Incest Model mom
Hai guys I would like to start a new story .this story is completely fiction and doesn't have to do anything with living or dead. This is a story in which I like to tell how a mom become a super model and how her son supported her in her carrier. The story is made by the collective idea of other internet stories. Because I made story by the inspiration of all those. I promise the story will be super horny and entertaining. The story may include , cuckolding, gangbang.incest etc. So plz support guys.
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Ok guys let's start the story. The story is said from son's perspective  and the dialogues between people may be in hindi. So guys let's rock
[+] 3 users Like Mepokkiri123's post
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no hindi plss. english would be appreciated
i am also a writer in xossip
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Start please
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So let's start
My name is arun and my mom's name is Mona. We live in the outskirts of Pune. My father left us seven years ago. They both married so early and been as school teachers in Pune. They ran from Bengal to get married . Seven years ago my dad was caught with another lady by the neighbours . After that day dad disappeared and people also found that lady was also disappeared. It was really had to live in that place for me and mom . So we shifted to more interior . So that people won't know our past . New house was ok . My mom working in a new school that was bit fat as an English teacher . I failed in plus two and mom doesn't have much complaints in thta . She know thta I have gone through much things . After the days work she may be tired even talk to me. After I failed in plus two she realised it so deeply .she worked hard for me but she couldn't take care me properly in my studies. I was sitting alone in my house alone for three months after my results . I just simply waste my time by seeing tv and mobile.
My mom is super horny maal.i never felt in that way in beginning .she never care about her beauty . She never do exercises .may she walks and travels a lot as a part of her work. She is 36 year old but she appeared to be exactly 29 years old. I never been a sexual person .I was just a normal kid only.
One evening we both were having dinner mom asked me .
Maa: beta what is ur future plan
Me : mam I don't wanna study . We will do some sort of business.
Maa : what to do kanna. Do you have anything in mind.
Me: maa you stiches all your dress yourself.why can't we we thta in business base.
Me: I mean we do some trending fashion dresses and we will sell it to any retailer.
Maa: beta after the work where I will get time to do that .
Me: maa I don't want you to work like this .u travel a lot for this teaching job . U quit that job and we both will do the garment job.
Maa : idea is good but how to start .
Me : we will go to city and get some cloth material . We will stich some sample . We will make it in a new style.
Maa : ah those things I can do .in fact I have few designs in my mind.
Me : then I will get some numbers of retailers from net .we will send the samples.if he is ok then we get the orders.
Me: maa you take one week leave from school we will try with in that period.
Next day we went to Pune and got some material. Mom started her work next day it self . Within one day she made three saree blousses. I found few numbers of the retailer from net . I texted them . No body responded for one day.
(This part of the story is the modified form of story which I read in Indian sex stories.thanks to the orginal writer.)
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Next day I got a call from one guy he said his name is bola and he is a small garment retailers. He asked us to send the photos of samples. We send the photos  of three set of blouses alone. Mom and I was so happy and anxious to send photos. After few minutes I got messages from bola.
Bola: what is this sirji 
Me: what bhai 
Bola : if u send the samples like this na how I can judge.
Me: means what 
Bola : u have to display the sample blouses on a models . Wait I will send some sample stuff thta I have. U have to send pic and videos based on that .then only I can judge the style of ur samples.
Me : ok  then plz send.
Mom and me where eagerly waiting for msgs .then he started giving few photos and videos . All were up loading . Me and mom were locking at screen .then so it came. Some photos of girls in saree showing there neval and cleavages . I and mom was embarrassed seeing thta. The photos were so erotic showing girls cleavage in blouse.i don't know what to do . There were more than 8 photo all of that kind .and at the end two small clips also .I didn't open that .mom and me looked each other.we didn't speak for few seconds. Then I said .
Me : where we can find model to these sort of.
Maa : h a ha true kanna . How to get photos of this kind .play that video.
I played the video. It was demo of blouse .the girl giving different poses . Her boobs were zoomed and focused extremely . I got erection when. I saw . Mom and me watched it . Both video were of similar kind .the models were also good with large boobs.
Me : maa what we will do . Where we can get this 
Maa : ya ya this video is like an adult kind. May be they show blouse a lot haha .
Me: ha ha ya ya to much of blouse
After we went to have lunch . Both were bit sad . She. Asked me.
Maa : beta why u are sad 
Me: ya bit you are also sad I know 
Maa: ya beta we thought to have new life if we start but these kind of problem will arise when we start
Me: ya what we can do now
Maa: beta suun ,if you r ok we can do a photoshoot like that .
Me : but how maa we dont have models right.
Maa: that is what if u are ok ,then I can be the model. 
Me : what are u serious
Maa: ya these blouses are made out of my size . And it is difficult to get an exact model too for the size.
Me : so r u comfortable in doing like kind of exposure 
Maa: see beta we need to take some serious steps for a good business if you are ok thta your mom do that kind of photo and video then I am ok.
Me: wow maa if you ok then I am also ok. So who will take the photo.
Maa: who will na. U have to take .haha . I hope you won't go out of control see your maa in sexy  avatar
We both laughed on that comments . 
Maa: actually in young age  I wanna be a model .may be this is the time to have  .haha
.me; then we will do in the best way. I always support for ur all wishes haha
She said we will do the photoshoot after noon. I have a good mobile phone which was presented by mom .in after noon she dresses up and came.
Me : maa are you sure u wanna do it . Think if we send to this guy he may forward to some else . Like that it may be going . U won't worry the social status . 
Maa: I am not doing any nude show. Just a. Bit of skin . And who is bothered about society . No body was there when ur dad left me . We dont have friends . We don't have relative . So no body will come to know .and if it knows to anyone also I am not bothered . I bother only about you . If u don't have any problems regarding this then we won't .
Me: no maa I too like to have a photo shoot . It your wish to become a model . At least for our own purposes we need to do it. And let me also she how hot my mom is haa haa.
Maa: arre naughty boy....
We set a room . And we started. I took the camera and started to take normal photos. I found she had some kind of make up looks awesome . Her eyes were so suducative while posing .she was blushing too .o found she was so interesting . I asked her to stand in various sexy pose. Then she dropped her pallu .omg the mellons were pooping out .those were perfect shape .I can't even flash my eyes. Her navel were so good . 
Maa : so how ur mom look . Am I sexy .
Me : ya maa u are awsome mom . 
Then I started to in mom navel . I went close to her nevel and zoomed in from there I tilt the phone up towards her boobs . I was in heaven . I never seen her navel ,never seen her boob so close . I got a huge erection in my pants . thanks that I had underwear and my shirt was shaded my erection . I took some close pictures of blouse I mean boobs. 
Me : u are good.
Maa : I can be damn good 
Tell this she pressed her boobs and made her blouse little low .the blouse was shaped V so the huge cleavage was out . 
Maa : now u take video .
I was in knees near her navel from there I started video . As I went up recording her boob part I saw her face in camera . She was making some slutty expression. It  made my precum . I never thought she would a this much horny. I stood up slowly and saw the big valley  down her chest . Her cleavage was awesome and even I wish to kissed there I controlled the whole time .I zoomed in to her cleavage . The blouse was perfectly fitting her boobs  I took somany photos  and videos . My eyes were pooping out she was also in a mood a teasing . Her lust expression were awsome .. that made me rock hard. She then walked slowly and sat on sofa . All the time I was also following her assets. She bend down  maximum to showcase the boobs sorry blouse . I was dripping in my pant . We done few more minutes shots . So finally we both seen all the videos and photos . 
Me : maa u were extreme sexy. Sorry to tell sexy 
Maa : arre beta I am sexy . I know that I am . what is the big deal.if ur mother is sexy then u need to accept it ha ha. Don't you ever felt that people checking me when we go out .
Me: yaya that and l have seen . In fact I have seen lot of men looking at it body in lust ways.
Maa: ha ha what I can do boy. God has given beauty and body .only ur dad is ass whole who went after another ladies leaving me . I sometimes feel happy because I do have freedom to do anything . I just need to concern you only.
Me: I love you maa . I don't have any problems with all ur wishes and you are free to choose ur things . 
Mom came near me and kissed my forehead her pallu was still off and big boobs crushed my face.  I too hugged her . I said 
Me: ya even you have big fans around my friends also .
Mom lean back and said 
Maa: oh fans for me among kids . Who 
Me : ya my friend Rohan he is ur big fan of ur boo.....
Maa: oh you can tell boobie .we are friends more than mom and son so u can tell any wired thing to me just like friends ok. So tell 
Me : ya Rohan is great fan of ur boobie . 
Maa : did he tell u .
Me: no i found it ,most of the time he stare at ur boobs . And one day he took a picture of ur during pta meeting . And one day he was seeing ur zoomed boobie in his mobile .I saw that and I acted nothing has happened.
Maa: h ha ha .  Fine so u small guys will have lot of temptations during this age it's natural . If u are in limits and control the emotions na then things will be ok.
Me: ya ya
Maa : does my kid also peep on me .
Me .: No no ways .this is the first time I am seeing ur navel and boobie .I never do
Maa: that is fine we are friends but we mom and son too so we need to be in limits .
That dialogue made be down . I was sad but I felt myself to not go wired . After she is my mother. 
Then I and mom send the pics and photos to bola and waited for his response
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Story looks promising .. hot start
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Will be waiting for Bola's response. Reps !!!
Heart    lets chat    Heart
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That evening I got the call from bola . We put the call in speaker phone . 
Bola: ya I have seen the samples it looks promising . I think the two samples of you I liked the pattern so can you arrange 200 pieces of the second and the third samples. 
Me : u mean the 2 and 3 sample blouses . What about size and all
Bola : we will give the material  stuff you just do the stiching work . So total 200 + 200 ,400 pieces . Size details will give . U do one thing one day you come to Pune we will meet and we can have the deal . 
Me : ok that is good . What about the rate .
Bola : we pay 300 per piece . I believe that is a fair deal . And you need to complete in 2 weeks 
Me : ok that is fine so day after tomorrow can i come to meet you . 
Bola : ya u come you can get the material also 
Me : ok then we will see.
Bola : bye the way your model for the samples was good. She was damn good and even horny.where do get her .
Mom and I shocked bye hearing this . Bola doesn't know any other along with me . Mom had a naughty smile . I was bit panic because thta was the first time somebody tell about my mam directly to me .
Me : bola bai , plz can I tell you one thing . I and my mom has newly started the new business . We didn't get a model that was my mom in the video.
Bola : oh ho . I never mean anything .I felt she got good model stuff . Any way what is ur mom doing . Is she worked before . 
Then my mom  showed me that she wanted to speak .
Maa: hai bola bai the phone is in speaker . Ji my name is Mona I am an English teacher . We thought to start the new business with a new hope. 
Bola : Mona ji don't worry I will support you with all my  strength. I am sorry to say that also . 
Maa: that is ok bola ji I won't mind all those so tell me about you.
Bola : mam. I am from Bihar I do small scale retailer job of garment . I have a daughter and a  wife . They are at my village . 
Maa: ya for me I have only one kid my husband well I am a divorce e.
BolA: okok so I can do one favour for ur intial business . I won't take my commission . So the price u can get 350 per piece. 
Maa : no no we don't want to make u a loss.
Bola : no mam we need to lot of business in future .this alone we will consider as the name of friend ship
Maa : ok as u wish . 
Bola : so we will meet day after tomorrow .
Mom and me : ok bhai bye
Mom was so happy we hugged each other . 
Then day came  we boarded the bus . I noticed one thing mom used to put her saree bellow naval . I stare at there 
Mom saw me and laughed and asked . What beta.
Me : u won't put the saree like this .
Maa : ya if I put like this do u mind.
Me : no not at all . 
Maa: bola is bit attracted to me we need to utilise that . Let him enjoy some of me in small ways haha.
Me : h a haa
Maa: and you won't mind some one see me in horny way . 
I was surprised when mom horny word to me  .
Me : ha ha no not at all let them enjoy maa . U are the queen of beauty . 
We both laughed with in 2. 5 hr we reached pune . As bola was. Not a big retailer he gave his house address and told us to call when we reach near to his house .  So we called .he picked the call and ask us to come to one small restaurant . We took a rikshaw and told the restaurant name .he took us there. When we reach bola waved the hand because he know mom . I had a hand shake and mom said a hai . She saree was to low every one in hotel stared looking her . Bola eyes were sparkling . Finally we sat down on a table . We ordered some food  . Mom cleavage was bit visible mom made it more deeper . At that moment bola took a deep breath .he was continuously looking at her boobs . Then food came we talked more business deals and finally we signed the agreement . He said he need the stuff in two to three weeks maximum . After that we came out of restaurant bola said us to wait he showed a old single house and told that is his house . He said he will bring the material . He said since he only leaves there the house is so dirty .so he doesn't want us to be there. My mom siad 
Mom : ya bachelor's are bachelor's only they won't clean at all. We all laughed .
After few minutes bola came with large carton which has the cloth it was bit heavy . Mom said let us have a taxi . We will take it in taxi to home.  Bola helped us to get taxi we. We. Said bye to bola and we started the return journey.  On the way 
Mom : so did you see how he melted .
Me : yay. I see . One more thing I found .
Maa: what
Me : when ur blouse were down his hand was not free 
Maa: means
Me: his one hand was under the pants .
Maa : oh u means he was rubbing his hand on his tool.ha ha 
We both laughed . I was surprised my mom has become so open . May be she was lonely for years may now we are also into open terms . Any way I felt my mom is happy . She is happy on her assets and also teasing others . Even i am also happy what mom does . Even i am super horny after the photoshoot . Ever since that photoshoot I masturbate using the video . I never did it  before only after taking the video I started lusing on her. But I have my own boundary of mom and son . Then after seeing bola I imagined mom with the hotel it self I imagined maa giving blowjob in the middle of restaurant and all other cheers on seeing that . Bola is very thin and tall fellow . My mom takes his dick fully into throat  and he cummed  on her mouth . People over there clapped and took naked mom on their shoulder .  I found really thrilling on imaging all  that . During our return journey my   maa with bola . Both naked cuddling . While going in car I imagined mom and bola and mom infront seat . Me and the car driver watching them . And  people going in bikes cheers them up. All these were going through the mind. Finally we reached home.
After days passed mom started making more blouses we outsourced some blouse to  a near by akka for stiching. Her rate was too low for what we get. Bola called twice in between just normal talk . Any way we finished the whole order with in 7 days . We called bola he was surprised to hear it that done the order so quickly . Next day I went to Pune to give the order . I thought mom will also come but she said her health is not good . So I went alone . I also missed the fee show of mom for bola . I called we met at the same restaurant . I got the full amount that 1lakh 40 thousands rs . I called mom and bola also talked with her. She said we like to do business in near future .I returned to home I don't know why I was bit sad . May be I had some wired expectations .
So a lakh money in few day . I amd mom were to happy and wanted to have more business . Next week we tried so may othet retailer but no body responded . But after a week bola called again . I put phone on speaker . We both wished him.
Bola : u guys heard the name reddy garment group . 
We : no 
Bola : he is one among big garment business man in mumbai . He has lot of their on ladies brand .  His one branded blouse has a shortage . He wanted to have those to be done before the next festival .
Maa: but festival will come in two weeks . How many pieces he need. 
Bola : he need 1000 picees .  He may give 550 per piece. He will give my commission so full amount u may get .
Me : maa can we complete it .
Maa : ya bola we may take the order .
Bola: then good reddy is in pune. If u come we can meet and u may get the material and the sample also . 
Me: ok we will come.
Next day we went to same resturant . Mom again gave nice show to people and exclusive to bola . From there we took a taxi and went reddy office . We went staright in his room . Both bola and reddy were frends . But ready was bit old may be around 58 . His hair were while and his skin was a pure white man .  When reddy saw my mom his mouth was dripping . Mom as usual she began to show navel as well as cleavage . Reddy was talking nicely with us and he was a polite man also . But his eyes automatically dragged to. My mom's cleavage.bola introduced me and mom and reddy asked all our wareabouts . reddy was tomuch interested in mom af He asked to bola can I relay on these people . Do you have the stiching samples. We forgot to take the sample . We never thought it may be needed . But bola said : 
Bola : sir ji we have a demo video of their work .can i show to him 
Bola asked my mom. Mom said ok. Bola played the video and gave to ready . Reddy jaw dropped .we all saw him sweating he couldn't speak any word . finally 
Reddy : so u do modeling too 
Maa: no we just as a start up. We done those .
Reddy : who shoot this video .
Mom : my son did that.
Reddy : wow what an understanding family . I like that .
Maa : he will support me very much .
As we all know the contents of the video . The atmosphere was so erotic . Reddy enjoying my mom big boobs in video , me and bola already know what is all in that . All were rock hard . Reddy was seated on a big table opposite to it we three were sitting mom at the middle. I just checked the bola who was sitting after mom . His left hand was rubbing his cock .and reddy left hand was also not seen . Hopefully it may be rubbing his cock . My mom was having a shy smile to all. Reddy said. 
Reddy : I liked ur blouse model can you give the patent of this patterns. We will sell in it in our brand we may give a 75%of the sale. 
It was good deal because I and mom understood that. If our pattern is sold under reddy brand the sale may be good. We don't even work also . because they may make the blouse and sell it of under their brand we get the loyalty for the pattern . But I still didn't understand why he made 75%deal. May be due to mom. He was flattened by mom .
He still enjoying the video in the sake of seeing the design of pattern .  
Reddy : can I have this video to show our designers .
Maa: YA U can have it sir
It was an awesome situation all lusting on mom. Reddy ordered some coffee . He also got my mom's ph no
Then a desiner boy came with the design we need to make . Reddy took it from him and gave to mom. 
Reddy : this is latest trending blouse . 
May be since he was old he was bold to tell comments without any embarassment.
When mom took at the blouse we all embarrassed ,
Reddy : ya we can't tell it as a blouse .may be we can tell as a bra. All laughed at that. Reddy gave also the size chart . After reddy invited us for lunch . I found reddy is totally into mom . Mom also lavishly showed on her possible ways.they talked a lot they laughed .and always bola also besides her. I watch how both trying to hit mom . But they both were acting decent . None didn't act disrespectful . Even though I when maa is not seen the may rub their cock but when she talks with them they both behaved pretty well .l was also happy in that . Because I was bit worried about the open nature of maa into some trouble . And now we got good deals   . We don't want to search for other retailers because if reddy business is doing well then we don't need to do anything the money will flow. Then in evening reddy dropped us to the bus stand . And we traveled back.
Me : what maa reddy is totally bowled 
Reddy : ya ya he is poor guy . He is totally falling on me. But he seems to a nice and polite guy .
They were talking from morning to evening . We went all through his mill . Mom bola and reddy was walking ahead and I was following her by taking photos of his milling . So they talked a lot . Mom said he has two kids on boy and daughter . Both are married . And her wife was expired four years ago . finally we reached at home. And from next day on wards we started working on reddy order . We gave more pieces as outsourcing . In between reddy used to call mom . I ask mam what he say . Mom said normal talk .that he is alone . The kids are abroad . No wife bla bla .
Finally we finished the order of reddy in 13 days . He send a vehicle to get the order . And he deposited the money 6.5 lakhs in our account . As per calculation of should about 5 lakh but he gave some extra lakh . May be due to maa. He also said as part of patent from next month onwards you may receive 58000/- monthly as per ur loyalty because they have a huge sale all over India. After three weeks reddy called mom.
Reddy : hai I called u for a favor. 
Maa : ya tell me how can I help.
Reddy : just the order what u made .we need a model for that . Can you be the model .
Mom and me were in confusion .
MAa: we may tell u tommarow. I need to discuss with my son . Problem is that the blouse to expose. My whole part will be out . If I wear 
Reddy : ya i know but you will be super in that . I checked so many model .I am not satisfied with anyone. We may give 1lakh for our models for our add . If the amount is not ok we can increase for you . I offer you 3 lakh , because I want you to do that . You will be perfect in that costume . 
Maa : let me see with my son 
Reddy : hope I may get a positive reply ,ok bye
Maa : bye…
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Great update......
[+] 1 user Likes Raj Sahni's post
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Extremely hot
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After the call mom was silent .she looked at me . I also don't know what to do . Last month we had as mom's salary only that too around 23000. 
Maa: what do you say beta
Me :up to you maa.
Maa : so you are ok if I pose in that bra.
Me : now u r a model .some time models need to do so . We both laughed my mom hugged me and kissed on cheeks. She texted reddy that she is will.
Reddy called soon after message.
Reddy : can you come with two days in mumbai .
Maa: I didn't prepare anything . 
Reddy : ok I will send u one car . I will also tell bola to accompany you for ur support.
Reddy : your son is ok with the shoot right.
Maa: ya ya he is fine only 
Reddy : are you mentally ok to do that . Because u been a house wife . May be society conscious to do so.
Maa: cut the shit . I do what I like to do . Reddy ji I wanted to be a model . Now I got a chance and my son also supports me . That is it.  I am not bother about others taking about me. 
Reddy :ok then we may do .I am bit busy due to this festival sale . Today is Wednesday . Friday full I M free. Then Saturday I have to fly to Delhi . After taht from Monday  for that week full of festival . So I may be totally busy . 
Maa : ok so
Reddy : so if u come on Thursday . Friday we may do the shoot and Saturday we can wind up. 
Maa : ok as ur wish .were I need to come.
Reddy : my friend got a resort at Mumbai . We will have shoot there . All the crew for photoshoot will be ready by Friday morning. So plz get ready tommarow morning bola may come with car.
Maa : ok thank u reddy ji
Reddy : no need u are going to be a prime model. Acha one thing what is ur size . I need to get the blouses for the shoot.
Maa: it's 38 
Reddy : ok nice . So bye.
After the call mom was blushing her self for getting big contract. We both were so happy.with in a month we had plenty of lakhs in our account . Three weeks before mom resigned the job . And now we have enough money .
Me : maa why can't we shift the house to city.
Maa: ya i too felt the same .
Me : any way we will ask bola for looking a house. 
And the next day came bola came around afternoon   he brought a taxi innova . I and mom at the back . Bola was infront with driver .bola as usual his eyes pop out when ever he sees mom.
We started journey.
Maa : bola bhai  we are planning to shift the house to Pune can u help to get a rental house .
Bola : I may see to it mam.i will tell reddy sir he have lot of contacts . He can help far better way . 
Me : oh okok
After few hours of journey we reached the resort. It was really a porch one . Reddy booked a suite which has three bedroom and one swimming pool.we never seen a hotel room like this before .
Reddy called mom.
Maa: hai sir ji where are u .
Reddy : I will come tomorrow morning u people be comfortable in the morning . 
Then we had food and since we traveled a lot all were tired. I and mom went to one room and bola went to another one .the room was truly awesome big king size bed. We slept soon because of tiredness.
Next day around 9:30 reddy came we all were set at that time after breakfast .the crew for photoshoot also came with reddy . Mom after seeing reddy went quickly and she had a small hug with him. I was surprised . This made reddy fall even more. Then all the other crew came . Crew contains four people . One make up man , one camera man and two light boys . All were young people around 25 to 35 old. Maa was having her make up . Reddy was discussing with camera man regarding the location . The location was just inside the resort near pool and there were some artificial plant with some idols . Then reddy came near me and asked how are you. 
Me ; I said I am fine . And thank you for giving a offer to my mom.after somany years I found happiness on my mom. Thank you sir.
Reddy : no dear we all are so close . You don't need to worry for any thing ur mom will be on the top . I promise you. 
Then bola came near and said we are looking for a new house in pune .
Reddy ; oh really I have a friends appartment free. He was looking for a person .I will get it for u in a cheap rate .
After that he made some call and came to me .he said there is Big house in north city . I will give the address u can just shift the things when ever u what. 
Me: sir we want to as early as possible .
Reddy: ok then u may go back on Saturday . U can shift on manday . I will send company lorry and three employees for helping. And bola also will be there right .
Bola: reddy sir I may be going to my native on this Sunday will return only on Wednesday .
Reddy : ok then my people will help them.
While taking we saw mom moving to next room .
Reddy : ya she is changing to costume.
We all went near the location . Mom came out in her bra blouse . It was eye pooping scene for all . We all can see the whole breast . Only little of the nipple part was out. I got an instant hard on . May be the same with reddy and bola. Mom smiled at us then she sat near the makeup man. He already done the face make up . She was looking gorgeous.i never seen mom with lipstick. She was more more more beautiful ever imagined .I felt prowd of my mom's beauty. Even though she is 35 now she feel around 27 . The make up man started applying make up at her breasts.because those part should be focused to get the attraction of blouse. It was my first experience seeing somebody working on my mom's boobs . She looked to me and had a naughty smile. I too gave a checky one eye blink to say that I am perfectly ok. She was blushing for that . I gave a flying kiss to her . Mom smiled back. Reddy and bola was freely looking at her boobs. The crew act professionally may they were professional. Then shoot started . They had five shades of blouses so she have to do photos on  all the shades. Photographer said it's 10 ;30am now. We will have first session till 12:30 after that again we will start at 1:15 pm till 3:15. Then shoot started. Photographer told mom to have different pose .he was continuously clicking . I did with all in professional way . basically it was saree shoot but always her pallu was out .the bikini blouse was perfectly fitting her nipples alone . Other 75% of her boobs were out from all sides.  I was rock hard seeing all those . Just then when I saw reddy .he lost control he was rubbing his cock openly . He couldn't keep his lust inside . Bola started to touch his cock through his pant pocket .I was wishing some how that nipple portion of the blouse got slipped down to see her nipples.i want somebody to squeeze my mom's boob.but happened everything is just imaginary.but in side my mind say very soon I may get to see mom nude. My mind always says this . May be because she have been so open within this short time span . She have shown her assets to this far to all. I understood she is a kind of exhibitionist who always shows the body to others. So I strongly believe something will happen soon as per my wish. Reddy and bola just rubbing forgetting the place. As  Me reddy and bola were standing at the back of photoshoot . The crew couldn't see much .they totally doing their job. But mom can see us. She saw reddy his cock .i felt there eyes meet also . reddy could convey to mom through eye contact that he is damn hard . And he doesn't mind anyone he boldly started rubbing his just laughed for his also saw bola one hand is missing it was inside the pocket. When mom see me she was confident to see me. She will see us just as a glance in between the shoot . reddy can't stand now he said to bola to sit some where. We all sat neat chair and seeing the horny shoot. In between mom went to change the blouse and finally 12.30am came so it was a break . Crew went to have food in the looby. Reddy ordered food for us in our room. Mom went to restroom and came for food . We all sat on table for food . Mom was still in the bikini blouse. The waiter was continuously looking at her boobs. We started eating .
Maa:so reddy ji how do u feel the photoshoot
Reddy : it was damn horny hah h
All laughed .
Reddy : u made me horny for two hours ha ha 
Maa : haha ha u naughty man.
Reddy : actually u are professional . I loved the way u do modeling . 
Maa: thank 
We all had nice chat while having food. During lunch I told mom that our new house was reddy .reddy managed to get photos of the appartment . Me and mom were happy. The rent was only 12000 per month . Actual rate may go beyond 20000 but due to reddy influence we got it cheap.After food mom was ready for next shoot.
Afternoon session I feel bored . Even though I was looking at the photoshoot my mind was not there . I was imagining one light boy comes and take all her dress out . The photographer clicks photos rapidly .and the other light boy also comes into play . They take there cocks out mom kiss it . Mom hold both the cocks together and lick those like a lollipop from all sides . Photographer take each and every snaps . Then makeup man comes and pour honey on thier cocks. Mom splits on two joined cock and mom make her mouth up and down. Both cocks leaks the precum . Mom make a white bubbling portion with honey and precum . Inbetween she splits also. The portion was so sticky and it was dripping down like a melted cheese . Mom drink the portion and the photographer clicks . And this side seeing all this reddy and bola took out their cock and masturbate openly . I was going through these kind of wild fantasy . Just them I came into sence . When I saw mom it was an awesome scene mom was lying on sofa director was close to her and all the light boys was also staying close.when we see from back three men surrounded towards her head and we can see just the leg lying on sofa . This thrilled my imagination this just similar to blowjob by all cocks . Even reddy sitting besides me try to run horribly .I can hear his clothes crushing due his speed of rubbing. I slowly turned towards him . All of a sudden he stopped the rubbing and looked normally. They he spoke.
Reddy : beta I want to ask you something . 
Me : ya 
Reddy : see I have a sport bra panties brand . 
Telling this he showed some foreign model in that costume . The costume was damn hot . A small bikini bra almost 90% of boobs are out only nipples will be covered and the panties just covers the pussy alone . Then he showed anthoer photo was I was blasted out myself . The model was turned back and panties design was like taht her two asses were completely out. It was an awesome stylish bikini. 
Me: that is good model in good bikini
Reddy : last year I  spend 8 lakh rs for this model and the bikini brand didn't went nicely. I want your mom to do that.
Hearing this my cock burst out of my underwear . My cock was paining a lot. From morning I had erection and now after hearing it started poking out. 
Me: for that u need to ask her. 
Reddy : I know she is only bothered about u . If u r ok with I can convince her too.
Me : I don't have any problems . If she is ok na i don't have any problems. 
Reddy : I don't know I hope she may agree for this . 
Me : don't worry reddy sir she will . 
Reddy : why u say so
Me: because mom respect u a lot .in our entire life time no body helped . You and bola are only people who have helped us a lot . So mom will agree for taht reason . Mom always say you both are descent and polite. Reddy felt proud him self.
Reddy : I hope u don't have problems with this 
Telling this reddy zoomed  ass past of model and showed to me.
Me: if she is reddy for a nude photoshoot also for u .I dont mind. I wilk take it cool.
When I told this . reddy got a immediate shock he hold his cock tightly in front of me . I looked at his cock and then to his face . He smiled at me. Bola came near us . Reddy told bola about the photoshoot of mom and he showed the photos in his mobile.
Then time was 3:30 the photoshoot ended. All the crew packed up and moves fast with in 30, minutes.
Reddy ordered for tea and snacks . Maa went to restroom and came. The snacks were reddy . She was still in that bikini blouse .reddy and mom were sitting together and opposite to them I and bola.they both look perfect couple . I felt happy seeing mom happy with another man.then
Reddy: Mona ji plz be in this dress for the whole night.
Mom got the idea. Why he is saying . They both had lot of eye communication while photo shoot.
Maa: ok ji as u wish.
Reddy : Mona ji I have another project for you .if u are ok with that it would be good favour for me. Already ur son is ok with that . He said if u are ok then he is double ok.
Maa : oh let me know what my son is also ok with that . Is that so sensational .ok let me know tell it.
Reddy : we have a particular brand . We done photoshoot last year with a foreign model .I spend lakhs but still it didn't work want you to do taht.
Maa : oh wow me replacing a foreign models that is the best apprecitaion I get. Pl lz show the demo
Reddy took his phone and showed the demo . Mom mouth went wide open with a big laugh. She took the phone and scanned every pic.then she looked all with a smile. She turned towards me.
Maa: beta r u sure u r ok.
Me : maa if u are comfortable then I am also fine.
Maa: i feel ok in it . This for reddy sir only . I am comfortable in that .beta my 95% of body is seen out . I am totally ok in that .it about u .do u feel shame in that.
Reddy ,: haha ur son just said ,even if his mom do nude modeling he won't have problems .he will support u .
And all laughed aloud
Maa: see reddy how naughty he is .
Then playfully she throwed some biscuits to me .
All laughed and enjoyed.
Reddy : so guys tommarow morning I need to go around 8 . So tonight we will have pool party. Ok
We all said ok a loud. 
Maa : pool party I have only saree . 
Reddy : u can wear a pair of bikini blouse and beneath u have ur Normal underwear .haha any the whole ass is going to been seen by public in upcoming days then what .
Mom laughed and we all laughed at taht joke.
Now every one went back to their room . To take rest .it was planned to start the party around 7:30 .so we have bit time to rest. Reddy and bola went to their respective room .me and mom went to our room. After entering the room mom hugged me tightly and said thanks .
Maa : thank u son.
Me : I love u mom I always support u.
Mom went to rest room I jumped into bed . When she came out she called me
Maa: beta look this is what I wanna wear for pool party.
I poke my head out of the bed sheet and saw mom standing in black bikini blouse and in a black normal v type panties. My heart was running fast .
Me: that is great maa u rocks today.
Maa : ok let's us sleep for a while .
Mom came to the bed in same costume . In bed she came near me and hugged tightly . My cock was pooping out. It touched mom's belly . Mom opened her eyes and said beta hold ur tool . I am ur mom then she laughed . I felt embarassed and try to control . We kept alarm and we both slept for while.
[+] 11 users Like Mepokkiri123's post
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Guys if u like the story plz give feed back . If u feel not interesting then also plz respond
[+] 1 user Likes Mepokkiri123's post
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Great going
[+] 1 user Likes shuvendupradhan91's post
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Please in future add couple photoshoot also in this story or act in video like today's web series
[+] 1 user Likes ghost19's post
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All are there . Things will fall into exactly places .lot of sex are guaranteed . But will come in exact places as per . webseries thing is there . They are all in the script . Little of bit these teasing story after taht full and full sex only .
[+] 1 user Likes Mepokkiri123's post
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Great continue
[+] 1 user Likes Bbad71718's post
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Excellent going...…. just continue.
[+] 1 user Likes Raj Sahni's post
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I woke up around 6:30 pm . Mom was still sleeping in her undies . I had a bath and wore a short and t shirt .when I went out near the pool . The waiter people were arranging the drinks and food soon they all left . I saw a table lot of non veg food . With lot of beer and two bottles of scotch whiskey. Later reddy came out he had just a towel wrapped around him . He waved me  and asked mom .I went and checked mom she was in side the rest room   all her undies were on the bed. So I understood she went nude . I called out her 
Me: mom will u be late.
Maa : no beta just done my bath
Me: ok 
Maa : beta mera bra panties just give me 
I gave it and said will wait outside. When I went I saw bola also wrapped a towel. The. Mom came out with a towel wrapped along the body. 
Reddy : so all set . Now this is a pool party we need to be in our undies.
Saying that he took his towel out . He was having a very light blue v type  underwear that to bit tight.then bola took his towel he had a light yellow under wear. Then they turned towards without hesitation she dropped her towel. And awesome beauty was for exibition . Her boobs ass are in perfect shape . Her panties and bra all were in black colour it made her even more sexier.she hugged reddy and bola . This made them erect at a short. I told them to come closer to take photos. Reddy : beta I have a good camera I will get that 
He went to his room and came out with a dslr . He said beta u can keep it as yours and take the photos clear and zoomed. I understood what I mean. All three posed for me . Mom at the middle between bola and reddy . They both were rock hard I can see above the underwear. Reddy underwear was stretchable nylon kind . So his actual shape of of cock was clearly visible . I took lot of shot of reddy's cock .when they were standing close he rubbed his cock on mom' ass. Mom realised it she looked me and smiled. 
Reddy : Rahul beta why u are in dress drop it.
Maa: ya beta we all are in undies why u alone.then I also dropped my shorts . I know I am hard . But still I was bold to do that . They all saw my hard own and all laughed loud. They they pour whiskey in glass . I said I want beer . Mom said beta I may take little whiskey I said ok. They played music  all jumped into pool .  Reddy was in high time he had two peg and mom and bola had just one peg.  All were spilling water on mom . Mom was in between both spilling water to her boobs . I was taking photos of the whole thing . I understood today I may see a lot of things what I really wanted. As part of fun mom went back of reddy and she grabbed reddy and made him drowned. All were having fun all came up to have food and another round. All had food and lot of drinks . Both bola and reddy had visible hard on. Since they were wet I can easily get how much length it was . reddy may have 6.5 inch and bola got around 7 inch . They were dancing due to alcohol effect . They were hugging and brushing . Both men brushed there cock on mom's ass I recorded everything. They further drank more. Reddy took so many .all were high in alcohol . All went to pool including me. Mom at middle splashing water on mom . Then it happened. Due to high alcohol reddy slipped in pool .he couldn't stand  he drowned .the water was actually upto their chest . He remained drowned for seconds . Mom rushed to him and try to grab him she couldn't hold him steady .then me and bola ran to them and hold reddy .we dragged him out of pool . He was unconscious drank lot of water. Mom gave artificial respiration . All were panic for a moment . Then I noticed one thing my mom's whole  left boob was out of her blouse . It was freely hanging out . She was busy in saving reddy . At that moment I don't know what to do . Because my mom was crying to save him and the very big thing which I ever since dreamed is right in front of me. Bola just near me also saw the bare boob. The nipple was so dark in big milky white flesh.then all of a sudden reddy started choking . He vomited some water and now he seems to be ok . Mom and bola helped reddy to get up.while reddy getting up he accendently squeezed his face to mom left bare boob.he was not much conscious . Just did it unknowingly . He was getting up so his whole face was brushed through mom's breast . May be a fraction of second her nipples touched his eyes and his lips . It was electrifying for me . My cock become rock hard. At that moment mom realised her boob was out.bola was holding reddy with a partial support. But mom was supporting reddy totally. She can't be free .her hands are not free . She was looking helpless at that moment . She need a help to make her boob in to the bra. Then bola loosened one hand and he grabbed the boobs and pressed into the bra . That was a cloud nine situation . My mom's breast is been squeezed before me . My precum started leaking . Then bola and mom took reddy to his room . Reddy said thank you to both . And he said he need rest. We also went to our room and slept . In early I heard a knock on the door . We both awake . Mom went and opened the door . It was reddy. 
Reddy : hai Mona I need to go . Thank you for saving me .
Maa : oh reddy why to say thank you .
And they both hugged eachother. Reddy handed over the money for the shoot .Reddy also said bye to me and went. After some time we meet bola .bola had some problems to face mom. Mom under stood .
Maa: bola don't be so guilty . U actually help me in that situation . Thank you so much for doing that . Bola smiled and we went to have break fast . Then soon we packed the things and we check out the resort and went back in reddy ' s car. I was totally sad because I expected something great but nothing geart happened. But I understood my self mom can explode in any time . She is at the brim of lust .We went to house bola said bye and he said he may go to his native for three days . Mom said day after tomorrow we may shit the house. 
Bola : ok then bye
[+] 9 users Like Mepokkiri123's post
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awesome narration...
waiting for the nxt part
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