wanted to go there.” Mom asked uncle.

“I’m so sorry guys. I was being selfish. I wanted Sumit to spend some time with his family. I didn’t want you guys to go with them. I wanted him to enjoy some alone time. Actually Nidhi told me that Sumit was acting weird since his mother died. He was avoiding her for some unknown reasons. I wanted them to be together for sometime.” He replied.

“Ohh.Is he your only son?” Mom asked uncle.

“No, I have a daughter also.She’s married. My son is the younger one.He was emotionally the most attached to his mother. I was in the army and had to travel a lot so you can say their mother single-handedly raised them. She was very protective to him. It made him a coward.” uncle said.

“Well, he is not just adventurous.Coward is a strong word.” Mom said sympathetically.

“Whatever. He was very much affected by the death of his mother. He refused to recognize that she had died. He didn’t attend her funeral and He even didn’t cry for three days.I feared for his life and I had to make him cry by shouting loudly that his mother was dead.He was so sad, he started to remain aloof all the time.Even after six months of her death, he still was sad. I brought them here so he could relax” uncle said.His voice quivered.

I felt sympathy for him.I looked at him.His eyes were watery.He wiped his eyes by the back of his hand. 
“Are you ok?” Mom sympathetically put her hand on his back and asked.

“Yeah, I’m alright.” Uncle replied.

“So, you are here for three days.” Mom said.

“Yes, We will be leaving the day after tomorrow.” He replied.

Shit. I had enjoyed a lot with him. I didn’t like him telling us that he would leave a day after that day. I wanted him to stay till we were there. I thought I was going to miss him.

“Would you like to be in touch, even in Delhi?” He asked my mom.

“Yes, sure.” She replied.

“Tell me your number. You didn’t bring your mobile na. I will call on it and you save it when you go to your room.” He said.

Mom gave him her mobile number and he dialed it from his phone and then cut the call.

“Where do you work in Delhi?” He asked her.

“In ********”  Mom told him the name of her company.

“Ohh , ok” He said.

“You were in the army na?” Mom asked him.

“Yes “ He replied.

“Did you kill any terrorist?”  She asked him curiously.

“Many. I was posted in Kashmir for the majority of time in my service.There was much trouble there. Almost every day skirmishes happened with terrorists.” He replied.

While we were walking, something got stuck between my right foot and the sandal and it poked in the skin of my sole so it caused pain. I stopped walking. I leaned and removed the small stone with my finger. 

When I became straight to walk again I saw mom and uncle were walking very close to each other. Mom’s right hand was caught by uncle’s left hand. Their fingers were intertwining with one another. I ran up to them and started walking by my mom’s side again.

Uncle was talking about his experience in the army and about various combat operations where he took part. 

“But I liked one thing the most in Kashmir.” Uncle said.
“What?” Mom asked.

“It’s people. Especially the womenfolk. They are very beautiful. Just like you.” He said.

Mom didn’t  reply to him and continued walking.

“Is he your real son?” Uncle asked mom again.

It was a weird question. Why on the earth did he think like that? I was thinking.Mom looked briefly at me and then again looked at him and said,

“Why ?  He is my own biological son ” 

“Because you don't look like his mom. You look like his elder sister. .” He said.

Mom tried to stop her smile and said,

“Don’t lie.I’m ** year old mother of a ** year old son.” 

“I’m not lying. I swear on my son. When I first saw you I thought you were either his elder sister or step mother. But then concluded that you were his elder sister as your faces are similar to each other.” Uncle said.

I was not sure whether he indeed thought like that or just lying. 

“Haha , it’s a compliment.” Mom said. Her face glowed more.

“Can I say one thing, if you don't mind?” Uncle asked mom.

Mom didn’t answer immediately as if she was weighing whether to yes or no.

“You have maintained your body very well.Don’t take it otherwise but after a childbirth , a woman's body changes a lot. But look at you.You have the right amount of fat in the right places and no fat where it is not required, just like your belly.” Uncle was speaking without waiting for her to say yes.

I felt too much embarrassment. I was sure mom felt the same.She was walking silently.

“Mom, I’m tired.” I said to stop him from talking like that and to divert their attention and I indeed was very much tired.

She startled as if she woke up from the trance by hearing my voice and said,

“Ohhh...How far is it , Pratap ji? ” 

“Actually we have reached, haha” He replied.

Bastard. I thought in my mind and looked at my mom with a face of disgust.

“It’s ok.Let’s go there.” She said looking at some place on the beach.

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